HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW CRA 2018-03-29 MinutesCity of Miami 819NW2ndAve 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 http://miamicra. com Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 29, 2018 5:00 PM Camillus House 1603 N.W. 7th Ave., Bldg. B Miami, FL 33136 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Keon Hardemon, Chair Wifredo Gort, Vice Chair Ken Russell, Board Member, District Two Joe Carollo, Board Member, District Three Manolo Reyes, Board Member, District Four ************************* SEOPW CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 819 NW 2ND AVE, 3RD FLOOR MIAMI FL 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax (305) 679-6835 www.miamicra.com Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Present: Chair Hardemon, Commissioner Russell and Commissioner Reyes Absent: Vice Chair Gort and Commissioner Carollo On the 29th day of March 2018, the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Camillus House, 1603 Northwest 7th Avenue, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Hardemon at 5:05 p.m., recessed at 5:10 p.m., reconvened at 6: 04 p.m., and adjourned at 6: 05 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Russell entered the meeting at 5:12 p.m., and Commissioner Reyes entered the meeting at 6: 04 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Cornelius Shiver, Executive Director, CRA Allana Robinson Woods, Staff Counsel, CRA William Bloom, Special Counsel, CRA Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Assistant City Attorney, Supervisor Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board MINUTES APPROVAL 1. SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST CRA - REGULAR - OCT 30, 2017 5:00 PM MOTION TO: Approve RESULT: APPROVED MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Chair Hardemon: And so, what we do now is approve the regular meeting minutes of October 30, 2017. Is there a motion to approve? Board Member Russell: There's a motion. Chair Hardemon: There's a motion. The Chair seconds. Board Member Reyes: Second. Chair Hardemon: Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, say "aye." SEOPW CRA Page 1 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: That motion passes. CRA PRESENTATION 1. CRA RESOLUTION 3889 PRESENTATION BY SKJT & G — 2017 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. RESULT: DISCUSSED Chair Hardemon: What I'll do now is allow the 2017 audit financial presentation. Miguel? Do I let him --? Pull up to the side. Miguel Valentin: Good afternoon, Commissioner Hardemon. I was informed by the External Auditor, Richie Tandoc, that, unfortunately, he is not going to be able to make it due to an unforeseen situation. But in a nutshell, the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) has received another clean opinion. There was no disclosures, there was no findings, and in the event that you want further corroboration for that, he will be more than happy to come and provide more details to you. But again, the way that we are conducting our accounting functions, everything is -- all the procedures are sound and our internal controls are very efficient. Chair Hardemon: All right. Thank you very much. What we'll do is if we want the outside Auditor to provide another presen -- to provide a presentation, we could set it for another agenda date. So what I'll do at this moment is that since we have no further public comments and there's no presentations, I'll just suspend the meeting for now until we have quorum. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Sir, we'll be in recess? Chair Hardemon: Yes. Thank you. Later... Chair Hardemon: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) that you are here today. I asked Commissioner Russell how does he like his steak. It's medium rare. I'm going to see how you like your steak, as well. Thank you, brother. Board Member Reyes: Well, here I am when needed. Right? So you need me. I'm here. Applause Chair Hardemon: He was on vacation, y'all, so thank you so much. Board Member Reyes: Okay. Chair Hardemon: Okay. Commissioner Reyes, we've already had our public comment. We've had a discussion about the audit financial presentation. They'll do more of that at the next meeting. SEOPW CRA Page 2 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 CRA PUBLIC COMENTS Chair Hardemon: I'd like to open up this March 29, 2018 meeting of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency. As you can tell, and for the record, at the moment, I'm the only person sitting here as Chairman Keon Hardemon. I'm waiting on Commissioner Ken Russell; he's downstairs. He should be making his way here in a moment. But then, we're also waiting for one more individual for quorum. It is not guaranteed that we will have quorum; and so, if we do not have quorum, as you are aware, there is no business that we can officially adopt or adapt, or approve. And so, you know, all of our praying mothers out there, let's pray for quorum, because it's always important that we get the business taken care of when we come into this place. And so, what I'd like to do first, though -- what I can do is allow the public comments section for the resolutions. So I know that we have a number of different things that are on the agenda, including up to 10 items. If there is anyone here from the public that'd like to speak on those items, you may come and announce yourself for the record; your first name, last name, you may state your address, and then what item it is that you're here to speak about. You don't have to come during public comment, but I do have to offer you that opportunity to speak before us. So if you'd like to speak on any of the items that are here, you have a couple minutes and you can do it. So what you do is you approach the lectern, you state your first name, your last name, what item it is that you're speaking about, and you may state your address. You're recognized, sir. Devontae Holmes: Good afternoon. My name is Devontae Holmes. I live at Honest Living, North -- 1201 Northwest 3rd Avenue. I'm a junior in high school. I was contacted by my school counselor with an opportunity for employment at OBRC (Overtown Business Resource Center). Working at the OBRC has been a great help for me financially; not only for me, but for my family, as well. This job has given me the opportunity to save for my graduation and future college funds. It also has given me the chance to help my mother with the bills, food, and other things around the house that's necessary, because ever since we lost a loved one due to the act of gun violence, the help was very much needed. At the age that I am today, which is 17 years old, it's really a good thing to be working and on track in life instead of doing what most people my age are doing today that could put me in a situation where no one wants to be. Therefore, I am thankful for being able to say I'm an employee at OBRC, because for the great opportunities it's allowing me to have. I can be reached at 786-520-1863. Thank you very much, CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) of OBRC for this opportunity. Chair Hardemon: Thank you very much, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) brother. Could you -- Applause Chair Hardemon: I want you all to recognize that he left his phone number for some young lady in this place to call him. Is there anyone else from the community that'd like to speak during the public comment section? Seeing none, I'm going to close the public comment section of this meeting. SEOPW CRA Page 3 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 CRA RESOLUTION(S) 1. CRA RESOLUTION 3890 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S TAX INCREMENT FUND AND GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, FOR THE FISCAL AMENDED YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2017 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2018; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE AMENDED BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0012 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Chair Hardemon: Now, is there a motion to approve the agenda? Board Member Reyes: Move. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved; seconded by the Chair. Any discussion about any of the items? Seeing -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Yes, sir. Chair Hardemon: You're recognized. Mr. Hannon: Item Number 9 needs to be amended. Item Number 9, in the title, needs to reflect "Josephine and Dunn Hotels." Chair Hardemon: So you want them -- It's supposed to be "hotels." Cornelius Shiver (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Right. Board Member Reyes: Oh, he missed it, right? Mr. Shiver: Right. Board Member Reyes: Okay. Mr. Shiver: It has to do with hotels. Board Member Reyes: It's going to be included, exactly. Okay. Rafael Suarez -Rivas (Senior Assistant City Attorney): You still could pass that item, as amended. SEOPW CRA Page 4 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 Chair Hardemon: The seconder also agrees to the amendment. Discussion? Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: All against? Motion passes. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you. 2. CRA RESOLUTION 3891 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RATIFYING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,083.04 TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2017 HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING EVENT HELD ON N.W. 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0013 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 2, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 5 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 3. CRA RESOLUTION 3892 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $975,000.00, TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION COSTS ENHANCING THE ORIGINAL MODEL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF "HARLEM SQUARE" A FULL SERVICE SUPPER CLUB/LOUNGE LOCATED AT 173 N.W. 11TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.0000 ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0014 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo L Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 3, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 6 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 4. CRA RESOLUTION 3893 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $140,000.00, TO NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, INC. ("NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS") TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF "FOLKLIFE FRIDAYS", A MONTHLY OPEN- AIR MARKET TO BE HELD ON THE 9TH STREET PEDESTRIAN MALL DURING THE 2018 CALENDAR YEAR; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0015 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 4, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 7 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 5. CRA RESOLUTION 3894 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $250,000.00, TO HEADLINER MARKET GROUP, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRODUCTION OF THE 2018 OVERTOWN MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL, SCHEDULED TO OCCUR IN JULY 2018; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0016 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 5, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 8 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 6. CRA RESOLUTION 3895 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $220,000.00, TO URGENT, INC., TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2018 SUMMER YOUTH TRAINING INSTITUTE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0017 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 6, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 9 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 7. CRA RESOLUTION 3896 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $320,000.00, TO HUMAN RESOURCES OF MIAMI, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE OVERTOWN BEAUTIFICATION TEAM FOR 2018; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0018 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 7, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 10 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 8. CRA RESOLUTION 3898 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $200,000.00, TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC., TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS INCUBATOR AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ("PROGRAM"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0019 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 8, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 11 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 9. CRA RESOLUTION 3900 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $215,800.00, TO J.E.J. PROPERTIES, INC., TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNFORESEEN CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF ; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0020 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Keon Hardemon, Chair AYES: Hardemon, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 9, please see Item Number 1. SEOPW CRA Page 12 Printed on 4/9/2018 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 10. CRA RESOLUTION 3901 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $375,000.00, TO GLORIA B. LEWIS, TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNFORESEEN CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF "PEOPLE'S BAR-B-QUE", A FULL SERVICE BAR-B- QUE RESTAURANT IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, LOCATED AT 360 N.W. 8TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. ADJOURNMENT ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-18-0021 MOTION TO: RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: L Adopt ADOPTED Manolo Reyes, Commissioner Keon Hardemon, Chair Hardemon, Russell, Reyes Gort, Carollo Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 10, please see Item Number 1. The meeting adjourned at 6: 05 p.m. SEOPW CRA Page 13 Printed on 4/9/2018