HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up from Law DeptMSF;A BOARD OPTIOS 1 (1 COMMI S S TON hR, 13 VIFMBHRS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members to be appointed by the city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof, nd serves fo-; a -period, of onow —aTfC�GTP�f-��a-o,-GiTT., year. (2) One voting member shall: a. Be a city commissioner appointed by the majority vote of the city commission to serve for a period of one (1) year; b. Serve as acting chairperson of the authority in the absence of the mayor; and c. Not be reappointed for another immediately succeeding year pursuant to subsection (a)(2), until each commissioner has served or has declined to serve in such capacity. (3)- Each city commic-sio er sha1N mate tws (2) members, except for the city commissioner appointed p -s-cant to subsection (a)(2). Of the two members nominated by oach city eemmissiener, one may be the commis-sion .,s-an ex-officio voting member, representing that commissioner's specific district. Commissioners appointed pursuant to this subsection may serve far a wed of one year and may be nominated and appointer) for more than one non ecutive year If a commission r i appointed pursuant to this c4bsoctien or p�+rsu-ant to subsection (a)(2), then the commissioner shall netmI-nate enl-y one additional member. Each City Commissioner shall appoint two (2) votinq members to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission, The City Manager shall appoint one (1) votinq member to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. (c) Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor serving ex-officio as the chairperson of the authority, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the votinq members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms. MSFA BOARD OPTIO\ 2 (2 COMMISSIOSHRS, 13 MEMBERS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members to be appointed by the city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof,p rigid cf on^ (1) year. (2) s-ne Two (2) voting members shall: a. Be -a city commissioners appointed by the majority vote of the city commission to serve for a period of one (1) year.; b- Comm l acting chairper on of the , ,thnnty n the absence of the mayor; and to s bsection (a)(2) until a ch nnmmicsioner has served nr has declined to serve in such capacity. (3) Each city commiscionor s-hal-I r}e-m- tc two (2) members, cxc pt for the city commissioner appointed --pursuant to s-u-bscctio+ (a)(2). Of the two -members nominated by q,ach city coma-isc10 er, one may be the commissioner, as an -x offic g member, representing that commissioner's specific district. Commissioners -appointed pursuant to this subsection may servo fer a per-iod of one year and may be nominated appointed pursuant to this --bib-cot-ion e-r p rst4ant to subsection (a)(2), than the nnmmi inner chill nomin to only one �rirlitinnol member Each City Commissioner shall appoint two (2) voting members to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. (c) Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor serving ex-officio as the chairperson of the authority, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the voting members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms. MS FA BOARD OPTIOS 3 (3 COMMISSIOSN:RS, 15 VIEMBHRS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of fifteen (15) voting members to be appointed by the city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof, and er„e fora eio prd -o�r�f on�-re (1 �o a year. (2) Ono Three (3) voting members shall: a. Be --a city commissioners appointed by the majority vote of the city commission to serve for a period of one (1) year_; b- Serve as acting chairperson of thc authority in the absence of the mayor; and to siubsectien (a7\ iuntil each commiacioner has served or has declined to servo in such capacity. (3) Each city commi:sion-er ski mate two (2) n40m4 crs, except for thc city commissioner appointer) nuts i ant to subsection (a)(2\ Of the two members nominated by each city setae-n-is-sioner, ene may be the commissioner as an ex officio voting member representing tha commissioner's specific d-is44ct. Corn -bs4a }crs appointed pursuant to thi subsection may aFye fora period of one year anti magi be nominated anti appointed for more than one non ecutive year If a nnmmissione-r_-'ts appointed pursuant to this s i4 scctien or pu-rs-u-ant to subsection (a)(2), then-t-beam-missioner_ ll n min _+e on a �T al member. Each City Commissioner shall appoint two (2) voting members to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. The City Manager shall appoint one (1) voting member to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. (c) Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor serving ex-officio as the chairperson of the authority, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the voting members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms. MSNA BOARD OPTION 4 (4 C OMMI S S TON FRS, 15 MHMBI',RS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of fifteen (15) voting members to be appointed by thc city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof, and serve for a period of one (1) (2) Ono Four (4) voting members shall: a. Be -a city commissioners appointed by the majority vote of the city commission to serve for a period of one (1) year_; ge-ye a aat4h ti ehairnaFeoh of +a ur i+hnri+v in +hn &bsenee of the mayor; and to subsection (a)(2), until _ h commissioner has served or has declined to serve in such capacity. (3)- city commissioner appoin+ed p irai inn+ to si ibsec+inn (a)(2) _Of the twa •� �•vi i u.,vvi ..•�NNvii s.0 Nui vuui icv .u`.....�•�•,..�.,��... ..., ," ..... members nominated by-&a-ch city co niisciencr, one may be the rnmmi sinner a an ov officio voting member renresen+ing that commissioners nocific di tric+ vemmi icners appointe pursuant to this si ibsection may serve fora neriod of one year and magi he nominated rrn .. .,yap �..v err-rrr�y-�rc�-vc—rvrtt-�crracrvl-vrrc--y-cai--arra-rrrc�-'v.. ,.,.. ., .., . and appointcd for more than one consecutive year. If a commissioner is appointed pursuant to th-i-s ubooctien or ptwsuant to subsection (a)(2), then thc commissioner shall ns111i-ra4e o-E1-1-y one additional member. Each City Commissioner shall appoint two (2) voting members to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. (c) Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor serving ex-officio as the chairperson of the authority, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the voting members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms. MS FA BOARD OPTIO\ 5 (5 COMMISSIONFRS, 11 MEMBERS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of eleven (11) voting members to be appointed by the city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof, and serve for a period of one (1) yea-F. (2) One voting member shall: a -to serve for a -period of one (1) year; b. Serve as acting chairperson of the authority in thc absence of thc mayor; and c. Not be reappointed for an to subsection (a)(2), until cash commissioner has served or has declined to servo in such capacity. /l`il (2) CE achity ccommissioner sh II nominate twa (2) Tmembery e er. \\"�� the city commissioner appointed- rsuant to -sub -section (a)(2). Of the two members nominated by ih-ei-ty cow-issiener, one may be tho at cow ioncr io appointed pursuant to this er p suant to subsection (a)(2), then the corn4: inner h ll nominate onl„ one additional memhgrEach City Commissioner shall serve as a voting member. In addition, each City Commissioner shall appoint one (1) voting member to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor and City Commissioners serving ex-officio, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the voting members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms. (c) MS FA BOARD OPTIOn 6 (NO COMMIS SIONERS, 11 MNYIBHRS) Sec. 2-1013. Governing body. (a) Composition. The authority shall consist of eleven (11) voting members to be appointed by the city commission as follows: (1) One (1) member shall be the mayor who shall be a voting ex-officio member and the chairperson thereof, and er„e for a period cf on (2) One voting member shall: a. Be a city commi sinner ppointed hnn the city commission to ser e f�fer a period of one (1) year; b. Serve-a-s-ie,otinry notairp r nn of +he �_�utharity in the alaseh a of the c. Not to subsection (a)(2), until giach eeicsi-encr has served or has, declined to serve in such capacity. (3-)--(2) Each city commi innor h II nnminmomhorc exoe-pt for the city commissioner a-ppointed pursuant -to subsection (a)(2). Of the two members nominated by each city commissioner, one may be the commissioner, as a-n ex officio vexing mem-ber, representing that commissioner's specific district. C ission-ers appointed pursuant to appointed pursuant to this ^-bscctien er pursuant to subsection (a)(2), then the commissioner s iaU nominate only one additional member. Each City Commissioner shall appoint two (2) voting members to be ratified by majority vote of the City Commission. (b) Qualifications. Each member of the authority shall be a duly qualified elector of Miami -Dade County and shall be of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and commitment to serving the community. Members shall be selected from individuals associated with the tourist and hospitality industries in businesses operating within the city. Before entering upon the duties of office, each voting member on the authority shall take the prescribed oath of office. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. (c) Terms of members. The voting members, other than the Mayor serving ex-officio as the chairperson of the authority, shall serve for a one (1) year term. In accordance with Section 2-885(b) of the City Code, each of the voting members serving a one (1) year term shall be limited to eight (8) consecutive terms.