HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsApproved Mayor Agenda Item No.
DRAFT 5/23/2016
Section 1. Chapter 33, Article XXIIA of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida,
is hereby amended to read as follows:1
Sec. 33-193.3. - Short title.
This article shall be known as the "Workforce Housing
Development Program of Miami -Dade County, Florida."
1 Words stricken through and/or [[double bracketed]] shall be deleted. Words
underscored and/or »double arrowed« constitute the amendment proposed. Remaining
provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged.
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Sec. 33-193.4. - Legislative intent, findings, and purpose.
A. Need for workforce housing in Miami -Dade County. The
health, safety, and welfare of the present and future
residents of Miami -Dade County depend on the availability
of a range of housing choices affordable to persons and
families of all income levels in all areas of Miami -Dade
County »in both the incorporated and unincorporated
areas«. [[Current]] »As of 2007, when the Board of
County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 07-05 to
establish a voluntary workforce housing development
program ("WHU program" or Workforce Housing
Development Program"),« patterns of development
[[ham]] »had« resulted in a persistent shortage of
housing for certain sectors of the community. »Since
then, the shortage has increased.« Studies of market
demand show that [[for the foreseeable future more than
50% of the new]] »the« labor force in Miami -Dade
County [[will]] »continues to« require moderately
priced housing units. Currently, there exists in Miami -Dade
County a shortage of housing affordable to individuals and
families of moderate incomes, particularly those whose
earnings range from »60 percent up« [[]] to
140[[%]]»percent« of the County's median income, the
"workforce target income group." The workforce target
income group includes many public employees and others
employed in key occupations that support the local
community. Increasingly, the high cost and short supply of
housing affordable to persons and families of moderate
income mean that many employees in the workforce target
income group cannot afford to live in Miami -Dade County,
while others can only afford to live in areas concentrated
according to price and income level.
The uneven distribution of moderately -priced housing
results in additional stratification of housing according to
price and income level. It is in the best interests of the
public health, safety, and welfare of the present and future
residents of Miami -Dade County to reduce or eliminate
such economic stratification by adopting land use
regulations that encourage development of land available
for residential use in Miami -Dade County in a manner that
emphasizes integration of new housing for individuals and
families in the workforce target income group into new,
expanding, or redeveloping neighborhoods.
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The uneven geographic distribution of housing affordable
to the workforce target income group, as well as the
distance between jobs and available housing, also increase
traffic congestion and decrease economic productivity.
Traffic and roadway congestion in turn adversely affect the
environment and diminish air quality, increasing the burden
on the public health care system and resulting in rising
health care costs. The public health, safety, and welfare of
the present and future residents of Miami -Dade County can
best be protected by adopting land use policies to ensure
that housing affordable to the workforce target income
group is distributed throughout the county near workplaces,
rather than being concentrated in enclaves separate from
jobs and higher -priced housing.
The Florida Growth Management Act requires Miami -Dade
County to adopt a comprehensive plan to guide future
development and growth, including a housing element
consisting of standards, plans, and principles to be followed
in the provision of housing for all current and anticipated
future residents. Exercising the authority conferred by the
Miami -Dade County Home Rule Charter, and in
furtherance of the Growth Management Act, the Board of
County Commissioners has adopted the Comprehensive
Development Master Plan ("CDMP"), including a housing
element which establishes goals, objectives, and policies to
ensure the provision of all variations of affordable housing
products to meet the spatial and economic necessities of all
current and future residents regardless of household type or
B. Causes and consequences of lack of sufficient workforce
housing supply. In order to assess the extent of the housing
shortage, identify the most severely affected sectors of the
community, and ascertain the need for a workforce housing
development program, the Board of County Commissioners
established a task force consisting of county housing,
zoning, and planning professionals, and representatives of
the private, for -profit, development community. The
mission of the task force was to analyze the current and
anticipated future make-up of Miami -Dade County's
workforce and population, the geographic distribution of
moderately -priced housing, historical and current patterns
of development applications and approvals, the distance
between jobs and housing for the workforce target income
group, the overall impact of the housing shortage on the
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economy of Miami -Dade County, and the adverse
consequences failure to act would have on the health,
safety, welfare, comfort, and convenience of the present
and: future residents of Miami -Dade County. The need for
the workforce housing development program as identified
by the task force is the result of a variety of factors,
including, but not limited to, those noted below. »Since
the task force concluded its analysis in 2007, various
studies have demonstrated the continued need for a
workforce housing development program.«
(1) Increasing population pressure. Miami -Dade
County, in both the incorporated and
unincorporated areas, [[is experiencing a rapid]]
»continues to experience an« increase in the
numbers of residents in the workforce target income
group, including persons with fixed or reduced
incomes, young adults forming new households,
minority households, single adults, and many public
employees and others in key occupations serving
the entire community including teachers, police and
public safety personnel, health care workers and
mid -level management workers. Studies show that,
as a result of this population increase, for the
foreseeable future of the new labor force in Miami -
Dade County will require workforce housing.
(2) Cost burdens. »Since 2007, households«
[[Household:,]] in Miami -Dade County »have
continued to« suffer from a high and increasing
housing cost burden. Households have traditionally
been regarded as "cost burdened" if they spend
more than 30[[%]] »percent« of their gross
income on housing costs. [[In Miami Dade County,
yearly 5 of of „li rent_„- househ l s t e than
30% of their income in gross rent. In owner
occupied units, more than 36% of all household)
pay more than 30% of their income on housing.]]
Inadequate housing supply for the workforce target
income group. Current patterns of development, the
costs of acquiring land suitable for residential
development, and the disposition of remaining
developable land have resulted in an abundance of
higher -priced housing and a shortage of housing
economically attainable by the workforce target
income group. With the exception of housing
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developed with government subsidies, privately
developed new residential housing being built in
Miami -Dade County generally is not affordable to
the workforce target income group. Experience
indicates that state and federal funds for the
construction of affordable housing will not address
the housing needs of the workforce target income
(4) Overcrowding. Overcrowding is a major problem in
Miami -Dade County. The problem is acute in low
to moderate income households and households in
the workforce target income group. [[Analyses
indicate n arty 20% of all housing units in Miami
Dade County are overcrowded.]]
Concentration of housing based on economic status.
Demographic analyses indicate that development
applications and approvals that reduce the supply of
land developable for residential use, and which
result in a disproportionate amount of higher -priced
housing, result in a reduced supply of housing for
individuals and families in the workforce target
income group, including young families, retired and
elderly persons, single adults, female heads of
houses, and minority households. Such
development activity produces the undesirable and
unacceptable effect of concentrating housing
according to price, thus frustrating the policies and
goals of the housing element of the CDMP, and
increasing the threat to the public health, safety,
welfare, comfort, and convenience of the present
and future residents of Miami -Dade County.
(6) Need for involvement of private development
community Existing efforts to encourage private,
for -profit, developers to construct housing within
the economic reach of the workforce target income
group», including the voluntary workforce
housing development program established in
Ordinance No. 07-05.« have met with very limited
success. It is apparent that the need for housing for
the workforce target income group can only be
addressed if the responsibility for ensuring a diverse
and adequate supply of housing is shared by Miami -
Dade County, and the private, for -profit,
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development community »through a mandatory
C. Authority to establish and administer a workforce housing
development program. The Miami -Dade County Home
Rule Charter specifically authorizes the Board of County
Commissioners to prepare and enforce comprehensive
plans for the development of Miami -Dade County in the
incorporated and unincorporated areas, to establish,
coordinate, and enforce such zoning regulations as are
necessary for the protection of the public, to exercise all
powers and privileges granted to municipalities, counties
and county officers by the Constitution and laws of the
State, to exercise all powers not prohibited by the
Constitution or by the Charter, and to perform any other
acts consistent with law which are required by the Charter
or which are in the common interest of the people of the
County. The [[workforce housing development program
ef]] Miami -Dade County »Workforce Housing
Development Program« is declared to be a proper and
necessary exercise of the powers conferred upon the Board
of County Commissioners for the protection of the health,
safety, welfare, comfort, and convenience of the present
and future residents of Miami -Dade County.
Consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the
land use and housing elements of the CDMP, the objective
of the [[workforce housing development program]]
»Workforce Housing Development Program« is to
increase the supply of housing affordable to the workforce
target income group, and to address many of the problems
associated with the short supply of housing affordable to
the workforce target income group and with the uneven,
poor geographic distribution of such housing throughout
Miami -Dade County. Through utilization of a combination
of density bonuses, relaxation of intensity standards,
flexible design criteria, and other incentives, the workforce
housing program established herein will help alleviate the
existing housing shortage by making it more feasible for
the private, for -profit, development community to create
and deliver a greater number of housing units affordable to
the workforce target income group. Dispersal of workforce
housing units throughout this community will avoid
overconcentration of such housing.
D. Joint effort of private development community, public
sector, and not -for -profit sector. It is the further intent of
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the Board of County Commissioners that [[workforce
housing development program]] »the Workforce Housing
Development Program« established herein will foster and
encourage the private, for -profit, development community
to join with the public sector and the nonprofit sector to
further the goal of meeting the housing needs of the
workforce target income group.
E. Adoption of legislative intent, findings and purpose. The
foregoing statements are declared to be the legislative
intent, findings and purpose of the Board of County
Commissioners and are hereby adopted and made a part
Sec. 33-193.5. - Adoption of land use regulations and
procedures for operation of Miami -Dade County's Workforce
Housing Development Program.
The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts land use
regulations and procedures »for the incorporated and
unincorporated areas« for the operation of the Miami -Dade
County [[workforce housing development program]] »Workforce
Housing Development Program«. The [[workforce housing
development program]] »Workforce Housing Development
Program«, including all land use regulations and operating
procedures, is deemed to be essential to assure the protection of the
public health, safety, welfare, comfort, and convenience of the
present and future residents of Miami -Dade County. All land use
regulations adopted in connection with the [[workforce housing
development program]] »Workforce Housing Development
Program« shall be supplemental to existing zoning on affected
properties and shall be construed to be consistent therewith.
The Board of County Commissioners »may« [[ II]] adopt by
resolution », or the Director may establish,« such administrative
procedures as may be necessary or proper to further the purposes
of this article and thereby protect the public health, safety, welfare,
comfort, and convenience of the present and future residents of
Miami -Dade County.
Sec. 33-193.6. - Definitions.
The following words and phrases, as used in this article, have the
following meanings.
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(1) »"«Application»"« means any request for zoning
action, building permit, administrative site plan review, or
administrative modification under Chapter 33, or any
request for approval or extension of approval of any type of
application for subdivision of land pursuant to Chapter 28,
where such request seeks approval to develop residential or
mixed uses subject to the requirements of this article.
(2) »"«At one location»"« means all land owned by the
applicant, including:
(a) All adjacent parcels, the property lines of which are
contiguous at any point; or
(b) Alladjacent parcels, the property lines of which are
separated only by a public or private street, road,
highway or utility right-of-way, or other public or
private right-of-way at any point; or
All adjacent parcels, under common ownership or
control of the applicant, including land owned or
controlled by any business entities in which the
applicant or immediate family members of the
applicant possesses any form of management
»"Department" means the Miami -Dade County
Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources or
successor department.
(4) "Director" means the Director of the Department, or the
Director's designee.
(5)_`«Transit corridor area»"« is the area which lies within
a one-half mile radius of the Metrorail stations.
»(6)« [[(4)]] »"«Urban Infill Area (UTA) »"« is the
area as defined in the Comprehensive Development Master
Plan (CDMP).
»D« [[(5)]] »"«Work -force housing unit»"« or
»"«WHU»"« shall mean a dwelling unit, the sale,
rental or pricing of which in accordance with this article is
restricted to households whose income is within the
workforce housing target income range.
»(8)« [[(6)]] »"«Workforce housing target income
range»"« means households whose income range is
established at »60 percent« [[]] up to
140[[%]]»percent« of the most recent »area« median
[[wily]] income »("AMI" << for the County reported
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by the U.S. HUD as maintained by the Department [[ef
Planning and Zoning]].
»(9)« "Workforce housing unit cost" or "WHU unit cost"
refers to the estimated cost of each workforce housing unit.
This variable is used to calculate the monetary contribution
that applicants may make to the affordable housing trust
fund, established in Chapter 17, Article VIII of this code, in
lieu of constructing workforce housing units.«
Sec. 33-193.7. — Applicability »in the Incorporated and
Unincorporated Areas; Minimum Standards; Exemptions;
Administrative Modifications and Appeals«.
[[(1) An application seeking to utilize the density bonus and
intensity standards available under this article (a "WHU
application") shall:
(A) (1) For WHU applications seeking approval of
20 or more dwelling units provide
workforce housing units or a monetary
contribution as provided in Section 33
193.9; and
(2) For WHU applications seeking approval of
fewer than 20 dwelling units, provide a
monetary contribution as provided in
Section 33 193.9.1.
(13) A WHU application seeking to develop property
improved with one or more existing dwelling units
priced to sell or rent to persons in the workforce
housing target income range (Existing WHUs) shall
provide for a total number of WHUs equal to the
greater of the (1) Existing WHUs or (2) the numbef
of WHUs that would have been required had there
been no Existing WHUs on the property;
Each WHU application to develop improved property shall
previde ;de at sfactory t„ the Director s t„ whether
Existing WHUs are on the property.]]
»(A) Countywide applicability and minimum standard. The
requirements of the Workforce Housing Development
Program shall be applicable as a minimum standard in the
unincorporated and incorporated areas of Miami -Dade
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County, It shall be the duty and responsibility of each
municipality and all municipal departments, officials, and
employees to enforce the minimum standards prescribed by
the provisions of this article within the territorial limits of
their respective municipalities, except that this article shall
not apply in those municipalities that by ordinance have
opted out of the Workforce Housing Development Program
in the manner set forth in this section.
(1) Opt -Out Option. A municipality may opt out of the
requirements of this article by adopting an
ordinance addressing the need for workforce
housing within its territorial jurisdiction. Said
ordinance shall be accompanied by data and
analysis considering the need for workforce housing
within its jurisdiction and demonstrating that the
ordinance will address the identified needs.
(2) Time for compliance by municipalities.
Municipalities shall have until
to adopt a workforce housing ordinance that
complies with the minimum standards set forth in
this article or that satisfies the opt -out requirements,
Each municipal workforce housing ordinance shall
be filed with the Director within 15 days after
adoption by the municipality,
(B) The Workforce Housing Development Program shall be
applied as follows:
(1) 20 or more dwelling units. Residential
developments with 20 or more dwelling units shall
be required to provide workforce housing units in
accordance with the following. Administrative Site
Plan Review shall be required of all such
developments in accordance with the requirements
of this article. Except as provided in Section 33-
193.8, all workforce housing units will be provided
on the site of the proposed development.
(a) New developments. All new developments
shall provide at least 12 percent of the total
units in the development as WHUs. The
development shall thereafter be entitled to a
density bonus of 15 percent over the
maximum number of units allowed by the
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applicable CDMP land use designation and
to the increased intensity standards provided
in Section 33-193.11 of this article.
For every one percent increase in
WHUs provided, a development
shall be entitled to an additional one
percent density bonus, up to a
maximum density bonus of 19
percent, as follows:
Type of
Set -Aside
Set -Aside
Minimum Required
ii Developments may receive a density
bonus of 20 percent to 25 percent by
providing a mix of WHUs targeting
the workforce housing target income
ranges of 60-79 percent of AMI and
80-140 percent of AMI, as follows:
Set -Aside
60 — 79%
80 — 140%
60% or higher
40% or less
70% or higher
30% or less
80% or higher
20% or less
(iii) Alternatively, developments that
dedicate all of their WHUs to the
target income range of 60-79 percent
of AMI shall be entitled to a 25
percent density bonus,
(b) Renovation or Expansion of Existing
Residential Structures or Developments.
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If an existing multi -family
residential structure with 20 or more
units is expanded by 50 percent or
more of the structure's net square
footage, the structure shall be
required to provide WHUs in
accordance with this article.
(ii) If an existing single-family or two-
family residential development is
renovated or expanded by adding 20
or more units, then the new units
shall be required to provide WHUs
in accordance with this article. The
number of required WHUs shall be
based only on the number of new
(2) Less than 20 dwelling units. Residential
developments with fewer than 20 dwelling units are
not required to provide WHUs, but they may
develop in accordance with the density and intensity
bonuses set forth in this section and Sec. 33-193.11
of this article by either:
Providing one of the alternatives described
in Sec. 33-193.8; or
(b) Setting aside 100 percent of the proposed
housing units for workforce housing and
complying with other applicable
requirements of this article.
Except for developments of individual single-family
or two-family homes, all developments of less than
20 units that participate in the WHU program shall
require Administrative Site Plan Review in
accordance with the requirements of this article.
(3) Nonconforming residential lots. Applicants with
legally -established nonconforming single-family
residential lots that set aside 100 percent of the
proposed dwelling units for workforce housing may
develop in accordance with the intensity standards
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in Sec, 33-193.11 instead of the minimum lot area
requirements in Sec. 33-7 of this chapter, without
the need for Administrative Site Plan Review,
provided that the development otherwise complies
with the applicable requirements of this chapter.
(4) Residential developments within Urban Center or
Urban Area Districts, Planned Area Development
Districts, Traditional Neighborhood Development
Districts, or other urban overlay districts shall
provide workforce housing as specified in the
applicable zoning district regulations.
(C) Exemptions.« [[(2)]] The provisions of this article shall
not apply to property located outside the Urban
Development Boundary, as designated in the Land Use
Plan (LUP) map of the CDMP, as amended from time to
»(D) Administrative Modifications and Appeals.
(1) The Director may waive, adjust, or reduce the
minimum WHU set -asides, applicable density
bonus provisions or intensity standards, or the
amount of any alternative monetary contribution for
a development if, in reviewing the lot size, product
type, and other elements of the development plan,
the Director determines that:
100 percent of the development has been set
aside for households at or below 140 percent
of AMI; or
(b) Developing the property with the density
bonus that the WHU set -aside would permit
would: (i) cause a violation of applicable
environmental standards or other
regulations; or (ii) be incompatible with the
surrounding area; or
(c) There is no reasonable relationship between
the impact of the proposed residential
development and the requirements of this
article; or
(d) Applying the requirements of this article
would constitute a taking or an abrogation of
vested rights.
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The requirements of this article may only be
waived, adjusted, or reduced upon a determination
that the waiver, adjustment, or reduction is the
minimum needed.
(a) Applications. A request for administrative
modification of the requirements of the
Workforce Housing Development Program
shall be submitted in writing to the
Department on a form required by the
(b) Notice. Within 15 days after the
determination, notice of the Director's
determination shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation.
Appeals. Any aggrieved person may appeal
the Director's determination to the Board of
County Commissioners pursuant to Section
33-314 within 30 days after the date of
newspaper publication, except that an
applicant claiming that the Director's
determination constitutes a taking or
abrogation of vested rights shall follow the
procedures for challenging a development
permit provided in Sections 2-114.1 through
2-114.4 of this code. If no timely appeal is
taken, the Director's determination shall
become final, and the necessary changes
shall be made upon the zoning maps and
Sec. 33-193.8. - Alternatives to on -site construction of WHUs[[•,
[[(AJ] Alternatives. An applicant [[for a WHU application
("WHU applicant")]] may satisfy the requirement of on -site
construction of all of the required WHUs or of a portion of
required WHUs by one of the means described below [[pei
de•mon�tcratiil rte pub1' 1g, tht here•, owin o "pope
conditions, allowing the alternative will observe the spirit of this
article, and that approving the alternative requested will further the
development of housing for the we target income group in
the unincorporated area of Miami Dade County to an equal or
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greater extent than construction of the r quired WHUs on site]].
»Where the proposed development is a condominium or other
form of residential development requiring unit owners to pay
assessments for the maintenance of common areas or other
purposes, WHUs shall be provided through one of the alternatives
set forth in this section.«
(1) Off -site construction of WHUs. [[If an approval is obtained
.. fter public hoari,,.g ; orr1. rkee wit1. tL.e sta.-.d rd this
6ection, a WHU]] »An« applicant may comply with the
requirements of this article by construction of [[ 9%-ef]]
the number of WHUs required by this article at one or more
alternative sites within a »1-« [[2]] mile radius of the
proposed location of the market rate units (the "Off -site
»(a) The alternative site must contain both its market
rate and workforce housing units in addition to the
Off -site WHUs.
(b)« The Off -site WHUs [[shall be provided within the
same Community Council jurisdiction as the market
rate units being proposed, andthe construction of
the Off site WHUs on the alternative site]] shall
occur concurrently with the market rate units on the
primary site.
»(c) The density bonus for the primary site shall not be
transferable to the off -site property.«
(2) Monetary contribution in lieu of construction of WHUs.
[[If an a is—obi=ed—after public reeari g in
accordance with the standards in this section, or if
permitted as of right pursuant to section 33 193.9, a
WHU]] »An« applicant may satisfy the requirements of
this article by providing a monetary contribution to the
affordable housing trust fund established in Chapter 17,
Article VIII of this code, in lieu of construction of the
required on -site workforce housing units. Any monetary
contributions received by the County shall not be
commingled with any other funds deposited into the
affordable housing trust fund that are not associated with
the WHU program, but shall be deposited into a separate
account. The amount of such required monetary
contribution shall be as established in section 33-
193.9[[-1]]. All monetary contributions shall be made prior
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to the issuance of the first building permit on the market
rate units.
Combination of off -site construction of WHUs and
monetary contributions. [[dal is obtained after
public hearing in accordance with the standards in this
section, a WHU]] »An« applicant may comply with the
requirements of this article »by« employing a
combination of the alternatives (1) and (2) above in
accordance with the standards of this section.
Variances. The following provisions of this articl may be
literal enforcement of the provision of this article will result
in an unnecessary hardship, that allowing the variance will
observe the Nit of thisarticle, that the degree to which the
variance is granted is theminimum needed teoic' the
hardship, and that the objectives of this article to increase
the supply of housing for the workforce housing target
group within the Community Council area will continue to
be met if the requested variance is granted:
(2) The number of WHUs required for a WHU
(3) The amount of the monetary , trib, ion i.,, lieu
pursuant to Section 33 193.9.1.
(C) If zoning approval is required, the application for such
approval shall be filed together-wi*h tho Nlication f-r
approval f any off site WHUs and shall be considered and
approved or denied at the same public hearing.
Sec. 33 193.9. Required Workforce Housing Units.
(A) All applications seeking to utilize the density or intensity
bonus available pursuant to this article for developments
shall include a minimum percentage of workforce housing
units based on the following:
Proposed Gross Density of
Up to and Including 2.5
Percentage of All Residential Units
Required To Be Work Force Units
5 Percent4
Low Density
Low Medium
Density Residential
Medium Density
Units Per Gross Acre.
From 2.5 up to and Including
3.125 Units Per Gross Acre
From 3 up to and Including 6
Units. Per Gross Acre.
From 6 to 7.5 Units Per
Gross Acre.
From 6 up to and Including
13 Units Per Gross Acre.
From 13 up to and Including
16.25 Units Per Gross Acre.
From 13 up to and Including
20 Units Per Gross Acre.
From 20 up to and Including
31.25 Units Per Gross Acre.
Medium High From 25 up to and including
Density Residential 75 Units Per Gross Acre
High Density From 50 up to and including
Residential 156 Units Per Gross Acre
Business and Office
Urban. Center
In accordance with
applicable CDMP
In accordance with
applicable CDMP
In accordance with
applicable CDMP provisions
Those urban centers not
rezoned as of February 1,
2007 (the effective date of
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12.5 Percent
5 Percent}
12.5 Percent
5 Percent}
No Required Work Force Units.
Contribution in lieu of workforce housing
units required pursuant to Section 33
193.9.1 equal to 5% of the market rate
No Required Work Force Units.
Contribution in lieu of workforce housin
units required pursuant to Section 33
193.9.1 equal to 5% of the market rate
No Required Work Force Units.
Contribution in lieu of workforce housing
units required pursuant to Section 33
193.9.1 equal to 5% o of the market rate
Refer to applicable residential category
Refer to applicable residential category
12.5 Percent
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this ordinance)
1The number of WHUs to be provided shall be 5% of the total
number of market rate units.
2The percentage of WHUs to be provided shall be a percentage of
the total number of units.
3Office/Residential One density category higher than that
allowed i the ad oin n ' or adjacent residentially designated area
on the same side of the abutting principal roadway, or up to the
density of existing adjoining or adjacent residential development,
or zoning if the adjacent or adjoining land is undeveloped
whichever is higher. If there is no adjacent or adjoining residential
development existing, zoned or designated on the same side of the
abutting principal roadway, then the allowable maximum
residential density shall be based on that which exists or which the
plan allows across the roadway. Where there is no residential use,
zoning or designation on either side of the roadway, the intensity
of residential development, including height, bulk and floor area
ratio shall be no greater than that which would be permitted for an
exclusively office use of the site.
1Business and Office One density category higher than the LUP
designated density of the adjacent or adjoining residentially
designated area on the same side of the abutti g Mrincipa' roadway
or up to the density of any such existing residential development,
or zoning if the adjacent or adjoining land is undeveloped,
use existing, zoned or designated on the same side of the roadway,
to maxim m llowable residential density will be that which
exists or which this plan allows across the roadway. Where there is
roadway, the intensity of residential development, including
height, bulk and floor arca ratio shall be no greater than that which
would be permitted for an exclusively commercial use of the site.
O All applications for residential developments within Urban
Centers depicted on the Land Use Plan (LUP) map of the
CDMP that are zoned as an urban center as of the effective
date of this article shall not be required to provide
workforce housing units.
(C) Applicants seeking to utilize the 12.5% density bonus shall
not seek approval of any application or proffer any
declaration of restrictive covenants providing for a density
below 95% of the total maximum density permitt d by the
underlying zoning district regulations, all zoning actions
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approved on the property and the maximum allowable
density bonus-s.]]
Sec. 33-193.9[[]]. - Monetary contribution in lieu of
construction of WHUs.
(A) WHU developments of fewer than 20 residential units
seeking to utilize the density or intensity bonus available
pursuant to this article shall pay an amount as follows:
»# of market rate units x WHU unit cost = Total contribution«
[Number f marke+ to ,,,its to be developed
Total Contribution]].
(B) Developments for which a monetary contribution has
been approved in accordance with section. 33-193.8[[(A)
or 33 193.8(D)]] and developments required to contribute
pursuant to section »33-193.7« [[33 193.9(A)]] shall
pay an amount as follows:
»# of WHU units x WHU unit cost = Total contribution«
[[N b, f W I T d + be developed (fraction@ rounded
LL down)
Total contribution]].
»(C) The WHU unit cost shall be established by implementing
order approved by the Board of County Commissioners and
shall be published annually by the Housing Director, as
defined in Chapter 17 of this code. The WHU unit cost
shall be reviewed annually.«
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Sec. 33-193.10. - [[$ .]] »Administrative Site
Plan Review.
Except for individual single-family and two-family homes, which
shall be approved if deemed to be in compliance with this article
and other applicable provisions of this chapter, all applications for
development approval shall comply with the requirements of this
article and with the site plan and architectural review criteria
contained herein. Developments shall be processed and approved
administratively as follows:
Administrative site plan review. The Department shall
review plans, including the exhibits listed below for
completeness and compliance with the provisions of this
article and the design and site plan review criteria provided
herein. Additionally, all applications shall be reviewed by
the following departments of Miami -Dade County and
other public entities for potential impacts on infrastructure
and other services resulting from the application:
Department of Transportation and Public Works,
Department of Waste Management, Department of
Regulatory and Economic Resources, Miami -Dade Fire
Rescue Department, and Miami -Dade Public Housing and
Community Development Department or the successor
agencies, as well as the Miami -Dade County School Board.
(1) If a department's review indicates impacts on
services and infrastructure provided by any of the
foregoing, the applicant shall meet with the affected
department or entity to discuss potential mitigation
of the impacts and shall submit evidence to the
Department as to the resolution of the impact.
(2) The Director shall issue a final decision within 21
days of the date of submission of the completed
application, The applicant shall have the right to
extend the 21-day period by an additional 21 days
upon timely request made in writing to the
Department. The Department shall have the right to
extend the 21-day period by written notice to the
applicant that additional information is needed,
Denials shall be in writing and shall specifically set
forth the grounds for the denial. Any final decision
of the Director may be appealed in accordance with
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the procedures established in this chapter for
appeals of administrative decisions.
(B) Applications for administrative site plan review under this
article shall be accompanied by exhibits prepared by
registered architects and landscape architects which shall
be submitted to the Department and shall include the
(1) Site plan(s) including:
a. Locations, shape, size, and height of existing
and proposed buildings, decorative walls
and entrance features;
b. Building exterior finish material;
c. Indication of street vistas;
d. Lot lines and setbacks;
e. Location of WHUs and market rate units by
bedroom count
f. Location of open spaces including anchor
points if applicable;,
g, Location of on -street and off-street parking
including type of permeable materials if
used on parking lots, loading facilities, and
waste collection areas;
h. Indication of signagei
i. Indication of any site or building design
methods used to conserve energy; and
j Locations of backflow prevention devices
and connections.
(2) Indication of the placement and type(s) of lighting
fixtures to illuminate roadways and parking areas.
(3) Landscape plans, including specifications of species
of plant material, location, and size in accordance
with this article and Chapter 18A of this code.
Street cross -sections, including adjacent buildings
and open space.
Floor plans for WHU and market rate units,
elevations, and sections of all buildings, including
total gross square feet of area for each floor and all
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dimensions relating to the requirements of this
(6) Figures indicating the following:
a. Gross and net acreage;
b. Total square footage for each use by type;
c. Total number of dwelling units (including
WHU and market rate units);
d. Amount of passive and active open space in
square feet
e. Parking required and provided;
f. Such other design data as may be needed to
evaluate the project.
(C) As a condition for approval, a Declaration of Restrictions
shall be submitted in compliance with Sec. 33-193.11.«
[[{A) Any application providing a minimum of 12.5 percent
WHUs on site, or otherwise complying with Section 33
193.8 of this article, shall be entitled to a residential density
bonus of 25 percent above the applicable CDMP Land Use
de it, it ided tho „li Ott atin fo
all of the requirements of this article) as well as the benefit
of the intensity standards provided in section 33 193,11.
The density bonus for the primary site shall not be
transferable to the off site property, where an alternative
site is approved after public hearing for the development of
off site WHUs.
WHU appli „nts providing 5% workforce housing units or
an approved contribution in lieu thereof shall be entitledto
a density bonus above the CDMP maximum density to such
crewel -Elea it a s reg iced to the 5 ° us;
as well as the benefit of the intensity standards provided in.
section 33 193.11.
(C) The total number of dwelling units permitted, including
bonus ,niter market rate ,,itr ,mod eed tl
d. tl,tl, idedth
in no event shall the density exceethe maximuy,., densities
i cluding applicable bo uses�et Fc�rort in tie CDM cis
code, shall not be utilized , nctiex with the density
bonuses contained in this article.]]
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Sec. 33-193.11. - Intensity standards.
(A) Notwithstanding zoning district regulations to the contrary,
the following maximum intensity standards shall apply to
»developments that include WHUs on -site and to
alternative sites providing Off -site WHUs in accordance
with Section 33-193.8 of this article.« [[applications
eeki g,iicatio,, that proyi es either
the WHUs required to obtain a density bonus or a monetary
contribution in lieuthereof, under the provision of this
»(1) Single Family Residential Intensity Standards
Minimum Lot Size
Maximum Lot Coverage
Minimum Lot Frontage
4 Acres
165 ft
(with r/w)
2 Acres
125 ft
(with r/w)
29,040 sq. ft.
110 110 ft
17,424sq. ft.
110 ft
(with r/w)
No minimum depth
12,000 sq. ft.
100 ft
No minimum depth
5,000 sq. ft. of net area;
Platted on or before 3/8/02 -
50 ft
10% of development
10% may have 40 ft
may have 3,750 sq, ft.
Platted after 3/8/02 — 48%
5,000 sq. ft. of net area;
Platted on or before 3/8/02 -
50 ft
10% of development
10% may have 40 ft
may have 3,750 sq. ft.
Platted after 3/8/02 — 48%
4,000 sq. ft. of net area
Platted on or before 3/8/02 -
40 feet
Platted after 3/8/02 — 54%
(2) Multi -Family Residential Intensity Standards
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Minimum Lot
Open Space
1,250 sq. ft. of
As per RU-
As per RU-
20% of net area
net area
1,000 sq. ft. of
As per RU-
As per
As per RU-
10% common space
net area
No private open
Density 15
DU/net acre
As per RU-3M
3 stories
35% of net
20% of net area
(40 f
lot area
As per RU-4L
6 stories
35% of net
As per RU-4L
lot area
As per RU-4M
9 stories
35% of net
As per RU-4M
lot area
RU-4 and
As per RU-4
2.00 if more
As per RU-4
As per RU-4 and
and RU-4A
than 9 stories
and RU-4A
BU-1 and
As per BU-1
As per
45% of net
Open space
BU-1A with
and BU-1A
BU-1 and
lot area
requirements for one
story building
BU-2 with
As per BU-2
Ad per
50% of net
Open space
lot area
requirements for one
story building
(B) PAD Districts, Urban Centers, and other overlay or special
districts: The density and intensity of the development shall
be established in accordance with the applicable zoning
district regulations or in a development agreement which is
consistent with a proposed site plan.
(C) The total number of dwelling units permitted, including
market rate units, bonus units, and WHUs, may exceed the
permitted maximum density allowed in the zoning district
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in accordance with the foregoing provisions, provided that
the density shall not exceed the maximum allowable
density bonuses set forth in the CDMP.«
[[(1) In the EU 2 District:
(a) Minimum lot size Four (I) acres;
(1b) Minimum lot frontage One hundred sixty five
(165) feet;
(e) Maximum-let-eeverage Twenty (20) r ens
(2) In the EU 1C District:
a) Minimum lot size Two (2) acres;
Minimum lot frontage One hundred twenty five
(125) feet.
(3) In the EU 1 District:
(a) Minimum lot size Thirty two thousand five
hundred (32,500) square feet;
(b-) Minimum lot frontage One hundred ten (110) feet.
(4) In the EU S District:
(a) Minimum lot size Twenty thousand (20,000)
square feet;
(b-) Minimum lot frontage One hundred ten (110) feet.
(4) In the EU M District:
(a) Minimum lot size Twelve thousand five hundred
(12,500) square feet;
(b) Minimum lot frontage One hundred (100) feet.
(6) In the RU 1 and RU 2 Districts:
(a)) Minimum ,moet let o f r si.aentia lets ehh l
C�`7 5,000 square feet and the minimum lot frontage
shall be 50 feet, except that a maximum of 10
percent of the residential lots may be reduced to a
minimum of 1,000 square feet and a minimum lot
frontage of 40 feet; and
>\ 1 t l t d tt,e lot
(� Max—rvz—G6=v@ricg�--age--�xc�v�
coverage permitted by the underlying district
regulations by more than 20%.
(7) In the RU 1M(a), and RU 1M(b) Districts:
� l( ) The „ ,-,et l t . o f esi,lential lots s1..all be
'1,000 square feet; and the minimum lot frontage
s7 nl� .'10
(b) Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed the lot
coverage permitted by the underlying district
regulations by more than 20%.
(8) In the RU TH district:
(a) Minimum lot size shall be 1,250 square feet of net
lot area; and
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() Minimum open space shall be 20 percent of the net
lot area.
(9) In the RU RH district:
fa) Minimum lot size shall be 1,000 square feet of net
lot area; and
(b) Density shall not exceed 15 dwelling units per net
acre; and
(e) No private open space shall be required; and
(d) A minimum of 10 percent common open space shall
be provided in the way of greens.
{1-) In the RU 3M district:
Ea) Maximum floor . tie shall 4e n 60; ard'
(4) Maximum height shall be 3 stories not to exceed '10
feet in overall height; and
(e) Maximum lot coverage shall be 35% of net lot area;
(4) Minimum open space shall be 20 percent of the net
land area.
(11) In the RU 1 L district:
fa) Maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.9;
(fir) Maximum height shall be 6 stories;
(c) Maximum lot coverage shall be 35% of net lot area.
(12) In the RU 'IM district:
(a) Maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0;
(b) Maximum height shall be 9 stories;
(E) Maximum lot coverage shall be 35% of net lot area.
(13) In the RU 'I and RU 4A districts:
E) M� , ,,, he ght s al be � add tion l atory;
(4) Maximum floor area ratio shall be 2.2 for a
development over 9 stories.
(-4) In the BU 1 and BU lA districts if approved after public
(a) Maximum floor arca ratio .Add .015 per acre
above that permitted by the district regulations;
(13) Maximum lot coverage shall be 45% of net lot area;
(s) Landscaped open space shall -be the open space
percentage required by the underlying district
regulations for a one story building.
(15) In the BU 2 district if approved after public hearing:
fa) Maximumfloor eza do n d,a nl 5 per a
above that permitted by the district regulations
(3) Maximum lot coverage shall be 50% of net lot area;
(c) Landscaped open space shall be the open space
percentage required by the underlying district
regulations for a one story building.
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In all transit corridor areas, parking shall be provided as
req edbseetien-33 124-ef-this-eede except asf llc..5.
{-a) the minimum parking required shall be:
Residential One (1) parking space per
dwelling unit.
Office One (1) parking space per four
d (n nm guar f et of c floor
Hotel One (1) parking space for every two
(2) guest rooms.
{B)]]»(D)« Severable use rights, as provided in Chapter 33B of
this code, shall not be utilized in conjunction with the
»density or« intensity standards contained in this article.
Sec. 33-193.12. - Design [[ .]] »criteria and
development parameters.«
(A) Workforce housing units shall be comparable in design and
materials to market -rate units within the development in
terms of exterior appearance. [[Workforce housing units
may be grouped or dispersed throughout the development.]]
»All workforce housing units constructed or rehabilitated
under this program shall be integrated within the
development so as not to be in less desirable locations than
market -rate units and shall, on average, be no less
accessible to public amenities, such as open space, as the
market -rate units.
(B) All development projects shall be designed so as to reduce
energy consumption. Energy conservation methods may
include, without limitation, the natural ventilation of
structures, the siting of structures in relation to prevailing
breezes and sun angles, and the provision of landscaping
for shade and transpiration.
(C) The architectural design and scale of each proposed
structure shall be compatible with surrounding existing or
proposed uses or shall be made compatible by the use of
building height transitions and screening elements.
Screening elements can include trees and shrubs, walls and
fencing, or any combination of these elements. Visual
buffering shall be provided between parking and service
areas and adjacent uses.
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(D) Single -Family or Two -Family Residential Desivn
Standards.« [[(B)]] Notwithstanding underlying zoning
regulations that limit the number of residential units that
may be constructed on a single platted lot, residential
developments incorporating workforce housing units »in
EU, RU-1, RU-1M(a), RU-1M(b), and RU-2 districts«
may utilize the following flexible design provisions,
provided that the total development density shall not
exceed that allowed by this article. Units to be developed in
accordance with this section shall be approved only upon
demonstration that a declaration of condominium has been
filed in accordance with state law (if any unit is to be sold.
(1) No more than 3 total residential units may be placed
on a single platted lot, of which no more than one
unit may be, but shall not be required to be, a
market rate unit; and
(2) The entrance to each of the units on a single platted
lot shall be »through« [[:
(ft) Through]] a common hall/foyer area in the
front of the building, which shall be
concealed by a building wall with 1 entrance
door, giving the appearance of a single-
family »home or, where applicable, two-
family home« [[residential unit; or
{-b-) The entrance to the workforce housing
unit(s) shall be clearly designed to be
subordinate to the principal entrance of the
building for the market rate unit. When the
entrance is configured in this manner, the
design shall incorporate architectural
features and elements that clearly
distinguish and develop the market rate unit
entrance -the t-etranee-frnin
the other entrances]].
Buildings designed under these parameters shall not
be located on the periphery of a development,
adjacent to or across the street from previously
established single-family residential neighborhoods.
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(4) The locations of the parking spaces for the units
within the building shall be dispersed around the
building so as not to create a parking field for all of
the spaces in the front of the building.
»(5) The footprint of the residential structure shall have
the appearance of a single-family or, where
applicable, two-family home.
(6) Unless the plumbing system of the residential
building is connected to a sanitary sewer, lots that
have a septic tank with field drains shall have a rear
yard with an area of at least 25 percent of the total
lot area, The rear lot area required to care for a
septic tank drain field shall not be occupied by an
accessory building or other structure.
(E) Multi -Family Residential Design Standards: The following
Multi -Family design standards shall apply to WHUs in
development projects within RU-3M; RU-4L; RU-4M;
RU-4; RU-4A; RU-5; RU-5A; BU-1; BU-1A; BU-2; and
BU-3 Zoning Districts:
(1) In a multi -family residential development, the ratio
of efficiency, one -bedroom, and larger WHUs shall
not exceed the ratio of efficiency, one -bedroom, and
larger dwelling units among the market rate units.
(2) All buildings shall have their main entrance opening
to a street or meaningful open space, such as a
square, park, green, plaza or promenade.
All developments shall have unobstructed sidewalks
or pedestrian paths a minimum six feet wide
providing pedestrian linkages to adjacent
(4) Buildings shall be oriented towards the street.
(5) Building architecture, exterior finish materials and
textures, architectural elements, and ornamentation
shall be selected to produce human scale at street
(6) Open Space. A minimum percent of open space
shall be provided pursuant to Sec. 33-193.11.
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Open spaces and landscaping shall be incorporated
into the design of all developments to allow
sufficient light and air to penetrate the development,
to direct wind movements, to shade and cool, to
visually enhance architectural features and relate the
structure design to the site, and to functionally
enhance the development; outdoor graphics and
exterior art displays and water features are
encouraged to be designed as an integral part of the
open spaces and landscaped areas.
Service areas shall be located and screened to
minimize negative visual impacts from the street
and adjacent properties.
Mechanical equipment installed on roofs shall be
screened from view by parapets or other
architectural elements. Mechanical equipment
installed at ground level shall be screened by walls
or by similar landscape and architectural elements.
(9) Dumpsters shall not be visible from the street.
(10) Architectural elements at street level shall have
human scale, abundant windows, doors and design
variations to create interest for the pedestrian. Blank
walls at street level and above the ground floor of
buildings are not permitted.
(11) All parking garages shall have all architectural
expressions facing public open spaces consistent
and harmonious with that of habitable space.
(F) Other Development Parameters
(1) Design considerations shall include: the placement,
orientation and scale of buildings and building
elements particularly at street level, sidewalks and
connections, and provisions of weather protection,
landscape, and lighting.
(2) All on -site utilities shall be buried underground.
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(3) Adequate circulation to accommodate emergency
vehicles shall be provided throughout the
(4) The development shall be designed with a
coordinated, outdoor, pedestrian -scaled lighting
system that is adequate, integrated into the
development, and compatible and harmonious with
the surrounding areas.
Street furniture such as trash containers and benches
shall be pettuanently secured to the sidewalk. Street
furniture shall not obstruct sight visibility triangles
at street intersections.«
Sec. 33-193.13. - Required declaration of restrictive covenants
Prior to final approval of any »development« [[application]]
seeking to utilize the density or intensity bonus available pursuant
to this article », including applications for single-family homes
and duplexes«, the applicant shall submit a separate declaration
of restrictive covenants, encumbering the entire »development«
[[project]], approved in form by the Director »and the Housing
Director in accordance with Chapter 17, Article IX of this code«
and sufficient for recording in the public records of Miami -Dade
County, Florida, including provisions requiring development of a
specified number, type, and location of all dwelling units, a general
plan for staging construction of all units, and such other provisions
as the Department may require to demonstrate the applicant's
compliance with this article. The development and the WHU
staging plan must be consistent with the CDMP and any applicable
land use, subdivision regulations, zoning and site plan approval for
the property. The declaration of restrictive covenants shall require
the property to be developed in accordance with the following
(A) A general description of the covered development,
including whether the covered development will contain
rental dwelling units or owner -occupied dwelling units, or
(B) The total number of market rate dwelling units and WHUs
in the development and the timetable for construction; and
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(C) The location of the WHUs in the development and phasing,
if any, and construction schedule for the development
sequence demonstrating that:
(1) WHUs will be built and made available for
occupancy simultaneously with or before market -
rate dwelling units, except that building permits for
the last 10[[%]] »percent« of the market -rate
units shall be withheld until building pertiiits have
been issued for all of the WHUs; and
(2) The last building shall not contain only WHUs.
(D) If the requirements of this article are to be satisfied through
the use of an alternative to on -site construction as provided
in section 33-193.8 »of this article«, [[of this code,]] the
declaration of restrictive covenants shall identify and
commit to the development of WHUs on an approved
alternative site. A separate declaration of restrictive
covenants encumbering the alternative site shall identify
and commit to the development of the approved off -site
WHUs, and shall further provide appropriate assurances
that the required WHUs for the alternative site itself will be
(E) The declaration of restrictive covenants may be modified
by mutual consent of the applicant and the »Director«
[[Department of Planning and Zoning and the Miami Dade
Housing Agency]] and the [[Miami Dade Public]] Housing
»Director in accordance with Chapter 17, Article IX of
this code,« [[and Community Development Department]],
as long as the modified agreement remains in conformity
with this article and substantially conforms to the recorded
declaration's provisions relating to number, location,
distribution and timing or construction of WHUs.
Sec. 33-193,14. - Workforce housing agreement.
Prior to the earlier of final plat approval or application for building
permit for the first residential unit on the property subject to the
requirements of this article »,« the applicant shall submit a
declaration of restrictive covenants, approved in form by the
Director »and the Housing Director in accordance with Chapter
17, Article IX of this code,« and sufficient for recording in the
public records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, encumbering the
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individual WHUs in the entire development, specifying the
restrictions of the WHUs and such further arrangements, [[and]]
restrictive covenants, »and resale restrictions« as are necessary
to carry out the purposes of Chapter 17, Article IX of the code,
sections 17-142 through 17-144 inclusive, and shall include the
(a) A binding commitment that the restrictions of this article
shall run with the land for the entire control period, and
(b) A binding commitment that the covenants will bind the
applicant, any assignee, mortgagee, or buyer, and all other
parties that receive title to or an interest in the property, and
(c) These covenants shall be senior to all other liens or
encumbrances on the property including all instruments
securing permanent financing, except that tax and
assessment liens shall be superior to these covenants »S
and except as may be provided in Chapter 17, Article IX of
this code«, and
(d) A binding commitment that incorporates all terms and
conditions regarding WHUs, including without limitation,
the required shared equity agreement, eligibility standards,
appropriate sale and rental price standards and affordability
controls required of purchasers of WHUs pursuant to
Chapter 17, Article VIII of this code.
»(e) Where WHUs are to be provided as part of a rental
development, the declaration and agreement required by
this section and Section 11-193.13 may specify the total
number of WHU rental units to be made available on the
property and provide for an annual inventory of WHUs,
instead of encumbering each individual WHU.
Sec. 33-193.15. —Penalties and enforcement.
This article shall be enforceable in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 8CC of this code. Violations of this article
shall also be punishable by a fine not to exceed »the value of the
in lieu contribution for the mandatory workforce housing units«
[[one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)]] or by imprisonment in the
county jail for a period not to exceed [[s xty-(]]60[[)]] days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the county
court. Any continuing violations of the provisions of this article
may be enjoined and restrained by injunctive order [[of the circuit
court]] in appropriate proceedings instituted for such purpose.
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»Sec. 33-193.16. — Nonconforming Lots, Uses, and Structures.
Nonconforming lots, uses, and structures shall be governed
by Section 33-35 of this chapter. A development approved
pursuant to the voluntary Workforce Housing Development
Program adopted by Ordinance No. 07-05, as amended, shall be
deemed to be legally established and may be developed as
approved but shall thereafter be subject to the requirements of
Section 33-35 of this chapter.«
Section 2. Chapter 17, Article IX of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida, is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec, 17-140. - Definitions.
The definitions contained in Chapter 33, Article XIIA of
the Code of Miami -Dade County, shall apply to this chapter in
addition to the following:
(1) "Area median income" means the median income level
for the Miami -Dade County Metropolitan Statistical
Area, as established and defined in the annual schedule
published by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development, and adjusted for
household size.
(2) "Certificate of qualification" means a certificate issued by
the Department establishing a qualified household's
eligibility to [[purchase or]] rent a workforce housing unit
("WHU"). Certificates of qualification shall be valid for
12 months. The certification criteria are set by
implementing order.
[["Condominium" means that form of ownership of real
property created pursuant to Chapter 718 of the Florida
Statutes, which is comprised entirely of units that are
ownedyene—er---mere peron, wh c there iG,
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appurtenant to ach unit, an undivided share in common
by sections 718.604 718.622 of the Florida Statutes.
"Control period" means each 20-year period during
which the affordability restrictions imposed by this article
shall apply. The control period begins at the time of any
sale or resale of the affected unit by every new WHU
[[(6)]]»(4)«"Covered development" means all developments
providing WHUs or monetary contributions in lieu
thereof pursuant to Chapter 33, Article XIIA of the Code
of Miami -Dade County.
[[(7)]]»(5)«"Department" means, unless otherwise indicated,
the [[Office of Community and Economic Development
for the]] Miami -Dade »Public« Housing [[Agency]]
»and Community Development Department« or any.
successor agency.
[[(8)]]»(6)«"Developer" means any person, firm, corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, association, joint
venture, or any entity or combination of entities that
apply for development orders or permits for residential
dwelling units seeking to utilize the density or intensity
bonus available pursuant to Chapter 33, Article XIIA of
the Code of Miami -Dade County Florida, but does not
include the state or any county, municipality, or any
governmental entity.
[[(9)]]»(7)«"»Housing« Director" means, unless otherwise
indicated, the Director of the [[Office of Community and
Economic Development f r the Director f ] the Miami -
Dade »Public« Housing [[Agency]] »and
Community Development Department«, or designee.
[[(1-0)]]>>.M<< "Eligible household" means, subject to the
provisions of section 17-134 hereof, a household whose
total income is between »60 percent up to« [[
ate]] 140[[[%]]»percent« of Area Median Income.
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[[(11)]]»(9)« "Eligible household income" means any
income derived from any proposed occupants of a WHU
who are 18 years of age or older and who will use the
WHU as their primary residence.
[[(12)]]»(10)« "Household" means any natural person
who occupies a WHU as [[his or her]] »their« primary
[[O]]»(11)« "Market rate dwelling units" means all
dwelling units in a covered development that are not
WHUs as defined herein.
[[(14)]]»(12)« "Qualified household" means aneligible
household that has received a certificate of qualification
from the Department.
[[(1.5)]]»(13)« "Workforce housing unit rent" or "WHU
rent" means rents that do not exceed the maximum
monthly Rent Limits as determined for Miami -Dade
County by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development in its annual Income Limits and Rent
Limits and as used by Florida Housing Finance
Corporation for its multifamily rental programs
(published annually at http://www.floridahousing.org).
[[{4-6 ]]»(14)<< "Workforce housing unit sales price" or
"WHU sales price" shall mean the sales price set by the
Board pursuant to an implementing order, not to exceed
an amount affordable at the maximum workforce housing
target income range, as defined in Chapter 33, Article
XIIA of the Code of Miami -Dade County, taking into
account (a) family size: (b) an annual fixed interest rate
[[based on a thirty (30) year mortgage term]]; (c)
payment of up to five percent [[ 5-% ]] down payment by
a qualified household; and (d) an estimation of annual
property taxes, assessments, loan insurance and financing
fees, allowances for property maintenance and repairs,
homeowners insurances, homeowner association fees, if
any, and allowances for utilities.
Sec. 17-141. - Applicability.
The provisions of this article shall apply to all WHU
development »in the incorporated and unincorporated area«
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subject to the provisions of Chapter 33, Article XIIA of the Code
of Miami -Dade County.
Sec. 17-142. - Compliance procedures.
(A) Workforce Housing Declaration of Restrictive Covenants
and Workforce housing agreement
Every WHU established pursuant to Chapter 33,
Article XIIA of the Code of Miami -Dade County
shall be offered for sale or rental to a qualified
household to be used for [[his or her]]»their«
own primary residence. The [[County, tlie]] »Housing« Director[[;]] shall publish a
pricing schedule of rental and sales prices for
WHUs in accordance with this article.
(2) Any developer or other property owner offering a
WHU for initial sale or rental shall record in the
public records one or more covenants or
declarations of restrictions in a form approved by
the »Housing Director« [[County]]. Such
covenants or declarations of restrictions shall
include the WHU Agreement, and such further
arrangements, restrictive covenants, and resale or
rental restrictions as are necessary to carry out the
purposes of this article. The developer or other
property owner must execute and record a
declaration of restrictive covenants assuring that:
(a) the restrictions of this article shall run with
the land for the entire control period;
(b) the covenants will bind the applicant, any
assignee, mortgagee, or buyer, and all
other parties that receive title to or interest
in the property. These covenants shall be
senior to all instruments securing
permanent financing », except as
provided in this article«.
Each qualified household purchasing a WHU
shall be required to record a mortgage in favor of
Miami -Dade County in an amount of $100.00 or
such other amount that may be borrowed by a
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qualified household from the County. A
promissory note shall be executed by each
qualified household and secured by said
mortgage. Said mortgage shall set forth the same
covenants, along with the refinancing and resale
restrictions as those included in the restrictive
covenants required by this section, and shall
requirement of acknowledgment of the County's
right of first refusal as set forth in section 17-
144(B) and (C).
(B) WHUs offered for sale during the initial or any control
period shall not be offered for a price greater than the
current maximum WHU sales price as determined by the
»Housing Director« [[Department]] at the time of sale.
(C) A new twenty (20) year control period shall commence
upon any resale and/or transfer to a new owner of such
WHU within the initial 20-year control period. Any
WHU that is owned for an entire 20»-«year control
period by the same individual(s), shall be released from
the sales price restrictions under the program. Uponthe
expiration of the control period the »Housing
Director« [[County]] shall record in the public records
of Miami -Dade County an instrument or document
releasing the WHU from the restrictive covenant required
by this program
A WHU may not be resold during the control period set forth
herein for an amount that exceeds the WHU sales price set by
implementing order. Prior to offering the dwelling unit for sale
during the control period, the WHU owner shall obtain the
»Housing« Director's written approval of the WHU sales
The covenants recorded by each developer or other property
owner of WHUs shall state in said covenant that the unit is
subject to the following provisions:
1. The covenants shall be senior to all instruments securing
permanent financing, »unless due to the requirements of
such permanent financing, such as financing from the
Federal Housing Administration, the Housing Director
agrees to subordinate such covenants,« and shall bind
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all assignees, mortgagees, purchasers and other
successors in interest.
2. The total aggregate amount of principal andaccrued
interest for all financing secured by an individual upon
[[his or her]] »their« initial purchase of a WHU shall
not exceed 105[[%]]»percent« of the loan -to -value.
Any financing in excess of the lesser of (1) Department's
maximum WHU sales price at the time of closing; or (2)
the property's appraised value shall not be secured by any
interest in the applicable individual WHU.
No sale, transfer or foreclosure shall affect the validity of the
covenants except as expressly set forth in the provisions of this
article. »It is provided that, where necessary to obtain
permanent financing, such as financing from the Federal Housing
Administration or similar senior lender, the Housing Director
may provide that the control period and other restrictions on the
WHU shall not survive the foreclosure in accordance with such
senior lender's guidelines and restrictions.«
Sec. 17-144. - Affordability controls.
(A) Initial sale or rental.
(1) Every WHU established under this article and
Chapter 33, Article XIIA of the Code of Miami-
Dade County, shall be offered for sale or rental to
an eligible household to be used for [[his or her]]
»their« own primary residence.
(B) Right of first refusal.
Initial Sale. The developer or other property
owner of a WHU shall agree to execute a
document consistent with a model restriction
prepared by the Department, granting to the
County, among other things, the County's right of
first refusal to purchase the WHU in the event that
a qualified household does not execute a contract
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for purchase within [[six]] (6) months from the
date the WHU is offered for sale. In the event that
no qualified household purchases a WHU within
[[six]] (6) months from the date the WHU is first
offered by the developer or other property owner,
the »Housing« Director shall recommend to
the County Mayor or the County Mayor's
designee whether the County should exercise its
right of first refusal to purchase the WHU at the
WHU sales price. [[If the County Mayor or the
County Mayor's dcsignc]] »The«
»Housing« Director shall notify the developer
or other property owner of the County's decision.
»If the County rejects the offer, the developer or
property owner shall remain obligated to sell or
rent the WHU to a qualified household and to
comply with the declaration of restrictive
covenants and workforce housing agreement
required by this article and Chapter 33, Article
XIIA of this code.« The County Mayor or the
County Mayor's designee is authorized to
exercise the right of first refusal provided
hereunder, with funds allocated from the
Affordable Housing Trust Fund established
pursuant to »Chapter 17, Article VIII of this
code« [[Section 17 129, et seq., Code of Miami
Dade County]] or any other authorized source
»of funding«, for the direct and exclusive
purpose of providing workforce housing for those
households meeting the workforce housing
eligibility requirements. Notwithstanding this
authorization to purchase, the County Mayor or
the County Mayor's designee shall bring to the
Board of County Commissioners a resolution.
seeking ratification of said purchase at the next
available Board meeting following the purchase
of the WHU.
(E) Foreclosures and other proceedings.
(1) If any qualified household of a WHU defaults on
its mortgage with the County and said default is
not cured within the applicable time periods, then
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the whole debt secured by said mortgage, with all
interest thereon, and all other amounts thereby
secured shall, at the option of the County, become
immediately due and payable. In the event any
qualified household of a WHU fails to cure the
default, the County shall have the right to legally
enforce the term of the mortgage or collect the
debt in any action at law, including but not limited
to a proceeding in foreclosure. Any proceeds,
including any expenses or expenditures incurred
and recovered by the County, shall be deposited in
the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which has
been established pursuant to »Chapter 17,
Article VIII of this code« [[Section 17 129 et
seq. of the Code of Miami Dade County]]. These
funds shall not be commingled with any other
funds deposited into the Affordable Housing Trust
Fund that are not associated with the WHU
program, but shall be deposited into a separate
(2) In any suit, action or proceeding, including
without limitation bankruptcy, probate or any
other suit, action or proceeding affecting the
WHU, any monies recovered by the County shall
be deposited into the Affordable Housing Trust
Notwithstanding subsection E (1) and (2), in the
event of default by a qualified household on any
senior mortgage associated with a WHU, the
County Mayor or the County Mayor's designee is
authorized to pay off said senior mortgage and
assume ownership of the WHU by using funds
from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for
resale to an eligible household. The defaulting
qualified household shall be required to vacate the
WHU as authorized by law. The County Mayor or
the County Mayor's designee is further authorized
to purchase any WHU that is sold as a result of
any suit, action or proceeding, including but not
limited to foreclosure, bankruptcy, probate or any
other suit, action or proceeding affecting the
WHU. Notwithstanding this authorization to
purchase, the County Mayor or the County
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Mayor's designee shall bring to the Board of
County Commissioners a resolution seeking
ratification of said purchase at the next available
Board meeting following the purchase of the
Sec. 17-145. - Trust Fund Expenditures.
Funds from the [[workforce housing development
program]]»Workforce Housing Development Program ("WHU
program") established in Chapter 33, Article XXIIA of this code
that are« deposited into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund [[;
which has been established pursuant to Section 17 129 et seq. of
the Code of Miami Dade County]], including, without limitation,
monetary contributions in lieu of development of workforce
housing units, shall only be used »for the purposes set forth in
Chapter 33, Article XIIA and Chapter 17, Article VIII of this
code.« [[to increase opportunities to obtain workforce housing
Notwithstanding the foregoing, when exercising the right of first
refusal pursuant to Section 17 141, the County Mayor or the
County Mayor's designee may utilize monies deposited into the
Affordable Housing Trust Fund from the workforce housing
development program without limitation.]]
Section 3. Section 33E-6.1 of the Code of Miami. -Dade County, Florida, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 33E-6.1. Payment of road impact fees.
(g) »Deferral of fees.
(1) Workforce housing units. For workforce housing
units provided in accordance with Chapter 33,
Article XIIA of this code, road impact fees
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assessed against the workforce housing
components of a development may be deferred for
up to two years, provided that, prior to the
issuance of the building permit, the feepayer
submits: (i) payment equivalent to 10 percent of
those fees at the time of permitting and (ii) either
a surety performance bond (the bond) or an
automatically renewable, irrevocable letter of
credit (the bond), for the balance of the impact fee
due. Upon acceptance of the bond by the County
Planning and Zoning Director, the building permit
may be issued
(2) Other deferrals.« Road impact fees exceeding
twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be
deferred provided that the feepayer submits either
a surety perfounance bond (the bond) or an
automatically renewable, irrevocable letter of
credit (the bond), for the total amount of the
impact fee. Upon acceptance of the bondby the
County Planning and Zoning Director the building
permit may be issued.
Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance
is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity.
Section 5. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners, and it is
hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance, including any sunset provision, shall
become and be made a part of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The sections of this
ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word
"ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word.
Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of
enactment unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an
override by this Board.
Approved by County Attorney as
to foiini and legal sufficiency:
Prepared by:
Dennis A. Kerbel
Terrence A. Smith
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