HomeMy WebLinkAboutActuarial Impact StatementNovember 3, 2015 Board of Trustees City of Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust c/o Dania Orta, Administrator (dania@miamifipo.org) 1895 SW 3 Avenue Miami, FL 33129-1456 Actuarial Impact Statement Re-employment and In -Service Distributions (as proposed) Dear Board Members: Section 112.63(3) of the Florida Statutes specifies that an Actuarial Impact Statement is to be issued before a change to retirement benefits is adopted, and that a copy of such statement is to be forwarded to the Division of Retirement. The purpose of this letter is to provide an Actuarial Impact Statement, summarizing the results of cost calculations as of October 1, 2014 for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year. This Actuarial Impact Statement reflects the following proposed changes: Allowing beneficiaries re-employed by the City to receive in-service distributions from the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust, provided: (i) ( The in-service distribution complies with Internal Revenue Code requirements, Treasury regulations, and Internal Revenue Service guidance with respect to in-service distributions, and i) The re-employed individual is not employed by the City in the capacity of a police officer or fire fighter, whether on a full-time or part -tune basis. There is no immediate or long-term actuarial cost impact of these changes. The proposed wording adds clarification to the existing administrative practice and allows for automatic compliance to future IRS and Treasury interpretations and guidance regarding in-service distributions. The cost calculations are based on the actuarial valuation data as of September 30, 2014. The actuarial assumptions used are those used in the October 1, 2014 valuation. 2000 RlverEdge Parkway Suite 900 Atlanta, GA 30328 (p) 770-933-1933 (p) 800-428-7106 (f) 888-398-7366 www.nyhart,com An Alliance Benefit Group Licensee Board of Trustees City of Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust c/o Dania Orta, Administrator (dania@Iniamifipo.org) Re: Actuarial Impact Statement (as proposed) November 3, 2015 Page 2 nyher None of these changes are benefit improvements mandated by Chapter 99-1 of the Florida Statutes. In our opinion these changes are in compliance with Section 14, Article X of the State Constitution and with Section 112.64 of the Florida Statutes. If there are any questions, or we may help further, please let us know. Respectively Submitted, THE NYHART COMPANY, INC. '*A 71,2„,LL David D. Harris, ASA, FCA, MAAA, EA Heath W. Merlak, FSA, FCA, MAAA, EA Actuary Actuary DDH/HM/di 501801/740 Attachment Copy: Tom Gabriel (tomgabe@comcast.net) Steven H. Cypen, Esq. (scypen@cypen.com) Q:\DB Dept\DB Clients\050 Atlanta\5018-01 Miami FIPO\Actuarial Impact Statement\2015\Actuarial Impact Statement (Re- employment and In -Service Distributions) (as proposed) (2015-11-03),docx nyhart ATTACHMENT City of Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Proposed Ordinance Language Section 40-203 (1) (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the contrary, beneficiaries re-employed by the City shall be permitted to receive an in-service distribution from the System provided they meet the provisions of this paragraph and provided that the in-service distribution complies with the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations and guidance issued by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to in-service distributions. No in-service distribution shall be made under the provisions of this paragraph to any beneficiary who is re- employed by the City as a police officer or fire fighter, whether on a full-time or part-time basis. The provisions of this subsection 40-203(1)(4) shall be retroactive to and effective from the first date of re-employment of any person eligible under the provisions of this section,