HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit SubHISTORIC VIRGiNiA KEY BEACH PARK 2014-2015 Proposed Operating Budget ;51,40,6uk i )ems►., c,N' CLx2 C't` lavl t'd Historic Virginia i<ey Beach Park 2014-2015 Projected Budget Comments 2014-2015 Projected Revenue $ 526,891.00 City of Miami Contribution 0.00 Carryover Funds $ 25,109.00 2014-2015 Total Projected Revenue $ 552,000,00 2014-2015 Projected Expenditures Budget total Comments 512000 Administration Salaries $ 170,160.00 Executive Director, Finance, Administrative Aide 513000 Park Salaries $ 102,160.00 P/T Supervisor, 2 P/T Cashier, 1F/T Park Attendant, 3 P/T Park attendant 521000 FICA 7.70% $ 20,969,00 522000 Retirement contributions 5,000,00 523000 Health & Dental Insurance 23,321,00 Employees Medical and Dental 525000 Unemployment Compensation $ 2,500.00 531000 Professional Services $ 2,000.00 Mini train & Carousel annual state inspections & operating license 532000 Auditors $ 7,500,00 F/Y 2013/14 Audit 534000 Other Contractual Services $ 76,950.00 Events Coordinator/Promoter, P/T Fundraising Consultant, Events Parking Crew, Aerial Photography, Website Maintenance, Special Events Cleaning Crew, PayChex Payroll, Porta Potty , Security, Water, Holiday Fair Public Relation, Holiday Fair Sponsorship, Dine Dash Consultant 540000 Travel per Diem - $ 1,500.00 Rickenbacker Causeway tolls for all employees and Interns 541100 Postage $ 800.00 Events and fundraising mailings 544000 Rent & Lease $ 52,000.00 Office Lease, Event Tents, events Porta Restrooms, COM Copier 546000 Repair and Maintenance $ 12,000,00 Train, Carousel, park & office repairs 547100 Printing and Binding Outsource $ 7,000.00 Entrance/ amusement rides tickets, banners, park signs, event flyers 548000 Promotional Expenses $ 15,000.00 VKBPT Holiday Fair, VKBPT Dine N Dash, Musical Chairs 548100 Advertising $ 5,000,00 Newspaper ads and promoting events 549000 Other current charges & Obligation $ 7,000.00 Damage Deposit refund, Cancelation refund 551000 Office Supplies $ 3,000.00 Toner, copier paper, ect.,. 552000 Operating Supplies $ 8,000.00 552010 Motor Fuel $ 2,500.00 Entry Gate House Generator and park Equipment 554000 Licenses, Subscriptions and Memberships $ 2,500,00 COM computer license, vehicle registration renewal, DERM annual Fee, Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau 664000 Equipment and Furniture $ 9,000,00 Golf Cart Reserve $ 16,140,00 $ 552,000,00 kff HISTORIC ViRGINIA KEY BEACH PARK 2014-2015 Proposed Operating Budget Historic Virginia Key Beach Park 2014-2015 Projected Budget Comments 2014-2015 Projected Revenue $ 526,850.00 City of Miami Contribution $ 89,240,00 Carryover Funds $ 25,109,00 2014-2015 Total Protected Revenue $ 641,199,00 2014-2015 Projected Expenditures Budget total Comments 612000 Administration Salaries ��/ $ 170,160.00 Executive Director, Finance, Administrative Aide 513000 Park Salaries $ 160,400,00 1 P/T Supervisor, 2 P/T Cashier, 1 FIT Park Attendant, 2 PIT Park Attendant, 1 P/T Ride Conductor, 2 P/'i Camp Attendants, 1 P/T ProgramNolunteer Coordinator 521000 FICA 7,70% 25,469,00 522000 Retirement contributions 6,540,00 523000 Health & Dental Insurance 25,680,00 Employees Medical and Dental 525000 Unemployment Compensation 4,000,00 531000 Professional Services $ 3,000,00 Mini train & Carousel annual state inspections & operating license 532000 Auditors $ 7,500,00 F/Y 2013/14 Audit 534000 Other Contractual Services $ 88,950,00 Evonte Coordinator/Promoter, PIT Fundraising Cowherd, Events Parking Crew, Aerial Photography, Wabsilo McInlenenoe, Speolnl Events Cleaning Crew, PeyChex Payroll, Porta Potty , Security, Water, Holiday Fafr Pubilo Relation, Holiday Fair Sponsorship, Dino Dash Consultant, Peak Season Security 540000 Travel per Diem - !-, $ 2,500.00 Interns 641100 Postage $ 1,500,00 Events and fundraising mailings 544000 Rent & Lease $ 52,000,00 COM Copier 546000 Repair and Maintenance $ 12,000.00 Train, Carousel, park & Office repairs 547100 Printing and Binding Outseuroe $ 11,000.00 Entrance/ amusement rides tickets, banners, park signs, event flyers, Historic Signage 548000 Promotional Expenses $ 21,000,00 Chairs, 70th, Annlversarry Celebration 648100 Advertising $ 8,000,00 Annlversarry 549000 Other current o =rges & Obligation $ 7,000,00 Damage Deposit refund, Cancelatlon refund 551000 Office Suppllrus $ 4,500,00 Toner, copier paper, File storage, eot,,, _552000 Operating upplles $ 12,000.00 552010 Motor Fuel $ 4,000,00 Entry Gate House Generator and park Equipment 654000 Licenses, Subsoriptions and Memberships $ 5,000,00 Mlaml Dade Chamber of Commeroe, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Constant Contact, The Islander, Amerloan Association of Museums, Grater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Blaok Tle South Florida, Dade Heritage Trust, Florida Festivals and Events, Florida Trust Hletorlo 664000 Equipment and Furniture $ 9,000.00 Golf Cart $ 641,199,00 n-c/f.)