HomeMy WebLinkAboutOBSOLETECity of Miami Legislation Ordinance City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 16-00657zt1 Final Action Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING THE MIAMI 21 CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BYAMENDING APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TO MODIFY REGULATIONS RELATED TO THE NORTH MIAMI AVENUE SETBACK, ON -STREET LOADING, PARKING STANDARDS, CROSS -BLOCK PASSAGES, STREET TREE PUBLIC BENEFIT CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS, NOTICE REQUIREMENTS, AND TO REFORMAT THE ORGANIZATION OF THE REGULATIONS; CONTAINING THE REGULATIONS SET FORTH THEREIN; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT;CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 22, 2009, Ordinance No. 13114 was adopted as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Miami 21 Code"); and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2015, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 13561, amending the Miami 21 Code to include Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization District ("NRD"); and WHEREAS, NRDs are needed to assist in revitalizing unique and distinctive areas of the City of Miami ("City") that exhibit a certain defined character worthy of enhancement; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that modifying regulations related to the North Miami Avenue Setback, On -Street Loading, Parking Standards, Cross -Block Passage Regulations, Street Tree Public Benefit Contribution Requirements, Notice Requirements, and reformatting the organization of the regulations will improve the intent and effectiveness of the NRD-1 standards and guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board, at its meeting of May 18, 2016, Item No. PZAB. 1, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PZAB-R-16-033 by a vote of ten to zero (10 - 0), recommending APPROVAL of the Neighborhood Revitalization District (NRD-1); and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter, deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City and its citizens to amend the Miami 21 Code as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami 21 Code is hereby amended in the following particulars: {1} City of Miami Page 1 of 75 File Id: 16-00657st1 (Version: 2) Printed On: 8/26/2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICT NRD-1 SEPTEMBER 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS J,1- NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICT NRD 1 44 Boundaries 4,2 Intent 4,3 Effect of District Designation 4-5 Wynwood Thoroughfares and Corridor& J 4--7 Specific to Zones 1.7.1 Urban Center Transect Zone (T5) ILLUSTRATI N 1 7 1-1�1F'BAN OE-(�I-TEPry^, :SECT ZO ES (T5) 1.7.2 Urban Core Transect Zones (T6) J4O ILLUSTRATION 1.7.2 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6 8) J.11 4,8 Wynwood Parking Program J.12 4.5 Wynwood Public Benefits Program 4 1.10 Wa/Yt-61Sdood Z,t'.ansfor E_if Drive oilmen Qigh`s Progr m . 7 1.11 Wynwood Landscape Requirements J.17 1.12 Wynwood Sinnage 1 8 1.13 NRD 1 Street Master Plan EE3 1.13.1 NRD 1 Street Master Plan Map J.20 1.13.2 NRD 1 Street Master Plan Alternative Right Of Way Sections J.21 J.1 SEPTEMBER 2015 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. J.2 SEPTEMBER 2015 fronting NW 29th Street on the north between 195 and NW 5th Avenue and between NW 2nd Avenue and N Miami 4 e, and tho FE-Ger-Fdor on the ea•St—Tho cout#„Tbet„dary is comprised of NW and 195. More specifically depicted on thc Miami 21 Atlas. Thc intent of t development regulations to transition an existing Industrial District into an active, diverse, mixed use Thc Wynwood District, originally operated as a manufacturing and logictie h„b for tho City f Mai. i creative enterprise. It is vital that the Wynwood Neighborhood odato n ' 'ees and Dongitioc turc residents. 4-4 Effect of District Designation Ordinance, Miami 21 Code, referred to herein as "this Code", to these properties included within the NRD 1 boundaries. in thc SAP shall govern. representative of all such registered associations, by certified mail, of the application. The ap plicant shall submit with thc application these certified receipts. If any such as✓ociation has any J.3 SEPTEMBER 2015 commcnts or recommendations, such comments and recormendations shall be submitted to Codc. higher Commercial U ;c activities. otherwise specified hcrcin: 2. Uscc to be developed on these Thoroughfares an€1-Ger+ide-Fs-s14a-4K-efnatelaeEteatpi4n-aativ- 3. The number and dimensions of curb cuts and Driveways shall be minimized to reduce the pedostrian/vehicular conflicts . ' . Altcrnativc Ri^h+ of Ways octio for rl +ins cats +cs-efThoroughfarcc and Corridors have b. NRD 1 Setbacks: conditions along Thorebiga#ar-es and Corridors within the NRD 1 boundary. Transcct Zonc within Article 1, Tablc 3: a. Definition of Ucea� 1. Commercial J.4 SEPTEMBER 2015 mcrcia! Ucc. 2. Civic within Article 1, Table 7 of this Code. This area shall be in connection with a ground floor Commercial Ucc. b. Use Regulation Limited to first Story of Principal Building and maximum area of 20,000 square fcct, within a fully cncloccd structure or Building. 2 /A rf GoU ,rye• Dermittod By Right within T5 0 n d T6 8 (l T t 7 -43,4446 3. Work Livc: Permitted by Right within T5 0 and T6 8 0 Transcct Zonco Maximum unit size 2,000 cquarc fcct. c. Additional Rcgulationc 1. T5 0 and T6 8 0 propertics with 100 fcct of Frontage length or more shall rcquirc Commcr ni.�l 1 I�+oo �.Ir�rrry .+ miysimuw...nf fnioriii fien nr,rni. nF (NCO/ Principal Frontagc. J.5 SEPTEMBER 2015 1.7.1 Urban Center Transect Zone (T5) a. Building Disposition 1. Lot Coverage by any Building shall not exceed eighty percent (8Q%) of Lot Area. Additional n+('n�irsrnrvr. mn�. hr, r,-.n..iv.-.r!0 Program by Waiver. 2. Flexible Lot Coverage Program: 0 ii. Open Space may be provided off site, within the NRD 1, at an amount equal to the square footage obtained from increaaced Lot Coverage. The Open Space shall be provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article 1, Table 7 of this Code. 3. For sites with 250 feet Frontage length or mere, a crow. Block pedeetri. oar oh ll h provided as follows: If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point more than 250 feet from a 0 requirements. If the Frontage Linc of a site is at any point 550-feat from a Thoroughfare i„ tcrsection or another vehicular crone Block pasvage, a vehicular crone Block pa:eage shall bc provided. b. Building Configuration bc as shown in Illustration 1.7.1, except as to bonus Hci Scctions 1.9 and 1.10 contained herein. J.6 SEPTEMBER 2015 2. A one (1) Story Building may be allowed through the Warrant proce^c providing that the no Iocc than fifty peFeeet (50%) of tho roof r prn id rd c. Building Function 8, Dcncity Use Map designation of no greater than 150 Dwelling Units per acre. d. Parking Standards 1. Primary Frontage. All Parking, including drop e#f drives and Porto cechcres, opcn Parking areas, covered Parking, garages, Loading Spaces and service areas shall be located within thc Third Layer and shall be masked from the Frontage by a Liner Building or Streetscreen as illustrated in Article 1, Table 8. Parking may extend into the Second Layer above the first 0 a maximum of fifty (50) feet. 2. Secondary Frontage. All Parking, open Parking areas, covered Parking, garages, Loading Spaces and service areas shall be located in thc-Third I ayor and ehall hr, maokod from two 0 0 of the Frontage. Above ground Parking may extend into the Second Layer beyond fifty percent (50%) of the length of the Frontage, by Waiver, if an art, glass, or architectural treatment of c. Loading Standards: Loading tandnr,de+ shall bo rog..irod as s ewn-i19 Ar-t+slc 1, Tables 1 and 5, except as modified below: each use with a grnse Floor /�roa g oator than 50 Ann f + c u� i relaxed, by Waiver, for projccts located on lots with a lot depth Icss t"a; 1 nn foot Dr i ote zoncs within 500 feet of thc Development site. during specified hours. Offio. /Cnmmoroinl I odging nrl Ronidontial I oodin. v rrrvc+ vvn , , Wynwood Thoroughfares shall be permitted within specifically designated zones. Loading J.7 SEPTEMBER 2015 occur only betwccn thc hours of 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. ii. Exprc,c Parcel Delivery. /1. Turning movements associated with loading may be aosemmodateel ^ffotr„ot -o„- eet7 cxccpt along Wynwood Corridors. f. Architectural Standards Frontcinao chart inol „le ort a glo + + t 2. Art or glass tr atment shall be of a design to be approved by the Planning Director with the recommendation of the WDRC. g. Landscape Standards 2. A Privately owned Public Open Space area in connection with a ground floor Commercial Type standard within Article 4, Tablc 7 of this Code. 3. The First Laycr shall bc hardscaped to match the Public Frontage. Street trees shall be noatly aligned in thc Vcrgc, and thc Vcrgc shall bc permeable pavcmcnt. J.8 SEPTEMBER 2015 BUILDING DISPOSITION BUILDING PLACEMENT LOT OCCUPATION a. Lot Area With roar vehicular aoccsa 5,000 o,f. min.; 10,000 s.f. max. 1,200 c.f, min.; 40,000 s,f. max. b. Lot Width With rear vehicular aoco^a 50 ft mirk 16 ft. min. p vcragc 89--006, ;ex4 d. Floor Lot Ratio (f LR) ?dhh c. montage at front Setback 70% min. #,Gfiets-Spisee 10% Lot Arca min. g. Density 150 dulac max. BUILDINC KTDACIK a. Principal Front 10 ft, min.*** b. Secondary Front 10 ft. min,*** e,Side 0 ft. min. d. Roar 0 ft. min. e-A#iutttng Side or Roar T4 Abutting Side or Rear T3 10% of Lot depth**min, 1'' through 2� Story 26 ft. min, above 2"" Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION MONTAGE a. Common Lawn pfehibited b. Porch & Fcnco 1fehibited c. Terrace or L.C. prehiblied d, forecourt itiefanitted c. Stoop perFtritted f. Shopfront permitted (T5 L and T5 0 only) g, Callcry permitted by Spccial Arca Plan h, Ar ado permitted by Special Araa Plan of ni DIni, I, 4 a Min. Height 2 Ctoricu b, Max. Hcight 5-Steries c. Max. Benefit Hcight 3 Storica (T5 0 only) Abutting all TranacctZoncacxccptT3 * 0r a3 modified through flexible Lot Coverage Program ** 10% of Lot dcpth for Lot° more than 120' dccp 8' min for Lot3 leas than 120' dccp ***Or as modified within NRD 1 Strcct Mactcr Plan 10 2rd Lai €ajw PARKING PLACEMENT BUILDING HEIGHT 0%ofLatdepiifocLilo titan120'deep minf rLolainsflran1 J.9 SEPTEMBER 2015 1.7.2 Urban Core Transact Zones (T6) All T6, Urban Center Transcct zoning regulations shall ^ pl„ within +he NRD 1 Urban C ntor Traitor + a. Building Disposition 1. Setbacks for Buildings shall be as shown in Illustration 1.7.2. Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor for Lots having Depth measuring one hundred (100) feet or Ic c may be a minimum of zero (0) feet by Waiver. At Property Lines Abutting a lower Transect Zone, the Setbacks shall reflect the transition as shown in Illustration 1.7.2. Street Master Plan. 3. Above the eighth floor, minimum Building spacing is twenty (20) feet. b. Building Configuration 18,000 square fcct maximum for Residential Uses. Additional Residential Floorplate dimensions net-te-ex-eeed-30,040-equar-e-feet-FRaxi-FREFFR iii. 180 feet maximum length for Residential Uses iv. 215 feet maximum length for Commercial Uses this Codc and be as she1 r, III„ctratiee - 2,e „ f' + ^o to bonus uei h+, h r r, l hl e according to Sections 1.0 and 1.10 contained herein. c. Building Function & Density d. Architectural Standards 'l_- _ H neon y oo no+r„n+ed ®r,nnipal Bull -1,ng Are, nc Frontages shall include art or glass treatment. 2. Art or glaoo treatme t ch.,ll be of „ de gn to I, recommendation of the WDRC. c. Landscape Standards The First I o er shell he herdcoopod +e motoh +ho D, ,hl,e Fr tag C aligned in the Verge, and the Verge shall be permeable pavement. J.10 SEPTEMBER 2015 ILLUSTRATION 1.7.2 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6 8) BUILDING DISPOSITION 1.0T OCCUPATION a, LotArca 5,000 s.f. min.; 40,000 s.f. max. b. Lot Width 60 ft min. c. Lot Covcrago -4-8-Steries Above 81h Story 18,000 sq. ft. max. floorplatc for Residential & Lodging**** 30,000 sq. ft. max. fleerplate-for 0 fee--8, Commcrclat d. floor Lot Ratio (RR) fdfR e. frontage at front Sctbaok 70% min. f, Opcn Sec 10% Lot Area min. g, Dcncity 150 dulac max.* o. Principal front 10 ft. min.***; 15 ft. min, above 8'h Story b, Cccondary front 10 ft. min.***; 15 ft, min. abovc 8'h Story c. Cidc 0 ft. min,; 10 ft. min. abovc 8'h Ctory d. Rear 0 ft, min.; 10 ft. min. ab vc 8'h Story e. Abutting Sidc or Rear T4 6 ft. min. 1*'through 5'h Story 26 ft, min. abovc 5'h Story Abutting Cidc or Rev T3 10% of Lot dcpth**min. 1"through 2°"Story 26 ft, min. 3'd through 5'h Story 46 ft. min. above 5'h Ctory BUILDING CONFIGURATION fRONTACE a. Common Lawn fir -eh -tidied ti Porvim-oroh & Fonee prehihhed c, Tcrracc or L.C. prohibited forecourt permitted permitted f. Chopfront permitted (T6 8 L and T6 8 0 only} g. Callcry permitted by Spcoiai Area Plan h. Arcade BUILDINC HEICHT a. Min. Hcight 2 Storica b, Max. I !eight 8-&(dries o. Mox, Benefit Height 4 Stories Abutting all Tran,cct. Zone:, except T3 * 0r as modified in Diagram 0 ** 10% of Lot depth for Lots more than 120' dccp 6' min for Lots Ices than 120' dccp *** 0r as modifrcd w *�0r as modified within Section 1.7.2 (b)(1)(i) BUILDING PLACEMENT PARKING PLACEMENT BUILDING HEIGHT "1(1%ofLot depthfar Lots maa 12A'deep mil bads thanl2Q' .+ J.11 CEPTEMBER 2015 c. Parking Standards 1. Minimum Parking requirements may be satisfied by providing the Parking established within Anti-olo 4 a e-4-ana T^"�Tth-is modified below: {. Dwelling I Init that io Icy ch t 0 ofcct: {a) Minimum one (1) space per Unit shall be provided-on--oi-te-or-e!ff-olti-a-a-Parkiffg •RorkiRg into tho Wyo ood oorkin T- a t a gr ater dcmand. +i- Dwelling Unit that is greatcr than 650 square feet: within a Parking Structure; or tho W rw0000d-P-arrkinc ng-rTrdot Fundd iii. Work Live Unit: (a) Minimum one (1) spaces I�-Uni Structure. h.-. Nnr .iidod on nitro off oito h' witD ki gt t iv. Commercial Use, General: (a) Minimum three (3) parking spaces per 1,000 squape-feet-of-Gotwoeceiat-U-seiaceliideot J.12 SEPTEMBER 2015 Commercial Use, Art Gallery: Parking Trust Fund. 2. Applicability of Parking Relaxations. 3. Off site parking Parking requirements may be satisfied off site within a Parking structure that shall be within 1,000 feet of the nearest point on the parcel of land of the proposed Development site. are reduced or mass transit conditions are modified in a way that may facilitate additional fiord on situ or thro„gh naymont of foot in lio„ pnlinahlo , ii. Non conforming Off street Parking; Adaptive Ucc Changes to site improvements shall be subject to regulations set forth in Section 7.2.8.a of this Code. Notwithstanding the establishment of thc Wynwood Parking Trust Fund, where modifications may ho pormittod which incFeacc the degree of the existing nonconformity. on safeguards that reduce thc degree of the nonconformity to tho oxtont roaoonahl„ foocihlo in thc circumstances of thc case. iii. Parking relaxations boundaries, except to thc extent explicitly modified herein. 3. Mechanical parking facilities with Parking Str+i-atti-Fes shall be ight within the NRD 1 ho, indarioc Parlkinn cnaooc within thorn facilities shall be number of vehicles said facility can accommodate. of the City Code. J.13 SEPTEMBER 2015 a. The proposed bonus Height shall be permittcd in cxchangc for contributions to thc NRD 1 for the and Opcn Space, Civic Spacc or Civil Support space, and C Ilocatcd by the Wynwood BID to support Affordable/ Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Opcn Spacc, and Civic Space er Civil 1. Dcfinitions /1, Table 7 of this Code. 1, Section 1.1, f. of this Code. 21 hours a day. 1. Affordable/ Workforce Housing. A Development project within the NRD 1 boundaries may provide any of thc le -Hewing -of combination thereof` tion) provided on site, the Development shall be allowed two square feet of additional J.14 SEPTEMBER 2015 2. Public Parks and Open Space. A Devclopmcnt project within the NRD 1 boundaries may provide any of thc following or combination thcrcof: thc NRD 1 boundary, thc Development shall be allowcd two (2) times the Development FloorArca of provided land up to thc benus Height dcscribcd-in Section 1.9,(c). Thc Opcn i4 Dedication On sitc: Public Opcn Spacc, in addition to required Open Space, may be p roviido d on s to in n Ioo ation .anrd of n rdo n Ora bo o d by tho ❑Iran g Di n # For coach cquarc foot of dcdicatcd Public Park or Open described in Section 1.9,(c). Thc project shall maintain thc Frontage requirements of the Tranccct Zone. Thc Open Spacc may bc a Courtyard, Plaza, Thoroughfare or Pedestrian Passage or Paseo through the site connecting two (2) Thoroughfares, such as a segment of thc Baywalk or FEC Grecnway. Sec Article 1, Tablc 7 of this Code. 3. Civic space and Civil Support space. Fora Devclopmcnt project within the NRD 1 boundaries that donatcs a Civic space or Civil Support cpacc on sitc to the City of Miami, an additional two square feet of arca for cash square foot of donated space, up to thc bonus Hcight do scribed in Section 1.9,(c), shall bc allowcd. provides a Pasco, cross Block Pcdestrian Passage, or vehicular cross Block passage; if it two thoroughfares, and is publicly accessible 21 hours a day or Ic: c by process of Waiver, additional floor ar a shall bc allowcd as follows: i. For portions of provided Cron: Block Connectivity that arc roofed, the Development shall Arc.^.c d an og _ i,.alont arn; unt of ^I n,� ,nt Fl or n r n to thc bonus Hcight described in Section 1.9,(c). rent shall be allowed five (5) times the Developmcnt FloorAr a up to thc bonus Height dcccribcd in Section 1.9,(c). thc Development prejest shall be calculation assumes a land value per saleable or rcntable square foot within market ar o to cquate to between ten percent (10%) to fiftccn porcont (15oi) of market „ ghdod average sales price per square foot. The cash contributions shall be adjusted on an annual basis to rcflcct market conditions eff:ectivc Octobcr 1 of cvcry yoar. specified public benefits, above that which is otherwise required by the NRD 1, in thc amount and in thc manner set forth hcrcin. J.15 SEPTEMBER 2015 1. T5 O: fkc (5) Story Public Parks and Opcn Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, Cro&c Block Conncctiv through the Wynwood TDR Program. 3. D1: cight (8) Story maximum, bonus to ton (1 0) Storioc; the additional flooro of + to the Wynwood Public Bcnefit Trust Fund. J.16 SEPTEMBER 2015 by creating a procecc whereby thc otherwise unusable development rights of Lcgacy Structurc shall bc iosucd a "certificate of eligibility" following confirmation that thc property mcets thc criteria cstablichcd by thc Wynwood BID and defined below. new Development that supports thc character of Wynwood. 1. Legacy Structure shall mean: An cxisting building which is maintained or rc purposcd by the property owncr that contributes to the character of Wynwood. The structure must maintain design, setting, material, workmanship, feeling and aocociation, a+ d meet at least one of thc following criteria: is n . tod with n nifiant „-,dctr„ ir„ „rton �i. Exemplifies thc industrial trends of thc community; iv. Is a building typology nccecsary for a specific industry -that would be nonconforming in currcnt code. 2. TOR exchange system: i. The owncr of property improved with a Lcgacy Structure or Privatcly owned Public Open Space may sell or receive TDRs at any time if capacity is available. ii. Developments within T5 0 and T6 Transect Zones may feceive TDRs to obtain additional bonus Building Hcight. In thc T5 0 Transect Zenc, 3. Legacy Structurc sites providing TDRs must operate a Use permiccible within the NRD 1. Lcgacy Structure sites and privately owncd public Open Space sites shall not bc preserved privately owned public Open Space site if available within the NRD 1 boundaries. Within thc NRD 1, Article 9 of this Codc shall apply, except as provided hcrcie- scapcd in accordance with thc following standards, which supersede Section 9.8 of this Codc: J.17 SEPTEMBER 2015 1.12 of the Parking Lot at a minimum density of ono (1 ` tr e h+ , (0) f + f i d � � i �-2 Nn nay y � i ccapcd ar a, exclusive of Parking lot buffers. 2. For cash row of parking thcrc cha on center. 3. For each row of parallel parking there shalt be a minimum of two (2) landscape ar as with trees within the first seventy five (75) linear feet, and one (1) landscape area with a trce for wherever possible. 5. All parking lots adjacent to a right of way or private street shall be screened by a continuous 6. Screening shall be provided when parking stalls, access aisles, or dF4veways arc located \AJDRC`, in saoi o to r id n r ha �co'a"W i a Pointedy'CaU Signs shall bo sire`e�od By RCight. b. All other cignage shall be subject to Article 1-0, Table 15 Sign Design Standards and approved J.18 SEPTEMBER 2015 The Wynwood District is transitioning from an Industrial District into an active, diverse, mixed use Neighborhood. Thc-current character of the Neighborhood -is demarcated, traversed, and connected environment. The NRD 1 Street Master Plan will -create a series of alternative-ROWc, establish appropriate setback Public Works, and applied to Wynwoed's as identified on the NRD 1 Street Master Plan Map. Thc NRD 1 Street Master Plan will also serve as an organizing principle for a NRD 1 Strcct Trcc Master Plan. a. NRD 1 Strcct Hierarchy The NRD 1 Street Master Plan acknowledges the relative importahce of several significant Corridors arc given established setback provisions t Transect Zone. NW 29 Strcct = NW 20 Strcct = NW 2 Avenue = NW 5 Avenue b. NRD 1 Setbacks: c. Alternative Rights of Way Alternative ROW sections have been croated for thorn ughf r^o botwoon +ice„ (50 nd h +inn 7 13 7 $A�} itler�nS 6ab8 Se2�Kl2rr-cC cv^crcrr�--rmc d. NRD 1 Street Trcc Master Plan Reserved. J.19 SEPTEMBER 2015 1.13.1 NRD 1 Street Maetcr Plan Map J.20 SEPTEMBER 2015 1 13 2—NRD 1 Street Master Rlan ^ltornatiyo Right of Way Sent City of Miami Public Works: City of Miami Public Works: Standard 50 F Standard 50 F Modified With a Bike Lane 5' Established Setback 5' Established Setback Parsing $ravel Tavel Lana Lano Parking 4^w 4 (; 6" a4 1U` rr 1c' 0 „,1 6' d,. 0" rq'r. Affected Thoroughfares: Thlc is tho ctandard thoroughfaro conditb h-.r lc' 1.4 Ey SO' Affected Thoroughfares: J.21 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Capital Improvcmcnts: One Way With Bikc Lanc 5' Ectablichcd Setback Affected Thoroughfares: City of Miami Planning Dcpartmcnt: Wooncrf* 5' Ectablichcd Setback Affected Thoroughfares: NW 1 ct AV botwoon NW 20th ST and NW 26th ST NW 1 ct PL botwoon NW 23rd ST and NW 20th ST J.22 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Planning Department: 15' ROW against I 95 5' Established Sctback 1-96 Affectcd Thoroughfarc: 6andsape ,99ffer with FOOT) :1) NW 6th AV botwoon NW 23rd ST and NW 5th AV . 4. 2. 944ewa+14 T-ravei Stroot Trooc Travo1 Law* Stract Treoc 10' 5, r J.23 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Public Works: Modified 70 F 5' Established Setback aer47ag4 Travo4 Travo4 aae,ft! a Lan0 LaRe Travel ro .aa►.a G•G"1w G'G"I w 10' rr 1p' 1....1 10' rs 10' w Affected Thoroughfare: P! Miami AV botwoon N 20th ST and N 20th ST -a �¢6"0a6 6"ter J.24 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Public Works: 70 F 0' Established Setback wK w Affected Thoroughfare: NW 2nd AV botwoon NW 20th ST and NW 20th ST • 2' Parking Travo4 Travo{ 6eae Land 2 Parking 0 0 1t' wwr. 1➢' ►+0,0"s 70' J.25 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Planning Department: 70' With Linear Parkway 5' Established Setback vol Perking Trane Pace 6 Vww Ip' rw Affected Thoroughfare: NW 28th ST bctwoon NW 6th AV and NW 3rd AV ✓_inoar Parkway IA' 70' ;ravel Park �aae 6' 6' w r 4'1. J.26 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Miami Capital Improvcmcntc: NW 29th Approved Road Dict 10' Establichcd Sctback 10' Affcctcd Wynwood Corridor: Nl\' 20th ST b two n 105 and th FEC 8iko Travel Turn Travol 4114e tape boas boas Lano &ape 6r6.w6.- 6.16.4 iv 6-4 Iv 6-6, 15, r,... 5? Fw 6, 0,,.6 80, J.27 SEpTERAB2R2U15 City ofMiami Capital Improvements: Modified 100 D with Bike LaDCG O'E--tob|ichCdSetback AffoctcdNRDCorridor: &CPTEMBER 2015 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. J.29 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS 1.1 DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTIONS: USES J.3 SECTION 2 - PURPOSE AND INTENT 2_1 BOUNDARIES 2_2 INTENT 2.3 EFFECTS OF DISTRICT DESIGNATION 2.4 ADDITIONAL NOTICE AND REVIEW SECTION 3 - GENERAL TO ZONES 3.1 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS 3_2 THOROUGHFARES 3.3 WYNWOOD PUBLIC BENEFITS PROGRAM 3.4 WYNWOOD TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PROGRAM SECTION 4 - STANDARDS AND TABLES TABLE 1 BUILDING FUNCTION: USES TABLE 2 T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE TABLE 2 T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE TABLE 2 D - DISTRICT TABLE 3 PARKING AND LOADING SECTION 5 - SPECIFIC TO ZONES 5.1 URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONE (T5) 5.2 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6) SECTION 6 - LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS 6_1 INTENT AND PURPOSE 6_2 LANDSCAPE AREAS IN PARKING LOTS J.4 J.4 J.4 J.4 J.5 J.6 J.7 J.9 J.12 J.13 J.17 J.20 J.23 J.24 J.28 J.31 J.31 SECTION 7 - SIGN REGULATIONS 7.1 NRD-1 SIGN STANDARDS J.32 SECTION 8 - STREET MASTER PLAN 8.1 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN 8.2 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN - MAP 8.3 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN - RIGHT-OF-WAY SECTIONS J.33 J.35 J.36 J.1 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS J.2 APPENDIX J:NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATIOND|8TRIC78 SECTION I - DEFINITIONS 1.1 DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTIONS: USES WynwoodUmam The NRD-1 shall permit the followinq Uses as iden'tifed within Section 4 Table 1: a. COMMERCIAL Man ufmcturing-Enmbled Retail: Afoci|ity primarily enqaOed in the nnanufootuhnq, proceaninq. orao- Art Gallery: A place of business PrimarilV enqaqed in the displav and sale of art work created on or off site, with works available for immediate purchase and removal from the premises. b. CIVIC Prh/atm|y'ovvnadPub||oOpenSpmoe:epub|io|youoeeaib|eareaonoprivate|otdhatexoeedamininnunn Open GD8De requirements and shall be provided as 8 QVio Sp8CSTvpe standard within Article 4. Table 7ufthis Code. This area shall be|nconnection with a qPOuOdfloor Commercial Use. J.3 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 2 - PURPOSE AND INTENT APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 2.1 BOUNDARIES Generally described as bounded by 1-95 on the west, NW 29th Street on the north including parcels fronting NW 29th Street on the north between 1-95 and NW 5th Avenue and between NW 2nd Avenue and N Miami Avenue, and the FEC Corridor on the east. The southern boundary is comprised of NW 20th Street between N Miami Avenue and NW 1st Place, and NW 22nd Street between NW 1st Place and 1-95. Boundaries more specifically depicted on the Miami 21 Atlas. 2_2 INTENT The intent of the Neighborhood Revitalization District (NRD-1) is to establish a protective series of land development regulations to transition the existing Wvnwood Industrial District into an active, diverse, mixed -use Neighborhood. The NRD-1 will also preserve the unique street art and Industrial character- istics of the current Wynwood District while promoting a 24-hour environment where people work, live, and play. The Wvnwood Neighborhood, originally operated as a manufacturing and logistic hub for the City of Miami, is in transition and is transforming into a globally recognized destination for art, fashion, innova- tion, and creative enterprise. It is vital that the Wvnwood Neighborhood accommodate new Uses and Densities while creating new Public and private Open Space opportunities for its existing and future residents. 2_3 EFFECTS OF DISTRICT DESIGNATION The effect of these NRD-1 regulations shall be to modify to the extent indicated herein: a. Transect regulations included within the NRD-1 boundaries. b. Definitions under Section 1.1 of the NRD-1, which are applicable only within the NRD-1 c. Other standards and regulations otherwise generally applicable under the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance, Miami 21 Code, to those properties included within the NRD-1 boundaries. d. Where standards set forth in an SAP conflict with standards set forth in the NRD-1, the standards in the SAP shall govern. e. Where standards in the NRD-1 are silent, the underlying Miami 21 standards and requirements shall govern. 2.4 ADDITIONAL NOTICE AND REVIEW a. Projects within the NRD-1 boundaries in excess of 200,000 square feet of total Floor Area shall be referred to the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC),which shall review the applica- tion and provide its comments and recommendations to the Director, per Chapter 2 of the City Code. J.4 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 3 - GENERAL TO ZONES APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 3.1 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Parking requirements met within the NRD-1 boundaries for T5, T6 Transect Zones and D1 District Zones may be provided on -site or off -site through a centralized Parking system in order to consolidate Park- ing, encourage walking, and reduce the burden on property owners of mandated Parking requirements on -site. Parking requirements for the NRD-1 identified within Section 4, Table 2 shall apply. 3.1.1 Parking Program 1. Applicability of Parking Relaxations. i. Off -site parking Parking requirements may be satisfied off -site within a Parking structure that shall be within 1,000 feet of the nearest point on the parcel of land of the proposed Development site. An applicant requesting parking off -site within a Parking Structure shall provide a Parking covenant to be recorded against the proposed Parking Structure site. The covenant shall, at a minimum, memorialize the location and number of spaces of the proposed Development site for which the Parking Structure provides such parking availability. Applicant may request the removal or modification of a Parking covenant upon such time that City Parking requirements are reduced or mass transit conditions are modified in a way that may facilitate additional Parking space reductions, or the required parking being provided off -site is otherwise satis- fied on -site or through payment of fees in lieu, as applicable. H. Nonconforming Off-street Parking; Adaptive Use Changes to site improvements shall be subject to regulations set forth in Section 7.2.8.a of this Code. Notwithstanding the establishment of the Wynwood Parking Trust Fund, where existing Off-street Parking or loading is nonconforming to the requirements of this Code, as modified by Section 4, Table 2 herein, the Use or Adaptive Use of any Building shall not re- quire the provision of additional Parking, loading, or on -site stormwater detention or retention. No modifications shall be permitted which increase the degree of the existing nonconformity. Modifications to the facilities may be approved by Waiver, and the Waiver may be conditioned on safeguards that reduce the degree of the nonconformity to the extent reasonably feasible, iii. Parking relaxations Parking relaxations generally available in this Code and the City Code shall be available within the NRD-1 boundaries, except to the extent explicitly modified herein. 2. Mechanical parking facilities within Parking Structures shall be allowed by Right within the NRD-1 boundaries, Parking spaces within these facilities shall be calculated based on the number of vehicles accommodated by said Parking Structure. 3. Parking covenants and payment -in -lieu shall be processed as described within Chapter 35 J.5 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 of the City Code. APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 4. Prior to the end of the three (3) years from the effective date of these NRD-1 Regulations, the Director and Zoning Administrator shall review the parking standard for Dwelling Units 650 square feet or less, based on a district -wide parking and transportation study and may make a recommendation to modify the parking standard if such a study demonstrates a greater demand. 3.1.2 Loading Standards Loading standards are set forth in Section 4, Tables 2 and 3, except as modified below: a. On -street loading for all T5, Urban Center Transect Zones shall be allowed in areas designated by signage and for limited intervals during specified hours. Office, Commercial, Lodging, and Residential Loading. On -street loading areas intended to service Office, Commercial, Lodging and Residential Uses along Wynwood Thoroughfares shall be permitted within specifically designated zones within 500 feet of the Development site. Loading within such designated zones shall not exceed 20 minutes. Such loading activity shall occur only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. b. For the purpose of loading maneuverability for future Development within the NRD-1 the follow- ing criteria shall apply: i. Turning movements associated with one (1) loading berth per Development may be made on -street, except along Wynwood Corridors. ii. Turning movements associated with more than one (1) loading berth per Development may be permitted on -street by Warrant, except along Wynwood Corridors. 3_2 THOROUGHFARES 3.2.1 NRD-1 Thoroughfares and Corridors The District is demarcated, traversed, or connected by important Thoroughfares and Corridors that provide opportunities for future Development. Wynwood Thoroughfares and Corridors have potential to increase Development Capacity, provide ideal locations for increased Building Height, and promote higher Commercial Use activities. a. Improvements and new Development along Wynwood Thoroughfares and Corridors within the NRD-1 boundaries shall conform to the following pedestrian safety and comfort standards unless otherwise specified herein: 1. A Dominant Setback Waiver shall not be permitted in order for new Developments to establish a uniform streetscape with sidewalk conditions that promote pedestrian activity. J.6 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 2. Uses to be developed on these Thoroughfares and Corridors shall promote pedestrian activ- ity, such as General Commercial, Open Air Retail, and other ground floor retail Uses. 3. The number and dimensions of curb cuts and Driveways shall be minimized to reduce pe- destrian/vehicular conflicts up to the minimum permissible by the controlling jurisdiction. 4. Right -Of -Way sections for distinct categories of Thoroughfares and Corridors have been identified within the NRD-1 Street Master Plan to establish ideal sidewalk conditions, achiev- ing an enhanced pedestrian experience within the Wynwood District. b. NRD-1 Setbacks: Refer to the NRD-1 Street Master Plan described within Section 8 for specific setback condi- tions along Thoroughfares and Corridors within the NRD-1 boundary. 3.3 WYNWOOD PUBLIC BENEFITS PROGRAM The intent of the Wynwood Public Benefits Program established in NRD-1 is to allow bonus Building Height in the T5-O, T6, and D1 Transect Zones in exchange for the developer's contribution to speci- fied programs that provide benefits to the Public within the NRD-1 boundaries. The Wynwood Public Benefits Program shall supersede the Public Benefits Program generally applicable in the City under Section 3.14 of this Code. a. The proposed bonus Height shall be permitted in exchange for contributions to the NRD-1 for the following public benefits: Affordable/Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Open Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, and Cross -Block Connectivity. The City shall establish a Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund for the collection of cash contributions for Affordable/ Workforce Hous- ing and Public Parks and Open Space. The Wynwood BID shall annually decide the allocation of funds from the funds collected under this section. Expenditures of these funds shall be in accor- dance with the Wvnwood Public Benefits Trust Fund as defined in Chapter 62 of the City Code. 1. Definitions i. Affordable/Workforce Housing shall mean: housing available to families which meet the qualifications as established by Section 13-5 of the City Code. ii. Public Parks and Open Space shall mean: Open Space meeting the standards of Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. iii. Civic Space or Civic Support Use shall mean: a Building Function defined within Article 1, Section 1.1, f. of this Code. iv. Cross -Block Connectivity shall mean: a Paseo, cross -Block Pedestrian Passage, or ve- hicular cross -Block passage that connects two Thoroughfares, Corridors, or combination thereof: and is publicly accessible 24-hours a day. b. For the purposes of the Wynwood Public Benefits Program, the following criteria shall apply: 1. Affordable/ Workforce Housing. A Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries may J.7 MIAMI 21 SEPTEK8BER201G APPEND[XJ: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Provide anv of the foUowiDgnrcombination thereof: i. Afk)rdable/VVO[kforCe HousiOq On -site: For each eqU8Fe foot 0fAfkoPdab|e/VVOrkforCe Housinq (includinq appurtenant shared space such as parkinq and circulation) provided on site, the Development shall be @UOvved two square feet of additional area up to the bonus Heiqhtasdescribed |DSection 3.3.(c). ii. Affordable[Workforce Housinq Off -site: For each square foot of Affordable/Workforce H0UGiDq (iOC|VdiDqappurtenant shared space such os p8rhiDqand circulation) provided offahe.|n3|0c8UonvvithiDth9City8pprOv8dbytheCityW1oDoOer,UleDeVS|opnleDt8h8U be 8UOvv8d on equivalent Gqu8refuot8qe of additional area Up to the bonus Heiqht as described in Section 8.3.(c), NO additional 8Uovv8nCe or credit is qiveD for the purchase of the site. 2. Public Parks and Open Space. A Development proiect within the NRD-1 boundaries maV Provide gnyVfthe f0UovvnqO[combination thereof: i Dedication On -site: Public Open Gpaoa. in addition to required Open Space, DloybS provided on -site in @ location and of desi.qD to be approved bythe P|8Dninq Director. For each square foot of dedicated Public Park or Open Space provided, the Development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of Development Floor Area up to the bonus Heiqht described in Gaoti0D 3.3.(o). The pr0ieCtshaU maintain the F[0ntoOSrequirements 0fthe T[8nSSCtZbne set forth within Section 3.2.1.(b).The Open Space O1eyb8eCOUrtyord. Plaza or Pedestrian Passaqe or Paseo throuqh the site connectinq two (2) Thorouahfares, such as a oaqment of the FEC Gnaenwmv. See Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. |i Dedication Off -site: For dedication of Public Park or Open Space provided off -site within th8NRC-1 bVUDdonkthe Development shall beallowed two (l)times the Development F|OOrAny8Ofprovided land up t0the bonus Heiqhtdescribed inSection 3.3.(o).The Open Gpec8meyb8eQViC8paneTypeesnnOn8fuUYdeSCribodinArt|C|e4.Tabie7CfbhisCOde. 3. Civic space and Civil Support space. For a Development proiect within the NRD-1 boundaries Ul8tdonates8QvivapaCeorCivi|8UppQrtSpeceVOsKetoUl8CitVufMi8nni.@OoddUiODa| two square feet of area for each square foot Vfdonated sp@ma. up to the bonus HeiOhtde- scribed in 8eC1iOD 3.3.(C). shall be allowed. 4. {|nDss-B|oCh ConDectivitv. For 8 Development pn}iSCtvvithin the NRC-1 boundaries that provides a P8s80. cross -Block Pedestrian P8SS@qe. 0[vehicular cross -Block I)@SSeq8: if it is located further than five hundred (500) feet from anv thorouqhfare intersection, connects twothon}Uqhfa[8S. and is pub|idyaccessible 24'hOunSad8yVrreduced huU[S bypn]ueSS of Waiver, additional floor area 8he|| be @||OVVed as fo||Dvve: i For portions of provided Cross -Block Connectivitv that are roofed, the Development shall be allowed an 8qU|ve|Snt enn0UDt of D8Ve|npnoeDt Floor Area UV to the bonus HeiDhd described in G8Ction3.3.(c). |i For portions of provided Cross -Block ConD8Ctivitythat are open b}the GhKthe Develop- ment ohaUb83UOvvedfiVe(5)tiDlestheD8ve|opnneOtF|00[AreGUptotheb0DuoMeiqht described inSection 33.(C). J.8 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 5. Trust Fund contribution. For a cash contribution to the Wvnwood Public Benefits Trust Fund the Development project shall be allowed additional Floor Area up to the bonus Height de- scribed in Section 3.3,(c). The cash contribution shall be determined based on a percentage of the market value of the per square foot price being charged for units at projects within the market area where the proposed project seeking the bonus is located. The calculation assumes a land value per saleable or rentable square foot within market area to equate to between ten percent (10%) to fifteen percent (15%) of market area's weighted average sales price per square foot. The cash contributions shall be adjusted on an annual basis to reflect market conditions effective October 1 of every year. c. Bonus Building Height shall be permitted if the proposed Development contributes toward the specified public benefits, above that which is otherwise required by the NRD-1, in the amount and in the manner set forth herein. 1. T5-O: five (5) Story maximum, bonus to eight (8) Stories; the first additional floor of Develop- ment Height shall only be permitted through public benefits for Affordable/Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Open Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, Cross -Block Connectiv- ity, and/or cash contributions to the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund. Additional bonus Height may be achieved through public benefits or through the Wynwood TDR Proqram. 2. T6-8; eight (8) Story maximum, bonus to twelve (12) Stories; the first half (rounded up) of additional floors of Development Height shall only be permitted through public benefits for Affordable/Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Open Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, and/or cash contributions to the Wvnwood Public Benefits Trust Fund. Additional bo- nus Height may be achieved through public benefits or through the Wynwood TDR Proqram. 3. D1: eight (8) Story maximum, bonus to ten (10) Stories; the additional floors of Development Height shall only be permitted through public benefits for Affordable/Workforce Housing Public Parks and Open Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, and/or cash contributions to the Wynwood Public Benefit Trust Fund. 3.4 WYNWOOD TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PROGRAM a. It is the intent of the Wynwood Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program to encourage the preservation of Legacy Structures and the establishment of Privately -Owned Public Open Space by creating a process whereby the otherwise unusable development rights of Legacy Structure sites and Privately -Owned Public Open Space may be converted into an asset that may be sold to an eligible receiving site located within the NRD-1 boundaries. The Wynwood TDR Proqram permitted only within the NRD-1, will facilitate the transfer of Floor Area from Legacy Structure sites and Privately -Owned Public Open Space sites to encourage new Development that sup- ports the character of Wynwood. b, Owners of eligible properties may be issued a "certificate of eligibility" by the Director with the recommendation of the WDRC, that the property meets the criteria established by the Wynwood BID and defined below. 1. Legacy Structure shall mean: An existing building which is maintained and re -purposed by J.9 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS the property owner that contributes to the character of Wynwood. The structure must maintain its physical integrity so that it sufficiently conveys its original character: possesses integrity of design, setting, material, workmanship, feeling and association, and meet at least one of the following criteria: i. Is associated within a significant industry important to Miami's history; ii. Exemplifies the industrial trends of the community: and, iii. Provides public art that supports the character of Wvnwood and is maintained in perpetuity. 2. TDR exchange system: i. The owner of property improved with a Legacy Structure or Privately -Owned Public Open Space may sell or receive TDRs at any time. ii. Developments within T5-0 and T6 Transect Zones may receive TDRs to obtain addi- tional bonus Building Height. In the T5-O Transect Zone, TDRs may only be acquired for a Building Height above the first floor of bonus development Building Height. In a T6 Transect Zone, TDRs may only be acquired for half (rounded down) of a Development's bonus Building Height. 3. Legacy Structure sites selling TDRs must operate a Use permissible within the NRD-1. Legacy Structure sites and Privately -Owned Public Open Space sites shall not be preserved in perpetuity and may reacquire development capacity from another Legacy Structure site or Privately -Owned Public Open Space site if available within the NRD-1 boundaries. J.10 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 4 - STANDARDS AND TABLES APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS J.11 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE) )R,ESiDENT IAI, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMMUNITY RESIDENCE ANCILLARY UNIT TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE MULTI FAMILY HOUSING DORMITORY HOME OFFICE LIVE - WORK WORK - LIVE LODGING BED & BREAKFAST INN HOTEL OFFICE OFFICE COMMERCIAL ART GALLERY AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT ENTERTAINMENT ESTAB. - ADULT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB. GENERAL COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING -ENABLED RETAIL MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. OPEN AIR RETAIL 15 URBAN CENTER 150 150;, R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R W W R R R E E R R W W W W W APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 1 BUILDING FUNCTION: USES URBAN CORE 150 R R R R R R R R R R R R R W R R E R W W D DISTRICTS D1__ R R R R R R R R E R R R R PLACE OF ASSEMBLY R R R R RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT R R R R CIVIC, COMMUNITY FACILITY W W W R PRIVATELY -OWNED PUBLIC OPEN SPACE R R R R RECREATIONAL FACILITY R R R R RELIGIOUS FACILITY R R R R REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX E CIVIL SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY W W W R INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES W W W W MAJOR FACILITY E MARINA W W W R PUBLIC PARKING W W W R RESCUE MISSION E TRANSIT FACILITIES W W R EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE W W W E COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY W W W E ELEMENTARY SCHOOL W W W E LEARNING CENTER R R R E MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL W W W E PRE-SCHOOL R R R E RESEARCH FACILITY R R R R SPECIAL TRAINING / VOCATIONAL W W W R INDUSTRIAL AUTO -RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. R MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING R MARINE RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. R PRODUCTS AND SERVICES R R Allowed By Right WAliowed By Warrant: Administrative Process - CRC (Coordinated Review Committeel E Allowed By Exception: Public Hearing - oranted by PZAB (Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board) Boxes with no designation signify Use prohibited, Uses may be further modifled by Supplemental Regulations, State Regulations, or other provisions of this Code. See City Code Chapter 4 for regulations related to Alcohol Beverage Service Estab, STORAGE/ DISTRIBUTION FACILITY R J.12 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE LIMITED OPEN DENSITY (UPAI 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE RESIDENTIAL See Article 4, Table 4 Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Tablet Limited Residential Uses are permissible as listed In Tablet,limited by compliance with: pv compliance with: Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit • Minimum of one and one-half (1,51 parklnq spaces per • Minimum of one and one-half (1.5) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*: or Parkina Structure`; or • Provide one (1)spacePer Dwelling Unit on -site oroff-site • Provide one (1) space per Dwelling Uniton-site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining half ('%) space per Dwelling Unit of reaulred of remaining half ('54) space per Dwelling Unit of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund. • Minimum of 1 additional visitor parking space for every • Minimum of one (11 additional visitor parking space for 10 Dwelling Units shall be provided on-slte or off -site every ten (101 Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or within a Parking Structure*. off -site within a Parking Structure*. Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less • Minimum °tone (1) parking space per DwellingUnitshail • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit beprovidedon-siteoroff-site within a Parking Structure, or shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per Dwelling Unit Structure*or may be provided for off-street Parkin Into the Wvnwood • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per Dwelling ()nit Parking Trust Fund, but shall not exceed forty (40)spaces may be provided for off-street Parking into the Wynwood per development protect. Parking Trust Fund, but shall not exceed forty (40) spaces • Minimum of 1 additional visitor parking space for every per development protect. ten (10) Dwetin Units shall be srov(ded on-slte srsff-site • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for within a Parking Structure*. every ten (10) Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or • Live -work - Work component shall provide parking as off -site within a Parkina Structure*. requlred by the non-residential use In addition to parking • Llve-work - Work component shall provide parking as required for the Dwelling Unit. required by the non-residential use In addition to narking • Adult Family -Care Homes- Minimum one (1) space per required for the Dwelling Unit. staff member and one (1) space per four (41 residents. • Work -live - Minimum of one (1) Parkina spaces per • Community Residence - Minimum of one (11 parking Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site withi space per staff member lnaddition tothe parking required a Parking Structure*. for the principal Dwelling Unit(sl. • Minimum of one (11 additional visitor parking space for • Parkina requirement may be reduced according to the every ten (10) Work -live Units shall be provided on -site Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3, or off -site within a Parkina Structure*. •Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty • Work -live Unit in excess of 2,000 square feet shall be f20) vehicular spaces reaulred. required to provide additional parking egivalent to the • Parkina ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius Office reauirement for the area above 2,000 square feet. • Adult Family -Care Homes - Minimum one (11 space per of TOD or within quarter (Y<) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%1 by process of Waiver staff member and one (1) space per four (41 residents. except when site Is within 500 feet of T3 • Community Residence - Minimum of one (1) parking •Loading -See Section 4, Table 3 space perstaff member in addition to the parking requires( for the principal Dwelling Unit(s), • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard, Section 4. Table 3. • Minimum stone (11Bicycle Rack Space forevery twenty vehicular spaces required. .(20) • Parking ratio may he reduced within half I%1 mile radius of TOD or within quarter (144) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%1 by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3 • Loading - See Section 4. Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3.1.1 Parking Program J.13 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE LIMITED OPEN DENSITY (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE LODGING See Article 4, Table 4 Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, Lodging Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1. • Minimum of one (11 parking spaces per two (2) lodging • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per two (21 lodging units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*: or Structure*: or • Provide half (%) space Der two (2) lodging units on- • Provide half (%) space per two (2) lodalnq units on - site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remalnina half (%) space per two payment -In -lieu of remaining half (%) space per two j2) lodaina units of reaulred off-street parking into the j2) lodginq units of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. Wvnwood Parking Trust Find. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (101 lodging units shall be provided on -site or every ten (101 lodging units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parkina Structure*, off -site within a Parking Structure*, • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standards, Section 4, Table 3. Shared parking standards, Article 4, Table 3. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every • Minimum ofone (11Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty twenty (20) vehicular spaces required, (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mlle radius • Parking ratio maybe reduced within half (%1 mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site Is within 500 feet of T3. except when site is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 OFFICE See Article 4, Table 4 Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: by compliance with: • Office Uses are limited to the first and second Story of • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1,000 the Principal Building. Office and Commercial Uses shall square feet of Office Use provided an -site oroff-site within be less than 25% Building floor area total, a Parking Structure*, or • Minimum of three (31 parking spaces for every 1,000 • Provide two (21 spaces per 1,000 square feet of Office square feet of Office Use provided an-siteoroff-site within Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -in -lieu of remaining one (11 space per • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Office 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund, provide payment -in -lieu of remainina one (1_1 space per • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3. Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the (20) vehicular spaces required. Shared parkin() standard, Section 4, Table 3, • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (14) mile radius • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space forever,/ twenty of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit J201 vehicular spaces required. Corridor by thirty percent (30%1 by process of Waiver • Parkin()ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius except when site is within 500 feet of T3 of TOD or within quarter ('14) mile radius of a Transit • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Corridor by thlrtv percent (30% by process of Waiver except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3.1,1 Parking Program J.14 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE LIMITED OPEN DENSITY (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE COMMERCIAL See Article 4, Table 4 Commercial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, Commercial Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1 limited by compliance with: limited by compliance with: • Commercial Uses are limited to the first and second • A maximum Floor Area of 55,000 square feet per Story of the Principal Building. Office and Commercial establishment, except for Public Storage Facilities, Uses shall be less than 25% Building floor area total. • A Principal Building with 100 feet of Principal Frontage • A maximum Floor Area of 55,000 square feet per length or more shall require Commercial Uses along a establishment, minimum of twenty five (25%) of the ground floor facade. • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1,000 • Manufacturing -Enabled Retail - Limited to first Story of square feet of Commercial Use provided on -site or off -site Principal Building and a maximum Floor Area of20,000 within a Parking Structure": or square feet per establishment, • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1,000 Commercial Use on -site or off -site within a Parking square feet of Commercial Use provided on -site or Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining off -site within a Parking Structure*, except for Public one (1) space Dori .000square feet ofreaulredoff-street Storaa° Facilities, minimum one (1) parking space for parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. every 10,000 square feet with a minimum of eight (8) • Art Gallery - Minimum of (1) parking space for every parking spaces.: or 1,000 square feet of Art Gallery Use shall be provided • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of on -site or off -she within a Parking Structure*, or provide Commercial Use on -site or off -site within a Parking payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 souare fee( Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining of reaulred off-street narking into the Wvnwood Parking one (1) space per 1.000 square feet of required off-street Trust Fund. parking Into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Art Gallery - Minimum of (1) parking space for every Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3. 1,000 square feet of Art Gallery Use shall be provided • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide vehicular spaces required, payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (14) mile radius of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit • Parklnq requirement may be reduced according to the Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3, except for • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Public Storage Facilities. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Sgacefor every twenty vehicular spaces required. ,(20) • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%( by process of Waiver except when site Is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 • Commercial Auto -related, Drive-Thru or Drive -In Facilities - See Article 6. CIVIC See Article 4. Table 4 Civic Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1, limited by Civic Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1, limited by compliance with: compliance with: • Minimum of one (1) Parking space for evervfive (5) seats • Minimum of one (1) parking space forevervfive (5) seats of assembly use shall beprovided on -site or off -site within of assembly use shah beprovided on-slteoroff-site within a Parking Structure. a Parking Structure*. • Minimum ofone (11parking space for everv1,000square •Minimum ofone (1) Parking space for everv1,000sauare feet of exhibition or recreation area, and parking spaces feet of exhibition or recreation area, and parking spaces for other Uses as required shall be provided on -site or for other Uses as required shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment- off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment - In -lieu of one (1) space per 1.000 sauare feet of required in-Ileuof one (1) space per 1,000square feet ofrequired off-street parking Into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund, • Privately -owned Public Open Space - No parking shall • Privately -owned Public Open Space - No parking shall be required for Privately -owned Public Open Space that be required for Privately -owned Public Open Space that Is In connection with a ground floor Commercial Use and is in connection with a ground floor Commercial Use and provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. 4, Table 7 of this Code, • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty Shared parkinq standard, Article 4, Table 5. (20) vehicular spaces required, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius (201 vehicular spaces required. of TOD or within quarter ('%) mile radius of a Transit • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver of TOD or within quarter (14) mile radius of a Transit except when site Is within 500 feet of T3, Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 except when site is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3.1.1 Parkin° Program J.15 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE LIMITED OPEN DENSITY (UPA( 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE CIVIL SUPPORT See Article 4, Table 4 Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1. Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1, limited by compliance with: limited by compliance with: • Minimum ofone (1)narking space for every 1000square • Minimum of one (1) parking space forevery1000square feetof Civil Support Use shall be provided on -site oroff-site feetofCivil SupportUse shall beprovided on -site oroff-site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -in -lieu of within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000square feet ofrequired off-street one (11 uuaco ner 1000 square feet 01 reauired off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum ofone (1) parking space foreveryfive (5)seats • Minimum of one (1) parking space for every five (5) seats ofassembly use shall beprovided on -site oroff-site within ofassembly use shall beprovided on -site oroff-site within a Parkin° Structure*. a Parking Structure*. • Adult Daycare- Minimum of one (1) space per staff • Adult Daycare- Minimum of one (1) space per staff member. member, • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty Shared parking standard, Article 4, Table 5. (20) vehicular spaces reauired. • Minimum of one (11 Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty • Parking ratio may be reduced within half ('/) mile radius (20) vehicular spaces required. of TOD or within quarter (/) mile radius of a Transit • Parking ratio may be reduced within half PA) mile radius Corridor by thirty percent (30%( by process of Waiver, of TOD or within auarter (/41 mile radius of a Transit except when site is within 500 feet of T3. Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 except when site is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 EDUCATIONAL See Article 4, Table 4 Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, Educational Uses are permissible listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: as limited by compliance with: • Minimum of two (21 parking spaces for every 1,000 • Minimum of two (2) parkin° spaces for every 1.000 square feet of Educational Use provided on -site or off -site square feet of Educational Use provided on -site oroff-site within a Parking Structure* or within a Parking Structure*, or • Provide one and one-half (1.51 spaces per 1.000 sauare • Provide one and one-half (1.5) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Educational Use on -site or off -site within a Parking feet of Educational Use on -site or off -site within a Parkino Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining half Structure* and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining half (,51 space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street (,51 space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkin° Trust Fund. parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Schools —Minimum of one (1) parking space for each • Schools —Minimum of one (1) narking space for each faculty or staff member, one (1) visitor parking space per faculty or staff member, one (1) visitor parking space per 100 students. one (1) parking space per five (5) students 100 students, one (1) parking space per five (5) students In grades 11 and 12 or College/University, in grades 11 and 12 or College/University. • Childcare Facilities- Minimum of one (1) space for the • Childcare Facilities- Minimum of one (1) space for the owner/operator and one (1) space for each employee, and owner/operator and one (1)spacefor each employee, and one (1) drop-off space for every ten (10) clients cared for, one(1)drop-off space for every ten (10)clients cared for. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every (20) shared narking standard, Article 4, Table 5, vehicular spaces required. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every (201, • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius vehicular spaces reauired. of TOD or within quarter (Y41 mile radius of a Transit • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (Y) mile radius Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, of TOD or within quarter (1/41 mile radius of a Transit except when site is within 500 feet of T3. Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, • Loading- Refer to Article 4, Table 3 except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Article 4. Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3.1.1 Parking Proaram J.16 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 DENSITY tUPAA RESIDENTIAL APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE RESTRICTED LIMITED OPEN 150 UNITS PER ACRE See Article 4, Table 4 150 UNITS PER ACRE See Article 4, Table 4 150 UNITS PER ACRE Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, Jimited by compliance with: Dwelling Unit • Minimum of one and one-half (1.5) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*: or • Provide one (1) space per Dwelling Unit on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure. and provide pavment-in-lleu of remaining half (%) space per Dwelling Unit of required off-street parking Into the Wynwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (101 Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall he provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure. or • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per Dwelling Unit may be provided for off-street Parklna into the Wynwood parking Trust Fund, but shall not exceed forty (40) spaces per development prolect. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Live -work - Work component shall provide parking as required by the non-residential use in addition to parking required for the Dwelling Unit. • Work -live - Minimum of one (1) narking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) Work -live Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure* • Work -live Unit in excess of 2,000 square feet shall be required to provide additional parking enivalent to the Office requirement for the area above 2,000 square feet. • Adult Family -Care Homes Minimum one (1) space per staff member and one (1) space per four (4) residents. • Community Residence - Minimum of one (1) parking space per staff member In addition to the parking required for the principal Dwelling Unit(s), • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the shared parking standard. Section 4, Table 3. Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces regulred. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half 1,4) mile radius of TOD or within quarter ('/) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver except when site Is within 500 feet of T3. Loading - See Section 4. Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3.1,1 Parking Program J.17 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE DENSITY tUPAI COMMERCIAL See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4 Table 4 150 UNITS PER ACRE See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 150 UNITS PER ACRE Lodaina Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1. Minimum of one (11 Parkina spaces per two (2) lodging units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*: or • Provide half (/) space per two (2) lodging units on - site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining half (/) space per two 12) lodainq units of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) lodging unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty j20) vehicular spaces required. • Parkina ratio may be reduced within half (4) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1. • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1 000 square feet of Office Use provided on -site or off -site within a Parkina Structure*, or • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Office Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund, • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard. Section 4, Table 3. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half VA) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (/) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) bv process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Commercial Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1 limited by compliance with: • A maximum Floor Area of 55,000 square feet per establishment, except for Public Storage Facilities A Principal Building with 100 feet of Principal Frontage Jenath or more shall require Commercial Uses along a minimum of twenty five (25%) of the around floor facade. • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1.000 square feet of Commercial Use provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, except for Pubic Storage Facilities, minimum one (1) narking space forever 10,000 snuarefeetwith a minimum of eight (6) parking spaces.: or • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Commercial Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining one f1) space per 1.000 sauare feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3, except for Public Storage Facilities, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty j20) vehicular spaces required. • Auto -related - Drive-Thru or Drive -In Facilities - See Article 6. • Parklna ratio may be reduced within half ('%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter ('/<) mile radius of a Transit Corridor bv thirty percent(30%) by process of Waiver, except when site Is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3,1.1 Pa king Program J.18 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 RESTRICTED APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE LIMITED OPEN DENSITY (UPAI 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE CIVIC See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 Civic Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of one (1) parking space for every flve'(5) seats of assembly use shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Minimum of one Marking space forevery 1,000 aware feet of exhibition or recreation area. and parking spaces for other Uses as required shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment- Jn-(es of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parkin° into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Privately -owned Pubic Open Space - No parking shall be required for Privately -owned Public Open Space that is In connection with a ground floor Commercial Use and provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article 4, Table 7 of this Code, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty 1201 vehicular spaces required. • Parkina ratio may be reduced within half (A) mile radius of TOD or within quarter ('%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver except when site is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 CIVIL SUPPORT See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with:. • Minimum of one (1) parking space for every 1000square feetof Civil Support Use shall be provided on -site oroff-slte within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) parking space for every five (5) seats of assembly use shall he provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Adult Daycare- Minimum of one (1) space per staff member • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half VA) mile radius of TOD or within quarter Ohl mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 EDUCATIONAL See Article 4, Table 4 See Article 4, Table 4 Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1. limited by compliance with: • Minimum of two (21 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of Educational Use provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or • Provide one-half (1,51 spaces per 1,000 square feet of Educational Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining half (.51 space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking Into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund, • Schools — Minimum of one (1) parking space for each faculty or staff member, one (1) visitor parking space per 100 students, one (11 parking space per five (5) students in grades 11 and 12 or College/University. • Childcare Facilities- Minimum of one (11 space for the owner/operator and one (1) space for each employee, and one (1) drop-off space for every ten (10) clients cared for. • Minimum of one (11 Bicycle Rack Space for every (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half ('/) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (Y*) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site Is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Pursuant to Section 3,1,1 Parkina Program J.19 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 DENSITY (UPA1 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 D - DISTRICT D1-WORK PLACE D2 = INDUSTRIAL D3 -WATERFRONT INDUSTRIAL 36 UNITS PER ACRE N/A RESIDENTIAL LODGING OFFICE "I Residential Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of 1 parking spaces per Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Minimum of 1 additional visitor parking space for every 10 Work -live Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*. • Work -live Unit in excess of 2.000 square feet shall be reauired to provide additional parking eauivalent to the Office requirement for the area above 2,000 square feet. • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required. • Parkina ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site Is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of one (11 parkina spaces per two (2) lodging units shall he provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*: or • Provide half (Yz) space per two (2)'odsln° units on - site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -in -lieu of remaining half ('%) space per two f 2) lodging units of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) lodging unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared Parkina Standard, Section 4 Table 3 • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3, • Loading - See Section 4 Table 3 Office Uses are permissible as listed In Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of 3 narking spaces for every 1.000 sf of office space provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Office Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund. • Parkina requirement may be reduced according to the Shared Parking Standard. Section 4 Table 3. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%4) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 * Pursuant to Section 3,1,1 Parkina Program J.20 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 D1 • WORK PLACE APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 D - DISTRICT D2-INDUSTRIAL D3 - WATERFRONT INDUSTRIAL DENSITY (UPAI COMMERCIAL CIVIC 36 UNITS PER ACRE Commercial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with, • Minimum of three (3) parking spaces for every 1,000 sauare feet of Commercial Use provided on -site or off - site within a Parking Structure*, except for Public Storaae Facilities, minimum one (1) parking space forevery 10,000 square feet with a minimum of eight (8) parking spaces.: or • Provide two (2) spaces per 1,000 square feet of Commercial Use on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parkina Trust Fund • Art Gallery- Minimum of (1) parking space for every 1,000 square feet of Art Gallery Use shall be provided on-slte or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment - in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking Into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund, • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard, Section 4, Table 3, except for Public Storage Facilities, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty J20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (''/) mile radius of TOD or within quarter ((4) mile radius of a Transit Corridor bvthirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site Is within 500 feet of T3, • Drive-Thru or Drive -In Facilities - Refer to Article 6, • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Civic Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of one (1) parkin° space for every five (5) seats of assembly use shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure, • Minimum ofone (1) parking space foreverv1.000square feetof exhibition or recreation area, and parking spaces for other Uses as required shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Privately -owned Public Open Space - No parking shall be required for Privately -owned Public Open Space that is in connection with a ground floor Commercial Use and provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article 4. Table 7 of this Code, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required, • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor In thirty percent (30%( by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 NIA NIA * Pursuant to Section 3,1.1 Parking Program J.21 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 DENSITY IUPAI CIVIL SUPPORT EDUCATIONAL APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 2 D - DISTIRCT D I WORK PLACE D2-INDUSTRIAL D3 - WATERFRONT INDUSTRIAL 36 UNITS PER ACRE Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1. limited by compliance with: • Minimum of one (1) parking space forevery 1000 square feet of Civil Support Use shall be provided on -site oroff-site within a Parking Structure*, or provide payment -In -lieu of one (1) space per 1,000 square feet of required off-street parkin° Into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) parking space for every five (5) seats of assembly use shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, • Adult Daycare- Minimum of one (1) space per staff mem er. • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty (20) vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with' • Minimum of two (2) parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of Educational Use provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure*, or • Provide one-half (1,5) spaces per 1,000 sauare feet of Educational tJse on -site or off -site within a Parkin° Structure*, and provide payment -In -lieu of remaining half J,5) space per 1,000 sauare feet of required off-street parking into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Schools — Minimum of one (1) parking space for each faculty or staff member, one (1) visitor narking space per 100 students, one (1) parkin° space per five (5) students In grades 11 and 12 or College/University. • Childcare Facilities- Minimum of one (1) space for the owner/operator and one (1) space foreach employee, and one (1) drop-off space for every ten (10) clients cared for, • Minimum of one (1) Bicycle Rack Space for every (20), vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within half (%) mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3 • Loading - See Section 4. Table 3 Industrial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: • Please refer to Article 6for additional specific requirements. • Minimum of one (11 parking spaces for every 1,000 sf of Industrial Use, except for Commercial Storage Facilities, minimum one (11 parking spaceforevery 10,000sauare feet with a minimum of eight (8) parkin° spaces. • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared Parking Standard, Section 4, Table 3, except for Public Storage Facilities. • Minimum of one (11 Bicycle Rack Space for every twenty J20) vehicular spaces required. • Parkina ratio may be reduced within half (1A1 mile radius of TOD or within quarter (%) mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Section 4. Table 3 NIA NIA * Pursuant to Section 3,1,1 Parking Program J.22 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS TABLE 3 PARKING AND LOADING SHARED :PARKING STANDARDS SHARING FACTOR The shared Parking Standards Table provides the method for calculating shared parking for buildings with more than one Use type. It refers to the parking requirements that appear in Table 4. The parking required for any two Functions on a Lot is calculated by dividing the number of spaces reauired by the lesser of the two uses by the appropriate factor from this Table and adding the result to the greater use parking requirement. For Instance: for a building with a Residential Use requiring 100 spaces and a Commercial Use requir- ing 20 spaces, the 20 spaces divided by the sharing factor of 1.2 would reduce the total requirement to 100 plus 17 spaces. For uses not indicated in this chart on a mixed use lot a sharing factor of 1.1 shall be allowed. Additional sharing is allowed by Warrant. Function RESIDENTIAL' LODGING OFFICE COMMERCIAL with • func ion RESIDENTIAL LODGING OFFICE COMMERCIAL r;l OFF•STREET'PARKING STANDARDS ,ANGLE OF -- PARKING'; ACCESS AISLE WIDTH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SINGLE LOADED. ONE WAY - TRAFFIC DOUBLE LOADED TWO WAY TRAFFIC - - DOUBLE LOADED 90 23 ft 23 ft 23 ft 60 12_8 ft 11_8 ftft 19.3 ft 45 10,8 ft 9,5 ft 18.5 ft Parallel 10 ft 10 fl 20 ft Standard stall: 8.5 f1 x 18 ft minimum • Driveways shall have a minimum of 10 feet of paved width of a one-way drive and 20 feet for a two-way drive for parking area providing 10 or more stalls. • Pedestrian entrances shall be at least 3 feet from stall, driveway or access aisle. • Allowable slopes, paving, and drainage per Florida Building Code. • Off-street Parking facilities shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 7 feet. Where such a facility is to be used by trucks or loading Uses, the minimum clearance shall be 12 feet Residential and 15 feet Commercial and Industrial. • Ingress vehicular control devices shall be located so as to provide a minimum driveway of 20 feet in length between the Base Building Line and dispenser. • For requirements of parking lots, refer to Article 9 and the City of Miami Off-street Parking Guides and Standards. LOADING BERTH STANDARDS T5, T6 DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL* OFFICE COMMERCIAL** INDUSTRIAL*** (Total combined Floor Areal From 50,000 sf to 500,000 sf ......................................................................................................................... Berth Size Loading Berths 420 sf 1 per first 100 units 200 sf 1 per each additional 100 units or fraction of 100. Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths 660 sf 1 per first 100 units 200 sf 1 per each additional 100 units or fraction of 100. From 50,000 sf to 500,000 st Berth Size Loading Berths 420 sf 1 per 300 rooms 200 sf 1 per 100 rooms Greater than 500,000 sf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Berth Size Loading Berths 660 sf 1 per 300 rooms 200 sf 1 per 100 rooms From 50,000 sf to 500,000 sf ............................................... Perth Size Loading Berths 420 sf 18t 420 sf 420 sf 3rd Greater than 500,000 sf From 50,000 sf to 500.000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths 420 sf 1 per 300 rooms 200 sf 1 per 100 rooms Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths 660 sf 1 per 300 rooms 200 sf 1 per 100 rooms From 50,000 sf to 500,000 sf rea Berth Size Loading Berths Area 50Ksf-100Ksf 420sf 50Ksf-100Ksf 100K sf - 250K sf 420 sf 2n- d 100K sf - 250K sf 250K sf - 500K sf 420 sf ,,, 250K sf - 500K sf Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths ran 660 sf L[ 500K sf Berth Size Loading Berths Area 660 sf 71 500K sf NOTES' Berth Types Residential*: 200 sf =10 ft x 20 ftx 12 ft Commercial**: 420 sf =12 ft x 35 ft x 15 ft Industrial'**: 660 sf= 12 ft x 55 ft x 15 ft * Residential loading berths shall be set back a distance equal to their length. ** 1 Commercial berth may be substituted lz 2 Residential berths "** 1 Industrial berth may be substituted by 2 Commercial berths. A required Industrial or Commercial loading berth may be substituted by a Commercial or Residential loading berth, by Waiver, if the size, character, and operation of the Use is found to not require the dimensions specified and the required loading berth dimension could not otherwise be provided according to the regulations of this Code, Off-street Office, Commercial Lodging and Residential loading berth requirements may be relaxed, by Waiver, for projects located on lots with a lot depth less than 100 feet. Projects not required to provide Off-street loading shall operate loading as set forth in Section 3.1.2. J.23 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 5 - SPECIFIC TO ZONES 5.1 URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONE (T5) a. Building Disposition APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 1. Lot Coverage by any Building shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of Lot Area. Additional Lot Coverage may be approved up to ninety percent (90%) by Waiver if the applicant satis- fies at least one of the following conditions: Flexible Lot Coverage Program i. Provision of a Roof Terrace in an amount of square footage equivalent to four (4) times the gross Lot Area obtained from increased Lot Coverage or twenty percent (20%) of the Building roof surface area, whichever amount is greater. H. Open Space provided off -site, within the NRD-1 boundaries, at an amount equal to the square footage obtained from increased Lot Coverage. The Open Space shall be provided as a Civic Space Type standard within Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. iii. A cash contribution to the Wvnwood Public Benefits Trust Fund equivalent to the Devel- opment's Floor Area obtained by increased Lot Coverage on a square foot basis. The value of this cash contribution will follow the provisions described in Section 3.3 (b)(5). 2. Development Waiver associated with ten percent (10%) of any particular standard pursuant to Article 7, Section shall not be permitted for Lot Coverage within NRD-1. 3. For sites with 250 feet Frontage length or more on a single Frontage, a cross -Block pedes- trian Paseo shall be provided as follows: If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point more than 250 feet from a Thoroughfare intersection or existinq cross -Block pedestrian Paseo, the Building shall provide a cross -Block pedestrian Paseo, A cross -Block Pedestrian Passage is permitted by Waiver, in lieu of a required cross -Block pedestrian Paseo, with limited ve- hicular access for ingress/egress to a Parking Garage or passenger drop-off area, provided the distance separation from any Thoroughfare or existing Driveway is at least sixty (60) feet and appropriate pedestrian safety features are incorporated. A cross -Block Pedestrian Pas- sage may be roofed for 100% of its length within the NRD-1, but roofed portions shall not be counted toward Open Space requirements. If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point 550 feet from a Thoroughfare intersection or another vehicular cross -Block passage, a vehicular cross -Block passage shall be provided. b. Building Configuration 1. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall comply with Article 4, Table 2 and be as shown in Illustration 5.1, except as to bonus Height where applicable according to Sections 3.3 and 3.4 contained herein. 2. Aone (1) Story Building may be allowed through the Warrant process provided that the ground level Story is no less than fourteen (14) feet in Height and a Green Roof treatment no less J.24 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS than fifty percent (50%)Ofthe roof area |oprovided. 3. Mechanical equipmenton a roof shall be enclosed by parapets of the minimum Heiqht neces- Garyt0conceal it, and 0annnVDl H8klhtCffive (5)feet. Other ornamental Bui|dinqfeatU[eg may extend upt0ten (1O)feet above the maximum BuUdinqM8iqht, Roof decks shall b8 permitted up to the nnax|nnu0 Heiqht. Trellises may extend above the nn8x|0Un0 He|qht up to ejqht (8) feet. Extensions up to ten (10) feet above the maximum Heiqht for stair, elevator, mechanical enclosures or non -Habitable Rooms shall be limited to twenty (20%) of the roof area, unless approved byWaiver. c. BUi|dinqFunction &Density Lots in Transect Zones T5 shall be permitted the maximum Density of 150 Dwelling Units per acre. 1. Primary Frontaqe. All Parkinq, includinq dron-off drives and Porte-cocheres, open Parkinq areas, covered PaddOq.qa[aqeG.LUGdinqSpaces and service areas shall b8located within the Third Laver and shall be masked from the Frontaqe by a Liner Buildinq or Streetscreen asillustrated inArticle 4.Table 8.P8FkiDUmay extend into the Second Laver above the first Story, by Waiver, if an art, qlass, or architectural treatment, of a desiqn to be approved by the P|anDiOq andZoOinq Director, with the [eoo0rnaOdotioD nfthe VVDRC. is provided for one hundred (100%) percent of that portion of the Facade. Surface Parkinq may extend into the Second Laver 8maximum of ` nty-fiveperceDt(2596)Ofthe|eDOthnfthePr|0ap/Fn)ntGqe up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet. 2. Secondary FroDtoqe.AJ| PaMdDO. open PaMdOq areas, covered ParkiOq` q8[aqeG. LoadiDq Spaces and service areas shall be located in the Third Laver and shall be masked from the F[nntaqe by a Liner BV||diDq or 8t[eetaC[een for m nniDinluOn of fifty Percent (50Y6) of the /eOqth of the F[oDt8qe. Above qroUDd Parkinq may extend into the Second Layer beyond fifty Percent (5096) of the length of the FroDtaqa. by Waiver, if an art, q|m8a. or architectural treatment of desiOO to be approved by the P|8Dninq and ZoOiOq Director is provided for that portion of the Facade. f. Architectural Standards 1. All newly constructed Principal BuUdiDq q[OUndfloor Facades a|onqPrimary and Secondary Frontaqes shall include art or qlass treatment. 2. Art or qlass treatment shall be of a desiqn to be approved by the Planninq and Zoninq Direc- torvviththereconO0endatiOn nfthe VVDRC. q. Landscape Standards 1. Open Space shall beaminimum often percent (1096)ofthe Lot Area. 2. AP[iv@te|y-0VvOed Public Open Space area in connection with aqRJuOdfloor Commercial MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Type standard within Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. 3. The First Layer shall be hardscaped to match the Public Frontage. Street trees shall be neatly aligned in the Verge, and the Verge shall be permeable pavement. J.26 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS ILLUSTRATION 5.1 URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONES (T5) a. Lot Area 5,000 s.f. min.:40,000 s.f. max, - With rear vehicular access 1,200 s,f, min.:40,000 s.f. max. b. Lot Width 50 ft min. - With rear vehicular access 16 ft. min. c, Lot Coverage 80 - 90% max,* d. Floor Lot Ratio (FLRI L e. Frontage at front Setback 70% min, f. Open Space 10% Lot Area min. g. Density 150 du/ac max. BUILDING SETBACK a Principal Front 10 ft. min.*** b. Secondary Front 10 ft. min.*** c. Side 0 ft. min. d, Rear 0 ft. min. e. Abutting Side or Rear T4 §rlin Abutting Side or RearT3 10% of Lot depth**min. 15'through 2^d Story 26 ft. min. above 2^d Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a Common Lawn prohibited b. Porch & Fence prohibited c. Terrace or L.C. prohibited d. Forecourt permitted e. Stoop permitted f. Shopfront permitted (T5 L and T5 0 only) g. Gallery permitted by Special Area Plan h, Arcade permitted by Special Area Plan BUILDING HEIGHT a. Min. Height 2 Stories p. Max. Height 5 Stories c. Max, Benefit Height 3 Stories (T5 0 only) Abutting all Transect Zones except T3 * Or as modified through Flexible Lot Coverage Program ** 10% of Lot depth for Lots more than 120' deep 6' min for Lots less than 120' deep *** 0r as modified within NRD-1 Street Master Plan BUILDING PLACEMENT PARKING PLACEMENT BUILDING HEIGHT "la o Lcirip%fartotF(tarethani2Vloop 6 mt rLsia?aastw 12Cdasp J.27 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 5_2 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6) a. Building Disposition APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 1. Setbacks for Buildings shall be as shown in Illustration 1.7.2. Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor for Lots having Depth measuring one hundred (100) feet or less may be a minimum of zero (0) feet by Waiver. At Property Lines Abutting a lower Transect Zone, the Setbacks shall reflect the transition as shown in Illustration 1.7.2. 2. The Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor shall not be required for a Frontage facing a Right -of -Way seventy (70) feet or greater in width, as described within Section 1.13 NRD-1 Street Master Plan. 3. Above the eighth floor, minimum Building spacing is twenty (20) feet. 4. For sites with 250 feet Frontage length or more on a single Frontage, a cross -Block pedes- trian Paseo shall be provided as follows: If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point more than 250 feet from a Thoroughfare intersection or existing cross -Block pedestrian Paseo, the Building shall provide a cross -Block pedestrian Paseo. A cross -Block Pedestrian Passage is permitted by Waiver, in lieu of a required cross -Block pedestrian Paseo, with limited ve- hicular access for ingress/egress to a Parking Garage or passenger drop-off area, provided the distance separation from any Thoroughfare or existing Driveway is at least sixty (60) feet and appropriate pedestrian safety features are incorporated. A cross -Block Pedestrian Pas- sage may be roofed for 100% of its length within the NRD-1, but roofed portions shall not be counted toward Open Space requirements. If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point 550 feet from a Thoroughfare intersection or another vehicular cross -Block passage, a vehicular cross -Block passage shall be provided. b. Building Configuration 1. Above the eighth floor, the Building Floorplate dimensions shall be limited as follows: i. 18,000 square feet maximum for Residential Uses. Additional Residential Floorplate dimensions not to exceed 30,000 square feet maximum may be obtained by Waiver from transferring an equivalent amount of Floorplate area located between the third and eighth Story along a Building Principal Frontage. ii. 30,000 square feet maximum for Commercial Uses and for parking iii. 180 feet maximum length for Residential Uses iv. 215 feet maximum length for Commercial Uses 2. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall comply with Article 4, Table 2 of this Code and be as shown in Illustration 5.2, except as to bonus Height where applicable according to Sections 3.3 and 3.4 contained herein. c. Building Function & Density FLR limitations shall not apply to T6-8-O properties within the NRD-1. J.28 MIAM|21 'SE9TEKUBER 2016 d. Architectural Standards APPENDIX .tNEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 1- All nevvivconstructed Principal BUi|d|nq qruUDdfloor Facades a|oOqPh[nar/and OeCOndary Frontaqes shall include art or qlass treatment. 2. Art orQ|msotreatment shall boofadosiqntobeapproved bythe P|8nO|DQand ZVniOqDirec- tor with the recommendation 0fthe WDRC. e. Landscape Standards The First Laver shall behR[dsc8pedt0match the Public F[Vntaqe. Street trees shall bene8tiv MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION a. Lot Area 5,000 O. min.; 40,000 s.f. max, b, Lot Width 50 ft min. c. Lot Coverage -1-8 Stories 80% max. - Above 8'h Story 18,000 so ft, max, Floorplate for Residential & Lodging**** 30,000 sg. ft. max. Floorplate for Office & Commercial d. Floor Lot Ratio (FLR) N/A e. Frontage at front Setback 70% min. f. Open Space 10% Lot Area min a. Density 150 du/ac max,* BUILDING SETBACK a. Principal Front 10 ft. min.*** 15 ft. min. above 81h Story b. Secondary Front 10 ft. min."*": 15 ft. min. above 8'h Story c. Side 0 ft, min.: 10 ft, min. above 81h Story d. Rear 0 ft. min.; 10 ft, min. above 8'h Story e. Abutting Side or Rear T4 6 ft. min. 1s'through 5'h Story 26 ft, min. above 5'h Story Abutting Side or Rear T3 10% of Lot depth**min, 1 s'through 2"Story 26 ft. min. 3i0 through 5'h Story 46 ft, min. above 51h Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a. Common Lawr1 prohibited b. Porch & Fence prohibited c. Terrace or L.C. prohibited d. Forecourt permitted e. Stoop ermitted f. Shopfront permitted (T6-8 L and T6-8 0 only). a. Gallery permitted by Special Area Plan h. Arcade permitted by Special Area Plan BUILDING HEIGHT a. Min. Height 2 Stories b. Max, Height SSoies c, Max, Benefit Height 4 Stories Abutting all Transects Zones except T3 * Or as modified in Diagram 9 ** 10% of Lot depth for Lots more than 120' deep 6' min for Lots less than 120' deep ***Or as modified within NRD-1 Street Master Plan **** Or as modified within Section 1.7.2 (b)(1)(i) APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS ILLUSTRATION 5.2 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-8) BUILDING PLACEMENT PARKING PLACEMENT BUILDING HEIGHT f ,' b; nl :I W. HtiOti 1' 12 11 10 s2 amotliXi WAR ALLAXE F%IXF1 Tt0,13 J.30 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 6 - LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Within the NRD-1, Article 9 of this Code shall apply, except as modified below. If such requirements conflict, NRD-1 requirements shall apply. 6.1 INTENT AND PURPOSE Within the NRD-1, Article 9 of this Code shall apply, except as provided herein. 6_2 LANDSCAPE AREAS IN PARKING LOTS All required and/or provided surface off-street Parking facilities and Parking lots shall be landscaped in accordance with the following standards, which supersede Section 9.8 of this Code: a. In order to maximize the distribution of shade, trees shall be planted throughout the interior of the Parking Lot at a minimum density of one (1) tree per eighty (80) square feet of land- scaped area, exclusive of Parking lot buffers. b. For each row of parking there shall be landscaped areas with trees within the first ninety (90) linear feet, and one (1) landscaped area provided with a tree for each additional ninety (90) linear feet. When a minimum six (6) foot clear landscape area is provided between two rows of parking, the landscape areas with trees every ninety (90) linear feet is not required. This six (6) foot wide landscape area shall be planted with trees no greater than thirty (30) feet on -center. c. For each row of parallel parking there shall be a minimum of two (2) landscape areas with trees within the first seventy-five (75) linear feet, and one (1) landscape area with a tree for each additional seventy-five (75) linear feet. The landscape areas shall be equally spaced wherever possible. d. All required trees shall be of an approved shade tree variety which shall attain a minimum mature crown spread greater than fifteen (15) feet. e. All parking lots adjacent to a right-of-way or private street shall be screened by a continuous planting and/or three (3) foot high wall with a five (5) foot landscaped strip incorporating said planting and/or wall on private property. d. Screening shall be provided when parking stalls, access aisles, or driveways are located along any side or rear lot line. The screen shall be landscaped with a continuous hedge, and with trees no greater than thirty (30) feet on center, when the landscaped area does not abut a parking row. In certain instances, a solid and continuous wall or fence, a minimum of five (5) feet in height, may be used in lieu of the landscape area, and shall be designed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Director with the recommendation of the WDRC, in such a way as to provide a decorative effect. J.31 APPENDIX J:NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 7-SIGN REGULATIONS 7.1 0RD-1 SIGN STANDARDS ThefnUovviOq Siqn standards shall 8pp|ywithiO NRD-1 fVrT5. T0. and O1 T[eneeCtZbD8S. a. Painted VVoU Giqn8 as defined within Article 1. Section 1.3 and Article 10. Table 15 nh8U be al- lowed ByRiqht. b. All other Buildinq Identification and Business Identification siqns shall be subiect to Article 10 Table 158iOnD*8|qDStandards and 8rmrov8dbythe P|8nninqand Z0niDqDirector with the recommendation Ofthe VVORC. MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 SECTION 8 - STREET MASTER PLAN APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 8.1 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN The Wynwood District is transitioninq from an Industrial District into an active, diverse, mixed -use Neighborhood. The current character of the Neighborhood is demarcated, traversed, and connected by atypical block compositions and narrow Right -of -Ways (ROWs) attributed to the Industrial past. The Neighborhood's predominately zoned fifty foot (50') ROW combined with a high percentage of noncon- forming parcels makes it a challenge to balance feasible Development and an adequate pedestrian environment. The NRD-1 Street Master Plan will create a series of ROWs, establish appropriate setback areas and ideal sidewalk conditions to promote pedestrian activity for the future of the Wynwood District. ROW types have been established by the City's Planning and Zoning Department and Public Works, and applied to Wynwood's Thoroughfare network based on ROW width and conditions, as identified on the NRD-1 Street Master Plan Map. The NRD-1 Street Master Plan will also serve as an organizing principle for a NRD-1 Street Tree Master Plan. a. NRD-1 Street Hierarchy The NRD-1 Street Master Plan acknowledges the relative importance of several significant Corridors, known as Wynwood Corridors and NRD-1 Corridors. Due to their importance, these Corridors are given established setback provisions that are different from that of the underlying Transect Zone. Wynwood Corridors • NW 29 Street • NW 20 Street NRD-1 Corridors • NW 2 Avenue • NW 5 Avenue Wynwood Thoroughfares • All other street ROWs within NRD-1 that are not specified as Corridors above. b. NRD-1 Setbacks: 1. Wynwood Thoroughfares: Principal and Secondary Frontage Setback is five (5') feet. 2. Wynwood Corridors: Principal and Secondary Frontage Setback is ten (10') feet. 3. NRD Corridors: Principal Frontage Setback is zero (0') feet. c. Alternative Rights -of -Way Alternative ROW sections have been created for thoroughfares between fifty (50') and one hun- dred (100') feet in width. A woonerf has also been provided as an alternative ROW type, and applied to several locations throughout the NRD-1. The application of these Alternative ROW conditions can be seen in Section 8.2. d. NRD-1 Street Tree Master Plan J.33 APPEND[XJ: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 1. Street Tree Contribution: For street tree inlr)[Ovem8nUa8|ODqVVyDvvoOdThornuOhf8[esand VVyOvvood/NROCorridor, the applicant shall provide street trees pursuant t0Street Tree Master Plan n[provide ocash contribution into the Wvnwood Public Benefit Trust Fund for the sum of three thousand dol- lars ($3000,00) for each street tree required alonq a cV[[ido[froDt8q8. MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 8.2 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN - MAP APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OZONED ROW DOES NOT FIT A STANDARD STREET SECTION AND WILL REMAIN AS EXISTING CONDITION. J.35 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 8_3 NRD-1 STREET MASTER PLAN - RIGHT-OF-WAY SECTIONS City of Miami Public Works: Standard 50-F 5' Established Setback 2' Parkins Travel Lane 46'6"0,4 10' Affected Thorouprif ryes: This is the standard thoroughfare condition for Wvnwood, and is the most prevalent section applied in the NRD-1 SMP, For specific application, please reference SMP Map. 2' Lane l Parking t"c m _ ►w 1p' ►w 6' 6" ► w4'• �w�S 0) 3 3 O co 0 0 w5'► -et 5'► City of Miami Public Works: Standard 50-F Modified With a Bike Lane 5' Established Setback ,•. 2' 2' Bake Travel Trave(21 Parkin g > Lane Lane Lane wq'►.y 10' ►w 10' ra6'6"►. 50' • 7th ST behveen NE 2nd AV and the EEC corridor 25th ST between NW 5th AV and the FEC corridor J.36 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Capital Improvements: One -Way With Bike Lane 5' Established Setback z, g tjk6 Travel ro Lane , Lane . 4'►•w1 5' 6' S" M..y 5' a. w 10' Affected Thoroughfares; NW 25th ST between NW 5th AV and NW 2nd AV NW 24th ST between NW 5th AV and N Miami AV NW 23th ST between NW 5th AV and NW 2nd AV 2' a I^ a f co 1 '4 5' 5' ► m 0 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS City of Miami Planning Department: Woonerf* 5' Established Setback Woonerf* 50' *Illustration Is intended to convey Woonerf concept, not actual ign Affected Thoroughfares; NW 3rd AV between NW 29th ST and NW 25th ST NW 1st AV between NW 29th ST and NW 25th ST NW 1st PL between NW 23rd ST and NW 20th ST J.37 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Planning Department: 45' ROW against 1-95 5' Established Setback 1-95 LancLmg. Buffer (Will require coordination with FDOT1 Affected Thoroughfare: NW 6th AV between NW 22nd ST and NW 23th ST Sidewalk Street Trees APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 2' Travel Travel Lane Lane 1.'.1 • 10' k''• .0 5. Sidewalk ,vp' Street Trees J.38 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 Miami Dade County Public Works: North Miami Avenue Proposed Road Diet 5' Established Setback Affected Thoroughfare: N Miaml AV between N 29th ST and N 20th ST APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Travel i ' Travel T—iT Median/ tani? Hike �-�^tire1:fllw��,_.3y;4-01,Ui§1c41-1.- ..,,..Skta:g:W° J.39 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Public Works: 70-F 0' Established Setback Affected Thoroughfare: NW 2nd AV between NW 29th ST and NW 22th ST APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS o. Travel Travel D cn > Parklnq Lane Lane Parkins g 9'.. ...x 6'6"M. -46'6"0,4 ... 11'. ..11' w;46'6"r„ n6' 6". b",... 9' 70' J.40 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Planning Department: 70' With Linear Parkway 5' Established Setback 2' " .r ► 2' a Parkins Travel • . .« 5 8' 0'. M.. .10' Affected Thoroughfare: NW 28th ST between NW 6th AV and NW 2rd AV APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Linear Parkway 20' 70' halalparkin Lane ►• 10' ►� 6' 6° I. ' ` 2'6. co Q CT CO 0 0 J.41 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Capital Improvements: NW 29th Approved Road Diet 10' Established Setback n zT Bike Travel Turn Travel Bike �� Parking Lane, Lane Lane Lane Lane Parkins• 6^►.+ 5' ► N 6' 6„ ►w 5' b-,r 11' r-w 10' r4 1r . ►'5' n,r 6' 6" r w 5'. APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Affected Wynwood Corridor: NW 29th ST between 1.95 and the SEC 10' J.42 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 City of Miami Capital Improvements: Modified 100-D with Bike Lanes 0' Established Setback Bike > :Lane: a .5, 6" . 5, 5, ag Affected NRD Corridor: NW 5th AV between NW 29th ST and NW 22nd ST 2' parking Lane . 6' 6" . Travel APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Median 100' 2 Travel par i Lane 6" ' w Bike A. :Lane 5'ow 9' 6" • • r: J.43 MIAMI 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS J.44 File Number: 16-00657zt1 * * 1' Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Miami 21 Code, which provisions may be renumbered or relettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after final reading and adoption thereof. {2} APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: VICTORIA MENDEZ CITY ATTORNEY Footnotes: {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted an unchanged material. {2} This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City ofMianii Page 75 of 75 File Id: 16-00657zt1 (Version: 2) Printed On: 8/26/2016