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SUBOMSION according to the clot thereof, as reccrded in Plot Book 1 of Page 115 of the Prh‘c Records
of Oode CoJnty, Florida. LESS ENE POLLOwING.
Begin at the Northwest corner of said t.ot 27. thence Emit along the North tine of 343;c1 _Ot 77 o distrrne of 40.48 feat to a point. thence Southwesterly to the South line of said lot 27. tnence West along the
South liner of sod Lot 2:7 a distance of 26-25 feet to the Southwest corner thereof thence North along the
West 6ne of sait Lot 27 a distance of ¶ V? CO f 064 to the Joint of Eegirw,mg.
Begin et the Southwest ccrner of said lot 22; thence ,/artherly along the Westerly lone a' sort lot 23 3
distunce of 15.00 fewt; thence North 43'1810 Cast a distance of 132.33 feet to a polo* on the Northerly
line of said Lot 21; thence Easterly along soil Northerly in a distance al 29.98 reset to the Northeasterly
cr•rner of said Lot 71; thence South Wong the root tine of said Lot 21. a distance of 112,00 feel to :be
Southoosterti comer of sad Lot 21; thence West along the Southerly tiny f said Lcts 21 and 23 a
dis' tenor! of 120.00 feet tc tho Pi rr of Ele4ir
Lots 30 ant 31, MAGNOLIA PARK. occordiesg to the plot thereof, recorded in Pk* Book 5, Pogo 25. of the
Pi.hgcrecords o' Dodo County, Florida. LESS the ,ollosiing 0ecri* orcoconveyed to the state of Florida
by deed recorder under 58R-187488.
A strip of land 2 25 'net VI width o;rosis tee North end ot Lots 30 one 31, less thdt port of Lot 31 temg in (Nucor -el Efouttword. of Magnolia Pork Subdivisior. according to plot recorded in Plat Book 5, Page Pt of
the Public Recorde Docks County. Florida, being that port of sold late tying South of and within 30 feel
of the eurvey hive of Job 402. Section 8709, along N F Mtn Street, 3rte1
That pert of Lott 30 and 31 ol hloanolio Pore Subdivisoo. according to Oat re:orded in Plot Book 5, Page
25 of the Public Reccrds of Rode County, Florida, lying Northwesterly of 0 curve corcove to Ile
Seat/seceders), honing a radius cf 25 feet. tho Southerly end of said curve beinc tongent to thetl Uoterty
right of "'cry line 01 Biscayne Boulevard, ono the Easterly end of said curve being tangent to o line 2 25
feel South cf and parallel to the North tine of void Lot 30 and 51
LoI 28, less one excepting (hot portion o/ Lot 28. herenotter dneerbed, and on 01 Lot 29 of
MAGNOLIA P/4N. according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plot nook 5 at Page 25 of the Pualic Retools
of Dade County, ilorido. less the North 2_25 feet doereot; that pertion of Lot 28 excepted hereby is legally
described as fancies;
Be9innirg at the Northeasterly corner of acid _ot 28. thence Suety along the Easterly fine of soia rot
28. a ciston:e of 12.7-.25 feet to the Southeasterly corner ot sore Lot 28; thence Westerly atone the
So.oUlerly tine of said Lot 28. a distance of 45 64 feet; thence North 43'1E'10- East, a cistonce of 6 8:
tett; ttotoce North 00-47.11- Eost. o distOncE. of /5.28 feet thente North lt4.23.47" West, a defence of
35 24 feet to a point on toe Westerly tine of sad Lot 28; !Pence Noeiherly along the said Westerly tine of
sad Lot 28. o dietance of 15 feet to the Northwesterly corner of sort Lot 28. thence Easterly afore the
No-therty line of acid _ot 28, o distance of 66.00 feet to the Pont ol Beginning
USE THAT PC1T1ON Of THE 14-100T miry coNrAmEn winiiN THE FIN'.
PANCE_. 3:
A portion of the 14,00 foo: wide Atley, lying between Lets 21, 23 25 and 27 of PtAT NLIABER ONE 01
elk:NA vtSTA BISOWNE RAOGET CLUB COUPANY'S SUBOMSION according to tie plot thereof, as recorded n
Plot Book 1 ot Page '15 of the Putfic Records of Miorni-Oode County. Florida, and Lots 28. 29, 20 and
31, MAGNOLIA, PAP:K. cr.:coning b the plot thereof. recorded n Plat Book 5 Pesos 25, of the Public Records
of Oode Cavity, Florida. being mere particularly limbed GS follows.
Commerce cg the. tnte-sectiDn o' the centertoies of Biscayne Boulevord (U.S. Iligowoy No. 1. State Rood 5)
with NE 38th Street; thence SO5-18'32'w for o distance of 151.8E. feel to 0 point of intersection wth the
Westerly Extension of the nprthe-ty right --of -wcy Fine of said 14.00 foot wide May; thence N87'27'011: clang
said Westerly Extension line lor 50.47 feet to 3 pent on the cost fiight-of -way line of sok! fEcooyre
Boulevard, said point c(eo tiling the f311...tr Of" BEGSIJNINK. of :he nerein3fter described doroni of lond: thence
continue N8727 01-E Wong the norther!), right -of -ray tile of sore 14.00 fc4..)t w de May for 183,42 fort to
the wes•.erfy limited access right-of-way tine ct State Rod (12 tt -195) right of way for the west hound
entrance ramp; thence S43.00.35"W clong said limited access righ7, of ea). int. 13r 20.00 'eet o a paint on
The south richt -of --were Erie of said 14,00 foal wide Alles,r; thence 587-27 01-W along said southerly
right -ot - eioy line ot said 14.00 foot wide Ailey for 169.82 feet to a point of the easterly right of way I not
of said 8istcyne Boulevard; theN04'34.10-E for 7.05 feet thence S872r01"W for 1 1' feet: thence
N05'18.52-E: for 7 07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINMNG,