HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit AOttoher.10,,2014 ROnfrow, :Director *Kan:1j Pade Via* and SewOr Dopartrnont 3071 S..W. 38th &Velma Miami, FL33146' The VillageMiami„ Ltd. 8S00 N.W. 25th Avenue Miami, EL 33 fill Citp o jinni EXHIBIT "A" DAIEL! f. LO$0 Ciy Manager :NOW(B)VESTERNTRA,CTS 'WM RESIIDISTITTALl TENAT1VEPLAT #1 7-08 - LOCATED BETWEEN NW 67 STREET AND NW` 69 STREET AND BETWEEN NW 7 .AVENUEAND 'N.W1i0. AVENUE Ladies and Gentlemen; The City of Miami Plat and Street Committee, at its meeting of .October 2, 2014 approved the• above tentative .plat 'subject to the follOwing revisions being tnado to the tentative :pla, additional information being .proVided and/or variances:being granted, Please be advised that the processing of your tentative plat c.annotproceed until theso conditions have heen satisfied; 1. Elsksting utflities in the right of way to be 'closed and vacated mast be relocated or easements must be Created. All encroachments across proposed lot lines must be removedprierto final plat submittal, Eadkup documentationWill he -required for all who eXeentete fina:1 plat A roointfoa for ,anthority .execute doctinientS and aiCettificate of Good Standing frorn'the Seeretary of State are reguirekif applicable. 4, •Tentative plat application trtust be made with the Miami — Dade Comfy .Public Works Department after receiving approval from the Gity of Miami Plat and Street•ComMittee 5 A eouditiOtt of the approval of this plat Is that the City of tatanit Resell:Won No, 97-967 dated :December 9, 1997, accepting the proposed plat of NORTIIWESTEM ESTATES, be rescinded prior Inthe OW Oat; 6 AV easeinentsby separate insftnent should be vaoated prior to ttOording the proposed plat. Easements notreleased will be considered "Platted" once the plat is recorded. All liens Tullst bo::-satMOd piior to rpoordihg ofthe final plat. S. A. letter from Comoaat is required to cletermineif apy adjustments to their facilities reasements .are ..requited. 9. An :Oon of Title, in tbe City of Miami Opinion of Title form Milk be prodded- at the time of the final'Ant Obtnittal, DWAEIMENTOF PUBlic WORNS 444 SW 20d ,Avdrtui 8 loor /1416m1) 11L33130 / .(305) 416 1200 Bat ,(05) 416.1278 •Mailing Address: P.O. Box 85078 PL, a3233,07:08 ORTHWESTERN TRACTS'i(FIFTH R.WLIIIM1TTAL) TENTATIVE PLAT #1708 -.-F4 October la, 2014 Page len 10. Be advised that An ;incoMplete final plat package will not .beaccepted by the City of Mianii. It is in the owner's respooSibility to Work With his surveyor and his attorney to Assure that, everything is in order before submitting the final plat. package. 11. Be advised that if all requirements 'for scheduling tho tinAi :plat for City CO011410011 action:sre not in order, the final plat will not be scheduled for a City:Commission meeting. 12. Show the existing underground Utilities in the right of way .and provide pipe size and inverts of existing storm:seWers. 13... In the development information, update the Zoning information, Explain the .MUSP development order. 14Provide:elevations afthe.frontof sidewalk. 1,$,, TM. 'aisting, torn water drainage $yStent crosses the :proposed Traot 1.1.110. The vstein must be modified or removed prior to final plat submittal, 16. Provide the previous correspondence concerning Ore — Resew Department :access -along NW 48 Street to the Fite,— Readue Departittent (see oontaet 17.: A letter from The Miami .Dade Water and Sewer Department is required to determine if any adjustments tip their facilities or easements :are required. 1.8, Correct the:Legal Description 19Sho'sV the proposed ingress/egress and turnaround easement. 20. Cermet the propotlyofter names and nddresseS, 21. Provide an updated survey, 2.2.. Clot* lithe 'existing ,.storm water drainage 'system is to remain between TractS`V and ""B", If the system is to remain, it must be disconnected from the 'public drainage tyStern, located in NW 10 Avenue, .InadditiOn tO the above requirements, you should be-aware•ofthe following: 8tate, and local laws require the. installation .of various ;physical improVeritents in the: public riglita-Of•Vay -When property is. pinned. These stibtlivision iMproventents :inell4e paving, drainage, landscaping, 'sidewalks, etc. In Seine- .oases this :Conk( -tepreserit M., substantial. hiVeStinPAt Ot.Y.PeriPleit REWIRED! The: aubiniaSiertof an etectiOnie opy of the tentative" 'plat, ip rn kaloOAD version, to the. City of .Miami :Public Works Department, Roadway Plans Section Will EXPEDITE the protigration and eithgnee, the AOCUMCY ofthe pubdivi?ion, improvement letter reqUired,for the'final plat approval. 2. The alteration,.:Telocation or. inatailation :Of.1 ntilidea stteli as 'storm and sanitary::sewers, telephone, water, OtcPaUSed by this plat Will be at the property owner's expense. Also., utility: en$einentslnay be required. on the property beingplatted. 3 A. building -permit v,.411 net be issned on the property being platted until the final plat is eporded or as authorized by the City of Miami Cede Section '5540(i). Also, the Certiteate Of OecupancyTor, any be only after all the required subdivision improvements haVe been eoltipleted.. 4, Approval for fire flow !requirements must be obtained from the rire.Reseue Department prior to thelasuance'etabuilding porn*. 5„ Inorderto mitigate prdblems.associated with access and .construction ActiVitios throughout the. neighborhood, the OiltreetettdeVOOPer is etleontaged: to notify the 'affected neighborhood residents,. in , writing, of the projeet starting and completion dates at the time of imnalleo ef omit& The .00ntraotorkieveloper Juay eoorditiate.the notifieation of residents -with the local City of Miatiii NET 8eivic0 Center., 4. Additional: items must be provided to the City of Miami. Department. of Public 'Works before tbe. final Oat is ibiutted to the .01y,Cointnission for .appreval.:Youwill be notified m 'writing gs to What -these items-nrenfter the:amounf ofthe bond. has been determined for the necessary stbdiVision iraprOVemonta. NoRTfrosTtW TRAers prninnemirrAt.)• TENTATIVEILAT$1708:-:E Octobo 10,4:14 'Page of 3 Tentative plat apprOVntis Only vaid for ono (1) year und$ix () months from the .date of the Plat and Street Committee mooting, at which time it was approved. If :you fiave.. any At.t.estiOns concerning these requirements, please referto.ifte attaehed sheet for the :appropriate perabn to. ontaet :Sincere . u EdySantarnaria, Director :ofPtiblie Works, re, E€ JOU nclosure: ContactSlieet C: Mark S. Johnson Schwebko Shiskin & Assoc, :3240 Corporate Way Miramar, FL 33025 jr.i.0 Xs-arra Greenberg- Traufig.PA. 33.32 AvOnno: Sult.4100 Miami, FL:33171. 1314:and:Street,CotititWO:MOOber$ PR, Deputy. ek.Manageticlidof of Infrastructure pirveys lieveloprnont and .RoadWayklalls. 'Contral.