HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2017-06-21 MinutesCity of Miami 3500 Pan American Dr Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 21, 2017 5:30 PM Ice Palace Film Studios 59 NW 14th Street Miami, FL 33136 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Ken Russell, Chair Francis Suarez, Vice Chair Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Board Member, District 1 Frank Carollo, Board Member, District 3 Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 ************************* OMNI and MIDTOWN CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2"d Floor, Miami 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6868 www.miamicra.com OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Present: Chair Russell, Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Gort, Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Hardemon On the 2lst day of June 2017, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Ice Palace Film Studios located at 59 Northwest loth Street, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Russell at 5:41 p.m., and was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Jason Walker, Executive Director, CRA Isiaa Jones, Chief Legal Officer, CRA Victoria Mendez, General Counsel, CRA Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board Note for the Record: Commissioner Suarez entered the meeting at 5:43 p.m., Commissioner Carollo entered the meeting at 5:45 p.m, and Commissioner Gort entered the meeting at 5:55 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. OMNI CRA DISCUSSION 2496 DEBUT OF THE OMNI PARK SHORT VIDEO. MOTION TO: Present RESULT: PRESENTED Chair Russell: (INAUDIBLE) order. We don't yet have quorum, but we have a few discussion items that we can go through, including a video that's been put together by our partners regarding Omni Park, so you can all see, if you haven't in person, you can see a bit of the process we've gone through with developing a seven -acre park in 45 days and many, many months of planning. So this is something that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is very proud of I think the community's very excited about; and considering the current controversies over the 1-395 redevelopment, we should have it for maybe a couple more years to come. So we can go ahead and queue up the video, and then, once we have quorum, we'll start the rest of the meeting. Note for the Record: An audiovisual presentation was made at this time. Chair Russell: And while you're applauding the folks that really made this happen, I'd like to start with Jason and his staff. You know, they carried out the vision, you know, meticulously. They did a really great job, so I'd like to congratulate you, Jason. (Applause) Chair Russell: And then Brad and his team are also here. Anyone who was involved with the project, please stand up and -- Mark and Brad, and anyone who helped plant a blade of grass or water or anything. This was a big community effort, and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 2 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 it's something we're proud of. So thank you, everyone, for coming together and making it happen. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Like - - Commissioner, I'd also like to point out Aaron Glickman is here, who did the film. Chair Russell: Of course. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) documenting it. All right, I've already called us to order. We were just carrying through discussion items right now. We just finished the debut of the Omni Park short video. 2. OMNI CRA DISCUSSION 2497 DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING OVERTOWN HOUSING PROJECTS. MOTION TO: Discuss RESULT: DISCUSSED Chair Russell: And we have a discussion item regarding Overtown housing projects. Jason. Adam Old: Hello. Hey, everybody. I'm Adam Old. I'm the director of Planning & Policy for the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). As you may know from the last time we had a board meeting here -- or at the temple, we were talking about several housing projects in our western portion, which is Overtown. At that time, we were trying to reach out to the community and talk about a rezoning for the neighborhood that would change it from T3, which is a duplex zoning, to T4, which is a townhouse zoning. Since that time, we've had a number of meetings with individuals, as well as some group meetings; and while there's some support for that idea, a number of single-family homeowners in that district that would have been up - zoned have come out very strongly and recommended that we not do it, especially including their district. So the two projects -- the two major projects -- and there are more than just two, but the two major ones we were looking at -- Chair Russell: Can you bring this into the light, Adam? Mr. Old: Yeah. Chair Russell: So we can see what you're talking about. Mr. Old: Sorry. So this is a map of potential ways forward, where -- Not a very sturdy easel. So anyway, this is a map of potential ways forward. The rezoning recommendation, or sort of consideration that we were looking at last time extended all the way up, almost to 20th Street. That included all of these single-family homes here. We've thrown that out. The community, especially from these homes, is not interested. So the two projects that we were looking at were on this piece of land here and this piece of land here. These are both mostly vacant. They -- we were trying to use the attainable housing density bonus to -- which gives you a double density of units for workforce and affordable housing; and ELI (extremely low income), a small portion of ELI. And so, there's two options we can do going forward -- or three, really. We can do no rezoning; in which case, we can build -- with a replat, we can build, I believe, five duplexes on this land and five duplexes over here. So that's the no rezoning; simply a replat. We can do a -- sort of a blue outline here rezone, which is just the two -- more or less, the two parcels -- or two sets of parcels that would be involved in these different projects. That would allow us to do 20 units here and about 20 units here. So you get a significant amount of more affordable housing in the area, if we were to do that. Or there's another OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 3 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 option, and we haven't explored this with the Planning Department or the neighborhood yet, but it's possible that we could simply do the rezoning as before, but south of 17th Street, which would take the single-family homes north of 17th Street out of the equation. So we need to go back and continue our discussions with the neighborhood, and, you know, talk to Planning & Zoning and see whether they have recommendations, one way or the other. Chair Russell: Adam, quick question. Mr. Old: So that's these two. Chair Russell: Does the blue box encompass -- I guess it looks like it doesn't -- the units to the right? Mr. Old: No. So these units to the right were built by St. John's CDC (Community Development Corporation) back in the '90s. These are townhouses right now. They are not able to be built with the current zoning like this, but they're home ownership, and we have a good relationship with some of the residents there, and we're actually doing a rehab project on them right now. So these are, you know, great units. Something similar, which could be a home ownership project on the other side, would be, you know -- Chair Russell: Well, let me finish my question, though. Mr. Old: I'm sorry. Chair Russell: So why would we not include --? Are those grandfathered, nonconforming to T3, and are they built basically as T4? Mr. Old: These are built as T4, yes, and they're grandfathered, nonconforming. Chair Russell: Why would we not include that in --? It seems that we're drawing the line project -based, where, you know -- Mr. Old: Yeah. Chair Russell: I haven't talked to the Planning & Zoning Department about this, but I want to make sure it really passes muster from the Planning & Zoning perspective. Mr. Old: It's a -- that's a -- you know, we can sit down and redraw these lines as makes sense. This -- you know, to up -zone this, we don't get anything, so we just didn't include it. But we could up -zone it so, you know -- Chair Russell: It's about planning toward the future of the neighborhood -- Mr. Old: Yeah, in the future. Chair Russell: -- and what that -- it should look consistent and planned. And I understand -- so the blue box basically is the low hanging fruit of what's most accessibly -- it's less controversial. There's actually no structures on there right now. Mr. Old: Correct. Chair Russell: It would be -- Mr. Old: There's one multi family structure that's -- I don't think would be impacted. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 4 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: Right. Mr. Old: It's also nonconforming. Chair Russell: Right. And so the more aggressive approach would be the entire set of blocks there, that entire green square, the rectangle. Mr. Old: Right. Yes. The green square is, I guess, more aggressive than the blue square, but less aggressive than what we had originally considered, which was sort of a neighborhood -wide, Omni CRA, T3 rezone. Chair Russell: Right. Mr. Old: And, you know, every one of these has advantages and disadvantages for the neighborhood, and we'd like to continue having discussions with the neighborhood. I had a great sit-down. Chair Russell: And so, obviously, it's exactly half in District 5 and half in District 2, if I'm not mistaken. Mr. Old: No. The district line is up 1stAve., so it's all District 5. Chair Russell: Oh, thank you. No, you're right, of course. And so I'm very glad to hear from Commissioner Hardemon on -- input on this, because we haven't discussed this up to now. And, obviously, this could provide much more affordability, but if it affects single-family homes, obviously, it needs a lot of discussion with the Planning & Zoning Department and the community, but I want to start with you so that we don't head down the wrong path and waste time. Board Member Hardemon: I appreciate that. I mean, one of the first things that I want to make very clear is that, you know, when you talk about Overtown, you can't talk about the future without talking about the past. And so, you know, one of the things that Overtown, especially in this area, has maintained is that single-family home ownership structure, as compared to, you know, when you look further west, you look at Town Park, where it's more of a multi family structure place. And so, what I don't want to do is exacerbate the issue of the purchasing and demolition, and rebuilding of single-family home structures. So, you know, I'm very cautious when it comes to moving forward in any direction that seems to be that way. Now, the -- south of the dark blue box, is that single-family home (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? Mr. Old: These are the Habitat for Humanity homes. Board Member Hardemon: So single-family homes, though? Mr. Old: They're single-family homes, but not as could be built today. The lots are much narrower than are currently available under Miami 21 Zoning Code, so -- Board Member Hardemon: Right. So -- I mean, I had a conversation with a young man from Overtown one day, and he told me -- I asked him -- I said, "Where do you live?" And he says, "Oh, I live in one of the Habitat homes." I said, "Oh, you live in a home?" And he said, "No. In a Habitat home." I said, "There's no difference. There's no difference; it's a home. You know, you put sweat equity in there, as well as dollars." So I just -- I like to stay away from saying `Habitat" before I say "home." But nonetheless, it's -- there could be some potential to do maybe in the development, because -- Well, first of all, that parcel in the blue, that's more than just one ownership. It's not just the CRA. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 5 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Mr. Old: That's right. Board Member Hardemon: It's some other private owners, et cetera. Mr. Old: St. John owns most of these. There's a private owner here, private owner here; this is a City lot, and other private owners here. So, yeah, it's a pretty diverse ownership. Board Member Hardemon: And how many units could you fit in the current structure versus you up -zoning to a different zoning, just for that dark blue box? Mr. Old: So if there were no zone change, you mean? Board Member Hardemon: Correct. Mr. Old: If there were no zoning change, this would need to be replatted. Currently, with the platting as it is, you could build two duplexes here. If we replatted it, there's enough for five duplexes here. And I think it's the same over here, so -- Chair Russell: 20 units (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Old: 20 units. Chair Russell: Whereas, with the up -zoning, you could do 40. Mr. Old: 40, at least, yeah. Board Member Hardemon: Okay. And, you know, I bring this up because you always have to take into consideration the homes that are near it, and I mean that to say that how would someone --? I'm sure there's some -- I see one of the neighbors who actually lives adjacent to this. How would they feel about having that type of up -zoning to bring that much more -- Chair Russell: Density. Board Member Hardemon: -- density -- right -- to that space, you know? Because the one thing I know -- We always talk about the need for affordable housing in Miami -Dade County, and I always say, "Miami -Dade County," and I say that because we have a tendency of trying to put all the affordable housing in -- particularly in certain districts, and so -- and with that, we forsake our homeowners who live in the single-family neighborhood, the traditional single-family neighborhoods. And what that ends up looking like are multi -story buildings that peak and gloom and loom -- any other word you can figure out -- into someone's backyard, and disturbing what little privacy they do have. And so, you know, I'm not always interested in -- we can then -- we can do 50 homes if we do this versus 20 homes, and it still doesn't disturb the tranquility of the neighborhood. So, you know, that's the kind of balance I'm trying to strike here. Mr. Old: In working with these property owners, they're very cognizant of that. They wanted to make sure that they were set off, their -- the villas here -- so that there would be a nice green space in the back and wouldn't disturb those owners here, which are -- you know, originally were owners from St. John's, so it's sort of a legacy ongoing. Also here, these are all multi family units, so, you know, they're looking down into potentially somebody's future backyard here. But what I think -- I think one of the main reasons why we're interested in really pursuing affordable OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 6 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 housing here is that we see what 's happened in Coconut Grove, for example, where they have a duplex zoning -- the same as what's here right now -- and gentrification is happening, even though it's simply a duplex zoning. So this is isn't -- we're not going to save the neighborhood by doing nothing. And the one way that we feel that we can keep the residents of Overtown able to live in Overtown is by, you know, getting the CRA's money in the door now and really building some quality. Board Member Hardemon: You know, but I'll caution you by saying this: All the residents of Overtown live in Overtown, so I want to make that very clear. There's housing in Overtown -- Mr. Old: Right. Board Member Hardemon: -- right? And the residents of Overtown, they live there. And so, when you build additional housing, the complaint that you always hear from those from Overtown is that Overtown residents don't have a shot to live in them; you have some that do, but many times we get an influx of individuals from other places into the district. That does a number of different things. And so, I say -- that's why -- you know, I love to focus on rehabbing existing properties, because you're bringing existing properties for those who live there to a standard condition that they should feel proud of living in. And so, when you create additional housing -- That's why I'm always cautious about building very, very large structures -- Chair Russell: Right. Board Member Hardemon: -- into a neighborhood that already has, you know -- it has housing that's there; vacant lots, no. I mean, you want them to be developed to be something, to be housing, et cetera, but the density of the housing, the extent of the housing is another question in and of itself. So, you know, that's why I kind of started by saying, you know, there's a need for affordable housing, but we've had discussions on -- not on this dais, but on other daises, wearing other hats, where you have property -- you know, you have lots of 10,000 square feet each, and homeowners don't want one house built on a 10,000 square foot lot, you know -- Mr. Old: Right. Board Member Hardemon: -- and they make themselves very vocal about that and -- I mean, you're talking million -dollar homes, but here, we're not talking about that. Here, we're talking about much smaller lots and adding much more homes. And so, you know, when it comes to this type of thing, part of what I'm saying to you is, if you want more -- If we want to develop the lands that have housing, that's great, but to overpopulate a space for the sake of -- the lack of affordable housing in Miami -Dade County, I think you do a disservice to the neighborhood, and I think it's a disservice that's greater than the disservice that you do when you have a 10,000 square foot lot and you want to put one home on it. Mr. Old: Exactly right. Yeah, that's true. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): So -- Mr. Old: We do have a -- Oh, sorry. Mr. Walker: We have a tight agenda; two Commissioners have to leave soon, so we want to try to move through this. The reason why I wanted to put this on the docket for discussion, Commissioners, is because we've been working at this with the community, working at this with the Planning Department for a little over nine months now, and we just don't want to continue working in the dark. We would want OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 7 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 -- because it's not our decision, right? We're just staff. This is the board's decision. So we want clear direction, frankly, so that we don't continue to meet, meet, meet just to meet. We're ready to build, and if you tell us what you want built there, whether you want afforda -- I mean, home ownership or rental, whether you want 10 units or 20, that's what we will go and build. But the direction needs to come from you; it's not going to come from us, no matter what we think should go there. It's going to come from you. Board Member Hardemon: So -- Chair Russell: Go ahead. Board Member Hardemon: Well, no. What I would appreciate is just an opportunity -- I know that one of the homeowners, who's here, who lives adjacent to the property, had a meeting with some homeowners recently. I haven't had a chance to be debriefed by her, and so I would love an opportunity to kind of meet with those residents who are there to see, you know, what the feeling is for -- the appetite for that site. Mr. Old: Absolutely. And we're happy to meet with you and any homeowners at any point in the future, going forward. Mr. Walker: But more importantly, we want to get something done, and so we'll just wait for you to tell us what you want us to get done, but -- because we're not -- the owners that you mentioned, they're here, the three different owners. They want to get something done for the community, and we're ready to move. But part of the item that you will be hearing tonight, which is a $25 million loan, that -- some of that money would go to construct whatever project you all want to do on these lots. Chair Russell: I think one of the really good parts is that we're using CRA funding for this affordability and not HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) money, which creates a lot more freedoms in terms of the neighborhood, and we'll have some choice here. And so, you know, if someone from the neighborhood wants to move into one of these units, there's a much better chance of it than going into the County's lottery, for example. And so we'll be working with the CRA, with the owners of the property themselves. These aren't CRA-owned properties; we're doing a partnership. And so, there are already renderings of potentials of what it would look like under this new zoning. So I would hope that you continue the community engagement, but brief us on what that community engagement is bringing back to you, because I know you've been having meetings -- regular meetings with the community about this, and I want to certainly speak to the Commissioner's concerns, because they're very valid. But if we're going to move forward with a plan, I'd like to do one or the other. And if it's not -- if it's going to be single-family or duplex, we need to talk to the stakeholders, the owners of the properties, to see if that's within what they envision, as well. I think, at the very least, our hope is to go with what-- the renderings that you and staff have put together with regard to the properties within the blue box. To go beyond that is much more sensitive to the community in terms of what happens with those properties, and if the will is there, if it's appropriate or not. And so, I'd like to continue the discussion, and make sure that the Commissioner is involved and his staff, as well. Board Member Hardemon: All right. Chair Russell: Thank you. Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 8 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Mr. Old: Thank you. Chair Russell: Any other input on those items, gentlemen? All right. OMNI CRA RESOLUTIONS 1. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2498 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH A FIVE (5) YEAR INITIAL TERM WITH TWO (2) ONE (1) YEAR OPTIONS TO RENEW, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, BETWEEN THE CRA AND REVRAN S MAHARANIE LINCOLN, AN INDIVIDUAL ("LANDLORD"), FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 175 NW 14 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY"), AT A TOTAL BASE RENT OF TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($2,850.00) PER MONTH, WITH A THREE PERCENT (3%) ANNUAL INCREASE THEREAFTER THE FIRST LEASE YEAR, PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.370, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND THE CRA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($150,000.00); UPON COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO SUBLEASE THE PROPERTY; ALLOCATING REHABILITATION FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT NO. 10040.920501.883000. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0033 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 SECONDER: Francis Suarez, Vice Chair AYES: Gort, Hardemon, Carollo, Suarez, Russell Chair Russell: We're going to power through these. Number one. I'm sorry; what do you need? Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Adam, can you move the board, please? Item Number 1 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), authorizing the executive director to negotiate -- Chair Russell: Oh, I'm sorry. He was asking to hold -- while he resets the camera, before you start the meeting. I didn't -- Mr. Walker: Oh, I'm not reading (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Russell: -- understand what he was asking. Mr. Walker: Ready? OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 9 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: Get his good side. Mr. Walker: -- authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute a lease agreement with a five-year initial term, with two one-year options to renew, in a form acceptable to the general counsel, between the CRA and Reverend S. Maharanie Lincoln, an individual landlord, for the property located at 175 Northwest 14th Street, Miami, Florida, at a total base rent of $2,850 per month, with a 3 percent annual increase thereafter the first lease year, pursuant to Section 163.370, Florida Statutes, in the CRA development -- Redevelopment Plan; further authorizing the executive director to make improvements to the property, in an amount not to exceed $150,000, upon completion of the improvements; further authorizing the executive director to sublease the property, allocating rehabilitation funds from the account. Chair Russell: In laymen's terms, this is authorizing you to lease a property, to then sublease it out to another for activation. But if I understand correctly from the briefing, you do not yet have a plan of what that activation would be. Mr. Walker: Correct, but we already have lots of interested parties. We reached out to Commissioner Hardemon this morning, and, you know, we'll probably put out an RFP (Request for Proposals) and ask for interested parties to see what should go in that location. Chair Russell: All right. Mr. Walker: But it's a very important block in our district. It's on the border of Overtown CRA and Omni CRA, and we'd just like to activate it. Chair Russell: Is there a motion on this item? Board Member Hardemon: I'll move it. Chair Russell: It's been moved by Commissioner Hardemon. Vice Chair Suarez: Second. Chair Russell: Second by Commissioner Suarez. Is there any comment from the public on this item, Item Number 1? Board Member Hardemon: Former tenant of that property. Andree Williams: How you doing? Hello. Mr. Walker: Turn it on. Vice Chair Suarez: It's on, it's on. Mr. Walker: All right, there. (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I'm sorry. Commissioners, how you guys doing? Pleasure. Thank you for your time. Yes, I want to speak on behalf -- Reverend Lincoln told me that she was putting me on a pedestal today. I was like, "Really?" Okay. I was a former tenant of that space. I'm actually the one who painted it black, put the hearts on there. I made it look good. And actually, Commissioner Keon Hardemon came there several times. The space is called the "Overtown Media Hub." And I was the one that actually switched it from being a retail space into being a art gallery. And Reverend Lincoln wanted me to come here and, I guess, thank you guys. Well, her -- I'm going to say, "Thank you," because it needs to be -- that area needs to be resiliently done. You understand? You feeling OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 10 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 me on that, right? It needs to -- some type of life needs to be put there. And, you know, what I tried to do and what you guys are about to do I think is phenomenal. I think she -- she's happy about it. I'm definitely happy about it, because I like to see something better lit there; something that would actually engage the community and actually engage the businesses of the community. That's very important for that area, because I think that would be assumptionably [sic] the business corridor for 14th, for that area -- right? -- 14th Street. So on behalf of Reverend Lincoln, she wanted me to stand and just, you know, say "thank you" for what's going on, what you guys are doing for the building, and that she wishes this project to be done in a timely expedition. That's what she said. Chair Russell: Thank you. Mr. Williams: And that's it. Chair Russell: Thank you very much. Is there any other comment on Item Number 1? Mr. Williams: Oh, for the record, my name is Andree Williams. I am a resident of Overtown, staying at 1000 Northwest 1st Avenue. I'm also a business owner of Overtown with EyeUrbanTV.com. And I also work at the Overtown Business Resource Center as the Business Development counselor there, which is 1490 Northwest 3rd Avenue, Overtown. Renita Holmes: And we just call him "Dre." It's nice to be able to have someone -- thank you for the opportunity to speak. I'm Madam Holmes. I'm executive director of Wave of Women in Public Housing, WOW, as well as a resident. My mom had 13 kids just a couple of blocks up from that. I know some of us still live here. It's good to be back home. So I'm a resident, entrepreneur, and you know me; 350 Northwest 4th Street. I'm coming in because there are many of us who have occupied this building, if not known this building to be as historic as Overtown is. The intricate value of it has never been discussed, particularly from the perspective as a resident there, because most of us as residents don't know what our options are, don't know the history still, or even know what historic (UNINTELLIGIBLE), but we know the value of keeping heritage, and this building is one of heritage. But the intricate value of the building is these tall murals, and I guess Clear Channel describes them many ways, but they're marketing opportunities, they're income barriers, and so this property is more than just land; it has attachments to it that should be bringing more revenues back. But I'll say, Commissioner, historically -- I mean, it's something to consider. And I appreciate Reverend Lincoln had the other building, and we saw that go to be selled [sic], and it was great. And Reverend Lincoln is a great leader, a great woman, but like many residents, we know we have land, we know we have heritage, we know the significance, but we don't know what "green building" is. We don't know what the options are for utilizing it. We don't have futuristic design. So I'm hoping that whatever this building is utilized for that it is utilized to continue with the strategy that has already been introduced that borderlines both Omni and borderlines both Overtown. We know that film industry is increasing. We know that this building has a lot of potential. We know that that mural -- that big thing that brings money to a bunch of folks is going to bring revenues back, and I'd like to see it utilized more strategically. I'll close in saying that we see the performance and design and the plotting and land use in other neighborhoods -- particularly those that are not black -- have a lot more standards, have a lot more options, have a lot more intricate conversations. And I'd like to thank the CRA for opening the door for some of us who know more than just "I got a house there, and I used to live there." So I'd like to talk with you more about it. There are some things we can (UNINTELLIGIBLE). And I'd like to thank Andree personally and out here for asking more of the business owners in the area -- and for those of us -- the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 11 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 professionals in urban planning and designing that are local and are from here and not imported from the western side or the other side -- about what ideas or what plans, what strategies we have; and that maybe when you meet with us on this, or do the invitation that it could have more of us that are local designers and planners there. I don't see many people of the homeowners here that could tell you, or many renters that's on that level, Commissioner. I'm speaking directly to my Commissioner. I know you operate like that. But if we insist upon that standards when we're talking about planning, design, and use of that particular properties, there are better things to do, and there are other things that should be included, particularly already -established contracts of revenue that we should be getting back as local renters, owners, and business owners. Chair Russell: Thank you, Madam Holmes. Ms. Holmes: Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you. Ms. Holmes: Just want to remind him of that. Chair Russell: If you'd try to keep your comments to two minutes, please; we have a very full agenda. We're going to start losing Commissioners at some point. Ms. Holmes: I'm taking up for the homeowners that (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Russell: Understood. Thank you. Amir Yasset: Thank you. How you doing, Commissioners. How you doing, fellow members? So love to propose an opportunity for us to come in and activate the property. We've spoken to Mr. Walker about it in the past. I'm really excited to hear that you guys are moving forward on it. What we would like to do is we would like to bring our own container; we could fund it ourselves. We're going to put a buzz box in the community, and we're going to cut hair for kids when they do better. I've spoken to Commissioner Francis Suarez about it. Commissioner Hardemon and Commissioner Carollo had an opportunity to see it during the cease fire. So what we want to do is we want to give this idea and this opportunity to the community, and we'd like for you guys to fund it and (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I'll definitely explain some more ways on how to create some revenue out of it. But more importantly, we'll activate the community and be able to service Overtown, as well as the Omni CRA, and be able to get both CRAs involved, but for the purpose of serving the kids of that community so that they could get their haircuts and feel better as opposed to, you know, not having an opportunity to have that necessary thing. My background, obviously, is I've been in the barbershop world for many years; many of you know me. But more importantly, we think that this is an idea that belongs in Overtown and should be in Overtown first -- even though I'm from the Little Haiti community -- because Overtown is one of the oldest and most viable communities that Miami has that requires something at this level. And Michael and myself are here today to offer this idea up for the board to consider. And if we have to fund it ourselves, we're prepared to do so. Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you very much. Mr. Yasset: All right. Chair Russell: Is there any further comment from the public? Hearing none, I'll close public comment. There's been a motion and a second. I'll open the dais for comment. Anyone like to discuss this item? OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 12 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 2. Board Member Hardemon: If I can? So Andree's right. I mean, Andree was one of the tenants that was actually inside of this space, and it was never really in good condition; and I think with limited resources, Andree made it aesthetically pleasing. And when you -- if you're traveling north on the avenue, you will look at it, it was a black building, and it had hearts; that one of the resident artists was there had installed into the wall. If you're traveling eastbound on 14th Street, the mural that's there on the wall is by a young Overtown artist that depicted a scene that involved our City of Miami police after a tragic incident in the neighborhood, where some family member was trying to touch or make contact with someone of the -- one of their loved ones that passed away, and the police officers held them back. I guess that's a polite way of putting it. And so, unfortunately, she painted over that, the very top of it, so it kind of destroyed that piece of art on the very top. But all in all, it is a place that I watched Andree activate, and I think it's good to bring it to where you want to bring it to. I think it's a marvelous idea, the lease agreement. Reverend Lincoln can be a very difficult landlord. I want you to be very prepared for that. She's a difficult grant recipient. Nonetheless, we've helped her in Southeast Overtown, and we'll help her here. And also, it's -- this building is one of the first places that I took my wife, like on a date, when we first started dating, so I get -- it means something to me, you know. So I look forward to seeing it -- Chair Russell: Nice. Board Member Hardemon: -- be put back into some decent use. Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner. Any further comment? All in favor, say "aye. The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2499 A RESOLUTION OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING THE TERM SHEET FROM BANKUNITED, N.A. TO PURCHASE THE AGENCY'S NOT EXCEEDING $25,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTES, SERIES 2017 THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH WILL BE APPLIED TO FINANCE A PORTION OF THE COSTS OF THE AGENCY'S REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH SAID BANK PURSUANT TO WHICH THE AGENCY WILL ISSUE ITS 2017 NOTES OR NOTES TO SECURE THE REPAYMENT OF SAID LOAN; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH 2017 NOTES OR NOTES FROM INCREMENT REVENUES AND OTHER PLEDGED AMOUNTS ALL AS PROVIDED IN THE LOAN AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS OF THE AGENCY TO DO ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL THINGS DEEMED NECESSARY OR ADVISABLE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT, THE 2017 NOTES OR NOTES, AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF OTHER DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID LOAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0034 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 13 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 SECONDER: Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Board Member, District 1 AYES: Gort, Hardemon, Carollo, Russell ABSENT: Suarez Chair Russell: Commissioner Hardemon, you had a motion for Item Number 2; is that correct? Board Member Hardemon: That's correct. Chair Russell: It's been moved; seconded by the -- Board Member Gort: Seconded. Chair Russell: Seconded by Commissioner Gort. Do we need to read this item into the record and then hear public comment, please? Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. A resolution of the Omni Redevelopment District Redevelopment Agency, with attachments, approving the term sheet for Bank United, N.A., to purchase the agency's term sheet -- I'm sorry -- to purchase the agency's -- does this make sense? -- not exceeding $25 million principal amount tax increment revenue notes, Series 2017, the proceeds of which will be applied to finance a portion of the cost of the agency's redevelopment plan; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan with said bank, pursuant to which the agency will issue its 2017 notes or notes to secure the repayment of said loan; providing for the payment of -- providing for -- I can't see. Isiaa Jones: `Providing for the payment of such 2017 notes or notes from the increment revenues and other pledge amounts all as provided in the loan agreement; authorizing the proper officials of the agency to do any other additional things deemed necessary or advisable in connection with the execution of the loan agreement, the 2017 notes or notes, and the security thereof, authorizing the execution and delivery of other documents in connection with said loan; providing for a severability and providing an effective date." Chair Russell: Is there a motion -- there's been a motion on Item Number 2 and a second. I'll open the floor for public comment. This is with regard to the $25 million loan. Seeing no public comment, I'll close public comment. Is there any comment from the dais? Board Member Gort: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) 375 interest? Mr. Walker: Or lower. We're -- Board Member Gort: Or lower. Mr. Walker: Yeah. Board Member Gort: Okay. Mr. Walker: Sergio, there's a question about the interest rate. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 14 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Sergio Masvidal: Yes. We would suggest you have a not -to -exceed interest rate at 3.75. "Not to exceed," that's still to be negotiated. Board Member Gort: But it could be lower, okay. Mr. Masvidal: Expect (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Walker: It will be lower. We've talked to the bank. It will be lower. Board Member Gort: Market (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Masvidal: Correct. Chair Russell: Any further comment from the dais? All in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. 3. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2500 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, BETWEEN THE CRA AND REYNALDO PADRON & W. MARTA PADRON ("SELLERS") FOR THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1990 N. MIAMI AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY"), CONTAINING AN APPROXIMATE TOTAL LOT AREA OF 15,017 SQUARE FEET , AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN THE AGREEMENT, FOR A TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,500,000.00), CONTINGENT UPON THE CRA OBTAINING A WRITTEN APPRAISAL FROM A LICENSED FLORIDA APPRAISER STATING THAT THE APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY IS, AT A MINIMUM, THE REFERENCED AMOUNT HEREIN, PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.370, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND THE CRA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS TO SAID AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE SAID ACQUISITION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE CRA SERIES 2017 LOAN FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,665,000.00), TO PROVIDE FOR THE COST OF SAID ACQUISITION, INCLUSIVE OF THE COST OF A SURVEY, ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT, TITLE INSURANCE, AND RELATED CLOSING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SAID ACQUISITION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0035 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 15 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 MOTION TO: RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: Adopt with Modification(s) ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District 5 Ken Russell, Chair Hardemon, Carollo, Russell Gort, Suarez Chair Russell: Item Number 3, purchase of 1990 North Miami Avenue. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): No. Isiaa Jones: A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, CRA, authorizing the executive director to execute a purchase and sale agreement, in a form acceptable to the general counsel, between the CRA and Reynaldo Padron and W. Marta Padron, sellers for the acquisition of real property located at 1990 North Miami Avenue; acquisition of real property located at that address; containing an approximate total lot area of 15,000 -- approximately 15,000 square feet, as legally described in the agreement, for a total purchase price of $4,500,000, contingent upon the CRA obtaining a written appraisal from a licensed Florida appraiser, stating that the appraised value of the property is, at a minimum, the referenced amount herein, pursuant to Section 163.370, Florida Statutes, and the CRA Redevelopment Plan; further authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute all necessary documents, including amendments and modifications to said agreement, in a form acceptable to the general counsel, as may be necessary to effectuate said acquisition; allocating funds from the proceeds of the CRA's Series 2017 loan, for a total amount not to exceed $4,665,000, to provide for the cost of said acquisition, inclusive of a cost of a survey, environmental report, title insurance, and related closing costs associated with said acquisition, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Chair Russell: That's Item Number 3. Do I have a motion on the floor? Board Member Hardemon: In the title, the first mention of $4.5 million, it says, "as legally described in the agreement, for a total purchase price of $4,500,000, contingent upon the CRA obtaining a written appraisal from a licensed Florida appraiser." I would like to see language that -- where it states, 'for a total purchase price not to exceed $4.5 million," and -- because I want to ensure that we're paying the appraised value. I don't want -- I mean, we have -- we don't have the appraised value just yet, because we haven't had that come back yet, but I certainly want an honest appraised value, and so the -- we know that we can't go above the appraised value, but I want to make it very clear that we're going up to this amount, but that it must meet -- and then create the language that it must meet the appraised value. The appraised value comes back at $3.6 million, then that's what we should pay, because that's what they were legally allowed to pay. Chair Russell: And if the appraisal goes beyond 4.5, it needs to come back to this board. Is that the intention of the mover? Board Member Hardemon: That is correct. Chair Russell: All right, it's been moved with an amendment; seconded by the Chair. Any discussion from the public on this item? This is the purchase of a property within the Omni area for up to $4.5 million. Closing public comment. Any comments from the dais? Hearing none, all in favor, say "aye." OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 16 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. Todd B. Hannon (Clerk of the Board): As amended. Chair Russell: As amended. Thank you. And I believe we are adjourned. Board Member Hardemon: That's correct. Chair Russell: We got a finger up. What else am I forgetting? Mr. Walker: Right. Chair Russell: And we're adjourned. Thank you very much. 4. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2512 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO REQUEST OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") CONVEYANCE, AT NO COST, OF THE CITY - OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 150 NORTHEAST 19 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, CONTAINING AN APPROXIMATE TOTAL LOT AREA OF 318,859 SQUARE FEET ("PROPERTY"), AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE QUIT CLAIM CITY DEED ("DEED"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL, PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.370, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND THE CRA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE THE DEED FOR THE TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY TO THE CRA; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ALL OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE SAID CONVEYANCE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0036 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Francis Suarez, Vice Chair SECONDER: Frank Carollo, Board Member, District 3 AYES: Gort, Carollo, Suarez, Russell NAYS: Hardemon Chair Russell: I'd like to skip to Item Number 4, please. 4, 5, and 6 may -- I really want to involve the full board in discussion, in case we're going to lose anyone over the next 20 minutes. Items 2 and 3, we can come back to. Item 4, Jason. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Item Number 4: A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing the executive director to request of the City of Miami conveyance, at no cost, of the City -owned property located at 150 Northeast 19th Street, Miami, Florida, containing an approximate total lot area of 318,859 square feet, as more particularly described in the Quit Claim Deed, in a form acceptable to the general counsel, pursuant to Section OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 17 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 163.370, Florida Statutes, and the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Redevelopment Plan; further authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute the deed for the transfer of the property to the CRA; further authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute all the other necessary documents in a form acceptable to the general counsel. Chair Russell: Thank you. Do we have a motion on Item Number 4? Hearing no motion, would you all like to discuss this? This is the property at Biscayne Park area. We've discussed this a little at the Commission level. Mr. Walker: I can -- go ahead. Chair Russell: Sure. Basically, this land has sat inactive, for the most part, for the better part of a hundred years. I think under Jason's leadership, and with the direction of this board, we can do a mixed -use activation here that involves affordability, could involves partnership with the City, could involve partnerships with the School Board, could involve retail; it could have -- you know, there's -- there is no solid plan here yet, but I think bringing it under the control of the CRA will really open up our abilities to activate it in a more quick manner for the community, based on the directions of the board. So if there's no second on -- if there's no motion on the item, I'd just sort of like to hear from you, where [sic] you're feeling about it, so we can move forward and give Jason some direction. Vice Chair Suarez: You want me to go first? Okay. So, you know, we talked about this, obviously, at the Commission meeting. And, you know, I don't have a problem passing a resolution like this, because it's complicated. We sit on two different boards, and we're supposed to be independent in our view of how we approach issues. And so, in this board, our approach has to be one way, which is to promote the alleviation or elimination of slum and blight in this area. When we put on our City of Miami Commissioner hat, we have a variety of different fiscal fiduciary responsibilities. So I don't have that much heartburn about passing this resolution. I just -- you know, obviously, the discussion at the Commission meeting revolved around, "What is the best use for the City?" And that could be sometimes slightly different from the way the CRA and the Omni CRA views it, and so I just -- you know, that's just my perspective on this item. Again, passing this is fine. I think -- you know, to me, my read of the way we discussed it at the City Commission meeting was that, you know, certainly, we want to promote mixed income, affordable housing, and this is a parcel that give us an opportunity to do that at some level. And there's obviously a tension, because on one hand, the Police Department was apparently -- I didn't know that -- they were eying it as one of the parcels that they were looking at for -- you know, for the relocation of the -- of their headquarters. I didn't know that until -- before that discussion. And so, I just want to be sensitive to that. I also want to be -- you know, I'm sure -- I'll let Commissioner Carollo speak for himself but, you know, whenever there is a, you know, a transfer where we're not getting any sort of consideration on the City side, you know, that's something that we often will discuss as City Commissioners, when we put on our City Commissioner hat. So I don't have a problem moving it, subject to those sort of concerns. Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner. Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chair. Chair Russell: Commissioner Carollo. Board Member Carollo: Thank you. Like Commissioner Suarez, I don't -- in essence, I don't have a problem with this resolution, but I want to make sure that I don't send the wrong message, because just because I would second it and even vote OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 18 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 in favor of this resolution doesn't necessarily mean that, as a City Commissioner, I would vote for this. Chair Russell: Us crazy Commissioners might knock it down. We'll give it a good shot. We'll try. Vice Chair Suarez: You never know. Board Member Carollo: Because, again, I think there's a -- the devil's into detail, and there's -- this needs to have a lot more discussion. So again, as a CRA member, I still think it needs a lot more discussion, but I wouldn't mind, you know, seconding and actually passing it. But that doesn't mean -- Chair Russell: Understood. Board Member Carollo: -- that now as a City Commissioner, "Oh, well. You know, if as a CRA board member he approved it, he's going to approve it as a City Commissioner." No, no. As a matter of fact, I will tell you, if the vote was today, I would definitely be a "no," you know. I need to really see what's there; and not to mention, public safety. I mean, my whole tenure, I've always said the importance of public safety, so we really need to see what's the Police Department thinking of and really dig much, much deeper in there. Consideration -- there's a lot of issues. But like I said, as far as the CRA meeting today, I'll second the motion. Chair Russell: I really appreciate your support on this, to give it a chance. I know there's a lot yet to discuss. I'm proud of this board for making big moves on big projects and big plans. I want you to know, I have a plan here, and I'm trying to make good with the Police so they have options, as well. I'm in some preliminary talks with the Federal Government about their post office, which is right next to their current police station; which, if we could get control over to help redevelop, and in conjunction with the Federal Government, we could give the police a place to stay and then redevelop their current lot, which -- from my -- what I understand from the Manager was his initial dream to have a campus right there next to public transit and I-95, right in the true core. And even the police themselves admit, if they had their 'druthers, redevelopment on site in that same spot would be ideal, because it is ideally located. If they could be in conjunction with other City departments, that'd be great. And that could even speak to the MRC (Miami Riverside Center) deal that we're trying to work out with the Adler Group, and the Overtown CRA; very preliminary. But to give it a chance, we've got to at least move some of these pieces into place. And for us to look at this, I think can really -- You know, one thing I really believe is that the CRAs' missed opportunity over the last many, many years was acquiring properties that it can then utilize for whatever the mission of the CRA would be; affordable housing, mixed use, mixed income, you name it. And this is a chance, without expending funds, to utilize an unused property at the moment. So thank you for your motion and your second. I'll -- before we -- You have a comment, Commissioner? Board Member Gort: Yeah. The -- Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman, as a follow up, quick follow up? And I do want to look at the possibilities; but at the same time, what I don't want is that in the next Commission meeting, July 13, that all of a sudden, it's there, you know. I think we really do need time to review all the different possibilities. It's not something that I want to, you know, rush through. Chair Russell: Understood. Thank you. Commissioner Gort. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 19 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Board Member Gort: No, I don't mind voting for it, but the -- like was stated before, I'd like to see what's going to happen there and what are the plans, because according to your master plan, I'd like to see what's the -- what's this component you going to put in that place. Chair Russell: Thank you. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Are we amending -- I apologize -- this, subject to the caveat, as stated on the record, or do you want to pass the resolution? Chair Russell: There was no specific caveat. They just gave us a sort of forewarning; unless there was a specific amendment. Board Member Carollo: No. Chair Russell: There's been a motion and a second. I'm going to open up for public comment at this time. Joy Prevor: Good evening, everyone. Vice Chair Suarez: Good evening. Ms. Prevor: My name is Joy Prevor. Chair Russell: You do. Just a moment, because we're trying to record everything. Ms. Prevor: Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you, Joy. Ms. Prevor: My name is Joy Prevor, and I'm here representing the DNA, the Downtown Neighbors Alliance. Earlier this week, I happened to be right near Biscayne Park, and I have to tell you, I found the whole area desolate and deteriorated. There were vacant lots, cracked sidewalks. There was an empty car parked on the grass. It was just a sad, sad site. And I have to say, we are so grateful to the Omni CRA for the work that you're doing to redevelop our area and address slum and blight in our neighborhoods. While I know you're all too familiar with the legal definitions that define slum and blight from Chapter 163 purposes, today I wanted to focus on Webster's definition of "blight," which happens to be, "Something that frustrates plans or hopes." That's how Webster's defines it. From the resident perspective, this is the definition that most resonates: Public and private investments of more than $16 billion have enticed almost a hundred thousand of us to call this area home. We wanted the accessibility of living in a City center, and every one of us bought into the dream you sold us: "Live, work, and play in downtown Miami." When we experience moments like the one I described before, it frustrates the plans and hopes we had for making downtown Miami our home. But we're here today -- a whole bunch of us are here -- because we're not ready to let go of that dream. We need you to approve the transfer of Biscayne Park to ensure the reinvigoration and future sustainability of the greater downtown Miami community. The Biscayne Park location is in critical need of revitalization, and is uniquely positioned to help accomplish several important goals. Number one, connect the neighborhoods of downtown Miami. In its current state, this inner-city neighborhood serves as a barrier, isolating us from each other, and limiting access to transportation, job centers, and residential development. Two, create affordable and sustainable housing. Shouldn't those working in the nearby job centers have an affordable place to live? How amazing would it be if Miami -Dade students could live near campus? And what if kids aging out of the foster care system could choose to live affordably OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 20 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 nearby and avoid homelessness? Developing this location would accomplish this and create desirable conditions for the development of adjacent neighborhoods. Three -- Chair Russell: How many we got, Joy? Ms. Prevor: Four. Chair Russell: Okay. Ms. Prevor: Allow the Arsht Center and the PAM (Performing Arts Museum) and Frost Museums to thrive. If we can't make this a safe and enjoyable area to visit, how can we expect to create a worthwhile cultural and entertainment hub? And finally, four, open our community to more collaboration between neighborhoods. For example, developing this area would literally remove the physical divide that interferes with maximizing potential synergies between schools like iPrep and Phyllis Wheatley. Think about the possibilities. Transferring this property to the Omni CRA would make all of this and more possible, and ensure that we don't have to give up on the dream. So thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you very much. Does anyone like to make further public comment, please, on this item? Stephen Dutton: Thank you. My name is Stephen Dutton. I'm a resident of downtown Miami, and I am a member of the DNA, the Downtown Neighbors Alliance; moved here four years ago. And as Joy pointed out, it was in large part the dream of living downtown in an urban environment that led me to purchase at 244 Biscayne. I continue to enjoy living in the urban environment that is being created in downtown, and it's -- the fact that it's a neighborhood, I guess is lost on many people. We all live somewhere in Miami, but most people I think in Miami who don't live downtown don't realize that it's not just a central business district anymore; it is a neighborhood of thousands of families of all ages, and so the needs that are easily identified by persons living in downtown maybe aren't identified as easily by persons who don't. But I am excited to be here tonight for two reasons: One, to learn more about the CRA, and that all the Commissioners are part of it. This is a -- the spirit that's shown here obviously is a much more entrepreneurial spirit -- I'll use that term; it's one that I'm familiar with -- as opposed to the more staid City Commission; that I understand, as Commissioner Suarez pointed out, the dual responsibility you have by serving on both boards. Seeing that video, I was very excited that the reuse and the reactivation of a desolate, blighted area underneath the overpass to become Omni Park, an exciting place for everyone who lives in this area. Biscayne Park, which is the -- I think the more common name used for the property that we're talking about on this item -- again, I think should be used. And I look forward to working with this board, with like-minded people, both in private industry and in the public government to see what can't be made of that property, and whether it's, you know, better used by the City or better used for the neighborhoods who live downtown. I know that answer will become clear. I'm just excited to be here, and I thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you, Mr. Dutton. I don't think it's actually even zoned as a park. I think it's platted as a cemetery, if I'm not mistaken. Is there any further comment from the public on this item? Nicole Crooks: Hi. My name is Nicole Crooks, and I'm a resident of Overtown. I would definitely like for the property to be transferred over to the CRA. It's been my experience, in the amount of time that I've been connected, that it seems as though you have the Overtown residents' best interest at heart, right? I think that it's OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 21 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 important that --With everything happening with the World Center, a lot of times we feel locked out and locked in to our community, and so I would definitely like for it to be transferred over. As everyone before me has stated, in terms of -- we're real people, and we live here, and we want to be able to have and leave a legacy for our children. And I think that in keeping big business at the forefront of a lot of the redevelopment that's going on is concerning, concerning. And so that would be my request. Chair Russell: Thank you very much. Madam Holmes. Renita Holmes: Yes, sir. And I put a lot of time in, Commissioner. I appreciate you being patient, that I could take advantage of the opportunity; put a lot of time in walking, talking to my neighbors; limping back and forth to my neighbors, knocking on the door, and you can't always present it, but there's been much time in trying to increase and -- the participation level, but more than that, the educational level in regards to what urban planning design is for those of us particularly Overtown adjacent neighbors. And while I realize that as Commissioners, you all don't have time to make sure you give us civic education, and the specificities of that, citizen participation that is fair and equitable requires that. So when we get surveys right now -- or when they get surveys, I get a lot of calls, and I do this voluntarily; they don't have the funds, but it doesn't mean they don't have the equitable rights or the desire to make sure that we do effective, efficient planning and use, as well as have fair participation so that the value of our land is included and inclusive in the formulas that present, if presented at all. And I just have to continue to reiterate on each one of these items in each one of the CRA. When I look in comparative, in closing, that the way some of the other CRAs educate, include, involve, time, and locate their meetings, I know that working women and mothers and head of households would be here. I know that if you linked up with a lot of us, even volunteer -- I would not dare ask you for any money. Who? Me? No. But listen, please consider redoing or reevaluating the way that we're surveying, gathering the data about what poor homeowners struggling, or working mothers and homeowners want, because now they understand; they have new terminology. The surveys don't insinuate that terminology. And if you want to be fair, you'll be comparative to the way like they do, say, North Miami. Black folks don't do well when it come to land use and regulations, adjacent and surrounded by communities or property owners, investors that seem to get 80 percent of your time. I appreciate the CRAss effort, though. Thank you very much. Chair Russell: Thank you, Madam Holmes. Any further public comment? I'll be closing public comment. Board Member Hardemon: I have some comments. Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner Hardemon. Board Member Hardemon: I appreciate Commissioner Suarez for framing the issue, because, certainly, there are dual roles that we play; not as we sit here today, but in life, as Commissioners and as board members of this organization. You know, but I - - but one thing I will say is that -- you know, I'm not sure if I agree. Well, I am sure that I do not agree. If someone can tell me different, then maybe I'll come around at some point. But this space that we're talking about, the reason people refer to it most heartedly as a park is because many of the kids from Aspira use it as a park, and other people who are there use it as a park. It is adjacent to a cemetery, indeed. It is a large parcel of land. I wouldn't think that anyone, for instance, near downtown or the 244 Building -- I actually lived in that building during the time of the economic downturn -- and we wouldn't dare call green space blight. You'd say, "It's a park, it's green space, it's wonderful, we need it"; things of that nature. Now, OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 22 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 one of the last things that I heard one of the individuals from the public comment section speak about -- yeah, I think it was number four -- was it -- kind of muddled in there is schools, and they mentioned some schools in Overtown. And I will tell you that the emails that I've been getting in reference to this space have all referenced having -- let me use the correct term -- "a quality school" -- "a quality public school downtown," and "quality," to me is code word. It doesn't mean what I think they meant it to mean, or maybe it does. And the reason I say that is this: I say you can build a new school; that's just brick and mortar. That's not going to make it quality. Quality is determined by your leadership. Quality is determined by the teachers. It's determined by the investment that you put into an institution, and that's what makes a school quality. So when I hear someone says that there are no quality public schools downtown, when I know that the schools that service downtown happen to be in black communities, like Overtown -- I happen to know that many of the people who won't admit it, but will tell you that they want quality schools, are not willing to bring their kids to Overtown to go to school. And so when you talk about having a quality school that is near Overtown but not in Overtown, it, to me, sounds like a racial request, a rant, a -- something that is more likened to back in the day in Spring Garden and Overtown when people said that, you know, "We don't want to move the color line, because it's going to affect our property values; not that we don't want black people there. We're okay with that," but it was about property values. And we've heard other things, I think, around history that kind of get into this. And so my issue with this is that, you know, I don't -- I want this to be known upfront that I'm all -- I'm in favor of creating affordable housing. I'm in favor of doing mixed -income housing. I'm in favor of all these things that we want to do. What I'm not in favor of is what I've been seeing in the district, which is the closing of historically -- schools that service neighborhoods of color, because they're not -- all of them were historically black. Orchid Villa was not a black school; it was a white school. It became black when segregation ended, and black folks moved to the neighborhood and whites ran. And so, all of these things I think are important to the history of Miami, and we have to be honest about these things. And when you're honest about these things, you will say, Charles R. Drew Elementary School -- that I attended -- is no longer Charles R. Drew Elementary. Charles R. Drew Middle School -- that I attended -- is no longer Charles R. Drew Middle; it's the "K" through 8 Center. The Edison -- one of the Edison schools closed, and it's now a different type of school. I don't even know what they call it. It's some sort of private charter or some nature school. The State, we know, is putting more funding and allowing more charter schools to open, and it could be next door to a public school. Municipalities are losing more of their ability to determine the zoning that's appropriate for a charter school. So, I mean, all these things are going to -- you have these two schools -- I guess these factions that say, one gives you school choice, but -- and then the other really destroys the schools that we have that service kids in these neighborhoods. So I'm saying that I don't care if we don't put a dollar into it. If there's a rich godfather that wants to put dollars into it, if -- I don't -- it really doesn't matter to me. My position on it is that there's more than enough space in Overtown to service the residents of downtown. I think that is a fact. It has been stated more times than not. If we want quality schools, we should encourage, like they have done in Overtown -- I believe it's Dunbar; it just was completely rebuilt. We need students in Overtown. And 14th Street, from the last item that we discussed, there is a issue just south of 14th Street on 1st Court, I believe -- 1st -- I think it's 1st Court -- where I've sat and watched someone this close walk up to an individual and say, "Can I have a rock?" And the guy looks at him and say, "Oh, I don't" -- you know, "Why you're asking me for it?" Well, because you sell drugs; that's why he asked you for it. And all those individuals that sit up under where we had our meeting for the Overtown CRA, they're there not because they're homeless; they're there because they buy, sell, and use drugs. And so I'm saying, that's part of the reason that people don't want to come into the area. And so, if you want more -- if you want to create quality schools, then I think what we should do is demand that OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 23 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 these areas are free of that type of activity, and not seek to open a school down the street that we know is going to eventually close the school that's in the area that's supposed to service the downtown residents. And so, that's my anxiety with this. This resolution doesn't say that, but all of the emails say that. You know, the conversation that people are having with other people say that. And so, I just want to make that to be a -- this is a very real reality for those of us who have children that go to that school, that we know that the downtown area is supposed to feed into that school, and I don't want to starve those actually historic -- those schools are historically black, and they service black people; and now, black and brown people, and we want to see those schools continue to strive. Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner, and I very much appreciate that sentiment and respect it. I really want to thank Superintendent Carvalho for sort of guiding me on this early on, because -- recognizing the issue, looking at the whole and not the part. And from that learning, I -- with every board I serve on, starting with the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), it was about changing the rhetoric of the request and the need, and having a resident not just look at their small circle around them and their needs, but the greater needs of the greater community. And when framing it in that discussion -- and this is where Superintendent Carvalho and I talked, and he pushed forward with it -- was a $70 million investment in the downtown area, including, I believe, 30 million below the river, 40 million above the river, and this would include a holistic plan that would satisfy the needs of all communities. And so, I look forward to seeing what his plan is. In this particular case, it's not in stone, but one of the ideas and hopes is that iPrep, which is a currently existing school, could potentially be relocated to this place, and that would free up the land where iPrep is for redevelopment, in which the CRA would work together with the School Board on all sorts of things. They have nine acres there, and here we have seven. So really, this is -- it's not set specific to what it is, because all agreements aren't final, and that's being as very open as we can completely about the intentions of this resolution. Is there any further comment from the dais? I believe we have a motion and a second. All in favor, say "aye." Vice Chair Suarez: Aye. Board Member Carollo: Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Board Member Hardemon: Against. Chair Russell: Motion passes. Noted, one "against." 5. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2501 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("OMNI CRA"), AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXPLORE RE -NEGOTIATIONS OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO ON DECEMBER 31, 2007, BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THE CITY OF MIAMI, THE SOUTHEAST/OVERTOWN PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND THE OMNI CRA, SPECIFICALLY WITH RESPECT TO THE OMNI CRA'S THEN PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AT MUSEUM PARK, AS CONTAINED IN SAID AGREEMENT. ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0037 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 24 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 MOTION TO: RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopt with Modification(s) ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) Francis Suarez, Vice Chair Frank Carollo, Board Member, District 3 Gort, Hardemon, Carollo, Suarez, Russell Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency). Resolution Number 5: A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing the executive director to renegotiate the interlocal agreement entered into on December 31, 2007, between Miami -Dade County, the City of Miami, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, and the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency); specifically with respect to the Omni CRA's then proposed contribution for capital improvements at Museum Park, as contained in said agreement. Chair Russell: Thank you, Jason. Before we lose Commissioner Suarez in potentially another six or seven minutes, it's just a very small item; just trying to amend the Global Agreement. What could go wrong? Vice Chair Suarez: No big deal. Chair Russell: What's the worst that could happen? I'm sorry. A little too close to the mike. So this begins the discussion of where we left off with regard to the debt with the City, and in this particular case, we will very clearly wear different hats, as we are CRA board members at this point. And when we wear our City hats, we actually serve a little bit of a different mission. But in this particular case, what I see is that we have a debt on the books of up to $30 million, and that is tying the hands of our executive director from going out for the loan; for example, in Item Number 2, which is $25 million, which we can move forward on major projects of affordability in the area. Now, the City hasn't been collecting on this loan; they haven't been developing from the Global Agreement their original plan. And so, as we discussed about six months ago, my goal was to get out of this debt with the City, because, suddenly, they were asking for collection on the debt and -- Vice Chair Suarez: I wouldn't characterize it as a debt, by the way. Chair Russell: Okay. On the -- I mean, there's -- there are -- Vice Chair Suarez: Potential liability. How 'bout that? Chair Russell: There's a potential liability. There are varying legal opinions as to whether or not we owe it. And my goal here is to try to find a settlement with the City that gets it done and lets us move on with our mission of what's important to the CRA. For me, this is not specifically about the amenities of Museum Park. I know Commissioner Carollo's working very hard at the Bayfront Park Trust to do the best possible job for Museum Park, and that's why he's advocated very strongly for these funds to continue to flow. I continue to feel that the further embellishment of Museum Park is not the mission of this CRA. I am glad to help find funds, as I have already started over there within -- with terms of lighting and trees, and I know there's a lot more that needs to happen there until it's completed. I just don't believe that CRA funds are the appropriate vessel for that from this point. And that's what I -- where I'm asking for us to amend the Global Agreement; simply to amend that amount to -- Commissioner Carollo and I had a sunshine meeting not long ago, discussing some needs he has for the park through the Bayfront Park Trust, and this OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 25 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 agreement would free up funds to do that. One thing I would like, and I did say to him at that point is that I would like this to be the end of that discussion; whatever this amount is, whatever we decide on, whatever we agree on, that the City and the Bayfront Park Trust doesn't come back to the CRA later for more and more and more, because we have a mission we need to carry out here, and the goal here is to simply free up those fund and move on. So this is the hope to settle with that, and that's why I'm glad we're all here, because we can discuss it very openly and come to a resolution, I hope. This number is put in here as the point of where we left off. Vice Chair Suarez: You're talking about 5 and 6 interchangeably. Chair Russell: This is -- yes, specifically to 5; and then, of course, once we -- if we approve 5, it goes into 6. Vice Chair Suarez: Okay. Chair Russell: So is there a motion on this item or discussion beforehand? Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman. Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner Carollo. Board Member Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. This is an item that we discussed in our sunshine meeting at Museum Park -- I think it was our second sunshine meeting at Museum Park -- with regards to amenities to Museum Park. And interestingly enough, even though I agree with you, I sort of disagree with you, and I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why I agree with you. Yes, I agree with you with regards to funding from our CRA to bring additional amenities to a park. I think it should go to eliminating slum and blight. However, before it was named Museum Park, it was actually Bicentennial Park; and once again, Bayfront Park Management Trust managed that park, Bicentennial Park, which was slum and blight. Unfortunately, unfortunately, when Bicentennial Park was being renovated into Museum Park, the fundings that was supposed to go to Museum Park did not go to -- in its totality -- to Museum Park and, therefore, did not complete the mission, starting up with $68 million that the Omni CRA committed to the plan, Cooper Robertson Plan. We're researching it now more. And maybe the Cooper Robertson Plan was a suggestion, not necessarily "the" plan, but we're still researching that. But in essence, my point of view is, listen, that park was not complete. That park was not completed. I mean, it will be one of the only parks that doesn't have a playground, you know, and I could go on and on. We -- you know, we toured Museum Park; there's other amenities I want to do. I want to make sure we activate the waterway. I want to make sure that the FEC (Florida East Coast) slip is used by people that want to canoe or want to paddle board, and so forth. We mentioned doing a small section for a dog park and other amenities. So at our sunshine meeting, we came to one conclusion: that you will not hold up the $2 million for Museum Park, and that then we would have a discussion with regards to the $28 million that's left, and see if we could come to some compromise. And I have told you that, yes, absolutely, I would entertain a compromise so that the long-term liability that is there -- And if you go to Item 2, you know that it's there. It very clearly said it. That's the first thing I looked at, to see if it was a liability; it is. We could somehow come to some compromise where you could have monies for affordable housing, but at the same time, we have monies that I think really belong to that park, and make sure that the residents get the amenities that were promised a long time ago and never received. Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner. And as the District 2 Commissioner, I will continue to advocate for that park. One thing, though, I would like -- and I -- OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 26 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 and if there was a miscommunication at the sunshine meeting, I apologize, because I wanted it to be very clear that the intent of shaking your hand and saying, "We will move forward with this $2 million," is to -- and obviously, it's the decision of this entire board, not mine and yours -- finalize the entire thing within that package, and that's what we have here today. I don't want to let go of the two, and then come back later and start talking about another two for a dog park and another two for -- these - - all of these things go very much against the things that I pushed on about CRA funds, and I don't want to continue to have discussions about park amenities when I - - you know, I don't believe that. I really want to take care of it right now with regard to the liability of this -- these funds. And, you know, as -- rather than getting into a long-term or dragged out -- I know we've got special -- third party counsel being appointed at the City level with regard to this issue -- I'd rather settle it right here and right now amongst us, at least from the CRA side of things. If we're in agreement on an amount, and we amend the Global Agreement, we allocate the funds, which are -- were never put into escrow; they were line-itemed and held in reserve. I remember, you know, the intent to sort this out, and I really want to get to the bottom of it now, if we can. So this is where we are. Chair -- Commissioner. Board Member Hardemon: You know, from -- when I look at this Global Agreement, it appears that the Global Agreement has more than one party besides -- well, it has more than one party. So we know we at least have the Omni CRA, Southeast Overtown CRA; we have the City of Miami and we have the County, at least, right? And so, when I think about these things, you know, it's interesting, because I would read it as it's an agreement that all of us have to come to, all those different parties. One of the opinions that I have about this global is that it was poorly written from the beginning, and so there are a number of things that have been up for interpretation that the County would like to put in its favor rather than our favor, as a board, whether in our favor as a city. And so, you know, I don't think that we'll be able to go in and make any changes like what we're asking for, because when I look at it, I consider it as a part of a whole and not just a part. So when it was all decided, this was what it took to get the deal done. The way that I see our colleagues up in the County would look at this, they would say, "Wait a minute. You know, the $2 million expenditure for the park's capital expenditure fund was something that we wanted in this deal; and maybe if we had not had it in this deal, we wouldn't have expounded the boundaries" -- "expanded the boundaries; we would not have done this," or "We would not have done that"; the same for any other thing that -- You know, we think back now as an organization and say, "We wouldn't do that." Some people say, the Marlins Stadium deal, they wouldn't do that. Well, you know, the fact of the matter is, it was agreed to do it. And so, this kind of going in and taking this part out of it may prove to be deleterious to the entire agreement on how we move forward as different organizations. So that's part of kind of what -- kind of -- you know, where I kind of look at it as. Chair Russell: It 's a concern. Board Member Hardemon: Right, as a major concern. The -- you know, you bring up a good point about what do -- what -- up to what level of funding is the CRA required, if you will? Or what we -- what are we going to do for improvements on the park? You know, is it bringing it to a certain caliber, where we encourage people to come into the redevelopment area, you know, which is a positive thing that CRAs do? Because you want to have traffic into the redevelopment area. But I think, at the point that it was decided, the question is, was it bringing in that traffic? You know, were the improvements necessary? And now that the improvements have been there, and they're supposed to be slated for more, you know, is it going to be something that is going to be achievable to now take away those future $2 million payments? Because we said to ourselves, "There's no more improvement that needs to be made." OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 27 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner. And if I could respond, I think the will of what that park would be may have changed politically and amongst the people. Whether it's -- now the will is still there to make a 40, 50, $60 million conservancy - style park still remains, I haven't heard that from my residents. Is it where it should be? Absolutely not. It needs improvement. There's a lot of open space there that can be activated, and I'm dedicated to doing that. As far as the Global Agreement goes, I -- we won't know until we try to see where our partners in this agreement are, but fortunately, this particular item is directly between the City and the CRA. So, hopefully, none of the other parties, whether it's the Performing Arts Center, the Tunnel, the County, the Marlins, have any issue with us settling on this issue and making it, you know, resolve. If they would like to bring in other elements with which they were unhappy with regard to the way the Global Agreement finalized, that's a different story, and we'll only know once we put this in front of them as an amendment to see if it goes through. To me, this is the cleanest way to do it. I know there were looks at other potential ways financially and legally to come to a settlement, but to me, they didn't seem as clean and true as just simply amending the Global Agreement. I'd like us to give it a try with our partners on the agreement and see where we get, but the first part is to see if we can come to a consensus on the amount. Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair. Yeah, I think -- I hate to be the one that always tries to propose a compromise, but I think there may be a way to compromise, because this isn't -- So the way I look at it is these three items are closely tied together, and I mean the $25 million item, as well. Chair Russell: Yes. Vice Chair Suarez: Because the way I look at it is it's a radical departure from the vision and -- which is great. I mean, look, that's what leadership is about. You know, leadership is about charting forth a vision, even if it's a radical departure from the way things have been done. And I think we've always been very deferential, rightfully or wrongfully -- we've been criticized for it sometimes -- for following our Chair's, and even the district Commissioner in some cases, lead on philosophical things that are even radical -- Chair Russell: Don't change now. Vice Chair Suarez: No. Chair Russell: I'm kidding. Vice Chair Suarez: I'm not saying I'm going to. Board Member Carollo: That's how we got the movie theater. Vice Chair Suarez: Exactly. And that -- even that is debatable as to whether it was a good or bad thing, but, you know, I think, at the end of the day, particularly if we sell it, I don't think it'll be disputable that it was a good thing. My feeling is this: This is -- not to tell you you're being overly ambitious with one agenda, but this is an ambitious, you know, set of accomplishments here, and I don't have any problem with being ambitious in terms of what you're trying to accomplish. I don't think there's any issue with telling our executive director -- sort of empowering our executive director to say, "Look, we empower you, we direct you to go to the County and start the conversations regarding opening up the Global Agreement under parameters that resemble these, and come back to us and report back to us on those discussions." I think it also gives us some time to think about and talk about with the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 28 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 community on what they envision for the park, because I think, you know, Commissioner Carollo has talked about some improvements and -- you know, a big part of the Cooper Robertson Plan was an underground parking garage, and I don't know if that's still relevant today or if it's not relevant today; it may be. It may be more relevant today; I'm not sure. Certainly, the park aspect of it is -- it's pretty passive. I would love to get more input, personally -- I'd like to get more personally involved, you know, and I would be more than happy to go to a sunshine meeting with the two of you, and with any other Commissioner that wants to participate on the vision for the park itself. And there are some big decisions that are being made that have significant financial consequences, and obviously, we have other financial resources. The park itself has resources. We have a GOB (General Obligation Bond) that we're, you know, discussing and thinking about; there's some resources there. And obviously, you know, there are resources that can be brought to bear by finalizing an agreement of this magnitude. So, you know, again, this is very ambitious. I don't shy away from ambition, and I don't shy away from changing direction, at all. I just -- I think we can accomplish the over-- you know, partially accomplish the goal here by empowering our executive director to do the very thing that you're asking him to do here, and then come back and further consider it, and also look at some of the goals for the park to make sure that whatever we do going forward is something that is embraced by the community, because I do think it's an evolving thing. And I think sometimes you put a plan in place -- even the Virginia Key Master Plan, as an example, is something that sort of evolved, because it's something that gets put into place years from now, maybe even decades before, and that has to evolve with the times. So that's my recommendation, if you guys are okay with it, and I think that gives us an opportunity to move forward, but at the same time, further contemplates some of the big issues here. Chair Russell: So you'd be open to approving 5 and 6; giving Jason the latitude to start those negotiations? Vice Chair Suarez: I think the problem with 5 and 6 is that we're basically saying that -- I don't have a problem with empowering him to do it. I mean, if we're not bound -- I think what your issue is that we -- are we not bound to then settle at that level? If you -- if -- Chair Russell: The City will have to sign. The County will have to sign. Board Member Gort: It's a three party agreement. Chair Russell: This is just for our part as the CRA. Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman. Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner Carollo. Board Member Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I don't have a problem approving Number 5. Just know that we have not come out -- we have not determined an amount. And again, I mentioned at the sunshine meeting that I'm willing to compromise, and I'm willing to vote in favor of this. The resolution does not have any amount that I see. It does -- however, in the interoffice memorandum, it says here that $28 million funding into Omni CRA projects. That obviously is not what my intention is. It will have to be some type of other difference in amount. What that is, I don't think right now is the time to negotiate. Vice Chair Suarez: That's kind of where I was heading, but -- Board Member Carollo: But -- OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 29 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: I was hoping we could get to it tonight. Board Member Carollo: Do you have an amount? And it's not going to be 28 million. I mean -- Chair Russell: Well, really, the amount is -- What is the investment that should go into the park that should be the responsibility of the CRA? Board Member Carollo: Well, I mean, I think -- Chair Russell: Remember where I was six months ago. Zero. Vice Chair Suarez: Look, I -- and let me just -- Board Member Carollo: But -- Vice Chair Suarez: -- play referee a little bit. You guys left a sunshine meeting with two subjectively different interpretations of what transpired. Chair Russell: We were close. We were pretty close. The two we were agreed on, but for me, it was packaged with agreement on the total -- Vice Chair Suarez: Right. I thought it was a full settlement. Chair Russell: Right. For Commissioner Carollo, he felt it was two, and then we'll talk about the rest. Vice Chair Suarez: Right. That's a big difference. Board Member Carollo: Right. So it was two, and we would talk about the rest. Vice Chair Suarez: Right. Board Member Carollo: So in other words, you will not hold up the $2 million -- Vice Chair Suarez: Right. Board Member Carollo: -- based on the 28. That was my understanding. Vice Chair Suarez: And -- Board Member Carollo: And now we will come to the 28, and I, in good faith, will do a compromise. Now what that compromise is, I'm not sure; and that's, I think, where Commissioner Hardemon said, "Hey, listen, I don't know if we could necessarily do this or not," but we definitely could do Item 6 for the 2 million, and then let's see how we can do -- Vice Chair Suarez: I don't have a problem with that, right. Board Member Carollo: -- the -- Vice Chair Suarez: That's why I said what I said. Board Member Carollo: -- other 28 and see what the split will be. Chair Russell: Right. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 30 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Board Member Carollo: And I don't have a problem, once again, approving Number 5, you know, to see -- but knowing that we haven't determined what that split is. It's just how do we get it done --? Vice Chair Suarez: And he doesn't want to do 6 without -- Chair Russell: Right. Vice Chair Suarez: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) 5. Chair Russell: So when we left at the -- I was already talking numbers with you, and I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but that's the only time we can talk is in the sunshine, so I did, to say, "What is that number? Is it --? If it's not 2, is it 4?" Because I really wanted to get it done. So my hope was between that sunshine meeting and this meeting, you would have an idea of what your plans are there that, you know -- and it may not be everything you want, honestly, in terms of the CRA funding it, but you have any commitment to continue to help -- as the District 2 Commissioner, to help fund those projects, because I agree with you; it's not finished. But the CRA, if I'm not mistaken, has spent over $16 million in remediation in Museum Park. I mean, it's not like we're leaving a blighted area un-blighted. Board Member Carollo: Right, but -- Chair Russell: We're leaving -- we're not leaving it blighted. Board Member Carollo: Understood, but 16 million out of the committed -- or what was in the agreement, 68 million? I mean, that pales in comparison. By the way, Commissioner Suarez, underground parking, forget about 30 million; it's going to be a lot more. Chair Russell: Yeah. Board Member Carollo: So it doesn't even come close. It's like -- won't even come close. Chair Russell: So -- Board Member Carollo: So these are -- what I'm looking at is -- and even -- I'll go a step further, even following the Cooper Robertson Plan. Realistically, Cooper Robertson Plan had a playground for the -- Chair Russell: Of course. Board Member Carollo: -- kids. The only difference is we've enhanced it a little bit and we moved it a little bit west, closer to the bathrooms. That's it. We could continue following the Cooper Robertson Plan, if you want, you know. So it's not like we're altering it altogether and stuff but we're really, you know, following with some, you know, minor changes, and really giving the residents what was promised. So again, what I said, don't hold up the 2 million, like it was my understanding you will not, and -- Vice Chair Suarez: That's the problem (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Board Member Carollo: -- and then -- OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 31 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: Yeah. No -- my -- I really want us to set a number, and I know that won't allow you to know exactly what you '11 be able to do with it, because you haven't costed everything out, but I don't want the CRA to be in that process. Your process as the Bayfront Park Trust, and me as your District 2 Commissioner of that area, I look forward to working with you on pricing all that out and figuring out what should go there and what's best there, but I don't want that to be the CRA's job, going and going and going. So I really would like this to be more about what we should settle as a CRA to step out of this liability, and for me, it was zero. If that's not enough, it's 2. If that's not enough, what is it? But I'd like to knock it out right now. I think we can. And otherwise, we'll be under other spotlights trying to do it again at another point, but I want to move forward. Jason's hands are tied here, and I don't -- I -- honestly, if I -- if we approve the 2, but we say we're coming back for more, it leaves too much of an open-ended discussion to not be able to close it off so. Imean -- Vice Chair Suarez: I think -- again, I think we're talking past each other from listening to both of you. I think he doesn't feel comfortable with 5, unless you leave the number open; and you don't feel comfortable with 6, you know, unless you close the number. And so what I'm saying is, you know -- Board Member Carollo: Split it. Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. No. Chair Russell: How do you split it? How do you split it? It's one way or the other. Vice Chair Suarez: No. I -- I'm saying, let's give him direction that he can go to the County and start the process. He's going to give us a report based on the County, because there are a variety of other factors involved. What is the County s perspective? In the meantime, we'll have a sunshine meeting, okay, which will be a discussion, a negotiation, and when it comes back to the report at the next meeting, we'll try to hash this thing out. Fair? Board Member Carollo: Yeah. The only thing is that in the meantime, something that should have been done a while back -- Vice Chair Suarez: I hear you, man. Board Member Carollo: -- don't hold up what, you know, we're moving on. Don't hold up the $2 million. That's the only -- that's my only issue. What really -- with regards to the rest, listen, you have my promise in good faith then, now, that, yeah, we'll negotiate in good faith; and whatever we come up with, whatever amount, that will be the amount, you know, and then -- and we could visit the County, we could -- you know, I'll be there, lockstep with you. But what I'm saying is, listen, don't hold up the money; the residents have waited long enough. Think about it. You have a beautiful park there without a playground. How many parks do you know in the City of Miami that doesn't have a playground? This is something that's needed. And like I said, even follow the Cooper Robertson Plan; it was there. You know, it was there. Chair Russell: All I know is that without certainty, we're going to be back again negotiating again. How 'bout 4? Board Member Carollo: No, can't do it. Can't do it in good faith. I mean, we were there in Museum Park when you offered 4, and I said, "No, I can't do it in good faith. I can't." I -- Listen, I'm a CPI [sic]; I just don't throw numbers up in the air. I got, you know -- and this is important, you know. This is important. And we are going to be coming back, because we're not even sure if we can do it or not. And I want to OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 32 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 make sure that when I agree to a number, that really is the number, and I'm not going to be coming back, or any of that sort. But that doesn't mean that we can't approve the $2 million for now and come back. And if you want, we'll set up a sunshine meeting, and really come and see if we could hash out that number, and what that split should be. Chair Russell: I -- Board Member Gort: Let -- Chair Russell: Go ahead, Commissioner. Board Member Gort: This is a three party agreement. You got the County, you got the City, and people understand the CRA funds comes out for funds that don't go either to the County or to the City. I would like to see -- I'm sure you got a master plan, what's going to be do in that park, but I also, I'd like to see the liability. And I think when you're going to go negotiate with the County and the City, they're going to ask you, "What's going to be my liability? If I do this, how is that going to perform with me?" And so they need to have that information. So I can't agree with you. We need -- you need to go, more or less, with an idea of an amount, and maybe they might have some other suggestions also. Chair Russell: Right. I was going specifically not from what park amenities cost, but from what this CRA is willing to give up in its other mission of affordability and other projects in order to make this go away, and for me, the max was 4 million. That's where I was at the park; that's where I'd like to settle. I feel, if we give away the 2 and let it out the door, the discussion will continue, and we're just going to be back again. Vice Chair Suarez: So why don't we empower our executive director to discuss this issue with the County, with an understanding that the CRA is willing to go up to $4 million as a means of settling what is a potential legal dispute, because I think the -- in the last time we talked about this, we talked at length about whether or not the money was even owed. That's why I kept telling you not to call it a debt so -- you know, to say that it's a potential liability. Chair Russell: Yeah. Vice Chair Suarez: So what's -- to me, what's exciting about this, in part, is obviously, you know, a redirection of where the CRA can go, and we've talked about this from your ascendency to the -- you know, the board Chair, and we've always, again, followed that sort of leadership. Obviously, there are -- you know, the park is important; it's critical to the City, and its development is critical to the residents of the City. So, you know, I don't think -- you know, I kind of agree not just having like a sausage fest, throw up numbers is really the right way to do it. Let's have a thoughtful discussion. Let's have a sunshine meeting. I'm sure you're going to have some ideas as to, you know, when and how and how much, and we'll be there. I want to be a part of it, and I think the community should be a part of it, too, because I think the community -- we have to see where their -- how this -- how things have evolved in terms of the park itself, I think, and I think that's part of the discussion, as well. Chair Russell: What I don't want to get into, though, is a discussion of what length of Astro Turf -- that's very expensive -- we're buying, or what we're paint -- what color we're painting the jungle gyms. This is not, in my mind, part of our mission. Our mission is to free up these funds so we can get back to our mission, and so I'm willing to compromise. Is your potential amendment to Number 5, as you just OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 33 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 mentioned, to authorize him -- authorize the executive director to negotiate with the County and other parties up to 4 million? Ms. Mendez: I -- ifI may? Vice Chair Suarez: It's not an amendment to 5. Board Member Carollo: No. Ms. Mendez: Just a -- Vice Chair Suarez: It's a direction. Ms. Mendez: -- it would be looking into renegotiating the interlocal. Chair Russell: Right. Ms. Mendez: Don't say with who or with what, because it -- to not limit -- Chair Russell: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to the parties, right? Ms. Mendez: Right. -- to not limit your options, but I would just say, look in -- authorizing the executive director to look into renegotiating the interlocal, blah, blah, blah, and then that starts that process; not necessarily with who or with -- Chair Russell: Right. Ms. Mendez: Just to give you a little flexibility. Board Member Carollo: But with or without a number? Chair Russell: I need a number. I'm not willing to do 6, unless we have a number on 5. Vice Chair Suarez: No, but I'm saying -- Board Member Carollo: You're not going to get my vote. Vice Chair Suarez: Right. And so, what I'm saying is, I wasn't even talking about amending either of the resolutions. I was talking about not voting on either of the two resolutions. Chair Russell: And just going into sunshine and hashing it out? Vice Chair Suarez: Right, but in the meantime, giving a direction to the executive director so we have a concrete win here, so he can go and begin -- Chair Russell: Start discussions. Vice Chair Suarez: Yes. Chair Russell: How would you -- Vice Chair Suarez: With parameters. Chair Russell: -- word that? OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 34 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Vice Chair Suarez: You don't have to word it like anything; it's just a direction. Chair Russell: Directing the -- Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. Chair Russell: -- Manager to start discussions (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Vice Chair Suarez: Exactly. So now he's empowered; he's ready to go. He can go out there and say, "Look, we had a robust discussion. This is what we're looking at." Because also, if the County comes back and says, "No" -- I mean, we're all having this argument amongst each other. Board Member Carollo: Yeah, but the one thing they cannot say no to is the $2 million going to Museum Park, which -- Vice Chair Suarez: I know, but -- Board Member Carollo: -- once again, you're going to hold up the process. And listen -- Vice Chair Suarez: I get it. Board Member Carollo: -- it's not just for me. Vice Chair Suarez: Right. Board Member Carollo: It's for the residents -- Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah, yeah, I know. Chair Russell: I understand, but it's been -- Board Member Carollo: -- the ones that you represent. Chair Russell: -- weeks since we had that sunshine meeting, and so my hope was to come here with a resolution, because I said it on that day. I said, "Let's pick a number. Let's get it done." Vice Chair Suarez: So you guys obviously, again, walked away with subjective differences of opinion as to what was agreed to. I mean, that's clear for me, listening to both of you. Board Member Carollo: Yeah, read the minutes. Read the minutes of that meeting. There was minutes taken. Read the minutes. Chair Russell: I was there; I remember what I said, and I know what my intention was, and that's why I apologized at first if I misspoke or gave the wrong intention, because my true -- there's -- I agreed with you that the 2 million can go, and my condition is that we come to a final number on the whole thing. And I know I very clearly said, "I don't want to be coming back for more and more and more. We need to settle this and be done"; and so, I want it all done at once. Board Member Carollo: Right, and -- Chair Russell: Because otherwise -- OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 35 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Board Member Carollo: -- I agreed. I just said, don't hold -- do not hold up the $2 million. Chair Russell: Right, but (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- Board Member Carollo: And you said, `I will not." Chair Russell: Right. So you can't hold up the number of the total, either. We need to come to an agreement, and I mean this in good faith. I really -- Vice Chair Suarez: I think you both are talk -- Chair Russell: -- I know it sounds like we're getting a little animated -- Vice Chair Suarez: No, I think you're both -- Chair Russell: -- about it. I don't mean it by any disrespect, Commissioner. Vice Chair Suarez: I think you both are acting in good faith -- Chair Russell: But -- Vice Chair Suarez: -- you know, in terms of (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Russell: -- I know we're both trying to do good things here, and the end result will be that. The sooner, the better for me, and that's why I was hoping we could come to a resolution here today. It was an ambitious agenda. But at this point, if we can't come to a number, I'm open to directing the Manager simply to start discussions -- Mr. Walker: Yes, and you wouldn't have to change the resolution, as written. You could just pass this; make a motion and a second on this resolution. Chair Russell: I'm sorry. Which resolution? Ms. Mendez: No. Mr. Walker: 5. Ms. Mendez: No. I'm sorry. Chair Russell: Number 5 is written with a number. Mr. Walker: No. It's a -- Ms. Mendez: Well, Number 5 is written with a actual renegotiation, like full out re -- Chair Russell: Does it have the 2 million --? Mr. Walker: It's only in the memo. It's only in the memo. Board Member Carollo: Only in the memo. Mr. Walker: It's not in the resolution. Board Member Carollo: That's what I said. It's not in the resolution. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 36 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: Okay, so we would remove the memo and vote on the item, as is? Mr. Walker: Yes. Chair Russell: All right. But Commissioner, I do you need -- I do need you to understand, I'm not ready to go on Number 6 until -- and so we're not saying a number in Number 5, but we're voting on it as written, but I'm not ready to finalize a number if we're not ready to finalize a number. Ms. Mendez: Can it be "explore renegotiations"? Chair Russell: I'm sorry? Ms. Mendez: "Explore renegotiations" or -- the way as drafted, it's very deliberate. I just want everybody to know what they 're voting on. Chair Russell: What would you recommend as a change? Vice Chair Suarez: To "initiate" renegotiations. What about "initiate"? Chair Hardemon: Well, I like the word "explore," if I may, Mr. Chairman, because -- I mean, this is Pandora's Box. That's what this is. And so, you know -- I mean, you haven't been executive director for a long time, but I will say -- but you've been around, you know, in different capacities -- but I will say that this thing is something that is going to take a lot of education on and an understanding who's in the room, because we know that the County's very deliberate about how they go about negotiating these deals, extensions, et cetera, because they have lots of debt that they need to pay, that they're looking to recapture from us as a redevelopment agency. From the moment that redevelopment agencies began, people have been trying to limit its abilities and -- its abilities and its funding to affect the areas that it talks about affecting, and this Global Agreement is a demonstration of that one thing, that they want to limit our TIF (tax increment revenue) revenue to effect change in these areas. So any chance that you give them to take more from a CRA, they will. So I just want us to know that we -- and I think you all understand that, proceeding cautiously with this. Chair Russell: So there's been an amendment proffered to change the word to explore" from "renegotiate "; is that correct? Ms. Mendez: To -- instead of the active verb "renegotiate" -- Vice Chair Suarez: And we're not attaching an amount. Ms. Mendez: -- it's "explore renegotiations." Vice Chair Suarez: And we're not attaching the memo. Chair Russell: And then the further amendment is to remove the memo so that we're not discussing an amount. Ms. Mendez: Okay. Vice Chair Suarez: Right. Is that okay? Chair Russell: The mover and the seconder agreed to those amendments? Vice Chair Suarez: I'll move it. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 37 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Chair Russell: All right, it's been moved, as amended. Is there a second? Board Member Carollo: I'll second it -- Board Member Gort: Second. Board Member Carollo: -- because I won't go back on my word. Chair Russell: Thank you, Commissioner. I appreciate your support. Board Member Carollo: However, I'm hoping that we can also pass Item 6, and we can move forward, and we don't hold up -- Chair Russell: In my mind, that is up to you. You give me a number, we're going to agree, and we're going to make this happen. Board Member Carollo: Okay, then we're -- it's not going to happen. So -- but again, I left that meeting -- and again, read the minutes of that sunshine meeting. I specifically asked, "Do not hold up the $2 million, " and you said, `I will not." And then you asked -- and then you told me, "But I want to come up with an amount." And I said, "We will, and that will be the settled amount." Chair Russell: And do -- Board Member Carollo: So I won't keep coming back. Chair Russell: -- the minutes not reflect that I don't want to come back; I don't want to come back; that I want to settle on it? And that's -- I mean, I was hoping to knock it out that day. I was hoping to knock it out today. But I'm -- I think what you're seeing here is, I'm willing to compromise and negotiate, because my position on this was we don't owe it, and we shouldn't pay it, and it's not the right source of funds. Board Member Carollo: I -- Mr. Chairman, I have a question. PFM (Public Financial Management) is here. Ask PFM if they're okay if we go out to bond and we put in there that we don't owe those $30 million. Mr. Walker: Well, I believe that's -- Board Member Carollo: If they're good going out to bond, showing that the CRA does not owe those $30 million. Mr. Walker: Well, actually, I'm glad you brought that up, because we wanted to put on the record to clarify a comment by Commissioner Suarez. The $25 -- $25 million loan that is currently Item Number 2 factors in the potential liability of the $30 million, so it's not affected by -- Number 2's not affected by this at all. Now, if it pulls out -- and that's at the 30-year sunset date. Now, if we are not under this obligation, then of course our capacity -- Vice Chair Suarez: Goes up. Mr. Walker: -- would be more -- Vice Chair Suarez: Of course, of course. Mr. Walker: -- by $25 million. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 38 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. I thought that that's what the -- I misunderstood what the Chair had said. I thought that's what he said. So, yeah, that's fine. Chair Russell: Thank you for clarifying. So there's been a motion and a second. Is there any comment from the public on Number 5? It's been moved and seconded and amended. Nicole Crooks: Hi. I'm Nicole Crooks from Overtown. And I hear the discussion about communication with the community, but one of my questions is -- that I would like to leave on the table -- is who exactly in the community will the discussions be taking place with, and how will everybody in the community that the CRA represents be affected by it, by this discussion? Okay? Because one of the things that I've noticed particularly is that the black community and the lower -income community that is represented by the CRA increasingly are not included in these conversations and in these decisions. And to me, yet again, I am concerned, because here we are and we're talking about $25 million, right? And on the other side of the railroad tracks, $25 million can go a very long way in helping that disenfranchised community that often seems to be negated [sic] -- okay? -- in exchange for making sure that there's a dog park or a playground. To me, that's -- I don't like that. So it would be my request as a community member to stop delaying this and to move forward with the transfer; coming up with some kind of number so it can free up the money so that we can do some good for the entire community, not just a certain specific location. Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you very much. Is there any further public comment on Number 5? Hearing none, I'll close the public comment. Any more comments from the dais? Call the -- Board Member Carollo: Just -- Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner. Board Member Carollo: -- want to confirm with the City Attorney that it is to allow our executive director to explore, without an amount. Ms. Mendez: Yes. Chair Russell: Thank you. All in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. Todd B. Hannon (Clerk of the Board): As amended. 6. OMNI CRA RESOLUTION 2502 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("OMNI CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) CURRENTLY IN THE OMNI CRA RESERVE ACCOUNT, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "A," TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TO BE ALLOCATED FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AT MUSEUM PARK; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THIS PAYMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL COUNSEL. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 39 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 ENACTMENT NUMBER: CRA-R-17-0044 MOTION TO: No Action RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN Chair Russell: I'd like to take up Item Number 2, please. Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman, can we take up Item Number 6? Chair Russell: Yes. I am not inclined to vote on this issue, as it's directly tied to what we just discussed on Item Number 5; but, of course, it's on our agenda, and I know you put it there. It's important to you, so we will hear it. Jason Walker (Executive Director/Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Item Number 6. Omni resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the -- I'm sorry. A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, with attachments, authorizing the issuance of a payment in the amount of $2 million, currently in the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) reserve account, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A," to the City of Miami, to be allocated for capital improvements at Museum Park; authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate this payment. Board Member Carollo: Thank you. Mr. Chairman. Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner. Board Member Carollo: You know it's the right thing to do. You yourself and our executive director don't want to have PFM (Public Financial Management) come up here and let you know that it is a liability on our books. And all I'm asking is, don't hold up the projects for our residents, something that's been promised for many, many years; you know, a broken promise, a broken promise. Mr. Walker: It 's not a broken promise. Board Member Carollo: So while we're negotiating, while the executive director is exploring, let's not hold up the project. Mr. Walker: Sergio is here, and more than willing to speak on the item. Sergio Masvidal: Hi. Sergio Masvidal, Public Financial Management. Chair Russell: Do you have a question for him, or you have a comment for the --? Board Member Carollo: No. Yes, I have a question for him. Do you feel go -- you feel comfortable going out to bond or going out for a loan not showing that liability or stipulating that the Omni CRA -- Mr. Walker: We are showing it. Board Member Carollo: -- does not have that liability? Mr. Masvidal: No, no, absolutely not. So we've -- the way we've modeled Item 2, I believe, which is the loan, is that liability is on the books. That's exactly what the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 40 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 agreement reads today. If the agreement is amended, that's only going to be a credit positive for the CRA. But right now, that's shown as a liability to the CRA. Chair Russell: That's where we can borrow with the liability in place? Mr. Masvidal: Correct. Chair Russell: If we free up the liability, have you done an analysis of what we'd be able to do, as well? Mr. Masvidal: Capacity would increase -- I mean, roughly right now, using current market rates -- another 20 or so million, you could probably (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Russell: So $40 million we could utilize for doing good in the Omni CRA if we can free up this loan. That's why I think we dream big to accomplish big. We swing for the fences. We take the risks. You know, the other parties on the Global Agreement, it may not be easy, but I think it's worth going for a try and it's worth doing, because we could do a lot of good. Commissioner, I would respectfully put it back to you that the ball is absolutely in your court to move this forward, because I asked for a number at the last meeting; I'm asking for a number at this meeting; and when we get to the next meeting, I'll ask for a number that we can agree on, and be done with it. That's the only thing holding this up. And in any negotiation, we have to have a consensus; we have to come to that agreement. Board Member Carollo: Understood. But we had a consensus that $2 million should go to Museum Park. Chair Russell: Yeah. Board Member Carollo: And -- Chair Russell: My agreement is that that's the minimum of what it should be. I'm absolutely not going to argue with you on that 2 million. Board Member Carollo: So free up the 2 million and then we'll discuss the 28, and that's all we're saying. Why would -- if you -- if you're in agreement with the 2 million -- if we're at least in a consensus with the 2 million, why would you hold it up? Why would you hold up the projects that should have been done long time ago? Chair Russell: Okay. Number 5 was amended specifically to take out the amount of 2 and 28, and I voted on that, with the understanding that I'm not comfortable letting go of the 2 now, because then it's open-ended, and I've let the 2 go; whereas, if I -- we'd left it before amending with the memo in the back, we'd be done. And if it was 26 and 4, and this was 4 million, we'd be done, and you would be back to the Bayfront Park Trust and working on, you know -- Obviously, this is on a reimbursement basis, either, so this isn't holding up the funds that would be used to actually do this. This was -- the entire project was meant to be -- the 30 million was meant to be on reimbursement for work the City never did. It's not that the CRA held this up. The City never went through with the plan. This is all before I was here. And so I'm simply trying to get this off of our books and make a settlement with you that works, that provides funding to the City so they can reimburse the Bayfront Park Trust for the amenities that are agreed to be put in there. I don't want to get involved as a CRA in what those amenities are, and I don't want to start going piece by piece on what they are, because I really think it's not our job, but I'm willing to come to a number with you to finish this up; and so, the ball's in your court. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 41 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Board Member Carollo: The $2 million per year was part of the Global Agreement; it was not for the City to use that money any time beforehand. It was $2 million per year for 15 years, for 30 years. Chair Russell: On a reimbursement basis, though, correct? Board Member Carollo: I'm not sure if on a reimbursement basis, because I have to read the exact contract, but I don't think it's on a reimbursement basis. Mr. Walker: And it wasn't for -- it could have been more, by the way. The actual -- and Commissioner Hardemon has it there. It says, "$2 million a year when substantial completion is done." So -- Board Member Carollo: Which was done in 2014. Mr. Walker: 2015. Chair Russell: Right, and it wasn't done. I'm of -- I believe we could argue that this is not even owed, but that -- by agreeing to this, we're getting out of that litigation risk, we're getting out of that cost and potential cost, and going back and forth and the acrimony and the legal costs and the all -or -nothing decision, or a settlement down the road. I just want to settle it upfront. So what I was hoping between then -- between the shade -- the sunshine meeting and now was that you would sharpen the pencil on what you're hoping to accomplish as the Bayfront Park Trust in Museum Park, and that it would come to this meeting, because I know you would ask for a lot more than 4; but really, 4 is the limit of where I'm willing to go, and so, that's what I was hoping to vote on. And even though you may vote "no," because you're not happy with that amount, if it settles it, you know, I'm satisfied that we came to the table and we did what I believe is our part as a CRA, but we're going to delay it more to have continued discussions on what that number is. But at the end of the day, it will be pulled out of the air. It's going to be what we agree on as a reasonable settlement to make this happen and move forward. To me, it's not about completing the Cooper Robertson Plan. It's not about the cost of the specific jungle gym or dog park, or whatever those amenities are. I -- this is simply a negotiation settlement on a financial amount to free up a potential liability. So I'm -- I -- if we vote on Number 6, I will feel that my vote on Number 5 has been betrayed, because I voted `yes" on that and took the numbers out, specifically because I was not ready to move on a specific number today to release, and I was clear on that in my vote for Number 5, so. Board Member Carollo: But we just allowed -- we just voted, with my vote, to allow the executive director to explore if it's even possible. However, what is possible -- and it's on the books as a liability -- are, at the very least, those $2 million. So I'm saying, don't hold it up. You're holding up the -- you're going to be holding up the project for the residents. In the meantime, I -- with my vote, we have directed our executive director to explore if this can be done. And if it can be done, we need to come up with an amount, but -- Chair Russell: And that -- Board Member Carollo: -- I will be there. Chair Russell: And Number 5 works in the favor of what you're trying to accomplish, and then Number 6 works in the favor of what you're trying to accomplish. There is nothing that's capping this for me, and that's why -- what I have left in terms of negotiation is that 2 million, and I've committed that to you, and it will go when we come to an agreement. But I don't want us to come back and say OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 42 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 it's another 2, another 4, another 6, another 10. And so, if there's a motion on the floor, we'll entertain it, but it will not be seconded or voted on by me. Board Member Carollo: I'd like to talk to the rest of the board members. Do you feel uncomfortable taking a vote, or would you like to take a vote on it? We have the authority to transfer $2 million; anything else, yes. That's why we voted, along with my vote, to have the executive director explore, but we do have the authority and, I would say, the obligation to transfer those $2 million. Chair Russell: This discussion should have happened during Number 5, because I had the opportunity at that point to implore my fellow Commissioners to outvote you on an amount and just stick it in there and be done with it, even at 0 or at 2 or at 4. But I'm opening the discussions for -- the room for us, under Commissioner Suarez's recommendation, to have continued open sunshine meetings of what that amount should be, and to -- I chose not to do that. I chose not to implore the other Commissioners to outvote you on that situation; but, of course, I welcome discussion and a motion, and it's the will of the board. Board Member Carollo: I'd like to hear from my colleagues. Chair Russell: Sorry to put you on the hot seat. Board Member Hardemon: Age before ugly. Board Member Gort: I think an agreement -- Like it was stated before, if you put any number -- you give any number, when you explore negotiation, people see numbers, and they might want to do something with those numbers and change those numbers in their behalf. You got the County and the City you got to deal with. I'm not ready for it now. Board Member Hardemon: I mean, if he's not with it and the Chairman's not with it, then that's two, and it could be two, which it would die. But I want to say that when I read Part "C" of Museum Park, it reads that it's "an amount necessary to fund $68 million for capital improvements to the park component of the project, to be funded by the Omni CRA and completed by the City, no later than January 2012," comma "and" -- So I'm going to talk about before we get to that "comma and." It doesn't say that it is $68 million that the CRA is supposed to help fund. It says, "an amount necessary to fund $68 million," which I think is -- it means something. It -- does it mean 68 million? So what that number is, maybe we did complete that; maybe we did not. But then the comma, "and an annual contribution to the park's capital expenditure fund of $2 million, payable commencing on the date of substantial completion of the park component of the project through 2030." Now, when I read that, I take it as it is an obligation to pay into a park's capital expenditure fund. It doesn't say here when or how the park's capital expenditure fund is to be expended. It just says that it must be a fund, and money must go into it. So I understand the Commissioner saying that, "Hey, there's a expenditure fund that I want to take money from, because there is a fund there that we've paid into." However, I don't know ifI agree that it -- that money should be paid to the City. Why should the CRA give that money to the City for it to make a decision to use that money? Is that something that the CRA can actually make decisions upon how we use the capital expenditure fund? And so -- I mean, but these are part of all the discussions, I believe, and the Chairman, when he says that it's rolled into what we first discussed. So, you know, I think that if the Chairman is not comfortable moving forward addressing the matter now -- he's not saying he's not with it; he's actually said he's with it, if we settle this other thing; we have a number. And then you have another board member that is not ready to take the vote on it, and then I'll -- I mean, I'll stand with my Chairman and my fellow colleagues and say that maybe we should not OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 43 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 have the vote today and further discussion about it later, because I think there's going to be a lot of clarification that needs to be made about these obligations. I mean, I do believe -- and when you have an agreement, you follow that agreement. And it appears to be that we're trying to move away from whatever this agreement is. So I think the further clarification about the agreement and what our responsibilities are is important to this decision -making moving forward, especially if you're trying to get the money from the language in this agreement. Chair Russell: And Commissioner Hardemon, thank you for saying that, because you pointed out the $2 million `payable commencing on the date of substantial completion of the park." So that, to me, implies a reimbursement situation where once the park is completed, we start a $2 million capital expenditure fund from which they can draw from. It was never completed. And even to this date, which it says, "will be completed by 2012," that didn't happen. That could be argued that it nullifies this potential liability or debt. All things we could argue in here or court or wherever, I just want to pick a number and get done with it. So Commissioner Carollo, I apologize for the awkward position of this, but I do feel that I went forward with Number 5 in good faith; that we weren't going to do Number 6, and I would respectfully ask that you withdraw the item. Or you haven't actually made a motion, have we? Board Member Hardemon: Or at least continue it to another day. Chair Russell: At least we can continue it to another day, because I certainly do intend to honor it, and I intend to finalize the negotiation with you on what that total amount is, and we can be done with it. Board Member Hardemon: What makes a park? Does it have to be green? Chair Russell: I mean, I -- Board Member Hardemon: Can it be blue? Chair Russell: You know, the movie we watched just earlier -- Board Member Gort: People. Chair Russell: -- I mean, what was done with Omni Park in just a couple months with less than half a million dollars was absolutely incredible, and you have a seven - acre park with a skate park, with library, with so many things. You know, this is a lot of money to be sending out for a park, and I'm -- you know, I think it -- all those decisions need to be made very carefully, but -- Board Member Hardemon: You know, one of the things I will say -- and I've visited like Millennia [sic] Park in Chicago, and one of the things that I've learned about that park is there's one space, I think, that people always go. They have to take a picture in front of "The Bean." And it's interesting, because one of the missions of CRA is to encourage people to come into the area, to visit the redevelopment area. And so, when you have an attraction like "The Bean, " people come there from all over the place to take a picture in front of it. I didn't know what it was until I had an opportunity to take a picture in front of it, and then I understood, "Oh, okay. I see it." And so, you know, if we asked the question, "Is there a reason to come to Bayfront Park?" or `Is there a reason to come to" -- what's the other -- it's called -- ? "Is there a reason to come to this Museum Park?" I don't know. I mean, I don't know if there's a space for that. But there is a reason to visit the PAM (Performing Arts Museum) and to visit the Science Museum, et cetera, but that's why I asked, you know, what makes it a park? You know, what type of park are we looking to have? OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 44 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Who are we trying to attract there? Is this something that is meant for, you know -- and I guess you're right, Commissioner; you look to the master plan for that to see what it is. So I mean, I think -- Chair Russell: It certainly is a park, and Commissioner Carollo and the Bayfront Park Trust have done an amazing job of even the amenities that are there now with regard to art installations, you know. Your intention is completely noble, and so I understand where you're going on this. And I'm sorry we're not coming to a resolution today, because I really had intended to all around; Global Agreement. You know, maybe it was an ambitious agenda, but I stand open to that discussion on numbers to get this done, but -- Board Member Hardemon: Seeing there's no motion on the floor, I would like to move to pass RE.2 Chair Russell: There's been a -- Well, shall we --? Commissioner, not to interrupt your motion, but would you like to do an action item on this to table it -- to defer it to another agenda? We have to do something with it, right? Board Member Hardemon: Not necessarily. If you close the agenda, then it'll automatically be tabled to the next agenda. Mr. Hannon: It depend -- depending on what meeting you want to move it to, and if -- just -- if you wouldn't mind humoring me. If you continue the item, you continue it to the next like meeting. If you defer the item, you need to defer it to a specific meeting date. What you can also do is an indefinite deferral, which pushes it six months out, but you can bring it back at any time within those six months, so the file stays active within our legislative system. Chair Russell: I think the intention is as soon as possible, so I would welcome a continuance of this item, if it's the will of this board. Mr. Hannon: And that means that'll be to the next like meeting. So next month, if you're having -- Chair Russell: I don't want to withdraw it. I don't want to make it disappear. I don't want to put it offfor six months. I want us to get this done. Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman. Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner. Board Member Carollo: Thank you. I think Commissioner Hardemon's question was, if we do nothing, does it roll over to the next meeting automatically, like it does the City Commission? Mr. Hannon: Yes. If we do a "no action taken" -- Board Member Carollo: And I think that was his question. Mr. Hannon: -- but it will show up on the next meeting. Board Member Carollo: Right. And I think -- Mr. Hannon: Next meeting agenda. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 45 Printed on 8/23/2017 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 ADJOURNMENT Board Member Carollo: -- that was Commissioner Hardemon's question, without putting words into his mouth. Chair Russell: Understood. So is that the will of this board, to take no action on this item? Board Member Gort: Yes. Chair Russell: Thank you. The meeting adjourned at 7: 58 p.m. OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Page 46 Printed on 8/23/2017