HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up from Law Dept.III 11 loll , youumlolll°NVIH�I w, ' IIIIII� � ullm �'wiiiiimu�miiiiiumU�gi�i �l'dyi Ililu ouu' ' Illlllm IV11 a°u"" I I1imliluiyw mVull u eu,,,mlll�llllupigdp 1IIIIIIIII1,IIIIIII4116 Wi iVIIIQuVIUIVqupu�l ii �',i 1,11,01, 1'I liedlllum uuuu,,,u um °6 i 'uuuu 7,pm11,N'A�i y' IhIII'0 of 0IW'I���IliullollM���l�;ll�' 111111°III A1,11 I,iAu„ �ii� wIIIIUI�V�411Ull�uu II' 4ss., °.i,„ • C";•°) DI:ED &D.F. 5 6 6 / 2 4.3 Friza) .7,J)71 / i25 7111 1770:SS, II4.44 ihla 4th, ass/ sf 192!s t"". .*04"11., ausoryssalith thoor;orsiet :solar int lasa iho Zisit of 7loalls, :s„riys of the flaas :aiao, anal of tne 2siiniy of 1/ aril tf ' , of ass.asorait Istat ° 0 , i'ast the salt sf the flrat raitofor ant In ossailitro sods= rif ins sr= of :I:, 70ollara aria *tha: gost ista yhasatia sosselleratIcns, to it hand pada. ty site yasrly 2f the aisass4 liard„ reattpt sliarsof la hasty asks:a/10161st, has cratted, las:Eat:al snit asla as tte sada inarty of the serssl :stad,uhla hatra add asali7,3, lIta fsalowts 14.4„artS411 lata lyla* Seine in ItsadassCast,t/, Florlta, toasslt: -Lot .2shetysif114Jilt),af 1syhos04 a:Stills/lot or Lst soll a part of Lat of Zwassison al'aif;nts, asoorlin6 to a plat tf shit, tas&hisa Belsht4 rIosrd4t. la 1:las loinx fa', t2 of tht Ras:hods of l'ists f0onrity, Facalta, nail atal/Istor, tslshn: Ln sitsdass wati a ;1st ttaasitat, to &art saat a Izat of a. aesil slate ry taylionaas fuo, , 41m,a, assaossa, assaa ane ts/ 192Z, and resordat It she a:ft:* of ita _ Cltaita af thy Clortslt Cos:tans. and for :Isla Coihnly, Yi,orilla, in Zast, aaat ps.yt 2Z, .tssLstatii-jaa dna:Siff Of,eIll—sta;ttit8'11rIvaiso Siretta ata :r1/44, asbjeot o,,Ivser t4 t'4,1 esras,ato catai*S ty f,„4,41 dsditatist az shown sa the ato/4 =enlisted. nlstv das ?art of tratlosAitcrsalas for Intel scrs:eysta, tha Esaitntsa teraln at:so-Asa &sot 4.0yrtaa to s,a.1 ssl tarzas, asseassesIsa asst. IsrposItinns levIal ngsthst asIt '1.thast 3%:t.3tc:aullr; t0 its. year 11'240i, 1I1dla somvaysinot Is nate sub,„!sci is ire followlna consatilohs„ Isna ata ilarlisSlonst° stash ara latettal to Isa and, shall be tate= 44 so/sat:J.% tc rut wash ase Isarl stal °anted ar4 ltendol,to 04 tat shall tt taloa ess coallitcsa tf Ste said _ cohossystsa ass :at of th3etsdr,44sa satAllarailsna 3harsof0'tsawatt 4. realdessi Isiillalt6 shall shalttat ca arastat on any lot I.s.a4dy ata1 uniaas tha ause. Shall soal tat atast Mira/aft/a 'Eatilred fdllars fIothItz haralt, howevea, shall iiashiSlt the sCitstrsoOlst or treats lot of ser/ati's qi,sariterl la Iscattsotios with ihe e,f4444 ca other stidalltihFs on 4411 loi; att If sash senattIa usirtnarao virsze or other intda1111.02; shall te on,tOnasats1 sr treatal ;sac,/ to :se :salts:is* sr datellIna; iSe ssns shall hot 1is ossuoisl oy• stasmois sr :toss-4 for 4'4Z?flgt$ ia aotisall/ sosisensied utaand said, palsmialla stahoihre 44 ff ".;f :sod sa a Stain:II ri=, sionaal n.ss, nantfastsdalti satatils'anant, tashlho ar,tastetti notal, 4 snuash, or for sissy *she: tasthees or coosnosolsi or lystlis iuryose anal". ta hionairasset, tatoist sa :Itosa on shy lot *r Iota usrels solt, nor shall shy banintal sa ocsotarstal sister7alas Oa o;,,sasiet. ca° :maintained onereon. stall at7 st,tctI4ze itseaetist, or sitar proatalon Us 4,A44 or, ins lon or acts 1ereln descalist for los vain,23horoas coioa, esaitl&, hos41 or portlirys niss anall asy co43, r.vls or iohliry ie eTo os natael thereon, 4:1,si assirloiloo snits/ to sll lots In ashl stostalstit. :Iots oS ihs Isais hers:its( anal shall le sold, Issset or atrial th hnl ta Ions ta nsy iItle, or enslisSas to any Iukatos or 343,4na s3niar vgitrivris700444w*4:4446.e4"4"445441,4ss'":f-'41;rs;044.14Ar,, 11°.L43 z-1,4*; 7:"!...,r4 sor:irrtsicri cf which arcy iirrinn or paracr,s eth,tr cr,scssis,tsca isrsse shr,11. e r.stthscssis sr cthirkisthilitcr. Z. i'Cits ircralticris, restristions„ and limitations rf Cris instricriert rississtirs,sd. tics thirsit the ro,rrirsshaissr, ici.4 heirs 3r.lcutc.r5.., tar's, sisoltras fthirs 'Aserrisii3 szsi csi thrs rvii. estate hers'ry cold, sPach ssr-rsnts :t Ls thrsterstrod sthat thi liurcraser his tairst, szsosthicrz„ ae, rsiCiiiicsizsisccsrs acid. It, i7111 „. 1 tie accsi sir* entitisi riVat, thitarsst of t.ris 'irssz.sz tha szci, tie frill, thct act issicsitssisis, rise of. ripsirisin riethts arid. isii'rrs.thsrizel lands of iisis,rs„,scss :Say firsiort Scithrri :riTC, ars: shown sc. plat of saki srirslivisiorth rthryided, arcs -vs -sr, r..,,,,thsc,carsethss cics' osciser3 :if lots its„ sail subdivision. :shall. not Erect cr ca'alse tth erstricski cr. irclicsaithrsi cirri iiiuss cr, otht, vcrisi.ghtly thcildiriss or ciCstristica of sr.,r rstrithrs therstracsca. 4aid rty Of the firs aa.rt Coss 'her e Cy tally ssArricr t the tittle thi Ithrith third rill ..thcfcrisi 1r:the aisssisist, ithcscrici cis iirc or rill przscoris is:comics sisr. ths said. Bssylirmsci, corporation, as a:cress-LC., risc, thscrel prstsectis3 33csrecutes! Its its rrethilsrtht sth,C, thrssisthithir C 17,'„3 r tO ffixect, ths it.sy .yeass , t tZot re Lc:thirst ithsi,„„ethith., „nth:Si cerisiel,., :ilia 'I carts cr7ts.c7:7CTS,SiTST--- ro 2.01.,sst thrs ur. r. ;',9,r.; i'..thircs :thiththrsir, scs•kcces. corrcrsr,thi, 71.7 •. 11 "1; 1.; 3 Criely thcl thrthicirthithths. rcr rirthirsc.thin, ,4 +1110,1, 100, ,ry,rd Pk)rdell' '11#441'11rPtylif,,01,t;:fr, Titat -,Attrti,c110., rei tN3 4911001 711.9 lot 1:ox' s0,b4.17t494 lath a ' width; 67,f 16ti3-,O;',,,ziltiOii.*:, now _Sti)4ilr...B1011'..1,71;19,tillp, o 1361ii4if, l'11100111111)111,1111111111111, T.:3`i.yhJmeR Subdivision sio1 Zoned widths s of street , faet This is confirmatitn of the information to Qy s„„tr, Su,rdiv`a ;i0z« ; . ';i in Deed FU: p e 25. T a tr t ra sr tit s t . dedication c t? e plat indicate that. they are fcr use of i s pr s rt r xers :n t ��ny- c ie di iaicy ord "private ivat appears e 'C two streets. 'Hove Mr* a °'art has fora a i" as thit.;, has entered in 3 tr e t s and has placed pavene..1 C repaired an 2 u i. ; .i, d eve$ ent thereon. r these streets as ps" iic inso a r ,1. ";�' John, h • t,icex`c �i8�• confirmed the E�+:3.�iI.S . t7� ,i?`icS,.. a �mt �c}ran: the accspt r and repair by he City is concerned. Ordinance No. 31790 ,fit r n k aunless p &fai A y chi, n4�ce. .c- 26,1952 considered to be off_ c a,?iy zonea F is ni n , J3oard .x.d the City Con- 2 4 S 76 21 ,Saction 22 Zoning Ordinance No. 5571, A:tiole XXV, Base Bui'ldLaq Linea, roving Ilse 'dS.ttanoa f oa refer 11 to base kmildisg toe is hereby amended to reed ass foll.c .e a $NE NO. ZONI -CITr I MI. No, 6871, i,S. SECT:ON F 2 N J n'i COCONUT Cb.+n�58 SECTIONS C,�S %bF cif . `;iE S"a: , w 76 ty•a rd-.e,, t to c of the T ©fAI3i,n BY TIDE CCSSIC8 39 30 31 32 33 34 { 13A..C1 y of Miami Ccsm rshonsive Bay Ecuraos Drive, North and o{.ita Avenue, Loaounvto Aagar.ta 5 'tot Street from Idardio to ,135»A) and (136.4) in their a tLz ty and add new Assay", from i yrut]. to formerly n" w.,tto Vista kvemue) , Mary r.et (drd.707'7)...,. 9* Coamwocheee Street from South Baymhore,Drire to tipanola drive hla Street from Ti'ePrtai). to Sot'.: ayz2tore d'ri°a�•e. .. ...........45° ove* Street 1Frsrs i?ardie to Park Aim .ua,.,....20' Graph (151-A) in it entirety end add row p:a„sy m,v:as a:s i:ro in;tca Avonat fma O u las Road to od.....15' Za : isca Co , pxcMe•5on *.^4m;,;00 t<a 5a..,nhi s a:,a,ad. ... ...........................li* 4 r 00 32 1;33 r.Pelete paragraph 0.cs-a) in its entirety and add...m-ew--Parsgraphs as-1 1,1£,E—.0) Park Avenue. from Le P;ad to r..cugiss,..„20' Park Drive from Lerr.cx D-rive to Ingra;-,am :Delete parasruph7f1fS) in its erimy and ad`cl s new as' tointisna Aven-se, nain Fighway Section 2. All Ordinanc.ss, code sections, or parts thereof in conflict herewith, insofar' as they are " rz1ictare'.hereby repea1e71. 3. ar vision of tbiS ordinance b declaredby_ Court of ocarpetent 'jurisdiction t irooralid, the iSsie 'shall not stfcnt the validity •of the ordir,s„ aa a ybOle. PASSED ON rilksT READING BY TI :404 oi Juvi . , 1976. PA frO -MD ).1:CPTED tTLEcrnY ttlit, 22 day o 11. D OUT '4 crn 2.. " NORTMOF3.VV.6TMSTREET (ORD.76J7).. ...., ..,.. . - (123) 40THSA., S.W. 7THSTFIEET T05.W. GTH STREET . . . 301. BTHETREET (ORD. 700. . . . . . ' . . . . , . . . , ^ . . 44.5 (|n) 4ZN[ AVENUE, 5.w., (LE JEUwE. ROAD), 475FEET NnRTh OF THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF BLOCK |O, (SOURTMPROPERTY L|NE OFLDQUATAyEk"UE} 5UN3M|NEYIGTA06-W' (16) uZN[ AVENUE, r.W., (LEJEUNEROAV, R-ACLER STREETT(-, (|Z7) 48TMAVE�'4UE, FLACLERSTREETTON.W. 3RDSTREET . . . (|Z8) 57THAYB`!UE' 5.W.; S.N. 8TMTOFLAGLERSTREET (ORE�.7726). . .. . ^ ^.^... . . . . . . . . . . .. , (128-A) 57TH AVENUE, N.W., FLAGLER STREET TO N.W. 7TH STREET' (125) 62MO AVENUE' N.W. &S.W., SOUTH C|TYLiPA|TS TO NORTH CITYL{M[TS . ^, . . . -~ ^ ^ .. ~... . . . . ^ . . . . (!30) 67THAVENUE, N.W & 5,1, SOUTH' CITY L|�41TS TO NORTH .. . ... 20 50 |2.S 40 50 35 . . 35 D|6TANCE IN STREETS In FEET FROM CENTER AYENLE3 A|phobodco/ LINE TO BASE ROADS, ETC, Owe, 8U|LD|NG L|NE (5|) A4WE-"NA T|GF-,',--',T-'!LAYENUE TO SOUTH (%.5 (ORD.G564) . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . Is (|3Z) aPD 27TH, AVENU"E TO'NEST CITY LIMITS . . . . . 35 035A) 8(SCAYNE BOULEVARD FROM %E SaAH Lii',1E OF i',l.E. STREET TO THE NORTH L!��,E OF N.E. 12TH STREET 7470). . ^ , . . 75 (/33) D|6CAYNEBOULEYARDFRONCE,",�TER L|NEN.E. 55rhTERRACE 034) 36CAYWE80ULE\ARD 'RUtO AP0WT 130.6FEET 3OVTH`OF CENTERL|HE 0F N.E, 6(ST5T'REET TO NORTH CITY L{Y|T5 , . . . 45 (134-A) 601iTA LE JEUNE TO BRAGANZA STREET (ORD. E564). . 20 0340} BRAGANZA STREETFRO� HAF,D\E TDKiA0RA (ORD. 85t;4) . . 20 (135> 8' 130KER5TREET, (EAST 8DE)' 3OUTHQ|X|E lHiGH'NATTO OAK AVENUE . ,. . . . ......,.... . . .. . .... . 12.3 OAI< AVENUE TOCR4NDAVENUE . .,.. . . . . . .. .. . .. 15 (BS A) DRDQ�<ERSTREET |�FIDNIDNASUB, (ORD. 73,(",2). . . . . . . . . . 12.5 (|J6) E6CKELL 4VaNLO5 ES.E. 8THSTREET TO THE NORTH L|NE DFS.E. 50HSTREET AS DNTHF OFBROKELL POINT (4?3) (ORD. 7938) . . . . . . . . .'. . . . - 60 (136-A) CHLCAh0NTAH RD&D, �ROM T|GERTA|LTuEwa(ORD. 8564. . |J (136-B) COACOQCME� STREET +HO� SOLTHBAYSHDF' 0R|YE TO Q / 00 80,304117 This ihstro.ment prepared by RUSSELL T. XAH,RADT of Mershon. Sa'iyer. :bhnston, Ounvody Crale Scotheast Fiahaial Center 230 South Biscayne Evouleyard Miami. Florida 33131 FER13ONAL RCP.FESENT),.TVE:5 2E.;1) TH:S :NDESTORE, aNade and entered intc this day of 2f between Scu:heast Bank, s„k. as Personal RepresentatIve of the EState of Tennessee Willians, deceased, party cf the first part and Af.AN filPa“S, party cf the seccnd pant, adhaExe 4.drp-s TSESSETS, that tne saog party ct the first part, for and, in conalderelion of the sum of Ten CoLlars k$10) and other valuable corsLderations tc it. in hand pa'A by the party of the second part, receipt vherect is hereby acAnowleara. has ;ratted. tergared and sold. cc tne ae.d, party of tbe sacotd part his hers and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in Dade Coonty, Florida, more par.tcularly descrIted as follows, to Lct 2 and riparLan rights, Bayncnes Sabdtvistor according to the plat thereat recorded a Deed Bock 2, PaGe 23 of Pololt: Re':ords of DarJe CPunty, Flpvida, SUBJECT TOt' 1, Taxes for 'Vle year V9S4 and "s:itse,:v,,,en years, Z. Chvenonts. sr:T1 ;!' • 7,73 HAvE A.ND SC HSSD p ,ne par': nr r eq'v!,? se7Pnd he:Hs „ assv'471s wITNESS '.'VESECF, pAr'y e pac—, Pas sIgned r_Pese pesenvs aHd xed *.Tne Pay ard year fv-v, hereT,natcve Sgned, seal€,d ant Ply,fered Vne prese:e TTPTP.,1 j CI Witness (1,2.211 f3;rallaf ga-rteis SOUTIdEAS'7 aAvK, as Personal Reprasentatve dt' ESTATE OF TENNESSEE WITVp:AXS Deceased t'.,cvoloq TrSAJS1 0 SOUTHEAST BiL,CS, FA, 76F TENY SSE! WV:410T" R.p,pee?tative of t"-p E,S,'S:', iZ %,a1 ',.,,, Fixcara ,oxair, Vice , • 4 aC',e;a . ..y A.N ORDINANCE AMENDING CHATTER 54 THE CITY OF M' n, I s I'" 'aRIDA, AND J.. IJ[ vd k1. L KS ENT. .. LED "NONSTANDARD .i OR .. ,° ON ter " OD WHEREAS v 7_` for and Miami 'City Commission on ap ro`i`ed the rJ •35...�,.t or the Southeast 3ver't0w1/r a^K on. March to base tel. which , t l and streets throughout modification,. to the t_se building line locations to conform with actual NOW, SEOTIOM base the Ci, Section Florida he'e ORDAINED Words Underscored wor and/or . are now effect arm hanged mat t rights "Way warrant OF THE t r e Code adaboidiaiibeio shall "CHAPTER 54 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ARTICLE V. BASF BUILDING LINES Section 54-104. Nonstandard Street Widths Base Building Lines shall be located from the center Nine, PS specified for each ofthe following streets: STREETS IN DISTANCE IN FEET FROM TERRACES NUMERICAL CENTER LINE TO BASE LANES ORDER BUILDING. LINE 1) 13T STREET, N.W., MIAMI AVENUE TO N.W. 1ST AVENUE. 35: 2) 13T STREET, N.W., N.W. 17TH AVENUE TO N.W. 22331)7E3CE . 20. C 5) 1ST STREET,i*I.E., MIAMI AVENUE TO N.B. 113 AVENUE'. 27t5 4) 1ST STREET, S.P. 3 S.W., BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO S.W. 1ST 5) 1ST STREET, S.W., NORTH SIDE, S.W. 1ST AVENUE TO S.W. 1S1 COURT. . - x 6) 113 STREET, S.W., SOUTH SIDE, S.W. 113 AVENUE. 1ST COURT. 7) 1ST STREET, S.W., S.W. 1ST COURT TO S.W. NORTH RIVER 37 5 29.8 37.5 ( 8) 1ST STREET, S.W., S.W. 5TH AVENUE TO S.W. 17TH AVENUE. . 35 ( 9) 1ST STREET, S.W., S.W. 19TH AVENUE TO S.W. 22113 AVENUE . 42 ( 10) 2ND $TREET, N.W., MIAMI AVENUE TO H.W. 113 AVENUE. 135 133 STREET, N.W., N.W. 8TH AVENUE TO N.W. 1T133 AVENUE. 35 ( 12) 2ND STREET, S.W., S.W. 2ND ANENUE EAST TO FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY. . » . 35 rtz49:7—Fr."174".7-4—; ( 170 3RD STREET, N.W., N.W. 4713H AVENUE TO N.W. 48TH 20 313 STREET, N.W., N.W.. 17TH AVENUE TO N.W. 2211 15) ÷113 1313 STREET, N.W., N.W. 32N13 AVENUE 13 N.W. 3413 1313 TERRACE, N.W., N.W. 230RD AVENUE TO N.W. 23RD mi o o 3 ummno TH STREET 1I 2 A A. STREET SALW r 17T.H STREET. FLEE +TdE:aC'EEl.'tl,17 AND N.' CITY .U:MAIS TO M.W.7TE 209 z,7 T AVENUE; S.W. FTH STREET NORTHERLY. T' DEAD—END NOB .L 1 ..a. di» 6TU STRE.µ: AVENUE, b.n S.W. r F STREET TO SUW ` Tr. 42ND AVENUE, STREET TO sx 42.a AV "„"i R:."r.D) r A Fz k OX.i'`�.„,...:.: 475 FEET NORD., L: dC Frw''UNDA Y OF L 'Ck: 10 , i; U:.. PROPERTY LINE OF LO [,AT x<.1 ''v,7" ) SUED ISIr N ( 1 - 9) , TO THE SOUTH 9666666659. RRE CITY SOUTH CDT Y. LIMITS TO ORDER TIOERTMATIL AVENUE BASE BUILDING LINE 10031 ))11-866(gg SUNSHINE ROAD; MATHESON AVENUE TO INGRAHAM HIGHWAY'. EXCEPTION - WHERE PLATTED RIGHT...OF-WAY LINES. ARE A GREATER DISTANCE THAN TEN (10) FEET. FROM THE CENTER LINE; SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES•SRALL 3E THE BASE BUILDING LINES- (2661)-6,68 TAMIAM: CANAL ROAD, N.W. 6DTR COURT TO N.W. 62ND (2820:,276,666) THOMAS AVENUE,. .e4H4ii-N DOUGLAS ROAD TO *1i-a BROOKER. ,(8888)±'?:8876n- VIRGINIA STREET, OAK AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUE . (2810.6)627af7 WASHINGTON AVENUE; S.W. E7TH AVENUE GEFFEBSEN STREET. T o 10* 2R f — 20S Section 2, The provisions of this Ordinance shall take. effect October , 1985. Section 3. A11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, insofar as they are in conflict; are heregy repealed. Section 4. If any section; part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word. of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. PASSED ON FIRST READ:NG BY TITLE ONLY this. JuDiv 1985. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this .... 12th day of 6-2,Am-mmmt 26.2... PREPARED AND APPROVED G. MINIAM ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1928,6. hrice A, Ferro MA.37.76n A. Bffl.(8117- MAYOR AAPRONT ASM,Ill) FORM AND CORBECII6. LUCIA A. 4p,J7T7T1,5.TY---- CITY ATTORNEY 10031 lit e'''''7""•7 February' 1986 Mr. William Fran! 4151 Douglas Road iami; Florida 33133 RE.: SOUTH BAY HOMES DRIVE Dear N r. Prahil.: This department has searched aur files concerning the status of South Bay Homes Drive. It is our opinion that South Eay Homes Drive :is a private street and the City is prohibited, by law, from any construction or maintenance. We. nave also contacted the Zoning Division of the Fire, Rescue and.,Inspection Services Department. Tt is their position that tney would not become involved in anything pertaining to South Bay Homes Drive unless there is a violation of the South Florida Building Code, Since this is not a public righticfL,way, and there is no apparent violation of the building code; we suggest tat any problems concerning this private roadway are best settled among. the involved property owners. F,frerely. fw. -1") Donald W. Cather; Director of Public Works V.c raw CO: juah M. PortuOndo, Technical Services Administrator bc: l4ghways„.A.,. ',-t,.Dw:ww. ,„.. ,. Cadastral kWi SeWerS Central ,• • LUIS A PRLETO-FORTAR, P •,D„ Direclor July 28, 1989 Mr. Marwin S, Cassel, P.A. 8rcad and Cassel Court House Center, SulSulte 2000 175 N.W. 1 Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 Dear Mr. Cassel: CESAR 1-1, 0010 Oty hvianager SAY HOMES SUBDI\i SiON 1 have received your July 17, 1989 letter inquirind Into the status of the Bay Homes Subdivision, Deed Book 338-23, and offer the following comments to your questions concern1ng North -Say Hornes Drive and the existing jots of record. The Public Works Department recognizes -North Bay Homes Drive as a cubitstreet. Although It Is zoned thirty (30) feet in width, the dedication of the full width has not occurred at all locations. The dedication of any remaining right of way will be required when the individual property owners develop their sites. This Department also recognizes the existing individual lots of record as egal tots. However, ail appi.loatIons for building permits must be reviewed by the Building and Zoning Department and the Public Works • Department, The requirements of each of those departments must he met before a tuliding permit can he Issued. If you have any questions concernIna Interpretation of the zoning - ordinance as related to this subdivision, please contact Joseph Genuardl, Zoning Administrator at 350-7960. - - --- - -"I'fricerelyri-- ) . / I/ ames J. Kdy, P.E. hief Design Engineer bc Highways Surveys Central DEW,R1Ydr F'LJBLAI: WORKS/ 275 N..W 2nd !treet/MjamLFlorida nutvum 579-6816 we, F;d9 AtIG 22 8 8B,R 3 0 0 5 .1 5 142,a5QZ.3?, WARRANTY DEED THIS INDFNTURE, made this c),,r., dee rf Ar4/41,94TAZ. A,D. 1982,, hetween Alan Sirkin and Alicia Sirki.n, hi$ wife of the County of Dade, in the State of Florida, parties of the first part, and the CITY OF•MJAMI, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 330708, g Coconut Grove Station, Miami, 33233-0708, of the Countylof Dade, in tne State of Florida, party of the second part, WITKESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00; and other good and valuable considerations' to them in hand paid by the party of the second pert, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, granted, bargained and sold to the ,cait party of the second part, its sUecessors and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate; lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to wits Those portions of Lots 24 ant 26, of Bayhomos Subdivision, according to the Piet thereof., as recorded lfl Deed E00k 238, Page 23, of the Public Records cf Dade County, Florida, being. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at. the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 24; thence run Northerly along the Westerly property line of Lot 24 for a distance of 24.49+ feet to a point on the Easterly prolongation of the -Northerly City of Miami tade building line of North Baybomes Drive, as shown on Cifty 'of Miami 1A5 Sheet .#12G-, thence run Southeasterly along Said prolongation of said basecbuilding line for a distance of 5„02+ feet to a point of intersection with a line 7 feet EastelInly of and parallel with the Westerly property lines of said Lots 24 and 25 as shown on said Bayhomes Subdivision; thence run Southerly along said parallel line for a distance of 54,82+ feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve compd.ire to the Northeast having for efts elements a radius of 25 feet and e central angle of 34 51 aco; thence Tun Southerlyand Southeasterly along the arc of said curve'. for a distance of 41.45 feet to a point of tangency on the South property line • of said Lot 25; thence run Westerly along said South property lire of Lot 2E' far a distance of 23.40 feet to a point of curvatUre of a circular curve concave to the Northeast having for its elements a radfus of 10 feet and a central angle of 94" 59 - .)0; thence run NorthWesterly and Northerly along the 0 , arc of said curve for a distance of 16,52 feet to 3 point of tangency on the Westerly property line of said Lot 25; thence run Northerly along said *esterly property 1;ne of Lot25 for a distance of 51,094 feet to. the Southwesterly corner of said. Lot 24 said corner gleing the point of beginning. And the said parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and *ill defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN NITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of thefirst part hereunto set their hands and seals tne day asd year above written. ro",,,ted stamp'L" • 7 r, 1 of 2. w,wes,,,,v,g,aekk,0,1,exiciOwev,ViweagirCe,i,v;ON,o,Rgre,ek,geelnpaer,e,,',„galx$e*,' gr. egWelloRkkh 1,11 11 1,11 1". ,4 4M 01110001n4e',4 3110V111'.1N11041v111144e, oP,Imr,,,111,[1 /oR • urr 14225K1 -.oug-Ty S Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: • 57;f77177::_r Z2-4 r fi:" riDO/Ygo//- /,, .1) / ,p ,:-: - x- FETNT ItIT ; • , , / ,AVex wrr "OFFE 0 i ti,r- plFMTMIEFT— (142' /46-/4 — " 044-1, (-22 14173 "Xt. K STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF CADE -3i !9 S' alA Tcrit lAtT717PTCRT,--h (SEAL) 1 HERESY CERTIFY that gn this day personally appeared before Me, an of fic'r duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ALA N SIOKIN AND AL:CIA SIRKIN, HIS WIPE to me well known tc be the persons described in and who executed the foregPing deed and acknowledged before me .that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein.expressad. WITNESS my herd and official seal at Miami, County. pf Dade, and. State of Florida, this /5 day nf -1,7/ ' /,Eiv• 7/ t4v Commi ssi Pr Expires: TIC,TAR? PeO,L:C. STATZ 10 COMM L:V4P DE.C.. tQa APPROVED AS TO FORM ANC CORRECTNESS: ' 'I /RD' R o DR; I 4, -757.ATF STATE OF fF . APPROVED AS TO DESCRIPTION rffT,Wn''. 44 r Rt07TIP Wtrqp F„, This Instrument Accepted Pursoant tc Resolution No. Passed and Adopted This Instrument:: Prepared Egy Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney Department of Law City of Miami , Florida Return tc Property Lease Manager 1390 N.R. 20 Street Page. 2 of 2 truAN).; OMCIAL PItC1W,13 *4,41, Cf DAD( W.N3N11, RIZRMA. PliCalPD P, Eifirittll - CLPS. (.1= caia * iU|5APR|ET(D-PORTAR'PH.[).,pZ Ducam 8ogVst 29, l9,89 Ms. Je��sie O�duwick 3611 Bsyhomes Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Ms, NOON: CiESAuK ODIC Private Construction - 3519 Gayham�'s 0'rive This is u follow-up to oor telephone conversation of lost week, during which you raised some concerns regurd1rig the Constroct\on thot is t, aking pluce at thp above referenced address. Attached please f1nd cupies of some intcrnul correspondence from tho DepmrtmmQ of Building & Zoning. in which they address some of the sune issues. To wi t/ I^ The four Wch (4") drains on the retaining wall into the private ripmriDn woy are illegal. 2 Flood1ng that may occur on the privatp *ay duo to obstr'ct 1on of the exist1n; druin has been referred to the Departm8nt of 8Ui\ding 8 Zoning, 3. Xny proposed pav1ny of the private riparian *ay will require approval Of al property oyner5 affected by such. 4 An� proposed rai�iOg Vf th� pavement a the pub\jc ' portinn nf 8uyhomes Drive will requi re a permit frnm this Department. At the present time, no application has been sVb0itted. * Ms. Jessie Uidnwick August 29, l989 Page 2 As the appropriate regolmtory agency, tne City of Mimmi appreciutes your in%ereS� in muint aininQ �o�pliunce with existing statutes and codes. I you require any further 1nfmrmati0A frQm tha Deportment of 8uilding � Ioning, ynu may contact, Mr, Santiago Jorge-Venturo, AjstanL Director and 8uilding Official, at 350- 7959. A I 'At ' cLuis A. Prjeto-Pnrtar, Director nf Public Works JafGartpll, Admin, ASst. to the Mayor Sontiago Jnrge-Venturo, ASst, Dirpctor of 8ldg. & ZDnin� �arg10 Rodriguez, 8sst. City Monoger f S.ERC10 RODRIGUEZ, A1CP Dire.ctor February 8, 1991 Bavhomes Homeowners Association 3611 North Bayhomes Drive Miami, FL 3313: RE: 3519 NORTH BAYHOMES DRIVE CESAR H. 0010 City ,Viarrir Dear Members: This is in response to your letter to Sergio Rodriguez, Director, of this department dated January. 17, 191, Cr several occasions we have informed you that cur recommendations remain the same regarding the private easement portion of. South Baynomes Drive. Also, unless Mr. Sirkin, as owner of 3519 North Sayhomes Drive cr' 3500 South Sayhomes Drive, receives approval fro all property owe, (who have the right to U3e the private road), the road or' any portion thereof cannot be paved, On January 23, 1991, a complaint was received from one of the members of the association, that someone was starting to pave the private easement. Inspectors from our department and the Public Works Departmert were immediately requested to inspect the site to check if the work was done as authorized byboth departments. According to the Public Works Department the area that may be paved was marked with a red line indicating where paving should stop. By copy of this letter, I hereby. advise the Chiefs of the sections involved in this matter to make sure that the above is Pnforced. Very truly yours, - — Santiago \Jorge -Ventura, A.I.A. Deputy Director and Chief Building Official cc: Sergio Rodriguez Warren 3ittner Luis Prieto -Portar G. Miriam Maer Pablo Canton Joseph Senmardi Juan Gonzalez Roberto Ramirez Central file ' PLANNING, [31.111:DING AN11E) ZON11'.1C DEPARTMENT 275 2Rd Uox 330730/,':Wrnl, ft. '31 Si 013' 305S 35,3.7957 93-909.9 814/93 from, RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVING AND/OR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF SOUTH EAYHOMES DRIVE BETWEEN PARK LANE AND BISCAYNE BAY NECESSARY TO TRANSITION FROM PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TO PRIVATE PROPERTY AND COMPLEMENT THE IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED UNDER LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-70 FOR NORTH EAYHOMES DRIVE ; AN CLARIFYING THE JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY OF SOUTH EAYHOMES DRIVE. WHEREAS, in response to residents requests, and a request he Metro -Dade Department of ErvronnentaJ Resources Management, the Public Works Department has scheduied stormwater drainage improvements under Local Drainage Project E-70 for the putilc right of way of North Bayhomes Drive in Coconut Grove; and WHEREAS, Seczcn 2-95 of the Code of the City of Miami authorizes the Director of Public Works to develop minimum standards pertaining to construction of publIc highways and seers on public places and other right of use grounds; and WHEREAS, In order to meat the: minimum standards, it Is necessary to construct paving and/or drainage Improvements on a portion of South Bayhom,,s, Drive between Park Lane and Bs yn Bay' to properly transition and complement the improvements scheduEed under Local Drainage Project E-70; and CITY COMNISSI EET'LliG OF SEP 2 7 '993 Rwlution fl 1 3 5 LJ 9 jurlsdicti WHEREAS, South ByhcmeBayhomes Drive s a private road under the, f the property owners of the Bayhomes Subdlvis as recorded in Deed Book 335-23 of the putil,c records of Dade County, Florida.; and WHEREAS, sald property owners desire to have assurance from the City of Miami that the construe Ion and malnteriance'of the said improvements will not cause or be u reclassification of South Bayhomes Drive from a private road to a public road, public aooess easement. Cr public, right of way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED EY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: S otlen 1. The recitals and fIndinas set forth in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth In this Se utlon Section 2- The const to support of paving and/or drainage improvements on a portion of South Bayhomes Drive between Park lane and Biscayne Bay necessary to transition from publlc rtght of way to private property and complement the Improvements seneduled under Locd Drainage Project E.,.70 for North Baynomes. Drive Is hereby approved, Section 3. Said paving and/or drainage Improvements shall not infringe upon the Sayhomes Subdivision property owner's access along South Bayhomes Drive between. Park Avenue and Biscayne Bay. S .9 Section 4. The construct on and maintenan Pld paving and/or drainage improvements shall not cause cr be used by the City of Miami to support a reciasifictOfl of South yhomes Drive from a private road to a public roPd, public access easement cr public right of way. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective ImmeOlately upon its adoption. AND ADOPTED this 27th day of LEaAL REVIEW BY MAER CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY /XA ER L 5 REZ, MAY SUBMITTED EY: 0 WALDEMAR E. LEE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. QUTI CITY ATTORNEY - 3-- LAWYERS TITLE :NSUR A. 1'0; C E C. 0 R IR 0 R T. I 0 N NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 0:11\0117171T FOR TITLE INSUMNCI• 4 1 3. EFFEtTIVE DATE: Febra0Eizy 8 1993 at 800 a.m. CASE NO. 0-96753 2. POLICY' OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: (a) ALTA OUNEWS POLICY (04-06-90) with Florida Modifications PROPOSED INSURED: To Be Determined (b) ALTA LOAN POLICY (04e06-90) with Flarida Modifications PROPOSED 1505,1-i MED: (c) PROPED INSURED: NONE 1•20,r.,010rz $ 40,w0.00 00‘. AMOUNT $ 0.00 ru,•Txur S 0.00. 3. TITLE TO THE FEE SIMPLE ESTATE OR INTEREST 130; THE LAND DM:MEM OR REFERRED TO IN THIS akali-u,ENT Is AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEILDOF VRSTED IN: See Schedbale A, Item 3, at-tad:led beret°. 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN 'IttS MNrimr IS DESCRIBED AS F0LLCS: See Sc±5u1e "A" Lands A - lereto CC iTFIRii GNEV.0ATli,aii, Fic.x3011--- ./ / Miami Brandi Of ) 1 "07 52 ,, 0 /0 Authorized Offimee orAgent55 8-f:151855-5 5_0008), Form. No. 91e88(S(H. A) 035-1-088-0001/4 Schedule A -Page 1 This cc vntiAment is avalid unless the insuring Provisions and Sciyxhiles A and E are, attached LP WYERS T I T L E INSURANCE CORPORA T NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA e A, Iten 3: Fee: in: Walter Miles is heirs, suc:ce...,ssers and/or assigas, as to the 5strip immediately adjacent to Lot 25 unrorded P. of Bayheces abiivision and known as Seth Bayhomes Private Drive; and Bayixnas „ Inc . , a Florida ,oerporation, 3.s. to the 5 strip imediately adja(xnt on the North to ti-te South RiOht-of-W,,;y Lire of So.rth. Ea:fn.:fres Private Drive as shown on •unrE_Ioo.-fdeel Plat of Eavtx.ares s:on ScheJdule A, It a 4„ Lands: 10' Strip 1.ori as South SayheiTes Private Drive adjacr-,..nt to Lot 25 l_zireoorded Plat of L3ayhcrnes Sub(iivision a=rdirg to Book 338, Page 23, of tnd alblic Records of Dade County, Florida. Right is reserved to aiTerK.lepal upon review of an •.'loo,eptable Case No. 6-95759. L A W Y E R S T I T L E INSURANCE CORP 0 R. A. T. 0 T.,T NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMONDP V I R INIA SCI=LE B—SEtTION P.ecruirenalts The follck:ing are the requiren-ents to be ccmplied with: it).n. (a) Payraent to or for the account of the grantors or raartTa,gurs of the full c...msideratial for the estate or interest to be Item (b) Proper iristiuwant(s) creating the estate ar inteiest to be insured mast be executed and duly filed for record to -wit: Deed. frad Fee Title hclders, to To FBe IDetrardirl c...n.,..-avevinzg captioned. TDrepert(V. TE: The deE-1(s) to be insaued must inclica.te that (each) .grantor is single or tbe spousa of each must join in execution of said deed( s). applicahIs) Item ( c). Furnish proof of payment of real estate taxes far the year(s) all years. -rem d)•. Furnish evidence of paynent of all municipal liens, fe--es and/or assessments in favor of City of Vismi. Item ( e), Furnish eviden0e of parent of City gf waste and garbage, tcL1 ecticfl charges, if any, Item ( f). Furnish company current certificate frgn Miami -Dade IeJater and Se7/(er Authority evidencing that there are no outstanding liens for Water and Sewer servios. This is required pursuant to county or arc's 84-1D. Item ( g).. Furnish current survey nesting 'the ruiramilid tedannical standar&z, and settifianl to Lasysts Title IriSerEleCe Corporation and/or its Ngent and iremateras„ Ca'apeny reSettieS 'the right to adend Commitnent/Policy upcn review of same. Item ( Furnish are raxard satisfactory evidence that the fE..aa. title holder is in g�d. starKLU-4.3 under the laws of tne state./oountri of its irco.troration fron :jure 13, 1921, through. execution and delivery of the dc.-cuTaent(s) creating the estate to be ,thsured hveneby, Item ( 1). Furnish :Owner 's/nortgagor ' s Affide,vit establishing that; All SULTIS due, for labor and/or materials for any rerformd on the 'prorert,,,, haVE.,'' been paid ard that no liens or encumbrans againz,t, the property other than as stated 17.....rair,„ are outstaryaing. Item ( j). Furnish Drrter's Affidavit establishLrg the rights of per ±0 E.K)SSE,'SSiOn. ni*fiE : Satc'e may be inolude5 in the atx DT.7a Affidavit. rihic..00mmilarcalt 15 irnralid urLless the Insuring Provisigns5 end Sched.des A and E3 are attached. Case No. 6-96759 Schedule 3-Section 1.-Page 1 Form NU'. 91-83 035-1-088-0001/4 Item ( L A VI E R S T 1 T L E INSURANCE C 0 P OR T I 0 N NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, The Ca-up:any may ',rake other rE-5a-u,irnts or take fur -this- Schedule 1-3 excsptions upon its review of tfas proposed dcciuTents creating tre estate ar interest to te insured or unon its otherwise ascertaining details of the transaction :age Number 6-96759 I, A WYERS TI T LE INSURANCE' CORP ORT,ITION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA SCIMULE B—SECTION 2 Exceptions policy or policiez to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same axe disposed of to the satisfaction of the CaT:emy. 1., Defects, 1 ienS 7:anCeS adverse claims or other riv_..,4tters, if any, created, first appearingin the :public records or at±aching SUbSeCt to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured aay.ires for value of record the estate, or interest or mortgage thereon covered try this Carmitrent. Taxes for the yePer(s) 1993„ not yet due and payable, and any t-axes and assessrents lenriad or assessed subsequent to the effective date heragf. 3. Tre doer, curte, tztrestead, conmunihTst- orope2.-tv„ or other statutory marital rights, if any, of the spouse of any individual isured. 'Restrictions contained in ihstratent recTarded, in E Bok: 566, at Page 243, ultimately reilTposed by Clerk's File l'tk).61R-84542. ,'OTE: Any restriction based on race, color, religion or national origin contained :Inany restrictions described herein is hereby deleted. ,5. 77. Restrictions Page( s ) 1088 Restrictions Page 1963. Reservation Page 243. 6. Re-setervetion Page 24. contained in instrixTlent recorded in Official Ra.., --gs Book 12358, contained :in instrument reaardel in Official Reaarels Scok 15023, at of easerent(s) as set forth in instrume_ht re.,corded inDecad Book 566, of easehent(s) as set forth in instrume.,--yt recorded in O05d Beck 271, The arati,lre ai-y1 extent of tte Riparian and Littoral Rights. 10. Title to any portion of :the oropeiLy lying balm the mean high .water malck of (the) at....iyrle Say. t.10TE: If policy is to be .ssued in support of a araztgege loan, attenticn is directed to the Fact that the Cari.-nny can assume no liability undea°' its policy, the closing instructions, or Cnsured closing .c-t '':•oe. for wmputance, with the requirements of any consumer credit protection := truth in lending law in =mete -Lien with said mortgage loan. bis canmitment is invalid unless :the insuring Provisioas and Schedules A and 13 are attached. Case No. 6-96759 B Section 2 Page. 1 Form No. 91-88 (13-2) 035-1-083-0001/4 AWYERS TITLE INSU R A N C E CORPORATI011 NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMON'D, sctiFfuLE By SECTION il EXCEPTIONS C0NT.1. n 11, '171, property or a portion tiga=f herein described bEiLg artificially filled land in What 3gas formerly navigable waters,, it is SUbje.c t to and all rights of the UniteStates Ckdvernmeht and of the State of Florida arising hry rag:sons of the United Stztes COvernrrent onntrol over navigable ',,,;aters in the interest of nsvigatic>n and cornterce arki the inalienablc rights of tt_a State of Florida in langs and Ce raters of such character. 10 Right cS Way resegwd elorn South houadary as referred to in I)25d t 1.,ked Book 214? Page 216„ 13. Possible easegent affecting iroured oreraises and known, as South Eay'rx..1 es Private Errive E.536a shi›.n on unreaarded Plat of survey attack,ed to Lead F-Rdok 363, Page 23 and •rights of otragi's in and to -theusa of same. ase Nutrber 6.-96759 mlefoneve. prepared 33a afT3 when tehnortnehl rattanto, ce.r3;;;; ken 141 ff 333. BAI“.11. SqUitC.,%.7 l' A Eaoy.Httorc fOttan. Sharth, Honda :HWE3 r :1. i‘:7861r: IDeE "2" ;;4 Off ,Hfae h tt,,,,,Eify, nOantDo taA DM 1)EF-1.) TfilS QEST-CllaINI DEED 111. los .t,hont of .„../1/4 Wntft, hoy WALTER J. MIEES, fmo pan ;3, to fff 1-4,N `Si REIN geld AUCIA SIR.N.NN, he; ,3;;Is whose pfa, of 33,:e gi..13;affee. fO.X.; Marie Payhtmoch Dow. NI tan Slon.;;Ja evaffrel 133.233 333333333; ;33,3; .33-fen3 ;f3; ;ff." 333' has, ete 'as ota, nos atHat *J4,0.4' 3311EREAS. the !The panty 1.5, Of1,. 2333333.3emhirer; 0`, 33.31;ef f3;;Tef she !Shoes.: tothtty hn. afyyth sohass oi furn. arsi 3fOlf.f",,RE23,S..;"1 d daied Mareff 4. nafeeffed mf; Deed. F3,,f3;33 333 Cow-31 Flonff a; ant ;we Yhaants Sines 333,3k. ;;;;..3 30 Tor T33330 Csf, ;23fm of 133offtarrean Se333;333;off tea; "R" ;33.33 of Leo; 'S" of E3Ytifflon. 31;33g3,33, at:son:Hu th IT2agSf., evo333323.3 :ft iffy....q. ;32q3e. 32, 01 R.333,32sel3 Dffeffe. Cem3333, iTenode, s.:41c1 subdivarr., k'.! ,n 6111 21:fl aC,aN*,.! Arl",'. mode 3 ;3333; ;feed 43333ff; 33; 1.13yhoents. kw. 4,12e La: fon, days.; the S.:eh:ley !,,r1-4N11, N23, affe honor:Jeff 13 ;he eliefe Coefv. of ffie Co3.33,11 r:01..i•TI an31. for Qedc Cc,:an;)- , le, Deed .33;.3.;;T; 333T, l'apf ;;;Se f neeetner wren ane 1.;enf of ;31" ehaSotg. ffrlhafe fineefe 333;1 Denveff ;the; "Ablf;;;;., effretne" 3 3;30 ‘.3eSfEREAS, fe.3.33;;;;sauhdofif ;foe ;he r.w. A 'c,.1:r,g al tat Lett and IS iNtrt :hereof, O3e: Tenn ;N33,3333:1 lo 3333.3.1 3.3;33.1afff M.;'1.,,;5; Q.,,c Est, and Aif foftescoucen do10,5 33; ;he :223;e2; t;;Of 3.33 nnf Tof (seen !;.3 fnerwn nt; ff3h311; ;hoe SIP:0,, Arm; AVITERTAS; tt; Sefford !S ,:Urrr,;r1 naamer ;Se Tol. VaTTSESStalli. Than 03f3 sa33 3333; ror,..7 and In 4)t" Ten „....)oal•$, in lund lay q)c,.•!sfreb) ,33233,no,332133.esi rs., ;Ind 1.:1;1.0 QV" 1 SC,.1',.11.4', poly forn',,'J, 3;g33, ;nee, dx;rn 0333.333;;; 3,33:1);;;;;3; sae! 1";r3; party haa Yr, and ha thtt htlitata/h4 deseriffeael piece et sagas', Sahal 3;offene efref 1°.; Offf Co3nof 131 1 1 Hortate, to ta Trot istwate S;eteni; ;33331. 1,33333e3 L le,3,3'HONIES hefereffnig fhe P333 themeT, fecoffied of Dena Book 3.3R,1 13;neff 3 of Ine IhMfi DecttetH of Hach.: (Drawl; Shames TO HAVE AND To tiot,D, forne &off 3;34,3313.3 the ar.pasenapttea theraturno Deinegortg apptrti1i18, /nil an the :state. 3411;; inieacen, tfen, 3.3ffeany and s',.atna talialatxtief of the aloi nest party enther 4.)," Liji4 1 1otaly proc..41 lave, fxneffi; esti helso..efl a Otte,: ate, ta=r,a.1 psrle iscwr EN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seta', first pany aoLtatal arad aralye theac pewees: al of the and year ricV vonnten aboye. S*3e3J., seeffied xff1-3631e3eet33 poneshe off ; ,3/ 4,3 khz-3321" ":" Ofif/ ,/, j1;1 Prin^; Si W T OF Si A St.S:,,a C L:SittaTS CODNTY OF WOSCESTER 51 A1,TER 5 M 4 SS e vans,: 4ACTU,A241 At C, rc.,44 111. Oti rsatat vata4' 410asaaa: tan.a,a iNE• faa.? L(1W &'DcAnda &Nib rortgoir:i DtateshhcAt vaau:Ntark,hataetealpad tvfon nyz fyf, 'who peractranyolosetem tn ntaatt-0 rotas ptsaah4vi _ Penn Notary Str, Nrj l'Ntf,S/1"5„,„„ My Cotsamtsition Eaphes, V+14..14144, .i.;,7ve.t..Ta44 walanTEE '7117n. / 1,.1',111r,H011,11 '„hhoo iu hor 1,00 lk T3 thstrittrattit precareil an,1 %Steil recttried rattim to, Carctitt 1.t.",,ttithrt Githigatattic Esq. Barron, &fat:atria & Faust, itt A. 2699 South BayshotatDlP,,tata Mtatra, Flatiala Fob() QUILCLAV'si DEED ff.) THIS Quvr-cLAIVI D1 0 1LC:-05 day of , 995, cARkroN cANIPREI,t„ Erst 111)1E. AL AN SIRKIN .!,1i0611Ni C.:.F.Viad22`.925 i5 3oNorth baynotnes ()rise, Miagn, FlorisSa 33E33, ipari9 ----•---••-- „,;"'; „L'11111,110,111111'1 II' oloolorlill.,,,„,',"',11,1111,111,1 1111,0, '11 1(78614891 727 199' JUL 2',i , 60 StEt a'atYaET Pc0t,,0, CLE.E.E DADE e,'3.,0,iff, FL 19 cc65.12hcr N41,41111i ,on}01 9 x7raacroant...,. ,,woioa sra1orKtua,, ttn,i 4.1,yos ao,a,raaao,,s, AqIC ryl .ft` 'M1,-1,1', or raoaort, WHEREAS, fatal' pally ft iattt hr thc Eaci sahaaittnE, ,,itairt,ticirEirthrt ;if Wattch 1. Mites and Rhotact A Mnes, ht's wife. tnofis f sYhOOS ara, Vanl, ,.:aC1a1,11:111 11111a1 WHEREAS, ny 241.aa!, V.,:ar,:h 4, I 9230 hector2t:1 tr. factatt Book 5'36, Pagt 213, ssi the Pstnno Pestona's Datitt County, itiarida, tht 1,aald 139a11er 1111a to Tu,stmg. tine (25) ts Ex/homes SntsteSogigo25 ct last. "R'. a'7 a pats of loot. "E”' of Essantnts Essigpost. wattoseloog, ta plai Ewatittott tiengins tecosstes) Plgt Book TE., Page 52. of the Recants of f.EsOts, County, Elosi2a, said sabgttnisnntsbe.Ing trt acchrtiancti with a plat attaciatti to and attade rari of a deeLt made by itlayharres, tht IcEsctit, tiathci thr 20th 'Jay of rtalarah, :o35, and tchatirdaid. irt thc ttifare of the Clark uf ;ha. Circun Court in and for Dad,: Cott:ivy, nor,...a, Dna,' Book 318, P2ge 23 the "1..gst" sneegges ssgh otatttaif of at! ahuning, Prinate Streets and Drsges (the *Aheng'..gt, 13treet94), ttEd WHEREAS notwIthstaroltng that :ha ownership of he S!.6i:CS anti et Li 119iniiiiC,2 foitow ;1 t. owre903'13, tit thE lacit and is an .r,t.cgrat part ter'or. cked pc;snact to which Walter 1 1331134attYcycat tap, talc, 6sti Ltg and all tatiatatqueht cleit.dit in that chair, et' title for tha lot faticat ha :gentler, Ctn.) Ahoning Strsets. argt WIIEREAS, the Sec:oral P.:161, IS itAi 9.ur900 cr,vr,,r, ihtt Lot" WITNEEESETH, 1Ma1 6.1C 5,161 ri6Si party, tog and cottsafcration or thet atar, tit Ter, tStOECitt Do)Eirs. haftt3 p',Ld thr sac). second party, that receipt tthraataif itt hereby atgetsnwOedge2, etigts hettsby roteise, retalse anti c,',.:,thc!ar:r urro urc wCorgi pally faCk'C'r, 611: 6ght, tgla, tathreit, iiiiniACin ants' raetnansi ,shteh the, ,),»Iti 9s pary ha,J ir, and to the foVr;,,thvg, (.9s90rthtsi1 f Farhat cf ry rig and hcmg 11 3O0769 1 Dads:. Stattt of. Hitt.thda. wit: ity113 Drives algettnng Lot 25, BA YHOMES SUBDIV;SION, accorft.itt4 to ale,9 therti:if, Tirth%1 0 t)o Etsogit. 3334. at Page 3 of ghe P91 0 Rgentsts of Dade Ctngngy, Flontia TO HAVE .AND "TO thr, S:ilfrie together stl and sttgoittar appostenaccea herclar.to IRgonging or in any's-41:')* 01909 41 5 til the estate, right, tPle'4S9 13999 eqsnty and Otturn whatsoever of te said Cost par,y, either 9 9wo eo,uity, 0grge only proper tntss, ktrgstit turd be'rxtf clf the s3n2 sg-ctsnd party forests. WITISESS WisiEREOR', sine said rust rta.sty has Fogged. anti &est:Jed sliest prr-iit Of [he stay gosi yetsr first welnea tagrAz. SignsO., sectlesi. and 1,t)t9o.erstel in the pre:tenses: of. PTink: STATE OF NEW YORK. coosr,' OF gi°1—s CARlecON CAY.P3E1,L , a, 977.8 FA626,2r41.949 :4114 tiscoreal ors scs...t.,esstcyz wyer CIP P4,71 CO ko.1., Oro= landc Circ4;it & C4240' COU(13 11IC foregoing .i65;6.6rotilt "0,74..$ a.cthcic*irle13 berore rase. 011s , 11;9'5, hy CARLTON' CAMPBELL, who is personaisty known is) 11'4 produces1 tp-SO;ty-' as Ittent).-ton. 9490 cc--)t Nomy N"n't<r. -----twocefficsorrirs— Noun prime, &war 14.wYcrA elbalkid My My Corngn:)2si0s) EApirest3 \L,4r.iXiiiSIAXXI9AXSiitamoicue4n Ca' iitiRittittstititt.inititstitittykitigirstittithititaiii11"1"1""'""tVittiitittittitastenhititittitst 111AWI'11111111011111, ...111111,1„10,11,111 1111,11 I, 1.0111 11111111v11 11111111111 livri 10101001111, 1,0001111100 1[1 01010[ poo,'111, ,int000110111, 111100001' 1001111111,101001, „ 1 iorvo , 1,00,00,004 40.0 ill, 111'1, i;i111;1‘,1011111, '1, ; ' 11" 0 10 ," boorponcan nrapares1 and when, f.51.15r.411J reTurn • Caroic EsCilM (.151"wpi 521, 115wi Kadro Barron, &fru nano Af. 1'3pm, P A 2,549 SOwh Haysfrondr, noK,, • Hosda 3101 FpRo L.Alm flEED THIS Hedrr.(1„.vol Mb, bf IfrAM,, by RO'BERT F, NUTT'S, 1,211 pH-1y. td ALAN SIHYdliN 4orrad 4131.IA likl4.yo Abode g2,0 0:102g airmen “2C `Rote erws Drom. Honda EMI yecond nsrny 2r 2,, 221,2 *WOW** *4 C*444 44 4 wok5,N451 $Y547 a.,tix44 384,414'41) RAN: Y P1, 0:144 CNf•rled& (.44Hd41 CPann4 9 ER IF: 2 5,3 7 2 8 13,095 JUL 25 I 4:"D5 DADE F `202S fir FL 44'4. 444N.4,4 1,444 w..555,, 1'11 4.4,44, 44414; 4r1 ViW aW4.1 54,2% bow, Sriw5.,) w55,ww-5,55:w.. 45,1 41441 ,4.1,4444445 4.4*.1 45,+411.41,0 ,041,444,44 WHEREAS , tArM Nub, ,nra nYaf xrir,Hang Mron! and Pair Wsltbr uy,d wilt,..t,,,q1 .born a:c. ,,van. dwAsyfd, rald VEVEREAS Fy 'fined drab:A ;Marc'41 41,41rnambrrirrd sa DEM 41111'1W f4,, PAH, 2,43 ef h2. 4»0,00 Rgeoris thn41 Wancr Mbity barbp M[Pr Twen4y00;se 1.35", Pt E41,1,m(nfa4,,r, 411M1511.515', Iona fR" and a par of toot "S' of Eska.e2.202 'Heights, 22,202301g e) 2 ping, or 222,1 7.2wangg-, FirrygHs resessie..2•,, po,p Brack "1'.e 541„ of RW.51.05:11, Ww1D.5/55 41'111515', Talr.m;ds, aasl5.515.1t5:511r, 5555541 ,,r1,,,4..ce;020,22 math a plfp al,1.,:htri !ii.r1.J, traiie 1.1 of a ',iced frakin • Baynnsavd na Al:rm Larnsory d.Mbrfi41 1,41 dxn 4.32.2e2n, 2:22! reeoreee, 011 ornbf.a.. or Hip Clbrk of Jr-, Cunun Cfrrbnl 2,0241 5.20 panic 5,75,•,,-) , 4,02E2 , Doad 41, 3 Papa 3 5E5555 sift rYne.b.alf ,1,11.daping, Pribxe St55111 4. DN1555 SmdmarML End WHEREAS, branomthstanHns [bon rie 01,5115111fp tha ,sPsormIg Smpass 441141 •,4Ac Zww4154511; h5lkw,W1 ;P: albirm.rsP',p of HIP41 144141 m 41.W151 CrIcrtoF, -,,tr.:.11 ow,; twwjw,w, Lot aawl. F,unoyncinnnf rinebH !Pyr chain4141o0c. for ,,pr. and Ihe F.W.,42,20•01 '1,5t). 0,1151 HorannO 1,15,55 (fl ih5 Lot '32321INE:S41,ET:31., Tlinen she 22141 Fee p2.00E f22- 01 '4, 41,nOL.K2 41 55wawl, 15W I441u.1 paent by ibt sami stene021 nr.rady, nrna rarmrsis A...henna:ff. hamnby anknowindygtad, dots, hereby fawn;SP, rwWniarfrn and pandonntifr. Lab tba • sccond fairray forasm, ;.11"( nglm, brodrfTm, MHrn, ge, d eserearn2I *31E:13 ;444:d lap party PH.J 15141 41r011,1151.118 51,555:541d rubel 41 and. Ihc. Cotwly r),,d,, 'flat Pym p.nd L'enda's MaaPtf,rag, iday, Z.fr, 310 f,ni ES SU 3'L213/ annarmi,ms tnn plat nstrrand Doolu 323, Pege 23 of Fle f5twN,c Fewer:3'224 223242 Ccunty, FlarniA TH3 HAVE AND 'r0 ,:nr,same b., gPknen 4, asJ .1.)nguiax 1;1' EFFe2FEEEnces ,,4141seg1e.2 Wong:mg or ;41 anywoe HdpvtaE,M.,g, and 5,:fl 01C. C7.5i151, righ,„ Ret., twiy and e444,;r4) Wh',.nmx,...,tr of t.ht sib! firm !')arny, 41i4414157 1114 O'W tquity, ,„he only prrabrra bcncIP bthoof ,;;:f 021 s222 R,cerg.3. i2,320,y 414» 4141, WEINESS 'WHEREOF', Ch41 1222, gar,/ geed Ind grnest 41i4141se22.1. 41 4 414 14141 yegre 41 W51;i.Ct 15/54.41„ Sessensgin 44,4la11 csd deRvergLi te, thc 411res,24222, of, ( / PrM; 04 • .-'1, ,dew' 5, / W ....w /W..„'11...—...., EC.312NEY OF ROBERT F, MILES K rylx er, Tht 14141414111.41413 1141514516.553S 4.43 Beimzensleenlgsed Lsefort .74 ' ' — i.995 ROBE.WI 41 911,13., gdgzi 4141 permvsally knosYg.)c, nu.'. or skt .,112,11sreeR1 j.:460 *fr,it Nly C0e1 n31.1,L4411 Expi7s: _ -4d ,-E• c2; `," 1.....41.2.15445,50.5045.1144.755421515451t4.5 501 ,,1:.1111.111'111'1111111111111111;:,1111111:111111111.1111g111111.11,,11111111g111111,11111111111i11111111111111111111111111111:Dv):v.v));.„1iIjli.:igip11.,:p:g,,,pk,li?(ii„„.ili;,„1 4,44441“:0 CW' (441414 3'3111111111111'1111 Jo11101'i, " 11,101111 4t�r uM4dl�'79fl'usv.ndDN,d�gfidtiHpu^r�aulWl�rauM�'�d;"^""u� Vab�+^�I'�i � GYM"�P N'd'm','';'✓M"�6iMd CM PDEE 0.60 taE, dX rlum 4t4S 6 Ei ECLEPN 1 P E .s Cri ,- night, Piti, irtr°�tWr s ;a: axt, t Pam.",:t. , Ttee said xzres sz': ,'aa %nre ih �u�p oM+,v!rw �;r 111i 4,1 ,11101[111111111 , I11[[lek i a I,� in677'inanni767.7617777,7777.77757W6,i6:. —1169161 Lots 24 and. 25 of BAYHOES SUEDIVISDON, according o Ihe, Pizt thareof as recorded in Dn?.ed 13-ock 338, Pa,ge 23 c.f. the Pu.SolLic Roicr.,:rdS ba6E3 OtiUntY tocKeethet7 the Nor'Eher.liy, one—half of that certajn "prIvate Drive" abatkincj Lkpt 25 as 1-lown on SC Plat of EAYEOMES SUBDIVISION. rIKGEITIFTVTITH A, PARCEL O' FILLED, 'FORMERLX"SUBMERGED LAVD,LtYING AND BEING IN SECTION 213, 458ZP 54 SOUTII, kANGE 41 EAST, DADE COUNTY, FLeRID, AND BEINO deKOR:12'..-PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED hS FOLLOWS: P. ?OETION'OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41EAST, DADE COUNTY0 FLORIDA, BEING,THAT,PORTIONOF LAND LYING EASTERLY OF AND .CONTIGUOUS TO THE EASTERLY BOT,IIIDARY LINEA)? LOTS 24. AND 25 OF i'llAITOME3 SUBDIVISION* AL RF.,,t`ORDED IN DEED nocK 33.6 AT PAGE 23 OF tHE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COT.INTY, FLORIDN, AN0-B5ING THAT PORTION tYTNO BETWEEN SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOTS 24 AND 25 AND THE ,SZAWARD FACE OF AN E9CISTII,TG BULKHEAD, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PART' RIX DEsnIpEn AS FOLLOWS: " AT THE LOUTREA77 CRI-R OF SAID LOT 257 17:45NCE RUN EAST ALONG EASTBRLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 25 AND ALONG T1TE FACE OF AN'EXISTING BULKHEAD FOR 25.96 FEET; THENCE NORTH 111,ONG THE FACE OF AN EXISTING BULKHEAD FOR 2.20 FEET; THENCE WEST ALONG TiE FACE OF AN EXISTING BULKHEAD FCR 22.05 FEET; THENCE N 15°00'41" E ALONG THE FACE OF AN E-XISTING BULKHEAD FOR 62.11 FEET; THENCE N 0,14'00. W ADONG THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF 7RE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 24 FOR 2,00 FEET; THENCE S 19°0(341" W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OP SAID LOTS 24 AND 15 FOR A DISTANCE OF 65.56 FEET TO THE c'DIN-T OF B4GINNING, LISS AND McEPT AN-,f OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LANDS WHICH ARE OR PLAY HEREAFTER BECOME,LOCATED WATERWARD OF THE LINE OF' MEAN HIGH S4ATFR OF BISCAYNE BAY, LESS 21 FXCEPT Those portior:s cf Lots 04 anl 2S, of 51yhomes according to the Plat thereof, as recorld in DI,Ed '2cok 12A, Pa,„;e 22i, of the Public P,coores of DafieCculty, Florida, heing more particularly described as follows: , 5e5inning at thl! Seuth'eesterly corner c.,,r said .,t 2.4. thence run Northerly along the Westerly property lire ef Lot 24 for a distanet of 24.49+ feet to a point cn the tastenlY prelonf,;ation of the "Tiontnerly City of Miami tiase beilding line rpf 14.ertn ,,syhomes Ori*e, as shown on City of Hlami Sheet it40; thence run Southeasterly along said erolon;ation ssid base builsilog lire f' Ostars:e of feet to a point of interloction with a lire 7 feet Easte7'ly PAr1110 *ith the Yesterly pro7ert! lines of said tots 24 ard 25 at shown on said yhomes 5ptd1wislors; therm rue 5eutherly aloo; slid parallel lire for a distance of 54.65+ feet to a poiht of curvature of a circular curcoroTie to the Northeast hayied for Ats elements A radius of 05 feet and A central angle of 94' 59' 30": thence run Stherly and ScQtheasterly aloo9 tee ard of said curve for a ditlece of 41,45 feet to a point of ten9arc! or the 5ou1e property line of said Lot-25 thence run Westerly alool said 5cuth property 'line of Lot 25 for 4 distance of 23,40 feet to ,curiiAuF-e of a drouler ,curve eonoave to the Northeast fool its !lent( a radius .0 10 feet and a central an3le of '94 59" 10"; thcw;:t run c.,rthsterly and Nort04,rly alon; the arc of sald curio for a distance cf 26.53 feet to 4 poirlt of tanency on the Westerly property line of said Lot 25: theroe run Nc'rtherly 0ooj :!Id Vsterly prcpe,rty 1f 001 25 for a dire cf 51,094 fut 1:ci the SouthwestolY sorrler fW1 Lot 24 ta10 cornc:r Feing the po1nt of 1)eginnin5. . • ..iPtiPstp. 01/VirsittiPR6SF(.7)Fstasic.s."••••:••••••••• Schedule A. Pcihty Nlai OPM.— 1 16 9 16 1 .Effecti.ve Date: juin 21. 19 96 Arnount of Insurance: .$1,6300000 :Name cif Insured: Alan Si,essete, and his snti,f Agent's Fk Reference: 91..plcsiss. 2, The estate oninterest in the land d.escribcd herein and which i.s •covered by this policy is a. fee simple (if other,. specify 'same) and is at the effective dateshereof vested in the named insured as .shown by instrument recorded in •Official Records Ptak ) 2 sE, . i"th?c, • P(ac.,...e. '7,2s-ss • 76_7(:), _ „ of the Public Records of Dachts, • County, Florida. 3. 'fhe land referred to in this policy is• described as followtsa See attached ingai 1.„ the .undersigned agent, 'hereby certify that the transaction itysurd herein is governed by .RESPA„ "0 if Yes to the above, L ha.ve performed all "core title agent services." 4 SIdesp.p;artl. ISSUING AGENT - AIGORNEY OR FIRM OF ATTORNEIS ENT NO. El Yes E No ElYes ENO AGENT'S SIGNATURE 'edic Rhad Florida WILING ADDRESS CITY ZEP FUND Form OPN1 A (Rev. 12/92) [4-56I Policy No.: oF rise 6 9. 1. This policy does dot insure against less or damage by reason of the following exceptions: L Taxes for the yeat of the -effective date of this policy and taxes or special astsf.-?ssments which are not shown as existing liens by the public recbrds. - Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown. by the public records. Encreactim ts, overlaps, boundary li.ne disputes„ and any other matters svisich. would be disclosed by an accurate survCy and inspection of the premises. 4, Easements or claims of easements not shown. by the public records. 5. Any lien,. or rig,ht to a lien; for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and. not shown. by the public records, 6. Any adverse ownership claire by the State of Florida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the lards insured hereunder,. including submerged, filled and artificially exposet3. IandS, and lands accreted to such lands. CbritintInd 'on a'rtachPd sheet FUND Form OPM-SCH, B (rev. 5/94) [436] 7, This policy does not insure any portion of the subject lands 1y1ng below the mar high water line of Biscayne Bay adjacent thereto and rights and easements of the United States GoNernment for commerce, navigation, recreatioft and fisheries in and to any portion of said land which has been created by artificial means —or accreted to any portion so created and riparian rights, if any. S. Flat entitled PLAT OF BAYHOMES SUBDIVISION recorded in Deed Book 338, at Page 23, in the Public Records of Dade Colinty, Florida. 9. Condition in "An Act to Define Riparian Rightsdated May 31, 1917, filed December 4, 1917, in Deed Book 173, at Page 403, in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 10. Covenants, coaditions and restrictions contained in Warranty Deed filed April 9, 1925, in Deed Book 566, at Page 243, in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 11. Covenant 47?-iirining With The Ind dated 11av 14, 2991 recorded in OR Pk-)01z 15023, Pagr, 1963. 12. Declaration Of pestxictive Coina_nt • dated Oct, 19, 1993 recorded in OR Eock 161:09, Page 2364, 13. COVeliall.t. dated DeC ec x3ed in OP Book 12358, laqe 1088. IN TEE. CIRCIT COURT OF THE 11TH :JUDICIAL. CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FL • CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO: 96-20412 ALAN SIRKIN, and ALICIA SIRKIN, Florida Bar No: 085091 Plaintiffs, VS PAYHCMES, INC., a dissolved Florida corporation. Defendants. TO: Laurence Feingold, Esq. 407 Lincoln Road, Suite #704 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 NOTICE OF STATUS CONFERENCE (Specia) Set 15 minutes. YOU ARE HEREBY notified that Plaintif c in this cause have set a \, Fifteen (15) Minute Status Conference before the HONORABLE ELEANOR SCHOCKETT at the Dade County Courthouse, Room #1110, 73 W. Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, on Wednesday, April 16, 1997 at 11:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as same can be heard. Movent's counsel certifies that a bona fide effort to agree or narrow the issues on the above noticed Moon(s) has been made with opposing counsel, or thet because of time consideration such effort has not es yet been made, hut will he made prior to the scheduled Hearin. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY! INA.CCORDANOF WITH TH7 ..ERTCANS WTTE. DTFAPILITI ACT OF 1990, DERSONS NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT ELLIS D. PETTIGREW AT THE DADE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 73 WEST FLAGLER STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130, NO LATER THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDING AT (305) 375-2006, OR (305) 375-2007 (TDD), I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and corr*t copy of the above was mailed to the above named addressee this 6th/day of Marcb., 1997. cc: Flora. Miller Judicial Asst. (21 lents --„ RICHARD W. WASSERMAN, ES(2, Attorney for Plaintiffs 420 Lincoln Road, Suite #256 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone: (305) 532-3431 Facsimile: (305) 532-6848 LAW OFFICE: RICHARD W. VVASSERMAN, 420 LINCOLN ROAD; NUANii BEACH FLOREA 33139 6. TELEPHCKE: 44105) 53.243,4.34 Z". .33 3,31 133 351 "R3 • V,733:3"1. 537 certify that the records of this othce do not disclose a'icorporation by the name • of BAYHO!',,IES; INC. on May 1, 1925, either foreign or domes, , active or dissolved. CR2E022 (2-91) 5 34 ;22, ZVI:3 Coen untier tup ljailb 'art tile great ,.-S,eatof tibefiitate of jitoribti, Tiztilaf)a.,s'er, •tbeCzipital,ttjS die Eleventh bap of June, 1993 T „*Ccr rt!f 1,731'1 , 51 51 ci i.13: 31/ '33 3 ,(3 ,u111,H ,11110 1,1„r IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIP:=IT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTYFL CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO; 96-20412 FLORIDA, BAR UO. C85.091 ALAN S1RKIN, and ALICIA 9IRK3N,.._ RFC;ORDED BAYNOHES, INC„ a diasolved JAN 16 1997 6 Circui cl Florida corporation, & Ctm\ry Ct Plaintitfa, Defendants, .1)?„....U:4.T. FINAL juPcNT AFPP;(111.NG TF,UTEs THIS CAUSE was heard before me upon the Hotion for Entry of Default and Final judgment filed by the Plaintiffa, ALAA SIRKIN, and ALICIA SIRKIN, his wife, The Court having considered the motion and after reviewing the affidavit of diligent aearch and inquiry, and having otherwise reviewed the file nnd being advised in the premi5ea, does hereby make the following findings: 1. That RATRORES, INC, is a corporation that was filed with the Secretary of State on Hay 21, 1921, That thereafter, from the period Say 1, 1925 todate, no information is available from the office of the Secretary of State or any other agency confirming the continued existence of this corporation, 2, The namedOfficers and Directors as reflected in OFF FEC tTh 17492PG4279 4cc, 16047104 211 ciPom, 12.1P°01 THIS 'QUIT CLAIM DIED executed Uhis Febrgazgi,m 199.6, loyLAURENCE YEZNGOLD,' the Court appointed O if' Trum3tee for th11101,:E1, INc„ a Di:,.i.oulvea Florida Coporation, ii,,il? First Party, to aLp t1RNIN and ,P.L1CLa SIRK:IW, hiF. wife, Cii whose pogL ctfice address ia 3500 S. Uaybomas Drive, Miagd, iFlridat Second Party, ..,,A lqITNFSStrii, that the said First Party, too and in i li,i3 . P , co:.,cJi,dertion nt the oum oili 'AID,OD in bond pa?,y the said 5'E:fOrld PiAtty, the reoeipt, wl'7:eroot iu hereby aolOowIdge6, does hereby remise, releaae alid quitOlaim =to Crie- "iaaid Second Party ferevns, all of the sight, title, interest, , claim and demana vhieh ti-a. said First Party baa in and tn t teljewina deac-sibed lot, pi 01: parcel 'of land, :.ituate, lying and being in the County of. Dada, Stateiot Florida, The Snutberly 1/2 of the curtain "Private Drive" (South nayhomas ILtivo), adjacent to Lot 25, according tp the Plat of 13-A1ROME5 SUBOI.VIZMN as re7nsdeairoDeed 136,ok 338,' 2a5e 23 of the 8ul,1,1c Records, eL flab County, Florida. TO ITAVE iCiD flOLU.Y the same together with nil and singular tc.,,, avoortencaee5 therannto beinnghnu or in anywise appertadning, snd all the astute, 'right, title, iintrest, lien, eiluity and claim whato,3cav_ermsL: the suid firut parties eitheimia lai,,n.T .iilqUity, to he enly pcoper use, benefit iold bellecf. of the si-dmiCeeond Pattiym1Y6Yevdir, - m" ,IN WITUESS WaEREOF, tlo.. uaid Firt, Farot4 has signed a%d noaled the5,e preE;enta the day auolnyear iiiir)ot ,alOnve written. / /', / / - , - LAUfltNr VEINOOLD,'Truu 407 Lincoln Unad, sTE# 704 Miami Roach, Florida 33139 DADE COUNTY CMUIT CO{5R7' CASE NO: 96-20412 CA 13 Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presencerbfmn, odwegur____ ".. asapy Twmmidil Nitoa40 Gold LIMTELOF FLORIDA COUNTY or DADE' foresving instrument was acknomledged beiOnse me on oath thidJYOYof Felisoery, 1 by,viumlIcE FMNDOLR, Trustee, fate personally known Oo oe (4es)nr no) armoht pmmninsced aa--.4eMoiclieLoatien, that ,41 P44444.,f.; heexc e#res3 Ted IM $ q to 2 Aae9law ,ew leas,