HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA ResolutionCity of Miami Text File Report City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File ID: 14-00706 Enactment #: CRA-R-14-0049 Version: 2 Type: CRA Resolution Introduced: 7/15/14 Status: Passed Enactment Date: 7/23/14 Controlling Body: Office of the City Clerk A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,275,000.00) TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXPANDED POLICE PROGRAM WITHIN THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE FUNDS ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.8 83 000.0000.00000. WHEREAS, the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with its approved Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, Section 4.4, D., at page 42 of the 2009 Omni Redevelopment Plan, lists the elimination of conditions which contribute to blight as a stated redevelopment objective; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.370(2)(o), Florida Statutes, the CRA has the power to develop and implement community policing innovations with the objective of remedying slum and blighted areas and the causes thereof, within the CRA community; and WHEREAS, in February 2008, the City of Miami ("City") Police Department presented to the CRA Board the Police Visibility Pilot Program, an innovative community policing plan to address issues related to quality of life within the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the Police Visibility Program consisted of enhanced police services including increased patrols, special operations, traffic details, club checks, criminal sweeps, prostitution details, and undercover narcotics details; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-08-0024, passed and adopted on April 28, 2008, authorized the issuance of a grant to the City, in the amount of Three Hundred Forty Three Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Two Dollars ($343,392.00), for the Police Visibility Pilot Program within the Southeast Overtown/Parkwest and Omni City of Miami Page I Printed on 8/12/2014 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The issuance of a grant in an amount not to exceed One Million Two Hundred Seventy Five Dollars Thousand ($1,275,000.00) to the City of Miami to underwrite costs associated with enhanced police services within the Omni Redevelopment Area is authorized. Section 3. The Executive Director is authorized, at his discretion, to disburse grant funds on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to execute all documents necessary for said purpose, in a form acceptable to General Counsel. Section 5. Funds to be allocated from Omni Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. Section 6. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 8/12/2014 OMNI Board of Commissioners Meeting July 23, 2014 OMNI R:FJ EVELO `TENT DISTRICT I-, MM.UNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE ICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Marc D. Sarnoff and Members of the CRA Board From: Pieter A. l3ockweg Executive Director Date: July 7, 2014 Subject: Resolution Authorizing a Grant to the City of Miami for the OMNI CRA Police Programs References: Enclosures: Legislation BACKGROUND: 1 is recommended that the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") approve and adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the issuance of a grant, in an amount not to exceed One Million Two Hundred Seventy Five Thousand ($1,275,000.00), to the City of Miami, to underwrite costs associated with the OMNI CRA Police Programs within the Omni Redevelopment Area. In 2008, the CRA Board of Commissioners approved a grant fo r Three hundred Forty Three Thousand Three :Hundred Ninety Two Dollars ($343,392) for a Police Visibility Program. Ili 2010, the CRA Board of Commissioners approved a grant for Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) for the Police Visibility Program. The City of Miami Police Department seeks additional funding to continue th e OMNI CRA's Police Programs, first introduced to the Redevelopment Area in April 2008. This n.ew grant willresult in enhanced police services. The previous Police Visibility grants will be subsumed into this n.ew proposed grant. JUSTIFICATION: Section 4.4, D., at page 42 of the 2009 Omni Redevelopment Plan lists the elimination of conditions which contribute to blight as a stated redevelopment objective . Pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 163370(2)(o), the CRA has the power to develop and implement community policing innovations with the objective of remedying slum and blighted areas and the causes thereof, within the Redevelopment Area to enhance Quality of Life for the residents. The Visibility Program, an innovative community policing plan, provides enhanced police services including increased patrols, special operations, traffic details, criminal sweeps, prostitution details, and undercover narcotics details, The Cameras Program will aid law enforcement: in effectively serving the Redevelopment Area and enhancing the quality of life for area residents. The specialized cameras have served to provide greater police coverage and assist other Government Agencies in the prevention and apprehension of felons and crimes. This Resolution carries out the objectives of the Omni Redevelopment Plan. FUNDING: Funds from Omni Tax increment Funds from On increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code Na. 1.0040920101.883000.0000.00000. OMNI SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2014-2015 Budget REVENUES: CITY OF MIAMI - Tax Increment Funds MIAMI DADE COUNTY- Tax Increment Funds FY 2013 FUND BALANCE (Un-Audited) TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERFUND TRANSFER (Administration) OTHER CURRENT CHARGES AND OBLIGATION INTERFUND TRANSFER (Debt Service) INTERFUND TRANSFER (Grant) CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS BUDGET RESERVE TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES LESS EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED 2014/15 7,944,155 4,486,877 18;869,371 31,300,403 164,255 24,357 790,000 4,350,862 5,414,135 1,608,301 16,052,862 2,820,631 75,000 31,300,403 (0) 7/16/2014