HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW CRA 2017-03-21 AdvertisementMIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 25383 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING - MAR. 21, 2017 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 03/14/2017 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached further says that he or she person, firm or corporation or refund for e purpose publication the said news copy of advertisement; and affiant has neither paid nor promised any any discount, rebate, commission of securing this advertisement for a»SHuM soli, OCTELMAL) (SEV. FERBEYRE personally known to \ `,�';AN`ISS)�NS ••. r5 �ber� F/-o•� Z :42 —1M• Z OFF 034747 J c /��i�ft iilllll 11 1 °,0 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners Meeting of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA) is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 4:00 p.m., at Camillus House, 1603 NW 7th Avenue, Building B, Miami Florida, 33136. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. #25383 Clarence E. Woods III, Executive Director Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 3/14 17-79/0000206344M The Miami Times 900 NW 54th St. • Miami Florida 33127 • Phone: 305-693-7093 STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF Miami -Dade Published Weekly Miami -Dade County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GARTH REEVES, who on oath, says that he is the Advertising Representative of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the below prescribed advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: March 15, 2017 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, comm sion or ref the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this spaper. Advertising `R€preserstative Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 15th day of MARCH A.D. 2017 avi NTA PUBLIC -TATE • - O'IDA AT L - GE, My commission expires: iryr Podtb Notary Public State of Florida f � of I Karen Renae Frankiin `l7 My Commission FF ¶ B7631 ��d' Expires 06)26120 CD SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners Meeting of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA) is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 4:00 p.m., at Camillus House, 1603 NW 7th Avenue, Building B, Miami Florida, 33136. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. Clarence E. Woods III, Executive Director Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency MIAMI TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving City MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI SEOPW CRA Board of Commissioners Meeting Notice 03-21-17 Ad# 25383 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: March 16, 2017 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for t1 p ..ose of securing this a• ent for publicati the/said newspaper. Jean , Accounting Director Notary , 44i AO (t i2(J Oc ed ' f�� is ,1 `1 / SOUTI•EAST OVERTOWP /PARK WEST COM IUN1 Y RCDEVELOPM NTAGOSICY PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners Meet- ing of be Southeast Ovettow t k West Cormlurdty Redevebp- mentAgency (SEOPW CRA) is scheduled to take place on TUscday, March 21, 2017 et 4:00 p.m., et CamHles I louse, 1603 NW 7th Ave- nue, Wittig 8, Miami Fiukia, 33136. A8 interested persons are invited to attend. For more information plies mntad tttt+ SFOPW MA/1MA at 31.5j 679.01(10 #25383 aarence E. WooOs Ili, Execlmtie Dter tar Southeast Overtown/ParkWest ^.nnvnun1y Rent Agency MIAMI TODAY WEEK OF THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners Meet- ing of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelop- ment Agency (SEOPW CRA) is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 4:00 p.m., at Camillus House, 1603 NW 7th Ave- nue, Building B, Miami Florida, 33136. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. #25383 Clarence E. Woods III, Executive Director Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency