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"Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" FY013.-2014 cOKRAT 0..14.10-.1.?30 BETY4,:ENTOR Cf4ILDRKS TRUST AND CITY C Mikal OfFidE OE:THE-MAYOR THIS c...'.',ONTRACT is betwee-'n The chlitierl'.it.Trthit whote address is 3150 SA 3 .Avenue, -Floor. Ivq- Opria.p 33129 and the aty:of Ntrrn, Oft,ide af ne Mdicir hereafter; 'Provide? whose:qddress 'rs.:Offiae of ?-.ronts:Administration 444 SW.2rig. Avenje, 5th:Fiabi-MiarnicFlOrlda 33T30: consideTc-ildn..df the ru.atdavenanta herein, The Children's- Trust and Provider (sometimes hereafter referred to as wPcarti",,....4i1 aaree as follo\isis: A. EiftctVE1ERM TheeffecfNe reran of this -Contract shalt be :Trot. August r,„ 201:3 through July31, 201,C...subject. to funding avallatifity and Provige.r's perforrnansce. TERMS OF RENEWAL,. it oppRoe-4 the scee4iScr,=-t.or,of hil;Occrn C/ 3cc cLrrCr. ncvncl c tem-, c-auci to The-. te..ri-r, of initial contract far c cr)tai maximum of three- (3) tt.--,rms. The Children's TruSt in its sole alscre.tion will consider, but is not limited: to, the following; T. Provider meeting the. perform -once requirements speciflie,d in this Contract 2, Continued derndnstroted grid documented. need for fh,e, senrice-s funded. Program performance, fiscal performanofs-% and gohnolignge ProvIder that is deemed satisfactory in The Children's TrWs:saie discretion, 4 The &45acIbility pi f.ungs. the Chkiren's Trusf is prohibited. from creating obliad.ionS in anticipation Of budeerted reyenues FrOM gne fiscal. year to ono -trier y../ifhout year to year„extensioni praMSionS in Contract, ccbe The ChOrerii's rtost in 1T 3°Ie Ois`cretign will initiate reregocricn or ths ConiroaT berore the contract term:expires. SCOPE OF VER:VICES 1. Pro.\ilfaier. agrees to, Tender' s-eryices gccordotnge with the Scope Of Services; Aftachenent A, here -after "SerVides', to this :Controot. Praytder shall irnplerrient he SeMber.S a. .thannei, (learned satisfactory to ;hit-, Children's Trust. Any...msodirlpation to rne Services shall not be effective until approved, \Airifing, by The Children's Trust and Proc./Icier, 2. The Seriiciesactivities and performance megsves a,s. Wefl. asr.:Ofbmplete and octurate. data and proarommind information will be used -in the:evaluation:of PrOyider's:averall performance. . . 3. Frayen'oaret-os: that oil Vrlding. p!7.0\1(#-<4.,by Trust,-Aursponti-tai thiS. Contra& wil. be used'ekiluShielyfidr.iSenitceS inland for the benefit or 4annii-tade_CgiUnly teSideihts; /3 - irsy- atte o.f. the. ik,14yor CiOrtt..,14dt #71.4.10$ F'Zetpt411:047:C111-54 Fncr 1 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for ne August 2014 through July 31, 2015" 0. TOTAL Subject to the availaby of funds, the maximU amount p4obTe'Thr1ces rendered under this Xontract shall not exceed $86;722, with 6 required match of •SO Provideragrees that should available fundina to The Children's-Trust bereducea, the 'amount PCYCibie under this Contact will be reduced at the sore option at The chffdren's Trust. ProViar agrees to adhere to Other..gscal rtequirements, Budget and Method of Payment outlined in Attachment B to this Contract. E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1, Double Billing and Pcyrnerts Provider costs or earnings claimed under this Contract may not also be darned under any other contact or grant from The Children's Trust or, unless such .dalm s denied by The Chilaren's Trust, from any other agency, Any claim fpr double payment by Provjder.shqtt be o material breach of this Contract. 2. No 4VPPicaltitlg of ExIStinQ PUblid funds The Chilbren's TrUstfuriaing may not be used as a substitute For eAstino resources or for resources that would otherwise be available far ;chldren's services: or to replace funding previously provided by, and currently ovailob!e from, loccf and state funding source s far he same purposeviolation_ of this section by Provider shall be con,sidereci a material breach of this Contract Capital scuipm,ant inducieci in the de:tin:incr., of t,:,-,..rcoe..,ty" under Poricia Statutes, Chapter 27-4, (...na Florida. Aahninistrative Code, Srecrion 691-73.1:307, and is defhed as individual it -ems with a value of 51,000 or create( which have a lifeexpectancy of mere than one year. Provider is to maintain proof o Prope.,,ty Cov,ercae, in ;accordance with the insurance requirements prescnbea in this Contract (see Section K, lnsurance). Capitol eq.cdpment.pyrohased with Trust funds, by Provider be•c:orne assets of The Children's Trust; are irate for The Chilaren's Trust funded 'programs; are owned by The -„Chilaren's Trust and must be togged at thetime of purchase asset of The Childnen's Trust.- The Children's Th.js wffl wor', with PtOVIdr-T97 to fag The aget prd receive .11 ihforrtigtioi:l.r-ecirdina. The capitateaUipmerit. Provider, must • • • ••• .• • • . • • rrilaintain :cc record of any capital equiptnept purchased witn Nods nprbytded by The .Cbtidrenl:s Trust. YTherl Provider is no funded TEUst, the eqkjipf.ment wilt be..returned to The children'S.Trwsi. unless It is fLtriy dpreciced. Ownership of qapItoi eq*pmentwill be:transfefred to Proviber and remoied Tipm, The Childtery's Trusts :fixed asset SySteit .if the capital :Opijiptlieht depredated and in fhe... possession af OrpNiI_Pfer, pia.Vid* can 0itaAase tf..6ei etfUlonfent at the dearTeciated cost .with the opprovcrof The Childrens Trusf tf capita eakii•pment IS no purchased by: Provider ;Oar to the equipment being fpffy depreorate4FrOvia ter must rr---tYrn',:7Jah) Capital equprnenf to The Children4 Trust .beforesubrnission of the finallnlybiaetr the , event that propery'E. of The :(,:hilaren's Tryst is either dataged, los, or stolen, N.fyhile in Provider's possesSion,.Proyider i to perform ail of the foilowind•'.: oj 4th 5 business days pi° \Ade too The ,Childired.s Trust .contract rpanczar that the-capjtat equipment has been either dathoged, fast or stojeh; b provide a pagce report: for lost Or Stp!Orl, .hems; or provide d wiittet statoi.746f cps to how Th capitalequigrnent was darndpea; and c1 te7Imbtirse The Childr÷...-t.„n't Trust for„the voifue, as. deterrnined by The Childrens Trust. /3 -1511-- .1 City Of MiAti pflue ofte Mayor :Rege4 of.,70 Contract #.1416-14,&,- kesduton #2.013-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" 4. Assignmenfs.and Subcor,.fraehs Provider shall not aassigrr trtts Contract to atiof her party. . Pt oyk r.s. rho t not subcontract an Sergi}cam e. . this Contract without pnor written n a ravol of the 1. Y s unc r nc:orparaze appropriate langucge frog rt ;hrs confr ct info each subcorr`roct and ishallrequire..:each . subcontractor providing services to .be go rried by r:e terms cried :c. carter, Fins of this contract. Provider shall submit, a Tc Children "s Trust a cap*y of .each :subcontract ro 't i execuf on. •A l sub cOn;racrs w n Provide C nfrac3 wlrnrn dais of its r must be xe. ure,c{ v th,n .90 day of Provid •t's ex uticri date. A+1)'- subcontrccrars must agree to ae ri orartoiec by Prodder and or The d ,: manner as PrcVlder under the thins of this cOntrcCt, Provides ackrig,*[edgesand sT- In the same Chtetren'$ Trust and any subcon; ac,or.to ithis Can tact have _ agc tultifacitte d that The echande inforpncrf,;:r crocuf ~onrracf prOQ Orn .and jar fi c•al Issue Pray d r wa s iirly and all claims rrtcn. afdjor legal action based upon any Such coma: Unicc tuns. Provider shall be respons:bls- for all SeWi perarrned< •and oil expense Incut;ed,, under 'this Contract. including set ides; provided and e pens -es Incurred by any.ana ail sub.corttractor,, The Ch icren's Trust short( not r1able to any $ub0anrractor ror any e oe�nS s or Liabilities incurred under any suoc:cnrroCi. Pro der shall loe sotety liable for any retrrourseofe -expenses or liabilities incurred Under any —Subcontract.. Provider shall hold h c m es: and de.f nd, at Fror tcer's expense, The Childrert's demands or actions related et f to any Subcont,t-'..cr. =JS against any clairris,. The Chlldr rs best shall - at'!' provide funds to arty subcontractor Th ti.i's3✓f �� __ �, .''r... c it"'^ -i' ti `3 S�Cytrr-� Fa a/Vr [ in �l:."°C sl ib .a lir'actc r. . � �...v_�.. ...r ,. ,. ..,C..i y // t K ce,rtarM DV 'ME:- PR:Mc:ler and any ` uray rrocr r must c -ram a t tr, qualified to do business in the State Cr iota at the time That a subcontractor aaree e , b -entered into and se`vices are rendered, S. Relic! ',-. Pu.•ii o$c$ Providers: ovid s ana,t r theirfaith-based `orarnui'l partners. ne- r'T �' —t= shalt (ls..t use any r,.tn-rr provided under this Contract io support any inhesr nily religious actrviti s !ncuc`Ina but, not rm tech to:, any religious instruction,.. War sr,to arus..`Iy„ al.ian. �;b p lion/ or marketing'.materials. Any suc..n. lr'.ae. `U" F ovicer Isii7ali be a Material br ach Or this contract. 6. Lcbbybi Provider Shall net use any funds, provided under this -Contract or auny other funds provided: by Tide Ch lclr�en's Trust for lobbying ax1y Ted ra1,. state or focal gOver rr�en't ::Olt, legislators. Any such use by Provider shdlt be a materiel breach of this ContyOct.. 7 AdAdVers.A.Oftort. or Pr0ce n9 Provider -shall not use any funds under this: Contract, Or any Otherfunds pro provided by The C hildren's Trust; for any iegol fees, or for cm.., action, air proce ding Caaintt Ine Cr3 aren's Tryst its crgent , ernployeeS. or officials. Any such us4 by Provider shaft b .a rnatericibreach of the Contract.. &. Cornprfgice Provider agrees to malt:rain and ensure.its compliance, as appli.caole, wit€ federal; state, counfy, end Kcal loVs This includes but is not l n red to,..' adherence to IRS rotes and regulctions requitingtimely filing Of tax document, to rr-a,ntoin fax e{.(ern .t .Statut arid- 1 thraughouf theism r of the. contract_ Per/rTt, ntf of payrait taxes. 'ors ar plicesble; Provider further agrees to provide a:genc ona site(s) information to SAtitchboarcl of ralarrtt 2-i 1., The Ch.ifdren s host 24 hou! hellptine City of Mi ooc ofttla MMyrar Contact t1444O-.Z3.30;ResdlE3 d2O.73- Page 3 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" F. ENDEMN1F[CAT€ON EY P O' [DER Gavernrtienf Eh Subject to the firritot ions and :sovereJan irnrruriity provisions Of Florida. Statute; Sec. 768,28, Provider shall indemnify and hold horn' ss The Ch€td,en: s. Truvt and its officers, ernp!oyees, agents and- rst ume falities fronn any and al[ liability, losses cr caattaages n:clud€riig attarney' fees and costs or defense, its officer, employees agents Or irnstNmentalitres may incur as a result -Of :claims, demands, suits, causes of cct['ans ar prose durs ings Pt any kind or na ar;,'ing out of rela ing to. or resole€ng from the performance of this Contract by Provider or its employees agents, servants, partners, pr€ncpais or subcan.'roctcrs. Subject to the Irritations- and sovereign imriiunity provts:i ns of Florida Statutes; Sec.,7e8.28, Provider shall pay o f cloirns and losses in connection ;her frith and: shall investigate and defend ail alairris, suits: or actions pr. any kindor nature in the name or,The Chridren`s irusr. where applicable including app ic=e proceedings, and shall pay all sass, judgmeritsl, and reasonable a-torn.eys feeswhich may issue thereon. 2. Ali .otter Providers Pray,c t shall inaemniN and hold. harmless The. C faren S ThJS'I and its. officers., employees, alter is and insrrumerntaisiies from any and ail liability,. lases ar damages, inciLtdiE g reasonable attorneys' 'ees'and crosts of defense, which The Chnldr : is TRist or its cii .;:, employees, c nenir or instrurnentolitiessiU.. incur _. claims . "'' is (souses et n ,n-her_,onholodis c n. , ,ent from he On.,(=ref, willful or wanton acts cr omissions. To ins ex'c;t arl_7r'a from a nobilitythat !-' c%.:v';eredforegoing,- .. by o '�- t r � toC. € it d:'1ri,tic;.CrltLn I"r.:t41der shall 'r` all claims and losses in Con. e-a; on therewith ono! . shall Investigate tip ate i' S defend all claims, suits .:r actions of any kind or nature in the name of The Chitd,en's Trust. Where a:pi tca.oe, indludng cppcliate proceedincs, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and recsoncale of omey's fees Which may issue thereon Provider agreesthat any insuronc p otecticn.:req iced by this Contract' or off -lei -Wise provided by Provider shall ir'" no wdy (i1 tit the responsibility to indemnify;; keep acid Save harmr`ess and defend The Child=ens rust or its officers., :,employees, a:gen.is. I ne provisions .of tnis section an indernniff.catian shall survive the expiration. of iermiria€flan€. of this:Contract ac . G. COP YRICF-.TS AND *t: GHITO DATA! :ATERI_ALS Vthere activities suppar,•ed by this `Contract produce Original -writing, data, sound recording;, pictorial reproductronsr:drawyiirias Or other graphic representations and works of mi aarnature, The Child;en"s Trust has a licens to reasonably Use, duplicate and disclose Such Maierais in whate Or in part in a manner Consistent with the purposes and terms Of this contract, and to have atners ading an be:haalf of The Children's trust to do so, provided that such use. does hat corrrprcmiiSe the validity of any .copyrrg:ht, troderi-lark or parent.. If the daia/m.o erids sb de\tetaped.Ore lai:eat a copyright, trademark, or pa:eat, leaat title and every right, int rest, Claim .6r demand :of any kind in and. to :'any patent, tradernark cr cap fight, pr application for the same, ;.ill vest in Provide art vrth any'apaticable third party who has licensed or atherWise perrnitted Fravider to: us :`t'he saute. Provider og ees: ao. allow The Children`s_Trust and at r � acting oh behalf of The .Childr en s is' to have reasonable USe.af the sarne Consistent with the purposes aria rims o, this Contract, at no cost to:The Children`s Trtis, provided that such use does nor torriprohilsethe Validity of such copyright i1 adernerk or patent. H. OWNERSHIPA D LICENSING OF INTEILcCTLAL PROPERTY This Contract is subject to the provisions limitations dna exceptions of Chapter t 19, 'Florida Statutes,. regarding public records. Accordin l� to the extent ern ifte , g Y p a by Choate( i l �, Elartce Statutes, Provider t- " City c ii?Tt1€,pftge. of tl:lejs4sygr Coritracty#1 1 4934; Re75odtt`edri't20.13-54 Page 4 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" retains solve ownership of intellectual property developed under this -Contract. Provider is resgonsihie for pavm rif of required licensing fees €r irntellectual oropeny owned by other parties is incorporated by Prot/{der{nto the sorvtces reaulr d Under this Contract. Such lrcensirao 'Should: be the exclusive nonce of Provider. Payment for any l{cen,ing tees or costs arasing corn the use of ogler' {nfe[lecfual propery shall be at the_soie exp nseo€ Provider. As applicable for The Cc ifdren's Tru t L nder Flo.:St zit Section 768 28,. anti fo th:e extent permitted by :avid Within fhefirn{tatrrons of Plc. Stat _Section. =a8 j8, the Part OS shafl. rnd +nnrty and holcf;eacn other nrrrniess from liability of any nature or *kind,:including costs arid expenses for or cis account of third party allegat,.ons that use of any rnteliectucal property owned by , he third par-y and provided trianufaCtbred: or used by the Ind"ehirif, ling Party in the performance of this C.anfracr vaftates the t if llewfudi property ric'hts of that third party. E. REACH ACH OF CONTRACT AND E. iEDIES 1. Breach A material preach by Provider shall have occurred under ;tags Contract if Provider through action cr ornisslon caUtes any of the fallowing: b. ails tJ provide the Serv1ce_' outlined ined , cpe w ., -....1 F Contract: � n the _._. v � _-�",,��'_ (>��ac;.;rne #- -.i 4=���<<�lr� i":e �i .._.[tie Is cr t v lhis Contract; Does s not turnlbh and maintain the ceitifro,otes of insurance required by thus Contract cr cs ae,ertined by The Children'_ Trust; Does not meetor C. d`t U.: the conditions l lay s of award required by this :. Contract; its to submit or submitsin:c c.re ct or incon-piete proof of ,.pena,tures to support disbursemerntre.. qu@a;s or advance funding disbars *Tents,. or faits o:submit or submits incamplefe or InCofr=•ct detailed r pat i s Of r u st-c. for pcyr'''ent, efp.erta'ttjres or fined expenditure reports; included, bu not Limited to budgets, 6niOices;. and amendments in Servides & hC"f1Wi€1eS Mangement System aSAM:1Sj: hoes nOt submit or submits inc>✓mpfete or fnc:orr-ect required. -reports. pursu€ant to the Sob i.e of S uices I'"i this (..a:nTrac ; loses to allow The Chiidren''s Trust aces- to records der refuses o 'cifC E! l i 7e C hildren's r fuSt to • rti t rrer e'oluctte:land t. vow Providr' orograrin. •�i,.rcluding required ai ent data; "ails to comply wdif 7 c} ild. aate ar dy Iric'dent reportt'rt r _d'ulre(r tent:P; fC. A.fternots to f1 ee)f Its C7i7i}GO;F€ohs under i7S5 Co irp t i irdt f fiat :d Cft'Srep son F On or rncte lCi mrs ta;ternerrt; = Falls to correct d pole tcieS round during a rnonf i Bing, tit'aluc.non or review within : a Sr.iecified reasonable :lance;. rr' mils to Freer the terms and Conditio„s of any ao got on, or r_ ;pcyireni schedule a i `lie C€i,ldren''S Trutt i` or any'.of its G e.n:di 5;: r. Fails to.main afn The confidenraa1 ry Of client flies, aurSjianf .fo, Ffondd and federal laws; o. Fails fo rr lrlilifn a timely and proper manner nyy arid: of Lis obliaatlons, ,covenarnts„-cdntrdcts and stiputatens in this Contrast. Fs F' 1 k. r... Fails toSubm n an ; EnUal €'jnaodtaf -S a.erneenr Audit Pc. kcge orra Progtar"3 SJe fC Au:dlt, !Cl applicable in accordance with: Cti{dn 0 and At achMcrit q.of this contract, q.. Falls to subrrtit an Annual ; nanc,ai Star irient "*sta 11 and Program Soecltic "-�aa Erlaagerneni Leiterwithi i Thirty (3Qlt days.a ter Provider's fiscal year.end, Waiver of breach of any provisions s" on5 of this Cant -tact s,afl'no :d reed ,o be a ltiv�, o;:.arty other breach and shot not be co lstrurecl $o be a niia.aifrcatic n of the terrnSot this Conntracf.. a.. Fails to comply with Background Screenfn:a', as required isi: d:r This •a ntr-i`:t. C t7 e1 fMiarril .Office of tpe Mat/ CQntrdc `r .f0-193o Resiltori Padeea 7 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" 2. 'Remedies if Provider falls to cure :any -breach + e; n thirty (COI days ys, after receiving written notice frorn:T ::he Children s Trust identifying the brean, The Children's may ay pursue any or aft of the following remedies,. a, The-Children's Trust may, at: Nts sole -discretion enter into a written performance irriprovement plan with Provider to cure any .breach of this Contract as may be perrrtissibte under sto ie or fec erai law, Any such remedial plan shark ;be an addition to this Contract arid shall not affect :or render void or voidable any Other provision_contained in this Contract, cos=s, Qr.:any,uddgr`?enis enterecd ay a court of.appropilate jurisdiction, b. The :Children's Tr'l-i.st may suspend payrrient In wl c ip:-or in part under this Con'tracf.by providing Written notice of suspension toProvider cr s ch s,izp nsian'. and specifying the. effective dote of suSpenSiotin., Cit least five bus ness.0.d S before the effective date of suspenSron,- on the effective date of suspension Pravderrn y (out. ihali not be ooIgated toJ:aontirtue to perforrnthe Services In this Contract, but Provider shill pro.n:tofJy cease using: The Children's Trust's .logo and any ai:.her reference to The Children's itUSt in connectionwith such Services. All payments to Fro` der as of the as€e o suspension shall cecSe,. except that The Children's d'r.en's Trust shalt .continue to review arsd pay veritable requests for payment forServtces that were. ~craned and/or for.deii.verabe_ that were substantially completed at "'e sole _.scr.tion of he Children's Trust, prior to the effective ve dote of such suspension_ The CNidren's mc, si...is-c-eina any payments 'n whole cr ;Z". p chi/ other rri_i::;htrocts, ,:interec. s _ensich _, c, .era. the effectiv,t.-, cote of suspension, which must be bus.n _s_ before e-fe the c.tiv, date ct such suspension, in an event The Children's Tiust shall corn roue to review arict pay verifiab:e ?u__ s for payment as prodded for In ss c,h other contracts for __rsflces that were performedands/or for dzis'r ooze; not were substantially compl ed at the sole dt cre.tion of The nrlaren's Trust prior to the ;effective dote c such suspension.. t"e t�r0`Jider sil..,ci be responsible for all G:iv_., and indirect costs ossocirzl vd with Such suspension including reasonable at::oril:ev s fees. c. Thie Children's Twit may terminate. This Contract by giving written notice to Pro'xtd er of such terniinati'on and specifyng the date. of tefrninat.iain at least. five 15) .businiess. dayz before the e fe!;r'Nve da'e:at terr inaiJon Inthe e entaf a rch t rrl irbci'on, :lit Chilaren's Trust may (a) reauesf,Fro'idec to de.iver to The Children's Trust clear and: legicte-.capie.s :or ai finished pc:Unfinished :documents, studies, surveys, reports prepared.orrid secured _by r rat/id. with Trust funds under this Contract subject to the rights of i rovtder as provided form paragraphs G and Fl. above',:ice Seek "reitriibur'em nt of any Trust funds whit -in have. _been improperlly paid to Provider tiny r th s Comical (c) terminate t.uith:er pa ment of Trust minds to Pro -wider under this Contract ceps tnct The Ohildren`s T, ,rsf sflali continue to re=v ew and.pQy ye -Affable requests for oayment for services that were perrormed andfor deliverables. that Were substantially completed at .the sole discretion of The Children's Trust priar to th:e effectieidate of such te.rrninaftan; andd/-ar (d) terminate or con'Cei -With:pot cause any other contracts entered` ]rite between The :Children's Trust and Provider by d"rcNrditg s partite witted nortce to Provtder Of each such errfn:u'ion and Specifying the eriecttve dal of ternifna`'Cn. Which Must be of least five business days before tt'e effective Cdate'of such fermindd.i:aon iil wfnich ,5,2errt Tt'i hildren's This± shalt continue to review and pay vedlilabte requests far payrnent CIS prav'4d r'' for ir1 Such otiher contracts for services the;;: were - performed and/Or for deliverables that Were ssubs an ran Ca"rnplwred o ;the sole di cre.tidn Of The Children's Trust prior to the effective date:: at such terrrlinatton. -Provider shad ire resporis bte for all direct and nd,reci costs, associated wti h such te.rrninationr including. reasonable attorneys fe --s. cl. The: Children's Trust may seek enforcern •nt of this Contract iinciud ng but not limited to fling are action with a court of appropriate- iur,sdtc fion. Provider shall be responsible ;far all direct and indirect costs associated with- such enforcecnent, including reasonable attdrneyz fees,,:costs, and any judgtmlents. entered by a court of appropriate 3uti-dt; lion, iinaludfng all direct and indirect Casts and .reasonably attorneys' fees trough corrcps ion of all gppell`ate. proce gings and tnciijding any rind set lenient or judmen' city a; h"tarr[ Office tithe Mayor Confract `'i4'iE}-1 34r-Resui.fivf3r' -4 Page a ai",/0. Contract 4'10;-Ggst7,ResolutiontA2at3 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" e. The aravisions of this Poroaraph 1 shall survive. the expiration or termination of this Contract. 1. TERMINATION':ay EITHER PARTY The Parties agree that this Contract may ‘ -be terminated by either party by Written notice to the, other party Of irrtent to terminate at least :thirty (39j Calendar days prior to the effective .dote of such termirtatiorr. 1<. I N$U R.4.1‘N C E REQ Ett?.EM E/TS Prior to, or on the date commencing ,he effeettve term of this "ontrrct Pr.:ovider's insurance og;nt(sjt shaft provide to The Children's Trust the failai.V€ng ws applicable: TJ Cerfifcof s or l/1strance homing The Children's Trust as an additional Jnsufed and The certificate holder on. 'OIL applicable poi ores,.anci a1l oDoliaable _policies small be mair;farned tn; full f orce and eftect firth „nfire terrn of' this Contract .2j A le. ter ar :self-insurance indicating average applicable to a ficricfa municipal corporation r quir ed under this section or cis det ennined by The Children's Trust„.except.:as regEired by Florida row for goverment entities. Faiure by Provider r o corrtcly'with Section ;, vh i! be a Material breach oft is Contract. The ,n;ildr is Trusty/lit not disburse any funds under his contractuntil i ..ire c:.. icc es ..t insurance,or 4 cc:Try insurance in in. m:Cvir,3and ',+s.:hthe iq::iiw,r.e indnC.vcda.e=^w; 1 'Worker's Comp. nsc.-on insurance. ne e coverna Fail iof '. n< r'ricorocrct d independent d ,.errr contractors of consultants, and incorporated d independent contractors or consultants I"7v'o net v_e. worker's ken c orr pe'" sation c`v r4 e or a vol3d State of Florida exemption on tie with The D'-poi tmeni of i''rbor:, 05 required by Florida "Statutes, Chapter 440 In the event tn'ct the Provider is" no lancer exempt from obtatfirla Worker's Ccrnpensa "n rnsurante the Provider musi notify The Children's trust and provide The necessary tertifiCote of Insurance ;upon the terrninotion of the exe_rr Tian. The :employer's liability pnrion wITI be $,.5u0,:0i0f?/:=0 f 060.. 500', iCg as a minirrturn. 2. Comprehensive Cenral Uobllt insurance, to include seXual ":.Molestation,, !non or ounf not less than $500 QQO• combined Sale Iirrtrr per occurrence :any' 1€ 00 0C£J aggrecate in a policy year. Deductibles exc.,edina $ :000 are discouraged, Unless Provi er:can, pra:Vide rncnctcr state.rnents tJ support a hich deductible € e Chi'ldrens Trust end the City o, Miami must b? d s:i noted:.and',shown. as an additional 'Insured and the certificate holder With resoecfs to this. coverage The generci Fcci €ty policy must: contain cover:ace for tr:,,-e folio ing:: a Bodily injury; o'. Property Damage; c. No exclusions. for Abuses :Molestation -or Carpdral Punishrnert; d. No enrdorsemen, for prernises only .opercitionts. 3. Au omobiT� arlt y coverag:e for ail cl owned andfor leas v riicl caf'Provtde-and nort-a�vr ed coverage far tl r -employees arid./ar sub -contractors and transportation arripanies transposing program pcitaipairts, ►he ampunt of coverage is $T 0OO,QOO conic ined single knit per occurrence for bodily.rnlf ry arid pceroery damage. The. G_hlldr .- rs Thus: and the City of t tJarrii mus d_sig ardarb t shown as an aadJ 'roncl insured and the cesf€fticate harder respect_ to this coverage Coverace can be, purchased as .non -owned without hired atria co.v�roge V'hYn-the cos .is prohibiti e for hired. automoorl ctov rccae such as the ccis With the Florida Automobile Joint tfndeiwriti o Association bur rental Cars cannotbe_used in the. course of Provider's regular operat€Ors RC17 Ci cans maybe,used: fair travel to attend conferences outside he tri-coup y.or_ea.. T.rcrnsporta-ian corrtparlies- used by the Provider city of Ntray-i QTTrc . of :ie Mayoc Fanle7ofi0 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" for the funded proarpm must list Thechilarerfs Plot and the Cityof Miami as.:a certificate 'holder and as an additional insured... Automabite abffity coVerage10(.-0)lbwried and/or leased vehiCies of Provide P ond non -owned coverage for :their employees and i/Qr .;,u4-cp:n.frgisors :not transpc.,,rtip9 program porfitiparits. The minimum. amount Of coverage is $300,02.,ContibineOf Single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and' property damage. The Children's Trust and.the City .of Miami must be destanatted,and shown as an "AdditiOnal Insured as Their Interest May Appear with respects tql11 Calve:rode, Coverage can be purchased as non -owned wO.hout hired auto •ggyrpg,r7;, when:It-he Cast IS pirahibitive forlhired.autdrhabile coverage such as the case With the Fior*j,.dkufocopi,- Joint Uncleryyliting:::AssboilatiOn,t but rentalcars cannot be used irt. the course af Provides regUlar operations, Rentait cars May be used fortravel to attend conferences outside the tri-caUntypred., 5. If applicable, Special Events Coverage, as determined by Me Tr.Ust, The tiabilify coverage will be the same as the coveraae and limits required for comprehensive genera abity and The Children's TrUSt and the City of Miamimust be designated: and shown qs,"Additionaiirisured OS Their interest' May Appear.' Special Evens poliCiles are for short term functionS and not meant fa 'replace annual liability policies. The coverace is, for the day or days of the event and must provide coveraae the day prior and the day following the event. !f flS:irCr,C,--3- 7i-3.-.z-r-rThe-c' by The cost rrc'/ ce !nsige the iitt.-t;ts o cbiity Cfld th.e podgy con be H:ltteh on Cif-'iMf: The Childrens Trust is not required to be nanned as on Acfatitioncl insured. Professional licbility insurance is g,e.nerally required when the scope of services uses professional services that require, de:rill:la:1ton or licensefs) to. provide direct services to proc-trarn participants: 7. Praof of Property Coverage is required, when Provider hos capitol equipment owned by The Children Trust and said capitol equipment is under the Cafe custody, and control of Provider.: The Children's Trust must be shown an the evidence of property coverage as a Loss Pcyee, Property coverage shall .surviVe, the expiration or temtiithation of this Contract untifsOon time the ownership of the capital equipment is transferred. to Provider or such caPitat equpnent is tell:tithed. to The- Chficiren'S Trust. Certificate Holder Certificat-a holder must read: The tfitidren.'S Trust 3150 *-3td Avenue, Elt. Floor Fiorlac 33129 Ciasscation arta Rc.-41-r-9 All insurance polices required above shall be issued by cOmponies authOdted to do buchess under the laws of the State of Plottida, with the foilqwinaatiatiftcations: The company must be rated no less than "5" as :to rionagetienit, and no less than 'Class V" as th.e financial strength by thelatest edifion of pesfttnsrarice GUide, pUbiisitried by A.M., lBe.,St CompanY,, ClIdwitk., New Jersey, or iss equivalent, subject to the reasonable cpproVal of The children' S Tn.st. Prcvfder and or ProVider's insurance agent, as a.pplicoble, short notify The 'Children's Trust and the City Of . Miami: in ‘friting., of any material changes in insurance coverage, inciuding, but hot liMited, to any. renewals of eAlSlingfinsurance poticies, not toter tina:n thirty Do) days Prior to the effective date of making any material changes to the insurance coverage except for ten (TO) days for lack of payment change. Provider shall be responsible for ensuring that cli applicable insurance,s dreirnaintained and submitted to The Children Trust for the duration of this Contract. 18- AS-17- City df kftspi Offi of the NIZYCT P,saeS• of 70 Carfract -4-141:0-193a; t-'201-3-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" In the event of any change in Providers Scope Of Services/ Attachment A, The Ctilldren's Trust may increase, waive or modify, in writing Orty„of the foregoing insurance reqUirernents, Any request by a Provider to decrease, wave or Modify any of the foregoing insurance reqQirements shall be approved, in writing, by The Children's Trust pribr to. any"SUch decrease, waiver Or modification, in the event that on insurance cy b canceled, 1cijsed or. .p16,1reld during the effectiye period. of this Contract, The Children's Trust shall withhold ail payments to Provider until c new Certificate of Insurance required under this section is subrnitted odd .cipprOVed ipOhe thildren's Mist. The new insurance policy shall cover the tithe peria.d Cdentinenting fraril the dote:6f 661de:ration of te prior insurance The-Chilciren's Trust may require Provider to furnish, 'additional and different inSura.nce coverage, or Poth, as may be required from time to time under ap_pfiCoble, federal or states latt:ys or The Children's Trust requirements. 'Provision of insuranCe by PrOvider, in no instance, shall:tbe oteetinept to be a. release, limitation, ar waiver of any. claim, cause a action Or assessment that The Children s Trust 'May have against Provider•for any liability of any nature related to: perforinhanCe Under this Contract cr Otherwise. Alt insurance required hereUnder •may be rindintainedby.Proviqer pursUchttot c master or.biankEtlt policy ar polk.-ties of inSurance„ L. PROOF Of TAX STATUS sr- FCT ▪ 7.7 e or appicabi€_,-lax ie-trn fiind W..thin six(i rr,:nts cjter Provides fiscal year end cr other appropriate filing period pentnititeC by low; • If requirepd by ap-plicadie lawto be fitted by Provider, IRS 941 - quarterly federal takTeturn reports wn thy-gve t:3,5) calendar days after rbe quarter ends and if •applicable, state and federal • unemployment tax filings and if the941 anci unern-picyrnent tax filings reflects p tax Usability, proof of payment must be submitted within sixty (60) c•aletrir daysiaffe-r the ouorte.r• encits. M. NOTICES Written notices pursuant ta this Contract shall beert to the addresses for ecch Party car,..ttecs,tring on the first page or this Contract. Natice5 to The Chitaren's Trust shell be marked to the attention of ists President/CEO. tit is teach PartyresponSibility to advise the -other Patty. in writing of ariy changes in r-esponsible personnel for accepting Notices under this Contract; m�iR cadre, and/or telephone number, N. AUTONOMY The Parities agree that this Contract recotoni7.7.es the autonomy ofand :stipulates or implies no affiliation between,•the contracting parties. Provider is -only a recipient of funding sUpPart and isnot artemoloyee, agent or instrurne,ntolity of The Children's Trust and Provider's agents and ernployeeS are no agents Ctr ei-nplayees of The Children"s Trust 0; RECORDS, REPORTS, AUDITS AND MONFORING The pro:visions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract, consistent with Florida laws. 1. Accounting Recqds Provider shall keep accounting recorqs which conform to gene:Tally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), Ail such records- will be retained by Provider -for not less than -five years beyond the, lost dote that all applicable terms of this Contract hciVe been compiled with and final payment has been received and appropriate, audits have been submitted to ond acc.eptect by the apprOpriate entity. However, if / city of miant OrTipaQfthMayr Contract 77-1416:1310; Reacibtian #20-11-54 Pane of 70 "Form to be updated by City &Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" any audit, clam:. litigation, negotiation or other aciion.involvina this Contract or modf cation hereto hos commenced before rhe:,e>piration of the retention Period, the records Shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which .arise from it or until the end or the regular retention period, whichever is toter. Fiicneiq[ Statement Audit Within 150 days of the close of its risaal year, Provider acre.es to efectronicolly submit tri following documents to The. Ch laren's Tryst which -together compris an nnud: Financial Statement Audit Package, they are; (a} An annual financial statement audit, perrormed:joy an independen certified public accounting firm that is rrearistered ro conduct business vrrtcr t ne Flonda Department of Business and Professional :Regulation; fib).ca iriunicatiort ;encom:pps-ing. the requirements in AU 0 section 265> Commuriicafrrig Internet Canlrof R:etateo Mayers tden`f Tied in crr Auc EA:!CfA, Proressiarraf Standards, vol f) (c) Ytti1' e caminun'Uc lori enCompa-sing the requirements in AU-C sec iori 260,, The Auditor's Conniunica-ion With hose Charaedt With Gu rnance { ilCPA Professic:nef Standards, sial_1) (a), A iManaaement Letter, if no Management;_ Leiter is prepared by the independent certified public accounting. frrn, then Provider must confirm in writing to The Chilar n'ls.Tru r that no such'Management Letter veers su•brni ted to provider; (e)> Single Audit conducted ter accordan:ee with OMB Circular A-133, Audit of States, Local Go:v-ernment and ton -Profit Craani atiori4' or the Florida Single Audit Act, Florida. Statutes 215.97, if applicable; sutrnittlria ,. StarStarementace. cs defined:, 27C, goys the - Provider's fiscal year. Thecrinucril financial statement eni shall he conducted accordance da - :S%.'"t� in wit � i>uC':.' r^ standards .rat cenneraliy accepted in the 1I i_nted Stares Americo P standardsGovernment (G f"\ } and 5Ta Irddcontained I''��� in o+ e,.,menI Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller rol?.er General of the United States f m.e mellow Bodk). Iectranib filing cif An t:ual Financia: StatementAuditd= e sent to the Package, a5 �.,.;+IrtcCl, , i ;��j�t �." follow€na e-mail address: auditag i hechildrenstrust.or . Providers -that pre required to haye i inglr`. Audit agree to submit the schedule ,of expenditures oertcirng to awards summary schedule of prior audit: findings, .opplicable::audztor':s reports and the corrective actiOn bran, in he eve -it that the Indeaen:dent auditordoes not disclose audit findings, Provider shelf submit men. notificaf''on to The Ch ldr nt''sr.Trust that- an: audit of Pravider:was condurred in acrcrdonce with applicable laws and regulations and tat the findings -and ciu sr cn:e.d costs di dosed; no audiT findinas refat'ed to this Contract and :tot the summary scttedure ai pnar guar tin root did not report an the status of any audit finatings relating to awards that The Childrerl's Trust provided. .. Piag am £pec!fic..audit Within 180 days of the close or it's fiscal year, a Provider whip is contracted for a combined total of S10O,003' or more from The Chila;en's crust train this or any -other Chi dr n'r Trust contr iat(s}, related to the fatal year under audit,must electronically submit a Program Specific Audi (SSA related to The Chridrens Trust contracttsj, in addition to the A"!nuat Financial Statement Audit Package,Ine Program Specific Audit snail be pea o_rrned by an independent c'-rtif ed public accounting fir-n that is registered to conduct business with the Florida Department at usr€iess and Prc essianai Regulation, canperform audits under Coverer nr huditrng Standards r e. ,'Yellow Book", and is either a membr of the Al0? , or P1CPA Peer Review Program to include engagement reviews, This program Specific Audit is to encompass onaudit of The Childrens Trust contracts) as .specified in Attachment D: Program Specifc Audit Requirements A provider that does not meet the Progrram_ Specific. Audit threshold requirement will be exempt from the Pi -carom Speci:fic Audit rectuirerrient in the fiscal year that the audit threshold Is not met: Pity it i €toad€ w of L`te. Mayor Conmectlei41G-i030; Festiii+licn #203-54 Fcge 10 cif 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Program Specific Audits -Must :be conducted in cornpliapoe with Statement. oh Auditing Standards 14.o, I I 7 -(SAS and are reauired to include performing tests of controls over darnpliante. Beyond the requirements of :5A,5 117, an auditors risk" c.1;••••':S.-7rrl"FIt 17114'. include: an e;(peatation Of 'the, operating effectiveness of controls overaompliance;•and its aOing so;:the assessed controtriSk enuSt. be set at lbw.. Electronic filinct of the Program Specific Audit must be sent to the fbiloWing e7rnail address: auditsQthechilcirehstrust,og 4. Audi Exten:siortis Audit eXtensionS:nhaybeciratedln)VfifingIDY The ch(laren's Trust upon receipt Wriirc bf :sudi requeSt With apprapriatejustititation by Frovider and for a period of,firne not to excea sixtyM),days after the initial due dote.. A dap/ Of the engdgennent-lett.-..-T, along with the qpciff completion date and any concerns frOm. the independent certified pubIc aCcounting firm in td- the audit, must accompany the requet PprOveal extenSion requests allow for the continUation of payrnent until such firne that the extensiOn expires. The Annual Financial Statement Audit Pockage and- other finctnciai information wilt be used in the evaluation of Pra:ti-d.e-r"s- perfomlance and Provider's, overall fiscal health. •r- e"ther ;E C C 7;7: €-:;.‘,1 17: Cr.l, ccdpsdcnce previc_sty C-. eXterision hos not ceen approved, then The Childrens Trust shall withhold all payments to Provider untli said documents are received and determined to be acceptable -by The Children 's Trust. 5. Enoaceme.nt Letters Audit Engagement Le:fie:is are due tc.,, The ChilOrert's Nstthirty (30) days after a provider's 'fis:oal year end. Provider agrees. to submit an 'Engagement Letter for both tine Audited Financial Staterre.,-rits and the Fro -cram Specific Audit, electronically, to audits@thechifctrenstnist.ord Pdil..fFe to.SUOMit. ar1 Engacement Letter may result in breach of cantrc.ct or Other rE.-•nriedy as deehied appropriate. by The Children's Trust 4. List of Approved Certified Fubilo Accof..rnting Firms To *receive reirnburSeMent forthe preparation the Annual P1nortci0 Statement Audit Package: and th , Prdrarn Specific Audit, as, defined, Pravider must Choose from a list of approved -Certified Public Accountants or approved Certified Puba Accounting postfed- tp The chifdern'S TlySt Website, Inclusion on this pre -approved ILst requwe a Certifle.d PpOild cpp.,unfc-int or Certified Public Accounting Firm fp rneet (3) ofiterio whIph are enurneratedin -attachment Ey, 7. Access ,to reop.rds, Provider shall provide, access TO all records jnoluaing subcontrottor(S) Whithreiate to this cOnf:roct at ifs oloce of business auripa regular -business hOtn, Provider agrees to proviOe such asSistande as may be neoessani to facilitate her review or audit oy The Children's Trust to insure compliance i,?vith applicable cratoounfingfinanct dna programmatic standards, Mils would include access b,‘,1 The Children's Tmus OF its designee, to Provider's independent auditors. 'working POPers for compkAng ',With federal, state and local require:ments. The Chilarr„-h",s Trust reservesthe fichf fa requitse- Frovider'to submit to an audit by an auditor:of The Children's- Tnists ahooSina at The Childrehr!'s-Trij$fts' eXPerise. Aitoniforing Provider -ogre-es to permit "'me Children's Trust :personnel Or contracted :agents to perform random scheduled and/or iunscheduled moriltdrngs, 'reyiews. and -evakfation's or the program wh-ich is the subfect of this Cold-per. inafudina any suibCOnfracts under this Contract :using The .ctilidren's Trust approved rnonifolinc toots. The Children's :Trust or contracted dents shall monitor both [3 City. of Miami QffiC,..5 Of the Mayor Contra ct:t4416-1 GV.; Resolutic6 z.Fage. 11 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" fiscal/administrative d.:nd programmatic aOnpI'lcnce with all the Teams cr,.a conditions of the Contract. Provider snail perrriit The Childrer's Trust Or contracted 'agents to conduct sit visits, client interviews, client ostessri•ient surveys, fiscal/admihistratiye rrevieW dn:d other .assessments deemed reasonably necessary iri The Chidre -' s Trust's safe rdiscretiOn `to fulfill 'the mrlonrering_ runo'tion. A repot of moni orna findings Will be, delivered to 'Provider and Prcviderwill reCt€ f aii defcienciey cited Within the period Of tirn.e speared in the report: Client Records Pur-cant to Florida Statute 119.071(51, The Children's Trust collects the lastfaut dgits of social security number Of Child Oarieipc.n;s of funded ilaitogitannts :and services. far the fallawing purposes: (a) to researchtrack and measure the rrnpocr ar The Chilat en's Trust funded programs crtd weryices in an effort to maintain and irriorove such programs and serz,'ices for the future Gnat rkductl identify na Information Will not be drsafosed); {b) fa identify' and triton rnd'ivio€.gals and data within and among various systems and other adeneies for research purposes. The Childryn's `trust acies not adept so<_ial .security numbers for adult particibcnts. PProviider shall maintain a separate file for each participant. This fife shall include all pertinen:f informa€ion regarding program enrollment and Participation. on. At a minimum, the ;file will contain enrollment information !Including parery rea7_':otion contents and: child demographics), service pions (as rr.ersures (as set fir . }il ,A,tTcchm.a t Ai...cnd notes 'doc€u n „e,.rti ng rfertals,soecial be retained ay. i r:. leer for not less than five cc... dc.";iCCTE afte.r The p:_lr[ .apcn Es no longer enrolled_ Prv4der aere,..s to co;mpl'w't1 d aOpi`Catil-iaa" andfederal laws an pfY4.and confidentiality. 10: Intern Docu eritdtan/Reoerds Retention Provider agrees to maintain and pro'ri.de for inspection to The Chfldren'.s Trust during regular business hour' the fallowing as may be dpr"°3..11t,-cbte, sUbjecf to applicable cotnf,denTiality i egiiirement.s (11 personnel' "files of employees which include h"irinc. record., background screening affidavits, lob descriptions, verification of education anal eb'.alua''iOn: procedures; (2) authorized ti1mesnee:is: r'ecardw, and attendance Sheets ta.docurnefi f the .Stfaf.'h` t.r'r•'e' died to pro'vidde.Seritces pun-Spoilo. fihiis.Conii`acr; (3) daily activity rags and monthly adieridarsildf the pray icn of Services pursuant to this :Contract () training ribOdes; 1pre and post session :o}E per:iaiparr`:_attendance .records, (7j p. arti0lpt3 f Consent and. `en ormation reiea farm (8) cggen y. policies and .procedures; ianP (0) sucn other Enforn'naticn related to Service pro`lrsion as described in Attachment A and: quired by this CContractContractall up'c�n request by The: C,hlidren. Trust, Proyid r shall retain all records for rFo€ Ise than five yeas beyond the ast dote that all applicable: terms of this Contract hove oee..n complied with and final' oayrreii h:osbeen received, and appropriate audits lave been sjbrnLt'ed' Q and accepted by the appropriate l: T, co;nfl e =fait. rovider and. The.Children's Trust understand that Purina the C.ouirsc of per f:rm ng the $ervic:es.hereunder, each pay May have oicce s to cerroin.confiia :ntlah and proprietary information and materials Of the other party in order to further performance of the Service ,. The Par{ snail prated' confidential inforr otiori. and complty ;with:, appliccale federal and state laws an..confidentiality to .prevent unauthorized Use rxiss.em€nation or puoftca.f on of confidential information as each party Usesfo protect its own confidential in arrnation in CI'ifke manner. The Parties shall not diSalose, the confidential in orrra"i on fa ao"y third .party (except that such information rrtcv beidrsclbsed to such Parry's attorneys),.;or to any ernplayee or suc; r iPazty w o does not have C'need. to know such informaton, yvhf.c'i I'lced is related to perrorrncnce or a responsibility hereunder. However, this Contract imposes no idbligation .upon the Parties with reseed io confidential lnforria ;ion which .f:aJ was Lawfully known to fine receiving party before receipt for # the other. (b) is dr becam.es a Matter of public'knowiedge through no fault of the CitypfMiam: Qffict,a€t(cMavof: P.;,' a12cif 70 Canfr;sci #141 O T93u; Resolution*2013-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" receiving party, (c) is rlghttuliy received by the rececving party frorn o third party *taut re rtatian on d «closure fd a independently developed by a for that party, (a} is disclos• ed under operation of IOW, :if)rs disclosed by the r'ecerdng party rth tn, otherparly's priorwri`3en approval or(g) is subject to Chapter 119 of the Flanda Stptufes Or is otherwise regult ed to be disclosed by ;law The confldentfality provision of this -Conti-oat shall remain let.f34 force qrd effect after the termination of this Corittacf. Provider shall spec1Cicallz require all sub-,cantraactor; to co npiy wi„h finis paragraph. 1 Data SSecu.fly 2•b1lgat'1a, 3 Pri vid�r shall rnai> taf• n .an appropr€cite t uci art data.securia�f.;;or i€ e personally Ides:tt#a.tale irfr'atrrratien (P11),Provicer rs collecting or usingl:in thetperformance ai t is Corit rat. PII €s it formation that can L.rn quety identify .cOntOrt,l, pr Tpersorl ar tan • be used ' rtrh a die sources tw un1gtlely identify llndiulefirutt.•Provider •malntaln and cdhe:e to a writ en Dole SecunTy Policy that addresses' requfrerrlenrs reaafding tine prafecrian of Pit from ur aur'hormed access and protection' agar St data breaches and ehS14r s Fravider is Irl car nplianc with appiicaat federal :and stare standards -with respect ra transmission receipt and storage of Pit on Provide s cornpluuing network and. as paper record ThNS ac icyShatt aaddress rrhe topics of computer passwords, .screed:a' ers hot Zack cornouters, setu:ii.ng phv Ica1-faCrili es Staring data, aara use grata co dermofriy agreement,, and staff training related to the poky: �, Additionally, Provider is r sporlsib1e for approving and ;raeklnd all Provider employees who rec rest. system or infor notion access and enswirta that user access has been removed gram all terminated employees afProvider At the Sole d:scretio.n of The Cil ten's Trust, payment may be ed for non-c 1npl.ance of contractual te'`ns. The Chiidren.'s lust w111 provide payment upon satisfactory compliance of the i terms as solely determined by The Child en's Trust, P. MODCFIC.:liO i ; A i;/' alterations, Variations, rnodificcffons e`tensta_nsor. al' ers of proi(iSioris, ofthhis Contract .including but not iii"1ti a TO amou it Payable- and effective iv T. tt'shioi •only b V0lldwhend They have seenreauc`~.d to . wntir c duly ar~prcve:d and signed `f bot#n_#'aril s. CpT ,cr cthanges`:o the lotoi no;:.ta xoeed mount payable are chanties fa 11ie lengm of the ei ec ;her fry Manager is auEllon:ed oa su_a nI to CITY COm r issiO_t"t Pe olutlot t No.;1R-17-O30 adopt ed 7123/201. as Prcvld r s auzharzed: r pfesenta ive Tor Caorovtrng' cna e; C1f ii Sg alt ro_fOno,'orlai€onS•r odi ications, extensions, arbKaivfirs Or thie 0rov scans or ens Cobfrac , Any Ci ci ICE s a i:his CCt'fraet: to cncnge the s.m a1 apt toe ceeo an:taunf payable and/ar to change the length of the erreenlre rerrn-shall redLiire r. riser Ctfy Commis-sion approvai(s)a Cx- GOVERN LAW & VENUE. This.. Cc, irrcdt Shall: be interpreted and c>tiristrU d In accordance with crud cOvernea ay lhe lows :of the State or Flori a Without re -add ro EES colnflfcrs OL law provisions Any co'nfroversies or legal problems aril n.e aft terfris at this Co ntraact and env orlon involving the 640ft: emeriti or nterp e anon Of any rights. neretunder shall be submitted to the luris'dct.ion of the state c:curio Of the Eleventh Judicial Crrc+Jff, in and for M imi-Doae•Ccur, y, Fla dcr.. BACKG OLND-SC EE [NG lr3 c.caordance. With Sections 943.05'42, 98- .01, Chap e! 430 435, 402 39 00I. oact.. lOt2.45 Florida StalUtes, as applicable, employees, volui-tteers and subcontracted perso.nni_ who waildirect contact 1 City of M Cat41'a:t 14 e.Mauar 830;t esctutiun r313-5 i''ag 1,3. of j "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" with children or Who: c ,rne into direct .:contact with cnrl.dren trust compiete o say sfac rly Lev& 2 backgrour al screening prior to camrtieric rig work pursuant to this Cantr-act. For purposes or this Ser non the teen `direOt Seance provider` means';a berSan 8 years of ;cage braider, including Cr voiurlteer, whc7 provides services io rchlfdren, youth 'and their -farrlilies. the lean does= no; inciude valy' itieers ho assist On an rnterhriittent basis• farilesa thdri 2O hka irs d er iarifh; Level 2 ckgro f d screehings must be 'corripleted•fhitotu h the Elorrca Pep; nrnerita- EaW Ertibtbernent (FDLE)VECHS (`vofunreer & Employee Cnr €final hnsforyr Sysrehhii Frograrr:. •S•crisfadtory bockeraund screening documeifatron wilt be accepted for rhase agencies that ofre rdy aond.Lic business with either the Deoarrrrtenr of Children and FaMiles (DCr):o ih Deparr<menr oaf luveriiie Justricv;(DJ :) arrhe,Miami Dade Cauniy Pu chc School Systerrt r MDGPS). A dedrance ferfer•ftibth MOCPS iQffice cot. Erpl.oy?rnent Standards indicaring the.pertah•haiSiSliddieSSfully c:ornpieted a 1Levef l sereiehing willbe bitcleibted. if background fcreenings ;are :corhpteted :With 'VECHS, then Provider Shall cearndiete Attachment E �fr3aaunfor Levei 2 Background. Sere nings each for ;,c_orrroct terra: The A,1 ida rrt +dill cover employee voiOntee, andrsubOontr'ac....tOr per'arrnii.sg S r' ices under Jriis Corrfrdctwi ip'ore rediLlitedto cbrrplete-d Level 2 oacfk'gr'ourid screeniing as deined in this section. PrOvider Shall Artccnmerir'E. r4Aifldovf for Level 2 Ba kbrour;d Sc eeninus" il'1 Pr aividerrs per• onr.el, volunteers, drna St,ilb c.ar:Irac: aisi fifes. Provider _hall ra _cre,er each .it ) y , volunteer eer arid/or bco trac or :very five ;ri,.Gris. Provider understands- that The C'hildr r r :.rust expects Provider to meet the federal star;c_:ards under the Americans with Disabilities Act. By policy of The C ildren's 1rust, providers must also imple ient reasonable prop a:Yimatic accommmodatior'csto include. children with disadaliii=.s and their families, 'whenever passible. Notwifhs'farra.ird arc thi g to the contrary, Provider shaft not bereq'u?red to r',mo,ae any a17eiation to any public school building or other building or si.rLlCture which iss hat owned byProvider. T. REGULATORY CG PLEANCE 1 Nati,,.dis 'irli rie ztoti• cnd C T, Prov.der shall not discriminate acroins, cn et kplio ee. uotLrr dry Or shell: o, Provr aer arc the basis.of.race. co or::"fiend ri oregnoncy mCsr�, al raj.<is•familial $r atL`s, .Sexual crlentdrsart;relig cn an e rj national ai rain, .dlsal` it ry ar tag; xce t tot cro'gr dni.S may Target serV1c= s Ear specific 's`ar e grouoS as , i ny .be clef €r� 'd "€n r:h ra3 F1.l�E ll IVe SotTdt zt4On., Provider shall diethonsitrate that it•f ids standdrds, polishes; and: prdctrces necessary to render services in. r manner that ihesdects the vdrth of the trlatvtduat: and. protects and pteseives the. d:in ty -of _ peapte of diverse cultUtes, classes, rtse:es .religlorts,. sexual arieMotion: and etnnia backgrounds. Provider agrees toiodide by Chapter 11A of the Code of +ilia#mi-Dod:e C.oun y (County Code`),. `as arnended which prohibits discriMirid ,on iii emolOymeit,'housing dad public acecr nrodc:tioiis isle'`1C11 or the CIA. Rich,s .Act cr 1968 as cinend.edy h or ptohibiis .employrrie.int and public acdornirredati n the Age DiScrintination Act Of 14T . 2 i15.0 Section oT r., ors amend.ea, which prohibits dlistritnina lcn in eMblayirrient because of ode Sedition 5p4 of'the rReh_a Atlrtatloo:n Acr of 1973, 2? U S C § 794,.ds crnended, which prohiblrs:dscrrrnilxa iOn on Thp..basis or )sanility:, and 018 Ameitcans with Disabilities A:ct*, 42 f .S C. §.121 OE e s p.., vhLch prohibiEs a:rs:crrninar: on in: • elrnp{oyment and public aiccdrnmcda-tions becokise of dis :ability. It is expr ssfy understood that upon receipt of -evidence of Oiscriroinotioet under any ai these laws, The Chlldien`s •Trust shall have the tight to term note o1,1 or an,/ pardon of this. Ctsntrdat'. ff Provide: br a:ny owner, subsidiary,or other firm ariffated with :4r ,elated fo Pra 1idet, is found by tree responsible. / .— City i};:.M4Irr (`.e of f4'layor Contract; 1410-193d 0:esail.€fiars 20 3-i4 P2ae 14 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" enforcement agency or ,`he cours to be in vialation of these laws, said violation will :be a Material breach of this Contract.and The Chfldren's Trust wilt cone et no further lousiness with Pro4ider. 2. Puiblic c" hies"Crl e Act Provider Hill no, 'Ablate thePublct Entities- Crime Act (Secthon287133,FlonSratuesWhich essentially d Provides that a er�on Qr affiliate yd-e who is:a Pio*rfder, consultant or ophe peovrder and Who has boon p)ac d en the corivtated vendor fist fcilayv ng a con✓icton ror;a Public n, it Critne. may not subrrlit a aid on u contract fo oiovide any coods Of �erv€ce� to The Chiidr_n's Trust may riot _subhpit a bid on a contract with The •Children s trust: for tn.e oonstr ici ion. or repair of .a public building or puolic wark, may not submit bids -on leases Of real probe...it/fa to The Chriidren •i r:ist,, may riot be cv�rarded or oerform wall gas o Prouder. surp(ier Sub Pro ider tat consultantrt under a:coract With The Chtdrenf..s.`T.rust, and May not ,ransccr o.rr business 'With The Ch3(drer5.''s ,rust: irr des. of the fares -old omourii :provided in Sectnon 287017 FlarcoStoatufes,far categorytwopurchcsesfara1PnoctrefrhirYSf„(34}.mo:nfr3sfraltthedate`of being placed on the convicted. vendor list ;c3ation of this section .sna,l'.result in, cancellation ct this' Contract and recovery of di monied paid'. bere,.a,:: and. may r weir an deoarrerit fromThe. Children'sTrust's competitive pr curemeht activates. 3. Conflict of interest Fiovic reps seats that tie ecution of this CG:r',rCCt does not violate Miami Dade .ouny's Conflict of Interest and Cede of Ethics Ordina ice; and Fioddc Statutes § 1 12.as amended, which are incorporated herein .b e nce cs I: ,tali; set forth herein. Provider acres to abide by :nd be coverried. by these 4. Compliance with $$$ticrbcnes.Cti dy Act Of 2002 ovider shall co,i p[ with The following applicable provisions ons Provider agree not to •alter, cover up, falsify,. or destroy any docu o offlicidl inv"eSilc'a ton. Proyialer agrees hot to -punish whlstfeblcYt ;s' or retaliafe ogc_ins suspected d s of fraud. or abuser. of the Sal: T;nea-Cxley Act of 2002, e-ri that rnay be relevant to any employee who reports S. flicienSing Provider. tan subcantraCtCP as cppifi obre J shall obtain _an-d Maintain in to force .and errect::dunng the term, of this Contra(.f any' dad all licenses. C rifcc? onn, aoorovcic intur.ances, penmiis .and accreditations, required by the. Stale of Florida MiamiDcd'e. County, refeucnf municrpal,nes, The Children'sTrust or the reoeral government. Provider must be qualified and reggs:e.red to ao businessin. the State of Florida both prior fc and during the contrddt term With € he Chil±e.n`s r Tst, 6. tnciolent Reporting "n incdent it defir~iea as any actual or alleged evens or situation that: creates: a :sign incant. risk of substantial tar c rrous earn to the physical'-ar M n.taf 'health, safety or we'd-ing of a cni`:d part_icipaarrg irr the program. Reportable incidents include, OUTare rci lr, i died to, asleactiiOi-rs of abuse, eg1FCT ar exptoitoron at a Child rrljurt of a participant rnissina atria Or abandoned child loss of property use for the program, or destruction of pr-a'perty Used r`il th'e proar'a.rii.. Provider si-idii iir3,rnedtofelay report knowledge of Tecsocfable suµpicior ref -abuse, neglect, or abandonment of a ch€Id, gg d.per on. or:disabled- adult to:the. Florida.;gbus ;. Hotlinean the sta,evw;de told free telephone nurser (1 8£10-95 fi BASE}. , s requrireo by' Choarers 39 and 415, Flcnda Sifatutes, this is binding upon both ProVid.erand ifs .e3 ployeeS. 3 City of Miami 0fqcs, o it e Miaydr Page f cif 730 OplitracttAi4`€p3.1s30, R solutar *2Q1, ,'4 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Provider shall notify the contract manage of any iricide'nt as der rise! within three (3) days after Provider is inforrred of such incident. ;Provider shall ara='rde written notification cif the incident together with :c copy of The incident report. The Eeport must carl7dir'the following (1) Name of reporter "(person gi+rid.g the notice) (2) Currie and :address or victim and guardian (31 Phone number where the !: d h be cantdc.ted (4) Date, time, and €ocation of incident:: (5) Complete: descr3 Pion: cf incident and injuries, if any: Police report dna.actions taken shall be subrnitted 3o The Children's TrUsr + ithfrr Fit een .:{15j days of the inci.deni, Provider shaft provide written- notification to The Children's Trust, . Within n seven (7) days off::any legal CC'siofl reed to the incident. 7,. Sexual F1:Sc4s. aerlt Provider sn it co. ipiete art incident report in t•he event a program participant,client or employee makes an allegation of sexual harassment sexual misconduct or sexual os auit by a Provider employee, volunteer or anyone arising, out of the p rtorin•an'ce of this Contract and Provider has knat^!l:edge'' there -of. Provider short provide whiten notification to The Children's Trust within three (.:3) br Ines' days after Provider €s informed of such an aileactian. Provider shall provide written notification to The Children.'s 7i-ust, within sever, r, t7 bu_.,ress. days, if c+ J leCal action which is fied Cs a result of such an alleced 1 LCCf of Policies Provider and subcontractor, as, applicable !troll keep on file copies- of itspolices includin but not 6" lite'd to confidentiality. incident re -.-porting, sexual ticra_smeo it, non-discrimination, ecual oppor uni y and/Or affirmative action, Americans with Disabilities Act, and drug frreeworkplace. U:_ CONSENT Provider must obtain parental/legai guardian. ccrr nt far cli minor j dr tiCipant : o participate and/Or for adult pertcipcnss in theprogralY1 for serrv;ce.. and to share information WIih.The Ch-ildren's Trust far i n-o'li or rig ancievolusation, purposes, Provider will ask:p rticipan s to KQ:n. c 4oli,�•€ nary' Consent to Ph:oiocara:ph farm. The form is !available in English, Spanish, .and Crept and: ccn by do rrllccaed .frarm www,fhech3'Ia rens rust.di�g. The signed consent form for photography Will be .Maintained at the procrcrrm sir , With a_ °ccoy fled, in the participant's record. The corrsen:t shai€_ae part of the pC nicsoaitifs .regiSfra non form! and rsfaned by parent/ouardiar' 'bet are :services commerce•or astesr eniS are ocrninis eyed, An'y refusal• .af aonsen rauSt be properly documented. erne signed by' the parent Of f ccl g rardidri gar,. fhe consent 'form. V. PRt GRAMM C DATA REPORTING Demdgr.aph1c and service inforrn.otion on program participants will be provided: tci The Children's Trust as part of The Chi7dr�n's Tryst's researcn rni fan_ Pr ;eider agrees: to coraoly and ocrticioate in any .data colie,ction reporting, including participafit data as reduired by The Children's Trust ariddescried in A3 iaa3' nr�1;•ta. C to thFS 'Contra,. Pragrarlmatic Date and ,Repoding- pegUirenenis; SLbfeCt rc7 confidentiality r qurrernents. In eadifion .Provideer agrees to futhi>k she Children's Trust With c otrrpteie and accurate reports in the rant frartire and for rrrr-at to be reasonably specifies by 'The Children's Trust, and as d .scribed it Attochment C. Provider must. a,ildpa'e . yid provide ages (aen. e p p, agency . � cypratil:,,.j and 4ite(s). information to SWitehaocrd of Miami 2-1-1, The Childrerr's Trust 24 hdut h Iplare, cis applicable • and asdefined in Attachment C: Programmatic Data Reporting Requirements. City of:Miam:i gificeaf the Mayor Page l of 70 Contract #14i 0-1930; Resolution # 0 i 3-34 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" W. Pi.11,.1cffY Provider agrees that actiWties, son/Ides and.vents kr-Idea by this Contract Shall recoonie The Children's Nit as a:funding source. ProVider:,ShaII ..ensure :that all PUblibitY, dayertiserrients and sans Within its control recoonfrze TreC1-1,11Orti's Trust for fbe. support or dg cOntradted activities. The use of the offiCial Chifdren.'s.Trust logo s pentissibie, Provider shalt use its best efforts taenstrte that 011:-nedic represehtdtiveS,.:When inquiring with. Provider obo.ut the activities funded by this -.Contract, are filfbritied that The -Childrep's Trust IS c funding source. Pravider 'shoir, if If possesses the opprOptfotte:tethilolagy,:-pfOVide .6 link Petyieen.fhe websiti.-7 and The Children's Trust!s website X. PUBLICATIONS PrOvider agrees to supply The Chilaren'S Trust, Without charge,. up to tbres copiesof ony PPli.ccItIon developedi in connectiOn with tnolementation, progrdrnis addressed by this .Cantrdct, publications win state that the pogrom f uppon"ed by The Children's Tp6sf:, Frovider agree that The Chitaren's Trust will have use of copyrighted materials d&i.e.:idoed under this Contract to the e:xtent pro \,,idea in, and subject to, the provisions of Faradrophs G and Fi above, extent c&-7rittea bi the 'curra' s.,..troatTor -source. E H cr.:: cro..cro.-ns 7-e rut nor lirrltr---ci rie.,,,sleters, pre•ss reled,e, brocu, filets nomeocce website.s or any oher materials for disseminotion to the- media or.r.-J.eneral City of Mani, Qifice of the Mayor„ Miami Learnino Zone is funded by The Children's Trust. The Children's Trust is a a'edicated source et revenue-, establish -ea by vt.,t,er referendurn to iMprove the lives of children and families in Miami -Dade County, s.poncl; City.tfMicmi, Office of th.* Mayor,.Miq.74•Leorriinc:',Zone esti& finantiddo par Si Fide -Cott° de los:Minos (The Children's Trusij 8 PKie_-..ohnisa de ids Nos es us:5afuenfe de firiansoicoran,, establecido pier referenduhry bard rnejoraraskiicids,de nifYos y-familios en ei COrldada.de Mident;Dade. KteyOlz oft-47-,e of tie,Mcyo.The :Chiren'S TrUst",Thist ase-yon sous can ke ouvenman arne1kn vicit.:qn.referalldorn you If investibyet-han OWOgrarri kap: arneliare. la VITT .Mbun a fanrni ya non Myami 266e. . . . aaSes Where Nr4ing C..,‘hiidrer4 Tlyst represents arily a:percentage of Pro+ijd*.'s overotl fueLdindYtheabO've iranguade Can, be at:ter:ea to read The (organfzeon) s funded En part by The Children's T.rUst.„' Y. HEADINGS, LISE Of SINGULAR Afqb GENOT-R" ...- ,: Para.grOph headings are forconvenience tendea onty and are not into expand. or restrict' the scope of ... ,... substance of:the Provisions of this COnteaCt. Wherever usedrherett the singular shall include the purl - ... , - - and piurcil hait:TriolUde the tinguldr, and :pronoUnsshall be readas trascuirne,leminine or neuter as the context reauires. I 5-1 - &Ly of lv4mi Office of #0.-;,: Mayor PAge17.of 70 Contract #14.107193P; Fasotution #2013-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for•FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Z. TOTALITY OF CONTEACT/SNE,I3A.E1l1Ty9p1PR.vOtONs 'MIS Contract With its attachments �sre.ferced beov contains •dll that terrn•S. and conditions agreed upon by the parties: Attachment Aftdchrhent B:'Other Reatbirehn:Odaetand Me t.4nts,,-B,.Method Of:Payment s . • Attachment C:PeajrcmThatia-Dato and PeportindRequirerrients Alta chtentD Program Specific Audit -Redbirernahts _ Aftachirtent E Affidavit for Legal 2 Boakaraund Scteertingf, 'if appliCable • , Attaahenent F:Feitotrnahose fr.npi.oc-e.zrieht. Plan It apPlICable No other Contract Ord 'or OthehMs'a, redarding the suq.ect molter :of this.G..Ontract shall be deemed to et Or bind the Paitat:, ff any orovizon af. this Contract is held 'Finalid br:Vaid, the rernainder bf this Contract snail not be affe,,eed.the'rebyff :suCh:rerndinder i.k.;a0fd: trio continue to Canfarrii to the tent's ancireauir'ements Of applicabie taw:. CITY OF MIA% ,OFFICE OF THE MAYOR A Florida municipal corporation MIAMI DAD E COUNTY FLORIDA (Signature-) t 6.-3-c3c3725 / r • Johnny Mcftin.--7. P.- P. City Mariaae.r ,,, Attest , /fit I I Th • By: if t—rna-A t „ • 1,1,4Pri, CityClerk Data: Approved a to Form and Corr . 7 By:- luite 0, - fyAttorAey- 11 if tj Date r THE CHILDREW.S TRUST MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: (Signature) Cncries M. Au.,:ancif Date:: Aporovedts-to Insurance Requir4r) i By .t. i Date: , i i • ,--- CaNi.m-Bilts, Director OF Risic-4.4a71 0m geent . it President and CEO Approv. _In •an (eget auffiCiertcy By: County AnQfriy: Dater: This contract' is nat. valid until sTgrpad by bath parties. City of Miami qfficp oIthe W/or Corrfract *1 41-0-i 9C1; Eesoii...41.4:11*20.13-54 NO la of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Sco e 01 q eity of Office atone Mayor Contract #1410-1930: Resclutich #2013-54 ces Pege et70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Attachment A * OUT OSCHOOL 1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The City of Nfam';(Cf`yr) .rangy Administration Depa trment's Msami .earn ig Zone proqram (v ) provides after -school serrces far 90 general population participants end 1.0 children ;with rearning, Menta1 and/or emotional disabilities, ages 7-12 :years old, residing rn Liberty city, The program ui"4;ers acti ties for the children including literacy, physical titaness,. Social skk,iNs, homework assistancenut i �ft5 and viplence prevention services. Program Time ram 2.Tr', AfterSchool Only NTS x' it .'men .-vi-t sal- I des - . _ " dlir r -'ikat .rar4 .1 Child pC- is pent.-s After -Sri -Ica/ Child Slots 10G- After-Scr oof Children EWWfth Disc. filries Sits 10 S.urim . +Ch ld Slots 0 SUrrinrier Children With GfsebrlfiiesSiccs 0 id; its B 7 a+ .. Total e timat- d r. €mbe. c partitipent to beerved by ece grouj Afer Sc 7ocf4;y 4td en . s- .. .. s h l Ch'?i dren Children Awe: 5 (.e&o!fe l ih Elementary Sdioel). 0 Ct rldrehAce 5 1 . (enrolled r Sf rent~ • 1 tddie Sc,`rac�l) 10O Ch/i�fi-en kge 1� - I. ro71;ed fi. 1i'd01C Sri:cc }�- -. . SiA9im Came' ChT d1er Chtidre4' Age-4-5 (,roped in Eterneh4.ry Scf oc) k'Mus : be S by Sep_ water 1) ;: 0 Cnrf&en Age 66-12 (enrolled t. EEeme.7r;rry x Mkddlc Sct dol g Chfldrer'f Age r'3'_..{enE :Cenral/edit-1 ivild.d� School) 0 b Description of par.skipants to The City of Miarniii (City) Grants Administration Depertr ent's i 1ie i. Le rain after -:school services for 90 genets_I',population parrfcfpen s Old 10 thlideen emotion t disabilities ages 7-12 yeas old, r siding fn T'pe.Uberty.City ereea from F olrnes Eiffr; e cry School. The rates or single c Zane pr og -em. ('1 L.Z) provides i°lf h leerniing, mental and/or The program recruits partidipa...ts parents IMVing:be ow pCV?ri . city cif Miami Grimm of tlre. Mayor Contra #141:0 4920 iieObItitiori420137.54. Pate 20 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" 3. SERVICE LOCATIONS Provider witt deliver services in accordante, With the Prograrn/SebAdeOperating Site Table includAd in Appendix 1. 4. PER.FORMAtiCE MEASURES e. Quanti.ty ntipVi much will we do?' ,Activitiee - Schopi Year Azivty•Akeradild-ol:$entide ?lathe Typetrption Literacy. Fitness Partici:Pants wilf learn abbtft. :pho.nological and phonerriit awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and co•mprehension, and critical engaging i7 eclufts. ret.-.d-eloud picture t;ocks ar chapter books, participants independent reeding, partner readinc_ picture walk-th-ough, and book clubs.. Cumc ium used: KidzLit Actommodations for chiidrem with disibilitieS: Adddnal Mile for completing atask, . buddy reading, and guided reacting pahr,icipan,t,s engage ins: different,attvities!such:as cooperatN,e,culturai and aerobic paniee, danCea to,ro around the world, and fun, skit, dev:i'elopiric sport aCtiVities, In , addition participants Will endade in a:different subset rof attiVities such as JUMP tope, parachute pray, throwing- and catChing, jogging gitnes, fitriesS circuita, and bean bag Curriculum used: SPARKS Accommodations for :Children with Disabllities Physical arrangemen of the room andlor equipment, adaptation of lri.-7,truct.Joi-lal.arld/or bla,V / 3 - city:dr miami °lite of the Mayor Contract4141ti493<Y,Fesoluticn #0137-54 iFettlitatats,Sit.farrott VAtiartte Certified Teachers, COUnseorle Counselors Frequency/in:tens /Duration/Time for 30-60 minutes pe'r day for 39 Weeks pay for 30-45 minutes .per Cey for 39 Pao 21 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Social materials to facilitate participation, or different nstructonal arrangements (large 0-oUps, Small grdups, cooperative learnirbgroUps and peerpairthe!-s. PartiCipants will engage in -Counselors different activities suth as• modeling.; :role payr, ames, Mienit7Dacie fisV.?..iiirig of SO:ig.Si wog Police books tO fearn aboutediVe coOPeratina,;:Sharfing, :Olefin Club de-eling Vvith intertierabrial COnflicts.•-self-toritroli-and conflitt resotutiOn. In additiOnk 50,0 gote The City of Miami Poke Models of Department tailors and Excellence administers a violence prevention program focusing on canc tn-schoci Also, mentors will meet with their rn entees at least 6 times during school year for one hour. During these one -hour sesskms, mentors end mentees will focus on ac2dmfOE and social skill building. Cu rrIcu ium used: Peaceworks Accommodations for. Child ren With: DiSabititie.s1Additibrial. time for cOrtiOleting a task,. buddy reading, . andguided reading, Social tkilis: 1 time per week for 60 minutes per day fdr 39 Weekt Citv Of'Polite Department × per Year:''for 1 hr, per.daY fdr 35 weekS Nentorino-: 1 hr. per week for 35 weeks - Earichment- Partldioants-willi learnabOiit tAnd Arts 4 Arts visual and. perforrning arts .. ._ . - i. Lea...tPing' techniques. The visual -:arts staff prcgram will teach -paitcipallts .-.. :•zo ir)41.7i7.e...14. a,..14.1:0:71, 1,11,1.k.41 — indiVidual perceptions of . . nature, The 'performing -0.rts. program Will teach f..-erticipents tec,iniques for war.roino up arid . strengthening: the body as well: as and-...asIc. dance steps and icriVe rnoverriert.. A.ccorainodations: fonChildren. With. Disabilities: Additional cm-P.IetiEr[f-: ta.Ski 3- 1.5:72--/ City of Mierni Ofice of the Mayor Contract 44-14"13-1933; eshiution #2013-54 1 Ti.mc:.pe, far 60 rrin,b.zs per day -fdr 3 Weeks Piga 22 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Enrichment -I PartiCipants Will learn abodt iOn,target Math inumb.er Sense, ineasiirerrient„ .Math Igeometry, data analysis, and Teacher and. eidebraidthinking concepts • :1 through different adtKiit.leS inciliding sorting,O:tern recoanitionj dotintina„ I • -- s-edue:ncirig, and adding arid subtract -Rid utind coubters, Aoc.-.ommodations far -Children with mie- for _ad mdletind a -.task, read lnstruWons aloud, •and buddy system, Enrichment- Paiticipants will engage in fun, !Science Science hands-on, interactive, science Teacher activities: The activities will included but riot limited different topi such as dicta! the human body, pet- week:for 60 minutes per day for 36 Week4 t tithe:0er week for 60 Minutes per day for 36 Weeks . _ opramid, etc. •Accommodations far Children with Disadiliti eS ': Additional time for:completing a task, read instructions aloud, and buddy system. l-lamewak Assistance Lio-nalvork A,,...---t•ztanc= Will be :o.ffer-doalfy mandayttyrquol Friday:when school is in: .•session. -CO LITICei arS- : Daffy for 45-60 minutes per day fa.r, 39 weeks Nutrition . ;1)e Snacks will be served dairy c.ftjr.irlig• a-fter-schcoi and breakfast, snacks'. and lunch •wiflbe:sarved on folfdays of .S..er40e, All foods ad beverages Served Will be 'nl&-itiauSland meac the USDA gtodefiries, ,5-nii. aOks .,,iii be . . pr'-ovidecl from Village-Yacith .. ., - - , and breakfast and .lueiclieS: will .. ,. .provided by Greater tiliaMl Caterers. Counselors :Snacks; daily far 15minut,es Breakfast and lunch; full days for 60, min Pt eS 'Fat-rfily frarent Acaderrly Class Parents 'Prpgrern. .. Coordinator, cOrrit71uffqtY Tea:Cher,. : .., Parertt.Acedemv Class Involvement inu-eased , . mill-be.learning dtfferent topics such as hzeracy, qyarity .T.7a.infly tin-ie„,_ and how to increase and ':litivalye.rnent parent :-Sde.cialist„.. commignicatian. l..ead 3 tVnes oer year (October; January, . :,. APii0 End o Year Showcase; May City of Miami Office of be Mayor Contrk.t 4-14t0,1 Resoilitica#201334 Pge 22 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" ParticiPantS and parents .Will .-. pa aicipate in a cul mina dila event.toexhibit visual ert pieceS.p4rtiCipants Created an.d to perfOrrn learned dance's as well.. - -; - totinseiore Field Trips: Schaal Year Lotatipn : .Asnant-Pri c/.,v4-eft-ttvitAt. ' # of Visits qt,ingle Isand , , L.fteif,acy and :SOciat SKIPS: „,.. J 1 Mianli Seqianurn 1 . , . Literacy end Social Skilia -r Sparet l.Bowf ing Fitness Gairexy Skateway 1 FithesS I Miami Children's Museum , Literacy and Social Skiffs. Ceramic:F., an VP -leers Cin House. Field Enrichment 2nd c--("r-fai coKllls 1 '—'1r2zicn Cke C_reatjor (In H,31.i-,-,-...e Flea i rio) ' Er; CICI1C7 e:1.-' a rld SCCiai SS-,:is:i3 Carnival Full of Fitnss (In House Field Trip) Fitness Qu4.13-7-ty well" Will we do it?' n tis sectibn ProVider rut describe how Quality of the procrarn wod be asse.sae0, Some ewnples inciude:.proceduresiMeasures to ensu-etdety to the curriculum.; saVefaction surveys; St_aff training u. lty Mestre • M0a,..5.,Trerrt!n4 Report.:lig ..... - . TroPt Timing . .Average number pt children. ett,ending per day . piltr,ation Report At:as monthly Partidpaiit Retention / engager -nett . : ..... Vtiitzation RepO:rt, - - - At. least triOnti4 / % of parents/caregivers and childrennouth satisfied with Q0S procrams •!anict.sp.rnirer camps - . Satisfaction Surveys :Sthool Year:: March :ObserVatidn of service d.:eivery/Fidelity theCklist .-rurrictifurriObs-ervation Chetklis+ 'for Literacy (Developed by . R-eaciert-TileateriendiKizLit) • . 7.CurricuiurnObservation.:Checkiist for 'Fitness (Deyeloped by $,PAP*) E:curTicuitkmObsevation Check1st fbf,.8..gbfal Skills (De9elbp by .PeaceWarks) . -rurricium OhSeriation affietktists: aci.:1 will be e:drnirtistered once prior .... October-1S/ again prior March 31 3- itT City of Itiliarni OffIce or the Mayor Contract n14410-1930; Re1uticn2Ol54 Page 24 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" c. Outcomes Measuring "Is anyone better o Mid-point Setif85% of ci mprove oraf 1 minute Oral Pre, M d, reading skills Reading Fluency'. and Post Er1d-of yearpe 'or ance 20% or children will improve :(0'F) tests [oral reading skills rYaer ce. 7 pits perl`arkrince End-'oa year �e or ma .e; %5% of ildrert. hill improve f iness perrrorr r€ce F..v2D-ENcE EASED Pal PACER Shuttle. Pre, Mid, and Post testts. Literacy Activities Fitn ess Activities AF! sir tegie~ fd d:ed by Tii C}1if'dre s Truce` shcif(d deliver high cu iity, evi arise-b red practticas rhet;are strength -be -Sad./ fan i y centered, accessible;, reso 'dui. of dw ersity and n ncii'ui O.roaiTiiU.nity context and conne bons,, Or constitute best p° Ctices that, have been apero 'ed byT h:e Chilcrenrs Trust beeat.tsewhen perform with fidelity they shcufd deliver enatocloUst high di -lefty see i es, v'7-dance Sased 1-"rograin1 nazi. A e y Act9 iyt, S•a` iip Name (from Section 4 above) v After Sdiocir €iidzijt •Selected: from i t u t pproved. list of :programs in the NOFA. Literac y 00S - .5.4.7orts, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARKS) Selected iro-rs. Trust-approVed it of praggr r n the: NOFA Fx:yfsica?. Prunes OOS -: Peac :WarkS 'Selected cram Tru t aoro'd list of prors irthe: NIA Social Skills ,S: School Year Cisabii.ties Chadren N. A(Lnetusi'on Prograrii). 7. STAFF QUALIFICATIONS Provider represents that all persons delivering he Services required by zhts Co.p.tract nave the knowledgeand skills, eitcb e b{ trarr lf€C, experience, ce, education, era cogtinatipn tereo€, to. adequately an com ete'ntiy perrorri theduties, obfigations1 and Services sat Tort p i.n tale .Scope of Services (AttachmentA) and to provide and. perform such Services to Tire Child,en`s Tr ist s atisfaction ,ii persons. delivering the_se" vices described herein must be included in the Position M`ana_er ent module o4 SAKI City ,a€ Nitiama OffIce cif the fuiayQr Com et #4410,1630 i :eaoldon #201 3=54 25 ai'74 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" tarsit i n mi st EXACTLY match the paid arld €n-kiin:d staff) yplupteer profess Anal services independent contractors fr the Activity Ta es and listed in the Pirtiaietii audget.. Add or defete,ro:ws.and adjust €in:ks to.. e:Pe gram as'recessary. Eriipiey.ees . Procram Di-r€c`orjC-cart- Furicfed fi:dministr i Ale ... • i#Yi ll be r6stohethle fof. srccei. slr oiernEn;Ta't1cn coifahbratroi nprcacirern a'Y� .Sic btar.- ho %od<in y. 'Zif Tt: 3 czopc6 ma,. ET` ,.; 4rte Crh r?e_ r and. •ccfiltiItLpit -ba.e d t}r ran.Fzat!'o.n e cooroin irra �:F r'VIEW and. E11 -rGtti'!'ed slcat:'•.'.: Fisi ass Pregr'ars- `[ i .day ttd=day' u?ict yin th �'.li.j�t'fr L.��U.A31�1.� �i the s£hedOe act ty j..rria i-... 0.0:cFa.1 C6Ey o MiamE Oiic of the Mayor Can(raet; #14 t C49.3O:.. RssefuUUon 3-54. P2ge 2i_070 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" RSA City or Miami ?Office ofthP Mayor Contr4ct 71410-193Q; Resoiutlon School Dipiorna or with two referenct-.s hJgNigttjng strng Work athfc and sense 0 responSibility, • , coflect program data; develop • parent neyysl,etter from the Center d comunic.t. , relevant information tfirOgon flyers; and Coilect auendance and proaress data on aMontn4t basis fo progitim- per4cipanti. open and closing of prgram, complete reports, data tracker InpVc‘, coller;t- mOntilly _attendance data, c.-.011ect Weekly fog. and perform becialited res.:aarch and oLhe programs as desill?nated by supervisor. Assists proorPrn director in researching and compiling keeping of complex records, coordination, of grant functions, Page 27 cf10 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" • • List bfe.ssi-th41 Contxtttors Certif.4dTeacher Science Teacher Math •Teather • statistical work, etc', Perfoa • other reiatad . . . wori as reuved -117.d.raiiStes• oRF. Da.cfe Court'? a,nd. PArER earichment - ' _ . City lof IV.ftc.?711 .Mayor Cgilct#14110-19:30, Re.4oNtiqn :#2013,54 :P.?ge:48 of 70- "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" List Other: IVolunteers City of -141nt:Poke Department Charm Club; 5000 Rote j Mode.te of E.k'celferimr...e. 159.9. City of Miami Office cif ttfre Mayo! ainti-act 41416:1 993; Ractutiart #2013-54 4 --r Nio- PM ob.* f f No, Nnimrn high demorstrtd exceent nd the segth cf. ch.:e.t.a:41-4;7o; show tompassfon, an,:d ci-,arfty in the actversty. -.-ResPO Psi:* 4esiilrylng eacr prevenbon Sessfon; *06.47 epplitable and Bacineforie Studehts are Deor-ee. with matched. with acdrc ex:per-fel-ice - en.sirfofirrieht and' '4encr- WU1 meet 'Witt their mentekeeat ieas t onOe.2 week for one bour. - D.:.xin.ng.,these- one rlettors the.nt.se,,e•Wiff foous -op aoa mite; and social 5101, bulfdina- page 25 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust forFY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" tOri ract hc9ntr Budeetr, onte-adtar: On Ti t4ath On Target Math • e , • • • • -. '• . • :1. Subttntractor: Ar'.-4 4 Leainin No Director of COMMUn-Ity atives Procram- Manager I 3 „,•-. 517— iBlia:•-t1-14:16ar:i-ieigc:9.e:6:''. ''Sp51,Utoal:t:c:df;I:Lev,.: di ltQ1 ers Itat60 Pi?". -... 6.toan,,,,11,atii- Vat4.....'e‘ ' ':: '....''. --: .' • ht.o,s..nt g.....F2. 6ri, en51 drt to a. jct., f_111, .sants „ degree in.tOdier Wok, children servis •srld degree. deiat Worketprnent and*or":4-nrcei e*Pri:P(74, _ . blang Tuard:t.:Matn.: rurrtuf um, StetUth.f FuikjThe 1 R.ESC(:h75;43111:1,5_,S; fcr clavz-lopr„-ienz and firipiernanntion of Ar--lL'‹ community -based programs tn Miami -Dade Cnunty. Status: FillT Time .4mpfoyee:: .R.,thoonsibitites'; Respo,n-,Sibi.e:kr th,e.s.uparYision of . *Conduct a : olisirndrr.t okisanketkort .and prOide fe.e0back. Li*.scrt tilelted agency end. tabcontracted: agency. City of Miami Offic f tie Mayor Contract #1410-1930; t'aspiteion #2013-54 Pe '.36 of '70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Arts for Lea,. ni.n.g Artist Rio CA Cotmsetof`s. MCA Lead Ceurisefor A N/4. Artists: are llirBC tO _; possess a. minfrnum of 5 rk r ed Cp rler C . 'oFkrng w C�'1ridr n art: ..,. yc�'h' nd Eiemonstra d. -. xpetierrt Ir1:T ie rtistic,discam I pr €t"ia Oositioris. are Ci'"Oa equi atent er H I r Tl Stikieflt 41''rking: towards -a 'tp o aa', Same j C 00.. u High, School Dipiox L end' ba a: to t `2..t years ..o3 age.. A eel veers ;bc � working✓ tvx€:1 s 31d ruses rri'eet aJi reg1 tirremehts. (100.%, i t Ed1 j: Status; .Sudeartrectbr R-soorsib lities: DeflVerS•afr •• 'CU rIGu urt1 1 activities tr' r'ticrnen4's espoi s bi to plan er40 t;7e.. yearsr nwse, 1O % Mat `Status:.' Subcdntracdr Resoonsiir,iitse .. ResporEgo{e for the suoerui:sian: of ciildre (15-nr fewer in group) Deii'fters i skills and fitness PAC.R tests, Status:. SU ntr=tt3r eSof'`n rlaifies.: ez-PP- lSdb fo OE'er'tior`e_S of. RiliStOri or k.� CGUfection of Ca` mei-sx CCnimu [kfEcti on With famiit' S. viers€:g i.t G:f ienfa sn.a: rearhi:rg Centers,. da4ScliedFries, end _mainteeranC of Site rela:tionShi s with partners. or Starr refers to the nu:moer or paid and in -kind staff, sJocontractor , `lilt, Pendent cOntraCo:rs and volunteers in each Position identified, P ease comment it two or more positions are Comcjned for purposes of Caicutatino the child/staff ratio.. t This is typically done when two or ,more positron` schedules are not overiapping (i,e, one posi ion works from 8 AM to 1 PM and another works rom 1 PM :to 5 Pi` ,) City cif +:ir mi Of ic2 c th-e vlayar Ci.ntrac47410,130 fies4tlsfca€7A2C1 .54 ge al of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" **Volunteers may only be courted tOWaNS.theStaff:,.paiticioant StotIttro ifthey art Streened and trained and tiey Woi'k.dayS an times that match What Would be re4Utrad for a pad stafr'itiefnbet in the otitkin a Voliihteer ottupies, ;eprir:vrmida. to reAfiew Attachmeht C to this corltract fth and or e terms of programmatic ncdata reporting requirernentS that must be followed in CorlitIllt-ti011 with the specific terms applic,able td this contract in this Attachrnent A Scope of Services. The rem alhing Of this Page left in blank ihtehtiorially City of Niff-ni Off =-.9.f the Mayor Pea2cf.70 Conirad;f141.0-1.9.30; Op*tiarf.t:2013,..54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Pr4cira / 3 City of Miarhi cf56; of -the Mayor Contract 141 0-1 930; Resofutign 4/42o1.24 Inc ir7 -1 Pace.33, of 79 /Wormy Name: City of Mlitrol OfficFeror Maym, PrOfirani N Waalfllflfl 444401 440041.60404*., 0604:filP9s4f011•0g440 N-0,0,q14V.k.t1•00.piriki11131.41-$1011111014i) 4tit1.014 01449./00 Fri 1000110113i. rannnia4Ans 101,14:0w nonmann: nt.. "1116.115.1*IlffOt'4104 Ot49.411'11Ill'046,4),r4ellliO:i1OVs Iwtlie-.041l/k14 2613-2014 SC11.0„1 flllItic " • .1 11I lrc4/4$ , 009. , , 0=0:00j*,,,.'..-:.,44:!:•:.,,.......•.... 44 oq'to ..„... 11 i,), °4u141,'1111:914'.VII:r.4 i i 0 1:';4;1''.0A"/('-, )I.':- ':io t Ako $00•;61c440:`On-'24)4" • • •••• . • ' . • L'4WLey'.0: . . - tiOiffii!•4 rifiriilyciisi*euroiLhi,AL,,, : '., inn k4th $4.1uniaii, ,.'--,•-•.....,..,.,-,,-.-..,,-;,,*..,....,,,..,„ . I3101ii iinklitai, (Nil 660 4fl'ii4443 :er.iiilnip . ,........ NA , . . . if,,I"O'0,A4T.L'Allin14, 1.i10,11.Fiti ilVIA0.0.;* , $.41,:lik tit.VAt ili A )1v„;rs. . 02 0 . . 1114, sh, st,, ...,.....,..„.4.. WA 4-401.44 104040Day (Tinny (.F0145 4 • • ,. .. . 2rhil.4,S4ip 94 ?0, 44 6" .20,14:.:Ijsri.1,7i', :i*,404 ah,•11:4 in; P i,h..$441yinpiViini0401:61iili44an.: (poi ,)4,) Irmv7:1•177,117,,,,,t ,,,,nr ,,,,,,l?..,',711r..-m ,,,. • , .:,,,, „:.:„.. ,.,4,..iii„.,ii.. 0'16'4 '..iii•,1'. ' • 14/4. .' n/A • , • • • 1414.14419141144; S1444446 i t.!444), 4440.44P..4.1i44/444' ;44114,4414,44 . ci004o40,p. 4'y4.epis*o: . ,:!).0,2`1.'(1C0000. . .in..e.', iiiinr{,1:4?n,'.- 4Y,00, .t.l.wri4.4*g..i.14:4.i,y; ',''.,iq:M.Nni. pl'Ire44r444,14•,":"F"!''','Fli'',.7,'"":"IT.7","',,r! ' 1414.'P ..,,44441±4.04.0.hi:441444. ... 4.44, 11 • 01A, ' ' '',..'",••r!,,7'4.,1!:i,i::•.:.'•!':-. Aq,„ 4444 0.:.A. ,o,''''' *,:e.1,,,,,•], :44 ' : .;:061*.,•,:: I .k. 44:72TIfff.:IIig,r4' ),'' Y'OI , • ;1•2:.:,,,,, _,,...,. 0 . . . . "Thai lllItiri4-4:pe:fli?0,Pl'...*li'llull.jitilAs4:41Lr AO oil4i)Oly,3.id(11..4•;:: HoLoovOr;.:10 Orr)Or,•fOr 04 r.161111re44e3•743141 t 1144 SYSIA141 (S44(4114) 10 '0/, 1,1,,, 111/1411/100 6)04 TO? j.ri.6ililitiSitl0 04444 21114; ribiog:ecinfplkA ih•aie .. . , IhrAki-oh tbeJoteo0.4.coOvi4OokOtyporooiir4.0yoroore.A4, orog No, *44yoLor,orosiO4o 44434044/.4.4k1 ,Pv14!,9 .P1/1/14011" '19/90 s.r.i,q5 E4E4'14,h1 14+0 /di , 1,14 4,4 14440 poo, ousp ock140.00,t i4i6rottion' Li). tn9.tokial.i3**clAi$00 (VP • • .. 3I*5Ee:i141114;4i44*+.44r1444444 .111n4,41raQ :4:-4. 1rOL01peiW4/44 r5.in4r14 o41 l4444E40 ' 41:16146 so4l141o0414..e0nt1'60. liii(lbel;:eoll nii.pxc.ani i lin onnihat of ly1431n414444h0o31laa & )01y.xion.es'far,sunnber can+ ii44/.44.A43444i5t:201,1:v,444*• 144'.:.1Un4444fIn fbR:4ni4)261$ttir.400 ile44r4414444408 , :,:,4r.:0OAOrk 110444 4444i Yea.641, 44444441444)4*141444144444, n) . . .. , . . „ . . ., gilsittiteiiii0OOloiri i;ii .Tficlii to roy,ji troi•ot 44404 ofd.,L,it,§0,40 groralifitri orn 001001.74001440O'nfle11 0,11,i 014,1, 4444149 444'0 0/100,1 /04 010000111.0rV or 1.00Po. othOol; with: Wra'elooktf oif or Vtiffelioii3Opotoitoe:riiiso 11.4404,4, Eith„,0 ohiingt to-ovaiw 08140 1104v, epf.“11 yomili mi.04y000. iiiipt. IOW* 1 Fm-tliier„ .oply iitoltitipilot vottaii In ginny an., .vin,r dm/ .stirtricnn aftV• Ina Illin tii in4tiniaili 6.114: lit Tr0044-lirilOci0.0,f0li.iipty•4144 pnkii May' ,..*ori.ittfi.+0Z.• 4.1.i,041133, 04.4,17:M16i 44'004.11140' lillillii014'40* eio-of,e0iool.fo#froliojii,fiLLot Lhitowyfo 0 Lim 44440. to pruyiato 4'41rop.44. $4, w,, • libiex: Pitroiiigii', . . • . : , . . . ,_, ; . Ok.r. ,,),11":111**1?.4 40,0 1441.0410 ir,4014 rci240,..F.00, ut,),'-Ace.li{q, p,iy} N. (,,,,,S hsi,,,, 4.,,,,k 4•01,,,,, ,,,,,.; :,,,,.40 nr fi5114110m, 4 4404, ,,aihin0 104/, .i4i404i,,1 /1Y 90W9140-1.•Sdk .iioikyP4i;...q:!040.t. • 14 eT..c1.0 F*14440'9444 6100 teOviorai calElfgp./mleilcyjayii Jar 1494 11S1114 1ii4S1 4i14 11oDi ollibr 1uni44ilk0 01 .....11,M tI4 aaolcy ,b61,A,1il..Gt r{Okiig*i brie. 00.0),ON051,,k 4i010414.10-44cnO4it444441.! 11114'.4o44.4, p4rc44N00+-0444ro,,44i.oi ;,.I414.4 (0i.itslii4c:001004400,.0-0:,i /440p4144',416,10.1 1441 4,11s f.lro4o,o.t..E11.y 141,./1::.:41/Lg44 44 . . -Dopoptqularm iz4114114r544f1r,4143161 • 'r,i kk94,Ptimh440 44tiii4,00 4641 69'' 44444, --PO,L'ilibV*OP:Lipbriood N otirotrao k.ir onoimai[NoA t4114444rove Oon,monoyorow!...NootLi..r.vek.h4Lrool sereg.*. :.'V,041i0lipqi¢s./iiWO•ifiyi.fiN.01#102; i.pr901ti•14141,1i14)40 Ogifli{.411.5y,.0.10q Njitney lir, VIII.ge Vfliath S44IVIC,5 41.$11,3illv lt,IL:3.11ili)j 4i44.444/444a4444444,44h41444444f4/4S41461.4/9441:1*411, .i„,..6i444ii44.e4ie41e4,6r544444l4o-.. • L: L:, • • • . ;.4,4e04O.L)i143i1lifi44)43eo(44144i44444440,0*.0444444/44ii0.1150../1M, :CJiti.ii...iioomoilliusDA 644041 84Inn014,Aiitadi4.y fluicii,y ; :4Uk1.,,?fiii:110.151A4i,cti:41(illii,Aj);,6".i.ny folf*. r#14441133li/011344i44a4 114,444044, 144111ify. th#.11i.c.f fro 460 V4CO piril0:144 Doi -limn(' ,.. wenigs.rs.bi.weti 8444/Ion-!rn'0,414(1.41. ponrpoi:. )(1..rpoir. ov:09norin Ine.sobp ,...nrodo. . (Ain, - A4l444144414444me %4',On,iiniiiirn 4!h*,thd 0441444 insy Oiler ArIPIC47. Ilije+!tity Om $91....n Irk khu vace 0...1.4, . . PrItnary.,„tpoil.l.gOuriOy paothki. . . 441'1481444t144e yom[h E44444c8c V.90h . . City of Miami:Gilled of the Mayor Cortlract #14.10.193();- Resolution 42013-54 Page 34 of 70 6u!uu!6aq wiel lueJ SITION GAB Ska Addrossr. AUtt‘,1•".4.7qC,1•104' 111011Q: tom*: 19111136,-.4.4g4,,, c:O^tui(Po.,iPCF.tCr4,0 e-realit lia10,10rn.„49,y, k:lekleg,Seeksi,; 004 Waiting' J wag_ sooic4 of Alidr--..5Otioot 1 ..;;;;;Op4a No rnA•of Sroaa• yendoty4tAnior/Ormgritithvr; Artirqicleim poiul 044al$'100okr),' grione y• IF 7'tPPP•1$ '41i,fii-Liiiggi gia, lig School ili0) hi i Cliyi isoorni •l'o :49,k0.6i.j...V - ' .,,,,.. . poos'1,*ViRaOoaiiiitia ettrtoritly pplarAta'A tImitrarrt at iliN Ift,t (Vitt r L y_____ . . f4rKi4E'',4„.•7.1,V,;•,,,,,,_,, Gracia- . a lgli*I'd: AO& ftittl'9.iN/A , .4, Gracia flatrualm......,„ ' . ,.• NO ,... ixonwiion Lamer , - N47 , ', rAtno It pototirto t t• trot option t .r1+.,i A.pok!1 ., .a?lit-li4kiEi i)rionloin-ior olo.00ri000r loll ro, hnn 1/11fPri or garriroor-Cano 1,oitclelp & c000koi. ,..€40.ttpo.ripo!o:Pqm? i RailicipPlinti iii1CT Madl Prearain.durifig 0.4After alitattg 11,2031 keeio ileirkif,r. tittirt $i,kek 4•Rifigy: • • .44:4 Mi10/1.j TorttorilurONI s,t0pr1.4 6/4/20t4,. • 4,41,1nOir.Protityiiittir City-cf Miami Office of the Mayor Coniraut 11410-1930; Resolution //2013-.54 $0t-if.c..4 sprorii4:. coma FtS0 (t-14101-)P,Or); .veqdorfOoos.,,,ophorio-itir, thgro.0,--4.om Ina tOtt•oo4fo . lilOvrorroi,y4r0i.Y. 4 i•-•06, " Tramiliori PUP* • 4,grs.riot„.?6( Hoy 01 17, Rai . ,.41*,r; tio',4-41rtrioli410 airiortyA,s rtryr Yewr,r 1-003.yi? oor,,o,o0ii.2? (4 . l',?$ 5.1.V9 , .• sNintir ,imivro , ^,1,1110,,,,Uodu qtrti3g.4'litirtitEtio f, h; - • iIijIFIL=TPILIWY 5'clu2g4 Zip Catiat ---; ri/O Ppr tho 4130tipto titiWjj porov Oo etrantIO Thitt N 16.01,104 1414 to utoli citnotto 1,4ko 0Itd &Vl-ho grill'.0.4151174I ilt6.1/V, 7.1),Nfia ti000kyol 90440 , . Page, 35 of 70 cs:a -• 9 c cn N.) ▪ 0 • cr t-4.• 0 C cr) co • a- t< CZ 0 N.) c) ▪ 2 (33 w 0 '1 C) 01 --1 ID 3 cr ID CD CO r-i- (Ct. 5 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" ther sca equir ud et and hod or ay nt /3-4514- ent City of Miami Office. of'the Maypi- Page 6 et 70 Ca ntragt 01410-1,9,60 Resiiiiiii)ht 2013-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" .ATTACH../WENT Cn' ER FISCAL REgU R ENTS BUDGET and cr4 AftE11100 OF 'PAYMENT Advance redUeshs The Chilar n's Trust offers edvance pa ents.uip to 15 a of te to.af co.nfract :amount; Advance requiests Shot! be ifrnit d fogov6rnmer ra :enfrfre . and ror rOr prom cor'porafrroc s1 irr cccor :nce vri n subsection 216.181 (16} (b)x F:S The advdr ce- r qie st Isi to irotudde the amount requested and the fusitia fian. AdvcnC paymenf r wrests must be subhrrted u5rnq :be._c+esrgnc; c fcrrrt and rrus` be approved in writing by The Ch.ifdren s Trusr•C ort4ract .iviahagetrand Chief Fincncici.G:r;rcer.or their designee{s). Advanced funds,.if not. used, shc}1 be nveste by Prouder to an insured_ interest bearing. cccount, in accordance with subsect on 221 a..181 (1.4); (b), ,S inte.resf earned on advanced fur?ds shall be returned to The Chf1drrert'S Truist an a quarterly bases or appiied against the amount -of the contract owed by The Children's trulst. repayhnent is e witnin a e r a (jays of receipt of an cav<.-Ince. Froviae.r st'oi report the oh -taunt cT rre advance repayment- in 5,=i4.5tS usinc the- 'advances/adjustments' button on the SAMS reimbursement screen. 1a-a Provider does not use 5-AMiw, rhei they required ro deduct `hies advance repayment Croyi each invoice„ cons cutiV !y until the ° i -anc i. repcid 1�n .fail. Budd amend -nislrevislon Eudgeiamenar[ enfs/re sion(s tequlr N.yrirteh app o'. ci from the contract iVtanagerand 'ne Children's •Trust's Chief Ffncn ,fat Ciicer or 1^tetr designee sy Request fbudget . ()•1 Si for Cin?crtCirilrilS/t }(vlC%i 5 .must. be. sLbn erred to The Cant, cca crtc r rsrr rho approa: are rcrrn andjor entered into S ;PM{S. Alt oudaet anti rndr ntsfre signs ar_e subect cpprora! by T1r -irusff. Budget Ci er inftent5•fr Vi IQ:ris canna'-b used fc fndrease the to'af conf acted anour;t nor can they be used to rE od Ivy the Score a Sere c'eS o rncre i ban iY (%j budgetbpdaett. c3" enicirneri s/reYfisions• racy. be.-pproved; dun€ t The- CC'na Ctti,t' rrnE. [+dget:orr eih _J7}'cr~irr vi rani equesas €73u b ubmit a si; ty (4.) d.cies priio o the expiroflgn ar Conti art. `Eudg .-:ar i:end eb sfrevcddons wiii'be irlcarporaied Into the Contract,. lridl:redf Adrninis�r(give Coss En no ever rsball The. Children's Iru t rind' indirect Cdrr;iinisrr aT try Cosis l2 excess. of. fen (1 O%) 'perce ri" o the totai Can -trod -crnaunt::. Lief Aooreved Certified P°.:blic.Accountc.rfs ar C'edified PubitcyAccoutifirict Firrras Toreceive reimbursement for the greparattorn the Annua( financial Sta.rernent Audit Pockage and the Procrag rr Specrfrc Audit as a an d r roc €d ~ rr use chaos from c 11 f Of approved :Certified Pubic Accountants Gt Cer1Iried P. lbit Accourifl k rlrt S wvhich Girt posted :to the .Chfiderr#S Trust websile. In lusiorr r� thls pre-app oved 1 t reaiu�r s a Certfied .Ptribirc Accountorit dr Certified Pubrtc. Accounting Firm ffl r reet fee foilawrnrg• three (3) Cd.) panicpar€'on in e rrler the Arrercan l•nsftture ar Cerrff`ied PubCc Accoiunrarts (A1CPA} or the Florida Institute. of Ceru1ed Fubi€c :ccoun=cints (Fl PA} peer r v_rew p ogrcm as vtdenced by submitting their triennial SvsrernnRL view Recant wifh a passing •<core fo. the Chirdren's Trust; City eat Miati ce cr he; M cr Coritcim14lQ-j03G Rescluhcn 201344 P2� 37: of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" it!) proyeng atocvnneatorion Public AcQunting" firm, or:one of its assoCiafes, hos csdatioteexpe7er1ce igoyemmeNdi Occountihg,.ancifor non orc.ifii accOUntina With the applicat•ion of Government Auditincr Standards and; fal conipie.tibin Of an annual CPA tr&pftV.:SOSialTSpOrisaleat12y71.he Chilars Trust finance .Oepainent. • MetflOd c Pair-trint „ . The partiez agree'thcif fnis s a aOstreirnbcrserhent .methoJal.cif: payment abntaat:Providerihall be paid in accordance approved budget Ond.,:torOpprgve.d budgetprriendMentlreYlsion. as Setfonh th this Atta-Ohnnerit Fravrder olSo-aoitreesirt.oi timely .;t:erAdOrS, aid !ernPioyees.: for the fLiOttiment OrSten0Ces: OrbYlaeq inrItits:OntrOat., Inv. -aka Reictlfrents Provider.shall submit .on original requ.est for payrn.ent„...utilitng the: format _prescribed by The Chiratent's Thug and in accordance with the, ciOproved budget or opprOved• Sbuddel cimenciments/reviSion(s).. The Children's Tr.ust 'Will notify the Prcwiden.ff the request for payment is to be submitted electranircally using SAMS or by using. an "Invoice' form/ Spreadsheet. The request for payrn ant it due on or before fhe fifteenth (1.51h) boy of the month foll,owinc he month in which expenditures were lricurred (e.xciusive of hoLCor...s. cr The- (.2?•:la: -eh's Mist ocreez. o `f...-11.7.-o oasis C/3:27E a.r..n.nd the Frov;cer for work pe•.rfon-nea, or costs p.oid pursuant to this C.:.ontractexcept for any advanced payments by The Trust, shaa be accompanied by a Request for Payment in the format that 13. prescribed. by The Children's Trust, if there are subcontractors to this. Contract, then the Form 0-Attestation :of Payment- must be either uploaded: tc the $AMIS Document Reposifonror included in the equest for Payment no,: later than .30 days. offer payment f..o -subcontroatortsj... yoon th.e ,close of this contract, Provjcslers ore required to complete Foun E.-Close-qut. :Attestation •of Payment-‘i.vnion must be either uploaded to the. SAMS Docyment R.epository o included Tho equest for Payment no later.fnan 30 days offer. paynne.nt ro subco.h.frootor(S), Thee farms may be dOwni0Od from The Childrert's Trust's website. For the purpose of payment 'only, c .subcontractor s denned as an ndep.endent agency that has ,entered into pareement with Provider to. perform serylces:pectaining to :The Ciilcrer s trust funded programsIdentifieci In thiS-Contrdat„ The K..".ftildren'Is Trust reseNes„the richt tO, reqUest only' a:IP:part:1nd ciacuMentatiOn: :End _reqUest .for ... • . . . payMent title Monthly invtbice 'of the ..O:or..r1r.aCf tertt- horn' ProVider,Will be .oacepted b.is The Children's . . TrtiSt up to'forty-fie .054 Oty.sdfter 1.::hkratialt Of this Contratat. .If PrOv14,4r. fads. to coMply; ail rights'. to paymeihdlb forfeited. . If The Cn .deterenlneS thOt. PiOVder paid ft4tds, which are .nOt rarre with and tp which r np:t return such ::ftrlds to The Children's Trust or suiftt. approptate acctMeh tation 10 sioporrThe pcyment\,,,iffhththrefy- ciciA:of notiricatfch by The, ChilatentS TEtr§t thtifY.(30) das The Cnlld en s Trust nibrteapPfUre.- amounts- due to The Children:1S Trust, trom this ar any other The 'Cl11;..cir..en'sThusr conl 0C1 by requaing..arrroprits. requested, to ce reirnburSed test :tharnbunt -0\.e4ed to The 011airen7S Trust The.:•!.chitdren's Trust .shall have Inc sole discretion deterMlnin fundS accordance with thisCOntract and The Children rs: Trusr.sdecisioh On this . . In the .event that Provide itSindePenclent OCrditOr r The.Cfiildren's.Trustaisbovers that an averOdyrnent haS been mode. Provider Snail repay said. ove'fpayinfrenf -Within thirty 13% 6aleadar days : Wfthdul priar nottficatiOn from The:Children rs TrUs: _ if ProVider failt to serve the nuMber afPqataipantsond/or foils to ti* funds in accordance With the Cantrdat;"The Children' S. TIV-st moydm4n fhe:COntract 1-6 redfic.e the :Orinaunt of dollars; Anyzeidy in City itf Manii Oqce. of t-j..W=14yiof Pa ci 3-8 of 70 #1.4-161.9,0:;.-Resortit'op "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" . . amendment ay The chifdren't Trust is: flat deemed a Waiver of The, Trust's tiht to amend or seekreimOutserheni for under-serying paOlciipantsith •dcoorddhpe With the:Contract. In order for ci request for payrihehtifot:ii PrOderas defined by :theFlorida Prompt PaYrnent Ad, oll requests for payment must ;pm*. th me requir&mef se rorrn n this Con and Matt be submitted an he forms at prectbed by The Children's- TrOst. Red.uettsi -fOr Payetteht Oh-dr/or idOcuMie-ntaftbnireturn‘7.41p1Proyider.fari.Orteaflphs rnc j be:douse:tor d&ay in recep of bayMeriit Late tObrnisort inilayir,:s-syif tn d'efPit:ifiliirOicig0-ifigiir>dymerlt- The m1dren TruSt-,thattipay Provider within thittY clays -Of. reCe:10t of prgilideie4proPiitrlY 4.iddiTitted Rea,:tileitt far F.Oyrrieht an/or otherreduired doCurrtehtotioh. The Trust Itoyrdtaiii:anypoyments ide - 66111 all required regicide. :deliverable& or monies owed to:The Chtidrenfssirtust.di'ettlbtlittiediand :daceated b.yThCCarlo StJobartfri'Deidbrne:nkal,orEReautrernents: Praiielaer Shall rr.tairitialh: Orldhai records docrnerwng tiCtpai iiexpertcliNgtes arid set,yfCes provided; at.tardindfoThe aioprovia dt4daeit -andO:be servi.betas reqrecL SdPportirta decUrnentation s.hcH be Made available and prokiided to The Chirdiren's Thus' iJponrequest. Provider shall keep accurate and compete records of any fee s- collected, reithbur3errient, cr ci...-tinhoenation of any kind reCei'L.C.1 from cirri/ client cr third F:ar cic.;reic icy this ci: :oh :tist:t..• citac • 2•-iic:iten is TT_ F.- CC<-eThc0cccVuses to asts. L:se.o ccst allocation rrie-t.hcadiciay which cures that The. C-iihildren's Trust is payi.ng only its fair share o costs fo.r services., overhead, and staffina not soky deVoted to the proartm funded bY this Contract. Such meth.cdolopy shaft be ma -de ovcitabi...-. to The Children's Trust upon request. THE REMAND:R.0f THIS PAGE tiS INTENTIONALLY BI4N.X. I • :57q:Z"' Qty of kiforni0ffeof ti-1 Mayor Coiltact#1410-1:93:0; Res:oluton IA21313-54 39 pf "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" audget5urriraryReptar -Attchmen€ City Of Miami = 00S X0 0 1 30 City of iiarrii: Ofitca or the Mayor Fiscal Year 13 14 f 8ff/13 71`31/14) Contract T: 141 ii 1930 CSC Program Allocation. 586,722. Budget Statue: S+ubmii eta Salary'Accou Ac co.t, 511 5521 52 523 524 525 Title. Regular Sala tes aod gages Prtinal :Program - e3-t}£fieet u1,04 G: 9gstal Amended CSC' 'CSC Stidgez Fi0A/M1CA 18,2.98' 18 5 Retirement Conbibtstion 1t40 1,4.00 Life d F ealth t zstirarre `friar Coi7.!peneelion 971 0 0 a 0 fUnampIuvrner t Ceempenee oct 0 3 4it e Salary y Totals: P'CGSGm i.i d c:^;.�,. at at O 0 p C3C CSC 88uddet BSudoet .^.31 Travel (other :than CciticiOants). 532 i. raves! 1parteipanzs) 533 Meals 1 545 1,546 1,543 2,100 14;O40 2,100 2.1.00 534 Space 0 53 ; ti- es 5.36 537 840 .550 5:4 VIC, 7111 721 73 741 791 811 8821 831 891 529 841 fiu:pplie (ic;ffc 0 1,735 '%:4PF, e., fp .ae a 1 0 0 0 0 0 n 1,735 1,735 apirai 8 €prrt n1 ecpitai Equipment lnOire Cost fl •o 8,572. 93,591 P{efss.sonei. Se i~�rc s:.(11'st'uct 7,5T8 Pi o c$,.3 nal.:Ser [ .*(C* *t3Ffo teacp.er`): 14,121 Prof ssionalSehircesItuto ) Fl-aret4loriai:-SerViCes _(c n 'Utnt5:}:. 8,672 -6600. 26,00 i. 7,513 7,818 4,707 4,707 6 0. 4 PrOfessiciraiSe4yicas t ar) Other (bac'Rg, g,>trtd scre=ninc),' 0. 0. 0' 0 0 0 d ~lei ;aamtsa10F1 tQ fie` :. lazes;}: Other (other) 5,700 b,70.o 5,700 Frn e i ne ts(gther) Progr'arn Sp-ecific Audit • City of Miami' :O 'ice of te Mayor: Contrrac *1410=i930 Reedluffar0020:i.-5 ` 0 4,000 512 512 0 0 4,oa 4,000 57,025 Page 443:.af 67,02. "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through AgYry34441Wp 7.-** 2'14,130 86,722 Program FuncleTs S uMmari Flinders Filfiffer Type Cash C ntributions Other Finder Agency Caen Re-Or:p.:1e .(gyftitn,ary) p-Knd:CokriPtitio urnma-y) .- Ot*a3:4.17:17:4.r.0 SurrMary Fgh4er Totals: :TOW 1,Comment 2,40 •-•city of tvilatti Fringe Beriefrta 204 Ciyof 'Marra POtic..4Cub CJaIuntrs) and Charm 86,722 24 7611 ,i4iii..ami-Dade.06.3.1rgY Pt4b1.1c,‘„SolloOts direct service staff, program. : ...atteetor Salary, and snack. 4:27,408..80 . (3-1- City of Iliarni Offic'el: e Face 41 of 70 tontaq 41.04488; ReepROon CoMpretieOnivO 3R(1(1011/lniondinont Repoli - Altne,111noilf 13 City Or ItiliA1(11 . 004 XX1(:411130 City of 11.1iaoll Oflicu of -rho Mayor c > Fia0.01 Year 13,14 (f1/1/13 - 7(3111,1) CC CORIratril: '14104 930 cn c ND original Budget ,-.4- _I. c) Salary Data PCMiticon Orin A(nopel r-t- SAIiry Salary EWA. ,Ariend 0410 Or; FiCk' 111111ra Flkronur atira Insur Amami ()(fg :Amend Okla Amend al In§tir VIJ0 WO Unarop 1.1001/10 C Owrionuontn. Entry (4434) _r CO staff: tzii.;140pliar- (PON Orrm.s.; 23,2o6. 23,205 1,775' 1775 0 0 0 1..< 0 a progn(in; 10205- '1I);200 1'.465 1,400 0 ... o 6 o tio 10206 -i1 oi246 466 i ,400 0 0 0 CSC; , 0 0 0 01 Tha4:P.oriod :.# 0066Mo Rain PoirnIed Scnnot:Year :SChGe1Yeer 1.00 1.00 12.75 41.00 41.00 01191ilal Blatant Harralluon: Werk,l61.1(si.Enti,'Tinte palck131,Weelciy 806,c6 00041.011:NFA - 1101Stati 1n-0110-red Pe&iliont 0 niatoOkncuadavilt (Inerntivegt ApOraVe413(lid: Position OrIg Onry Ankoncl 01510.1)1I1Gri tqfniarnin tiatOly perci(nInge of OIstiln011orrIe:Gronn, Eidnry Orla FICA PC0/0.`001 A1100allati HiaNVaqk Anil 0.00 0 36.00 18.206 70% 10,206 7 % Orlo Ina) DIstfflatt1011•. qacAliatiOlf. • • . , - '11.411tC1 AlIntinir . . ins/Wool( Ana:: Ani( OfV.00 111,2115: : ,: 0.00 . 0' • . . . . 18,204' 11°A.: Ammo Oda Amosot 0410 Ain atat prio Amaral FICA. t141Ita lia111'0 lethtlt ION or WC. INC Frin0a pow+ tlta 176031 Staff: OonnhIt, FrIqp t9ti0r cayc MO Office GI the mayor C0nIcact #74101 03Q; R05010IIOn #20'I 3-64 000 Untimp Aiurld Unarm:, Page 42 G(70 0 3 0 rt. cr -o CD CL 0- 0 cn 0 CD —3. N3 -f, CO 0- C.0. CO 0 0 0 0 0 ttlj ''t if 971 0 0 0 0 Lit! Prnit t C 00 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 071 0 0 ta 0 CI ,-1- ,i- i , 0. 0 a 'Oibinal Eitutuat thernithresr CD cr itleM:IIICA, +a. -.1. , 9) 11;11;00(Vddlaola140111. 7%05% rats' Of 4.4000e.ii IiittiIiiiulcii,p,i 4- Tool Prickii.414::00.0:- •$4,4 04, -.1 CL re- Totftt CSC .841: ,; 1...1400 0 0) Tatal.10 kik:17. 2,1,100. CO ,CD IIS'O8rce2ur Witch:* Miarni,Dartn County Public: Stihne4N Anil :ilst.,.:Ceinfory = "`- C e+ .Wnricnr'4eiiinp.:, C ‘.< _ 17 Th0:0*id4i-1g 4.611,100Ifkii..rafiNotkOIV tarnpermal on They.6 not etirrottitly Qn5t.olloc.ote any prprrilwWd n 5rilri)63 bLICkt In Ili OliaillAllno ilL‘i,m IN10.1115, §.C) 0iw, hirer ci.,ifYA*11) lars L.< 0 Unntnr4nyrrinnt : . . -1. 5 ---... CO . T.110 ilf06.i.' IA '.4 ION r6101htiiii:04a itfttityakt A-4 ii!4ch da4614Of 140r .44 pitiilion.-c.44r944-,, th4y 1.44nbklfiifi 011COMS hew:be! thin in to:: inn ;n,kilIn,yooa (lifting' irrinnwinyoont holoo brittiii3660.o.-of.jittial . . . • II0h4rOstjaltimirrnd.; ,Ar.ratith,. t horn .ore tlo:spnOtIn'prnmitin't ithargoti:b6100 Inctirretri Mr unoittotoyfitont'itt4i.franOo. 0 "I " 90 ..,tfOgtti900,nronodt.. Liottt:itant 14 Ict0% ftfAtch. Cri u) ..x. "" . .:. . ,, - (-I- Attnr,!ISPNOIPtnItitain:' C.tirOotottittl'..1-IlitiOntrt xO.tt'.FT05(.10 tivritits.:4 04tf.tWOlot114-4/1)ftla:EntrytIt40::28/Inorillt x 0.8 rfci.4x to month t4 * :t:•.,. ?4 Matchntl 100%..hylho,Cily ,6, MIfril -41 .' Ti1!:a (PiOtoien kl f_tit,$0.7);0Ci 0 , ...., , ...... - Tottit'0g,r6(0.0iiit,$ 040 . :1-01a1,1i4Allbh:`,. $071.,12,' -.1 t3trariar.AIniaiirlinent:INarit5ra:k: • Soorrs or Mnhi0z, Chy PIIIN04iIni .IA6i.rki*Iptn:' Oriff; Arnold Anianal Oriii 0. __1.. -IN 1:0 0-..e N..) Pooiton 'it iOrifi Siktney Ati-kara! . FICA . IleA, Qiiil A)nol.iral Orici lilzalriirtt .040. WO. WC' iliainp .AriiiiiidI 01 Oatat Retire Ralka Inanr 0 Itirtoriii' --il Proittar4Dfractritiarant;.Punclrot Aohniniatrativn A104'10011) aii101 Mims; tibartetiA 05114 :Prograem esC: 42,500 3275'2 0 . . 32,752' ?.,50ti: 1,504 0 0 0 City of tvliami Offico Iti01mayor Contract 41410-1 Ottt:q Rectitt 11 on $12013-54 a 0 - 0 0 0 rt- 0 ,(1) 3 CT CD ce z (C2 Page. 43-of 70 cu Ttin0Od Scittiof Yoar tatittos: Of:PeopleRaL tOo 20.47 Tothi tut Funittiat CY:60 L) btnlo Prapram Salitty Porttlittitkitot�DI rIbaI4310406g 5614y Work Stattii Ft01-1110 Petith 1:31=VVeklY Saur00QfMarh Miami:nada County Pui)lic Schools # %aft 16.stufrel Position:. 0 potiootArtainatriorit.Narleiiiiva$: Aoprovia1141a; Prboniail Mai:Anon 1-14vtikInqk Attli 40,06, 77% POrt2011t400.01Proorarn Diatrilitition to Gnsos $310 : 71% 32,76'2 32,762 Orioinal Pisttibitlian OSC Alincolinn ... _ tirsiinteek .Atni Arno; 0,66 a% 0% 6 tv 0 o a' 0 100% 32.762 41." (1) 77% 0" r-.1- -0 —% 0- 0 CD C r-1- CO CD = C2. c_ CT iL.< C t< 0 poreof ono ot G6G Distill ultioqkp C.iir01.i: ;.1117.Arin .'8,4, '016 Aoi:06,1 Prie. Ar460 94-10 Amend. Orlu Arriptul .$411irV ,Soloty FlbA ri6A nottro R Oro filmic ittattr tfrbiiit1 6$17015- .0$:746 4.031: 6.4;:Q4 6 o 671 70) Pinorattt 611646 61,64a 3:006 C; 971 ,6„ttt, 18,206 10,00 i,100 1,400 n0 0 EXpermo baia Accoant Actonnt Ontiii Frino tjandaiki (61h4r) QrIhr .o.t0 On9ihni.EfurigetNaryafivast, City of Miami Office of the Mayor Contract #34104 D30; Resolution /12013-54 h71 0 P.) 0.16 Ainoo oda info ,wa tinernp r.0 tInernp 71 C:) 0ft 0 0 cri 6 0 —h 0 —$ 0 0 (.0 Orlg C5C rituiptit Among 0se Halton Oita 0644 ilifiNgtt Aft'aititi Pr04:11t1ditet CD 0 Rego 44 of 70 0 (0 cr). 5 z (C2 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" ADDENDUM Below is the breakdown of the In -Kind contribution listed on page 35 of the contract between the City of Miami and The Children's Trust OL f SeNool (008). Program at Holmes Elernentary School for proararn year Commencihg August 1, 2013 — July 31 2014. Contract in -Kind Amount $ '127,40800 - City of Mfamf PoliCe,.$10240 Charm Chub $102.00 (Miarai4Dade County public Schools), - 20-.ComrnUnity Learning Center 1\ilatChing Graht $124,70,..00. Miarni-)Dade County Gillis Total in -Kind Contiibution$1:02.00 Esther E3ilteri Education Initiatives Co-ordinator -71i1113 Datha .X66, JOhnny Maiiine± City Manager E)ate City of Miami.. Qffice•cif the Mayor 41A Contract #14:110493Q; #.201;37:$ ••• • 13ta1jet:Atafinithittrit 14Srottifesi Budget Amendment rim -olives: Approved DAM:. > r' C co 0 c Atoonnt,:# Artoolott Nemo Oiit! 050 iiiefiqw) Amen() 000 135114P4 (0 , . . Orio rreo'Hutt(tet Amend Prog050get to 0 "14: gal Tirtiei festierthae ii4rii4ip4510) 0 cr .1;5..45 1,545' (t) 1,‘16 4 Orlifinal 155400 051ethifbili C -41 tiO*5)r:(15,':2)r-Gitat'451t)r.:(5 i.I.I1Aoyfi.4-(066,k25.i0 —t CL 0 1.1) OittiliantlitftWat:Nafrativast. (0 (I) = r+ z- a Atier'Selleof,'.at5tewirtfiConforerkee x 1 person -,$1,105,50: I totoil$1110 ar '6 '51015.5 .:,.$91)01,.T011$1DLOCilW tirid kora) 1146.00, Mitoeffe ($0 ))6r, 11;6 (lo and from) = 4255,77), find Per Dipole C (< (0reak:fes1 V5')f.0:115ys..•$55.,' Lunch $IT X ()Aleye...,;1;ftii,,plailat $10. ),84ays -.-*'$114'*'$.2)414*110wetl hy the Trost. .< 0 inPloyestAraiiellino AO 51(e in'nolle'sretiendkince enft QRF/PACk-fi 25 mites X mon55014-1.00 i0t01-141-00ram Allocation;,1146 Vitrit d43.'0''0640.ore,414646 (0 itinntnWSefiffNIA—h ' w 0 m APc);i1bilaiirrie Aleend CSC 116,190 0119C9C OilPOO Pl)C1Slet 'Anlein01 Oreg Ettitioft( 532 TrAvailkatiotgaplai DADli 21110 0 2,100 01 04410 I31iii1:p•1lI1'ii(A1164):: 0 Mfer ft eito0 6:.fir55 Itipciartfifi -reacher ptoopino aoys $55 X 6 hours x 2 Misee x (tfield fdps • - telei Prod retri A11061iii0t1I: .$:_k;,i 136 " .• • .."1 'Totai•aaQ Atio4atiort::$2,100 = MatOhr.;$D • I-I- r+ Mriteh -enuresis.- OA 0 fAitactotAtootufroarif Nttrrativest ...1 'P.:Pfiff)Ifff(1.P5id ,., CD Cr CO. 5 z ,A40,94.0.0 Ak1-0,,,ilt.t4anip 0,5, Cs' 0 rn.,,i0.1 ....• Arnencicf,)f.) telDet brIO Prou is ooloat .Aolooitproo mortuet CO a fvlea le .fpertitilpent City of Miami Office of the Mayor Contrect41410-1030; RosOlulion #2013-5e 0 0 1.1,040 14,040- Pane 415 Of 70 Oriulnal autjgt t Calculation; .(100.701110) OriUtnul 0001grtt,Nnrnitivast After Seitcrt31::Sn6ck4.wiil ixe rt vliir it P tyd Pidtar8(1 .Gerrlil.nI'u)t St hdm se a rate. afl ar pap; nia,. R ltKrritNrl. Per fsdl tP»ys, Ixns[rl;feisi eru.t 1,uu,Pe radii ha provkterl by Tim Vlllhfle fouflp'SeN{ces at a. rRlfi nf'$1.fsS {t;roukfasl) par student end �T2.5G(ItntCY}) per-sforieht.. Program aeroasa�t00parlieipanl�; .Dotal Program Alltticallbn: ;14,045 Total C5'.C'A1loGalton. SO Match. $14,040 1041011 Source: i l rtil-Dada Courtly P0b11c acllocl i3tkloo ikinantliSsont`litoptiuerst ApptoVect 13afa: Aodpnnt.11 Ace omit .blame 534 Space flrlfilrell 4udget C i10014(101 01, .rlPilllrliEt'tiltA{/OCiJat{ tili!(iS; tliri104tArnarldrriaiit Narr:tliviesi p(i'rttveyr Ilafui' A ceolmittt .Anailtlltt:Nalllf+' 535' Dr101n41 l3itrlII61 tlartwtiv 1 tEfiilna: 0 no Mal 18utlrlut'( aluMat SOW .1 UdautAmerlde antilarratly Approv4r1.Datai Account ## Ai touot Name 53t3 :Sepptlss 00160) City of Miamt Office of to Mayer Centred #1410-103% Resole0on '112 (113- 54 Orltl CSC 814404 Alnurlil Ci1R Oslo CSG I:luligert °rlo CSC t}rurrp,l ,? 3ti tiuf' 0 ilrlrp Pr`ng Ortilroet AnaCon t3tulSlti?'` Qrttj g; all E14it1 fl13t 0 0 1 m N O 01 �-h • Am ritf.f rots kltiriOtit. O And CSA Idtaritfet ono F'reg Midget Airrartri lyrpg ptrdgot 1,735 1,735 1,735 P040 48 of 70 Orlulnal 00(1frat Calculation: cJ =1735 Original 1300get NarfatIves,;, Allef:40h001:+011100, :6lPIPlitF rtifilin0;. CO • 0 W PO - 0 o cr roi4i.0$0•All0caliOn:'$1i735;00 (D -OL Matolv..ss m4,t*Source:: N/A st Hi:0kb( Anieredifioist kairnfiv00; ApprOvoirba' 10;-, Aen00,01. A 60410.1At:NO)100 037 soprilit4.0)R,w00401) Orlaitrain0ahiit.catcoiatiova aelUinel:41ittfilet ()flu COC flI1 1mono Csq OtoirOt one protil 000, :430 A ;330. Aatuail peoft'Hudocif co 74: . . , Attaf$61110,01 4(414)100-intary LIION14,aoci peopRanactM1148•1a;tch mans, labia 041116E, fltill-glait,11,itly egolorneht,eto,($46.x10)'09dith) 1644000re Aill0cati6fi;:tkiliU1 1.0faitSt Allocalion!:4.;330 tufat0W SO' i1/44iit60',.$oorc0 N/A 13104141:Amendrarttfit Narratiu0s1 Approv00 0010: .4000110 Ae6iti01)41iffiti. .N06,:Qap.101t:IFiii010010)0 Olna) 00dept CI:000411ton: 0 Ortts!nel latidget Narrallvo4: Stodge( Amendment t4errettv Approved Dale: 0)10 OOC t Amend OCI. Ellt(1110f 000 P.f0D Eitidapt Am1001 Pr-01.1.130d 4 p3S Aecount 0 Aeoeurat Orin CSC tiodElo A111411(i CSC aoduetOrig.Pron tkeiget Amend pro .° Eittrtget Ckr of Miami Offida of the mayor P1o0 47 of 70 0 Contract #1410,1030; Fteeolidion #2013-0-1 _s. 01 —h 0 1 D3 CD 1 2 cr CD (0 CAj 550 (;nplial..4tialprnanr. Eltitirrat Calculation: Original Binigat Harrativos.; npdofttAillOrldaront tiaroltivo$z Approuri .AJokind Pro61•131idget. :591 am /2 8,672 ,672 .8;672 Original 0072 Acppinttilt AcaPtint:Narria. Orin CriC inntwo A toiled c.c1,, 1E4000. (>09,P,r0911nrirrat EfOilgOt NarralIvaut, progyarn.noat ur Aoprnvtcl DOW. Aijanaintli . AC6(nint NPme Gaig CSC So,10.1 Animul CSC, 131ifIfjOt Oifft rirf10 al0100 ..AtiFoiid Prob.13tni&i. Bil Sobcontiell9r 26,0no 29,999 93,621 :93;6 '21- Q01941iifirigiit 0piciliallarn .--121300-1-1.innip G7 42i (10093a1.130(1001419irittivn9; . R'plar itasiinpontraotor tairioni n in&Irnent rfjIuI y (or C01110616 comPreflensiv, budgol. Warni.DAdo Bounty Public.Scnooln ToWl'Pr491.91n,A9o9allon":4;$97,1, TP161;44(.1,1Allnenllon: $0' MakilCciunlySc.199:1 - Matahing amount for tho.J.kftor School poii byt'T9e-rrna is oolY ilia YMCA Op0n4Olor'womburit., On Tarfpl Math A11969hbol; Raft it.1•suly.;.onIra9tne budgo1 in doonnion1r9posiinry for rm-ni1191e comprehensiya budget Tao Pogrom coo: $12,000 Tot O !rocioastl $12,600 Toto:mool; • eity.of tvtiryil OW* 919,MaYor COnti-act.ii14.10-193(1;. Re9olUtkin #2013-54 Pogo 18 0'170 c (71 (Q cn ) ▪ 0 • cr 0. st O a) c CO CD C CZ 0 Cia ma. CD —I _a I 0 0- 1 3 CO r-ra r-4- CD 5 cs:2 Totat Pfograrn Coct $11;000.80 TntorOe PeM.leilit.:$14;(100,04. Ttitat Mittctil • $tt a IT r.) 0 Soitrokot Meich'.: 1,tbk, ...a. t•D -N. r-o- cigittAttittritiniitof furiotiye'il = 73 -t 0.. 0 SI) C r4. (.0 (1) C1- ../k c c Mint it` . Attotifit Name ' Ortg OP( Bil.111,4 A104100 CSC fifuloot Oiff.I Progi Iiiiii:jet Arnen(i filag:Eitictgall C I.< c_ Er 0 7 -1 1 Ir" ri) fesel a ri a 1 Serylcee finalfticiora) iT•tili3:. CO 74: k< eSalinti15i..aitiot cAbatitli abal 7,818 7,61e —a, N.) " Ro ,428.78"1.14A1).1:(28.18.‘144'.1) 0 --1 -a. C-1 C).1. CO ••• r+. Spigot) of Match: WA Ada forOaffilng "'- -rt Afteri.$cliPph Refer tO 'auhcontraclor.burtget. in doctiment repo4Itory 'Of complete' comp relienalve Mir1001 (.0 0 Fn 9 Oftg eittig Nerrativiisi CeftiflaitRCliAinCO'TOACtieK•)ii1Viitea ':faiifeinCiii:iihrttiliMent'inalgaillfanlii,fiaftleilffetite;,IriaiftiCfCf Fog(i:4i'2(1.18/itr x 1' eaciiar x.1 hoof it 144- 3.11i o. . .. -n . .. (.....41.-iMiifi,i411i-.Ttiati.,1rovitiii:itolii),Acci41.11q.4rij'ir,lifylertt trtglitmtion .10 orlIY.2pet hr*141i.)thijtiit.i.i :04iiriiimilik ';$2ti,7fivr.:'54 i eaChe r x 1 ma i ... -i 4 -I r. Sill'i I\,) -< .., ••,•,.... •• .. . . . , C) t Otill'!'4rObrAni'AI1600114riY:Z7618' _a. TOMI'lcRp 2,1100611fPri: 'q131If -N 1atalii46; .. . . A.) tilMet,i11i5tirOe.: NiA, _a. . . • rititigafAilloiriglierit d‘taertifiliciat • • 01 . ....1.. 0 Appiev.t.irt 'palm: - --t = 0 ,.„. Actiiiint: ft :.. •AtiPnoak halite . ()rig CSC 13'0104 CO A11041141 Ca'fili.d04t.. ' 'Oriti'poifjiNgtItio . Aland I'VP:g Riiitgaii. .:...• -1 RMtiimItiiiitf 641M0644leerWi8ii leapt-IWO' SD .i.tot 4;70i' ,44.,421 44;12i = I-4- OribittoillOdgettallailgli(W4 _ Eti1cloot•NArrativ0sz: CD Attar COrlified Reading Teacher: Detivem literacy ectivitietatll participanta. $28•14/tir. x,3 teacham x1 hour g 1410 daya $14,121,00 Total Program 'Anoca 0011: :1414,121.00 ._• Total:0 0 Allocallopt. 0,707,0o (.0 (53. -,';28:46"31.8'8,1 3 ttileta,), T9,414 416 g44iai.804.4rpes: N11140,1:1acio Couaty pawl° $.'clioola City ot Miami Office of the Mayor Cohlr44dt#1410-1030: Resolution #2013-5.4 Rage 40 Of 70 udt :Apprby0ct'Uttwi, Acttairititi Acii0i141\litiPe Orli! C543 1301100 Agnorol CSO Plt(100 '0.101'rbil PiutD6t AniOriii:PrOO!Iliniftiiii —11 741'Nur601001'SrVices'ipti40160(cY -ri gilowiti: 0 iiiibialt bAkiiiAttitrul -.< tv •-..--0,t 0 C:) -.1. Oiliffeial E.Iiitlui4Illioriitiv4s: kinOnoliWriiqintOvont.thlAitriitiv6$: X14-3rOVedri:aia #001 Antootinund Marra Hypo: Approved DaK CA) '..!4.0loontil c -11 c Aqcosint.11nono ry- Oriu CSC titelfp.t Am .Q$C. Nod Orin Pro0 1.3kottin3f .Amonif Prat! godget I\3 0 734 PiPiPseletlaiE4V1h4f1(10:415) 0 0 c) 0- 0 OtIrfjtrlgd r-l- -C3 - CL O Da (0 a) C ri" t• < i< - go 0 --I - cn N.) oi -4,, o = CD * . .......... : lt P I ' '.:.:.:::: . .....: A obotint 0::: , ,i.#60.0t:f4 400: . : . .• Oil aj CCCltittoAnn ot ieti630!Iktoipon :Oritt rog iiiiiiat:' Atinnol PrOif flo6ei "SU . (0o = 70.1 Professional Servic..os (oilier) o 0 • o r-I- arlaiilai 113000 Q 4.4i Otliail O3 g .0+0 ono trial iluaget t fillos; (0. 1:3- (t) 5 = litidoek.Ameociment Narrailveo: Approved Date; Oily of Mlanit Office. or the Mayor Contract #1410-1030; Resolution 02013-54 Paoe 00 0f 70 (El Account Account Niuno 1311 Othr(adVerilain0) •vOil) Original Posiget fslarrativnat suffO4Affi0 NarrAIIIMS; Approvad nano 7"iaantintli" Aacolloi Nariln O21 • plher (nalkinlinflagrnealaig OtJuiliai.Wi41314f 6alaiilatinnt • Oatithafrilfiftia(tlarratt Nakraifaant Al6t.ii-6Nfper ..Account non anal. Nonni . . Oilier (admission:le finicl•alps) Original Mo/gat calnitialione 1131 After •Selionk•lillO .perparticloant 75 parliclpania:it 6 ti,013leijv'{:p4500). In notion Opal) Celebration bake Creelinn all pur liatio and 2Carnival Foil of ritnnas per. pa riicipahla panlCiria --4app,. Total rigid frios,.$s700ttio To .prokArriN1d4olkaii;;.0700 • Tnfal $5700 • Math Soured: NJA etici(qtAnitecultnent Narrativas: Approved nate! Cily of Miami Office of the fieloyor Contract 0-1930; Resolution #20•13,-O4 (Mu CSC 134.11).1 Arilaml esc; 811‘1001 0116 Roo laufignt A metal Prog•t3u aunt > ..... r- 71 o 0 , 00 (0 0 C CP r-i- -4- N) 0 C) 0- ..1. c_ CO 7▪ 4 000 Clic Lineitpa nand CSC iltickpat :000 rirt4i EI1Ut1IL A0ioid Prda.atioaot 520 TV H - 1 (33 CO 0 - n N.) cTI -11 0 069 CSC 13,,ritio AfAiono coo ainiget PrO Midget: Aataiirl Prtj Budget !lino 6,'/00 6700 5CO T3). r-t• CO . 5 17figo 51 of 70 i: .A(r.r.,glint 0 Ace olint.Naino: Orl9 (3:5C (14(41(4 Around Clic 1(61041 Olt Prog P4dget 1 041 Pr(410111-Spetific Amid . . . Amend Prgg 611k(ige1 —iir' C 4,006 0 OriOinitl 81419 0' 06611016m 4,66i) ,4,611)6 C -.1 cn ri- 1'4 P401)0 N) 0 c, 0- ...„., (D Qritdnol Lindgat Narratlidiai• .4.• C r-r- Altdr4atio1l..-$401)oloi..requi(ed.PrA0rA64.3pcio156.Atitlii...,T114.661 will 'inc11144.11)6 06de&rii's04,6156 4646 tpt.contrcicle 1 let b.10:in noel 1 423-55)?. t. 0 DJ Tnicd..Pc45(01444(:..$4,apo,oq c ri- csa 0 70toroa0,,Aircoe6t,s4,onn:00 = CL: . . Ti,141Cli'Arnnu(10:130 G. Cr M61611,Sburcre, WA C 4‹ ‘.< 0 OSt .:Apprc4i4i:(britti: : Ro n.) c, —I ...1. —, . . orito c;:lc: Billi(1::12 cn chc 41:046tot:11... gel : 11-Or(oiliai-) • AcDnilnd ki.unt.t Aniciirr SC .iticIttnot. ortg Prna 10 dti..nepi,10... :4trte4tiviiron.0114:16ot 6 4i.w. :60 --s, 0diain;k1,0 nci`didoidatin ill 'n -< r...) o • _A. inidthidgot n40410441 Atiter --:1014)nli','Voinntn4civ, City gr.M1.41111 (-!ntine 116p6r11)16(it $17 p/1161f, $102.,(10 awl Glwrm Club $17'piltal1- hall( x 6 +6114 W.', CD rA5A261i 1E,A1411Q6iiir:ibtido..rotglal0eJA for tirly Ezdkinalibri"Q00.41414Cnc-4$00;ddx (71 --h (rant4Profc;sinnal4 Rotdon Conf4t4404n Dr6wattirlivo6e staft*Itnif)f.(Reoletraliervicir 6o6-(nernla6e§- 8100.00 per participant). 0 Ailbeiene-AWrirdsi'.Milectcrne oWil lowil 1yet4(widorl l itrintliOil 0(0 eCiinpleljen:iif the.pr0rani.42,12.x106 tlnls CD • •,• •,.. .„ „•,• CO . 14410,1'0.30 All.d4(itiOn; 461g• M0itti1$204 • MltbUroCI1y arMi4iTli 8111 `214104nin CD Biolo 1.'1% ionn cidient. NorrAtivq4;. .Approvoci:PEder,.. (D 5 Ekoon.e:Totais 01 1C8L I3lldJ 1 Amend C$C.i• Beduin). odtt Nog ldl .Arnond.Pcon.1:1101.get 67,a2n 10,2115 07,tV6 164,265 City of Miami Office a( the Mayor Patin 52 of 70 contract .41410!1030: Res.nlubon 02013-54 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" DEPARTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCpSAFETY APPROVAL FORM NaMe. '-,Depaitinent :Cif -ants Administretidil R evieVv St atTas Cdilithetea,FG.47Vralt iiaNlit..y- _ .... , . red and N-On Owned:Au:fps. ... 11,16-ekere Comp Owned AP:foe- Equipment Floater r:•<,-T-ir-ii D&o Medical. E.xcess Crime, Ccoierage _ / Pothition: / . (-. 'APPROVAL ST7VS, APP "Prarl.kiGEOntezk ,.'Pr.0,.--rty #.37,i.4:.t.s4aity r-Aail,0,,ek • pee#11).tion •Chifdre•n'S TruSt Tracking.E pato,:t, r . . . „ - nsyranceNOT Required bitybf Miami is Ntrneti.Adclitib ipsdr.ance Losz - Nr...Parli, is. P r"-ThaWi7crit Park NaMed Additicriat insured APPicrird- Covirame.i's inSifc .N6f A Ratmpany Ti'1:e city 14017 Named Type of PtiVefaGe. is. Missing Other 1:77S1:714171:C1Sft7 . • Otlitiaot ithe -01".3181•eri'e T.atatitand 6fINTI-a-m.i for tile .01.--Z.,40-1•4 Opt of Soo . Miami Learn trIP OL PrPdtat.- at Holi-neS—Piiii':',,fylfPfieW by 'lie Tf,ut4. . 44-4 - 61. Risk 0Q-2 7/28/2G13 9:59 AM Salary and Expense Totais Corlv CSagot Amend CSC noduat acon5722 Ceity -of Miami O0ic0 of the Mayor Conirnot #1410,1936; Resolution #2013,6.1 Oriti Atrionit Nog' Biiiiget > C -011 '.21036 cr Page 53 of 70 rt. rar. IN,) CD ci) o r** c_ cr c 90 9) rt, —h -n C:) t.!0 (7- 1 0 rt- . CD 3 cr CS:2 (S:2 in) torigaa to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31,2015" M;amP-Q2daCounty Public Solocis prg,3ni_a iOA Name: Cr'ys.01.1 mi II icacfTtie3Eiap>3c 4 . ...: :.Sdbcoiirac,.Or Naiire: i C e C3un f.Pztli c cels.. . Sii/2013 1,t .,: 12 • n'or.:hS PRCG AM 6tiGG1 S RTE,S List Fuiw Time Ern pley a `Request Funding nsa gar^._ u^a.'cral • t to wrt i by ie.agency if:'.sNYal—dors. [sittg nAnd: s.A5c 04 i•144F4 D4d ,CcurRy F1.6Nc. $.G7cci5 C.€erica 54FcrcS xsiUgn. Is SOO fa A r•S60a1 .FcaFhcc ycrs$1 /ti-x:SO c 5 2 dy 30.cy 35,SS�r ssOck n�^ s P tt dr-e �ap'rgtt F-?uency H!-r.eeRfy. .aa�rC2,rczG4..rCy 41 '''re""'t� hli2 1 Dp a Cunt Flac• Scf c�"ls: Tdai icr?CaCAlot o, $a :: AdiOtretzf e!a .; 465Z. .. 'Irani Oslo: cogprp J s..i c . is aC .ma s A7tir-5 hCOI `$?.3t1rx .s2ctr � ,.nsx nr-j�:.tsrza}�x2U4 s= .. stvQa S` 4 pr•orriA y Ft ,,.4ncu: z ti 5 ucc F iecc cr Mazc : ;M cru`2 a:CO�n �yelie5 ecis ni IStassididy Pattement CY,.er. M:aeFtli. Y5. ti"ers TOTAL a i:: 1S.A... Rem: 7.434i, fin - 1.4§9% Pave .{peciiy3 provide cdf.dufatidn tnit, per 40.22 00: s7r 2 1:. 1-141•14-Kra. s LEC°5 R` •5dr'taate. searffi : 5Ox7;Ea`?la. sSJarY rat y,45. . Pa d TOG4o 5y r a fr; un& - Tcaf' Pr rrrn cst -5 5 s Tc ?1a*w'h; :$54 :47 QS S 1: cr4la4si: r ;ic^ccis T O1 CSC -e P4i4.' : 3 Tat Mac`a $ c'Ss2 5eur c i : 7HJani-Carla County Fec�iCSc1c a themcicyment 1s 1:Lk:c. Matd14 . Aro=`•Sc^nai:' TccE T a..tc Crcdes@ 7. Thai tins,` 5358 7O 3 u F$ Sddr'ca c 1Ha ; ' tl cat-iJads.0 it r u'slic Sc'uct 0'0 ALe L: ri TOTAL FluNOT.. _ r2 Cr1 ¢f,Mfami: ,its- of pe t layor Con.V O:t 1 -f9 sa, R s lu4an 2Q[3 Pa Qe544i•7Q "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Ci f Master Report Res° Niko R-114307 City Hall 3500 Pan Araericau Drive Miami; FL 33133 viww:mialaigov.ouin Fi1iD •11,9.0;7;40 •Veraid.i:: 2 rQifg..0t.=.4Cre. of *"City Cd Cerk Enadttent Date; 7128111 Status; Passe4, RefeeSaCet A RESOLUTION OF TIE NEANIE- CITY COHVESSION, WITH AT.TA.CEBIEI.,IT:(5):, AUTHORIZING THE CIML,VNAGER TO ACCEPT A TOTAL,A.:MOLINT OFS36,722.19 L:c• TPli. FORM OF.A. R.E-L:A;/...IBURSENENT mANT ("GRANT'!):FROM TI-27; anDR.ENS 'TRUST ("TRUST") TO THE CITY OF MMMTS CCITI'S') DEPARTMENT OF 'GRANTS, ADKNISTRATIONS EDUCATION INITIATPIES CDEP.ARTMPNI"), FOR TEEP..: ifIA1 LEARNING ZONE OUT OF SC}:100T- PROGR 17P ROCRAM").. AN7: DRr7V 71-7CTS IN-KT•FD VICES TTTl T.F7- TOTAL 2.. 3.4 Tr.) ADS', LEZSTE.;.3,EE: ay 17.-7E. 7)1'7 .k.::.T)4FENT HOLMES EL ENLE1.‘471ARY SCHOOL; ES l'ABLD.;IL2IG A NEW SPECLAI REv-ENUE. PROSE:CT ENTITLED: 'THE =DUN'S TRUST -GRANT FOR EDUCATION LNIT.IATIVES 20 1-2012", TO ACCEPT THE GRANT, ARPROPRIATING THE GRANT FUNDLNIG IN THE ,42vI0LINT OF S35,722..19, WITH ND SERVICES TO BE PROBRIATED BY TILE CITY VALUED AT $7,8'8184;.FURTM AUTHORMNG THE CITY &IANAGER TO-NT-_,C-OTTATE AND TO EIX7-1CUTE A CONTRACT WITH CHILDREN'STRUST AND TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE. ALLOTIER N1-..TESSARY AiViENDTS„EXTEI NSIONS; AND' MODEI.:ICATIONS„ AFTER CONSIZTATION TEE CITY ATTORNEYi TO BELE.NffiNTTI:.kCCERTANCE OF AND-COMPLaNCE WMI TEE:GRANT AWARD FOR SAID PURPOSES, FOR .17J.E.PERIOD CONLN --ENCL.-NG AUGUST L ZOILTH.-79,1OUGH:JULY 31;201.2„WITHTEE-pPTI0NS TO'RENEVvr:FOg UP 10:n/701(2) i.kDDtTIONAL ammaPERI0D8 AT TEE SAML-`.14.01r-TO,EXCF,ED A0UNTS LINDER THE SAME TEB2,4S-Wa CONDITIONS_ TOR RROGRAM AtHOLN'ES..E.LEENTARYS'Ok:0014.1r.BJECT TO RUP:GETARY :APPROVAL AT TLV4--0F NEED1. • iitt4tited: .61.13g Name; Esrabil?raPg Shen Revenue Cluldrerfs rms.: Grant Rec4Oestat; briacci c-i-ard A.d,-Tcivaittdba cost Fjnal Acton: 7123/11 SaCtors:::- inqaxes:. Attzthinonts: 1.1.005140Surmw2ry' Fonii.pdf. 11-00549 LealsItuictupdt; I I-00540alai-bit Lpd.f.1 11-00540 Legislation (Version2) 07.2.8-11.4adf, 1 tr:00.540:Ekbibitt:07.;23-II:pdf. Acton History avy of Mi7,rri Pried on 7/17121)13 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Var. Acting ady, aar.e ACtiOn. StTo bue Date Returned Result 2 Office of the Citv 716/11 Review Pending. Attorney 2 'City Cent.tisthot 7/1.1 puw-tm rrictiotCwee. made. by ,Trek azoJ, -scodedi7i pitarciDaild Seraoff t.itar. this thane vpte for the record: ,I.te-diREj -.was, deferred to the- co*itstion Mecing 4eleduled for Juiyl/ 8; 2011. The notion carried by the folloWitd:Otet Aye': 5 -7,,kifredp. (1,1filly),GOrt, Mart Dcvid Samort,,.FrankC*011o, Francis.Strar4e4- Rickard purig 2 Office of 'the City, ;VI Reviewedd • . Anomev , Approved - 2 Office of theMayor -7/22/11 -Sinned NI -ay* Office ofthe Ciy Office o± City tie* 748,11 Sired and A.,ttested by •City Cie* City Commizthon 71281.11 ADOPTED A raction was made by Richard Dunn LT, Seconded by Frank Carollo, that this riam--t.. be ADOPTED, Note. for the. Record: Please refer la) 7.13217., P1L,5 for Tr '.r..e.tes rerierencirAr, item 12 Chair Gorr: PH.,5, resolution on .R.E. 12. Lillian Rio ridet (Tat -rim Director, Grants. Adraitiratior.):. Yar CI-4.i, Goat at_to the. re:Solution. futsr. Biondet Blender., 01'.3...'e of Granta 74:,1:2,'-a-resclutior..ofthelMianii City CerratissiOrti wi±itra.chtietti, inther-Iitar the Ivfaiii4er. al -text -a tral. olfSK;2:22.;1.9, in the forth ea ccimhtenettett-Trattfr-O:th the, Childret's TrlaStio theCity: tf.11':,.fir'ni's Department EsiV: of. Gratt .4_rithittinntEbt ednceriotiinifiatimet',for the Midi Learnit.g2Oti progrzinr autorL service tnttch it the to-M.1-mmOttto.t.-S7X3.S4.to'-find..the.prOer.sadrtitisterea-hiY.the,D'epa..i.—okdt-t rovenue praed. enthled 'The Cb1 i'Tnaer Ora fbredra±ion, inifia!d-i6s 201 ttotl..'.te','-th-Cp-j.t:th gt.nt-;-.agfirbptiatinn'the:.LQ-*t thnding bithe atuOtry-4 of 0.6222.19 .Nyithit,.t.d..td oppropnadby City i-alitedfat.7„82,34; fair -de a4thl.=.114the :City ai.fsn'4:dr. to..tearthatkand toi:,;ectite.a en:14-7-.4dwoth thChi1drefs Trto 10 ntrgothre thadiexecine all Other teceski,a-thenelrtri.-extetsionis..atd - tnodiflcat!ona aftertOrialtatidarith...tbe:tity, -.gatottey tofinpleffitat award int §thdiIarpnes'ribi'llitel.period-Conittenthtir= "'GP- with -ettitts gene . . forup !AitiaiddEn:Ondlithriiiifit,thlitd.Tit. the same satnerertinacdondmetnfor rheprOgraits- ProirteS...tier_nettarr8Chnol„-slib*fm:bndizeirL,l'ao,ndvai aVioe eineed. edDiii MFeid • - . Chthr Gorr Trawl $ rabriaa..A,. COMItISSIQattDunn - Vice. Chair Czrollo: -Second_ ortt second by Vice Chainnan tarCrEp‘ try arthertscussion7.3eitz tone; all in tavnt, state tt The Comrraisthon (Collective-0 Aye. The mot50-11' 6atted.1;y the tolitowm. g vote: Ave: dredo (Wily) Cori, KarqDavra Sarno:IL Fruar. Carp lo and -Ricathdi Dunn it Absent: I - Franefa Soarez Prin c 7/17,120 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through Jul 1, 2015., liftr ,41 5.-11,TMT ...I 1 Jo Ht,41 CITTY F.,1A14,tia.V.R 2013 3 oo : 4 i*F1 tor; 4, 33 /7.9 • ;),,-za , fh.,,, 7 • -- ::',. . V ,-;t*•kt• 4,-Thalza '•,4 • :''.. . .. . _ . P.O. Er.DX330702 {SQ-S) ,Zza-sdoo etty of Miami Coats 1C:113-2014 0'7! 7.•- or' 7- 1 -7" 7 777:: aLr.Ge-Lezal TfVozice-:' s Comutuszioz.i ac.4Qt. dsi:.ri-de,ez-.,„ to ii7lit,:sf-foris, of sect-r-or 72-58i,28 of the Florid:., Statutes. Should you ...re,...71-te adeL.'-fiouf.----;1 -..4%4...o.,:..- or .s..1' ..,..,..--ve ,...,4.---y cue6Uons can cern:7'17E this rirA:tf-T, T '7. - .4 ,.... - p-e-,a..,i.e. cif:, no t...1.1.esrtatte-to, corriza the t....11 .1•''', e.f. -..,::. an erl. ---; / Ca DitectoI (:quested F ^asrig Z-' “Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning. Miaami-Dade County public Schools .31 =Travel (other, than 31 (partlapa -At a:s..(parEicfpa apaca-(eexiat a tictldi its) 5aix;,;ii�°iiu e CO- Fa. Ca i t'Ei-cutR=Pert'fgr.,aas iar,53;0'G :)` List S it cttsltC ors (U seem moral (Prat:'essicrat:Sera es I Instducter.{ ist c” € a.n."1, ee 7'aa 5 ..(l 'each) City o ar i Office of die, Mayo Contract tdatch ng Cunt Fundg :.-.t 5 090 11,1": (.0tberCten Pao itipags)SG.!?%, latch `Afar Scro..I ;fit xldz,CanF 'wtc z'3 p pCc:X *-,a c •liacc viOe oriteraa...r 2 Peel* x SI,50Q$3,00G T061 Pseroren •Ccso:'v,009 offal CSC�a.0.' > i Ila $ 04C01.1 Sau :s ci. �zki f3 ani;7ad= • O. 8s;^�3:. g4fj 7dad r.tcs MCA Feuesdacs:a. r i z do sarAcs rtiesaed: ` zrrvc=WrCS a<.p�+eawnat :5 r2 -a Caunsi±lar� ri! .srPz?-'ns� t4eiP grenia ad'all- { cJvitus aitdwli :E Fyn;:6te.fer `t^9isL�t r rcanEg n�.ac=edanc, and ^.: Cf of auv U pzraceatiny. suidert .. Adel o lty Mese cec ?Jdr,' w71,ar zrdze anti! aprl trzplain.atthe.erysicft G c4i a..'E;L L'aciaf>> ....=�419T'2['cfhi anr31c r=aelacan .1,-dutkL11 krthe itk7z;da.v.is also ccr lMle :tP a-_-s,�7ry^,r&'^ i5e�=_�arranw-c��^f!z-^:ian zs .!! a•.;,,cr�re :vsc±W.Y. 'FSe;r-.;; r .4i11 sperms !tr3_ L ,a.,.,i.. r I:... :fi htY �Yr. fa`F :3 ;tr..r'.. �.. w_ 1315,3 .. j ,tt• rr ri_Thr i ,,^,cy dS!rr .ai .af > 51.1:'CC. " _ h.:4+ 9t^r i2 1 X 7r,r5..idayY readT I.5 S 'Istert Ska x4 .tsM ! :T_acr-Prarnm'rs t raill-act. xr34r xS ant+'ay >SOO. 42..acu�<zriry ;r... /'lr {avg} x .i?r<rdya -ayr 27-9 10d..,4if,:: cirx- rX5 S4 hr z 1z4iR: de-ie.-1S :7 r Siz^'rr"7ri`-enrxsarsJ yxidzs= . t G'azn rxs?#r;`{e?rr} yhrs iday�za:Jaya $7' .. .,*4 r:c .r5"r**°i^^-x_r.u. yr-...a(x .�IL'L EK3 ^,iif ili 3�fF di5 ,,120 G^.ai;�j Puf rtpPr i L7igekv..,;5-ax:xL2 °5 .PSrtrdeC �� : :azt and. -ipF€ [.artt eiitfjpdadeq cci fa. rtatr f and aue;rllrs ;de y a '-1•y psr'ac cubic s'u.=ertG'3i.M a,c5 e!y 4urat tt*47.art �_. __.-'a�,viaes i"os—Ihc15,tda: i!.[v°^Se1 i;{umesn.r�.sesrt~.SPAa:t 1t Ok4 c s fnP apF aw4 carr zs faaW'esamaca*arSS7 pas 47,3 5 Od P-r-�G"CCi sz�it`sx �Chr 1-?rs;'-yX iA ,frslt;nGu�.ncy,•� �Ery'- �' - -... '"zr^-O e c 4nti Fuhlie5uyects. t3• mbera`fiCsru^ sr r nth. a:dtiys Li�9D:�f: Page 55 of 70_ "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 thraugh July 01 2015" Crum' 1aazCauryPubltcS fi0et> MucPSCer` e^Teechers 2S; �ff GOO flier I racf;?cbvr �tOF raaa arts IiL x �u�e x L i zs days,:6:9:: rc, zmCo i25,L6O 4C ;�Ttll CSC re^u_�` C -TOoI at;.h 2Y ff ffffv ti€ M.bucSc cGIs. N u nbE Of P^slOcPs r :CL57.4 s-Serif :,. i;ndar nd nYCop Ct're'.r F1eFO.t: Ar.Nar*�.sFng.. 3ac<grtnt :'s�, sOnL3g 14c1r i:siror: Reid it ics: Sp: 7'cAu :Other.•- A� t nal.(L3 e 'TOTAL-CPERAI2.'aix.. •A4mi rsistrethregrdlrrc«. T. city of ttriamr f cz ofp A1ayr CCrtrfict i4 oi4.; R scit:tg€e ; 20 Q r_• .3 .aP.. �e^,eai 7rtis e[..EraiITSdrridt11?C-f it Ti.iker?luaE-4.d?e'p graar _ tE-vs ctprOrnzr tnc cats ra ec r^ ar woek. svar s i s- frrg d C moC r_s 3rd.recs nal a? elscr s soh . &--r ig ^'isiva r v tf rem re Ia 9€ tae,. zai .a -Warded irccrt;- -� Page 56 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 201ht :Ju 't _ „ems �� f��s 'socootractnr Yam_: Arm -far Lec' min c:oorraa ;:erect Pl:.�t6RA?i: Sk1.i'�tICS:: tiss Eu3l�7icn. E:n it :2[Vi�2.r D21 • tali-Tix--.a of .. .. 1 6c. • uette a atttng.Fund: % zxrc'a :.i:LQ�;. U At ae-Sdflcl F5 ucn'WO. is 4OAS . sry � r fE s tnt�ctcc r<i• i.ai,a cats#ca;�gr-0, S71F.fir. _ t�l w't( d2vcta T_� <. afi 5rie [3 Pc5('+EK,} �hr,prx' m. $ 7 ib.2z:. -ai.r:'�: ec-�Iwk t7._>°h r nee * 3� crts 3s 17 13 Tat;f &Yayrarl ..ese. 71343 5enr••e c� s+at.h Nr."R .4•••4 441xc5 acl' ,csc arwarus?:9f>rsfi=.;k kfarVie::.. LbG7nLac�^ Anrisal sat • .- • aty� to a�piuc 32i'2 jer'hr. SL�11Cii derct_ c cr Arta(?..rtle:', t?, :i p .fcti ; ?572 • „-e. act S e'w;i. k,S dnr,+ 39 w'cs =.rt ,.Cu'3:.i'.3.. TOtal .-g zr C..•..__5 II03 anf: i.>.s � "'31 c4�.. 's hfatcti�AF{.:• O.pCi.o. cot • cccI I 0.417 Lew 1'".:.iaSl..riasi^.5;3•A'.t.'i..�"��41 prcv1t0:eak, ae..:.'cs CityCity•pf Mar.ht. dirk ii2JQf eonfraci 414-1c-49:30, s:Piutiun -4 3. :4 CO 125C4 {,=4c..+"uCG'Of: g3:1 :Jr. slCi2i*4 t":3_9.37 T ct l CSC,. Aimo rit::�:s:3r 74.:1cs, .Amur_s22;oic:_ M hc'h A�meurt�.s.4 - tLOC M.atez Saul 4,6c: • �:3ct31;.G�:Atra:;rS.:.gE ,R3. -040 • TOt.3i.Fiti�r3r1'�„SY'2:.4:F3: i 3 L.l i�JCt�i^532? i'a•42' M "di AI`r 4*1-1. ra74,avi 13f"�.S W3GIIri e:e4 >^prnx.4.69arFT=€ ,per —p: =_•. a i Ft Carr-Cr.S� ss4a:c%ff RAndunt,ia ctate::Sptir titter4.15 O2,2I225 10Q_5% utst2d`5atari Pace 57 of70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginninc,. rts A • . thro u • h Jul 31 2015" A :`` Learning Tr anti{ (per Travet. (ppsrticipacfs): Pals.(; Space Cr _ofa.tkisfdiitg) Stippilt txinpkrtet, ssS€2tiea� - - 01 a l (egg cuz-icu;a, b€,a csf ,jica-Cap:t 1 z ;u:ipmeat 0 J: tiffs i : i t C5— .teeth¢ itw �c'..r; iaS aecr Cent ties' 7eac::+er ;;List. idLar ECist eech)- Otherr, 4nt_ri .;dteedslb•p; a`kg-eur."d::S•-eenirg:- -:-• sicerliPpipp,::'c::fiSd.itips..:;:... Rm0zrtt:5f+ iric'ACdit.-. - :Qt'�-"A,ididnal"(Li:eac}7 fidmIni..s? City tlarni Ofee-cf ft4..P1 ,0r- Cot7;:i3Ct41410- 4.30 RRbsultitfac€ #2Q1:3-54 a:co4 G GG a, fig,a :ax L4.al i:•ia• ;;Liiided da•xit CS7G.G6 - T4t3J:?C eY .$7G ^G makrtar Sara.: SG per.rar .�sa, �ra5 su pines :7.5 s¢,�anF, per use __ PlLS n-Ls..:s 3G Far�^+,-s•r. Creat-iacaaaWa O,GG fir'' Scffcai Y Z ;;117ig_r"' t:at; C sa csF - r. .. 4'-'`' s arc• f #! a� Fu(f F 's!-.sca -a ' .: a.}u lde a,stri t, aLrp rdrming aLn :a a-,his55•Pe t, 6-3 s15slai;-LS:� - 10iaciis 50* It IsRc a.. P' ,Ls,0rax'as^ Ven6 iaa c ai�».. .rfu.$^zQff Lar minJA¢ carts 's5cx,c +_443a a`aa-= August 24o h4A a p t_ Srtbcartractor.-!#ai�5a; Cn:`LacSefFFz�i i.Oritra Period: 13-frf2t3x3701 0 $ . '2 nonfhs ist Put[-Tirrr roes Annu=f Fa Inn, ase r.:-Przgrant quested Ruin Ring Ammunt "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning Qn Targetivtain 116flte tC:he ortOet:.d tY iJl fl9a14' �. E.0 . TOTAt ;es/Sr'teRIi5# .... au ;oc of o;:aunt 1)001 • Crawl Other';.fir-cardei .a:rit:.).. t pug ala t'- r. TI. • Fttntds Piea its-ei4-aki p3-: .), Sraee-(Term eta .BvTdir_g) .. . t1�13ties (4:4. utlit ) - - -. SaPi?3ies. -„Tine 'Ce'par_^. Ong costa§e'.:.- Ka � ritai'E#xapneeat{ r,,2ter thU Stinee :ac c. 7:r:32: DO C= rigid Wt.s7G'1�7' [a5� i1i. i ';z 722 ontarat b 7 City of iiiarri:C Ce cti e PMay r. Cor. act 1Lta-193O. nesc7utari.u`•2 A s. ixf $E _f3en €`.tt.r u -sJ z il3 s� ci s r s it Ie d r r sT ''^= y"ir uC,ar ln72 ++r`";su�>; i:,E rt2 Y'�• xrsR?i. c`5r. . de tii Yn 5r"3 =53-$ and eSnen* ri:ss thr s' as t i aerdary r24tY arf r tc r rg;dipson:Oi 9*.tc nCe5_4aGO i tA.f•- tintV ' h1aLCIT:$fl f ' Page 5g of77o "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" On Target, ath Tetar (Lis Prafsna' CehYa Ad"Itianai'(LTs'' eaers} . Other Advert r Admi 5 ca: rigid 61or Progra ,rt Sred :,4u it Other —Add-dor:at (Ust each Admix.€so?tii inOirec=issrs {Can not d.Y TCt,a): 0,4 qua i Page 60of'r0 Qtj:Of MEarni. gfice ftbe Arta ior. GaiIie4. ..n 1;.i 0-1930 Fesciu'imn 0 F 3-0 "Form to be updated by City &Trust forFY 2014-2015 for new grant term beg inn in g August 2O14through July 81,2U15" , / , � � a.11c ana "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July31, 2015" €3ilT-fir a c.OL or inae anci;Data. Repo€hin.g Requiterrrenfs Prdvider sholi sUlloitif ta The Childrens'Trust indiyidyci parricipant demogrophcs, atiendance,, and nerfprmarice rr€e tsu�ras es noted in t.h Scope a€ Serajce (At iochnen Aj Reporiing includes electrorsic submission or gt.art€ry and ou;eornes ;laidtk as. Weil as nar;crfive repads. irito. The Chilcrenrs 'Trost veb- oased r pori Ing systern . ProVrder"s use cif web -basin rep -china requites mandatory traniing (proOd.ed by The Children s trash and a user io:gir' narne. €ttJi e ©IZre�i'the Mlrifm1;rn s andacd fort Performance wilt . ccxnstitut C7 breach ✓f contract. The Chtdren's trust res n'es the ',right- in :its sate answer+on to. ,i.6teripine. remedies for sue' breach including, W€€rlt?i.it I€iiillQrat7il . Titl`1qt€nrg F] •GO�'tirdd. � Tur'lna tUCldlii,Cj 'commensurate to with oelow minimuam performance, ar. trrtposin.g.other. rerte ies on providers pe :roan€ng to law any r tlnlrnt <rn standard, Inc1Lia r-1g,, 'me "Quality Standards" for�Thu- Cn rcr n s Trus c ur c"-school programs round on The Cn lelren`s Trust °w t1skie,arre uirjria de iorrncrice irnor©'d-rnent carts. ACTIVITIES A erle ?:4.. - cse d fF /r:i es are dittair'e, f' ce G r l im S: En AJ rc r 7:p`'I ciaons':.s are intended generals, - receive t'•'ttee Cr Mare ccontccia, and inctuide fh.e Gore program actiVitte ..Provider'will reipoit rer,"?C,..rcan'ics of Ih.di/idLiarptirt1G"parns within seven (7) days of oroprarn e.n'rcil€isent and specific d_ ca ..u.Gr. Derno•grcphics shall be iJoracted regularly r,{-.-... newinformation, �.. � '1.., t is sobedule _hallactivities, frequency, an sty ` bag -rich d Attachment . Pro`itge reflect the uc, ,lir,�s i" '� and. intensity i c:, G;;'ltn'e,.. •1i r tdy ri"€ad:ify The schedule-N. however, any chances that otter 3ihe ty>✓e treq'uency, intens,t'y', and/or cluvr=.tion of the 0`.tivite5 4Ytl require a. contract cmdndment, Frnvrder- will ensure that aoproir"I:ltheiy 75 of the: 7rOatir rn s ocerafina ro:;r:'>. are. accounted -or in plc nso program desr" rtb.e;,lin Aft -cat -Merit A Provider will e ' thPf all chifarlert have a putiriT'-aus" lu';ch'1 and Snack, at- a rninv"nurn:, during sumite.r and full -day proga;ran d vs arrci a snack curing der, s hcol anal partial day program da;/s: rtoFi e aiia at o Partiaipateih the h Ter'ste.hoci tM ci (suppped arag.rgm sponsored by The Childrehil.$,TrUsti Wieekly rtus cx:v fo a :'paire it a VisT3e loc. ion cf each s rvic: siie Provider will" > rari3i dlloquenienfatiohii. (incfcrdtng: 'Say c ;rratencts and at endaice records) ,`rorn am k:� s'iFIOi`✓•�r �ni`r.0 i34z7ic� IdGSl :lit C in r� T aci`#r ent. . Demcatdcahic InfOrmatian rebuired foti- nrnaNiCHILEVYOUTH aarticioaits :enrolled: • fur t i1 a s s d ne (las.T : t r€ rd e na icL • Farent s:nafri `(IasT rlrsr r+ltdat'� rnirial' • Street 4:dares C€ry cna tip Code: Parent; Guardcin s Fri; n. ary Phone . and Ernait Gender (r7'taie, •i'errlalE j • -Dar Eiirth o EZcc (Ane7Gan • Ethnicity [Hispcnrc -is€;inn Ofn r •. Enai€sh prp€icier cy lyres/not • rher langJoge j Apo' r1 ( tglish; Spanish; i-;atiotn° Creole, Kane, giber) test 4 Digtrs ONLY of Cti fd s Social S =canny e Chills Mioirnl Dade Corny PohangSc caasIDNusober Ct1i+a s Curren Grad ..Le } • Ch td s C rrenr School • Does Child have c€ Heal€h lnSuranc ' {yes/no) • Does child nave a dacurnente t tyestnc • If d,isliaIeet, trdhat type (Autism Sp t.tnurn O sort rs, C rran;c medical Condition,. c #{ of Milan l o.7ice orthe Maya Contract tr'G410-1€93i ; Resclutiar 2Q I3 54 did - slaska Native;• Black/AfiiCon erican, Pacific islan:der, "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Oevelapm entaC .Delay,:Emotional r ne4for $e tavioral. Disorder ilearing impairment (or deaf); Intellectual Di obrlrry Or rrienral ;retardation) Learning Disoot€ify;" Physical Disability, Speech/Langtla Trnpalrme€nt VEsud) IrripOirrnent for bliia): Other) Docui enfatian or dt trl ilrry Mdividhua€rzed Farnily Service Plan; Individualized Education Plan Section 504 Plan diagr1asrs irorr� a -nedica doctor state certified alicensed professional; and. ar d„closure:by 4.0 peren,rfgucrcian); if child is nated ..as having a dccmmen} d c1r'scibrtiry:a€ hora'copy or` the see-feer•r ed do umenraron nius be keptwithrr, the part+cipanr s fife car morrcorrrrg-ptXpcses,. • Other Child. leeas (accamrriodafions, academic, -behavioral) is participczrlt: o A child of a rrrgr rir faun porker {r e . parerrrfcar giver arose,~[ cou.n y or sfafe Vines irr earcn ar Serrpercry ores saonal fekt rn worwihtrl the past 3b .rn.onti-rs) o ltr olved ��iith rn Dee c ysr2Frr i�.g Der Our lads cull case rL icE: iaCi. rrien1 digencie-S oepeno'e.< Fay and forts ly courts O ihvalved With tre Defqzcy Syster; (e a , DJJ Jrdnile Se-NicDeparrrriert,dtv on/CivrlC€tat on pcgra s) .ue A c iid of mttna y family lie amber or tree ph11d`s: far l?I rl�o k e/sr`ne !sues with or „knows raid: wrap IS :&her T) an ccti�te: dvfy ire; n.ber o= .the uniformed Services; 2). a meriber Ot the -national gild rd Cr reserves; 3) a mem:0er or Veteran vine. 'was Sev re[v Insured. and rned€calla ctsC urged Orretired; ar. ). o rnernber !died. in fhe line Of duty). tine c_cr+dcncewr f ne Arrierca. i_ -F' iln D scb till...... ACi (ADA Providers ir"er_ WWhO may need assistance in d t rmIning viheth o they C_yiy and rvoso <aOly ac-cornmcidc.te chit ren with di i:i. i y C:s must contact their fir Q4 icr (e(�. inclusion Specialist from thetits Children together (Av.l)) Resource" `',Ie rrex Crk., All children rnte be admitted. .r oprograms Unless the a sigrne-d Lipecralist C"cic T 1r es trof reasonable acC. ornm.oGariorrs t^.cnn:at be made, Other shforma,id:r to,be obtained: far al€ C -iL € oat Icib fir and Inchird d in the d:artiaioant • Mearcal h srs'ary needs and condi,rons) • Emercency Girt ace. lnrarnction " s Trcnsccrrcrt:an Waikt-€orne.and ':tck up Autncnzotrcns: ffi Corficent clfiy of Cl eat [nformatrorl" IGt t=:d r: fed e art to for iiaitian t o T`r..eChildg era -S I rust and a thoif_a ai :-participate 11 "con)rac ual per Irma: ice rhea s rres C're soeclt l d vielthfri.r"it och_rdeni A w i"t the sp chic targets to . e a'• h�eved (t e .crt7 i numoers and pe cefntaes), Beta- 'Ore key dam; sit a, .:relgred: to Igo pet Farm nee fdr risks ;ccntrcret will l ath aivre : E3.r nitith are; you ddin7` e%i Ots the Overage nuhuMbe,t,of cantraci 'cf 5Jois%seas that are filled dciy. TheCt]11areri's T(lisr r Cognir .= rn'hat.. aaall artildreri:will abeno the out-of-scnotcl 03Ogr0m every.,rrE't, y no. ever '!Tsai "rfcl :parnp:l ante ith this canoiaO r p iire tl ci Ci E 1u`imur 1_ *Of 8o c of cantroctee s o s far parr cpaFrna -children wrl► be occypie4 a,n a .daisy bass; Arendance ccnnoi be ',entered' fa C giv Tn s:'r.Crrrcoatlt until :her%l a d mogr'aohi inaarnrcTian'tas been' can p etted During the scnoal y art. orni children attending ,firer Schaal daysMay participate. In progrom.m ng for ;5;d1t30.[YearNif scaciys art dlot Saturdays,.. a eoy� of et�rice loci rs fa the num. cur .of acrys can, rap ed o. Eat, d livered ,by provides during the. Sahical year cfndfcirsuri er. s53- iiy.of Miami bps et the M2 r Contract 4 0-1 30 Resiuiion 2Ca1.3-a :. Page 63•of tO g "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Ha . e1I are You fcilr ? En a .rne:€ t R iers fo the percentage of after ScnOo! aav each ehlla has c ;ended bas� d on the, ch>ia s tirsf .;alai car aftendorncugh; e throan end dare; Only chrtciren enrolled in the proararn for of feast 14 calendar days wilt the incituded °in The school year engagement calculation: cite hed Secs Ccimplta ce Tracks• rruri bler a;' chifaren rePeiving .atr leas tW tests within c review .period , Twa f si,€ng polnta are new-=ssaryin order:to-evoluatewnelfh.era child hos mode progress.,Onl j criildren wIth long terrn program enrollment will beincluded to a review of match cl seer data:. Tl1 s is clef ned as any chlid wl, n °0- co eri far rays or program enrollment for aftersch:oi a3 c'k. 30 calendar days of program enrolirrerit for summer. AT the end of the schaat Year, 95% arrr.' chiidre n are required ro have matched sets By the end or summer camp, 90% a c.r ildrerl are 'required:to nave rncttched Sets.. Test;g. :erasure. ff q.t all :. sSessrr'errts arse given Ctf t'ie.appro'priataiime to ei'vaf&, The !rust remora raoS that # s s are aarni€cifstered dun.rig pea c w€ndows::ai cite. and bins. ss.tnernts for.ali contracted. cutcorn:es shawl k be given. based lari in sd ti:rne fraitnes..Ali cnrlaren with at least one day Cr 'a, tandance charnel 'a see: CominiStration t'imeTrame .should receive on asseSSrrient•• ` cnridren feo vftna the. program before its co: rptetfo'n should be oast - tested, it pniornvtice is serer.: $ School Year Preltest Test children• 4^I1 1n 30 calendar days Of each onfi .S firstday of attendance-, Z-Phocttiecr.'......__.._+".....:.._t tests tv.;kte-,._w en.,-. I c_:d .jcn,^i 1... .r ies: Test +^nit , i 13 ...ciertd.., .. ..: .,, ;=irst_ of ortentonce, Providers m.cy also opt to use scq—h t year post-test results as 'summer pre-tests for retuminc children:. This is..petmissible only if the School yed post-test 4?fas administered i t'}ih two, weeks of thedhild' s start dat i.n summer amo. If provider chooses thit option , enterng test ng- i:nfentation for each pay G cap :nt is required. $ .Summer Fast —feat ;.. dulY< I£i the final 14 calendar days of *Ui7? t",:r corf•11:7. 1-Ldrflerc"tore,. c i' jren leaving the, pt o-re ,`' i 'e* t.. re 1=S oomphlion should. be post —tested, if prior notice is given. S tts;ectrao sai+vve s: rnlust t:e adrnitliStereci io. all children, youth, and their parents: once during to scnoal year arc March cad wanner:. Pro.V.idersmust cdniniVer the �fiSraCricr :-liar .ys ftor71 Tt Chrtd ri :!''u t �+:7'hiclt .cart b:e "tounc Cat The Gnndren'S• Trust w bsE e) Froviders.cve r ouired i't> �ibnilf G SUffl City o ill ?.r school year and Sumrtn:er camp sane fesu1{Y:ahroug rcwv a-basedreporti g yskerrf. rdeli Car ck1 sts m ust b camel fed T o assure rh pr•ogrcrn is, b= ingimplemented• with Fid&ny - odhenraa o the. pr son ec components thatE are !<rtown to `field desired outcomes, For proaro is Operating !durrnd the school ; Rpr, t Stec ii& must be aorripieted rice - once the tall no safer than Camber 15 :chid Onpa in theSpring. ay. March. 31. For programs arrering summer cdthio the € lit `cl'teck:isTs rapist be corrnpleted onceOnCeldUring the• su1"nitner - no later rhon 'Jurre 3o .h `is recorfrrrnertded Etat The fidelity phe.c.kiIsts :be completed for at staff in- ttern=nzn tine prodrarn,, ks arrgerie-better. oft? • The purpose of euoluaTion to :�to promote irtpr.ernents €n outcome achievement and to fatctiiafe c `ICi it s in program cr.oc aces' the TC Ulf rn -improved oui'com achievement. o that end. we expect -Thal all children wii1be evoiupted and that aril chrtdren fand:programs} con improve as a- r• e utt. Outcomes Achievement - Ali children ,attending -OOS. programs wilt: be tested using the oral Reading Fruency (,QRF} assessment;ctnd-the Progressive Aerobic CardiovosculatE.idutonce.:Run (FACER) Resur, for ORF and PACE assessments., must be: reoarred in The Trust's :weld bred .data,re.porting :system. lFroviders should meet the performance measures and torgetsrequired-ay fhe:s'pecifictcgntrpcfiterra,= found it A,fioch,ment A Scope o'_Services). City o€tra-lt Once of the Mayor Car u a 14i.e- 530 R sblutoh420=3- Pace 4.o'70' "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" ci The prgihal_fOrtridt Of ,O'RF and POE.R miry not ibe appropriate for qfi children. In these cases, Providers rnuSf ,reyieiapPrOyedtadopafian options for the ORF ond/or PACER oesesrnenfs »ternate d.:5,56...ri-ieritst- are tarlduCtecf. for chlidren who are not able fo neSparid fo theorgino OrdCfrilPfed OkF andfor FACER assessment methods. Alternate assessmerts to ORF and PACER-b-rei'reseiNred 'for children with .cffsabilifie.S: The Children!s Trusf website dOOtidirit.ddditiOnatii)fOttratian reardihg ORF/FACER 'add:potions, as well as tbe.'-prodess -for seeCtIna difernale dssessitents The Children's TrUSI research staff and ProTect RISE care dsole$cnitges far lidettitylpg capprotions caned alternate osseszrnents_ GUARLERLY'PROGRAM.:NARRATIVEIERdiT . : The. Program NarraT1ve :Rse,p art capture s 6..brief repoft of the-prdgrarn:'.. supoesses,.. challe.nges, and , iiudgart . a OidditerlY:POSiffak-4t:ee.aarts.tatal aver the contract p-efloall. The reo.orf Mit be , . . 'sty.brinitteci; fq.rneThizt vidthe : . • The •ichgdretn.i.s140:::bffer-Sla"vartetx,Orttztrif.10.41:0171 mnpartanif fopicsf mpioye errce delivery and contract adfkbliblbek:ribdilde ,;4dOlittfrot4,,/e capccny and upparr progrOqt, and employee d.e.‘41.-Pim.enit,vFr..6,Aderts.,tedU"fre...d.:Idi-:.en.S.:OrcejeTtendatide by appeapnate Ode:n(4 and/or staff at the f011qii..friai'frair.tin.a.:S:a1nu0Ty GralFe•dih:a Fluell.t9.-ProbiessNe A erabit.:.CoraioVasc.ular Endrance tronvg O1 Te Thisi progrcrcnc and 6stcri: web-bdsed datareporting syste-':m, :Schoclf-Age. Ccre Eironrneia oing SccFe Nei and Renewal Contract Deveropmenf and Centro:of M:ontOcrement tralhin.os, auditer!y Provider Meethics, and o-filer topicall trair;.3 owed fh:roll,,dh.r...,,r; p addltfcr% ft:J.! ac.-!.2':.!5-c_ticat'en Must intctive::::- mcy!:-:),e.oppropriote. Froject R:ISE thtto:f/cos..nove.e.cluicroT,ectrise.../J The Children's Trust requires thdt Trjsf. -f,rded cutof-sondo# providers fully participate \Nth. Project quoilt/ iroproYement initiative offeredtr.-.> support and improve the .services civoild=bie fa 1vridrni-Ede Children. and Youth_ Providers (including cif staff involved ih test odrnitii!sfrratiOni .ore , required tO. becarne reterfified inORF, and; RACER adininiStra'...;ion d:nnualiy, All Chfiqn.--n•Tildefer Res-,aurceii/e!twork:Ottatiik.7,..cdh,oraic_'..tiaboti.-11. catil The Ccren s Tfust reqvirp,5,:thOt-prbders .attend trairinas to became 'educated about -the ity...i.L.tsion, at and: setytoes :for .c..NlCiren. with disaoies annu:aily7, ,.1.niciusfon of chgdren With tnc adopted to 'meet the heeds of di odiffididdrfir4;.dhildrells., The A tii74idteh.1-0:Tetiner (ACT): Resource rgetWorIc iS a resource ciArdita Ole :.f.a.pro*idert'for.ter..trticof tr,4iii(nd and „c.orsOlitiotion reroard'ing provision of Prevettifibn-PcibcalioiridneRs---.--sz.autte's:fhtta'llth:.schildr eristruyst oratihfurv-;breve:ntion) Thecl.-ji7,0"!!!$Js!:T.ltt:#!!'lt040.*.--;01!:..!kltbled0t*4<4-er170 "fully perrcipae 0: .1111#17obf;f. injury Pr:-Oehfi,an,CdpoqitYEbpif.d'ihg:..:effor..t.S;;fdqi(ffqted.'b.yl!itie-,F..ublid:.:Fle.O1!t!ltl.'T4-utt!':.!-k-i!jlJfty'free Coalition one frcving session relevant to the :ciatuidfian )e.;irac seri/ed, and dributar af parent .--du.carpan mdterldfs on home, ?irate - bar a.oct4 The! Vita cleYthrOV-1!!!Services. The-cfiltdreni's Trus requlres thcit out-af,isdrIaot .proViders fLfily partic.lpate with The Ifdpth Ser ice nc Tt 005 Food brld -Nut.ffprI Provider that will be. rei;p.onaibi,.e to pro:00e ./!!..Krt..ritiOp'..fgoo snacks and rneaf1,.1peyercae,$;21)d food !adi7jni:Ir3itigh.!ypport: serN4v.ss (trior?ttortr4..n.Utrition: trohirta;:::01. ,Approprtatt--; P(OVIder stair MI recpited to attend hutritibheducation and City of Miami Qi f the Mayor Coritra,siiO410-13c: ikeeolt4tion.#20154 Pine 85 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" REPORTING SUB . tMO i AND DATA:ENTRY School Year 2O13- 2014 Summer 2014. 15th D y Earn M nth Priac t€`s a en. ance a and .ny t eia testing October 15 20 Frogronr. NatTative Report darppry 3 , 2014 :.- April 15, 2014 .iune 14. 201,4 15 h Day Each. Mattt September 15, 2014 .. the ;'s e'--i:l ied ,:'y dcz,,, rotes is `n =rcgram Nar�atsve Rep Mia felt: Jlcitc . - Pragrcm Narrative Eeoart kGiaredated s.c tisactton atri&& respor}ses Prog3 cm Narrarrve Report Fcsr-test :da'ta: San obi year a ftenaance data. 'Frio(rnor7trh attendance do c rgCi..0 j# fee i I n-i: data Proram•Niarrative R :port. - ,•& ggregof ea satisfaction sutve}'' responses Post-test d t ihoii cy, then repo S r due the11v'ftn buii;e z PRO~1 Lai W;Tri 5't ITC H. 0Ai'GW Oi: ,M ..,M? Fr7vicer shall Creak and,or Update agency and proal'am profiles, and siiefs) iriformciio:n in the Community Resource Directory ct or`i maintained- by Switchboard of Miami. Provider shall maintain atcu:ate rnr`crrrc'kon farthe duration ion of. this Contract term to facilitate re errata_ Evidence that the trig'' &j has `' ..,� ; €:twC3t t"� vr: updated must z� : p;caVCcd to the Contract Ivt'ti'�CraG; +�iii'lin 3f� wdays e iecU`idti' of this Contract. T1-111 REMAINT:',ER. Of TH15 PAGz i'S INTINTIONAL1 Y LEFT city. _af Mr. i3Ofi of the Mayor Contr`ct-#t4fi€3-r90 -}?a o{u*ion 241:37.54 Page 66 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" •: . Attqcbrrle-rit. p: FrocircrnOeCITIC -10,47.Lifiernents The PrPgrPrn.$PeOific Audit io enfoortipOsS-:011OPOO of The 'CNidrere's TruSf contracts) accordance with section 03:Program Specific udt The ztOmprehensive hatUre of: dUdifing -performed in accordance wren the itc1r1(:laras set rorrh.!:e.ii0W plates on the audit OftdritatiOn the 'responsibility for ensu'cing:thcf.t the budit-1:s.;bomiticted by:persoopel who have thetieteSSdryskijs 2) independence js rnaintaihed. f3,1 dpPliadbleitdhdards‘'are TOPOWei4 n.planiling and tonduCtiha .abaltS and reposing the resi_dfs, 14( fne'ci,:90hrzdfion: has..an ,:apprapriate-Internai dublity ::Cohtrai sYStern n probe„ and (5) the arganizoticn. under revie*:, :'• • PlOgrotn Specific Audits:mus be bondOOfed in OOMOilcihce With .Sidemeht n Awitiirt Standards No. 117 .(5:'/O 117) On.dOre require4fOncludeOeifOraming tests f confrbli oVef.corplidnCe.. SAydrko the -re4ements M fl7, .ASon ;1,p0tofrs risk ass:est:merit -must naEudean e*pectation 'of the ol',>ertfing effectiveness .of corttro over :Cothol.tonce, trio! inTdoing So; the cssetSed. control: -11.S2( mutt be set•at tow, The Froarampecific:.Avatt requires the f�WTgcomponents (a sornple nay be found on:The Childre.Trusfwebsife):: a. independent Auditors g:eport On Compliance: For Each of Th:e Child:rehl's Trust Contracts; on !nternci a:ntr:-.:1C.)ver F.eb,nrt on the Sch-Hule ,of The b. Notes iO Schedule.(51.... c, Schedule of Finciinas ana Questioned Cost. The auditor must Include the tallowina tests in their audit program to ensure that the compliance, requirements set: forth in The. Childrens Trust compliance supplement are met Thy are: The Chlidreils True Conmilance Smc1erren o the Pro:cram Sbecific CoraplianceRecuiterrient . . • FrogibtriSOeci.C--Atielt. • ,:intOtibaffori: . , gxOlmple . tj. Attivities; Mowed or tin- , dila:Wed 11,..-cRettijJieet-,fhat-OCti,VitieS . Pptratid.Sed on!#.poiCi, with. The . Children's Trust ftind's- breli.Stedin • A.). It a .pro*fer asks,:tO be : . ....„ .... . . ::reirnbQrsedfor 6 geld trips, then ,were those field fliPs the centrattpd#Opeal ... ..., serVites. enoterat...ed in .either the Contract:bat budaet .... artativear the contractual • AND/OR sc.Ope.af services**. 21. ReqUires That dcfNities pOithbseb. and paidWith The Chilaren Trust kinds are ti$.teal :in ttletantfottutti b(ibget narrcnve Otd.baniffaCti:joi It'd:do:et bibenaerient float liVe. ,.., II.: ReqtkehttfietiattireOrxi ... itO -,. .,,... ,.... : .. ,,v. If itteiContripcti4at , . b), ,Allb+XtOble.CostS yO:e: of cots paid arein .... , ,... .... ...., .,- . argie(--..-,nient:wjth :rure otid: type bualget,..lists a Proararn ' cocfalhain.)r pagtionqt of abst:Itted in the Cantr'nti fc.-1 ,.... [,..... -$25060-la' 4- does--t'- ..1. ..;r1 budget.. .: _ . , 0. W., provial&actuctly.pay and I CitY bf ManfOfflc:QMt Contract 4.9.41:01930; R4solution ;421.513,-54 Page 67 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" c'OMp1iprid0 Ritehrient • fi60.Piti,Speldifip A.tictit. - _. implication . , -: Friilre chcrge The 'Children's TruSt _ $25.00/hour?. • . if the, contractual budget'i lists a i'rodrci-fr- Coordinators OCSiitibh; With • dedicated torte Charged to • The :.Chliaren's Trust proardrn . . Of 2,53,, then does the proyjderkeep recorqs of an erriployeelsfirrie to • sub-stOiltiot,., Thot'25% of title -was in fact earned; and ahorged to The. Childre.h's Trust pan? a) . Cash Management :1).-With.the. exCep Hon. of the fast month of the fundina period, Al. If payroll- is paid on 3/31, is it included in M.crch' 5 •- ,-, ,. — — w-T. fr.. ,-• r.,77- . , . during the ccntrcct peed (,-,:csh bc]sis), rather than cost incurred or accrued, El.) if a payroll is pc:ci or, 4/L but represents time ohorc..,e.d in March, is:it [no -Judea in April's ce.irriburs.err,entl. d). Period of Av011ability T )., Reqt.J.ires oroicr ordarlizationS It care The Chitcire-h-ls Trust arrant With only • allowable costs resuitina: from obliactionindUired durind the s : . ,.. .,. fOnaina pprita:. , A). if the octive. contract period extends from 8/ i /-1.,2 • through 7/31/13, and, a provider expends $250,00 for offic. subbli-Sin 9'0'30/ 3 . . doesthat expenaiture cooly t.b the:active contrdat , . . e} .:R 0-Porting • 11.--Requiries thrOider - „ at-P.. er organicatiOns.sUbrnit prOpe ..„- . rascal re -polls-, 40.4t1 Oninuai and monfnlyt.y.f#.1ssi-fh,0dtdrddrice with ,e0aPtisheci dt,...'-adlihiet.. - • . .. Al Monthly invoice s must b Stibrnitted lt. Tr Childeh! 'Trust byte, l' 5th day Otthefbiloyying racrtill. For eXiaMbiel an inydce for the period of 1%.,(1.arch: 1 thrau4h MOFch lail,t must be . . . submitted by April 1.5lth. internal Controls 1:I. -Requires. t.bot, beyan0 the ... .. _... requiretinents Of SAS 117 an ctsitprl: s rjsk assesisiterirt Must includeqn op.:efOtith of ' operatindeffeCtiyerieSSof. 1 contrbisP*ef-aPiqpilandel-and n aping. so the o•&,i,!.6. 66h1idi tick rivjet be fet..of 164,.. Special Prayitio.ns . .T.),- -C.M.P-ti4Pic.".14..!'qufre.rr.i en is.. . ... ... -ceitited to tl,rt:grarrirnatic . . . City- of Miami:Q-1710 the Mayo.. Contr.gct i1,4,10:L.19-84;gesa1Crt1-rin #.2013,64 Page 58 of 70 "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" Co mpliah e Requireeneht ?fag -rani S, p ethic -AUdif irmatic titian . , contract expectation (i.e., chFdrn served1ev6f of efrort background theak,, ' pan or The ogram Specifie• Abdit AUbilf• procedures rriu5f aisatcurde _ • • a Tstng of the budet veru ccTuat Thie:appraye.O.buatet is TO r11.ucte.. the- Pudget.reAgont and o •Tesnrg for.ublbig.6kableiexpenahures:-g cotts:nor inc. faentifiedlhfinebUdget abidelinei'ititiuded on Th-e-thildren's,virUst :iketbetel, . " :• Testrh:d for quetioried cbs. e. Testin•E:f t'r,cf the P.rs:"vider bil]ed ond was rs...imbusedy Tn OhdrnsTrud.n cDocci---innce tnie- p•zi--,:nneht ••,..t rhe a.nci f. 7-e:frinc for the .,,,,Jppc.nt,.1.-;(7‘ offunds. g. Testing- of matchiuri-dir3g, if required,. h Testind of the cast alicac-non.-•p(an v.enfy tpcif The:, chiiciten::s Tr.,.x.st is paying oniy its fair . sice •ffosts. for services.,:Oyerheod: and staffing.„. ftiat,eldvanced fuinds.if not usd. shdf be.invetd by Provider in an iriaired rifel'est bearing craccynt Or4.-thaT on, interesT eorned an qdN''.r.ic.7-...4,-fixd4, is returned i•o The 'c'ttiaten"s-.Tr!ust. Te4titig.-the " T ‘ivitijah 111):11;Ti17114.:•,d7;:t7huct-e'X';:"c/q,d--1710arla:::;;f1-1Ne° doartrootil.•!-19s.,6 :::Pyer:cOmoda nid iniabothasa,. the c• e - , • • •• rf'dC ccd9171r-oef ow audng s.6461.14, 9mR6106T-.(31.,,ag,-,..iii. shbrinntkide the- follo-N,.."'v'T.ria' • • AOaft Vnit° .. i.fri..-0,1F,dfoeft..-t.,L.f torTfrdc.'-ffs). Thg.Ir.bort •• • Example c.chof TheChitaier-0.Tr(itt ConTacTs Peor7 on OLeno Coitro Ove Cornpttcnce Report on e Expenditure0 iThi&'chillCreni-s Trusr Contract{ epa-f• tt-1.ei--.:-phedyi.e. Budget fol:Atf&di. Scheduleof Expen>drrure 0 The Chitcren s Thus (36nfraattif ,..pFes0.,e4 :fairly in all Material respects tn corrorrriy with occounLing cepd in he J.JriitedStafe-§dif:AMeiita, , • . kkhedidle:atifiniaitIgPina -q40.4fi•dned•Opersi-fdrThe,-0-.ACfretis..17170:$1 centraagsl tot Inctudes a sUmrnart af he 0U01TOiS--ir*Oltsielptfie:'tP..-TYke;Qh0.eifi!'s. Trust ac.ntractb) and • • - • • - THE REMAINDI-EXE:5FT:H1S, PAO,E•f4:1,1417ENTibt.4-AIXf.aLANK, „.. City of Mmi OmTeate Maypt Cont4actt."441Q-1,,S341; 144.sokition;'.2p13--54 page p 0.70. "Form to be updated by City & Trust for FY 2014-2015 for new grant term beginning August 2014 through July 31, 2015" AAC EN•E i,evei• : Bts• •• :— un d Screenings Affidavit Afrrn ng comp!lance wtth 13Ockgrravn Screen g for Provider F.ersonne!; 1 Iurteers, and StticonfrodIed Fer$ ro4 ci;s, aPPllcc b!e - in oc+rorciarice W4Th Sections 943.0542, -984.01, Choot&r 430, 435,402, 39,001 F and 1012.4665 Florida Statutes, .ar dpursuant to tl e requirements Or Paragraph R Background Screening of this Contract, the undersigned ztoni ,snake fhe rol©wi•lng s=ctement under oath under%penult o Perjury', which is a first degree rnisdernecncr punishcxdle .by a defin►te terry, of impnsor_rnertt not to exceed. one year and/or a fine not to• exceed $1..C,0t .•pursuant .to $ec iio s 837 Q12 and 775:082,: Florida -Statutes. d E FLQRiD COU -4r`( aF 1 iA's4t1G1, D'F Befdre me, the Q.ncterstanse.,d'_aWinonty: . 4 Representative -Of: (Pr rWderNonie) appeared- ttE0/1Exed.0 iNie rDirc c.fan Authori ed •Ft O41dec , who i esria by me first duly swore, deposes a (Sig-nctur e of CFO/Executive Dire+ tor/ tR Director) Date i swear and affirm that the above -named: •d contract Fro ide r is camptalt with the recuirements f;,,. c:.., t ".,to n screening detailed in t :Sections 943,0542. 984 01 Chcpter 435 402, 39.001, do b 1012.465 Flordc r,i es; CS o:pplic± .1e, for ail dersonrie1 having direct contact withchiidre c., Sworn to and subscribed, before me c Micr;ll cd . Conti_1v, Flo do. this _day a , 201121201'3 by i3o: is dersonolyknown to me hd. prodUCed id ntinca'iari... Sicnature c f o ark Pi rbi%c S;;e of Florida. cif Ldra:e ern , type cc s t e rriPl name Of notary pubt;Z. My Commission` Exdire`x;. City "-N4mrmi: 0111 '3 of te Mayor TyPd bf Fddnt f cctf on -Page 70 Of 7Q Detail by Entity Name Page 1 of 2 i'f.ORFDA DEPARTMENT op-STAT Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation EXCEPTIONAL CONSULTING FOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERS, INC. Filing Information Document Number P06000100295 FEI/EIN Number 208113202 Date Filed 07/31/2006 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date 07/31/2006 Principal Address 7891 SW 57 TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33143 Mailing Address 7891 SW 57 TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33143 Registered Agent Name & Address CARRERAS, MARIA C 7891 SW 57 TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33143 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title P CARRERAS, MARIA C 7891 SW 57 TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33143 Title VP MINAGORRI, YOLANDA G 7891 SW 57 TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33143 Annual Reports Report Year 2012 2013 2014 Filed Date 01/09/2012 03/01/2013 02/26/2014 Document Images 02/26/2014 --ANNUAL REPORT 03/01/2013 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01/09/2012 — ANNUAL REPORT 01/06/2011 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/17/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01/15/2009 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01/07/2008 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/30/2007 -- ANNUAL REPORT 07/31/2006 -- Domestic Profit View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format http://searchesunbiz. org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail/EntityName/domp-.,. 6/11 /2014 Detail by Entity Name Page 2 of 2 [Nyman( © and Privacy Policies State of Florida, Department of state http://search. sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail/EntitvName/dome-.., 6/11/2014 Detail by Entity Naive Page 1 of 3 Detail by Entity Name Florida Non Profit Corporation ARTS FOR LEARNING/MIAMI, INC, Filing Information Document Number N01000004416 FEI/EIN Number 651141598 Date Filed 06/22/2001 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Changed: 04/13/2011 Mailing Address 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Changed: 04/13/2011 Registered Agent Name & Address WOMBLE, SHEILA 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Name Changed: 01/16/2009 Address Changed: 04/13/2011 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title D/P HANCOCK APFEL, KAY 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D/S LEWIS, DANIEL http J/search. sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail/EntityName/d omn... 6/11 /201.4 Detail by Entity Name Page 2 of 3 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D/T ASHLEY, DIANE 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title DNP TOURAL, AMELIA 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D TAPLIN, CRICKET 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title MGR WOMBLE, SHEILA 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D ISSA, N. ABRAHAM 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D TORO, CLARA 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D. FULLER, JOSH 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Title D. HARRISON, CHRIS 404 NW 26 ST MIAMI, FL 33127 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2012 03/21/2012 http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/Corporation Search/SearchResultDetail/EntityName/down... 6/1 1 /2014