HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitThe Public Is Our pedal Interest April 10, 2015 Ms. Amy Klose City Of Miami Human Resources Director 444 S.W. 2 Ave Suite 739 Miami, Fl. 33130 Dear: Amy; Please be advised AFSCME Local 871 held a contract ratification vote on Ap it 9th 2015 by our membership. The total number of votes cast were 105 of which 103 were "yes" votes and 2 were "nb" votes. Thanks to you, your staff and negotiating team for all their support and we look forward to our continued relationship between the Union and the City. We are grateful of our agreement on contractual terms mutually beneficial to all parties involved. r C Sincerely, Joe Simmons Jr. AFSCME Local 871 President American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL•CNO 700 S. Royal Poinciana Blvd., Suite 700 • Miami Springs, Florida 43166 (305) 651.601.7 • FAX (305) 051..1740 • : www.afscmefl.org 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI, FLORIDA AND FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 'COUNCIL 79, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 871 October 1, 2014 2(040 September 30, 2017 2014 Tentative Agreement: City (e) Date li/3 Date AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into this day of 2412, 2014, between the City of Miami (hereinafter referred to as the "City") and the Florida Public Employees Council 79, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Local 871, (hereinafter referred to as the "Union"). City Un10I Date J! 1b4(uuf PREAMBLE LE WHEREAS, it is the intention of the parties to set forth herein the full Agreement between the parties concerning terms and conditions of employment which are within the scope of negotiations NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do agree as follows: City__ Union D to el y Article 1 RECOGNITION Li. The bargaining unit is as defined in the Certification issued by the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission on November 1, 2000, (Certification No. 1304, Case No, RC-2000-032, EL-2000-037) which includes all the classifications listed in APPENDIX A of this Agreement e - ceilueies -l-eliass+fi tierns°litatedl in PFl T3 this~Agre@rngnit. Any new classifications will be added pursuant to Chapter 447-FL, Statute. City Union Date (412,iliq Article 2 .:REPRESENTATION OF `TIE MY The City shall be represented by the CO Manager of s person designated in writing b}-E11e- C-ifit saialoz-to-the-Vnion,. The City Manager .or designee. shall have .sole authority to conclude an .Agreement on behalf of the City subject to ratification by an official resolution of the City Commission. It is understood that the City representative or representatives are the official representatives of the City for the purpose of negotiating with the :Union. Negotiations entered into with persons other than those as defined herein, regardless of their position or association with the City, shall be deemed unauthorized and shall have no weight or authority in committing or in any way obligating the City, Accordingly, the Union, its officers, agents and bargaining unit members agree to conduct all business regarding wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, with the City.Mana.ger or designee. 6 City Unio Date 1t1 y_ (W)r 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 3 REPRESENTATION OF THE TJNION 3.1. The bargaining unit shall be represented. by a person or persons designated in writing to the Department of Human Resources Employee Relationsr-Leber Relations Division by the Union President or designee. The person or persons designated by the Union President shall have full authority to conclude an agreement on behalf of the Union, subject to a majority vote of those bargaining unit members voting on the question of ratification. It is understood that the Union President or designees are the official representatives of the bargaining unit for the purpose of negotiating with the City. Negotiations entered into with persons other than those as defined herein, regardless of their position or association with the Union shall be deemed unauthorized and shall have no weight or authority in committing or in any way obligating the Union. or the City. The Union President will notify the Department of Human Resources Duple yee etations, Labor Relations Division in writing of any changes of the designated Union representative. 3.2. For the purpose of meeting with the City to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, the Union shall be represented by not more than four (4) bargaining unit members and not more than one (1) non -employee Union representative. The employee representatives will be paid by the City for time spent in negotiations, with no loss of pay or emoluments but only for the straight -time hours they would otherwise have worked on their regular work schedule. 3.3. The Union President or designee will be allowed to meet with bargaining unit members in the assembly room during the one-half (1/2) hour prior to "work call" on the condition that the Department of .Solid Waste Director or his/her designee is advised one (1) working day prior to 'the proposed meeting. The bargaining unit members have the right to meet 3/11,19 Tentative Agreement: City Date 0,-) Unio Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL, — March 2015 with the Union President or his designee on union business at any time daring the individual employee's breaks. The Union President or designee shall not have access to the "work call" premises and in all areasunless the conditions set forth in this section are met. It is agreed by the parties the meetings referred to herein will not carry over beyond "work call" unless specifically approved by the Director of the Department of Solid Waste or designee, nor shall they interfere with Management's right to direct the workforce, Tentative Agreement: City Date �4/ Union Date r1 r.1.l elc .4 IYLANAfililYOLLIINLITA Tho Union agrooa that the City has and will oontint,to to retain, whether oxerciso.d of not, the 801e right to opor"ato tend manage 'its dTairs In all respects, t and the I>owors or iiuthority which the City has not specifically abridged, delegated or modified by the oxpru&s provisions of this nl'e retained by the City, The rights of tho) City, through its tnanllgemont 0111413, shrill Inoltldo, but shrill not b liniltt d. to, the right to detormh►c the organization of City (-iovt rnmentt to determine the puI poso of oneh of its caonstituont <lopnrtmonts; to exercise control and discretion over tilt) organization and otlloienoy of operations of tho City; to sot standards for services to bo offered: to the public; to ciiroot ibo employees of the City, including the right to assign work and ovvc;rtirtie,; to hire,. examine, oltnsify, promote, 'train or retrain, transfer, tlssign or reassign (daily of t.vookly), and schedule employees in positions with the City, to suspend, duniore, ciisoltarf o, or take other disciplintu'y nation against employees -for proper cause.. to inetellSo, 1'e4tl00, change, niodlt , or alter tho composition and s1zo oldie »pork force. including the right to i'cti vo employoen fern duties because of luck Of work, funds, of rl. material change In fiat duties or organization of li department; to tlet.ernluo the 10Gtttl'011 ,n'tath0c3s, roans, and personnel by Nvilioh 7perati.t)ns are to bo conducted, including tllo right to dotornlino whether goods of Sc 'vices al'o to Ito provided or. purchased to establish, modify, combine or abolish job chtssifioattons; to chnngo or elit'ni.nate cxlsting mothntls, equipment or facilities; and to establish, i pluniont and maintain tto offeativo iinteron.t security program, 4,2. The City has the,solo authority to dotoin'lino the purpose and mission of tho City, and 10 prepare and submit budgets to be adopted by the City Commission, 4,3, 'fitos, inherent t iltnnt011,11 functions, prerogatives and policy,makhft rights which the City has not oxprossly modified or restricted by n 61)00140 provision of lhls. Agroi►,nont aro not In tiny way, directly or indirectly, subject to the Grievance Prooeduro ooutnitted herein City Union Date q Arftei:o M., "Strike" means do cone r°taad failure to report for duty, the ooncertod fibs nea of of npk yetis from their positions, the ooneertod stoppage of work, the eoncorted submission of resignations, the coaa;et`la tl abstinonco In whole or 111 purl by any group of employees A'otn. the full and 111lth1111 por1Pcrmenec of tlioir duties of employment with the City, partielpation In a deliberate and contorted eouvsn of eondnut wh'tcrh adversely affects the services of the City, picketing or doi onstradng in furlkieranre of a work stoppage, either during the tornt of or idler the expiration °f.a collective bargaining atgreetatml, Nolthcr the Union, nor atiy of its of Jeor's, agents and rnambars, nor any bargaining.firth members, covered by this Atxroonlottt, will hl.altignto, 10o1110te, 81)o1i9or, engage in, or condone any strike, a;ynrptttlay strike;, slowdown, 81ok5oot, eoneortcd ritolapago of work, p okoting In furtherance of a work stoppage, or any other interruption of the operations of the City, 5, , 'Bach omployoo who holds at position with the Union 000uplos n position ofspeelal. trust and responsibility in maintaining and bringing about compliance with this, Article and tho strike prohibition in Chtaptcr 4I47,, Part i1, of the Florida Statutes, and the Constitution of tiie State of Ploridla, Article I, Section Aeeorttlrit;ly, the Union, its officers, and other ropresontattvos agree that it Is tttctlr continuing obligation and responsibility to maintain ooattpliance with this Article and the law, inoitrding their responsibility. abide by the provisions of this Article and the law by remaining at v,�ork during any int:orruption web may be Initiated by otltor,s; and their responsibility, In vat of bronoh of this Article or tiro law by ocher employees anti upon rho rogtto t of the City, to encourage and direr t employees violating this Miele or the Jim to return to work, and to disavow the strike„ A, Any or all employe es who violate any .provisions of the law prohibiting strikes or of this Article may be dismissed or otherwise disc 1plitted by Ilto City, and any suoit action by fire City shaill not flat prIevablo or arbitrable under the provisions of this Agrooniont or appealable to Civil Service., City Union ;G' r lywto „ 5 Article 6 . DUES CHECK OFF C.X. During the term of this Agreement, the City agrees to deduct Union membership dues, if any, in an amount established by the Union AFSCMB Local 871 and certified in writing by an accredited officer to the City from the pay of those employees in the certified bargaining unit who individually make such request on a written check off authorization form provided by the City, Such deduction will be .made by the City when other payroll deductions are made and will begin with the pay for the first full pay period following receipt of the authorization by the City. The Union AFSCIVIE Local 871 shall advise the City of any change in dues in writing at: least thirty (30) days prior to its effective date, 6.2. This Article applies only to the deduction of membership dues, if any, and shall not apply to the collection of any Union fines, penalties, or special assessments. 6.3, Deductions of dues, if any, shall be remitted by the City during the week following each biweekly pay period to a duly authorized representative as designated in writing by the Union, The City shall deduct from the remittance an amount for the cost of dues check off. The amount will be calculated at two ($.02) cents for each employee deduction, each payroll period, and ten ($,10) cents for each addition or deletion to the check off register. 6.4. In the event an employee's salary earnings within any pay period, after deductions for withholding, Social Security, retirement, group health insurance, and other priority deductions, are not sufficient to cover dues, it will be the responsibility of the Union to collect its dues for that pay period directly from the employee, 6,5. Deductions for Union dues shall continue until either ; (1) revoked by the employee by providing the City and the Unionwith thirty (30).,-days written notice that he/she is terminating the prior check off authorization {the thirty (30) days notice shall commence on the day the clues cancellation request is City Union Date mailed by the City to the Union], (2) the termination of the authorizing employee, (3) the transfer, promotion, or demotion of the authorizing employee out of the .bargaining unit, or (4) unit decertification occurs. 6 6.6, The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold the City, its officers, officials, agents and employees harmless against any claim, demand, suit or liability (monetary or otherwise), and for all legal costs arising from any action taken or not taken by the City" ,its officials, agents and employees in complying with this Article, The Union shall 'promptly refund to the City any funds received in accordance with this Article which are in excess of the amount of clues which the City has agreed to deduct. 6.7. The Dues Check off Authorization Form provided by the City shall be used by employees who wish to initiate dues deduction, City Union Date ‘7127A 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 Article 7 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.1. A grievance is defined as a dispute involving the interpretation or application of the specific provisions of this Agreement or disciplinary actions beyond a written reprimand, except as exclusions are noted in other Articles of this Agreement. 7.2. A grievance shall refer to the specific provision or provisions of this Agreement that are alleged to have been violated, Any grievance not conforming to the provisions of this paragraph shall be rejected and considered conclusively and irrevocably abandoned. Oral and written reprimands/warnings/deficiencies shall not be considered grievable under this .A.greement or the Civil Service Board. The grievance procedure set forth herein is only available to classified permanent employees. 7.3. Nothing in this Article or elsewhere in this Agreement shall be construed to permit the Union to process a grievance on behalf of any employee without the employee's consent, or to permit either the Union or an individual employee to process a grievance with respect to any matter which is the subject of a grievance, appeal, administrative action before a governmental board, commission or agency, or court proceeding brought by an individual employee or group of employees, or by the Union. The parties agree that any complaint specifically regarding the interpretation or application of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations is only reviewable under the procedure currently set forth in Rule 16, Civil Service Rules and Regulations, and not under this Grievance Procedure. A request for review of complaints under Civil Service Rules 16.2 and 17 may only be made by employees with permanent status. Such reviews will be denied where the request does not cite the specific Civil Service Rule which is the basis of the complaint; where the issue is a matter suibject to collective bargaining or where the request for Tentative Agreement: City do Datel3 Union , .qh Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL - March 2015 review or investigation is received more than 30 days after the incident in question or knowledge thereof, 7.4. It is further agreed by the Union that employees covered by this Agreement shall make an exclusive election of remedy at Step Two of the Grievance procedure or prior to initiating action for redress in any other forum. Suoh choice of remedy will be made in writing on the form to be supplied by the City. Should such election of remedy not be filed, the Union and the member agree and understand, that the grievance would be conclusively abandoned with no other recourse or appeal to Civil Service, The election of remedy form will indicate whether the aggrieved ,party or parties wish to utilize the Grievance Procedure contained in this Agreement or process the grievance, appeal or administrative action before an agency or court proceeding, Any selection of redress, other than through the Grievance Procedure contained herein shall preclude the aggrieved party or parties from utilizing said Grievance Procedure for adjustment of said grievance. 7.5. To simplify the Grievance Procedure, the number .of "working days" in presenting a grievance and receiving a reply shall be based upon a five (5) day work week, Monday through Friday, not including City-wide holidays, Any grievance not processed in accordance with the time limits provided below, shall be considered conclusively abandoned. Any grievance not answered by Management within the time limits provided will net advance to the next higher step of the Grievance Procedure unless the Union -advances he-g ce. Time lirnits can only be extended by mutual agreement of the Union and Department of Solid Waste Director or the Director of Department of Human Resources Employee -Relations or designee. Such agreed to extensions shall be followed up in writing, 7.6. Grievances shall be processed in accordance with the following procedure: Step 1. Tentative Agreement: City Datet(f,3 Union Date ,111. 31, 2014 cI'ry PROPOSAL -March 2015 The aggrieved employee shall discuss the grievance with the employee's immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit within seven (7) working days of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance, The Union representative shall be notified on all grievance meeting(s), Failure of the Union representative to attend shall not preclude the meeting from taking place. The immediate supervisor shall review the matter and shall verbally respond to the employee within seven (7) working days. Where a grievance is general in nature in that it applies to a number of employees, having the same issue to be decided,or if the grievance is directly between the Union and the City, it shall be presented directly at Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure, within the time limits provided for the submission of a grievance in Step 1 and signed by the aggrieved employees or the Union representative on their behalf. The Election of Remedy form as provided in Section 7,4 of this article shall be completed and attached to grievances presented directly at Step 3, Should such Election of Remedy not be filed, the Union and the member agree and understand, that the grievance Would be conclusively abandoned with no recourse or appeal to Civil Service. Step 2 If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 1, the Union may pursue the grievance by a written appeal to the Department of Solid Waste Director within seven (7) working days from the time the Step 1 response was issued or due (whichever occurs first). A facsimile transmittal is an appropriate means of notice for processing the grievance pursuant to Article 7 throughout all steps as long as it is followed tip with hard copies and/or originals 3 days before the hearing date. Otherwise the grievance andJor administrative proceeding would be conclusively abandoned. Tentative Agreement: City Date LfP3 Union ,, Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 The Department of Solid Waste Director shall meet with the Union representative and shall respond in writing to the Union within seven (7) working days from receipt of the written grievance, Step 3 If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 2, the Union may present a written appeal to the Director of Department of Hurnan. Resources Employee Relations. or designee within seven (7) working days from the time the Step 2 response was issued or due, (whichever occurs first). Department of Human Resources Employee -Relations or designee shall hold a grievance hearing within seven (7) working days from receipt of written appeal with the Union representative and shall respond in writing to the Union within ten (10) working days from the date of the hearing. Steno If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved within the Grievance Procedure, the Union may request a review by an impartial arbitrator provided such request is filed in writing with the Director of Department of Human Resources Employee Relatiains,- er Relations Di —vision -no later than fifteen (15) working days after the Director of Department of Human Resources Employee —Relations or designee's Step 3 response was issued or due (whichever occurs first). 7.7. All grievances must be processed within the time limits herein provided unless extended by mutual agreement in writing between the department and/or the Department of Human Resources Employee -Relations, Labor -Relations -Division and the Union. Any grievance not processed in accordance with the time limits provided above shall be considered conclusively abandoned, Tentative Agreement: City Date 913 Union Date �i 5 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 7.8, The parties to this Agreement will attempt to mutually agree upon an independent arbitrator. If this cannot be done, one will be selected from a panel or panels to be submitted by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service as agreed to by the parties. Any issue of timeliness of the grievance will be addressed in a separate, arbitration to be held before the arbitration on the merits of the case. The parties agree that the arbitrator who decided the timeliness issue will not be selected to hear the case on the merits. 7.9. The arbitration shall be conducted under the rules set forth in this Agreement and not under the rules of the American Arbitration Association or the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service as agreed to by the parties. Subject to the following, the arbitrator shall have jurisdiction and authority to decide a grievance as defined in this Agreement, All issues of arbitrability shall be decided by the arbitrator except as, otherwise noted in this contract. The arbitrator shall have no authority to change, .amend, adcl to, subtract from or otherwise alter or supplement this Agreement or any part thereof or any amendment thereto. The arbitrator shall have no authority to consider or rule upon any matter which is stated in this Agreement not to be subject to arbitration or which is not a grievance as defined in this Agreement, or which is not specifically covered by this Agreement; nor shall this Collective Bargaining Agreement be construed by an arbitrator to supersede applicable laws in existence at the time of signing this Agreement. 7.10. The arbitrator may not issue declaratory or advisory opinions and shall confine himself exclusively to the question which is presented to liim, which question must be actual and existing. 7.11. It is contemplated that the City and the Union mutually agree in writing as to the statement of the matter to be arbitrated prior to hearing; and if this is done, the arbitrator shall Tentative Agreement, City Date Ti3 Unio Date. lib Ji 2014 CITY PROPOSAL -- March 2015 confine their decision to the particular matter thus specified. In the event of failure of the parties to so agree on a statement of issue to be submitted, the issue will be framed by the arbitrator at the time of the hearing. 7.12. Each party shall bear the expense of its own witnesses of the arbitration including, court reporters and of its own representatives. The parties shall bear equally the expense of the impartial arbitrator, and the transcript of the arbitration hearing, The City agrees that the union has no obligation to represent or file grievances on behalf of non -dues paying members, However, should any individual employee, not being represented by the union, bring a grievance under this Article, the employee shall be required to post a bond of an estimated one-half of the expenses of the hearing with the arbitrator before the hearing may be scheduled, This in no way relieves the union of their obligation to pay the above stated fees, when the union files a grievance up through arbitration on behalf of a member, '7.13. Copies of the award of the arbitration made in accordance with the jurisdiction or authority under this Agreement shall be furnished to both parties within thirty (30) days of the hearing unless the arbitrator needs more time and shalt be final and binding on both parties. Tentative. Agreement: City D ate t l 5 Unioi " D ate '1 le Article 8 NOTICES 8.1, The City of Miami agrees to provide to the Union the following notices or bulletins: City Commission Agenda, the Solid Waste Department draft budget to be presented to the City Commission,. the Solid Waste Department final departmental budget and any other notices, bulletins, or material which the City Manager or designee determines would affect the terms and conditions of employment of the members of the Union, Such notices and estimates will be available for pickup by a Union representative at the City of Miami's Department of Employee Relations Human Resources, Labor Relations Division, Tentative Agreement City e� ,�; Date I2j( Unio01Date Pia 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 9 ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS/EMPLOYEE UNION TIME POOL 9.1. Only one employee Union representative shall be allowed to attend regular meetings and special meetings of the City Commission, the Civil Service Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Board and the Pension Plan Board on City time. Time off for the employee Union representatives or any other bargaining unit employee to attend other meetings will be in accordance with Section 9,2 of this Article. 9.2. A Union Time Pool is hereby authorized subject to the following: A. Each fiscal year, the City agrees to provide a cumulative time pool bank of 3,000 hours to be used in accordance with the provisions of this Article and any and all hours heretofore banked are to be considered rolled over at the end of each fiscal year. 13. The Union President shall complete the appropriate City provided form to request authorization from the Director of the Department of Solid Waste for an employee to use time from the Time Pool. This form shall be signed by the Union President and forwarded to the Director of the Department of Solid Waste for approval, The Director of the Department of Solid Waste shall forward the approved form to the Supervisor of the employee who is to use such time, The form must be processed so that a copy shall be in the Office of the Department of Solid Waste Director a minimum of seven (7) calendar days prior to the time the employee requests such leave. A copy shall also be forwarded to the Department of Human. Resources Employee-R-elutionsa Labor--Rel ns-Division.. It 'is understood on rare occasions the seven (7) day time limit may not be met. The 'Union President or designee then shall forward a detailed explanation to the Department of Solid Waste Tentative Agreement: City Date "! I7rlioii.,,� , t Date 14 ` L 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Director as to why the seven (7) day rule was not met, and copy the Department of Human Resources Employee elationsr hahor-- elatio-ns Division. C. • Employees shall be released from duty on pool time only if the needs of the service permit, but such release shall not be unreasonably denied. If an employee cannot be released at the time desired due to the needs of the Department of Solid Waste, the Union may request an alternate employee be released from duty during the desired time. D. Only one (I) bargaining unit employee shall be released to attend meetings requested by the City unless management authorizes additional bargaining unit personnel. E. In reporting an employee's absence as a result of utilizing the Union Time Pool, the daily attendance record shall reflect: (Authorized Leave) "Employee Doe on AL". F. Any injury received or any accident incurred by a bargaining unit member whose time is being paid by the Union Time Pool, or while engaged in activities paid by the Union Time Pool, shall not be considered a line -of -duty injury, nor shall such injury or accident be considered to have been incurred in the course and scope of the bargaining unit member's employment by the City of Miami within the meaning of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, as amended. G. Upon written request to the Department of Solid Waste Director, the employee Union President, or designee, will be released for the term of this Agreement from regularly assigned duties for the City, The terms of this Agreement for such release are only to be implemented if the following qualifications are met by the Union: Tentative Agreement: City Date Unionl,�. , Date �� 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 1. The Union President, or a designee, will be reasonably available through the Union offioe currently located at 700 South Royal Poinciana Boulevard, Suite 700, Miami Springs, FL 3316699 N.W. 183-Street; Suite 22'1 Mi-am-i, FL 33169 or as may be otherwise advised in writing, for consultation with the Management of the City of Miami, 2. As provided in Section 9.1 of this Article, only the employee Union President or a designee shall be released to attend meetings. 3. The Time Pool will be charged for all hours during which the employee Union President is on off -duty release except that .absence due to use of vacation leave, compensatory leave, or sick leave will be charged to the employee's leave accounts, Employees conducting Union business or attending meetings shall not have that time counted as hours worked for purposes of overtime or compensatory time. 9.3. All applicable laws, rules, regulations and/or orders shall apply to any person released under the terms of this article, Violations of the above -mentioned laws,. rules, regulations and/or orders may subject the employee to disciplinary actions. 9.4. The City reserves the right to rescind the provisions of this Article in the event any portion of this Article is found to be illegal, Canceling the Article shall not preclude further negotiations of future employee pool time. Tentative Agreement: City Date 413 Union (11 Date Article 10 SPECIAL MEETINGS 10.1, The City Manager, or designee, and. the Union agree to meet and confer on matters of interest upon written request of either patty. The written request shall state the nature of the matter to be discussed and the reason(s) for requesting the meeting, Discussion shall be limited to matters set forth in the request, and it is understood that these special meetings shall not be used to renegotiate this Agreement. Special meetings shall be held within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the written request and shall be held between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at a time and place designated by the City. The Union shall bo represented by not more than five (5) persons at special meetings. One (1) of the employees shall be the person on full time release. 10.2. Release of an employee from scheduled work assignment for the purpose of attending a special meeting shall be made in accordance with ARTICLE 9, SECTION 2, of this Agreement. However, if the meeting is canceled by the City Manager or designee, no charge shall be made to the employee time pool Tentative Agreement City Date Union 21 Date 101 `` f! Article 11 LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE There shall be a Departmental Labor/Management Committee established in the Solid Waste Department of the City of Miami. Said Committee membership shall include representatives from management and bargaining unit members. 11.1. The Departmental Labor/Management Committee shall meet at least every two (2) months, and such meetings shall be scheduled during normal business hours, The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss health and safety issues, quality of work -life, productivity, service, communication and objectives of mutual concern, not involving matters which have been or are the subject of collective bargaining between the parties, It is understood that these Departmental Labor/Management Committee meetings shall not be used to renegotiate the tabor agreement between the City and the Union. All decisions made by the Departmental Labor/Management Committee shall be by affirmative consensus and shall be forwarded as recommendations to the Department of Solid Wasto Director, The Department-af Solid Waste Director will provide the Union President and committee members with a written response outlining what actions will be taken if any by the department to the issues that were discussed by the committee within fifteen (15) working days unless the time frame is mutually. extended by both parties. 11.2. The Departmental Labor/Management Committee meetings shall be conducted on an informal basis with the selection of a chairperson to be determined by the members of the Committee. Length of participation of Committee members shall be determined by the Departmental Labor/Management Committee. The chairperson shall arrange for minutes to be taken of the meeting and for the distribution of copies to each member of the Committee, Union Business Manager and the employee Union representative and the City's Labor Relations Officer, The minutes will also be made available at the Department of Employee Relations, Human Resources Labor Relations Division for review. However anything related to health and safety shall be prioritized. Tentative Agreement City Date i�' Iq Union i' Date 1i` /1/4/ Article 12 SAFE DRIVING 12.1 In recognition of the policy to encourage safe driving, all bargaining unit employees who are regularly scheduled to drive city vehicles or operate Department equipment shall receive ten (10) hours of compensatory time for each annual period the driver is accident free. Accident free means that for this annual period the employee has not been ruled to be at fault. Any pending rulings will delay receipt of any award until that case has been resolved. The one (1) year annual period for measurement will commence each October 1 Any hours awarded will be credited to the employee's connpensatony leave bank within (2) weeks from the date the employee has not been ruled to be at fault for an annual period providing there is no pending determination of accident fault. Definition of Regularly Scheduled means: Assigned to a city vehicle or equipment for a period of 10 months within a Fiscal Year. Connnnencement of regularly scheduled assignunenrt is the actual day assigned to drive a vehicle or operate Department equipment. Vacation, Compensatory and Holiday Time taken while assigned to driving a city vehicle or operating Department equipment shall count as work assigned to the driving a city vehicle or operating departmental equipment. However, Sick Leave, Disability, Illness of Family or working .on Union, Business are not counted as assigned to driving a vehicle or operating Department equipment, 12.2. All bargaining unit employee operating City vehicles shall have obtained the federally required commercial driver's license and endorsements as may be determined necessary by Management. Bargaining unit employees operating motorized vehicles in the Solid Waste Department shall have the required Florida Operator's License and/or endorsements in their possession at all tunes. Should the ennployee not have in his/her possession upon inquiry by the Department a valid license as required by the contract, he/she shall be disciplined. Tentative Agreement City Date 19 Date ,h6,fhy 12,3. Any employee whose driver license and/or enclorsement(s) are revoked, suspended or restricted in any way by the State of Florida shall notify his/her supervisor immediately. Should the employee fail to notify the Department of a suspension, revocation, or restriction in writing as required by this contract he/she shall be subject to discipline? 12.4, Any employee whose driver license is revoked or suspended will be allowed to use vacation or compensatory time, or leave without pay for up to two weeks to correct the suspension or revocation, If the suspension or revocation is not corrected within that time the employee will be suspended without pay for a period of 30 days. If after the 30 clays suspension without pay, the driver license suspension(s) or revocation is not corrected, the employee will be demoted to a non -driver classification if such a position is available, If no such position is available, the employee will be separated from. employment. Future opportunities of promotion to a driver classification for the employee placed in a non - driver classification shall be in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Employees who do not have a commercial driver's license and required endorsements shall not be eligible to work out of class in driver classifications. Tentative Agreement City Date ( Unioi Date j J/6 Article 13 BULLETIN BOARDS 13.1, The City will provide for the use of the Union a glass enclosed locking bulletin board at the Solid Waste Department building. A key to the bulletin board will be kept by the Department Head or designee, and by the President of the Union, The bulletin board shall be used only for the following notices: A. Recreation and special affairs of the Union B. Union Meetings C. Union Elections D, Reports on Union Committees E, Contract Administration Information 13.2. Notices or announcements shall not contain anything political or reelecting adversely on the City or any of its officers or employees; notices or announcements which violate the provisions of this section shall not be posted. Notices or announcements posted must be dated and must bear the signature of the Union President or designee. In the event any material not comporting with this article is posted on the bulletin board, it shall be promptly removedby a representative of the Union or a representative of the City. Tentative Agreement City Date Unio �fDate Article 14 NO DISCRIMINATION 14,1, The City agrees to continue its policy of riot discriminating against any ernployee_because of age, race, religion, national origin, Union membership, disability, sexual orientation or sex. Any claim of discrimination by an employee against the City, its officials or representatives, shall not be grievable or arbitrable under the provisions of ARTICLE 7 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE but shall be subject to the method of review prescribed by law or by rules and regulations having the force and effect of law. 14.2. The Union shall not interfere with the right of employees covered by this Agreement to become or refrain from becoming members of the Union, and the Union shall not discriminate against any such employees because of membership or non -membership in any employee organization. Tentative Agreement City Date 1� .11 nit/ Article 15 PROBATIONARY PERIOD 15.1. All bargaining unit employees shall be required to serve twelve (12) months of continuous service in a probationary status commencing with the date of their appointment to any bargaining unit classification, 15,2. Probationary periods may be extended by the Department of Solid Waste Director for an additional period not to exceed six (6) months, The employee shall be advised in writing of the length of the extension and the reasons for it prior to the end of the employee's eleventh month of service; provided, however, that probationary period extensions shall not be reviewable or appealable to the Civil Service Board nor grievable under this Agreement. But shall only be subject to review by the Director of Duman Resources Department of Pitnployee-Relations or designee whose decision shall be final and binding on the employee and the Department, Tentative Agreement City Date ]� I?... Unio Date 0 /)41/ v 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 16 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 16,1. When an employee has reasonable grounds to conclude that his participation in an investigatory interview will result in receipt of disciplinary action, the employee may request that the Union President or a City employee be present at the interview. The employee's representative shall confine his/her role in the investigatory interview to advising the employee of his/her rights. Upon request, the City will either grant the request and wait for the union representative (not obligated to delay the interview beyond two (2) hours), deny the request and end the meeting immediately or give the employee the choice of either ending the meeting or continuing without a representative. 16.2. Investigatory interviews shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably while the employee is on duty, unless the seriousness of the investigation is of such degree that immediate action is required. If the employee is to be interviewed outside his/her assigned work schedule, he/she shall be paid overtime in accordance with Article 21 — Overtime/Compensatory Time/Call-Back. 1.6.3. At the commencement of the interview, the employee shall be advised of the subject matter of the investigation, if he/she is a principal, and identify those parties making the allegations. 16.4. Interviews shall be for reasonable periods and shall allow for such personal necessities and rest periods as are reasonably necessary. 16.5. In cases where it becomes necessary to immediately relieve a permanent, classified employee covered by this Agreement, the employee shall be relieved. of duty with pay pending the outcome of the investigation. Proof of service of notification of discipline resulting from an Tentative Agreement: City Date qi(3 Unioi( Date i3 116 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 investigation shall consist of either: a) hand delivery to the employee, or b) certified mail delivery to the employee's last known address on file with the Department of Solid Waste,. 16.6. An appeal of any discharge or other disciplinary action, excluding oral or written reprimands will be in accordance with Article 7, 16.7. Employees who have not attained permanent status in the classified service, or who are entrance probationary employees, may not grieve disciplinary action under the provisions of this Agreement. Permanent classified Civil Service employees who have been appointed to a promotional position but who have not completed the required probationary period may be rolled back to the previously held position if he fails to meet his probationary period at any time prior to the expiration of the probationary period. Said demoted employee shall not be accorded a hearing before the Civil Service Board or access to the grievance procedure contained herein. 16.8. Employees may be progressively disciplined only for proper or just cause, provided they are full-time employees who bold permanent status in the City's Civil Service. Progressive discipline shall include the following: 1, Verbal or Oral Counseling 2. Written Reprimand 3. Written Reprimand/Forfeiture of up to eight (8) hours of the employees' vacation or compensatory leave balance 4. Suspension of up to 3 workdays 5, Demotion 6, Dismissal Tentative Agreement: City Date -lib r� .6.a.1'1' Union Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 17 ABSENT t MSM&TARDINESS 17.1. The parties agree that employee absenteeism and/or tardiness hinders the cost - efficient delivery of service by the department and creates hardship for both management and members of the bargaining unit. The Union will urge its members to reduce absenteeism pursuant to that position the parties agree that: 17,2. Definitions of Instances: Absenteeism hisarrce An absence from work ofinore than one consecutive work days for reasons of non -job related illness or injury, or family illness not excused under FMLA or any absence without leave not authorized at least one work day in advance of the absence. A physician ordered absence because of the employee's injury or acute illness or his attending to serious injury or acute illness of any actual member of the employee's household shall not be counted as an instance of absence provided the employee has submitted proper documentation. Management in its sole discretion may require a Doctor's statement from the employee verifying same. Failure to provide the Doctor's verification within three (3) working days shall cause the absence to be counted as an instance. The submitted doctor's statement shall verify the duration of time the physician feels the illness disabled the employee from performing. their work. Tardiness — Reporting for work in excess of twelve (12) minutes beyond the scheduled starting time of the shift, Employees who are tardy to work will be carried unauthorized leave without pay in six (6) minute increments, A twelve (12) month period beginning October 1st and ending September 30`b. Tentative Agreement: City Date y(3 Uinioi Date (3/1 6 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 17.3. Employees shall be disciplined for absen.ees and tardiness in accordance with the following schedule: Number of Instances Discipline 3rd instance in annual period Written warning btz ,4einstance in annual period Written reprimand Jp „ ta. 'instanee in annual period Three (3) work day suspension w/o pay J 1111 ..4t'li nstance in annual period. One work week suspension w/o pay 2...ftt . th instance in annual period Dismissal 17.4. Exceptions to the above schedules may be granted by the Department of Solid Waste Director and. the Director of Department of Human Resources Brrrpleyee-Relations or designee, if, in their sole discretion, individual oircurn.stances warrant such action. Any request for a. review of an instance must be filed with. the Department of Solid Waste Director within five (5) working days of the receipt of any related discipline by the employee, Tentative Agreement: City Date _U(3 Date `i/ Article 18 LOSS OF EMPLOYMENT 18,1. Employees shall lose their seniority and their employment shall be terminated for the following reasons: l . Discharge if not reversed. 2. Resignation if not withdrawn within twenty four (24) hours from submission to the Department Director, 3, Abandonment of position. An employee absent for three (3) consecutive work days without personal notification to the City shall be considered as having resigned unless the employee has a legitimate acceptable reason for that absence and for not notifying the City of his/her absence, A resignation under this article shall be appealable only through the grievance procedure, On the second day an employee is absent "W" (without pay), the City shall notify the employee Union President of the employee's absence, 4. Unexcused failure to return to work when recalled from layoff. 5, Unexcused failure to return to work after expiration of a formal leave of absence, 6. Retirement. 7. Layoff for a continuous period of twenty-four (24) months, Tentative Agreement City Date Date 1'r) J/qJJ y 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 19 LAYOFF AND RECALL 19.1. Definition: Seniority shall mean the status attained by the length of continuous service within existing permanent Civil Service classifications within the Department of Solid Waste, 19.2. Definition: Layoff shall mean the separation of employees from the permanent active work force duo to lack of work, funds, abolition of position or positions because of changes in organization or other causes however the parties agree there will not be any layoffs of Local 871's bargaining unit employees from October 1, 201420-1.9 through September. 30, 20:1 91 .. d the it ran tz peal 1's 195 gaining-unit-p ers-fetatiion of lie -current A ree nt. 19.3. In the event a permanent or prolonged reduction in personnel is determined to be necessary, length of seniority shall be the determining factor in such layoff (and any subsequent recall from layoff) except the Department of Solid Waste may deviate from seniority in layoffs or demotions when seniority alone would result in retaining employees unable to maintain a satisfactory level of servioe to the citizens when such deviation is reconunended to and approved by the City Manager. In such cases the Union will be advised of the determination and the reasons therefore. 19.4, In the event an employee having permanent status in a Civil Service classification covered by this Agreement is laid off, he or she shall have the option to bump the most junior employee within a lower classification covered by this. Agreement in which he or she held permanent status. 19,5. For the term of this Agreement, should the City determine it requires additional personnel in the Solid Waste Department, personnel on layoff will be given an opportunity to fill Tentative Agreement, City ���' � Date � Union,�� J a Date 5 15 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 a position in the Solid Waste Department in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, To the extent practical, based on the City's needs, employees on layoff and who qualify will be considered for vacant part -tune and temporary positions from the established layoff list within the City, Those employees on the layoff list shall be considered hired before the City may recruit from employees. not currently on the City's payroll. Tentative Agreement: City Date "Y/? Unio1)4()Q Date LI 1‘3 ) 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article. 20 WAGES 20.1. The Union agrees with the City that there is a need to address the operational method of the Solid Waste Department, which may require a reorganization of the Solid Waste Department. The reorganization will require implementation of staffing and operational changes in order to increase the efficiency of the department and reduce costs of the Solid Waste Department. The Union, its officers, agents, and members pledge their support in implementing such operational changes or reorganization and the Union hereby waives all requirements of approval, and notice of such covered by this agreement. Effective January 1, 2015, a new step schedule will lae implemented for bargaining unit members as set forth in the attached Appendix C. Under the new stop schedule, each step increase will be worth five percent (5%) to the base. In fiscal year 2014-2015, bargaining unit members will be placed on the new step schedule "C-1" on the closest step that is not lower than their existing_rate of pay, but if the bargaining unit member's existing rate of pay is higher than the maximum of the step schedule, he/she will retain his/her existing rate of pay, In addition, effective Januar 1 2015 all bar aining unit nlernbers will receive a three percent (3%) across the board. increase and the ay scale shall be adjusted accordin 1y "C 2" For fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, respectively, bargaining unit members that are not at their maximum step will receive a one (1) step increase on the first full pay period following October 1,of the fiscal year. There shall be no other step/anniversary increases other than those enumerated above during the term of this Agreement. Thereafter, effective September 30, 2017, ;bargaining unit ;members will be eligible for step/anniversary increases upon a satisfactory evaluation and in accordance with the Article 20.3, below. Tentative Agreement: City D ate Union(, l I\'Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Effective the fill pay period fo{ndicatcd below, tegaini e ployee-wil ree-ei e-a :-aeress the board-wagecease-as$sllews: October 1, 2010 --0%0 Apr-i1-1,, 004-1. Reopen -or 1 1 70 7 Aptil -1, 204-3 Wiener 20.2, All changes in salary for reasons of promotion, demotion, merit increase, anniversary increase, longevity increase or working out of classification shall be effective the :first day of the payroll period following the effective date of the change. Leaves of absences without pay or suspension of any duration shall delay increases by the period of time involved, 20,3. Bargaining unit members shall become eligible for a five percent (5%) one (1) step/anniversary increase according to the table below based upon a satisfactory evaluation and on the positive approval of the Department Director, Step 2 ,Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Tentative Agreement; City 5% after one (1) year at Step 1 5% after one (1) year at Step 2, 5% after one (1) year at Step 3 5% after one (1) year at Step 4 5% after one (1) year at Step 5 5% after one (1) year at Step 6 ^215% after one (1) year at Step 7 5% after two (2) years at Step 8 5% o after two (2) year at Step 9 5% after two (2) years at Step 10 5% after two (2) years at Step 11 union( j1 (4'14 Date t-{�,f (l Step 13 Step 14 2014 CITY PROPOSAL -- March 2015 5% after two (2) years at Step 12 5% after two (2) years at Step 13 Leaves of absence without pay, suspension of any duration, or assignment to light or modified duty in accordance with Article 25 shall delay increases by the same number of workdays. A Department Director may withhold anniversary increases due to excessive absenteeism resulting from tardiness, sick leave usage and/or until such time as, in the Department Director's judgment, the employee's service within the classification meets the standards of satisfactory performance for the position. Employees whose anniversary increases axe delayed or denied shall be notified of the reasons for the action being taken, Employees whose anniversary increases are delayed or denied due solely to tardiness or sick leave usage may request a review of the denial by the Director of Human Resources or designee, whose decision shall be final and binding. Berga=a ag-unit members ers shall become clig bl-e-f-o . r-ec s-spee f'e4belew Step 2 5% tee- 3- 5% Step — 5-3/4 Step-5 5% rtea-6---53 Step 8 2.53 The pa ies-agree there i4l-b€-4ao-step i re-ases from October 201-4- rengh opt -ember 39; ?C044 end- Flf 1ae-dete ned-by re -opener negotiations f r fz eeal-y-eer 0-f3 201'I . -L eye€s-s-haR beeen e eligible for longevity increases-b d-upon their mes-t reeent-date-ofhfre into the classified -soee-prov-idc4, ,ewever, .that —when —the -employee -is -net Tentative Agreement: City Date Date qh// 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 in -a- 41-1-•per staty s;-it shall-e a-s e-e t e--statencrease-to be number of--e-ale nda - ac^t "3—vrssbr-aeed---by-$3 ei±efl-@f-tinae,-T- n." cen hall apply -to p1 es who --attain ten I(10 £teen { 1 +)y��,.�A .C-y l )7 l "l> t hy-t (22)-3 rs--o o t nuou ciassifle ice, The long ttp rlat El -above is as felllows; s o- c-entitai 15- years -of continuous acrvioe 5% 4-6--yeaTs-ofeentinuoussenxiee------2,51347 e continueus-scc u1 y r of eentinuous se giee 5iyo. 22 yearseontinuaus seri-ee 2, 5-°% The --parties agree tyre--w-1.-1-be no step-or--lo ge z inter s--fr&-Oetobcrl, 201-9- t%l S-eptc 40T20' x l-be-dot k -lay- =eepener negotiations for f- seal year 0013 2014 20.42-0:5. Any bargaining unit employee, upon retirement from City service, or separating render la.onorable conditions, who has served for a period of twenty-five (25) years or more, shall be granted, at the time of his/her retirement or honorable separation one hundred seventy-three and, three tenths (173.3) hours of pay, Tentative Agreoment: City Date 113 Union ate AFSCME871 Proposal Cost Analysis Last UpdatedApd12, 2015 CURRENT FIXED PAYSCALE 3%ACE YEAR 2 YEAR Total Salaries 5,526,958 Total Salaries 5,683,248 Total Salaries 5,853,74529 Total Salaries 6,1 6,43256 Total Salaries 6,453,754.18 Total Members 144 Yearly Cost Impact 156,290 Yearly Cost Impact 170,497_44 Yearly Cost lr 292,68728 Yearly Cost Impact 307,32163 Additional FICA 11,956 Addl6onal FICA 13,043 Additional FIG 22,391 Addifi0ruaE FICA 23,510 Min % Increase 0.00% 1st Yr Cost 351,737.0e 2nd Yr Cost 315,077-84 2rd Yr Cost 330,831,73 Max %Increase 5.00% Average ..4,- Increase 2.75% Fe-iiiitsal?64iR .i}i3..'°del(i!+.''aT ,U4 rf,£t.4'>x 1 AXED PAY SCALE ,,-..,:. 3% ACB NfiatiTIPI 2338 .4g_0 6 i4 9.-�� -oz ...r 1i:., ,,,t�•s friLti li lit TR 11 it It •lpj::ill:r'$t�-�I'.ad,._:t �1.i ._ ril 4 t 2d •a; i;III,:,u11,1!M 1. s -l. I131tQ9'49�� 3t 555 a. s D9 t25 z 13; a sr * 2i"1 1 t ,7,3s791: t�{UI t .gat t$1-it r` 556 jt5.f`41= 115Sd6I l I §af] ,5$ 1,. It 0 .lfl54331 i "s45153133 59 ii i5551 azs 3. 1tlalt,,,,, 1,?A. f:rdT,e.34:46:ip .11iis31Csnr:.r to ?ii!6?Hh 55i { .23.111'ii t12531ft „r .l i,,d,•1M131 It,,llt,?i38d55 94- ,l,il,trl, ;loll U2?s;d2 1 f ti 3l SfFfl�ii�, tlt I$1=C FILi.;IB>8`I{ 10.00% 10,00% 10-OD%a 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% Match FoimulMatcti Porta RIEIN RATE % 3%AC6 POSITION 7.31 FUIJ_NAMt Robinson, Frank tMi'5VYCC 25991 VttI3.6 2-May-05 vo,. vc 3017 .,era rt,W wawb Collector -Garbs ..,,r., 19-0 �.•.� . a- 5 17.2285 •••-• 35,835 .-- 9 ---- 10 1 5 172785. 06051 17.7455 227 Thomas, Oarenc8L 25369 17-Apr-06 3037Wast6CNl5cmnGarbg 19-0 4 16.41382 34,129 8 11 2 4 1E4082 0.00% 16.9004 369 Nelson. Rebel 27399 17-Jun-07 3017 Waste collector -Gang 19_D 3, 7_5.6269 32,504 7 9 1 4 15.4082 5.0030 169004 372 Maras, Andre 25564 13-Jun-021 3017wasteCollector-5Wbg 19.9 8 19-0053 39,532 2122 9 1 e 'L5442 494% 205425 389 MccJ Lance A. 29352 15-De4-08 3017 Waste CollectcrGarbg 1.95 D 1. 141740 29,482 6 3 1 1 141740 0.0055 145992 426 Hanks, Clinton 5 18196 4-Feb-94 3017 Waste CaltectorGarbg 19-D 25 209538 43684 21. 11. - 10 219885 494% 22.6482 559 Fils-time,Valbrun V 26304 27-Jun-0S 3017 Waste CoIl,01or-Garb8 36,0 5 17.2286 35833 9 8 1 5 172,R, 0.00% 17.7455 587 Hales. toilette 41324 4-No4-13 3017 waste Collector-Garb3 14:0 1 14.2740 29,482 1 4 1 1 1-41740 0.00% 14.5992 683 Mo onald,Ronnie 25303 27135-05 301703,34035.60o95arb3 19-0 5 17.2205{ 35,835 9 8 1 5 17.22866 0.00% 17.7455 239 norvil, Foovette 26291. 24-Feb-03 3017 Waste Collector'4orbg 19.0 1 14.1740 { 29,482 4 7 1 1 14.1740. 0-00% 14.5992 1330 Fibber, Andie 17095 27-Nov-00 3017 waste Collector-60rbg 19.D 85 19.0058I 39,532 14 3 1 8 3.9.9442 494% 205425 1336 Maz, Maria 25939 4-Apr-35 3017 waste Collecmr"arbg 19_1) 5 17.2286 35,835 9it 1 5 17286 80055 17.7455 1674 Faf ell, Katrina 25542 1D-Jun-02 3017 waste Collector -Craft 19.13 8 19.005S 39,532 12 9 1 S 159442 4.94% 265425 1724 Frasier KR0 E 27433 17-5ep-07 3032 Waste Coil5ctorearbg 19.D 3 15_6269 32504 7 6 1 4 164082. 5.00% 159004 1853 Hayward, William 25996 16-May-05 3017 Waste CnllectorG2rbg 19-D 4 16.4082. 34,124 9 10 1 4 16.4032 0.00% 15.5094 2195 Nordefus-Lubin, 26771 2-0e4-06 3017 Wzs.CoRecterGarbg 18D 3 166269 32$04 8 5 i 4 164082 5.00% 189004 2235 Mocc, 6terae 25615 10-Ju4-02 B017 W,,tocotloaor-6arhg 19-0 8 13.5058 39532 12 9 1 S 769442 494% 206425 2324 Blandon, 82e0) 226431 29-3.46r-99 3017 Waste 09110115506r60 2932 25 19.9560 41,509 15 11 1 9 20.9415 49430 215697 235E Petftfrere, Erlein 24565 17-Jun-02 30171Was. Collector-6zrba 19.01 8 19.0058 39,532 12 9 1 8 1:9442. 494% 206425 2464 0.8il6, Jesus 28359 13-Avg-07. 301791s5e 6900919000558 76-D 1 14.1740 29,482 4 0 _ 1 14.1740 0-0051 146992 2577 Butler, Robert L 27347 2-0tt-06 3017 41013050lie011069e10 19.D 15.6269 32,504 8 5 1 4 162002 5_00%. 169004 2623Garci0,M6gud 43289 30-5ep-13 303.7 Waste Coilecror0arbg 191) 1 14_1740 29,482 1 5 1 1 141740 0.00% 145992 2666 Etienne.Anesun 25935 18-Apr-05 3017lWa0reCailecmr-3at3 19.0. -f 172286 35.835 9 11 1 5 172286 0-0D% 17.7455. 2744 Nolton,5tephanasl: 25977 18-Apr-05 3017 W16 Coll9Gar-Ga1bg 19_0 41 16.4082 34,129 9 11 2 4 16.4032 0.00% 169004 2933r 34636r, Ricardo 40804 24-5e0-12 30173 aaec00aw050155 19.0 1]. 341740 29;482 2 5 1 1 1<3740 0,006 145992 2943pu1es,Joseph R 25984 18-Apr-05 3017 WasteCollector-Carbg 19_D 51 17-2226 35,835 9 11 1 5 17.2286. 0.00% 37-7455. 2947 Campbell, Rabda0J 27350 19-Feb-07 3017 WasteCeneaor-5arbg 19_9 3 15.6269 32_504 8 _ 1 4 7Fi4082 500% 169004 2981 Mata-Otga 40814 5-Nov-12 3017 Waste Collector-Garbg 19.13 3l 141740 29,482 2 4 1 1 141740 0.00% 145992 3000 Jackson,Jackiyn M 27503 12.5503-07 3017 Waste 00109109-6a906 19.5 2 14.8823 30,956 7 4 1 3 15_5268 5.00% 2E0955 3115 00905.J09e54 3 27297 7.8-Sep-06. 3017 Waste 000eI300-0 rbg 192) 4 16.4082 34,129 S 6 1 4 16_4082 08080 16.9004 3367 Pineda.Alberto 24209 16-Dec-02 3017 Waste CaltectorGarbg 191) 7 185423 38,568 12 3 1 7 129945 2.44% 195643 340370me03e, Eugenia 21429 16-Ma5-05 3017 Waste rg084105-06106 19.0 5 172286 35,835 9 10 1 5 172226 D.05% 17.7455 3684 Ph3F6s, AndrawT 25995 15-0eb-09 3020 0904w54001600T1as8 19_3 1 14.1740 29,432 6 1 1 1 14.1740 0.00%, 145992 3692 St Lculs,Annondus 21081 20loo91 3017 Mae caaeaor-Garb., 29_3 _ 26 21.4777 44674 23 9 1 23 219625 138 % 22_5482 Pas, 3 1. of 4 AFSGME 871 Proposal Cost Analysis Last Updated April 2, 2015 CUR,REIST EIXED PAYSCALE 3%ACO YEAR YEAR Total Salaries 5 526 958 Total Salaries 5,593,248 Taal Salaries 5,553,745_29 Total Salad 6,145,432.56 Totai Salaries 5.453.754_19 144 Total Members Yearly Cost Impact 155,290 Yearly Cost Impact 170,497.44 Yearly Costly 292,687.26 Yearly Cost Gnpac0 307,321.63 Additional FICA 11,955 Addiional F)CA 13,043 AOO`)onaF EC 22,391 Additional FICA 23,510 MLn 35 increase D.3O'A ,Est Yr Cost 354,78700 2nd Yr Cost 315,077_84 3rd Yr Cost 330,83133 Max %Increase 300e1 A.Vera9e%Increase _75% _ Liwn.?i 4?:igd�i(1F3.3i,' .� 3 = FIXED PAYSCALE L !tl t F rva '2 88 MiligirdiVatTO s205 s is ,f...:I.n2Skr'dEF ., ul..e,21U8�1, .£ .i0 n,110;.00 1 t1 M�6b t r22S}� ..,,r24.E lcV #28}'l ills 1 .104 ri25z ,231T.a ,432t 0 :s gin; 1 ,T3X,F33 { t . rSEIjBEi, _ 1. I .4 r, 33,..'.3608 i"rrSiaai s." 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 40858. 28-Jan-13 3017 Waste C 0iaor-Garbs 195, 1 14.1740 29482 2 1 1 1 145740 0.00% 145992 3694 DeLeon Miranda, 17_557 25-1u1-04 9037 waste Collcctnr-Crbg 19.6 4 14.1740 29,422 1 8 1 1 14.1740 0.00% 145992 3727 QuesadaTerry,loon Godson JeviceA 13108 4-Apr-OS. 3017 Wane Collec[or-Careg 19_D 5 17.226 35,835 9 11 1 5 17.2246 0.00% 17.7455 3795 Leonard 1961J 24-Nov-99 3017 Waste Cone: or-Sarbg 19.D S 19.005S 39.332 15 3. 1 8 199442 4.94% 205425 3318 Delvilla, L 26032 30-5400-05 3020 05002e50350900tt 19.2 5 17,2286 35.835 9 9 1 5 172286 0.00% 17.7455 3965 3040, Ivan Clarence 41228 7-Oct-33 3017 Waste Collector -Garin 19_0 1 141740 29.432 2 S 1 1 141740 0,00% 145992 4021. 40345prvcy,Jr,Zandras Starts, I_ 41086 3-3:n-13 3017 Waste Collecto95r08 19.D 1 14.1740 29,482 1 9 1 1 141740 0.00% 145992 Aeguste, Monmlan 25666 4-Apr-05 3017 Waste sefe00r-Garbg 19.0 5 17.2286 35,335 9 11 1 51 17.2226 0.00% 17.7455 4079 4177 Predeiin 3r., lfoxa 27529 12-NovD7 3017 Waste 50300,or-Garbg 19.0 2 14.8820 30,956 7 4 I 3 150'26a 5.00% 16.0956 8 25874 4Apr-05 3017 Waste Collector-Garbg 19 5 17.2136 35,835 9 13 1 5 17,2286 0.0090 177455 4343500221e2,50e 4526 I006; Devell L 25243 26.5e3401 3017 0200e50908.0-60500 135 8 19.0058 39533 14 5 1 8 19.9442 49440 205425 ill, br rsdias 25992 2-0405-05 3017 Waste[ollecmo-04r5g 19.0 5 3_7.2286 35,835 9 10 1 5 17_286 0.00% 177455 4571 4590 un, Milcet03 Joseph 26218 ELJen-07 3017 Waste Collector-Garbg 19.D 3 15.6259 32,504 7 9 . 1 4 15.4082 5.00% 15.9004 4627 Spencer, 3ennle L 23795 25-Apr-99 3017 Waste collectonGarbg 19.5 20 199550 .41509 15 11 1 9 209415 49493 21.5697 Sands, Marcus 40829 19 Now 21 3017 Waste Collector -Gabe 19.D 1 14.1740 29,482 2 4 j.. 1 14.1740 0d0% 345992 4636 4650 Leonard Leon 27316 18-5ep-06 3017 Wane Collecto0Garbe 19.0 4 16.4082 34,129 8 6 1 4 16.4082 0.00%. 153004. 4654 -If, 0Lmph Ir., H0dg,es 40303 14-Feb-11 3017 Waste-Collector9Garbg 19.0 1 14.1740 29.432 4 1 1 1 14.1740 0_00% 145992 4697 Minna, Leroy A 29409 15-Mar-09 3017 Waste Collector -Garbs 1.5.8 1 14.1740 29,482 1 4 1 1 141740 0.00% 145992 6166 Medino, Paula 26255 16-11,1ay-05 3017 300395olleaor-Garbg 19.D 5 37.228E 35,835 9 10 1 5 17.2286 00090 177455 25460009, Marvin 259761 10-01343 3108 waste Cal Opel 20.13 7 19.8783 40347 v_ 7 2 6 19.8990 0.1093 20.4960 323 Edwards, Charles 41337 18-Nov-13 3108 Waste Col Op 205 1 15.5335 32,310 1 4 2 2 155914 03745 15.0591 357 Baldwin, Death.Y 28047 19-Mor-07 3108 wane cot op 20.0 3 17.1927 35,761 8 0 _ 4 13_0490 4.9835 135905 464 Johnson, Gwendolyn L 28048. 19-Mar-07 3108 Waste Col opt 20_0 0 171927 35761 8 0 2 4 18.0490 49830 183905 475 Fernan4e2.30691, 23273 29-Nov-99 3108 Was Col 0p1 20.D 8 20.3751 42.380 15 3 2 7 20.8940. 2555 215208 553 Bermudez, Alfredo 41754 14Ju1.-14 3108 Was Col Op 20.D 1 15.5535 32,310 0 8 2 1 155314 637% 15.0531 585 Green Eugene C. 29427 694pr-09 3104 00010 Col Opt 20_13, 355335 32310 4 1 2 1 155914 03736 16.0501 885 Abraham, 180hard 27869 21-Apr-0S, 3108 Was't6Col Op r 26.6 2 16.3942 34,100 6. 11 2 3 171895 4.85% 17.7052 Waste Col Opt 20.D 3 171927 35701 7 10 2 +4. 18_0490 4.95% 155905 0403Trourman, 10511Tully, Glenda Carey 26285 41378 14ivlay-07' 14-1an-14 3108 3108 Waste Col Opt 20.D 1 155335 32,3310 1 2 2 1 15.5914 037%. 16-0551 1090 Johnson, Tennitle L 27190 10Ju1-05 3108 waste col op I 20.D 4 13.0994 37,647 8 8 2 5 135514 4_715L 5199 2100 phron,Jam06L 12780 25-la n-00 3108 wanecolOpl 20.D 8 20375a 42380 15 1 2 7 20_8940 2.55% 21-5208. 17741LEWa, Bruce 23361 3Jun-03 310,3 Waste Cal Op l 20.D 1 15.5335 32,310 11 9 2 1 155914 037% 16.5591 1427 Merisier1i00000e 28093 14-May-07 3108 Waste Col Opl 20.D 3 17.1927 35,751 7 10 2 4 18.0490 4.98% 185905 2181 Rivas, Leroy 13437 17-Nov-97 3103 waste Col Op 20.33 20 273939 44,499 17 4 2 8 214387 255% 275969 2196 Nolte nd,5idneV 26323 14-Nov-05 3103 waste Col Op l 20.0 5 139905 39,500 9 4 2 6 19.8990 4_73% 20.4960 2203 Quesada, Alfonso 24799 29-NOv-99 3108 waste Col DP1 20.D 8 263751 42380 15 3 7 7 20.8940 255% 215203 2331 Hector, Marie R 27036 244u1-06 3108 was. DV Opt 20,D 4 18.0094 37.647 8 7 2 5 la 9514 4_71% 135199 2751 Wattins,Joanne 53 28559 3-Mar-08 3108vtastc col Op l 20.D 2 153941 34100 7 0 2 3 1718951 4.85% 17.71152 2759 Anton, Duke M 25558 4-A0r-05 3108'3406004.cl 0Fl 20.D 6 192308 40,000 9 11 2, 6 199990 3.4790 20_4960 2812 Howell, Eunice 5 27955 11-Dec-06 3108 waste col Opl 20.0 3 17.1927 35,751 8 3 2 4 18.0490 438% 135905 . 2835 Etie00e.'Miner 17359 12-511-93 31001140000e503 Op:1 240 26 23.0252 47,3921 22 2 2 9 3.0356 0_055S 23.7257 3343IGato, Raul 24748 11.-O06-00 31081v+020e403 Opt 20.D - 8 203751 423801 14 5 2 7 203940 25593 215208 3770 083500, 9e5905 26223 16-M06-05 31081Wasae 40109I 20.0 6 192308 40,000 9 10 2 6 133930 _ 3.47% 20.4950 3972 Alewr,Rwoas 28577 24-Mar-08 3108 Waste Col Op t 20JJ 1 15.5335 32310 6 11 2 1 155914 037% 16A591 4061 6amos, Leeltande 27443 17-Se0-07 3103 91850e Col 021 205 3 171927 35,761 7 6 2 4 18.0490 4.9090 185905 4178 James, Edgar 28002 22Jan-07 3103 Waste Col Op l 20_D - 163941. 34,100 4 7 2 3 17.1895 4.35% 177052 Page.2 of 4 AFSCME 371 Proposal Cost Analysis Last LItarta,e` d April 2, 2015 39 CURREOLT FIXED PAYSCALE 3% ACE YEAR 2 YEAR 3 ToMI Salaries 5,526,958 ToME Saiaries 5,683,245 Total Salaries 5.853,795.29 Total Salaries, 6,146,43256 Totai Sararies 6,453,754,19 Total Members 144 Yearly Cost I MOaSt 156,290 Yearly Cost Impact 170,497.44 Yearly Cost li .2,687.26 Yearly Cost Impact 307,321.33 Addi5onal FICA 11,956 Additional FICA 13043 Additional FIC 22,391 Additional FICA 23.510 Min % InCrii-os. 0.00% 19t Yr Cost 351,787.00 2nd Yr Cost 315,077.84 3rd Yr Cost 330,831.73 Max % Increase 2.009 Average % Increase 7 75% kitF,tN.J*401:11-11#04,ttg, _ t FIXED PAYSC AI F .1211151E1 161801- •181161111gii344i3EE.-1382.82;53E25E3E23333i13183E6-11.4 5541 rifilimmsw l';:tERM.i.4•411T.IfItya Ffili5 1,55O3iWRIcliTc94444i 84;%54: 214115525510 155442425 .411435 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 4223 IMEMEMEEMINEMIIIIIIIIIIMMIFIMINIMIEMIIIMEr 4652 IMEESIMEMEMMINNIMEMINIMINEM=11.= 9663 /MIOMrTZE2nMnrMIIIIIIIIIIM091MIIII4E1568IMIIIIMli==EllE6MM09l'I JIMMESIMMIEEMIIIMI NOW7.' Rosado, Clad. 23185 5,04.,_02111111 hilosTer, 1,15130 F MIMMIIIMMIWEEMMIIIEMMIZEOMICEMEMI Dra . .er 1111111111...0TE 29-Mar-99 • • -, • •• . o ,MIETPMEMEMIEC 3109 Waste Cot Opt 217.3 1.111=3.111110= 1 W..-6°1 °F 1 IMI=MI 1 ww'e 340P, MIME 8 Wasieto1O0II IMMI=IIIIS=1110EI 1.5-3335 32,310 MEM 20.8940 2-E3% MEM 20_4990 .11311111=11 4,7855 32 9 2 I 55-5E14. .iESallE3= IMEEM MMEMIIIIIIME131 2.13% 23.516 22_5,08 =MO 23_6728 135335 32,310 8 2 2 7 MIESEIMMIEMIE=1 20.8940 203751 42,380 15 5 2 45,824 15 3 7 IMMIMIIIMEMilIEMEIMIEHEI 11EIMESEIMEIREEI 1111E0,005U 22,9833 Waste pol Op 5 MEIMMIIIIIIIINEMENI 111=W2111MMEEI 7031ones, 25-Nov-02 Adr, R =MEM 7-iun-oo 31091=U=M5111.1142M1 3103=211.1.==.1100.1 904 IIZREZNIMffg==IIIEMIINEEfflrgaIMZREag 1.1112MEMETIMMINECE11#1NTIIIIMEZE91IMIERIMIIMMIIIMEI 1191 Carr.ir..solornon 1111151 1_:-Dec-06 0890NE,11.8 LEE IIIMEIMIIIREMEMIEM 3209 waste cal Op I1 Waste Col Op 11 ECIIMIIIMINIMEIMINEMI 11111MgMilliga090A Mail 20 1.6369 MIIMINIMEMIIIIMINEI 2 18-0320 13-0380 19333. -6===1 22.8333 MIZEMINIEME 101.10301.11=1 INMEMINICEIM MIIMIIIIIESEI MIMMINIEMI 111.111621111EMI 465% 20-4494 22.5455 3 3 2 5MOMwre8 MIIIMEMENNIEEMENIMIIIIIIIMMIIII!ENECIIIIITIE= 120201225=0.=11111=1MIIIIIIIEETE1111111w...-ca 1813 MIIIIIMIIIIIIIEr. '5D. KMIMMEI Alvarado. Cristino MIIM6890IIIIMMEME81Wa5ie '-"-5secolCpPI oP 3 coI Op il : 121111.1 021 3950 7 7 4 52 IMMENZIMIIIIZEI2MIN11111111111311111=1111MESEMEINEIMMI 11111.11111=0 281425 55,536 31 8 3 IIMIIIEMMIEEEIEMMIIEEEM 11111EMMEMINIM=0:2:1 7 11.5 21.0 1814 D..3 OnS, 3ohn E MillrEMINIMMEMENIM W-5.-. C.188 . 21.6 111.M.UMMEM ,,; i1.23ph.:1111011 E Davis,Sed tick C, Lazcano, Levani 111011113=MIIN4(•3IPMEM94INIIIIII41'!IIIIE1111111111=1 =1111=1.1111111=211.111.1E111.0.2.'19. IMIEMIIIMEMEMEMMEMI 26-0,pr-04 3109 1.1111Mal4V•1.r,01.111 vv., col oP 3 MIME a 225114 46,824 3 MINIMUMMEIMMIEMEMEMEI IIIIMINIMIJIZZIIIIEIESEI 2 28-3,84 18-00aG INIIIIIIMEMEE!1111111111111EMMIMEE5631MINIV01 MINEMEMEZIMIMMIENEMMINEEZEIIIIMMEI MIIMEMEIMENIIIMIIIMMIM11121=11MIWZYJEZMEEIECIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMMIMIIMEMIMMII IIIMIE=DEMBINESEI 3711 15 3 3 W.-', C., °Pi' Waste Col Op II 71:309.-°' °P ', 4411111111 2.11 EEMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIMEEI 401*.1.11M11.1.1WEIMIR58001EIMEMIIIMWOMINIMMEEMI 215 ' 5 20_9164 193801 43,506 10 10 3 11111=3== =MIMI 1113.11000501l =Mg NM= 23-2333 15-3063 4.74% 43616 ISMIMEMEM 13.5482 21_4719 3742 IIMMEIME Orgi'.'956150954 IIIMESIEEMEIEMI 4249 Roles. Gustavo A Witliarns,Rashard 44)9:4 34 ,0*0J..04lP* '.5560111INIMEININEEMEMI 40753 EIME500NINIME04!40EMINI4fl5]MI4i•IMMIMIMIEMIll414...1.113==1.1111.333MEMI 4134411122ENIMIE4*.5.11=EMIIIMMEIMIOIMEMIIMEI 30-Ail-121111 Waste Col op 1. MEM= 11.111MIEEN iMEIMIZal 13M22 4358 4490 Dioz,KunEerto 1111.1EMIIIM00059 3159 Was. Col 0, il EMMIIIII 2 23-3363 II5E0,INEI1.111.10=1.1111 24-6325 1.01' 29.85155 9502 So. William 4000 IIEMENI 3109 V4asm Col Op IE P6841 1111.=3 11111111ECEMIIIIIIEE514j MIIIII4141D081P311L.4757 5 M11•101111111=1111=623 IIMI111121111MEMIIIIMEMIESEM 2 18-0 380 25-.3391 13.0030 ME= 22056 E IMMERME12990 MEM 4 /4% 13 20.4494 25 G993 4659 Taylor. Cor- L 1111111M4/)EI 25-A11-06 3109 Was. col oP 11 1221111.1M 4 29.230S .2. 1' 8 7 3 4551 l00nso, io5e G IIIMMOMMEMINEEMI 31i2 WastoCoLOp 11 REIMOMENNIEMIEM 24023 14-5e13-94 3209 Waste-C.10p 8 441'EMIIM11.1111111040004'j 6170 10985 Simmons Jr,Joe Coodp_Claudio 41445 10-mar-14 3109 Waste Col Op It 4O.•MININIII1111111111111=11 IltE1010IMMIIIIIENIIIIIMIEWSTEIMIIIIIMINIESIM SztR 2. M 133422 133 2 EMMITENNIMIE IIIIIIMEMMIN==M11111=1 Lightacume.Sylvet =NM 2545 I7-55v-97 3-Mar-08 8-Nov-02 3169 ESME2225 ROME= 20 23E3E9 3109 waste cal Op II 109 WateClOp1 EMMIIIMIMMNIMI IEM 12991 Purcell, lervon. 41798 2-544-14 3109 WasPaColOp il E1•ll11.11.110 MIME DIMEEniZEE31111M2221 22-020 68191 18-A11r-0- 3109 woo. 001 OP 8 441*all=.1 6 2029164 IMZEIMEEMINNEMIIIMM 12995, Datidier,Altagrace 2-251-05 25510 :16121162? 3109 Waste-8010p 8 21.0 1.1111glar231 11.11111.31MEME 73-0080 3109 Waste Col Op 0 210 1111111111E90Ell.1123159 .0 40ME40I40IEM00411 a 2CL7992 457.% 23-6728 21_9232 327 01e8d.,- Elf.er IrEIMIIIIITEEZINIMME 3 19.8801 41 51 a 0 172 FrEas,YaranniJ IIIEX/ 9-Apr-07 3110 3 19 8801 41351 7 11 4 3 20-7992 4.52°A 214232 ei t Pa993 of 4 AFSCME 871 Proposal Cost Analysis 1 ast Updated April2, 201'5 FIXED PAYSCALE 3% ACB YEAR 2 YEAR 3 CURRENT Total Salaries 5,626,954 Total Salaries 5,683,242 Yearly Cost Impact 156,290 Total Salaries 5,853,74529 Tout 4alari6 6,146,432.52 Total Salaries 5453,755%12 Total Members 144 `ready Cost Impact 170,497.44 Yearly Cost it 29,2,667.26 Yearly Cost Impact 307,321_63 Add6OOal FICA 11,956 Add"Cional FICA 13,043 Additional FIC 22,391 Additional FICA 23,510 Min Increase 0_00% 4st Yr Cosf 361,78700 2nd Yr Cost 315,077_84 3rd Yr Cost 330,831.78 Max % Increase 5_00% Average%Increase 2-75J,E;e(',''Si '7e'F,GfFtfOiifttit 'C4�?.', a&1'21 FIXED PAYSCALE vr 4 ZOIN i9 9�] iktJl t11 A: if4s.l.sAtai;4: I. tif 13'20 ig 1,1 110 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 236 5r055,Arthur 26424 16-300-03 3110 2'58EE40017 226 1 189905 39,500 111 9 4 2 192038 4.33139 20.4031 495 Hotoenderflr., Clifford 12550 12-Jan-93 3110 Waste EgptO0 226 26 27_4583 57113 22 2 4 9 27_8729 1.51% 28.7091 Chicas,Jorgea 25617 10Jun-02 3110 WmieE9ptOP 22.0 S 24.8209 51,627 12 91 4 7 25.2826 1.86% 7.6.0400 548 83531, Graves,ClarenceA, 40221 16-403-10 3110 WaaJe E9ptop 22.D 1 189905 39,500 4 7 4. 2 19_8088 43216 20.4031 1039 Anton. Daniel 23339 7-5619-01 3310 Waste 944409 226 8 24.8206 51,627 13 10 4 7 25.2816 1.80,E 26.0400 Mans, Nichohus L 14845 4-3-eb-94 320.0 Waste E900O0 22.D 25 267886 55,720 21 1 4 9 27.8729 4-05% 23.7091 19E4 2173 Foster, Arnie 28093 24303-08 3210 Waste apt Op 220 2 189905 39$00 6 3 4 2 19.6083 43030 204031 2261 Kelly,lstnont3 20954 26230-94. 3110 Wane E40003 22.6 25 257886 55,720 21 1 4 9 27.8729 4.0556 287091 2387 L4guerre, Sim rdy 26942 30-Ju16)4 3110 waste EgptOP 22.D 1 189905 39,500 5 3 a 2 19.608a 431% 20.4031 Eqpt Op =0 8 249206 51,627 14 5 - 7 25.2316 1.86 6 26.0400 2837 2870 Artasta, Alexis Saavedra, David 24488 28050 9-0a-00 19-Mar-07 3ll0 3110 Waste 55610eEe5507 22A 5 19 8801 41,351 8 0 4 3 20_7992 4.6259 21.4232 3302 Pierre, Caito 24089 7.84a9-01 3110 9040000570017 22.6 8 24:8206 51,627 13 10 7 25.2816 186% 26A400 Eqpt On 22.0 1 28.9903 39,500 1 6 4 2 19.8088 43134 20.4031 4015 4534 Colon,Javier 0ore9,Aureles 41231 20168 9-530-13 19J06-94 3310,5400e 3110 Waste Eqpt Op 22.D 25 26.7886 55,720 21 2 4 9 27.8729 4.0595 23.7091 4690 Pet ino,JoseG 25244 26-Sep-00 311.0 Waste Eqpt Op 226 8 24.8206 51527 14 5 =- 7 25.2826 186% 26.0400 6161 Williams, Michael K 29732 5-Feb-08. 3110 Waste Eqpt Oy 22D 2 7.9_2308 40400 7 1 4. 2 19.8088 3.01%. 20.4031 12994 Cerny, Steve 26210 26-534305 3109 Waste Col Opn 21.6 3 189515 39,419 9 10 3 4 19-8533 4.7636 20.4494. 3525 Luciano, Johnny 12 25973 18-Apr-05 3209 Waste Col Op Fl 21.6 6 21_2539 44,000 9 12 3 6 21.8889 3.47% 27 5456 Page 4 of 4 2014 C1TY PROPOSAL - Much. 2015 Article 21 OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL.BACK 21.1. All authorized hours actually worked in excess of an employee's forty (40) hour work week shall be considered overtime work The hours that employees are working or involved in Union representation or labor-management activities shall not be considered hours worked in deteuiiiining overtime eligibility, 21.2, Employees performing earned overtime work shall, at their discretion, be paid time and one-half at their straight time hourly rate of pay or shall be given compensatory time at the rate of time and one-half for such work. This overtime rate shall be all inclusive and no additional compensation in the form ofhourly differential, etc,, shall be paid:, 21.3. The maximum accumulation of compensatory tine hours is two hundred (200) hours. If an employee takes compensatory time off, the hours in the employee's bank would be appropriately reduced by such time off. If an employee leaves the service of the City and cashes their bank, the hours therein shall be valuated on the basis of the current' rate of pay. 21.4. The parties agree that overtime hours shall not be used in the computation of arriving at average earnings for purposes of establishing pension benefits. 21.5. The parties agree that assigiunents of overtime work shall rest solely with the Department Head or designee, Management will 'attempt —to rotate overtime to eligible persons within their respective classifications by seniority. A voluntary sign up list will be posted for bargaining unit members to sign up for overtime. Employees who call out for a re lady 01 i aid9 e R`dati scheduled. shift ;,, n tarnrirwe lc will be skipped on the next two (2) overtime rotations that they would otherwise be eligible for selection, Management, by utilizing volunteers, does not waive its rights to require overtime, Any questions regarding the classifications needed, frequency, Tentative Agreement: City _) Date 41'3 Union( 'Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 staffing, scheduling, emergencies, etc., will remain the sole prerogative of th.e Department Head or designee. 21.6. The parties agree that assignment of overtime work is on an involuntary basis and any employee refusing assignments of such work is subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Solid Waste Director Departments lead. 21.7. Any permanent bargaining unit employee eligible for overtime shall, if recalled to duty by Management during off -duty hours, receive a minimum of three (3) hours plus one (1) hour travel time, paid at the overtime rate. The parties. agree that call - back hours shall not be used in the computation of average earnings for purposes of establishing pension benefits. An employee out on ill time or worker's compensation will not receive call back pay for taldng the required physical before said employee may be released to return to work. 'tentative Agreement: City Date Union ate 241, l 5 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 22 VACATION 22.1. Vacation Scheduling .. By November 30th of the year preceding the vacation year, each employee will select a vacation period in accordance with the Department Vacation Selection Procedure, Said Vacation Selection Procedure will be developed by Management and will include, but not be limited to, the following elements: A. Vacation selection by seniority in classification, B, Assignment of an employee number to all employees within each classification with the number one (1) being the senior person in each classification. C, Provision of time frames during working hours in which employees will be directed to select their vacation. 22.2. The Department of Solid Waste Director shall establish a vacation schedule based on a payroll year and shall post it by January 1 of the current year. The schedule shall establish the number of personnel, by classification, who may take vacation leave at any one time. By the last payroll period of each calendar year, each employee shall be granted a vacation period subject to the provisions of this Article, Where an employee does not submit a vacation preference as required above, the Department of Solid Waste Director will assign a mandatory vacation period equal to the employee's current accrual rate, notwithstanding any carryover t:irne up to 500209 hours. Employees shall not be permitted to exchange seniority rights in the selection of vacation periods, However, subsequent to the last payroll period of each calendar year,. employees may exchange vacation periods within their classification subject to the Department of Solid Waste Director's approval, Such approval shall not be unreasonably Tentative Agreement: City Date V6 Unix e}ate J3i3� 2014 CITY PROPOSAL - March 2015 withheld, During the vacation year, employees may use additional vacation leave at the discretion of the Department of Solid Waste Director. 22.3. Vacation shall be taken by the last payroll period of the calendar year in which the vacation was credited, Effective upon ratification of the labor agreement, employees shall be allowed to. carryover five two hundred (500200) hours of the previous year's credited vacation, Any excess vacation over the five two htmdred (500200) hours allowed carryover shall be forfeited after January 1st and no exceptions to the maximum carryover allowance shall be permitted absent the express written approval of the City Manager, Bargaining unit inernber with unused accrued vacation hours in excess of two hundred (200) hours as of September 30, 2010, shall Have those hours in excess of two hundred (200) grandfathered, and those employees with grandfathered hours over two hundred (200 hours shall be allowed to carryover up to a maximum of those hours or to a maximum of five hundred (500) hours, whichever is greater. Employees who have been carried on full disability the entire previous year shall be paid for all excess vacation over five two hundred (5002-00) hours at the rate of pay the employee was earning at the time the employee was placed on full disability. If an employee is unable to take a previously authorized vacation clue to cancellation by the Department Director or designee, any hours in excess of the five t-wo hundred (500200) hours which would have been forfeited, shall be paid on or about January 1, at the employee's hourly rate of pay. 22.4. Vacation shall be accrued in accordance with the accrual schedule set forth Appendix C to this Agreement (Vacation Accrual by Annual Fours Accrual Code (EC-20.22). 22.5. Other than regularly scheduled vacation, requests for additional vacation leave must be requested twenty-four (24) hours in advance of use and shall be taken in increments of not less than one (1) hour. Vacation leave may be granted by the Department of Solid Waste Director or designee on an emergency basis. Should such request be denied, the employee may Tentative Agreement: City DateL11E 3 Union„ Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 only appeal such denial to the City Manager or designee. Except for where otherwise provided in this labor agreement vacation leave may not be used for illness. Upon an employee's retirement or separation from City service, the employee will be paid for those vacation hours credited and earned through the employee's separation date. Vacation shall be calculated on actual service in the previous calendar year and shall, only be taken after the completion of six months of actual continuous service. 22.6. In those instances where an employee requests payment of vacation hours as a result of an emergency situation, such requests will only be considered upon submission of backup documentation. Approval for such payment will rest solely with the Director of Department of Iluman Resources Emp$eyee-Relatiens or a designee of the City Manager. Tentative Agreement; City Date 4_13 Union r-A 1.4 Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 23 SITU 'iDIFFERENTIAL 23.1. A night shift differential of $.50 per hour will be paid to bargaining unit employees who work a regular established shift between the hours of 6:00 p,rn. and 8:00 a.m. However, more than one-half of the hours of the regular established shift must be within the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 23.2. Consistent with Section 23.1, night shift differential will only be paid for hours actually worked during theregular shift and will not be paid for any overtime hours and will not be used to calculate any overtime pay rate. 23,3. Night shift differential shall not be used in calculating average earnings for pension purpo ses. Tentative Agreement: City Date "Ut 3 Unio 'Date '315 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 24 UNIFORMS, SHOES, EQUIPMENT 24.1. Employees are required to wear complete uniforms, and any required safety equipment in the appropriate manner, while on duty. Complete uniforms consist of City approved shirt, jumpsuit, pants, safety belt, hat and water resistant safety shoes. 24.2. Employees shall report to work in complete uniforms that are properly fitting, clean and neat, and free from tears, holes, and stains. For each day an employee reports to work in a uniform that is incomplete or in a condition not meeting the foregoing standard, ("deficient uniform"), or fails to wear required safety equipment, the Department of Solid Waste Director or designee may discipline the employee. 24.3. In January of each year, each full time active duty employee shall be provided uniforms at no expense to the employee as follows: four (4) shirts, which may be tee shirts of a quality determined by management), four (4) pants, (or two (2) jumpsuits and two (2) pants), one (1) cold weather jacket, an initial issue of one (1) safety belt, and four (4) caps. In addition, as of October 1, 2010, each full tirn.e active duty employee shall be provided one additional uniform at no expense to the employee as follows: one (1) cap, one (1) short sleeve t-shirt, and one (1) pant. The cold weather jacket and safety belt will be replaced every other year. Should an employee lose the issued safety belt, the employee will be issued another safety belt and shall promptly reimburse the City the 'current cost of the safety belt through payroll deduction over a period of four pay periods. New hires will be provided such uniforms within a reasonable time following their dates of hire and if hired on or after October 1st, in any year, shall not receive a new allotment of uniforms until the second January following their 'hire. Each uniform draw shall be recorded by the supervisor and signed for by each employee. Employees who are working only Tentative Agreement:. City Date LI/3 Union(1 Date " 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 part time in January, or who return to full time duty after the month of March, shall receive such uniform(s) as authorized by the Department of Solid Waste Director or designee. 24.4. Employees may purchase at their expense additional items of conforms throughout the year, through the City. Employees will be charged the actual cost to the City, 24.5. Employees are responsible for cleaning and maintaining their uniforms in a non - deficient manner, If an employee fails to maintain his uniform according to this standard, the Department of Solid Waste Director or designee may require the employee to purchase and wear replacement uniform(s) at the employee's expense, provided that upon request of the employee and tum in of the item(s), any uniform shirts, pants, or jumpsuit determined by the Department of Solid Waste. Director or designee, to be deficient for reasons beyond the' employee's control shall be replaced by the City at the City's expense, 24.6. Uniforms shall be worn by employees only wile on duty, at lunch during the employee's workshift, or when traveling directly to or from work, Employees shall not engage in any non -city work related activity while in uniform, 24.7. Employees in those classifications determined by Management to require the wearing of water resistant safety shoes who have not already received a 125.00--Th 00 voucher to purchase an initial pair of water .resistant safety shoes will be provided a $125,O0W-00 voucher for the purchase of an initial pair of water resistant safety shoes. 24.8. When, due to wear and tear or accidental destruction, the Department of Solid Waste Director or his designee determines a replacement pair of shoes is required, the City will give the employee a voucher for $125,0075:00 for the purchase of another pair of water resistant safety shoes. This additional $125.001-5,00 voucher shall only be provided when the worn out or damaged pair of shoes is turned in to the Department, The Department of Solid Waste Director, or his designee, shall provide the replacement of authorized water resistant safety shoes on the Tentative Agreement: City Date (3 Union i J 3,t6 Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 basis of need and not on an automatic basis. The shoe allowance authorized by this Article shall only be paid where an employee purchases a pair of water resistant safety shoes of a quality is certified as acceptable by Management, Employees shall be advised of shoe models which conform to City standards. 24.9. Equipment provided an employee by the City will be of a quality determined by management and will be replaced within a reasonable time of the employee returning.such damaged or non -usable equipment to the City, when the Department of Solid Waste Director or his designee determines it is beyond repair or otherwise no longer usable. 24.10. Employees shall reimburse the City for the actual repair or replacement cost of lost, stolen, or damaged City equipment when the employee's carelessness and/or negligence contributed to the loss, theft, or damage. Tentative :Agreement: City Date Lt Date t1 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 25 LINE OF DUTY INJURIES 25.1. Workers' Compensation Medical and Indemnity Benefits. To the extent required by, and subject to the limitations specified in, Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, the City will provide workers' compensation indemnity benefits to any bargaining unit member who sustains a compensable line of duty injury or illness as provided by the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of Florida. 25.2, Any bargaining unit member who is disabled as a result of an accident, injury or illness covered by Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, will be granted supplementary salary, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, Supplemental salary will be paid in the form of a continuation of the bargaining unit member's regular paycheck as provided by Resolution No, 39802, This check will include those indemnity payments provided for under the Workers' Compensation Law. 25.3. Employees shall be eligible for supplementary pay and workers' compensation pay to the extent that the total of such benefits shall not exceed eighty (80) percent of the employee's weekly pay prior to the line of duty injury, accident, or occupational disease. This benefit shall take effect only after the employee has been disabled for a period in excess of seven (7) calendar days. 25.4. Unless extended as provided below, supplementary salary will be granted for a period not to exceed 150 consecutive days from the date of covered accident, injury or illness. Such supplementary salary may be extended up to an additionally 60 consecutive days upon approval of the City Manager or his designee. The 150 days begin when the bargaining unit member is actually placed on "D". If the bargaining unit member is removed from "D," the non "D" time will not apply to the 150 days period. Tentative Agreement: City Date C() Date Jj5 2014 CITY PROPOSAL - March 2015 25.5. If an employee remains temporarily disabled beyond the period of time in which he is entitled to collect the 80% supplementary pay benefits, he shall be entitled to supplementary pay equal to 2/3 "D" payments for the additional period of his temporary disability pursuant to current practices. 25.6, If an employee becomes permanently and totally incapacitated for the farther performance of the duties of his/her classified position he/she shall petition the retirernent board for retirerxnent. The supplementary salary of the 2/3 "D" as described above, shall be carried by the department until the retirement is granted or denied. 25.7. At any time during his/her absence from duty claimed to be the result of a line of duty injury while an employee is collecting City supplementary pay, the employee shall be required., upon the request of the City Manager, or his designee, to submit to a physical examination by a physician designated by the City Manager within fifteen days of the request, If such employee, without cause, as determined by the City Manager, shall fail to submit to the examination at the time specified, all City supplementary salary benefits will be terminated. 25.8. Deductions: In the event a bargaining unit member receives supplementary salary as referenced in this Artiele, the City will make payroll deductions under the following terms and conditions: Deductions required by law, "mandatory deductions," including, but not limited to, social security, withholding and Medicare, will be made automatically to the supplemental salary portion only. All non -mandatory deductions including, but not limited_ to, a bargaining unit member's pension contribution, medical, life and other insurance contributions, and all other non- rnandatory and voluntary deductions will be made by the City on the bargaining unit meniber's 1 The amount of the pension contribution shall be based. on "earnable compensation" as define by Miami Code Section 40-191. Tentative Agreement: City % Date 11r43 Unior� ; ,a , _w Date l 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —Maroh 2015 behalf only to the extent that sufficient funds are then available, The City will not make any non - mandatory and voluntary deductions if the combined workers' compensation benefits and supplementary salary are insufficient to cover the amount of the deduction(s), If there are not sufficient funds available, the bargaining unit member will be responsible for making payments for the non -mandatory and voluntary deductions directly to those providers and creditors who would have otherwise been paid through the City's payroll deduction process. The parties agree that this process is intended to provide the employee with these paychecks without interruptionof payroll and payroll deductions on a biweekly basis, Should the employee notify the City by contacting Risk Management that he/she does not want a. combination of Workers ' Compensation indemnity pay included with the supplemental wage for the purposes of making regular deductions, the Workers' Compensation cheek will be distributed separately through the third party administrator and the City will only pay the supplemental wage minus federally mandated deductions, i.e. withholding, social security and Medicare. All other non -mandatory deductions, including pension, medical, life and other insurance contributions and all other non -mandatory and voluntary deductions will not be made and the bargaining runt member will be responsible for making all payments directly to those providers and creditors who would have otherwise been paid through the City's payroll deduction process. For any reason, should any calculations or deductions made based on the above protocols result in the employee owing money to the City, Risk Management will audit the employee's payroll process immediately upon the discovery of monies owed to determine why such arrearages occurred, The findings will be immediately brought to the attention of the employee and a resolution will be proffered and arrangements will be made to rectify monies owed, Tentative Agreement: City Date (43 Union Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 No supplementary pay will be paid on a claim and/or injury that arises out of a purposeful act performed by a bargaining unit member that causes harm to self or another, 25.9. Nothing in this section shall be construed as a waiver of the City's rights winder applicable state law 25.10 Based on operational needs and within the discretion of management, employees maybe assigned light or modified duty when practicable. An employee assigned to light or modified duty may be assigned to any department within the Citybased on operational needs as determined by management, Light or modified duty ssignments may end at any time, but in any event shall not exceed six (6) inonths in duration, An employee assigned light or modified duty shall receive their regular pay during such assignment,, and any step/anniversary increases shall be delayed by the same number of working days in the light or modified duty assignment. .An employee assigned light or modified duty shall not be eligible for supplemental salary as provided for in this Article, Article 7 shall not apply to this section. Tentative Agreement: City Date 14(. Article 26 WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 26.1, The Department of' Solid Waste Director, or designee in his/her sole discretion may direct an employee to work in an acting capacity in a higher classification other than the one to which the employee is permanently assigned, clue to absence or vacancy. 26.2. To be eligible to work an acting assignment in a higher classification,. the employee must hold permanent civil service status and complete the Department's basic training course for the classification to which the employee will be assigned, possess the federally required valid commercial drivers' license (CDL) and any required endorsements, and have satisfactorily demonstrated acceptable work habits and. job performance, 26.3. Once an employee is determined by the Department of Solid Waste Director or designee to meet the criteria for working out of classification as specified in Section 26,2, the employee may be assigned to the higher classification based on seniority of classified service with the City for the period of time determined by Management. Any employee who has been suspended for either vehicular accidents or absenteeism shall be ineligible to continue working out of classification. The eligibility to work out of class will be restored once the employee has been free of a vehicular accident or instance free for six (6) months and his/her most recent performance appraisal is considered satisfactory. In order for an employee to receive working out of classification pay, the employee must have been temporarily assigned to ono of the following particular classifications for the specified period of time: Waste Collector Operator T 30 work days Waste Collector Operator II (Garbage) - 30 work days Waste Collector Operator II (Sweeper) 30 work days Waste Equipment Operator 30 work days Once the employee' has been working out of class for more than the period of time specified herein, the employee will be paid an increase of one (1) step above his/her normal base pay for all hours worked in the higher classification beyond the work days as specified above. Those qualified bargaining unit members who satisfactorily demonstrate acceptable work habits and job performance and who worked out of classification a minimum of 1040 hours in a specific position shall not need to re -qualify for that specific position worked out of classification, Additionally, when a bargaining wait member works out of classification for 1040 hours in a specific position, that employee will receive.a.one (1) step increase in wages without having to wait the specified period of 30 work days as stated in this section. Grievances related to working out of classification issues are only appealable through the grievance procedure and not the Civil Service Board, Tentative Agreement. City Date /13 Union Date�it3 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 27 GROUP INSURANCE 27.1. The City and the Union agree that the Summary Plan Document (SPD) (entitled City of Miami Life and Health Benefits) shall be immediately updated to reflect descriptions of the current benefit, Plan design and all plan benefits shall be those outlined within the updated version of the employees benefits handbook and shall not be changed without mutual agreement of the City and the Union. The updated and finalized SPD shall be provided to the City's Plan Administrator (TPA) and the TPA will administer the Plan benefits in accordance with the definitions and other language agreed to and contained in the SPD. The SPD, in accordance with the Department of Labor requirements, shall be distributed to all current and new participants of the Plan. 27.2. The City agrees to pay $8,08 per eligible bargaining unit member per pay period to the union within sixty (60) .days or less after ratification upon termination of the existing life insurance contract to provide life insurance coverage in the amount of $35,000.00 and accidental death and dismemberment coverage in the amount of 70,000,00. The Union, as of February 2007, has secured a three year rate guarantee from the provider, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company. The Union agrees to continue to secure life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage for all the eligible bargaining unit members throughout the term of this contract and agrees to provide policy and rate documentation to the City at the City's request. 27.3, Medical/Vision: The City currently offers medical,. dental prescription drugs and vision benefit plans through a self - funded plan in which all bargaining unit members, upon obtaining eligibility, may enroll, to wit: Medical/Vision Cigna Network Tentative Agreement: City Date 1113Union(\ Datte 2014 CITY PROPOSAL -- March 2015 Dual Choice/POS Cigna Network Dental DHMO Siiistine- Cigna / DPPO - Guardian EAP Cigna Health Care Any other plan design changes must be agreed to by the parties prior to implementation. It is agreed between the parties that as of January 1, 20154, the City's medical plan will consist of a fivefobr tier program: Single coverage Single coverage + spouse &ileeyeragc + child' Single Coverage + children Single coverage + Family (spouse and children) It is agreed that medical premium rates for all tiers may be adjusted annually upon the City's calculation of the premium for medical benefits. Premium rates will be calculated by a certified actuary based on the City's eligibility list and experience and the information will be provided to the Union, in order to validate any increase or decrease in theoretical premium. As of January 1, 20154, (the beginning of the next Plan year) any increases or decreases in the cost of the City's health plan shall be shared by current active employees on the following basis for all medical plans: Plan Year 201520-1 : Dual Choice/POS (Cost of coverage shown bi-weekly) Employee City $40.55 $197.97 $89.21 $435.54 $-; 91 $3-6-6.25 Single Single + spouse itagle�-C-hi-1 Tentative Agreement: City Date Union 1 �. }JD ate a. V . h Single + Children Family 2014 CITY PROPOSAL •- March 2015 $75.01 $366,25 $115.56 $564.22 @la—�4�sri1�, 20I4 —gteu--ins anee—for the 1011 2012 fi e l year shall reopen and —en April 1;-204- group -in ur-a ee he-2012 2013 fiscal ye r shall rcopei A.s there are frequent and rapid changes in health care costs, it is understood and agreed between the parties that any changes in contribution amounts will be made based on the annual calculation of theoretical premium. It is agreed that should theoretical premium costs increase at a rate higher than the projections used to establish the employee contributions above (projection used is 10% increase in total premium each year), then those employee contributions shall be adjusted to reflect the increase and shall be effective at the beginning of the Flealth Plan Year. Likewise, should the theoretical premium cost decrease more than the projections used to establish the employee contributions stated above, those employee contributions will be lowered to reflect the overall theoretical premium decrease,q In any given plan year, projections used to establish any increase in contributions from the employee: shall be capped at 15%. Prescription Drug Coverage, The City currently offers a prescription drug benefit plan for those bargaining unit members enrolled in and Dual Choice/POS plans. It is a sell fi nded plan administered by Cigna PTealth Care and consists of the current benefit: Cigna Pharmacy Retail Drug Plan: $15 per 30 day supply for generic drugs $40 per 30 day supply for preferred brand name drugs $60 per 30 day supply for non -preferred brand name drugs Tentative Agreement: City Date Unio Date 141416 2014 CITY PROPOSAL - Maroh 2015 50% of drug cost per 30 day supply for self-administered injectables (e.g. injectables drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, asthma). Cigna Tel Drug Mail Order Drug Program: $0 (No Charge) per 90 day supply for generic drugs S 80 per 90 day supply fox preferred brand name drugs 5120 per 90 day supply for non -preferred brand name drugs 50% of drug cost per 90 day supply for self-administered injectables (e.g, injectables drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, asthma). Since prescription drug costs are a major component of the health plan and are subject to significant annual cost increases, the City and the Union agree to evaluate and measure pharmacy benefit total casts and evaluate best practice strategies to manage the pharmacy benefit. Any changes in the pharmacy benefit shall be mutually agreed to by the City and the Union. Dental: Dental premium rate may be adjusted annually upon the City receiving notice from the dental providers. Employees will be notified of the adjustments in the dental rates during open enrollment, hi accordance with.current pra:etice, when employees choose to be covered under the City's dental plan, the employee will continue to pay the dental premium: Employee contributions: In accordance with the City's Cafeteria Plan group health premiums will be paid by the bargaining unit employee with pretax dollars. 27.4. A standing committee will be created called the Health Insurance Committee. It shall be made up of six (6) City of Miami employees, one nletnber appointed by the IAFF, one Date tit911'5 Tentative Agreement: City Date 14 a Union 2014 CITY PROPOSAL, — March 2015 member appointed by AFSCME 1907, one member from AFSCME 871, two members appointed by the City Manager and one picked by mutual agreement of the Unions and City Manager. The Group Benefits Coordinator shall serve as a technical advisor to the committee, but will not be a member nor have a vote. Based on this commitment and in collaboration with labor and management, this Committee will work during the term of this contract to identify ways to strengthen and improve our health plan. This will include, but is not limited to: Obtain timely, aceurate, and transparent reporting with full disclosure, of all costs from our vendors. Identify plan vendor administrative improvements and efficiencies that can have a significant impact on reducing health expenditures and to ensure that our health plan vendors are delivering maximum administrative savings. Educate employees on better understanding and use of their health plan. Identify the impact of health improvement and disease management initiatives to decrease overall medical and drug costs. Evaluate and measure our pharmacy benefit total costs and fully assess the costs from our pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) vendors. Identify proven strategies to more effectively provide prescription benefits, and obtain vendor (PBM) administrative savings to successfully manage this important benefit. Make recommendations to the City Manager to reduce health expenditures while maintaining a quality health plan at an affordable cost and which improves the health of employees and dependents. Review employee complaints and remedy situations concerning claims so long as the decision does not change or impact current benefits, This is intended to reduce the need for the Tentative Agreement: City (`. Date 1 UP S Date `'k+ 1 e 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 grievance procedures; however, the bargaining unit member does not waive his/her right to file a grievance should the committee's remedy not be satisfactory to the employee. Review and update the Summary Plan Description (currently titled City of Miami Life and Health Benefits) Any and all other health care and wellness issues identified by the Committee as promoting initiatives to improve the health of employees and dependents while maintaining a quality health plan. The Committee shall meet monthly or as soon as practicable to commence initiatives outlined above. 27.5 Effective Salutary 1, 2-012—the The Union may explore the possibility of establishing its own group insurance plan that will consist of medical, vision, prescription, EAP, and dental coverage. Tentative Agreement: City Date 41/I3 Unioi "Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 28 iIOLIDAYS 28.1. The following days shall be considered holidays: New Year's Day Columbus Day President's Day Veterans' Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Friday after Thanksgiving Labor Day Christmas Day D-r•;-Martin Luther King, Tr, Day's Birthday 28.2. Any additional holidays declared by official resolution of the City Cotninission shall be added to the above list. 28.3. All full-time employees, performing work on any of the above holidays, shall at their discretion be paid eight (8) hours or ten (10) hours holiday pay depending upon their assigned work schedule at straight time plus an additional eight (8) or ten (10) hours of straight pay corresponding to their assigned shift regardless of the hours actually worked as an incentive for working the holiday or shall be given compensatory time at their straight time rate, 28.4. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, the employee must be in pay status the full working day preceding and. the full working day following the subject holiday. 28.5. It is recognized that by working the holidays, the City will increase the cast of operating. the Garbage Collection System within the Department and that the Administration will be balancing the collection routes, reviewing the utilization of staffing and the organizational delivery of the sanitation services to the citizens of lvliani. The employees of the Department recognize that this is a necessity if we are to deliver sanitation services to the citizens of the City of Miami consistent with funds available to the Department. Tentative Agreement: City • ate Date Union [�� °'fj�'D 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March. 2015 28,6. All conditions and qualifications outlined in ARTICLE 21- OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL BACK PAY shall apply to this Article. Hour's of compensatory time accumulated under this Article, when added to the compensatory time earned under ARTICLE 21- OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL BACK PAY shall not exceed two hundred (200) hours. 28,7, Employees assigned to the Trash Division,, Recycling, and Street Cleaning shall work on all holidays where employees assigned to the Garbage Division are working. 28,8. All holidays specified above shall be designated as non -working holidays unless the City Manager or designee determines otherwise. Tentative Agreement: City to Date Union ' 41 � 15 Da Tentative Agreement: City Article 29 RESERVED Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 Union Date 41 2014 CITY PROPOSAL March 2015 Article 30 SICK LEAVE 30.1. The parties agree that care and discretion shall be exercised by Management and the Union in order to prevent the abuse of sick leave privileges. To determine the reasons for an employee's absence on sick leave, the employee's immediate supervisor or a management designee may visit the home of the employee on siek leave with pay. In cases where Management suspects that an employee is malingering, sick leave with pay shall not be granted. 30.2. Effective the first month following ratification of the labor agreement, bargaining unit employees may accrue eight (8) hours sick leave per month, provided that the employee is in pay status at least one hundred twenty (120) hours per month, Such sick leave is to be utilized in one (1) hour increments, 30.3 To receive sick leave with pay, an employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor, or other person designated by the Department to receive such notice, of illness within fifteen (15) minutes prior to the time the 'bargaining unit member is scheduled for work, It shall be the employee's responsibility to notify the department each day the employee will be out ill within the time frames attained above. 30.4. Any employee absent on sick leave for more than three (3) consecutive work days must report to the Department of Hunan Resources Employee-RelationsEmployee-Relations for approval before returning to work. 30.5. All 'bargaining unit members covered by this Agreement shall upon honorable separation from employment or after retirement be paid for one hundred percent (100%) of accumulated sick leave up .to seven hundred fifty (750) hours and fifty percent (50%) of accumulated sick leave above seven hundred fifty (750) hours. Tentative Agreement: City Date T7nion Date 2014 CTTY PROPOSAL-- March 2015 30.6. Bargaining unit members with accumulated sick leave balance over seven hundred and fifty (750) hours as of September 30, 2010, will have their balances in excess of seven hundred and fifty 750 hours grandfathered. A bargaining unit member's maximum sick leave carryover from calendar year to calendar year shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty (750) hours or the number of unused accumulated sick leave hours in excess of the seven hundred and fifty (750) hours grandfathered as of September 30, 2010 and any hours accrued in excess of the maximum carryover in a given year are not permitted to be carried over by the bargaining unit member. Bargaining unit members with unused accumulated sick leave hours in exoess of the maximum carryover at the end of the year shall be paid for one hundred percent (100%) of the unused portion of their accumulated sick leave in excess of the maximum carryover, 30.7. Payoff for accumulated sick leave shall not be used to calculate average earnings for Pension purposes. 30.8. An employee who is terminated or who opts for resignation after being informed of the Department's intent to terminate the employee shall not receive compensation for unused sick leave upon separation from service or retirement. Sick leave conversion shall not occur upon an employee's separation or retirement from the City, 30.9. Bargaining unit members shall be eligible for a sick leave cash bonus incentive of one hundred twenty-five ($125) dollars. In order for the employee to receive such incentive, the employee must not utilize any sick leave, and be active and in a full paid status during the payroll calendar year. In addition, bargaining unit members who qualify for the sick leave incentive cash bonus, as described herein, shall receive eight (8) hours of commendation paid leave. A bargaining unit member will receive an additional one hundred seventy-five ($175) dollars sick leave cash bonus if at least one hundred (100) bargaining unit employees qualify for Tentative Agreement: City Date Date . lt 5 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 the sick leave cash bonus incentive, Such bonuses shall be subject to applicable federal taxes, but shall not be included for calculating pension. Tentative Agreement: City Date IL_ Union(, Date j (� 2014 CITY PROPOSAL - March 2015 Article 31 BEREAVEMENT - DEATH IN FAMILY 31.1, Any employee covered by this Agreement may, in the case of death in the immediate family, be authorized up to a maximum of forty (40) hours of paid leave per oo un enee to arrange and/or attend the funeral of a member of the employee's immediate family or to attend to the personal affairs of the deceased. Said paid leave days shall be taken consecutively by the employee, excluding normal days off and holidays, For purposes of this Article, Tthe immediate family is defined as father, mother, sister, brother; husband, wife, domestic partner, children, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents, spouse's/domestic partner's grandparents, and stepfather and/or stepmother if they have raised the employee from infancy regardless of place of residence, and may include any other person who was an actual member of the employee's household for ten (10) or more years. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the employee returns from a death in the family, the employee will file a copy of the death certificate of the deceased family member. Said death certificate will be attached to the form provided by the City and submitted to the Department of Human Resources Employee Reiationo, Labor Relations -Di -ion. Failure to produce the death certificate will result in the employee reimbursing the City for any c ayse1ahns taken under this Article, Any employee found to have falsified his/her application for a death in the family will be dismissed. 31.2. It is understood that under certain circumstances the employee will be unable to obtain a death certificate. In this event, in lieu of a death certificate, the employee shall submit any other documentation that reflects the death and family relation a. -newspaper account showing, the4leatil-and relatic h p-ef-the d eeased4to-the-employeo-and/or et ier--app pf}ppor ting d is ntation3-e €aiac alhome-pregr•,am-,. as deemed appropi~iato by the Department of Human Resources or designeeHmplayee Rel-atiens, LaborR-eRRel-atienDivi 0n. Tentative. Agreement: City Date -U( Unioq , Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL -- March 2015 31.3 Bereavement leave is for attending a funeral or to attend to estate issues or for being in a state of bereavement and must be taken within 45 days of the death of the family member. The Director of Human Resources or designee, at his/her sole discretion, can make exceptions to the 45 day limit under truly unique circumstance, but the decision is final and cannot be appealed through the grievance procedure or any other forum, Tentative Agreement: City Date YTnio� 201E CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 Article 32 BLOOD DONORS 32.1. Employees who volunteer as blood donors to contribute to an on -site City supported Blood Donor Organization will be authorized the paid absence necessary to accomplish this purpose. The Blood Donor Organization's personnel will determine what amount of time the donor will need from the point of donation till. the time the employee is released to go back to work. Tentative Agreement: City Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL- -March 2015 Article 33 JURY DUTY 33.1. Employees shall be carried on leave of absence with pay for actual working time lost when called to serve on jury duty, Such employees shall be paid at their regular hourly rate for all working time lost up to the number of hours they are regularly scheduled to work each week. Employees who complete jury duty shall report back to work during their regular work schedule or shall forfeit the City compensation for jury duty for the day or days in question. 33. 2. In consideration of receiving their regular pay, employees called to serve on Jury Duty shall promptly notify their supervisor of the call to jury Duty. The supervisor shall make a copy of the summons to Jury Duty and forward said copy with the payroll sheets for the week in which the employee is on Jury Duty. Employees who serve as jurors for Federal Court shall have deducted from their paycheck a Jury Duty fee equal to that compensation paid to the employee by the Federal Court in their jurisdiction per day in the payroll period following the week in which the employee was on Jury Duty, Employees who serve as jurors for State and County Court shall not have Jury Duty fees deducted for the first three (3) days of juror service. Employees who serve more than three (3) days of Jury Duty shall have deducted from their paycheck a Jury Duty fee equal to that compensation paid to the employee by the , State or County Court in their jurisdiction. Any changes by the Courts in the above fees shall be reflected in the employee's paycheck as they occur, 33.3. Attendance in court in response to legal order or subpoena to appear and testify in private litigation not in connection with an employee's official duty, but rather as an individual, shall be taken as vacation, compensatory leave, or leave of absence without pay. Tentative Agreement: City Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 Article 34 FAMILY LEAVE AND LEAVE WITHOUT PAY 34.1. Effective upon ratification by the parties of the labor agreement, bargaining unit employees shall be eligible for leave without pay in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, Such leave is provided under the law for the birth, adoption or foster care of a child and for a serious health condition of the employee or the employee's spouse, child,.parent or grandparent, eligible deployment/ return from deployment rights or any other FMLA eligible event. 34.2, Upon approval of the Department of Solid Waste Director, with the approval of the City Manager or designee, a leave without pay may be granted for education or any other acceptable reason. Education; A leave without pay may be granted for the purpose of enteringupon a course of training or study calculated to improve the quality of the employee's service to the City through course work directly related to the employee's job, for a period not to exceed six (6) months, The request for leave without pay may be extended for an additional six (6) months upon the approval of the Department of Solid Waste Director and approval of the City Manager or designee. Any bargaining unit employee requesting said leave of absence shall be required to submit evidence of registration upon entering each quarter/semester of school. Acceptable Reason; A leave without pay may be granted for. an acceptable reason other than specified herein, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. Approval for said leave of absence without pay is at the sole discretion of the City Manager or Director of Human Resources Employee —Relations and shall not be appealable to the Civil Service Board or the grievance procedure. Tentative Agreement: City Date 41J Union k Y'Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL. -- March 2015 34.3, Bargaining unit employees who desire to take a leave without pay in accordance with this Article (excluding serious health condition) must use all vacation and any other time accrued in leave banks prior to taking a leave without pay, A request for leave without pay for a serious health condition as provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act shall require the bargaining unit employee to use all sick, vacation and any other time accrued prior to taking such leave, The usage of such leave time will not prevent the employee from taking leave without pay as specified herein. 34.4. Bargaining unit employees who take a leave without pay for any reasons specified in this Article shall not accrue leave time during period.s of leave without pay. At the expiration of a leave of absence without pay, the bargaining unit employee shall be returned to the same or similar position vacated when said leave of absence without pay was granted in accordance with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Leave of absence without pay during the required probationary period of service shall extend the probationary period the length of time used during the said leave of absence without pay. 34,5. The acceptance of another position or engaging in other employment by the bargaining unit employee while on a leave of absence without pay shall be deemed a voluntary resignation from the service of the City of Miami. Tentative Agreement: City Date t13 Uniot Date 41 Yf, i 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 35 INCARCERATED EMPLOYEES 35.1, The following procedures shall apply to employees who have been arrested and/or incarcerated. 1) Incarcerated employees must notify the Director of Solid Waste within three (3) days from the day of the incarceration. When Management is made aware of a permanent employee's incarceration, the department will contact the arresting agency for verification of the arrest record. If the incarceration occurs during the permanent, employee's scheduled work shift, the employee may request the.use of his or her available vacation time, compensatory time or earned personal leave time, not to exceed t rk days. If the employee has not presented himself/herself ready for work in ork days, the employee will be presumed to have resigned. Should the arrest of the employee be of so severe a crime or heinous in nature, Management, after an administrative investigation,, Consultation with the Union President, employee Union representative or his/her designee may suspend the employee without pay until adjudication of the case, If the. employee wins his or her case, Management is not precluded from reinstating the employee or taking administrative action arising out of the arrest and trial consistent with applicable rules and regulations. Tentative Agreement: City Date 14 Union (fI 2014 CITY PROPOSAL, — March 2015 Article 36 WORK INCENTIVE PLAN, 36.1. It is agreed between the parties that bargaining unit personnel assigned to the Garbage, Recycling, Street Cleaning, and Trash Collection. Divisions may be placed on an incentive basis whereby once the assigned route is completed and has been certified by the Department of Solid Waste Director, or designee, as being completed, the applicable personnel may be relieved from their tour of duty for the day. The City reserves the right to require employees to work the full shift based upon the needs of the department. Cc. w-4 loP 'The City and the Union will isterely an incentive plan which will improve the current v) G e) i^2e. 'C'l. rn$) Re eitiellq incentive plan for the personnel assigned to the Trash division. On an annual basis, the Director tit Gbdpertt 'eo "i17 (aif�d shall conduct a review of routes to ensure that employee assignments are balanced and efficient, 4 The Union shall be provided with an opportunity to review all route changes fourteen (14) days prior to the implementation of any route changes. 36.2. If an assigned route has not been satisfactorily completed as determined by Management prior to the end, of the normal assigned work day, the employees shall be required to complete the route on the same day, There will be no call back pay if the employee has left the yard pursuant to Article 21, Call Back Pay, of this Agreement, Failure to complete the route in a timely manner may result in disciplinary action, Failure to complete the route in a timely manner may result in action. 36,3. Should the Department of Solid Waste Director determine the Work Incentive Plan in its entirety or in part is detrimental to the efficient operation of the Department, all or that portion of the Work Incentive Plan deemed to be inefficient may be discontinued or modified upon noticeetohe Union. L�ctl� rnsufirm vii Tentative Agreement: City { Date q13 Unio ^() • Date I` I lit e 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 36.4. The Management of the Solid Waste Department shall designate and have the right to change the starting times of all work assignments. The following starting times will apply hence forth. Should Management desire to change said starting times, they will notify the Union fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the change of shift time. Recycle Roll Call 7:00 a.m. Garbage Roll Call 6:15 a,m. Trash Roll Call 7:00 a.rn, TOO Street Cleaning Division 1-9a.ni. White Wings 7:00 a.m. Specifically excluded from the fourteen (14) calendar day notice period are temporary changes of hours or days off necessitated by special events, civil disturbances, acts of God and other emergency conditions. 36.5, Should the Union disagree with any change of shift time, the Union President or designee shall advise the Department of Solid Waste Director in writing. If the disagreement over the schedule change is not resolved, the dispute may be appealed to the City Manager or designee whose decision will be final and binding upon the parties. This decision will not be subject to the grievance procedures contained herein, or of any other administrative review Tentative Agreement: City. Date _:.11__.._ UniottDate 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 37 SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL - PERSONNEL SCREENING 37.1, In an effort to identify and eliminate on duty controlled substance/alcohol abuse, urinalysis/evidential breath test (evidential breath tests (EBT) shall be utilized solely for testing alcohol content) shall be administered as provided herein: A. To an employee or prospective employee as a part of a scheduled physical examination. B, To the driver of any City vehicle .that is determined to be at fault of an accident when operating City -owned equipment while on duty, or while driving on City premises. C. If a driver, while on duty, operating City -owned equipment, is at fault for damaging private or public property, then a management representative with the classification of Sanitation Supervisor or above, must determine that there exist reasonable belief, based upon objective factors, that the employee is under the influence of alcohol. D. Where a management representative with the classification of Sanitation Supervisor or above has a reasonable belief based upon objective factors that the employee(s) has possession or is using, dispensing or selling any illegal drug or controlled substance not prescribed by a licensed physician. E. Where a management representative with the classificatioe. of Sanitation Supervisor or above has a reasonable belief, based upon objective factors, that the employee is under the influence of alcohol on duty, T+. Randomly based on a pool of all employees. Tentative Agreement: City Date Uniai';, Date a4 gh 201.4 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 G. As part of the CDL program as detailed by that current program's requirements. H. Bargaining unit members tested in accordance with this article shall he placed on administrative leave with pay pending the results of the substance/ alcohol test. In the event that the results of the any substance/alcohol test are positive, the bargaining unit member shall no longer be eligible for administrative leave with pay and shall be subject to discipline/discharge in accordance with section 37,18 below. 37.2. All positive tests for a controlled substance will be confirmed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (G.C,M.S,) or better testing, When a sample is taken under any of the above cireumstances, a portion of the initial sample shall be retained for a second test should either management or the employee request same, Testing procedures shall be performed at a reliable state licensed clinical laboratory. 37.3. Employees shall give a urine sample (EBT for testing alcohol content) at either a hospital or State accredited testing lab as chosen by the City, Tests by a laboratory other than a laboratory selected by the City, as provided in this article shall not be permitted as evidence any arbitration or civil service hearing. 37,A. Management will notify the Union either by telephone, facsimile, or email prior to an employee is to be tested. 37.5. If a drag tested employee wishes a second testing of the original sample taken, the following procedures will apply: A. The employee has twenty-four (24) hours after he or she or the Union is notified of a positive drug test to request a second test of the remainder of the original sample. Said right for the second test shall expire after twenty-four (24) hours. Tentative Agreement: City Date Unuai Date H' h 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 B. The second drug test will be performed at the same laboratory on the remainder of the original sample, C. NADA rules and regulations with the exception of the levels provided for in this Agreement will apply to the tests conducted, D. All costs arising out of the request for the second test will be paid by the employee requesting same if second test comes back positive, Such payment if necessary may be deducted from an employee's paycheck, 37.6. If an employee is ordered back to duty for testing, the provisions of Article 21 Overtime/Compensatory Time/Call- Back will apply, 37.7. Where a bargaining unit member alleges that an order made tinder this Article is not consistent with the criteria cited herein, he/she shall comply with the order, and may simultaneously file a protest with the communicator of the order, Refusal to submit to a request for an alcohol or drug test under this Article shall be grounds for dismissal. Disputes arising out of such orders that results in discipline shall be arbitrable under the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement. 37.8. The erxrployee(s) shall not be disciplined until a positive test result is communicated to the City, However, if the employee's conduct in connection with the substance/alcohol abuse amounts to conduct for which the City may otherwise discipline the employee, the City may take action prior to learning of the test results. 37.9. Once the Department has determined that an employee is to be tested, the employee will be placed on administrative leave with pay until such time the employee retains to work after random substance testing as provided below, is returned to work as a result of a negative test, enters rehabilitation as provided herein,, or is disciplined or discharged. Employees selected 1"4/t6 Tentative Agreement, City :� Date ' Union "Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 for random. substance testing shall give a sample as set forth in 37.3, and shall then return to work for the remainder of their shift unless otherwise instructed by the City. 37.10. The Union will be advised of passed or failed tests to the extent that the releasing of such data is consistent with Federal or State laws, if the individual involved wants his test results released to the Union. MI BILITATIO.N 37s11.. In the event that the results of any substance/alcohol test are positive, the following criteria, will apply: A, The employee at his/her own cost shall, within seventy-two (72) hours of the positive test notification, excluding weekends and holidays, enter and .remain in a substance/alcohol program approved by the City and the Union until the approved program administrator is able to state that the employee has successfully completed the program. If the employee fails to enter the approved substance/alcohol program within seventy-two (72) hours, the employee will be terminated. While in the program, the employee will be allowed to return to work if the program administrator approves; if not, the employee may continue using compensatory leave, vacation time, and sick leave time tniti]. the program administrator approves the employee 's return to work. Once the compensatory leave, vacation time, and sick leave time, are exhausted, the employee will be carried Authorized Leave without pay and will not be eligible to receive. donated time from other employees regarding absences due to rehabilitation pursuant to this section. employees shall not be permitted to work in drivers' positions until the employee has successfully completed the program. If the employee fails to complete the program, he or she will be dismissed, If the employee is Tentative Agreement: City Date 4 Union ), ` Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 rehabilitated, as determined by the program administrator, the employee shall be allowed to returns to work. B. If relieved of duty, the employee will use all of his/her compensatory leave, vacation time, and sick leave tune. Once the compensatory leave, vacation time, and sick leave time are exhausted, the employee will be carried Authorized Leave without pay,. C. If the employee fails to enter, participate in and/or successfully complete the program, including any aftercare program., the employee shall be terminated from his/her employment with the City. D. Employees who successfully complete. the program and are cleared to return to work by program administrator, shall be subject to random dr ug/alcohol screenings by the City for a period of two (2) years from the date the employee returns to work. 37,12, The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act (OTETA) of 1991 shall apply to all bargaining unit employees who fall within the definition of covered employees as described within the Act. The provisions of this Article shall be. followed to the extent they do not violate the .Act, 37.13. The testing laboratory shall be licensed by the State of Florida as a clinical laboratory specializing in the analysis of body fluids for drugs and alcohol. 37,14. Said laboratory must have a licensed clinical laboratory director currently licensed by the State of Florida. Further, technical staff must be licensed by the State and said personnel shall include a licensed supervisor. Tentative Agreement: City(4) Date Union -Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 37.15. The State of Florida inspects such toxicology labs and the lab utilized must have a track record of having passed and continue to pass the inspections as required by the State of Florida. 37.16. Participation in the College of American Pathologists Proficiency Testing Program is a desirable qualification of the testing laboratory. Said lab licensed directors should have experience in spectroscopy toxicology and drug analysis. Such experience should be supplemented by formal education and appropriate lab work for a minimum of 10 years. 37.17, For CDL License Operators, all .EBT 's (Evidential Breath Test) with an alcohol content level of 0.04 or greater shall be considered a positive test result. Non-CDL License Operators' FBT's (Evidential Breath Test) with an alcohol content level of 0,08 or greater shall, be considered a positive test result. DISCIPLINED OR DISCHARGED 37.18. In the event that the results of any substance/alcohol test are positive, the following progressive discipline will apply:. A. First Offense: Ten (10) days suspension and mandatory rehabilitation, B. Second Offence: Dismissal. C.. A driver that is determined to be at fault as a result of the City's investigation or the Accident Review Board for damaging. private or public property is subject to progressive discipline pursuant to A.rtiele 16 of the Disciplinary Procedure. 37.19. An employee who is terminated for failure to meet the requirements of rehabilitation as described herein, who tests positive for a second offense for controlled substance or alcohol during or after the rehabilitation period shall have no appeal rights through Civil Service, the grievance procedure dr any other forum, Tentative Agreement: City Date 11/____ Un:i.onC) i q1Date k//. 2014 CITY PROPOSAL -. Marob, 2015 INITIAL TESTS w URINE 37.20. The initial testing shall use an immunoassay method which meets the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration for commercial distribution, 37.21. The following cutoff concentrations shall be applicable to determine whether specimens are negative or positive for the following drugs or classes of drugs utilizing the initial test procedure: Cannabis (Marijuana) Metabolites 50 Cocaine Metabolites 300 Opiates -Metabolites Morphine 2000 Codeine 2000 6-Acetyimorplv.ne (Test when the morphine concentration is greater than or equal to 2000. ng/ml) Phencyclidine Barbiturates Initial Test Level n ml 25 300 B enzodiazopine Amphetamines Amphetamine 1000 Methamphetamine 1000 Methaqualone 300 Methylene dioxyinethaniphetamine (MDMA) (Ecstasy) 500 Methylenedioxyaniphetaniine (MDA/Ice) 500 Flunitrazeparn (Rohnyol) (Roofies) 300 300 Desigrier Drugs: Unless specified with cutoff concentration levels, will be determined by the Agency for Health Care Administrations (AHCA) if standards exists, or industry standards if no existing AIICA standards. CONFIRMATORY TEST - URINE Tentative Agreement: City Date r r ✓ Uniox' Date 20'14 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 37.22. All specimens identified as positive by the initial, test shall be confirmed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCS/MS) techniques. GCS/MS confirmation procedures at the following cutoff concentration shall be used for the following drug: Confirmatory Test Level (ng/ml) Cannabis (Marijuana) Metabolite 20 37.23. For all other drugs listed below, the confirmatory test shall detect the confirmed presence of the substance. The laboratory must be prepared to provide evidence from its quality control program to prove its capability of detecting such substances. Confirmatory Test Level (ng/rnl) Cocaine Metabolites Opiates Metabolites Morphine Codeine d-Acetylnorphine (Test when the morphine concentration is greater than or equal to 200011g/int Phencyclidine Amphetamines: Amphetamine Metharaaphetamine Barbiturates Benzodiazepine Methaqualone Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (Bostasy) Methylenedioxyanphetamine (IvIDA/Ice) Flunitrazepasn (Rohnyol) (Roofies) 150 2000 2000 10 25 500 500 250 250 150 500 500 300 These concentrations are subject to revision with changes in convention or technology, The laboratory must be able to document its performance at the cutoff level by the use of quality .control, both open and blind. Tentative Agreement: City Date Iti3 Unto' Date z4 1 f 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 37.24, Proper chain of custody controls shall always be enforced during drug/alcohol testing. Authorized technicians shall sign the chain of custody form and be responsible for each urine specimen to be tested. The laboratory shall include sufficient safeguards to ensure that unauthorized personnel are prevented from gaining access to the laboratory. Tentative Agreement: City Date s Union, Date 2014 CTTY PROPOSAL - Maroh 2015 Article 38 PREVAILING BENEFITS 38.1. Job benefits heretofore authorized by the City Manager continuously enjoyed by all employees covered by this Agreement, and not specifically provided for or abridged by this Agreement, shall continue upon the conditions by which they had been previously granted. 38.2.. Provided, however, nothing in. this Agreement shall obligate the City to continue practices or methods which are unsafe, obsolete, inefficient or uneconomical. 38.3. If the City desires to change such job benefits, the hatter shall be negotiated between the City and the Union in accordance with Chapter 447, part 2, Florida Statute. Tentative Agreement: City 0 Date til3 Union C gate 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 39 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 39.1. This Agreement, upon ratification, constitutes the complete and entire Agreement between the parties, and concludes collective bargaining for its term. 39.2. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the -understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the City and the Union for the duration of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter referred to, or covered, in this Agreement, or with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to, or covered, in this Agreement, even though such subjects or matters may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated, or sighed this .Agreement„ 39.2 Such Agreement "precludes the initiation by the Union of any municipal legislation which would result in the alteration or cost increase of the benefits agreed to in this Collective Bargaining Agreement or to increase the cost of other employee benefits not specifically provided for in this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Tentative Agreement: City Date UziiornC ate 45i 2014 CITY PROPOSAL March 2015 Article 40 PROVISIONS IN CONFLICT WITII LAW 40.1. If this Agreement or any provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Agreement, is in conflict with any existing State or Federal law, or future State or Federal law; or with any existing City ordinance; or with any interpretation of this Agreement made by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion of this Agreement in conflict with said law or ordinance or resolution, or court interpretation of law, shall be null and void; but the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect with it being presumed that the intent of the parties herein was to enter into the Agreement without such invalid portion or portions. The parties agree that this Agreement takes precedence over any conflicting Civil Service Rules. 40.2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the employer may take all actions necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities mt. Tentative Agreement: City D ate Unionbate 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 41 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 41.1. The Educational Reimbursement Program will encourage City employees to improve job performance and increase career mobility with the City by pursuing courses of study at certified educational institutions, The policy governing the educational reimbursement program is intended to be flexible, with broad discretion for approval reserved to the Department of Solid Waste Director and the City Manager so as to insure increasing on-the-job effectiveness of City employees. The educational reimbursement program shall not be subject to budgetary constraints. 41..2. Any full-time, permanent City employee shall be eligible to participate in the Educational Reimbursement Program, 41.3. All course work must be taken at or from an accredited college, university or educational institution approved by the City Manager or designee, Class attendance will be on the employee's own time unless otherwise noted in the course announcement and authorized by the City Manager or designee, 41.4. Reimbursement will be limited to books, lab fees, and tuition costs up to a maximum of 4,000 aver -semester, 'net-te-exceed two semesters per calendar year. 41.5 To be eligible for reimbursement, the employee must successfully complete the course work and provide evidence of successful completion to the City. Successful completion must be evidenced by a grade of "C" or better. 41.6.. Procedures for reimbursement will be as follows: Tentative Agreement: City Date t.q Unroi <' Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL March 2015 A. The employee must obtain three (3) copies of the Application for Tuition Reimbursement form for each course from his department or the Department of Human Resources Pi lo-yee Relations -Labor Relations Division, B. The employee must complete the application in triplicate and submit it to his department director prior to registration at the education institution, C. The Department of Solid Waste Director will then review the application and if approved forward the original and one copy to the Department of Human Resources l loyee plat on , Labor Relations -Division, If the application is disapproved, it is then returned to the employee by the Department of Solid Waste Director, D, The Department of Human Resources eye —Relations has the authority to approve or disapprove the application, and applications not approved will be returned to the Department of Solid Waste Director with the reason for rejection noted thereon. 41.7 In the event the employee resigns or is terminated from the City within one (1) year following completion of the course(s) for which City fiends have been expended, the amount of educational reimbursement paid to the employee will be reimbursed to the City by the employee upon termination from the City through a deduction from his final paycheck and/or leave balance accounts. 41.8. Upon completion of the course work, the employee must submit his semester grade report together with the book, lab and tuition fee receipts to his Department of Solid Waste Director, The Department of Solid Waste Director will submit the approved application for educational reimbursement along with the employee's semester grade report to the Finance Department who shall then reimburse the employee for the City's share of the educational Tentative Agreement: City Date Union r Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL—1Viarch 2015 reimbursement. The employees Department of Solid Waste Director will advise the Department of Huzna;tk Resources Employee Relations, Labor Relations Division of the employee's satisfactory completion of the course. Article 42 PENSION 42.1 The parties agree that for the term of this agreement the pension benefits and employee contributions of employees covered by this agreement shall be as provided in the City of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation employees' Retirement Trust Section 40-241 through 40- 290, Miami City Code ("GESE"), as amended, except as follows: 42.2 The parties agree that effective October 1, 2011, the GESE amortization periods will be revised to add 5 years to the existing amortization periods and change periods for future amortizations as follows: A. Plan benefit changes for active employees over 20 years (currently 15). B. Plan benefit changes for retired employees over 15 years (no change). C. Assumption changes over 20 years (currently 15). D. Experience Gains and Losses over 20 years (currently 15). 42.3 Effective September 30,2012 or upon implementation of this Article if later (the "effective date"), the following benefit changes will be implemented for all current employees who have not reached normal retirement eligibility, and for all future employees: The Maximum normal retirement benefit shall not exceed $80,000 amorally; provided, any employee wlio has an accrued benefit in excess of $80,000 annually on the effective date shall retain that benefit, but shall not accrue any additional benefits after that date. 42.4 BACKDROP option, A Backdrop benefit option shall be implemented on January 1, 2013. The Backdrop option shall replace the existing DROP program. Employees who Tentative Agreement: City Date 3 Date ) 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —Marcia 2015 have not attained normal retirement eligibility as of the effective date or were not vested by October 1, 2010, and all employees hired on or after that date, will be eligible for the Backdrop option but will not be eligible for the DROP. Anyone eligible for the forward DROP as of January 1, 2013 or vested prior to October 1, 2010 who chooses not to enter the forward DROP remains eligible for the Backdrop. (a) An eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option shall receive a monthly benefit payable on the employee's actual retirement date (date of retirement and separation from City employment) based on the benefit the employee would have received if he/she had left City employment and retired on an earlier date after attaining normal retirement eligibility (the `Backdrop date"), hi addition, an eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option will receive. a lump suns payment equal to the accumulation of monthly retirement benefit payments he/she would have received during the period following the Backdrop date through the actual retirement date ("Backdrop period"), plus interest at the rate of 3% per year, compounded annually. An eligible employee may elect a minimum Backdrop period of 1 year and maximum Backdrop period of up to seven years. An eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option must select the normal form of benefit or an optional form of benefit at the time of electing the Backdrop option, The employee's monthly benefit as well as the lump sum payment under the Backdrop option is based on the form of benefit selected. (b) Employees are eligible to elect the Backdrop option after completing .one year of creditable service following the normal retirement date. A Backdrop election must be made within 10 years after becoming eligible for normal retirement. The maximum Backdrop period is 7 years. Eligible employees who wish to elect the backdrop option rnust provide written notification to the City at least 8 months prior to the employee's retirement date; provided a lesser notice period may be approved by the City manager due to special circumstances, Tentative ..Agreement: City Date -V6 3 Unior 6 Date l / 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Bargaining unit members will be eligible to revoke their Backdrop election one time, but within 1 month of their election, However, if a bargaining unit employee is granted a lesser notice period by the City manager due to special circumstances, the employee will not be eligible for the one-time Backdrop election revocation. Employees are not required to elect the Backdrop option. (c) All or a portion of the lump sum payment under the Backdrop option inay be rolled over to an eligible retirement plan or IRS in accordance with federal law. 42.5 Effective the first tl - „y pePio .F l rg-Oeteber 1, 20141heThe employee pension contribution shall be 10%. If the back DROP is ever terminated, for any reason, the rights of all persons then in the DROP shall not be diminished or impaired. Additionally, if the back DROP is ever terminated, all persons who are then eligible for a back DROP will still be eligible for a 7 year back DROP, The Board of Trustees of GESE shall develop operational rules for the implementation of this provision. Tentative Agreement: City Date 13 Union Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL, - MercIh 2015 Article 43 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGS 43.1. Effective the date this Agreement is ratified by the parties, should the City and Union desire to enter into one or more MOU(s) or similar agreement(s) during the life of this Agreement, such MOU(s) or other agreement(s) will only be binding on the City upon signature of the City Manager or designee. Tentative Agreement: City Date 6g3 Union 2014 CITY PROPOSAL- March 2015 ARTICLE 44 ` iV N11cJ ACCIDENT 11-R-VIP31 COMMITTEE vettiWav' PretittAN00 44.1. AllVaecidents involving a City vehicle will be reviewed by the Accident Reyiew 10ivcw{iovt Committee. The Accident Rev- Committee is comprised of the following five (5) committee members: Department of Solid Waste Director or designee, the City's Safety Officer or Risk. Management Director, Solid Waste Safety Officer, the Union President, and another Union Prevew+iotA member. The Accident iew Committee shall develop objective standards and criteria for f low C,awid hot Iaeto .per ve e l determining w et4r- an accident im$ .Atable, e revent4lo, r p.4r4ti t based- a the t4, 44,2. Following review of the accident, the Accident Review Cormnittee shall, by majority vote, determine whether the accident was preventable, non -preventable, or operational 1)ftt c{-w Saiid Aaie based on the fact If the ee concludes that the accident was preventable and will result 140 to d,'l "trAr01i,79 4401/0aireCifilte 144e4cw l eh t in disciplinary action, then the decision may be grieved in accordance with Article 7, Grievance dri e'r of •fie, v Gv}Cle, rnv6Iva to iAe. acc tdeofi, 51466 vccomy 0d474r'01 It 44 •P'vcwikof `b 1-ti.e. Procedure,l i�4l6 C r go l t d W aS`-e. Tentative Agreement: City Date 7 ; Uniorc()., Date ' 111 i 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 Article 45 SENIORITY 45.1. Seniority, for the purposes of this article is defined as the original date of hire with the City as a bargaining unit employee of AFSCML Local 871, 45.2 Seniority shall be a factor in shift assignments, promotions, and in the assignment of days off within various divisions within Solid Waste. Tentative Agreement: City Date VY3 2014 CITY PROPOSAL —March 2015 Article 46 TERM OF AGREEMENT 46.1. After a majority vote of those bargaining unit employees voting on the question of ratification and thereafter upon its ratification by an official resolution of the City Commission ratifying the Agreement and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, then the Agreement, upon being signed by the appropriate Union representatives and the City Manager, shall become effective at 12:00 a.m,, October 1, 2014-204-0, or as otherwise provided in this Agreement, whichever date is later. The Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until 11:59 p,m., September 30, 20172-04.4. er krbe rt Apr-iZ 1. ; 01 ? 1 each -pa 4y may reopen -wages, pension—and-gro up4nsur-anee-far the 2011 2012 Fiscal Year, and en pr11-1.-5-20-12, each party may reopen wages; pensi uj-and group insurance for the 20-12 2013 Fiscal Year, and-en-April-1, 2013 each -party may reopen -wages -for •the-201-3-2041-F -seal-Y-e-ar. 46.2. On or. before April 1, 2017201.-4, the Union shall notify the City in writing of its intention to renegotiate the Agreement in force, and attached thereto shall include a list of proposals which shall inform the. City of the items which they desire to negotiate, 46.3. On or about May 1, 2.0172-04-4, the parties shall present each other with a list of proposals it desires to negotiate, together with the specific language describing its proposals. 46.4. Initial discussions shall thereafter, and no later than June 1, 20172014, be entered into by the City and the Union. Tentative Agreement: City Date Union 8 )1 " Date (;) AGREED to this 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 day of 20142012 and between the respective parties through an authorized representative or representatives, of the Union and by the City Manager. ATTEST: ATTEST: CITY CLERK. Tentative Agreement: City AFSCME, Local 871 ON THE PART OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI, FLORIDA City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS Date Unio v43 V Date ki / ) 5 Tentative Agreement: City Date If0 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March. 2015 CITY ATTORNEY Unio CLASS CODE NUMBER APPENDIX A CLASS TITLE 2014 CITY PROPOSAL— March 2015 SALARY RANGE NUMBER 3448 Sanitation Shop Maintenance Worker 21D 3017 Waste Collector/Garbage 19D 3020 Waste Collector/Trash 19D 3108 Waste Collector Operator I 20D 3109 Waste Collector Operator II 21D 3110 Waste Equipment Operator 22D Tentative Agreement: City ��c Date Union�, Date 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 APPENIMX B CLASS CODE NUMBER CLASS TITLE 7032 Chief Sanitation Inspector 3022 Sanitation Supervisor 7035 Sanitation Inspector 7031 Sanitation Inspector 11 3026 Waste Collection Superintendent 3025 Assistant Waste Collection Superintendent Tentative Agreement: City Date Date 1,31/ 2014 CITY PROPOSAL March 2015 INDEX ARTICLE PAGE AGREEMENT 1 APPENDIXA 87 APPENDIX B 88 ABSENTEEISM & TARDINESS 17 26 ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS/EMPLOYEE UNION TIME POOL 9 14 ACCIDENT REVIEW COMMITTEE 44 77 BLOOD DONORS 32 56 BULLETIN BOARDS 13 21 DEATH IN FAMILY 31 55 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 16 24 DUES CHECK OFF 6 6 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 39 71 FAMILY LEAVE AND LEAVE WITHOUT PAY 34 58 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7 8 GROUP INSURANCE 27 45 HOLIDAYS 28 50 INCARCERATED EMPLOYEES 35 60 JURY DUTY 33 57 LABOR/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 11 18 LAYOFF AND RECALL 19 29 LINE OF DUTY INJURIES 25 40 LOSS OF' EMPLOYMENT 18 28 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 4 4 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGS 43 76 NO DISCRIMINATION 14 22 NO STRIKE 5 5 NOTICES 8 13 OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL-BACK 21 32 PENSION 42 75 PREAMBLE PREVAILING BENEFITS 38 70 PROBATIONARY PERIOD 15 23 PROVISIONS IN CONFLICT WITH LAW 40 72 RECOGNITION 1 1 REPRESENTATION OF THE UNION 3 3 REPRESENTATION OF TEE CITY 2 2 RESERVED 29 52 SAFE DRIVING 12 19 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL 23 36 SICK LEAVE 30 53 SPECIAL MEETINGS 10 17 SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL - PERSONNEL SCREENING 37 63 SENIORITY 45 78 TERM OF AGREEMENT 46 79 Tentative Agreement: City Date (443 Union0 Date 1"-f 2014 CITY PROPOSAL — March 2015 TUITION REMIBURSEMENT 41 73 UNIFORMS, SHOES, EQUIPMENT 24 37 VACATION SCHEDULING/CARRYOVER 22 34 VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS 12 19 WAGES 20 30 WORK INCENTIVE PLAN 36 61 WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 26 43 Tentative Agreement: City Date 't(3 Union 'Date t, ir)