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Submittal-Ben Fernandez-Letters of Support (3)
DJ 2014, LLC 5900 Biscayne Boulevard 5907 NE 5th Avenue FILE ID 14-00727 lu FILE ID 14-00727 zc Letters of Support City of Miami City Commission April 23, 2015 BERCOW RADELL & FERNANDEZ ZONING, LAND LJSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL 11_ 0�1� i fohmitti,I- 62n Fern0nOt2- 1,0+0S O- JuppoY�- LA W Submitted into the public S PZ•(o record for item(s) • on 5 City Clerk C. 1 ? 12trA.r21 Z1 21;) t 3 =ArN L vj t s � 10 /u • 31k•lsi-perz--. 1Y� M A -°A ► �_ L. 33 i 3.L -Pao.1-cr- DO E E. �12. i �!sroRrc PALM QI70 144 1 A 2_ 12.= S 1 De 1.1.-r- 1 N [btu I IN/ &s 12 = (`1'/ AND A \lei l AND P72oJ--c-r rot .'1co 3I SCryNz 3y � f2 I D2 NT-S ( F jicr2.NiriQs!P4LM Gar•Nis 1-5 or Tf c)PP 2.. -g,rsIrr AND `1 I C�INT, N �_ ) [ T t5 ri nt� r'G/L T -1 �bUt=-Vr42� B `_ /-k Pt.i4. c_ -. Li-- L S CA-1 V! S t b �T5-C"TZQ�S FO%2,641,4--1 c0 t-.( INCF-l2_L-f Submitted into the public record for item(s) 17Z • S PZ • (o on 5 • 2q2•2D1 f . City Clerk 1/11/2015 Gm ail - 5900 NE 59TH St it ,,•(:o)iIc 5900 NE 59TH St Dean Lewis <dblewisarch©gmail.com> bobpowers <bobjowers@outlook.com> Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 6:19 PM To: Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> To whom it concerns, The Palm Grove Neighborhood Asso. Supports this change of land use to a T4-O from its present zoning of T3. Thank you Bob Powers President of the Palm Grove Neighborhood Asso. Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device Submitted into the ublic record for item(s) k2.S4 on S • X'• 2-0 I . City Clerk https://mail.google.com/mail/WO/?ui=2&ik=855cbe27b1 &view=pt&q=bob_powers%40outlook.com&qs=true&search=query&msg=149ca5acb610651 a&siml=14... 1/1 •• • a v£cmc-N MiMo zeiA7ew BISCAYNE ASSOCIATION November 18, 2014 Planning & Zoning Board Francisco Garcia, Director City of Miami Planning & Zoning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 RE: PROPOSED "HARMONIZED" ZONING CHANGES FOR 5907 NE 5 AVENUE [PALM GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT/ADJACENT TO MIMO BISCAYNE HISTORIC DISTRICT] & 5900 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD [WITHIN THE MIMO BISCAYNE HISTORIC DISTRICT] Dear Planning & Zoning Board Members and Mr. Garcia: We would support the "harmonized" zoning for the two above -referenced adjacent property folios, subject to the below conditions, and also knowing that actual design issues will be addressed at a future Historic & Environmental Preservation Board meeting (therefore, we are only addressing zoning and use concerns herein, and not including addressing proposed building design issues). Conditions for acceptance of proposed zoning changes: 1. Residential Use Must Be Included —the current T3 and T5L zoning intends for this lot to be residential (hence, the L-designation) in a transect along Biscayne Boulevard where more pedestrian activity is greatly needed and called for in Miami 21. The NE 5th Avenue lot is situated on a T3 single-family residential street, and so changing that use along that street would essentially introduce commercial uses within a single family historic district and forever change the character of that street. 2. Residential Units Must Line NE 5th Avenue —in order to provide transition from the commercial use and to protect the character of the single family residential street, the portion of the project facade facing NE 5th Avenue should include only residential use/units—and should appear as a residential component of the project (with walk-ups, balconies, porches, stoops and a separate pedestrian entrance from the commercial portion), with habitable space and "eyes on the street" with minimum -required front facade fenestration for residential uses. 3. Commercial Vehicular Ingress/Egress— commercial traffic should not enter the premises on NE 5th Avenue; introducing new commercial traffic to this street will change the character of the single family street. 4. On -Street Parking —the applicant should work with existing and required setbacks to introduce on -street parking on NE 59th Street, in an effort to minimize commercial traffic intrusion into the residential single family street within the historic district. Thank you for the opportunity to share these recommendations. Submitted into the public record for item(s) _p_Z• ' } on r-, •a$'2-otS . City Clerk Shane M. Graber Design Review Committee, on behalf of the MIMO Biscayne Historic Association board of directors 1/12/2015 Gmail - Palm Groves Letter of support Gri II by( Palm Groves Letter of support bob powers <bobjowers@outlook.com> To: Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> To whom it may concern: The Palm Grove Neighborhood Association supports the 5900 project both on it Land Use Change and on the changes that where presented at the last home owners Association meeting. We look forward to this project being in our neighborhood. On behalf of the Neighborhood Association we would ask the City Commission to support this project. Thank you Bob Powers 305-299-0052 the President of the Palm Grove Neighborhood Association. Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:27 PM Submitted into the public record for item(s) p•l-•;+- 2.(P on Cr l 2-O . City Clerk https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&i k=855cbe27b1 &view=pt&search=i nbox&msg=14ada414642e85a3&siml=14ada414642e85a3 1/1 1/8/2015 Gmail - 5900 Bisc.MIMO - Project Support Letter GMaiI E,i x.q[c 5900 Bisc.MIMO - Project Support Letter Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> Avra Jain <avrajain@gmail.com> Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:38 PM To: Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> Cc: Shane Graber <shanemgraber@hotmail.com>, "Lieberman, Nancy" <nanlieb@aol.com>, "abalseiro@cushmanschool.org" <abalseiro@cushmanschool.org> looks nice to me. [Quoted text hidden] avrajain@gmail.com please note my new email account Submitted into the record for item(s) on 5'. ublic City Clerk https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=855cbe27b1 &view=pt&search=inbox&msg=14acad727335f9ee&siml=14acad727335t9ee 1/1 110 • svc• 7 • 1, Dear City of Miami Commissioners, January 9, 2015 As the Head of School at The Cushman School, a historic school within Historic Palm Grove, I have enjoyed reviewing the Project Plans prepared by DB Lewis Architect for the new Collectania Showroom Building to be sited at 5900 Biscayne Blvd. I acknowledge and support the project design as well as the required land use change to be an appropriate and elegant urban design that is in proper scale with our neighborhood. The beautiful architecture planned for this project will create a gateway into both Palm Grove and the MIMO Historic District while finally filling the empty corner of our block at NE 59 Street and best resolve the junction between our two historic neighborhoods. The Cushman School recommends that you support and vote in favor of this application without reservation. Thank Arvi Balseiro Head of School Submitted into the public record for item(s) '.. S on 5 2$ • Wt S • City Clerk 592 Northeast 60th Street • Laura Cushman Circle • Miami, Florida 33137 Main Office 305.757.1966 I Fax 305.757.1632 I www.cushmanschool.org 1/8/2015 Gmail - 5900 Biscayne Blvd. ail 5900 Biscayne Blvd. Dean Lewis <dblewisarch@gmail.com> Michael Courtney<MCourtney@coastalconstruction.com> To: "dblewisarch@gmail.com" <dblewisarch@gmail.com> Cc: "Sara Courtney Baigorri and Henry T. Courtney" <courtneylawfirm@gmail.com> RE: 5900 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida 33137 Dear Mr. Lewis, Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:25 PM My mom's family had owned the above referenced property from the mid 1950's until the mid 1990's, more than 40 years. We are also the current owner of 5599 Biscayne Blvd. which is a MIMO Historic property located across the street. The property in question consists of two Tots with the West lot being zoned residential and the East lot being zoned commercial. In all that time they tried to develop the property multiple times, but were unsuccessful getting the West lot rezoned therefore making any project unfeasible. If this property continues to remain as is without the entire property being zoned commercial it will remain a vacant lot for another 40 years. Biscayne Boulevard is again in the midst of a development boom and it would be a shame for this property to not be a part of it. We are in favor of the proposed plan and hope that this property will be developed soon. Thanks, Michael Courtney Project Engineer Coastal Construction 299 NE 38th St. Miami, FL 33137 Tel: 786-502-4623 www.coastalconstruction.com Disclaimer This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the addressee or similar. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and might not represent those of Coastal Construction. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Submitted into the public record for item(s) pZ S `t' Pi • c on S Z8 Z06 . City Clerk https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=855cbe27b1 &view= pt&search=inbox&msg=14acacb82ed3dbb4&siml=14acacb82ed3dbb4 1/1 CIME'MA MISTCinema East Corporation 5859 Biscayne Boulevard • Miami, FL 33137 • Tel. (305) 757-5859 • Fax: (305) 751-0113 March 12, 2015 To Whom It May Concern: As owners of the property located at 5859 Biscayne Blvd since 1979 we have watched the area slowly recover. In recent years a large part of the recovery can be credited to Dean Lewis' involvement in the MiMo Historical District and as an architect designing many projects in the area. We have reviewed the Project Plans prepared by DB Lewis Architect for the new Collectania Showroom Building to be situated at 5900 Biscayne Blvd. diagonally across the street from our property. We fully support the project design and required land use change. It would be an excellent addition to the Boulevard and is in proper scale with the surrounding neighborhood. AA,,, ASizei4ei ae64(1 Charles Allen Susan Allen Submitted into the public �(o record for item(s) Clerk on5 LOO`s City PALM GROVE PETITION OF SUPPORT 5900 BISCAYNE BLVD. / NE 5ih AVE. FOR: REZONING OF T3 LOT TO T4-O FOR THE NEW COLLECTANIA SHOWROOM PROJECT AS PER PLANS PREPARED AND PRESENTED TO ME BY THE ARCHITECT- DB LEWIS. NAM ItESIDE T ADDRESS SIG OF SUPPORT DATE �t0 j eel) (%/(0k, " 0272A) // 5870 4)iscRinc /" cO 7,...rr) .^ /0 f o e 146,14 cc u✓'G y U (*J '1'. G.IAA vo9vi 6-9l7 Ne S'/f1�G . 'I✓o e6jecfreh / 7 ect le/67/ �ZU°s�N A, 4-14 Nam. j ST-- -rr(-z. /30uitv4JLn 12, 9's .5C- t c Si 9-1—� - / 4Y 1 (4 r� rL to f\lr' Lc c mod..: 11f ► s y"ci G+ } 191 ems:: al E S{'► �� �.-- tq tr �Atr ck�'it, pattve- of) 'l • egrt1 ✓¢A!ral. • i#4. Stj{514A0*,es.1 -4 'A/O 06f:CILioh Submitted into the public ••Le for item(s) mCityClerk 5.28'