FILE ID: 15-00244
Date: 2/11/201,5 Requesting Department: CITP
Commission Meeting Date: 3/26/2015
Type: X Resolution Ordinance Emergency Ordinance Discussion Item
District Impacted: District 5
Law Department
Matter ID No.
Subject: Resolution seeking the City Manager to execute a Development Management Agreement with FCAA,
LLC, as Development Manager, for the procurement and construction of the completion of the County -owned
right-of-way improvements along NE 2" d Avenue, from NE 38th Street to NE 42" Street, Project No. B-78513
"NE 2" Avenue/Desigp District (the "Project"), within the Miami Design District.
Purpose of Item:
To authorize the City Manager to engage FCAA, LLC as Development Manager of CITP Project No. B-78513,
thereby allowing for the City to accept a $2,000,000.00 grant from the State of Florida, Department of
Economic Opportunity ("DEO"), to fund the cost of public infrastructure and right-of-way improvements
within the Miami Design District. This funding opportunity, which has already been set aside for the City of
Miami, will expire on June 30, 2015, This deadline does not allow for the time required to competitively bid
and award this Project. The City Manager will be required to waive the requirements for competitive seal
bidding for this Project on the premise that it is not practicable or advantageous to the City to decline a
$2,000,000.00 grant for public improvements.
Background Information:
In October 2014, CITP was noticed about a $2,000,000.00 public improvement DEO grant that could be made
available to the City. The funding program would allow for the City's required 50% match contribution of
$1,000,000.00 to be provided in either the form of a cash contribution or a capital project that benefits the area.
In January 2015, the DEO confirmed that Capital Improvement Project No. B-78508 was qualified to serve as
the City's required funding match. However, all work on both the Project and the City's matching capital
project needed to be substantially completed by June 30, 2015. Pursuant to an executed Development
Agreement approved by the City pursuant to Ordinance 13334, which was later amended pursuant to Ordinance
13415, FCAA, LLC ("FCAA") was added as a Developer Party for a development planned for the Miami
Design District. FCAA, LLC, which is developing its properties abutting the Project, has engaged the services
of a contractor that is already mobilized on site. FCAA has agreed to retain said contractor to perform the work
identified in the Project scope, and to cover the costs of any funding shortfalls to complete the desired
improvements and to meet with the DEO's June 30, 2015 program funding deadline. It is also noted that it is
FCAA, LLC that identified to the City this $2,000,000.00 funding opportunity and secured preliminary
approvals on behalf of the City. The funding impact is $3,000,000.00
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No,'
Special Revenue Account No,'
CIF Project No; B-78513
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
$B4O00,000 Final Approvals
CIP Budget
If using or receiving capital funds
Risk Mgement,
Purchasing Dept. Dire -ti r
__ ,� Chief ""� City Manages