HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Street Art for Mankind SAM PresentationSubmitted into the public teeor4 jo iten(s) STREET ART FOR MANKIND ARTISTIC MOVEMENT TO STOP CHI LID SLAVERY ut4tti—a6AA \cRA 51\ i40 "fQjtA\-5,\}pJt SAM'S MISSION Submitted into the public recor l J,tep?(s} _ on , a .r . r City Clerk We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization on a mission to stop child slavery through Art! WE PROMOTE ART FOR SOCIAL CHANGE EIN: 47-5238851 STREET ART FOR MANKIND SAMis DNA 2014 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE AGAINST CHILD SLAVERY Kailash Satyarthi: 1► Children rights Activist since 1981 ) 2014 Nobel Peace Prize & 2015 Harvard'Humanitarian of the year' O. His actions have cont b uted to: - 78 million kids freed from Child Labor i1 the works: - Chit -of -school children in the world reduced by 50% - Adoption of Chid Labor Law by 180 countries View Kailash's 2015 TED talk h ere Submitted into the public record or it e t(s) ;U : on 1. A 5 YEAR GRAFFITI ART MOVEMENT, TRAVELLING 5 CONTINENTS WITH 5 EXHIBITIONS TO HELP KAILASH SATYARTHI ERADICATE CHILD SLAVERY WORLD FAMOUS GRAFFITI ARTISTS... ► 35 famous artists from 16 countries ► Featuring multiple styles: stencils, paintings, murals, wheat paste. ► Reviving a surreaist technique artists create their piece based on a gdim at a previous artist's creation, to complete the most unexpected masterpiece ever assembled CHILDEN OF MLAMI INSPIRING THE WORLD School Art for Mankind: ► Children bui i g the Mize by sharing their vision of a child friendly world via school art projects ► Showcasing the talent and the passion of the Miami Children via a SAM shoebox projects ► Reaching out to all pubic schools with the support of Miami Dade Public Schools A SPECTACULAR EVENT GRAFFITI ExHIBMON, CONCERTS, URBAN SPORTS DEMOS ► 10 days of fun, interactive and educational exhbits ►12,O00 sq ft of graffiti in a urban environemennt of 16 shipping containers ► 5 continents Miarni 2016, Paris 2017, Seoul 2018, Sao Paulo 2019 and Dubai 2020 (universal exposition) ► Miami Event Addressing Child Labor from the third hub of human Nicking in the US and a gateway to LATAIvt where 1 Child out of 10 works Adressing Street Art from a graffiti caddie City Clerk CELEBRATE CHILDREN.... ...CELEBRATE ART.. ..CELEBRATE THE COMMUNITY... ..,CELEBRATE THE WORLD... STREET ART FOR MANKIND KAILASH SATYARTHI 30 YEARS FIGHTING CHILD LABOR ► Anti -Child Slavery Activist since 1981, fighting for a Chilli -Friendly wortd. Fearce Lobbyist that got Child Slavery placed on the UN Development Agenda, Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2014 and Harvard's "Humanitarian of the year" Winner in 2015, ► His actions have contributed to: 78 million kids freed from Child Labor in the world, Out -of -school children in the world reduced by 50%, The adoption of the first international Child Labor law by 180 countries_ w'YI w.satvarthl.atq Submitted into the pubic record or it (s) 1-4 City Clerk WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT KAILASH: President amnia "Kasfasi Satyarthi has dedicated his life to ending chili labor and w,pir^.g the stair, of slavery from our world. The true measure of kfailash s efforts is not a single price he has been awarded. but the tens of thousands of people who today lire with freedom and dignity thanks to his efforts. Through his advocacy, Killeen ramrods us cif our shared rsspofesIbifIty to end the etploltatlon or others. especially the most vulnerable among us." 'lfaflash Satyarthi has been at the forefront of a worldwide movement For justice, global education and a better life for millions of children trapped in exploitative child laborHe has been a regular presence at the United INation:s. and his leadership. commitment and personal sacrifice over many decades have helped raise public awareness, mobilize opinion leaders. and galvanize society. Thanks lit lama measure to Mr. Saryarthl's heroic work, the world hart moved from denial about abusive child Tabor to et knowl•dosrn•nt, awareness and action." • h011nRwS Oa'a. Lama UN Secretary General Ban K: Moan "You flare worked to aumpott children who are *mono the most Innocent and vulnerable In society, but who are also trio sands of tha future. And that fi.ti..re will only be secured it we ensure that children receive a full and equal education." STREET ART FOR MANKIND FAMOUS GRAFFITI ARTISTS Submitted into the publiq record f rite ( ) on TL , city Clerk AMONGST THE WORLD MOST FAMOUS STREET ARTISTS Trg,:fri fit iiiiiiia I r Y Kobra (Br) Boogie (Us) Vine (Fr) . Icy & Sot (duo -Ir-) Zurik (Co) B-Toy (Sp) . Onur (Ch, Tr) . Dave Bonzai (Uk) . Mr Cenz (Uk) . Ciandestinos (duo - Ca, Br, CI) . Mr Thorns' (it) . Binho (Br) . Ador (Fr) . Agostino (It) Hoxxoh (Us, Mia) . Hyuro (Ar) . Abstrk (Us, Cu, Mia) Ethos (Br) . Surge (US, Mia) . Nate Dee (Us, Mia) . Kashink (Fr) Kaziila (Us, Mia) Gaia (Us) . Eltono (Fr) . KinMx (Mx) . Yuhmi (duo - Cu, Mx, Us, Mia) . Remote (Us, Mia) . CP1 (Us, Mia) Trek6 (Us, Mia) . Crash (Us) . Victor Ash (Fr) STREET ART FOR MANKIND THE KIDS CONTEST `iv BOAC& PERFORMING ARTS 1 ill 111[ [Mit 1e44[[ KUM[i Submitted into the public record foil- ite n (s) , L on (�1 I L . City Clerk SCHOOL ART FOR MANKIND (SAM) WHEN MIAMI CHILDREN BUILD THE FRAME OF A MORE CHILD -FRIENDLY WORLD An opportunity to showcase the talent and the "heart" of Miami children via a shoebox project, A "mina-SAM" masterpiece to express their artistic vision of a child -friendly world. #ValuesMatterfviarnil R A COLLABORATIVE ARTWORK Elementary & Middle Schools of Miami compete in teams of 4 to 8 students, from 4th to 8th grade, to Mild the most inspiring and creative piece of art with 16 shoeboxes. All projects will be presented online on StreetArtMankind.org A jury composed of Kailash Satyarthi, Miami Dade, Artists and SAM representatives will select the 3 best projects. All participants will be recognized And the top 3 teams will receive an award directly from the hands of Kailash Satyarthi at the opening ceremony, STREET ART FOR MANKIND C-4). TIE ARTISTS' CREATION THE. MAKING -OF Submitted into the publics i record f "r items) ;\ on 1111, 1 . City Clerk 101. 35 graffiti artists, hidden from the public, show their commitment against child slavery by building together on containers, a giant masterpiece... reviving the surrealist "exquisite corpse" technique ► What is an "exquisite corpse"? A creative game we all played when we were young; drawing, each in turn, a head, a body and feet. This technique invented by the surrealist movement of the 30's added a playful and enriching side to creativity! ▪ At SAM, the exquisite corpse will take shape when artists will create their piece based on a glimpse at a fragment of the previous Artist's creation. Only at the end will they all discover the masterpiece as a whole... "EXQUISITE CORPSE IS FUN... PLAYFUL.. AND ENRICHING" - ANDRE BRETON (1934) STREET ART FOR MAN AC SAM THE EXHIBITION JOIN THE MOVEMENT... AND CHANGE THE WORLD! The entirety of the funds raised during the auction of the Art pieces created wit go to the experienced and glob* recognized Foundation of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, !calash Satyarthi, to build a child friendly world EXPERIENCE An ephemeral and historical masterpiece BOND In Miam' and accrossthe world, raise awareness and funds for a child -friendly world (Exhibition & Auction) CREATE Graffiti workshops, and Art class & demos Submitted into the public 13 record f ice(s) on 113 City Clerl- NOV. 4TH TO 14TM 2016 REPEAT Mani is the first stop to an exhibition that wi travel the world... Next stops: Paris (2017), Seoul (2018), Sao Paulo (2019) and Dubai (20120 - universal exposition) ENJOY Live concerts and urban sport demos LEARN Line video projections, pmtyserrsorial a:e+uwrs and glided tons on graffiti art and child labor Fighting against child slavery through the brushstrokes of artists ,, STREET ART FOR MANKIND SAM THE EXHIBITION ri I 41 t • 4 1,1111.c .• I, ^. Iftworwt4.4 EntranCe Submitted into the public record ir it m(s) 1 on STREET ART FOR MANREND .1 Submitted into the pub record fpr itgm(s) on SAM THE EXHIBITION STREET ART FOR MANKIND iNk 1 t City Clerk SAM AT A GLANCE October 21316 5 1 S 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 5 8 5 9 M 10 T 11 W 12 T 13 F 14 S 15 5 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 T 20 F 21 5 22 S 23 M 24 T 25 W26 T 27 F 28 S 29 S 30 M 31 i Vovember 2C 5 T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 5 5 5 6 M 7 T 8 W 9 T 10 F 11 5 12 S 13 M 14 T 15 W 16 T 27 F 18 5 19 S 20 M 21 T 22 W 23 T 24 F 25 5 26 5 27 M 28 T 29 W 30 M AST OPENING EVENT EXHIBITION CHARITY AUCTION StreetArtMan ki n d, orq Submitted into the publi record fgr ite an KEY DATES SPECIFIC DAYS AT THE EXH BmON: ► Nov. 4th: Opening Ceremony & Nobel Speech ▪ Nov 5th: Pubiic Opening ► Nov. Blh: Children Day ► Nov. 12th: Artists Day ► Nov. lath: Hurnan-Trafficking Day 110 Nov.l4th: Closing Ceremony & Art Auction THE LOCATION - 181-199 NE 79TH ST, MIAMI, FL33138 ► Spectacular scenery. > 200,000sq feet of exhibition space, rnuiVie Revels and urban setting ► Prorninent Location: landmark visible from downtown, Miami beach and 195... ► Reviving of an historical bum... a location with a soul ► Plenty of parking... PI, 4 t City Cierk STREET ART FOR MANKINL THE EVENT REACH Submitted into the publict L fpr f r item(s) J\I on qL L . City Clerk 43 MILLION PEOPLE 16 MILLION PEOPLE IN SOCIAL MEDIA REACH Mostly innovators, early adoptors and may majority consumers. Ka ash and the 35 stellar artists have already a huge social media exposure: ID > 2.6 Million followers .►u > 2 Million followers Kailash Satyarthi name in > 260k tweets flay 1.5 Million followers > 25 Million searches Street Artists names in > 3lxIF tweets /day 1Z3 MILLION PEOPLE IN MIAMI - IN ARTS, SCHOOLS AND THE LATIN COMMUNITY Miami Dade & Braward is home to 4.6 Maorr people,of which 2.3 Milton adults are attending regularity performing arts events Both counties also account for 2.3 Million latin people, originating from countries where Child Labor is a big corn -12.5 Mahon children age 5-17 work in LATAM & Caribbean. ► 35 MILLION WORLDWIDE IN TV AND PRESS REACH The combined media, coverage of Kailash Satyprthi and the artists attencing SAlvi have the highest upscale population reach in Latin America, North America, Europe and Mkkle East 13113g1 1.4 ENS the Bloomberg 230 NB* Or liagirtillei 1 guardian i rtLcirgr 111u REIL coo :liti 14YIr1'1 \I \(Wet. 1•: Thee erne It CarIjorlitl61es Forbes E. 1. 1. F. LE FWARO aailg titan Stiilnnac ELPAIS fi M SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWERS... 35 M WORLDWIDE UPSCALE AFFLCIONADOS... 2.1 M MIAMI LOCALS LET ART FOR MANKIND Submitted into the public record f rite s) on City Clerk ONLINE ACTIVITY STREETARTMANKIND.ORG FRENCH FREERUE4 CAMPAIGN VISUALS 4,44{ Street Art or Mankind I Iva, nvarricei ;thrhist a pop Lremwrraia- 1)1(.1tprtr, Submitted into the public record f r iters) on a 4 rii 4 City Clerk MIAMI 5-13 NOVEMBRF 2016 g STREET ART FOR MANKIND ...al. .11 --nr• • $11t/ Fr ART MANICINID.ORG —4i STREET ART FOR MANKIND SAM EXHIBITIONS 2016 TO 2020 Submitted into the public record f r item(s) on STREET ART FOR MANKIND Submitted into the public ,i3k record o ite s) on City Clerk OUR SYMBOL ► THE HUMMINGBIRD ft comes fiu i e an indian folktale, which was recounted by Satyartni during his 2014 Nobel Peace Prize arraptance speech: °You may as what can one person do? Let me tell you a story 1 remember from my childhood: A terrible fire had broken out. All the animals were running away, including the lion, king of the forest. Suddenly, the lion saw a tiny bird rushing toward the fire. lie asked the bird, 'what are you doing?. To the lion's surprise, the bird replied, t I am on my way to extinguish the fire. He laughed and said, «How can you lull the fire with just one drop of water in your beak?. The bird was adamant and said, «but, I am doing my lit! ► THE SYMBOL We am paying tribute to Cailashi's actions. The Hummingbird, symbol also used by the foundation of Kailash Satyarthi, represents the importance of all of us ,.doing our share. to protecttfre world's children. ► THE HUMMINGBIRD IN EACH OF US Each one of us has the power to make a change and create a child fiendly world by find ng our inner hummingbird... And just Pike the hummingbird 'on the tale, we are resilient and we want to empower you to crxrt ute one "bit' at a time. STREE ART FOR MANKIND r 11 Let every child be free to be a child. II - Kailash Satyarthi Submitted into the publi record f r ite s on t City Clerk STREET ART FOR MANKIND Submitted into the public record f r ite (s) on City Cierk