HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis & MapsCity of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Land Development Section ANALYSIS FOR EXCEPTION FILE ID: 14-00912x APPLICANT: Tony Recio, Esq. on behalf of P&G Investors, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: Approx. 700 Northwest 1st Avenue FOLIO NUMBER: 0131370250011 COMMISSION DISTRICT: District 2 NET OFFICE: Downtown GENERAL INFORMATION: Request: Pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, an Exception with City Commission approval is required to allow a Regional Activity Complex with exemptions from the following referential guidelines (Transect Regulations): • First Layer Setbacks on the Secondary Frontages of NW 1 Avenue and NW 8 Street; • Maximum lot coverage above the eighth floor; • Maximum square footage of the Building Floorplate above the eighth floor; • Minimum setbacks above the eighth floor; • Maximum permitted building length above the eighth floor; and • Required number and size of Loading berths. This EXCEPTION perrnit application also encompasses the following special permits: • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 4 Table 4, to allow a 30% reduction in the required number of Parking spaces within 1/2 mile radius of a TOD or within 1/4 mile radius of a Transit Corridor; • WAIVER, pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.6.4(e), to allow parking to extend into the Se- cond Layer beyond 50% of the Frontage if an art or glass treatment is used, subject to UDRB review. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Miami World Expo Center is being considered as a Regional Activity Complex ("RAC") featuring a contemporary First Class exhibition space fully integrated with a 1.800 room hotel and an international convention center. A legal description for the Property is attached as Exhibit "A". This project is located at approximately 700 N. Miami Avenue, formally known as the Miami Arena site. As proposed, the Miami World Expo Center will be comprised of a mixed -use development of approximately 2,234,771 square feet of gross floor area a height of 54 Stories, including approximately 350,000 square feet of usable exhibition space, approximately 1,800 hotel rooms, and approximately 1,250 parking spaces (as described in zoning analysis table located on sheet 100). The main exhibition space will feature approximately 50-foot ceilings and relatively few support columns providing a clear, column -free span of over 150 feet in width. Such height and unobstructed space will offer national and international conventions flexibility in the design of events and exhibitions. ANALYSIS The Miami World Expo Center is located within the boundaries of the Southeast Overtown Park West Development Regional Impact (SEOPW DRI) area requiring a DRI fee payment prior to the issuance of any building permit. The amount will be calculated based on the final approved program for the project. The project was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Department and additional pertinent comments are attached hereto for reference. The applicant has been working with and continues to work with the Planning and Zoning staff to become more responsive to comments provided by the Plans Review Committee and other Government agencies. The proposed Miami World Expo Center was reviewed by the Urban Design Review Board (UDRB) on September 17, 2014, which recommended approval with conditions. 14-00912x Page 2 of 4 The project as presented is anticipated to cost approximately $600 million, creating 5,500 full time construction jobs over a 36-month construction period. Once finalized, the project is anticipated to create approximately 5,400 permanent jobs. Findings regarding exemptions requested: The City Commission has identified the Expo Center use as an important project for the Overtown/Parkwest area and the City in general, in terms of employment and development. The Downtown Development Authority and other studies have identified the City's need for convention and exhibition space in Downtown Miami between 100,000 square feet and 350,000 square feet, preferably integrated with a convention hotel. The subject property, former site of the Miami Arena, is one of the largest properties in the downtown area that is already configured for major civic use and easily accessible by pedestrian, mass transit, and vehicles due to its wide sidewalks, proximity to a major rail transportation corridor, and proximity to major highways. The site is ideal for this type of large scale use because it does not require altering the city grid or network of roads. - In order to accommodate the functional requirements of the exhibition space, which requires extensive back -of -house support, the building must occupy as large footprint as possible on the site. Exemptions allowing increased lot coverage, reduced setbacks on secondary frontages, and reduced open space (at ground level) will allow for the inclusion of the ground level exhibition hall together with the necessary supporting back -of -house facilities. The project continues to be enhanced to provide interaction between the site and the pedestrian realm on all frontages as the applicant refines the design to accommodate comments from the different Government agencies having jurisdiction. Functionality of convention spaces requires the majority of the space to be continuous and uninterrupted, with large clear heights and volumes to accommodate a broad variety of exhibitions, especially at the ground floor level. The functional relationships between the exhibit halls and the hotel tower requires its placement within a specific area in order to maintain the large interior exhibition spaces uninterrupted by structural support elements. 14-00912x Page 3 of 4 - Exemptions for the tower floor plate, setbacks above the eight floor and maximum permitted tower length allow for appropriate utilization of that portion of the podium available for the tower. The proposed design minimizes the impact of these exemptions by designing the tower in a curvilinear form and breaking up the facade into a number of tower segments. The main exhibition hall has been designed to accept loading and unloading of semi- trailer trucks directly within the space which will facilitate event set-up and take -down. This reduces the need for separate loading berths required to serve it. The direct loading solution together with the increased footprint is set up to incorporate any impact of loading operations completely within the building. The applicant continues to work extensively with staff to minimize the extent of any potential adverse effects, and will continue to work with staff in the refinement of the project, as it further develops. - T6-60a-O is one of the City's most intense transect districts and is the appropriate place for high intensity developments such as this Regional Activity Complex. Based on the aforementioned comments and analysis, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends the project for APPROVAL with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall continue to work with the City of Miami Planning and Zoning staff to bring the project more into compliance with regulations of Article 6, Table 13-Supplemental Regulation and Recommendations. 2. Obtain sufficiency letter from the Office of Transportation of the City of Miami. 3. Comply with the conditions/comments of the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County and other agencies with jurisdiction on the proposed project. Antoxio E. Perez Chief of Land Development 14-00912x Page 4 of 4 DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA Department of Planning and Zoning PROJECT NAME: Miami World Expo Center APPLICANT: Old Arena LLC PHONE: COMMISION DISTRICT: 2 EMAIL: FOLIO(S): 01-3137-025-0011 SITE ADDRESS: 700 North Miami Avenue ZONED: T6-60A-0 REQUEST: Exception, pursuant to Article 6, Table 13: The applicant is requesting to build a 54 story (646' tall) hotel and convention center with 1,800 hotel units with a combined 2,343,771 sq. ft. PLANS DATED: September, 17, 2014 1 BUILDING DISPOSITION YES NO N/A 1.1 Does the project respond to the physical context, taking into consideration natural features, existing urban form and Transect Zone Intentions? X 1.2 If located on a Corner Lot, do project's facades acknowledge all frontages? X 1.3 For modifications of non -conforming structures: Does it address specific regulations on Article 7, Section 7.2? X 1.4 Does it create transition in Height and Mass with abutting properties and transect zones? X COMMENTS: + Shect 100 (Zoning Analysis) Indicate Square Footage for all proposed uses {Civic, assembly, retail, etc.). Correct number of Hotel Units DU/Acre is 1000, not 600. A maximum of 30,000 sq ft per floor plate is permitted, no waiver allowed for increase. Addressed • Comment to remain: Sheet 403 - The southwest corner of the site indicates a 129'+ high by 20'+ wide blank wall. Incorporate architectural or public art elements that will enhance the facade. Said elements can serve as a focal point as you drive north along NW 1 Avenue. All facades shall acknowledge each lot frontage. Provide details of louver pursuant to 5.6.5 (d). • Requires Urban Development Review and Large Scale review. UDRB Approved with conditions on 9/17/14 2 BUILDING CONFIGURATION YES' NO N/A 2.1 Are the building facades articulated vertically and horizontally in intervals appropriate to the existing neighborhood and Transect Zones? X 2.2 Are the building facades articulated at street level to recognize pedestrian continuity and interest and at upper levels to recognize long views of buildings? X 2.3 Are Architectural styles and details, colors and materials used in the project derivative from the surrounding area? X 2.4 Does facade design respond primarily to human scale? X 2.5 Does the project promote pedestrian interaction? X MiamiWorld Expo Center ( September 23, 2014 2.6 Are all walls design as active facades? When not possible, are they embellished with architectural treatments? X 2.7 Does the project provide usable open space allowing visible pedestrian access from the public sidewalk? X 2.8 Are service elements (trash dumpsters, utility meters, loading docks, backflow preventers, Siamese connections and electrical, plumbing, mechanical and communication equipment) located away from view of the street and adjacent properties? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: The applicant should consider incorporating different materials, architectural and or artistic elements to help break the massive walls below the podium proposed structure. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 401 (North Elevation) Provide details of the proposed architectural screening for the area of the garage. The northwestern portion of the facade (garage) shall be enhanced architecturally. Applicant should explore other alternative treatments that will enhance the pedestrian environment. Lobby area in the forecourt should incorporate more glass treatment to further activate the street. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 402 (East Elevation) the current location of NE 7 Street terminates into a blank wall on the eastern elevation consider enhancing the facade architecturally for future pedestrian interaction. The proposed paseo per Appendix D, page 62 terminates into a blank wall; see Sheet-101 of plans. This pedestrian T-Intersection should serve as a terminating vista; the current design for this facade should be extensively articulated by incorporating architectural or public art elements which would serve as a focal point looking west along the paseo. Incorporate existing adjacent structures into the elevation. • Comment to remain: Sheet — 403 (South Elevation) from the podium down the facade lacks design. Applicant should incorporate architectural elements to break up the massive wall. Provide blow ups of the podium facades • Comment to remain: Provide a open space diagram in accordance with Appendix D - Further clarification required- • intersections (North, South, East & West). Addressed • Northwest and southwest corner of the podium need to be further articulated architecturally. Addressed • Provi�—street perspective headi^ rth along NW 1- Avenue of the SW facade of the building. Addressed • Sheet L103 Place section diagrams in context of the site. Addressed • Comment to remain: Partner with Florida East Coast Railroad (FEC) to incorporate landscaping along the rail line as per the FEC corridor. • Comment to remain: Pedestrian bridge over the FEC easement (agreement / permission). Bridge not depicted in elevations and landscape plan. See Sheet 108, 404, L102, 101, etc.. • Comment to remain: Incorporate display windows at street level along NW 1 Avenue. Addressed in elevation and rendering, however not reflected in inconsistent with floor plan. MiamiWorld Expo Center 1 September 23, 2014 • Comment to remain: Sheets - 201 / 202 Trellis and eyebrows over the public right —of-way require Public Works approval • Comment to remain: Submitted survey w/ BBL is not consistent with plans, specific to 7th Street as it terminates on the eastern side of the property line. Provide current Survey • Comment to remain: Indicate 7th Street ROW Provide in a current Survey 3 BUILDING FUNCTION & DENSITY YES NO N/A 3.1 Does the project respond to the Neighborhood context and Transect Zone? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: The applicant shall consider incorporating different materials, architectural and or artistic elements to help break down the massing (Facades) See comments in section 2.(Building Configuration) 4 PARKING STANDARDS YES NO N/A 4.1 Does the project minimize the impact of automobiles parking on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties, specifically in the T3 Zone? X 4.2 Are conflict points (number & width of driveways and curb cuts) minimized for pedestrian and vehicular safety? X 4.3 Does the project minimize off-street parking adjacent to a thoroughfare front? If possible, is parking located behind the building(s)? X 4.4 Are landscaping or surface parking areas buffers proposed between dissimilar uses? X 4.5 Are parking garage structures screened with habitable space? If not possible, are architectural treatments and/or landscaping proposed to screen the garage structure? X COMMENTS: • Addressed • Comment to remain: Sheet — 201 provide dimensions for loading zone entrance width. See Article 5 Section 5.6.4 (f) entitled "Parking Standards". Loading entrance appears to be too big, provide dimensions. • Shcet 202 Identify cutout along NW 8 ' St. (Drop Off and/or On Street Parking). Addressed • Comment to remain: Consider adding on -street parking along NW 1st Ave. • forecourt / street level to create a transition fr„m pv 1blic into private realm Addressed • See comments in section 2 note re: "forecourt"Addressed • 305.416.1022 with any questions. Addressed MiamiWorld Expo Center j September 23, 2014 5 LANDSCAPE STANDARDS YES NO N/A 5.1 Does the project preserve existing vegetation and/or geological features? X 5.2 Does the project reinforce Transect Zone intention by integrating landscape and hardscape elements? X 5.3 Is the landscaping used to enhance building design and continuity of streetscapes? X 5.4 Are the landscaping materials (planters, plantings, trellises, pavers, screen walls, and similar features) used to fulfill objective Article 8 Section 8.3 entitled "Public Frontages" X 5.5 Is landscaping used to screen undesirable elements and enhance open space and architecture? X COMMENTS: • Provide a tree mitigation and Dicpositinn plan Addressed • Comment to remain: Landscape plan shall be in accordance with Article 9 of the Miami21 Code • Comment to remain: Clarify Open Space • Comment to remain: Incorporate landscaping into forecourt street area and FEC R.O.W. • See comments in section 2. 6 SIGN STANDARDS', YES NO N/A 6.1 Is the signage provided appropriate to scale and character of the project and the immediate neighborhood / area? X 6.2 Has an aesthetic and functional signage identifying building address been provided? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: Note on plans /rendering, "signage" under a separate permit. • Comment to remain: Signage subject to Warrant process pursuant to Article 10 7 AMBIENT STANDARDS YES NO N/A 7.1 Is the proposed lighting appropriate to the building and landscape design and in concordance with signage and street lighting? X 7.2 Is outdoor lighting oriented to minimize glare to the public realm and adjacent properties? X 7.3 Are residential areas protected from excessive noises, fumes, orders, commercial vehicle intrusion, traffic conflicts and the spillover effects of light? X COMMENTS: • Comment to remain: Lighting Information not provided. MiamiWorld Expo Center j September 23, 2014 Additional comments will be provided upon review of a detailed re -submittal. The City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on additional information provided. MiamiWorld Expo Center 1 September 23, 2014 CI T Y 0 F MI A MI PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMNT URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIBW BOARD (UDRB) RESOLUTION FOR RECOMMENDATION UDRB MEETING- 0 9/ 1 7/ 2 0 1 4 Item No. 4 A motion was made by ANTHONY TZAMTZIS and seconded by NEIL HALL for a Resolution recommending to the Director of the Department of Planning & Zoning APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS for the project MIAMI EXPO CENTER located at 700 N Miami Avenue with a vote of 3 to 0 Vote List: Yes No Recused Absent Robert Behar (Chairman) ■ ■ ■ X Dean Lewis (Vice Chair) ■ •• X WiUy Bermello ■ • ■ X Robin Bosco X • • • Neil Hall X ■ ■ ■ Gerald C. Marston • ■ X ■ Fidel Perez • • ■ X Jesus Perinuy ■ • ■ X Anthony Tzamtzis X • ■ ■ Note: Gerald Marston recused because of conflict of interest with the project CONDITIONS 1. Work with City staff to continue evolving landscape and hardscape design so that they meet the scale and regional importance of the project. 2. Applicant shall coordinate landscape and hardscape proposal with Miami World Center and City staff regarding the design, urban furniture, hardscape materials, etc. Both projects shall be integrated. 3. Consider relocation of the pool at the amenity deck. Proposed location on the center of the deck affects public use possibilities of this space. Attest: C 9t (V ,Francisco Gar Planning & ing Director Perla Gonzalez, UDRB Liaison 0 150 300 MIAMI 21 MAP 600 Feet Address: 700 N MIAMI AV AND 700 NW 1 AV er. < r_a, 57,1, e^V7E�y i u UZ;[/1,a R . i gff19U11 BIL111 11 0 150 300 600 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Address: 700 N MIAMI AV AND 700 NW 1 AV