HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Tabulation SheetTABULATION IFB 391322 - DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, AND SERVICES THE DRS GROUP OF FLORIDA, INC. * (NON -LOCAL) MCCi, LLC (NON -LOCAL) INFORMATION CONSULTANTS, INC. (LOCAL) t BID LINE ITEM PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT ITEM # 1- Percentage Discount, off Manufacturer Published Price List or Catalog, for the purchase of Laserfiche Products and Services ti% ® N Product: 6.75% on Laserfiche Product LSAP: 10% on Laserfiche Softweare Assurance Plan. Discount requires active SLA with MCCi. Laserfiche .Rio: ._5%.................................... (in;add`€iion to the quantity discounted rates offered in catalog) N Lasert ch vante: 5 0 ((�� Laserfiche United: Non indicated Laserfiche Products and Services offered shall include: United, Avante, RIO, and Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) Basic and Premium. ITEM # 2 - Percentage Discount, off Manufacturer Published Price List or Catalog, for the purchase of Fujitsu Scanner Products and Services - 20%. R E NO BID _ L<< (Pub :shed Prices ndit e best prices offered) RR E Fujitsu Scanner Products and Services offered shall include: Scanners, Maintenance, Service, Accessories, and Software ITEM # 3 - Percentage Discount, off Manufacturer Published Price List or Catalog, for the purchase of Contex Scanner Products and Services S P 9. .% N S NO BID S P NO BID N $ Contex Scanner Products and Services offered shall include: Scanners, Maintenance, Service, Accessories, and Software. ITEM # 4 - Percentage Discount, off Manufacturer Published Price List or Catalog, for the purchase of Kofax Software Products and Services I v 2 % NO BID 1 V N 3 D Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 4/23/2014 1 OF 2 TABULATION IFB 391322 - DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, AND SERVICES THE DRS GROUP OF FLORIDA, INC. * (NON -LOCAL) MCCi, LLC (NON -LOCAL) INFORMATION CONSULTANTS, INC. (LOCAL) t * Deemed non -responsive per Section 1.28 of the IFB. Failed to meet the requirements of formal solicitation under Section 2.7 (3) and t Deemed non -responsive per Section 1.28 of Section 2.9. At time of bid, Bidder had only the IFB. Bidder Failed to follow the requirements completed one (1) municipality -wide installation of the formal solicitation under Section 2.9 - in the State of Florida. The IFB required that a Discount Percentage and Published Price List . Bidder have completed at least two (2). Bidder Bidder failed to indicate the percentage discount also failed to include manufacturer price lists for the Laserfiche United product and further that clearly showed the date of issuance and to include the manufacturer published effective date. Furthermore, Bidder failed to price list for Laserfiche United products. Bidder include documentation confirming that it is also failed to indicate a percentage discount off either a manufacturer or manufacturer suggested published price list or manufacturer/distributor authorized catalog for the purchase of Fujitsu Scanner reseller/dealer/service provider of the product brands shown in Line 2, 3, and 4 of the IFB. Products and Services. Approved by: Department Director/Designee Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 4/23/2014 20F2 TABULATION - CONTINUED IFB 391322 - DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, AND SERVIcEs BALANCE OF LINE (PER SECTION 2.10 OF THE IFB) MCCi* (NON -LOCAL) SERVICE PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT Setup Services (per hour) 10% Training Services (per hour) 10% Development (Integration) Services (per hour) 10% Customized Laserfiche services, such as are currently employed for automated bulk importantion and automated GS1-SL Retention Scheduling (per hour) 10% MCCi integration between Laserfiche and Legistar (Granicu's Legislative Management Suite Only available through MCCi as LF VAR MCCi integration between Legistar and Municode Only available through MCCi as LF VAR Access to "Training Center for Laserfiche" - Created and Maintained by MCCi Upon Reinstantement: No charge for 1st year of subscription 1st Year of Managed Services (Up to 10 Hours) Upon Reinstantement: No charge for 1st year of LSAP renewal Discount on Scanning Services (Assuming Miami becomes an MCCi Laserfiche Client) Special Government Pricing - Please see attached *Clarification provided by MCCI for the Balance of Line Products and Services: • All MCCi Services are eligible for the 10% discount off MSRP • All MCCi Products (with the exception of the Laserfiche/Legistar and Municode/Legistar integrations) are eligible for the 6.75% discount off MSRP. This was the same percentage offered on Laserfiche software. Support for MCCi products is offered at the same 10% discount as is Laserfiche support, as long as the City has an active MCCi SLA. • All Third Party Products and Support are available for purchase at the prices noted in MCCi's original response. • The Granicus Suite Subscriptions have the 3% discount as noted in MCCi's original submission. Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 4/23/2014 1 OF 2 TABULATION -CONTINUED IFB 391322 - DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, AND SERVICES BALANCE OF LINE (PER SECTION 2.10OF THE IFB) INFORMATION CONSULTANTS, 114C.(LOCAL) SERVICE PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT Setup Services (per hour) 14% Training Services (per hour) 14% Development (integration) Services (per hour) IN (per hour) 14% PUBLISHED LABOR RATES Base Rate - $145 Deemed non -responsive per Section z.zoofthe |re.Bidder Failed tnfollow the requirements nfthe formal solicitation under Section o.g-Discount Percentage and Published Price List. Bidder failed toindicate the percentage discount for the LasemOcheUnited product and further failed to include the manufacturer published price list for Laserfiche United products. Bidder also failed to indicate opercentage discount off manufacturer suggested published price list or catalog for the purchase of Fujitsu Scanner Products and Services. THE DRS GROUP OF FLORIDA, INC. (NON- — | SERVICE PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT Setup Services (per hour) $180,00 PER HOUR Training Services (per hour) $180.00 PER HOUR Development (Integration) Services (per hour) $180.00 PER FIOUR Customized Laserfiche services, such a, ly errM 9't"'Pf)fqSIVE $180. Equipment Maintenance (per hour) $150.00 PER HOUR Deemed non -responsive per Section z.aOofthe (FB.Failed tomeet the requirements offormal solicitation under Section 2.vNVand Section 2.9. At time of bid, Bidder had only completed one (1) municipality -wide installation inthe State ofFlorida. The |parequired that aBidder have completed agleast two (2). Bidder also failed to include manufacturer price lists that clearly showed the date of issuance and effective date. Furthermore, Bidder failed to include documentation confirming that itiseither amanufacturer or manufacturer/distributor authorized reseller/dealer/service provider of the product brands shown in Line 2, 3, and 4 of the IFB. Approved by: �� - Department Director/Designee Created by: Yuxbe|Gonzalez, CpPa4/23/ZO10 2OF2