HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitLetter of Agreement and Contract In this contract between the City of Miami Police Department ("Vendor") and the University of South Florida Board of Trustees for the University of South Florida's Center for Urban Transportation Research ("University"), the Vendor shall perform the services outlined in the scope of services (Exhibit A). Total not to exceed: $73,699.20 This contract is being entered into under the terms and conditions of the Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") project TWO #945-001, Contract #BDV25. All services must be completed by May 31, 2015 and a final invoice must be received by June 20, 2015. The Vendor shall forfeit payment of costs if final invoice is not received by close of business on June 20, 2015. Invoices must be mailed via the U.S. Post Office or shipped. Faxed and emailed invoices are not accepted. It is expressly understood that the Vendor is an independent contractor, and not an agent of the FDOT or the University of South Florida. The FDOT and the University's liability in negligence or indemnity for acts of its employees or officers will only be provided under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Neither the FDOT nor the University shall be responsible for attorney fees except as provided by statute. Subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the Vendor shall be required to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the University, the FDOT, NHTSA, FHWA, and USDOT, from all claims and liability, or both due to recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Vendor, consultant, or their employees. In accordance with the contract, Vendor is authorized to perform the tasks detailed in the attached Exhibits, and is fully responsible for satisfactory completion of all services. Vendor may not commence work prior to the issuance of a purchase order by the University of South Florida. The delivery of services will begin upon execution of the contract and will end on or before May 31, 2015. Allowable expenses are limited to officer overtime at the hourly overtime rate including fringe benefits established under Exhibit A Section V. Invoices must be submitted monthly, beginning within 30 days of execution of this contract. All invoices are required to include the inclusive dates (to/from) of service and the following certification statement "All costs are true and valid costs incurred in accordance with the agreement" and must be signed by an authorized Vendor representative. CANCELLATION: This contract may be unilaterally cancelled by FDOT or the University for refusal by the contractor to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material made or received by the contractor in conjunction with this contract, unless the records are exempt from section 24(1) of Article 1 of the state constitution and section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes. University of South Florida Project Director, University of South Florida Date Date Vendor's Authorized Agent Signature Date CI -2 5#7� EXIIIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN The City of Miami Police Department (Vendor) OBJECTIVE: The Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT"), through a Task Work Order with the University of South Florida ("University"), will utilize law enforcement support to educate and enforce safe pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver behaviors in high priority counties throughout the state. The main objective of this effort is to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities involving pedestrians and bicyclists through the use of selected traffic education and enforcement operations. II. PURPOSE: In 2012, traffic crashes in Florida resulted in 473 pedestrian fatalities, 7,413 pedestrian injuries, 116 bicyclist fatalities, and 6,058 bicyclist injuries. Based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Traffic Safety Facts, these rates nearly double the national average for pedestrians and nearly triple the national average for bicyclists. Pedestrian and Bicycle crashes are more likely to result in fatal or serious injuries than any other types of crashes. The number of hospitalizations and emergency room visits related to these crashes indicate that the magnitude of the problem may even be larger than identified by traffic crash reports. The financial impacts and suffering caused by these fatalities and injuries are significant. This campaign is a component of Florida's Bicycle/Pedestrian Focused Initiative Communication & High Visibility Enforcement Implementation under the direction of FDOT and the University. This program supports the goals established in Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Safety Plan. These enforcement activities are being implemented to remind and educate pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists of safe behaviors. III. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: A. High Visibility Enforcement of all road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. Conduct on -street education and enforcement operations including the distribution of educational materials, and the issuance of warnings and/or citations to pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists in accordance with Florida Statues. It is strongly recommended that operations follow an education, warning, citation progression. B. Vendor shall distribute the provided safety educational materials, such as printed materials and bicycle lights, during on -street High Visibility Enforcement operations. (All vendors choosing to participate in distribution of bicycle lights will be required to complete a separate Bicycle Light Distribution Assurance form.) C. Vendor is required to engage the media to announce enforcement operations and distribute the provided safety messages. Vendor is required to engage the media to announce enforcement operations and distribute the provided safety messages. Vendor shall be required to do at least two (2) press releases, one (1) within 30 days of beginning operations and one (1) aligned with the transition from warnings to citations. Additional media engagement is encouraged throughout the contract period. Proof of media engagement must be provided as a backup documentation component for invoicing during the period in which it is conducted. IV. FDOT RESPONSIBILITIES: FDOT will provide to Vendor copies of the required training materials, a copy of Florida's Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Safety Plan, educational materials for distribution, and approved safety messages.. V. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Funding is restricted to on -street overtime operations specific to pedestrian and bicycle safety in the identified high priority areas, conducted at the level of effort shown in this contract. All officers assigned to operations completed under this contract must first review and complete the following required training materials created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): "Pedestrian Safety Training for Law Enforcement." A self -paced, interactive CD-ROM. "Enhancing Bicycle Safety: Law Enforcement's Role". A self -paced, interactive CD-ROM. "Enforcing Law for Bicyclists." A 7-minute roll call video. Prior to commencing the services outlined under this contract, Vendor must submit a signed and dated list of personnel authorized to perform overtime operations under this agreement, including a certification of completion of the required training, and fully -loaded hourly overtime rate to be used for each officer. Only hours from officers listed and at the rates shown on the authorized personnel list are eligible for reimbursement under this agreement. The authorized personnel list may be updated to add officers and update billing rates, but no hours may be charged for any individual officer until after the updated personnel list has been signed and dated showing their contract billing rate and verifying training has been completed. (Note — all rates must match the payroll documentation submitted with each monthly invoice) Invoices shall be submitted following calendar months. Vendor is required to use the invoice form templates provided in Exhibit "D". These forms will provide documentation of the following information: • Invoice: summary of hours charged and total due • Personnel Timesheet: dates and hours for each individual officer • Operation reporting form: one page for each operation completed showing officers assigned, date, times, location, safety issue addressed and corresponding enforcement approaches used, contacts overview, and the numbers of warnings and citations issued to motorist, pedestrians, and bicyclists under each Statute. In addition, the vendor must submit payroll documentation to accompany each monthly invoice. This documentation should clearly indicate overtime rates that match the invoice, when each officer performed overtime activities (must match the personnel tunesheet), and must include either a pay stub or payroll ledger documenting payment to each officer for which you are requesting reimbursement. The funding that is provided to the Vendor is not to be used to supplant the Vendor's ongoing enforcement and educational efforts. Duplicated efforts will not be eligible for reimbursement. VI. BEGINNING AND LENGTH OF SERVICES: A. The performance period of this Agreement shall begin upon execution of the contract and shall end on May 31, 2015. B. This Agreement is non-renewable. VII. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibits, required forms and additional data may be attached to this agreement. VIII. TERMINATION ACTION: This contract may be unilaterally cancelled by USF or FDOT for refusal by the Vendor to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material made or received by the contractor in conjunction with this contract, unless the records are exempt from section 24(1) of Article 1 of the state constitution and section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes. EXHIBIT "B" METHOD OF COMPENSATION PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN The City of Miami Police Department (Vendor) I. PURPOSE: This Exhibit defines the limits and method of compensation to be made to the Vendor for the services set forth in Exhibit "A" and the method by which payments shall be made. H. COMPENSATION: For the satisfactory perfoiiiiance of services detailed in Exhibit "A" the Vendor shall be paid a Maximum Amount of $73,699.20. The University, based on need and availability of budget, may increase or decrease the Maximum Amount by Amendment. III. PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The Vendor shall submit an invoice and supporting documentation covering each calendar month to the University (required forms included in Exhibit "D"). Invoice packets should be scanned and submitted electronically, with the originals sent to the following address: University of South Florida Attn: Jeanette Rouse 4202 East Fowler Avenue, CUT 100 Tampa, Florida 33620 IV. DETAILS OF COSTS AND FEES: Payment shall be made at the hourly billing rates shown on the approved personnel list, for services provided, as approved by FDOT and the University. The contract hourly billing rates shall include the costs of hourly overtime plus associated fringe benefits. The effort is cost reimbursable, so all properly documented overtime enforcement hours completed within the contract term will be reimbursed, not to exceed the total budget. Please refer to Exhibit A, Section V for additional details. . V. TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY: This contract does not involve the purchase of Tangible Personal Property, as defined in Chapter 273, F .S. EXHIBIT "C" EFFORT SUMMARY - PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN The City of Miami Police Department SERVICE PROVIDED: Enhanced Traffic Enforcement Detail/High Visibility Enforcement Details to be completed 6 every week Hours per detail 4 Officers per detail 2 Total number of hot spots/corridors 10 Frequency each hot spot will be enforced 2 every week Total number of tunes each hot spot will be enforced At least 18 Total Project budget: $73,699.20 NOTE: Total budget calculated from 30 weeks total duration at the level of effort indicated above. Reasonable effort must be made to maintain the weekly level of effort for the full contract period. If the level of effort outlined above is not obtained during a given month due to unexpected circumstances (i.e. weather, staffing issues, illness, etc.), these should be documented in each invoice. All properly documented overtime enforcement hours completed within the contract term will be reimbursed, not to exceed the total budget. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I certify that I have read and agree to abide by the pricing and all terms and conditions of this Agreement and that I am authorized to sign for the City of Miami Police Department. Agency: FEID# Address: City: State: FL Zip: Authorized Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: EXHIBIT "D" INVOICE, TIMF'SHEET, AND DETAIL DOCUMENTATION FORMS Center for Urban Transportation Research University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Avenue, CUT100 Tampa, FL 33620 August XX, 2014 USF Center for Urban Transportation Research, We are pleased to partner with USF and FDOTto improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety in our jurisdiction under the High Visibility Enforcement Project, Contract #BDV25, PO #xxxxxx. The attached list of law enforcement officers establishes the billing rate to be used for invoicing and also verifies that each officer listed has completed the required training to perform overtime enforcement operations These individuals have successfully completed the three required training videos and copies of their certifications are attached. We understand that all invoices are to use only the billing rates shown for each individual on this form, and that these billing rates will match the payroll rates. We also understand that this form must be updated, signed, dated, and verified as received by USF prior to scheduling any operations with either newly -trained personnel or modified billing rates. If any other personnel changes occur during the contract period, we will notify you immediately. Should you have any questions regarding invoices or the content and execution of our pedestrian and bicyclist safety operations, our primary point of contact is: S=� INSERT NAME HERE INSERT PHONE/EMAIL HERE. Sincerely, TYPED NAME CHIEF OF POLICE OR SHERIFF Office of the Chief of Police Miami, Fla R, 4( OCf 2 0 2014 CEIVED Approved Personnel Fully -Loaded Hourly Rate Date of Completion of all 3 Training Videos Doe, John $50.00 7/7/2014 PERSONNEL SERVICES TIME SHEET Implementing Agency: PO Number For a period of: Certified Correct by: Sunny Town Police Department 205456 Invoice Number. to: 101 (Must match Invoice Submitted) • 9/112014 9/3012014 MUST HAVE SIGNATURE HERE Signature of komimslrator of Implementing Agency; by srgmng you certify feat Inc primers 8steo below meet Inc minimum requires for these hours to be counted as overtime. Instructions I. Detail Locationreeecis the roadways and inierseclions where the enforcement activities were performed. 2 Projeel Time reflects the number of hours directly feinted to duties associated at this project 3. START/END mhIE:reneds the slag and end time for which the °thew Is charging overtime to the projeei Please list in mOnary lime. 5. Total Daily Hoursreeeds project lime plus all other hourspedoimino dunes geld for by agency. This only needs to be reported on dots where the officer Is reporting ove2ms on this project. Day of Month Name: Officer Jane Peters Name: Officer John Smith Detail Location START TIME END TIME Project Time Total Daily Hours Detail Location START TIME END TIME Project Time Total Daily Hours D1 02 • 03 04 05 06 07 DB 09 10 1T 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Intersection of 22nd Street end 41h Avenue 1300 15DD 2.00 10.00 Intersection of 22nd Street and 4th Avenue 1300 1500 2.00 10.00 23 Intersection of 3rd Street end 91h Avenue - 0900 150D 6.00 6.00 Intersection of 3rd Street and 61h Avenue 09DD 1500 6.0D 6.00 24 3100 block of 10111 Avenue 1DD0 1400 4.1)0 12.00 3100 block of 10111 Avenue 1000 140D 4.DD 12.00 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL 12.0D 28.00 12.00 28.00 FLORIDA PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN Date Thursday,May 01, 2014 Agency Florida City Sheriffs Office Start Time 9:00 End time 13:00 Detail Location Intersection of Main Street and 4th Ave -OR- 4 Highway 123 from Palm Ave to Cedar Ln Officer Names i f41".. Joe Smith, Jane . John Smith, Judy mith Smith Safety Issues identified in Crash Data motorists not yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, pedestrians crossing against signal, bicyclists riding wrong way, etc. r !irf41 I.I.I..:. .i f'.. '..t Y .r.-1. . I ; f...-�.: >I.�I.4 i( Motorists W11-:jr..::,:.t{.. Nf l.; .. •. 1.,l�lr�9. 1'"n ., fYl 1.1�;...i�:i':J )Ff(�I Y19r. 1�4�',.M1..!;'.: Jrh'.Vr),:A ..: rr,'i {I.Y:: t,:.,ly.. Pedestrians I:.�r... 11, U. r.{'�.�4/ n A V.r,4 ... Bicyclists )4:,1 r•J.. ..:.�. .1 �i'..,I rlr.. Enforcement Approaches saturated patrol, sting, speed mo crosswalk decoy itoring, etc. saturated patrol, crosswalk monitoring, officers on bicycles, individual patrol, etc. saturated patrol, safety check points, light installations, officers on bicycles, etc. Total Contacts .l;r l.. I,Lrf:....- .I:r::r. x rrf .:,:.: Mode Cited .:V ,f.,.•.r,'.11. II l'.r .l....1 FL Statute 30 r,/.':r v:. : .v...]"I,. i'f 1. 1". ;ri,fl 20 .r.:i'r: -: .f. '141.� ri:l ....1 �1Y{r. •..l�: I..r. .. Il:lr # of Warnings 10 rr 1ilr.rl �. 1 r r..� # of Citations motorist 316.083 4 1 motorist 316.075(1)(c) 5 0 pedestrian 316.130 (11) 6 1 bicyclist 316.2065 (6) 2 0 motorist 316.183 2 6 etc. etc. etc. 7h( 1f.-.-L1: ri:...a:l r,.:lir:.♦ F::4':il,lf. Ilil .f -Il- n;',�.. n..... h:: fi. 1. .4.31.)i. "..II: h�.Y Pr.l.?leI .A\ weather, special event at school, witnessed other relevant observations, etc. I1'1tl.,. 1�L. 4-:.i,...l f.":r'.. !i9}. �.. ll Il. F4v l.. •.. fd .:Y.: is .I',r, 1.. rrt crash at location X, additional nY.':Y .IYI f "4r .; r 1. .'If•l"r! r"'�j ::... 1 :-.., rN'� I' r. �x'�; safety issue observed, any Notes: Sunny Town Police Department 123 Enforcement Street Sunny Town, FL 55555 Phone 555-555-5555 Fax 555-555-5556 TO: University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Ave., CUT 100 Tampa, FL 33602 ATTN: Kristin Larsson kristin a(r7cutr.usf.edu COMMENTS OR SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: !MVO — — - --- INVOICE #[101] DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2014 P.O. NUMBER 205456 QUANTITY . DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 12 Hours Davey Jones (including OT rate and all fringe benefits $43.17 $518.04 12 Hours i Sue Smith (including OT rate and all fringe benefits $52.41 $628.92 � I s I TOTAL DUE $1146.96 Make all clfecks payable to Sunny Town If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Yvette Smith Inclusive Dates of Service from 09/D112014to 09/30/2014 All costs are true and valid costs incurred in accordance with the agreement MUST HAVE SIGNATURE HERE Authdrized Agent Signature Florida Department of Transportation Bicycle Light Distribution ASSURANCE Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Bicycle Light Distribution Program. The Strategic Highway Safety Plan for the State of Florida identifies bicyclists as a vulnerable road user. Many bicycle crashes occur at night or during twilight hours and involve cyclists riding without a functioning bicycle light, The purpose of this distribution program is to provide lights to bicyclists who ride at night without a bike light, and who do not have access or the ability to purchase a light for themselves. This document serves as written assurance that to the best of your ability the bicycle light kits provided to you by the program will be distributed free of charge to traditionally underserved, transportation disadvantaged populations. Name Receiver Organization Telephone Signature Staff Signature Date Please include documentation and/or photos of your agency's bicycle light distribution with your monthly reimbursement requests. We appreciate your commitment to making your community safer one bicyclist at a time! Contact: Jeanette Rouse, High Visibility Enforcement Coordinator Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida Phone: 813-974-5389 Email: rouse5@cutr.usf.edu www.Al ertTo d ayFl orida. com Office of the Chief of Police Miami, Pia OCT 2 2.2C14 RICK SCOTT GOVERNOR Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 September 23, 2014 Dear Chief Manuel Orosa, ANANTH PRASAD, P.E. SECRETARY Thank you for joining the second phase of FDOT' s initiative to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety through high visibility enforcement. Your contract outlines your scope of work and payment details. This letter addresses the most common questions and issues identified in the first phase of the program. Below are a few reminders and additional details to help guide the planning, implementation, and reporting of your enforcement operations. Invoices, payroll documentation, and the required documentation forms included in your contract must be submitted for each calendar month. It is expected that your agency will conduct operations with the frequency, duration, and level of staffing matching the amounts reflected in your contract (any deviations from the plan in the contract due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather, illness, etc., must be documented in your monthly invoice). It is also required that the locations documented with your invoices match the proposed locations. Reimbursement is based on performance as specified in the contract. As you plan your operations, we want to reiterate that program funds may only be used for officer overtime hours spent conducting on -street enforcement operations that promote pedestrian and bicycle safety and making on -street contacts with the public to deliver the provided program safety messages. The funding is not to be used for any of the following: production or printing of materials, training or administration, school or community group outreach events, bike rodeos or other safety presentations, or any other enforcement efforts already funded from another source such as an FDOT safety grant. Please ask should you have any questions about allowable uses of the funding. Only hours from officers on the signed and dated authorized personnel list that have completed the training requirements will be eligible for reimbursement. The authorized personnel list will document and verify the contract billing rate for each officer. The authorized personnel list may be updated after the contract is completed to add newly trained officers or update billing rates. All updated personnel lists must be signed, dated, and approved prior to the completion of any program operations by new officers. This High Visibility Enforcement Program is managed through contracts, not grants, and is not a component of the Highway Safety Grant Program. Understanding the pedestrian and bicycle related traffic laws and practicing safe behaviors is the primary objective of this program. Completion of the attached training materials created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is required for all participating officers. www.dot.state.fl.us • "Pedestrian Safety Training for Law Enforcement." A self -paced, interactive CD-ROM. • "Enhancing Bicycle Safety: Law Enforcement's Role". A self -paced, interactive CD-ROM. • View the video "Enforcing Law for Bicyclists". CD included, and link to this 7-minute video can also be found here: http://www.nhtsa. gov/Driving+SafetyBicycles/Enhancing+Bicycle+Safety:+Law+Enforcement's +Role To support the education objective of this program, you are required to create and issue a press release announcing the initiation of targeted enforcement activities within 30 days of your first enforcement activity. At least one additional press release and/or media involvement event is required and all resulting articles or media clips should be documented and included with monthly invoices. Included with this letter is a list of safety tips and talking points that can be used when working with the media. The educational materials described below are to be distributed routinely throughout your enforcement operations. The sole intended use of these materials is that each pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorist that you speak with on the street should be given the safety tip card and laws synopsis cue card. • Safety Tip Card: safety tips for all roadway users with an emphasis on pedestrian and bicyclist behaviors, and the website link for more information. • Laws Synopsis "Cue Card": abbreviated text of the laws that address motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists, along with a website link for more information. If you agree to participate in the Bicycle Light Distribution Program, a limited supply of bike lights: white front and red rear lights will be provided to you upon receipt of the completed Bicycle Light Distribution Assurance (attached). Bicycle Lights are to be distributed free of charge to traditionally underserved, transportation disadvantaged populations and are to be secured on the Bicycle by the Officer at the time of distribution. Your program application identified the specific pedestrian and bicyclist safety concern locations and issues in your community. While your contract is to equally enforce the laws for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists, we encourage you to develop a tailored approach for each of your hot spot locations and the corresponding safety issues based on the data. We also encourage you to implement your enforcement in three stages for each location starting with education, progressing to warnings, and finally issuing citations. Distribution of the program's educational materials should accompany all contacts made with the public through all three phases. FDOT is committed to directing resources to the efforts that result in the greatest safety improvements. To that end, we have partnered with the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida to evaluate the overall impacts of your pedestrian and bicyclist safety enforcement operations. To support that effort, it is required that you fully complete the enforcement operation reporting form to be submitted with your monthly invoices. A separate reporting form should be completed for each operation at each location. For example, do not show the citations data for multiple locations on one form even if completed during a single shift. A completed example of the documentation form is included with this letter and the required infoiuiation includes the following: • Basic details: date, start time, end time, number of officers, officer names, agency, location, and the specific safety issue identified in your application for the enforced location • Identify the specific enforcement approaches used to target each of the modes during that specific operation • Identify the total number of contacts made with each mode during that operation in that location. For example, this should equal the number of tip cards that are distributed to each mode, including each person that received a verbal interaction, a written warning, or a citation. a Note each Florida Statute section cited including the number of warnings/citations given and the mode that was cited under each Statute • Note any unique observations including the weather, a special event, crash observed, etc. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns as you get started or. as you complete the operations. We are glad to discuss your chosen approaches or any other ideas you may have that would help you accomplish the program's goals. Your primary point of contact for all contracting, invoicing, and reporting questions is Jeanette Rouse: Jeanette Rouse, High Visibility Enforcement Coordinator Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida Phone: 813-974-5389 Email: rouse5@cutr.usfedu Thank you, Jant-t-P \t-e,ae-) Trenda McPherson Enclosures: Draft contract Approved personnel form template Completed samples of monthly invoice, officer time and operation reporting forms Safety tips/talking points for developing press releases Sample tip card and laws cue card Bicycle Light Distribution Assurance Training Materials SAFETY TIPS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND LOCAL _MEDIA PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE STATUES, PLUS NEED TO KNOW SAFETY PRACTICES FOR WALKERS AND BICYCLISTS TRAVELING THE ROADWAYS OF FLORIDA Safety Tips for Pedestrians and Bicyclists Infoimation based on the following Florida State Statutes F.S.S. 316.130 Pedestrians; traffic regulations. (1 through 18) F.S.S. 316.2065 Bicycle regulations. (1 through 19) — Pedestrians should always walk on the sidewalk and if no sidewalk, walk facing traffic. — Pedestrians and bicyclists should not wear headphones or talk on their cell phones. — Pedestrians and bicyclists should cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections when possible and obey traffic signals such as WALK/DON'T WALK signs. Pedestrians should make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street and watch out for cars turning or backing from driveways or streets. — Pedestrians and bicyclists traveling at night should cross the street in a well -lit area and/or in designated crosswalks. — Pedestrians and bicyclists should wear bright/light and/or reflective clothing, making themselves visible to drivers. — Walking or biking while impaired increases your chances of being struck. STAY SOBER. — Bicyclists should have their bicycle equipped with a white light on the front visible from a distance of 500 feet and a red light visible from a distance of 600 feet, between sunset and sunrise during operation. —. Pedestrians should carry a flashlight when walking at night. — Bicyclists should wear a bicycle helmet for safety. Florida law only requires bicycle riders and passengers under the age of 16 you to wear a bicycle safety helmet during operation of the bicycle. — Bicyclists operating on the roadway are subject to obeying all traffic control devices to include stop signs and lighted traffic signals. — Pedestrians crossing the roadway at any other point other than a cross -walked intersection should yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles and.cross at a right angle or shortest possible route to the opposite curb. — Drivers should always be cognizant of pedestrians and bicyclists utilizing sidewalks, crosswalks and roadways. Drivers should exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian or bicyclists, as they share rights on the roadway. — Bicyclists operating upon a sidewalk or crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian. — All bicycles operated upon the roadway or sidewalk shall be equipped with brakes enabling the bicycle to stop within 25 feet from a speed of 10 MPH. — Any person operating a bicycle is required to keep at least one hand on the handlebars while in operation. — Parking lots and on -street parking spaces are common places for pedestrian crashes, be cognizant of backup lights on vehicles and engine noise. Also, do not walk directly behind vehicles but several feet away from rear or front of vehicle to allow the driver to see you. — Older adults should be cognizant of the crossing timer at lighted intersections and ensure not to start crossing late in the countdown. — Older adults tend to have too much trust in the road safety system and need to re- educate themselves on pedestrian and bicycle safety. Unsafe driver behavior associated with pedestrian and bicycle violations, crashes and fatalities: — Speeding (5 MPH can make the difference between types of injuries) — Failure to stop for red lights or stop signs — Failure to yield to pedestrians and bicyclists — Distracted driving — Blocking crosswalks — Turning on permitted light (green signal) but not looking for pedestrian properly crossing in crosswalk -Right and Left turn crashes with pedestrian.