HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-Mail Coconut Grove Traffic StudyHernandez, Julia D. From: Nelson, Ron Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 11:45 AM To: Carrillo, Adrian; Msarnoff Subject: FW: Coconut Grove Traffic Study - Main, Grand, McFarlane, Bayshore, and Virginia From: Manny Gonzalez [mailto:manny@grovebid.comj Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 11:05 AM To: Nelson, Ron Cc: manny@grovebid.com Subject: Friday, August 27th, 2010 Coconut Grove Traffic Study - Main, Grand, McFarlane, Bayshore, and Virginia Friday August 27t", 2010 See in yellow below From: manny@grovebid.com [mailto:manny@grovebid.com] Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 2:10 PM To: Ron Nelson Subject: Re: Coconut Grove Traffic Study - Main, Grand, McFarlane, Bayshore, andVirginia Thanks Ron. Sent from my BlackBerry® From: "Nelson, Ron" <rnelson@miamigov.com> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 14:09:12 -0400 To: Jeff Cohen (PWD) (lope@miamidade.gov)<jcpe@miamidade.gov>;'Calas,Bsther (PWD)'<ecalas@,miamidade.gov>; 'Carlos Gimenez (District 7)'<CarlosGimenez@miamidade.gov> Cc: Bravo, Alice<abravo@miamigov.com>; Ihekwaba, Nzeribe<NIhekwaba@miamigov.com>; 'Balzebre, Frank (DIST7)'<frankb@miamidade.gov>; Martinez, Johnny (Asst. City Manager/Chief of Infrastructure)<johnnymartinez@miamigov.com>; Shen, Joan (PWD)<joans@,miamidade.gov>; 'David Collins'<david@grovebid.com>; 'manny'<Manny@GroveBlD.com>; Arias,Ruben J. (DIST7)<RJARIAS@miamidade.gov> Subject: Coconut Grove Traffic Study - Main, Grand, McFarlane, Bayshore, and Virginia Jeff and Esther, I hope you have a a good summer. We have a traffic study coming up for the Coconut Grove Village Center we would like to add the possibility of closing a portion of Virginia Street (see attached pdf) to the scope of that study. • The McFarlane, Grand, and Main intersection • Possible traffic Tight at Mary and S Bayshore • Reducing S Bayshore and McFarlane to 2 lanes from Aviation to Grand • Adding parallel parking where applicable to S Bayshore • With the reduction of lanes widening the sidewalks on Main, Grand, and McFarlane • Adding on road bike lanes to Main, Mcfarlane, and $ Bayshore from Franklin to Aviation • A traffic circle at Mary and Grand is already approved and supposed to be in design 1 ° Closing Virginia just south of the CocoWalhand Mayfair Hotel driveways to Grand creating Please let us know when you plan to begin the study. Best Ron Nelson Chief ofStaff Commissioner Marc D. Sornoff City VfMiami District (305)250'5334 From: Nelson, Ron Sent: Tuesday, MoyO4. 3010 7:49AM To: Gonzalez, Jose (Transportation); Martinez, Johnny A\oat. City Manager/Chief ufInfrastructure) Cc: 'nnsarnoff@yarnofhondboy8r.cono';david@grm/ab|d.00rn Subject: RE: C000va|kn1od|fiad intersection Attached hsthe email chain including Bill Anidoasking Jeff Cohen bobegin the traffic study, the Commissioner confirming that the email would suffice, and Jeff's response "that will do". Also attached is the drawing. Please remember that this includes; ° The McFarlane, Grand, and Main intersection * Possible traffic light otMary and GBayshore � Reducing S8ayohoneand McFarlane ho2lanes from Aviation hoGrand ° Adding pena||e| parking where applicable tnGBoyehore * With the reduction nflanes widening the sidewalks onMain, Grand, and McFarlane � Adding on road bike lanes to N18in. K8cf8r|mne. and S Boyghonefrorn Franklin to Aviation ^ A traffic circle at Mary and Grand is already approved and supposed to be in design |treally helps tounderstand the plan ifsomeone walks you through the proposed new traffic flow, and | will behappy todo that. Best Regards from the Confused Ron Nelson Chief of Staff Commissioner Marc O. Sarnoff City ofMiami District 2 From: Gonzalez, Jose Sent: Monday, May O3.2O1U7:O9PM ' To: Nelson, Ron Cc: Martinez, Johnny (Asst. City Manager/Chief of Infrastructure) Subject: Rw: Cocowa|km0difiad |nten;8CL|on Ron, doyou have adrawing ofthe proposed modifications tothe intersection so|can share concept with Johnny priorbJ drafting letter to County? Joo6R.Gonz6lez. P.E. Office of the City Manager/Transportation This communication may contain confidential and/or otherwise proprietary material and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Cohen, Jeff (PWD) To: Gonzalez, Jose (Transportation) Cc: Mitchell, Francis; Adams, Alexander; Alvarez, Ana (PWD) ; Shen, Joan (PWD) Sent: Mon May 03 18:40:33 2010 Subject: RE: Cocowalk modified intersection Jose: Bill Anido agreed at the end of the meeting that he would write a letter on behalf of the City requesting that we begin our study; but now Bill is no longer with the City. To my knowledge, no letter has been received. We would appreciate a written confirmation from the City that the City finds the concept acceptable and wishes for us to study the feasibility of implementing it. Jeff Cohen, P.E., Assistant Chief Traffic Engineering Division Miami -Dade County Public Works Department 111 NW 1st Street • Suite 1510 • Miami, Florida 33128-1970 305-375-2030 Phone 305-372-6064 Fax http://www.miamidade.gov/pubworks/ "Delivering Excellence Every Day°' Miami -Dade County is a public entity subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes concerning public records. E-mail messages are covered under such laws and thus subject to disclosure. All E-mail sent and received is captured by our servers and kept as a public record. From: Gonzalez, Jose (Transportation) [mailto:JoseGonzalez@ miamigov.com] Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:02 PM To: Cohen, Jeff (PWD) Cc: Mitchell, Francis; Adams, Alexander Subject: FW: Cocowalk modified intersection Jeff, since I'm not aware of current status, please advise if letter referenced below was issued by City or if even needed for County to undertake the necessary traffic studies per Coconut Grove Village request? Thanks. Jose R. Gonzalez, P.E. Office of the City Manager/Transportation City of Miami From: Adams, Alexander Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 9:21 AM To: Gonzalez, Jose (Transportation) Subject: Cocowalk modified intersection Jose, 3 I understand that at a recent Village meeting they agreed to the concept of a modified intersection proposed by Mr Cohen from MDPW. The median would limit turning movements and enhance ped crossings at Grand, McFalane, Main intersection. It was in the city's court to write a letter to MDPW expressing interest and they were to conduct traffic counts and design this project. Do you know the status before Bill left? Please let me know. Alexander Adams, AICP City of Miami Planning Department ( Urban Design Section 444 SW 2nd Avenue 3rd Floor I Miami, FL 33130 Direct Phone: 305.416.1445 I Fax: 305.416.2156 aadams@miamigov,com www.miamigov.com/planning I www.miami2l.org iv- Please consider the environment before printing this email. *Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications are public records. 4