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PZAB 10-01-14 Supporting Documentation
PZAB.1 PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD FACT SHEET File ID: Title: Location: Applicants): Purpose: Finding(s): Planning & Zoning: Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board: 14-00912xc Quasi -Judicial A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AN EXCEPTION, REQUIRING CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, AS LISTED IN ARTICLE 6, TABLE 13, THE MIAMI 21 ZONING CODE, TO ALLOW A REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 700 N MIAMI AVENUE AND 700 NORTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Approximately 700 N Miami Avenue and 700 NW lst Avenue [Commissioner Marc David Sarnoff - District 2] Tony Recio, Esquire, on behalf of P & G Investors, LLC, as Contract Purchaser, and Old Arena, LLC, as Property Owner 2525 Ponce de Leon Boulevard #700 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 854-0800 This will allow a regional activity complex. Recommended approval with conditions. October 1, 2014 City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Land Development Section ANALYSIS FOR EXCEPTION FILE ID: 14-00912x APPLICANT: Tony Recio, Esq. on behalf of P&G Investors, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: Approx. 700 Northwest 1st Avenue FOLIO NUMBER: 0131370250011 COMMISSION DISTRICT: District 2 NET OFFICE: Downtown GENERAL INFORMATION: Request: Pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, an Exception with City Commission approval is required to allow a Regional Activity Complex with exemptions from the following referential guidelines (Transect Regulations): • First Layer Setbacks on the Secondary Frontages of NW 1 Avenue and NW 8 Street; • Maximum lot coverage above the eighth floor; • Maximum square footage of the Building Floorplate above the eighth floor; • Minimum setbacks above the eighth floor; • Maximum permitted building length above the eighth floor; and • Required number and size of Loading berths. This EXCEPTION permit application also encompasses the following special permits: • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 4 Table 4, to allow a 30% reduction in the required number of Parking spaces within 1/2 mile radius of a TOD or within 1/4 mile radius of a Transit Corridor; • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.6.4(e), to allow parking to extend into the Se- cond Layer beyond 50% of the Frontage if an art or glass treatment is used, subject to UDRB review. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Miami World Expo Center is being considered as a Regional Activity Complex ("RAC") featuring a contemporary First Class exhibition space fully integrated with a 1.800 room hotel and an international convention center. A legal description for the Property is attached as Exhibit "A" This project is located at approximately 700 N. Miami Avenue, formally known as the Miami Arena site. As proposed, the Miami World Expo Center will be comprised of a mixed -use development of approximately 2,234,771 square feet of gross floor area a height of 54 Stories, including approximately 350,000 square feet of usable exhibition space, approximately 1,800 hotel rooms, and approximately 1,250 parking spaces (as described in zoning analysis table located on sheet 100). The main exhibition space will feature approximately 50-foot ceilings and relatively few support columns providing a clear, column -free span of over 150 feet in width. Such height and unobstructed space will offer national and international conventions flexibility in the design of events and exhibitions. ANALYSIS The Miami World Expo Center is located within the boundaries of the Southeast ©vertown Park West Development Regional Impact (SEOPW DRI) area requiring a DRI fee payment prior to the issuance of any building permit. The amount will be calculated based on the final approved program for the project. The project was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Department and additional pertinent comments are attached hereto for reference. The applicant has been working with and continues to work with the Planning and Zoning staff to become more responsive to comments provided by the Plans Review Committee and other Government agencies. The proposed Miami World Expo Center was reviewed by the Urban Design Review Board (UDRB) on September 17, 2014, which recommended approval with conditions. 14-00912x Page 2 of 4 The project as presented is anticipated to cost approximately $600 million, creating 5,500 full time construction jobs over a 36-month construction period. Once finalized, the project is anticipated to create approximately 5,400 permanent jobs. Findings regarding exemptions requested: The City Commission has identified the Expo Center use as an important project for the OvertownfParkwest area and the City in general, in terms of employment and development. The Downtown Development Authority and other studies have identified the City's need for convention and exhibition space in Downtown Miami between 100,000 square feet and 350,000 square feet, preferably integrated with a convention hotel. The subject property, former site of the Miami Arena, is one of the largest properties in the downtown area that is already configured for major civic use and easily accessible by pedestrian, mass transit, and vehicles due to its wide sidewalks, proximity to a major rail transportation corridor, and proximity to major highways. - The site is ideal for this type of large scale use because it does not require altering the city grid or network of roads. - In order to accommodate the functional requirements of the exhibition space, which requires extensive back -of -house support, the building must occupy as large footprint as possible on the site. Exemptions allowing increased lot coverage, reduced setbacks on secondary frontages, and reduced open space (at ground level) will allow for the inclusion of the ground level exhibition hall together with the necessary supporting back -of -house facilities. The project continues to be enhanced to provide interaction between the site and the pedestrian realm on all frontages as the applicant refines the design to accommodate comments from the different Government agencies having jurisdiction. Functionality of convention spaces requires the majority of the space to be continuous and uninterrupted, with large clear heights and volumes to accommodate a broad variety of exhibitions, especially at the ground floor level. The functional relationships between the exhibit has and the hotel tower requires its placement within a specific area in order to maintain the large interior exhibition spaces uninterrupted by structural support elements. 1A-00912x Page 3 of 4 Exemptions for the tower floor plate, setbacks above the eight floor and maximum permitted tower length allow for appropriate utilization of that portion of the podium available for the tower. The proposed design minimizes the impact of these exemptions by designing the tower in a curvilinear form and breaking up the facade into a number of tower segments. The main exhibition half has been designed to accept loading and unloading of semi- trailer trucks directly within the space which will facilitate event set-up and take -down. This reduces the need for separate loading berths required to serve it. The direct loading solution together with the increased footprint is set up to incorporate any impact of loading operations completely within the building. The applicant continues to work extensively with staff to minimize the extent of any potential adverse effects, and will continue to work with staff in the refinement of the project, as it further develops. - T6-66a-0 is one of the City's most intense transect districts and is the appropriate place for high intensity developments such as this Regional Activity Complex. Based on the aforementioned comments and analysis, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends the project for APPROVAL with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall continue to work with the City of Miami Planning and Zoning staff to bring the project more into compliance with regulations of Article 6, Table 13--Supplemental Regulation and Recommendations. 2. Obtain sufficiency letter from the Office of Transportation of the City of Miami. 3. Comply with the conditions/comments of the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County and other agencies with jurisdiction on the proposed project. Antoxio E. Perez Chief of Land Development 14-00912x Page 4of4 DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA Department of Planning and Zoning PROJECT NAME: Miami World Expo Center APPLICANT: Old Arena LLC PHONE: COMMISION DISTRICT: 2 EMAIL: FOLIO(S): 01-3137-025-0011 SITE ADDRESS: 700 North Miami Avenue ZONED: T6-60A-0 REQUEST: Exception, pursuant to Article 6, Table 13: The applicant is requesting to build a 54 story (646' tall) hotel and convention center with 1,800 hotel units with a combined 2,343,771 sq. ft. PLANS DATED: September, 17, 2014 1 BUILDING DISP❑SITiON YES NO N/A 1.1 Does the project respond to the physical context, taking into consideration natural features, existing urban form and Transect Zone Intentions? X 1.2 If located on a Corner Lot, do project's facades acknowledge all frontages? X 1.3 For modifications of non -conforming structures: Does it address specific regulations on Article 7, Section 7.2? X 1.4 Does it create transition in Height and Mass with abutting properties and transect zones? X COMMENTS: • Sheet 100 (Zoning Analysis) Indicate Square Footage for all proposed uses 609. A maximum of 30,000 sq ft per floor plate is permitted, no waiver allowed for increase. Addressed • Comment to remain: Sheet 403 - The southwest corner of the site indicates a 129'+ high by 20'+ wide blank wall. Incorporate architectural or public art elements that will enhance the facade. Said elements can serve as a focal point as you drive north along NW 1 Avenue. All facades shall acknowledge each lot frontage. Provide details of louver pursuant to 5.6.5 (d). • Requires. I Irban Development Rev ew and 1 .ernes Scale review UDRB Approved with conditions on 9/17/14 2 BUILDING CONFIGURATION YES ' NO N/A 2.1 Are the building facades articulated vertically and horizontally in intervals appropriate to the existing neighborhood and Transect Zones? X 2.2 Are the building facades articulated at street level to recognize pedestrian continuity and interest and at upper levels to recognize long views of buildings? X 2.3 Are Architectural styles and details, colors and materials used in the project derivative from the surrounding area? )[ 2.4 Does fa;ade design respond primarily to human scale? x 2.5 Does the project promote pedestrian interaction? X MiamiWorld Expo Center I September 23, 2014 2,6 Are all walls design as active facades? When not possible, are they embellished with architectural treatments? _ X 2.7 Does the project provide usable open space allowing visible pedestrian access from the public sidewalk? X 2,8 Are service elements (trash dumpsters, utility meters, loading docks, backflaw preventers, Siamese connections and electrical, plumbing, mechanical and communication equipment) located away from view of the street and adjacent properties? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: The applicant should consider incorporating different materials, architectural and or artistic elements to help break the massive walls below the podium proposed structure. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 401 (North Elevation) Provide details of the proposed architectural screening for the area of the garage. The northwestern portion of the fagade (garage) shall be enhanced architecturally. Applicant should explore other alternative treatments that will enhance the pedestrian environment, Lobby area in the forecourt should incorporate more glass treatment to further activate the street. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 402 (East Elevation) the current location of NE 7 Street terminates into a blank wall on the eastern elevation consider enhancing the fagade architecturally for future pedestrian interaction. The proposed paseo per Appendix D, page 62 terminates into a blank wall; see Sheet-101 of plans. This pedestrian T-Intersection should serve as a terminating vista; the current design for this facade should be extensively articulated by incorporating architectural or public art elements which would serve as a focal point looking west along the paseo. Incorporate existing adjacent structures into the elevation. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 403 (South Elevation) from the podium down the fagade lacks design. Applicant should incorporate architectural elements to break up the massive wall. Provide blow ups of the podium facades • Comment to remain: Provide a open space diagram in accordance with Appendix D - Further clarification required- • Applicant shall provide street perspectiveslrenderings of the project from a1t intersections (North, South, East & West). Addressed • d architecturally. Addressed • P-rovide a street perspective heading —nest al^rig 144 1-'— e—a t g- f-acade-Of the building. Addressed • Sheet L103 Place soot diagrams in oontext-o€-tt e-site Addressed • Comment to remain: Partner with Florida East Coast Railroad (FEC) to incorporate landscaping along the rail line as per the FEC corridor. • Comment to remain: Pedestrian bridge over the FEC easement (agreement / permission). Bridge not depicted in elevations and landscape plan. See Sheet 108, 404, L102, 101, etc.. • Comment to remain: Incorporate display windows at street level along NW 1 Avenue. Addressed in elevation and rendering, however not reflected in inconsistent with floor plan. MiamiWorld Expo Center 1 September 23, 2014 • Comment to remain: Sheets - 201 / 202 Trellis and eyebrows over the public right —of-way require Public Works approval • Comment to remain: Submitted survey w/ BBL is not consistent with plans, specific to 7th Street as it terminates on the eastern side of the property line. Provide current Survey • Comment to remain: Indicate 7th Street ROW Provide in a current Survey 3 BUILDING FUNCTION &DENSITY YES NO N/A 3.1 Does the project respond to the Neighborhood context and Transect Zone? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: The applicant shall consider incorporating different materials, architectural and or artistic elements to help break down the massing (Facades) See comments in section 2. (Building Configuration) 4 PARKING STANDARDS YES NO N/A 4.1 Does the project minimize the impact of automobiles parking on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties, specifically in the T3 Zone? X 4.2 Are conflict points (number & width of driveways and curb cuts) minimized for pedestrian and vehicular safety? X 4.3 Does the project minimize off-street parking adjacent to a thoroughfare front? if possible, is parking located behind the building(s)? X 4.4 Are landscaping or surface parking areas buffers proposed between dissimilar uses? X 4.5 Are parking garage structures screened with habitable space? If not possible, are architectural treatments and/or landscaping proposed to screen the garage structure? X COMMENTS: • A 3' sidewalk is not permitted identify sidewalk realm with a minimum 5' wide. Addressed • Comment to remain: Sheet — 201 provide dimensions for loading zone entrance width. See Article 5 Section 5.6.4 (f) entitled "Parking Standards". Loading entrance appears to be too big, provide dimensions. • Sheet 202 Identify cutout along NW e St. (Drop Off and/or On Street Parking). Addressed • Comment to remain: Consider adding on -street parking along NW 1st Ave. • art / water element at forecourt I street tevet to nreate tranr•itien from pul lin into private realm Addressed u M, �y y�,..,�,t.. a Lr�rr . • See comments in section 2 note re: "forecourt" Addressed • Provide a traffic study. Contact Collin Worth, Transportation Department, at 305.416.1022 with any quest enc. Addressed MiamiWorld Expo Center I September 23, 2014 5 LANDSCAPE STANDARDS YES NO N/A 5.1 Does the project preserve existing vegetation and/or geological features? X 5.2 Does the project reinforce Transect Zone intention by integrating landscape and hardscape elements? X 5.3 Is the landscaping used to enhance building design and continuity of streetscapes? X 5.4 Are the landscaping materials (planters, plantings, trellises, pavers, screen walls, and similar features) used to fulfill objective Article 8 Section 8.3 entitled "public Frontages" X 5.5 Is landscaping used to screen undesirable elements and enhance open space and architecture? X COMMENTS: • Provide a tree mitigation and Disposition plan. Addressed • Comment to remain: Landscape plan shall be in accordance with Article 9 of the Miami21 Code • Comment to remain: Clarify Open Space • Comment to remain: Incorporate landscaping into forecourt street area and FEC R.O.W. • See comments in section 2. 6 I SIGN STANDARDS YES NO N/A 6.1 Is the signage provided appropriate to scale and character of the project and the immediate neighborhood / area? 7{ 6.2 Has an aesthetic and functional signage identifying building address been provided? 1 1 if COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: Note on plans /rendering, "signage" under a separate permit. • Comment to remain: signage subject to Warrant process pursuant to Article 10 7 AMBIENT STANDARDS YES NO N/A 7.1 Is the proposed lighting appropriate to the building and landscape design and in concordance with signage and street lighting? x 7.2 is outdoor lighting oriented to minimize glare to the public realm and adjacent properties? X 7.3 Are residential areas protected from excessive noises, fumes, orders, commercial vehicle intrusion, traffic conflicts and the spillover effects of Tight? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: Lighting Information not provided. MiamiWorld Expo Center I September 23, 2014 Additional comments will be provided upon review of a detailed re -submittal. The City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on additional information provided. MiarniWorld Expo Center I September 23, 2014 CIT Y OF MIAMI PLANNING & ZONING DATMNTE URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (UDRB) RESOLUTION FOR RECOMMENDATION UDRB MEETING- 0 9/ 1 7/ 2 0 14 Item No, 4 A motion was made by ANTHONY TZAMTZIS and seconded by NEIL HALL for a Resolution recommending to the Director of the Department of Planning & Zoning APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS for the project MIAMI EXPO CENTER located at 700 N Miami Avenue with a vote of 3 to 0 Vote List: Yes No Recused Absent Robert Behar (Chairman) • ■ ❑ X Dean Lewis (Vice Chair) ■ 1 0 X Willy Bermello 0 ❑ 0 x Robin Bosco x ❑ ■ ■ Neil Hall X 0 ■ ■ Gerald C. Marston 0 0 x ■ Fidel Perez 0 0 ❑ R Jesus Permuy ❑ 0 ❑ x Anthony Tzaintzis x 0 0 Note: Gerald Marston recused because of conflict of interest with the project CONDITIONS 1. Work with City staff to continue evolving landscape and hardscape design so that they meet the scale and regional importance of the project. 2. Applicant shall coordinate landscape and hardscape proposal with Miami World Center and City staff regarding the design, urban furniture, hardscape materials, etc. Both projects shall be integrated. 3. Consider relocation of the pool at the amenity deck. Proposed location on the center of the deck affects public use possibilities of this space. Attest: ck ,Francisco Gar la, Planning & o1 ing Director Perla Gonzalez, UDRB Liaison I 0 150 300 M IAM 121 MAP 600 Feet I Address: 700 N MIAMF AV AND 700 NW 1 AV 0 150 300 1 1 1 1 1 600 Feet i? �a Y i� s tact *r 11_ r Address: 700 N MIAMI AV AND 700 NW 1 AV MITCHELL BIERMAH, P.A NINA L. BONISKE, P.A. MITCHELL J. BURNSTEIN, PA JAMIE ALAN COLE, PA, STEPHEN J. HELFMAN, P.A. GILBERTO PASTORIZA, RA MICHAEL S. POPOi<, P.A. JOSEPH H. SCROTA. P.A. SUSAN L. TREVARTHEN, P.A. RICHARD JAY WEISS, P.A. DAVID M. WOLPtN, P.A. DANIEL L. ABBOTT LILLIAN M. ARANGO IGNACIO G. DEL VALLE JEFFREY D.DECARLO ALAN N. FERTEL CHAD S. FRIEDMAN ALAN L. GABRIEL DOUGLAS R. GONZALES EDWARD G. GUEPES JOSEPH HERNANDEZ ROGER 5. KOBERT JOSHUA D. I(RUT MATTHEW H. MANDEL MATTHEW PEARL JOHN J. QUICK ANTHONY L. RECIO BRETT J. SCHN€IDER CLIFFORD A. SCHULMAN ALISON F. SMITH MARC SOLOMON LAURA K. WENDELL JAMES E. WHITE WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTORIZA COLE & BoNIsK: ,,P..L. ATTORNEYS AT L + If �AINP�II�C �1�I., El�, VIA HAND DELIVERY APFESSIONAL UNITED LIABILITYNY INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL ASSOCZN EP 25 PH 1: 05 MIAMI-DADE OFFICE 2525 PONCE OE LEON BOULEVARD SUITE 700 CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 3,3t34 TELEPHONE 305-B54-0800 FACSIMILE 305-854-2323 WWW.WSH-LAW.COM BROWARD OFFICE 200 EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD • SUITE 190❑ FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 3330 TELEPHONE 954-763.4242 • FACSIMILE 954-764-7770 Francisco Garcia Planning Director City of Miami 444 S.W. 2" Avenue, 4th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 OF COUNSEL September 12, 2014 SONJA C. DARBY DANIEL A. ESPINO ERLC P. HOC1(MAN SCOTT M. HYMAN KELLY RAINS JESSON KAREN LIEBERMAN' JUSTIN D. LUGER JOHANNA M.LUNDGREN MIA R. MARTIN ALEIDA MARTINEZ MOLINA' KATHRYN M.MEHAFFEY ROBERT A. MEYERS' GRACE M. MURILLO MARC C. PUGLIESE' GAIL D. SEROTA' ANTHONY C. SOROKA EDUARDO M. SOTO' PABLO A. TAMAYO JOANNA G. THOMSON PETER O. WALDMAN' ALICIA H. WELCH SAMUEL I. ZESKIND Re: Amended Letter of Intent In Support of Application for an Exception with Incorporated Waivers in Connection to the Miami Expo Center Proposed for the Former Site of Miami Arena (700 N. Miami Avenue 1700 NW 1 Avenue) Dear Mr. Garcia: Our firm represents P&G Investors, LLC (the "Applicant") in connection with its proposal to construct the Miami World Expo Center (the "Miami Expo Center") at 700 N. Miami Avenue (700 NW 151 Avenue), the former site of the Miami Arena (the "Property"). A legal description for the Property is attached as Exhibit "A". THE PROJECT The City Commission has identified the Miami Expo Center as one of the most important projects in the City's history with good reason. The Miami Expo Center will be the first of its kind in Miami: A Regional Activity Complex ("RAC") providing modem, world class exhibition space and a tie-in hotel to compete with convention hotels in rival U.S. cities. As presently designed, the Miami Expo Center will include 2.2 million square feet of gross floor area, more than 350,000 square feet of usable exhibition space plus 1,800 hotel rooms, and parking for 1,250 cars. The Miami Expo Center's exhibition halls will offer maximum flexibility to accommodate every kind of event or activity conceivable. The main exhibition space will feature approximately 50-foot ceilings and relatively few support columns. Those columns will provide 1 of6 Mr. Francisco Garcia September 12, 2014 a clear, column -free span over 100 feet in width, Such height and unobstructed space will offer the organizers of national and international conventions free rein in designing their events. Although it will serve an important civic function, the Miami Expo Center will be privately financed. The Miami Expo Center promises to transform Southeast Overtown{Parkwest and generate new economic activity throughout South Florida. Indeed, multiple market studies have documented the pent-up demand for up to 400,000 square feet of convention space in Downtown Miami. Demand is particularly high for a modern convention space in the wake of the closing of the Coconut Grove Convention Center, and the continued aging of the James L. Knight and Miami Beach Convention Centers. Construction of the Miami Expo Center is anticipated to cost more than $600 million, will create over 5,500 construction jobs over a 36-month construction period, and will generate millions in planning and zoning, permitting and impact fees. Once completed, the project is anticipated to create 5,400 permanent jobs, $189 million in hotel taxes over its first 30 years in operation, and an indirect impact to the local economy of 10,000 jobs and $1 billion over the next 30 years, further spurring economic growth in the City. REQUESTED APPROVALS On September 11, 2014, the City Commission unanimously approved on first reading an ordinance amending Miami 21's design regulations for RACs (the "RAC Ordinance") and the Commission is scheduled to consider the ordinance for second reading On September 29. The RAC Ordinance would clarify that RACs may be exempted from certain of Miami 21's regulations upon the satisfaction of certain minimum criteria. Those exemptions will provide necessary flexibility to accommodate the size and scale required to accommodate RACs such as the Miami Expo Center. A copy of the RAC Ordinance is attached as Exhibit "B". This application seeks approval of an Exception pursuant to the RAC Ordinance plus related Waivers. Specifically, the Applicant requests the following: A. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance from the 1 0-foot setback required along the Property's Secondary Frontages along NW 1 Avenue and NW 7 Street to eliminate first layer requirements on those frontages; B. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance to permit the lot coverage of the Miami Expo Center's podium to exceed 80%; C. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance from the requirement that floorplates above the podium be no larger than 18,000 square feet for lodging uses; D. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance from the required setbacks above the 8th Floor; E. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance from the maximum permitted building length above the 8th Floor; F. Exemption under the RAC Ordinance from the required number and size of loading spaces; and G. Waiver pursuant to Miami 21 Section 5.6.4(e) to permit parking within the Second Layer along the Property's Secondary Frontage (NW 1 Avenue and NW 8th Street); 2 of 6 WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTORIZA COLE & BoNISxE, P ... Mr. Francisco Garcia September 12, 2014 H. Waiver pursuant to Miami 21 Article 4, Table 4 to reduce the required number of parking spaces by 30% based on the development's proximity to a Transit Corridor. The above requests satisfy all of the RAC Ordinance's criteria as follows: 1. Exemptions shall be justified by functional requirements connected to the uses proposed. The requested exemptions and Waivers are all justified by the functional requirements of operating the Property as a modern convention space. The organizers of modern conventions and similar events require exhibit halls with massive and unobstructed volumes. At the same time, they also demand immediately accessible hotel space. Thus, conventions centers in major convention towns like Chicago, Orlando, and Las Vegas each provide more than 1 million square feet of exhibit space.' Smaller convention destinations like Miami Beach, Palm Beach County, and Tampa offer convention centers exhibit spaces between 200,000 and 500,000 square feet in area. Established convention cities also offer immediately accessible hotel space. Thus, in order to function as a viable convention center —one that can compete with centers in other convention destinations —the Miami Expo Center must provide as much exhibit space as the Property allows and must offer immediately accessible hotel space. To provide an exhibit space of sufficient size, the Applicant has selected one of the largest undeveloped parcels near Miami's urban core and is proposing a unique building design ---a curved building core that allows expansive exhibition halls. This design will provide 350,000 square feet of exhibit and meeting space while creating the fewest number of obstructions (e.g., columns) possible. As an illustrative example only, and not in any way intended to suggest this would ever occur, the below exhibit demonstrates the size and volume of the main exhibition space which is large enough to house a Boeing 747. Chicago's McCormick Center's exhibit hall is approximately 2.6 million square feet in area. Orlando's Orange County Convention Center offers 2.1 million square feet of exhibit space. Las Vegas offers multiple convention centers including the Las Vegas Convention Center which offers more than 1 million square Feet of exhibit space. 3 of6 WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTORIZA COLE & BONISKE, P.L. Mr. Francisco Garcia September 12, 2014 To provide immediately accessible hotel space, the Applicant's design for the Miami Expo Center incorporates an 1,800-room hotel. While South Florida is known for its world class hotels, there are very few hotels in the Property's immediate vicinity. Additionally, Miami is perhaps as well known for its high hotel occupancy rates as for the quality of its hotels. Requests A, B, and G—to allow reduced setbacks at the ground level, an increased lot coverage, and to allow parking in the Second Layer —all arise from the minimum floor area needs for a modern convention space. Although the Miami Expo Center's curved design will allow for a large exhibit space, the design also leaves little room for the essential service areas, mechanical rooms, and the required parking garage —all of which must be provided as near to the actual exhibition space as possible. Granting requests A, B, and G, will allow the Miami Expo Center just enough leeway to accommodate these facilities and to function as a modern convention center. Requests C, D, and E—which relate to the building design above the 8th Floor —all arise from the need to provide immediately accessible hotel space. Because the exhibit hall, parking garage, and essential service areas must occupy the whole of the Miami Expo Center's podium, the only way to provide the onsite hotel space with modem amenities that convention organizers demand is to place hotel facilities above the podium. However, because the exhibit hall had to be designed with the fewest number of columns possible, the hotel tower cannot be located directly over the exhibition hall. Instead, the hotel tower must be limited to one portion of the podium, meaning it cannot be broken up into multiple towers without severely compromising efficiency and design. Request C, D, and E will allow the hotel tower to be so positioned. The need for request F—for an exemption from the required number and size of loading spaces —arises from the nature of loading operations for an exhibit hall of the Miami Expo Center's size. The Miami Expo Center's design currently provides sufficient loading space for the proposed hotel uses —in fact, it provides spaces larger than Miami 21 requires. With respect to the proposed convention use, the design offers some traditional loading spaces but fewer than would be required under a literal interpretation of Miami 21. This is because, in keeping with industry standards, the exhibit hall itself has been designed to serve as a loading space —delivery crews will be able to drive semi -trailer trucks directly into the exhibit hall for loading and unloading. Request H—for a Waiver to reduce required parking by 30%—is justified as a result of the limited space available on the site, the nature of Miami Expo Center's occupancy, and by the Property's proximity to public transportation. The Applicant anticipates that a sizeable portion of the Miami Expo Center's visitors will be out-of-town guests. Given that many will be visiting for the purpose of attending an onsite convention, only a fraction of those guests will arrive by rental car. Given the Property's proximity to the existing DvertownlArena Metrorail Station and the future Miami Station for All Aboard Florida, a sizable number of local and regional visitors to the Miami Expo Center are also likely to forego parking in the building's garage in favor of public transit. 4 of 6 WEISS SEROTA HELFMAIT PASTORIZA COLE 8c BONISKE, F.L. Mr. Francisco Garcia September 12, 2014 2. Exemptions shall be reduced to the minimum required to achieve the required functionality. The design for the Miami Expo Center has been revised several times in close consultation with Planning Staff. Those revisions have resulted in a sleeker building that responds to the intent of Miami 21 and have helped ensure that the requested exemptions and Waivers seek only the minimum relief necessary to construct a modern and highly functional exhibition space. 3. Exemptions in the aggregate shall be evaluated for compliance with the Transect's intent regarding intensity and scale. The Property is located within a T6-60a Transect Zone —one of the most permissive transect designations available under Miami 21. Furthermore, despite not strictly satisfying the letter of every one of Miami 21's design regulations, the Miami Expo Center nonetheless complies with Miami 21's spirit and intent. Using the Property as a Regional Activity Complex will be in keeping with its past civic use as the Miami. The proposed use as a RAC will also provide a western anchor to the Miami Worldcenter which will be located immediately east of the Miami Expo Center. Additionally, the Miami Expo Center's design incorporates Miami 21's overall design principles while providing the particular design requirements of this type of use. Envisioned as a complement to and in coordination with the Miami Worldcenter to the east as well as the All Aboard regional transportation station to the west, the Miami Expo Center will be fully integrated into the neighborhood. 4. Exemptions shall be evaluated for responsiveness to criteria set forth in Article 4, Table 12, as applicable The Miami Expo Center, like the nearby Miami Worldcenter with which the Miami Expo Center will fully integrate, was designed with the design review criteria listed in Article 4, Table 12 in mind. Designers have worked extensively with staff to respond to all applicable design criteria while keeping the primary purpose of the Expo Center as the guiding force behind design. We look forward to your favorable review and recommendation on this application and to presenting this proposal at hearings before the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Boards and the City Commission in October. Thank you for your time and favorable consideration of this Application. TR/ 372014 Very truly yours, L,( Tony Recio 5 of 6 WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTORIZA COLE & BoNIsKE, P.L. Mr. Francisco Garcia September 12, 2014 cc: Mr. Cesar Garcia -Pons Mr. Tony Perez Mr. Sergio Garrido Ms. Irene Hegedus Ms. Pam Stanton Mr. Ian Swanson Mr. Joseph Herndon 6 of 6 WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN PASTO1 IZA COLE ex BONISKE, P.L. File ID: Title: Applicant(s): Purpose: Exhibit "B" PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD FACT SHEET 14-00664zt Quasi -Judicial PZABI6 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO, 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1.1 "DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTION;" AND BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6.1, TABLE 13, TO CLARIFY APPLICABILITY AND ESTABLISH DESIGN STANDARDS FOR REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEXES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 (305) 250-5400 This ordinance will address a specific type of use and structure that is currently not contemplated under Miami 21 for Regional Activity Complexes. This ordinance will revise definition of use and add supplemental regulations to allow for such use. Planning and Zoning Department Recommendation: Recommended approval. Analysis: See supporting documentation. Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board: July 16, 2014. City of Miami Legislation PZAB Resolution City Hall 3500 'Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 wwwrniamigov. earn File Number: 14-0066>tzt Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BYAMENDING ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1.1 "DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTION;" AND BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6.1, TABLE 13, TO CLARIFY APPLICABILITY AND ESTABLISH DESIGN STANDARDS FOR REGIONAL. ACTIVITY COMPLEXES; CONTAININGA SEVERABILITY CLAUSE PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. APPLICANT(S): Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Miami FINDINGS: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT: Recommended approval, PURPOSE: This ordinance will address a specific type of use and structure that is currently not contemplated under Miami 21 for Regional Activity Complexes. This ordinance will revise definition of use and add supplemental regulations to allow for such use. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan allows for the designation of Regional Activity Centers to "facilitate mixed -use development, encourage mass transit, reduce the need for automobile travel, provide incentives for quality development and give definition to the urban form"; and WHEREAS, Regional Activity Centers "encourage and promote large-scale development and redevelopment", facilitate "a balanced mix of land uses by providing maximum flexibility for development and redevelopment activities" and "may include: residential use; commercial; office; cultural and community facilities; recreational and entertainment facilities; hotels or motels; transportation facilities; utilities; and appropriate industrial activities"; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami zoning code allows for Regional Activity Complexes to provide for a variety of regional and community uses that attract visitors and businesses, and provide media exposure, thereby generating a substantial positive economic impact that is important to the City; and WHEREAS, the Miami Downtown Development Authority has identified the need for a downtown conference center with large, uninterrupted exhibition and meeting spaces to support the City Commission's regional economic development strategy; and WHEREAS, the current definition of Regional Activity Complexes does not adequately address the variety and unique characteristics of Regional Activity Complexes; and WHEREAS, an exposition center of the scope, size and scale is not specifically addressed City of Miami Page 1 of 4 Frfe hi: 14-00664zt (Version: 1) Printed On: 7/7/2014 File Number 14-O0664z in the current Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, a Regional Activity Complex intended use, it must also respond to the development of the surrounding area is generally applicable regulations; and WHEREAS. Table 13 in Article regulates Regional Activity Complexes, standards in Table 13. NOW THEREFORE, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained more must be designed to serve the purpose of its contextual framework of existing and planned logical and appropriate than imposing existing 6 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami already and it is therefore appropriate to provide additional design BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance No. 13114, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended by making modifications to Article 1 and Article 6 in the following particulars {1}: "ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS Section 1.1: Definitions of Building Function: USES e. Civic Regional Activity Complex: A large facility encompassing at least one Principal Building with possible Accessory Structures designed and outfitted as a venue for large assemblies, performance or events intended to serve as a regional destination. Regional Activity Complexes shall be located in parcels larger than (4) acres; shall be equipped to provide permanent seating for more than 4,000 patrons or provide more than 100,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space and shall provide Off -Street Parking for more than 1,000 vehicles. ARTICLE 6. Supplemental Regulations Table 13 T6 - Urban Core Zone - OPEN Regional Activity Complex: Allowed by Exception with City Commission approval and subject to the following additional requirements: Regional Activity Complexes are not allowed in Transect Zones T6-8 and T6-12. Minimum Distance requirement of 1,000 feet between proposed facility and any T3 or T4 zones. Transect regulations pertaining to Building Disposition, Building Configuration shall be considered referential guidelines for Regional Activity Complexes. Any exemption from these guidelines must comply with the following criteria: 1. exemptions shall be justified by functional requirements connected to the uses proposed, 2. exemptions shall be reduced to the minimum required to achieve the required functionality. City of Miami Page 2 of 4 File 1d 14-00664zt (Version: I) Printed On: 7/7/2014 File Number: 74-00664zt 3. exemptions in the aggregate shall be evaluated for compliance with the Transect's intent regarding intensity and scale, 4. exemptions shall be evaluated for responsiveness to criteria set forth in Article 4, Table 12, as applicable. 5. specific findings shall be made by the Planning Director regarding the nature and extent of each proposed exemption and said findings shall be contained in the recommendation report for the Exception to be considered as substantial and competent evidence by the PZAB and City Commission respectively. CI - CIVIC INSTITUTION Regional Activity Complex: Allowed by Exception with City Commission approval and subject to the following additional requirements: Regional Activity Complexes are not allowed in Transect Zones T6-8 and T6-12. Minimum Distance requirement of 1,000 feet between proposed facility and any T3 or T4 zones. Transect regulations pertaining to Building Disposition, Building Configuration shall be considered referential guidelines for Regional Activity Complexes, Any exemption from these guidelines must comply with the following criteria: 1. exemptions shall be justified by functional requirements connected to the uses proposed, 2. exemptions shall be reduced to the minimum required to achieve the required functionality, 3. exemptions in the aggregate shall be evaluated for compliance with the Transect's intent regarding intensity and scale, 4. exemptions shall be evaluated for responsiveness to criteria set forth in Article 4, Table 12 as applicable, 5. specific findings shall be made by the Planning Director regarding the nature and extent of each proposed exemption and said findings shall be contained in the recommendation report for the Exception to be considered as substantial and competent evidence by the PZAB and City Commission respectively. CI -HD - CIVIC INSTITUTION HEALTH DISTRICT Regional Activity Complex: Allowed by Exception with City Commission approval and subject to the following additional requirements: Regional Activity Complexes are not allowed in Transect Zones T6-8 and T6-12. Minimum Distance requirement of 1,000 feet between proposed facility and any T3 or T4 zones. Transect regulations pertaining to Building Disposition. Building Configuration shall be considered referential guidelines for Regional Activity Complexes. Any exemption from these guidelines must comply with the following criteria: 1. exemptions shall be justified by functional requirements connected to the uses proposed, 2. exemptions shall be reduced to the minimum required to achieve the required functionality, 3. exemptions in the aggregate shall be evaluated for compliance with the Transect's intent regarding intensity and scale, 4, exemptions shall be evaluated for responsiveness to criteria set forth in Article 4, Table 12, as applicable. 5. specific findings shall be made by the Planning Director regarding the nature and extent of each proposed exemption and said findings shall be contained in the recommendation report City of Miami Page 3 of 4 File Id: I4-00664zr (Version: I) Printed On: 707120I4 File Number: 14-00664zt for the Exception to be considered as substantial and competent evidence by the PZAB and City Commission respectively. All Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which provisions may be renumbered or re -lettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature by the Mayor, {2) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: VICTORIA MENDEZ, CITY ATTORNEY Footnotes: {1) Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material, {2} This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. Cite of Miami Page 4 of 4 File Id:: 14-00664Zr (Version: 1) Prinred On: 7/7/2014 EXHIBIT "1" File ID 14-00664zt Subsection five, under all three zones, "T-6 Urban Core Zone — Open, "Cl Civic Institution" and "CI- HD Civic Institution Health District", will read "specific findings shall be made by the Planning ❑irector regarding the nature and extent of each proposed exemption and said findings shall be contained in the recommendation report for the Exception which may be considered as substantial and competent evidence by the PZAB and the City Commission respectively". Registered Lobbyists and Active Issues Recio, Tony Address: 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 700 City : Coral Gables State : FL Zip : 33134 Organization Telephone Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, P.L. 3058540800 Fax: Email: arecio@wsh-law.com Principal Name Issue Description Registration Amount Payment Comments Date Malibu Lodging Investment, LLC MDM Development LLC MDM Retail, Ltd a Florida Limited Partnership P&G Tract C, LLC Palm Bay Towers Condominium Association Paradise Dairy Acquisitions, LLC Pearl Media, LLC PHG-Holdings, Inc. / Special Exception and variance applications 7901 7931 and 7925 NW 7 Avenue zoning approvals for 700 N. Miami Avenue property HER Board and Zoning Approvals. Luis A Pulenta and Ricard Glas 9090 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida 33156 Major Use Special Permit application Work with City Staff on modifications to the Windows and Doors of the Condominium Building Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Change applications for property located at 736 NW 26 St; 2451 NW 7 Ave; 636 NW 24 St; 629 NW 23 St; 635 NW 23 St; 645 NW 23 St; 655 NW 23 St; 665 NW 23 St Mural Matters 02/09/2005 $100.00 NA 06120/2014 $105.00 122349 02/13/2014 $105.00 121467 12/08/2005 $100.00 NA 04/27/2009 $100.00 105342 02/13/2009 $100.00 106466 12/11/2013 $105.00 121015 Page 222 of 261 Printed On 8/1812014 10:35:32 AM EXCEPTION APPLICATION RECE :0 PLAWNG DEPARTMEN i fa" PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, HEARING BOARDS SECTION 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3`d Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 • Telephone 305-416-2030la i www.miamigov.comfhearino boards Welcome to the City of Miamii This application is intended to serve as a guide in assisting you with our public hearing process. Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions. The deadline to file the complete application with supporting documents is the last five working days of each month from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm, except on the fifth day. until 12:00 pm. The application submittal date is the date stamped by Hearing Boards' staff on this paste. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and ail supporting materials. Should you wish, you could bring the materials to our office for review prior to submittal to ensure completeness. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8'/2x11') or other materials submitted during this process will be kept as part of the record. Any documents offered to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission,, which have not been provided fifteen (15) days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the discretion of the aforementioned Board and Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING iN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Ordinance No. 12918 states that each person or entity requesting approval, relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees regarding any issue, shall disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the public hearing(s) an the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. The Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit included in this package must be submitted with the application. The applicant must, at the commencement of any public hearing an the issue, if there is any disclosure to report, read the disclosure into the record. Also, the applicant must supplement the affidavit if there is any new information or additional information to disclose. Copies of City Commission resolutions and ordinances can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Applications given to customers do not constitute action from the City of Miami without plans review and written comments from the Office of Zoning. Rcv. 07-20 -' EXCEPTION APPLICATION Please refer to Article of the Miami 21 Code for Exception information. Tony Recio, Esq. on behalf of P&G Investors, LLC, as contract purchaser Appllcant(5); and Old Arena, LLC, as property owner 2. Subject property address(es) and folio number(s): 700 N. Miami Ave / 700 NW 1st Ave (01-3137-025-0011) 3. One (1) original survey dated within six (6) months from the date of application prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor. 4. One (1) original 24x36" plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida registered architect or engineer showing property boundaries and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. 5. After Hearing Boards, Public Works, Zoning and Planning initial and date the plans, two (2) 11x17" and one (1) 81/2X11" copies of the original plan, including the survey. 6. Current Zoning Referral and Write -Up signed by the Office of Zoning designee. 7. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year showing the present owner(s) and legal description of the property to match the legal description on the survey. 8. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address(es) and legal description(s) on a separate sheet, labeled as "Exhibit A", to match with the current survey's legal description. 9. At least two photographs showing the entire property showing land and improvements. 10. Copy of the lobbyist registration processed by the Office of the City Clerk, if applicable. 11. Affidavit of Authority to Act and the Disclosure of Ownership of all owner —and contract purchasers, if applicable —of the subject property. 12. For all corporations and partnerships indicated: a) Articles of Incorporation; b) Certificate from Tallahassee showing good standing, less than one (1) year old; c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so; d) Non-profit organizations: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old. 13. Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property. 14. Original Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit. 15. Original Public School Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements form. 16. The subject property(ies) cannot have any open code enforcement/lien violations. 17. What is the acreage of the project/property site? 4 7 acres (204,808 sq. ft.) Rev. ill -2013 EXCEPTION APPLICATION 18. What is the purpose of this application/nature of proposed use? Except i Ri4 7djlca 11K ?with related exemptions & waivers 19. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 3`d Floor for information. Na 20. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. No 21. What would be the anticipated duration of the presentation in front of the: J Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board 1 Hour and/or City Commission 1 Hour 22. Cost of processing according to Section 62-22 and Section 62-23 of the Miami City Code*: a. CS, T3 (Single -Family and Duplex Residential uses) b. All other uses c. Extension of time c. Exception Permit Requiring City Commission Review d. Advertising e. Mail notice fee per notice f. Meeting package mailing fee per package $ 1,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 750.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 Fees for appeals of Exceptions shall be collected as a surcharge equivalent to the application fee and advertisement fee and shall be collected from the applicant at the time of initial submission of an application for any Exception. Such surcharge shall be refunded to the applicant unless there is an appeal from an abutting property owner. If an abutting property owner appeals, then the appellant shall pay the applicable notice fee only. If the appellant is not an abutting property owner, then appellant shall pay the equivalent of the original application fee, advertisement fee, and notice fee paid. *Fees over $25,00 0, shall be pal in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order. Signature Address Weiss Serota Helfman, et al. Tony Recio, Esq. on behalf of 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste. 700 Name F,s�r In3m..stors, T.T,C & Old Arena, LLC Coral Gables, Florida 33134 305 854 0800 TRecio@wsh-law.com Telephone E-mail EMartos©wsh-law.com STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 28th day of August 20 14 by Tony Recio, Esq. who is a(n) individual/partnerlgenticorporation ofP&c., "Ci.ve5t:or 01 dare individuallpartnershiplcorporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did @id not) take an oath:* (Stamp) Y P ° cole•fin MARILYN SCIMOOE-YILLA •■ - } MYCOMM ISM M>IEE116532 EXPIRES: Sep1emher 13, 2415 v °F Banded Thru Budge! Notary Swims rFap Signature Rev. 07-2013 4 CERTIFIED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY RESOLUTION The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the Manager of P&G INVESTORS, LLC, a Florida liability company (the "Company"), that the following is a true and correct copy of the resolutions adopted by the members at a meeting held on "-0sr 2.41 ZOISI at the offices of the Company. RESOLVED by the members that the Company consents to and joins in the filing with the City of Miami of an Application for Exception and any related requests (collectively, the "Application") for the property located at 700 NW 1 Avenue/700 N MIAMI Avenue in Miami, Florida, owned by the Company; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Luis Pulenta or Ricardo Glas are authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED that Tony Recio, Esq. and Edward Martos, Esq., of the law firm of Weiss Scrota Helfman Pastoriza et al., are authorized, directed and empowered to execute any and all applications, petitions, and other documents necessary to effectuate the Application, and to represented the Company at all meetings and hearings in connection with the Application. The adoption of said resolution was in all aspects legal; and that said resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been modified or rescinded. Dated this 2314N day of August, 2014. P&G INVESTORS, LLC, a Florida limited Ii By: Name: LLJI P01. 1i-- Title: v e r-A STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this d , before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Li.)i 5 u L as Manager of P&G INVESTORS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification an3 who executed the foregoing instrument freely and voluntarily for the purposes thereon expressed and who did not take an oath. WITNESS my hand and offs. 4.1 this + say of August, 2014 • ZAIDA B. APARICIO i ' • My COMMISSION #FF149420 • of F40▪ djd EXPIRES August for 2018 467j 390.0153 FlondallolaryService.eom SIGNATURE OF POWLEDGEMENT (stamp CERTIFIED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY RESOLUTION The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the General Partner of OLD ARENA, LLC (the "Company"), a Florida liability company, that the following is a true and correct copy of the resolutions adopted by the members at a meeting held on 1 2.01 if , at the offices of the Company. RESOLVED by the members that the Company consents to and joins in the filing with the City of Miami of an Application for Exception and any related requests (collectively, the "Application") for the property located at 700 NW 1 Avenue in Miami, Florida, owned by the Company; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Nitin Motwani is authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Company. FURTHER RESOLVED that Tony Recio, Esq. and Edward Martos, Esq., of the law firm of Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza et al., are authorized, directed and empowered to execute any and all applications, petitions, and other documents necessary to effectuate the Application, and to represented the Company at all meetings and hearings in connection with the Application. The adoption of said resolution was in all aspects legal; and that said resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been modified or rescinded. Dated this day of September, 2014. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE OLD ARENA, LLC, a Florida limi ed liabilit By: ) pant Motwresident I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this day, before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Nitin Motwani, as President of OLD ARENA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who executed the foregoing instrument freely and voluntarily for the purposes thereon expressed and who did not take an oath. WITNES i y hand an fficial seal this, °-- day of September, 2014 61-e—A, C 4_ U '' OF PERSON TAKING AKNOWLEDGEMENT (stamp NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE of FLORIDA Linda Christian !'; ii '? Lf nrI`;. '_iCir. ` EE077204 t:xTM=rY . 24, 2015 BONDED T • NDING CO, Inc. EXCEPTION APPLICATION AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared Tony Recio, Esq. on behalf of PIG 1 nves tor. s , LLC & Old 7.r-ene who being by me first deposes and says: LLC 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out In the foregoing petition, + including or 0 not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Tony Recio, Esq_ on behalf of PI Investors, LLC & Uiri rrena, LLC Applicant(s) Name STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 20 14 , by Tony Redo, Esq. Applicant(s) Signature 28th day of August who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of t'&C Investors Ord Pire-a) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an o�al% (Stamp) 4suf: su%n MARILYN SOMOIDEVILLA * MYCOMM FSSON#EE116532 EXPIRES; September 13, 2015 Bonded Thru 9udpet %Ivry Services Sig nature Rev. 07-2013 5 EXCEPTION APPLICATION DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP Contract 1. List the Purchaser of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, andfor any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Contract Purchaser P&G Investors, LLC P&G Investors is under contract to purchase 100% of the Property. P&G Investors is owned by Percentage of Ownership Ricardo Glas (50%) & Luis A. Pulenta (50%). Messrs Glas & Pulenta's mailing address is 9090 S. Dadeland Blvd., Miami, FL 33156 Subject Property Address(es) 700 N. Miami Avenue a!k!a 700 NW 1st Avenue (01-3137-025-0011 ) 2. List al! street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): Legal Description(s): None None Pliv Arzr, Al Ar roSr Owner(s) or Attorney Name ern 6.,ehAf PyG FNVtFS .s STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Owner(s) or Attorney Signature The foregoing was ckk acknnowledg afore e this c- day of 20IL ,by PI' — who is a(n) individuallpartnerlagent/corporation of 9-"`Ir`',�ins- +"kw 1-L a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He1She is personal' knyown to me or -s prod ced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) h{lY F . OF . { t3,, 2O1Navy .5 Signature��� r t° ••, t. MARILYN SOMOa5ViLLA MY COMMISSION k LE I16532 a, t EXPIRES: September 13, 2015 OF FL ,a Bonded Thnr Budpgl NgPary Solears Rev. 07-2013 6 Exhibit A Legal Description Tracts A, B and C, of MIAMI ARENA SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 129, Page 53, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcels of land: Begin at the Northwest corner of said Tract C, (this also being the Southwest corner of said Tract A); thence N 00°01'35" W along the West line of said Tract A for 132.40 feet to a point of non - tangent intersections intersection with the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing 5 78°15'17" W from the center of said curve; thence departing said West line of Tract A, run southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 428.00 feet and a central angle of 17°31'03" for 130.86 feet to a point of reverse curvature with the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southwest; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 532.00 feet and a central angle of 10005'09" for 93.65 feet to a point of non -tangent intersection with a Southerly line of said Tract C, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing N 70°49'23" E from the center of said curve; thence S 89059'35" F (S 89°59'23" W by Plat) along said Southerly line of Tract C for 84.11 feet to a Southwesterly corner of said Tract C; thence N O000O'56" E along the West line of said Tract C for 75.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. AND Commence at the Southeast corner of said Tract C, thence 5 89056'59" W along the South line of said Tract C for 38.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel of land: From said POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue 5 89058'59" W for 11,96 feet along said South Tine of Tract C to a Southwesterly corner of said Tract C; thence N 00°02'14" E along a Westerly line of said Tract C for 59.45 feet to a point of non -tangent intersection with the arc of circular curve concave to the Southwest, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing N 75°23'19" E from the center of said curve; thence departing said Westerly line of Tract C, run Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 532.00 feet and a central angle of 06°31'59" for 60.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 This instrument prepared by: and Record & Return to: Marina', Ross, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff& Sitterson, P.A. Museum Tower 150 West Flagler Street, Suite 2200 Miami, FL 33130 Folio # 01-3137-025-0011 CF1,4 2012RC708171 DR Bk 28300 P9s 1569 — 1572; t4vssl RECORDED 10/04/2012 12:48:52 DEED DOC TAX 2104000.00 SURTAX 157r500.00 HARVEY RUVIHa CLERK OF COURT MIAMI—DADE COUNTY? FLORIDA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this .3 day of October, 2012, between ARENA VENTURES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose address is: 11198 Polo Club Road, Wellington, Florida 33414 ("Grantor"), and OLD ARENA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose address is 1951 NW 19th St.; Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida 3343 ("Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sure of TEN AND NO/100 (N 10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto Grantee, those certain lands situate, lying and being in the County of Miami -Dade, State of Florida, described on attached Schedule 1 (the "Property"). TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments, easements and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion or reversions, remainder or remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. TOGETHER with Grantor's right, title and interest in and to any existing or proposed streets, roadways, alleys and/or rights of way which are adjacent to the Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted, bargained and described Property, vvrith,the appurtenances thereto, unto said Grantee to Grantee's own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, in fee simple, SUBJECT ONLY TO the matters described on attached Schedule 2. AND Grantor hereby covenants that the Property conveyed hereby is free from all encumbrances made by Grantor, that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the above -described Property, and that Grantor hereby warrants the title to said Property for any acts of Grantor and will defend the title against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, but against none other. [SIGNATURE ON NEXT PAGE] 40211.0004 #2402084 v2 Book28300/Page1569 CFN#20120708171 Page 1 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delWered in the presence of: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } ) SS: GRANTOR: ARENA VENTU a Florida lim By: N. Glenn F. Straub : Sole Member and Manager ompany The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me this \- day of October, 2012, by Glenn F. Straub, as the Sole Member and Manager of ARENA VENTURES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company. He is ( personally known to me OR ( ) has produced as identification. A ,. ...... •. "mo...Nt; : a..E z 01205 40211.0004 #2402084 v2 Notary Signature 6f2 N &r `7- &,41-t Print Notary Name NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Sep' .r p"�. 'i Z 01r Book28300/Page1570 CFN#20120708171 Page 2 of 4 SCHEDULE 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tracts A, 8 and C, of MIAMI ARENA SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 129, Page 53, of the Public Records of Miarnif-Dade County, Florida. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcels of land: Begin at the Northwest corner of said Tract C, (this also being the Southwest corner of said Tract A); thence N 00°01'35" W along the West line of said Tract A for 132.40 feet to a point of non - tangent intersections intersection with the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing S 78°15'17" W from the center of said curve; thence departing said West line of Tract A, run southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 428.00 feet and a central angle of 17°31'03" for 130.86 feet to a point of reverse curvature with the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southwest; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 532.00 feet and a central angle of 10°05'09" for 93.65 feet to a point of non -tangent intersection with a Southerly line of said Tract C, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing N 70°49'23" E from the center of said curve; thence 5 89°59'36" E (5 89°59'23" W by Plat) along said Southerly line of Tract C for 84.11 feet to a Southwesterly corner of said Tract C; thence N 00°00'56" E along the West line of said Tract C for 75.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. AND Commence at the Southeast corner of said Tract C, thence S 89056'59" W along the South line of said Tract C for 38.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel of land: From said POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue S 89°58'59" W for 11.96 feet along said South line of Tract C to a Southwesterly corner of said Tract C; thence N 00°02'14" E along a Westerly line of said Tract C for 59.45 feet to a point of non -tangent intersection with the arc of circular curve concave to the Southwest, with said point of non -tangent intersection bearing N 75°23'19" E from the center of said curve; thence departing said Westerly line of Tract C, run Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 532.00 feet and a central angle of 06°31'59" for 60.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 40211.0004 #2402084 v2 Book28300/Page1571 CFN#20120708171 Page 3 of 4 OR BK 28300 PG 1572 LAST PAGE SCHEDULE 2 PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes and assessments for the year 2012 and subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable. 2. Restrictions, reservations, dedications and easements as shown on the Plat of MIAMI ARENA SUBDIVISION, recorded in Plat Book 129, Page 53, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 3. Reservations for easement and restrictions as contained in the Special Warranty Deed from Florida East Coast Railway Company and the City of Miami, recorded July 28, 1986 in Official Records Book 12967, Page 2194, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 4. Terms and conditions as contained in the Covenant between the City of Miami and Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority, recorded July 27, 1987 in Official Records Book 13357, Page 3070, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida.. 5. Reservation for Easement, 50 feet wide being 25 feet, as measured at right angles to the Centerline of the spur track crossing that part of Tract C, as contained in Special Warranty Deed from Florida East Coast Railway Company to the City of Miami, recorded August 10, 1988 in Official Records Book 13782, Page 500, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 6. 15 foot wide Easement in favor of Florida Power & Light Company recorded January 6, 1989 in Official Records Book 13951, Page 1769, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 7. 16.5 foot Easement in favor of AT & T Corp. and AT & T Communications -East, Inc., as contained in the Supplemental Final Order and Judgment recorded March 24, 2008 in Official Records Book 26284, Page 4511, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 40211,0004 #2402084 v2 Book28300/Page1572 CFN#20120708171 Page 4 of 4 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, radar action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2-653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. NAME: Tony Recio (First Name) (Middle) (Last Name) HOME ADDRESS: 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 700 (Address Line 1) (Address Line 2) CITY: Coral Gables STATE: Florida ZIP: 33134 HOMEPHONE: (305) 854-0800 EMAIL: trecio@wsh-law. corn: CELL PHONE: (305) 992-6847 FAX: (305) 854-2323 BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME P&G Investors, LLC BUSINESS ADDRESS: c/o Tony Recio, 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 700 (Address Line 1) Coral Gables, FL 33134 (Address Line 2) 1. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. Exception approval of Regional Activity complex including exemptions and waivers 2. Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? Q YES 0 NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. Doc. No.:86543 3. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. Name Address Phone# a. b. c. ' ` Additional names can be placed on a separate page attached to this form. 4. Please describe the nature of the consideration. 5. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2, no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: , Signature Tony Recio Print Larne Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7 of "", 2001 I . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by �, 4 V , who has produced as identification and/or is p rsonally known to me and who did/did not lake an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAM! MY COMMISSION .kr,, N4 ILYN SOJ410E71 Vltl A EXPIRES: -_ MY COMMISSION * * # EE 116532 ^' ii° T AryMnSiptember i3, 2015 Enclosures) 'rorx+.o? Bonded Thru Budge NWary Services Doc. No.:86543 page 2 MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER 700 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA T6-60A-O TRANSECT ZONE APPLICATION FOR AN EXCEPTION PERMIT, WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE MIAMI 21 ZONING ORDINANCE AND MIAMI CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS. Pursuant to the Miami 21 Zoning Code, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami Florida the subject proposal for the Miami World Expo Center at 700 NW 1 Avenue, MIAMI, FLORIDA, has been submitted and reviewed to allow an application for EXCEPTION PERMIT, with City Commission approval, subject to all applicable criteria. The proposed development, the Miami World Expo Center, will be comprised of a mixed -use development of 2,234,771 square feet and 54 Stories, and includes approximately 350,000 square feet of exhibition and meeting space, approximately 1,800 hotel rooms and approximately 1,250 Parking spaces. Specifically, the applicant is seeking an EXCEPTION permit, with City Commission approval, pursuant to Article 6 Table 13 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, to allow a Regional Activity Complex with exemptions from the following referential guidelines (Transect regulations): • First Layer Setbacks on the Secondary Frontages of NW 1 Avenue and NW 7 Street; • maximum Lot Coverage above the eighth floor; • maximum square footage of the Building Floorplate above the eighth floor; • minimum Setbacks above the eighth floor; • maximum permitted Building length above the eighth floor; and • required number and size of Loading berths. The EXCEPTION permit application, pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, also encompasses the following special permits: • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 4 Table 4, to allow a 30% reduction in the required number of Parking spaces within %2 mile of a TOD or within Y4 mile of a Transit Corridor; and • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.6.4(e), to allow Parking to extend into the Second Layer beyond 50% of the Frontage if an art of glass treatment is used. Ir ne Hegedus Date Zoning Administrator CI T Y 0 F MI A MI P 1 a n n i rn g and Zoning Department 444 SW 2ND Avr 310 FLOOR MIAMI, FL33130 i\ \i MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT UPDATED EXCEPTION FOR REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX CoNER 6669666 Ooi1.4SOM. mime 161. 6.116.6 ME la AERIPIEC1,6 MOWER 160.60.ECOK BMW. ad. P6liscwe wCW9�16 m1P4c2M a. crows I. 6661L 66.5660. 6616.66.1666 u WI. 666,16..r. 116 E[fN8 A4 2616 LOCATION MAP `HEE' 4%OEX. 4JVCS4.4� *, 44661..y 6(xz ' 666 9.11e6 OL. 33. an • LEVEL 6.6160:111 ffi; 4arp,f. 6 666a 4166.1 a-w'4'4A4'4a 6., tt S 664606 T. "OW in MUMS. .1 Womb I IA 6.11610/29. • MVO :,7171.6 Yu , 04. COVER / INDEX MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N 1MIAJ AYE, I,iIAML FL 33138 W A 17sn4pment ZONING ANALYSIS I:I.F al. 21. r6-603 8U Loiric ❑IS7Oi11ION FOR SX ',C.c. c r.2i_ Lrar GCC1RAiIpN w...r 13 6,040114 •a rx. c..n.rt e 1Vw I. P .,wMOY`r.,'m",`i•d rr ............1.4 NEVI.. maP.fa...vn.mau.nwr vrewPP r r flt is s,; r .31rern sr, ier`n-':. • rxr 1 raa r....nr.• it.•F.wn m um n see1rr Vh''vv�v im 4. murv•..�a.M. $UILUiNt1 SETBACK a K.w,wuerrr,x.0 E. 1.arulw src nol.rc..rc OF, ,n..wrr re. ADM En.111311rer MoY.•Or xn a.1.ar OU1L01NG HEIGHT r..nr.r u1%IMUMM•9.r uiuRu - - 1 ax . • rr. PARK:NG En WW1 **2 * ..w... nnt. .P.L iGlornonEE r.FLUM !num s14IHPPwlAMrrl.9 _ V *OM{ W11 T • f rrMOwM.a.y. M1011 .M r, ISM 6mn.... Enna...Mmmv .c.ree � St 1 e..KCi nen. nen • 111a.re M ME MC\im M .*1 ...a LQ40M13 M1+1ew .q.:.aw+a.soaa a.m...sr m,ro „vx o* M1.94• 0416 ' .i00e.wr iir:5•ew..o ei nira, i Embalm 1v e..«,..mr.... n.. IWYxMR ,191 . M. : ,ii eu 111 ex xI 011v9 ry f>FN - .91199.91 sr�r+. m4l. ...ria,t m.t - .Il Esvam.r 1014. - ra> "�r.v '4-.- • r'21::: is.r.et. 1.• • ixxnrw ..r..dw ePrwrtMee t.w..+. ro.+s wm.rwwee wAw. ,.!MUM mom Nom rear. o3.11 31. 1.7 cams +: - nuando a rramw uPf.rcHear.+wrt •-•nw...reraa... canner., ...E. in..eemr. 11w.marw•a..ao PROJECT INFO} MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT MGM Develgxnent 100 D9AGRAM LOT AREA: 204,808 S.F. • LOT COVERAGE • OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE / LOT COVERAGE NW 8th STREET • MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT PM 11 M AMI AVE. MAMI, FL 33135 RCM Di•15315.3M 11 0 C • 100.1 \ A \ 0 , . SiTE PLAN uJ Z TA LQOIIGT GRACIE (INTERNAL; SITE PLAN 524' • 7" GARAGE .5,-,7FIPAYAFGF.W.AF ENTRY / 74' • 3" NW $th STREET HOTEL DROP-OFF - - •S=S...w1.71, MINDED( OVER ROWING GARAGE b *4,724 87" ..- 6", ' ^ .1' 'i 362' • 11" / „ 1 \ ' -•la 1- 1 .,...., A !BALLROOM TERRACE ,.-P. 1 A6C.1, ...." - --.... ' 1 . .40,10 ' - ..- --- ---• - .. IL, ,_. i Si:Jrw'rarrogr";;JJ. RESTAURANT F.F FAIR.C.E I wy.nr,, •-•,••,/, 321' • 1" NW 7th STREET ichnotNa EGRESS 5T - 1" / El NE 81h STREET MWC PROMENADE /HAW WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT N rLILAbli ROE. LEANS. FL 33135 MGM DENGFOINFIGF-IF SEES HEET 103 FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING AERIAL MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N MIAMI AVE_ MIAMI Fy 3319@ MOM Uevwlapmo 0 102 EXISTING CONDITIONS 11pL':7"i0AN !'L:i�JC.T9N LOCATION AERIAL ra' LOCATION AERIAL MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N MINN AVE, HIVJAI, R 33t76 104 SEE SHEETS 106 & 107 OR PERSPECTIVES MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 h 644.644I AVE, PALA1461, FL 3136 MOM OereWpment 14.646.4, it An 105 PERSPECTIVE "A" MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT MOM AVE_ A"AMI, FL 33T3e MCAF oewlopmMN. 106 4.re ••21.1.1.....114.14.1111.11.•••1 PERSPECTIVE NE CORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N HMG AVE. MIAMI. FL 13,36 MEW Deoeiopment 107 PERSPECTIVE NE CORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 703 N MIAMI AVE. MIAMA FL 33136 MOM Development 107a PERSPECTIVE ENTRANCE MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT TOP r4IAE.MINA. 11 33119 mou rke•aisc.rtg, 107b Cff.` r trax • -- -/04 90,? PERSPECTIVE NW CORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT ITX) MAMI AVE. UIAMI. FI. 33136 MDM DOVINIbpfNINII w 11 C:t oscJ- C. .0 A Whale tp, ea s .•4963,-r. 108 PERSPECTIVE NW CORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N MMhf AVE. MIAMI. FL 3373q Mpw pgv lop.ynl 108a PERSPECTIVE NW CORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 H MINAAVE. MUNN. FL 3313G A&M DevNopnwl 108b PERSPECTIVE 8VVCORNER MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 109 ....mom. ,w,1 `�� :. ilenslilillrei irImo pm rm. am Illii ...«,....22:::- -1111:: • • MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700N MAMIAVE, WPM. FL 3301 IADM Deveioweisl AERIAL PERSPECTIVES - ' - 4:7-71441, a71ff MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N MIO,k41 AVE, MIAMI; FL 3313,3 MOM Development olmare M1 111 AERIAL PERSPECTIVES MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARR OTT 700 1.4 MINIM AVE. 14411 FL 3319B MOM Dentievareoni ii, cp Wilig4-F.fr' WM. I unewhies. 5.4 ...ant • ntr.1 Bygiekbv 112 SECTION / PERSPECTfiVE MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT ]cd N 144/LM4 AVE. MI MI, FL 33136 MBM Oaf wd REFUNGTION Ir� t EM,L991i 1! � 5• STUCCO 27 8 26-A1_UCp6QNo PANELS AND COLUMN WRAPS MATERIALS & DETAILS W 8 03 • WINDOW WALL 29 • MO8AIC+NALL MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT Too N MNMtl AVE. MIAA0, FL 33136 MDd Development • CURTAIN WAi 257-511,7� GROUND FLOOR PLAN NW 5391 .11itt1 'RiNr wig • LEVEL 1 - EXHIBIT MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 790 ry &RA WI AVE. MIAM. FL 33136 MOM oerelopmen[ WRE - Level 1,1 - ME,ku ,•• to, LEVEL 1 1 - MEZZ 251, 6 104" 4 a a a j 2 MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N M16041AV6, uIbOMI. FL 33136 MDF4 CNNalocnwk 1 —1 UORB - Lev et 1.2 - Mea LEVEL 1.2 - MEZZ 251'.5176- MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 9T-s^ .w, MOWQL s!s S -1 tf 201.2 UDRB - Level - Ballroom LEVEL 2 - BALLROOM 2yr•$11Y MIAMI WORL❑ EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT rG1 N MIAMI AVE, MIAMI, Fl. 33130 MOM Development • 9T-8' ra M1I 202 wR • UDRB - Levet 2.1 • Mrz LEVEL 2.1 - Mr77 M IAM I WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 M MIME AVE. MIAMI, FL 0 1 A6 MUM Devebpmen[ • &Rr35CH W RSL 202.1 UDR8 - Level 2.2 LEVEL 2.2 - MEZZ • 25T-5111' 4 L�.vA..Ma.,..e ias a- .�„ 9T.11. . MEMO MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 74e N MIAMI AWE, MIMI. FL 33E3e MOM-eveloprtep r Teti di, • H .J WkIR5'.' bYG1F� C.177 mr: • UDAB - Level 3 - Jr Ballroom LEVEL 3 - JR. BALLROOM 1 J s"1T_ r fl 0 0 e MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 H MtMM AVE, MINA. FL 3313R MOM Development et MR • b Ri w �Jsnr �, 251' • 51/4' •rru ... w.TIM i75' %a UDRE- Level 3.i • Mezz LEVEL 3.1 - SUNSET DECK MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT )OO N MIAMI AVE, MIAMI. FL 3313E MD0.1 E1e.lppnent 203.1 C-� UDR B- Level 4-Lobby • 51 .21tr Tn .5. r_ A A 12-u- LEVEL 4 - SKY LOBBY MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT TOOK MIAMI AVE. MIAMI. FL 33136 MDM Developnenl 204 AAA LEVEL 5 - GYM n". sr 393.' . a 11i' H MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 7110 N MAA#II AVE. MUM. FL 33136 MDM aeveloprtend l T15. Tip 1.11 TV? T9 TO TO TS 1 15 yip!" Level 6 • Bridge 1-101e1 T17 LEVEL 6 - BRIDGE MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 7DP I4 PAW ANS. MAW FL 33136 SOW Develomeril .5 Pe PS Pi 206 r r f ( f I � 9 T4 LEVELS 7 - t9 TYPICAL LEVELS 7 - 19 TYPICAL Tt0 Tt1 T9 r12 TIS T1( 1 T1S MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT N MIAMI AVE, MAIN, FL33t36 Mp11 ppt P8 PS P4 lawµ:n p3 TB Its 711 tiz 713 Tr4 'TB T1$ T16 117 •ri • 7 :nem les., T7 rd 74 TB TZ CD( UDRB - LEVELS 20 - 24 TYPICAL teL LEVELS 20 - 24 TYPICAL • PA' MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT yao N MIAMI AV. MIAMI, FL 33136 ABDM Nvek/6.6661 H PD 67' ....,1,4F• AS , P4 • • 7/21/r4 17. #1.14 208 rq. 'Tk7 YPB Tt T1a T1f T15 •T9 711 T12" «... ...a..e...� - L TS Td LEVELS 25. 27 TYPICAL PA. LEVELS 25 - 27 TYPICAL MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT ](10 N MIAMI AV5. irrA MI. FL3313S rwDPA PD. 209 n .T6 73 4.' ( 1) • io Lf vELS 28 35 TYPICAL. LEVELS 28 - 35 TYPICAL 4.0 6 T19 Tit T12 :E3 T1aF 1 71_ T9 "VP. w a"111116..4fusbe PA 716 717 -T12 raci MIAMi WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 H MI AMI AVE. MIAMI. FL 33136 1411261 pp:elopmenl PO P6 P6 •Pe P2 210 TS T7 74 'T2 LEVELS 38 -44 TYPICAL 714'T13 1l4. TB: TI1 712 k; + , 1 LEVELS 36 - 44 TYPICAL 44444. 116 T47 •T1$' T1 • PR. } w� r--'/ I1 y MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 Fk MIAMI AVE,. MIAMI. FL 33115 MDM Derelapmeni PS 42. s Te— 't10 -ro 713 111 -rfq .T1I 71Z TI T Tre . . r — se.rx.rm T7 - LEVELS 45 - 51 TIFICIAL LEVELS 45 - 51 TYPICAL • ',. MIAM1 WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT MOM Daraelaiamearl / • 13$ • - 0•240: -79 0..t .40041. 4 'WT. TO, lIJR ROOF T4 T3 T2 T1a r• •T11 713 T14 T15 T12 Pk 41E. F17 T12. P5 p4 ROOF MIAMI ORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT T06 N MIAMI AVE. 1AINAI, F4 3313F MGM Development IMIL444.4 - - ---------- • .e........ Li 771'41 -at ^!•• . LK/RS - ParNinti 2 I. • kr,4 PARKING 1 & 2 u023-,EatkIna MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT /IX. N MIAMI AVE, MVII. R. 3.3136 MU Development • IIPLOWLICAPI CZ1 N1CNOLS '61(0SCH. 'NOM '0401./1‘. 300 PARKING 3 & 4 IMRE - Pain 3 MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT N ANAMI AV. M. FL 33136 PAW Davalwymni 4•141.1. Men 301 r • UDRB Parkhg...6 112 r1-11,110 4— i - . z ,^ (."1- -Plutclng 6 PARKING 5 8, 6 1.1111110, .2s _1 -tr -woo • iLl•pr - _ MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT TOO H ML01 AVE. MIMI. FL 11138 hITAd DB P. rt . Nia„ _17,9114 Efic..)CH . 'MASI .......... ...1.1.01 302 - VICFP•114. CI Parking_e_ PARKING 7 & 8 II 4— -- 4r: - Paring MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT ThQ N MIAMI AVE, MIAMI, FL.33136 DevaiArront • . . 2 rs F,..] • alalCUILI,A Aw11•••• di MTN 303 PARKING 9 & 10 Miebaz �. .� MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 71111 W MI I I AVE MMM, FL 33136 MOM R rlWpment a a a eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa•Paaa.ta a a a 4' aaaaaaa :,ib `Z. it 5L. ;-'6 '51.• *r 14, L. Pi. R+3 Sex. pg. on. Fp. xi, rkib i? 11, .74 *b G 1; b h IL: It It It It it It It It It I§ la la P. 1th Dila 4 D It It I/ D lk It /t 117 -f,T° 1,_1,_,1 4-J 1I 11. i- 1 NORTH ELEVATION 4-1' I'lz :1- t'l 1 -- -- 1 [ 1 r. ! !i,Hlijkii! i[liliili•! MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 7 N MIAMI AVE. 1...10.M., FL 3313.6. 1.10ke Da.loprnerH a a rae • a1 reaw. a -Own .`�0..`amsae°etittrrtatARmen'leinifin 9IIIenan.x..r1er wrEwe .cwrwnn ew, Va. rdrK. ,�....�.4.t. *et meow at atom. sax DM. a .auwt.q.wwgp ...w n....xnnnw�w.w.ecrr.nea.a.»r...e elEM MS,Eemwcnin�.eeo.r..i.satn..sro.cas�.....now ...rrot..rnn.puro.*ea*.rs. .5EVEM W..x .cu...r n•a.ww.swa. w a rco.wnuo4aa,51E....xom..rec r.rscoea..rum. w5120a41.46 .a rerno..wm....o.ae a.laa. m ..t>.rtcr.c. 'WSW wrw mrRR.Ct.p.. oc.ttr ti6 MM. IIPECS 54555.5.0 tweei -.. rnwi. .n...mwµ 504,R •a•Pr.....r �eC. .�®rm...e.,.. o,we.r.+w.4rto w.eeMc..w...va.....pCOY. e........wna.nwaowx..ed'...sr alto. Edam. .yrt Odd ..;we* wawa t M Tqun.e...y.r.. 55,3 wnup.rnwx0p..wv..SEE 0e344. PPP CC IT M55. .n▪ o-rn naafi wa..rar.wormomo .rwo.w.OREM..r.cwa a..cre,.ma NOR7H ih ENLARGED NORTH ELEVATION MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 011.1WW AVE. MIAMI. FL 33136 MOM he elapnm. 0 401.2 [ 9.12r7ArE rg7w1.9MiVAJCWATIF El CwtwCnlnmxdt toWM i¢eemw.aaFIX17.1.0771u4.1X1 t411,>ixFC911917, WNW'. • 4.VMNMapirm.0.41,11 01/...1,1.ROXYPEnrw9hwnrwwnorxu iro nmoa_CarffAmos ouvaer icecoml 6OIEr11.1Mw9. FEL:001.17i.Ri RANG Kw Qom ewTrel TSMSIIEEi 7.9n K'.iM. EMOR TOM 116L.7119 CRM TMWF9re s3VK9 VOX�w X mKrMneb• rc'IC�[Jr%Cc+iXN hw'i.wluwrmE9 MRCP... re wns RmbevxCE �Y.rSdr4[YE'TNMuWEREOLIA66EM�i SEE RAW RS[ CWI ±0,00.. Rn.9u[ 4 S 31.449'AA:74T Rd1APEN TO BE SM.. 'rt SEE 9Er4 a9i5/eC9�rµ Cain srywc EWIRF1 m[R IMAM n17r etve wm taS 97 064Cg1t1,• mows EfMniN[ n0t[b ▪ CAnrsESiR Cwc[StR W9+»4r5W MAUwRiEowwnS RR001774.4 MS+S Ridiap4t..i1141“.rv.1.4.5 ee NAO IINMCOK ST94CO7R1.S612.e.RURrp9 YW9i STIAM xMP[fx ntAIrER-uE vwa 5E67LM6. F.. P.M LW C17r4S m6771 COW At 0430.11.1.. nw+wwflcRrtclWs.¢wa4wst wmawr ett e€€AVSSnq 9..wti. GC RR9WCE SRnvtsrb4KMC.Q.C. ....4 0.11.1mni4R.nEaOUwtbtr lwawv++4 et NOM. rSE Mrwyt WSW. /.....P9 r4W seScmer w.0n[Er 917E ET4Ef PUS ir NORTH la ENLARGED NORTH ELEVATrON EXPO CENTER GRANO ENTRANCE MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N M WAI AVE. MIMII. FL 33136 ATOM aarr6opme9N y.el Iri' W 4 """ ;r1ti t9.r rr17.e9 ti yaw 401.1 EAST ELEVATION �{ atry+rN��{ xc�-0r,.axrPa�a�e.�x�r �Nafr;�rracr�rs r�erx r. r r r r a a x w r i le 3=y 3 #r 3e 3a 3�. 3a;s I; 3� 1 3= 3� 3 3; ?a 3 laR; 3: 3 3 S; t k £; MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARR 70p N WANE AVE, M WAI, Fd 33136 ATOM 0e.43pmene a 5 OTT idakdad malt ram 1.1161%,...qiNGairdr.....n. MONDE SIMPLES TOR ME MEMO ..�77..ILI CM. 111. aldlA UMW Ir. occ«. eeeew.w0w.e • EAST 1a ENLARGED EAST ELEVATION i..br.ir g ti w.e •wow p'ti MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 'NU N MNMI AVE. MAW FL 3319E MEW Dement 402.1 PlAppl.40:6 maw ;,am MELT MO WO. W .,O. f6lCIIIn wlYfeLt IEI.a. al. mEce !.nrcwun Aan•PW.L.EdVi daM EA$t I b ENLARGED EAST ELEVATION MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 N MiAMi AV E. &Wd I- FL 33136 MOM DMDOM. 4rr..iM y °„y qie utiolibUi;i;, SOUTH ELEVATION z.zi5ezeataaaaa 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 ,0 4% 0 0 0 0 4% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eaaaaa 6 4 gu fit6 0. 0, 46 gu AU gu ak. gu 6 24 'Mb W. Sla g4 tu 26 .1a .6 . 6 'hii boils lk It b0000li olkooh it 4 4 h er, _ 1 •-ra 1,11N AI.1 Sme U.,41 a AN AM 'I -111111#1141111 MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 706 HMJAV. WM. Ft 33936 0 0 0 403 WEST ELEVATION rar. aaz4eoa �r avler,IPetaaarssr : rr RS OIb G?Rs l'L lb 000, 7 A:�4Szt b ;aI1,s it D;IeI4I►IsII IaI I F I •3 r2arrrrrrraz2 a e e r r =i ^i b ^b b �b b b gb IA I ;+ t is F� Iu hi It h ; r< e z !s • I F � I $ MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT ? 700 H HMI AVE, 41h ,FL 39i Yg - 3 0 .Hlopment o arc vc• WOLF r: 404 eXmOrt,pOPAO be p1 a+anl«e,ucco Fr.mec«ewao«..ww P•OAu aieec .E wuera..a MM. nlrum pwPOATAra,.. er..a. a 4w.r.edawaanwLc. r pp aeeecuow AeYEr,..wm.wFwopeea,rKanelpx x.e.Sr«rprx>Ep a.w.Aewe OPPAMP.A TOMEIrowlowea.ea.nese.ee IMP Mod wenr r++,vrt s.�.np.ro y elNcim it mem. IMP PUMA ,4€a AP.A. A CO w aplsl ... i63'Nw1Gm�Y i5FOOPPI bAP+wWi edge MOPI sew�A 104Ce1,0ae wearmtr Ypp OcruAi V!LA ▪ PNOttEa ttP 'a piIT Amp LOAaa[aU116WertE REARAM FOR cart:m 1.1.00M Y.ahiaN itCrppar.rcJ.,pae PAP SE:ue. WA. p or GSMOSrEpiaatl-!mifalCnnu dre16 • wnancron mimic unit taweAtta eava.m.ypi4 sCOUMwuLt,r Wap.ry Fl v. AXE a1Y] Mph 0o N FrySNp MEC4h l{ ArraBOGIGLMW iMI4 PAW M.=MI OMAN WM' u ApPOpplipptnotAL ^wM1E O,Pku AF Sp t. PETAL iPplausu.pAiff, wo alMMpfFLOORINPOl FW nrfm wPAOOAP. .M[L&GEN ENLARGED WEST ELEVATION MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT TO3 N MIAMIP AVE. MIAJ.q, FL 33136 DM 404.1 ENLARGED WEST ELEVATION a rlD1 Pellprr tripe. airs wirI 40.0ewtnt,Pµ omezr aead ie ECT cwlw m a/sY,wrwMxFe.oM1.rt�+dnr¢�ywewrp.Am.r[xrR?ar.N,Eo ware mMew rr'EC*wxxC.Yr�rr PO Wee O i SEEcrMc, Pri!frteyrgrpv axr4uMlGh rM]r4. EII renm M]ai(cT SSE pe.. Saec5 iai rmlMowed mrooerrw mans c c u a SES art+4 ocafCfrMPar as piwalwcEe Tl 06 �'�+r[CT i[f iraafE erh`n �E 1ppap/rye/A.....a amarE rup.d/ai uiE.W ypf3Tiwuon eria wp rpfeo opeon 7,+ /P/dm CFe cury i e'9 EaraRRyxrClEl lflAr Sb¢rx auEunNwE6-ox raWati OL+rEe ,wrq.,„•.i�Oxf S]raleiva,Kp rm iYfwNnne MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 700 NMIAMI AVE, IMAM. FL33136 404.2 o � "��- �-=r s R'r T z_ ;gar ..: S6 GL 41. 46 a« SL 46 :: i. 41. i6 Ya. 41. R, '; S6 ■ 1* R6 X, L Fb R6 .b 1R6 W- A. bib S6 Rr d6 #1 r75 7rc6 Ai 'R ?b .b 44. _b :L 65 4.. 44 db .6 .+, n3 _ h hh ) 's 3t 4 44 444S44444444444S444444444444444444444444444444 4 BUILDING SECTION MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT HqN MIAMI AVE. MIAs& FL 33135 a• ti MOMDe.05.1.n1 _ .. 4' IP' 1" •i• e• .1" 4 x. •.x. 84 Rb iv! 44 FF. g.61:36, kl4 ma Vo 2. 9,6 .4 4 4 b 44 h. -6 1; i; I; ,t; 1; i; 1; 66 it: i; ; 1'.T 111414 It It 14 141414 14 It It 14 14 t 14 It lt h. 14 14 ft !E 1 8 ! 4 It] • 61 • BUILDING SECTION MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT TOO 14141MAI AVE. MIAMI. PL 33135 vol 515)+5155rnen1 0 0 0 4: 0. 0 0' 0 4' 0 06 rrrrr00000000 4' 0 4' 0 0 0 0 0 0 4' 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4' 0 0 0 0 4' t' VI h la 1.; t ie ie ie 1; r ie ie le L iR hhhh lt; F r ! 1 BUILDING SECTION I!. 111111111111=111111111111111111111 pope prompapolipm ~it No poi moon irporuir poi moms parpmm pstiorappoPpoies pot im pew pia poi gm MIAMI WORLD EXPO CENTER MARRIOTT 7220 N MIAMI AVE. MIAMI. FL 33136 Chwelcom 16 6 it b SSSSSS atm 502 8 . TRASH RECEPTACLES STYLE AND COLOR TO DiNATE❑ A WORLD LARGE CANOPY TREES ON PAVER GRATES. CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS ON SAND TO BE COORDINATED WITH MIAMI WORLD CENTER. LANDSCAPE PLAN Street Level STREET LIGHTS ; — STYLE TO BE COOK• DINAT€D WITH MIAMI WORLD CENTER ITYPI MWC MARRIOTT NW STH STREET - CONCRETE PAVERS ON SAND- C01_08 AND PATTERN TO BE COOR• - DINATED WITH MIAMI WORLD CENTER Or EXPO CENTER GRAND ENTRANCE MWC MARRIOTT 7N1 N MINN AVE, 37175 EXISTING BUILDING INIC) CONCRETE PAVERS ON SAND- COLOR ANC. AA, : TO SE CODA - WITH MIAMI LATER STYPI PALMS IN GRATES NNE RACK COORDINATE STYLE MTH MIAMI ' W CENT PROMENADE F WAY TO RE EDIN ULTATION WITH ING DEPARTMENT & WORKS DEPARTMENT E OP CONSTRUCTION 6 16_ A CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS ON SAND LANDSCAPE PLAN Level 2, 3 and 4 NW BIN STREET MWC MARRIOTT ](Iry N MWAN AVE, WANE. FL 33138 MOM oevebpmeM G MWC PROMENADE RIGHT OF WAY TO BE IMPROVED IN EXISTING CONSULTATION WITH BUILDING PLANNING DEPARTMENT & NIC) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION A 0_ SECTION 1- POOL GRILL GARDEN SECTION 2 - SUNDECK TERRACE TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SECTIONS SCALE : NTS SCALE NTS MC MARRIOTT 700 FA UM' AVE. MIAMI, KL, M136 MUM ENeve[oprn.1 -r SECTION 3 - BALLROOM TERRACE SCALE : NTS 4 4 r 144. NW I st AVENUE REFER TO SHEET UO3 FOR LANDSCAPE LEGEND AND PLANT LIST PLANTING PLAN Street Level NW 83h STREET • rTn 774g m 433 MWC MARRIOTT 703 N MAUI AVE, MIWI, FL 33133 -R. N MIAMI AVENUE i Yh.NINI MOM AVIV L201 REFER TO 9MEET L203 FOR LANDSCAPE LEGEND AND PLANT L1S1 Mudd M K , `,rMr fl4 I A Si 1.f�. OmM �. 0f1 nmr. m..rm Sgwn Ise .1 m] rrd Oen rolist.0 wlr4m19..: AruOk,7% • I• r ,• . ]o Ef _ m,oa7 Sy*. Wtz-t; - -_�. I�r zvn.. LAP 119,Mldror Ial myRy6. F.4244 n rt.. of leea. 1J k67 f .wrxnr.•rm..v armingmee. _--�L ern goot.idatl Futl..e.w..d. N..nh.<10i.r nx pewldcd.304! _ -fa 1 fc.x r•..i mawn xm ,tl yka ry a..l Mrvi ]� it or.I yxmrcMa 01.1 Id 01. 1.1 Y. trrne we..ed a.d6W Fr re ) MiA�Merame ki**V nrnm• 1 PLOW LIST awnm -- — iCiibFm�+m - - 001 yNymioi *Mr even 14 01 ..rrarc _ lifer .Yw. _ - 1Flira..NI 0• 000 0. 1 -+I. fate., m a — �s a-x.tItxt rdm Ira. )9 e,yv. J. .••F•`• 4 .I}.4. ar V.A....d.ef 1.1 M! Emmda •' f.61016.96 m. 0P..r. e.... r.......M ?w... r iw.w. - ,yea.—n—rA.m.., ram: r.wr rr e..,w .. r..rr 47.. oe .:r Aillir Carfini zr Yr. w,.. FMS� r r. P166.2.6•6q�.Y 0.n F014 fr rw ]ra Y.�a l •42 FYn.w1 N �— O.I...S� .nMa �11MM.#r •... l.rw 010010 0110•1 1�YoM .w .Ysir. Vw Vg14.M rpsY[ ,a r.... t yfr.r� mr mr arna. tr. m.,r.+e. i.'w �91.MiY'QFRN m. lrn.m 3r.' �.1.YY� m. m�.mF..0rn1'.•t.. tV ar. r.kr tiYYwmw MFA•K w... ... y..IMernMIM! K61...r ... .. ... .,er.wl.rew • ]K aCr IT, Srwaa..n mrt: .. +..1Y0 P. `y�'.• WN.. 2r./ n...ae n S.61.61- 4w. 1p x .w.. w.. or 1r Nrar.....n. .emaa..�.�... .au n.d. r l21 ...en o....w LANDSCAPE LEGEND AND PLANT LIST MWC MAR R#OTT MOP WMnr L.RAW Fc MIX L203 2 101 eW P.R. dympa ref KM NMI — ra GeGERL-mwe, m..! — IugoE.R 1r0..ram. rm..Ort. ERR. RE WE aim' INEREu 0 SHRUB AM:, GROUNDCOVER SPACING® SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL ©ROIINDCGVER PLANTING D 1AEJ. v FENCINQ FOR TR€E PROTECTION • TREE GROUPINGS as= ci:'1r� TAEE ONO RUM PAVER42RATE OEfAR 1 o LOA RC..pinmNapl eLp ! $lay: LETS. DETAILS AND NOTES MPRYPIRS cu.dlaTe m.r na,.R. oodst!$ rr a Catood SOH., xp doors ors l.le Ex.....Va AMP P ITPAIOMOM .1 DPP w.u.i•lrem'i ia'n+.eoi00.01000 w ow.l.d wnku.n Cia• MY FM IFER ns u. 0..ynmepep4.cr401. r:j TRESIPAW PAVER GRANIICTIORAi 0.4.•Di MYIa+Erot eDrA1.A.E0 dY H0YE1 Uof Dar AradodEN1 1.1 . hK YAVIRS {CtjI1G1EfA,pAVERS ow0ANP - yeroa1 RENLVIIINC . Mee row ry.pord...pr .wau-+n.a mwc IFER.0 GORNRITE W... p� a ela 01.11. rowan . PoOMIM 0. fuNrINO r1R OPLE A.ilgw.raraaaliw M▪ OO PPM YAWN PAnsa N.. PLY PlkliaaaeunA —d an.ra.w ace PIpaom moor G.wew arleP1 WI Al•tid 4�.a.f SOvME2 COWO uut7 SOP atl rx 10'tur c0Nc ar* Zara' cone P4Es CIkYACR6 r �7a0E a+.i•C+•�..9,ES , GENERAL r 0*awes...m.mpw.rNaRR. wrbwwwamyad.. nulm....1 who. of MN, YreYer. M00r ea b2w0ow masa Dal Si l20 slhupsAkY0.i .a E.O.'vad rtwrram.rb. w..w.•w.w e..�.........m.ra v...w.aeyev.a..-.p vans 1wM'.p1.n ` . i_ a..l.aymudawe.pr+ ..valeram-rrd • dwmWoo Y mom.vpnwwcmr ddMw•am rw.^am ns-sNa.'Yn W.d>rnl.dn.Lalrpapnrlan !At 1 fir 0-10 NSIS ArearhUnce na.nanere N. N.nlnmia. Dim Du w 2wrle. I....Di., 112000 e.. dr..ay. or.. doss. ..rm.,zvq. sAman . Dm. 3.w+1Owxrn1, cam.,. ndeulm a pain b..N :st e W r.'Ja..nm 1M N O...d* v+r ...um WEE ev a aam..! p+a rsr N....I T1 b.a'.yblmw.. wne9.lwrrn br w.r...m.a.000,12rn0 Rare, Le. l ..NaAr.m .a.r R.µrsea•J,�.m.rl PW�w kvf n0 q Nae ID DID Om. 1ID PYm1 dos earacy.o..dwr.,,a�.••...w0-4vr.e wofwa a....nd Mse...oa paw Ammow Try •rdosa eq*.•YtlW wt... W.I.. WO odor. 4p ed•Ew.tl. sY1ar• Ads 1Op papaysaM4pa....kdd.. r..m. repo+ aw.. rpd.v. u0.M 0! Lanbompli Am, moo sr dso,yr v«arap.r...l.mmpn.r. a....Wm zersbnia aptll.. *ran. penxi . . Radom*. sods Amer, .-ernoa•rom*Wrenn a Is Name yy+m RsOyryy Napb.4M 0r r.pinwe Y.OE. wap wapFaeee a, .M++r•rws.y. noon .+v.d q den mmwrwnrW.aA. N. .. .I.o.Wd d..d.w�wm dmM..op ! era mr w dr. we..la o.b.p ,. we.r.e Na.. . : ..a. w r.ns m++ btla...n,*00 .w..a Ow.. RR RR.. pa.•pv 00.... dear a.a rdna.E rim..we owcrawfr.dos*Amox•raa..nr.m. mamr pew. d n.derr2 r.. RE ea...n dr mw..rr r...e...e11 rNaa.. :.rr:w.w.aer '.;°yi l..a.r..lr.E mr 0000 +++A. to p.. Mote o.00uas z or Na ph. .m...l Nue p. pen. oft r aa.pK.d a n m.y.... Erma.Na I N•r'y a+•r,Z ees, 1 OS•tiro 2 mows e.g. m.1 1.ads w ed.wam.w.sgraded n lno amnl w.1a err... PM ea .00 n«wr un.e.c.1�°"*WOW .w..of. a..,srr...on .,.n.,000 00 a#Iarldoaa1 M. MOD May 00 ..ni. sweo. or. am • no ... a.. k�elnn °Na. w®lyda 11{1..41111.11. ID+L DUDS DS N anwama4'A'a.rra!00 r1y.b.s+..0/+u00004.ok.w, sl.Mnm.p..* aa. rn+ y4m/.ltla o-.rMwriNall. aM.. 6 Noy. 01 rm 100 n.• rna...mr 0r WPM MVP yllMMY,.• 40C.1 r0r0 1..f na.a 1.0mm PYOVO ON..a ma.r 4 Dosoo..mw....d d dos r.tl N ins nos Om or Am.,i W raSI a ANa.u..+4.:/!k„r an.. Mrs r 1pn wrrxwwraw+tl.ra..s rra.e..OM+BM y0..a+y 'aywm rnwan p.rald Yoomw.Wrap.a a.a. lea loon arraw.a..rw.r w.olW room si.na.n..law.r apn.«.n sows woo s..1•ao ielrwrp m a py.. rd r rka w PM* mm. 201 +. 11100R11100 a0r cnnem.•dmor+W4.WN4r Nro.pvrNdua. ..E wlydO.+ w.rwy w.m.n.vww a.prr IF▪ S O I20 ...YE to ro4a10sNa pw bHwr.q coos, IFS S.W .Nwprrl.w dr» .rm..rb. e;...,.Ew.rs.wwa .:.a..m.d miBo me."* tl.m.,I.E..1.,,..,�.m..Errbm.�rtl..l,a....r.n .M Maim Irmo odds owl VOA.] s01111.1r1d6k4e.W OMto%Md by l.Nanarclrnl.oa..1.. Oslo. rd Nomura, as l OWS. WI.10Ade m ArriN la0 MmmY tl yr. p y. wre.p.lmld.M/iWI ••+ 1.01 mamaa.ar dewr..n0w.wad rd w.f. 23! M eem.dl. Orel atlw w. Or0.rtrw.r.alp w n mi..a.kn nl P.O. Ebemupra. au. Whom.' mWydl.l 00yalool Wl.r.sk,. .r..Y sod o...l..,HOIre r.11 roamed..roma • Nam• w *NI ntd.m u. 9.1.c n..0 e. sem PA mk 0r\nNa OW *ado r. Liao I 1 a sro woos . ER d••.l.o• L..'...a ER mitol..,. 201•. ¥Jl.+tlgoy .1 pos. 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L. d 194. am..n.r10E ty cuvin row OP 0e 0W0.a MWC MARRIOTT 700 N MIAMI AVE. 011AMI, FL 33130 MOM Devolopennl y�# %44� t2-i K4,42,s f --.n. wan 1 L204 EZ:FAMIPPgr.dr="4=4.5.40 SKETCH OF BOUNDARY SURVEY ALTAIACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY EEEE 4'1-1 FAV ":" argi 447.:174 ---AzrazETant =IA OY =17:0.1••• je7= =•••••••••=x.4....r.rr .+7,i1=71•771 4: = d 63' s MIAMI ARENA -91 .• LS-2574 SKETCH OF BOUNDARY SURVEY ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY UPwnlc «:,ia !n r-r {IYI' 'Ir�R rnecr "A"y��,-f I - raAcr 8- EV.......a.,.. 1q • Warrx� •Y YPt SKETCH OF BOUNDARY SURVEY ALTA/AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEY Jt,p,LIr Heal: ruts SMNIfOgi �- aorta mrK..+ - l• rru paw, 0. A-- -, ! sy J_ as 0 ,w o 004 MIAMI ARENA LS-2574 CJv ,ter: r 10,1, rtil • 11n. -amilwaNIMEM=111•1 • tiaaa[i ��a iaiaC 1nI1W r Nair= �itanr:arlr. - Rf 11•11 i 1111 E � aau I 1-T'a�aEiyEa 1IM 1urrIAIr410 .41111. nr1 SKETCH OF BOUNDARY SURVEY ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY GRti'111C :rus Oman m•1 Z ma�1n .,' ,; -.ilium, ilia •w_ammlim aaarl laiIMIn -.1.1t.1_.ma moo JGe1 aaa 'a1..11.flS AaElalaSaL claaaa �.�wlnrw.lr aaar-:.r-aE. a. M. rrla 3111112: a1 11s� W�1i�H111111.11 sn; '.�421aa1 ii +a.�aeriiciiia mif EA aaaalal HMI tl Eai111 11 • __wg" , .�. g • 111111.1i1R A I, .1••!7' M1"NW 8th STREET ! . • -1••[... - • _ . 7 • „, ' . ,,e• • • • •- .• 4 ;6.1 10' 4)-',„%• .49.1•P ft - .0 0,4 • 0 s e 4. • 10_0:e • 6..1 9 -*-- '1fX • • • , 1 i • P1,1 I I 11 11 r „ • lo . gt 1 tr.' °' 47;1(4 * 414"4%.....4......„ ---,.... op . % I I a i • [ • 'V ..a .. . .—.—•... — .,. ,,,..•,‘ '....,,,.• , _ ...., ,,.. AD „, - -11,1111/41' 1'`-.11.1", 11"-t• ' - ..• -...),". . ••-. ---- , * , 1 -102 ----•._1_ 40 * ,h•-, 4-7--*-0.n. 0 * *040 . . 4, *' eae it TREE DISPOSITION PLAN ' - • 3, 5 "rm. in remain. All others to Oa removed Perm to Sraeor TO 102 for complete hal dlapodition and na0paainn rddiumernonM MWC MARRIOTT 700 N MIAMI AVE. MOM. FL 33136 MDM Development a • • i Lu \,L • ••' • - , , • 7.. NW 7th 2, • sr —7 '7. ; 0 • "0 t I • . - - 'r' - "', - T... .4...i -.1 1 .3,b11 • • k mons 1 -...,..- :TD101 '''villjA. 1 Ibma,4 1 4 A a TREE DISPOSITION LIST F MrilGATION CALCULATIONS 1 82a ITa1al ❑EM m Ds removed_ tta 7 dbh baps DIAL! hod 4u netlgaaan Tree disposition plea and mitigation maloidaGtrns are sabmilted as per Chapter 17 of the City Cade, entitled 'Environmental Preservation'. MWC MARRio 1 1 MN SALADS AVE. MAM , FL 3313a MOM Da.armmere G r k I