HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Manager's ApprovalCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA MEMORANDUM TO; Daniel J. Alfonso City Manager FROM: Bob Murray General Manager, James L. Knight Center Committee Chair DATE: June 27, 2014 SUBJECT: Recommendation for Final Selection for RFLI # 12- 13-062 for an Outdoor Advertising Sign at James L, Knight Center. REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The City issued RFLI # 12-13-062 for an Outdoor Advertising Sign for a City -owned property located at 400 NE 2nd Avenue, also known as the James L. Knight Center, and the one (1) proposal received on April 1, 2014, was deemed responsive. The Committee, appointed by the City Manager, met on June 26, 2014, and was comprised of the following individuals: 1) Vanessa I Acosta, Esq., Special Projects, City Manager's Office 2) Kevin Warthen, Right of Way Agent, Florida Department of Transportation 3) Bob Murray, General Manager, James L. Knight Center Pursuant to Ordinance 12271, Section 18-86, (C)(6) Proposal Evaluation, "The recommendations of the evaluation committee shall be submitted to the city manager." Recommendation for Final Selection: The Evaluation Committee recommends that the City enter into contract negotiations with the top -ranked firm, Van Wagner Miami, LLC. Your signature below represents your approval of the Committee's recommendation. APPROVED:44: Daniel J. AlfManager Date: 11 `t -/ cc. Alice Bravo,, P.G., Deputy City Manager/Chief of Infrastructure Project Iscripti RFL! Number(s): EVALUATION FORM Outdoor Advertising Sign(s) The City invite Proposers to bid on Request for Leters of Interest to develop a strategic nmriceffng plai to lease, use, supply, install and me in an Outdoor Advertising Sign(s) on dry -owned property located at 400 SE 2nd Avenue, Nfiarni FL 33131 (also commonly known as the James L Knight Center). (RFLU) # 1213-062 Evaluator (name & sigrtarure) S �fl Art5Dee: (e fah.€' l V Evaiucat on Criteria Value - 4 f _ WA l A 31A Experience and Qualifications 14 - Ariceteg in - OL. door Aciverlistig ID Proposer's management, operations, and develop<nentteam's experience NiA WA NIP ProposedMinimum Fee ea^i avI n < J for ✓,�� 1 _ 1 n YE t- J K � - Base Use Fee - Percer ge use Fee Qtsai#y of Proposed Marketh g Plan 15 -Advertising program po tits NIA - NIA NIA a Fina€ cM Capacty 30 - Capac yto develop, maintain, and operate the points Project N/A N/A [S NIA styof neiatla €r and Mia-;eteaanee Para 5 poirft WA . WA . WA TOT # 't€3#i peinits C Instructions: 1) The Evalua5on Criteria led above is derived from the information provided in the €2FU ferh;s project. 2) Each Reviewer must siyzc and date their Evatuai uu forms) in ink. 3) 1 a. Ir Reviewer mist base their evaluation on the same crteria so that value uniform-y can be established. ONLY whole numbers should be used in scoring. 4) Each Reviewer will evaluate and score all Prepo nds and provide the crigktai completed score sheets. 5) Co , n, Glee Chair will provide a waters iecorrtrnerhdaa"on for Final Selection" memorandum addsd to the City Manager. Respondents F#t�fss_ 1 'Jan Wagner Mliarni, LLC (11WM) 3 NNN!A 2 N/A 4 PITA Project Description: RFLI Nurnber(s)_ EVALUATION FORM Outdoor Advertising Sign(s) The City invite Proposers to bid on Request for Letters of Interest to develop a strategic marketing plan to lease, use, supply, install and maintain an Outdoor Advertising Sign(s) on city -owned property located at 400 SE 2nd Avenue, Miami FL 33131 (also commonly [mown as th&James L_ Knight Center). (RFLI) *12-13-052 Evaluator (name & signarure): Date, 6/26/ l Evaluation Criteria Value 2 3 1 4 COIVENIl=lolTS VitVM NIA NIA NIA Experience and Qualifications - Marketing - OutdoorAdvertsing - Proposer's management operations, and development team's experience 40 points 10 N/A NIA NTA Van Wagner, Miami LLG wrote a very strong Proposal demonstrating iheir understanding `. of Outdoor Advertising_ The Proposal was full of important pertinent information, with very littlegenerictgeneral information. VWM described in detail most of the "talking points" were are looking for. V WM has selected a good team of professionals to support this contract.. Proposed Minimum Fee - Base Use Fee - Percentage Use Fee 40 points 40 NTA NIA WA 'Quality of Proposed Marketing Plan - Advertising program 15 points 15 NIA NIA N!A VWM marketing plan was well written, mentioning their approach to maximize yields, all while remaining flexible to changes in the marketplace_ Financial Capacity - Capacity to develop, maintain, and operate the project 30 points 30 NIA I3VA NIA - V WM Proposal demonstrates their ability to develop; maintain, and operate the project effectively. Quality of Installation and Maintenance Plan - - - 5 points 5 NIA NIA NJA VWM described the different steps that will be taken to install and maintain the Digital Display, all while taking into consideration the City's preferences_ Their subcontractors are local and appear to have diverse experience with outdoor media construction and maintenance. TOTAL 100 points 100 Instructions: 1) The Evaluation Criteria fisted above is derived from the info; uraiion provided in the RFLI for this project 2) Each Reviewer must sign and date their Evaluation form(s) in ink. 3) Each Reviewer must base their evaluation on the same criteria so that value uniformity can be established_ ONLY whole numbers should be used in scoring_ 4) Each Reviewer will evaluate and score all Proposals and provide the original completed score sheets. 5) Committee Chair will provide a written "Recommendation for Final Selection" memorandum addressed to the City Manager_ Respondents Firms: 1 Van Wagner Miami, LLC (VWM) 2 NJA Project Description: EVALUATION FORM Outdoor Advertising Sion(s) The City invite Propcers to bid on .Request For Letters of }nterest to develop a stategic marketing plan to deasa, us, supply, install and ma in an Outdoor Advertising Sign(s) on city -owned property located at 400 SE 2nd Avenue, Matti FL 33131 (also commonly known estate Jaru L Knight Center). (RFLi) #12-13-062 Evaii ator (name & signarure): /c c—/1 Date: 6. /ft vuet€orr Cre is tfairte 2 �: 3 COl i s"'NTS MA l i3IA Experience and Quaancations 0 Mar/mi -1g l - Outdoor Adverdsing - Proposer's fariagernen , operations, and development team's experience ! i A fi€IA _ NTA ) p (L36-1L- /7rf,6A, 0 UltAtril . Preposed 3irrimr m Pee NiA N/A hi' A - Base Use Fee t - PerC _ntage Use Fee at. Quatii'ty of Proposed Marketing P;• n ''"s Adverting program point - - I4FA WA d" 3 Tc s3 C3G 7,5 +G: 461-t1 ee .`O f 3 4- T3 E� d. sip / jz fl V g- ds Cf ru!' F W Firanaa£ Capacety 30 - Capac yto develop, mairita€n, and operate the pokits roes NtA tea £2€saiinstaiiadon and it•adntenance P3arz N!A to NIA TOTAL l 1 poems e , :rstructions: 1) The Evaluation Cn2eria Fisted above ;s de ived from the icrforrro0on provided in the RFFLI for this project. 2) Each Reviewer m=.:st sign and date their Evaluation form(s) in ink. 3) Each Reviewer must base their evalmtion on the same criteria so Bret value uniformly can be established. ONLY whole numbers should be used in scaring. 4) Each Reviewer will evaluate and score all Proposals and provide the original completed score sheets. s) Committee Chair will provide a written `Reco, I a, iendation for Final Seie-fined ' memorandum addressed to the City Manager. Respondents Flint,: 1 Van Wagner Masai, LLC (VWM) 3 WA 2 NIA 4 NIA