HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation SRCity of Miami Legislation Ordinance City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Final Action Date: File Number: 14-00344 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS"; AND CHAPTER 55 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS", TO UPDATE REFERENCES TO AND COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT CITY OF MIAMI AND STATE OF FLORIDA RULES AND REGULATIONS, TO DELETE OBSOLETE REGULATIONS, TO CORRECT ERRATA, TO CREATE A NEW SECTION 55-16, ENTITLED "CONSIDERATION OF EASEMENTS AND ALLEYS WHEN ALLEGED TO BE ABANDONED AS A MATTER OF LAW", TO ADDRESS THE CONSIDERATION OF EASEMENTS AND ALLEYS WHEN ALLEGED TO BE ABANDONED AS A MATTER OF LAW, AND TO ALLOW ENCROACHMENTS INTO SOUTHEAST 3RD STREET AND SOUTHEAST 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") zoning regulations and code have been substantially amended to include the Miami 21 Code and various land use regulations; and WHEREAS, the Florida Statutes have been amended to include new rules and regulations; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to update the references to and compliance with the current City and State of Florida rules and regulations, to delete obsolete regulations and to correct scriveners' errors contained in Chapters 54 and 55 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"); and WHEREAS, abandonment of an easement or alley can occur under the theory of equitable estoppel when the City's acts, words, and silence would lead a property owner to take a position whereby assertion of the City's legal title would be contrary to equity and good conscience; and WHEREAS, an easement may be extinguished by the Marketable Title Act, Chapter 712, Florida Statutes, which states that any claim or interest, vested or contingent, present or future, is cut off unless the claimant preserves his claim by filing a notice within a thirty (30) year period; and WHEREAS, in Florida, the abandonment of an easement or alley is essentially gauged by the intention of the parties; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary that a section be created with regulations and guidelines regarding vacating abandoned easements and alleys; City of Mial77i Page 1 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 WHEREAS, the City Commission approved a Mediated Action Plan on March 27, 2014 for preserving and interpreting archaeological site elements uncovered within the Dupont Archaeological Conservation Area at the Met Square Development Site located at approximately 300 Southeast 3rd Street, Miami, Florida ("Action Plan"); and WHEREAS, the preservation and interpretation of the entire Royal Palm Circle and the entire circle located on the Southwest corner of the site as contemplated by the Action Plan requires encroachments into Southeast 3rd Street and Southeast 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida, and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter, deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City and its inhabitants to amend the City Code to allow the encroachment for the purpose of archaeological preservation and interpretation into Southeast 3rd Street and Southeast 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida and to correct and update all references to City and State of Florida rules and regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 54 of the City Code, entitled "Streets and Sidewalks", is amended in the following particulars: {1} "CHAPTER 54 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL Sec. 54-1. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used herein, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Code, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Governmental applicants means the United States, the State of Florida, Miami Dade County, the City of Miami or any agency or instrumentality thereof. City of Miami or its agencies or instrumentality thereof, or as identified by the City Manager or designee. Visibility triangle means an area on private property and within the public right-of-way where any material obstruction to visibility is prohibited which would result in concealment of a child over 21/2 feet in height approaching an intersection, or would conceal an approaching automotive vehicle or cyclist from such a child. The visibility triangle shall be measured in accordance with § 008.11 of thc City of Miami Zoning Ordinance and includes thc ar a bounded by the extension of the diagonal vision cl arancc line to thc centerline of thc intersecting streets and shall be required at all street intersections and applicable intersections of driveways with streets. Section 3.8.4 of the Miami 21 zoning code and shall include the area bounded by the extension of the City of Mial77i Page 2 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 diagonal vision clearance line to the center line of the intersecting streets at all street intersections and the area perpendicular to the diagonal vision clearance line from the base building line to the centerline of the intersecting streets at all applicable intersections of driveways with streets. Sec. 54-3. Permit required for work that obstructs or closes a street, or sidewalk or impedes traffic; fees; waiver of fees. (a) Scope. No person shall perform or conduct work in the public right-of-way, such as digging, drilling, repaving, etc., which obstructs, closes, or causes to be obstructed or closed, any street, sidewalk, or any other part of the public right-of-way in this city, or which impedes the general movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, without first having obtained a permit approved by the police department, the public works department, a-F4 the fire rcccuc off- street parking department-, the risk management department, the neighborhood enhancement team department, and the transportation office. After approval by the departments of police, public works, off-street parking, risk management, neighborhood enhancement team and fire 1e66k+C the transportation office, the city manager, or designee, shall issue a permit. No person shall apply for a permit to perform or conduct work in the public right-of-way without disclosing in writing on the permit application form the person(s) on whose behalf such work in the public right-of-way is being performed or conducted. If such work is being performed by one or more person(s) on behalf of any other person(s) for using, constructing in, excavation of, maintenance of, owning and/or operating any type or manner of system, equipment, or device within the public rights -of -way, then both/ all persons must complete and file together a joint application and all persons must comply with all application and permitting requirements of the city. Failure of any person(s) to fully disclose his/her/its their interest/participation/representation in the permit application and/or to complete the required joint application and/or to fulfill all city requirements for issuance of the permit shall result in a+F immediate revocation by the city, without the necessity of any further action, hearing, or proceeding, of any permit previously granted resulting in such permit becoming null and void, or (b2) issuance by the city of a written notice that such permit will not be granted, as the case may be, due to violation of this provision by the person(s) who applied for such permit. The city shall have the right to take all legal measures and seek all available remedies to enforce this disclosure provision. (b) Conditions. Such permit shall set forth minimal reasonable conditions, as permitted by Law, necessary for the protection of property and personal safety, the restoration of the public right-of-way to a condition satisfactory to the city, and any on -going maintenance or reparations for un-repaired conditions or damages that may be required of the person(s) under the circumstances and extent of the work to be performed or conducted by such person(s) under such permit. Any violation of the conditions set forth and/or any violations under applicable law shall render such permit null and void, without the necessity of any further action, hearing, or proceeding. Such permit shall cover the length of time necessary and reasonable according to the type of activity involved. €14-tionall„ an„ control ling i ice of the public right of way by an„ such person(s) shall requirc all such persons on the permit application also to enter into a continuing maintenance and restoration agreement with the city and to provide such continuing loci irnnno and cunh continuing payment bond, perf„rmance bond, and/or letter of credit in sufficient amount(s) relating to such continuing maintenance and potential restoration. (c) Indemnity, hold harmless and insurance, nay ment bond! e ormanco bond! and/or totter of credit. It shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of any such permit that the applicant shall assume all civil liability for applicant's acts of omission or commission from all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the obstruction or closure, the issuance of the permit, or the operations or activities of the permittee and shall, further, hold the City of Mial77i Page 3 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 city, its officials, and employees harmless for any injuries, losses, or damages arising or resulting from the permitted work including any injuries, losses, or damages resulting from alleged negligent acts or omissions on the part of the city. The permittee shall be solely responsible for all activities and the installation and maintenance of traffic -control devices. The applicant shall ensure that adequate safety precautions are in effect at all times during the term of the permit. It shall be a further condition precedent to the issuance of any such permit for work to be performed in the public right-of-way that the permit holder(s) is/are jointly and severally responsible, at each permit holder's expense, for any damages regarding restoring the public right-of-way to its original condition before installation of facilities. (1) Non -Governmental Applicant(s): Prior to the issuance of any such permit, the non -governmental applicant(s) shall submit to the city a certificate of insurance for each non -governmental applicant (including each non agrcement) in an amount not less than One million dollars j$1,000,000.001 per person occurrence, Two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate per incident, and any endorsements thereto, including, but not limited to, premises and operations liability, contingent and contractual exposures, personal and advertising injury, products and completed operations, and host liquor liability, if applicable. In addition, the applicant hereby agrees to provide additional insurance requirements, including but not limited to umbrella liability, or any additional requirements or endorsements as may be applicable, in connection with the scope of services contemplated by the permit. The certificate must reflect primary and non contributory language and list the City as an additional insured. The Certificate must also include coverage for all owned, hired, and non -owned vehicles with a combined single limit of One million dollars ($1,000,000.00), also listing the City as an additional insured, and must further afford coverage for worker's compensation as required by Florida statute. any rclatcd maintenance and The insurance herein required shall remain in full force and effect during the entire term of the permit and any rclatcd continuing maintenance and restoration agreement. Additionally, all such permit, insurance and any related maintenance and restoration agreement(s) for non- governmental applicant(s) {including each applicant in a joint permit and joint continuing maintenance and restoration agreement) shall be subject to annual review by the city's risk management department and public works department and the applicant shall be required to update as necessary to protect the city any and all typos and amounts of such insurancc coverage(s), payment bond(c), performance bond(c� and or letter „f credi+(c) as set forth in this section. (2) Government Applicant(s): Additionally, p Prior to the issuance of any such permit, the governmental applicant(s) (including restoration agreement) shall submit to the city a certificate binder or policy of liability insurance or letter of self-insurance for each governmental applicant (including each governmental applicant in a joint application and joint continuing maintenance and restoration agreement) in the amounts specified accordance with and subject to the limitations as a limit of liability set forth in F.S. § 768.28, and any endorsements thereto whichever is which shall include the city the full term of the permit and any related continuing maintenance and restoration agreement. It shall be a further condition precedent, for both non go governmental and governmental permit applicants to the icc „nce „fan„ c, ch permit f„r work t„ be performed in the public right of way that the person(s) applying for such permit shall provide to the city's department of risk management and department of public works a payment bond, performance bond and/or letter City of Mial77i Page 4 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 of credit in such amount(s) and such form(s) acceptable to the director of risk management and the director of public works to ensure that such work is conducted and performed in a satisfactory, safe and professional manner, that such public right of wa i€ restored and/or maintained as required by the circumstances and extent of the work under such permit and any from work performed or conducted under the permit and for any damages regarding restoring damages regarding continuing maintenance of the public right of way. (d) Temporary obstruction of streets and sidewalks. (1) Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter under this section may be revoked at any time for violation of the terms of the permit. The city manager or his designee may revoke this permit with justification. (2) The permit holder shall not locate a temporary office, trailer, portable toilets, equipment or storage materials and supplies within the temporary obstructed right-of-way. Such storage of materials or supplies may be allowed by the public works department if no suitable alternative exists. A violation of this section shall result in a fine of $250.00 $262.50 per day for each violation. (3) If the dimensions of the obstruction exceed the dimensions allowed by the permit, the permittee and the building owner shall jointly be assessed a fine equal to $250.00 $262.50 per day for each violation, plus any appropriate additional fees for the obstruction. (4) The permittee must provide a construction staging plan showing the location of lifting equipments, if applicable, ingress and exit points, and a signed and sealed statement from a registered professional engineer in the state that no suitable onsite alternative exists. (e) Fees. (6) After -the -fact permit fee: For any public street or alley closure described in section 54-3, performed without required permits and inspection, quadruple the application and inspection fee described in subsection (e)(1) and (2) herein. * Sec. 54-4. Closing and vacating of streets. (a) When any owner of property abutting any public street or alley located within the city wishes to close such street or alley or any portion thereof, he shall file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in and for the county a record plat of the property through which passes the street or alley or portion thereof which is sought to be closed, such plat to show the alley or street or portion thereof as being closed and to include all property abutting thereon except as provided in subsection (b) below or in accordance with subsection 55-15(i) for the closure of public alleys and subsection 55-15(j) for the closure of private alleys which provide for alternate methods of closing and vacating an alley which abut only parcels of land zoned T3-R or T3-L (single-family residential) and/or R 2 T3-O (two-family residential). Sec. 54-6. Permit required for parades. City of Mial77i Page 5 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (b) Application. The written application for such permit shall be filed with the chief of police on an approved form not less than 24 five (5) business days nor more than 45 thirty (30) calendar days, before the proposed parade to allow adequate arrangements to be made for the proper policing of same. The application shall contain the following: Sec. 54-6.3. Special events. * * * (b) Application. The written application for a "special event permit" shall be filed with the chief of police on an approved form not less than -98 fourteen (14) calendar days before the proposed special event to allow adequate arrangements to be made for the proper personnel, equipment and supplies, sanitation (litter, debris and human wastes), wastewater, utilities, park maintenance and restoration. The application shall contain thc following:The applicant must provide insurance pursuant to the requirements set forth in Section 54-3(c)(1) and 54-3(c)(2), as applicable. (f) * * * Indemnification, hold harmless and insurancc. It shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of any permit issued under this section for any event for which admission is charged, a donation is required, food is sold, or any commercial activity is engaged in the applicant shall assume all civil liability for applicant's acts of omission or commission from all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the obstruction or closure, the issuance of the permit, or the operations or activities of the permittee and shall, further, hold the City, its officials, and employees harmless for any injuries, losses, or damages arising or resulting from the permitted special event including any injuries, losses, or damages resulting from alleged negligent acts or omissions on the part of the City. All non -governmental applicants must indemnify and defend (at the applicant's expense) the City, its officials and its employees, from any claims, demands, liabilities, losses, causes of action of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the special event permit, from and against all costs, fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in defense of such claim or in the investigation thereof. the applicant shall assume all civil liability for applicant's acts or omissions and shall, further, hold the city harmless for any damages to persons or property on claims that arisc from the permittcd spccial avant. Prior to the is-uancc of any such permit, thc applicant shall also submit to the city a ccrtificatc of insurancc, procurcd from a company licensed to do business in the state, in an amount not less than $100,000.00 $200,000.00 per occurrence, $200,000.00 $300,000.00 aggrcgatc, or the amounts property and or bodily injury which may result from or in conncction with any of the and which shall provide that it will remain in full forcc and effect during the full term of thc permit. The insurance shall include endorsements including, but not limitcd to, promiscs and operations liability, contingent and contractual exposures, personal and advertising addition the applicant hcrcby agrccs to providc additional insurance requirements, including but not limited to umbrella liability, if applicable, in connection with the scope of ccrviccc contcmplatcd by permit. The ccrtificate must reflect primary and non contributory language and list the City as an additional insured. The Certificate must also City of Mial77i Page 6 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 and must furthcr afford covcrage for worker's compensation as required by Florida statute. The chief of police must receive a copy of the certificate of insurance no later than two weeks prior to the date of the special event. Sec. 54-13. Carrying or drinking from open glass or metal containers in certain areas during outdoor cultural, etc,or other types of, festivals; or from business establishments during same; use of glass or metal containers by vendors during same; restrictions on sale of alcoholic beverages during same; permit required for the sale or dispensing of beer and/or wine for special events or programs on public streets and sidewalks. (a) The activity described in paragraphs (a)(1), (2) and (3) hereof shall be unlawful during the time period of events which are the subject of permits issued pursuant to section 51 3 54-6.3 and local business tax receipts issued pursuant to section 31-35 * * * (e) The person, firm, organization or corporation obtaining a permit or license under sections 31-35 and/or 51 3 54-6.3 shall distribute to affected establishments at least two (2) notices of this section describing the provisions hereof and the specific boundaries and time periods, for posting by such business establishments. These notices may be obtained from the office of the city clerk or such other location designated by the city manager, and shall read as follows: * * Sec. 54-16. Prohibition of vehicular access. (a) The commission shall have the power, after a properly advertised public hearing, to recommend to the Metropolitan Miami -Dade County traffic director that vehicular access to a particular street be prohibited where such prohibition is found to be in the best interest of the public. * * * (c) The request for prohibited access shall be subject to all requirements that may be imposed by the Metropolitan Miami -Dade County traffic director, including a traffic study. The decisions of the traffic director shall be final. (d) Prior to the public hearing, the proposed prohibited access shall be reviewed by the departments of police, fire -rescue, and general services administration solid waste, which shall make recommendations to the commission at said public hearing. (f) * * * Except for those streets located within the neighborhoods known as Coral Gate and Shorecrest, all expenses resulting from requests for prohibited vehicular access to a particular street shall be borne by the applicant (i.e., property owner(s), homeowner association(s), etc.). Expenses include, but are not limited to, newspaper advertising, posting of notification placards, postal notification to local residents, postal correspondence to the applicant and any traffic studies. Upon approval by the Metropolitan Miami -Dade County traffic director for a request to prohibit vehicular access to a particular street, the applicant shall pay all additional expenses related to the permits, construction of temporary and permanent barriers and other related improvements that may be required by the traffic director and/or the department of public works. * * * (h) The commission shall have the power, after a properly advertised public hearing, to require that vehicular and pedestrian access to an unimproved public alley or City of Mial77i Page 7 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 partially unimproved public alley be prohibited where such prohibition is found to be in the best interest of the public. The request for prohibited access to an unimproved public alley or partially unimproved public alley shall be initiated by the department of public works or through said department by petition of all property owners abutting the alley, as determined by the director. Prior to the public hearing, the proposed prohibited access shall be reviewed by the departments of police, fire rescue and solid waste and the departments shall make recommendations to the commission at said public hearing. The proposed vehicular access restriction shall be accomplished by the placement of an approved fence and gate across all entrances to the alley, ensuring no access and no private use thereon unless the property is vacated. All expenses resulting from requests for prohibited access shall be borne by the applicant, (i.e., property owner(s), homeowner association(s), etc.). Expenses include, but are not limited to, newspaper advertising, postal correspondence and, upon approval of the commission, all expenses related to the permits, installation of the fence and gates and other related improvements that may be required by the department of public works. ARTICLE II. CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATION AND REPAIR Sec. 54-46. Agreement and bond as to paving and other improvements by persons submitting plats, replats, etc. to commission. All persons submitting any proposed plat, replat, revised plat, amended plat or resubdivision of any previous recorded plat or portion thereof of real estate in the city to the city commission for its acceptance and conformation are hereby required to accompany any such proposed plat with a suitable agreement entered into by such person with the director of public works on behalf of the city, providing for the construction of any or all of the following improvements as shall be specified by the public works department in its engineering report on the proposed plat: (1) The construction within the platted area of permanent -type street pavement, including grading and fill as required, sidewalk, curb and gutter, parkways, storm drainage structures, sanitary sewers, water mains and services in connection therewith, and other improvements where the proposed use and location make such improvements necessary. (2) The construction of permanent -type bulkheads along the shoreline or harbor line of any watercourse contiguous to the area platted, as follows: a. Permanent -type bulkheads shall be constructed to a minimum elevation of 51/2 +5.00 feet, City of Miami datum NGVD along all rivers and canals and along the shoreline or harbor line of Biscayne Bay north of the Rickenbacker Causeway. Permanent -type bulkheads fronting the Miami River shall be governed by Section 54-46(2)(c). b. Permanent -type bulkheads shall be constructed to a minimum elevation of & +6.00 feet, City of Miami datum NGVD, along the shoreline or harbor line of Biscayne Bay south of the Rickenbacker Causeway, and around all new or future islands or enlarged existing islands in Biscayne Bay. City of Mial77i Page 8 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 c. Permanent type bulkheads for those waterfront properties fronting the Miami River shall be constructed to an elevation of +5.50 feet NGVD. (3) a.The filling of land within any platted area contiguous to Biscayne Bay lying north of the Rickenbacker Causeway to a minimum settled elevation of a +5.00 feet, City of Miami datum NGVD. b. The filling of land within any platted area contiguous to Biscayne Bay lying south of the Rickenbacker Causeway, and all new or future islands or enlarged existing islands in Biscayne Bay, to a minimum settled of elevation of six +6.00 feet, City of Miami datum NGVD. (4) Adequate drainage by grading or filling of the land within the platted area to the level of the street grades established by the public works department or the flood grade established and recorded on maps of the city by the planning, building and zoning department Miami -Dade County, whichever is higher; provided that swale areas shall be used at the rear of lots when the nature of drainage conditions make them necessary for proper seepage of water in the substrata. Where fill is required, the fill material shall not contain any rubbish, tree stumps, debris, muck or other objectionable material. In development projects, where septic tanks and drainfields may be required, the fill material must also be sufficiently permeable to meet standard percolation test requirements. Areas which will become public rights -of -way shall contain fill material which conforms to the standard specifications of the city for the construction of streets. Upon completion of the improvements, the performance bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or cashier's check hereinafter provided for shall not be released unless the permanent reference monuments indicated on the plat have been placed on the ground at the expense of the owner of the platted land and verified by the public works department. Street improvements shall be constructed in all dedicated rights -of -way lying within or bordering on the platted area, in accordance with plans, specifications and grades approved by the director of public works, without regard to the fact that parts or all of the rights -of -way may have been dedicated heretofore but either have not been improved or contain improvements which do not conform with current standard specifications. For the purpose of determining the improvements to be made in dedicated street rights -of -way, all arterial streets, wherever located, and all other streets except those in R 1 and R 2 zones T 3 Transect Zones, shall be considered primary streets. All improvements, except water mains and services in connection therewith, shall be constructed in accordance with the city's standard specifications and established street grades and at the expense of the owners of the land platted. Water mains and services in connection therewith shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and shall be paid for by the owner of the land platted, in accordance with the standards of the water and sewer board department then in effect. Such construction work shall be completed within one LU year from the date of acceptance and confirmation by the city commission of the plat; provided, however, that the time for the performance of the agreement may be extended by the director of public works. Such agreement shall be accompanied by good and sufficient performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of 110 115 percent of the total estimated project cost of the improvements, which estimated cost shall have been first approved by the director of public works. Acceptance and City of Mial77i Page 9 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 confirmation of the plat by resolution of the commission shall constitute acceptance of the agreement and bond or irrevocable letter of credit. The conditions of the performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be such that, if the principals thereto shall fully and faithfully perform the work in accordance with the terms of the agreement therefor, then the performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be considered complied with; otherwise, the surety thereon, within 30 days after receipt of written notice from the director of the public works department of the failure or neglect of the principals to perform the agreement, may construct or cause to be constructed the improvements set forth in the agreement; provided, further, that the director of public works may require the surety to pay to the city the sum estimated to construct or complete the improvements set forth in the agreement, such sum to be estimated by the public works department, and the surety shall pay to the city any engineering, indirect and inspection and contingent costs, and any damages, direct or indirect, not to exceed te+� 32 percent thereof, such te+R 32 percent not to include reasonable attorneys' fees, such attorneys' fees to be in addition to the tan. 32 percent, which the city may sustain on account of the failure of the principals to carry out and execute all of the provisions of the agreement; provided, further, that the city commission shall have the right to construct or cause to be constructed, after public advertisement and receipt of bids, the improvements provided for in the agreement, and in the event that the city commission exercises such right, the principals and the surety shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the city the final cost of the improvements, together with any engineering, indirect and inspection and contingent costs, and any damages direct or indirect, not to exceed te+R 32 percent thereof, such tee 32 percent not to include reasonable attorneys' fees, such attorneys' fees to be in addition to the tan 32 percent, which the city may sustain on account of the failure of the principals to carry out and execute the provisions of the agreement. Upon completion of construction of the improvements by the principals or the surety, or payment to the city of the estimated or actual cost thereof, the director of public works and the city manager shall release the performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit, provided that the permanent reference monuments have been properly placed as hereinabove provided. A cashier's check in the amount of 110 115 percent of the total estimated project cost of the improvements may be deposited with the city in lieu of the performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit, the conditions of the deposit thereof to be such that if the depositor shall fully and faithfully perform the work in accordance with the terms of the agreement, the amount of the check shall be returned to the depositor; otherwise, in the event of the failure or neglect of the depositor to perform the agreement, the check shall be applied by the city to the cost of constructing or completing the improvements, including any engineering, inspection, and/or direct and indirect costs, agent costs, and any damages direct or indirect, not to exceed ten 32 percent thereof, such ten percent not to include reasonable attorneys' fees, such attorneys' fees to be in addition to the tee 32 percent which the city may sustain on account of the failure of the depositor to carry out and execute all of the provisions of the agreement. The performance bond or cashicr's chcck may be rcduccd in amount ac the improvements secured thereby are constructed; provided, however, that the amount of the performance bond or cashier's check shall at all timcs be sufficicnt to covcr the cctimatcd cost of the uncomplctcd improvements. The city manager and the director of the public works department are hereby authorized and directed to withhold from submission to the commission any proposed plat, replat, City of Mial77i Page 10 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (5) revised plat, amended plat, or resubdivision of any previous record plat or portion thereof, unless the hereinbefore-mentioned agreement and performance bond, irrevocable letter of credit or cashier's check accompany the proposed plat. In all dedicated rights -of -way, the acceptance of the plat or replat shall be conditioned upon adequate landscaping as may be required by the director of planning, building and zoning upon consultation and coordination with all departments concerned. The landscaping shall include, but not be limited to, lawn, shrubs, bushes, hedges and trees. The director of planningbuilding and zoning shall not recommend the acceptance of any plat or replat unless the bond referred to herein contains the condition that such landscaping shall be provided for as required by the director of planningbuilding and zoning, upon consultation and coordination with all departments concerned. Such landscaping will be designed to protect and preserve the appearance and character of the surrounding neighborhood through the screening effects and aesthetic quality of such landscaping. (6) Any bond surety required herein shall be waived for governmental entities and agencies. Sec. 54-50. Reports of approval. After final acceptance of the work, a written certificatc report of approval shall be furnished by the director of public works to the effect that the work has been done in accordance with the provisions of this article, and in conformity with the established city lines and grades, and no sidewalk, curb, or curb and gutter work shall be deemed to comply with this article unless such written certificatc report of approval has been furnished. Sec. 54-133. Purchase of street signs and numbers. Reserved. The director of public works is hereby authorized to purchase and place the nece. ary street be required to conform to the provisions of this article. ARTICLE V. BASE BUILDING LINES Sec. 54-186. Established. Base building lines are hereby established for the purpose of assuring that sufficient space occurs between the street fronts of buildings and structures;; to provide for natural light and circulation of air;; to lessen the adverse effect resulting from fire, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes;, to provide for access for firefighting apparatus or rescue and salvage operations; to facilitate provisions for traffic, transportation and circulation, and to promote safety, health, amenity and general welfare within the city. No building, structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged or extended beyond the base building lines established by this article with the exception of encroachments or temporary structures which are specifically City of Mial77i Page 11 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 permitted by the South Florida Building Code or this chapter. Restaurant arcades on Flagler Street between the Miami River and Biscayne Boulevard are allowed by revocable permits granted by the city commission after approval by the city manager and recommendations by the director of public works;, the director of planning;; the director of building and zoning, and the director chief of fire -rescue. An aerial encroachment of a recreational facility at Jose Marti Park over and across S.W. 5th Street between S.W. 3rd Avenue and Interstate 95, is allowed by revocable permits granted by the city commission after approval by the city manager, and recommendations by the directors of public works, planning, building, zoning, and fire -rescue departments. Encroachments into Southeast 3rd Street and Southeast 3rd Avenue for the purpose of archaeological preservation and interpretation as well as construction of structural elements in furtherance of that purpose, as contemplated by Resolution No. 14-0134, adopted March 27, 2014, are allowed pursuant to required permits approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning and the Department of Public Works. In addition, guardhouses are permitted by irrevocable permits granted by the city commission after approval by the city manager and recommendations by the director of public works;,, the director of planning;, the director of building and zoning;, the director chief of fire -rescue, the di -rector chief of police;, and the director of general services administration solid waste. All of the foregoing recommendations are to be based on factors of safety, liability protection, accessibility and maintenance of public and private property. All guardhouses to be located in the dedicated right-of-way shall not exceed 100 square feet and must conform to the city engineering standards for design and construction, adopted by the department of public works. Final design plans must be submitted to the required departments and the city commission for review and approval before a revocable permit will be granted for a guardhouse in the dedicated right-of-way. Commencing effective September 14, 1989, upon the granting of the above approvals, such governmental entities shall be authorized to install a guard gate which operates automatically and which does not completely hinder public access along the right-of-way when said installation is part of a governmentally operated project or an element of a special taxing district. Sec. 54-190. Nonstandard street widths. Base building lines shall be located from the centerline as specified for each of the following streets: Streets, Avenues, Roads, Distance in Feet from Etc., in Alphabetical Order Centerline to Base Building Line (111) 1st Avenue, N.E., N.E. 6 64th Street to N.E. 67th Street 17.5 (137) 2nd Avenue, N.W., N.W. 5th Street to N.W. 8th Street and N.W. 9th Street to N.W. 11th Terrace 37.5 Sec. 54-192. Service road adjacent to Brickell Avenue. (a) Under Ordinance No. 11000, zoning ordinance of the city Except for Lot 1, Gifford and Highleyman, P.B. 3, Pg. 38; Lot 39, Block B, Mary and William Brickell Subdivision, P.B. B, Pg. 96; and Lot 9, Block G, Brickell Hammock Unit No. 1 Extension, P.B. 7, Pg. 87, it is required that a 70-foot-wide service road be provided along the southeasterly side of, and parallel to, Brickell Avenue, between Southeast 15th Road and Southeast 25th Road. City of Mial77i Page 12 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (b) If the owner(s) of property along this portion of Brickell Avenue wish to install a sign, for purposes of building identification, in the landscaped area between Brickell Avenue and the parallel service road, a request, in writing, must be addressed to the director of the department of public works, following the guidelines and procedures set forth in section 54-191, including the recording of a covenant to run with the land for the installation of said sign. (c) The design for such a sign must comply with all applicable regulations concerning signs. In addition, the design and placement of this sign shall be approved by the director of the planning, building and zoning department and the director of the department of public works. Sec. 54-193. Illegal encroachment. (c) No permit or covenant to run with the land shall be granted "after the fact" to allow any illegal encroachment in the dedicated right-of-way or in the area between the dedicated right of way line and the base building line. , except existing encroachments authorized pursuant to Section 54-191(b). (d) The Director of Public Works may permit an owner of a property to legalize an existing illegal encroachment in the area between the dedicated right-of-way line and the base building line subiect to the owner completing the procedure as set forth in Sections 54-191 (a) and (c). ARTICLE VI. SIDEWALK CAFES Section 54-224. Permit Fees * (a) The fee for an annual permit for establishing or maintaining a sidewalk cafe shall be $11.50 per square foot of usable sidewalk area, as determined by the department of public works. Said fee shall be paid in full upon issuance of the annual permit or, alternatively, shall be paid on the first day of the month ("due date") on a quarterly basis (i.e., January 1st; April 1st; July 1st and October 1st), with each payment being 25 percent of the annual fee as determined above; the first quarterly payment being due upon issuance of the annual permit. Payment received more than ten (10) calendar days after the due date shall be charged a late fee of ten percent (10%)of the payment amount due. Failure to make a required payment within 30 calendar days of the due date shall constitute a basis for and result in immediate license suspension. (b) Security deposit. Upon issuance of the permit, the Permittee shall provide a security deposit or a performance bond in an amount sufficient to secure one (1) quarterly payment. All documentation, including the form of the security deposit and the performance bond shall be subiect to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and correctness, and the performance City of Mial77i Page 13 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 bond shall be subject to review and approval of the City's Risk Manager. In the event the Permittee fails to make an annual or quarterly payment within 30 days of the date due, the Permittee shall forfeit any right and interest to the security deposit or performance bond, whichever may be applicable, and the entire amount of the security deposit or performance bond shall be retained by the City or its designee. Sec. 54-226. Permit requirements (c) In the SD 2 and SD 17 zoning districts located in Coconut Grove Central Commercial District, as ccr;bed the-zon attar zoning Ordinance N„ 110 a e-nFad permits shall be issued to sidewalk cafes in conjunction with "food establishments" and validly licensed restaurants, provided the establishment provides required off-street parking at a rate of one (1) parking space per 100 square feet for the sidewalk cafe area or pays a mitigation fee in lieu thereof, as described in section 35-224 herein, in addition to other required off-street parking and the sidewalk cafe permit fee. For purposes of this article, references to specific zoning districts are solely for purposes of delineating affected geographic areas subject to this section and shall not convey any rights under zoning Ordinance No. 11000 the Miami 21 Zoning Code, as amended or superseded. ARTICLE VII. NEWSRACKS ON PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY Sec. 54-263. Permit required; expiration of existing permits and procedures to preserve locations * (c) Failure to timely secure a permit in advance of placing a newsrack on the public right-of- way in accordance with the provisions of this article may result in the removal of the non - permitted newsrack(s) by the city as set forth in subsection 54-270(b) . Alternatively, the city may pursue appropriate remedy by the code enforcement division under section 2-811 et seq. of this Code. (d) Failure to timely secure and pay permit fees shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the permit fee per newsrack which if not paid within 30 calendar days of the original due date shall result in the newsrack(s) being deemed abandoned and subject to removal as set forth in section 54-270{ al. Alternatively, the city may pursue appropriate remedy by the code enforcement division under section 2-811 et seq. of this Code. Sec. 54-264. Application and issuance of permits * (d) Issuance of permit. Upon a finding by the director that the applicant is in compliance with the provisions of this article, the director shall issue a permit for the installation of the newsrack by City of Mial77i Page 14 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 the distributor. Such issuance shall be made within 60 working days of the city's receipt of a completed application as determined by the department. (2) Upon payment of applicable fees the director shall issue new permit stickers each year within 30 days after receipt of payment, provided the distributor is otherwise in compliance with the provisions of this article. Failure to timely secure and properly display the issued permit sticker shall result in the imposition of a fine of double the permit fee per newsrack which if not paid within 30 calendar days of issue date shall result in the newsrack being deemed abandoned and subject to removal as set forth in subsection 54-270(b)(a). Alternatively, the city may pursue appropriate remedy by the code enforcement division under section 2-811 et seq. of this Code. Sec. 54-266. Fees. (a) An initial inspection of location fee of $11.50 per newsrack shall accompany the newsrack permit application. The annual permit fee is $11.50 per newsrack due October 1st and will expire the 30th day of September each year. Fees for the initial year shall be prorated on a monthly basis, and shall be calculated using the following formula: (1) Initial fee - $0.83 $0.96 per newsrack multiplied by the number of months remaining in the year. * * * (c) Non -conforming newsrack(s) may be subject to removal and if removed shall be subject to a $90.00 removal and storage fee, pursuant to subsection 54-270{c)L * * Sec. 54-270. Enforcement procedures non -conforming newsracks; removal/storage. {a) Provisions of this article shall become effective immediately as provided by law, provided any of the following new requirements set forth in subsections 5/1 267(b)(15) and (16); be responsible for having one third and two thirds of their newsracks installed, in compliance with all provisions of this article, new and existing requirements alike, within the sixth and twelfth month following thc adoption date respectively. At any time fine or removal as set forth in this article or alternatively the city may pursue remedy and due process under the provisions of section 2 811 ct ccq. of this Codc pertaining to thc code enforcement board. (a) In the event newsrack(s) are found to violate section 54-263 (installed without a permit) the city may remove the newsracks immediately upon discovery of the violation and the distributor assessed for the cost of removal and storage as set forth below. In all other instances where newsracks are found to violate a provision of this article, they may be removed only after a notice of the violation is sent to the distributor by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the distributor fails within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the notice to correct or cure the violation, unless the city manager issues a written order stating that the newsrack(s) constitute a serious and imminent hazard to the public safety, in which case the newsrack(s) may be removed immediately. In the later event, a City of Mial77i Page 15 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 copy of the city manager's order, specifying the reason or reasons for the immediate removal of the newsrack(s) shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the distributor. {c) ILLAny newsrack removed from the public right-of-way shall be stored at the cost of the distributor. The city shall be reimbursed by the distributor for all costs incurred in the removal and storage of all newsrack(s) removed from the public right-of-way by the city. A storage and removal fee is hereby established at $75.O0 90.00 per newsrack or $200.00 per modular newsrack, whichever is applicable. The city is hereby authorized to sell said newsrack(s) at public sale if said newsrack(s) is not picked up by the distributor within a period of 90 calendar days from the date of removal. Ten (10) days prior to sale, the city shall advertise notice of sale in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the city. Out of the proceeds of the sale of any newsrack, all unpaid removal and storage costs shall be paid after the payment of the advertisement cost and the remaining balance of the sale proceeds shall be retained by the city in a fund in the possession of the city for a period of one year L unless claimed earlier by the distributor. After the expiration of one year, any sums remaining from the sale of newsracks in accordance with the provisions of this section, if unclaimed by the distributor of said newsrack, shall become the property of the city and be transferred to the department revenue account. Sec. 54-271. Same -Abandoned newsracks. (a) If any newsrack installed pursuant to this article does not contain the publication specified within a period of 48 hours after release of the current issue, or when no publication is in the newsrack for a period of more than seven M consecutive calendar days the city may deem the newsrack abandoned and subject to removal as set forth in subsection 54-270{b). Alternatively the city may take appropriate action under section 2-811 et seq. of this Code. ARTICLE VIII. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY BY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Sec. 54-296. Statement of purpose. The city commission hereby finds and declares that it is necessary and reasonable for this article to: {1) To regulate the erection, construction, reconstruction installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing,`/repairy--ImTLIT and use of a all communicates s�ylstems in, i ipon along, across,—abbove,o^'Oar,, unTdder or i 1ner coTnTwit ecred h the cctreetcc,, public ways, public rights of way, public buildings or other public places within the corporate limits of the city as now or in Oho fi iti ire magi evict• 0 0 the city's streets, public ways, public rights of way, public buildings or other public places for a private communications system; maintenance of city's streets, public ways, public rights of way, public buildings or other public places when used for commercial purposes; and imposed by this article on all communications systems; and City of Mial77i Page 16 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 {5) To construe as permitted by law as of June 30, 2007, all of: a The continuing rights and obligates of the city; b. The continuing rights and obligates of present persons holding permits and agreements Tenth the city• nd a 0 c. The future rights and obligations of future persons obtaining permits from and nondiscriminatory mandate of the Florida Consumer Choice Act of 2007. (1) Establish a reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and competitively neutral policy for the use of public rights -of -way for the provision of communications services; and (2) Manage the public rights -of -way to protect the public health, safety and welfare and minimize disruption of services in the public rights -of -way by establishing reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and competitively neutral regulations governing the placement or maintenance of communications facilities in the public rights -of -way by providers of communications services, which rules are generally applicable to all persons using the public rights -of -way for the provision of communications services. Sec. 54-297. Definitions. For the purposes of this article and any agreement or permits issued in accordance herewith, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein unless otherwise specifically provided in this article, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise or unless such meaning would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the city commission and/or with F.S. § 337.401, as amended: Communications Facility or Facility or System shall mean any permanent or temporary plant, equipment or property, including but not limited to cables, wires, conduits, ducts, fiber optics, poles, antennae, converters, splice boxes, cabinets, hand holes, manholes, vaults, drains, surface location markers, appurtenances, and other equipment or pathway placed or maintained or to be placed or maintained in the Public Rights -of -Way of the City and used or capable of being used to transmit, convey, route, receive, distribute, provide, or offer Communications Services. Communications Services shall mean the transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, audio, video, or any other information or signals to a point, or between or among points, by or through any electronic, radio, satellite, cable, optical, microwave, or other medium or method now in existence or hereafter devised, regardless of protocol used for such transmission or conveyance. Communications Service Provider shall mean any Person including a municipality or county providing Communications Services through the placement or maintenance of a Communications Facility in Public Rights -of -Way. "Communication Services Provider" shall also include any Person that places or maintains a Communications Facility in Public Rights -of -Way but does not provide Communications Services. Director shall mean the Director of Public Works Department or his or her designee. FCC means the Federal Communications Commission or its legally appointed successor. In Public Rights -of -Way or In The Public Rights -of -Way shall mean in, on, over, under or across the Public Rights -of -Way. City of Mial77i Page 17 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Government owned communication system means any communications lines, cables, manner is connected with the streets, public ways or public places within the corporate limits of {1) Are used by a governmental agency to provide telecommunication services, including but not limited to telephone, telegram, teletypewriter, or computer exchange services between different offices or facilities of the agency or affiliated agencies; {2) Are used to provide telecommunication services to other governmental entities. Gross receipts means all revenue received by the permittee on recurring local services within the incorporated limits of the city. Pathway means any line, cable, fiber optic conduit, duct bank or similar transmission equipment which shall be known collectively in this article as pathways. Permittee means the person or his legal successor in interest who is-i-ssued a telecommunication permit agreement or permits in accordance with the provisions of this article for the erection, construction, reconstruction, operation, dismantling, testing, use, maintenance, repairing, rebuilding or replacing of a telecommunication systems in the city. Street means any arc^ established for vehic dlar or p blic access use or the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open for way, drive, lane, boulevard, court, concourse, bridge, cul de sac, tunnel, park, parkway and waterway. Telecommunication company providing toll telephone service means any telecommunication company providing toll telephone services as defined in F.S. § 203.012(7). Telecommunication company providing local exchange service means any alternative local exchange telecommunications company as defined in F.S. § 36/1.02. Telecommunications permit agreement or permit issued m ans the document by which a privilege granted by the city by which the city authorizes a person to erect, construct, reconstruct, operate, dismantle, test, use, maintain, repair, rebuild and replace a telecommunication system that occupies the streets, public ways or public places within the city. Any telecommunication agreement or permit issued in accordance herewith shall be nonexclusive. Person shall mean any individual, child, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, estate, trust, business trust, syndicate, fiduciary, corporation, organization or legal entity of any kind, successor, assignee, transferee, personal representative, and all other groups or combinations. Place or Maintain or Placement or Maintenance or Placing or Maintaining shall mean to erect, construct, install, maintain, place, repair, extend, expand, remove, occupy, locate or relocate. A Communications Services Provider that owns or exercises physical control over Communications Facilities in Public Right -of -Way, such as the physical control to maintain and repair, is "placing or maintaining" the Facilities. Permit shall mean a construction permit issued by the Public Works Department. City of Mial77i Page 18 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Public Rights -of -Way shall mean a public right-of-way, public utility easement, highway, street, bridge, tunnel or alley for which the City is the authority that has jurisdiction and control and may lawfully grant access to and issue permits pursuant to applicable law, and includes the surface, the air space over the surface and the area below the surface. "Public Rights -of -Way" shall not include private property. "Public Rights -of -Way" shall not include any real or personal City property except as described above and shall not include City buildings, fixtures, poles, conduits, facilities, or other structure or improvements, regardless of whether they are situated in the Public Right -of -Way. Registrant shall mean a Communications Services Provider that has registered with the Director in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Registration or Register shall mean the process described in this Chapter whereby a Communications Services Provider provides the required information to the Director. Sec. 54-299. No liability or warranty. This article shall not be construed to create or hold the city responsible or liable for any damage to persons or property by reason of any inspection or reinspection authorized herein or failure to inspect or reinspect, nor shall the issuance of any telecommunication permit nor the approval or disapproval of any installation authorized herein constitute any representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by, nor create any liability upon the city or any official, agent or employee thereof. Sec. 5/1 300. Length of permit agreement. {a) Any tciccommunication permit agrccmcnt or permit ic-ucd by the city in accordancc herewith shall be a nonexclusive permit for the use of the streets, public ways or public places within the city as specified in the telecommunication permit for the erection, construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenancc, dismantling, tcsting and use of a communications system. (b) Any telecommunication permit issued by the city shall commence immediately upon approval of thc application for thc initial term and shall commence thereafter on October 1, and may be renewed annually to cxpirc thc following Scptcmbcr 30, co long ac thc permittee is in full compliance with this article and all applicable federal, state and local ordinances and regulations and the space occupied is not needed for a -public- ose. (c) In the event any tciccommunication permit shall be rcvokcd or not rcncwcd, thc applicable communications system shall be removed from the streets, public ways and public plaees in accordance with the provisions of section 5/1 30/1 Sec. 54-300. Registration Required. (a) A Registration from the City of Miami is required to commence or engage in the construction, maintenance or occupation of the Public Right -of -Way with a system designed to deliver Communications Services by utilizing the Public Rights -of -Way. No Public Rights -of -Way construction permits shall be issued to a Communications Service Provider without a Registration issued under this Article. City of Mial77i Page 19 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (b) A Registration shall not convey any title, equitable or legal, to the Registrant in the Public Rights -of -Way. Registration under this Chapter governs only the placement or maintenance of Communications Facilities in Public Rights -of -Way. Other ordinances, codes or regulations may apply to the placement or maintenance in the Public Rights -of - Way of facilities that are not Communications Facilities. Registration does not excuse a Communications Services Provider from obtaining appropriate access or pole attachment agreements before locating its Facilities on the City's or another Person's facilities. Registration does not excuse a Communications Services Provider from complying with all applicable City ordinances, codes or regulations, including this Article. Sec. 51 301. Permit locations. {a) Any telecommunication permit agreement or permit issued for a communicat system in accordance herewith shall apply only to the location or locations Mated on the telecommunication permit or permits. (b) Nothing in this article shall be construed as a representation, promise or guarantee by the city that any other permit or other authorization required under any city ordinance for the construction or installation of a communications systcm shall be issucd. The including the right of way utilization permit, shall still apply and all other applicable permit fees, if any, shall still be due. Sec. 54-301. Rights granted by Registration. (a) Subject to all existing permitting processes, the Registrant is authorized to occupy, install, lay, erect, construct, remove, relocate and maintain in, on, over or upon any and all of the Public Right -of -Way, as they now exist or may be hereafter constructed, opened, laid out or extended within the present limits of the City or in such territory as may be hereafter added to, consolidated or annexed to the City of Miami, any and all such conduits, cables, fiber optic lines, poles, wires, supports and other structures and appurtenances as may be reasonably necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of a Communications System. Except as provided above, this Registration does not convey the right to attach cable or conduit to poles, or occupy or use real or personal property owned by the City. (b) Any Registration granted under this Article shall be non-exclusive, and the issuance of a Registration will not expressly or implicitly preclude the City from issuance of other Registrations to Communications Services Providers or affect the City's right to authorize use of Public Rights -of -Way for other lawful purposes to other Persons as it determines appropriate. (c) This Registration authorizes the Registrant to use the Public Rights -of -Way to provide Communications Services only. Use of the Public Rights -of -Way for any other purpose requires separate authorization. Sec. 54-302. Term and renewal. A Registrant shall renew its Registration with the Director by October 1 of each year in accordance with the Registration requirements in this Chapter. Within thirty (30) days of any City of Mial77i Page 20 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 change in the information required to be submitted pursuant to Sec. 54-305, a Registrant shall provide updated information to the Director including the routes of a Registrant's system built after the effective date of this Chapter. If no information in the then-existinq Registration has changed, the renewal may state that no information has changed. Failure to renew a Registration may result in the Director restricting the issuance of additional permits until the Communications Services Provider has complied with the Registration requirements of this article. Sec. 51 303. Powers and duties of city public works director. The city public works director and his authorized designee shall have the following powers and duties: {1) Receive and review applications for telecommunication permits for any telecommunication system. {2) Review and causc to be auditcd all rcports and filings submittcd by the permittcc to the city pursuant to this article. {3) Submit regula4ens regarding the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, use, repairing, rebuilding or replacing of any telecommunication system established by telecommunication permit in accordance herewith to the director of the department of public works for promulgation. Sec. 54-303. Communications Services Tax. (a) Each Registrant that provides Communications Services shall collect and remit to the Florida Department of Revenue the Communications Services Tax pursuant to the Chapter 202, Florida Statues. (b) In the event that state law is amended to allow collection of license fees from Communications Services Providers, or in the event that state law preempting the collection of such license fee is declared void by a court of competent jurisdiction, the provisions contained in this Section shall automatically revert to those provisions contained in this Section in effect on the date of adoption of this Chapter to the extent those provisions are not inconsistent with state law. Sec. 51 302 54-304. Technical Standards. All technical standards governing construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, testing, use, maintenance, and dismantling of a communications system provided for herein shall be in accordance with all applicable FCC and other federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to the most recent editions of the South Florida Building Code, National Electrical Code and the National Electrical Safety Code. Sec. 51 305. Compensation for permit. (a) Telecommunication company providing local exchange service. It shall be a term and condition of any telecommunication permit iued in accordance herewith that as part of the consideration supporting the issuancc of such tciccommunication permit and thc city's permission thereby to occupy and use thc strccts of thc city, that ch permittcc quarterly basis to the city one perccnt of thc grosc rcccipts on rccurring local ccrvicc revenues for services provided within the corporate limits of the city by such permittee. The foregoing compensation and fees shall be in accordance with the standard-s set forth in F.S. § 337.101(3), as amended. City of Mial77i Page 21 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (b) Telecommunication company solely providing toll telephone service. {1) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be a term and condition of any telecommunication permit issued in accordance herewith that as a part of the consideration supporting the issuancc of such tciccommunication permit and thc city's permis€ion thereby to occupy and use the streets of the city, that each permittee which provides toll telephone service shall pay each year to the city compeKication einlce feet. T c� commpencatiela-ancd licence feet- or telecommunication systems shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in commis€ion and after public noticc as rcquircd hcrcinbclow, by the dircctor of the available for inspection during regular business hours at the department of public works. banks or other pathways parallel to each other which are: a. Underground and within a 16-inch wide strip of right-of-way, except as hereinafter provided, shall be considcrcd as onc pathway for thc purpocc of the license fee; or b. Aboveground and attached to the same polcs,—and owned t same, as affiliatcd company, shall be considcrcd ac onc pathway for thc purposc of the license fee. {3) In the event a permittee cannot construct or lays underground lines, cables, fiber optics conduits, duct banks or other pathways within a single 16 inch wide strip of right of way because a 16 inch widc strip of right of way is not availablc duc to thc closeness of other lines owned by other entities, then all lines, cables, fiber optics conduits, duct banks or other pathways which are owned by that permittee or an affiliatcd company that arc parallcl to each other within the same right of way regardless of distance apart shall be considered as one pathway for the purpose of license fees, provided that such lines and pathways could have been constructed within a single 16 inch wide strip of right of way, if it had been available. {/1) New lines, cables or fiber optic cables of one or more communications systcros placed in an underground conduit or duct bank owned by another permittee shall require a separate telecommunication permit, subject to the samc rcquircmcnts as other installations, except no additional annual fee shall be paid to the city. New lines, cables or fiber optic cables of a communications system placed aboveground on existing poles shall require a telecommunication permit, subjcct to thc samc communication system which are placed in an underground conduit or duct bank, or on aboveground poles owned by an entity exempt from the provisions of this articlo by which the exempt entity has the right to place the conduit, duct bank or poles within the city property prohibits the application of the permit and fee requirements contained in this article to the lessee of space within the conduit or duct bank or on the poles. {5) The city, through its director of public works, may adjust the license fee for privatc communication systems annually -by -an amount net in violation of �337.^— ^r�), subsequent to the establishment of this license fee, or subsequent to the most recent adjustmcnt in thc liccnsc fcc for any and all subsequent adjustments after the first to all current permittees. Except for new lines, cables or fiber optic cables within a City of Miall7i Page 22 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 conduit or duct bank owned by another permittee, the license fee shall be based on the same amount for all nongovernmental entities subject to the requirements of this article, cxccpt in no event, however, shall the fee be less than $500.00 per linear mile per annum. {6) Upon the effective date of the adoption of this article in accordance with provisions of subsection (b) hereinabove, the following fee schedule is hereby fixed as follows: a. Annual fcc 1. For the first 50 lineal feet of pathway or les $ 290.00 2. For each additional lineal foot of pathway over 50 feet: Pathway(s) in existence as of the date of this ordinance: A. As of October 1, 1993 0.15 B. As of October 1, 199/1 0.25 C. As of October 1, 1995 0.35 D. As of October 1, 1996 0/15 E. As of October 1, 1997 0.55 ii. Pathway(s) added subsequent to the date of this ordinance 0.90 b. Initial fee for preparation review and approval of telecommunication agreement {does not include recording fee) $ 1,525.00 c. Review of plan-s, issuance of installation permit and inspection of installation of new facilities: 1. For first 50 lineal feet or less of pathway $ 290.00 2. For each additional lineal foot of pathway over 50 feet 0.35 d. Fee for government owned communicathans system: 1. Annual fee $ 290.00 2. Initial fee including review of plans and inspection plus recording fee 290.00 Sec. 54-305. Registration application procedure; information required. (a) To obtain a Registration under this Article, a Person shall apply in writing to the Director. (b) Each request for an initial Registration shall include the following: a. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant. b. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant's primary contact Person in connection with the Registration, and the Person to contact in case of an emergency. c. A description of the general nature and size of the proposed Communication System's plant and equipment that Registrant intends to have occupy the Public Rights -of -Way, including a list with descriptions of the appurtenances such as manholes, pedestals, handholes, controlled environmental vaults, etc. d. A copy of Federal and/or State certification authorizing the applicant to provide Communications Services. e. Insurance policy and bonding documents required by this Article. (c) A Registrant may cancel a Registration upon written notice to the Director stating that it will no longer place or maintain any Communications Facilities within the Public Rights -of - Way and will no longer need to obtain permits to perform work in Public Rights -of -Way. A City of Mial77i Page 23 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Registrant shall not cancel a Registration if the Registrant continues to place or maintain any Communications Facilities in any Public Rights -of -Way. (d) Registration does not in and of itself establish a right to place or maintain or priority for the placement or maintenance of a Communications Facility in Public Rights -of -Way within the City but shall establish for the Registrant a right to apply for a permit. Registrations are expressly subject to any future amendment to or replacement of this article and further subject to any additional City ordinances, as well as any State or Federal laws that may be enacted. In accordance with applicable City ordinances, codes or regulations, a permit may be required for a Communications Services Provider that desires to place or maintain a Communications Facility in Public Rights -of -Way. A Registration shall be a condition of obtaining a permit. Notwithstanding a Registration, permitting requirements shall apply. A permit may be obtained by or on behalf of a Registrant having a Registration if all permitting requirements are met. (e) A Communications Services Provider with an existing communications Facility in the Public Rights -of -Way of the City has sixty (60) days from the effective date of this Article to comply with the terms of this Article, including, but not limited to, Registration. Sec. 5/1 306. Payment and audit of compensation and license fees. {a) The annual compcnsation and liccnsc fcc providcd for in cubccction 51 305(b) shall be payable, in advance, annually on October 1 of each year. {1) Any new telecommunication permit obtained prior to or after October 1 shall expiro the following September 30 and the annual fee shall be prorated accordingly. {2) The fee provided for under subsection 51 305(b)(6)b. hereinabove is required on all agreement may be required. (b) Fees for telecommunication systems not paid within ten days after the due date shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month from the date due until paid. {c) The acceptance of any payment for a telecommunication system required hereunder by the city shall not be construed as an acknowledgment that the amount paid is the correct amount duc, nor shall such acccptancc of payment be construed as a release of any claim which the city may have for additional sums due and payable: {1) All fee payments shall be subject to audit by the city and acccscmcnt or rcfund if the payment is found to be in error. {2) In the event that such audit results in an assessment by and an additional payment to the city, such additional payment shall be subjcct to intcrcst at the ratc of one percent per month until the date payment is made. {3) Within 20 days following September 30, a permittee described in subsection 5/1 305(a) hereof shall file with the director of finance a statement signed by an authorized accounting or financial reprcsentative of the permittee of the gross receipts on recurring local service revenues derived in the preceding year. (d) Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the liability of the licensee for a telecommunication system for all applicable federal, state and local taxes. {e) In the event any fees due in accordance with the terms of this article are not paid within 00 days aftcr the duc datc, the public workc dircctor may withhold the issuance or City of Mial77i Page 24 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (f) (g) renewal of any right of way utilization permits or tciccommunication permitc to the permittee until the amount past due is paid in full. In the event the maximum franchise fee authorizcd by thc laws of thc ctatc shall be changed to an u amontth oer than the current u amont ac prcccribcd in F.S. § 337."^101, the city shall be authorizcd to unilatcrally amcnd this ccction and adjust the franchicc fcc provided for herein to the maximum franchise fee authorized by the laws of the state; provided further that the city adjusts the franchise fee for other utilities offering similar services by an equal amount. The permittee shall make available to the city during normal business hours the books and accounts and other documentation of the permittee (hereinafter referred to as tho revenues upon which the fee payment is based. Upon request by the city, or its designated representative, the permittee shall providc a copy of its annual rcport to tho Florida Public Service Commission (PSC). The city, or its designated representative, shall have the right during the life of this license to examine the reports; provided, however, that the permittee shall be obligated to maintain its billing records only for thc period of time required by the PSC and that any examination conducted after such period shall be confined to the billing records then available. No later than 30 days after the request of the city, or its representative, the permittee shall supply to the city a copy of the reports. Such copy shall be in the medium requested by the city, provided that it is cconomical and practical for the permittee to do so. Sec. 54-306. Issuance of Registration. The Director has the authority to and shall grant a Registration to an applicant who files a completed application and complies with the application requirements herein; provided, however, the Director shall have the authority to deny a Registration if the applicant fails to meet the application requirements, the Registrant is subject to pending code enforcement action or the proposed use of the Public Rights -of -Way presents a danger to the general public and other users of the Public Rights -of -Way. Sec.54-307. Notice of Transfers, Sales or Assignments of Assets in Public Rights -of -Way. If a Registrant transfers, sells, or assigns its assets located in a Public Rights -of -Way incident to a transfer, sale or assignment of the Registrant's assets, the transferee, buyer or assignee shall be obligated to comply with the terms of this Article. Written notice of any such transfer, sale or assignment shall be provided by such Registrant to the Director within twenty (20) days after the effective date of the transfer, sale, or assignment. If the transferee, buyer or assignee is a current Registrant, then the transferee, buyer or assignee is not required to re - Register. If the transferee, buyer or assignee is not a current Registrant, then the transferee, buyer or assignee shall Register as provided in Sec. 54-305 within sixty (60) days of the transfer, sale or assignment. If permit applications are pending in the Registrant's name, the transferee, buyer or assignee shall notify the Public Works Department that the transferee, buyer or assignee is the new applicant. Sec. 5/1 30/1. 54-308. Bonds. (a) Unless the applicant supplies other acceptable financial guarantees or demonstrates financial responsibility satisfactory to the director of finance and the city attorney, all persons submitting a request for a telecommunication permit Registration to construct a telecommunication system in accordance herewith shall file with their request bonds solely for the protection of the city with a surety company or trust company or companies as surety or sureties in the amount sufficient to protect the city from any and all damages or costs suffered or incurred by the city as a result thereof, including but not limited to City of Mial77i Page 25 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 attorney's fees and costs of any action or proceeding, and including the full amount of compensation, indemnification, cost of removal or abandonment of any property or other costs which may be in default, up to the full principal amount of such bond which shall not exceed the amount of $50,000.00; and the condition shall be a continuing obligation during the entire term of any telecommunication permit Registration issued in accordance herewith and thereafter until the permittcc Registrant shall have satisfied in full any and all obligations to the city which arise out of or pertain to the telecommunication permit Registration for a telecommunication system. (b) None of the provisions of this section nor any bond accepted by the city pursuant hereto, nor any damages recovered by the city hereunder, shall be construed to excuse the faithful performance by or limit the liability of the permittcc Registrant under this article or any telecommunication permit Registration issued in accordance herewith or for damages either to the full amount of such bond or otherwise. Sec. 51 307. 54-309. Indemnity and insurance. (a) The city shall not at any time be liable for any injury or damage occurring to any person or property from any cause whatsoever, arising from the use, operation or condition of the permittec's Registrant's communications system. (b) The permittcc Registrant shall indemnify, save and hold harmless and defend the city from all liens; charges, claims, including but not limited to, libel, slander, invasion of privacy and unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark; demands; suits; actions; fines; penalties; losses; costs, including but not limited to reasonable legal fees and court costs including legal fees and court costs on appeal; judgments; injuries; liabilities or damages, in law or equity, of any and every kind and nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way connected with the installation, operation, maintenance or condition of the permittec's Registrant's communications system or the granting of the telecommunication permit Registration. The granting of the permit agreement Registration is a separate and distinct consideration for the granting of this indemnity. (c) Upon the granting of a permit Registration for a telecommunication system and at all times during the terms of the permit Registration, including the time for removal of facilities as provided for herein, the permittee Registrant shall obtain, pay all premiums for, and file with the city insurance manager written evidence of payment of premiums and executed duplicate copies of the following: (1) A general comprehensive liability policy indemnifying, defending and saving harmless the city, its officers, boards, commissions, agents or employees from any and all claims by any person whatsoever on account of injury to or death of a person or persons occasioned by the operations of the permittee under the telecommunication permit Registration herein granted, or alleged to have been so caused or occurred, with a minimum liability of $500,000.00 combined single limit for personal injury or death. (2) Property damage insurance, indemnifying, defending, and saving harmless the city, its officers, boards, commissions, agents and employees from and against all claims by any person whatsoever for property damage occasioned by the operation of permittee Registrant under the telecommunication permit Registration herein granted City of Mial77i Page 26 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 or alleged to have been so caused or occurred, with a minimum liability of $500,000.00 combined single limit for property damage. (c) All insurance policies called for herein for telecommunication systems shall be in a form satisfactory to the city insurance manager and shall require 30 days' written notice of any cancellation to both the city and the permittee Registrant. The permittee Registrant shall, in the event of any such cancellation notice, obtain, pay all premiums for, and file with the city, written evidence of the issuance of replacement policies within 30 days following receipt by the city or the permittcc Registrant of any notice of cancellation. (e) In lieu of the insurance policies as required by and referenced in subparagraphs (c) and (d) above for telecommunication systems, the permittcc Registrant may submit: (1) A certification by a qualified independent actuary, acceptable to the city insurance manager, which indicates that permittee the Registrant has established an "actuarially sound" self-insurance program with adequate reserves and resources to provide coverage and protection equal to or better than the requirements contained in subparagraphs (c) and (d); or (2) Other documentation and proof acceptable to the city's director of finance and insurance manager which indicates that permittcc the Registrant has a self- insurance program with adequate reserves and resources to provide coverage and protection equal to or better than the requirements contained in subparagraphs (c) and (d). Sec. 5/1 308. 54-310. Police powers. Nothing in this article or in any telecommunication permit Registration issued in accordance herewith shall be construed as an abrogation by the city of any of its police powers. Sec. 51 309 54-311. Use of streets and pole attachments. (a) Before commencing construction of its communications system in, above, over, under, across, through or in any way connected with the streets, public ways or public places of the city, the permittcc Registrant shall first obtain the written approval of, and all other necessary permits from, all appropriate city agencies, including but not limited to the department of public works. Applications for such approval shall be made in the form prescribed by the director of public works or his authorized designee. (b) Upon obtaining such written approval, the permittcc Registrant shall give the department of public works written notice within a reasonable time of proposed construction, but in no event shall such notice be given less than ten (10) days before such commencement, except for emergency repairs of existing lines or cables. (c) Any person who submits a request for a permit in accordance herewith shall include therein proposed agreements for the use of existing utility poles and conduits, if applicable, with the owner(s) of such facilities to be used or affected by the construction of the proposed telecommunication system, which agreements shall become effective on the date of execution of the permit issued in accordance herewith in the event that such person is issued a permit. City of Mial77i Page 27 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (d) It shall be unlawful for the permittee Registrant or any other person to open or otherwise disturb the surface of any street, sidewalk, driveway, public way or other public place for any purpose whatsoever without obtaining approval to do so after proceeding in the manner prescribed in subsections (a) and (b) hereof. Violation of this section shall subject the permittcc Registrant to all penalties and remedies prescribed therein and to all other remedies, legal or equitable, which are available to the city. (e) The permittcc Registrant shall restore any street or sidewalk it has disturbed in accordance with the provisions of the city's standard specifications for streets and sidewalks and shall, at its own cost and expense, restore and replace any other property disturbed, damaged or in any way injured by or on account of its activities to as good as the condition such property was in immediately prior to the disturbance, damage or injury or pay the fair market value of such property to its owner. (f) The permittcc Registrant shall, at its own cost and expense, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate in the same street or other public place, or remove from such street or other public place, any of its property when required to do so by the city because of street or other public excavation, construction, repair, regrading, or grading; traffic conditions; installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, city -owned power or signal lines, tracts; vacation or relocation of streets or any other type of structure of or improvement of a public agency, or any other type of improvement necessary for the public health, safety or welfare, or upon termination or expiration of the permit Registration. (g) Nothing in this article or any permit issued in accordance herewith shall be construed as authorizing the permittcc the Registrant to erect and maintain new poles in areas serviced by existing poles, if the poles are available for permittee the Registrant's cable. The permittee Registrant shall obtain written approval from the department of public works and other appropriate city agencies before erecting any new poles or underground conduits where none exist. (h) The permittee Registrant shall maintain all wires, conduits, cables, and other real and personal property and facilities in good condition, order and repair. (i) The permittee Registrant shall keep accurate, complete and current maps and records of its system and facilities which occupy the streets, public ways and public places within the city, detailed by linear foot, if applicable, and shall furnish, as soon as they are available, two (2) complete and updated copies of such maps and records, including as - built drawings, to the department of public works on an annual basis prior to issuance or renewal of a telecommunication permit Registration. City of Mial77i Page 28 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (j) The permittcc Registrant shall comply with all rules and regulations issued by the department of public works governing the construction and installation of communications systems. In addition: (1) All aerial cables and wires shall be installed parallel with existing telephone and electric utility wires. (2) Multiple aerial configurations shall be in parallel arrangement and bundled, in accordance with engineering and safety considerations. (3) All underground installations shall be in the appropriate size and type conduit or other enclosures approved by the public works director. (4) All installations shall be underground in those areas of the city where both telephone and electric utilities facilities are underground at the time of the installation of the permittee's Registrant's communications system. In areas where both telephone and electric utilities' facilities are aboveground at the time of the installation of the permittec's Registrant's communications system, the permittcc Registrant may install its system aboveground on existing utility poles only, upon the condition that at such time as those facilities are placed underground by the telephone and electric utility companies, the permittee Registrant shall likewise place its facilities underground at its sole cost and expense. (5) The permittee Registrant upon reasonable notice by the city shall temporarily or permanently remove, adjust, raise or lower its facilities within the right-of-way when the city determines that such action is needed for public use of the right-of-way including, but not limited to, the passage of nonstandard vehicles. (6) The permittee Registrant shall obtain the written permission of the owner including the city of any tree or other vegetation before it trims or prunes the same. Sec. 54-312. Termination of Registration The City may declare a forfeiture and termination of, and revoke and cancel all rights granted under the Registration if (a) a federal or state authority suspends, denies, or revokes a Communications Services Provider's certification to provide Communications Services; (b) the Registrant's use of the Public Rights -of -Way presents a danger to the general public and other users of the Public Rights -of -Way; (c) the Registrant has abandoned its Communications Facilities in the Public Rights -of -Way and has not complied with Section 54-315; (d) the Registrant is subject to code enforcement action; or (e) the Registrant is in violation of any other ordinance, regulation, law, or statute. Prior to such termination by the City, the Registrant shall be served by the City with a written notice setting forth all matters pertinent to the termination action, including which of (a) through (e) above is applicable as the reason therefore, and describing the action of the City with respect thereto. The Registrant shall have sixty (60) days after service of such notice within which to address or eliminate the reason, or within which to present a plan, satisfactory to the City, to accomplish the same. In the event of such termination, the Registrant shall, within a reasonable time following demand by the City, remove or abandon the Communications Facilities and take such steps as are necessary to render every portion of the Communications Facilities remaining within the Public Rights -of -Way of the City safe, and shall thereupon be deemed to have abandoned same in its entirety; and the same shall thereupon become the sole property of the City without payment to the Registrant. If the City agrees to abandonment, the Registrant shall incur, from that time forward, no future obligations with respect to the Communications Facilities. Sec. 54-313. Failure to enforce Registration. The Registrant shall not be excused from complying with any of the terms and conditions of this Article by any failure of the City, upon any one (1) or more occasions, to require the Registrant's performance or compliance with any one (1) or more of such terms or conditions. City of Mial77i Page 29 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Sec. 54-314. Future rules by the Director. The Director reserves the right to promulgate rules, regulations, forms, and procedures to implement the intention of this Article. Sec. 54-315. Abandonment of Facilities. (a) Upon abandonment of a Facility owned by a Registrant in the Public Rights -of -Way, the Registrant shall notify the Director within ninety (90) days. The Director may direct the removal by delivering written notice to remove all or any portion of such Abandoned Facility at the Registrant's sole expense if the City determines that the Abandoned Facility's presence interferes with the public health, safety or welfare, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, a determination that such Facility: (1) compromises safety at any time for any Public Rights -of -Way user or during construction or maintenance in Public Rights -of -Way; (2) prevents another Person from locating Facilities in the area of Public Rights -of -Way where the Abandoned Facility is located when other alternative locations are not reasonably available; or (3) creates a maintenance condition that is disruptive to the Public Rights-of-Way's use. (b) In the event that the City does not direct the removal of the Abandoned Facility, the Registrant, by its notice of Abandonment to the City, shall be deemed to consent to the alteration or removal of all or any portion of the Facility by the City or a third party at such third party's cost. (c) If the Registrant fails to remove all or any portion of an Abandoned Facility as directed by the City within a reasonable time period as may be required by the City under the circumstances, the City may perform such removal and charge the cost of the removal against the Registrant. Any fees incurred by the City for removal of the Facility shall be attached to any Business Tax Receipt maintained by such entity in the City, and payment of such penalties shall be required prior to renewal of any such Business Tax Receipt. Sec. 5/1 311 54-316. Florida Consumer Choice Act of 2007. This chapter 54 shall be construed in accordance with the Florida Consumer Choice Act of 2007 ("the Act") so that the city shall retain all rights and obligations permitted by the Act to be retained by the city as of June 30, 2007, and so that the obligations and rights of all persons which have previously obtained permits and previously entered into agreements with the city and all persons which shall obtain permits in the future and enter into agreements with the city in the future for work to be performed or conducted within and any related maintenance and restoration of the city's public right-of-way as defined in section 54-1, as amended, and for any other continuing obligation to the city as permitted by law, shall be construed as in force as of June 30, 2007, and so as to comply with the nondiscriminatory mandate of the Act. Secs. 51 312 54-317 - 54-340. Reserved. ARTICLE IX. COCONUT GROVE SPECIAL EVENTS DISTRICT * * Sec. 54-341. Created, restrictions; application and approval required. * (c) Restrictions established. The following restrictions shall apply to the district, excluding Coconut Grove Expo Center permitted activities undertaken on Pan American Drive: City of Mial77i Page 30 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (1) There shall only be two gi events per month. The term "event," for the purpose of this article, is hereby defined as an activity where any one LU of the following conditions occur within the special events district: c. Any temporary, partial use of, complete or partial obstruction of public streets or rights -of -way pursuant to section 54-3 54-6 or section 5.4-6 54-6.3 of this Code connected with an activity satisfying the criteria set forth in the other subsections herein; Sec. 54-343. Supplementary user fee established. There shall be a fee required for special events occurring within the Coconut Grove special events district as follows: * * * (4) All revenues derived from said supplementary fee shall be deposited in an account known as the Coconut Grove special events district fund and shall be utilized for promotion, marketing, advertising of the district as well as administrative expenses of the Coconut Grove business improvement district board ("BID board"), and for the maintenance, improvement and beautification of Peacock Park and the Coconut Grove special events district, without reducing the otherwise normal allocation to the parks. Additionally, funds currently collected by the city department of public works from "sidewalk cafe and banner fees" in the SD 2 district Coconut Grove Special Events District shall also be placed into the Coconut Grove special events district fund following the adoption date of the ordinance from which this section derives. * * * Sec. 54-344. Supplementary banner fee established. A supplementary banner fee is established for horizontal banners in the public right- of-way relating to special events occurring within the Coconut Grove special events district, and approved by the Coconut Grove business improvement district board ("BID board") pursuant to section 54-341, as follows: (1) The promoter of the event requesting to display a horizontal banner within the Coconut Grove special events district shall pay to the BID board, a supplementary banner fee of $500.00 1,000.00 per banner when the event is promoted by a for profit organization, and $500.00 per banner when the event is promoted by a nonprofit organization. This supplementary banner fee is in addition to the monies paid for any of the city's services regarding banners. (2) The supplementary banner fee shall be paid to the BID board for deposit into a separate account set forth herein below at the time the promoter of the event submits a banner application to public works. (3) Each banner in the Coconut Grove special events district shall be allowed to remain for no longer than 30 days. (4) All revenues derived from said supplementary banner fee shall be deposited in an account known as the Coconut Grove special events district fund and City of Mial77i Page 31 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (5) shall be used for promotion, marketing, advertising of the district and administrative expenses of the BID board, and for the maintenance, improvement and beautification of Peacock Park and the Coconut Grove special events district, without reducing the otherwise normal allocation to the parks. The city commission may waive all or part of the supplementary banner fee. ARTICLE X. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY FOR INSTALLATION OF LOW LEVEL WIND SHEAR ALERT SYSTEM(S) RESERVED. Sec. 5/1 371. Statement of purpose. The city commission hereby finds and declares that it is necessary and reasonable for this article: {1) To regulate the erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, repair, use, rebuilding and replacement of low level wind shear alert systems (hereinafter referred to as the "LLWAS") by the Federal above, over, under or in any manner connected with the streets, public ways or public places within the corporate limits of the cit" ac new or in the fbitu-e may evict• and {2) To provide the city with compensation for the cost of regula+1eced by this article for a LLWAS. Sec. 51 372. Definitions. For the purpose of this article and any agreement in accordance herewith, the following terms, specifically provided in this article, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise or unless such meaning would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the city commission: FA/\ mea+�s the Federal Aviation Administration or its legally appointed successor. LLWAS or low level wind shear alert system(s) means any low level wind shear alert sensors, may exist. LLWAS permit agreement(s) means the document by which the city authorizes the FAA to erect, construct, reconstruct, install, operate, maintain, dismantle, test, repair, use, rebuild and replace an LLWAS that occupies the streets, public rights -of -way or public places within the city. Any LLWAS permit agreement(s) issued in accordance herewith shall be subject to approval as to form by the city attorney whose office shall promulgate a standard form agreement. Permittee means the FAA, or its legal successor in interest, that is issued a LLWAS permit agreement(s) in accordance with the provisions is article for the erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, repair, use, rebuilding of -replacement of an LLWAS in the city. walkway, boulevard, drainage facilit„ accecc fer ingrecc or egrecc „r ether purpecec by the public, certain designated individuals or governing bodies. between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained, when any part thereof is open for public purposes. "Street" includes, but is not limited to, highway, avenue, road, drive, lane, boulevard, court, concourse, cul de -sac, parkway, circle, terrace and place. Sec. 5/1 373. Service of notice. City of Mial77i Page 32 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 All notices required to be given to the city under any provisions of this article shall be deemed scrvcd whcn rcccivcd through the U.S. mail or dclivcred by hand in writing to the city public works director or to any person in charge of the department during normal working hours. Sec. 51 37/1. No liability or warranty. This article shall not be construed to create or hold the city responsible or liable for any damage to persons or property by reason of any inspection or reinspection authorized herein or failure to inspect or reinspect, nor shall the isuance of any LLWAS permit nor the approval or disapproval of any installation authorized herein constitute any representation, guarantee or thereof. Sec. 51 375. Length of permit agreement(s). {a) Any LLWAS permit agreement(s) issued by the city in accordance herewith shall be a nonexclusive permit for the use of the streets, public rights of way or public places within the city as specified in the LLWAS permit for the erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, repair, use, rebuilding and replacement of an LLWAS. (b) Any LLWAS permit issued by the city shall continuc in full force and effcct so long a, the permittee is in compliance with this article, and all applicable federal, state and local ordinances and regulations and the space occupied is not needed for a -public -tease. {c) In the event any LLWAS permit shall be revoked, thc applicable LLWAS shall bo removed from the strects, public rights of way and public placcs in accordancc with tho provisions of section 5/ 376 Sec. 5/1 376. Permit locations. {a) Any LLWAS permit agrccmcnt(s) iszucd in accordancc hcrcwith shall apply only to thc location or locations stated on the LLWAS permit or permits. (b) Nothing in this article shall be construed as a representation, promise or guarantee by the city that any other permit or other authorization required under any city ordinance for the construction or installation of an LLWAS shall be issued. The requirements for any and all permits as may be rcquired by any city ordinance, including the right of way utilization permit, shall still apply and all other applicable permit fees shall still be due. Sec. 5/ 377. Technical standards. All technical standards governing erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, repair, use, rebuilding and replacement of an LLWAS provided for herein shall be in accordance with all applicable FAA and other federal, state and local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the most recent editions of the South Florida Building Code, National Electrical Code and the National Electrical Safety Code. Sec. 51 378. Powers and duties of city public works director. The city public works director or his authorized designee shall have the following powers and duties: {1) Receive and review applications for LLWAS permits; {2) Review and causc to be auditcd all rcports and filings submittcd by thc permittcc to tho city -pursuant to this-tarticle and {3) Submit regulations regarding the erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantling, testing, repair, use, rebuilding or replacement of any LLWAS cstablished by LLWAS permit in accordance herewith to the director of tho department of public works for promulgation. Sec. 51 379. Compensation for permit. rights of way for the establishment and maintenance of a LLWAS shall be $575.00 per polo City of Mial77i Page 33 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Sec. 54 380. Indemnity. {a) The city shall not at any time be liable for any injury or damage occurring to any person or roper-ty-from any ce whatsoever, arse-,f om uce „peration „r condition of the permittee's LLWAS. compensatory money damages for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omi cion of any employee of thc permittcc while acting within the scope of his office or employment under circumctancoc where thc permittee, if a private person, would be liable in accordance with thc law of thc place where the act or omission occurred. The foregoing indemnity shall not extend to claims based upon acts or omissions of the permittcc's employees for which the permittcc would not be liable under the Federal Tort Clams Act of 19/15 (28 USC 2671 et seq.) as now or hereafter amended. Sec. 51 381. Police powers. Nothing in this article or in any LLWAS permit issued in accordance herewith shall be construed as an abrogation by the city of any of its police powers. Sec. 5/1 382. Use of streets, public rights of way and public places. {a) Before commcncing conct eten-ef its-LLWAS inabove over ;der, assess t r „ In any way connected with the streets, public rights of way or public places of the city, appropriate city agencies, including, but not limited to, the department of public works. Applications for such approval shall be made in the form prescribed by the director of public works or his authorized designee. (b) Upon obtaining such written approval, the permittee shall give the department of public works written notice within a reasonable time of proposed construction, but in no event shall such notice be given less than ten days before such commencement except for {c) It shall be unlawful for thc permittcc or any othcr person to opcn or otherwise disturb thc surface of any street, sidewalk, driveway, public way or other public place for any p pose whatsoever without obtaining approval to do so after proceeding in the manner prescribed in subsections (a) and (b) hereof. Violation of this section shall subject thc permittee to all penalties and remedies prescribed therein and to all other remedies, legal or equitable, which are available to the city. (d) The permittee shall restore any street or sidewalk it has disturbed in accordance with thc ow-Pi-eest and expense, restore and replace any other property disturbed, damaged or in any way injured by or on account of its activities to as good as the condition such property was in immediately prior to the disturbance, damage or injury or pay the fair market value of such property to its owner. disconnect, relocate in the same street, public right of way or other public place, or remove from such street, public right of way or other public place, any of its property when required to do so by the city because of street or other public excavation, construction, repair, regrading or grading; traffic conditions; installation of sewers, drains, water pipes city owned power or signal lines' vacation or relocation of streets, or any other type of structure or improvement necessary for the public health, safety or welfare, or upon termination or expiration of the permit. (f) The permittee shall maintain all sensors, poles, lines, cables, and other real and personal property and facilities in good condition, order and repair. (g) The permittee shall keep accurate, complete and current records of its system and facilities which occupy the streets, public rights of way and public places within the city City of Mial77i Page 34 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 and shall furnish as soon as thcy arc availablc two copics of such rccords, including as built dramas, to the department of public works. (h) The permittee shall comply with all rules and regulatha-4s issued by the department of public works governing the construction and installation of the LLWAS. Secs. 51 383 54-371 - 54-410. Reserved. ARTICLE XI. USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY FOR INSTALLATION OF PAY TELEPHONES Sec. 54-420. Locations and placement of pay telephones. * * * (e) Pay telephones shall not be installed in single family residential or duplex residential districts T3 or T4-R Transect Zones, as described in Ordinance No. 11000 Miami 21, the zoning ordinancc code of the city, as amended. * ARTICLE XII. LITTLE HAVANA SPECIAL EVENTS DISTRICT Sec. 5/ '110. Created, restrictions. {a) Boundaries. There is hereby created, in memory of Frank Lopez (a Littic Havana Northwest 7th Street, on the south by Southwest 914 Street on both sides, on the east by Statc Road 195 and the Mier, aand on [i li st by 37 Avenue, to be known as the "Little Havana Special Events District." (b) Restrictions established. The following restrictions shall apply to the district: {1) Only two events per month shall occur. The term "event," for the purposc of this articic, is hcrcby dcfincd as an activity whcre any one of the following condition occur within the special events district: a. Any sailing of alcoholic bcvcrages in the public right of way, or in the city parks, other than in lawfully permitted sidewalk cafes; b. Any pyrotechnics display; c. Any temporary, partial use of, complete or partial obstruction of public strccts or rights of way pursuant to section 51 3, or section 5/ 6 or 5/ 6.3 of the city Code; d. Any parade or procession, other than funeral processions, of more than / / * vehicles, floats, bands or marching units; c. Any tcmporary vcnding or conccssion permit conducted in the public rights of way or parks pursuant to sections 31 50 and 38-65 of the city Code; or f. Any use of mechanical rides or amusements. {2) The following annual events held in the Little Havana Special Events District prior to the adoption of this article are exempt from the restrictions set forth in subsection (b) {1) herein: Calle Ocho Fcstival; Carnaval Miami, 8K Run; The Thrcc Kingc Paradc and Josc Marti Parade. {3) The two events per month restriction shall be further limited to: prevent events on successive weekends except for Calle Oche Festival and Carnaval Miami• no more r r than 2/ events per year, inclusive of those events exempted pursuant to subsection (b)(2) herein. Further, if any of the preexisting events do not occur in a given year, for any mason other than an act of God, the evcnt looses the exemption set forth in this section. {1) Applications for evcnts must be submittcd to the cxccutivc cccrctary of the Litho the event. City of Miall7i Page 35 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 {5) Priority dates will be given on a first come, first served basis to those events that have occurred in the Little Havana area for five or more preceding years. (c) Waiver or modification of restrictions. The city commission has the authority to waive or rnodify any of the above restrictions Secs. 5/ / 11 5/1 / 1 . Reserved. Secs. 5/1 '1'15. Supplementary user fee established. The fee required for special events occurring within the Little Havana Special Events District shall be as follows: (,tea. The romoter the -event s� y to the su ementar user fee ten percent of the estimated cost of the city's services for the event. This supplementary fee is in addition to the monies paid for the city's service fees. b. In the event that the city services fee is higher than the estimated cost previously given, the promoter shall pay to the city the additional monies within 30 days after the event. {2) The supplementary user fee shall not exceed $10,000.00. {3) The supplementary user fee shall be paid to the city no later than ten days prior to the event. {/1) All revenues derived from said supplementary user fee shall be deposited in thc special revenue account known as the Little Havana Special Events District Fund and shall be utilized, based on thc recommendaion of thc committee, for the rnaintenance, improvement and beautification of thc Little Havana Special Events Dictrictc niithoi ut redi Icing an ethor,vicc normal allocation. {5) The city commission shall not waive the supplementary user fee." Section 3. Chapter 55 of the City Code, entitled "Subdivision Regulations", is amended in the following particulars: {1} "CHAPTER 55 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Sec. 55-1. Definitions Engineer means a civil engineer registered under F.S. ch. /172 471 who is in good standing with the state board of professional engineers and land surveyors. Land surveyor means a land surveyor registered under F.S. ch. 472 who is in good standing with the state board of professional engineers and Ian surveyors and mappers. Lot includes any platted tract or platted parcel and means the least fractional part of subdivided lands having limited fixed boundaries, and an assigned number, letter or other name through which it may be identified, intended as a single building site or unit for transfer or ownership for development. Plat and street committee is the technical committee that shall review all tentative plats before acceptance by the city commission. The composition of the committee shall be as follows: (1) Department of public works; department of planning; department of buildingan4i office of zoning; department of police; department of fire -rescue; department of general services administration; and department of solid waste. City of Mial77i Page 36 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Public utility includes any public or private utility, such as, but not limited to, storm drainage, sanitary sewers, electric power, water service, gas service, cable television or telephonc linc communications facility, whether underground or overhead. * * Sec. 55-6. Same -Revising plat after approval. Any changes, erasures, modifications or revisions to an approved plat prior to recordation may only be made by the plat survey section with the approval of the supervisor of plats to correct scriveners' errors, reflect accurate legal descriptions and locate right-of-way dedications, drainage ways and easements. * * * Sec. 55-7. Same -Procedure -Conference and tentative plat. (a) Preliminary conference. The subdivider or his engineer or land surveyor, prior to the preparation of the tentative plat, may informally seek the advice of the supervisor of plats, or his designee, in order that he may become familiar with the subdivision requirements. (b) Tentative plat. The tentative plat shall show all of the facts and data required by the supervisor of plats to determine whether the proposed layout of the land in the subdivision is satisfactory from the standpoint of public interest. (1) The following information shall be a part of the tentative plat unless waived by the supervisor of plats: p. A plat application signed by the owner, or owner's designee, and notarized on the form prescribed by the supervisor of plats. * * * (2) The following information shall be submitted in addition to the tentative plat if requested by the supervisor of plats, or by the plat and street committee: a. Any proposed changes in the use, height, area and density districts or other regulations under Ordinance No. 11000 the Miami 21, comprchcnsivc the zoning ordinancc code for the city, applicable to the area to be subdivided. Sec. 55-8. Same -Same -Final plat. (c) Contents. (1) Name of subdivision. The plat shall have a title or name. The terms "town," "city" or "village" or any other terms suggesting a municipal corporation municipality shall not appear in the title or name of any plat which includes any property in the City of Miami. The supervisor of plats of the city and/or Miami -Dade County shall disapprove any name or title which may be found to be sufficiently similar to the name of any existing town, city or village or municipal corporation, or the name similar to any previously approved plat in the incorporated or unincorporated areas of the county which may cause confusion as to the status or the location of any platted property. * * * City of Mial77i Page 37 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (18) Signature of the director and City surveyor of the city department of public works, certifying that the plat appears to conform to all of the provisions and requirements of this chapter. (20) Signature of the director of ##e Miami -Dade county public works department of regulatory and economic resources and, if applicable, the director and county engineer of the Miami -Dade county public works/waste management department indicating that the plat also conforms to chapter 28 of the county Code. * (e) Approval by city commission. (1) Upon submission of the final plat and the additional required data, the director of the department of public works shall cause the plat to be placed on the next available city commission agenda for approval. After approval by the city commission, and certification of said approval by the city manager and city clerk, the owner of the property being platted shall be notified that Ne the plat is ready for recordation. The owner shall retrieve City shall deliver IFS the plat from the department of public works and carry it to the appropriate county agency for county review and approval and subsequent recordation in the public records of Miami -Dade County. The plat must be recorded within 120 180 calendar days of the approval by the city commission. (2) If the property owner has not caused the recordation of the plat within the above - specified 120 180, the director of public works shall notify the city commission that the plat is in default, and is deemed abandoned. The director shall submit to the city commission, at the earliest available meeting, a resolution for their approval rescinding their prior action and ordering the release and/or refund of any bond for subdivision improvements. The property owner shall be notified by registered letter, return receipt requested, that his plat is in default and shall be informed of the date of the city commission meeting at which recision of his plat will be considered. At that meeting, the property owner may petition the city commission for an extension of time, not to exceed 30 days, in which to complete the recordation of his plat. The city commission may grant or deny the petition of the property owner for extension of time. If the extension of time is granted and the plat has not been recorded within the above 30-day period, the city commission shall automatically rescind its original approval of the plat. * * * Sec. 55-10. Building permits; issuance; restrictions; exceptions. * * (d) A permit may be issued for the repair, remodeling or renovation of a conforming or nonconforming building (other than a an-esingle-family detached dwelling and customary accessory buildings), structure or parking lot on a parcel of unplatted land or on a lot of record that has been divided into separate parcels, if proof is submitted that said unplatted parcel was described by deed prior to September 25, 1946, or that said division of lot was approved under zoning regulations in effect prior to June 27, 1983. Said permit will be for ordinary repairs, remodeling or renovation, for repairs or replacement of nonbearing walls (or of bearing walls where necessary for structural safety), fixtures, wiring or plumbing to an extent not exceeding those applicable provisions of the Miami 21 Code, as amended, or the South Florida Building Code, whichever is more restrictive. * * * City of Mial77i Page 38 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (h) Where a "covenant in -lieu of unity of title" is accepted for a project pursuant to section 910.7 of zoning Ordinance No. 11000 Article 7 of the Miami 21 Zoning Code, as amended, the zoning ordinance of the city and the combined property included in the "covenant in lieu of unity of title" is legally platted or meets an exception to platting provided in City Code Section 55-10, replatting of existing and future internal divisions of the property will not be required for said project provided that the combined property is in compliance with the covenant in lieu of unity of title. Sec. 55-11. Design standards. (c) Easements. (2) Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway or canal, there shall be provided a canal maintenance easement or right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and of such width as shall be required by the county City public works department- and/or Miami -Dade public works/waste management department. (d) Lots. (2) Lot dimensions, after dedication of necessary rights -of -way, shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance No. 11000 Miami 21, the comprehensive zoning ordinancc code, as amended, for regular or irregular conforming lots. The provisions of subsection 7.2.7 of Miami 21 2102.2, Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, shall not apply to plats which subdivide unplatted land, or a combination of platted lots and unplatted land. (9) No plat shall be so designed as to create a remainder of a previously platted lot, or an unplatted tract of land, which is a substandard building site in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 11000 Miami 21. * Sec. 55-12. Required improvements. Prior to the granting of the final approval by the city commission, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have furnished adequate bond of 115 percent of the cost of improvements, as set forth in writing to the subdivider by the supervisor of plats, for the ultimate installation of the following: * (2) Streets. * d. Fill. Fill shall be placed in the entire subdivision to the elevations, after settlement, indicated on the flood criteria maps prepared by the county department of public works Miami -Dade County. The type of fill shall meet with the approval of the department of public works. Soil tests of the fill and the underlying material, in areas in which streets or other public facilities are to be located, shall be required. The fill for the balance of the subdivision may be certified by a registered engineer as to type and method of placement, or the engineer shall submit a statement as to type of fill to be supplied, and method of placement, the latter statement being for information, not certification, purposes. City of Mial77i Page 39 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 e. Street signs. Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the county and shall be placed in accordance with the standards of the county and the county manual of public works construction. The type of street signs and their location shall meet with the approval and inspection of the county's director of public works/waste management department. (3) Water supply system. a. Domestic water supply. The subdivider shall contact and make the necessary arrangements with Miami Dade Water and Sewer Authority Department for construction, extension and/or upgrading of the domestic water supply system necessary to serve the area being platted. The final plat shall not be forwarded to the city commission for approval until notification has been received in writing by the department of public works from Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority Department that satisfactory arrangements have been made. b. Individual wells. Individual wells for domestic water supply shall not be permitted. Deep wells for the disposal of on -site drainage of stormwater shall be constructed in accordance with requirements of the Miami -Dade county department of environmental regulatory and economic resources management and shall be approved by them. On -site stormwater must be accommodated on site. Drainage from on -site sources into the public right-of-way shall not be permitted. * (4) Sewage disposal system. a. Connection to existing sewer. On streets with existing sanitary sewers, each new lot in a subdivision shall be provided with a sanitary lateral connection. When necessary, the existing sanitary sewer shall be extended, and new lots shall be provided with a sanitary lateral connection. All construction shall comply with standards and specifications of the department of public works and Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department and shall be subject to the inspection by the department and subject to issuance of the necessary permits prior to construction. b. Septic tanks. Where there is no sanitary sewer available, septic tanks may be permitted upon approval by the Miami -Dade county department of cnvironmcntal regulatory and economic resources management in accordance with the provisions of chapter 24 of the Metropolitan Miami -Dade County Code. Septic tanks shall be installed in compliance with all of the requirements, specifications and standards of the county and state governing their use. * * * Sec. 55-14. Encroachments on or in rights -of -way, public easements, private easements or emergency access easements; exceptions. (a) No building or any other type of structure shall be permitted on or in any right-of-way, public easement or emergency access easement, except required or approved utility installations, or as may be permitted under the Florida Building Code or chapter 54 of the City Code. * (c) Calculation of user fee. The user fee shall be calculated as follows: City of Mial77i Page 40 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (1) Property owner must obtain a certified appraisal for the land value of the two gj properties from a certified general appraiser approved by the city. The land value per square foot of building shall be determined by dividing the total market value of the land comprising the entire project site by the maximum amount of building square footage that can be constructed by right as permitted by the applicable city zoning ordinance(s) code. Sec. 55-15. Vacation and closure of rights -of -way and platted easements by plat. (e) Alternate method for vacation and closure of platted easements. The vacation and closure of platted private easements;i platted public easements and platted emergency access easements, shall be accomplished by replatting the property as set forth in this section. Public hearings by the planning, zoning and appeals board and city commission are required, except in cases where waived by the city manager or his designee. Before the requirement for such public hearings may be waived, the applicant shall have obtained (i) written consent to vacate and close the platted private easement(s), platted public easement(s) or platted emergency access easement(s) from the holder(s) of the easement(s), (ii) written releases from all benefited specified individuals or public or private entities, or a certification that no such benefited individuals or public or private entities exist within the easement(s)Ti and (iii) recommendations of approval from the departments of police, public works, fire -rescue, general services administration solid waste an,_planning, building and office of zoning. The written consent that must be obtained from the holder(s) of the easement(s) must specify that the holder(s) of the easement(s) consent(s) to the vacation and closure of the easement(s) and must specify whether the holder(s) of the easement(s) has (have) granted any type of interest in the easement(s) to a third party, and shall specify the third party's identity. In the event that a third party does have an interest in the easement(s), the applicant must also obtain the third party's written approval to vacate and close the easement(s). In addition, the applicant must submit an ownership and encumbrance search report prepared by a title company of the area encompassed by the easement(s) that is (are) to be vacated and closed. (f) Planning, zoning and appeals board's public hearing for vacation and closure of rights -of - way and platted easements. After issuance of the findings of fact and recommendations by the plat and street committee, the subdivider shall make application to the department of hearing boards section for a public hearing by the city planning, zoning and appeals board for the vacation and closure. The procedure for public notice and public hearing shall be as set forth in sections 62 128 62-19 et seq., including the payment of the necessary fees as required by the Code. (g) City commission's public hearing for vacation and closure of rights -of -way or easements. After public hearing before the planning, zoning and appeals board and a recommendation by the board for or against the vacation and closure, a public hearing shall be held before the commission of the city. The procedure for public notice and public hearing shall be as set forth in sections 62 128 62-19 et seq., including the payment of any necessary fees as required by the Code. (i) Public alleys; alternative method for closure and vacation of public alleys abutting parcels of land zoned T3-R or T3-L (single-family residential) or T3-O (two-family City of Mial77i Page 41 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 residential) and unimproved public alleys in T3 transect zones which abut any more intense transect zones. (1) Applicability. For public alleys which lie exclusively, abutting only abut parcels of land zoned T3-R or T3-L (single-family residential) or T3-O (two-family residential). Any public alley which has a parcel of land abutting any side which is zoned with greater intensity than T3 must follow the procedure established in subsection (a) herein. However, unimproved alleys (alleys which have never been improved and remain in their natural state) in any T3 transect zone abutting any more intense transect zone may be vacated by the alternate method stated in this section. An alley lying between two (2) streets shall not be vacated unless the entire portion of the alley between such streets is vacated Band closed. (3) Procedures a. Pre- Application meeting. Any property owner making application to vacate e; and close a publicly dedicated alley must meet with the supervisor of plats, or designee, and the director of planning and zoning, or designee, prior to applying for the vacation Band closure. The purpose of the pre -application meeting is to acquaint the applicant with the procedures for vacating Band closing an alley and to acquaint the supervisor of plats or designee with the proposed vacation. b. Application procedures. After the pre -application meeting, the applicant shall submit to the supervisor of plats, or designee, a completed publicly dedicated alley application package. The application package shall consist of the following: 1. Completed application form; 2. Non-refundable application fee pursuant to Section 2-269 3. Legal description of all parcels of land abutting alley proposed to be vacated e-F and closed; 4. List of all owners, including addresses, that abut the alley to be vacated 6; and closed pursuant to the most current Miami -Dade County Tax Roll and dated no later than ten (10) days prior to submission of the application; 5. Proof of ownership by the applicant of the property which abuts the alley to be vacated e•F and closed; and 6. Statement from applicant as to whether the general public currently uses the alley, including public service vehicles such as trash and garbage trucks, police, fire or other emergency vehicles during the past 12 months. c. Review Process. 1. Publication requirement. Notice of the plat and street committee meeting shall be published with the clerk of the city prior to the plat and street committee meeting. Notice of the public hearing before the planning, zoning and appeals board shall be published; one (10) time, in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least ten City of Mial77i Page 42 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 days prior to the date of the planning, zoning and appeals board hearing. (c)2. Notice to other property owners by U.S. Mail and posting at each entrance/exit way of alley. Notice shall be sent via U.S. Mail, certified return receipt requested to all property owners that abut the proposed alley to be vacated of and closed. Additional notice may be required as specified on the instrument of dedication of the public alley. The city shall also post notice of the public hearing at each entrance/exit of the alley. (e)3. Plat and street committee review. The application shall be submitted to the plat and street committee 15 days prior to the next meeting. The plat and street committee shall make a recommendation to the planning, zoning and appeals board, in writing, of its findings of fact and whether the plat and street committee recommends to unconditionally approve, approve with conditions, or deny the requested vacation and closure. After issuance of the findings of fact and recommendations by the plat and street committee, the applicant shall make application for a public hearing with the planning, zoning and appeals board. 4. Planning, zoning and appeals board authority. The planning, zoning and appeals board or its successor is designated as the authority to render decisions pertaining to the closure of and vacation of alleys pursuant to the provisions of this section. 5_Planning, zoning and appeals board determination. Upon receipt of the plat and street committee's recommendation, the planning, zoning and appeals board shall determine whether the requested vacation of and closure may be granted because it is in the best interest of the public. Determination of the closure shall be based on whether the alley provides the public services. The planning, zoning and appeals board shall then by resolution approve, deny or approve with conditions, the requested vacation of and closure if such action is determined to be in the best interest of the public. The planning, zoning and appeals board shall deny the request if the evidence does not support the vacation of and closure would be in the best interest of the public and the primary reason for the closure is to provide a benefit for the applicant or adjacent property owners. The planning, zoning and appeals board may attach conditions to an approval including, but not limited to, access and utility easements reservation, landscaping, and public access easement. 6. Appeal to the city commission. Decisions of the planning, zoning and appeals board are to be deemed final unless, within 15 calendar days of the date of the board decision, a request for review by the city commission is made in the manner set forth in the zoning ordinance and City code. 7_Receipt of fees for approved alley closures and vacations. Upon receipt of notification of alley closure of and vacation approval, the applicant will submit such fees that are required for the publication of closure and vacation and recording fees pursuant to section 2-269. 8_Automatic reservation of easement and procedure for release thereof. The city shall automatically reserve an easement over, across and under said lands for the installation, maintenance and operation of any City of Mial77i Page 43 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 utility located or to be located in the alleys or portions thereof vacated of and closed pursuant to this section. If the applicant desires that no easement be reserved, then as part of the application package referred to in subsection 55-15(i)(d (3)b, the applicant is to submit release letters from all utility companies stating that said utility company will release any interest in an easement for the alley being vacated of and closed. 9_Zoning of vacated alley. The district use and area regulations governing the property abutting upon each side of such alley shall be automatically extended to the reversionary line of the alley included within the vacation of and closure, unless otherwise specified. 10. Recording of instrument in the public record. The proof of publication of notice of public hearing and the resolution as adopted, shall be recorded in the deed public records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 11. Authorization for city manager to correct any typographical and/or non - substantial errors. In the instance when a certified opinion of title is received and reviewed by the city attorney demonstrating that a typographical and/or non -substantial error has occurred in the legal description of an alley or abutting parcels of land that was closed pursuant to this section, the city manager is authorized to execute documents, in a form acceptable to the city attorney, to correct any defects in the instrument. (j) Private alleys; alternative method for closure and vacation of private alleys abutting parcels of land zoned T3-R or T3-L (single-family residential) or T3-O (two-family residential) or unimproved private alleys in T3 transect zones which abut any more intense transect zones. (1) Applicability. This section applies to the closure of and vacation of any private alley, which lies exclucivel ab tting only abut parcels of land zoned T3-R or T3- L (single-family residential) or T3-O (two-family residentiall. Any private alley which has a parcel of land abutting any side which is zoned with greater intensity than T3, must follow the procedure established in this section. However, unimproved alleys (alleys which have never been improved and remain in their natural state) in any T3 transect zone abutting any more intense transect zone may be vacated by the alternate method stated in this section, as well. An alley lying between two streets shall not be closed e-F and vacated unless the entire portion of the alley between such streets is closed of and vacated. (3) Procedures. a. Pre -application meeting. Any person proposing to vacate a privately dedicated alley must meet with the supervisor of plats, or designee, and the director of planning and zoning, or designee, prior to applying for the closure of and vacation. The purpose of the pre - application meeting is to acquaint the applicant with the procedures for closing of and vacating an alley and to acquaint the supervisor of plats, or designee, with the proposed vacation. b. Application procedures. After the pre -application meeting, the applicant shall submit to the supervisor of plats, or designee, a completed City of Mial77i Page 44 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 privately dedicated alley application package. The application package shall consist of the following information: 1. Complete application form; application must be executed by all property owners which abut the private alley; 2. Receipt of non-refundable application fee pursuant to Section 2- 269 3. Survey of private alley to be closedGF and vacated including all abutting parcels of land with zoning designations, certified by a professional surveyor and mapper. Also, the survey must include the legal description and acreage of alley proposed to be closed er and vacated; 4. Proof of ownership from all the property owners that about abut the private alley to be closed of and vacated; 5. Releases from all utility companies and statement from applicant as to whether the general public currently uses the alley, including public service vehicles such as trash and garbage trucks, police, fire or other emergency vehicles during the past twelve (12) months. c. Review Process. 1. Publication requirement. Notice of the plat and street committee meeting shall be published with the clerk of the city prior to the plat and street committee meeting. 2. Plat and street committee review. The application shall be submitted to the plat and street committee fifteen (15) days prior to the next meeting. The plat and street committee shall make a recommendation to the planning, zoning and appeals board, in writing, of its findings of fact and whether the plat and street committee recommends to the planning, zoning and appeals board that the city does or does not have any interest in the private alley. After issuance of the findings of fact and recommendations by the plat and street committee, the applicant shall make application to the department of hearings boards section, for a public hearing by the city planning, zoning and appeals board for the vacation e# and closure. 3. Planning, zoning and appeals board authority. The planning, zoning and appeals board or its successor is designated as the authority to render decisions pertaining to the closure eF and vacation of alleys pursuant to the provisions of this section. 4. Planning, zoning and appeals board determination. Upon receipt of the plat and street committee's recommendation, the planning, zoning and appeals board shall determine whether the city has any interest in the closure of the platted private alley and that whether it is in the interest of the public good to consent to the closure of and vacation of the private alley. The planning, zoning and appeals board shall by resolution consent, consent with conditions or object to the requested closureer and vacation. The condition of the approval of the closure eF and vacation may be in the form of a reservation of easement. 5. Appeals to the city commission. Decisions of the planning, zoning and appeals board are to be deemed final unless, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the board decision, a request for City of Mial77i Page 45 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 review by the city commission is made in the manner set forth in the zoning ordinancc code and City Code. 6. Final resolution. The final resolution shall be provided to the applicants for proper recordation in the public records of Miami - Dade County, Florida. 7. Zoning of vacated alley. The district use and area regulations governing the property abutting upon each side of such alley shall be automatically extended to the reversionary line of the area included within the closure of and vacation, unless otherwise specified. (k) Waiver of fees. The city manager may waive the vacation and alley closure fee required pursuant to subsection 62 156(6) 62-22(a)(11) in instances where the subdivider, by plat, is dedicating for public use, right of way that is equal to or greater in size than that which is being vacated. Sec. 55-16. Consideration of easements and alleys when alleged to be abandoned as a matter of law. (a) General application and requirements to deem an easement or alley as abandoned. An easement or alley may be deemed abandoned as a matter of law, following a recommendation by the Plat and Street Committee, if properly approved by the City Commission, and if the expiration of the easement is not properly addressed in the Easement Instruments. In determining if an easement or alley is abandoned, the following shall be considered: (1) The Departments of the City, or other governmental agencies who have permitting authority, have not issued any permits for utilities, communications, or similar uses within the easement or alley area in the last thirty (30) years. (2) The general public has not used the easement or alley for a public purpose for an associated or incidental purpose in the last thirty (30) years. The thirty (30) years shall be substantiated by documentation including, without limitation, affidavits based on personal knowledge, photographic evidence, tax cards and other evidence such as surveys attesting that there has been no use by the public. (3) There are no records or documents that require the easement or alley to be opened for access or use by the general public, or that require denial of any private use within the easement. (4) The City, or other governmental agencies who have permitting authority, have issued building permits allowing construction on or within the easement or alley. (5) All written evidence submitted by the property owner to the Public Works Department indicates that any public service or public purpose use of the easement or alley has been abandoned by the City or the general public, as applicable. City of Mial77i Page 46 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 (6) The City has, at all relevant times in the past thirty (30) years, collected Ad Valorem Taxes and similar assessments, levies or impositions on the lots inclusive of the portion of the lots where the easement or alley is located. (7) Written evidence demonstrating that the intention of the parties was to abandon the easement or alley. (8) Such other factors as are recognized by the laws of the State of Florida to deem an easement or alley abandoned under the general laws of this State. (9) This section is supplemental to any other remedies provided by the laws of the State of Florida such as judicial declaration that an easement or alley is abandoned or a quiet title action. (b) Additional documentation. The property owner may have additional documents to support his or her allegation that the easement or alley has been abandoned and recognized as vacated. These documents must be promptly submitted to the Public Works Department. The property owner will bear the burden to produce any additional documents at the request of the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department will only schedule hearings once the application is complete. The Public Works Department may establish required documents for such application and it shall only be processed when such documents are submitted. (c) Receipt of fees. Any application made under this Section must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of three hundred and seventy ($370.00) dollars. The property owner making this application shall additionally pay any recording and copying fees as established by the State, County, or City. (d) City Commission's public hearing for deeming an easement or alley abandoned as a matter of law. Once the required criteria have been met, a public hearing shall be held before the City Commission. The procedure for public notice and public hearing shall be as is followed by the Department of Works for their public hearing agenda items. (e) Determination by the City Commission. If the City Commission determines that abandonment interferes with a public interest, the easements or alleys shall not be considered abandoned and the request shall be denied. If the City Commission approves the request by passage of a resolution, the property owner may record a certified copy of this resolution. *„ City of Mial77i Page 47 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015 Section 4. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of the Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {2} ..Footnote {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. {2} This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Mial77i Page 48 of 48 File Id:14-00344 (Version 2) Printed On5/11/2015