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Submittal-Rolando Aedo-Tourism Presentation
0 0 r-� N ti Por la ruta del aceite de oliva ALPES ITALIANOS Emociones a pie de pista recor on 4- iajes j21City Clerk gccutd1Q-r. ,J00 pAvn�Cl-, estino Gaeras rendido ante la tentacion. Sorprendente, Ilena de energia y muy sensual. Tiene puesta Ia mirada en el futuro y quiere volver a ser Ia gran urbe que fue. Algo escondera cuando se situa como Ia tercera metropoli mas fotografiada de Estados Unidos. Texro v Faros: Belinda Guerrero South Beach es ono de sus enclaves roas loinIces. DEVIAJES/HISTRING1II153 0 destino Miami 54 MOD) Bien sabroau en Ball d Chain. ❑ domino as .i principal entree to en LIttM HavanC svanv.deviajes.es habanOs, saborea un buen rnojito, pr.ieb %rata mni r tropical y picotea las i rejores recetas de la gastronomic eubana LITTLE HAVANA Vente a 'guarachar' Miami es conocida Como La Ciudad Mtfgioa, Parece mentira que una urbe tan imponente se acune entre manglares y terrenos pan- tanosos. Pero es que no pare de remozar- se, presume de abrumadora cifras de eru- ceristas y mbs de 15 millones de turistas la visitaron durante el primer semestre de 2015. Y es que su nombre evoca mtlst- ca, gente guapa, buen ambiente y noches llenas de sorpresas. Asf que, 6quibn no caerfa rendido a sus encantos? CUBA EN EL CORAZoN A menos de 150 km de la capital de Cuba, este barrio nos transports de un plumazo al coraz6n de la Vieja Habana. Alrededor de 15.000 almas pueblan esta zone de Miami. Los letreros anuncian que aqui el ingl6s es la segunda lengua y la cadencia del acento habanero acaba por ubicarte. La meJor forma de bucear en su esen- cia es apuntr;ndote al Tour culinario en Little Havana (www.miamiouli- narytours.com y 55 €). Durante tres horas se aprenden detalles sobre la cul- ture callejera y se realizan cineo para- des gestron6mleas. Nos resulta ourioso observer que Is street food se distrlbuye al oliente a tray6s de las llamadas venta- nitaa de eada restaurante. Encaramamos la Calle 8 pare empezar la experiencia brindando con el meJor moJito de Miami, scgtin anuncian en Ball & Chain, toda una instituei6n en la Ciudad. No falta la mtislca en directo mientras se prueba un trago que nada tiene que envidiar a los servtdos en La Bodeguita habanera, que tan populares hizo el escritor Ernest Hemingway. El ambiente es exceptional y nos cuentan que por la noehe el patio trasero es un excelente Lugar para bailer salsa y tomer combinados (desde 11 €). Cada mes organizan los Viernea culturales, de 19 h a 22 h, amenizados por orquestas cube- nas y un mere-adillo artesano. La segunda parada es el restaurante El Exqulsito pars degustar una empanada de ropa vieja. En plena cane nos sorpren- den los gritos del manisero, un personaje ANORANZA Cuademos escolares, un trale de comunion, tebeos,llteras desvencijadas y una mateta de cuero recuerdan quo *teen inicib un viaje pare no solver. Estes son muestras de las decenas do cbletas que SG exhiban en Opetaabn Pedro Pan: ei erode de nines cabanas. Los exiliados hen querido reeuparer la momoria de lac menoras que sbandanaran is icla cuci;do Fidoi Castro alcana6 el polar on Cubs. Se estims que entre los snot 1960 y 1962 alrededor 10.000 Milos pssieror rumba Meta Est1ri,:,-. Unidos, donde lu,-lrii scogidos por larniliu nortearnencanas. Sin duda, es una visita que mvita a la refexidn. wnwv. pedropdn.org. Submitted into the public DEVINESIIiISTRING1IIIl55 record for item(s) (D on N I to City Clerk destino Micir»i. EN EL MUSEO VIZCAYA Una curiosa mezcla entre artilugios kitsch y las antiguedades sobrevuela las escancias de esta (Inca de porte renacenusta. Construida en 1913 frente a la bahiaVizcaya, la villa transporta a los visitantes a los ambientes europeos Items de esplendor con este movimiento artisti00 italian3. Los jardinas son soberbios, y a la Luz de la lung Ilene resulten un Lugar magico. Descubrelo con Moonbgfa Garden rout (23 €), son tours gutados de tres homes que terminan con musica en direao en el Cafe. Las proximas cites son el 23 de marzo y el 22 de abril. 56 www.deviales.es No hay opcion para la clucda:Miami tarnhien muy popular en Little Havana, que logra llamar la atenei6n con su °antico. Enseguida aparece la fachada de El Pub, donde se piden medianoches, nombre que reciben los sandwiches que se toma- ban pars almorzar en las febricas de taba- co. En esta case los realizan desde hate un cuarto de siglo a base de pan cubano, jamon dulce, pepinillo y patatas pap. La mejor forma de rematar la comida es un cafesito, tan intenso Como oscuro, servido en una medida pequefia como un dedal y que es capaz de resucitar a un muerto. AUTENTICO SABOR GUAJIRO Liege el tumo de visite'. la Cigar Factory. Entramos a comprobar el proceso de ela- boraoion de los puros y compartimos la melancolfa de Luis, que lleva cuatro deca- des manufacturando habanos; primero en su Cuba natal, que afiora, y los tiltimos tres afios en Miami. La variedad es inoref- ble y puedes adquidrlos desde 12 C. La visite nos permite reserver un hue - co para los deiiciosos pastelitos de Yisell Bakery; unos exquisitos hojaldres relle- nos de guayaba. Tambien pasamos por la fruterfa Los Pinaderos, con un mues- trario espectacular de variedades caribe- fias. Bebemos un Jugo de calla de aziicar, prensado ante nuestros ojos, y hacemos tiempo mientras se descarga una espee- teenier torments tropical a la que aqua parecen estar acostumbrados. La guinda del itinerario gastronomico es la heladerfa Azlicar. Este local reeole- to sirve sorprendentes recetas con ron, duke de leche o aguacate; aunque el best-seller es, seg,in certifican, la oombi- nacion de sabores llamada Maria. Justo enfrente, se ubica el Parque Maximo Gomez. Merece la pena detenerse a curiosear las partidas de domino y aje- drez, regidas por estdctas reglas entre las que se incluye no utilizer males palabras. Las conversaciones, chanzas y piques de los jugadores no tienen desperdicio. Al salir de este fires, coma la Calle 8 hacia la derecha y pon mucha atenei6n por donde pisas, porque en este zona tie- nen su propio paseo de la fama con estre- llas que recuerdan artistes latinos de la represents un estilo cle vicda miry especial talla de Rocfo Jurado, Celia Cruz, El Puma o Raphael. No es Hollywood, pero tiene su gracia hacer alguna que otra foto. HACIA EL DOWNTOWN Cambiamos de tercio y nos dirigimos hacia la chided financiera, donde Gambian radi- calmente paisaje y paisanaje. Este en pleno esplendor, ha duplicado su poblacion y Luce fantasticos rascacielos que se precipitan sobre la bahfa Vizcaya. No pierdas la opor- tunidad de disfrutar de las fabulosas vistas que ofreeen estas moles cristalinas. En este area nos vemos sorprendidos por el silbido que produce el Metromover, el tren futu- rista que se desplaza por vfas aereas y es gratuito; asf que resulta un excelente plan realizar un trayecto al atarclecer y aprove- char a capturar este precioso skyline. Si to apetece hacer deporte o simplemen- re caminar a[nsviesa el Biscayne Boulevard hacia el parque Bayfront. Es un Luger donde los ejeoutivos se toman un respiro duran- ce el almuerzo y tambidn un espaeio pare el asueto los fines de semana. Siguiendo el Camino de la costa se Ilega haste Bayslde Marketplace, perfecto pans elegir reatamgn- te, pues hay marisquerfas, parrillas, cocte- lerfas, mexicanos... Suele haber conciertos en vivo y el pequeno shopping man es per- fecto pans realizar alguna compra. Tres reponer fuerzas, to mejor es dirigirse hacia el Museum Park, donde se encuentra el PAMM (http.h amm.org). Es un centro artistico con espectaculares jardines col- gantes en la fachada, que se encara hacia el puerto urban. En el interior, sorprende la sala de arte aborigen australiano y sus exposiciones temporales de talentos con- temporuneos. Es destacable la obra Frozen in time, del neoyorquino Gary Simmons, los dibujos alegaricos del eubano Roberto Febelo y el mural del hatiano Edouard Duval Carri€. Este centro organiza sesio- nes de eine al sire libre, apontate a la que organizan el 24 de marzo, a las 19 h. En esta zone se inaugura el proximo alio el primer proyecto urbanistico de la pres- tigiosa arquitecta Zaha Hadid en Estados Unidos. One Thousand Museum sera una torre residential de 216 m, eon belipuer- to, y solo al aicance de billonarios. Submitted into the public records for item(s) on I 114 I lD City Clerk Exposlciun en el Centro Cultural del Pequeao Haiti. LITTLE HAITI EI estilo arquaectonico del Marche en Fer, ubicado en Puerto Principe, ha inspirado la fachada del Centro Cultural del Pequeoto Haiti (http:11 Iittlehmuadturalcenter. corn). La huella afroearibeffia queda patents en un wttanso programa que niempre atlande a la creatiuided a traVes go la oducaei`un, la musics y Las ai te: plasticat. Its r cti disftntar da conaurtas o eipasiruwnen, y an al interior se encuentre el Marketplace, abierto de jueves a sabados. La veintena de puestecillos arcesanos recuerdan la manufacture africana, tanto en su colorido como en los materiales utilizados. DEViAJES/I I I STRING1111 57 destino :1Iicalni art arna. garnet social ha facilia ,o ta, ereaciu ac f` (D(9 „�ritpos cZ.ciuu )I_dr'ta_e 10 Homenaje en el Design District a Le Corbusier.. Submitted into the public record for i ern(s) on�lc"• City Clerk DEVIA ES/IIISTRING1IIII59 destino Avlictr,ii Historias pintadas, trotzos irreverentes y gra 'GO SHOPPING' La apuesta renovadora de Miami pass por el Design Distract (www. miamidesrgndisrrict. net). Creado hace tan solo dos egos, busra la fusion de arre, mode y gastronomia. Las mejores firmas del planeta tienen su flagship, desdeTom Ford hastaTiffany's. Loewe abrib aqui su primers boutique en Estados Unidos y ha instatedo en el interior un horreo procedente de Mon(,ao (Portugal), que es admirado por los transeuntes. El edificio que ocupa Louis Vuitton es una replica arquitectonica de los arcs 30, tan alucinante como la construction cristalina del arquitecto japanes Sou Fujimoto. En las canes hay trabajos de artistes interaacionales, como la escultura de Le Corbusier,firmada. por el XavierVeiihan. 60 vonvdevl jea.ee WYNWOOD Wyo. nod n .u, nl.ure iibrv<, tiso-tasei uxntes Triunfo del 'street art' Conocido antiguamente como El Barrio, por su pasado por- torriqueno, hoy Wynwood Arts District empieza a reco- ger los frutos sembrados por el mecenes Tony Goldman cuando decidi6 poner en marcha en 2009 Wynwood Walls. Muchos artistes dejaron su impronta en los grandes murales y hoy es fdcil observer a disefiadores armados con aerosoles deco - rondo las paredes que Min quedan vfrgenes. Paseando por la intersection de la avenida 2T con la 5' tuvimos la fortune de ver tm- baJar a Jasmine Dearden, muy conocida en los oircuitos graflteros como Ruby Nine. The Wynwood Walls (httpJ/thervyn- woodwalls.com) es probablemente el eon- glomerado de arte urbano mils extenso del mundo, un museo callejero mutante con mils de 24.000 metros de superflcie deco - rode. Es recomendable comenzar en el cen- tro de visitantes y su excelente restaursn- te. Acomodate en la terraza del Wynwood Kitchen & Bar y prueba el hummtta y el pie° verde o el ment3Hot, con ropa vieja o queso frito, por menos de 8 € Desde aqui parten los tours guiados, muy recomendables pare entender la esencia del distrito. No podrds evitar hacerte un se(fie Junto al elefante retra- tado por el artists portordqueflo Alexis Dfaz ni tampeco con el bebd gigante verde enfurecido que grafite6 el norteamericano Ron English. Poco a poco, irds recorriendo las canes de este area industrial y desgra- nando los secretos de cada artiste. El arte callejero es quizd el movimiento artistico mils Importante de los iiltimos mice, pues es pdblieo y se expone al criterio de cual- quier viandante. Tal es este legado que revistas como Vanity Fair yForbes no han dudado en situar este barrio en la lista de los mils trendies en Estados Unidos. Hay una parte dedioada a ilustradores emergentes en Wynwood Doors Artists, que utilize 15 persianas enrrollables de alumi- nio como Benzes a gran escala; pura inspi- raci6n en movimiento. Una buena idea es terminar el itiner ario en Wynwood Brewing Company, un bar en la avenida 24' espe- cializado en cerveza artesanal y con una pasion ilimitada por los grafitis. Submitted into the pu.li record or i em(s) � • �/ on 1 . I (o City Clerk Los me. ore. artistes del granthen pintado estos murales. DEV IAIES/1['STRING) I I destino Miami 4 4 44 it 4 l 4 l 4 4 Jtr � Te cwu(i'rcian nuevas-propuestas rcrquiteetdnicas, nochcs locus, cicntos Un 'punch' cultural iaml se mueve, y quiz& don - de mas se percibe es en la clarfsima puesta en valor de los eventos de cualquier j fndole. Desde hate un lustro el New World Center (www.nws.edu), la sede de la America's Orchestral Academy, se preocupa por cultivar los gustos musi- cales de sus habitantes. El soberbio edifi- cio de Frank Gehry es un laboratorlo de las disciplines mds olislcas guiado por el director artfstico y alma mater del proyeo- to, Michael Tilson Thomas. La danza tiene su particular templo en Arsh Center (www.arshtoenter.org), sede habitual del Festival de Flamenco de Miami, que tiene lugar en marzo, y tam- hien de otras opciones creativas que van desde la mtisica olasica, al jars: o la Opera. Uno de los epicentros culturales es, sin dude, el American Airlines Arena (www. aaarena.com), que este mes recibe a 62lmvw.deviaJes.es Rihanna y el nuevo show de Cirque du Solell: Toruk. EL primer vuelo, inspire - do en la pelfcula Avatar. Aquf tambien tienes la opci6n de ver un partido de la NBA animando al Miami Heat contra los Chicago Bulls (11 de marzo). Los que prefieran asistir a un partido de beisbol han de decantarse por uno de los dos equipos locales: Marlins o Sharks. EVOLUCION CONSTANTE En este ciudad de Florida han deoidido mirar al futuro y apostar por el turismo de negocios, asf to certifica el rumboso proyecto del Miami Beach Convection Center. Acaba de iniciar sus obras para remodelar al completo este pabellon de negocios, que en 1964 hizo las veces de ring catapultando a la fame mundial al campeen de boxeo Cassius Clay. El com- plejo reabrir6 en 2018 e incluir6 un hotel de 800 habitaciones. Arquitectura interior del New World Center. de eventos ;y un projurLdo espirltu rrLult2.ettltu1 at Otro soberbio proyecto es el Patricia and Philip Frost Museum of Science (www.miamisci.org), que tiene previs- ta su inauguracion el pr6ximo verano. Su acuario en forma de gigantesca copa de Martini con tres niveles ya anuncia fzi@Pe, Xa 1\if.-vt-1.5- la Intenci6n de no dejar indiferente a nadie, como la propia eluded. Tambien el planetario sera ic6nico, pues su super- ficie esferica proyectar6 en el exterior, y de forma continuada, obras de arte contempor6neo. �10--1 ncz Lo `N4ex.ico 1,28 , Pe lf�i� re,6°5; a-1° li e,, (arrrit ,ta I1 Cr.CxI'1/.� Distancias desde la Pequell Hobano hasta otros destinos. VELADAS MUY INSPIRADAS Aqui no to vas a aburrir. Hay opciones en el Downtown, como el club de aires parisinos recien inaugurado ElTucan (hap:// eltoranrn:omtcom), con cabaret y musica en vivo. Miami Beach alberga la mayor oferta nocturna. Encontraras copas por 5 €, muchos locales con happy hour y decenas de opciones gastronomicas. No esti de mas que eches un vistas° a Icon Miami (hap://iconmmmtcom), un antigun teatro con un buen programa de espectaculos y ambience exclusive Si buscas un lugar romantico sube a la azotea de Juvia (www µnwmtann.com), tiene algunas de las meiores vistas de esta alucnante metropoli de Florida Submitted into the public recor for 'tem(s) pA. o on City Clerk destino A'iullni. 'BRUNCH' DOMINICAL Una fiesta. esto es lo que se vive en City Hall The Restaurant (svww. r/tyhaltherestaurant com). En una esquina del distrito de Buenavista veras una cola con familias o grupos de amigos que se proponen disfrutar a mediodia del espectaculo de Maryel Epps. La diva neoyorquina se encarga de antmar a ritmo de gospel el almuerzo (14 €). Es exquisira la French roast que complementa a la perfection con un Bloody Mary (I I €) preparado por Mitch. Este restaurante tambien forma parte del circuit° Miami Spice, un encuentro gastronomic° con menus por 21 € para conocer las mejores cocinas de la Ciudad ton recess de grander chefs. No to pierdas la convocatoria prevista para el mes de agosto. 64 wwsv.devigies.es Art deco y canoes, un binamiu perfecto. MIAMI BEACH Tesoros del art deco asear por la playa urbane y sen- tirse parte de los escenarios de Miami Vice, es todo uno. Las calles de South Beach forman parte del imaginario populargra- cies a Is popular serie que protagonizaron Don Johnson y Philip Michael Thomas en los ahos 80. La ciudad aprovech6 el tiren televisivo y el remozado que el departa- mento de production fba realizando pars el rodaJe. Se promocion6 Como destino turistico y modemiz6 fabulosos edificios art deco, que en algunos casos derivaron en el estilo MiMo (Miami Modern). Otro de los iconos de Miami Vice fueron los outfits de Versace o Armani que luctan los pmtagonistas. Precisamente, la mansion de Gianni Versace, tristemente famosa por ser el escenario de su truculent° deceso en 1997, lute soberbia frente al parque Lummus; whom reconvertida en el priva- tivo hotel The Villa Casa Casuarina, con la famosa medusa presidiendo su fachada. La presencia de 500 ejemplos de este art deco hate presumir a Miami de albergar la mayor concentracion de este estilo arquitect6nico en todo el mundo. Ac6rcate al Art Deco Welcome Center pare apuntarte al tour guiado (www. mdpl.org y 23 €) y conocerds anecdotes y sabrosas leyendas de esta milla. A lo largo de la avenida Ocean Drive, se suce- den las constmeciones de colores pastel con admirable simetrfa y un mdximo de tres alturas. Los elementos decora- tivos vegetales, visibles durante el dfa, se esconden a la luz de los neones, que perfilan estas estructuras al anochecer. TIMBAS CON 'GLAMOUR' C1 edificio The Tides fue el mks alto de la zona durante decades. Nos interesa su fachada caliza rosada y un hall, muy frecuentado en Is dpoca de la Ley Seca cuando, entre 1920 y 1933, se prohibi6 beber alcohol. Si pones atencien obser- vards que el suelo de mdrmol indica con sus dlbuJos el habitdculo secreto donde se jugaba y servfan tragos ilegales. 1-lay una sale similar en el hotel Tudor, en la El culto al cuerpo y el care cter 'gayfriendly' son avenida Collins, cuyo suelo sembrado de rombos sefala un templo del poker al que se accedfa con contrasefia. Continua el periplo arquitect6nico por el trazado de esta °elle para cono- cer los edificios La Flora, Essex House y Webster. Aquf se ubica tambidn Marlin, uno de los ejemplos mks fotografiados y querfdos de la Ciudad, que alberg6 un estudio de grabacien en los atios 90 frecuentado por artistes de la talla de George Harrison o la banda U2. La joya de la corona es el lobby de The Ritz -Carlton South Beach, con una coloc- cion de arte que harfa palidecer a algunos de los mejores museos del mundo. Las paredes ester' vestidas por decenas de obras de maestros como Mire y Tapies; aunque tambidn hay hueco pars los artis- tes contemporeneos latinos mks exito- sos: Alejandra Padilla, Fabian Parisi o Eduardo Roffman, entre otros. Por lo demgs, Miami Beach no defrau- ds con sus estereotipos. Garitos como el Clevelander, donde ver y ser visto, pati- nadoras esculturales, estlismos noctur- nos lmposibles, descapotablesque quitan el hipo, jevenes curtidos en gimnasios y buen ambience gayrfendfy. sus se�tas cle identiclacl NUESTRA GUIA COMO LLEGAR American Airlines (www. americatairlines.es) ofrece trayectos desde Madrid haste Miami, a partir de 446 E portrayecto. DATOS PR,4C11COS Los ciudadanos espaiioles neces tan soficitar la autorizadon de viaje ESTA para vkitar Estados Ui:Jus, con una duration de dos alas Realiza este tramite online (http://wow estaes) rellenando sr) fomtxilario y, pro pago, reabirds el documento en mans de 24 horas DONDE DORMIR EN MIAMI BEACH The Betsy (Ocean Drive, 1440 y www. thebetsyhotel.com). El edificio esta registrado en el Listado National de Lugares Historicos por el estilo georgiano de su fachada. El elegante lobby de madera da paso a 63 cuartos (desde 260 E). EN DOWTOWN JW Marriott Marquis (Biscayne Boulevard, 255 y wawmaniott cam). Son alucinantes las vistas de la ciudad desde este rascacielos de 41 pisos Las habitaciones son muy espadosas (apartirde215E)y totalmente oistalinas Hialeahi . NW WM& WAS UR,81. ,iyy14g HMI 6,16790E 030 L'JM4TTMi WINta Minim Pyle aft FLk wrrev4 OCNR4TOWN CORAL WAY :en 14,,.,.„ para dsf utar del paisaje La piscira tambien es pancramia. Es teas que recomendable su restaurante DB Bistro Miami. 0 chef Daniel Boulud ofrece espedalidades francesas con un buen aderezo de sabores amerianon Menu a mediodia con dos platos par 24 E D6NDE COMER EN MIAMI BEACH Di1Jdo Beach Club (Lincoln Road, I y wwwdtzcadtoncom). B Atlaitico sera to companem mienuas degustas una buena ensalada o un sofisticado sandwich ton predos desde 12 E—, regados con una original sangria de mango o melds. Sushisamba (Lincoln Road, 600 y https// susix'sambacom). Introduce en una coctelera lo mejor de la gastronomic japonesa, Submitted into the public record for item(s) A. Co on L[ JI c(' I Co(, . City Clerk aloha y pia y veras que aparece un recetario perfecto coma ri de este exitoso local. Son alrrdnantes SUS cdcteles y los platos—siempre muy abtridarites—; sobre todo los de sushi, qua preparan ante tus °jos. Predo media 40 E EN DOWTOWN Brava! oul B(Biscayne, 3 y wwwarshaenterorg/ visit/bvva). Es uno de los restaurantes teas solidtados para el brunch dominical (34 E) y resulta perfecto si asistes a algin espectaab del Arsht Center, pues forma parte de este complejo cultural, y ofrece maxi por 45 E INFORMACION Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau. Brickell Avenue, 701. 1r 30 55 39 30 00. wwwmiamimdeadiamn DEV IAJES/I I I STRING I I I I 65 Hannalicious November 1, 2015 UV: 20.000 per week mnrnasomman mpg rasAisr,-3,oxrrr os 430 6.. as frusessonrvagcasimta,pgrawosPrarorxa N gale CA* -Milli arN 1171 i lrfl I,S �zaa 1•d: s»a 17:f lnE] tip Mani Culinary Tours Gee W_ Asia ca. 3d slxle a L.. _' Ta^ 3"4. V ':a }_ ra avca. r na+cY rratOJ Oen Taman i dal Jti2 !-Ibar La sin It Atari. *,3; J=..-s•3't336PutRostaurantde!Nf4x?.nvxdn!C:CarislckaleNatocnenMe11anoc.nacuIran Sa1IOWdL}tvaErypsam11 palm.Ri'gri OE�11Yarmta°cs :-:_-3 CRf it =' :3' 5. gxt. Sew tat tit testa pi Cn law Empa lada pa Cate Cu bano. 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Man la Errata tarrranga soda' wan vile Rs car n11a a Ern t aM rk✓rrrrar ar+raoarvmia1. fag v, gory met' Food To Tyaecki V3 ems. gtt zugr, rfiescant d'e nen 3bstm tat raa srg en del an rtats3. hFa Food Tares at terA nett anda ord. riszr •53ct 3d de tams wer ungdan odt rnitiramde. napt tan tore s13K3 taste? h'1n a; e! scmratt n$gctt Foot Tctr nagctr g'ag? I Eadarn taS, vad 4'0 n anden? OBER 2014 RTU! Eat at Joe's BY DAVID KAMP p 216 Billion -Dollar Skyline BY MATT TYRNAUER p 208 Retail Warfare BY MICHAEL GROSS p 238 The Vanishing Everglades BY AUSTIN MERRILL p 122 iVIy Little Haiti BY EDWIDGE DANTICAT p 136 Bring on the Night BY BUZZ BISSINGER p 70 ART BASEL-MANIA! BARBARIANS AT THE BEACH CHECKING IN: HOTELS, SPAS, RESTAURANTS TRUMP: PAR FOR THE COURSE LIFE AFTER LEBRON BONEFISHING BOATS TO CHARTER AND MORE.... America's City of the Future CUM RE INDEX ) ON AND YIERA RUBELL Perhaps no collectors loom larger on the Miami contem- porary art landscape than Don and Mera Rubel!. As they demonstrated in 2012, when they offered a residency to then -little-known Colombian artist Oscar Murillo—whose paintings now command hundreds of thousands —they have the power to anoint art royalty. (Murillo created 50 works during his five -week residency —the Rubells bought every one.) The couple began collecting in the '60s in New York City while she was a schoolteacher (earning $100 a week) and he was a medical student. "Our first impulse was to cover the holes in the walls of our Chel- sea walk-up apartment with art posters rather than plaster and Realism, 2011, by Yan Xing, from the Rubella' collection paint," laughs Mera, who has maintained a teacher's ability to communicate passion. "We met young artists in the store- fronts around our neighborhood who were happy to work out long-term payment schedules for their original works. For some years, it was literally $5 per week per artist!" The Rubells moved to Miami in 1992 because of the cheap and seemingly limitless real estate opportunities —and because their children were already there. "With little money, you could own amazing property," says Don. "Virtually every building in South Beach was for sale." Mera continues, "As a collector, nothing is more frus- trating than having your art- work in storage. The only way to experience our art was to follow it to places where it was being exhibited. Miami was such a wide-open frontier that we were able to buy a 45,000-square-foot former DEA facility," which they converted into the Rubell Family Collec- tion, "for less than it cost to get a storage space in Manhattan" At 95 NW 29th St.; rfc.museum. + 3 DEPARTURES.COM Submitted into the pu lic recotfor 'tern(s) music r on City Clerk Live from Calle Ocho Musically speaking, Miami is a bit of a paradox: Latin rhythms infuse so much of daily life, yet venues featuring live bands are woefully scarce. "For me," says local branding executive and musician Bruce Turkel, "the best place to hear Latin music is when someone in my [Cuban] wife's family gets married and they have a band." With several storied spots closing in recent months —including The Vagabond, Van Dyke Cafe and the soon -to -be -shuttered Tobacco Road —the city's last great Latin music club is Little Havana's Hoy Como Ayer, on Calle Ocho (Eighth Street). The place made a cameo this year in Jon Favreau's Miami -set film Chef, putting off a Buena Vista Social Club vibe that is harder to find than outsiders might expect. Its name — translating to "Today Like Yesterday" —defines the mix of tradition and experimentation you'll hear inside. On a recent Thursday, Andrew Yeomanson, aka DJ Le Spam, and the Spam AllStars, one of the joint's regular acts, took the stage with a trademark combination of horns and salsa beats over an electronic backbone. Cou- ples bumped and wove through small, candlelit tables to get to the dance floor, their spontaneity matching the band's. It was well past midnight: As with Miami, it may feel like yesterday, but it's already tomorrow. At 2212 SW Eighth St.; 305-541-2631; hoycomoayer.us. —.l.s. Bas Fisher Invitational in y) Minutes This decade -old contemporary space was cofounded by artists Hernan Bas and Naomi Fisher — "We liked how our names together sounded, like a fishing tournament," Fisher says. BFI programs edgy and experimental work, whether visual, video or performance art. Spend 15 minutes inside the space to see whatever exhibition has taken over the gallery, then allow an afternoon to join a Weird Miami tour, Bas Fisher's signature series, in which an artist is given free rein to take visitors on a mystery tour through the city, helping them discover the forgotten, hidden or overlooked places and things that define Miami At 100 NE 11th St.; basfisher invitational.com. —Mark Ellwood r BAS FISHER: NAOMI FISHER; HOY COMO AVER ANIKA BURGESS BLACKBOOK MIA1\4I DISPATCH Submitted into the public ' ^ recor or it m(s) on �r��_(�_. City Clerk MY LITTLE HAITI Novelist EDWIDGE DANTICAT captures the exotic sounds, sights and tastes of the neighborhood she's called home for more than a decade. 0 n a steamy Friday night, the mu- raled plaza in front of the Little Haiti Cultural Center is packed with hun- dreds of revelers dancing and singing along to a Haitian band. The smell of fried fish, pork and goat is wafting in the air. In one corner near the stage, people drink fresco, cups of crushed ice soaked in mint-, coconut - or cherry -flavored syrup. Those seeking a break from the mingling and partying can duck into the Cultural Cen- ter's gallery and admire the Haitian paintings and sculptures on display. The shows there are The mural at Little Haiti Cultural Center often curated by Haitian artist Edouard Duval - Carrie, whose studio is just a few feet away. Both his work and shows feel like immersions into the lush Caribbean imagination. This raucous celebration, known as Big Night in Little Haiti, takes place every third Friday. The evenings often close with a spir- ited procession courtesy of the group Rara Lakay—with its drummers, maraca shakers and bamboo trumpeters —that transports you across the sea to Port-au-Prince. Visitors often go straight for the food — Little Haiti is full of mom -and -pop -type res- taurants that serve authentic Haitian meals, 36 DEPARTURES.COM rice and beans, conch and pumpkin soup. Others come to worship; there are perhaps as many churches in Little Haiti as there are botanicas, small shops where one can buy herbs, incense, candles and other religious items. The most attended of all churches is the newly renovated Notre Dame d'Haiti. Despite its name, the neighborhood is not culturally hermetic. A few months ago, when my friends Regine Chassagne and Win Butler of Arcade Fire came to play in Miami, they rocked Little Haiti with an intimate indie show for a few thousand people, which high- lighted the neighborhood's growing interna- tional appeal for all generations. have been living in Little Haiti for over ten years now, yet it still manages to amaze me with its warmth and its ardent determi- nation to survive against all odds. For 35 years the most common reason for outsiders to visit the area, which stretches from 58th to 62nd streets north of the Design District, was Churchill's, a British pub and rock venue with its own double-decker bus out front. But that's changing quickly. The effects of gentri- fication are being strongly felt, even in a place where streets are named after revolutionary leader Toussaint Louverture and other Haitian notables. The boundaries of Little Haiti keep shrinking as the adjoining neighborhoods, in- cluding the Design District, continue to attract high -end restaurants and shops. Many in Little Haiti, myself included, hope the cultural richness can be preserved. erhaps the best way to experience Little Haiti is to walk into Libreri Mapou bookstore. You will get a warm greet- ing from its owner, the poet and playwright Jean-Marie Denis, affectionately known to lo- cals as Jan Mapou. Libreri Mapou not only sells books but also dispenses Haitian delicacies like tablet pistach, a peanut, sugar and milk confec- tion. It's also a gathering place for lively political discussions as well as poetry recitals and perfor- mances by Sosyete Koukouy (Firefly Society), the dance and theater troupe founded by Ma- pou. Like Mapou's brainchild, Little Haiti may now only spark like a firefly in the night, but in the words of the late Viter Juste, the man who coined the term Little Haiti, when the commu- nity is finally given its due, being there will feel almost as exciting as "sailing on the high seas." CROSS \GCLTR Cubans may rule the political roost, but around Calle Ocho, Nicaraguans are proving to be a far bigger force. BY MARK ELLWOOD surging, sudden influx from Latin America: thousands of new arriv- als, driven to Miami by a revolution and roiling political turmoil that transformed their coun- try. This isn't just the story of the Cubans in the 1960s—it was also the narrative for Nicaraguans two decades later. Since then Nicaraguan -Americans' influ- ence in the city has grown, although it's rarely noticed —or even acknowledged. Unlike the moneyed Brazilians or Venezue- lans jetting in to snap up waterfront man- sions on Key Biscayne or penthouse apartments in Edgewater high-rises, the Nicaraguans have had an impact that most likely touches ordinary, every- day Miamians' lives. Outsiders who stroll around Little Havana might not realize that those fritangas aren't Cuban institutions but rather Nicaraguan: 24-hour buffet -style cafeterias doling out delicious homemade food for a few bucks. (Two fritangas tussle for the title of best in the city: Yambo Restaurant (1643 SW First St.] and Pinolandia h19 NW 72th Ave.]). Far- ther along Little Havana's central strip, Calle Ocho (Eighth Street), is the area of- ficially known as Sweetwater, just west of SW 102nd Avenue; most now call it Little Managua. Raspados Loly's (i0404 W Flagler St.; 305-227-0488) iS always thronged with expats waiting for shaved ice layered with thick homemade syrups like strawberry or 3 DEPARTURES.COM tamarind. The framed picture behind the counter is of founder Eloisa (nicknamed Loly) and her husband, who opened their first store in Nicaragua; it's her expat daugh- ter who masterminded the Miami outpost. Loly may long have been a local mascot among expats, but Nicaraguan -Americans are growing more prominent in the wider community, whether via local politics, business or culture. Take Ana Navarro, who fled her homeland in 1980 and is a rising Republican star; moderate and witty, close to both Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, the former advisor to John McCain is now a TV pundit. The band La Cuneta Son Machin travels from Nicaragua regularly to Miami for shows, while local performance artist and dancer Rudi Goblen, another child- hood immigrant, is a fa- vorite at the avant-garde arts space Miami Light Project. Alfredo Pellas Jr. leveraged the fortune he inherited via his family's sprawling Grupo Pellas conglomerate to found the American Nicaraguan Foundation, aiming to support development projects back home. The most joyous way to experience Ni- caragua's impact on Miami, though, is dur- ing December, when families celebrate La Purisima with a series of parties honoring the Virgin Mary. La Griteria, on Decem- ber 7, is the rowdiest, when the streets of Sweetwater and Little Havana will be full of Nicaraguan -Americans shouting to the virgin (griteria roughly means "yelling"). It's a celebration topped with fireworks and firecrackers filling the night air. + SEARC A G00 3A\) C OF 9 CAS hough smoking cigars is prac- tically a national pastime for Cuban exiles in Little Havana, those famous Cuban smokes, desired for their intoxicating aroma and intense flavor, cannot be found in one of the numer- ous tabaquer(as—shops where cigars are rolled and sold —that have mush- roomed along Calle Ocho. For these coveted leaves, one must search out a "mythical" underground network. More than 50 years since the Kennedy administration imposed an economic embargo on Cuba, the country's cigar retains its luster, so much so that cigars produced in other countries are billed as from a "Cuban leaf" or "Cuban seed:' For all one knows, buyers could be smoking cigar leaves from North Carolina that were rolled in Hialeah. But as with all things Cuba, it's about the mystique. The reality is often much less fanciful. "The truth is, the premium cigars you will get in Miami, the ones that come from Nicaragua, Santo Do- mingo or Honduras, will be much better than any black-market Cuban," says Roberto Ramos, of Cuba Ocho, an art gallery and cigar shop in Miami. "The ones you get from Cuba here are third-class. The non -Cuban premium brands, like Alex Bradley and Padron, are superior. And people who truly understand cigars know it." The clientele for black-market Cuban cigars, adds Ramos, is mostly in Chicago, New York and Philadel- phia, where the Cuban cigar legend remains strong.—A.F. d into the public or 'tem(s) 1 City Clerk 10/2/2016 Calle 8, la inspiracion de Miami I El Viajero I EL PALS El Viajero VtAJEROS 13RBANOS Calle 8, la inspiracion de Miami Recorrido por la mitica avenida de Little Havana, epicentro de la comunidad cubana en la ciudad estadounidense RAFAEL ANIBAL I 3 FEB 2016 - 00:00 CET Archivado en: Viajeros urbanos Miami Turismo ciudad Disidencia Viajes Florida Rutas turisticas Estados Unidos 0fertas turisticas Norteamerica Conflictos politicos Turismo America Cultura Politica Uno de los icdnicos gallos de Little Havana, el barrio cubano de Miami, en la mitica Calle Ocho. / RUARIDH STEWART Resulta dificil que alguien que visite Miami por primera vez no se deje caer por la Calle 8, mitica avenida a la que tantas veces han cantado los artistas latinos que durante anos encontraron en ella una fuente de inspiracion. Situada en el corazon de Little Havana (pequena Habana), barrio fundado por los disidentes cubanos que huyeron del regimen castrista en los anos 60 y 70, la Calle 8 ha sido el epicentro de la vida social y cultural de esta importante comunidad durante decadas. Sin grandes aspavientos arquitectonicos y todavia al margen de la fiebre de los rascacielos que ha asolado Miami en los ultimos 20 anos, la calle 8 ha sabido mantener su particular ritmo — incluso mejorarlo—, al margen de la especulacion y las burbujas inmobiliarias. "La calle 8 ha sido siempre el centro espiritual del exilio cubano en Miami. Lugares como el Versalles o el parque Maximo Gomez son el vivo retrato de una generacion que tuvo que salir de Cuba y asentarse en Miami", explica Rafael Yaniz, estadounidense e hijo de exiliados cubanos. "En el imaginario colectivo de muchos cubanos e hijos de cubanos de primera generacion, esta calle representa tanto to que se ha dejado atras, nuestra identidad, como el presente, aqui, en Estados Unidos", anade Yaniz. Con un 90% de poblacion latinoamericana, el ritmo tranquilo, divertido y pausado de esta avenida sorprende hasta en una ciudad como Miami, mucho mas baja de revoluciones que cualquier otra gran urbe estadounidense. Lo latino se respira en cada esquina, ya sea por las tiendas, por el olor a comida o por la musica de los multiples restaurantes de esta arteria que, de no haber sido por la leyenda creada en torno a alguno de sus vecinos mas famosos, bien podria haber pasado desapercibida. De hecho, durante buena parte de los anos 70 y 80, la Calle 8 era una de tantas avenidas de esta ciudad y no seria hasta la explosion de la musica y la cultura cubanas en la decada de los 90 cuando se convirtio en un icono, no solo cultural, sino tambien de la lucha de la disidencia cubana. Actualmente es incluso un importante reclamo turistico, convertida por el establishment en buque insignia de la floreciente diversidad cultural de Miami y capitulo asegurado en cualquier guia de viaje sobre la ciudad. Partida de ajedrez en Domino Park, en la Pequena Habana, en Miami. / GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU http://elviajero.elpai s.com/elviaj ero/20 16/0 1 /22/actualidad/ 1453490467_672669.html Submitted into the public record for itm(s) on City Clerk 1/3 10/2/2016 Calle 8, la inspiracion de Miami I El Viajero I EL PAPS Sin embargo, que esto no Ileve a error. La calle 8 es hoy mas que nunca un hervidero cultural y social que no ha perdido un spice de esa autenticidad y decadencia que la hicieron famosa. Durante los ultimos anos se Ilevado a cabo interesantes iniciativas, como Gay8, un festival anual que festeja la cultura LGTB, asi como el ciclo de viernes culturales (el ultimo de cada mes), que convierten el centro de Little Havana en un divertido mercado de artesania, con puestos de streetfood y musica al aire libre. Por ultimo, hay que destacar el famoso carnaval de Calle 8, que reune cada ano a cientos de miles de personas, y que en este 2016 se celebrara el domingo 13 de marzo. Lo imprescindible Si es la primera vez que recorremos la calle 8 no hay que dejar de visitar el parque Maximo Gomez, mitico lugar de encuentro para la tercera edad del barrio, que se reune alli para jugar al domino o al ajedrez. Tampoco hay que dejar de visitar el Teatro Tower, la tienda Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. y el paseo de las estrellas latinas, que rinde homenaje a clesicos como Celia Cruz. En el cruce de la Calle 8 con la avenida 13 se encuentra el monumento homenaje a los caidos en la invasion Bahia de Cochinos. Para comer Restaurante de comida cubaba en la Calle Ocho, en la Pequena Habana, en Miami. / MICHELE EVE SANDBERG altas horas de la La calle 8 tiene una importante oferta gastronomica de diversos paises latinoamericanos, aunque la cocina cubana se Ileve la mejor parte. Entre los locales mas reconocidos esta el Cafe Versalles, visitado por todos los presidentes de Estados Unidos y habitual punto de reunion en Miami de los exiliados cubanos. De hecho, siempre se ha dicho que el Versalles atraia a muchos de los espias del regimen desplazados a Miami, pues encontraban aqui buenas historias que reportar a Fidel. Anecdotas aparte, la comida es excelente, abre hasta noche y su cafe cubano es capaz de revitalizar a un muerto. Galerias y arte Un importante numero de pequenas galerias han abierto en los ultimos anos en la calle 8 (y otras avenidas adyacentes), lo que ha ayudado a revitalizar de manera significativa la zona. Entre las mas interesantes estan Conde Contemporary y Futurama 1637, que agrupa a 12 artistas diferentes. Otro lugar que no hay que dejar de visitar es CubaOcho, bar-restaurante, museo y centro de artes performativas, (si, las tres cosas a la vez) de fuerte inspiracion cubana y latina. Para gozar Ball & Chain es uno de los primeros bares que se instalaron en Calle 8 y responsable en buena medida de que esta avenida y el barrio de Little Havanna se hayan convertido en una de las zonas nocturnas mas divertidas de la ciudad. Hoy como ayer es otro sitio magnifico, a pesar del nombre, para bailar y escuchar musica en directo. Son cubano, principalmente. La zona de Calle 8 y alrededores es segura por la noche, por lo que tambien se puede salir sin rumbo fijo y dejarse caer por cualquiera de los muchos bares y clubs que inundan esta zona. Cuando ir Miami tiene un clima que permite recibir visitantes a lo largo de todo el ano. Sin embargo, los Submitted into the public record, for ijem(s) http://elviajero.elpais.com/elviajero/2016/01/22/actualidad/1453490467_672669.html on City Clerk 2/3 10/2/2016 Calle 8, la inspiracidn de Miami I El Viajero I EL PAPS meses de verano pueden ser excesivamente calurosos y sofocantes debido a la humedad. De octubre a febrero es una buena fecha. Mas propuestas para un viaje a Miami pinchando aqui © EDICIONES EL PAIS S.L. Media: El Viajero - El Pais Headline: Calle 8, la inspiracidn de Miami Author: Rafael Anibal Publication date: February 03, 2016 Circulation: 6,000,000 Value: $ 86,920 Brief Summary: Destination Miami http://el viaj ero.elpais. com/elviajero/2016/01 /22/actualidad/ 1453490467_672669.html Submitted into the public record for i em(s) on1 �{� to City Clerk 3/3 Current Marketing for real lives. AUSTIN, TAMPA, FORT LAUDERDALE, TALLAHASSEE, RALEIGH, PUERTO RICO & MORE THE TOP 25 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE BERNARD BRONNER BEN CARSON MICHAEL K. OBENG LISA PRICE JENNIFER L. JONES TALIAH WAAJID BRITTANY N. PACKNETT GERI THOMAS & MORE BUSINESS THE SUCCESS OF NATURAL HAIR TRAVEL ENJOY THE MAGIC OF MIAMI Upscale Magazine October 2015 Circulation: 181,399 CAROL'S DAUGHTER '• ROPIER • SEE DET I I LS INSIDE ULTIMATE SUCCESS EXPERIENCE 33 9US 53 99CAN 03979 Current Marketing for real lives. Visit this local Gateway for .nte-ratronal cultural diversity throughoutthe yea- and enjoy great entertai • • nel,vve ther, :4;•"421=M".- Current Marketing for real lives. f sampling the cultural smorgasbord of Latin America, the Carib- bean, West Africa and the Old South piques your interest but gives you agita thinking about the time and money it would take, you might want to consider doing the next best thing to setting foot on the actual soil of these far-flung places: visit Miami. Predominantly populated by Latin Americans and people of African ancestry for more than a century now, Miami is a mod- ern-day microcosm of the diverse cultures of these immigrant settlers that have been planting roots there for more than a hundred years. Magic City, with its panoramic skyline of high-rise buildings, a burgeoning banking sector and slew of new hotels, is some- what "Manhattanized." Still, the impact of its multicultural makeup on the city itself, the food, the music and the arts, gives it a unique flavor all its own. Spend time browsing along Calle Ocho, the main artery that keeps the heart of Little Havana beating, and you'll quickly learn why this city of roughly 418,000 people is often referred to as the Gateway to Latin America. On a recent mid -morning visit to Little Havana, beads of sweat from the broiling sun and sauna -like humidity rolled down my back during a jaunt through this vibrant neighborhood that has evolved over the years as the center of Miami's Cuban exile community. In a scene that apparently plays out every single clay from dawn till dusk at a local hangout known as Domino Park Plaza, groups of older men and a few women gathered beneath red -tile -roofed gazebos, boisterously locked in combat playing dominos. A brief stop at Los Pinarenos Fruteria, a Calle Ocho landmark and one of a multitude of homegrown businesses lining this bustling commercial strip, got my Caribbean taste buds stirred up. The abundance of deliciousness on display brought back fond memories of my childhood in Jamaica: guava pastries, fresh coconut water and sweet sugar cane juice, called guarapo in these parts, as well as an abundance of fruits such as mangoes, papayas, guineps, pineapples and more. Gift shops galore line Calle Ocho. You can find everything from embroidered guayabera shirts to hand -rolled cigars and Latin music, as well as unique Cuban memorabilia. Those with a Current Marketing for real lives. desire to mingle with the locals can get their fill the last Friday of each month, when Calle Ocho hosts a neighborhood party featuring music, dance, poetry, theatre and visual arts. In Miami, art permeates just about every thread of the city's social fabric. Whether it's the state-of-the-art Perez Art Museum downtown — during my visit, works by African -American artists Terry Adkins, Ed Clark and Leslie Hewitt were being showcased —or the newly renovated Yve Hotel Miami, which during my stay there exhibited the works of local artists in the first- and second -floor foyers, everyone from the connoisseur to the casual onlooker can't help but get their fix. Even in the Design District —boasting more than 40 luxury retail stores bearing names like Rolex, Hermes, Burberry, Givenchy, Valentino and Louis Vuitton —art proliferates. The district itself is like an outdoor mall for art, showcasing pieces like the mas- sive Jungle mural painted on a wall at Northeast 38th Street between Northeast First and Second Avenues. IF YOUR WALLET JUST ALLOWS YOU ONLY TO DAYDREAM about shopping the Design District's upscale designer retailers, you can always indulge your big -spender fantasy "just looking" while you browse the open-air center's scores of art galleries. Submitted into the pub record f ritenr(s) on 1C City Clerk Located north of midtown Miami, the Design District calls Little Haiti neighbor. Not particularly touristy, Little Haiti bustles with Haitian -owned and -operated businesses including the iconic Caribbean Mar- ketplace, where you can find gift shops and retail vendors of just about everything Haitian, as well as arts and crafts. No visit to Little Haiti, however, would be complete without a stop at the social hub of the neighborhood, the Little Haiti Cul- tural Center. As well as the Caribbean Marketplace, the center also houses a state-of-the-art theatre and a fine art gallery. I joined hundreds of revelers at one of the center's biggest attractions for locals and visitors alike: Big Night in Little Haiti. Hosted the third Friday of each month, it features live music and dance, with local vendors offering Haitian arts and crafts. Want to boogie? Well, if you can look past the Mansion nightclub's pricy entry charge and long lines and you have the energy to stay up past midnight, when the venue opens, you'll have a memorable time dancing the night away. For foodies, particularly those like myself with a taste for spicy, down-home Caribbean fare or rib -sticking soul food, Miami offers countless options. 6 Current Marketing for real lives. IF YOU VISIT LITTLE HAITI, venture onto Northwest 54th Street to where a mural of a fisherman reeling in a giant blue marlin is painted on the wall. There you'll find the rustic outpost of Chef Creole Seafood & Catering. The outdoor dining area has a thatched roof but is otherwise open to the elements. Ambiance be damned; it's about the food. On this particular occasion, owner Wilkinson "Ken" Sejour, the grill master for the evening, treated my table to his special barbecued conch with picklises—a coleslaw -like side consisting of finely shredded cabbage, carrots, rad- ishes and celery in a vinaigrette. Chef Creole's specializes in Haitian seafood for the masses, but you can also feast on oxtails (queue boeuf for Haitians), barbecued ribs, fried chicken and sides such as rice and beans, fried plantains, conch fritters and more. IF YOU REALLY HAVE A TASTE FOR SOUL FOOD, Southern style, Jackson Soul Food Restaurant, the Sweetie Pies of Miami, should top your list of must - visit places. Located in the historic Overtown neighborhood (it used to be called Colored Town) northwest of downtown Miami, the current version of this iconic soul food restaurant is run by four generations of the Jackson family, all of whom have run their own restaurants at some time or other, The pictures on the wall of celebrities and dignitaries the likes of former President Bill Clinton tell the story of this restaurant's popularity. It's probably the only place around where you can get r Current Marketing for real lives. an authentic breakfast of boiled fish and grits served with homemade biscuits. In fact, Jackson's is prob- ably one of the only places where the menu reflects Miami's multicultural blend in that it features dishes such as Asian wings, fried conch and jerk chicken. I had the liver and onions with mashed potatoes and gravy. Delicious. IF YOU WANT AMBIANCE, sophistication and some of the most sumptuous sushi I've ever tasted, check out Red Ginger, which offers an upscale dining experi- ence and sophisticated Japanese -inspired cuisine. Top off your Red Ginger dining experience with a stroll through the restaurant's glamorous South Beach location, with its Art Deco buildings, white sand beach, trendsetting nightclubs and oceanfront hotels. One of the best accommodations for taking in a breathtaking South Beach sunset is the AC Hotel Miami Beach. The newly opened property, which features a rooftop pool overlooking the beach and the Atlantic Ocean, feeds the senses with a blend of contemporary decor and delicious food and beverage offerings served up in the AC lounge. Want to find out the local hot spots? Talk to the AC's bartender. Have a taste for some unique and exotic cocktails like mango daiquiri and lychee martini? Just ask the AC's bartender. If you just want to chill out, literally, visit the Basement nightclub next door, which features a small ice skating rink, pumping music and hordes of Gen Xers dressed to the nines. No question: Magic City, with its multicultural sensibil- ities and contemporary vibe, is truly magical. nosy of Grcoins Miami Convonuon and Visitors Boman IGMCVBI Current Marketing for real lives. Home & Away Magazine February 2016 UVPM: 462,000 HOMF1W1Y Tett Me a Story To learn the history behind Miami's sizzle, visitors need to explore its heritage neighborhoods. By Karer Eakins When the U.S. Coast Guardsman read his Miranda rights, Roberto Ramos burst into tears. As a Cuban refugee, it was the first time in Ramos' life he'd ever had rights. The realization that, even as a prisoner in America, he had rights, overcame him. Ramos' story is far from unusual in Miami. It's mirrored by numerous inspiring stories throughout such heritage neighborhoods as Little Havana, Historic Overtown and Little Haiti that detail personal struggle, hope, Liberty and success —and how those immigrants helped build this scintillating city by Biscayne Bay. History and Mojitos Calle Ocho is Little Havana's hot bed of activity. Little more than five blocks long, it's jammed with vibrant color and warm community. Smack in the middle is Cubaocho Art €t Research Center, founded by Ramos and opened in 2008. Ramos became an art collector when, at 17, a man Roberto Ramos stands in front of Antonio Sanchez Araujo's La Rumba at the Cubaocho Art ft Research Center. kcrra Current Marketing for real lives. gave him a small painting in exchange for a menial moving job. He began researching the painting, only to discover it was prerevolutionary. Castro had ordered all prerevolutionary (1800 to 1559) art destroyed, wiping the island clean of history —he thought. Ramos set out to find other historical relics, whereupon he learned art lovers had hidden away books, artifacts and artwork. His collection grew to 37 paintings. Daily survival required Ramos to sell 23 paintings, so when he and eight others determined to leave Cuba in 1992, they hid the remaining 14 paintings aboard the boat. The Coast Guard saved the refugees, but Ramos refused to leave the boat behind —he'd gone through too much to abandon that history now. Those 14 paintings became the Cubaocho Center's genesis. The crown jewel is a painting —dubbed Cuba's Mona Lisa —that took Ramos 25 years to find: the museum -size copy of Antonio Sanchez Araujo's (Cuba's most important artist) La Rumba, a pastoral scene of dancers in the countryside. The original, smaller La Rumba is considered a Cuban national treasure and hangs in the Havana National Museum. It's the only painting not for sale in a collection Sotheby's values at $10-plus million. The property boasts 15,000 books, an artifact collection, a research center and a courtyard graced with a trickling fountain that draws working Cuban artists. it also features a rum bar selling 472 varieties (best mojito ewer) and at night, an intimate, energetic dance floor with live music. Ramos' search continues. Little Havana tour guide Ralph de Ia Portilla explains the Ventanita Experience (Cuban espresso). cren fcis* Art, Cigars and Dominoes Ramos' life story is echoed by artist Agustin Gainza, whose gallery lies two blocks away. Gainza's struggle for liberty lead him to defy authorities more than once in attempts to escape Cuba. He was caught and jailed in 1964; upon release, he changed his real, unusual -for -Cuba name, Stewart, because it made him a target, but the government still threw up roadblocks to impede his work. In 1979, political prisoners were allowed to leave and because he was "missing the most important thing, which is liberty," Gainza immigrated to America. He has no regrets. "This is my Havana," he said. He came here with "rada, nada, nada," he said, but he was driven to paint and slathered it on every available medium. Miami's first Cuban gallery fronted him $3,000 to buy materials and establish himself. He has since lived elsewhere and his work has shown widely, but Miami "always calls me back." He calls himself "a creator of dreams," and his colorful gallery features some items easily affordable for visitors to take a piece of the dream home. Calle Ocho is welcoming to myriad artists, including those of a quintessential Cuban specialty —cigars. Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. is indeed authentic —there is no law against buying Cuban tobacco seeds from a third country and growing them in another country of like climate and soil, and this cigar factory has been doing that for five generations. The aromatic shop —replete with aging leaves (up to seven years), humidifying cigars (three to four months), even paintings on tobacco leaves —has earned the Crystal Leaf Award (the art's Academy Award). It takes 20 years to become a master cigar roller; Current Marketing for real lives. masters make only 125 to 150 cigars a day, so as not to compromise the craft. They're meant to be "savored with a glass of port wine," according to guide Ralph de la Portilla, but the 20-pound stogie shadowboxed on the wall? It's being saved for "when Fidel dies." From here, the brass -star-studded Walk of Fame commemorating significant Latin Miamians leads to Domino Park. Along the way, explorers will see colorful, oversize public -art roosters and the Tower Theater, an Art Deco beauty and the first Miami theater to show first -run Hollywood films with Spanish subtitles. Visitors needing a little authentic refreshment should stop for a ventanita, or little window, experience. For 75 cents an 8-ounce cup, Cuban espresso is cheap and powerful, and according to Portilla, "It ain't Starbucks." Cuban coffee beans are "super dense and dark, dark, dark," he said, and meant to be shared with six or seven others in thimble -size servings. It comes with sugar already added, creating a foaming yellow crema on top —it would "be undrinkable otherwise." Domino Park is where the long -timers hang out daytimes to socialize and compete. And competition is fierce —so fierce that families have been split because of a game gone wrong. Double -nine dominoes fly fast and furious, and the rules require "no spitting, cursing or screaming." It's a fascinating, low-key place to cool one's heels —for those not playing, that is. Historic Overtown Enticements Overtown's history stretches back even further, to the early 1900s. Henry Flagter brought the Florida East Coast Railway to Miami, where, in 1896, he built the Royal Palm Hotel. Bahamians, who knew how to, first, drain the swamp to get the train to Miami, provided most of the labor. They Lived in tents around the construction site until blacks were no longer allowed east of the railroad tracks after sunset because of the taws and customs of the Jim Crow era. City of Miami founders established Colored Town, which is known today as Overtown. Far from feeling banished, "This was the place to be," said Timothy A. Barber, The Black Archives' executive director. This was Harlem of the South, he said. Because "black money" wasn't valued elsewhere, Overtown thrived. But when the Florida Department of Transportation began construction on Interstate 95, planners deliberately moved the highway from what was Overtown's Historic Lyric Theater Cultural Arts Center dates to 1913. Karen !'c� ^; v 7:1 ji 1oft d?Zi;:%4 The people making Little Haiti Miami's next cultural hotspot )IJ313 AID UO (s)tual. ioj 1033.1 Dicind atp out paululcins Miami Nice: Eine Stadt im Wandel uYa / varuolA 39 Miamis Little Haiti ist ein Viertel im Umbruch. Der Stadtteil, der in den 1970er fahren den zahlreichen Fir%htlingen a us Haiti eine zweite Heimat bot, erfreut sick heute vor allem bei Kiinstlern groJier Beliebtheit. Damit ist es a of dem besten Weg, zum niichsten kulturellen Hotspot der sonnenverwohnten Kilstenstadt zu werden The last frontier Little Haiti is a Miami district in transition. Having offs red refuge to Haitian immigrants in the 1970s, the colourful neighbourhood has become increasingly popular with artists. As a wave of gentrification washes over the area, we explore whether this once deprived stretch could be the city°s next cultural botspot TEXT VON KERSTIN ZUMST IN FOTOGRlFIE VON JON ENOCII 40 FLORIDA / MIAM1 „Mein Vaterglaubte nicht an den grofen Scbmelztiegel. Er sab das Ganze als Salatschilssel, in der die Gurke nicht zur Tom ate zlird: Seder behalf seine Identitiit, docb dieMiscbung ergibt eirlen vigil besseren Geschnlack" :Ctivist Viter yiiste didn't believe in the melting pot, be believed in the salad. The lettuce doesn't become a tomato, everyone retains their identity, but together we have more flavour„ Urtn urdnM:. fotjti xal5 Ca7Jt 5 rad le Mat glom Vales VldJttge d°rn ! wn= Has", MVO' Left avl arrow: PIxtrarnaist CC'?Jt 61/I1.101) orligthr1ous Vim -tale MIAMI IST EINE MODERNE Metropole and elne der kulturell vielfaltigsten S tadte der USA. Die Zeiten, in den en Krlmtnalitilt and Drogen bier den Ton angaben, wie in der TV-KuliserleMiami MYveresvgt. slid passe- Heutesor neherprestSge- trachtigeEventsf r•AuRehen-sowie Art Basel Miami Beech, die groate nordamerikanische Masse Mr• Gegen- wartskunst. Vora 3. bis 6. Dezember lodct dasEvent wieder die+vichtigsten Vertreter der europaischen Kunstszene In die Sladt, die zwischen Atlantlkkiste and Everglades-Sumpfen liege Die Messegaste werden vor ellem den Miami Design District besuchen- Die wenlgstens von lhnen werden in das Vlertel Little Haiti, das an die pollute Einkaufsysend angrenzt, gelangen. Der Stadtlefl wurde vor allem withrend der 3©jih igen Duvalier-Dik- tatur in Haiti f"' zahlreiche Fluchtlinge aus dem lariischen Inselstaatzur neuen Helmet Heu to befindet gyc�r Little Haiti im Aufwind. Zwar erschi taBt sick dieselatsadhe mach nicht unbedingt auf den ersten Glick, denn nach wie vor pragen Ras& salons, kreolisheCa sand 1detne bunt getiinchte Laden das Bad der HauptstraBe. Dcrh wie in anderen GroBstadten fndet such bier ein schlelchendem Centiifizlr_rungsprazess statthZ uerst batmen - angelockt von den gtttnstigen Mieten - Whistler and Kreathve, dann folgen die lmmobili- enlnvestoren. Die damit verbundene Aufivertu ngsdynamik draht oft den urspranglichen Cbsrakterzu verdrin- gen. In Little Haiti jedcch gibt es einen Mitten Kern altdngesessenerAnsvoh- ner, die fest entschlosszn sind, das haltlanische Flair der Gegend zubewahren. Einer von Phnen ist Carl Juste Der qt Jaltrlge arbeitet ale Fotograf Fur die LokalzeltnngMiamiHmrldund war elner der ersten Journalisten, die Haiti noro nach demverheesenden Erdbeben errelchteu. Dlrekt neben dem Little Haiti Cultural Centerbetr•eeibt Juste ein Studio, in dew er unter anderem Fotokurse anbletet mid Ausstellungen orgunlsiert. Jude 1st elnewichtige Identlfrkatlonsf gur ffir die Besvohner von Little Haiti - nichtzuletzt, welt er der Sohn van Viler Juste ist, besser 41 MIAMI IS A MODERN metropolis and one of the most multicultural cities in the United States It has conies long wsyfrosn the drug•lnfested crime sp)thlghitghted in lconk TV series Mmml Vire. With Art Basel Miami Beach. America's most interrutionat contemporary art fair, tat ing place from 3-6 December, the European art world will flock to the rib embraced by the Atlantic's turquoise sea on one sldeand th a alllgat or - inhabited Everglades on theother. Many will visit th a M;antl Design District while they are there. Only few, if any, ails venture further up North East and .Avenue to the glitzy shopping distrk is unlikely neighbour known as Little Haiti. Once a rundown area. and home to the many Haitians who immigrated to Miami during the br utal rule of President "Papa Doc` Duvalier, today thedistrict is e,qeriencing a renaissance You may not we it al first, with coin laundries, Creole cafcsand Morn and Pop stores, often painted In prinuryrolours, Pining the train street But like in many major cities, a process of gentrification Is slowly creeping in. First the artists Hove in due to affordable rent, then investors follow But there isa core afHaitian Americans Caere who want to enatlre the shift doe n t dilute the Haitian heritage so key to this part of Miami. One of them Is Carl Jusue,41,a plso c.joumalist for theltrrareiHrrdd and one of the fret to travel to Haiti after thedevastating anti earthquake te report tm.n the ground. He has a studio right next to the Little Haiti Guttural Center,wherehe also teaches photography and curates exhibitions. Juste is an important figure on many levels_ not least because he Is the son of triter Juste (a.k.a Per a Juste) "father" FLORIDA / MIAMI bekannt als Pere juste, dem Vater der haitianischen Diaspora Pere Jusie pagte an den t98oer Jahren den Neaten Little Haiti, als er sich f`lrbeeeere Blldungsdtancen Fir die haitianischen fonder der Gegend elnsetzte „Mein Vater war der Moses von Haiti', saga Carl June auf seine ruhige and ernste Art, „Ats er Haiti verliel3, folgte Dun dashalbe LancL ErbewegtedieMittelsehichtdarn, mitihm nach New York and spit ter nach Miami zu gehen." Der Jurist, Aktieist, Geerh-tflsmann and Gemelndel nhrer VsterJuste half den frisch gelandeten F7uchtlingen sacs Haiti, In Florida aufgenommen zu werden - ob mit einem Dach fiber dem Kopf oder bet der Arbeltssuche Seine Vision berultte auf Offenheit and lebt nichtnur in seinem Sohn, sondern in der gesansten Gentelnde fort -Mein Vaer glaubte nicht an den grof3en Schmelztiegel .sagt Carl Juste „Er sah das Ganzewieeine Saiatsdtussel, in derdie Gurke nicht zur Tontate ward: Jeder behait seine Identitdt, dock die Mlschung ergibt elnen vie! besseren Gesdtmack." Dtrekt nebenjustes tbtostudio befindet skit d as Atelier rear Edouard Duval -Carrie, einem 6i Jilhr'igen Maier and filldhauer ink haltianlschen Wurzein. Duva]-Carry? b31t als etner der weltoffensten haitlanischen Ktittstler, and wer aein Atelier betrltt, sieht warnms Artefakte acts der ganz en Wek btden ]tier ein vvundersames Geenmtkunstuerk sus snap stopften Eulen,afrlkaniseben Maskenund Lounge- Sesseln,das die vtelschichtlgen Werke des Kunsttersvolf zur Gdtung brtngt „Ich versuche, Haiti in seinen) karOal- schen Cesuntkontext zu zeigen", east Duval -Carrie. Viel zu oft wird Haiti lediglich elsdas ifrmste Land derwestltdnen Hernisphdre wahrgenomnten. Dabel war es der ante Staat, der von ehemallgen Sklaven gegrandet wurde and als soldier die Befretung zahireicher lateinamerikanisch er Lander mitfinanzlerte" Duval -Carries Kunst setzt sick kanstant min der Gesrhichte Halos anseinander and erlmndet diese auf vielfaltige Weise. Fur Duval -Carrie 1st es keen Zufali, Bass Miami in der bildenden Kunst derzeit wegweisend ist J tsr midi 1st Miami die lettte Grenze - es lst eine Stadt, in derzum elnen Migmanten ironer Arbelt finden konnten, cite aber anderer- seltssuch Fiuchtlinge sus bfi ger'lidnen Schichten anzcg, die Dire elgenen krlegsgeplagten Landerverlaasen mussten. Die daraus resultlerende Dynandk zieht heute die Europa`er an " Einweherer Grund Mr den liunstboom Ist Duval -Car- rie zufolge die 'Fa tsadte, Bassin Miami so viele Spradten gesprochen werden, darunter englisdt, spanisch, fmnz©- sisclt and nidnt aide tzt kreollsdt. Bider, so Duval -Carrie, durchbrechen die Sprachbarrler'en i7 1 pecMs and nachsle &va'-Carte Masten stoma srtngetenvrn Metateat an Ow Wel Innen Mks de Statue desudmtamte, seatnSten PoR-7u-Rfneea7 de &RdlmSlam (mast doKYon mttstnmmutretratr Xshepratrm liked and opposite pa8e:tasan refel-Cern'f a 1O00ea g d-tE01s flan ammo S e avtdinMs stmio BIM 4114AWSISInd r•g:eroommegave trtnettneo n vase, annarned h Ft Mau -Rare slmtate-r rrtxat'mo stays of the Haitian diaspora.It was he who calked the term Little Haiti tact in the 80s when fighting for the right for tool Haitian children to ga In access to education. "My father was the Haitian Moses." Cart says in his serious, deep manor that gives the impression he has seen a lot in his life. "When he left, half of Haiti followed him. He took the middle lasses with him, first to New York then to M'mmL Why? - because he had integrity:" Viler, a studied lawyer, activist,businessman and community tender was the key player in set ling up support for Haitians In Florida, in a time when many arrived with nothing "Alien I'd have to vacate my bed to Jet someone sleep In IL He housed refugees off the boat, giving then jabs, helping them with their documentation," Carl recalls Thekey to Viter's vision, which has manifested itself not Just in his son but the whole community, Is Inclusiveness, 'Ile didn't believe in the melting pot, he believed in the salad. The lettuce doesn't becomes tomato, everyone retains their identity. but together we have more flavour? Next door is the studio of Edouard Duval -Carrie. 61. an artist of Haitian origin. who Is a darliing of the Art. Basel Miami Beach set. Often described as the most cosmopolitan Haitian artist, on entering hls studio you see why. Artefacts from around the world are curated into wonderland of stuffed owls, African masks and has own mulllayered artworks, "I try to place Haiti in a Larger Cnrbbean context. Too often It is singled out as the poorest country in the Hemisphere, when in actual fact Haitlwas the first [and only! country to be formed by former slaves. Haiti also financed the Liberation of many. Latin American countries. Many people don't realise"'Lissrt Is in constant discourse with Halt fs past, exploring it in different ways with dt%rent materials to always 'bring sometbingnewto the table". For Edouard It's no coktcklenee that Mimi is now at the forefront of the visual at is scene "I see Miami as the last frontier, a elty where kumigrants came for work but at the „Der rnul tikul turelle Charakter Miamis treibt den Kunstboom are. Bilder rlurcbbrecben Spraehbar rieren” "Miami is now at the for'efr on t of the visual arts scene, permeating through gill cultures„ 44 FLORIDA / MIAMI tm uaaegerstnn von eben antcc StrweetfinSfer serge 7uasgrAcrdam setter Na gErnidem tk7Fa'tel7a natt'mhimt RNA Ja7WAX vaseer Delete- hRe atarele; Mal=stader spalatlert Val art insofttm um! tauGgscheiiteatur Far ltt:Street all rev Crrssaritmt ea aaearatmvaa, Farraomatecaaas atme Ratter nag Tap teR:la;Map, a ilshoaVag amilar meeibgpacekrfoe aeesmtdrecafaFs Let MapatSsew speaaYses h Creae avi Ren O ataatre „kb dacbte mir, es ware gut, die Wand ernes Schonheitssalons mit einer scbbnen Dame xu bemalen, damit die Leute wissen, was sich in dem Gebiiude verbirgt" I thought, I would love to paint a beautiful lady on the side of that beauty salon so people know what's inside, like they do in Haiti" Kin BOd sagt mehr nis tausend Worte- mit diesem Primlp lessen sich auch die Wake von Serge ltmsmint zusammen- fassen. Derbeliebte Straiknkunstlerbemalt Hausenvinde nut groI formatigen Genillden, die typisch haitianniscb sand: Oft dellen ale auf naive Weise and in bunter Farben aktuelle Ereignisse dar.Toumaint. der wie Jude und Duval -Carrie in Haiti geboren wurde, kern ursprirnglich nurnach MiamL wn seinen Onkel zu besuchen. Dods als er in den StraF.en von Little Haiti unterwegs war, fuel ihm au& lass die meisten Cesehifte nur englischspraehige Schilder batten. Vine Eintsohner allerdings sprachen ausschliei3lich kreolisch, and diemeisten von Ihnen konnten dartd+er hinaus nicht lesen. "Iola dachte mir, es svuregut, dle Wand eines SchBn- heltsealons zum Beispid mit einer adtonen Darnezu terna- len", erinnert itch Toussaint, „damit die Leute wissen, was slob In dem Cebiiude verbirgt. so wie lob es aus Haiti kannte" Die Fanillle des Kitnstlers lebte denials in New Nbrk and wartete aufseine Rudtkehr, denn, so Toussaint, ..haltlnni- sche Famillen bleiben zus mmen." Doch das tropische Klima In Miami einne to slob vlel teaser far Frefuft-Runt same time the bourgeoisie of these troubled countries could flee to. That created a dynamic, that is now attracting the Europeans" Edouard believes it's due to the manylanguages spoken here In Miami Spanish. French and Creolel, `because visual art permeates through all cultures." Theaspectofapicture communicating betterthanwords Is also at the core of another Haitian artist, Serge Toussaint, although their art forms could not be more different in style. Serge isa street artist, painting murals on the walls of houses with every passerby greeting him with some "in" handshake. His murals are a typical Haitian art form, an often naive depiction of events in bright colours. Serge, born in. Haiti like Carl and Eduardo, Immigrated to New York fust,a nd only came to Miami to visit his uncle. But oncehe w4alked. the streets of little Haiti he realised something was missing. Host shop signs were in English despite most of the locals only knowing Creole. On top of that, many couldn't even read. "So I thought to myself, I'd love to pa int a beautiful lady on the side of that beauty Won so people know what's inside, hate they do in Haiti." But his ads das feucht-kalte New Yorker Wetter, weshalb er sich IetzHkh dazu entschloss. in Miami zu bleiben. Sein Voter, der glaubte, rein Sohn habe Bch in Florida der Unterwelt angesdAcssen, sprach drel Jahre langkein Wort mat Ihm - bis er elnes'fagea dessen Adaelten Im Fernsehen saha ,lch hatte eingrofiesBild Ober den Staatsstrelch in Haitigesnalt, Ober das in den Medien berlchtet wurde. (Heine Schuster sagte neeinem Vater, ereolleden Fernseher elnsehalten." Heute ist der Vater stela auf selnen Sohn, der eln erfolgrei- cher Kiln sttergetwrden ist and vor Ort Malkurse fur Kinder veranstaltet. Neben der Maleret genleSt auch das geschrieben a Wort in Little Haiti etnenhohenStellen ert.Der7gfahrigeJan Mapou betreibt nine Buchhandlung, die Bich auf kreollsche and franzosisehe LlteraturspezJnlislert. Sean Geschaftist ein bed ieb ter Tteffpunkt fur die Intellektuell en des Viertels. Und. auch mit Mapous eigener Lebensgeschich to lief en sldt gauze Bucher f 11len. Bevor er in die USA kam, soli Mapou In Haiti im Gefdngnls,wea erlffenOich daftr gesvorben hatter krenlisch in die Lehrpl"ane aufzunehnsen. Ruhig and gefa set erzdhl t er von elner Zeit, in der Haltlanern In den USA ein Stigma anhaftete:,,Dle Leute hielten una fur Vo_doo Jinger. Dods es ist nureine Religion In vielen Kolonlen wurden die Sklavenvon den eurordischen Kolonialherren dazu gezwun- gen, den christlichen Glauber anz unehm en. Darum konnten she zu Elven tradilionellen afrikanischenNaturgelstern nur beten. Indem ale so taten, alsbeteten siezu den christlkchen Heiligen.• Audi heute findet man nods v3ele sogenannte Bote- nlcas In LittleHaiti - klelne laden, die soenhl chrhstllche Artefaktealsauch Cege» atinde fur VoodooZeremonlen verkaufen. Mapou mock'te die baitlanlsche Kul nu. In deco Viertel betvahren. Durch seine Arbeil hat er vied daze belgetragen, doss hier nach wievor kreolisch gesprochen ward. Inzwlschen gibt es sonar eine kreoiische Version von Cagle", erzshlt er stoles Her and Seele von Little Haiti lst jedoch Sandy Dorsvin- vil. Die 39J6hrige tenet des Cultural Center Im Viertel, in dent ein umfangreiches Kul our pregramm angeboten xtrd, Diese Selte: He Faun i wda This parf0sa daxtrs Lase et trartcodar xFtgttppecies hole Yoe Me Hat, Carr a'Ce#er K ICotrd'Ceoterretwoera dtealt, rava'a'taerNemild tospeed can thVa'a Scnegfitazuvatfetaa Maltz, Wan 4,5 famuy Was in New York expecting him to return as "in Haitian families you stay together." Tempted by th a souther that was more conducive to his art, Serge decided to stay: His father, assuming he'd just succumb to the dark aide of Miami, didn't speak to his son for three years until he one day saw him on the TV. "I had painted a mural regarding the coup d'etat back In Haiti and the media were all over it. So my sister said: Dad turn on the TV." Nov his father is very proud of him, a s Serge has become an established artists and also teaches children In the community to paint. That doesn't mean there is no space for the written word. Jan Mapou.74, Is the ownerofMapou's bookstore that specialises in Creole and French literature and is a focal pant for the intelligentsia of the Haitian community. Once jalled by dictator "Papa Doc' Duvalier txsck In Haiti for advocating Creole to be part of the curriculum, blapau'slife story warrants a book in Itself Calm, collected and humble. he talks about a time when being Haitian in America had a stigma attached to it. "People thought we were voodoo people but IL'sonly their religion Lrlx in'any colonised countries the slaves had to trick their masters, who forced them to convert to Christianity so they could pray to their African Spirits by praying to Christian Saints' Still, today you find many tatnnfcus in little Haiti, shops selling religious artefacts ofboth Christian and voodoo beliefs. Mapou wants to maintain the culture of Haiti here, be if religious or the Creole language And his work has played a largepart in the language surviving here. Proudly 46 FLORIDA / MIAMI zu dem such Tanzkurse and Ausstellungengeh&en. Tell des Kotnplexesist ouch der halLantsche Markt - eine identisdte Kopte des bekann ten Marche de Fer, des Eiseman Marktes in der haltianischen Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince Obswhl Dorsainvll, die schon als SeMtlerin in Little Haiti Iebte, die jtingsten Entwicklungen hler guthett1t, 1st es ihrpersonlichesZtel, die haltiantschen Tradit3onen ins Viertel zu stirken. Inzwkchen, so glaubt ale, haben die Etnwanderer aus Haiti die negatven Vonsrteile Gber slob erfolgreich ausgeriiumt "Es gab eineZeit, in der lunge Haitianer lhre wahre Herkunft verleugnet haben and hter Kriminatitat and Drogenprobleme herrschten. Jets t, da die Immobilleninvestoren komrnen, indert skh das. Wir habeas jetzt die Chance. unsere kulturelle Identititzu wahren and de dari'tber binaus der Welt zu pri(sentleren. UnsereTanzgruppe beispielswelse bereht auch Linder auSerhalb der USA, da sie eine der wenigen lst, die die tradltionellen haitianlschen Tinzebeherrschen. Heute 1st die Gemetnde stolz auf ihre Wurzeln." Wer Little Haiti als Tell elner Heise nach Miami kennen- lernen will, der sollie wabedingt zur33igNigbtis Li ge Haiti gehen,diejeden drlten Freitag Ins Monet stattfind et. Neben LIvemusik and Tanzvorrahrungen werden dart tradhtonelle haitianische Speisen von Leek's, einem famlllenbetrlebenen Restaurant, angeboten.,.Des Came 1st eine R3esess arty . seat Doasainvil, -und jeder 1st wlllkommen." EhreguteArt and Weiss Lid eibrii zr aloes, isrsine der ialhwtischet 7barat mitzastacben, dlsun der®rn lion &Jokers Organismbn History lldlomiangebar.at tustden. Die Doren aim/ mrallan jiirdk/asigen intansswtt, die are6r:4m irk ebtaa ale nardasStandanfpmgmmm PrTaatirten.Esem isiitrlcb,die Toare,isa ibrauteater bdstortankami.org:abachen. hates Did von links: In tickles Adaaaenkt ssnsva#UateNat! tit Og etor ar'ttn Mmat ee agNUttg tat an nest steel etee. schertsusk deIKew 2xeuss tIlkvon irks: Sxadj Dxs3hmistet 104+sMM:fades traturelentrbesda IfdlaterfmlOrtel Far 1e1l:7Dacaaiyad dlaeant i rY Otardant( Ms await* 0.MetraJmofNaVan aus, lld1tttre Utt: MN/ tcrsdrhil aesrxrsavasa gseateepBter ire aRera fcdpr1?E he exclaims: "Now you can even Coogle in Creole," Yet the person bringing the community together like no other Is Sandy Doreairn il, a9. The radiant and energetk Managing Director of the Little Haiti Cultural Center is the heart and soul or the community. She tuns the facility that offers a long list of cul total programmes. From dance classes to gallery exhibitions, with the Caribbean Marketplace next door - a building d esigned as a carbon copy of the Iron Market (Marche de Fer) in Port•au.Prtnce, Haiti Sandy went to school in Little Haiti and believes that Haitians are shedding their negative stereotypes: 'There wasa time when especiallyyoung Haitiansswuld pretend to be something else. Jamaican or African-American.This area was once hall of crime with many vaacanthouses attracting addicts, but now wtlh the property investor moving up from the Design District, things have changed. 31 gives as a chance not just to cultivate Haitian tradition but show it to the world. Our dancers, for instance, travel all over the States and abroad as only few groups can do traditional Haitian folk dance. Now the community is tak• ing pride in its roots" Thebes( way to experience Little Haiti as a visitor to Miami is tow to the BigNIA/ in Little Haiti, every third Friday, when the groups dance. bands play music and Haitian cuisine is served by local restaurant Leelak, run by a familyfoctasing on healthy Haitian food. "it's a big party!", Sandy says, "and everyone is welcome." Another great any to experkrwe Lig eHair* Istobook one of tlxpapulorculinary tours tit),HistorSMiami. T enen-prafat orgtrnlsztbn offers imps fir thepmpleviz *eta raplorsbe lorsd the stamiordtaurirtfours: butorymiami.org/ drkrGb stigrren Winter.* rider+dmttchoand ittermimraamFlut WailkbiberDiksrlltrfsveexzeeiamisektrviebabet&viti•IYgrl nec6M mxAlkloftumoor kbetaLtoto During hi eaisrMa=bralik.atrivrlis¢ r.oAtimifrierearxryGreats end imtmmival airltredaih tit Di sslierfond nitro tack via Bari*Arpi. Forenrr info,era rurArd n.m^r Current Marketing for real lives. The New York Times December 23, 2015 UVPM: 96,473,879 1jc. Atu lj iino Along Calle C7c.}zo, in the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami. No matter where in the world I have lived, no matter how long I have been away or how brief my visit back, Little Havana has always been the one place where the present takes me back to the past. In the working-class center of Calle Ocho, I stop by the counter of El Exquisito for my sugar -soaked cafecito and media noche sandwich. I linger at Domino Park to watch the old Cuban men slap fichas on the table and talk trash about their opponents. Then at night, I head to CubaOcho, for hours of frenzied improv by musicians jamming on bongos and trumpets. Each time, a kind of cultural despojo — a cleansing — occurs as the sights, sounds and scents of the neighborhood never fail to snap me back to my childhood "Florida room," where relatives swapped verbal postcards of a free Cuba frozen in time. Current Marketing for real lives. tip ro cr o � a. h - n. 0 C `. 0 cr n For iue, the firstborn American in my Cuban family, Little Havana was my Havana. With its Mission and .Art Deco buildings nestled near the core of this sprawling metropolis of shopping malls, suburbs and condos, it remains a touchstone: the heart of the Cuban exile experience. A year after Cuba and the United States announced plans to restore diplomatic relations, it is still both a spectacle of Cubanidad and a genuine ethnic enclave that has shaped thousands of Cuban immigrants or their children into American success stories, from Marco Rubio, now a contender for the Republican nomination for president, to teachers, lawyers, doctors, and even Mr. 305, the rapper Pithull.. "I call it the Cuban Plymouth Rock," said Arva Moore Parks, a historian who lived in Little Havana as a child, when it was a Jewish neighborhood still stocked with Southerners, "It's an extraordinary piece of history, not just Miami history but American history." But the city has never done much to protect or preserve Little Havana. In recent years, crime, drugs and poverty have spiked again. Many buildings have grown decrepit. And if you look east and skyward. you can catch a glimpse of what's coming, at Least in ambition, if not scale: the glitzy, glass towers of Brickell and do 'lntown Miami. The new expensive condos are mostly packed with a younger, richer, international crowd, and Little Havana, only minutes away, is the next frontier. Current Marketing for real lives. Real estate developers who once looked askance at East Little Havana as too run-down and overly restrictive in its zoning are surveying the scruffy houses and apartment buildings here. A few new buildings are already going up, and just as interest in Cuba's Havana intensifies, as I saw during Pope Francisvisit, interest here is swelling. "Little Havana is at a crossroads," Mayor Tomas Regalado of Miaini told me. "For 40 years, it was abandoned. But now the stars are aligning." A roorn in the Tower Hotel in Little Havana which is under renovation. angel Franco The New York Times Seeking to balance new development with preservation, the city is working on a new master plan that could relax zoning a bit in some areas and protect others. Current Marketing for real lives. But in Little Havana and beyond, skepticism is common. Residents fret that the area, the last remaining urban neighborhood in Miami where people can walk out of their houses, shop in stores and shingle on sidewalks, is headed for extinction. And it's not hard to understand why they're concerned: Little Havana is poor. Its vulnerable. And the United States has few successful models for preserving the starting line of American dreams. The Lower East Side of Manhattan, the capital of Jewish America at the turn of the loth centtny, has largely become just another gentrified playground. Other immigrant enclaves, from New York's Chinatown to San Francisco's Mission District, are struggling in their own ways to resist the economic and cultural forces threatening their authenticity and the landmarks of their struggles. Can Little Havana, of all places, really buck that trend? From Picadillo to Fritangas Little Havana is, and remains, a temporary refuge for new people trying to reinvent themselves, but it didn't seem that way to Carlos Encenat, 65, a retired teacher, when he arrived here in 1961. His first memory of Little Havana was the sign he saw in a window: "No pets. No kids. No Cubans." When my family settled here that same year, they moved into a boardinghouse just off the Miami River. My mother, a cigarette in hand, ordered my sister to stuff her clothes into the refrigerator. It was the only safe haven from marauding cockroaches. Current Marketing for real lives. The author outside her childhood Name in Little Havana. ,ngei Franco/The New Yorin Times Like today, small apartments were overstaffed with people. My family eventually moved a little farther west in Little Havana, into a duplex with a flamingo carved into the portico. Twelve relatives squashed into its two bedrooms and the living room. When the landlord knocked, my brother, Frank, and sister, Mariana, and all the other children scrambled under beds and into closets. It was a hard life, but it had its charms. «You could smell people making picadillo at night — the Cuban cooking, the sofrito, " Mr. Encenat told me. "It was incredible." 0 Current Marketing for real lives. c cA cr o � a 0 � .r 0 cA .i co cr They were all part of the wave of professionals who arrived here in the early 1960s after escaping Castro's Communist cloak. Leaving behind comfortable homes and wealth, they worked as secretaries (if they spoke English, like my mom), maids, factory workers, taxi drivers — anything to pay the rent. And they brought their language, culture, can -do spirit and stubborn resilience. The place beckoned then for the same reasons as today: It was cheap; landlords were not too picky; decent jobs in downtown Miami and Miami Beach were within easy reach. But Little Havana was also about moving up and moving on. Those who could get out almost always did, like my family, which moved to a two - bedroom house on the outer edge of Coral Gables in 3.963. Central and South Americans swapped up when they could, too, making room for their compatriots and replacing many of the Cuban establishments I remember. Pedro Bello at his cigar shop on Calle Ocho. i=, Current Marketing for real lives. CD n cr o 5 a Gone are most of the Cuban botic:as, where the pharmacists eagerly doled out prescription -free antibiotics to Cuban customers. Gone, too, are the long trail of Cuban restaurants, like Casablanca and Ayestaran, that snaked up or just off Eighth and Flagler Streets, where we gorged on boniato (a Cuban sweet potato) and tasajo (beef stewed with citrus). A few barber shops remain, but none have the charm of Nenito and the Cuban special: a shave and a robust anti -Castro tirade. They've been replaced by Nicaraguan and Honduran restaurants offering heaping portions of fritangas and baleadas, shoehorned between pawn shops and check cashing joints. More than half the neighborhood's residents are now Central and South Americans. In many ways, it's tougher for them. Those who fled the strife of revolution, civil war and the drug war in Central America were not all welcomed and granted legal status, as is the case for Cuban immigrants who reach American shores. Many are poorer and less educated than their Cuban counterparts, too. The changes were inevitable. After all, Little Havana was once a Jewish neighborhood with synagogues. Greeks lived here, too, which is why a Greek Orthodox cathedral sits nearby. History dictates that one group of immigrants replaces the next; I get it. But for me this transition is filled with melancholy. Memories fade, then disappear. le eh° Or they are recast and mingled with the ne At the hub of Calle Cacho, around loth Avenue, a refreshing kind of second - generation Cuban cool has settled. I step inside the popular Azucar ice cream parlor, where the owner, Suzy Battle, has fused her grandmother's homemade ice cream recipes with Cuban flavors, like guava, and galleticas Maria, which she lovingly calls Abuela Maria after her grandmother, and which I lovingly savor. 0 Current Marketing for real lives. The Ball and Chain on Calle Ocho. where Billie Holiday and Count Baaie once playedd. = ;; The owner of the 1930s building that houses Azucar is another grandchild of Cuban exiles, Bill Fuller. He and his parlliers are scooping up properties. They are hoping to buff up and preserve the kind of low -scale architecture that commands you to slow down and linger — the buildings with porches, stoops and charm. But, like Ms. Battle, he is trying to fuse the past with the present, and has plans for a hotel, restaurants and art galleries (soni.e exist already). In the evenings, people pour into Ball and Chain, a 19 os-era jazz club. Chet Baker played there. So did Billie Holiday and Count Basle, until the c Count shut down the place in 1957 with a lawsuit accusing the owner of Cr stiffing hint. Now, the club looking as it did then, a Miami crowd — not necessarily locals or tourists — sips "pastelito daiquiris" and listens to live Latin music. By day, the club's drummers sit on the sidewalk slapping their 0 congas. CD Current Marketing for real lives. • The block's anchor is the graceful Art Deco Tower Theater, where my brother and his friends escaped the heat watching Saturday morning cartoons and learning English from James Bond and John Wayne. Now run by Miami -Dade College, it's where my friends and I go for the latest French, Cuban or German films — another sign of both our evolving tastes and the neighborhood's own changes. But these experiences are rare. Most of Little Havana (not unlike Havana itself) is still caught between kitsch and decay, and those tying to redefine the neighborhood must wrestle with both. Tourists come in droves now, drawn to the cigars, rum music and guayaberas. They step off the double-decker bus and wander into the new tourist center. They watch the old men playing dominoes, like Rene Janeiro, 92, a legendary Little League coach who also made a few attempts by boat to overthrow Fidel Castro. This fishbowl version of Little Havana never .seemed plausible to the locals who grew up here. 'Before you didn't, quote, go to Little Havana — nobody did," said Mr. Encenat, who lived not far from Flagler Street and attended local schools. `You just stopped by for some congri" — rice and beans. Tourists on Calle ocho, across the street from the Art Deco Tower Theater. Current Marketing for real lives. Rene Janeiro. 92, at Domino Park in Little Havana. angel =ra;•.c).'The New Yak Times In the logic of Florida, tourists are a boon. Tliey create buzz and build fortunes. They motivate politicians to pay attention. But beyond the three core blocks in the neighborhood, there is not much for visitors to do. They return to the tour bus and to South Beach, which leaves me wondering: How much do lye really want Little Havana to be 'discovered?' The question is often answered before it is asked. "We are not looking to build Epcot here," says Mr. Fuller, whose grandparents lived in the middle- () c class Shenandoah section of Little Havana. But cookie -cutter growth could I be worse. "Why would anyone come to Little Havana if it looks like their a hometown in Nebraska?" 5' City officials seem to have an ideal in mind. This year, they granted historical preservation protection to several blocks of residential buildings 0. near the Miami River. City leaders also say they are studying cities like n : " Charleston,, S.C., Portland, Ore., and Seattle to champion more mixed -use residential buildings and for a way to co -mingle wealthier residents with low-income renters. This has long been a challenge in Florida, where few 1 laws exist to facilitate that. Current Marketing for real lives. But inpatient residents are already eager for change, any change at all. They complain that the city has done far too little to make the neighborhood livable. "There are a lot of drug dealers," said Ruvenia Rodriguez, 41, a mother of five who moved here from Honduras. -Too many men deal drugs. They drink beer. Dogs are barking. We can't walk the sidewalks with the children." In the next breath, she scolded one of her daughters for walking down the street alone. Developers are still treading lightly, said Jose Fernandez, a real estate investor who lives in Little Havana not fax from where he grew up. And they will continue to do so, he added, until the city grapples with the code violations, the dumping of trash and the crime. He should liiow. He invested in South Beach early on, when he had to fight back the rampant crack dealers. After Miami Beach finally listened to preservationists, beefed up its codes — like requiring owners to paint — and aggressively enforced the rules, the big investors began to flock. Then they took over. Now South Beach is aunrecognizable — it's crowded and expensive, hard to find parking and flooded with tourists. "South Beach has become something it wasn't meant to be," Francisco J. Garcia, the city planning director, said. "I'd Eke to do something better here in making it more authentic and livable." r .. °' It's a noble, admirable goal, one I cherish. But to some degree, my Havana gS — like the real Havana — is already not what it was, any more than those of us who call it hone. Immigrants change in America. So do their a- communities, GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES Publication: Gioia.it Circulation: 700000 Date: 24/12/15 Title: Miami: 10 unmissable things to see and do Coverage: 1 page + photogallery (80 pictures) Ads Value: $ 9590 GJOJJ! moda bellezza benessere i idee / spettaeolo > Scopri tutte le si /11A//1, GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES This is Annricai MIAMI: 10 COSE 1MPEDIBILI DA FARE E DA VEDERE Questa citta della Florida e un vero work in progress: ecco le novita e gli evergreen che non deudona mai! di Paola Pardieri it tutto e maggiore delle somma delle sue parti: quasi inevitabile pensare a quesf'affermazione attribuita al filosofogreca Aristotele quando si visite per la prima volta Miami, I'area metropolitaana piu popolata della Florida. Proprio come gil addendi di un'operazione aritmetica, la citta a infatti un mix di tante realty diverse, ognuna con una sua precise individualize, che nel cornplesso danno vita a qualcosa di unico: it luogo ideate per una vacanza con la V maiuscola, nel segno di divertimento, culture, sole, mare, arte, nature, savoir vivre, innovazione, affidabilita americana e affabilite caraibica. In altre parole Miami e proprio "The place to be'", it pasta dove bisogna essere_ Ecco to 10 cose irnperdibili da fare e da vedere per aprezzare al meglio "The. sun and fort capital of the world"'. L'ART DECO DISTRICT Questa quartiere di South Beach ospite la pill' grande collezione di architettura Art Deco del mondo: piu di 800 edifici di imporianza storica, collocati principalmente lungo Oran Drive, la famosa strada che corre parallela al mare_ Alberghi e case degli anni '20 e '30 del secolo scorso, perfettamente conservati o in fase di ristrutturazione, sono caratterizzati dalle linee tipiche di questastile architettonico, nato a Parigi, che qui ha assunto una forma del tutto originate: e it cosiddetto Tropical Deco che, elle geometrie essenziali del rnodello europeo, ha aggiunto motivi tropical', come palme, orchidee, alligatori, fregi, stucchi, oppure obit' e parapetti che ricordano delle nevi. Come dall'altro lato dell'oceano, originariamente anche a Miami la maggior parte delle costruzioni d'epoca era bianca, ma negli anni '80 del secolo // /// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES scoso ben 150 sono state ridi:pinte con colori sgargianti dal designer Leonard Horowitz, creando molte polerniche tra i puristi dell'architettura. Per individuare gii edifici piu inteessanti, baste rivolgersi aila Miami Design Preservation League che propone vari tipi di tour, a piedi o in b€c€cletta, guidati da volontari per le strade del quartiere. Si parte dall'Art l eco Welcome Center e si camrnina per un paio d'ore alla scoperta di architecture molto interessanti, per esempio it Beacon Hotel, it Colony Hotel (dalla splendida insegna blu),. it Leslie Hotel, e gli originalissirni osservatori del ba,gnini, collocati sulfa spiaggia, dalla tinte sgargianti: alcuni fanno pensare a navicelle spaziali arrivate da un pianeta alieno! IL DESIGN DISTRICT Piu che un quartiere if Design District e un grande work in progress, una palestra per architetti del XXI secolo: infatti, anche se le grandi rnaison di moda (da Pucci a Louboutin, da Tiffany a Loewe, da Hulbot a 8ulgari, da Tom Ford a Max Mara, da Christian Dior a Fcndi, do Burberry Miu Miu) c lc pii impar ionLi rnarche di design e arredo (Holm Hunt, Knoll, Tui Lifestyles, Waterworks) qui hanno gigs tutte i loro showrorom, it 50 per cento degli edifici L ancora da costruire. Andranno ad aggiungersi ai magnifici store gib esistenti che, nel loro insierne, danno vita a un grande villaggio del lusso con luoghi di ritrovo, spazi espositivi, ristoranti, strade, portici e opere d'arte. Di rigore, una sosta a Palm Court, una piazza sulla quale si affaccia un bellissimo edificio di vetro dalle sfurnature azzurre, progettato dal grande architetto giapponese Sou Fujimoto ("L'ho immaginato come se fosse un suq protetto dalla pioggia e dal sole, due elerrienti ai quasi rni sono ispirato nella scelta del gioco di trasparenze'_). Di fronte a questa costruzione c' un vero capolavoro architettonico che protegge I'ingresso ai parcheggi sotterranei: la FIy's Eye Dome, ardita cupola geodetica disegnata nel 1965 da Buckminste:r Fuller, architetto, filosofo e inventore americano. Qualche pass° piia in lb, come un imrnaginario fit rouge che collega passato e presente, America ed Europa, ecco it busto di Le Corbusier, uno del piE€ grandi innovatori dell'architettura del '900. !uo! ud allau luue !1.1 'uni olessed eq 'egn0 ep aai2nl !p euaiad '(au!i !p euealaaLueoupal e!aivaea aleualzlpeal el) eoue!q .iegga1n8 Run a elsal Rips oleIea uaq ,CogMoa ep olladdea un 'pros Heig000 essopu! :apaosouoap uou allq!ssodual 'aIeaai auo!zn]4s! eudaad a eaan Run •ollag wpm ua4 `ouela!Udaad i! 9,0 'e!pas Run ns olnpas °pon3 '03 e> Sl3 mow! gnl3 !.4e !s !p eopggej elle ei!s!A Run al!q!paadpaa! •(zna0 e!la0 a ueluea el o!duaase Jed `euegno clpgalaa duel al.,1 aL 3 apa!de!aaeua Iau aleuolseou! atuael.0 !P aIlals al) mum elie Gap `e!n essals eIlns 'ou!Luop e aaeoo! 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O.6g6i !GU 0a1:6e0 Iap!3 !p auo!znionp el odop eppo13 ellap oql ual alsanb u! !l nl !uegna !wap!ss!p !p auoglria un !p n!d ep auo!zeaaua2 u! aua!zeaaua! !p oiepueweil 4olou2eds oI a !nb alelo!lln erlu!I e-1 'asal.gu! u! aaelaed alluas aI!allllp `aaa! aenb lap aled!ouud euaue j tlaaa?-s g?gE13) Q alle3 aBun! opue!IBassed :eueauauap eaaal u! eilap asazzad un a!adoad eagwas VNVAVH 311111 -eaueaadwai.uoa ape a allea2alal !p aalsow aI aad elou `uoaaallo0 sa!ln aer, el apaaue els!n Run ale,\ IagliuM Apuy `suoom mar vim ualu a .2upuH wpm m 'lui tlrsvg IIa !IN-ueaF 1p oag!lea lap !lspe !p aaada uoa `eaueaoduaaluoo ape 1p 9_2Apd !uo!zalloo a!duae a puepoduap r1!d apap Run •uor3911oO l uwej iiaqnetel aaapaad uou ep •pooMU,/J\ !p !, psodsa !zeds a !upzze; Rua `aue 2 !p au!aap al pal -!W!dlp ey !I !raa !p !Luau! aaaosauaa a saleanua !ae/\ ! aaenpin!pu! !p a?lauaaad ;up eddeua eI araaue aI!l f *aaado aaai allap a nsrpe !pap aunt oudoad Rua `ounl ouues ago ap!fB r!lleaB lsaq s,!Luellnl !p !padsa !IBap oun e lsaep!ile !�lnl!IaapaA aad aao!1, iw opow I! -!u!zzeBew xa !p lia.led allns u!d!p `saleanw !p oleu!wass!p aaar? 2r'b lap alsai I! agouV '!ueauauaeou!1el !LunJoad pep a !Jades 1pp !12!d !ualuo auodoad ago alueaalsu `ae9'a uaLial.!yl pooMufkm Iap !u!lom !e !lnpas aluaLuelilnbuealopuels aaea!Luuae ouossod !s alue,p ado allap aunalb '800z Iau euaeg0 moans !p aleaoauapa euBeduaea el alueanp olezzlllln `adoH alsallueua 1! aad osouael. aleluamp 'Ames p iedatiS penb ! pa1 `apuow l! o11n1 !p lls!ue !u2Ao!B !p salpanua 0 !p r!d el!dsa ap.Ia opademe oasnW r,un 'mum pboohtuAm opewoup 1! a alae,p a!aalle OOT !P riid :poomuAm !p 9.1a4apnb ou!o!A l! punoaaaapun n!d aluaLues!aa0 S31VU11$1 130 33i3Iiavnet 11 `0001ANAAh S3HOV38 3H1 ONV IWvw 1:131V3HD WV I .// // A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES castriste perche. dopo I'abolizione della propriety privata, non voleva cedere al regime la piantagione di tabacco di famigiia_ Sempre in Calle Ocho, fate una sosta golosa all'Azucar Ice Cream, una sorts di boutique del sorbetto dove potrete assaggiare le piu incredibili variety di gelato: zucca, cannella, creme caramel. olio d'oliva... Per una pasto veloce , potete fermarvi in uno dei tanti caffe e ristoranti delta strada (ottirno I'Exquisito), me tl massimo dell'esperienza culinaria e sicuramente it Versailles, it ristorante cubano piu farnoso del mondo. Imperdibili zuppe, piatti di pesce o di carve, come la rope vieja(letteralmente vecchi abiti), uno stufato a base di manzo, peperoni, cipolla, pomodori, spezie, accompagnato da riso !batilto. Se volete qualcosa di piu leggero, assaggiate invece classico cuban sandwich. a base di prosciutto, maiale arrosto, forrnaggio, senape e sottaceti. Per finire la giornata, scatenatevi in danze tatinoarnericane al Hoy Corno Ayer oppure al Bali and Chain. P'AMM, WOLFSONIAN, VIZCAYA: THE GRAND! MUSE!, Niente meglio del PAMM(Perez Art Museum Miami) simboleggia la Miami crocevia tra cultura e arte del Nordamerica e quelle del Centro e del Sud del Continente_ Progettato da uno degli studi architettonici piu famosi del mondo (Herzog& De Meuron), lo spazio espositivo offre una splendida vista sulfa baia e su Downtown, iI centro della citta, e ha una caratteristica che lo rende unico: grazie ad avanzate tecniche orticole, sulle pareti esterne crescono piante tropicali che agiscono da scherrno contra it sole e it calore, rendendo possibile una gestione piu ecologica delta temperetura interns. Esteso su una superficie di 32.000 metri quadrat. it museo ospita collezioni e mostre di arte conttemporanea. un negozio, un caffe e spazi per le activity didattiche. CA Jn aliro museo da vedere i= i1Wolfsonian, ospitato in un edificio a• deli'Art Dim District all'interno sono esposti piu di 120.000 " oggetti per to casa, mobili, arredi, tessuti, libri rari e pezzi di y design del periodo compreso tra it 1885 e it 1945: una very e • propria enciclopedia del periodo tra la Rivoluzione indusiriele e le 5 fine della Seconda guerra mondiale. CD Spingetevi poi fino a Coconut Grove, dove c'e un'altra "perla": iI Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, una splendida villa in stile cr rinascimentale italiano. Costruita nel 1916 per volere dell'industriale Jaynes Deering. he una vista stupenda sul mare e ospita rnobili e oggetti antichi di valore inestirnabile. Molti gli echi della classiciiy, come un tavolo romano di 2.000 anni fe che si trova nella sale da pranzo e un treppiede della stessa epoca collocato all'interno del salone Rinascimento. Anche i giardini della villa, con statue e fontane in pietra che creano scenografici giochi d'acqua, valgono sicuramente una sosta. //IA/4 GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES I LJJOGHI DEL DIVERTIMENTO PER GRAND' E PICCINI Nei diversi quarter' di Miami, molte le attrazioni per le femiglie con i bambini. Una della piu popolari e it Miami Seaquariurn, sulfa 'Isola di Virginia Key nella Baia di Biscayne, dove negli anni '60 e stata girata la famosa serie con it delfino Flipper. Qui grandi e piccini possono nuotare con i simpaticissirni mammiferi acquatici o avere inconiri ravvicinati con pesci tropicali, pastinaca (DDsyatisp stinecc.. meglio conosciuta come r-azza), larnantini e tartarughe marine. Durante la giornata, ci sono spettacoli per it pubblico the hanno per protagonists leoni di mare, orche assasssine e, naturalmente, gli immancabili delfini. Molto diverente anche tl Miami's children museum the ospita diverse structure a misura del piu piccoli, incluso uno studio televisivo e un supermarket in miniatura. A Watson Island c'e it Jungle Island, un parco zoologico tropicale interattivo che propone vari tour per vedere da vicino alcuni degli animali piu rari e affascinanti dellla Terra. lmperdibile it Patricia & Philip Frost Museum of Science Miami che I'anno prossirno verra trasferito nel Museum Park, vicino al Perez Art Museum Miami:, contribuendo a fare di quest'area di Downtown uno dei poll culturali piu important' della citta. Oltre a 140 mostre interattive, it museo attuale ospita un futuristico planetario con proiezioni laser e musica rock. Alla Zoo Miami, uno del piu grandi del mondo e I'unico degli Usa situato in una zona dal clima subtropicale, ci sono piu di 2.000 animali ospitati in ambient che riproducono i loro habitat naturals. Non molto lontano c'e la Monkey Jungle: qui sono gli esseri umani a essere chiusi in gabbia, mantra i primati girano loro intorno liberamentel b SCGPR1RE LA BAIA DI BISCAYNE IN BARCA Dal Bayrside Market Place, a Dowtown, partono le mincrociere per visitare la Biscayne Bay, inclusa la circumnavigazione di Star Island, dove ci sono splendide ville affacciate sull'acqua che appartengono a yip, da Sy+lverster Si alione a Julio Iglesias, a Gloria Estefan_ lnvece che in barca, si pub scoprire la baia a bordo di un veloce Zodiac rivolgendosi a Ocean Force Adventure: Kim accompagna i turisti (set al massirno) e li conduce a vedere dal mare it Biscayne National Park, it pogo e it faro di Cape Florida, it piu antico dello Stato americano. Se, invece, valeta fare una gita acquatica in puro stile Miern/ Vice, rivolgetevi a Thriller Miami Speedboat tour che vi far volare sull'acqua a bordo di velocissimi rnotoscafi_ // A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES I PARADISI NATURALI DELLA FLORIDA Gli amanti della nature dovrebbero dedicars alrneno una giornata &la visits dell'Everglades National Park, un enorme ecosistema. Patrimonio Unesco, esieso su circa 600.000 ettari e costituito da paiudi di mangrovie e,giungla subtropicale bagnate dalle acque del fiurne Kissimmee. Ricchissime la Flora e la fauna locali: qui crescono una cinquantina di piante sconociute in afire parti della Terra, vivono circa 350 specie di uccelli. 500 iipi di pesci. dozzine di specie di rnarnrniferi e rettili..All'inierno deal. parco si possono noleggiare canoe o kayak o si pub partecipare a visite guidate in barca.Volendo. si pub, anche pernoitars all'intsrno della riserva naturale in campeggio o dorrnendo in un chrck©e. I'abitazione tipica degli indiani Seminole. chs encore vivono nei sud della Florida. Per un tourguidaio a Everglades ci si pub rivolgere anche a Dragonfly Expeditions: naturalisti e biologi esperti vi condurranno ells scoperta di questo paradisoecologicocon I'Ever s sBackwatertour Un altro irnporiante luogo naturalistico nei pressi di Miami it Biscayne Underwater National Park che, come si iniuisce dal norne. si sviluppa principalmente soti acqua. Al Dante Farrell Astor center di Gomnoy Point. I'unico punto del parco raggiungibil e in auto. si possono noleggiare canoe a kaiak o prenotare v isite guidate su barchs dal fondotrasparente o. ancora. at:ivi:e di diving e snorkelling: Indossate maschera e pinne, vi si aprira un rnondo: coralli, pesci tropicali. aragoste di roccia, spugne, delfini, tartaruge marine.. razze. polipi che nuotano a poche bracciate da voi. I LIFODHI CONSACRATI ALLO SHOPPING Premesso che Miami piano di negozi quasi c /unque. ci sono luoghi che, piu di altri, sono un polo d'aiirazione per i buyer o c" provenienti da tutto it mondo. «Uno di quest' Bel. Harms, Q- molio amato da socialites. fashionisi e re,lk: , spiega Elysze o a Head. producer della New York Fashion week stylist di coolie star del cinema e della musics, personal shopper del Ritz Carlton Hotel e fonds rice di Style out of the city. societe di consulenza di irnrnagine personale e professionale. «A Bal co Harbor vi consigliovivamente I'Aventura Mall, ceniro comrnerciale di waste dimension'. ma al tempo siesso ratfinatissimo». L'edicicio che lo ospite ha un'area di 241.000 metri quadrati. si sviluppa su tre piani s of re al pubblico rnarchi internazionali di alto Iivello. risioranti, un teatro, sfilate di mods e un farmer's market seitimanale. Un altro classico dello shopping e Lincoln Road a South Beach. zone pedonale con negozi, ristoranti, rate: a gallerie d'arte: it luogo ideals per dedicarsi agli acquisti e fare people watching. // I / /./ I GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES A Dow town. fate un salto al Bay side Ivtarke place. con negozi informali che vandono articoli e souvenir. e oltre 30 tra bar a ristoranti the propongono di tutto. dal gelato ally paella. Se vi piece la mode alternative, c'e it marchio Peace. Love. World. con negozi in molte zone della cite. Questo brand di abbigliamento casual -sportive. nato a Miami ma esportato in tutto it monde, e statefondato da Aline, di origini cubane. che ha volute creare una lines di abiti comodi, fatti con material naturali. II ricavato delie vendite viene in parte devoluto a cause nobili, come it sostegno ai bambini disabili o ai supersiiii del terremoti di Haiti e del Nepal. Ian DOVE MANGIARE Definirlo solo un bar-ristorame e limitativo: it Nev1s Cafe e it fulcro di South Bea,* (SoBe ). Aperto 24 ore su 24, e it posto ideals per fare colazione leggendo it giornale o ascaltando MUSICS di Vivaldi. Lo stilista Gianni Versace era appena stato qui per it breakfast quando fu assassinate suite via del ritorno a Casa Casuarina, la sua villa a un centinaio di metri di distenza, oggi trasformata in un esclusivo hotel con ristorante. Un altro poste dove iniziare bens la giornata e il Panther Coffee. a Wynwood, frequentato de genie divertente e stravagante: artisti, nerds e bei ragazzi palestrati e abbronzatissimi. ll wi-fie free, ci sono prese di corrente per i computer e. quandogli zuccheri catano. si pub rimediare con ottirni succhi di frutta. muffin giganti e tantisimi tipi di can (alla vaniglia. ally cannella o altri gusti insoliti). La Huahua's Taqueria. a Miami Beach. v un locale inaugurate da poco, dove a tutte le ore del giorno e della notte si gustano d,sliziose speciality rnessicane, dai r?achosai tacosalls palates. Anche i quattrozampe qui song ban accolti: per i cani ci sono sempre pronte una ciotola d'acqua a qualcosa da sgranocchiare. Par la can, un indirizzo eccelente e STK ivliami. una della migliori steakhouse di Miami Beach. Niente a che vedere con i posti tipicamente americani dove si mangia carne alia griglia: fambiente: chic a rafiinate, frequentato da ctienii giovani. le bevande sono di ottimo livsllo e si cena con il sottofondo di musics scelia da un dj. Come arrivare °' Otiimi collegamenti tra ]Italia e Miami con British Airways via Londra. II volo tra la capitals inglese a la citta della Florida o viene ef€ettuaio con un innovativo AirbusA38D. aereo di linen •- quadrimotore a doppio ponce. in grado di ospitare 469 -v o passeggeri grazie a 14 posti in First. 97 posti in Club World `" (business class). 55 posti in World Traveller Plus (Premium o Economy). 303 posti in World Traveller (Economy). Le tariffs = a) Q da Milano a Miami partono da 1.715 euro (air) in Club World (lass& oneri e supplementi inclusi). de 449 euro air (tutto compreso) in World Traveller. /71A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 1 di 80 Panorama di Miami Beach. Yauaf¢e your data. Find insights that matter. Free Download L'alba sulfa spiaggia del Ritz -Carlton hotel a South Beach. // /// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES eJ SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 3di80 Uno dei paradisi naturalistic( della Florida: I'Evergiades National Park. .Ur MM./C." IC“.L1..9 Aidit OLtViG P- __= v.IL SUOSTILE IN 35LOOK 4di80 Uno scorcio del Miami Design District. // A//l, GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES ;'A LE.;?';',° a IL SIM. STILE IN 35LOOK 5 di 80 II ristorante Wynwood Kitchen & Bar. a Wynwood. 11 6d180 Un'empanada. piatto tipico dell'America Latina, in vendita a Calle Ocho (Little Havana). r i:iv r rliku ■ GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES rin PA LERMD.IL SUOSTILE IN 35L00K 7di80 Un negozio per turisti a Calle Ocho (Little Havana). ST Y I_. lit ,.. ,......., LIF1 E EXTEN3`ONS, I PONYTAILS, 1 r tsANOs a moo 41 d. .) hairdo. OLIVIA PA: LERM O IL SUO STILE IN 33L00K //A//1 GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES LiL•:••1%,LEP1v4!,:: IL SUO STE1 IN 35 LOOK 9 di 80 L'hotel Concierge nell'Art Deco District. SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 10 di 80 II grande magazzino Bloomingdale's all'interno dell'Aventura Mall r2 _NA11111 i "N44 • , N.; - tei /// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK !1 di 80 La Walk of Fame a Bayside Markeplace (Downtown Miami) INCA NEW 2016 JEEP - 2016 GRAND =FAST START l•Qlf l..I 4- CHEROKEE LIMITED s2gg PER MONTH LEASE" 39 MONTHS LEASE TEAM f ,r�'4, P ;RVC IL SLIOSTILE IN 35LOOK L'Hotel Victor nell'Art Deco 0 // A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES IL SUO STILE IN 35LOOK 13 di 80 Un edificio nell'Art Deco District. OI I'sIA PALERMC..IL S UO STILE IN 3S LOOK II Miami Beach Post Office. nell'Art Deco District. Abercrombie & Fitch® Get Up To 25% Off Your Purchase! Use Promo Code 15880. Shop Now. • // A/A GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES It] 15 di 80 La lunghissima spiaggia d; Miami Beach. 11111 vL,'';riI-:tLEP C IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK • 16d180 L'Hotel Leslie nell'Art D District. //A//1 GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES w� r. t' ti IL SUO STIFLE /N 3S L OOK i 80 Un edificio tipico nell'Art Deco District = _ PALEF.A,',:. IL SUO STILE IN 33 LOOK • 18di80 Gli ingredients necessari per preparare it Cuba fibre. un cocktail imperdibile nei bar di Miami: rhum. Coca-Cola e lime_ SDA SCEGLI UN MBA PER DARE FORZ.A A! TUO FV'URO. tNCONTRIAMOCI A MILANO SABATO 30 GENNAIO 2016. = c t.4 I. co -+a o L eg . cr // GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 19d180 II bar Ocean's Ten su Ocean Drive. ROMWE _ :A L .IL SUO STILE IN 35 L00K 20di80 II museo Wolfsonian nell'Art Deco District. A/1 GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES '4.LERMZ EL S UO STILE IN 38 LOOK 21di80 Una delle barche the effettuano i1 tour della Biscayne Bay _ IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 22di80 La Fly's Eye Dome nel Design District. progettata dall'architetto Buckminster Fuller_ // 13rach &wig 4 ... _.......... _.tea // A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES immiL OLIVIA PA;LE.FM3 1L EUO STR.E RN 39 LOOK 24di80 La Walk of Fame di Calle Ocho. dedicata a personaggi famosi di origini cubane_ JOEV ACCAM3135.: NEW 2016 JEEP -. 2016 GRAND =FAST STARTINsaw got., ;HEROKEE LIMITED 5299 PER MONTH LEASE* — _,tri SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 25 di 80 Casa Casaunna a Miami Beach. Appartenuta alto stlista Gianni Versa .-o ry atlaerg.. lusso. s ma rD n • 0 CD CA 5' cr — •. 1111. /// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 6 ,. , 1‹:- , itti 26 di 80 Calle Ocho. la via principale di Little Havana_ ,S'eatto una foto Bacconta una storia ('it a un aforisma IL SUO STILE IN 35LOOK 1.716. rs mr711.-H 4—LA 1 GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES OM .� _-I=„y IL SIM STILE IN 35 L00K 28 di 80 L'Art Deco District a Miami Beach. ROMWE tst Order O/n nnn IL 41116.10ft ak ammo:a. //A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES otii" 471 Wir r C'LIV! A P:I.LEP„,,,IC IL SUO STILE IN 3.5 LOOK 32th 80 Lo showroom Max Mara nel Design District. OLIVIA PA LEPI,IC,IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 33 di 80 Un murale con uccelli e farfalle nel Design District. // IA/A GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 30 di 80 Lo showroom d Tom Ford. nel Design District. Scarlca I'app e inizia a condividere le tue emozioni. 31di80 II busto dell'architetto Le Corbusier. nel Design District // At/I GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES I )) A. A Al A rt�11♦♦♦t ♦•♦♦,4,♦♦thh%4A4 ,,I11♦♦♦♦% $.444♦�4:♦.+♦Ab� rill♦♦♦: 4♦♦4♦ tA♦j i�♦jvli ,t•l♦•♦♦♦v♦♦♦♦* 4$1 t11♦•♦♦t♦♦♦♦♦/ ,1011•••♦t♦♦4♦4 ,tl♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ul. ♦ ♦.NG'Iti•ff ♦ ♦ t t1♦1♦♦ >•♦• ♦•*,'10```,� 34di80 Un avveniristico parcheggio nel Design District Palm Court net Design District GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES IL SUO STILE IN 33 LOOK 37dt 80 II negozio del Perez Art Museum_ iti --7.,.. Al LA COLAZIONE PER IL. TUC SISTEMA IMMUNITAF110 Pt,1 c,p,m.. e+tc: /AA// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES • • 1. OLIVIA PA LEP.!!:::, IL SUO STILE IN 33 LOOK 38 di 80 Calamite per frigorifero in vendita al Bayside Marketplace a Downtown. IL SUO STILE IN 3.3 LOOK 39di 80 La Biscayne vista dalla barca. Sullo sfondo. grattacieli di • Downtown Miami. • /I/ IA /A GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 1 $' 3 1 IL Mk STILE IN 35 LOOK 40 di 80 Un grattacielo di Downtown Miami. 41 dr 80 Gita in kayak per osservare la fauna e la flora selvatica Evergiades-N-ation-afPark.- 1�1 cn C O CD a co CD n GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES f 44 di 80 Ball & Chain. famoso bar di Calle Ocho. a Little Havana, it quartiere di Miami abitato da esuli cubani. .? ROMW E 60orrIZ v_i;IAP LER!C IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 45 di80 Don Pedro Bello, proprietario della fabbrica di sigari Club Tobacco Cigar Co, in Calle Ocho a Little Havana. ROMWE RilO nrr O GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES _1 . A PA IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 42di80 Un murale nel Maximo Gomez Park a Little Havana. 111 1111 it ROMW E RHDtntnoo CLf,'! ^ PALE M,7,' IL S'UOSTILE IN 35 LOOK ROMW E Rnth n ist OIde n�n CI 14 1r a o a 0 w 0- I C Cr // A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES 0404,7-7 THE BEST CUBAN FOOD & SANDWICHES IL SUO STILE IN 35 L00K 48 di 80 Scatole di sigari in vendita nel negozio Club Tobacco Cigar Co di Little Havana. ROMWE ive en 1st Ortle rim ni„ nr 49 di 80 Calle 0cho. I'arteria bib importante di Little Havana, plena di locali the vendono "street food" tipico cubano_ ROMWE An1sin I n/rt ci //lAt/ GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES w 46 di 80 La gelateria Azucar Ice Cream in Calle Ocho, a Little Havana. 47 di 80 L'insegna della fabbrica di sigari Club Tobacco Cigar Co. in Calle Ocho. a Litile Havana. RON\WE P� �� ist ni o�rt ci /1A// GREATER MIAMI AND THE BEACHES -;":.:7 • • - IL SUO STILE IN 35 LOOK 50 di 80 L'entrara del Maximo Gomez Park, megiio conosciuto come Domino Park, in Calle Ocho a Little Havana. ROMWE A8.4 An 1st Order 1)/nm 51c1180 II gioco del domino e 11 passatempo prefento der frequentatori del Maximo Gomez Park di Little Havana. so z 5 s. 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '.Al ENEM fl revistaviajarpelomundo revistaviajar NOVA YORK E MIAMI • EL CALAFATE E USHUAIA SIENA • GRAND CANYON • PARIS • LOS CABOS - - traciies gratuitas + cartoes de descontos + restaurantesbaratinhos "agem esta salva! BUZIOS E PARATY Boas pedidas para a baixa temporada ta favoravel EL Catafate e Ushuai perto, e Undo, PATAGONIA- - - Sol, mar e conforto em Los Cabos + 48 horas na Cidade do Mexico Atracoes gratis em PARIS Passeios imperdiveis em SIENA V) para bolsos en De uma folga aos outlets e tscubraltima ver> cilte que, com muito bate-perna na praia e programa cultur. ajudar voce a driblaro Mar °or Cristiarte Sinatt a' (CD r) L� 0 0 a o a. 0 co a o✓ 38 VIAJAR pelo Mundo 6s sabemos que, a qualquer men- cao da palavra "Miami", a primei- ra ideia que vem a cabega de todo brasileiro e "compras". E se esse o unico intuito de uma viagem a Florida, ob- viamente nao havers como falar em economia — muito menos em tempos de dolar a R$ 4 —, mesmo com os bons descontos em shoppings classicos, como o Sawgrass Mill e o Dolphin Mall. Mas a verdade e que se vote der uma chance a Miami como destino de cultura, de andangas e de people -watching (e nao a isso que se faz em Nova York?), e possivel, sim, montar um roteiro amigo do bolso. Parte do transporte piiblico e gratuita: tem o MetroMover, um trem elevado tipo "monotri- lho" que percorre tres circuitos por Downtown, e os trolleys, bondes vintage que cumprem tres rotas em Downtown, Brickell, Biscayne, Coral Gables e, mais recentemente, na vizinha Miami Beach. Para outros trajetos, ha o Metrorail e os YOUR BEACH Cu onibus, que comegam em US$ 2,25 —pode ser uma boa comprar o Easy Card, que da direito a viagens ilimitadas por um dia (US$ 5,65) ou uma semana (US$ 29,95). Assim — e considerando que compras nao sera() o foco —, vale ponderar se alugar um carro, coisa que muitos brasileiros costuma- vam fazer ate entao, 6 mesmo um bom neg6- cio. Pense que, alem das diarias do veiculo, sera preciso desembolsar com estacionamen- to e combustivel. Para facilitar o deslocamen- to, avalie que tipo de atragoes e atividades vo- ce quer priorizar na sua viagem e hospede-se de acordo com essa preferencia. Se a pegada mais praia, pesquise em Miami Beach, cujos pregos nao assustam fora dos picos de tempo- rada — a saber, de dezembro a abril, quando os americanos de outras partes do pais chegam fugidos do inverno (prefira it entre junho e se- tembro). Se museus, shows e restaurantes fa- zem mais a sua linha, va de Downtown. Mas como voce nao se restringira unicamente as vizinhancas do seu hotel o tempo todo, e bom saber: em tempos de Uber, uma corrida entre Downtown e Miami Beach fica entre US$ 10 e US$ 15 (e tambem ha onibus). Para otimizar os gastos com passeios, es- pecialmente para quem viaja com criancas, ha o Go Miami Card, bilhete combinado va lido para um (US$ 65), dois (US$ 99), tees (US$ 132) ou cinco dias (US$ 175), com des- contos de ate US$ 30 para os pequenos. Ele da direito a 30 atividades em Miami e regiao, sem que seja preciso pagar mais nada — sao mu- seus, passeios de barco, parque de diversoes, onibus turfstico hop -on hop -off e aluguel de bi- ke. A economia e de 55% em relacao a soma do prep de todas as atracoes cobertas. Estao inclusos, por exemplo, o Miami Seaquarium, o Kennedy Space Center, o Vizcaya Museum and Gardens e o Everglades Alligator Farm. A seguir, apresentamos atragoes, atividades, museus e restaurantes que vao pesar pouqufssi- mo (ou mesmo nada!) no seu bolso, passando por Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables e regiao. Entenda! A beira da Baia de Biscayne, a cidade de Miami propriamente dita compreende bairros e areas como Downtown, Midtown, Brickell, Coconut Grove, Coral Way e Little Havana. Ao redor dela, espalham-se outras cidades menores que, para efeitos de praticidade, acabam sendo genericamente classificadas como parte de Miami. Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale e North Miami sao todas vizinhas e pertencem ao condado de Miami -Dade. c?- cicicos ItGL cgtrIJ sod* Circular por Downtown A regiao central de Miami, antes essen- cialmente empresarial, vem se revigorando com a chegada de hoteis bacanas, restau- rantes moderninhos e bares "hypados", que trouxeram vida e gente as avenidas largas la- deadas por arranha-ceus. Um dos grandes protagonistas dessa mu- danca e a casa de espetaculos Adrienne Arsht Center, que apresenta operas, bales, musicais da Broadway e shows de cantores pop. Nao exatamente barato — 0 Fantasma da Opera, por exemplo, comeca em US$ 39). Mas se vo- ce for assistir a algum espetaculo, vale saber que o restaurante Bin n. 18, ali perto, tem me- nu pre -show a US$ 35, com entrada, prato principal e sobremesa. De grata pelo MetroMover, chega-se ao Bayfront Park, uma area gostosa a beira da VIAiAR pelo Mundo 39 MIAMI cuBANA THE MOST FAf70,US CUBAN S1 1 . THE :ES " t 4mnous The Best I s , mimeo(' iys -A( in avll.:1 AI DE SA Cuba Sandwi- * __cum Llii F'aD0 aE LA AStcf;16N� gin TWVAI Passear ADRIENNE ARSHT CENTER (1.300 Biscayne Boulevard, arshtcenter.org) BIN N. 18 (800 Biscayne Blvd, bini8miami.com) MDC MUSEUM OFART • DESIGN (600 Biscayne Blvd. mdcmoad.org) LOS RANCHOS (401 Biscayne Blvd. beststeakinm iami.com) BAY OF PIGS MUSEUM (1.821 sW gth St) VERSAILLES (3.555 SW 8' St, versailles restaurant.com) WYNWOOD WALLS (2520 NW 2"dAve, thewynwood tival s.com) BAKEHOUSE ART COMPLEX (561 NW 32" St, bacfl.org) 40 VIAJAR pelo Mundo Baia de Biscayne. Para os fas de ioga, ha aulas gratuitas nas manhas de segunda, quarta e sa- bado. Sem gastar nada, voce tambem pode co- nhecer o MDC Museum of Art + Design, que se dedica as artes visuais, com quase 2 mil trabalhos, entre esculturas, pinturas, fotogra- fias, video e instalaroes, de movimentos como Minimalismo, Pop Art e arte contemporanea. O museu ocupa a iconica Freedom Tower, construfda nos anos 1920 como sede de jomal — posteriormente, tomou-se centro de recep- gao aos refugiados cubanos. Se quiser almogar por ali, a steakhouse Los Ranchos tem menu especial corn pratos a partir de US$ 6,99, co- mo o estrogonofe de carne. t FREEDOM TOWER Curtir o clima latino de Little Havana Que tal it tomar um cafe em... Cuba??? Bern, quase isso. Little Havana, ao sul de Downtown, e o reduto dos cubanos e imigran- tes Latinos em Miami. Dedique-se a andar sem rumo, especialmente pela Calle Ocho, onde voce vai encontrar vendinhas, pracas, charuta- rias, lanchonetes e toda sorte de lugares que pa- recem vindos diretamente da Havana original. Ao caminhar pelo bairro, os pontos de des- taque serao a Calgada da Fama, com a assina- tura de artistas cubanos famosos (como Gloria Estefan); o gracioso Domino Park, onde senho- rezinhos se reunem para jogar domino; o Tower Theatre, cinema e casa de espetaculos construi- do nos anos 1920; e o memorial em homenagem aos combatentes da Invasao da Baia dos Porcos. 0 confronto historico tambem e terra do peque- no Bay of Pigs Museum — corn entrada gratis. Para provar os sabores locais sem estou- rar o orgamento, uma boa dica e o Versailles, restaurante classico que serve um menu far - to desde 1971, com especialidades como vaca frita (US$ 9,95), arroz imperial (US$ 7,95) e ropa vieja (US$ 10,50). Um otimo lugar tam- bem para tomar o famoso e agucarado cafe cubano, servido atraves da ventanita — as jane- las que os estabelecimentos abrem para aten- der clientes rapidamente. Festa por aqui, obviamente, e o que ha. No camaval, o animadissirno Calle Ocho Festival toma as ruas corn salsa, merengue e reggae - ton, alem de barraquinhas de comida tipica. Mas nao a preciso esperar fevereiro ou mar - go para bailar de graga: nas noites da liltima sexta-feira de cada mes, acontecem as Viernes Culturales, um festival a ceu aberto corn aulas de danga, apresentagoes musicais, artistas de rua e otras cositas mas. Ver arte de rua em Wynwood Ao norte de Downtown fica uma das mais badaladas atracoes de Miami atualmente. Se antes a regiao amargava certa decadencia, hoje e a arte de rua que toma conta de todos os can- tos, especialmente o miolinho entre as 22nd e a 29th Streets e as North Miami e 4thAvenues. Galerias, bares e restaurantes moderninhos estampam, em seus muros, trabalhos feitos por artistas do mundo inteiro — inclusive os brasileiros Osgemeos, Kobra e Ninja. 0 epi- centro e berco de tudo e o Wynwood Walls, uma especie de patio rodeado por galpoes in- dustriais customizados com paineis de street art. Ao lado, esta o Wynwood Doors, onde por- tas metalicas de rolo expostas lado a lado tam- bem ganharam roupagem artistica. A boa aqui 6 simplesmente sair andando e apreciar tudo por conta propria. Mas para ter uma ideia melhor do que esta vendo, voce po- de fazer um tour guiado com especialistas no as- sunto (US$ 20, wynwoodartwalk.com) ou bisbi- lhotar artistas trabalhando ao vivo no Bakehouse Art Complex, de entrada gratis. Na hora da fo- me, descole uma mesa no Wynwood Kitchen & Bar para provar uns espetinhos e uns bons drinques. Sem gastar muito: as comidinhas co- mecam em US$ 7 — e de segunda a sexta, das 17h30 as 19h30, as bebidas tem 30% de descon- to, alem dos petiscos a US$ 2,75. No segundo sabado de cada mes, o bair- ro fica ainda mais vivo com o Wynwood Art Walk, festival a ceu aberto que enche as ru- as de gente, musica e food trucks at tarde da noite. Galerias, estudios e showrooms ficam abertos durante a noite, especial- mente na Second Avenue. 0 Ficar a toa nas praias As aguas verdinhas e os postos salva-vidas de madeira formam um cartao-postal inconfundivel de Miami. Ao contrario de outras cidades ame- ricanas, onde e preciso pagar para ter acesso praia, aqui 6 tudo liberado. Atravessando a pon- te desde Downtown, a famosa Miami Beach 6 a mais procurada, especialmente o trecho de South Beach (ou SoBe, para os mais fntimos). A estru- tura e boa, com chuveiros e barracas para alugar guarda-sol e cadeira (em tomo de US$ 20, mas nada que uma canga nao possa contomar). Quem se hospeda por ali tem a vantagem de contar com o servico de praia do seu prbprio hotel. VIAJAR pelo Mundo 41 MIAMI 0 WVNWOOD KITCHEN & BAR (2,500 NW 2ntlAve, vcynwoodkitchen andbarcom) SOCIAL CLUB (1.717 Collins Ave, Miami Beach. socialclubat surfcomber.com) ART DECO MUSEUM (1.001 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, mdpLorg) HAVEN LOUNGE (1237 Lincoln Road. Miami Beach, havenlounge.corn) SPRIS (731 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, spris.cc) HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL (Dadetand Blvd, holocaust memorialmiami beach.org) 42 VIAJAR pelo Mundo Subindo um pouco mais, Central e North Beach costumam ser mais tranquilas. Acompanhando o mar, a Ocean Drive reline restaurantes (alguns de gosto duvidoso), luzes de neon e canoes retro. Descendo ate a pon- tinha de Miami Beach esta o South Pointe Park, uma area verde conjugada com uma praia gostosa. Em direcao norte, vem as praias de Surfside, Bal Harbour, Halouver e Sunny Isles. E em Miami Beach que acontecem, nos fi- nais de semana, as famosas pool parties diur- nas em hotels badalados, como o Delano, o Fontainebleau e o Shore. Sao abertas a nao h6spedes e regadas a muita bebida e musi- ca alta — mas, obviamente, cobram seu pre - co para entrar e consumir. Durante a semana, porem, muitos bares, sejam de hotel ou nao, oferecem descontos para comes e bebes no happy hour. E o caso do Social Club, do ho- tel Surfcomber, que tem drinques a US$ 4 as 16h, US$ 5 as 17h e US$ 6 as 18h. Xeretar o Art Deco District e bater pema na Lincoln Road Popular nos anos 1930, o estilo arquite- tonico onipresente em South Beach e famo- so pelos predios baixos, em tons pastel e bas- tante enfeitados. 0 Art Deco District reline mais de 800 construcoes do genero, registra- das como patrimonio nacional. Ao longo da Ocean Avenue e adjacencias, muitos, hoje, se- diam hoteis, como o Winterhaven, o Colony, o Central Park e o Delano. Vale espiar o Art Deco Museum para ter uma nocao geral sobre o estilo. Se quiser se aprofundar (e desembolsar) mais, o museu oferece uma caminhada guiada a US$ 25 pe- los principais destaques — ou, mais em conta, um audioguia a US$ 15. Ou, entao, simples- mente saia andando por al e admirando as fa- chadas por conta pr6pria. Cortando South Beach, ainda no Art Deco District, a Lincoln Road e o famoso calgadao exclusivo para pedestres — um desafio para quem quer segurar o bolso. Restaurantes, bares e galerias de arte se intercalam com lojas co- mo Apple, H&M, Forever 21, Gap e Lacoste. Olhar nao custa nada; mas encher as sacolas por sua conta e risco! Se the agrada, a galena do controverso Romero Britto fica por ali — e ainda outras de entrada gratis, como a de artes visuais ArtCenter e a de fotografia Peter Lik. Por ali, no happy hour, o Haven Lounge serve todo dia, das 18h as 20h, coqueteis a US$ 8, cervejas a US$ 5 e comidinhas entre US$ 5 e US$ 7. Para comer barato sem sair da rua, o Spris tem pizzas individuais e grandes entre US$ 6,50 e US$ 13,95, em verso de massa normal, integral e sem gluten, alem de panini, saladas e entradinhas. Da Lincoln Road, e pertinho esticar ate o gratuito Holocaust Memorial, em que uma enorme mao irrompe do chao, formada por cor- pos humans. A escultura e rodeada de pai- neis que contam a historia e listam nomes de judeus vitimas do Holocausto. (ou aproveite o dia de entrada gratuita) The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum Eleito por varias publicacoes locais como o me- lhor de Miami, este museu, 1ocali7ado no cam- pus da Florida International University, exibe arte das Americas dos seculos 20 e 21. A arquite- tura do predio tambem e admiravel. 10.975 SW 17th St., Miami, thefrost.fiu.edu. Gratis Perez Art Museum Miami Em 2013, o antigo Miami Art Museum foi totalmente repaginado, ganhando se - de, colecao e nome novas: agora ele atende por Perez Art Museum Miami e fica em um predio de arquitetura caprichadissima em Downtown, com vistas matadoras da Baia de Biscayne. As exibirsoes sao temporarias, mas quaisquer que sejam as artistas da vez, espere ver arte (bem) moderna. 1.103 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, pamm.org, US$ 16. Gratis no segundo sabado de cada mes Miami Beach Bothanical Garden No miolo de Miami Beach, esta grande area ver- de e um bom lugar para caminhar entre vegetagao da Florida, como palmeiras, bromelias e orquide- as. Tem pomar, fontes de agua e um jardim japo- nes. E bacana fazer um piquenique no gramado. 2.000 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, mbgarden. org Bass Museum of Art No Art Deco District, o acervo comegou com pinturas, esculturas e tapecarias da Europa, especialmente dos periodos renascentista e barroco. Hoje, todos os continentes estao contemplados na colegao permanente, que e complementada com exposigoes temporarias. Atualmente fechado para renovagao, o museu deve reabrir no outono americano. 2.100 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, bassmuseum. org. Gratis no ultimo domingo de cada mes Concertos WallCast na New World Center No miolinho de Miami Beach, a casa de concertos que leva assinatura do arqui- teto Frank Gehry oferece uma serie de shows a ceu aberto, convidando espectado- res a fazer piqueniques no parque para assis- tir a versoes de Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Brahms e outros nomes da musica classica. 500 17tSt., Miami Beach, nws.edu Jazz no Museum of Contemporary Art Aficionados por arte se deslocam ate North Miami para ver pecas e instalacoes criativas, que mudam constantemente. De grata, toda illtima sexta-feira do mes, as 20h, acontecem shows de jazz ao ar livre. 770 N 125th, mocanomi.org, North Miami. Museu: US$ 5 VIAJAR pelo Mundo 43 MIAMI Pr Tour no The Biltmore Hotel Em Coral Gables, este iconic() hotel de 1926 pode nao ser uma pechincha para se hospedar — afinal, ali ja dormiu gente do calibre da fami- lia real britanica e de Al Capone. Mas voce po- de fazer um tour guiado gratuitamente pelas lu- xuosas e historicas dependencias do hotel aos domingos (13h30 e 14h30). De quebra, no bar Cascade, que fica a beira da piscina, paga-se a metade do preco nas bebidas entre 17h e 19h em dias de semana (ate 21h as quintas). 1.200 Anastasia Ave., Coral Gables, biltmorehotel.com Wolfsonian Associado a Florida International University, este museu tem uma interessante colegao pa- ra quern gosta de design, mostrando como a modernidade revolucionou as artes finas e decorativas, expondo mobiliario e propagan- das datadas do periodo entre 1885 e 1945. 1.001 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, wolfsonian.org. US$ 7. Grdtis as sextas-feiras, das18h's21h Sanctuary South Beach Quarto com cozinha: eis um 6timo jeito de econo- mizar com as refeigoes. Bem-localizado no comego de South Beach, tem, ainda, piscina na cobertura. 1.745 James Ave., Miami Beach, sanctuarysobe.com. A partir de US$ 95 Red South Beach A poucos passos do mar, este hotel-butique de decoragao moderninha tem Wi-Fi, pisci- na, academia, servigo de praia e restaurante. 3.010 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, redsouthbeach.com. A partir de US$ 98 Holiday Inn Porto of Miami Pr6ximo ao porto, em Downtown, foi reno- vado recentemente e conta com academia, Wi-Fi e piscina. 340 Biscayne Blvd., ihg.com. Didrias a partir de US$ 139. 44 VIAJAR pelo Mundo Chesterfield Despojado e jovem, este hotel-butique em Miami Beach oferece drinques gratis em seu bar, toda noite, das 19h as 20h. Aos sabados, tem aula de ioga. Transfer de e para o aeroporto, bem como Wi-Fi, tambem sac) cortesias da casa. 855 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, thechesterfieldhotel.com. A partir de US$ 108 Best Western Atlantic Beach Resort Em esquema resort pe na areia, tem piscina e academia. Alguns quartos contam corn mi- cro-ondas e varanda com vista para o mar. 4.101 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, bestwestern.com. A partir de US$ 148 Miami Beach Resort Hotelao mais ostensivo de frente para a praia, na parte central de Miami Beach, tem estruturapa- ra esportes nauticos, spa e piscina climatizada. 4.833 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, miami beachresortandspa.com. A partir de US$ 169 Mayfair Hotel & Spa Recluso ern Coconut Grove, este hotel-fcone costuma receber celebridades em suas caba- nas ao redor da piscina, no spa e nos quartos corn Jacuzzi na varanda. 3.000 Florida Ave., Miami, mayfairhotelandspa.com. A partir de US$ 179. Aloft Brickell Ideal para quern prefere ficar perto de Downtown, tem quartos simples, mas funcio- nais, akin de academia, Wi-Fi, piscina e bar. 1.001, SW 2"d Ave., aloftmiamibrickell.com. A partir de US$ 136 * Simulaciio feita para hospedagem em abril de 2016 LULU Com foco em comida organica e local, tem portoezinhas de ceviche, tacos, asinhas de frango e mais a partir de US$ 8, aiem de hamburgueres a US$ 15. 3.105 Commodore Plaza, Coconut Grove, Miami, luluinthegrove_com GASTROPOD Food truck em Wynwood, tem menu que muda constantemente, incluindo hamburgueres, tacos, arepas, (amen e noodles entre .. -. US$6eUS$10. 68 NW 26'6St., gastropodmiami.com LA SANDWICHERIE Com pegada "natureba" em South Beach, serve sanduiches a partir de US$ 5,80, saladas desde US$ 7,20 e moothies a US$ 5,55. '22914th St, Miami Beach 134 SW 8t' St, Brickell, Miami, lasandwicherie.com MUNCHEEZ Combos gordos de hamburguer com fritas a um preco medio de US$ 10 e o forte desta lanchonete em Miami Beach. 6.640 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, munch eezmiamibeach. com KANPEI SUSHI + SAKE Tem rolls e temakis a US$ 5, pratos quentes (como yakisoba e noodles). na casa dos US$ 12 e, no almoco,, combos e benta boxes entre US$7eUS$11. 7.308 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, kanpeisushisakelounge.eat24hourcom Todo ano, em agosto e setembro, o Miami Spice — especie de Restaurante Week — reune os melhores restaurantes da cidade com menus promocionais de tres pratos a US$ 23 no almogo e a US$ 39 no jantar, por pessoa. VIAJAR pelo Mundo 45 ISERVIcOSI z reiro de 2016 e podem sofrer aiteracoes sem aviso previo. 0 Moeda D61ar (US$). US$ 1 = R$ 3,97. Fuso Horario Em relagao ao horario de Brasilia, Nova York esta com uma hors a menos, e Miami, duas. Mellhor 1Epoca Em Nova York, chove mais de marro a agosto. No verso, especialmente em julho e agosto, as temperaturas podem bater 40 °C. No inverno, de dezembro a fevereiro, neva bastante e os termSmetros vao abaixo de zero. Em Miami, corn clima tropical, os invemos sao secos e, de outubro a margo, a cidade recebe frentes frias. Os meses mais quentes sao julho e agosto, quando as aguas do mar tambem ficam mornas, Caminho Certo NOVA YORK United (11/ 3145-4200, united.com): direto, a partir de US$ 300. Avianca (0800 286 6543, avianca.com): com conexao ern Bogota, a partir de US$ 699. LAN (0800 123 200, lan.com): direto, a partir de R$ 2.185. MIAMI United (11/ 3145-4200, united.com): com conexao em Houston, a partir de US$ 250. Dolar cotado em 24/2/2016. 0 preco das passagens aereas inclui ids e volta Avianca (0800 286 6543, avianca.com): com conexao em Lima ou Bogota, a partir de US$ 420. TAM (tam.com.br, 4002-5700): direto, a partir de R$ 1.920 0 Na rede miamiandbeaches.com I nycgo.com 4 Operadoras NOVA YORK Submarino Viagens (11/ 4003-9888, submarinoviagens.com.br): 6 noites com aereo e hospedagem a partir de US$ 829. Flot (11/ 4504-4544, flot.com.br): 4 noites corn aereo, hospedagem e cupom de desconto para compras, a partir de US$ 884. Visual Turismo (11/ 3235-2000, visualturismo.com.br) 4 noites com aereo, hospedagem e passeio, a partir de US$ 1.603. MIAMI Flot (11/ 4504-4544, flot.com.br): 4 noites com aereo, hospedagem e cupom de desconto para compras em shoppings e outlets em Miami, a partir de US$ 483. Submarino Viagens (11/ 4003-9888, submarinoviagens. com.br): 7 noites com aereo e hospedagem no Essex House Hotel, com cafe da manha, a partir de US$ 733. Visual (11/ 3235-2000, visualturismo.com.br): 4 noites com aereo, traslados e hospedagem a partir de US$ 1.167,95. , com embarque em Sao Paulo, durante baixa temporada, e pode estar sujeito a texas. Todos os valores aqui apresentados foram apurados em feve Comer: $ simples I $$ razoavel I $$$ sofisticado IBRROSTAR HOTELS & RESORTS VANTAGENS EXCLUSIVAS IBEROSTAR PARA SUA LUA DE MEL: • 06 noites no Iberostar Cancun com alimentagao Al! Inclusive • Garrafa de Champagne com prato de frutas na chegada • lantar romantico em um dos restaurantes especializados • Presente exclusivo Iberostar PACOTE COMPLETO COM AEREO + HOSPEDAGEM VISTA MAR a partir de SUPERIOR - VISTA MAR a partir de R$ 5.953 R$ 6.243 Total em USD 1.438 Total em USD 1.508 por pessoa em apto. DBL por pessoa em apto. DBL www.sanchattour.com. br SP: (11) 3017-3140 - sanchattour@sanchattour.eom.br 0 instagram.com/sanchattour © facebock com/sa❑chattcur PACOTE INCLUI: Aereo com Copa Airlines em classe econ6mica saindo de Sao Paulo + 06 noites no Iberostar Cancun com alimentac5o All Inclusive + Transfers In / Out + Segura Viagem Na"o Inclui: Taxas de Embarque; Extras de carater pessoal e tudo nao mencionado. Obs.: Valor por pessoa em apartamento duplo convertido ao cambio R$ 4,14 do dia 23/02/16, sujeito a alterac5o sem previo aviso e a disponlbilidade no momento da reserva. Valor valido de of/Maio ate 14/Julho/2016, n'ao aide para feriados, bloqueios, eventos e congressos. Consuite formas especiais de pagamento. OPERADORA Sancha f Tour www.sanchattour.com.br 0 0