HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2017-10-03 MinutesCity of Miami 3500 Pan American Dr Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 03, 2017 5:00 PM Temple Israel of Greater Miami 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33136 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Ken Russell, Chair Francis Suarez, Vice Chair Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Board Member, District 1 Frank Carollo, Board Member, District 3 Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 OMNI and MIDTOWN CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2"d Floor, Miami 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6868 www.miamicra.com OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Present: Chair Russell, Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Gort, Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Hardemon On the 3rd day of October 2017, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Temple Israel of Greater Miami located at 137 Northeast 19th Street, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Suarez at 5:12 p.m., recessed at 5:25 p.m., reconvened at 5:45 p.m., and was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo entered the meeting at 5:22 p.m., and Chair Russell entered the meeting at 5:45 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Jason Walker, Executive Director, CRA Isiaa Jones, Chief Legal Officer, CRA Barnaby Min, Deputy General Counsel, CRA Nicole N. Ewan, Assistant Clerk of the Board Vice Chair Suarez: I should begin the meeting because we do have quorum, and apparently I'm the Vice Chair; I did not know that. At least somebodv finds it -- my humor today funny; two people. I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it. All right. So the call to order is -- Can we first approve the meeting minutes? This is the October 3, 2017 meeting of the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency. APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETING(S): 2. OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - REGULAR MEETING - JUN 21, 2017 5:30 PM MOTION TO: Approve RESULT: APPROVED MOVER: Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 SECONDER: Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Board Member, District 1 AYES: Gort, Hardemon, Suarez ABSENT: Carollo, Russell 3. OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - REGULAR MEETING - JUL 27, 2017 12:00 PM OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 2 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 MOTION TO: Approve RESULT: APPROVED MOVER: Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 SECONDER: Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Board Member, District 1 AYES: Gort, Hardemon, Suarez ABSENT: Carollo, Russell Vice Chair Suarez: Is there a motion to approve the minutes of the June 21 meeting and the July 27 meeting? Board Member Hardemon: There is. Vice Chair Suarez: Is there a second? Motion and a second. Anyone wish to be recorded "no" on the minutes, approving -- approval of the minutes? Hearing none and seeing none, that -- the approval of the minutes passes unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Vice Chair Suarez: Well -- Okay, let's do this: Let's open up the forum for the public to discuss any items on the agenda. Anyone from the public wish to discuss any items on the agenda? Seeing none, hearing none, the public discussion is closed. OMNI CRA DISCUSSION ITEM(S) 1. OMNI CRA DISCUSSION 2971 REHABILITATION OF THE HISTORIC BANK BUILDING LOCATED AT 1367 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE. MOTION TO: Discuss RESULT: DISCUSSED Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Discussion Item 1, please see Discussion Item 2. Vice Chair Suarez: Do you want us to go into the discussion items, Mr. Executive Director? Okay, Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Discussion Item Number 1, rehabilitation of the historic bank building, located at 1367 North Miami Avenue. You 're recognized. Anthony Balzebre: Anthony Balzebre, Assistant Director, Omni CRA. We do want to bring to your attention, we are going to craft an RFP (Request for Proposals), with the help of the Procurement Department, for the property we just acquired this year; historic bank building. So we will be embarking on that within the next 30 to 60 days; wanted to bring that to light. And the -- that -- same goes for the second discussion item. We'll -- as well, working with the Procurement Department -- be crafting an RFP for our Finding of Necessity and our eventual redevelopment plan. Board Member Hardemon: So there is a desire to extend the life of the CRA here in the Omni? Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Yes, OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 3 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 sir, which is what we want to talk to you all about during this discussion. There are several -- as you know, the Omni CRA is -- has a lot of debt, until 2030, with the PAC (Performing Arts Center) commitment, commitment to the tunnel. And so, we realize that in order for us to make any substantial move towards attainable housing within the Omni CRA District, we would possibly need to extend the lifetime to 2045. There's a item on the agenda for a nonbinding MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the School Board to look at their 10 acres in downtown Miami, to possibly partner with them in developing those 10 acres; and putting that property, which now is not on the tax rolls, because it's owned by the School, and develop it into a mixed -use development that would put attainable housing within that development, where the CRA would contribute the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) to the deal to make that happen. In order to do that, we would need an extension of life to 2045. We've done the financial analysis of that project, which we will talk about in that item; that if we extend to 2045 and have that property come on the tax rolls, it would yield approximately $500 million in new TIF money for the Omni CRA. So for that project alone, we think it's something that we should look at for the extension. Vice Chair Suarez: Anyone else? Any other questions on the extension? So you're that the extension could yield an additional $500 million worth of TIF? Mr. Walker.: Just under nine acres of School Board property -- Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. Mr. Walker: -- by itself. Vice Chair Suarez: That's a lot of TIF. Mr. Walker: A lot of TIF. Board Member Gort: We're discussing the rehab of the bank, right? Or we (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? Mr. Walker: No. We moved -- Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah, we kind of dovetailed into -- Mr. Walker: Yeah, yeah. Vice Chair Suarez: -- something else. Mr. Walker.: But it's a good conversation to have because, you know -- Board Member Gort: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Vice Chair Suarez: What's that? Board Member Gort: I was lost; sorry. Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah, it's okay. I was kind of lost, too. Board Member Gort: Yeah. Vice Chair Suarez: When he started talking about the extension of the CRA, we got - OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 4 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 - we started on the rehabilitation of the hank, and we ended up talking about the extension of the CRA to 2045. Mr. Walker: Which is the Finding of Necessity Redevelopment Plan -- Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. Mr. Walker: -- Discussion Item Number 2. Vice Chair Suarez: So that's Number 2? Mr. Walker: Yep. Vice Chair Suarez: Sorry. Mr. Walker: So if there's any discussion on that before we move forward, it is in our budget to find a consultant to produce that plan for us. Vice Chair Suarez: I'm fine with that. Mr. Walker: We did the budget after -- Vice Chair Suarez: I think we're also looking at expanding the boundaries to include Coconut Grove, correct? Mr. Walker: Correct. Vice Chair Suarez: West Grove. Mr. Walker: Correct. And that study -- that Finding of Necessity was procured by the City of Miami, and I believe that they're in that process, and should have a report back to the City in November, I believe. Vice Chair Suarez: Great. Thank you. Board Member Gort:• From my understanding, you were going to be exploring with the County Commissioners the ability to do so? Mr. Walker: The extension? Or the -- Board Member Gort: The expansion. Mr. Walker: -- expansion? I think the Chairman would probably be better fit to talk about his meetings with the County Commissioners, because I was not a part of those meetings; Chairman Hardemon, I mean. Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. Board Member Hardemon: The -- Vice Chair Suarez: So that's -- Mr. Walker: I think Chairman Hardemon wanted to -- OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 5 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 Vice Chair Suarez: Go ahead. Board Member Hardemon: The rehabilitation of the hank building, are you white - boxing it, or are you --? Mr. Walker: White -boxing it. Board Member Hardemon: Okay. Vice Chair Suarez: So that's Discussion Item 1 and 2. Mr. Walker: Yep. 2. OMNI CRA DISCUSSION 3006 DISCUSION REGARDING FINDING OF NECESSITY (FON) REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. MOTION TO: Discuss RESULT: DISCUSSED Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Discussion Item 2, please see Discussion Item 1. Vice Chair Suarez: I'm assuming you want to skip CRA Resolution 1? Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): I mean, if there's a appetite to pass it, we can take it up. Vice Chair Suarez: 1 think the appetite is to skip it. Board Member Hardemon: I'm not hungry. Vice Chair Suarez: Number 2. Mr. Walker: I think we may just skip the whole agenda. Board Member Hardemon: No. Vice Chair Suarez: Item Number 2. Mr. Walker: Number 2 is the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the School Board. It's a nonbinding MOU to further our discussions with the development of their nine -acre site, which includes -- Adam, you can -- Adam Old (Director, Planning & Policy, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): All right. So this is a nonbinding MOU with the School Board. They've passed a similar item, encouraging the two parties to work together, the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) and the School Board. The basic idea is that their land is not generating a lot of revenue or useful value for them right now. They would like to redevelop it. We would like to put some TIF (Tax Increment Funds) revenues into that process and work with them on redeveloping it. There's also two pieces of land that are outside of the 10 acres that are -- this parking lot here, and Phyllis Wheatley, which they also would like to enhance the educational -- the capacity and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 6 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 the quality of the building there. The facility is -- Board Member Hardemon: Was Phyllis Wheatley not included in the $400 million bond issuance? Mr. Old: I'm sorry; 1 missed that. What -- say that again? Board Member Hardemon: There was a bond issuance that the School Board put out. It was about $400 million. Mr. Old: Yes. I believe Phyllis Wheatley does -- can use some of that money. The School Board is working with the County's Public Housing & Community Development Department, and their discussions on that site have been without us, but we've been brought in. And we understand what they're interested in doing is a redevelopment of the educational facility there, as well as something similar to what's happened on Southside, where they would be able to do workforce or affordable housing above that, and then we would come in as sort of the TIF vehicle for the housing component and whatever commercial or retail component there would be there, because I'm not sure that they're allowed to -- I don't know how that bond is set up, but I think that -- Board Member Hardemon: But the Phyllis Wheatley location is an existing structure that needs improvements; that's from what I understand. And so, I just want to be clear, because I see that Phyllis Wheatley is kind of added in here as an incentive to agree or come to some sort of understanding, but what I'm troubled with is whether or not Phyllis Wheatley is actually a school location that should already be getting resources from the bond issuance. Mr. Walker: Let me try to clear up -- There's a building -- I don't know the address of the building -- that is north of Phyllis Wheatley School. It's on Northwest 20th Street. There's a contract to purchase that building. There is a parking lot behind that building on Northwest 20th Street that's owned by the School Board. It's a paved parking lot, so it's not actually a part of the school green grounds or the school facility itself because from my knowledge -- and correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Chairman -- the CRA cannot spend money on the public school to make physical improvements to the school, so that's not been our conversation. Our conversation has been to participate in the developing of the privately -owned building that's on Northwest 20th Street, and if the School Board would give -- or sell the parking lot that's paved, that's not a part of the greenspace of the school or the physical structure of the school, then they could build more units on that lot and that is what we would be participating in. Board Member Hardemon: Can you describe to me -- What do you mean when you say, "The expansion of the iPrep school"? What does that mean? Mr. Old: So that's a separate issue than Phyllis Wheatley. That would be -- The School Board is looking to unencumber their properties on -- between Biscayne Boulevard and 2nd, where iPrep and that parking lot are. They need a place to move it to, so they would move it to, potentially, this parking lot here, which is a City -owned parking lot. And the -- part of their incentive -- the City -- would be to expand it and make seats available to residents of the Omni CRA, in a similar way that the MAST (Maritime and Science Technology) Academy did with -- sorry -- Mr. Walker: Key Biscayne. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 7 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 Mr. Old: -- Key Biscayne. Board Member Hardemon: So the residents of the Omni CRA. Mr. Old: And that deal would be negotiated -- we could negotiate it to Overtown or the Omni CRA; I'm not sure exactly. You know, this is a nonbinding first step at a memorandum. So that's been our discussion and a housing component as well. Mr. Walker: It would be the same as with Southside, as with Phyllis Wheatley, where the building would -- The space is seven acres. I know that the Police Department's been looking at that space as their number -one site for their new police department. They're looking at the entire area; we're looking at only the parking lot space, the three acres that consist of the parking lot, to build possibly the expansion of iPrep, in addition to go up to build housing on this City -owned land that's been sitting vacant for five years. Board Member Hardemon: So they would close the iPrep current site? Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. Board Member Hardemon: That would be closed. Mr. Old: Right, because I think they're sort of reaching their capacity there, and they're interested in -- especially interested in freeing those parcels for redevelopment as part of this bigger package of parcels, which they'd be unable to do if iPrep had to remain in place. Vice Chair Suarez: Any have further questions? Board Member Gort: (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? Vice Chair Suarez: What's that? Any further questions? Board Member Hardemon: I don't have any questions right now. Vice Chair Suarez: Does anyone want to make a motion? Want to wait for the Chairman to arrive to discuss this issue further? Mr. Walker: Sure. Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION(S) 1. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2972 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AGREEMENT ("INCENTIVE AGREEMENT"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, WITH NR MAX MIAMI, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ("DEVELOPER"), REMOVING THE CONDITION THAT THE DEVELOPER COMPLETE THE COMMUNITY BENEFIT IMPROVEMENTS OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 8 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 AS DESCRIBED IN THE INCENTIVE AGREEMENT ("COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS"); INCREASING THE YEARLY CAPACITY OF TAX INCREMENT PROVIDED TO THE DEVELOPER FROM $750,000.00 TO $812,500.00 PER YEAR; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ACCEPT A PAYMENT FROM THE DEVELOPER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) FOR THE REMAINING VALUE OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS, LESS ANY AMOUNT ALREADY EXPENDED BY THE DEVELOPER PURSUANT TO THE INCENTIVE AGREEMENT. MOTION TO: Discuss RESULT: DISCUSSED Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. Moving right along. Board Member Hardemon: Omni Reso -- Vice Chair Suarez: Omni Resolution Number 3. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Number 3, we probably should wait for him as well. Vice Chair Suarez: Coming back, you're saying to wait for 3. What about number 4? Is that something that we can -- you think we can accomplish, or do you want to wait on 4 as well? Mr. Walker: Four minutes. Vice Chair Suarez: Four minutes? Okay. So we want to take a brief recess? Mr. Walker: Sure. Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. We're in recess until the Chair arrives. Later... Chair Russell: We're resuming the meeting, and adjourning the meeting for lack of quorum. 2. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2973 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A NON -BINDING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, A BODY CORPORATE AND POLITIC EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA ("SCHOOL BOARD"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE CRA'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DIMINISH SLUM AND BLIGHT WITHIN ITS BOUNDARIES, SPECIFICALLY BY COLLABORATING WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD REGARDING A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INCLUSIVE OF AFFORDABLE AND WORKFORCE HOUSING, COMMERCIAL AND/OR RETAIL COMPONENT, PARKING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SURROUNDING AREA, EXPANSION OF THE (PREP SCHOOL TO BE OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 9 Printed on 11/1/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marked Agenda October 3, 2017 LOCATED AT 150 NORTHEAST 19TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND FURTHER ENHANCEMENTS TO THE PHILLIS WHEATLEY SCHOOL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1934 NW 1ST COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 1801 NW 1ST PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND 1942 NW 1ST COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE MOU. RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN 3. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 3007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("OMNI CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO AMEND THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO ON DECEMBER 31, 2007 BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THE CITY OF MIAMI, THE SOUTHEAST/OVERTOWN PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND THE OMNI CRA, SPECIFICALLY TO REMOVE ALL CURRENT AND FUTURE OBLIGATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE OMNI CRA'S MONETARY CONTRIBUTION FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AT MUSEUM PARK, AS CONTAINED IN SAID AGREEMENT. RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN 4. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2974 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00) TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH AN ENHANCED POLICE PROGRAM WITHIN THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE FUNDS ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM 2018 TIF REVENUES — 10040.920501.891000 — INTERFUND TRANSFERS. ADJOURNMENT RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 10 Printed on 11/1/2017