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SEOPW CRA 2017-02-27 Agenda Packet
City of Miami 819NW2ndAve 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 http://miamicra. com Meeting Agenda Monday, February 27, 2017 5:00 PM Camillus House 1603 N.W. 7th Ave., Bldg B. Miami, FL 33136 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Keon Hardemon, Chair Wifredo Gort, Vice Chair Ken Russell, Board Member, District Two Frank Carollo, Board Member, District Three Francis Suarez, Board Member, District Four SEOPW CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 819 NW 2ND AVE, 3RD FLOOR MIAMI FL 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax (305) 679-6835 www.miamicra.com Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Agenda February 27, 2017 APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: PRESENTATIONS 1. CRA PRESENTATION 1852 PRESENTATION BY FDOT ON THE 1-395 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. File # 1852 Backup PUBLIC COMMENTS RESOLUTIONS 1. CRA RESOLUTION 1861 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MARCUS SAMUELSSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC ("MSDG") AS THE TOP RANKED DEVELOPMENT FIRM TO DEVELOP 920 NW 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY") INTO A RESTAURANT/ENTERTAINMENT VENUE; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY TO MSDG FOR $1,500,000 AND AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000 TO ASSISTS WITH THE PROJECT BUILD OUT COST; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1861 Backup Exhibit - MSDG Development Agreement City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 55/22/2017 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Agenda February 27, 2017 2. CRA RESOLUTION 1857 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RATIFYING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,736.17 TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2016 HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING EVENT HELD ON N.W. 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1857 Backup 3. CRA RESOLUTION 1858 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, FOR TRAMCON-TRAINING FOR MANUFACTURED CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM THAT WILL TRAIN REDEVELOPMENT AREA RESIDENTS IN MANUFACTURED CONSTRUCTION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1858 Back up 4. CRA RESOLUTION 1853 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S TAX INCREMENT FUND AND GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE AMENDED BUDGETS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. Exhibit A City ofMiami Page 3 Printed on 55/22/2017 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Agenda February 27, 2017 5. CRA RESOLUTION 1854 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $80,000 FOR THE 40-YEAR RECERTIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF 920 NW 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW, "CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. File # 1854 Backup 6. CRA RESOLUTION 1855 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CIRCLE OF ONE MARKETING, INC. ("PROVIDER") TO PERFORM VENUE OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT THE OVERTOWN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ("OPAC"), LOCATED AT 1074 NW 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $120,000 FOR SAID SERVICE AND FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $100,000 FOR A REVOLVING LOAN THAT WILL BE UTILIZED BY THE PROVIDER TO FUND PROGRAMS AND EVENTS AT THE OPAC; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. File # 1855 Backup City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 55/22/2017 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Agenda February 27, 2017 7. CRA RESOLUTION 1856 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH E.L. WATERS AND COMPANY, LLC TO PREPARE A FINDING OF NECESSITY/ASSESSMENT OF NEED AND AMEND THE CRA'S REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $335,000 FOR SAID SERVICE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. File # 1856 - Backup 8. CRA RESOLUTION 1859 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000, TO PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE SELF REALIANCE, INC. ("GRANTEE") FOR THE REHABILITATION OF PROPERTY AT 210 NW 16TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROJECT"); AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1859 Backup City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 55/22/2017 Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA Meeting Agenda February 27, 2017 9. CRA RESOLUTION 1860 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $320,000, TO HUMAN RESOURCES OF MIAMI, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE OVERTOWN BEAUTIFICATION TEAM FOR 2017; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1860 Backup 10. CRA RESOLUTION 1863 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $300,000, TO HOSPITALITY EMPLOYEES ADVANCEMENT AND TRAINING, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH A HOSPITALITY TRAINING PROGRAM THAT WILL BE LOCATED IN THE OVERTOWN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, 1074 NW 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("OPAC"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH HEAT FOR USE OF THE OPAC, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 1863 Backup ADJOURNMENT City ofMiami Page 6 Printed on 55/22/2017 2.1 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1852 From: Clarence E. Woods, (fa-) Executive Director Subject: Presentation by FDOT on the 1-395 Reconstruction Project. File # 1852 BackupEnclosures: BACKGROUND: Please be advised that a presentation by FDOT on the 1-395 Reconstruction Project has been placed on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency. Packet Pg. 7 FDOT SAFE. CONVENIENT. RELIABLE. RECONSTRUCTION 1-395 Reconstruction Project MDX SR 836 Improvements 1-95 Concrete Pavement Reconstruction SR 836 Westbound Connector Financial Project No.: 251688-1-52-01, 423126-1-52-01, 423126-2-52-01, 429300-2-52 Cit of Miami, Miami -Dade Count PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS The project begins on SR 836 at NW 17 Avenue and continues through the Midtown Interchange (I- 95/State Road 836/1-395) along 1-395 to the MacArthur Causeway Bridge for approximately 3 miles in the east - west direction. 1-395 is an Interstate Principal Arterial and a major east -west connector for the beaches and port; SR 836 is a Principal Urban Arterial that is also a major east -west connection to the Midtown Interchange. The project limits also include 1-95 from NW 8 Street to NW 29 Street. SR 9A/I-95 is an Urban Interstate Principal Arterial and major north -south connector to downtown Miami. There are both dense urban and residential areas within the project limits. The project will address roadway safety, corridor capacity, a variety of design issues, aesthetics, and provide a Signature Bridge design over Biscayne Boulevard. 1-395 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT The 1-395 portion of the project involves the rebuilding of the 1-395 corridor from the I-95/Midtown Interchange to the MacArthur Causeway. Project improvements include • Increasing capacity • Improving safety by alleviating existing operation and geometric deficiencies • Building new elevated ramps: one eastbound and one westbound, that will provide a direct link between 1-95 and 1-395 • Building a Signature Bridge over Biscayne Boulevard • Building vertically higher structures that will improve the visual quality of the bridge and streetscape • Improving the area underneath the expressway by providing pathways and common activity areas. • Design/Build/Finance 4 0 0 4- 0 a> 4- 0 H 0 u_ 0 4- 4a a> N co 0. m N co u- 4- 4a 4- For More Information: www.I-395miami.con- Packet Pg. 8 FDOT SAFE. CONVENIENT. RELIABLE. R coNs1R CT1C N 1-95 CONCRETE PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION The 1-95 portion of the project includes 1-95 from NW 8 St to NW 29 St. The project improvements include: • Removal and replacement of the existing mainline 1-95 concrete pavement • Bridge railing retrofit • Guardrail upgrade MDX SR 836 IMPROVEMENTS The MDX 836 Improvements Project limits are NW 17 Avenue Interchange to the Midtown Interchange. Project improvements include: 7 WEST EAST SR 836 WESTBOUND CONNECTOR • Adds capacity to SR 836 mainline by adding a lane in each direction improving mobility and safety • Provides a new elevated eastbound ramp from NW 12 Avenue for traffic destined to northbound and southbound 1-95 and eastbound 1-395 separating these movements from the SR 836 mainline to the same destinations • Provides a new elevated ramp from southbound 1-95 to westbound SR 836 with an additional exit at NW North River Drive which eliminates the traffic operational conflicts between the westbound SR 836 exit to NW 12 Avenue and the 1-95 southbound entrance to westbound SR 836 The SR 836 WB Connector project includes the construction of a 9A/I-95 southbound ramp to westbound SR 836. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND COST Project Segment 1-395 Reconstruction MDX SR 836 Improvements 1-95 Pavement Reconstruction WB Connector Planned Construction Schedule Estimated Construction Cost Begin Construction 2017 Estimated Construction time 5 years i $600M $186M $26M $35M 4 a> 0 0- 0 4- 0 a> 4- 0 1- 0 u_ 4- 4a a> N co 0. m N co u- 4- E 4a 4- For More Information: www.I-395miami.corr Packet Pg. 9 4.1 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1861 From: Clarence E. Woods, (k) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Agreement for 920 NW 2nd Ave. Enclosures: File # 1861 Backup Exhibit - MSDG Development Agreement BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes the execution of a development agreement, in substantially the attached form to the Resolution, with Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC ("MSDG") as the top ranked group to develop 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property") into a restaurant/entertainment venue. This Resolution further authorizes the sale of the Property to MSDG for $1,500,000 and authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000. The CRA owns the Property, which is located in the "Folklife Village," once Overtown's entertainment district. The CRA intends to develop the Property as a high -end restaurant, lounge, cigar bar, sports bar, jazz/blues lounge, and/or supper club with an entertainment component. In furtherance of this development vision, on January 7, 2016, CRA issued Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") 16-01 for Restaurant/Entertainment Programming for 920 N.W. 2nd Ave. The RFQ sought knowledgeable and experienced Proposers with a strong brand name in the restaurant industry and experience in programming entertainment venues within restaurant/supper club settings. The RFQ also allowed for the CRA to enter into a lease agreement or sale agreement with the top ranked proposer. On March 30, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-16-0006, accepted the selection committee's recommendation to select MSDG as the top ranked proposer to RFQ 16-01, and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate with the top ranked proposer. MSDG and the CRA have negotiated a development agreement which provides for the sale of the Property after MSDG has provided the CRA with project development plans that comply with the RFQ requirements to develop the Property into a high -end restaurant/entertainment venue and proof of financing for the Project. The development agreement also provides for a grant to MSDG, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to assist with the project build out cost. As an inducement of the CRA's grant of financial assistance, MSDG agrees to develop reliable resources for community outreach to provide new job opportunities for Overtown residents. Marcus Samuelsson is an internationally acclaimed celebrity chef who owns several successful restaurants, including Red Rooster in New York City and has appeared on several TV shows including, Packet Pg. 10 4.1 Today Show, Iron Chef, Top Chef Masters, and Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain. This project is seen as a catalyst that will begin redevelopment efforts in the "Folklife Village." JUSTIFICATION: Chapter 163.380, Florida Statutes details the requirements for disposal of CRA owned property within a community redevelopment area. Section 2, Goals 4 and 6, at page 11, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community" and "improving quality of life for residents" as stated redevelopment goals. Section 2, Principle 4, at page 14, of the Plan provides that "employment opportunities be made available to existing residents ...". Further, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15 provides that in order to "address and improve the neighborhood economy and expand economic opportunities of present and future residents and businesses[,] ... [it is necessary to] support and enhance existing businesses and ... attract new businesses that provide needed services and economic opportunities ...." Page 93 of the Plan states that "[t]he Historic Folklife Village is Dade County's proposed African American heritage tourist destination. Plans were proposed in 1997 and 1998 to guide the redevelopment of the tourist site by emphasizing reestablishment of mixed uses." FUNDING: $1,000,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Page 2of6 Packet Pg. 11 4.1 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Development of 920 NW 2nd Ave. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: Amount: NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: N/A Approved by: Clare44f E..UVoods, Executive Director 2/22/2017 Approval: Page 3 of 6 Packet Pg. 12 4.1 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1861 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MARCUS SAMUELSSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC ("MSDG") AS THE TOP RANKED DEVELOPMENT FIRM TO DEVELOP 920 NW 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY") INTO A RESTAURANT/ENTERTAINMENT VENUE; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY TO MSDG FOR $1,500,000 AND AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000 TO ASSISTS WITH THE PROJECT BUILD OUT COST; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Chapter 163.380, Florida Statutes details the requirements for disposal of CRA owned property within a community redevelopment area;" and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goals 4 and 6, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community" and "improving quality of life for residents" as stated redevelopment goals; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 4, at page 14, of the Plan provides that "employment opportunities be made available to existing residents ... ;" and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15 provides that in order to "address and improve the neighborhood economy and expand economic opportunities of present and future residents and businesses[,] ... [it is necessary to] support and enhance existing businesses and ... attract new businesses that provide needed services and economic opportunities ... ;" and WHEREAS, Page 93 of the Plan states that "[t]he Historic Folklife Village is Dade County's proposed African American heritage tourist destination. Plans were proposed in 1997 Page 4 of 6 Packet Pg. 13 4.1 and 1998 to guide the redevelopment of the tourist site by emphasizing reestablishment of mixed uses." WHEREAS, the CRA owns 920 N.W. 2nd Ave., Miami, Florida ("Property"), which is located in the "Folklife Village," once Overtown's entertainment district. The CRA intends to develop the Property as a high -end restaurant, lounge, cigar bar, sports bar, jazz/blues lounge, and/or supper club with an entertainment component; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of this development vision, on January 7, 2016, CRA issued Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") 16-01 for Restaurant/Entertainment Programming for the Property which sought knowledgeable and experienced Proposers with a strong brand name in the restaurant industry and experience in programming entertainment venues within restaurant/supper club settings. The RFQ also allowed for the CRA to enter into a lease agreement or sale agreement with the top ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, on March 30, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA- R-16-0006, accepted the selection committee's recommendation to select Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC ("MSDG") as the top ranked proposer to RFQ 16-01, and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate with the top ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, MSDG and the CRA have negotiated a development agreement which provides for the sale of the Property after MSDG has provided the CRA with project development plans that comply with the RFQ requirements to develop the Property into a high - end restaurant/entertainment venue and proof of financing for the Project; and WHEREAS, the development agreement also provides for a grant to MSDG, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to assist with the project build out cost and as an inducement of the CRA's grant of financial assistance, MSGD agrees to develop reliable resources for community outreach to provide new job opportunities for Overtown residents; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize the execution of a development agreement, in substantially the attached form, with MSDG as the top ranked development firm to develop the Property into a restaurant/entertainment venue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to further authorize the sale of the Property to MSDG for $1,500,000 and authorize a grant, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to assist with the project build out cost; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of a development agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC ("MSDG") as the top ranked development firm to develop 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida into a restaurant/entertainment venue. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners hereby further authorizes the sale of the Property to MSDG for $1,500,000. Page 5 of 6 Packet Pg. 14 4.1 Section 4. The Board of Commissioners hereby further authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to assist with the project build out cost. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Re;iee Jadusingh, Staff Counsel 2;22/2017 Page 6 of 6 Packet Pg. 15 4.1.a Chef Marcus Samuelsson is an internationally acclaimed celebrity chef who has consistently electrified the food scene with an incomparable blend of complex culture, artistic excellence, genuine curiosity and warm personality. Celebrated as one of "The Great Chefs of America" by the Culinary Institute of America, Chef Samuelsson launched his impressive career as a graduate of the Culinary Institute in Gothenburg, and apprenticeships in Switzerland, Austria, France and the United States. Samuelsson's parents, who raised him in Gothenburg, Sweden after adopting him and his sister at the age of 3 from Ethiopia, encouraged him to fully pursue his genius without geographic bounds. At the early age of 24, Chef Samuelsson delighted the culinary world at Aquavit in New York, where as chef - owner he catapulted the restaurant to world fame with consecutive four -star ratings in Forbes and an impressive three -star rating from the New York Times, the youngest person ever to receive such an accolade. Stretching beyond the bridge of his homelands, Africa & Europe, Chef Samuelsson continues to lend his exceptional voice to the evolving conversation of food and culture. A collection of successful cookbooks, including Aquavit and the New Scandinavian Cuisine (2003), and The Soul of a New Cuisine- A Discovery of the Foods and Flavors of Africa, 0006) have won Chef Samuelsson numerous awards from The New York Times, Washington Post and Chicago Tribune. Samuelsson's submersion into the local farms and kitchens of the American landscape have inspired a new zest for merging worlds and were encapsulated in his top selling book, The New American Table (2009). In addition to being a successful cookbook author, Marcus released his New York Times bestseller and James Beard -winning memoir Yes, Chef in 2012 to rave reviews. Samuelsson's platform extends beyond books including features on Today Show, Iron Chef, and his own television show, The Inner Chef on Discovery Network. Samuelsson teamed up with AOL's Slashfood, a web -based program, where Samuelsson delivered twice -monthly segments to millions of viewers covering all things culinary. He has been featured on a number of high profile media programs, including Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Today Show, Regis and Kelly, Charlie Rose and most recently CNN's Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain. He was the winner on Bravo's Top Chef Masters season two as well as the second season of Chopped All -Stars. Currently, Marcus also serves as a recurring judge for Chopped, one of Food Network's highest -rated series with a following of over zo million viewers a month, and was judge on two consecutive seasons of ABC's The Taste, guiding a team of new culinary talent through a series of challenges. Samuelsson is also a co-founder of FoodRepublic.com - a website for men who want to eat, drink well, and live smart. 16 Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Agreement for 920 NW 2nd Ave.) Packet Pg. 16 4.1.a |nIDO9,Marcus wash onoredasaGuest Chef ot the White Hous,,under the 8banna Administration, where he planned and executed the administration's first state dinner for the first family, Prime Minister Singh 0fIndia and 40U0ftheir guests. He has been aUNICEF Ambassador since 2000, focusing his advocacy on water and sanitation issues, specifically the Tap Project. Marcus also had the honor ofbeing selected Speaker at the 2oMi Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum VnDavos, Switzerland and TEDxHar|ernin2O1I'|n the fall ofl01I,Marcus was also named tDthe QS State0tp,-irtmmemtvs American Chef Corps, a group of chefs committed to Secretary State Hillary Rodharn Clinton's message of"smart power" diplomacy, which embraces the use of a full range of diplomatic tools, by utilizing food, hospitality and the dining experience as ways to enhance how formal diplomacy is conducted, cultivating cultural understanding and strengthening bilateral relationships through the shared experience offood. His iconic R_-d R*oster Harlem celebrates the roots of American cuisine in one of New York [it«'sliveliest and culturally rich neighborhoods, Harlem. |thas earned two -stars from the New York Times and countless accolades for its food, style and connection to the community. Named the Best Neighborhood Joint byTime Out New York, Red Rooster continues to amaze Harlem with the opening of its downstairs supper club Ginny's Supper Club. Marcus is also the chef behind Norda Grill in Gothenburg Sweden, American Table and the Kitchen and Table concept; all partnered with Clarion Hotels. While Chef Sarnue|ssonhas been honored hythe prestigious James SteardFoundation on multiple occasions including "Rising Star Chef" /19qgl"i*,,est Chef: New York City", /2003\ and wBestInternational Cookbook" (2OO7),he continues t0maintain humility tmthe art of food. The depth and breadth ofChef Sarnue|sson/sunique background allow him to uncover new ground in the integration of culinary landscapes in a distinctive and transfOrrnative way, all while infusing passion, energy and excellence. 17 Packet Pg. 17 4.1.a Derek Fleming is a real estate and business development entrepreneur who has spent the last zo years conscientiously establishing a career immersed in re -invigorating some of our nation's most economically challenged communities. From the west, east and southern coasts, Fleming has developed a track record unique in its bread, depth, visibility and technical execution. In each endeavor, Fleming has been consistent in creating measurable impact to the communities in which he lent his high caliber academic training, financial acumen, design and construction prowess, and business development expertise. Derek launched his career as a project manager for the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency under the helm of Mayor Willie Brown. In that capacity, Fleming helped lead the planning, entitlement and initial implementation of the distinguished Mission Bay Redevelopment Project. At the time, the 3o3-acre project was the largest land rezoning, tax increment financed, redevelopment project in San Francisco in over 4o years. The project comprised the development of over 6000 units of housing (30% affordable), 4.4 million sq. ft of office/life science/bio tech/commercial space, a 42 acres UCSF campus, 500,000 sq. ft of retail, a 500 room hotel, 41 acres of public open space, a new 50o student public school, public library, fire and police stations and community facilities. Fleming facilitated the cross - functional team of developers, lawyers, consultants, architects, government representatives & community residents. He also co-authored the Mission Bay Existing Conditions Report, leading to approval of the plan by the Board of Supervisors. The neighborhood is now one of the most thriving districts within the sophisticated City. With Mission Bay underway, Derek shifted to work as a fund Manager at the New York Empowerment Zone, the largest public financed district of its kind at the time. At the Zone, Derek managed a $6oMM public lending portfolio that contributed funds for real estate and business development transactions. Many of the successful real estate projects along 125th St. in Harlem, Port Morris and Mott Haven in the Bronx (Bronx Terminal Market) were financed and brought to fruition under Fleming's management while at the Empowerment Zone. He structured deals to include a variety of federal, state and municipal tax credits which helped to facilitate the creation of thousands of new jobs and drive the overall successful revitalization of Harlem and the South Bronx. 18 Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Agreement for 920 NW 2nd Ave.) Packet Pg. 18 4.1.a |nfurther professional pursuits, Fleming worked BsanAcquisitions Associate with private equity firm Cherokee Investment Partners, aleading green -focused real estate company in Raleigh, NC. AtCherokee, Fleming evaluated over $4OKA&1worth Ofequity contributions and mezzanine debt investments for mixed- use development opportunities. He worked alongside sustainability experts and produced market studies for LEED development projects' During his tenure at Cherokee, Fleming engaged with Cherokee's non-profit partner, Make it"kightFoundation founded hyBrand Pitt, and authored an existing conditions report and investment analysis for the economically devastated L*werN0mth Ward in New Orlezns immediately following the events of Hurricane Katrina. The goal was to find a path to sustainable development for the resurging neighborhood. Asaresult, blocks of LEED certified homes have been built in the historic African -American community. As Vice President of Development & Planning, Fleming helped launch the Marcus Samuelsson Group, developing new strategies for revenue generating initiatives including, real estate transactions, corporate partnerships and community development. Fleming managed all real estate transactions, including capital raising, market feasibility analysis, site acquisition, lease negotiations, site planning, design 8`construction management and interior design. Some of F|erning's most notable accomplishments are the award winning Red RwosterHarlemmAG[nmy's Supper Club and Streetbird enterprises. Asamember ofthe executive team Derek helped guide brand development of the multifaceted hospitality group and celebrity -chef driven company, developing strategies for revenue generating initiatives, corporate partnerships with such companies as Spotify, Converse, Mast�rCard. Fleming also helped launch Harlem EatUp, a regional food festival and economic development engine attracting thousands ofvisitors to Har|ern's emerging marketplace. Fleming received aBachelor ofScience degree from the University ofCalifornia at 'I't with an emphasis in international business and political economy. immediately following his studies at Berkeley, Derek was awarded a fellowship to study international finance atYonsei University in Seoul, Korea. He would go on to receive his M BA from the prestigious Kellogg Scb*oKof Management, where he majored in entrepreneurship, finance and real estate. While at Kellogg, he interned with Capri Capital Partners, assisting the real estate firm in a private placement memorandum and investment prospectus for a large-scale urban development. Aspart ofhis studies, Fleming also attended the Indian Scb*ol of Business in Hyderabad, India, participating in an implemented land use study while there. He graduated from Kellogg with a Dean's award of Distinction. )n201ZFleming was selected asOnHenoret- ofTh(--Network J*unmal/scoveted 40 under 40 award. Derek isaBoard Member ofthe 125 m St. Business Improvement District aswell asthe Neighborhood Charter School ofHarlem. 19 Packet Pg. 19 El S SUPPER CLUB 4.1.a rmENT KITCHEN&TABLE ItIAR,1”.5111,11)S1.51414 Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Packet Pg. 20 CLYDE KILLENS HALL REDEVELOPMENT BUSINESS & DESIGN IMPERATIVES A welcoming, fun and dynamic dining experience that is approachable, yet elevated, offering new energy, refinement and distinct flavor to the Overtown food scene Bar, Restaurant, Supper club convergence offering impeccable service and the highest quality food provisions • Entertainment destination inspired by Overtown's relevant past but nods to aspirations for Overtown's future • Distinctive business model that merges visibility of celebrity chef with community inclusion and partnerships • Healthy Farm -to -Table approach driven by seasonality • Classic, bold world -class design elements that recall old Overtown, yet stretch forward for contemporary functional and feel 4.1.a Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Packet Pg. 21 CLYDE KILLENS POOL HALL MOOD BOARD 1M This Weekend Mr FNf. SAT.•SUtI.—NOV. 22-23.24 THE KINGPINS "Darling, It Won't Bo This Way Always" Plus —Matinee Son —3 to 6 COMING DEC. 7 & 8 COUNT BASIE N.ii. iSr. AEMiYE. 1 CLYDtKL rt SIRJOH•N HOTEL KMCBET AMMO FR 343381 0133:1,, 4.1.a Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Packet Pg. 22 Cane puz MN OZ6 Jo; ;uawaaa6y;uawdoIanaa el() uoi;noax3 ay; 6uizuoy;ny uoi;nIos921 : 1.981.) dmloe8 1981. # al!d :;uawyoe;;y _LYRE ILLENS POOL HALL MOOD BOARD Packet Pg. 23 (•any puz MN o 6 Jo; 3uawaaa6y 3uawdolanaa el() uo!3noax3 ay; 6u!zuoy3ny uo!3nlosab : 1.981.) dn)13e8 198I # al!d :3uawyoe33`d CLYDE KILLENS POOL HALL MOOD BOAR Packet Pg. 24 (•any puZ MN OZ6 ao;;uawaaa6y1uawdoIanea e;o uognoax3 ay; 6uizuoynny uogniosab : 1.980 dn)13e8 1981 # elld 3uawgoe;;y CLYDE KILLENS POOL HALL MOOD BOARD Packet Pg. 25 Cane puz MN o 6 Jo; ;uawaaa6y;uawdoIanaa el() uoi;noax3 ay; 6uizuoy;ny uoi;nIos921 : 1.981.) dmloe8 1981. # al!d :;uawyoe;;y CLYDE KILLENS POOL HALL MOOD BOARD Packet Pg. 26 4.1.a Dew-lopment Concept How to Devel*p Commercial Space The invitation tOcommence renovation and resurgence Vf42ON.VV'Z ndAv2Ouein Overtovvn/ also known as Clyde KilienS Hall, isincredibly exciting. With each project we approach, our group conducts extensive research and diligence into the nature and fabric of the communities vveengage. For some time now, we've had the opportunity t0understand and appreciate the rich history not only of Overtown and its prominence in Pan-African history, but also invaluable contributions made by K8[' KiUeO3 himself. Building venues for performers of color who were barred from staying in performances space on Miami Beach, Killens created a destination in Overtown, where the most premier entertainment in the country took place into the late hours of the night, most nights at the pool hall itself on 2 nu Avenue. VVeare inspired hvstory, legacy, and authenticity, tocreate projects that engender pride of community and aspecial sense ofplace. Our group has experience inconverting raw, vanilla commercial spaces into thriving hospitality venues that enliven and enrapture the guests upon impact. Our Red Rooster Harlem project was once an uninteresting hair care supply store, dormant for several years. With concerted research and passion, we uncovered facts- thatitVperatedasafarnousgrocerychaininHar|ern'sheyday. VYebuilt onthis data and our vision of a contemporary Harlem to create what has become one of NY's iconic destinations. VVesee the end use 0fthe 76UOsq. ft. qZONVV2 nd Ave space asapremier dining and entertainment destination, embracing and inspired by the history of Overtown. As with many venues, this space will likely evolve and grow over time, particularly as the neighborhood evolves. Our service capacity should coincide with demand, to protect the economics ofthe business. Service levels, times, days, should beadjusted accordingly, persistently pushing the envelope for more service opportunities. Afu|| service restaurant supper club, and lounge iswithin our sights. Tomaximize the operational potential ofthe space, two full service kitchens should be installed. This will allow maximum functionality ofboth floors, separating uses when necessary or creating one large catering opportunity that can meet the demands of the clientele. We envision the main dining space onthe ground floor, and the supper club/ entertainment set-up Vnthe second floor. Anopen kitchen isalways anexciting element, as isabar that iscentral, inviting and immediately grabs you asyou enter. Comfortable seating, (tables, booths, communal configurations) creating varied experiences, depending onthe occasion nfthe guest. Anelevated, yet approachable atmosphere isthe goal where special occasions are appropriate, alongside everyday socializing. With live music upstairs and down at times, architectural attention to demarcating use of space is a must. The upstairs iSequally important osthe entry level. VVewill create aspace that isacoveted private dining venue asmuch asitisamusic performance space. Moveable walls that allow space toexpand and contract, depending onclients needs, are important. |ntrue Miami 5 Packet Pg. 27 4.1.a spirit there [nUSt be an integration of the outdoors coming in. The balconies which exist on either side of the second floor should open up,,such that guests who are partaking in a performance, but would like tosit outside, are able todnboth. We'd like tOtake advantage OfaSmuch outdoor environment a5possible. VVestrongly feel that this not only activates and creates a welcoming and attractive presence on the street level, but it also allows patrons totake advantage OfMiami's incomparable weather. Accordingly, aroof deck should also beconsidered asapart ofthe space programming. Adequate ceiling height and space have tobeconsidered for performance/ stage area. An additional bar and lounge area must be established to create a living room feel. This will allow the space to transform and operate on multiple levels throughout the day period. Booths, sofas, ottomans, enab|ethegwitchfonn'azz performance tolate night gathering destination. The bar should beameeting ground for after work and celebrity occasions. Flexibility and convertibility are a must throughout the space. This supports the sustainabi|itvand longevity 0fthe establishment. Of significant importance, it is our intention to work closely with the Master Planner selected for Folk Lif e Village and the greater Overtown area to help formulate a successf ul planning strategy for the overall entertainment district and immediate area. Ourvvodc described above, will bemost effective and beneficial to(]vertuvvnwith coordinated idea - making, thoughtful planning, timing and strategy. 6 Packet Pg. 28 4.1.a ert's Direct ben � f its t A the Overtown C*mmunity Establish Oxert�w�n aszF�De stination PhVrtoopening Red Rooster iOlO10there vven2fevvrestaurants aside fr0nithe historic 5ylvia/5that could boast an international d[3vvvvith consistent Manhattan -wide clientele. VVithRed Rooster Harlenl/our group vv8Sable tOestablish ahOspit8UtyO�a[ketthat previously did not exist. Major corporations, |8vvfirDlS and art institutions familiar with SarnueissOO'sprior vvOrk/felt cOrnpeUwha t we had created. We delivered consistently vvithgreat food, cocktails and vibe. Guests enjoyed and the rnovernentbegan. Soon after anevvtype 0frestaurant, catehngtoannixsociO'econornicdennOgraphic,began t0pr0UfensteinHar|ern. The upsurge vvassostrong, vvefelt c0rnpeUedtocreate aregional food festival Har|ernEatUp. EatUphosted over 11,VO0food enthusiast frornacross the country descended upon Har|enn,creating aneconornicforce for local businesses. � We feel strongly that Jsimilar movement can occur inOvertOvvn. Overtime other restaurateurs will naturally want t0capture the new demand inthe proven market vvewill reveal. Also, successful food enterprises such as Smorgasburg (a weekend market were a curated mix of local food vendors assemble, inviting thousands of eager patrons) will be inspired and convinced byour entrance into the market. We've been inprogressive talks with the founders 0fSnnorgasburg. Urban farmers such asF0odscapeDesigns, who currently work with Booker T.Washington Onfood forestry, will have acredible, high -profile restaurant tocollaborate with inthe (]vertovvnneighborhood. In the interim stages of Over-town's development we would collaborate with the local community to establish a farmer's market in Overtown, taking advantage of the temporary, transitional nature Ofthe adjacent land. Farmer's markets are often anorganic evolution tO afOod destination's robust characteristics. All of these events coming together and concerted partnership from local stakeholders are certain tocreate aviable food destination inOvertovvnover time. Partnership with Miami Dade Culinary Institute Our team has initiated a relationship with the Miami Dade College Culinary Institute /K4DC[|\, This program is one Ofthe premier hospitality/ culinary training programs in the country and isconveniently inclose proximity t0Overt0vvn and our proposed site. MDCO has anexisting training program and catering operation that isbeing activated atthe N1t Zion church inC)vertovvn' YVehave met with the leadership atK4DCOand intend toleverage our relationships inthe culinary industry t0enhance the exposure topremier talent to MOCOstudents. VVewould beable toprovide avenue for successful students t0work in our new Overtovvnrestaurant, insuring employment opportunities where they will garner a solid credible position and experience inthe industry immediately out ofcollege. The partnership has the potential to achieve a number of promising milestones, all of which can benefit OvertOvvOresidents. VVeare excited tohave this collaboration iDhand. 7 4.1.a W*rking with L*cml Sch*ols Core tOour business DNA i5astrong connection tOthe community. We establish alliances with key organizations that are doing positive, pivotal work that iOentrenched within the fabric ofthe neighborhood. With Red Rooster vve did this inHarlem byworking with 3 number 0fschools including Harlem [hildreO'5Zone, The Chi|dren'sStorefront, and PS18O. |nanticipation Ofour work inOvert0vvn,vve have reached out t0the administration 8t Booker T.Washington Senior High School. VVeare impressed bythe work happening at Booker T., in particular the Edible Food Forest and culinary arts programs. |tisour intention to engage the students there with programs such as cooking demonstrations, classes on hospitality business development, etiquette workshops, etc. VV2will also incorporate the [- Cap program, (which Samuelsson is Chair of the Board) into the Booker T. relationship. C'Capprovides rnentorshipand scholarship opportunities for students toattend the top hospitality/ culinary schools inthe country. The program also provides apprenticeships and 'obplacement assistance intop restaurants and hotels nationwide. VVeare incredibly excited 8tthe potential collaboration with Booker l[the vehicle 0f[-Capand the fruit this project can bear. 0.-`orking with Senior Groups In our prior work, �vve have also found aneed for seniors inour area, who could benefit who from exposure tOculinary programs. Cooking demonstrations for senior individuals, isa great way to provide a service to a neglected demographic in the community by advising Harlem our relationships with the premier cultural institutions has been One ofour most r2vv8[diOg strategies. in particular, we work with the historic Apollo Theater, (where Samuelsson is on the Board of Directors) to create mutually beneficial events. We cross promote opportunities where visitors can enjoy a performance followed by dinner. Several performers such as Paul McCartney, Bruce. Springsteen, Gary Clark Jr., Sting and many others have performed at the Apollo to sold -out crowds and afterward held private events 8tour restaurant. We would love to establish 8 similar collaboration with the Lyric Theater in(]vertovvn. YYebelieve that giving culture seekers multiple reasons tovisit o district, (great show, great meal) can create new, positive perc'eptions about the neighborhood and continued economic advancement. South iteach Food and Wine Festival Our relationships with the founders Ofthe South Beach Food and Wine Festival will be beneficial to our new restaurant and the Overtbwn Community in general. OuriOgthe annual festival vv'can use the visibility OfChef SJrnueiSsOOtOhost events, pOp-up5, engagements inOvertOvvn,inviting throngs Oftourists and locals tOthe area during this busy, focused time in the Miami calendar. Overtime this will also positively impact other 0vertOvvnbusinesses a5well. 8 4.1.a C*I]ab*rationwit��������rt,�mseumm An additional relationship we value greatly is with one of the premier art institution in NY [kv the Studio K4UseunnOfHB�e[n. The rnuSBurn'sDire[tO�Th2irnaGolden vv8S instrumental in the beginning stages of helping us build Red Rooster's roster of artist that grace the vva|lsofthe restaurant through today. VVehave a|vvaysbeen cornrnittedto highlighting local arts alongside their iconic contemporaries.. � TOthis end, vYe have initiated discussions with Perez Art Museum, (which Fleming is personal friend of the museum's new Director, Franklin Sermons) to initiate a similar collaboration with this premier Miami institution. As we build the restaurant, vvewill enlist the work of not only, local Overtown artist, but also artists co-curated with Sermons, putting together shows inthe Overtovvnrestaurant. When we accomplished this inHarlem, vve were able to garner international press including the prestigious Art News, highlighting the rarity Ofsuch acollection inanurban restaurant. Also, similar toStudio Museum, vvewill invite the Perez to host lunches, dinners, cocktail receptions, in Overtown. ApVpu|ar feature at Red Rooster is to engage local artists in salon series to discuss their works with Sarnue|s5onand the Museum's Director ininteractive dinner format. The art`ssection ofthe regional press, cover the event' Local artist gain great exposure as does the neighborhood. This collaboration will be another public relations highlight for OvertOvvn' Our collaboration with the Perez Art Museum will give usaOopportunity tOpromote Overtown arts and entertainment district during the popular Art Basel season. Hosting our high profile artist associates at after party events, for instance, will bring international tastemakers to Overtown and promote the area culturally.Packet Pg. 31 4.1.a Management p*llKcies and customer service structure Our approach to customer service is philosophically ingrained in the spirit of traditional hospitality. Staff is trained to be attentive, knowledgeable, yes -oriented team members. It truly comes down to making people feel welcome, appreciated, part of an unparalleled experience. Assuring water isfilled isnot service, its regiment. How aperson feels within the four walls, comfortable, happy or left alone, it is the objective of the staff to asses each situation and adjusts accordingly for individual guest. What is a guest favorite cocktail, are there any allergies. We have technical instruments inplace that allow uStOtrack these distinct, human interfaces as well as maintain our robust reservation system, We are prepared to do an extra level of training for those workers living in the Over -town area who rn8y.hav2limited experience inthe dining environments Ofthe type ofhospitality vveintend tOestablish. Our restaurants have a culture that people seek. It requires an emotional intelligence, conveyed to and brought out by the staff, to reveal the best in our restaurant's operations. Staff atevery ofthe restaurant are encouraged tobe: 1\OptinliStic and kind I\have anexceptional work ethic 3) curiosity to learn particularly about culture and the community they work in 4)ahigh degree ofempathy 5)self awareness and integrity We feel that these qualities make for an exceptional, exemplary customer service model that organically instills premium hospitality. VYeprovide the structure and environment for individuals to thrive and excel while fostering an exceptional experience for our guests. Estimated ."lumber of full time and p,.,,rt time jobs to be created locall Asvvedowith each ofour restaurant projects, vvevvi||phohtize|Oca|hihngnf(]vertovvn residents. We feel that it's important to have the restaurant reflect the authentic identity of the neighborhood. Our collaboration with Miami Dade Culinary Pn}gr8rn will facilitate outreach tothe local population. YYewill also enlist the services ofpublic agencies that provide placement services for interested, able adults. With the launching ofRed Rooster vvBused NYC Business Solutions tOfinding many Ofour staff members. /\Saresult, over BO% ofour staff isfrom the local neighborhood. VYeestimate that stabilized employment will besimilar tORed Rooster where cumulatively the staff, comprised of servers, bartenders, culinary team, hosts, management and recurring music artists, collectively surpass well over 1O0persons. That, again, is dictated byavery high volume operation that has become essentially a 24 hour operation on the weekends. 10 Packet Pg. 32 4.1.a We are confident that our Overtown restaurant will become a major employer in the immediate area. |twill also b8exciting t0see the matriculation Ofindividuals from entry level positions t0 management roles. Our proprietary training procedures are thorough inthe varying levels of hospitality execution. Training in food, wine and spirits, steps of service are on -going via daily meetings and more in-depth monthly [heck -ins' This maintains the functionality of our restaurants athigh levels. Also, we've been iDtalks with COgOOtiOn,a company that provides customized, efficient training methodologies that utilize mobile devices. [0gn0tion's contemporary approach, along our traditional in-house training, will al|Ovv us to effectively distill our restaurant's DNA to our new team. Attract[ig Patronage tmthe Entertainment and Cultural District *f Overtowvm With Red Rooster vv2created a destination within H8rlenl/5historic Lenox corridor. Our concerted efforts toleverage our relationships, bringing world class entertainment tothe venue, raised visibility not only for our restaurant, but also for the rest of the district' Hosting such internationally recognized artist such as John Legend, Alicia Keys and Roberta Flack, has allowed ust0create adestination that people can trust for quality, world class offerings. In our Rooster newsletter we not only highlight the artist, but also showcase the special aspects ofthe Harlem neighborhood. What were once 3restaurants within 15blocks has become host toIOsuch establishments. Several restaurants have experienced spillover effects from our restaurant, while Others gain visibility from our visitors who he[Orne compelled tntry other local venues. VY2will surely d0the same for Overt0vvO, Premier Television Production Opportunities We were approached through our relationship with Food Network to produce a show, Savoring Harlem, which presented the rationale for visiting Harlem and its historic gems. We helped to curate a list of establishments and local icon personalities that became a part of the production. This production was viewed by millions of food and culture enthusiasts around the world. in general Ourteanl's media visibi|itv, international brand distinction, public relations strategy and capacity are among the most formidable in the culinary / entertainment industry' Sannue|sson"s recurring role on high rated food programs, Chopped, as well regular visits tOTodwy Show, Good Morning America, National Public Radio, and special programming on CNIG's Parts Unknown with Anthony Sourd0in among others, allows for 8 deep outreach tomillions ofmainstream Americans. Our PRteam isamong the most experienced iOthe industry. Regular placements innational periodicals will give repeated opportunities todiscuss the exciting events taking place inOvartovvn'inparticular the entertainment district. Online /Social Mei|a Our social media strategy is a very powerful component of our marketing arsenal. Between the various platforms, websites, engagements, we can be in direct contact with over a 11 Packet Pg. 33 4.1.a million people amonth. This volume ufexposure and connectivity will allow ust0 consistently and strategically tell the story of our venue, of Overtown and its transformation inand intimate, curatedway. Moreover, many of our guests visiting the restaurant in Harlem, come from Scandinavia, where 5arnuelsSOnis aculinary A,lister. We are confident that, similar t0Rooster, followers from Europe who descend upon Miami will find reason to visit Overtown for another experience provided by5arnue|sson' A5vv2host special VIP events iQconjunction with Lyric Theater, the foot traffic and sense 0f safety along the corridor will increase dramatically. Proposed Menu Our menu will likely be based 0n3southern inspired menu that incorporates the cultural attributes Ofthe immediate local community including Caribbean, African American, and Latin all curated by Michelin star world renowned celebrity Chef Samuelsson. Appetizers, small bites, entr6es and deserts will be offered as well as specialty catering and commissary provisions. To the extent possible, food will be sourced from local farms in the immediate community, showcasing a seasonal menu that evokes freshness and consciousness at once. Our beverage program will likely evoke the history OfClyde KjUens pool hall days. Cocktails famous inthe establishment's heyday will be fun to recreate with a modern, mixologist twists. Crafted cocktails and beers will be on the menu and can be highlighted and focused We have access to some of the most talented culinary and beverage experts in the country. These individuals paired with local talent, will make f or a dynamic operation. Ultimately, the overall experience should feel special, yet familiar, elevated yet approachable. Associated Merchandise Proposed forth(�, Restaurant At Rooster, we've been successful in co -branding ourselves both independent of and alongside the iconic Harlem brand. Our tshirts'hats, sweatshirts and other paraphernalia have become favorites oflocals and tourist alike. VVepredict nmajor opportunity todVa similar branding exercise with anew establishment in(]vertovvn. There may acookbook highlighting the restaurant and the specialness of the Overtown community. Merchandising efforts take a careful approach and attention to articulation and timing. |fdone correctly, the visibility can hegreat for the area. Proposed Entt,rta!nnn�-mt,;.k3aoagemmentPolicies Associated with the Entertain, n,entVenue With Red Rooster, Qnny/SSupper Club and our other brands, we've been successful 3t navigating the complex terrain Ofentertainment programming. We learned early tObring on experienced professionals who understood booking, pricing, artist management, sales and promotions. With a similar Overtown venture, we will look to bring in a partner who is 12 Packet Pg. 34 4.1.a of the community to work within the promotions and nightlife aspects of our business. 8 few key items and established critical policies: • Hirp6desigO3teBOexperienced booker who has relationships inthe musical genre we're looking to promote in our venue. This person will have industry knowledge regarding fee structures for varying levels of artist • Set a firm budget for all entertainment expenses, including performances, marketing, equipment purchases and repair. • Integrate reservation system of restaurant with supper club so as to maximize reservation opportunities and cross promotions • Create a recurring balance of high quality -local talent with A,|istglobal talent that can keep guest poised and waiting tOfind 8Ounexpected experience and new reason tU visit • Seek and acquire corporate sponsorship collaborations that provide underwriting of major performances • Leverage internal marketing capabilities to promote artist as well as traditional fee- basednnarketing • Work with local faith -based institutions tOestablish gospel events that welcome l0{8\ patrons • Invest in quality infrastructure and equipment • Build and configure separate floors such that entertainment on one floor doesn't hinder the experience on the alternative floor. This allows for maximum functionality and profitability ofthe space. w Leverage relationships with celebrities, high profile artists, music labels toreveal rare, off-rnarketopportunities for performances • Provide a mix of entertainment experiences that are scheduled, providing regulars with 3sense Ofpredictability that stays fresh, yet familiar Financial Wherewithal Our company has been inoperation for over 3years. VVehave the financial wherewithal t0 undertake this project. 13 Packet Pg. 35 4.1.a Current Dev 1-1 lopments ;�- rProjects Since inception, our group has been concerted inits growth aspirations. The initial concept and flagship brand was Red Rooster Harlem, established in December 2010. The sister concept, Qnny'sSupper Club was inaugurated ayear later. Alist ofsome ofour concepts that are relevant to the potential Overtownconcept is as fOUOvvs: • Red Rooster Harlem-Phvate|yfinanced by investors • Giony'sSmpper Club- Privately financed byinvestors • Marc Burger- Licensing structure with Macy Culinary program. Shared revenue structure. • Nomda' Licensing structure with Clarion Hotel in Europe. Shared revenue structure • Eatery Social -Licensingstructurevvith Clarion Hotel in Europe. Shared revenue structure • Kitchem& Table Licensing structure with Clarion Hotel inEurope. Shared revenue structure • Marcus Bermuda- Licensing structure with Hamilton Princess Hotel in Bermuda. Shared revenue structure • Streetbfrd Rotisserie- Privately financed by investors (See attached Slides for further description) 14 4.1.a Qualifications & Experience Our team isuniquely poised toexecute the endeavor commissioned through this RR3' We see this project a5amulti-faceted venture comprised ofthe following areas ofexpertise: • Culinary / Hospitality Execution • Economic Development/ Workforce Development • Real Estate Development ~ Entertainment Programming • Community Development &Engagement • Neighborhood Brand Building Collectively our team represents well over 40 years of experience, exhibiting a proven track record Ofexecution within each nfthese areas. These details are outlined throughout the proposal /presentation. Our attached bi0schronicle details Ofour respective paths, industry leadership, and the ability to lead a team to execute a comprehensive community based business atthe highest level. VVehumbly feel vvemeasure amongst the best possible teams in this country, perhaps internationally, to execute the call of action solicited in this (]vertovvnRFO. 15 Packet Pg. 37 HARLEM EATUR� QP FESTIVAL Our group founded & launched Harlem EatUP, validating Harlem as a viable food destination President Clinton Announces Harlem EatUp 4.1.a Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Packet Pg. 38 ` Create Jobs for Wmrtownresidents ` Promote Overtnwnaafood and entertainment destination ` Provide new services and amenities for residents of Overtown/Miami as well as regional tourist Cooking /Bmsinonsclasses for residents -integrating residents into the Overtown food movement ^ Adopt and partner with alocal school (Booker T.Senior High School) focused on responsible eating and urban gardening. Strengthening and leveraging relationships with local partners such anMiami Dade Culinary Institute, CRA.owner/stakeholders Assist in Overtown Master Planning efforts Miami Cul FOOD ~ CULTURE ^ INNOVATION V) Attachment: File # 1861 Backup (1861 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Development Packet Pg. 39 Cane puz MN o 6 Jo; ;uawaaa6y;uawdoIanaa el() uoi;noax3 ay; 6uizuoy;ny uoi;nIos921 : 1.981.) dmloe8 1981. # al!d :;uawyoe;;y RED ROOSTER HARLEM -HOST DIGNITARIES Cane puz MN OZ6 Jo; ;uawaaa6y;uawdoIanaa el() uoi;noax3 ay; 6uizuoy;ny uoi;nIos921 : 1.981.) dmloe8 1981. # ali j :;uawyoe;;y RED ROOSTER- VIP'S FREQUENT OUR HARLE11 LOCATION Packet Pg. 41 GII N Y'S1 SUPPER CLUB John Legend PINNY'S SUPPER CLUB - PREMIER PERFORMANCES Wynton Marsalis Roberta Flack Lenny Kravitz gi 1 cif vs', • • • 0 I , 4; 4 $4 If 1 :t Eric Benet Alicia Keys India Arie 1 .. : 'eso ution ut onzm. t e xecution o a leve omen Packet Pg. 42 4.1.b 920 NW 2nd Avenue DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT By and Between MARCUS SAMUELSSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC and SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY i Packet Pg. 43 4.1.b LIST OF EXHIBITS A. Legal Description of Subject Property B. Insurance Requirements C. Criminal Back Ground Standards D. Terms for Restrictive Covenant E. Special Warranty Deed F. Affidavit G. Guaranty of Completion H. Organizational Documents I. Organizational Chart ii Packet Pg. 44 4.1.b DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is dated as of the day of February, 2017, by and between Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "MSDG"), and the SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public agency and body corporate created pursuant to Section 163.356, Florida Statutes (the "CRA"); RECITALS A. The Southeast Overtown/Park West Project area was designated as a community redevelopment area (the "Redevelopment Area") by Miami -Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County"). A redevelopment plan was approved by the Commissioners of the City of Miami and the Commissioners of Miami -Dade County with certain redevelopment authority granted by the County to the City for project implementation. The City assigned to the CRA the redevelopment authority granted by the County to the City. B. The CRA issued a request for qualifications (the "RFQ") for the development of that certain real property located within the Redevelopment Area which is more particularly described on Exhibit "A" (the "Property") together with other property. C. In response to the RFQ, MSDG submitted a proposal for the development of the Property, as more particularly described in the proposal submitted by MSDG (the "Proposal") together with other property. D. Based upon the evaluation of the Proposal by the selection committee appointed by the executive director of the CRA (the "Executive Director") and subsequent negotiations between the Executive Director and MSDG, the Executive Director has recommended to the Board of Commissioners of the CRA (the "CRA Board") that the CRA enter into this Agreement with MSDG. E. Pursuant to CRA Resolution Number CRA-R-17-xxxx, the CRA Board authorized the CRA to enter into this Agreement. F. The CRA desires to convey the Property to MSDG subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement and MSDG desires to acquire the Property from the CRA for the development of the Project, as hereinafter defined, subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration and of the covenants and agreements hereafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS. The Recitals to this Agreement are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. 2. PROPERTY. The property to be conveyed by the CRA to MSDG pursuant to the terms of this Agreement consists of the Property and all appurtenances belonging thereto, including any and all rights, privileges and easements in any way pertaining thereto, and all right, title and interest of the CRA in permits and approvals issued by the applicable governmental authorities relating to the use and development of the Property. 3. DEPOSIT. Within two (2) business days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, MSDG 1 Packet Pg. 45 4.1.b shall deliver to Holland & Knight LLP, as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent"), the sum of Seventy Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($75,000.00) (the "Deposit"). Upon receipt of MSDG's tax identification number, the Escrow Agent shall invest the Deposit in an interest -bearing account, certificate of deposit, or repurchase agreement. All interest accrued or earned thereon shall be paid or credited to MSDG except in the event of default of MSDG, in which event the interest shall be disbursed to the CRA, together with the Deposit, as liquidated damages. 4. PURCHASE PRICE. 4.1 The consideration for the conveyance of the Property is One Million Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,500,000.00) (the "Cash Purchase Price"), subject to adjustments and prorations, as hereinafter provided, to be paid by wire transfer of federal funds on the Closing Date, as hereafter defined. 5. INSPECTION PERIOD. 5.1 Inspections. MSDG shall have until 5 p.m. on the thirtieth (30th) day after the Effective Date, as hereinafter defined, (the "Inspection Period") to perform, at MSDG's sole cost and expense, such investigations and inspections of the Property MSDG, in MSDG's sole and absolute discretion deems appropriate, including, without limitation, zoning investigations, utility availability and environmental assessments (collectively the "Inspections") to determine whether the Property is acceptable to MSDG, in its sole discretion. Prior to performing any on -site Inspections, MSDG shall provide at least one (1) business day's prior written notice to the Executive Director (which may be delivered by email) at 819 NW 2' Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, Phone: 305-679-6800; Facsimile: 305-679-6835; email: cwoods@miamigov.com (or such other CRA representatives as designated by the Executive Director), which written notice shall provide reasonable detail regarding the type and scope of Inspection(s) to be performed and the scheduled date and time for such Inspection(s) and provide the Executive Director the opportunity to have a representative from the CRA present at any such Inspection(s). MSDG shall conduct such Inspection in a manner so as to not unreasonably interfere with the current use of the Property. 5.2 Restoration. Following any such Inspections, MSDG shall promptly restore the Property to the condition existing immediately prior to such Inspections. The Inspections shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and by licensed and insured professionals, and MSDG shall cause its inspectors to obtain, at MSDG's sole cost and expense, any and all licenses and permits required to conduct the Inspections, as applicable. 5.3 Disclosure. MSDG agrees that in the event the need arises to notify, under applicable laws, any federal, state or local public agencies of any conditions at the Property as a result of the Inspections performed by MSDG, its agents, employees, contractors and/or representatives, MSDG shall provide the Executive Director with copies of any pertinent reports, written material, or other evidence of the condition requiring such disclosure, if any. Any required disclosures shall be made directly by the CRA, and not MSDG, to any such public agencies, unless MSDG is required to make such disclosures by applicable law, and the CRA fails to timely make such disclosures. 5.4 Indemnification. MSDG shall assume all risks associated with the Inspections and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the CRA and the City of Miami of, from and against any and all costs, losses, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses and other obligations (including, without limitation reasonable attorney's fees and court costs) arising from, out of or in connection with or otherwise relating to the Inspections, including, without limitation, the entry by any one or more of MSDG's agents, employees, contractors and other representatives in or upon the Property for the purpose 2 Packet Pg. 46 4.1.b of the Inspections. The foregoing indemnification obligations of MSDG shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 5.5 Insurance. MSDG shall, prior to entering the Property and performing any Inspections, provide to the CRA evidence of insurance by MSDG and its contractors, as applicable, as specified on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, insuring against any liability by any one or more of MSDG, its agents, employees, contractors or other representatives arising from, out of or in connection with or otherwise relating to the entry by any one or more of MSDG, its agents, employees, contractors or other representatives in or upon the Property for the purpose of the Inspections. MSDG shall provide the CRA with a certificate of insurance evidencing such insurance coverage, naming the CRA and the City of Miami as an additional insured thereon and which insurance coverage shall be kept in force until the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. 5.6 Acceptance of Property. If for any reason whatsoever MSDG, in its sole discretion, determines during the Inspection Period that it does not wish to proceed with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, MSDG shall have the absolute right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of such termination to the CRA prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period. Upon the CRA's receipt of such notice prior to the end of the Inspection Period, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further force and effect. Escrow Agent shall promptly return the Deposit together with any interest accrued thereon to MSDG and the parties shall be released and relieved from any liability or obligations hereunder, except for those obligations and this Section 5 which expressly survive the termination of this Agreement. If MSDG does not terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, then it shall be presumed conclusively that MSDG has had adequate opportunity to review and inspect all portions of the Property, including, without limitation, the environmental condition of the Property and, MSDG has determined that the condition of all portions of the Property are satisfactory to MSDG and MSDG has accepted every portion of the Property in its "AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS" condition. 5.7 No Lien. MSDG shall not create or permit to be created any mechanic's liens upon the Property, or any part thereof, as a result of the Inspections. If any lien shall at any time be filed against the Property, or any part thereof in connection with the Inspections, MSDG shall cause same to be discharged or transferred to bond in accordance with applicable laws within thirty (30) days after MSDG first becomes aware that such lien has been recorded against the Property. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 5.8 CRA Deliveries. Prior to the date of this Agreement, the CRA has provided to MSDG copies of all surveys, plans, drawings, reports and environmental studies which the CRA has been able to locate with respect to the Property (collectively the "CRA Deliveries"). Any reliance upon the CRA Deliveries is at the sole risk of MSDG and the CRA makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the CRA Deliveries, and any reliance upon same is at the sole risk of MSDG. 5.9 Disclaimer of Representations by MSDG. MSDG hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that, except as specifically provided in this Agreement: 5.9.1 The CRA makes and has made no warranty or representation whatsoever as to the condition or suitability of the Property for the Project, as hereinafter defined. 5.9.2 The CRA makes and has made no warranty, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy or completeness of any information furnished to MSDG, and the CRA shall not be bound by any statement of any broker, employee, agent or other representative of the CRA. 3 Packet Pg. 47 4.1.b 5.9.3 The CRA has made no representations, warranties or promises to MSDG not explicitly set forth in this Agreement. 5.9.4 The CRA has made no representations or warranties, express or implied, with regard to the neighborhood, that the Redevelopment Area will be developed, or as to the precise type or quality of improvements that will be constructed within the Redevelopment Area or the timing thereof. 5.9.5 The CRA makes and has made no representation or warranty, express or implied, concerning any portion of the Property, its condition or other things or matters directly or indirectly relating thereto or hereto, including, without limitation, no warranty as to merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or relating to the absence of latent or other defects. 5.9.6 Removal of Slum and Blight. MSDG specifically acknowledges that the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and the time frame for performance by MSDG under this Agreement is not contingent upon the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area, the removal of slum or blight from the Redevelopment Area, the reduction of crime in the Redevelopment Area, or the status of any other projects in the Redevelopment Area. 5.9.7 Copies of Reports. MSDG shall provide the CRA with copies of any third party reports prepared for MSDG regarding the physical condition of the Property within ten (10) days of termination of this Agreement. 6. AS -IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS CONDITION. 6.1 MSDG does hereby acknowledge, represent, warrant and agree, to and with CRA, that, (i) MSDG is acquiring the Property in an "AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS" condition with respect to any facts, circumstances, conditions, and defects of all kinds; (ii) CRA has no obligation to repair or correct any such facts, circumstances, conditions or defects or compensate MSDG for same; (iii) MSDG is and will be relying strictly and solely upon the advice and counsel of its own agents and representatives and such physical inspections, examinations and tests of the Property as MSDG deems necessary or appropriate under the circumstances; (iv) MSDG has had and will have, pursuant to this Agreement, an adequate opportunity to make such legal, factual, and other inquiries and investigations as MSDG deems necessary, desirable or appropriate with respect to the Property; (v) the CRA is not making and has not made any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the Property as an inducement to MSDG to enter into this Agreement, or for any other purpose; and (vi) by reason of all of the foregoing, from and after the respective closing, MSDG shall assume the full risk of any loss or damage occasioned by any fact, circumstance, condition or defect pertaining to the physical and other conditions of the Property, regardless of whether the same is capable of being observed or ascertained. 6.2 THE CRA HAS NOT, DOES NOT AND WILL NOT, WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY, MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT IN NO WAY LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF CONDITION OR MERCHANTABILITY, OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VALUE, PROFIT ABILITY OR OPERA TING POTENTIAL OF THE PROPERTY. 6.3 MSDG hereby releases the CRA from any liability, claims, damages, penalties, costs, fees, charges, losses, causes of action, demands, expenses of any kind or nature or any other claim it has or may have against the CRA resulting from the presence, removal or other remediation of "Hazardous Materials" (as hereinafter defined) on or under the Property or which has migrated from adjacent lands to the Property or from the Property to adjacent lands. 4 Packet Pg. 48 4.1.b 6.4 The term "Hazardous Materials" shall mean asbestos, any petroleum fuel and any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste which is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the state where the Property is located or the United States Government, including, but not limited to, any material or substance defined as a "hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste," "restricted hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," "hazardous material" or "toxic pollutant" under state law and/or under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601, et seq. 6.5 The provisions of this Section 6 shall survive any termination of this Agreement and shall survive Closing and the delivery of the Special Warranty Deed at Closing. 7. TITLE AND SURVEY. 7.1 MSDG shall obtain a title insurance commitment (the "Commitment") and a survey (the "Survey") of the Property, at MSDG's sole cost and expense. The Commitment and the Survey shall show the CRA to be vested in good and marketable lien free fee simple title to the Property, subject only to the following (the "Permitted Exceptions"): 7.1.1 Ad valorem real estate taxes and assessments for the year of closing and subsequent years. 7.1.2 All applicable laws, ordinances and governmental regulations, including, but not limited to, all applicable building, zoning, land use, environmental ordinances and regulations. 7.1.3 Any matters arising by, through, or under MSDG. 7.2 MSDG shall have until 5:00 p.m. thirty (30) days after the Effective Date (the "Title Review Period") to obtain and examine the Commitment and the Survey. MSDG shall promptly provide the CRA with a copy of the Commitment and the Survey upon MSDG's receipt of same. The survey shall be certified to MSDG and the CRA. If the Commitment and Survey reveals any particular condition of title other than the Permitted Exceptions, MSDG shall, no later than the expiration of the Title Review Period, notify the CRA in writing of the defect(s). If MSDG fails to give the CRA written notice of the defect(s) prior to the end of the Title Review Period, the defect(s) shown in the Commitment and the Survey shall be deemed to be waived as title objections and same shall be deemed to constitute Permitted Exceptions for all purposes under this Agreement. If MSDG has given CRA written notice of defect(s) rendering title unmarketable prior to the end of the Title Review Period other than the Permitted Exceptions, the CRA shall elect within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of the title defect(s) whether the CRA will elect to attempt to cure the title defect(s). If the CRA does not elect to cure the title defect(s), MSDG shall have the option, at its sole discretion and to be exercised within ten (10) days after MSDG receives written notice from the CRA that the CRA has elected not to cure the title defect(s), of either (i) waiving the defect(s), in which event the defect(s) shall be deemed to constitute a Permitted Exception under this Agreement, or (ii) terminating this Agreement, in which event Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit, together with interest accrued thereon, to MSDG and the parties shall be released from any further obligations under this Agreement, except for those obligations that expressly survive the termination of this Agreement. If the CRA elects to attempt to cure the title defect(s), the CRA shall have sixty (60) days from receipt of the written notice of defect(s) to use commercially reasonable efforts to cure same (the "Cure Period"). If the CRA elects to cure the title defect(s), the CRA shall discharge any lien(s), judgment(s) or other matters affecting title to the Property in a liquidated amount. The CRA shall not be required to commence litigation to resolve any matters. In the event the CRA attempts to cure the title defects and the CRA is not able to cure the defect(s) prior to the end of the Cure Period, MSDG shall have the option, to be exercised within ten (10) days after the end of the Cure Period, of either (i) waiving 5 Packet Pg. 49 4.1.b the defect(s), in which event the defect(s) shall be deemed to constitute a Permitted Exception under this Agreement, or (ii) terminating this Agreement, whereupon Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit, together with interest accrued thereon, to MSDG and the parties shall be released from any further obligations under this Agreement, except for those obligations that expressly survive the termination of this Agreement. 7.3 In the event of any new title defect(s) arising from and after the effective date of the Commitment and prior to the Closing Date, the CRA shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cure such title defect(s) prior to the Closing Date. The CRA shall discharge any lien(s), judgment(s) or other matters affecting title to the Property that are in a liquidated amount. The CRA shall not be required to bring any lawsuit(s) to cure any title defect(s) or expend any funds to cure any title defect(s) not in a liquidated amount. In the event that the CRA is unable to cure the title defect(s) prior to the Closing Date after using commercially reasonable efforts, MSDG shall have the option on the Closing Date of: (i) waiving the title defect(s) and accepting title "as is" whereupon the title defect(s) will be deemed to constitute a Permitted Exception under this Agreement; or (ii) terminating this Agreement, whereupon Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit to MSDG and the parties shall be released from all further obligations under this Agreement, except for those obligations that expressly survive the termination of this Agreement. 8. PROJECT. 8.1 Description of the Project. The project shall consist of the build out of a high - end restaurant and lounge which will be a premier dining and entertainment destination, embracing and inspired by the history of Overtown as described in the RFQ (the "Project"). 8.2 Schematic Documents. Within 60 days after the Effective Date, MSDG shall submit to the Executive Director for its review and approval the schematic design documents for the Project consisting of drawings and other documents (such as an architectural site plan and floor plans) illustrating design of Project components (the "Schematic Documents"). The Schematic Documents shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and which approval shall be given if the Schematic Documents are consistent with the Proposal. MSDG agrees to utilize its good faith efforts to make modifications to the Schematic Documents to satisfy the requirements of the Executive Director if the Schematic Documents are inconsistent with Proposal. MSDG shall provide to the Executive Director such additional back-up information as the Executive Director may reasonably request to enable the Executive Director to analyze the Schematic Documents. The Executive Director shall have fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the Schematic Documents to approve or disapprove same. If the Executive Director fails to respond within said fifteen (15) day period, the Schematic Documents shall be deemed approved. In the event of disapproval, the Executive Director shall specify the reason for such disapproval. In the event of disapproval, MSDG shall modify the Schematic Documents, as appropriate, to address the comments and concerns of the Executive Director to Schematic Documents to be consistent with the Proposal. Any resubmission shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director in accordance with the procedure outlined above for the original submission until same is approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director. The Executive Director and the MSDG shall make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any disputes regarding the Schematic Documents. If the Executive Director has rejected the Schematic Documents two (2) times, then, following the second rejection, MSDG may elect to submit such dispute regarding the approval of the Schematic Documents to the CRA Board, or at the option of MSDG, to Arbitration, as hereinafter defined, for resolution which resolution shall be binding on the parties. The Schematic Documents as approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director shall mean the "Approved Schematic Documents". 6 Packet Pg. 50 4.1.b 8.3 Design Development Documents. Within 90 days after the approval or deemed approval of the Approved Schematic Documents, MSDG shall submit to the Executive Director for its review and approval the design development documents for the Project (the "Design Development Documents"). The Design Development Documents shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and which approval shall be given if the Design Development Documents are consistent with the Approved Schematic Documents. MSDG agrees to utilize its good faith efforts to make modifications to the Design Development Documents to satisfy the requirements of the Executive Director if the Design Development Documents are inconsistent with Approved Schematic Documents. MSDG shall provide to the Executive Director such additional back-up information as the Executive Director may reasonably request to enable the Executive Director to analyze the Design Development Documents. The Executive Director shall have fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the Design Development Documents to approve or disapprove same. If the Executive Director fails to respond within said fifteen (15) day period, the Design Development Documents shall be deemed approved. In the event of disapproval, the Executive Director shall specify the reason for such disapproval. In the event of disapproval, MSDG shall modify the Design Development Documents, as appropriate, to address the comments and concerns of the Executive Director to cause the Design Development Documents to be consistent with the Approved Schematic Documents. Any resubmission shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director in accordance with the procedure outlined above for the original submission until same is approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director. The Executive Director and MSDG shall make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any disputes regarding the Design Development Documents. If the Executive Director has rejected the Design Development Documents two (2) times, MSDG may elect to submit such dispute regarding the approval of the Design Development Documents to the CRA Board, or at the option of MSDG, to Arbitration for resolution which resolution shall be binding on the parties. The Design Development Documents as approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director shall mean the "Design Documents". 8.4 Construction Documents. MSDG shall use commercially reasonable efforts to submit to the Executive Director for its review and approval MSDG's plans and specifications for the construction of the Project, which shall be of sufficient detail to allow MSDG to apply for a building permit for the Project (the "Plans and Specifications") within 90 days after the approval or deemed approval of the Design Documents but no later than the time MSDG submits the Plans and Specifications in connection with its application for a building permit for the Project. The Plans and Specifications shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and which approval shall be given if the Plans and Specifications are consistent with the Design Documents in all material respects. MSDG agrees to utilize its good faith efforts to make modifications to the Plans and Specifications to satisfy the requirements of the Executive Director if the Plans and Specifications are inconsistent with Design Documents in any material respects. MSDG shall provide to the Executive Director such additional back-up information as the Executive Director may reasonably request to enable the Executive Director to analyze the Plans and Specifications. The Executive Director shall have fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the Plans and Specifications to approve or disapprove same. If the Executive Director fails to respond in such fifteen (15) days period, the Plans and Specifications shall be deemed approved. In the event of disapproval, the Executive Director shall specify the reason for such disapproval. In the event of disapproval, MSDG shall modify the Plans and Specifications, as appropriate, to address the comments and concerns of the Executive Director to cause the Plans and Specifications to be consistent with the Design Documents in all material respects. Any resubmission shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director in accordance with the procedure outlined above for the original submission until same is approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director. The Executive Director and MSDG shall in good faith, attempt to resolve any disputes regarding the Plans and Specifications. If the Executive Director has rejected the Plans and Specifications two (2) times, MSDG may elect to submit such dispute regarding the approval of the Plans and Specifications to the CRA Board, or, at the option of MSDG to Arbitration for resolution, which resolution shall be binding 7 Packet Pg. 51 4.1.b on the parties. The Plans and Specifications as approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director shall mean the "Plans". 8.5 Development Requirements. MSDG shall be required to develop the Project substantially in accordance with the Plans. Any material variation to the plans, other than those changes required by the City in connection with the issuance of the building permit to comply with applicable laws, shall require the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed provided that same is in accordance with the spirit and intent of Plans and this Agreement. 9. DEVELOPMENT TIMEFRAME. 9.1.1 Land Use and Zoning Approvals for the Project. MSDG represents to the CRA that to the best of MSDG's knowledge, the Property is appropriately zoned for the development of the Project in accordance with the Proposal and no land use and zoning changes are required for the development of the Project. 9.1.2 Failure to Comply with Commencement of Construction. If MSDG has not commence construction within ten (10) days after the Closing Date, in addition to the remedies that the CRA may have under the Guaranty and the Payment and Performance Bond as such terms are hereafter defined, the Developer shall pay to the CRA, as liquidated damages, Two Hundred and Fifty and No/100 ($250.00) Dollars per day for each day until MSDG commences construction. Said amount shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the Completion. 9.1.3 Failure to Complete the Project. If MSDG has not achieved Completion prior to the Completion Date, MSDG shall pay to the CRA, as liquidated damages, Two Hundred and Fifty and No/100 ($250.00) Dollars per day for each day until Completion. Said amount shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the Completion. 10. DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCIAL APPROVALS. 10.1 Development of Project. As soon as available after the Effective Date, MSDG shall submit to the Executive Director for review and approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed the following: 10.2 Construction Contract. MSDG shall deliver to the Executive Director or make available to the Executive Director for its review at a mutually acceptable location the Construction Contract that requires compliance with provisions 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 (the "Construction Contract"), together with the "schedule of values" for the Project, which Construction Contract shall include the obligation of the general contractor to comply with the participation requirements set forth in Section 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 of this Agreement. The approval of the Executive Director shall be limited to the issue of whether the Construction Contract includes the obligation of the general contractor to comply with the participation requirements set forth in Section 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 of this Agreement. 10.3 Source of Funds. MSDG shall deliver to the Executive Director or make available to the Executive Director for its review at a mutually acceptable location a loan commitment from a qualified lender or financial institution (the "Loan Commitment") or sufficient documentation evidencing that MSDG has obtained funding for the development of the Project (the "Source of Funds") which shall be reasonably acceptable to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will not have approval rights over the loan terms or equity investment terms. The approval of the Executive Director shall be limited to the issue of whether the Source of Funds reflects that funds will be available for 8 Packet Pg. 52 4.1.b construction of the Project and the amount of funds that will be made available for construction provides the funds required under the Budget (as hereinafter defined). 10.4 Budget. The line item budget for the Project reflecting all hard and soft costs anticipated to be incurred by MSDG in connection with the Project (the "Budget"). If MSDG has provided a Loan Commitment, the Budget shall be deemed approved by the Executive Director if approved by the lender as reflected in the Loan Commitment. 10.5 Project Schedule. The detailed project schedule for the construction of Project (the "Project Schedule") must reflect that MSDG will achieve Completion prior to the Completion Date. If MSDG has provided a Loan Commitment, the Executive Director will approve the Project Schedule if the Project Schedule is the same as utilized by the lender for the Loan Commitment and if the Project Schedule reflects that MSDG will achieve Completion prior to the Completion Date. 10.6 Approval Required by Section 10.1. If the Executive Director fails to provide its approval or its disapproval, to items submitted to the Executive Director in accordance with Section 10.1, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a request for approval from MSDG, the item shall be deemed approved. If the Executive Director disapproves any item, the Executive Director shall describe in its disapproval notice the reason for such disapproval with reasonable specificity. 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND COMMUNITY BENEFITS. 11.1 Minority and Women Participation and Equal Opportunity. In connection with the Project, MSDG agrees that it will and that MSDG will require its general contractor to: (a) Take definitive action in the recruitment, advertising and to attract and retain minority and female contractors and subcontractors; (b) Provide a reasonable opportunity in the recruitment, advertising and hiring of professionals, contractors and subcontractors residing within the Redevelopment Area and within the City of Miami; (c) Take reasonable definitive action in retaining employees regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veterans and disability status; (d) Maintain equitable principles in the recruitment, advertising, hiring, upgrading, transfer, layoff, termination, compensation and all other terms, conditions and privileges of employment; (e) Monitor and review all personnel practices to guarantee that equal opportunities are being provided to all employees regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veterans and disability status; (f) Post in conspicuous places, availability to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be provided to the Executive Director, setting forth the non-discrimination clauses of this Section 11; (g) In all solicitations and advertisements for employment placed by or on behalf of MSDG, state that all applicants will receive consideration for employment 9 Packet Pg. 53 4.1.b without regard to race, creed, color or national origin. 11.2 Participation Requirements During Construction. MSDG agrees to comply with the following subcontractor participation requirements and laborer participation requirements (the "Participation Requirements") with respect to the Project: 11.2.1 Subcontractor Participation. MSDG shall require its general contractor to hire not less than twenty percent (20%) of the subcontractors for the construction of the Project utilizing companies that have their principal place of business within Miami -Dade County, Florida, giving first priority to subcontractors who principal place of business is in the Redevelopment Area, second priority to subcontractors whose principal place of business is in Overtown, third priority to subcontractors whose principal place of business is within District 5 of the City of Miami, fourth priority to subcontractors whose principal place of business is in the City of Miami and last priority to subcontractors whose principal place of business is in Miami -Dade County, Florida. For purpose of calculating the twenty percent (20%) subcontractor participation, the twenty percent (20%) participation shall be calculated based upon the numerator being the dollar value of all subcontracts given to subcontractors whose principal place of business is in Miami -Dade County, Florida and the denominator being the total dollar value of all subcontracts entered into by the general contract over the entire course of the Project ("Subcontractor Participation Requirement"). 11.2.2 Laborer Participation. MSDG shall require its general contractor and all subcontractors to hire forty percent (40%) of the unskilled labor for the construction of the Project ("Laborer Participation Requirement") from workers residing in Miami -Dade County, Florida giving first priority to workers residing in the Redevelopment Area, second priority to workers residing in Overtown, third priority to workers residing in District 5 of the City of Miami, fourth priority to workers residing in the City of Miami with last priority to workers residing in Miami -Dade County, Florida. 11.2.3 Disputes. In the event of any disputes between the Executive Director and MSDG as to whether any subcontractor has its principal place of business in Miami -Dade County, Florida or whether any laborer resides in Miami -Dade County, Florida and whether MSDG complied with the priority requirements, MSDG and the Executive Director shall proceed in good faith to resolve the dispute. In the event the dispute is not resolved within ten (10) days either party may submit the dispute to the CRA Board or, at the option of MSDG, to Arbitration for resolution which resolution shall be binding on the parties. 11.2.4 Construction Reporting Requirements. MSDG shall be required to submit to the Executive Director (i) on a quarterly basis commencing thirty (30) days after the end of the first quarter after the commencement of construction of the Project until thirty days following Completion, detailed reports of performance against the Subcontractor Participation Requirement during the prior quarter and (ii) on a monthly basis commencing thirty (30) days after the commencement of construction of the Project until thirty days following Completion, detailed reports of performance against the Laborer Participation Requirement during the prior month ("Construction Participation Reports"). The Construction Participation Reports shall contain such information as the Executive Director may reasonably require to enable the Executive Director to determine whether MSDG is in compliance with the Subcontractor Participation Requirement and the Laborer Participation Requirement with respect to the Project. MSDG and the Executive Director shall utilize their good faith efforts to agree on the form for the Construction Participation Reports during the Inspection Period. 12. COMMUNITY BENEFITS. 12.1 Permanent Employment Hiring Requirement. MSDG shall require work 10 Packet Pg. 54 4.1.b performed by Full -Time and Part -Time Employees in connection with the operation of the Project to be performed by individuals who reside within the Miami -Dade County. This requirement shall be deemed satisfied if Full -Time and Part -Time Employees working in connection with the operation of the Project satisfy the following requirements (the "Employee Participation Requirement"): Not less than twenty percent (20%) of the employees working at the Project are City residents living within the Redevelopment Area or in the Overtown community; Not less than forty percent (40%) of the employees working at the Project are residents of the City of Miami; and Not less than eighty percent (80%) of the employees working at the Project are residents of the Miami -Dade County. Compliance with the Employee Participation Requirement shall be calculated annually based upon the total number of hours worked by employees in each of the respective categories listed above and the total number of hours worked by all employees at the Project. The place of residence shall be determined as of January 1 of each year. Employees who on their original hire date were residents of either the Redevelopment Area or Overtown and following commencement of their employment at the Project establish their personal residence outside such aforementioned areas shall, for purposes of satisfying the Employment Participation Requirement, retain their original characterization as a resident of either the Redevelopment Area and Overtown for a period of not more than three (3) years following the date of said employees' move upon submittal of documentation confirming residence within the Redevelopment Area and Overtown for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to the commencement of their employment at the Project. The Employee Participation Requirement shall not be deemed or construed to require the hiring of employees who do not comply with the hiring requirements, including mandatory drug testing; however, neither MSDG or its agents shall solicit from prospective employees information regarding their past criminal record at the time of initial application and any evidence of past criminal acts committed by such prospective employee of which MSDG or its agents become apprised thereafter shall not automatically disqualify such prospective employee from employment at the Project, but shall be considered on a case -by -case basis in accordance with the standards set forth in Exhibit "C". Any aforementioned hiring requirements of MSDG shall not relieve MSDG from its obligation to comply with the Employee Participation Requirement. 12.2 Job Fairs & Employment Advertisements. 12.2.1 Construction Job Opportunities. MSDG shall broadly disseminate information regarding job opportunities for local area residents and businesses within the Redevelopment Area to allow them to participate in construction of the Project, including, without limitation, hosting at least two (2) job fairs within the Redevelopment Area prior to the commencement of the Project. 12.2.2 Permanent Job Opportunities. MSDG shall broadly disseminate information regarding job opportunities for local residents and businesses within the Redevelopment Area post -construction, including newly generated trade and service related jobs upon completion of the Project, including, without limitation, hosting at least one (2) job fair within the Redevelopment Area upon completion of the Project. 12.2.3 Employment Advertisement & Notice. MSDG shall: 11 Packet Pg. 55 4.1.b (i) Electronically post job opportunities in established job outreach websites and organizations, including, without limitation, CareerSource South Florida, and similar programs in order to attract as many eligible applicants for such jobs as possible; (ii) Place a full -page weekly advertisement in the Miami Times newspaper to inform residents of available job opportunities and any upcoming job fairs not less than three (3) weeks prior to said job fair. This shall be in addition to any advertisements done through other job outreach websites, organizations, and efforts referenced hereinabove; and (iii) Place weekly radio commercials on WMBM and either Hot 105 or 99JAMZ to inform residents of available job opportunities and upcoming job fairs not less than three (3) days prior to said job fair. 12.3 Local Partnerships, Job Training, & Career Development Partnerships. 12.3.1 Local Partnerships. MSDG shall execute an M.O.U.'s with following local community organizations, including but not limited to Miami -Dade Hospitality & Culinary Institute, Overtown Youth Initiates, the Historic Lyric Theater, South Beach Food and Wine Festival, and the Perez Art Museum. 12.3.2 Small Business Services. MSDG shall work with local community organizations to provide marketing related services, laundry services, and valet services for the Project. 12.3.3 Training Programs & Career Partnership Development. MSDG shall develop training programs designed to train residents of the CRA for job opportunities at the Project, including without limitation, coordinating with local partners, such as . MSDG shall place graduates of any such training programs in permanent jobs at the Project following its construction. (OPEN) 12.3.4 Student Internship Opportunities. MSDG shall establish and maintain a paid academic year and summer internship program to benefit students attending Booker T. Washington Senior High School and Theodore Gibson Charter School. 13. CRA CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. 13.1 The obligations of the CRA to close the transaction contemplated by this Agreement with respect to the Project is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the following conditions precedent (the "CRA Conditions Precedent"): 13.1.1 The Plans and Specifications have been approved or deemed approved by the Executive Director in accordance with Section 8.4. 13.1.2 The Executive Director shall have approved the project budget and Source of Funds. 13.1.3 The Lender under the Loan Commitment is prepared to close the construction loan with respect to the Project substantially in accordance with terms of the Loan Commitment, if applicable. 13.1.4 MSDG or its contractor shall have provided to the Executive Director a payment and performance bonds in the form of AIA Document 312 (2010 Edition), in form and substance 12 Packet Pg. 56 4.1.b satisfactory to the CRA, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the hard construction costs for the Project as reflected in the Budget, which shall be issued by a surety having a credit rating of "A" or higher with a financial size category rating of VII or higher in the latest edition of Bests Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey (the "Payment and Performance Bond") listing the CRA and the City of Miami as dual obligees. 13.1.5 MSDG has obtained a building permit for the Project to enable MSDG to construct the Project in accordance with the Plans, or provided the Executive Director with evidence that a building permit for the construction of the Project in accordance with the Plans is ready to be issued subject only to the payment of the building permit fees and impact fees. 13.1.6 In the event the CRA Conditions Precedent are not satisfied or waived by the CRA on or before the Closing Date, as hereinafter defined, and provided delays in completion are caused by MSDG and by no other factor, then the CRA may either (i) terminate this Agreement in which the Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit to the CRA, as liquidated damages and the parties shall be released from all further obligations under this Agreement except for the obligations under this Agreement which expressly survive the termination, or (ii) waive the condition and proceed in accordance with this Agreement. 14. CLOSING DATE. 14.1 Closing. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing Date") shall occur on the earlier of (a) ten (10) days after all the CRA Conditions Precedent to closing have been either satisfied or waived by the CRA or (b) 21 months after the Effective Date, time being of the essence. On the Closing Date the following shall occur provided all of the CRA Conditions Precedent have been satisfied or waived: 14.1.1 CRA Deliveries. The CRA shall deliver to MSDG at Closing: A special warranty deed in the form of Exhibit "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Deed") with respect to that portion of the Property. A certified copy of the resolution authorizing the conveyance by the CRA and the execution and delivery of the documents contemplated by this Agreement. A no lien and possession affidavit in the form of Exhibit "F" attached hereto (the "No Lien Affidavit"). A FIRPTA affidavit. A restrictive covenant in the form of Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Restrictive Covenant") executed by the CRA, including the condition that the CRA shall have the right of first refusal to purchase the Property at appraised value in the event that MSDG decided to sell the Property within the first 10 years of purchase. The CRA shall deliver to Escrow Agent the amount of the Grant by wire transfer of federal funds. request. Such other documents as the title company may reasonably 13 Packet Pg. 57 4.1.b 14.2 MSDG Deliveries. MSDG shall deliver to the CRA or cause to be delivered to the CRA at closing: 14.2.1 Evidence of authority to close the transaction and execute and deliver the appropriate closing documents. 14.2.2 Payment and Performance Bond. 14.2.3 A guaranty (the "Guaranty") of the lien free completion of the Project executed by MSDG. The Guaranty shall be in the form of Exhibit "G" attached hereto. The Guaranty shall not be required provided the Payment and Performance Bond is modified to (i) require the surety to achieve Completion notwithstanding the failure of the Owner to pay the amount due under the Construction Contract and (ii) the failure of the Owner to pay all soft cost associated with the Project. 14.2.4 The Restrictive Covenant executed by MSDG. 14.2.5 Pay to the CRA One Million Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,500,000.00) by wire transfer of federal funds. 14.2.6 Such other documents as the title company may reasonably request. 14.2.7 The Deposit shall be utilized at closing to pay a portion of the amount due the CRA on the Closing Date. 14.3 Recording Costs. The documentary stamp tax and surtax to be affixed to the Deed and the cost for recording the Deed and the Restrictive Covenant shall be paid by MSDG. Each party shall bear the cost of the fees of their own respective attorneys and other professionals and the cost of their own respective performance under this Agreement. 14.4 Adjustments and Prorations. MSDG and the CRA acknowledge that Property is currently exempt for ad valorem real estate taxes and assessments and therefore taxes and assessments shall not be prorated. 14.5 Parties in Possession. On the Closing Date the CRA shall provide Property to MSDG free and clear of all parties in possession. 15. INDEMNIFICATION. MSDG agrees to indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless the CRA and the City of Miami from and against all loss, costs, penalties, fines, damages, claims, expenses (including attorney's fees) or liabilities (collectively referred to as "liabilities") for reason of any injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction or loss of any property arising out of, resulting from or in connection with: (i) the performance or non-performance of the services, supplies, materials and equipment contemplated by this Agreement or the Project, whether directly or indirectly caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission, default, professional errors or omissions, or negligence (whether active or passive) of the MSDG or its employees, agents or subcontractors (collectively referred to as "MSDG"), regardless of whether it is, or is alleged to be, caused in whole or part (whether joint, concurrent or contributing) by any act, omission, default, breach, or negligence (whether active or passive) of the CRA, unless such injuries or damages are ultimately proven to be the result of grossly negligent or willful acts or omissions on the part of the CRA; or (ii) the failures of the MSDG to comply with any of the paragraphs provisions herein; or (iii) the failure of the MSDG, to conform to statutes, ordinances, or other regulations or requirements of any governmental authority, federal, state, county, or city in connection with the granting or performance of this Agreement, or any Amendment to this 14 Packet Pg. 58 4.1.b Agreement. MSDG expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the CRA, from and against all liabilities which may be asserted by an employee or former employee of MSDG, any of subcontractors, or participants in the Program, as provided above, for which the MSDG's liability to such employee, former employee, subcontractor, or participant would otherwise be limited to payments under state Worker's Compensation or similar laws. 16. REPRESENTATIONS OF CRA. 16.1 The CRA makes the following representations: 16.1.1 The CRA is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Florida and has full power and capacity to own its properties, to carry on its business as presently conducted by the CRA, and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 16.1.2 The CRA's execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary legal actions and does not and shall not conflict with or constitute a default under any indenture, agreement or instrument to which the CRA is a party or by which the CRA or CRA's property may be bound or affected, except for such approvals required by this Agreement. 16.1.3 This Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligation of the CRA, enforceable against the CRA, and its successors and assigns, in accordance with their respective terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. 16.1.4 Survival of Representations. All of the representations of the CRA set forth in this Agreement shall be true upon the execution of this Agreement, shall be deemed to be repeated and as of the Closing Date, respectively, and shall be true as of such Closing Date. All of the representations, warranties and agreements of the CRA set forth in this Agreement shall not survive the respective closings. 17. MSDG's REPRESENTATIONS. 17.1 MSDG makes the following representations to the CRA as follows: 17.1.1 MSDG is a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and have full power and capacity to own the Property, to carry on its business as presently conducted, and to enter into the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 17.1.2 Copies of the articles of organization for MSDG are attached hereto as Exhibit "H" (the "Organizational Documents"). The organizational chart of MSDG and a list of members of MSDG is attached hereto as Exhibit "I" and made a part hereof (the "Organizational Chart"). 17.1.3 MSDG's execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary company actions and does not and shall not conflict with or constitute a default under any indenture, agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which it may be bound or affected. 17.1.4 This Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligation of MSDG, enforceable against MSDG and its successors and assigns, in accordance with its respective terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. 17.1.5 Survival of Representations. All of the representations of MSDG set 15 Packet Pg. 59 4.1.b forth in this Agreement shall in all material respects be true upon the execution of this Agreement, shall be deemed to be repeated and as of the Closing Date, and shall be true in all material respects as of each respective closing date. All of the representations, warranties and agreements of MSDG set forth in this Agreement shall not survive the Closing. 18. DEFAULT. 18.1 MSDG Failure to Perform. 18.1.1 If the CRA Conditions Precedent have not been satisfied, deemed satisfied or waived on or before 15 months after the Effective Date, MSDG shall be in default under this Agreement and the CRA may terminate this Agreement in which event the Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit to the CRA as liquidated damages and the parties will be relieved from any further obligations under this Agreement except for the obligations that expressly survive termination. 18.1.2 In the event the CRA becomes aware of any material misrepresentations by MSDG set forth in Section 17 of this Agreement prior to Closing, and MSDG fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of its receipt of written notice from the CRA delivered pursuant to Section 21 hereof, the CRA, as its sole and exclusive remedy, may terminate this Agreement, in which event the Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit to the CRA as liquidated damages and the parties shall be released from all further obligations under this Agreement except for the obligations that expressly survive termination. 18.1.3 In the event MSDG breaches any other terms and provisions of this Agreement not addressed in Sections 18.1.1, 18.1.2 or Section 9, which is not cured within thirty (30) days of written notice of default from the CRA delivered pursuant to Section 21 below, the CRA may pursue all remedies available at law or in equity, including specific performance, as a result of such breach; provided however, the CRA shall not have the right to terminate this Agreement with respect to a breach other than as expressly addressed in Sections 18.1.1, 18.1.2, and Section 9. 18.1.4 In the event of a default by the CRA under this Agreement (other than an intentional default) which is not cured within ten (10) days of written notice from MSDG, without any default on the part of MSDG, MSDG, as its sole and exclusive remedy, shall be entitled to (i) terminate this Agreement in which event the Escrow Agent shall return the Deposit to Developer and parties shall be released from all further obligations under this Agreement except for the obligations that expressly survive the termination, or (ii) sue for specific performance to enforce the terms of this Agreement. MSDG waives any other remedies it may have against the CRA -at law or in equity as a result of a breach of this Agreement except if the CRA conveys the Property to another party prior to the termination of this Agreement, ill which event MSDG may pursue all remedies available at law or in equity as a result of such breach as a result of the remedy of specific performance not being available. 19. BROKERS. The parties each represent and warrant to the other that there are no real estate broker(s), salesman (salesmen) or finder(s) involved in this transaction. If a claim for commissions in connection with this transaction is made by any broker, salesman or finder claiming to have dealt through or on behalf of. one of the parties hereto ("Indemnitor"), Indemnitor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party hereunder ("Indemnitee"), and Indemnitee's officers, directors, agents and representatives, from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, costs, fees and expenses whatsoever (including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs at trial and all appellate levels) with respect to said claim for commissions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the respective closings. 16 Packet Pg. 60 4.1.b 20. ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement may not be assigned without the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. For the purpose of this Section 21, each of the following events shall be deemed an assignment requiring the approval of the Executive Director, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed by the Executive Director. 21. NOTICES. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if delivered by hand, sent by recognized overnight courier (such as Federal Express), sent by fax and another method provided herein or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, in a postage prepaid envelope, and addressed as follows: If to MSDG: Marcus Samuelsson Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC 273 Lenox Avenue New York, NY 10026 Fax: Email: Marcus@Samuelssongroup.com Derek Fleming Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC 114 West 118th Street New York, NY 10026 Fax: Email: Derekfleming@gmail.com With a copy to: Adam Zwecker, Esq. Akerman LLP Three Brickell City Centre 98 SE 7th St Miami, FL 33131 Fax: 305-374-5095 Email: adam.zwecker@akerman.com If to CRA: Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 N.W. 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Fax: 305-679-6835 Email: cwoods@miamigov.com With a copy to: William R. Bloom, Esq. Holland & Knight, LLP 701 Brickell Avenue Miami, FL 33131 Suite 3000 Fax: 305-789-7799 Email: william.bloom@hklaw.com 17 Packet Pg. 61 4.1.b And with a copy to: Staff Counsel Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 N.W. 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Fax: 305-679-6835 Email: rjadusingh@miamigov.com Notices personally delivered or sent by fax shall be deemed given on the date of delivery and notices mailed in accordance with the foregoing shall be deemed given upon receipt or the date delivery is refused. 22. CHALLENGES. MSDG acknowledges and agrees that the CRA shall have no liability whatsoever to MSDG in connection with any challenge to this Agreement and the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and MSDG hereby forever waives and releases the CRA from any liability whatsoever, now or hereafter arising in connection with any challenge and covenant and agree not to initiate any legal proceedings against the CRA in connection with any challenges to this Agreement by any third parties. 23. REAL ESTATE TAXES. It is the intention of the CRA and MSDG that upon conveyance of the Property to MSDG that the Project shall be fully taxable for the purposes of ad valorem real estate taxes and that MSDG and its successors or assigns not take advantage of any tax exemptions which may allow MSDG or its successors or assigns not to be required to pay any ad valorem real estate taxes with respect to the Project. 24. CRA GRANT. 24.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and MSDG's compliance with all of its obligations hereunder, the CRA hereby agrees to make available to MSDG a Grant for the Project build out cost up to One Million and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) (the "Grant") to be utilized by MSDG to pay costs and expenses incurred by MSDG in connection with the Project which constitute permitted expenses under applicable law for utilization of Tax Increment Funds. The Grant shall be paid by the CRA to MSDG in a series of draws (each, a "Draw Payment") within twenty (20) business days after the CRA's receipt of a draw request from MSDG or its contractor (on an AIA form or such other form reasonably approved by the CRA) accompanied by the delivery of notarized partial lien waivers from all applicable contractors, subcontractors, material men and suppliers and a certification from the CRA's architect (on an AIA form or such other form reasonably approved by the CRA) that the improvements and materials subject to the draw request have been completed and/or delivered to the Property, as applicable. MSDG shall not make a draw request more than once a month. The final disbursement of the Grant shall be made when MSDG provides to the CRA: (i) final lien waivers from all applicable contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, architects and engineers; (ii) certificates of completion are provided by each of MSDG's architect and general contractor; and (iii) a final certificate of occupancy for the Property. Any and all costs for the improvements above the Grant as reflected in the construction budget for the improvement shall be paid by MSDG to the applicable contractors, subcontractors, and materialmen and suppliers. For example, if the total estimated cost of the improvement is $120,000 and the Grant is $100,000 MSDG shall fund the $20,000 shortfall. If the CRA disburses the entire Grant and unpaid costs or expenses remain, MSDG shall be fully responsible for and promptly pay when due. 18 Packet Pg. 62 4.1.b 24.2 In the event that MSDG sells the Property within the first seven (7) years after closing, MSDG shall repay 100% of the Grant funding to the CRA. In the event that MSDG sells the Property within eight (8) to ten (10) ten years after closing, MSDG shall repay 50% of the Grant funding to the CRA. 25. MISCELLANEOUS. 25.1 This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue shall be in Miami -Dade County, Florida. All of the parties to this Agreement have participated fully in the negotiation and preparation hereof, and, accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly construed against any one of the parties hereto. 25.2 In the event any term or provision of this Agreement is determined by appropriate judicial authority to be illegal or otherwise invalid, such provision shall be given its nearest legal meaning or be construed as deleted as such authority determines, and the remainder of this Agreement shall be construed to be in full force and effect. 25.3 In the event of any litigation between the parties under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and court costs at all trial and appellate levels. 25.4 In construing this Agreement, the singular shall be held to include the plural, the plural shall be held to include the singular, the use of any gender shall be held to include every other and all genders, and captions and Paragraph headings shall be disregarded. 25.5 All of the exhibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated in, and made a part of, this Agreement. 25.6 Time shall be of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 25.7 This Agreement may not be recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County. 25.8 The "Effective Date" shall mean the date this Agreement is last executed by MSDG and the CRA and this Agreement is approved by all necessary governmental bodies, including the expiration of all applicable appeal periods. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and there are no other agreements, representations or warranties other than as set forth herein. This Agreement may not be changed, altered or modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of such change would be sought. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 27. ESCROW AGENT. The Deposit shall be held by Escrow Agent in trust, on the terms hereinafter set forth: Agreement. 27.1 The Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit in accordance with the terms of this 27.2 It is agreed that the duties of the Escrow Agent are only as herein specifically 19 Packet Pg. 63 4.1.b provided and purely ministerial in nature, and the Escrow Agent shall incur no liability whatsoever except for willful misconduct or gross negligence, as long as the Escrow Agent has acted in good faith. The CRA and MSDG each release the Escrow Agent from any act done or omitted to be done by the Escrow Agent in good faith in the performance of its duties hereunder. 27.3 The Escrow. Agent is acting as stakeholder only with respect to the Deposit. If there is any valid dispute as to whether the Escrow Agent is obligated to deliver the Deposit, the Escrow Agent shall not make any delivery, but in such event, the Escrow Agent shall hold same until receipt by it of an authorization in writing, signed by all parties having interest in such dispute directing the disposition of same; or in the absence of such authorization, the Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit until final determination of the- rights of the parties in the appropriate proceedings. If such written authorization is not given or proceedings for such determination are not begun within thirty (30) days of written notice to the Escrow Agent of the existence of a dispute with respect to the Deposit and diligently continued, the Escrow Agent may bring an appropriate action or proceeding to interplead the Deposit. The Escrow Agent shall be reimbursed for all costs and expenses of such action or proceeding, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, by the party determined not to be entitled to the Deposit. Upon making delivery of the Deposit, the Escrow Agent shall have no further liability unless such delivery constituted willful misconduct or gross negligence. MSDG acknowledges that the Escrow Agent is counsel to the CRA, and can represent the CRA hereunder in the event of any dispute hereunder, concerning the Deposit, and MSDG waives any right to object to same. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] 20 Packet Pg. 64 4.1.b IN WITNESS hereof the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. THE DEVELOPER: MARCUS SAMUELSSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Name: Marcus Samuelsson Title: Authorized Member By: Name: Derek Fleming Title: Member CRA: SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN / PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Approved for legal sufficiency By: William R. Bloom, Esq. Holland & Knight, LLP Special Counsel to CRA 21 Packet Pg. 65 4.1.b Street Address: Folio No.: Legal Description: EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Subject Property 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33136 01-0102-060-1160 Lots 25, 32 and the North 15.62 feet of Lot 33, Block 26 of P.W. White's Resubdivision of Blocks No. 16-26 and 36 North of the City of Miami, as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 34, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, together with an undivided interest in the common elements thereof in accordance with said Declaration; together with an undivided interest in the common elements thereto. 22 Packet Pg. 66 4.1.b EXHIBIT `B" INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (Review) I. Commercial General Liability (Primary & Non Contributory) A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Each Occurrence $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $ 2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations $ 1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 B. Endorsements Required City of Miami and Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency as an Additional Insured (CG 2010 11/85 or its equivalent) Contingent Liability & Contractual Liability Premises & Operations Liability Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazard II. Business Automobile Liability A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined Single Limit Any Auto/Owned Autos/Scheduled Including Hired, Borrowed or Non -Owned Autos Any One Accident $ 1,000,000 B. Endorsements Required City of Miami & Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency listed as an additional insured III. Worker's Compensation Limits of Liability Statutory -State of Florida Waiver of subrogation Employer's Liability A. Limits of Liability $1,000,000 for bodily injury caused by an accident, each accident. $1,000,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, each employee $1,000,000 for bodily injury caused by disease, policy limit IV. Umbrella Policy/Excess Liability (Excess Follow Form) 23 Packet Pg. 67 4.1.b A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Each Occurrence $3,000,000 Aggregate $3,000,000 B. Endorsements Required City of Miami & Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency listed as an additional insured V. Owner's & Contractor's Protective Limits of Liability Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Policy Aggregate $1,000,000 City of Miami and Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency as Named Insured VI. Builders' Risk Causes of Loss: All Risk -Specific Coverage Project Location Valuation: Replacement Cost Deductible: $25,000 All other Perils 5% maximum on Wind City of Miami and Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency listed as an Additional Insured A. Limit/Value at Location or Site - Full Replacement B. Coverage Extensions as provided by insurer The above policies shall provide the City of Miami and Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency with written notice of cancellation or material change from the insurer not less than (30) days prior to any such cancellation or material change, or in accordance to policy provisions. Companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida, with the following qualifications, shall issue all insurance policies required above: The company must be rated no less than "A" as to management, and no less than "Class V" as to Financial Size Category, by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent. All policies and /or certificates of insurance are subject to review and verification by Risk Management prior to insurance approval. 24 Packet Pg. 68 4.1.b EXHIBIT "C" CRIMINAL BACKGROUND STANDARDS Evidence of the following offenses in the criminal record of a candidate for employment at the Project, whether as part of the Project's construction or its operations post -construction, shall constitute sufficient grounds for the denial of employment without further cause: • Aggravated Assault, as defined in §784.021, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Aggravated Battery, as defined in §784.03, 784.041 and 784.045, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Homicide, as defined in Chapter 782, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Kidnapping or False Imprisonment, as defined in Chapter 787, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Sexual Battery, as defined in Chapter 794, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Robbery, as defined in §812.13, et seq., Fla. Statutes (2015) • Abuse, neglect or exploitation of an Elderly Person(s) or Disabled Person(s), as defined in Chapter 827, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Abuse of Children, as defined in §827.03(2)(a) and 827.03(2)(b), Fla. Statutes (2015) • Affray, Riots, as defined in Chapter 870, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Grand Theft (within 5 years of the date of application for employment), as defined in §812.014, Fla. Statutes (2015) • Felony Petit Theft (within 2 years of the date of application for employment), as defined in §812.014, Fla. Statutes (2015) Evidence of all other criminal wrongdoing in the record of a potential candidate for employment may not be used as the sole and exclusive basis for denying said candidate employment at the Project. 25 Packet Pg. 69 4.1.b EXHIBIT "D" RESTRICTIVE COVENANT The parties shall negotiate the terms of the Restrictive Covenant prior to the end of the Inspection Period. The Restrictive Covenant shall incorporate the following provisions of the Development Agreement which survive the Closing Date for a period of 60 months and after such time shall be null and void: 1. Section 8.4 requiring Project to be developed substantially in accordance with the Plans. 2. Section 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.4 requiring MSDG to comply with the Construction Commencement Deadline and Completion Deadline. 3. Section 11 regarding equal opportunity. 4. Section 12 regarding community benefits. 5. Section 23 regarding real estate taxes. 6. The Property must remain as a restaurant for at least 15 years. 7. The CRA shall have the right of first refusal to purchase the Property at appraised value in the event that MSDG decided to sell the Property within the first 10 years of purchase. 8. The Property must be available to CRA for events, at no cost, up to three times per year for the life of the CRA, cost of food and beverage at standard rates. 9. The Project branding must reflect history of Overtown. 26 Packet Pg. 70 4.1.b EXHIBIT "E" DEED THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: William R. Bloom, Esquire Holland & Knight LLP 701 Brickell Ave., Suite 3000 Miami, Florida 33131 Folio Number: SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this day of , 201 , between SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a body corporate and politic of the State of Florida ("Grantor") and MARCUS SAMUELSSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Grantee"). Wherever used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires. WITNESETH: THAT, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, and sells unto Grantee, the following described property located in Miami -Dade County, Florida ("the Property"): TOGETHER WITH all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Grantee in fee simple, forever. THIS CONVEYANCE IS SUBJECT TO: 1. Ad valorem real estate taxes and assessments for the year of closing and subsequent years. 2. All applicable laws, ordinances and governmental regulations, including, but not limited to, all applicable building, zoning, land use, environmental ordinances and regulations. 3. Conditions, restrictions, reservations, and easements of record; however, reference thereto shall not serve to reimpose same. 4. Restrictive Covenant Agreement between Grantor and Grantee of even date herewith. 27 Packet Pg. 71 4.1.b TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the property, the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through and under Grantor and none other. SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE 28 Packet Pg. 72 4.1.b IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this special warranty deed to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: WITNESSES: GRANTOR: Name: Name: Approved for legal sufficiency By: William R. Bloom, Esq. Holland & Knight LLP Special Counsel to the CRA STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a body corporate and politic of the State of Florida By: Name: Clarence E. Woods III Title: Executive Director The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 201 by Clarence E. Woods III, as Executive Director of SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a body corporate and politic of the State of Florida, on behalf of the Agency, who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires: 29 Packet Pg. 73 4.1.b EXHIBIT "F" AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) BEFORE ME, personally appeared Clarence E. Woods, III (the "Affiant") who by me being first duly sworn, on oath, depose and state: 1. That the Affiant is the Executive Director of SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public agency and body corporate created pursuant to Section 163.356, Florida Statutes ("Transferor") and this affidavit is given with respect to the following described property, located in Miami -Dade County, Florida, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" (the "Property") 2. That Affiant has knowledge of the affairs of the Transferor. 3. That to the best of Affiant's knowledge, there are no matters pending against the Transferor that could give rise to a lien that might attach to the Property, from and after [insert date of current title search] at 11:00 p.m. and the recording of the special warranty deed to Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Transferee") and that said Transferor has not and will not execute any instruments that would adversely affect the title thereto. 4. That within the past 90 days there have been no improvements, alterations, or repairs to the aforesaid property performed at the request of Transferor for which the costs thereof remain unpaid and there have been no claims for worker or material furnished for repairing or improving the Property performed at the request of Transferor which remain unpaid. 5. That Transferor's title to and possession and enjoyment of the Property has been open, notorious, peaceable and undisturbed, and that, Transferor is in exclusive possession of the Property. 6. That this Affidavit is made to induce Transferee to purchase the Property and to induce Title Insurance Company and , as its agent, to insure title to the Property. 30 Packet Pg. 74 4.1.b 7. That this Affidavit is made and given by the Affiant with full knowledge of applicable laws of the State of Florida regarding sworn statements, affidavits, and the penalties and liabilities resulting from false statements and misrepresentations therein. SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Holland & Knight LLP CRA Special Counsel SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this day of , 201 , by Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency. He is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did not take an oath. My Commission Expires Notary Public Name: 31 Packet Pg. 75 4.1.b EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION 32 Packet Pg. 76 4.1.b EXHIBIT "G" GUARANTY OF COMPLETION THIS GUARANTY of Completion (the "Guaranty") is executed and delivered, jointly and severally, as of the day of , 20 by , an individual, and Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (each a "Guarantor", and collectively, the "Guarantors") in favor of SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public agency and body corporate created pursuant to Section 163.356, Florida Statutes (the "CRA"). WITNE SETH: A. Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Developer") convey the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property") pursuant to the terms and conditions of that Development Agreement dated as of , 2017, by and between Developer and the CRA as same may be amended from time to time, (the "Development Agreement"). All terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Development Agreement. B. Guarantors will benefit from the transaction contemplated by the Development Agreement. C. The CRA would not enter into the Development Agreement with Developer unless Guarantors agreed to unconditionally guaranty completion of Project in accordance with the Plans and the Project Schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the CRA's conveying the Property to the Developer pursuant to the Development Agreement, which it is acknowledged and agreed that CRA is doing in full reliance hereon, and as an inducement to CRA to do so, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, each Guarantor hereby irrevocably covenants, warrants and agrees as follows: 1. That notwithstanding any provision in the Development Agreement or in any other agreement or document executed in connection therewith, each Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to CRA the following: a. One hundred percent (100%) lien free completion in accordance with the Development Agreement and substantially in accordance with the Plans, as evidenced by (i) the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy and use (or the equivalent) by the proper governmental authority; and (ii) the delivery by the design/supervising architect of a certificate of completion of Project substantially in accordance with the Plans approved by CRA; (completion of Project shall include, but not be limited to completion of grading, landscaping, all necessary and appropriate utilities, streets, sidewalks, drainage and all on -site and off -site improvements as reflected on the Plans); and b. Full and punctual payment and discharge of all costs and expenses of any nature relating to the construction and the completion of Project as the same become due and payable, and payment and discharge of all claims and demands for worker and/or materials used in the construction and the completion of Project substantially in accordance with the Plans which are or, if unpaid, may become liens, claims or encumbrances on Property. 33 Packet Pg. 77 4.1.b 2. Without limiting the generality of the preceding paragraph 1, each Guarantor hereby agrees: a. To perform, complete and pay for the construction of Project within the time period allotted therefor in the Project Schedule and to pay all costs and expenses of said construction and completion of Project and all costs associated therewith, and each Guarantor hereby indemnifies and agrees to save harmless CRA and the City of Miami from all costs and expenses which CRA and the City of Miami suffers as a result of Project not being completed and paid for in the manner required and within the time period allotted therefor as set forth in the Development Agreement and the Project Schedule. b. In the event any mechanic's or materialman's liens should be filed, or should attach, with respect to the Property, to cause the removal of such liens or the posting of security against the consequences of their possible foreclosure within thirty (30) days of the filing of such liens; c. To pay the costs and fees of all architects and engineers employed by Developer in connection with Project; d. To pay within fifteen (15) days of written demand all of CRA's costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, incurred in the enforcement of this Guaranty. e. That it may be impossible to accurately measure the damages to CRA resulting from a breach of Guarantors' covenant to complete or to cause the completion of the construction and equipping of Project, and that such a breach will cause irreparable injury to CRA, and that CRA may not have an adequate remedy at law in respect of such breach and, as a consequence, each Guarantor agrees that such covenant shall be specifically enforceable against it and each Guarantor hereby waives and agrees not to assert any defense against an action for specific performance of such covenant other than the defense that completion has been achieved. The preceding sentence shall not prejudice CRA's rights to assert any and all claims for damages incurred as a result of Guarantors' default hereunder (beyond any applicable notice and cure periods), and CRA may, hold any Guarantor liable for all losses and damages sustained and expenses incurred by reason of the Developer or any Guarantor failing to construct, complete and equip Project in accordance with the Plans, the Development Agreement and the Project Schedule. 3. Each Guarantor hereby acknowledges and consents to the Plans, the disbursement schedule and the other terms and conditions of the Development Agreement and related documents governing the construction. 4. Each Guarantor hereby waives any and all requirements that CRA institute any action or proceeding, at law or in equity, against the Developer or against any other party or parties with respect to the Development Agreement or any related document as a condition precedent to bringing any action against any Guarantor upon this Guaranty. All remedies afforded to CRA by reason of this Guaranty are separate and cumulative remedies and no one of such remedies, whether waived by CRA or not, shall be deemed to be an exclusion of any one of the other remedies available to CRA and shall not in any way limit or prejudice any other legal or equitable remedy which CRA may have. 5. Each Guarantor further agrees that Guarantors shall not be released from any obligations hereunder by reason of any amendment to or alteration of the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement or of any related document, nor shall Guarantors' obligations hereunder be altered or impaired by any delay by CRA in enforcing the terms and obligations of the Development Agreement by any waiver of any default by CRA under the Development Agreement or any related document, it being the intention that each Guarantor shall remain fully liable hereunder, notwithstanding any such event. 34 Packet Pg. 78 4.1.b 6. No extension of the time of payment or performance of any obligation hereunder guaranteed, or the renewal thereof, nor delay in the enforcement thereof or of this Guaranty, or the taking, exchanging, surrender or release of other security therefor or the release or compromise of any liability of any party shall affect the liability of or in any manner release the Guarantors, and this Guaranty shall be a continuing one and remain in full force and effect until each and every obligation hereby guaranteed shall have been fully paid and performed. 7. That until Project is fully erected, equipped and completed as aforesaid, and until each and all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Guaranty are fully performed, Guarantors shall not be released by any act or thing which might, but for this provision of this Guaranty, be deemed a legal or equitable discharge of any Guarantor, or by reason of any waiver, extension, modification, forbearance or delay by CRA and Guarantors hereby expressly waive and surrender any defense to Guarantors' liability hereunder based upon any of the foregoing acts, things, agreements or waivers. Guarantors shall be released from this Guaranty upon the earlier to occur of (i) completion of Project, lien -free and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Development Agreement and substantially in accordance with the Plans. 8. Except as otherwise set forth herein, CRA shall not be required to give any notice to any Guarantor hereunder in order to preserve or enforce CRA's rights hereunder (including, without limitation, notice of any default under or amendment to the Development Agreement), any such notice being expressly waived by Guarantors. 9. Guarantors agree that Guarantors shall make no claim or set-off, defense, recoupment or counterclaim of any sort whatsoever, nor shall Guarantors seek to impair, limit or defeat in any way their obligations hereunder. Guarantors hereby waive any right to such a claim in limitation of their obligations hereunder. 10. This Guaranty is assignable by CRA and shall bind the heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto and shall inure to the benefit of any successor or assign of CRA. 11. This Guaranty shall, in all respects, be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, including all matters of construction, validity and performance. 12. In the event that any provision of this Guaranty is held to be void or unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain unaffected and be enforceable. 13. Except as otherwise set forth herein, each Guarantor hereby waives notice of acceptance of this Guaranty by CRA and of presentment, demand, protest, notice of protest and of dishonor, notice of default and all other notices relative to this Guaranty of every kind and description now or hereafter provided by any agreement between Developer and CRA or any statute or rule of law, except only any notices expressly required hereunder. 14. Any notice, demand or request by CRA to any Guarantor or from any Guarantor to CRA shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given or made if either delivered personally or if mailed by certified or registered mail, addressed to the address set forth below (or at the correct address of any assignee of CRA), except that mailed written notices shall not be deemed given or served until three days after the date of mailing thereof: a. If to CRA: 35 Packet Pg. 79 4.1.b SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN / PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Attention: Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director 819 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33136 Fax: 305-679-6835 b. If to Guarantors: and EACH GUARANTOR HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVES THE RIGHTS EACH MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY LITIGATION BASED HEREON, OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE NOTE, THIS GUARANTY AND ANY DOCUMENT CONTEMPLATED TO BE EXECUTED IN CONJUNCTION HEREWITH, OR ANY COURSE OF CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN), OR ACTION OF ANY GUARANTOR, DEVELOPER OR CRA. [Signature Pages to Follow] 36 Packet Pg. 80 4.1.b IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Guarantors have executed this Guaranty as of the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: Print Name: Print Name: By: Name: Title: Print Name: , individually Print Name: Print Name: , individually Print Name: 37 Packet Pg. 81 4.1.b STATE OF FLORIDA ) ): ss. COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 201_, by as of , a , on behalf of He is personally known to me or has produced as identification. My commission expires: My commission number is: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ): ss. COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) Notary Public Name of Notary Printed: (NOTARY SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 201, by , as of , a , on behalf of He is personally known to me or has produced as identification. My commission expires: My commission number is: Notary Public Name of Notary Printed: (NOTARY SEAL) 38 Packet Pg. 82 4.1.b EXHIBIT "H" ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS 39 Packet Pg. 83 4.1.b Authentication Code: 917A00001625-012617-L17000019017-1/1 850-617-6381 1/26/2017 9:50:34 AM PAGE 1/002 Fax Server ttpartment of 0tute l certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Organization of MARCUS SAMUELLSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the state of Florida, filed on January 25, 2017, as shown by the records of this office. 2 further certify the document was electronically received under FAX audit number H17000022657. This certificate is issued in accordance with section 15.16, Florida Statutes, and authenticated by the code noted below The document number of this limited liability company is L17000013017. p. 7c x p1 Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Twenty-sixth day of January, 2017 n Ifiktmer cretarp of &tate 40 Packet Pg. 84 4.1.b (((H17000022657 3))) ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF MARCUS SAMUELLSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC ARTICLE': - Name The name of the Limited Liability Company is: MARCUS SAMUELLSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC ARTICLE Ctt - Address The mailing address and street address of the principal office of the Limited Liability Company is: 114 West 118f6 Street New York, New York 10026 ARTICLE III: - Registered Agent, Registered Office, & Registered Agent's Signature The name and the Florida street address of the registered agent are: Corporation Service Company 1201 Hays Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 flatwng been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated limited liability company al the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as. registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. 1 further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete petforrnance of my duties, and cnn familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent as provided, fbr in Chapter 60.5, F.S. t40542 Br; I ) Corporation Service Company, inc., Registered Agent By: f� _ Name: f/ Title: Ane S. Krarer, ACM ark VP (((H17000022657 3))) 41 Packet Pg. 85 4.1.b (((H17000022657 3))) ARTICLE IV: - Management The name and address of the person authorized to manage and control the limited liability company is as follows: Title: Name and Address: MGR Derek Fleming 114 West 110 Street New York, NY 10026 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed these Articles of Organization. on January 24, 2017. Derek Fleming, AuthorizedlSigner (In accordance with section 605.0203(1)(b), Florida Statutes, the execution of this document constitutes an affirmation under the penalties of perjury that the facts stated herein are true. I am aware that any false information submitted in a document to the Department of State constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in Section 817.155, Florida Statutes.) Derek Fleming Typed or printed name of signee {40542887;1 { (((H17000022657 3))) 42 Packet Pg. 86 4.1.b EXHIBIT "I" ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Marcus Samuelsson Development Group, LLC Derek Fleming Marcus Samuelsson 43 Packet Pg. 87 4.2 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1857 From: Clarence E. Woods, (Ad Executive Director Subject: Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event. Enclosures: File # 1857 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") ratifies an expenditure of funds in the amount of $21,736.17, to underwrite costs associated with the 2016 holiday tree lighting event held on N.W. 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida. The CRA oversees and facilitates the annual holiday tree lighting event, which serves to engage residents and attract visitors to the Redevelopment Area. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goal 5, at page 11, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "[p]romotion and marketing of the community" as a stated redevelopment goal. Further, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15 lists promotion of "local cultural events, institutions, and businesses", and Principle 14, at page 16 lists restoration of "a sense of community and unif[ication] of the area culturally", as a stated redevelopment principles. FUNDING: $21,736.17 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Packet Pg. 88 4.2 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Ratifying an expenditure of funds in the amount of $21,736.17 to underwrite costs associated with the 2016 holiday tree lighting event. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 21 , 7 3 6. 1 7 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Approved by: Clar Approval: Woods, Executive Director 2/22/2017 Miguel A Valentin, T iarice Officer 2/22/2017 Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 89 4.2 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1857 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RATIFYING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,736.17 TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2016 HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING EVENT HELD ON N.W. 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 5, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "[p]romotion and marketing of the community" as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15, of the Plan provides for the promotion of "local cultural events, institutions, and businesses", as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 14, at page 16 also lists restoration of "a sense of community and unif[ication] of the area culturally", as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the aforementioned redevelopment goal and principles, the CRA oversees and facilitates the annual holiday tree lighting event, which serves to engage residents and attract visitors to the redevelopment area; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to ratify an expenditure of funds in the amount of $21,736.17 to underwrite costs associated with the 2016 holiday tree lighting event held on N.W. 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby ratifies an expenditure of funds in the amount of $21,736.17 to underwrite costs associated with the 2016 holiday tree lighting event held on N.W. 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 90 4.2 Section 3. Funds allocated from SEOPW Tax increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Re;iee Jadusingh, Staff Counsel 2;22/2017 Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 91 Southeast Overtown / Park West "2016 HOLIDAY" 4.2.a Fund Disbursement DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT: Carolina Pajon d/b/a Red Escobar - Invoice No. 140 $ 70.00 Carolina Pajon d/b/a Red Escobar - Invoice No.141 70.00 Printingonthemark LLC - Invoice No. INV-73081 483.00 Carolina Pajon d/b/a Red Escobar - Invoice No.0145 100.00 Publix Supermarket (Gift cards fee) 65.40 Jetro Cash & Carry (Refreshments) 179.85 Jonathan Ervin Jones d/b/a H2 Creative Concepts - Invoice No. 120516 350.00 Jackson Soul Food, Inc. - Invoice No. 100 - 12/06/2016 1,000.00 Dixon Costumes, Inc. - Invoice No. 1265 125.00 Glen's Tent and Table Rental Services Inc. - Invoice No. 1209-016 200.00 City of Miami Police Department - Order No. 20162363 936.00 City of Miami Building Department - Order No. 362441 44.20 Party Planet Events, LLC - Invoice No. 0679 430.00 Italian Ice by Denise, LLC - Invoice No. December 9, 2016 875.00 Howard-n-Howard Property Management Inc. - Invoice No. 142 1,000.00 Home Depot (Poinsetta's)) 255.52 Publix Supermarket (Gift cards fee) 35.70 Clarence E. Woods - (Reimbursement for gift cards fee)) 4.96 The Design Group - Invoice No. CRA12120 1,200.00 Michael's / Artist and Craftsman Supply 101.54 Christmas Decor by Amco (Partial) 9,000.00 Shakira Brown - Invoice No. 58699 (Clown) 200.00 Bob's Barricades - Invoice No, G755342 1,375.00 Bob's Barricades - invoice No. S753303 150.00 Kevin Burns Christmas Tree's 2,300.00 Fin Care Investments Services, LLC- Invoice No. 12- 14-2016 150.00 AAA Flag & Banner- Invoice No. INV208180 1,035.00 TOTAL: $ 21,736.17 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) 2/10/2017 Packet Pg. 92 Print Invoice - PayPal Page 1 of j 4.2.a sco .ors Red Escobar INC. Red Escobar redescobarinc@gmail.com www.RedEscobarinc.com Bill To: Miami Commission Chairman Kean Hardemon & The Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Martha Whisby 819 NW 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33136 United States MWhisby@miamigov.com Description INVOICE Invoice number: 0140 invoice date: 11/1512016 Payment terms: Due on receipt Due date: 11/1512016 Quantity Unit price Amount Sth Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony Flyer 2016 1 $70.00 $70.00 The 8th Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday December 9th,2016 5pm-6pm NW 3rd Avenue Between 10th &llth Street Notes Please make check payable to my personal name Carolina Paton Subtotal $70.00 Total $70,00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-binlinvoiceweb?SESSION=FCIGLS%5fGmbFUE9YMa... t i i�esenni i Packet Pg. 93 Print Invoice - PayPal Page 1 of I 4.2.a t sco or. Red Escobar INC. Red Escobar redescobarinc@gmail.com www_ Red Es cob a ri n c. co m Bill To: Miami Commission Chairman Kean Hardemon & The Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Martha Whisby 819 NW 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33136 United States MWhisby@miamigov.com Description INVOICE Invoice number: 0141 Invoice date: 11/22/2016 Payment terms: Due on receipt Due date: 11/22/2016 Quantity Unit price Amount 8th Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. ---Banner The 8th Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday December 9th,2016 5pm-6pm NW 3rd Avenue Between 10th &11th Street Banner Design $70.00 $70.00 Subtotal Total Notes Please note to make checks payable to my personal name Carolina Pajon $70.00 USD Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) https:/ wwrw.paypal.corniusfcgi-binlinvoiceweb?SESSION=Vd VV t5HE bo2U05iCV... j 1 PI n ram} n i l Packet Pg. 94 4.2.a Printingonthemark 776 NW 100th Street Miami, FL 33150 UNITED STATES 3057725917 printingonthemark@gmail.com invoice For Southeast Overtownl Park 'Nest Community (CRA) GRA (305) 679-6822 SManrique@miamigov.com Main Address 819 NW 2nd Ave., 3rd floor Miami FL 33136 United States INVOICE Invoice # INV-73081 Reference # Order by: Jonelle Adderley / Christmas Tree Lighting 2016 Invoice Date 11/28/2016 Due Date 12/12/2016 Amount Due $483.00 Deliver To United States Qty: 3 banners / Full color / grommets / QtyfHrs Price/Rate Total 3.00 $98.00 $294.00 Qty: 1000 postcards / Full color / size: 7x5 / RUSH 1.00 $189.00 $189.00 ad Comments: thank you for your business PAID CHECK # AMOUNT DATE JNITIA.I_, Terms & Conditions IMPORTANT: By acpeptance of these, customer agrees to pay 1.5% per mantlton all past due balance, as well as attorney fees and costs)or all collection efforts. hereby Authorize Printingonthemark, LLC to charge my credit card. 1 understand that this constitutes a complete sate for our services rendered and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of Invoice. Authorized CardHolder: Print Name: Address: City / Zip 1 State: Card Number: TYPE OFCARD: Exp Date: Code: Credit card Security Total 3 00 Amount Due i $483.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 95 Print Invoice - PayPal Page 1 of I 4.2.a ftarL Red Escobar INC. Red Escobar redescobarinc@gmail.com www, R ed Esco ba rinc, com Bill To: Miami Commission Chairman Keon Hardemon & The Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Martha Whisby 819NW2ndAve Miami, FL 33136 United States MWhisby@miamigov.com Description INVOICE Invoice number: 0145 Invoice date: 1217/2016 Payment terms: Due on receipt Due date: 1217/2016 Quantity Unit price Amount 8th Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony ---Booth Signs design fee The ath Annual Historic Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday December 9th,2016 5pm-6pm NW 3rd Avenue Between 10th &11th Street Booth Signs for 1) SANTAS'S FAVORITE COOKIES 2) CANDY LAND 3) POPCORN 4) COTTON CANDY 5) SANTA'S WORKSHOP 6) HOLIDAY DRINKS 7) JACKSON SOUL FOOD BITES 8) FACE PAINTING Notes Please note to make checks payable to my personal name Carolina Pajon 1 $100.00 $100.00 https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-binfinvoiceweb?SESSION=QfonShGVXK UbeiExrHEH... i -,,,,,,„ .- Packet Pg. 96 At Miami River 311 ON 7th Street Miami, FL 33135 Store Manager: Dumas Beauchamp 305-860'9477 100.00 Account #XXX%XXKXXXXX8855 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 100.00 ,Account 4%XXXXXXXX%XX8863 '—GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 ~^^'`AME% $100 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX8871 CARD SVC FEE 5.95 AMEX $100 100.00 Account #X%XXXXXXXXXX8889 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.85 AMEX $100 100.00 Account #KXXXXXXXXXXX8897 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.85 AMEX $100 100.00 Account #KXXXXXXXXXXX6405 SVC FEE 5.95 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX0413 CARD SVC FEE 5.95 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX6447 CARD SVC FEE' 5.95 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXKXXX6438 SVC FEE 5.85 A. —AMEX $100 ' 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXX%6421 FT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 EX $lOO 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXN%8454 �u�QIPT CARD SVC FEE 5.9G Order Total 1165.45 Sales Tax 0.03 Grand Total 1165.45 Pnympnt 1105.45- PRESTO! Trace #� 512951 Reference #: 0484331348 Aoct #-. l Purchase VISA Amount. $1165,45 w CARD #: Trace :�12S5l Card: Card AID: al Cod,'. Method/ CREDIT CARD PURCHASE 113 VISA CREDIT AD0000O0031010� 0008 OP843[61F1675AF7 512951 � OO ~� Chip Read Issuer �APPROVED BY ISSUER CUSTOMER COPY 'xplore the many ways to save at bargains at Publix-com/savingstyle Publix Super Markets Inc. ] � �,'/� /�/�C17Jf [��/V7(� . ' � � J�°"�u Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. S7 4.2.a JETRO/RESTAURANT DEPOT LLC 2041 N.W, 12TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33127 C305) 321 - 4414 FL LIQUOR LICENSE# USL2325658 *** HAVE A NICE DRY *** CUSTOMER PREVIOUS BALANCE ACCOUNT NO 1450221 MIGUEL VALENTIN CITY OF MIAMI CRA 819 NW 2N0 AVE FL 3 MIAMI FL 331363907 Exempt 85-8012740125C-1 10-31-17 -AREA A - SIC 81 NPL PURIFD WATER 18-8Z 48/ 0.11 068274322280 5X $5.35 $26.75 UNITS 5 LIPTON BRISK 36/122 36/ 0.29 012000010255 4X $10,46 $41.84 UNITS 4 FL VARIETY TRAY 50CT 5 SP 028400044012 U $11.72 FL DORITOS C/RANCH . 5752 UNITS 1 FL VARIETY TRAY 028400044042 U FL DORITOS C/RANCH 5752 -$1.73 5OCT 5 SP $11.72 -$1.73 UNITS 1 COKE CLASSIC CANS 122 35/ 0'33 049000058/68 4X $11.41 $45.64 UNITS 1 .SPRITE 35PK CANS 12Z 35/ 0.33 049000058482 4X $11.41 $45.64 UNITS 4 UNITS ENTERED 19 CASES ENTERED 0 ITEMS RUNG UP 19 UNITS COUNT 19 T--E-nnnnti METRO/RESTAURANT DEPOT, LLC 2041 N.U. 12:H AVE MIRhI, FL 33127 (305: 324 - 4414 FL LIQUOF LICEN';EE# USL2325658 *=aE HALE A NIX DAY *** MIGUEL VALENTIN $0.00 CIT't OF i IIFMI CRA • 819 _NW 2 N.0 AVE FL 3 MIAMI FL 331363907 Exempt EEi--8C12'40125C-1 -A:.EA A - SIC E1 10-31-17 PREVIOUS BALANCE 80.00 CJITRENT PURC4SES $179,85 RECIALLED ;14.50271 > :S179.85 #1 12-C8-16 01' 26 ITEMS 19 SUBTOTAL '9 $179.85 FEE ITEMS SUBTOTAL $0.00 TOTAL TAB; $0.00 TOTAL. TRIABLE $0.00 TOTAL SURCHPREE TAX $0.00 10TLiL $179,85 SIR $1"i9.85 RF_FEVEN€CF 75E0 0PMOVH C2E509 =`.p* x.a. ux FU,10 I!SF VT{1 )€k?;#r'.i*4.4r lei h e 6r Se. oil cAirkic ' 1-0- cefe,441( G4t.ti Of\ 1211 2-VG Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 98 4.2.a 1JH2 Creative Concepts Invoice Company: City Of Miami CFA Project / Work: DJ Services For Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony DJ Services For Overtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony (Dec. 8th, 2016 5pm-Bpm) Generator Rental Payment Terms Contact Name: Martha Whisby Contact Number: (305)679-6806 $300 $50 Approved by: To be made payable to 3onathan Jones or via Paypal: Name: WHeroin@gmail.com Far: Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 99 Invoice 4.2.a JACKSONS Y-S SOS': EPEglE..CE Banging Home Style cooking to Your Date 12/6/2016 [100] Jackson Soul Faod 950 NW 3r° Avenue Miami, FL 33136 Phone 305-374-7661 Fax 305-373-3868 JacksonSoulFoodCaterincg cL"x yahoo.com TO Martha Whisby 819 NW 2" Ave, 3 d Floor Miami, FL 33136 Phone: 305-679-6800 mwhisbv amiamidade.00v Salesperson Event/ Event Date &Time Payment Terms Due Date Ayesha Tree Lighting Ceremony 12-9-16 Delivery at 4:45pm 50% Due Upon Acceptance aty Description Unit Price Line Total Guests 200 Overtown Tree Lighting Ceremony Delivery at 4.45pm eatball Tray Fried Chicken Wings Sandwhich Platter •-.=2 gems a — Thank you for your business! Subtotal Sales Tax Total 20% Gratuity Amount Due Tax Exempt $1000.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 100 4.2.a Dixon Costumes, Inc. 2400 NW 72 Avenue Miami, FL 33122 (305) 444-5332 sales@dixoncostumes.com Sill To Martha Whisby Southeast ©venom /Park West CFZA 819NW end Avenue 3rd floo Miami Miami, FI 33136 Tel 305 679 6800 Item # SCDLX Amount Paid Amount Due. Description Quantity Santa DLX 12/08/2016 1.00 DIXON COSTUMES INC 2400 NW 72 AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 INVOICE Number Date Pt ice Each Taxi $125.00 1212;00 CREDIT CARD VISA SALE CARD # XXXXXXX(X0XXX7580 'INVOICE 0002 SEQ p; 0001 Batch #; 000072 Approval Code, 060137 Entry Method: Manual Mode: Online Tax Antot lt, $'0,00 Avs Code, NYZ Card Code: M SALE AVOUNT $12,O0 CUSTOMER COPY Discount Shipping Cost Sales Tax 7.00% on S0.00 • Amount $125.00 1265 121112016 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 101 4.2.a Glen's Tents and Table Rental Services, Inc 8000 NW 56 Street Doral, FL 33166 Office: 305-592-3328 Cell: 305-904-8241 Bill To SEOPW COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 819 NW 2ND AVENUE , 3RD FLOOR MJAML FL, 33166 305-934-3699 Quantity On Site Contact (Name/Number) .lonelle Adderley Invoice Date Invoice # 12/7/2016 1209-016 Job Address/Title NW 3rd Avenue & tOth street Mimi, FL 33136 (Overtown) Drop off : 2:00 p.m. Pick up: 9:00 p.m. _fondle Adderley Description Light Tower x Esc as v0r.- e1r-c-rr Rep Rate 200.00 Dec. 9, 2016 Amount 200.00T Fax 4 Email Website 305-592-2733 glcnstentrental@aol,com wtivw.glenstents.com Subtotal Sales Tax (7.0%) Total Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 102 4.2.a City of Miami Police Department Special Events Detail 4 SW 2nd Ave 1st Floor Ste 111 Miami, Florida 33130 (305) 603-6510 Fax(305) 603.6601 Name Customer #6448 Address 819 NW 2 Ave city Miami State Fi ZIP 33136 Phone 305-679-6812 Fax Qty 24 QUOTE Date 12/9/16 Order No 20162363 Rep R Rivera Jr FOB Description The 8th Annual Historic Overtown Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony & Holiday Block Party Friday, December 9, 2016 Hrs. (3) Officer — Payment Details 1300 HRS TO 2100 HRS Chack 0 Cattlien Cheek 0 Maw' Transfer Name Miami Police Special Events CC # Due By: 11/25/16 Unit Price $36.00 Subtotal Admin Fee Misc TOTAL Office Use Only To view the status of yourfob, please visit http://www.miami-police.org/ofi duty_jobs.asp°. You wilt require the order (job) and customer numbers found on this quote. B. Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 103 4.2.a xrf Alizrati BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 362441 Transaction Date: Dec 8 2016 8:44AM Permit Number: The 8th Annual Historic Ceremony Tree Lighting rPrO CSC (Ch 07C- SFO/PWRA NW 3 Ave b/t NW 10 ST & NW 11 ST 12/09/2016 (AMS:23P) (305)679-6812 FEE SUMMARY Fee Category Fee Code Fee Description Quantity Unit Type Amount PW ROW PERMITS AND UTILITY (SPECIAL EVENTS) PW-037 SPECIAL EVENTS PUBLIC WORKS FEE 176.8100 LNLFT*DAYS $44.20 Total: $44.20 i3000 -20 ?boO bbp Rev. 3u1/02/2012 Generated on Dec/08/2016 8:43 AM Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 104 4.2.a INVOICE BILL TO JONELLE ADDERLEY SEOPW COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 819 NW 2ND AVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136 Party Planet Events 12210 S.W. 130 ST Miami, FL 33186 (305) 9704693 rental©partypianetevents.com www.partyp[anetevents.com SHIP TO JONELLE ADDERLEY SEOPW COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 819 NW 2ND AVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136 INVOICE # 0679 DATE 12/09/2016 DUE DATE 12/09/2016 AA1 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 COTTON CANDY COTTON CANDY (50 SERVINGS) POPCORN POPCORN (50 SERVINGS) EXTRA SERVINGS EXTRA SERVINGS (400 SERVING) STRING GLOBE LIGHT STRING GLOBE LIGHT 12/09/2016 CHANDELIER GOBLE LIGHT CHANDELIER GOBLE LIGHT 1 1 8 3 2 55.00 55.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 55.00 55.00 240.00 30.00 30.00 DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. SUBTOTAL SHIPPING TOTAL BALANCE DUE Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 105 4.2.a Italian Ice by Denise 1019 n.w. 3rd Ave. Miami, Fl 33136 Invoice for Tree Lighting Event December 9,2016 Item Price per unit Total Candy Apples(150) $2.50 $375 Cookies(500) $1 500 $875 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 106 4.2.a • Howard & Howard Property Management Inc. Po Box 471234 Miami, Florida 33247 305-879-1443 Office -;-- flVOLc i Invoice No: Date; Terms: Due Date; 142 Dec 12, 2016 NET 30 Jan 11, 2017 Bill To: CITY OF MIAMI CRA 819 nw 2nd ave.3rd floor miami,f1 33136 Ship To: Tracking No. Code. Ship Date Description Tents,tables.chairs,lights set up and clean up. *Indiwtes non-taxable item Ship Via lllllll WWW • 111111 111-12 El FOB Quantity Rate. Amount too $2,500 00 *$2,500 00 Subtotal TAX TAX (8.00e/a) Shipping Total Paid Balance Due $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 .$2,60010 0— $0.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) 1/2 Packet Pg. 107 4.2.a More salving„ More doing'' EAST HIALEAH HOME DEPOT. 950 SE 12TH STREET HIALEAH, FL 33010 6378 00019 06921 12/09/16 10:58 AM CASHIER ALICIA 0000-482-919 POINSETTIA <A' 35014.98 174.30 787623120581 POIN BOWL <A, 12,98 842072228193 28POINSLK <A> 41312.88 51.52 SUBTOTAL 238,80 SALES TAX 16.72 TOTAL •$255.52, XXXXXXXXXXXX1075 VISA AUTH CODE 080872/5190711 Chip Road AID A0000000031010 E452056495341. TVR 0080008000 IAD 06010A03602002 TSI F800 ARC 00 P.0./J0B NAME: 120916 43415049544140204FI IBI IUIiI UI 11111111 flhII 1►1I 6378 19 06324 12/09/2016 6465 RETURN POLICY EEFTNITION5 DIA Tr'V Tfl RANG 4ni Trw cvro'ne.c• . sTtAe, FortiActse -r fi- [� cer° 1v1, Packet Pg. 108 r-; E 4.2.a CUSTOMER CDPY Publix. At Miami River 311 SW 7th Street Miami, FL 33135 Store Manager: Dumas Beauchamp 305-660-9477 VISA $100 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX5595 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 VISA $100 1.00,00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX3510 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 VISA $100 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX6184 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 AMEX $100 100,00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX2806 SIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 AMEX $100 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX5928 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 AMEX $100 100.00 Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX5910 GIFT CARD SVC FEE 5.95 Order Total 635.70 Sales Tax 0.00 Grand Total 70 Credit Change PRESTO? Credit Request Not Authorized Acct # XXXXXXXXXXXX9811 CN f � !l`�y kLi-lA,1 Reason:EFT Decline Reas' Trace #:513273 (e.€i'J& , i/^: ) Reference #:0490E29545 53C U.4tO +i . C] -- -- CD CD CV ]ti X o x r-- CD X cv xCri ¢ 9#X00 L1) iC mx a) LcD L{1 CO C7 CV iLCD f LS7 CREDIT CARD CREDIT CARO PURCHASE CARO #: Trace #:513273 Chip Card: Chip Card AID: ATC: TC: INVOICE: Approval Code: Entry Method: Made: XXXXXXXXXXXX9O11 VISA CREDIT 40000000031010 0007 10F060B3F7C3OA58 513273 05 Chip Read Issuer SALE AMOUNT DECLINED BY ISSUER CUSTOMER COPY $635.70 PRESTO! Credit Request Not Authorized Acct # XXXXXXXXXXXX9811 Reason:EFT Decline Reas Trace #:513274 Reference #:0490530596 12/09/2016 513274 CARD #: Trace #:513274 Chip Card: Chip Card AID: J 1-DO C.13Cze, { 14 &) TOO: (C0 -1-0cL-�� XXXXXXXXXXXX9B11 I— O CD 0 LO C= 77CD 00 CD m 1_ 0)00) tc 0 cn C7 �7 CDC:, oL° O CD O 0) cu 0 C7 000 C7 LJ [17 ME 1-1 0 1 -. U d 0. - • 4 '-. 1- R3 CC (73 •r L3 • • i- - - 1--• Ca Z Q C C? C.31—U C.-1— %-a-A - ua ZE CLJ w L!] OD m Ca w CD Of EL EL CREDIT CARD PURCHASE CUSTOMER COPY 08:45:51 XXXXXXXXXXXX9611 VISA CREDIT A0000000031010 0008 6984220E4174E619 Your cashier was Ana R. R151 D234 C0419 0 eD cn 1.c) un co Pub?ix Super Markets, Inc. Y Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 109 4.2.a CVS/pharma 888 DISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI, FL 33132 305.372.8144 REG#02 TRN1-8045 CSHR#1059392 STR410632 Helped by: LIANET 1 USA BLKBX $20—$500 EACH 250.00N 1 1.95 ACTVTN FEE 795 1.95N 2 ITEMS TOTAL CHARGE *****.F s *.,. r c3L r IL M;!E hRNEi:1 REF# RID: AOO ruu0i h ' TERMI1 L# SIGNAT!1E CVM! 5E0000 TVR(95): iQi) ro. TSI(95): �ie9 ***DECI_II:L:, f.HT , A°11 INFf**:: CAPITAL U`iE VISA *:* *f**uxxx1075 DECLINED REF* 020455 AID: A0000000031010 TC: EA13140E42DD3598 TERMINAL# 84199062 SIGNATURE REQUIRED CVM: 6E0000 TVR(95) : 0000(108000 TSI(9. ---E Oq CARD $2f0.00***ae*3294 — ACTIVATED I I 1111 11 11 i 2510 6326 3498 0150 25 (TURNS WITH RECEIPT THRU 02/07/2017 Activated prepaid cards are non refundable 11ECEMBER 9, 2016 12:36 PM GET YOUR CVS EXTRACARE CARD THANK YOU. SHOP 24 HOURS AT CVS COM Ctc1 e ,-.e ntAnc 2-6.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 110 4.2.a December 12, 2016 Qienf SEOPW Community Contact: jonelle Adderley Phone: 305: 539-3000 Email: JAdderley@miamigov.com Terms: Due upon Recipt 7127 .XIW 540)51 L Mi.un FL 33166 PH: (305) 652-7900 PAX: (305) 652-9004 111Ww,tdgmiamicout $1,200 Invoice#: Guest Event Date: Location: Load In Load Out INVOICE CRA12120 Community Tree Lighting Friday, December 9, 2016 Overtown Friday, December 9, 2016 Friday, December 9, 2016 Description QV 1 Price Total Tree Lighting Ceremony Decor *Note: Please provide Fax Exempt Certificate 1 Total $ Please make checks payable to - The Design Group of Miami This event :is RIOT confinned until this estimate 1.5 Approved and Faxed bask to us. This estimate expires 15 days from date above. atit items are rot purchase except Lineni and Lighting Package. APPROVAL 1,200.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 111 a ads Where Creativity Happens• MICHAELS STORE 119546 (305)266-7033 MICHAELS119546 8287 W FLAGLER ST MIAMI, FL 33144-2070 8-9091-6985-B895-2528-9111-9112-1806-4146 i i i i i i 11 2641 SALE 5033 9546 002-12/09/16 12:45 WFOANIE GLTR STKR 100100719898 1.59 1 @ "+I+ FOAMIE 6l_TR STKR 100100714898 1.59 1 @ FOAMIE GLTR STKR 100100714898 1.59 1 @ 10AMIE GLTR STKR 100100714898 1.59 1 OWE GLTR STKR 900100711898 1.59 1 @ (AMIE GLTR STKR 106100711898 1.59 1 @ -400M POM 3/4" GOLD 100100768884 1 .99 1 @ OMM POM 3/4" GOLD 100100768884 1.99 1 @ POM 3/4" GOLD 100100768884 1.99 1 @ POM 3/9" BOLD 100100768884 1.99 1 0 POM 3/9" GOLD 100100768884 1,99 1 @ POM 3/9" GOLD 400100768884 1.99 1 @ P011 3/4" GOLD 100100768884 1 .99 1 @ IINEST0NE STICKE 886996144578 1,50 1 @ q.A-IINEST0NE STICKE 886946144578 1,50 1 @ ; IINESTONE STICKE 886946141578 1,50 1 @ 4iINESTOt'E STICKE 886996144578 1.50 1 @ ggtHINESTO.NE STICKE 886916114578 1.50 1 @ {INESTONE STICKE 886946194578 1.50 1 @ 1,59 N 1.59 N 1.59 N 1.59 N 1.59 N 1 1.59 N y: 1,99 N g 1 .99 N 11 1.99 N 1 .99 N 1,99 N 1,99 N p- 1.99 N 1.50 N r` 1.50 N 1.50 N FR 1.50 N ).50 N 1.50 N �1.112- E 5T-TCIKF_ °4 T-116 .,50;;-, L-@ _- _ _1.. 50 N INESTONE STICKE 886916149578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N INESTONESTICKE 886946149578 1,50 1 @ 1.50 N INESTONE STICKE 886996144578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N INESTONE STICKE 886916119578 1.50 1 @ 1,50 N INESTONE STICKE 886916149578 1,50 1 @ 1.50NI INESTONE STICKE 8869961.44578 ' '1-, 5d 1 •@ 1 .50 N INESTONE STICKE_8S6996149578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N {INESTONE STIR 886916144578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N INESTON )rICKE 8869461/4578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N 4y r INEST E'STICKE 886916114578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N NONE STICKE 886996119578 1,50 1 @ 1 .50 N '~`- 041 ESTUNE STICKE 886946119578 1.50 1 @ 1.50 N . 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Apply at http://www.michaels.cflm/.fiats cerei.-707 (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) 0_ 00 co ' 7 - f: $ t DI.5�f Packet Pg. 112 4.2.a City of Miami Bill To: Jonelle Adderly 819 rev 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33136 Christmas Decor By Amco Service Slip / Invoice 3428 Griffin Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 INVOICE: 359344 855-352-2847 DATE:/218/2018 ORDER: 356111 City of Miami Work Jonelle Adderty Location: 819 nw 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33136 Work Date Time - Target Pest Technician 12/8/2016 10:00 AM (None) 25 Installer one Purchase Order Terms Last Service Map Code NET 30 .00 CHRISTMAS INSTA Great news We are going green! We can now email invoices; to begin paperless billing provide us with your email address and we can get started right away. 12/2312016 S 14,272.00 SUBTOTAL TAX 514,272.00 $0.00 TOTAL $14,272.00 AMT. PAID $0.00 BALANCE $14,272.00 - + -5). co Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 113 4.2.a Clowning Around On Your Side INVOICE 822 NW 61 St Miami, FI 33127 SOLD TO: Clown for face painting Special 2 for the price of 1 786-975-5043 ,•DESORIPTION 9-Dec-16 gm. , F re INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE OUR ORDER NO. YOUR ORDER NO. UNIT PRICE November 30, 2016 58699 PAID CHECK # W.1 AMOUNT DATE fl INITIAL e FY • AMOUNT $200.00 Make payment to Shakira Brown SUBTOTAL Deposit 200g00 200.0' DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO: Shakira Brown ir*q,‘/ 788-975-5043 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUS1NESSI PAY THIS Packet Pg. 114 WE'RE NO.1 BECAUSE OUR SERVICE Is NCI Eah, 0 ,INC. MAIN OFFICE. 921 SHOTGUN ROAD / SUNRISE, FL 33326 TELEPHONE: (954) 423-2627 &vr�ricaded, Slag, (�acrea, a4ete mien SeVeret Suectt 7vrget 1 ivraGE+d-, Iffed4449e ia4 da Reatais - ScZPe<t - Sewcce SE000I/100009 SE OVERTOWN / PARK WEST CRA. 819 NW 2ND AVE w 3RD FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33136 PLEASE CHECK YOUR JOB STATUS PURCHASE ORDER NO. TBB ITEM BEG QTYS 11/21/16 11/22/16 11/23/16 11/24/16 11/25/16 11/26/16 11/27/16 11/28/16 11/29/16 11/30/16 12/01/16 12/02/16 12/03/16 12/04/16 12/05/16 12/06/16 12/07/16 12/08/16 12/09/16 12/10/16 12/11/16 12/12/16 12/13/16 12/14/16 12/15/16 12/16/16 12/17/16 12/18/16 12/19/16 12/20/16 DAYS UNIT TOTAL INVOICE DATE 12/20/2016 JOB No. TREF LIGHTING 15HF 4 4 4 4 JOB CL01sRD 4.2.a REFER TO INVOICE G755342 FT. LAUDERDALE EXECUTIVE OFFICE 954-423-26 TOLL FREE 800-432-56 DELRAY 561-272-84 FT,LAUDERDALE 954-525-67 FT. MYERS 239-656-11 GAINESVILLE 352-375-81 JACKSONVILLE 904-396-51 MIAMI 305-654-0C ORLANDO 407-855-71 TALLAHASSEE 850-575-7E TAMPA 813-886-0E WEST PALM BEACH 561-585-4E PHOENIX, ARIZONA 602-272-3z BRANCH MIAMI 16 VM197 1 1 1 1 4 BILLING PERIOD TERMS: 11/21/2016 TO 12/20/2016 NET 10 DAY JOB ADDRESSNW BD AVE & 9 TH OVERTOW LUMP SUM CHARGE 1,375.00 PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE SUB TOTAL TAX NO STATEMENT WILL BE SENT ( 0,00 , REMIT TO: PO, BOX 919296 ORLANDO. FL 32891-9296 ORIGINAL INVOICE TOTAL SEE REVERSE FOR ITEM DESCRIPTIONS TERMS AND CONDI, Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 115 WE FE NO. 1 EECAJSE OUR SERVECE f5 R"0.1 Ed' ,INC. MAIN OFFICE: 921 SHOTGUN ROAD / SUNRISE, FL 33326 TELEPHONE: (954) 423-2627 Ealtfaecleded., Se904, eiNeea, aaui clam SaPt, SpeAme ee l jee yilitesoa, 71teasa,e gickvaz ,R.eat a t - Sated - $eruaee SE0001 / 100008 SE OVERTOWN / PARK WEST CRA 819 NW 2ND AVE - 3RD FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33136 4.2.a REFER TO INVOICE S753303 FT. LAUDERDALE EXECUTIVE OFFICE TOLL FREE DELRAY FT LAUD€RDALE FT, MYERS GAINESVI LLE JACKSONVILLE MIAMI ORLANDO TALlAHASSEE TAM PA WEST PALM BEACH PHOENIX, ARIZONA 954-423-2E 800-432-5( 561-272-8i 954-525-6, 239-656-11 352-375-81 904-396-5- +: 305-654-01 C 407-855-7' > 850-575-71 w 813-886-0E 0) 561-585-41 C 602-272-3, IP t PLEASE CHECK YOUR JOB STATUS INVOICE DATE 11/14/2016 BRANCH MIAMI BILLING PERIOD — TERMS: NET10DAY PURCHASE ORDER NO. JOB NO. JOB ADDRESS NW 3RD AVE & 9TH ST Ordered Shipped 1.000 1.000 MISC MOT PLAN -TREE LIGHTING CEMEMOR 150.00 RETAIL SALE - TICKET # 10075907 PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT WILL BE SENT REMIT TO: PO. BOX 919296 ORLANDO, FL 32891-9296 ORIGINAL INVOICE v 0 2 co O N d L O a> a+ =a a> 150.( x w 1a 4- 0 4- 0 rn a) SUB TOTAL TAX TOTAL. 150.00 Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 SEE REVERSE FOR ITEM 1 - - • • s TERMS AND CONDIf "' "" Packet Pg. 116 4.2.a INVOICE 16-420 KB'S REAL CHRISTMAS TREES P.O.BOX 610817 NORTH MIAMI, FL. 33261 305-899-1955 CITY OF MIAMI CRA CHRISTMAS TREE 1 24' LARGE CHRISTMAS TREE (special sizes) DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION TOTAL fotL f 14/f ON 6 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS 404, Pr li t®r 11-30-16 ez,� A ` ,c fro 5 it PAID CHECK # AMOUNT DATE INITIAL Cer Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 117 4.2.a FIN CARE SERVICES dba/ GERALD'S PRINT & SIGNS P.O. BOX 10182 MIAMI, FL 33101 786-332-4825 GPSMIAMI97©GMAIL.COM Date: 12-14-2016 To: Jonelle Adderly Name Company SEOPW/CRA Address 819 NW 2 AVE - THIRD FLOOR City, State/Province Miami, FL Postal/Zip Code 33136 Ship To:SEOPW/CRA Name Company SEOPW/CRA Address 819 NW 2 AVE - THIRD FLOOR City, State/Province Miami, FL Postal/Zip Code 33136 Quant►fy ;_ 1M . . _ Description. ,_ 4x6 - 4/0 Tree Lighting Christmas Unit Price Amount 150.00 Flyers E-n Subtotal 150.00 Tax n/a Shipping and Handling -__e Total Due 150.00 Make all checks payable to: FIN CARE SERVICES P.O. BOX 10182 - MIAMI, FL 33101 If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please call: 786-332-4825 Thank you for your business! PAID CHECK # AMOUNT DATE INITIAL Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Packet Pg. 118 4.2.a AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc. Invoice ‘vrpvrdta rtnaciyelannrs AAA8955 National Blvd .Los Invoice #. Invoice Date " 1I Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 836-3341 INV208180 1205l2016 �iy¢"' www.aaaflag.com Refer:erice Sales Team Sales Order #S0305994 183 NECA_RETTA Customer Name C200977 CITY OF MIAMI - CRA : Jonelle Adderley Bit To : ShipTa Jonelle Adderley CITY OF MIAMI - CRA SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency 1490 NW 3RD AVE. SUP1r; # 105 MIAMI FL 33136 Cesar Carrillo AAA Flag & Banner 681 NW 108rh Street Miami FL 33168 ProjeetTitle holiday banners installation i Terms - P.O.# F.O.B. _ Insured? Net 30 holiday cra banners F.O.B. - AAA LA Shipped Via. Ship Date .Tracking Number(s) Installation - Miami 12/512016 Qty - = Item . Description Each . Amount. 15 15 Banner Installation Pole Banner Removal install holiday cra banners remove city of maimi holiday cra banners 41.50 2750 622.50 412.50 / Subtotal Shipping Cost (installation - Miami) Total 1,035.00 0.00 1 035.00 Amount Due (11,035.00 Amount Paid 0.00 Atriount Due 1,035.00 A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 1/2% PER MONTH WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18 ✓ WILL BE APPLIED TO ACCOUNTS PAST DUE. It is understood and agreed that in event it becomes necessary for AAA Flag & Banner, Mfg. Co to institute action to collect payment for merchandise sold herein, purchaser will pay all collection casts, including reasonable attorney's fees. AAA Flag & Banner Ce. uses the highest quality materials and workmanship in production of Its flags, signs, and tanners, but cannot guarantee any damages due to weather and wind conditions. Any Claims or Returns must b e made within 5 days of receipt of goods. Upon approve', stack itoms will be issueda stars credit. Customer products will either be repaired, replaced, or issued a credit upon approval Goods must be picked up within 15 days of completion, as AAA will not be responsible after this print. AAA cannot assume responsibility for shippingffreight delivery of lost or damaged goods if insurance Is not requested Attachment: File # 1857 Backup (1857 : Resolution Ratifying an Expenditure for the 2016 Holiday Tree Lighting Event.) Please remit all payments to: AAA Flag & Banner * 8955 National Blvd * Los Angeles* Ca * 90034 Packet Pg. 119 4.3 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1858 From: Clarence E. Woods, t) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program. Enclosures: File # 1858 Back up BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for TRAMCON-Training for Manufactured Construction Program taking place in Overtown to train residents in manufactured construction. These funds will pay for program expenses, including instructors and stipends for the program graduates. In an effort to increase the construction skills of Overtown residents to prepare them for the new construction jobs that will be available within the Redevelopment Area, the CRA organized a manufactured construction skills training program in conjunction with Miami -Dade College and TRAMCON-Training for Manufactured Construction ("Program"). The Board of Commissioners previously supported the Program, as authorized by CRA-16-0053. The 8- week training program took place in early September 2016 and provided Overtown residents with free training in carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, workplace safety, professionalism, and training for their OSHA 30 Certification. Fifteen ("15") residents of the Redevelopment Area successfully completed the Program and received a $500.00 stipend. Due to the success of the Program, the CRA seeks to fund an additional training class that will take place in early 2017. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goal 4/Principle 4, at pages 11 and 14, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," and providing a "variety of job options," as stated redevelopment objectives. Section 2, Goal 6, at page 11, of the Plan lists "improving the quality of life for residents," as a stated redevelopment goal. FUNDING: Packet Pg. 120 4.3 $25,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Page 2 of 6 Packet Pg. 121 4.3 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing an expenditures of funds, in an amount not to exceed $25,000, for TRAMCON-TRAINING for manufactured construction program that will train redevelopment area residents. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 2 5 , 0 0 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Page 3 of 6 Packet Pg. 122 4.3 Approved by: —4f/,(7 CIarP : vd045ds, Executive Director — 2/22/2017 Approval: Tio Miguel Valbntin, F iriardce Offic0r 2/22/2017 Page 4 of 6 Packet Pg. 123 4.3 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1858 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, FOR TRAMCON-TRAINING FOR MANUFACTURED CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM THAT WILL TRAIN REDEVELOPMENT AREA RESIDENTS IN MANUFACTURED CONSTRUCTION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 4/Principle 4, at pages 11 and 14, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," and providing a "variety of job options," as stated redevelopment objectives; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 6, at page 11, of the Plan lists "improving the quality of life for residents," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, in an effort to increase the construction skills of Overtown residents to prepare them for the new construction jobs that will be available within the Redevelopment Area, the CRA organized a manufactured construction skills training program in conjunction with Miami -Dade College and TRAMCON-Training for Manufactured Construction ("Program"); and WHEREAS, the first 8-week training program took place in early September 2016 and provided Overtown residents with free training in carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, workplace safety, professionalism, and training for their OSHA 30 Certification; and WHEREAS, fifteen ("15") residents of the Redevelopment Area successfully completed the Program and received a $500.00 stipend; and WHEREAS, due to the success of the Program, the CRA seeks to fund an additional training class that will take place in early 2017; and Page 5 of 6 Packet Pg. 124 4.3 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for TRAMCON-Training for Manufactured Construction Program; these funds will pay for program expenses, including instructors and stipends for the program graduates; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that this expenditure would further the aforementioned redevelopment goals and objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for TRAMCON-Training for Manufactured Construction Program; these funds will pay for program expenses, including instructors and stipends for the program graduates. Section 3. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the purposes set forth above. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 5. Funds are to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: • Reidee JadusIngh, Staff Counsel 4% 2:22/2017 Page 6 of 6 Packet Pg. 125 4.3.a What skills can TRAMCON trainees bring to my company? The program includes over 900 hours of training that yield eight industry recognized certificates. Programs of Study range from 10 hours to 230 hours. Training unit Hours Industry Certificate Obtained OSHA 10-hour Course 10 OSHA 10-hour Card NCCER Construction Core 63 NCCER Construction Core Production Core 120 MSSC Certified Production Technician Man. Construction Tech. 1 223 NCCER Man. Construction 1 Man. Construction Tech. 2 233 NCCER Man. Construction 2 ii MSSC Green Production 30 MSSC Green Production OSHA Construction Safety 30 OSHA 30-Hour Card NCCER Project Management 115 NCCER Project Management *Nationally Recognized Credential, earns card and/or certificate. Course hours are estimated. Participants that complete the program can earn College Credits that may be applied towards an Associate Degree in construction or engineering at Miami Dade College** Employee Skills I. NCCER Construction Core Basic Safety (Construction Site Safety Orientation) Introduction to Construction Math Introduction to Hand Tools Introduction to Power Tools Introduction to Construction Drawings Basic Communication Skills Basic Employability Skills Introduction to Materials Handling II. MSSC Production Core Module 1: Safety 1. Work in a Safe and Productive Manufacturing Workplace 2. Perform safety and environmental inspections 3. Perform emergency drills and participate in emergency teams 4. Identify unsafe conditions and take corrective action 5. Provide safety orientation for all employees 6. Train personnel to use equipment safely 7. Suggest processes and procedures that support safety of work environment 8. Fulfill safety and health requirements for maintenance, installation, and repair 9. Monitor safe equipment and operator performance 10. Utilize effective, safety -enhancing workplace practices Module 2: Processes & Production 1. Identify customer needs 2. Determine resources available for the production process 3. Set up equipment for the production process Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program.) Packet Pg. 126 4.3.a 4. Set team production goals 5. Make job assignments 6. Coordinate work flow with team members and other work groups 7. Communicate production and material requirements and product specifications 8. Perform and monitor the process to make the product 9. Document product and process compliance with customer requirements 10. Prepare final product for shipping or distribution Module 3: Quality Practices & Measurement 1. Participate in periodic internal quality audit activities 2. Check calibration of gages and other data collection equipment 3. Suggest continuous improvements 4. Inspect materials and product/process at all stages to ensure they meet specifications 5. Document the results of quality tests 6. Communicate quality problems 7. Take corrective actions to restore or maintain quality 8. Record process outcomes and trends 9. Identify fundamentals of blueprint reading 10. Use common measurement systems and precision measurement tools Module 4: Maintenance Awareness 1. Perform preventive maintenance and routine repair 2. Monitor indicators to ensure correct operations 3. Perform all housekeeping to maintain production schedule 4. Recognize potential maintenance issues with basic production systems, including knowledge of when to inform maintenance personnel about problems with: - Electrical systems - Pneumatic systems - Hydraulic systems - Machine automation systems - Lubrication processes - Bearings and couplings - Belts and chain drives III. NCCER Manufactured Construction Level 1 Carpentry Level Building Materials, Fasteners, and Adhesives Introduces the building materials used in construction work, including lumber, sheet materials, engineered wood products, structural concrete, and structural steel. Also describes the fasteners and adhesives used in construction work. Discusses the methods of squaring a building. Hand and Power Tools Provides descriptions of hand tools and power tools used by carpenters. Emphasizes safe and proper operation, as well as care and maintenance. Floor Systems Covers framing basics and the procedures for laying out and constructing a wood floor using common lumber, as well as engineered building materials. Wall Systems Describes procedures for laying out and framing walls, including roughing -in door and window openings, constructing corners, partitions, and bracing walls. Ceiling Joists and Roof Framing Describes types of roofs and provides instructions for laying out rafters for gable roofs, hip roofs, and valley intersections. Covers stick -built and truss -built roofs. Includes the basics of roof sheathing installation. Introduction to Building Envelop Systems Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Progra Packet Pg. 127 4.3.a Introduces the concept of the building envelope and explains its components. Describes types of windows, skylights, and exterior doors, and provides instructions for installation. Plumbing Level Plastic Pipe and Fittings Introduces trainees to the different types of plastic pipe and fittings used in plumbing applications, including ABS, PVC, CPVC, PE, PEX, and PB. Describes how to measure, cut, join, and support plastic pipe according to manufacturer's instructions and applicable codes. Introduction to Plumbing Fixtures Discusses the proper applications of code -approved fixtures in plumbing installations. Reviews the different types of fixtures and the materials used in them. Introduction to Drain, Waste, and Vent Systems Explains how DWV systems remove waste safely and effectively. Discusses how system components, such as pipe, drains, traps, and vents work. Introduction to Water Distribution Systems Identifies the major components of water distribution systems and describes their functions. Reviews water sources and treatment methods and covers supply and distribution for the different types of systems that trainees will install on the job. Electrical Level I Electrical Safety Covers safety rules and regulations for electricians. Teaches the necessary precautions to take for various electrical hazards found on the job. Also covers the OSHA -mandated lockout/tagout procedure. Introduction to the National Electrical Code Provides a navigational road map for using the NEC ®. Introduces the layout of the NEC ® and the types of information found within the code book. Allows trainees to practice finding information using an easy -to - follow procedure. Device Boxes Covers the hardware and systems used by an electrician to mount and support boxes, receptacles, and other electrical components. Conductors and Cables Focuses on the types and applications of conductors and covers proper wiring techniques. Residential Electrical Services Covers the electrical devices and wiring techniques common to residential construction and maintenance. Allows trainees to practice making service calculations. Stresses the appropriate NEC ® requirements. Electrical Test Equipment Focuses on proper selection, inspection, and use of common electrical test equipment, including voltage testers, clamp -on ammeters, ohmmeters, multimeters, phase/motor rotation testers, and data recording equipment. Also covers safety precautions and meter category ratings. IV. NCCER Manufactured Construction Level 2 Carpentry Level 2 Exterior Finishing Covers the various types of exterior finish materials and their installation procedures, including wood, metal, vinyl, and fiber -cement siding. Thermal and Moisture Protection Covers the selection and installation of various types of insulating materials in walls, floors, and attics. Also covers the uses and installation practices for vapor barriers and waterproofing materials. Drywall Installation Describes the various types of gypsum drywall, their uses, and the fastening devices and methods used to install them. Also contains detailed instructions for installing drywall on walls and ceilings using nails, drywall screws, and adhesives. A discussion of fire- and sound -rated walls is also presented. Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program.) Packet Pg. 128 4.3.a Plumbing Level 2 Copper Tube and Fittings Discusses sizing, labeling, and applications of copper tube and fittings and reviews the types of valves that can be used on copper tube systems. Explains proper methods for cutting, joining, and installing copper tube. Also addresses insulation, pressure testing, seismic codes, and handling and storage requirements. Installing Roof, Floor, and Area Drains Covers the proper techniques for locating, installing, and connecting roof, floor, and area drains and floor sinks according to code. Also discusses waterproof membranes and flashing, drain components, shower pans, trap primers, and proper drain applications. Installing Water Heaters Discusses gas -fired, electric, tankless, heat pump, and indirect water heaters, components, and applications. Reviews proper installation and testing techniques and covers the latest code requirements for water heaters. Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems Introduces techniques for safe handling of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and fuel oil. Reviews fuel gas and fuel oil safety precautions and potential hazards, applications, systems installation, and testing. Electricity Level 2 Introduction to Electrical Current Offers a general introduction to the electrical concepts used in Ohm's law applied to DC series circuits. Includes atomic theory, electromotive force, resistance, and electric power equations. Electrical Theory Introduces series, parallel, and series -parallel circuits. Covers resistive circuits, Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws, and circuit analysis. Hand Bending Provides an introduction to conduit bending and installation. Covers the techniques for using hand - operated and step conduit benders, as well as cut-ting, reaming, and threading conduit. Raceways and Fittings Introduces the types and applications of raceways, wireways, and ducts. Stresses the appropriate NEC ° requirements. Electric Lighting Introduces the basic principles of human vision and the characteristics of light. Focuses on the handling and installation of various types of lamps and lighting fixtures. HVAC Level 1 Introduction to HVAC Covers the basic principles of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, career opportunities in HVAC, and how apprenticeship programs are constructed. Basic safety principles, as well as trade licensure and EPA guidelines, are also introduced. Introduction to Heating Covers the fundamentals of heating systems and the combustion process. The different types and designs of gas furnaces and their components, as well as basic procedures for their installation and service, is provided. Introduction to Cooling Explains the fundamental operating concepts of the refrigeration cycle and identifies both primary and secondary components found in typical HVAC/R systems. Common refrigerants are introduced as well. Describes the principles of heat transfer and the essential pressure -temperature relationships of refrigerants. Basic control concepts for simple systems are also introduced. Introduction to Air Distribution Systems Describes the factors related to air movement and its measurement in common air distribution systems. The required mechanical equipment and materials used to create air distribution systems are also presented. Basic system design principles for both hot and cold climates are introduced. Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program.) Packet Pg. 129 OE6 '6d 10)I3ed M.U.D. WORK P KRFORMANCF and MALE DEVELOP EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS PROJECT KNT Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program.) I 'Bd 1°)I° TRAINEE SEARCH MODULES Module zTraining zonma|es Mon. ohn/dav Program delivery bvlead facilitator observe and engage large group ofemployable prospects SUBJECTS Identify personal values system (pre Transmission vfValues Determine work readiness interest Service Comprehension Productive Expectation ofthe employer Productive Contribution ofthe community SCREENING_— _ Module zTraining somv|es Thurs. uhn/day Program delivery bylead facilitator — reduce group size attendance —ta,dy—scares Application verses Implementation sunuscTs identify personal values system (post Transmission nfValues) Maintaining the cog ofworkplace synergy relationships ' EVALUATIONEVALUATION�� Module sTraining zsma|,s Mon. 4hn/dav Program delivery bylead facilitator observe program implementation Prcpvhngppt Subjects: zoDAY ATWORK — LAST DAY xTWORK: Reprimand Professional Development Career Entitlement Teach'back,eoinn, TARGET GROUP Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAMCON Construction Training Program.) 'Bd 40)13ed PROGRAM MAINTENANCE. Module uTraining males Implementation Mon SUBJECTS Identify family community and financial resources Control your resources — control your destiny Provider —what ifshe works Module sTraining males Tues. ohrs/d°v Implementation SUBJECTS Power through presence: Dress toimpress The Temperaments [ho|cricSanxuine'rh|egmadrmc|ancholy Appropriate technology Module snaininn males wmd/ Implementation sumEC7 Male Development Family Counseling Relationships and Communication Therapy for language Module 7Training males Thurs. 4hr*doy Implementation SUBJECTS Community Reclamation/Service —Testimonials Attachment: File # 1858 Back up (1858 : Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of Funds for TRAIVICON Construction Training Program.) 4.4 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1853 From: Clarence E. Woods, a--) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Approving the CRA's FY 2016-2017 Amended Budget. Enclosures: Exhibit A BACKGROUND: It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") adopt the attached Resolution approving and adopting the amended Tax Increment Fund and General Operating Budget of the CRA for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2016 ending September 30, 2017. JUSTIFICATION: On July 25, 2016, the CRA's Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-16-0029 approved and adopted the Tax Increment Fund and General Operating Budget for FY 2016-2017 based on estimates of tax increment funds expected to be received in early January 2017. The Budget has been amended to reflect the amount of tax increment funds actually received in January 2017 from each taxing authority that contributes to the CRA's Redevelopment Trust Fund. Packet Pg. 133 4.4 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: SEOPW CRA Budget Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: Amount: NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Approved by: Clare44f E..UVoods, Executive Director 2/22/2017 Approval: Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 134 4.4 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1853 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S TAX INCREMENT FUND AND GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE AMENDED BUDGETS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the budgets to reflect the amount of tax increment funds actually owed in January 2017 by each taxing authority that contributes to the CRA's Redevelopment Trust; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wishes to approve and adopt the CRA's Amended Tax Increment Fund and General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The attached Amended Tax Increment Fund and General Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017 are approved and adopted Section 3. The Executive Director is directed to transmit a copy of each budget to the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 135 4.4 Renee Jadusingh, Staff Cci nsel 2/22/2017 Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 136 4.4.a SEOPW GENERAL OPERATING TAX INCREMENT FUND BUDGET FY 2017 AMENDED BUDGET FY 2017 PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE REVENUES CITY OF MIAMI - TAX INCREMENT (ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES) $10,525,607 $10,527,913 -$2,306 MIAMI DADE COUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES) $6,424,109 $6,424,109 $0 CITY OF MIAMI - TAX INCREMENT (EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $483,645 $483,761 -$115 MIAMI DADE COUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $295,185 $295,185 $0 CITY OF MIAMI - TAX INCREMENT (PARK WEST ADDITION) $363,837 $364,043 -$206 MIAMI DADE COUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (PARK WEST ADDITION) $222,061 $222,061 $0 2017 CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CHILDREN TRUST FUND $753,293 $0 $753,293 GRANT FROM EDA (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) $90,000 $0 $90,000 2016 AUDITED FUND BALANCE $29,550,417 $32,689,517 -$3,139,100 TQTAL'REVENUE $48,708,155 $51,006,589 -$2,298,434 REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - LEGAL $245,561 $319,996 -$74,435 ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT $200 $31,200 -$31,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OTHER $2,786,731 $3,036,834 -$250,103 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $385,130 $390,000 -$4,870 LAND $1,316,794 $1,653,794 -5337,000 INTERFUND TRANSFER (Grant) $1,855,769 $2,325,297 -$469,508 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT $11,450,659 $11,450,659 $0 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS $327,630 $176,984 $150,646 OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS $26,889,825 $28,171,988 -$1,282,163 ADMAN ISTRATIV E:EXPENDITURES REGULAR SALARIES $1,083,306 $1,083,306 $0 FICA TAXES $82,873 $82,873 $0 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE $173,014 $173,014 $0 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION $102,079 $102,079 $0 FRINGE BENEFITS $18,300 $18,300 $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $92,566 $92,566 $0 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $30,000 $30,000 $0 COMMUNICATIONS $0 $0 $0 UTILITY SERVICE $64,401 $64,401 $0 INSURANCE $139,555 $139,555 $0 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $59,000 $59,000 $0 SUPPLIES $12,000 $12,000 $0 OPERATING SUPPLIES $12,000 $12,000 $0 SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING $15,000 $15,000 $0 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT $3,000 $3,000 $0 ADVERTISING $35,000 $35,000 $0 RENTAL AND LEASES $67,000 $67,000 $0 POSTAGE $2,000 $2,000 $0 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE - OUTSIDE $2,000 $2,000 $0 INTERFUND TRANSFER $30,000 $30,000 $0 FY 2017 BUDGET RESERVE- ADMINISTRATION $240,000 $240,000 $0 BUDGETRESERVE- OTHER (Revenue Shortfall Reserve) $0 a) FY 2013 Carryover Fund Balance (Surplus) $314,134 $314,134 $0 b) FY 2014 Carryover Fund Balance (Surplus) $512,015 $512,015 $0 c) FY 2015 Carryover Fund Balance (Surplus) $360,593 $360,593 $0 TOTAL FUND' BALANCE .'?.$48;708,155 - $51,006;589 44.$2298;434 $0 2017 TIF Revenue $18,314,445 2017 Administrative Expenditures $2,023,094 % Administrative Exp / 2017 TIF Revenue 11% 2017 Budget Reserve $1,426,742 Total 2017 Budget $48,708,155 % 2017 Budget Reserve / Total 2017 Budget 3% $0 $0 EXHIBIT "A" Attachment: Exhibit A (1853 : Resolution Approving the CRA's FY 2016-2017 Amended Budget.) 1 Packet Pg. 137 4.5 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1854 From: Clarence E. Woods, a--) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave. Enclosures: File # 1854 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes an expenditure of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $80,000 for the 40-year recertification and rehabilitation of 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property"). The CRA owns the Property, which consists of a 2-story building built in 1954. The Property was in need of significant rehabilitation in order to obtain the requisite 40-year recertification. As such, on June 30, 2014, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-14-0046, authorized an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $850,000 for the 40-year recertification and rehabilitation of the Property with the intent to attract third -party commercial operators ("Project"). During the course of the rehabilitation, the CRA requested additional work to be done for security purposes and to help attract commercial operators, including the installation of a grease trap, installation of roof cages to enclose the air conditioning units, and replacing all of the windows at the Property. Also, the contractor for the Project encountered an unforeseen expense regarding the building wall structure and underground footings, theft, and vandalism during the course of the Project. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goal 1, at page 11 of the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") lists "preserv[ation of] historic buildings and community heritage" as a stated redevelopment goal. Principle 9, at page 15 of the Plan, provides that "new and rehabilitated buildings must respond to our climate and reflect the community's cultural heritage." Principles 10 and 11, at page of the Plan, also provide that "streets and buildings must be attractive, and "24-hour environments should be encouraged." FUNDING: $80,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Construction in Progress" Account No. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. Packet Pg. 138 4.5 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing an expenditure of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $80,000, for the 40-vear recertification and rehabilitation of 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 8 0 , 0 0 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Approved by: Clar Approval: Woods, Executive Director 2/22/2017 Miguel A Valentin, T iarice Officer 2/22/2017 Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 139 4.5 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1854 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $80,000 FOR THE 40-YEAR RECERTIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF 920 NW 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW, "CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Goal 1, at page 11 of the Plan, provides for the "preserv[ation of historic buildings and community heritage"; and WHEREAS, Principle 9, at page 15 of the Plan, provides that "new and rehabilitated buildings must respond to our climate and reflect the community's cultural heritage"; and WHEREAS, Principles 10 and 11, at page of the Plan, also provide that "streets and buildings must be attractive, and "24-hour environments should be encouraged"; and WHEREAS, the CRA owns property at 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property"), which consists of a 2-story building built in 1954; and WHEREAS, the Property was in need of significant rehabilitation in order to obtain the requisite 40-year recertification; and WHEREAS, as such, on June 30, 2014, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-14-0046, authorized an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $850,000 for the 40-year recertification and rehabilitation of the Property and with the intent to attract third - party commercial operators ("Project"); and WHEREAS, during the course of the rehabilitation, the CRA requested additional work to be done for security purposes and to help attract commercial operators, including the installation Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 140 4.5 of a grease trap, installation of roof cages to enclose the air conditioning units, and replacing all of the windows at the Property. Also, the contractor for the Project encountered an unforeseen expense regarding the building wall structure and underground footings, theft, and vandalism during the course of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize an expenditure of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $80,000 for the Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes an expenditure of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $80,000 for the 40-year recertification and rehabilitation of 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Section 3. Funds allocated from SEOPW Tax increment Fund, "Construction in Progress," Account Code No. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the purposes set forth above. Section 5. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Re;iee Jadusingh, Staff CoLnsel 2/2212017 Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 141 Vandalism/Theft Photos 4.5.a Disconnected Main Power Fixtures removed I 1 Wiring removed Barbed wire cut Wiring removed Condensate copper removed Conduits removed Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) Window pried open Elevator control wiring removed Condensate copper removed Packet Pg. 142 Vandalism/Theft Photos 4.5.a Wiring cut Wiring removed Elevator control raceway wires removed Condensate copper Elevator wiring Elevator control panel wiring cut/removed Condensate copper Elevator wiring Condensate copper removed Power lines removed Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) Packet Pg. 143 Vandalism/Theft Photos 4.5.a Wiring cut/removed Elevator raceway & controller wiring removed Condensate copper removed Conduit vandalized Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) Packet Pg. 144 4.5.a PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. June 8, 2015 Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 RE: Change Order Request No. 1, Phase 1 Clyde Killens Pool Hall 40 Year Re -Certification We are pleased to submit this cost breakdown for Additional Design and Construction Services on the above referenced project located 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL. Upon completing demolition we discovered that the SW corner of the building was constructed without foundation/footer or concrete slab on grade. This unforeseen condition requires additional work beyond our scope. We must remove the existing asphalt floor, remove the existing CMU walls, remove existing fill to approx. 4"- 6" below grade and compact. We will then pour a steel reinforced footer, Build CMU Walls, pour slab on grade. This area is approximately 900 sf. Primary Construction, Inc. needs this change order executed to perform the work shown in the table below: DESCRIPTION Total Demolition: Remove asphalt floor, remove fill, remove exterior Concrete Masonry Walls (Includes Hauling) $9,800 Architectural Drawings/Engineering $4,600 Notes: Includes Labor & Material; Not part of Original Contract; All Work Done to Code. TOTAL $14,400. Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) 11300 SW 175" Street, Miami, FL 33157 Ph (786) 348-1237 Fax (305) 232-1113 e-mail AMoss@PrimaryConstructionlnc.com Packet Pg. 145 4.5.a PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. June 8, 2015 Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 RE: Change Order Request No. 1, Phase 2 Clyde Killens Pool Hall 40 Year Re -Certification We are pleased to submit this cost breakdown for Additional Design and Construction Services on the above referenced project located 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL. Upon completing demolition we discovered that the SW corner of the building was constructed without foundation/footer or concrete slab on grade. This unforeseen condition requires additional work beyond our scope. We must remove the existing asphalt floor, remove the existing CMU walls, remove existing fill to approx. 4"- 6" below grade and compact. We will then pour a steel reinforced footer, Build CMU Walls, pour slab on grade. This area is approximately 900+ sf. Primary Construction, Inc. needs this change order executed to perform the work shown in the table below: DESCRIPTION Total Excavate, Form, Place Structural Steel & Pour Reinforced Concrete Foundation $17,900 Re -Build Structural/Masonry Walls $18,900 Pour & Finish Slab on Grade Included Backfill, Grading, Compaction, Sheathing as Necessary $13,600 Notes: Includes Labor & Material; Not part of Original Contract; All Work Done to Code. TOTAL $50,400. Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) 11300 SW 175" Street, Miami, FL 33157 Ph (786) 348-1237 Fax (305) 232-1113 e-mail AMoss@PrimaryConstructionlnc.com Packet Pg. 146 4.5.a PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. June 8, 2015 Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 RE: Change Order Request No. 2 Clyde Killen's Pool Hall 40Year Re -Certification We are pleased to submitthiscost breakdown for Additional Design and Construction Services on the above referenced project located 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL. Primary Construction, Inc. needs this change order executed to performthe work shown in the table below: DESCRIPTION Total Reinforce windowopenings with Structura I Steel, form, & Pour Concrete. Install Fixed Impact Windows 72X 50; 72 X50; 72 X 50; 37 X 50; 37 X 50 Frames to be White i n Color with GreyClass $13,900 Furnish/Install Double French Door (Commercial) $6,800 Architectural Drawings/Engineering Revisions $800 Notes: Horizontal Roller Windowwill increase cost by $50/window TOTAL $21,500. Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) 11300 SW 175th Street, Miami, FL 33157 Ph (786) 348-1237 Fax (305) 232-1113 e-mail AMoss@PrimaryConstructionInc.cor Packet Pg. 147 4.5.a PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. June 16, 2015 Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 RE: Change Order Request No. 3 Clyde Killen's Pool Hall 40 Year Re -Certification We are pleased to submit this cost breakdown for Additional Design and Construction Services on the above referenced project located 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL. Primary Construction, Inc. needs this change order executed to perform the work shown in the table below: DESCRIPTION Total Furnish & Install 1,500 gallon Grease Interceptor Includes: Excavation, Crane Drop, and Backfill area. $8,900 Install Grease Waste Line Includes: Excavation and installation of Underground Grease line to front of Tank, Extension into Building, and Tie into Sanitary sewer line. Concrete cutting/patching as Necessary $5,400 Architectural Drawings/Engineering Revisions $695 Notes: TOTAL $14,995. Thank you, Va i PirvwPi 1.4N4, President PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Sign & Date Print Name, Title SEOPWCRA Authorized Agent Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) 11300 SW 175th Street, Miami, FL 33157 Ph (786) 348-1237 Fax (305) 232-1113 e-mail AMoss@PrimaryConstructionInc.com Packet Pg. 148 4.5.a PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. January 12, 2016 Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 RE: Change Order Request No. 4 Clyde Killen's Pool Hall 40 Year Re -Certification We are pleased to submit this cost breakdown for Additional Design and Construction Services on the above referenced project located 920 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL. Primary Construction, Inc. needs this change order executed to perform the work shown in the table below: DESCRIPTION Total Furnish & Install Custom Steel Security Cages at Rooftop Condenser Units; Includes Service Entry $4,500 Notes: TOTAL $4,500. Thank you, aot,i,?.rvwP. 14/Ow, President PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Sign & Date Print Name, Title SEOPWCRA Authorized Agent Attachment: File # 1854 Backup (1854 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Funds to Rehab of 920 NW 2nd Ave.) 11300 SW 175th Street, Miami, FL 33157 Ph (786) 348-1237 Fax (305) 232-1113 e-mail AMoss@PrimaryConstructionInc.com Packet Pg. 149 4.6 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1855 From: Clarence E. Woods, a--) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with Circle of One Marketing Enclosures: File # 1855 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Circle of One Marketing Group, Inc. ("Provider") to perform venue operations and management services at the Overtown Performing Arts Center ("OPAC"), located at 1074 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property"). This Resolution further authorizes funding in an amount not to exceed $120,000 for said service and funding in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a revolving loan that will be utilized by the Provider to fund programs and events at the OPAC. On March 31, 2016, the CRA issued RFQ 16-03 seeking venue operations and management services for the Overtown Performing Arts Center, including but not limited to: • • • • • • Develop standard operating procedures for the OPAC. Property management and maintenance of the OPAC facility including repairs, general and preventative maintenance, and utilities. Oversee the hiring of the OPAC's office staff and maintain a supervisorial presence at the OPAC and during all OPAC events. Secure special events and programs in a variety of entertainment genres. This includes: managing, ticketing, hiring and overseeing event and production staff, and performing marketing duties. Manage sales and leasing efforts for private events at the OPAC. Manage finances for the OPAC in conjunction with CRA's Finance Department. Manage the scheduling of events and usage of the OPAC, including the kitchen area. Janitorial services of entire facility including garbage removal. Coordinate security services for the facility including access control. Facilitate scheduled maintenance and deep cleaning services related to the commercial cooking equipment and kitchen hoods. On October 31, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-16-0052, accepted the recommendation to select Provider to perform venue operations and management services at the OPAC and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with the Provider. Packet Pg. 150 4.6 Based on the CRA's negotiations, it is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve and adopt the attached Resolution. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goal 1, at page 11, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "preserv[ation of] historic buildings and community heritage," as a stated redevelopment goal; and Section 2, Principle 8, at page 15, of the Plan provides that "[o]Ider buildings that embody the area's cultural past should be restored," as a stated redevelopment principle. The Plan, at pages 89-90, also describes the Ebenezer Methodist Church as a being historically significant building, and encourages renovation of such buildings throughout the Redevelopment Area; and The Plan lists the "[p]romotion and marketing of the community," as a stated redevelopment goal. Further, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15, of the Plan provides that in order to "address and improve the neighborhood economy and expand economic opportunities of present and future residents and businesses[,] ... [it is necessary to] support and enhance existing businesses and ... attract new businesses that provide needed services and economic opportunities ...". FUNDING: $220,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, "Professional Services," Account Code No. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. Page 2of7 Packet Pg. 151 4.6 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement with Circle of One Marketing, Inc. to perform venue operations and management services at the "OPAL'. Authorizing funding in an amount not to exceed, $120,000 for said service and $100,000 for a loan for programing. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 2 2 0, 0 0 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Funds will derive from 2017 budget allocation earmarked to "Food Truck Program (All Aboard Agreement) in the amount of $300,000. Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 152 4.6 Approved by: —4f/,(7 CIarP : vd045ds, Executive Director — 2/22/2017 Approval: Tio Miguel Valbntin, F iriardce Offic0r 2/22/2017 Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 153 4.6 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1855 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CIRCLE OF ONE MARKETING, INC. ("PROVIDER") TO PERFORM VENUE OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT THE OVERTOWN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ("OPAC"), LOCATED AT 1074 NW 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $120,000 FOR SAID SERVICE AND FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $100,000 FOR A REVOLVING LOAN THAT WILL BE UTILIZED BY THE PROVIDER TO FUND PROGRAMS AND EVENTS AT THE OPAC; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. <Insert Body Here>WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA or CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 1, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "preserv[ation of] historic buildings and community heritage," as a stated redevelopment goal; and Section 2, Principle 8, at page 15, of the Plan provides that "[o]Ider buildings that embody the area's cultural past should be restored," as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, the Plan at pages 89-90, also describes the Ebenezer Methodist Church as a being historically significant building, and encourages renovation of such buildings throughout the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the Plan lists the "[p]romotion and marketing of the community," as a stated redevelopment goal. Further, Section 2, Principle 6, at page 15, of the Plan provides that in order to "address and improve the neighborhood economy and expand economic opportunities of present and future residents and businesses[,] ... [it is necessary to] support and enhance existing businesses and ... attract new businesses that provide needed services and economic opportunities ... "; and Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 154 4.6 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-14-0064, authorized the renovation and rehabilitation of the Overtown Performing Arts Center ("OPAC"). The renovations are complete and the CRA is in need of a management company to program the center and run the day-to-day operations; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-16-0052, accepted the recommendation to select Circle of One Marketing, Inc. ("Provider") as the top ranked proposer to perform venue operations and management services at the OPAC and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with the Provider for said service; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with the Provider to perform venue operations and management services at the OPAC; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners further wish to authorize funding in an amount not to exceed $120,000 for said service and funding in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a revolving loan that will be utilized by the Provider to fund programs and events at the OPAC; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1 The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Circle of One Marketing, Inc. to perform venue operations and management services at the Overtown Performing Arts Center, located at 1074 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners hereby further authorizes funding in an amount not to exceed $120,000 for said service and funding in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a revolving loan that will be utilized by the Provider to fund programs and events at the OPAC. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for said purpose. Section 5. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 6. Funds to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Professional Services," Account Code No. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. Section 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 155 4.6 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Re;iee Jadusingh, Staff Counsel 2r22/2017 Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 156 4.6.a THE OVE RTOWN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Services 0 circle ot, one ARK€TING • Establishing warm friendly administration and superior strong customer service teams • Establishing a quick response maintenance and technical production team • Establishing pre -production, production, and post production space area, schedule, usage calculator, and system (food and beverage service, projector services, presentation services, conference/presentation designs, multi -purpose use, casting use, teleconference service etc for additional fees) • Establishing website with high integrated SEO and networked usage to all tenant/rental listing and virtual marquee with calendar and virtual box office • Set up ticketing services with Ticketmaster, Vendini, and inTicketing • Setting up contracts to have a local crew run the on -site production needs • Setting up contracts for vendors to come in and provide additional services such as lighting, sound, video, catering, valet. • Create and establish the flexible short term and long term leasing/rental programs • Create and establish pre -production, production, and postproduction offices. That includes everything from renting white boards, office supplies, computers, desks, chairs to assistance with design and legal services • Establishing a community virtual suites service (i.e. Theater, Dance) • Establish the parking areas and fees and services including additional fees for assigned/valet parking with identity • Maintain relationships locally with all the various chambers of commerce, the city police and fire, the local support groups, church groups, community watch, community activists, offering of space to hold commerce meetings and networking events • Establishing and maintaining common break and kitchen areas • Establishing and maintaining local menus and catering options • Establishing tenant events and showcases • Establishing a monthly tenant/rental newsletter • Establish and maintain strategic advertising seeking new tenants • Establish and maintain the overall branding of the complex and its purpose • Staff training, employee handbooks, employee relations, HR procedure, contracts with employment agencies, etc • Creation of ledgers, document filing system, accounting procedures, rent collection options and penalties, visitor logs, customer follow-up system, lead generation programs • Hire, train, and coach commercial property managers and assistant managers • Create a system and maintain all inventory for all storage/stored items (desks, chairs, phones, furniture, props etc) so that accurate SEOPW CRA assets are always known • Create attainable sales goals and objectives • Create all SEOPW CRA spreadsheets with online access for all partners and executive personnel. • Recommend leasing minimum and maximum pricing grid for all spaces and units. Create a short term and long term achievable goal. • Create team building environments that welcomes new low and no -cost programs to generate additional income • Create the entire system from the initial tenant walk-thru to move -in to move -out. Every step of the process is crucial and must be uniform to insure accuracy. • Create all documents and forms circQE o� one Ia1ARK ETI NG Attachment: File # 1855 Backup (1855 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with Circle of One Marketing) Packet Pg. 157 4.6.a • Maintain building insurance policy, business permits, and are added to state and local lists for all updates pertaining to property management and building codes to insure 100% compliance • Maintain the mandatory policy that all tenants are insured and have included the building and facilities on their insurance with high minimum coverage thresholds • Create Rental Information Packet • Create Ticketing Setup Form • Client retention strategies, programs, and promotions (marketing, branding, brand management, promotions, public relations, community relations, media relations, social media, graphics, advertising, media buying, art direction, media production, printing, video production, website design & maintenance and any and all marketing functions) TIMELINE: Most functions in place and running in less than 16 business weeks. Most of the list will be done in the first 4 weeks and 80% by the end of 8-10 weeks. We project that within the first 6-12 months we should be very close to the capacity or duty cycle of the right tenants and rentals. Compensation (Year 1 & 2) Circle of One Marketing: Overall top line venue managements in addition to Public Relations, Promotions, Media, Marketing $50,000 (includes brand development and management, website design and maintenance, ongoing maintenance of social media, database marketing, dedicated marketing director, venue branding, content and programming, partnership development, thought leadership, strategic alliances) General Manager F/T (Operations) $40,000 Assistant General Manager P/T (Operations) $24,000 General maintenance/operating funds: $6,000 Total Budget $120,000 The term of this contract shall be from March 1st, 2017 to February 28, 2019, and may be renewed for additional two- year term by written notification sixty (60) days prior to expiration. 0 cirde ©t one ,)ARK5T[NG Attachment: File # 1855 Backup (1855 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with Circle of One Marketing) Packet Pg. 158 4.6.a ADDITIONAL REVENUE from the OPAC SEOPW CRA to receive unlimited annual shows at no rental charge at no rental charge (based upon availability) Venue Management receives 20% of net profit from all venue rentals/leases; SEOPW CRA receives 80% of net profit from all venue rentals/leases. Net does not begin until all expenses are paid in full. SEOPW CRA will provide a $100,000 "line of credit" to Venue Management for the production of events that can demonstrate profitability. Venue Manager Agrees to settle with SEOPW CRA no later than 5 days after the conclusion of an event in the form of check or wire. 0 cirde at one MARKETING Attachment: File # 1855 Backup (1855 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with Circle of One Marketing) Packet Pg. 159 4.7 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1856 From: Clarence E. Woods, a--) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co. Enclosures: File # 1856 - Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA or CRA") authorizes the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC to prepare a Finding of Necessity/Assessment of Need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan. This Resolution further authorizes funding in an amount not to exceed $335,000 for said service. On July 29, 1982, the Miami City Commission approved the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") and on December 7, 1982, Miami -Dade County also approved the Plan. On December 31, 2007, the City, the County, the SEOPW CRA, and the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency entered into an Interlocal Agreement to provide for, among other things, the expansion of the SEOPW CRA's Redevelopment Area and the extension of its life. Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, the parties agreed that the SEOPW CRA would cause a Finding of Necessity report to be prepared in which the conditions of slum and blight within the expanded area would be documented, and to prepare an amended Plan. Thereafter, a Finding of Necessity and amended Plan ("2009 Plan") were prepared by the SEOPW CRA, and approved by the Miami City Commission and County Commission, respectively. Under the 2009 Plan, the life of the SEOPW CRA would be extended until 2030. Due to the continued existence of slum and blight within its Redevelopment Area, on February 11, 2016, the CRA issued Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") 16-02 seeking proposals from qualified firms to prepare a finding of necessity and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan. Subject to CRA's approval, the services sought by this RFQ includes, but are not limited to, the following: • Prepare a Finding of Necessity pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. • Review the most recent version of the Plan and analyze completed projects and current conditions in the Redevelopment Area. • Evaluate current site inventory, land use, and transportation. • Identify areas of future project growth and related development issues and propose policies, initiatives, and additional tasks necessary to accomplish the goals and objectives of the CRA. • Update all sections of the Plan to include new projects and reflect changes within the Redevelopment Area since the 2009 Plan. • Make presentations of the Finding of Necessity and Redevelopment Plan as necessary. Packet Pg. 160 4.7 On October 31, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-16-0050, accepted the recommendation to select E.L. Waters and Company, LLC as the top ranked proposer to prepare a Finding of Necessity/Assessment of Need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC. Based on the CRA's negotiations, it is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve and adopt the attached Resolution. JUSTIFICATION: Section 163.361(1), Florida Statutes states that "[i]f at any time after the approval of a community redevelopment plan by the governing body it becomes necessary or desirable to amend or modify such plan, the governing body may amend such plan upon the recommendation of the agency. The agency recommendation to amend or modify a redevelopment plan may include a change in the boundaries of the redevelopment area to add land to or exclude land from the redevelopment area, or may include the development and implementation of community policing innovations." Page 130 of the Plan states that "[i]n the future, [the] Redevelopment Plan may need to be amended as new, innovative projects eligible for tax increment revenues are proposed for the area. Amendments to the Plan shall be in accordance with Section 163.361, Florida Statutes. The CRA Board will initiate any amendment action by adopting a resolution recommending that the Miami City Commission adopt the proposed amendment to the Plan, and requesting transmittal to Miami -Dade County for approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The original "Findings of Necessity" should be reaffirmed with regard to the proposed modification or amendment." FUNDING: $335,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, "Professional Services," Account Code No. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. Page 2of7 Packet Pg. 161 4.7 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC to prepare a finding of necessity/assessment of need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan. Authorizing funding in an amount not to exceed $335,000 for said service. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 3 3 5, 0 0 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 162 4.7 Approved by: —4f/,(7 CIarP : vd045ds, Executive Director — 2/22/2017 Approval: Tio Miguel Valbntin, F iriardce Offic0r 2/22/2017 Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 163 4.7 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1856 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH E.L. WATERS AND COMPANY, LLC TO PREPARE A FINDING OF NECESSITY/ASSESSMENT OF NEED AND AMEND THE CRA'S REDEVELOPMENT PLAN; AUTHORIZING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED, $335,000 FOR SAID SERVICE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA or CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, page 130 of the Plan states that "[i]n the future, [the] Redevelopment Plan may need to be amended as new, innovative projects eligible for tax increment revenues are proposed for the area. Amendments to the Plan shall be in accordance with Section 163.361, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, page 130 of the Plan further states that, [t]he CRA Board will initiate any amendment action by adopting a resolution recommending that the Miami City Commission adopt the proposed amendment to the Plan, and requesting transmittal to Miami -Dade County for approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, page 130 of the Plan also states that, "[t]he original "Findings of Necessity" should be reaffirmed with regard to the proposed modification or amendment; and WHEREAS, Section 163.361(1), Florida Statutes states that "[i]f at any time after the approval of a community redevelopment plan by the governing body it becomes necessary or desirable to amend or modify such plan, the governing body may amend such plan upon the recommendation of the agency. The agency recommendation to amend or modify a redevelopment plan may include a change in the boundaries of the redevelopment area to add land to or exclude land from the redevelopment area, or may include the development and implementation of community policing innovations;" and Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 164 4.7 WHEREAS, on July 29, 1982, the Miami City Commission approved the Plan and on December 7, 1982, Miami -Dade County also approved the Plan; and WHEREAS, thereafter, a Finding of Necessity and amended Plan ("2009 Plan") were prepared by the SEOPW CRA, and approved by the Miami City Commission and County Commission, respectively. Under the 2009 Plan, the life of the SEOPW CRA would be extended until 2030; and WHEREAS, due to the continued existence of slum and blight within its Redevelopment Area, on February 11, 2016, the CRA issued Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") 16-02 seeking proposals from qualified firms to prepare a finding of necessity and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 2016, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-16-0050, accepted the recommendation to select E.L. Waters and Company, LLC as the top ranked proposer to prepare a finding of necessity/assessment of need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan and authorized the Executive Director to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC for said service; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorizes the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC to prepare a finding of necessity/assessment of need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan and further authorizes funding in an amount not to exceed $335,000 for said service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1 The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with E.L. Waters and Company, LLC to prepare a finding of necessity/assessment of need and amend the CRA's redevelopment plan and further authorizes funding in an amount not to exceed $335,000 for said service. Section 3. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for said purpose. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 5. Funds to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Professional Services," Account Code No. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000. Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 165 4.7 Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Re;iee Jadusingh, Staff LULnsel 2r22/2017 Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 166 F SEOPW Redevelopment Plan Amendment SCOPE OF SERVICES: Exhibit A ■7 E.L.'sNarurs and Corrnaan\ . LLC Final -January 12, 2017 4.7.a 3 Attachment: File # 1856 - Backup (1856 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co.) 8264 NW 195TH Terrace • Miami, Florida • Cell (305) 785-9757.Office (305) 829- Packet Pg. 167 4.7.a E.L. Waters and Company, LLC (The Consultant) will prepare an assessment of need study (Assessment), which will be submitted to the Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA) request for an extension to the life of the CRA, pursuant to the Miami Dade County Resolution No. R-611-15 which established a policy that requires any CRA requesting an extension of its life and that of the Area to provide an Assessment. The Consultant will prepare the Redevelopment Plan Extension, pursuant to Florida Statutes Part III of Chapter 163, "Community Redevelopment Act of 1969" (Act), which authorizes local governments to establish Agencies to revitalize areas designated as slum and blight upon adopting a finding of necessity (Finding) demonstrating there is a need for an Agency to carry out community redevelopment activities, as defined in the Act. The Finding will show that the SEOPW Redevelopment Area has instances of slum or blight, as defined by Chapter 163.340(7) or (8). The Consultant will conduct and prepare the following Tasks (within 10 months) relating to the Assessment of Need: • Reason for the extension; • Current condition(s) of slum in the Area, as defined by Chapter 163.340 (7), with detailed statistical data or analysis; • Current condition(s) of blight in the Area, as defined by Chapter 163.340 (8), with detailed statistical data; • Total revenues deposited into the trust fund since the inception of the Agency; • Types of programs funded for the Area; • Major projects funded by the Agency; and • Major projects to be funded by the Agency as a result of the extension. Additionally, the Assessment will include the following information, if applicable, that will assist the SEOPW CRA in its request to extend the life of the CRA and the Redevelopment Area: • Demographic, household, and poverty rate analysis, including existing and projected demographics and important shifts; Attachment: File # 1856 - Backup (1856 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co.) SEOPW Redevelopment Plan Amendment E L'Vgarers aotl Gonloar., LLG 2 Packet Pg. 168 4.7.a • A gap analysis that will examine the existing economic, financial, and regulatory conditions within the redevelopment area to determine barriers and other constraints to private redevelopment investments; • Redevelopment priorities with respect to the gap analysis; • Possible solutions and redevelopment investment strategies; • Recommendations for an appropriate update to the goals and objectives of the Agency's community redevelopment plan; • Projections of available tax incremental revenues, potential financing options, and any other implications related to the extension of the life of the Agency and the community redevelopment area. Consultant will engage the services of an independent Economic Consulting firm for a peer review of the tax increment revenues projections and potential financing options prepared by the E.L. Waters and Company, LLC Planning Team. • Recommendations for an appropriately phased 10 to 15-year capital improvement plan, including a financing plan utilizing tax increment revenues and/or the additiona I bonding capacity provided by an extension of the Agency and the community redevelopment area; • Recommendations identifying and prioritizing capital projects that facilitate redevelopment and may be recommended or desired beyond a 10 to 15-year time - period, and potential financing options; and • Additional recommendations to facilitate appropriate redevelopment that may be determined as a result of the community engagement process described below. The Consultant, prior to completing the Assessment, will engage the community through a variety of methods, including meetings, charrettes, interviews, public media, electronic messages, and social media. The Consultant will also engage and receive input from interested stakeholders to include: property owners; business owners; merchants and residents in the community redevelopment area; advocates; unions; County and City District Commissioners; County and City officials and representatives; and other stakeholders. The Consultant will also conduct site visits, as needed, and will inform, through the SEOPW CRA and cooperate with County and City staff, and various boards and committees, during the development of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment process. Attachment: File # 1856 - Backup (1856 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co.) SEOPW Redevelopment Plan Amendment E.L Vlarers a-rtl C on•oanp. LLG 3 Packet Pg. 169 4.7.a The Consultant will contrast the redevelopment plan, pursuant to Florida Statues and guidelines with what the CRA has conducted and seek to be included in its redevelopment plan so that the CRA is not only in compliance with the Florida Statutes, but also in compliance with their bond covenants on expenditures of Tax Increment Finance Revenues. The Consultant will prepare a development strategy to include the redevelopment of both Culmer Gardens, and Rainbow Square which are County owned facilities and development of the Historic Folklife Village. The Consultant will prepare a Transportation Impact Methodology and look at the impact of transportation improvements on the district given ability to in -migrate and migrate residents in the community. Additionally, the Consultant will assist the SEOPW CRA with a strategy to address the FINDINGS of the Final Report of the Miami -Dade County Grand Jury, Spring Term A.D. 2015, "CRA's: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE QUESTIONABLE" it SEOPW Redevelopment Plan Amendment 4 Attachment: File # 1856 - Backup (1856 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co.) €L.Waters and Company, LLC vianninq R 9eveiopnlen1 Cor,unonh Packet Pg. 170 4.7.a PROJECT BUDGET Staff Monthly Bert Waters, Principal $ 5,000 Greg Gay, Project Manager $ 3,500 Karen Cooper, Planner $ 2,500 John Jones, Sr. Planner $ 2,500 Straz, Designers $ 2,500 Jeffrey Watson, Fin Analyst $ 3,000 Hal Ruck, GIS Planner $ 2,000 Total Staff, per month for 10 Overhead $ 4,000 Total $ 210,000 Total Overhead, per monthfor 10 $ 40,000 Insurance $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Design & printing $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Project Consultants & Professionals Economist $ 40,000 Transportation $ 15,000 QMRI, Communications&Design $ 10,000 Total Project Consultants & Professionals $ 65,000 Project Consultant Expense $ 10,000 Total Project Consultant Expense $ 10,000 Community Meetings & Stakeholders $ 30,000 Total Community Meetings &Stakeholders $ 30,000 Sub -Total $ 380,000 Contingency $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Grand Total $ 400,000 Attachment: File # 1856 - Backup (1856 : Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a PSA with E.L. Waters and Co.) ji■ €LWaters and Company, LLC vianninq R 9eveiopnlen1 Cor,unonh SEOPW Redevelopment Plan Amendment 5 Packet Pg. 171 4.8 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1859 From: Clarence E. Woods, t) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc. Enclosures: File # 1859 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes a grant of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc. ("Grantee"), for the rehabilitation of property at 210 NW 16th Street, Miami, Florida ("Property"). The Grantee owns a six (6) unit residential building at 210 NW 16th Street, Miami, Florida and requested a grant from the CRA to rehabilitate the Property as the Property was in a state of disrepair ("Project"). On September 30, 2013 and June 30, 2014, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution Nos. CRA-R-13- 0063 and CRA-R-14-0045 authorized grants totaling $400,000 for the Project. Thereafter during the assessment phase of the Project, it was determined that the second floor and roof structure had deteriorated beyond repair and said repairs were outside the scope of the initial Project budget. As such, the Grantee has requested additional funding to perform the additional necessary repairs. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goal 3 at page 11, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "creati[on of] infill housing, diversity in housing types, and retaining affordable housing," as stated redevelopment goal. Section 2, Principle 2 at page 14, of the Plan provides that "[t]he neighborhood ... retain access to affordable housing...." FUNDING: $50,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Packet Pg. 172 4.8 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing a grant of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, to People Helping People Self Reliance, Inc for the rehabilitation of property at 210 NW 16th Street, Miami, Florida. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 50 , 0 0 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Funds will derive from 2017 Available from Other Grants and Aids. Page 2 of 5 Packet Pg. 173 4.8 Approved by: —4f/,(7 CIarP : vd045ds, Executive Director — 2/22/2017 Approval: Tio Miguel Valbntin, F iriardce Offic0r 2/22/2017 Page 3 of 5 Packet Pg. 174 4.8 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1859 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000, TO PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE SELF REALIANCE, INC. ("GRANTEE") FOR THE REHABILITATION OF PROPERTY AT 210 NW 16TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROJECT"); AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 3, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] infill housing, diversity in housing types, and retaining affordable housing," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 4, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 2, at page 14, of the Plan provides that "[t]he neighborhood ... retain access to affordable housing ... ;" and WHEREAS, People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc. ("Grantee") own a six (6) unit residential building at 210 N.W. 16th Street, Miami, Florida ("Property") and requested a grant from the CRA to rehabilitate the Property as the Property was in a state of disrepair ("Project"); and WHEREAS, on September 30, 2013 & June 30, 2014, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution Nos. CRA-R-13-0063 and CRA-R-14-0045 authorized grants totaling $400,000 for the Project; and Page 4 of 5 Packet Pg. 175 4.8 WHEREAS, during the assessment phase of the Project, it was determined that the second floor and roof structure had deteriorated beyond repair and said repairs were outside the scope of the initial Project budget. As such, the Grantee has requested additional funding to perform the additional necessary repairs; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wishes to authorize a grant of additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the rehabilitation of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that such a grant to the Grantee would further the aforementioned redevelopment goals and objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes an additional grant, in the amount not to exceed to $50,000, to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc. for the rehabilitation of property at 210 NW 16th Street, Miami, Florida. Section 3. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the purposes set forth above. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 5. Funds are to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Rene-6 Jadusingh, Staff CO nsel `= i22/2017 Page 5 of 5 Packet Pg. 176 Attachment: File # 1859 Backup (1859 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc.) Attachment: File # 1859 Backup (1859 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc.) NEW CONSTRUCTION • REMODELING • ROOFING • ADDITIONS and more 4.8.a ASTER MIND NOCONSTRUCTION INC If you can dream it, we can Master Mind it September 16, 2016 Mr. Clarence Woods CITY OF MIAMI OVERTOWN PARK WEST CRA 819 N.W. 2ND Avenue Miami, FI 33136 RE: Change Order 210 NW 16th Street Interior Rehab. Project Dear Mr. Woods: We are pleased to submit this proposal for additional construction services on the above referenced project located in Miami, Florida. MASTERMIND CONSTRUCTION, Inc. will perform the work outlined below: A. Structural Steel Erection of new steel columns to support new steel I -beams - Installation of new steel I -beams to support new 2nd floor wood joists, and new roof joists No other structural steel work is included in this proposal B. Concrete Hardening of Bldg. Envelope - Sawcut and remove exist. concrete to insert new reinforcement around new window/door openings - Sawcut and remove exist. concrete to insert new reinforcement into new columns Sawcut and remove exist. concrete to insert new reinforcement into new tie -beams Sawcut and remove exist. concrete to insert new reinforcement into new footings Installation of new 4" slab on grade, in areas where concrete was removed to create new footings No other concrete hardening work is included in this proposal 1854 NW 204th Street, Miami, FL 33056 Tel: 305.562.0347 Fax. 305.974.4890 smathers305@gmail.corr Attachment: File # 1859 Backup (1859 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc.) Packet Pg. 179 C. Wood Joists Metal Support Fabrication of metal supports for new 2"x8", and 2"x12" floor and roof trusses - Welding of new metal supports for new 2"x8", and 2"x12" floor and roof trusses - No other wood joists improvements are included in this proposal D. Site Concrete - Sidewalk, Ramps, etc. - Removal and disposal of existing damaged concrete sidewalk, etc. - Installation of new base material as necessary - Installation of new concrete slabs as shown on permitted plans - Installation of new concrete ramps as shown on permitted plans - No other site concrete work is included in this proposal E. Exclusions Environmental services (i.e. — abatement, or remediation) Asphalt or concrete driveways or approach Irrigation Security or police services Site plan approval - Septic tank services Permit fees (i.e. — City of Miami Public Works, DERM, WASA, Tree, etc.) No other construction services not specified herein 4.8.a Attachment: File # 1859 Backup (1859 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc.) Packet Pg. 180 4.8.a Notes: 1. MASTERMIND CONSTRUCTION, Inc. will furnish the labor and materials to complete the alterations and improvements described in herein. 2. Match existing textures and colors, and tiles as close as possible. 3. This proposal is based upon the observation of conditions. Conditions which could not be known by a reasonable inspection, such as termite damage, hidden water damage, hidden code violations, or other concealed conditions, may require extra labor or materials. Southeast Overtown Park West. CRA shall pay MASTERMIND CONSTRUCTION, Inc. for the performance of completed work, as authorized and outlined by this agreement. The contract sum is Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00). Date: Signature: Date: Signature: cc: File Owner ASTERM/ND CONSTRUCTION, Inc. Attachment: File # 1859 Backup (1859 : Resolution Authorizing Additional Grant to People Helping People Self Realiance, Inc.) Packet Pg. 181 4.9 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1860 From: Clarence E. Woods, t) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team Enclosures: File # 1860 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed $320,000, to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. ("HRM"), to underwrite costs associated with the continued operation of the Overtown Beautification Team for 2017. Since 2011, HRM has overseen the Overtown Beautification Team, which provides on-the-job training and employment opportunities to residents from the Redevelopment Area who are interested in landscaping maintenance. JUSTIFICATION: Under Section 163.340(9), Florida Statutes "'community redevelopment' means projects of a ... community redevelopment agency in a community redevelopment area for the elimination and prevention of the development or spread of slum and blight." Section 2, Goal 4/Principle 4, at pages 11 and 14, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," and providing a "variety of job options," as stated redevelopment objectives. Section 2 Goal 6/Principle 10 at page 16, of the Plan also lists "[i]mproving the quality of life for residents" and "[m]aintenance of public streets and spaces has to occur" as stated redevelopment objectives. FUNDING: $320,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Packet Pg. 182 4.9 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing a grant, in amount not to exceed $320,000 to Human Resources of Miami, Inc to underwrite costs associated with the continued operation of the Overtown Beautification Team for 2017. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 32 0, 00 0.0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Page 2 of 5 Packet Pg. 183 4.9 Approved by: d/7_4_,,Ge Clareh;U'rliiloods xecutive Director 2/22/2017 Approval: M iguel A valarl, ':grace Q 2/22/2017 Page 3 of 5 Packet Pg. 184 4.9 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1860 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $320,000, TO HUMAN RESOURCES OF MIAMI, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE OVERTOWN BEAUTIFICATION TEAM FOR 2017; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, under Section 163.340(9), Florida Statutes "'community redevelopment' means projects of a ... community redevelopment agency in a community redevelopment area for the elimination and prevention of the development or spread of slum and blight"; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 4, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 6, at page 11, of the Plan lists "improving the quality of life for residents," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 10, at page 16, of the Plan also lists "[m]aintenance of public streets and spaces has to occur" as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 4, at page 14, of the Plan provides "that employment opportunities be made available to existing residents ...," as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, since 2011, Human Resources of Miami, Inc. ("HRM"), has overseen the Overtown Beautification Team, which provides on-the-job training and employment opportunities to residents from the Redevelopment Area who are interested in landscaping maintenance; and Page 4 of 5 Packet Pg. 185 4.9 WHEREAS, given HRM's success with residents, HRM has requested support to continue its operation of the Overtown Beautification Team for 2017; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize a grant, in an amount not to exceed $320,000 to HRM to underwrite costs associated with the continued operation of the Overtown Beautification Team for 2017; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that such a grant would further the aforementioned redevelopment goals and objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed to $320,000, to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. to underwrite costs associated with the continued operation of the Overtown Beautification Team for 2017. Section 3. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the purposes set forth above. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 5. Funds are to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Rene-6 Jadusingh, Staff CO nsel `= i22/2017 Page 5 of 5 Packet Pg. 186 4.9.a TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FOR THE OPERATION OF OVERTOWN ENHANCEMENT TEAM SERVICES PILOT PROGRAM RFP 11-005 Continuation of Program 2016/2017 Submitted by HUMAN RESOURCES OFMIAMI, INC. 915 N. W. 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Telephone: (305) 907-9564 Fax: (305) 377-1621 1 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 187 4.9.a SECTION A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Narrative of Human Resources of Miami, Inc. Human Resources of Miami, Inc. is the most qualified and the best choice for this project, mainly because we are located in the Southeast OvertowntPark West area, and have been here for many years. We did not move to the area to take advantage of any governmental benefits, we are here solely to serve the community. Originally, in 1999, we helped this area by registering more than 300 women who wanted to work, but could not find employment nor possessed the skills to interview. Human Resource Staffing assisted the young ladies with training and placement with entities that needed massive numbers of employees or waitress, custodians for hotels, and landscaping. We are a part of the community through our cooperation with several faith -based organizations, and visited apartments and local stores, going door to door, offering assistance to the dwellers, both spiritually and with counseling. Through our relationship with McDonald's Playworld Community Development, Inc., a community - based corporation, we have walked the streets, been in and out of One Stop/Workforce, distributing flyers and enrolling teenagers in school, placing them in daycares for "free care" for the children of the teenagers, and we have provided counseling to pregnant women in the shelters located in the Overtown area, as well. We can be relied upon to provide services to this area, because we have, and often without reimbursement or financial resources from anyone. Another reason why Human Resources of Miami, Inc. is uniquely qualified to provide street cleaning and maintenance services to the Overtown area, is because both the management and leadership of the company, were born in Miami, Florida, and lived in this community during some stage of their lives — they either attended school, attended church, rode the bus, walked through the streets, and survived, not overcome by the challenges of this uniquely burdened community. Again, we are a part of this community. During the years of 2005 thru 2010, most of Human Resources of Miami, Inc.'s efforts were directed towards developing a product that the union workers of Miami Dade County School Board would be able to provide at a low cost, to cover both health and other risks that this level of employee faces. After many attempts, this effort was not completed, since the primary person (my husband) involved, contracted cancer and died in 2010. Thus, as we regrouped in 2010, we focused more on our original mission of assisting the low-income, deficiently skilled worker, with finding employment in a highly competitive and complex society, such as Miami, Florida. Since 2010, this contract, Overtown Enhancement Team Services Pilot Program, is consistent with our game plan of self -empowerment by the community. By hiring eleven (11) employees from the Overtown community, there will be a ripple effect experienced throughout the community, not to mention, the increased level of self-esteem, pride, confidence, and ability to contribute to each individual family's household. Human Resources of Miami, Inc. would like to be a part of this endeavor. 2 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 188 4.9.a The leaders of this proposed contract, retained by Human Resources of Miami, Inc., have leadership skills, as evidenced by their training, education, and experience, and will be able to manage one shift starting from 8:00 am until 3: 00 pm. Human Resources of Miami, Inc. is fully aware that this project started as a one year pilot program, and is in the process of seeking more funding from other organizations to continue the program beyond the pilot period that CRA is funding. The primary highlights for the year of 2016-2017 (our fifth year) were: • Trained 31 individuals through our anti -liner and beautification program • Our trainees attended 6 job fairs • Placing into employment, college and vocational training, hospitality training 13 rainees • Conducted 26 soft skill training classes • Completed anti -litter and construction clean up courses and received certificates • Completed landscaping course • Complied with all budgetary and contractual constraints • Maintained the expanded geographical area to include the swamp area • Developed, expanded, and maintained relationships with: o Career Source of South Florida Workforce o Transitions, Inc. o University of Miami Environmental Services Division o City of Miami Overtown Net Office a Camillus House o Williams Park (City of Miami) a Culmer Center o City of Miami Sanitation Department o New Horizon's Mental Health Clinic The primary highlights for the year of 2015-2016 (our fourth year) were: • Trained 30 individuals through our anti -litter and beautification program • Our trainees attended 8 job fairs • Placing into employment, college and vocational training, hospitality training 21 trainees • Conducted 26 soft skill training classes 3 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 189 4.9.a • Complied with all budgetary and contractual constraints • Maintained the expanded geographical area to include the swamp area • Developed, expanders and maintained relationships with: o Career Source of South Florida Workforce o Transitions, Inc. o University of Miami Environmental Services Division o City of Miami Overtown Net Office o Camillus House o Williams Park (City of Miami) o Culmer Center o City of Miami Sanitation Department o New Horizon's Mental Health Clinic Some of our highlights from 2013-2014(expanded to March, 3015 - our third year) were: • Trained 42 individuals through our anti -litter and beautification program • Placed into employment, college and vocational training, hospitality training 36 trainees • Conducted 26 soft skill training classes • Complied with all budgetary and contractual constraints • Expanded geographical area to include the swamp area • Developed, expanded, and maintained relationships with: o South Florida Workforce o Transitions, Inc. o University of Miami Environmental Services Division o Roots in the City o City of Miami Overtown Net Office o Camillus House Some of our highlights from 2012 -2013 (our second year) were: • Trained 40 individuals through our anti -litter and beautification program • Placed into employment, college and vocational training, hospitality training 36 trainees • Conducted 26 soft skill training classes • Complied with all budgetary and contractual constraints • Expanded geographical area to include the swamp area 4 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 190 4.9.a • Developed and expanded relationships with: o South Florida Workforce c� Transitions, Inc. o University of Miami Environmental Services Division o Roots in the City o City of Miami Overtown Net Office o Camillus House Human Resources of Miami, Inc. is not just committed to being a viable and profitable organization, we are more committed to social responsibility — the new and innovative way to run a company, and stay in business at the same time. _ We concur with Secretary of State (Mrs.) Clinton — .° it does take a "Village to Raise a Child" — the employees of _ Human Staffing of Miami, Inc. are an integral part of P the Overtown village. Scope of the Project 1. Oversee the marketing and recruitment of participants to serve as trainees in the Program. There will be eleven (lcrew leader and 10 crew members) positions. There will also be two on -call crew members to assist with time requested off, no shows, and unexpected absences. Each training period will last for twelve (12) months, for combined classroom and paid work experience training. During the term of the contract, there will be twenty-six (26) life -skills and direct -skills training sessions. 2. Conduct pre -registration and registration services consisting of drug testing, professional development guidance, and evaluation sessions for all program participants ("Trainees"). 3. Provide counseling services for the trainees -- career, life-style and general — at least 5 times, annually. 4. Prepare and administer a certified on-the-job training curriculum, consisting of classroom training hours and paid work experience. Curriculum will include training in custodial services, landscaping, property maintenance and development of employability skills. 5. Provide job referral and job placement services for Trainees and for those program participants that have graduated from the training program ("Graduates"). 6. Coordinate referral services for continued training in the field of landscaping. 7. Conduct, evaluate and provide statistical reports on post -graduation evaluation sessions. 8. Coordinate and manage professional development training and job referrals for Trainees and for those program participants that have graduated from the training program ("Graduates"). 9. Manage operations and maintenance of equipment and tools funded under the Program. 10. Document ongoing training process with photos and requisite paperwork 5 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 191 4.9.a 11. Document clean-up of the designated areas within the Redevelopment Area. 12 Document attendance and participation of all Trainees. Our Enhancements or Changes to Scope of the Project for the FYE 2015/2016 Our changes and enhancement to the Overtown Beautification Project will be the following: 1. Expand the function of the Crew Manager, to include more community outreach, counseling, job fairs, externships, internships, and job placement 50% of the time employed. Empower the position of Crew Leader/Field Supervisor with the skills, ability and authority to manage the crew, as we nurture a second position to have supervisory responsibilities, serving as the Assistant Supervisor/Truck Driver. 2. Increase hands on exposure to landscaping, environmental, and construction skills for the entire team, by providing extemships with Human Resources ofMiami's Landscaping Division and other entities, in the Overtown community, organized and supervised by the Crew Manager. 3. Expand the support services to the team, which will include one (1) hour daily training, such as budgeting, credit counseling, drug -testing, life -skills counseling, and parenting skills, so that all trainees can transition from this part-time job to a more permanent, full-time employment within other parts of the community. The crew will also have one (1) hour per week scheduled for community services, to assist with developing within them a desire to help the community and themselves — we are training them to be leaders, supervised by the Crew Manager. 4. Applicants not hired will be maintained as a separate pool of individuals, whom we will counsel and perform assessments of their career options and their unmet needs socially, such as housing, medical, drug and alcohol dependency, educational deficiencies, to name a few. These persons will be referred to the appropriate community services for assistance. They will also serve as the "on call" data base for daily placement during the duration of the contract, if the originally hired individuals leave, quit, or are terminated. We estimate 70 (seventy) persons will be helped. 5. Transition all the original staff to external positions and educational or vocational options within one year, so that new staff can become a part of the CRA Overtown Beautification team. Our goal is to train/hire, at a minimum, annually, fourteen (14) persons, eleven (11) per the contract and three (3) substitutes for the daily project needs. 6. Provide monthly support to the First Friday community event and other events, requested by CRA, by setting up the tents, tables, and chairs, as needed, as a part of their community outreach training. CONCLUSION Human Resources ofMiami/Overtown Beautification Team is requesting $320,000, which will allow us to increase the weekly hours from 20 per employee to 30 hours per employee. We will employ 11 persons with 3 alternates, for a total of 14 individuals. This amounts to a total of 330 hours weekly and 17,160 hours per the 6 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 192 4.9.a contract term. We will also assist 70 other persons with community referral. The cost per participant for the entire cost of $320,000, therefore, is $18.65 per participant hour for the eleven (11) persons hired. Because of helping 70 more individuals, for a total of 84 persons being transformed, the cost per participant is only $3,810. The $18.65 per hour cost incurred in order to perform the contract is much less than the contribution to the community and residents, enhancing first, the environment, the employee (self-respect and self-worth), the economic input to the immediate Overtown environment, allowing the employee/trainees to have cash to spend in the community with their families at the grocery stores, rental expenses, and general shopping. The trainees will be receiving $15.08 per hour, for all their direct cost, including labor costs and fringe benefits. Per CRA goals and objectives, Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will maintain 30 hours per employee/trainee, and will develop responsible citizens to live and work in Overtown community!! 7 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 193 4.9.a PRICE PROPOSAL Personnel Cost for Trainees Quantity Crew Manager 1 $23,400 Crew Supervisor 1 $20,280 Employees/Trainees 9 $172,692 Fringe Benefits - Payroll Taxes Fringe Benefits - Workers' Compensation Sub -total Trainee Enrollment Costs $216,372 $20,830 $15,838 Trainee Support/Development $1,100 Uniforms $3,000 Sub -total Operational Expenses Storage $2,400 Supplies $5,200 Equipment & Small Truck $2,000 Gas & Parking $5,260 Repair & Maintenance $2,000 Sub -total Program Administration Administration/Management $43,500 Auditing $2,500 Sub -total TOTAL PROGRAM COST 8 Total Cost Percentage $253,040 79.0% $4,100 1.3% $257,140 80.3% $16,860 5.3% $46,000 14.4% $320,000 100.0% Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 194 4.9.a PRICE PROPOSAL BUDGET NARRATIVE PERSONNEL/TRAINEES ($253,040) —All trainees are hired pursuant to the term of the contract awarded by Miami Community Redevelopment Agency. Human Resources of Miami, Inc.— All trainees are hired pursuant to the term of the contract awarded by Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (at this point, one year pilot). Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will hire staff appropriate to the requirements discussed earlier, namely, custodial, landscaping, and Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will hire staff appropriate to the requirements discussed earlier, namely, custodial, landscaping, and maintenance, in general. Trainees will be evaluated during the probation period and during the year. The following positions will be filled: 1. Crew Manager ($23,400) — This position will be responsible for the overall administration and day -to day operations of the Overtown Enhancement Team Services Program. This position will ensure that communications between the daily outside activities and the needs of CRA are met, operating as the primary liaison between Human Resource of Miami and CRA. This person will perform community outreach and job placement services, as well. The position will report directly to the Program Administrator, and will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all operational requirements. The pay rate will be $16 per hour, for 30 hours per week. 2. Crew Supervisor ($20,280) This position will be responsible for the direct supervision of the line crew, driving the truck, provision of water to staff and taking the trash to the dumping facility. This person reports directly to the Crew Manager, and augments management in the field. The pay rate is $13 per hour for 30 hours weekly. 3. Crew Trainees($172,692) — This position will perform the daily needs, including picking up litter, removing graffiti, landscape maintenance and installation services, street sweeping and clean-up, sidewalk pressure washing, and general paint maintenance, including traffic enclosures, poles, and street lights. The pay rate will be $12.30 per hour, 30 hours per week per training for nine (9) crew members, scheduled 30 hours per week. FRINGE BENEFITS ($36,668) — Fringe benefits will be paid according to policies established by Human Resources of Miami, Inc., approximating 17.5% of total wages, consisting of the following breakdown of currently approved benefits: FICA is based on 7.65% of total salary. FUTA/SUTA is .062 per employee. Workers' compensation, which is approximately $1,440 per employee. TRAINEE ENROLLMENT COSTS ($4,100) Trainee Support & Development ($1,1001- Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will provide counseling, referral and placement services to our crew from the prior and current years, in order to comply with the goals and objectives provided by CRA. Each trainee will earn a certificate in landscaping and other training, such as on the job training, hospitality, construction cleaning; and the new staff will be provided online training which will provide certification to the employees, ensuring that the basics of landscaping and anti -litter skills, management, and administration are obtained. 9 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 195 4.9.a Soft skill training is also provided on a bi-weekly basis. Support services are provided to all eighty- four (84) individuals, which includes the counseling, assessment, and referrals. Uniforms ($3,000) — Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will purchase uniforms for the crew, which will consist of two (2) caps, two (2) safety goggles, two (2) polo shirts, brightly embroidered with CRA Overtown Enhancement Team, two (2) flat front work shorts, two(2) flat front work (long) pants, one (1) belt, and two (2) solid -colored work boots. TOTAL TRAINEE/PERSONNEL COST ($257,140) OPERATIONAL EXPENSES - Costs in a business are traditionally divided into operating and administrative categories. Both are necessary for the company, but operating costs are closely tied to specific products and services whereas administrative costs are incurred on behalf of the enterprise as a whole. 1. Storage ($2,400) -- The space required to store the supplies and equipment should need approximately 20 x 20 square feet in space, and the cost will not exceed $200 per month. 2. Supplies ($5,200) — Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will spend an average of $450 per month, to maintain at a minimum the following: Landscaping supplies (grass, plants, soil, fertilizer), safety zone disposable textured latex gloves, work gloves (tree cutting), painting supplies (scrapers, tape, rags), paint thinner, brushes, roller, primer, mask, basic paint colors (antique white and black, rakes, brooms (sweep and push), dust pans, funnels, trash bags, safety glasses, gas cans, weed eater, shovels, hoes, rakes, pole diggers, general tools, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Cameras and camcorders will be purchased to ensure that the before and after photos are taken. 3. Equipment ($2,000) — Human Resources ofMiami, Inc. will purchase equipment needed to comply with the demands of the project, which will be used to move supplies from one site to another, transport team members, and move trash and debris. Other equipment which will be purchased will include pressure cleaners, generators, washers, blowers, lawn mowers, chain saws, tree trimmers, etc. 4. Gas & Parking ($5,260) — Parking permits in the CRA Overtown area is $70 per month per vehicle or $1,700 annually, and gas costs will be incurred both for the truck and equipment, not to exceed $3,260 for the year, an average weekly amount of $80. 5. Repair & maintenance ($2,0001— The repairs required to maintain the equipment and truck should not exceed $180 per month, or on an as needed basis, including auto maintenance and repairs. TOTAL OPERATIONAL EXPENSES ($16,860) I0 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 196 4.9.a PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION — This is the cost for ensuring that the program is successfully operated, and expands from the documentation to the needs of the daily crew, community acceptance and enhancement itself. Human Resources of Miami, Inc. will retain a local skills and supplies whenever possible, and will select the lowest priced equipment, supplies, and services, when expending on behalf of this program. ADMINISTRATIVE/MANAGEMENT ($43,500) 1. Administration ($16,000) — all secretarial, clerical, and bookkeeping services will be completed daily as needed. Daily and weekly reports, including payroll is processed by this position. The financial statements will be provided, detailing the amounts billed to CRA, monies expended, and balances in the related bank account. 30 hours per week will be allocated to the Overtown Enhancement Team Services project, including referrals of the crew members to various social agencies, as needed. 2. Management ($12,000) — Since the contract has been implemented, management, averages ten (10) hours per week, for signing, reviewing, training, etc., and the general contract oversight, including working with CRA management, attending meetings with CRA and other related agencies of the contract. This function ensures compliance with all regulations and performance measures, providing the reports to CRA, etc. 3. Office Rental ($6,000) The office is located at 915 NW 1` Avenue, Miami, Florida. We lease approximately 600 square footage for Human Resources of Miami, Inc., to operate the Overtown Enhancement Team Services project. This includes waiting area, training area, file room, and administrative area. 4. Insurance ($8,000) — This will cover liability while the crew members are in the outside environment, addressing the risk of tourism, crime, and general. This is insurance for the vehicle as well. 5. Office supplies ($1,500) — Consumable supplies to operate the office, such as copy machine paper, staples, calendars, pens, batteries, toner cartridges, drums, fax machines and computer printer, copier, computer, calculators, letterhead, and other miscellaneous office supplies.. AUDITING ($2,500) — At year end, there will be an audit conducted to confirm that monies were expended in compliance with all regulatory requirements, even though it is not mandatory, since the threshold of $500,000 is not met with this grant. A certified public accounting firm will conduct this audit. TOTAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ($46,000) TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET $320,000 11 Attachment: File # 1860 Backup (1860 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Human Resources of Miami, Inc. for the Overtown Beautification Team) Packet Pg. 197 4.10 SEOPW Board of Commissioners Meeting February 27, 2017 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Keon Hardemon Date: February 22, 2017 File: 1863 From: Clarence E. Woods, t) Executive Director Subject: Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc. Enclosures: File # 1863 Backup BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed $300,000, to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc. ("HEAT") to underwrite costs associated with a hospitality training program that will be located in the Overtown Performing Arts Center ("OPAC"), 1074 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida. This Resolution also authorizes the execution of a revocable license agreement with HEAT for the use of the OPAC, subject to approval by the U.S. Economic Development Administration'. As the hotel and service industries continue to grow in Miami, it is imperative that residents of the Redevelopment Area are equipped with the requisite skills needed to seek employment with the new hotels and restaurants that are being developed. In response to the need for training, HEAT, a non-profit corporation, developed a hospitality training program for both those seeking new careers in the hospitality industry as well as those who want to improve their skills for career advancement. The program will offer training courses for positions such as baker's helper, professional cook, bus person, banquet server, and hotel guest room attendant. This training program is modeled after other successful hospitality training programs affiliated with UNITE HERE in Boston and Las Vegas, which takes a student -centered approach to training and emphasizes job placement for its graduates. JUSTIFICATION: Section 2, Goals 4 and 6, at page 11, of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Plan ("Plan") lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," as well as "improving the quality of life for residents" as stated redevelopment goals. 1 The CRA received a grant in the amount of $900,000 from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Per the grant award requirements, the CRA entered into an agreement and mortgage (Book 29809, Page 46) which stated that lease agreements entered into for the OPAC shall be subject to prior written approval of the EDA and must be consistent with the purpose of the EDA grant award. Packet Pg. 198 4.10 Section 2, Principle 4, at page 14, of the Plan provides "that employment opportunities be made available to existing residents ..." as a stated redevelopment principle. FUNDING: $300,000 allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids" Account No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Page 2 of 7 Packet Pg. 199 4.10 AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: February 27, 2017 CRA Section: Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $300,000, to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc. ("HEAT") to underwrite costs associated with a hospitality training program that will be located in the Overtown Performing Arts Center. Project Number (if applicable): YES, there are sufficient funds in Line Item: Account Code: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $ 3 0 0, 0 0 0 NO (Complete the following source of funds information): Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minot Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Funds derived from 2017 budget allocation for renewal of Harold Johnson — MWC job monitoring contract. Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 200 4.10 Approved by: d/7_4_,,Ge Clareh;U'rliiloods xecutive Director 2/22/2017 Approval: M iguel A valarl, ':grace Q 2/22/2017 Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 201 4.10 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency File Type: CRA Resolution Enactment Number: File Number: 1863 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $300,000, TO HOSPITALITY EMPLOYEES ADVANCEMENT AND TRAINING, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH A HOSPITALITY TRAINING PROGRAM THAT WILL BE LOCATED IN THE OVERTOWN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, 1074 NW 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("OPAC"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH HEAT FOR USE OF THE OPAC, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE U.S. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is a community redevelopment agency created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 4, at page 11, of the Plan lists the "creati[on of] jobs within the community," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 6, at page 11, of the Plan lists "improving the quality of life for residents," as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, Section 2, Principle 4, at page 14, of the Plan provides "that employment opportunities be made available to existing residents ...," as a stated redevelopment principle; and WHEREAS, as the hotel and service industries continue to grow in Miami, it is imperative that residents of the Redevelopment Area are equipped with the requisite skills needed to seek employment with the new hotels and restaurants that are being developed; and WHEREAS, Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc. ("HEAT") is a non- profit hospitality training program developed to prepare both those seeking new careers in the Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 202 4.10 hospitality industry as well as those who want to improve their skills for career advancement; and WHEREAS, the program will offer training courses for positions such as baker's helper, professional cook, bus person, banquet server, and hotel guest room attendant; and WHEREAS, this training program is modeled after other successful hospitality training programs affiliated with UNITE HERE in Boston and Las Vegas, which takes a student -centered approach to training and emphasizes job placement for its graduates; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wish to authorize a grant, in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to HEAT to underwrite costs associated with a hospitality training program that will be located in the Overtown Performing Arts Center ("OPAC"), 1074 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida and authorize the execution of a revocable license agreement with HEAT for the use of the OPAC, subject to approval by the U.S. Economic Development Administration; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that such a grant would further the aforementioned redevelopment goals and objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes a grant, in an amount not to exceed to $300,000, to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc. ("HEAT") to underwrite costs associated with a hospitality training program that will be located in the Overtown Performing Arts Center ("OPAC"), 1074 NW 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of a revocable license agreement with HEAT for the use of the OPAC, subject to approval by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the purposes set forth above. Section 5. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 6. Funds are to be allocated from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, entitled "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 203 4.10 „- Renee Jadusingh, Staff Co nsel '- c 22/2017 Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 204 HEAT INC. HOSPITALITY EMPLOYEES ADVANCEMENT & TRAINING, INC. (HEAT, INC.) 4.10.a TRAINING MANUAL CONTENTS Introduction & Program Requirements 3 Culinary Kitchen Steward Cook's Helper Professional Cook Food Service & On -Call Banquet Serve Bus Person Food Server On -call Banquet Server 4 4 4 5 5 5 Bar & Wine Service Bar Back 6 Bar Porter 6 Wine & Cocktail Server 6 Sommelier 6 Hotel Operations Guest Room Attendant House Utility Person 7 7 Employability Skills VESO (Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages) 7 Customer Service 7 Interviewing Skills 7 # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc.) 4.10.a First, thank you for your interest in participating in the course and training provided by HEAT, Inc., a non-profit hospitality training program developed to prepare both those who are seeking new careers in the Miami hospitality industry as well as incumbent workers seeking to upgrade their skills for career advancement and promotion. The training and curriculum offered is developed in partnership with UNITE HERE Local #355 and participating employers. The training is customized for adult learners and is specific to the hospitality classifications recognized in the industry. Each Monday at 10 am (excluding holidays), orientations are held at HEAT, Inc. offices so students can learn more about the training offered and how they can enroll. To prepare for the orientation and registration requirements, please follow the checklist below: To register for training, new entrants must submit the following documentation: • Driver License or state issued ID • Social Security Card • Proof of legal status (if applicable, e.g., green card, work authorization card) • Method of payment (voucher, contract from funding provider, or self- payment by personal check, cashier's check, or money order; no cash accepted) • Proof of employment, if applicable Again, thank you for your interest in HEAT, Inc. and we look forward to working with you to develop your skills and education as you prepare or upgrade for a career in Miami's exciting hospitality industry. In Partnership, HEAT INC. WELCOME INTERESTED STUDENTS, g 06 a> E a> ns 13> a> a> 0 0. E w 0. w 0 2 0 4- 4- /Ln is V 0) c 0 4- c 0 Attachment: File # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resol 4.10.a COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Culinary & Kitchen Steward Length: 140 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability classes (4 hours) or 45 hours Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (as needed). Prerequisites: Minimum age 18-years old; ability to lift -up -to 50 pounds and work around cleaning supplies and chemicals. Banquet hours: In addition to completing class hours, students are required to work two banquet events before graduating. Learning Objectives: Students will learn how to clean and maintain kitchen areas and equipment, including deep fryers, broilers, grills, stoves, and conventional ovens. They will also learn how to wash dishes, pots, pans, and utensils and handle chemicals properly. Baker's Helper Length: 192 hours of vocational instruction (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability classes (4 hours). Prerequisites: Minimum age 18 years old; 6 months of prior experience in food and beverage or Steward training within the past 3 years. Learning Objectives: Students will learn the basic principles of baking, including fundamental techniques and procedures related to breads, pies, cookies, cakes and frostings; desserts and other pastries. Professional Cook Length: 420 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability classes (4 hours). Prerequisites: Must be able to speak, read and write effectively in English, minimum age 18 years old; 6 months of prior experience in food and beverage is preferred. Banquet hours: In addition to completing class hours, students are required to work at two banquet events before graduating. Learning Objectives: Students will learn about kitchen equipment, Sery Safe, line mechanics, plate and food presentation, and hot and cold food production, and will gain knife skills. : File # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc.) Packet Pg. 208 w • ti Food and Beverage oes Length:112 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability classes a> ns Banquet hours: In addition to completing class hours, students are required to work at two banquet events before Learning Objectives: Students will learn about proper dining room etiquette, proper service and sequence of service, how to clean and reset tables, the six -classic fold for napkins and proper table setting take and serve drink orders, w properly clear dishes and provide excellent customer service safety and health department regulations. TS; w 0 2 0 Length: 152 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability /^ V co Prerequisites: Must be able to speak, read and write effectively in English; minimum age 21 years old; 6 months of prior experience as a Bus Person or successfully graduated from Bus Person training. 0 t Banquet hours: In addition to completing class hours, students are required to work at two banquet events before 0 Learning Objectives: Students will learn about suggestive selling techniques, dining room etiquette, proper service techniques, learn the six -classic fold for napkins and proper table setting, classic kitchen equipment, safety and health department regulations and providing excellent customer service. Bus Person (4 hours). Prerequisites: Minimum age 18-years old graduating. Food Server classes (4 hours). graduating. M tD co Banquet Server 0. Length: 80 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of employability classes Y (4 hours). m M Prerequisites: Must be able to speak, read and write effectively in English; minimum age 21 years old; 6 months of co prior experience as a Food Server or graduated from Food Server training. a> Learning Objectives: Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of all banquet equipment, have an ability to set up a traditional banquet table, demonstrate knowledge of banquet staff and their responsibilities. Students will be able to successfully read a B.E.O. (Banquet Events Order) and set a banquet table based on the details of the B.E.O. Students will master a knowledge of the sequence of service and understand the differences between banquet and table service. Students will learn the importance of food allergies and effectively communicating this information, to guests and the culinary staff. Students will be able to safely stack, lift and carry trays. Students will learn various styles of service, including: • Escoffier Service • French Service • Other styles commonly used in participating hotels Packet Pg. 209 Bar Service Wine & Beverage Training Bar Service Length: 27 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion Employability course (4 hours). Must provide own uniform: black slacks, black shoes, and white shirt Prerequisites: Minimum age 21 years old. Learning Objectives: Students will learn about bar products, bar terminology, cleaning and sanitizing. Bar Back Length: 42 hours ((includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of Employability course (4 hours). Must provide own uniform: black slacks, black shoes, and white shirt Prerequisites: Minimum age 21 years old; 6 months of prior experience as a Bus Person, Food Server, Cocktail Server, or Bar Porter Learning Objectives: Students will learn about work forms, handling cash, basic drinks, customer service, and bartender interaction. Bar Porter and Bar Back classes taken together Length: 45 hours (includes ServSafe instruction and certification) and successful completion of Employability Course (4 hours). Uniform fee: N/A; students are required to wear black slacks, black shoes, and a white shirt. Wine & Cocktail Server Length: 75 hours and successful completion of Employability Course (4 hours). Must provide own uniform: black slacks, black shoes, and white shirt Prerequisites: Minimum age 21 years old; 6 months of prior experience as a Food Server, Cocktail Server, Bar Back or Bartender Learning Objectives: Students will learn about the basics of wine history, tasting, and serving and gain the tools for achieving guest satisfaction. They will also be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of classic cocktails and garnishes, execute traditional tableside wine service, identify basic wines, mixers and knowledge of appropriate glassware for specific cocktails. Sommelier Length: 150 hours and successful completion of Employability Course (4 hours). Must provide own uniform: black slacks, black shoes, and white shirt Prerequisites: Minimum age 21 years old; complete Wine Server course or pass entrance test Learning Objectives: Students will master the extensive wine information required to suggest and serve fine wines and to handle various customer requests and questions. They will become conversant with the basics of Master Sommelier theory, practice, and tasting. 1 Packet Pg. 210 Hotel Operations Guest Room Attendant Length: 70 hours and successful completion of Employability Course (4 hours) or 45 hours Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (as needed). Prerequisites: Successful completion of VESOL training; minimum age 18-years old. Learning Objectives: Students will learn about bed making, cleaning methods, proper handling of chemicals, room check procedures, cart loading, and safety and biohazards. House Person/Utility Porter Length: 70 hours and successful completion of Employability Course (4 hours) or 45 hours Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (as needed). Prerequisites: Successful completion of VESOL Training; minimum age 21 years old; must be able to lift 50 pounds and control utility equipment weighing up to 250 pounds Learning Objectives: Students will learn about cleaning public areas, operating utility equipment, and cleaning and maintaining various types of floor surfaces. Please note: For the above classifications, students must wear black non-skid shoes and must be able to pull and/or lift 30 to 50 pounds. 4.10.a Employability Skills Customer Service Length: 40 hours of Customer Service Training Learning Objectives: Learn methods to provide excellent customer service in food and beverage outlets to include making eye contact, greeting, the follow up cycle, and being positive even in difficult situations. Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (VESOL) Length: 45 hours Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (only as needed) Learning Objectives: Improve reading, writing skills and acquire basic English skills to be able to communicate in the workplace — with guests, co-workers and supervisors. Interviewing Skills Length: 8 hours Learning Objectives: Learn to efficiently complete a 10 year work history and application as well as career search and practicing the top questions and responses for an interview. 4.10.a Classification Baker's Helper Professional Cook Food Server Bus Person Wine Server * Sommelier Bar Back / Bar Porter Kitchen Steward House Utility Porter Guest Room Attendant HEAT INC. 9563 Hemingway Lane, Unit 4505 I Fort Myers, FL 33913 I www.miamihospitality.org Learning Objectives Duration 192 hours 420 hours 152 hours 112 hours 75 hours 150 hours 45 hours 140 hours 70 hours 70 hours Industry Certificate „Ale Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc.) Attachment: File # 1863 Backup (1863 4.10.a Hospitality Employees Advancement and Training Inc. Operating Budget - Direct & Administrative Costs Fiscal 2017, 2018, 2019 Fiscal Programs Fiscal Programs Fiscal Programs 2017 Direct Administrative 2018 Direct Administrative 2019 Direct Administrative Revenues CRA Grant Funds $ 300,000 300,000 300,000 Employer Contributions - Committed 90,000 - - EmployerContributions- Prospective 10,000 150,000 160,000 Total Revenues $ 400,000 $ - $ $ 450,000 $ - $ $ 460,000 $ - $ Een xpses Salaries Staff: Executive Director 75,000 56,250 18,750 76,800 57,600 19,200 78,643 58,982 19,661 Training Director 60,000 60,000 - 61,440 61,440 - 62,915 62,915 Executive Assistant - 40,000 20,000 20,000 40,960 20,480 20,480 Staff Instructors 100,000 100,000 102,400 102,400 104,858 104,858 Benefits & Payroll Taxes 70,500 64,875 5,625 84,192 72,432 11,760 86,213 74,170 12,043 Overhead Costs: Independent Contractor Services: Grant Writer 10,000 10,000 10,240 10,240 10,486 10,486 Clerical Support 10,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - Payroll Processing 15,000 13,803 1,197 15,360 13,215 2,145 15,729 13,532 2,197 Rent - Office Space - - - - - - - - Facilities Maintenance & Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,240 10,240 10,486 10,486 Leased Equipment 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 Office Supplies 5,000 2,500 2,500 5,120 2,560 2,560 5,243 2,621 2,621 Technology/Computers 10,000 7,500 2,500 10,240 7,680 2,560 10,486 7,864 2,621 Postage 1,500 750 750 1,536 768 768 1,573 786 786 Telephone 5,000 2,500 2,500 5,120 2,560 2,560 5,243 2,621 2,621 Training & Organizational Development 5,000 5,000 - 5,120 5,120 - 5,243 5,243 - Insurance 2,500 2,500 2,560 2,560 2,621 2,621 Insurance - Board of Directors 2,500 - 2,500 2,560 2,560 2,621 2,621 Dues & Memberships 2,500 2,500 - 2,560 2,560 2,621 2,621 Advertising & Marketing 2,500 2,500 2,560 2,560 2,621 2,621 Annual Report & Audit 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Legal Services - - - - - - - - - Contingency 5,000 5,000 3,952 3,952 3,438 3,438 Total Expenses 400,000 349,678 50,322 450,000 371,707 78,293 460,000 379,983 80,017 % of Total Expenses Surplus/(Loss) 12.6% 17.4% 17.4% Attachment: File # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Packet Pg. 213 4.10.a Program Description for Hospitality Employees Advancement and Training, Inc. Hospitality Employees Advancement and Training (HEAT) Inc. is a non-profit, 501 c (3) organization founded in 2016 as a workforce development and empowerment program focused on the hospitality industry. The purpose of the organization is twofold: 1. HEAT Inc. strives to provide occupational skills training and job placement services for incumbent workers, as well as those seeking to enter the workforce. To achieve these goals HEAT, Inc. offers educational services, including Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages (VESOL), hospitality skills training, adult basic education including resources for individuals seeking to complete their GED or high school diploma, and other employability skills courses that will support participants be successful in the workplace including financial literacy and health education; 2. HEAT Inc. seeks to advance workforce and economic development initiatives that improve communities that need it most and equips our participants with civic education to promote the livelihoods of workers, their families and the communities where they live. HEAT Inc.'s mission stems from a deep commitment to quality training that allows incumbent workers to strengthen their skills, ensuring they continue to be employable and keep up with the changing standards of the hospitality industry and employers. HEAT Inc. was selected as the training provider for the Miami XX training fund, a multi -employer and labor -led training fund established in 201X. At HEAT, Inc. we know that a well -trained employee is better equipped to perform in their job, which results in a reduction of turnover and greater productivity, for the individual worker and the employer. When companies make the commitment to invest in their employees by providing access to workforce development and training, employees feel valued and show their appreciation in return through excellence in performance and customer service. Attachment: File # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc.) Packet Pg. 214 4.10.a Program Offerings Modeled after other successful hospitality training programs affiliated with UNITE HERE in Boston and Las Vegas, HEAT, Inc. takes a student -centered program to training and offers both in -class instruction as well as practicable, on-the-job training This approach ensures graduates of the program obtain the requisite skills that are demanded by participating employers and that will make them more marketable in the workplace. HEAT, Inc. currently offers the following vocational hospitality training courses: Classification MIIIMMIPP Tuition Course Length in Hours Steward $695 140 Baker's Helper $1,650 192 Professional Cook $3,207 420 Bus Person $595 112 Fountain Worker $713 60 Food Server $995 152 Bar Porter $435 30 Bar Apprentice $650 45 Wine Server $1,155 69 Banquet Worker $500 100 Guest Room Attendant $625 70 House Person Utility $625 70 In addition, HEAT, Inc. offers the following course or referral sources: Emp Resourc CoalgilaW .. in Hours Employability 40 Financial Literacy 40 VESOL 80 Dress for Success 10 Interviewing 10 Resume Writing 10 Labor Relations 10 Customer Service 80 Civic Education 20 GED, high school diploma Referral Health Education Referral Attachment: File # 1863 Backup (1863 : Resolution Authorizing Grant to Hospitality Employees Advancement & Training, Inc.) Packet Pg. 215