HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis, Maps & PZAB ResoCity of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Division of Land Development ANALYSIS FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FILE ID: 1-00975zc APPLICANT: Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Esq„ on behalf of MacArthur Properties III, LLC (the "Owner") PROJECT ADDRESS: 3701, 3737 Biscayne Blvd., 308 and 316 NE 38 Street ZIP: 33137 NET OFFICE: Upper Eastside COMMISSION DISTRICT: District 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: REQUEST: Pursuant to Article 7, Section 7,1.2,8 of Ordinance 13114, as amended, the applicant is requesting a change of zoning of four parcels zoned T6-12-L "Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited" to T6-12-O "Urban Core Transect Zone — Open The subject properties are located within the Upper Eastside NET area. The subject parcels comprise approximately 0.802 acres, see Table 1, located off Biscayne Boulevard bounded by NE 38-h Street to the north, by Interstate 195 ramp to the east, Interstate 195 overpass to the south, and by Biscayne Boulevard to the west. (Complete legal description is on file with the Hearing Boards Section). BACKGROUND: The subject properties were previously zoned SD-8, Miami Design District, which permitted generally principal uses and structures of C-1 zone, under Zoning Ordinance 11000. The area was subsequently rezoned on April 2010 under Miami 21 to T6-12-L "Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited' maintaining the general character of the area. The subject properties currently consist one structure built in 1954 located on the southwest corner parcel, a vacant lot on the northeast corner parcel, and two surface parking lots that serve the existing structure and the former structure. which is now a vacant lot_ City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Division of Land Development TABLE 1. PROPERTIES: DESCRIPTION AND REQUEST NET DISTRICT OFFICE: Upper East Side NET Folio Address Area Luc Req d PLUM Zoning classification q ft ± Acre Current Proposed _ Current Proposed 0132190110310 306 NE 38 'Street 10,596 .243 No General Commercial T6-12-L (Urban Core Transept Zone - Limited) T6-12-0 (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) 0132190110290 316 NE 38 Street 10,262 .236 No General Commercial - T -1 -L (Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited) T6-12-0 (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) 0132190190230 3701 Biscayne Blvd 9,694 .223 No enerai Commercial - T6-12-L (Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited) T6-12-0 (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) 4 0132190190190 3737 Biscayne Blvd 4,365 .100 No General Commercial - T6-12-L (Urban Core Transept Zone - Limited) T6-12-0 (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) Total 34,919 .802 —j City of Miarni Planning and Zoning Department Division of Land Development kaitt COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: .Ve3. 44 i \\\I '`Ni The subject parcels are zoned T6-12-L and is consistent with the zoning to the North conforming a well -established mixed use area. The requested zoning designation of T6-12-O lir is consistent with the current Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) designation of General Commercial_ Therefore, the requested zoning change does not require a Future Land Use Map amendment.' NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: Subject Properties T6-1 2-L (Urban Gore Transect Zone - Limited) Surroundinp Properties NORTH: T6-12-L (Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited ) EAST: T5-R. (Urban Center Transect Zone - Restricted) SOUTH: T6-24-O (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) WEST: T6-1 -0 (Urban Core Transect Zone - Open) FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION General Commercial Maximum of 150 C D.U. per acre General Commercial Maximum of 150 D.U. per acre Medium Density - Multifamily Residential Maximum of 65 D.U. per acre Restricted Commercial Maximum of 150 Q.U. per acre General Commercial Maximum of 150 D.U. per acre Criteria A rezoning may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of the Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and building heights_ Analysis: The proposed rezoning complies with the successional change as allowed in Miami 21 Code and involves an extension of an existing transect boundary_ The subject property is proposed for a successional up -zoning from T6-12-L to T6-12-0 following the trend of thischanging area. The T6-12-L Transect Zone allows Commercial Use limited to the two Story of the Principal Building and 15.O0975zc Page 3 of 6 City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Division of Land Development Finding: Office and Commercial Use shall be less than 25% of the Building floor area total. Whereas, T6-12-0 does not present such limitation of usage. The proposed zoning change will mirror the intensity of uses to west and south of the properties. M 0 Thi& r ipiosed re iuest for a T6-12-0 "Urban Core Transect Zone -Open" is deemed appropriate for the subject properties given the location along and adjacent to Biscayne Boulevard, which is a commercial corridor and is located within walking distance of the Miami Design District Retail Street, and Midtown area, Staff finds the proposed zoning request to be consistent with the goals of the iviiarni 21 Code, as the request is compatible with the surrounding zoning districts to the west, north, and south along Biscayne Boulevard_ In regards to the uses allowed, "Table2. Excerpt of Article 4 Table 3 of Miami 21 Code" shows how the new uses will impact the surrounding area with the proposed rezoning. Table 2. Excerpt of Article 4 Table 3 of Miami 21 Code ,DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMMUNITY RESIDENCE ANCILLARY UNIT TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE MULTI FAMILY HOUSING DORMITORY HOME OFFICE LIVE - WORK WORK - LIVE T6 F L 0 150 150 15D R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 1540975tn Page 4 of 6 ove .00 osie .00 City of Miami Planning and Zo i g Department Division of Land Development Table 2. Excerpt of Article 4 Table 3 of Miami 21 Code (Cont...) N C 0 11DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE) 10101* LODGING BED & BREAKFAS 0 INN OTEL OFFICE OFFICE COMMERCIAL AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT ENTERTAINMENT ESTAB. - ADULT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB. GENERAL COMMERCIAL MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. OPEN AIR RETAIL PLACE OF ASSEMBLY _ RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT CIVIC COMMUNITY FACILITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY RELIGIOUS FACILITY REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX. CIVIL SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES MAJOR FACILITY MARINA PUBLIC PARKING RESCUE MISSION TRANSIT FACILITIES Tfi R 0 150 150 150 E R R E R R R R W R R R R E W R W W E W R W R R R E E R R E W W W W W E W W E W W E W R R City of Miami ZSSS Planning and Zoning Department Division of Land Development Table 2. Excerpt of Article 4 Table 3 of Miami 21 Code (Cont...) EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL PRE-SCHOOL RESEARCH FACILITY SPECIAL TRAINING 1 VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL - - ` AUTO -RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING MARINE RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES STORAGE/ DISTRIBUTION FACILITY CONCLUSION: 150 150 150 w w w E W R R E W W" E R R 1V W Staff finds the zoning request is consistent with the goals of the Miami 21 Cade as the request is compatible with the surrounding zoning districts. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7„ Section of Ordinance 13114, as amended on the aforementioned findings, the Planning & Zoning Department recommends approval of the proposed rezoning as presented. Christopherrimo, AICP Chief of Land Development 8/14/2015 D. Cook 97 Page 6 o6 MIAMI 21 ZONING MAP (Existing) TO CI /// ' iffirT6-12-0 iT6-12-0 /// aIMiamDesign /Disric� 0 x / IIAI Retail,Street,m Special,Areaz • P,lan�Q • /,/ „ ai T6=12-0' T3-R T6-8-O NE 39THTSTL 1 T4-R T5=R 1- L NE 39TH ST ri 12-0 ITT—= NE'36TH ST NE 35TH TER NE 35TH TER rionor- 0 150 300 600 Feet ADDRESS: 3701 3737 BISCAYNE BLVD 306 316 NE 37 ST MIAMI 21 ZONING MAP (Proposed) TO CI iT6�///-12'-O,,, I I T6//-12//.O 4• � i fI/ MiaDesign I mDistrict Retail,Street,m Special/Areaz • P, la n�� • T6=12-O'i4 T3-R T6-8-O NE 39TH'STL 1 NE 39TH ST T4-R T5=R re] 12-0 ITT—= NE'36TH ST NE 35TH TER NE 35TH TER row- 0 150 300 600 Feet ADDRESS: 3701 3737 BISCAYNE BLVD 306 316 NE 37 ST _L: ,111 ,II.I NE 35TH TER aagj faph kpp1 P rapjig rAl mg NE►39TH ST A. bed Eai thsta r USCS,EX, �ndeIti 0 150 300 600 Feet ADDRESS: 3701 3737 BISCAYNE BLVD 306 316 NE 37 ST Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board Resolution: PZAB-R-15-056 File ID 15-00975zc September 2, 2015 Item PZAB.7 Ms. Maria Lievano-Cruz offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO, 13114, AS AMENDED, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM T6-12-L TO T6-12-0, FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3701 AND 3737 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND 306 AND 316 NORTHEAST 38TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Upon being seconded by Ms. Jennifer Ocana Barnes, the motion passed and was adopted by a vote of 7-2: Ms. Jennifer Ocana Barnes Yes Mr. Chris Collins Absent Ms. Maria Lievano-Cruz Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Mr. Charles A. Gibson Yes Ms. Maria Beatriz Gutierrez Absent Dr. Ernest Martin No Mr. Daniel Milian Absent. Mr. Juvenal Pia Yes Ms. Melody L. Torrens No Mr. Manuel J. Vadillo Yes Mr. David H. Young Yes Frqricisco G,.arcia, Director Plarmirr and Zoning Department STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) Execution D to Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Olga Zamora, Clerk of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board of the City of Miami, Florida, and acknowledges that he executed the foregoing Resolution. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS /`q1DAY OF 6A '<2015. •® � i,QsSG fir-L� � Print Notary Name V Notary blic tate of Florida Personally know . or Produced I.D. Type and number of I.D. produced Did take an oath or Did not take an oath My Commission Expires: Vic+ VANESSATRUJILLO $*c MY COMMISSION # FF 229944 EXPIRES: July 11, 2019 Bonded Thro Notary Pubbb Undernitars Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PO,RCEL 1: Lots 21, 22, 25 and 27 of PLAT f1Uk4B1-.R ONE OF EFJENA YSTA BISCAYNE EIALVIR ClUB :"...044FANY'S SUBOMS$ON according to the clot thercef, as reccrded in Plot Beak 1 ot Pope 115 of the PAbi,c litexcirds of Dade Co.inty, Florida, LESS THE FOLLOW/4C, Begin at the Nor-theeSt Corner of sold Lctt 27; thence Eost along the North fine of 304:1 _ot 27 a distry,ce ot 40.48 feet to o point. thence Southwesterly to the South line of said lot 27; thence West olon3 the South 4no of sod Lot 22 a distance of 26.25 feet to the Southwest corner thsrectf thence North along the West line of sous lot 27 a distance of Tt? 61) feet to the Joint of E:eginr,mg; AND Begin et the So-also/05i corner of said Lot 22; thence Northerly otos') the Westerly Ire a' ruhrf Lot 23 3 diStLincrt of 15.00 feta; thence North 43'18'10Cast a distance of 132,33 feet to a pair on the tiortrwly lint of woid Lot 21; thence Easterly along No•therly time o distance of 29.98 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 21; thence 3outt. akmg the East tine of said Lot 21. a distance of 112,00 feet to the Southeastern comer of sod Lot 21; thence West olonq the Southerly tiny ,f said Lcts 21 and 23 a distance of 120.00 feet tc the Pajn-. of fie4irning TO-6E141ER AtTli Lots 30 ant 31, MAGN01.1A PARK, according to the pat thereof, recorded in Piet Book 5, Pogo 25, of the Pi.bk ecorris o' Doge County, Florida, LESS the •ollowing ceecrioed par0ie. conoeyed to the Mote of Florida by deed recorder under 58R-187488. (Al A strip of land 25 'et width across r North end of Lots 30 one 31. less thist port of Lot 31 oing in Biscayne Boutevord. of Magnetic Park Subdiyisior, according to peat recorded Plat Rook 51, Page 2..!. of the Public Recorife of Dade County. Eland°being that port of sold lots lying South of one within 30 tey1 of the survey tine of Job 402. Section 870J, along N F MItn Stneet, and That pert of Lott 30 and .31 & Mognoleo Parx Subdivison, according to Olt recorded in Plot Book 5, Page 25 of the Public Reccrds of Bode County, Florida, lying Northwesterly of 0 curve corcove to he Solitneceitert),00.09 o radius cf 25 feet. the Southerly end of e3id curve beim. tangent to the Earderty right of way tine of Etxrayrie Boulevard, one the Easterly end of so id cynic being tosgent to a lino 2 25 feet South c f and parallel to the North tine of said Lot 30 ond 3!. PARCEL 2: La/ 28, lass on excepting that portion of Lot 28. hereholter legally deserbed, and ntt ol Lot 29 ot ki.A0NOUA PARK- according to the Plot thereof. reccirderi in Plot Book 5 at Page 25 of the PLotic Records of Dade County, glorida. less the North 2_25 feet thereof; that pert -on of Lot 28 excepted herbyi fe/311Y dederibed ad f011Ciric Beginnirg at the Northeasterly corner of scud _ot 28. thence Southerly o!or. thl Easterly line of said not 28. a cistanze of 122.25 teat to tho Southeasterly corner el salt Lot 28; .honce Westerty along the So.itherty tine of said Lot 28. a distance of 45 64 feet; thence North 431E'10- East, o tonce of 6 82 tett thence Nartle 00-47.1 1. Lott, 0 distance al /5.23 feet thellte North 44'2347 West, a distance of 35 24 feet to a point on he Westerly tine of said Lot 28; !Pence Nonherty Wong the said Westerly tine of said Lot 28. o distance of 15 feet to the tiarth*eltedy corner of twit Lot 28, thence Eosterly alarg the tfolhertv line of soid _ot 28, o distance of 68.00 feet to the Pont ot Beginning THAT AM EXERESS PUPPOSE OF THIS PLAT tS -0 CLOSE, vacArt. AtIANR,ON, AND 01SCONTINJE PROM PUBLIC LS THAT PORTION Of THE 14-ro0r Aury coNTAInED WITHIN THE PNACE_. 3: A portion of the 14,00 foci. wide Mey, lying between tots 21, 23 25 omit 27 of PLAT Nt.148ER. OW OF guilts vtSTA BISCAYNE BADGET CLUB COUPANY'S SU8ONt3$014 according to tie plat tfvereof, as recorded n Pleat Book 1 at Page ^15 of the Putlic Records of Ilioni-Oode County, Florida, and Lots 28. 29, 20 and 31, MAGNOLIA PARK. ozcoreing to the plot thereof. recorded n Plat Book 5 Page 25. of the Public Records of Dode Cooity, Florida. being more particularly depcnbed GS follows Commerce al the. tnte-section oi the centerlines of Biscayne Boulehord Hignwoy 1447.I. 1. S11010 Rood 5) with NE 38th Street; thence S05-18.32.W for o distonce of 151.8E. feel to o pewit of into -section wth tre Westerly E it cession of the northe1y right -of - wc y lin of sold 14,00 foot wide Nter thence N87'27'011: clone said Westerly Extension line for .50.47 feet to 3 point on the east right-of-way line of acid Biecoyre Boulevard, said point Ciao tying the N3!NT BEG84NINC, of :he hereinoftor described porost of Iona thence continue N8727 01•E along the northerly right -of -ray (i-ors of $oic 14.00 foist w de A lay for 183.42 feet to the wes-ecty limited oc:ess right-of-way tine cf %tote Road 112 (!- 195) right of .1.0)' for the most bound entrance ramp; thence 54300'35W clone said 6mt,d access nigh-, of oroy ine for 20.00 •eret -.ct o paint on the eehit'h ric'ht -et --wcgr I:ne of said 14.00 foal wide Al!; thence 587-27 01'W along said southerly right -of -way line ot said $ 4.00 foot wide Afiey for 169 82 feet to a paint sf the easterly right of way ne of said Bisocyne Bruloyard; there N04'34'10-E for 7.05 feet thonco 58722'01W for 1 feet: thence N05'18.52-E. For 7 07 tett to the POINT OF BECINNOIC