HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis, Maps & PZAB ResoANALYSIS FOR FUTURE LAND USE CHANGE REQUEST Approximately 7100 and 7120 Biscayne Boulevard and 565 NE 71st Street File ID 13-01259Iu REQUEST The proposal is for a change to the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan designation of a portion of portion of property from "Duplex Residential" to "Low Density Restricted Commercial". (A complete legal description is on file at the Hearing Boards Office). FUTURE LAND USE Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policy LU-1.6.1 established future land use categories according to the 2020 Future Land Use Map and the "Interpretation of the Future Land Use Map." The "Duplex Residential" future land use category allows residential structures of up to two dwelling units each to a maximum density of 18 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Community based residential facilities (14 clients or less, not including drug, alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities) also will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law. Places of worship, primary and secondary schools, child day care centers and adult day care centers are permissible in suitable locations within duplex residential areas. Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges are allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within duplex residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said uses shall be restricted to those of the contributing structure(s). The "Low Density Restricted Commercial" future land use category allows residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "Low Density Multifamily Residential" (36 dwelling units per acre) subject to the same limiting conditions; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels; general office use; clinics and laboratories commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels as permissible. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Low Density Restricted Commercial" allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 3.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. DISCUSSION The subject area consists of one parcel and portions of one other parcel comprising approximately 0.24 acres. The parcels are located along Biscayne Blvd and NE 71st Street on a block that is bounded by Biscayne Boulevard to the east, NE 71st Street to the south, NE 5th Avenue to the west, and NE 72nd Street to the north. Presently the site and the parcel to the north and the areas surrounding it to the northwest, west, southwest and south are designated "Duplex Residential". The areas to the east along the Biscayne Boulevard Commercial Corridor are designated "Restricted Commercial". One of the parcels is located in the "MiMo" Historic District and adjacent to the "Palm Grove" Historic District to the west. The other parcel located on NE 71st Street is located within the "Palm Grove" Historic District. The subject site is in the UPPER EASTSIDE NET Service Center Area. ANALYSIS The Planning Department is recommending "APPROVAL" of the amendment as presented based on the following findings: • MCNP Housing Policy HO-1.1.7 states the City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high-rise and low-rise residential developments. The proposed change would create a transition between the high permitted densities and intensities along Biscayne Blvd and the low density duplex residential family neighborhoods to the west. • The MCNP Interpretation of the 2020 Future Land Use Map indicates that the "Duplex Residential" future land use category allows residential structures up to a maximum density of 18 dwelling units per acre. The requested "Low Density Restricted Commercial" designation allows density equivalent to "Low Density Multifamily Residential" which is 36 dwelling units per acre. This is a small potential increase of 4 dwelling units for the westernmost 0.11 acre portion of the subject parcel. For the remaining area of the subject parcel, fronting the corner of Biscayne Blvd and NE 70th Street, the maximum density does not change, remaining 150 dwelling units per acre. • MCNP Policy LU-1.3.15, states that the City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. This change will allow for the potential addition of commercial uses which may serve the surrounding residential neighborhoods. • MCNP Policy LU-1.6.10 states that the City's land development regulations and policies will allow for the provision of safe and convenient on -site traffic flow and vehicle parking and will provide access by a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and transit. This site is in close proximity to three Miami -Dade County Metrobus Routes along Biscayne Blvd and may support additional density and commercial uses. • MCNP Land Use Policy 1.1.1 provides that new development or redevelopment that results in an increase in density or intensity of land use shall be contingent upon availability of public facilities and services that meet or exceed the minimum LOS standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. These findings support the position that the Future Land Use Map at this location and for this neighborhood should be changed to the proposed designation. Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho March 19.2014 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Mc Gilberto Paoturiza. Esquire Weiss GenotaHelfmanPastorizoCole &Boniska 2525Ponce deLeon B|vd..Suite 7OO Coral Gables, Florida 33134 qpastorizaaxveh-|evv.unnn Iroo S'', Miami -Dade County School Board Per/a Tabares Hantman, Chair DrLawrence S.Feldman, Vice Chair Dr. Dorothy Bondxoso'Minding*0 Susie KCastillo Carlos LCucbe/o Dr. Wilbert ^Tee''Holloway Dr. Martin Karp Dr MartoP6mz Rayuo/A.Regatsdo RE: PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS 7100 BUSCAYNE LLC - 13-01259LU LOCATED 7100' 7120 & 7126 B|SCAYNE BOULEVARD PNO114022500719 — FOLIO Nos.: 0132070402710, 0132070402701, 0132070402510 Dear Applicant: Pursuant to State Statutes and the |nteducm| Agreements for Public School Facility Planning in Miami -Dade Countv, the above -referenced application was reviewed for compliance with Public School Conuurpency. /\ccording|y, enclosed please find the School District's Preliminary {}onournencyAnalysis (Schools Planning Level Review). As noted in the Preliminary Conournanoy/\na|yaio (Schools Planning Level Review), the proposed development would yield a nnaxinnunn residential density of 11 multifamily unba, which do not generate any students. Therefore the applicable Level of Service /L{J8\standards of 10096 Florida Inventory of School Housing (FISH) have not been impacted by the proposed development of eleven (11) multifamily residential units. Hovvever, ofinm| determination ofPublic School Concurnanoyand capacity naaen/s$ion will only be made at the time of approval of final p|at, site plan or functional equivalent. As such, this analysis does not constitute a Public School Concurrency approval. Should you have any queotione, please feel free to, ontact me at 305-885-4501. Enclosure cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde.AJCP K80. Vivian G. VlUoarni| City of K8ionni School Concurrency Master File Sino . Rodriquez, R.A Director Ana Rijo-Conde,Deputy Chief Facilities &Eoo'3usbainabVit/Officer ^ Planning, Design &Guatainab8itv School Board Administration Building ^ 1450K/E 2ndAve. ^ Suite 525 , Miami, FL 33132 Concurrent+ Management System (CMS) Miami Dade County Public Schools MDCPS Date Application Type of Applicant's Address/Location: Master Folio Additional PROPOSED SINGLE-FAMILY SINGLE-FAMILY MULTIFAMILY Miami -Dade County Public Concurrency Management Preliminary Concurrency Application Number: PH0114022500719 Schools System Analysis Local Government LG Application Sub Type: BLVD (LG): Number: 0132070402510, Miami Received: 2/25/2014 9:39:02 AM 13-012591u Application: Public Hearing Land Use Name: 7100 Biscayne LLC 7100, 7120 & 7126 BISCAYNE Number: 0132070402710 0132070402701, Folio Number(s): 0132070402701, 0132070402510, # OF UNITS 11 DETACHED UNITS: 0 ATTACHED UNITS: 0 UNITS: 11 CONCURRENCY SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS CSA Facility Name Id Net Available Seats Seats Capacity Required Taken LOS Source Met Type 3501 MORNINGSIDE K-8 ACADEMY (ELEM COMP) 145 0 0 YES Current CSA 3502 MORNINGSIDE K-8 ACADEMY (MID COMP) 22 0 0 YES Current CSA 7301 MIAMI EDISON SENIOR ADJACENT 711 SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS 0 0 YES Current CSA *An Impact reduction of 21.13% included for charter and magnet schools (Schools of Choice). MDCPS above. approval SCHOOL 1450 NE concurrency@dadeschools.net has conducted a preliminary public school concurrency review of this application; please see results A final determination of public school concurrency and capacity reservation will be made at the time of of plat, site plan or functional equivalent. THIS ANALYSIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PUBLIC CONCURRENCY APPROVAL. 2 Avenue, Room 525, Miami, Florida 33132 / 305-995-7634 / 305-995-4760 fax / Proposal No 13-01259, Date: 3/5/14 CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT IMPACT OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO LAND USE MAP WITHIN A TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AMENDMENT INFORMATION CONCURRENCY ANALYSIS Applicant 7100 BISCAYNE BLVD, LLC. 7120 BISCAYNE BLVD, LLC. Address: 7100, 7120 BISCAYNE BLVD, 565 NE 71 SI Boo ndacy Streets: North: NE 72 ST East: BISCAYNE BLVD South: NE 71 ST West: NE 5 AV Pepoaed Change: F om. D p ex- Rea deniiai To: Low Denaity Rest,ctea Commercial Existing Deaigaiion, Maxim m Land Usn Inienaiy Readeniiai 0.2400 acres @ 18 DU/a cce 4 DU'a Peak Ho Pe aon-T p Gene aeon, Reaideniiai 3 Oihe g.fi. @ FAR 0 sg.fi, Peak Ho Pe aon-T ip Gene anon, Oihe Popoaed Deaigaiion, Max m m Land Uae Inienaiiy Reaideniiai 0.2400 serea@ 36 DU/acre 9 DU's Pnak Ho Pe aon-T ip Gene anon, Reaideniiai 6 Oihe q.fi. @ FAR 0 ag.fi, Pnak Ho Pe aon-T ip Gene anon, Oihe 0 Net lnccementWitlProposed Change. Pop iaiion 11 D e ing Units 4 Peak Ho Pe son -Tips 3 Panning D ai iei UPPER EASTSIDE Ce niy Waaie ate Co eeiion Zonn 308 D ainage S ~catchment Basin C3 Seiid Wasin Connction Ro ie 102 T ansportaiion Ce de Name BISCAYNE BLVD RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE Pop mien Ine eme , Reaidenia 11 Pack Wihin 10 Min„te Boccie Free Walk No % Pop„oation Outside of Boater Fcee Walk A 27.65% Excess Capacii,Afte,Change 0.35% Cone y Cheekeff OK POTABLE WATER TRANSMISSION 11 T anam as on Reg meni, gd 1,721 Excess Capacity Before Change See Note 1. Excess Capacity Afte, Change See Note 1. Cone y Cheekeff WASD Pecmii Reptoced SANITARY SEWER TRANSMISSION Pep anon Ine emeni, Reaidenia 11 T anam as en Reg i eme , gpd 1,565 Excess Capacity Before Change See Note 1. Excess Cspsc.),Afte,Change See Note 1. Cone yCheekoff WASDPecm.Rep toced STORM SEWER CAPACITY Exfdi anon Sysinm Befo e Chang On-s.e Exfiltra tion System After Gha ngc 0o-site Cone y Chnckoff OK SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Pep anon Inc eme ,Rnsidnnis 11 Soiid Wasin Gene ion,iena/yea 14 Excess Capacity Before Change 800 Excess Capacity Afte, Change 786 Cone y Checkoff OK RELEVANT MCNP GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES Land Use Goal LU-1 (See attachment 1) Land Use Oh,ect,ve LU-1.1 Land Use Policy 1.1.1 Capital Improvements Goal CI-1 Capital Improvements Objective CI-1.2 C p Im P o e m e s Po Y 1 .2.3 a- g TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Pep anon Inc emeni, Residents 11 Peak -Ho Pe aon-T ip Gene anon 3 Cone y Checkoff OK NOTES Low Density Restricted Commercial: Allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density ASSUMPTIONS AND COMMENTS Population increment is assumed to be all new residents. Peak -period trip generation is based on ITE Trip Generation, 5th Edition at 1.4 ppv average occupancy for private passenger vehicles. Transportation Corridor capacities and LOS are from Table PT-2(R1), Transportation Corridors report. Potable water and wastewater transmission capacities are in accordance with Metro -Dade County stated capacities and are assumed correct. Service connections to water and sewer mains are assumed to be of adequate size; if not, new connections are to be installed at owners expense. Recreation Open Space acreage requirements are assumed with proposed change made. residential facilities such as hotels and motels;general office use; clinics and laboratories commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access „p .,.Pe ., „a, „P . . , wa., P P P.,, p,a,,, (' A 1 INl n2/1 wan w 1 w FUTURE LAND USE MAP (EXISTING) NE 73RD ST NE72NDST I � Duplex - Residential Palrn Grove NE 71ST ST NE 70TH ST NE 69TH ST NE 68TH ST 0 150 300 600 Feet 1- c.) ! Medium Density Z Multifamily Residential f NE 72ND1TER NE 72ND TER Mo NE72NDST NE72NDST C3 m w z U co NE 71ST ST NE 69TH ST ADDRESS: 7100, 7120 & 7126 BISCAYNE BLVD 565 NE 71 ST 0 150 FUTURE LAND USE MAP (PROPOSED) NE 73RD ST NE 72ND ST Low Density Restricted Commercial Palm Grove w LO LO w 300 NE71STST NE 70TH ST NE 69TH ST NE 68TH ST 600 Feet NE 72ND1TER Mo NE72NDST J w z U V m Medium Density Multifamily Residential NE 72ND TER NE72NDST NE 71ST ST NE 69TH ST KIP RRTH CT ADDRESS: 7100, 7120 & 7126 BISCAYNE BLVD 565 NE 71 ST 0 150 300 600 Feet Source: Esrial�,rrI®,�bbe, Geo ee rnapp g, Arid, GIS User ommum e, bed. USDA'! I ws topo. ADDRESS: 7100, 7120 & 7126 BISCAYNE BLVD 565 NE 71 ST File ID 13-01259Iu Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board Resolution: PZAB-R-14-033 April 30, 2014 Item PZAB.8 Mr. Daniel Milian offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10544, AS AMENDED, THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN, PURSUANT TO SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES SUBJECT TO §163.3187, FLORIDA STATUTES, BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE ACREAGE DESCRIBED HEREIN OF REAL PROPERTY AT APPROXIMATELY 7100 & 7120 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND 565 NORTHEAST 71ST STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, FROM "DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL" TO "LOW DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL"; MAKING FINDINGS; DIRECTING TRANSMITTALS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Upon being seconded by Mr. Chris Collins, the motion passed and was adopted by a vote of 10- 0: Ms. Jennifer Ocana Barnes Mr. Chris Collins Ms. Maria Lievano-Cruz Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Mr. Charles A. Gibson Ms. Maria Beatriz Gutierrez Mr. Ernest Martin Mr. Daniel Milian Mr. Juvenal Pina Ms. Janice Tarbert Ms. Melody L. Torrens Mr. David H. Young 7 Francisco Garcia, Director Planning and Zoning Department STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes May 7, 2014 Execution Date Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Olga Zamora Clerk of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board of the City of Miami, Florida, and acknowledges that he executed the foregoing Resolution. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 171DAY OF WW1 2014. VG, TrukIl Print Notary Name Personally know or Produced I.D. Type and number of I.D. produced Did take an oath or Did not take an oath Notary Public State of Florida My Commission Expires: 4.3r �, VANESSA TRUJILLO ', ;,r- MY COMMISSION # EE 105250 EXPIRES: July 11, 2015 In„ii •' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters i