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Application & Supporting Documents
Akerman Via Hand Delivery Anel Rodriguez Hearing Boards Section 3`° Floor 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 RECEIVED PLANNING DEPARTHEN rsteven J, Wernick 114 JAN 21 PM 1 16 "V Akerman LLP One Southeast Third Avenue Suite 2500 Miami, FL 33131-1714 TeL 305.374.5600 Fax: 305.374,5095 January 21, 2014 Dir. 305.982.5579 Dir Fax: 305.349,4803 s teve n.wer ni c k@ akerm an. co m Re: 230, 234, and 250 NW 24tr' Street Applications for Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning Letter of Intent / Supporting Analysis under Article of Miami 21 Mr. Rodriguez: Our firm represents Wynwood 250, LLC ("Applicant"), owner of that certain property located at 230 NW 24th Street, 234 NW 24th Street, and 250 NW 24t" Street in Miami, Florida (collectively, the "Property"). The Property is collectively approximately 21,775 square feet (.50 acres) of current vacant unimproved land with 230 feet of frontage on the south side of NW 24t" Street, in the heart of Wynwood. The Applicant hereby submits applications for (1) a proposed amendment to the future land use map of the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") from "Medium Density Restricted Commercial" and "Light Industrial" to "General Commercial", and (2) a rezoning from D1 to T6-8-0 (the "Applications"). These Applications are submitted as companion items under Chapter 62 of the City of Miami to be noticed to the public and scheduled for public hearing concurrently. The Applicant is interested in developing the Property as a mixed -use phased project to include ground floor retail, with Live -Work and multifamily residential units above the ground floor. The main driver behind this application is to provide for more flexibility to achieve a mixed -use project with residential uses. Under current designations on the City's Future Land Use Map and the current D1 transact zone, the Applicant is limited to "Work -Live" uses at 36 units/acre. The current zoning prohibits Live -work and apartment units, which are important to providing a true residential presence in this growing area of Wynwood. akerman.cam M832722 21 Mr. Anel Rodriguez Page 2 of 6 I. Background Wynwood is undergoing a tremendously exciting transformation from a former textile and warehouse district to a mixed -use district, incorporating the arts, cultural programing, tech start- ups and other unique users, where individuals of all backgrounds and demographics can work, live, and play within its boundaries. While Wynwood has experienced a significant amount of adaptive reuse and renovation of warehouses into food and beverage establishments, galleries and small shops, there has been little new construction and virtually no residential development since the adoption of Miami 21. The Applicant is developing a two-phase project on the Property, on a stretch of NW 24th Street behind Panther Coffee - Wynwood is epicenter for social interactions and pedestrian activity, Phase 1 of the project is already in design and permitting, and would call for a 6-story mid -rise building, including retail on the ground floor, with 5 stories of Live -work or multifamily apartments. Phase 2 of the project would likely consist of an 8 story building with retail on the ground floor and 7 stories of multifamily apartments and supportive parking. The buildings are likely to be built as condominiums with the residential units to be sold to individual owners, while the ground floor retail may be retained by the developer. The Applicant's project is directly across the street from the proposed "Wynwood Central" - a planned mixed use building, with 69 rental work -live units, approximately 40,000 square feet of retail space, 60,000 square feet of commercial office space, and a 420-space parking garage. Between Wynwood Central and the Applicant's project, NW 24Th street is poised to become a vibrant truly mixed -use street in Wynwood, where people can work, live, and play. The Applicant is passionate about the future of Wynwood. The Applicant's managing director, David Polinsky, Ph.D., is not only a local developer but also a Board Director and Treasurer of the Wynwood Business Improvement District ("BID") and the BID's Committee Chair for Planning & Transportation. The Applicant has a deep commitment to small-scale infill developments which place a high emphasis on design, arts & architecture. The Applicant went through an extensive vetting process for the design architecture of the project and ultimately selected Leith Sayigh from New York City. Leith Sayigh is an up-and-coming architect who spent the first parts of his career in the offices of Sir Norman Foster of London, Skidmore Owings & Merrill in San Francisco and Diller Scofidio + Renfro of New York, where he worked on the $200 million renovation of Lincoln Plaza in Manhattan. in the area of arts programming, Wynwood 250, LLC has shown a commitment to Wynwood-appropriate arts integration by hiring Wynwood gallerist Anthony Spinello of Spinello Projects to curate the mural arts to be integrated into the Phase 1 structure. Spinello Projects was the only Miami gallery invited to exhibit at the official Art Basel event in 2012 and was invited for a second year in a row in 2013. :27832722 2 Mr. Anel Rodriguez Page 3 of 6 II. Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Section 62-8(c) of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances provides that amendments to the future land use map shall be reviewed to ensure that "the land use, densities and intensities proposed are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, and densities and intensities in the comprehensive plan, provided further that the comprehensive plan shah be construed broadly to accomplish its stated purposes and objectives." This proposed amendment is compatible with the objectives, policies, land uses and densities and intensities in the Ctty's MCNP. The primary goal set forth in the Future Land Use Element, Goal LU-1 is to protect and enhance the quality of life and foster economic development, Specifically, Policy LU-1.1.11 calls for a priority to be placed on urban infill. "flhe concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures." As the Property sits in the middle of a burgeoning activity center within Wynwood, and is comprised entirely of vacant land, the proposed amendment is consistent with this policy. Furthermore, the Property is located within the State of Florida's Enterprise Zone (Central) and the Federal Empowerment Zone (Miami -Dade County), both of which identify the Property as being within a distressed area targeted for economic development. This proposed amendment also furthers Goal LU-3, which encourages urban redevelopment in identified Urban Infill Areas, Objective LU-3-1, which calls for the City to promptly review and act on petitions for land use plan amendments and rezoning of property in Urban Infill Areas to facilitate redevelopment, and Policy LU-3.1 .1, which call on the City to continue review of existing zoning regulations to determine if they provide adequate flexibility to promote redevelopment. In recognition of the variety of land uses that are currently present and being introduced in the neighborhood and the demand for a pedestrian -friendly mixed -use district that can be a thriving and exciting place to live, eat, shop and work, the Applicant is proposing that the Future Land Use Map under the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan be amended to designate the Property as General Commercial. 111. Application for Rezoning The Applicant has spent considerable time and effort analyzing the current regulations under Miami 21, as applicable to the Property. The current zoning, D1, limits residential uses to "Work -Live" and only allows up to 36 units per acre. Based on its location near the social epicenter of Wynwood and the growing demand for diverse housing opportunities in Wynwood, the Applicant believes strongly that the best and highest use for the Property is for Live -Work units with ground floor retail. The Applicant Is committed to a 2-phase project that will incorporate different types of residential units, In recognition of the market conditions, the Applicant submits this application to rezone the Property from Di to T6-8-O, which will allow for greater density and the ability to provide a true mixed -use building with residential uses that maintains consistency with the size and scale of the surrounding neighborhood, The Applicant hereby includes a voluntary i 2 7832722;21 3 Mr Anel Rodriguez Page 4 of 6 proffer of a covenant restricting the height of the buildings constructed on the Property to a maximum of eight (8) stories (the "Proffered Covenant"). Analysis under Article c2(g) of Miami 21 Contained below is a narrative analysis of the justification for the proposed rezoning of the Property to T6-8-0. In support of this application, the Applicant has also included a package labeled "Rezoning and Future Land Use Map Amendment — Graphic Analysis" to demonstrate visually the consistency of these Applications with the current scale and massing of the neighborhood. 1, Existing Gond'tlons Included within the Graphic Analysis for your review and consideration are photographs of building elevations of all existing properties within 300 feet of the Property. We have also included an aerial photograph and exhibits showing the future land use designations and transect zone designations for these surrounding properties. The current conditions in the surrounding area show several vacant properties and a number of existing one and two story warehouses and other older commercial and industrial buildings. Some of these buildings have been renovated for adaptive reuse, but many remain in deteriorated condition. Clearly, many of these property owners have been waiting for the right time and market conditions to redevelop their properties. The Graphic Analysis also shows the most recent new construction in the area, including Wynwood Lofts, directly to the south of the Property, which rises to approximately 65 feet in height, To the west of the Property and on all east -west streets between NW 2r1d Avenue and NW 5'11 Avenue, these properties are zoned D1, The properties directly to the east abutting NW 2 Avenue are zoned T5-O. Ii. Comparative Analysis In analyzing the current vs. proposed transect zone regulations, it is evident that the proposed rezoning is both practical and appropriate to the scale of building size and massing currently permitted under the current ❑1 transect zone throughout the surrounding neighborhood. As demonstrated in the conceptual and volumetric studies, the proposed building envelope under the current zoning and the proposed rezoning does not change. Under D1, the Property can be built to 8 stories (with a bonus of up to 10 stories) with 80% maximum lot coverage and 10 feet front setbacks, 0 feet side and rear setbacks, Under the proposed rezoning to T6-8-O with the Proffered Covenant, the Property can be built to the same 8 stories, with 80% maximum lot coverage and 10 feet front setbacks, 0 feet side and rear setbacks. The only significant changes are the permitted uses and the maximum density permitted. Whereas under D1, the Property could be used for various industrial and commercial uses and "Work -Live" units, under T6-8-O, the Property can now be developed to include commercial uses and Live -Work and Multifamily residential uses. Under D1, Miami 21 requires that Work -Live Units 127832722:21 4 Mr_ Anei Rodriguez Page 5of6 consist of at least 51% work space and that occupants of Work -Live units maintain a certificate of use. In discussions with the Planning Department, the Applicant has determined that a rezoning from D1 to T6-8-O is imperative in order to provide for more flexibility in residential uses and to allow for certainty for purchasers of condominium units that they have the legal right to occupy their units for residential purposes. Linder D1, the Property could be developed to include a maximum of only 18 dwelling units. From a developer's perspective, the only profitable means to develop under the ❑1 transect zone would be to construct over -sized, luxury residences with average unit sizes greater than 1,500 square feet. But given the location of this Property, near to NW 2rrd Avenue and Panther Coffee, there is a much greater demand for smaller, more affordable market -rate units for young professionals, working artists, and empty nesters who want to live in Wynwood but who may or may not work out of their homes. Allowing a larger number of smaller more affordable units would have a greater and more beneficial economic impact on the development of the neighborhood. Under T6-8-0, in theory the Applicant could develop up to 75 dwelling units. Practically, however. because of the size and location of the Property, parking and loading requirements, ground -floor retail, and the Proffered Covenant limiting the overall height to 8 stories, the Applicant estimates that the total number of units to be included wit likely only be between 42 and 51 units. /11. Consistency with the MCNP The proposed rezoning is consistent with the City's MCNP and the intentions of Miami 21. First, this transect zone is consistent with the General Commercial future land use designation, which would provide for a mix of uses, including hotel, residential and retail, and provides underlying densities and intensities that are consistent with the T6-8-0 transect zone. Second, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the successional zoning theory of Miami 21. The rezoning of the Property from D1 and T5-O to T6-8 meets the requirements of Section 7.1,2.8.c, which denote the transect zones which are available as successional zones. Further, the properties to the east of the Property are currently zoned T5-0, and the properties to the north, south, and west are zoned Di, all within one transect zone category of T6-8-0, A rezoning of the Property from D1 to T6-8-0 coupled with the Proffered Covenant ensures the consistency of the scale and massing of future development along NW 241h Street and provides for an even transition from ©1 to the west and T5-0 to the east. Lastly, this rezoning furthers the purpose of the Miami 21 code, Section 2,1.1, 'to promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, comfort, amenities, prosperity, and general welfare of the City and to provide a wholesome, serviceable, and attractive community, including without limitation, ... reduction of sprawl; and improvement of the built environment and human habitat.' It is important to note that the intention of the proposed rezoning is not to depart from the industrial chic character of Wynwood. As demonstrated in the Rezoning and Future Land Use Map Amendment — Graphic Analysis, the intention is to develop a project that (a) provides for real opportunities for residential uses to be incorporated into the future development of the Property, and (b) reflects the "working" character of the neighborhood. 27832722;2 Mr Adel Rodriguez Page 6 of 6 IV. Conclusion In an effort to provide for effective development of the Property and to continue forward with the growth and revitalization of Wynwood, the Applicant respectfully requests the consideration of this amendment to the future land use map of the City's MCNP to 'General Commercial" and a rezoning to "T6-8-0". Enclosed herein are complete Applications, along with all required forms, materials and applications fees. Please contact my office with any questions, requests for additional information, and for notification of scheduling of hearings in connection with the Applications. You can reach me via telephone at 305-982-5579 and email at steven.wernick©akerman.com. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Steven J. Wernick Enclosures CC: Francisco Garcia, Planning Director Cesar Garcia -Pons, Deputy Planning Director Irene Hegedus, Zoning Administrator David Polinsky, PhD, Wynwood 250, LLC 127832722,21 6 This instrument prepared by and when recorded returned to: Steven J. Wernick, Esq. Akerman LEP One SE Third Avenue, 25th Floor Miami, FL 33131 (Space Above For Recorder's Use Only) DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS (this "Declaration") is made this day or , 2014, by Wynwood 250, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter, the "Owner"), in favor of the City of Miami, Florida. a municipality located within the State of Florida (the "City") (collectively, the "Parties"). WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the Owner holds fee simple title to that certain property located at 230 NW 24 Street, Miami, Florida ("Parcel I "). 234 NW 24 Street, Miami, Florida ("Parcel 2"). and 250 NW 24i1" Street, Miami, Florida ("Parcel 3") (collectively the "Property"). and more specifically described in Exhibit "A": and WHEREAS, the Owner has filed an application to amend the Atlas of the City of Miami Zoning Code ("Miami 21 Code") to change the zoning classification of the Property from DI to T6-8-O; and WHEREAS, the Miami 21 Code permits within the T6-8-0 transect zone structures no greater than eight (8) Stories in Height, except through the use of bonuses available upon satisfaction of criteria set for the in the Public Benefits Program contained in Section 3,14 of the Miami 21 Code: and WHEREAS. the City of Miami City Commission has reviewed the application for amendment lo the Atlas of the Miami 21 Code and detcrmthe-applicationto he consistent with the criteria contained in Article; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Miami, approved the zoning amendment pursuant to Ordinance No. , adopted on , , 2013 and attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "S"; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to ensure that the future development of the Property is consistent with both the current and future conditions of the surrounding neighborhood. NOW THEREFORE, the Owner, in order to assure the City that the representations made to them will be abided by the Owner. their successors or assigns, freely. voluntarily and without duress makes the following covenants covering and running with the Property: 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 127782186,1 2. Covenant Against the Property. The Owner hereby declares that any flame building constructed on the Property' shall be no greater than eight (8) Stories in I leight, as defined in the Miami 21 Code, in the event the Miami 21 Code is amended to permit one (1) or more properties adjacent to the Property to exceed eight (8) stories in height by Right or through the use of the public benefits program or other provision of the Miami 21 Code, the purpose of this Declaration shall no longer exist and the City shall, at Owner's request, agree to a release of this Declaration, consistent with the procedures set forth in Section 6 herein. 3, Effective Date. This instrument shall constitute a covenant running with the title to the Property and be binding upon Owner, its successors and assigns upon recordation in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County. Florida. These restrictions shall be for the benefit of; and a limitation upon, all present and future owners of the Property and for the public welfare, 4. Term of Covenant. This Declaration on the part of the Owner shall remain in lull fierce and effect and shall be binding upon the Owner of the Property, its successors in interest and assigns for an initial period of thirty (30) years from the date this instrument is recorded in the public records and shall be automatically extended for successive periods often (10) years. unless modified. amended or released prior to the expiration thereof. 5. Inspection and Enforcement. It is understood and agreed that any official inspector of the City of Miami may have the right at any time during norrnal working hours to enter upon the Property for the purpose of investigating the use of the Property, and for determining whether the conditions of this Declaration and the requirements of the City's building and zoning regulations are being complied with. An action to enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration may be brought by the City and may be by action at law or in equity against any party or person violating or attempting to violate any covenants of this Declaration or provisions of the building and zoning regulations, either to restrain violations or to recover damages. This enforcement provision shall be in addition to any other remedies available under the law. 6. Amendment and Modification. This instrument may be modified, amended or released as to any portion of the Property by a written instrument executed by the owner(s) of the fee -simple title to the Property to be effected by such amendment, modification, or release and the City with the approval by the City Commission at a public hearing, which public hearing shall be applied for by, and be at the expense of the Owner. Any modification, amendment, or release of this Declaration will be subject to the approval as to legal form by the City Attorney. 7. Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment of'Court shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Declaration, which shall remain in full force and effect, 8, Recording. This Declaration shall be filed of record among the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, at the east of the Owner, The Owner shall submit a recorded copy to the toning Administrator at 444 SW 2'11 Avenue. 4th Floor. Miami, FI., 33130- l g0l Q within !furl\ t 30) try s of recordation. [ Signature Page )follows 1 (2778218611) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has set his hand and seal effective of the date first above written, WITNESSES: Print Name: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE WYNWOOD 250, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Name: Title: The Foregoing instrument was executed, acknowledged and delivered before me this day of 2014, by , as of Wynwood 250, 1,1.C. a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company, He1She is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Name: Notary Public. State of Florida My Commission Number: (Official Seal) My Commission Expires: (27782I86;1) Exhibit "A" Leval Description Parcel 1 Lot 43 of CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page I61, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Address: 230 NW 24 Street; Folio No. 01-3125-034-0450 Parcel 2 Lot 42 of CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 161, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Address: 234 NW 24 Street; Folio No. 01-3125-034-0440 Parcel 3 The. East 30 feet of Lot 39 and all of Lots 40 and 4I, Less the North 5.0 feet thereof, of CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 161, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Address: 250 NW 24 Street; Folio No. 01-3125-034-0420 t277 218&I Exhibit "B" Ordinance No. [See Attached] {27782186 1j REZONING APPLICATION RECEIVED PLANNING DEPARTMENr 14 JAN 21 PM l: 16 IF PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, HEARING BOARDS SECTION ptcit 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Si Floor + Miami, Florida 33130 + Telephone 305-416-2030 tt4�0u052-2.4.- www,miamigov.com/hearing boards Welcome to the City of Miami! This application is intended to serve as a guide in assisting you with our public hearing process, Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions. There is no deadline to submit this application as it is presented semi-annually to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission. The application submittal date is the date stamped by Hearing Boards' staff on this page. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. All pertinent and accurate information/documentations i e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. Should you wish, you could bring the materials to our office for review prior to submittal to ensure completeness. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8V2x11") or other materials submitted during this process will be kept as part of the record. Any documents offered to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission, which have not been provided fifteen (15) days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the discretion of the aforementioned Board and Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Ordinance No. 12918 states that each person or entity requesting approval, relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees regarding any issue, shall disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the public hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. The Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit included in this package must be submitted with the application, The applicant must, at the commencement of any public hearing on the issue, if there is any disclosure to report, read the disclosure into the record. Also, the applicant must supplement the affidavit if there is any new information or additional information to disclose. Copies of City Commission resolutions and ordinances can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Rc4. 07 20[ REZONING APPLICATION Please refer to Article of the Miami 21 Code for Rezoning information. 1, Applicant(s): Wynwood 250, LLG 23Q. 234 & 25D NW 24th Street. Multiple folios -see Exhibit A 2. Subject property address(es) and folio number(s): 3. Present zoning designation(s): ❑ 1 4. Proposed zoning designation(s): T6'$'O 5. Per Miami 21, Article, c.2 (g), an analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property, including aerial photo of the site as to why the present zoning designation is inappropriate and proposed zoning designation is appropriate. 6, One (1) original, two (2) 11 x17" copies and one (1) 814x11 copy of the survey of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application. 7. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year showing the present owner(s) and legal description of the property to match the legal description on the survey. 8. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address(es) and legal description(s) on a sheet, labeled as "Exhi bit A", to match with the current survey's legal description. 9. At least two photographs showing the entire property showing land and improvements. 10. Copy of the lobbyist registration processed by the Office of the City Clerk, if applicable. 11. Affidavit of Authority to Act and the Disclosure of Ownership of all owner —and contract purchasers, if applicable —of the subject property. separate 12, For all corporations and partnerships indicated: a) Articles of Incorporation; b) Certificate from Tallahassee showing good standing, less than one (1) year old; c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so; d) Non-profit organizations: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old. 13, Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property. 14, Original Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit. 15. Original Public School Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements form. 16. The subject property(ies) cannot have any open code enforcement/lien violations. 17. What is the acreage of the project/property site?21 775,SF .56 acres) Rcv, 07.22013 REZONING APPLICATION 18. What is the purpose of this application/nature of proposed use? Live -Work - See Letter of Intent 19. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department an the 31-1 Floor for information. to 20. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. No 21. What would be the anticipated duratio n of the presentation in front of the: Al Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board 20 minutes and/or • City Commission 20 minutes 22. Cost of processing according to Section 62-22 of the Miami City Code — Change of zoning classification to: a. CS, T3-R, T3-L, T3-0, T4-R, T4-L, T4-0, T5-R, T5-L, T5-0, T6-R, T6-L, CI: Per square foot of net lot area $ .50 Minimum (Assumes a 5,000 square -foot lot) $ 2,500.00 b. T6-8 0, T6-12 O, T6-24 O, D1, D2, D3, T6-36 O, T6-48 O, T6-60 0, T6-80, CI -HD: Per square foot of net lot area $ .70 Minimum $ 5,000.00 c. Advertising d. School Concurrency Processing (if applicable) e. Mail notice fee per notice f. Meeting package mailing fee per package $ 1,500.00 $ 150.00 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 *Fees over $25, 000.00, shad be paid i e form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order. Signature . Address Name Steven 3. WernIck Telephone 305.374 5600 STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowled ed before me this 20 , by ��- Vever\ 1 [ I C who is an) individual/partner/agent/corporation of PtX�E'X YYJJ.Y' L'_-P a(n) E-mail Akerman LLP - Ono SE Third Avenue. 25th Floor Malik, FL 33131 steven.werniek@akerman.com day of anUr`.,I individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is_personaily known to me or ho has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) a°""h :' ; k3USLAINEY M. SAW _.: xp :+t MY CG'Mfrlf551C]N;i EE 155210 -- EXPOES: De omber21, 2015 Bonded Thrti Nola,/ Public Urdervniters nature Rcv, 07-2013 REZONING APPLICATION AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared S:even J werr,ic% who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, B including or 0 not including responses to day to day staff inquires. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. LIG` >7tw.: 12 5 t).. LL %e k►fen I—L Applicants) Name STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me_thiss 20 l4 "i‘ , by l >° e' \ \JN `Y__-.1'f- \ \C i , who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of , Y—NYC CIV-\ 1 (�1_ P a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) ake an o h - Applicant(s) Signature (Stamp) ELESAINEY M. SAINZ MY GOMMISSSiQN k EE 155210 EXPIRES: December 21, 2615 £onueTt Ftiru Worary Pub4ic UnrlerwriFer, Lay ofC-i'Yllr ignature Rev. 0?. 2013 REZONING APPLICATION DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition- Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(es) Wynwood 250, LLC - David I. Pollnsky; Bradley R. Carlson Percentage of Ownership David I. Polinsky: 50%; Bradley R. Carlson: 50% Subject Property Address(es) 230, 234 & 250 NW 241h SE. 2. List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 5°0 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): None civra 7/ err Owner(s) or Attorney Name STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Legal Description(s): Owner(s) or Attorney Signature The,foregoing was� acKnowledged before me thi I1 day of ] Y_\OL(\ 20 L-'}( , by G-\--7\, v-\ 11 iP Y l -j who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of -q-e (r l'. _ a(n) individual/partnershipfco rporation. He/She is personal! known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) to e an oath. (,! (Stamp) BLISI<AINEY M. SAINZ MY COMMISSION it EE 155210 EXPIHES: Oecem r2), 2015 9onded lhtu Notary Public Underwr tars nauFer Ro+, 07-2013 Exhibit A — Legal Description 230 NW 24 Street Folio: 01-3125-034-0450 Legal Description Lot 43. of CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereoff, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at page 161, of the public records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Land area: 4,875 SF 234 NW 24th Street Folio: 01-3125-034-0440 Legal Description Lot 42, CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof. as recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 161 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Land area: 4,875 SF 250 NW 241h Street Folio: 01-3125-034-0420 Legal Description The East 30 feet of Lot 39 and all of Lots 40 and 41, LESS the North 5,0 feet thereof. CORRECTED MAP OF SPAULDING SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 161, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Land area: 12,025 SF 1277fi3443;1 .-915 415931. ANL Alt. Ora 13,1-w _ _ _ N.W. 28th STREET GRAPHIC SCALE IRE' , I F us I 1. CkW5iCi1D lba .5..N.AULONE sullIwNwN OW. 1.., IAN. = . , ,3'. • LW, • Z 110 itl" a _1 ww.a riarlA.,w1,1,9g I Mk 6- . ........ • ...P E. v. „,1 ,,,0.0. ITEM. 10771,1I-10Ar Li. • I 1 „.. fi.w:.:24tt, s..rini t 4 •E:-. NW 24th StrE,r,.. ''- '-',.--4:--_17117177007177 Iriwir$73.. No DO' - • - - - • ,r• 6,07,-.).' • reokESTI10.V711 7:-E.:Er .-•••• E.% 7 ...1.... .7 w•-•.'`...,"." <E. 1 ... -rE, _......,,. . .j15..-- r.,,,,, ,,,nr,,r,,._ _:.,;„ ,, ,.,t.._.. A .. .• 1 IA 7 • .••••• -OM 'd +sr La.,. • `... , - cia. 6-6.1.- LT ....• .... . 1 W.Ino-{, . ., 'V ...'-: I. •I• 9. WM M g i I a . ,,L...,1..-__, •. ._ 1 . E pg • E ' C.'''12.' '0.-': . OM art. ,-..:;--7., - - 46.:••2- liri.701xl., •..7,.:,..„ • 1 '-'[: 1.4•., ,,,,,,1•1:•,,14,42 . _4,...444.57 "-;.-to r 9, N' ;CO.-, ab"...-w, ' `. ' ,N, ••••... -.` . L.,...,, 0. , dim' . ----r.f. \ li 7.9 PC ..-.--- ,fr - V nE -, • •• . :. , c. • . '-'11 1 • TR AC T "A" E.g. 1.04 r3-1- a:t ..--.....- r ,-,- , .. ,_•.. .• ,, -...•---------- I;r0- ..---.;...,.....--- ...11* Eirm rra're..i% . • L • . • • • . 'T - ,c'. Mwr7 ), 6.74.[Wi - :- I", L•omal E.M.. a mu Dm KUM/ & 1147;.7171.1 1004714, ,,,, pi.., El 1.760C E moo' _ I.__ 1 . r.la te 5w3 , - . ,f EP.- www, 1 .1 • . . ,..,‘.,,,.3 ....E, ,3 03....nww: Arte•rt3a, 1.3 9. =L • , 10 MX. LOT Ei •scroienin - 11 L. 1 • • . I • _L N W 23,1 STREET- . 1.310CH,11_1.0SCAILF._ LfICAlt0._ 7.WA We, 30...1 • Or..1.. 7.1M • Vor 1.1* . 711 •& twEr ra 40717 swr 91.117171ABO.991 F97 !*1!*R11t0.5111It 4 4.F4.m10.5 WwW, U5-1,-12-71t kw VI. IOW ILIn WWI/. ill, WM, rNwn• war wo wrr. re ganr. 955eN traw..... 41, Dar. - sna,a. • weea Wstwel Pram. Tel Wwy.W.VIL h*v. r-VT • •••• ... • .• Oft S.F Erumr. iwww 311,Eam /...••••° 7.1107 ww. owEE (rerwm76x1 owm or 77 3964* rwEm 770113 ITN 7.N. CP M. 1.1-.7. M-41a-ILII 111057111E ExE 6 MoNwEw. ,0780 140 47105 5-11-91 MEM WO 771004 MMEEL-MIM tre Pit 6.1 60 ROWE no., WE M. MEM * NILO 11077, EE Ton zw*er ME177013170 7 AMP WE Xi *IL oiK Ell 107 71140 4F401W7RWINN, fin, IMEnno .7wwwr. 0' olirrotall0. UV rew *I 765 •17 0130777. K EaW rwwwwwm797 wU trwris t019777. 717.133ow or ErrammEre 11001 rwwwm tsrUrri• pywwww99 irWWWC, E mE 776 E. (110123 *Or mEate NOWOIW 000.7104 1000(171 97 rrE, MEER m 9*117 WM.' WAIT MOE .t.war .700 61.Ewm S.777O 7-37.7714101 71 lE SNIM kr* MONIER marwimo r IEEE NOW Orf 77 7637 MX 040-Mei +X iro• Wm Mn wow werkoci. maorE 9710. wkw 7.6fi row mc fl WM SEW • 5,,,Ws LAMM 21410 40 WOW .NPIK RIP IT 91.10, likF Mal 1040417 01111215*2 Ert INIMU1167. EOM 71617.7! 073 *MUM TO .7667 EEO21 wwwwwwwwww.;7771 rEPMEM -'-121*111 m 66673 /Doom M ammo Ix 6 ordemermr dr of mill. 6103; 0737.1(7 mew 14.11 • •r• to AI • NO LEMAN WV reM WOO WIlkn. lefrA SAW,. 7 War 070 7.0777061777 10043 WRarkWran WW,a 7VE* row, 676.310.711. 340 NXIIKArr 12.WEID us[ Nwa As oworwo Er nw 3111771 0.61RIE T17036., WM. 413E7 OGEOIX crow, YOE x 11(52 warmur. 7.46L, ME EUE 171 Kom...17LE•to wrE3EXZErr 9417491010471 acram wlorkmor vism M. reln 1.18 WoOLIK. ;NW %X *MOM MAK 710 EICUSWIal =FRY LUISTIVIRELANNWP; IMEID; 6.03710.5 31.3.0 IDE °AC Er E.. 71145, exmaErs mos sue a.% ural:11 rw 1.16330.17-0 r.7.13 .7177 'SW man' wrd PM. Om ESiwn EwEr r5629 te tapo akt07 rElc6161 wwwWw. Lowri. omar aEr 0177. IFJ• 0.01 7176 733570 rx% ri, Eumm Ermorco. 111 7.077 SAME .136 xpErm Wm Mir E.3.* 51177E6 06n waMes rE marelrin Wmr.mr 61117 carldt OW 403 EEMEr on EOM w GOMM NE 5.176 Ere Eir MCIEP MP .01111411401 . rwrolllmE rim 407.1,7 10 rEm 67.7.4 mMEES NOEMN. Vow •EN . Oretl17116 tboww* *1511*1471*1371(1(421114512101(1,142191411 41101EP 4* 11111,19L .414(15 VOW, l•V• 0197 rerEat 7.7 rEEM• FELL OM, 0.73.• 11*1: E • 01 roolow owg II' in* 71417 fir 77 deft% •rp. 11-4* S 41_ BOUNDARY SURVEY MC' I r7 • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 r"rrttarrrl h►; Jonathan D. 1itloll( Atrnr-ncY 1st Lan lir lu rf Parker PLC .0 11191 i►1ir111y;r111 Avenue suite.t:l1 Miami Bench. F-t. 33134 1t1-Er K' Ho! Scull 1l. Lc►tnr. Esq. NF;NNER-1' VOi;i i, 41ANI1I.i.K a Iil)I)HR UFi1 PIN) SF. Swum! tilrcct tiuhr 29€1I 11,11niiii. Florida 131.11 tirla:c htlxnc I tita 1.1nv tar Iimi,rdin! 11elu W a rra n ty Deed 1 t^ t ! 1 1 .. I- r OO P" . s, s j 4 L. ':tiRC:t:ti 1 t r'?Y' 2Oa1:a I8:?1 :1i'. F I} DD( 1A1 i 1,,5I1.01l ')11141 ), Sri- 7.51r IlaiO N1IUI N+ I. LiRt Of L 11ttk 11IAiii--DADt CUUili'rt Fl.DVI DA This i1';irrIint►' Deed Haute this 019 thy i,Iti1!►'emhet Inhkte1 WYNW( )111) PLAZA, Ll.C..t i itrrlaltl IiIII 1Q t li.tiril") elilnittltil', vhoce I1ta;s1 lallicc :ttkIreAs is •I141 \I.:No ,i't:ritiv, Mnte 2,0.1-A, tI iiuii, l'1111kl:t 33137. (-immi r. and WYrN'€)ill) 2S11 I.I,C, n Florida lilriirctl 11;11111 tv company. wIt.tar poi ttIlice address is I 0.10 Iti+cllVnt lioultvard. Suite 3202, Miami, Fh'rid;t 33132 , Grantee'. Wlacli:t Li n•:d hcrv-lrl It1V IL'111IY graritN' unit "ttidll:ts- Ia1: 11:t1 L' J{t' 1hI pa11141 I4• Iliiw a15115l 114t7'I ♦nisi the IItrlnl l ilwli vidu.il,, Snit Inc 5411:•tsNHt Rik♦ a 4 lyn• Y1l rortllli Alotil., 11y1M And trli+iL`t' ii'ilitessclh. that said trtutlur. for and in tlrttsitieri1ion of Ilse ,tut of TLN AND NO/100 DOLLARS S (510.00) and (Mkt good un11 trI1twhlt cililsitferution. to wilt rintor in hand laid Ii' said sgratrtci.•. the rviceip1 whereof i. htrt:lw ae'knowl4ilgcal. liaN granted, haarjttinsel. anti sold ti! 1he said grantee, 111141 .r11Ii v:'s heirs arld assigns Iii1ct41. the desctilh:d land. situate, lying and hcing in Aliunti-1)ade f:nunty. Fltlriclal t+l-t.i1 1111~ Fast 30 leer in 1.tit 39 tint! all or I.tit. 40 Land •11. I.I SS the North 5.0 feet ihcreiaf. COI{1(f;f" ITII, NIA!' .1F S11A1l1.r.)lNCi Si; I.31)IVISION. according t11 the plat thcreul :as recourled in Plitt Ratak 3, Page 161, ni the l'uhlic 1{eeord, of Miami - Dank County, Florida I'nrrel Ideni lirstlitan Ni,Inb.r: 01. 31 25-03•4-€t.12(1 Subject to Real I•..stnie Iatxes For 2013 and stills. lu.:nt yeas; co►err 1ii1s. conditions, rtstri:•tiuriy, e:4tiL'Itisrll+. re'.. r►nlhins and limitations of record. it any. Hill being reimposed hefchy '1'tigciher •+ith ;ill the tenements, hereditatncnts and appunenances thereto belonging air ill :in�'tvl4r appertaining. 'Co flu and 1n Hold. the sallte itl icr simple tort:vet And the grantor hereby coa cit:tilt. with said grlintee t11111 the etrttuoa is Ilya 1tall► +circ.i ail caul I:irld ill lee siIup c; 1ht11 the grantor has good light and lass l atutlu?rit► to sell and c:ctttvey +aid land. that the grantor hcrch) Fully warrants die titlet to said land ;inel will defi:nd the s4ii1ie Jgt1ins1 the lawful claims i11 all I;•erson+ +Ehonisoocr; and that s;Iiit hind is Free til';tll eI1 ultalsr;Inees, eeeepl izahes aiccruilig silbsequent to lhretnhrr 31. 21112. ACKNOWLEDGE N1ENT ON FOLLOWIN: PACE 11r I_:K t3373 PG .i'cr 5,•r t fa 1 F•AGE In Witness IVhvrt'nt grantor has hereunto set grantor's h;lnil and sell the day and yc;tr first above written. Signed.. sealed and cleliwereci n1 the presence of: \klittless Iyrint Nanii.. Witness: Print Name: -.. ,. STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF MIAMI-I)A1)E ) ►VV W(H )l) PLAZA. it I1 rida I,f1)iiewl canhipan) SHAWN CIII. %FI`C)V, Manager 1 III F EIIN CERTIFY ihtat on this ehiy, before ntc, an i►liicer duly authorized in the State aforesaid :and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments. the foregoing instrument was. acknowledged before me by SIlA14'ti CIIF:IIITOV. as Manager of W1'NWO()I) PLAZA. 1.I.C, a Florida limited liability company. who is personally knlnwlt to nee or who 11.15 produced a valid driver's license as identilicatinn. r1'II r!+S nt hand and nllicial seal in tl�c County and State Iasi alisscsaid Ihi. _� ti;iv rrt ,l[ci►-r .201). hly Commission Expires: II'rrnsrruy ben, • I'Wpr 2 lit> tlttc (N AL.VMIttz Ci�1aY Pyriie Sure nr Flarrda i Li) Carrr n Wiles war 3 00 t4 : crs,rnitOan r i »"2.c [• 3 g;. J,.1 t'rrcuyi V]'..•r;r 4.•rs,, a.sr, CFN 20130136802 BOCK 28497 PAGE 1304 DATE 6212012013 11 59 2+3 AM DEED DOC 2 'DO 0Q a aARVEY RUVI!J CLERK Of CCUR7' MIA-DA:E C" f THIS INS 1'RUMEN r i'k I'AR I?I) DY AND RETI1It N Ti t timer I), Levine, hsg. Rennert Vogel Iwiandlcr R i(rxlriliiic I'A 100 Sr 2ncl Street, Suite 2900 Alintni El. 33131 Out File No.: 4688004 Property Appraisals I'.ircei ltietatifit :nisei (Polite) Number, Ill-3125-034-01440 4PACH MK)VY i`En3 l_I 4L Fee+il fRaitORD1141 IjA PA WARRANTY DEED nos 'WARRANTY DEED, made Ma day ill February, 2913 by Santiago Villanueva mail Humph/ Villanueva, husband anti wily, wham }last uflice anthem is 234 NW 241h Street, Miami, FL 33127, he•at;in culled the Cirttnttrrtl, tta Wynwn*d 2S0 1.1.C, as Florida limited liability company, whose lost orifice address is 10411 Illoovnyar bevel., 63202, M1llurui, FI. 33132, hrreinaltei e:ulicd the Grunter' (1l'htrrtrv'r tercel herrIis the entries "Grantor" and "Grantee' include all she furrtte.s to 1/u.' thstolthicht and the ht•tr.t, Ie' ;err repre.rentearvei and crrri,l;rtr of rirrlirtihutts, wirl the .a:r< cesatrr.r merit u,rri-',s f vorporttrion.r j fit' ITN ESSE '1` 11: Thar the ciruailnrs, for antl in consideration of tier suns of TEN AND 00/1gU'ti ($10,00) Dollars nail oilier valuable cnnsideruticiiis, ieccipt whereof is hereby ricknuwfctlgutl, hereby grrnits, bargains, stills, aliens, remises. releases, conveys and eutlfinns into the Grantee loll dealt certain Bard situate in k11ANII-i)AI)1; Calory, Stale of Florida, viz: Lot 42, al- CORRECTED bleed' OF NPAU1,I/IN(: SIIIII)1V1S1t)N. uccnreling ter the Nut therwl, as recorded in flat lkxtlt 3, ut 1'uge 161, ul the Public Records of Dude County, Florida. Subject to easements, retrietiuua unit nxe•rvntiunrs of record and laxttsa tar the your 2013 and thcrxuat1nr, TC1t;E'1'lll:ll, with tail the tenements, hcrtir)ilsiment' anti apiauttututticnzs thereto belusagiug or in anywise appertaining. 'I'i.1HAVE Ati'1)'I'C) 1It3LI), ihv iriatii iat fee simple forever. AND, the Grantors her'13hy covenant with said Grantee that the Ciiiiniuts ate low hilly seized of uald Iaia1LI in fee simple', that the Gnetttcas have good light toad lawful Italian ity In still rind etaivey said land, :and hereby ';warrant 1hv title to said land anti will detiasd the saner agaritist the In wild claims of on persons v 1ioinstarvur; mid i1i ti said land is lrer lot 311 eiseimihrtinces, except luxes accruing stilisetluent to Deceadaar.3i, 2012. riia Pd,S : 460004 111 CFN 20130136802 BOOK. 26497 PAGE 13M IN WiTN1F.SS W1J .HIrOP% the said Cminiors have signed and sealed thew piresenis the day raid ycal first above written. Signed, %grid :d and delivered in the presence o1•. %..•1€&149--7-04&d;t19 W ltnMs% # I Signerrwe 1ti jIness H I I'rintzcl Naini s #2 .'ignutirre: CRcaL7.5_ PRt) Witness 02 Piloted inted flume Saln1Iu1;crJS'i'[l1111ucru I urmla 1'Illseriu�rsr STATE OF FL(.)1t11)A COUNTY OF MlAMI-DAl)I. She foregoing instrument was acknowledged before nic this ' 54'" day of February, 2013, by S iiitirrge Villanueva imil lhiriola Villanueva, who ate ocrionally known 1n ma or have produced V �►i [ , �{ o Vo' CIS rdcn4rfi4lrlrlkra. FWD SEAL t 1as4an LrCC.J.11t My Commission Expires: CARLOS PARDO iRr cCa omisce1 ! ffoi3331 LIPOID twre?i DO, Z11 roar mown +wos.e..wreetes.+ u. Foie HQ, 46114001 CA a4.0S Qiat top Primed Notary Name 1n 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TIIIS INSTR1!M1-N1 PREPARED BY ANI) kl:TUKN To Senn 1), Levore. Esq. Kennett 1`o el S1nniller,k1'A 100 St Zritl Street, Suite 2400 Miami F1.:33131 our File NJ,: 44 NlttlO:I 1'tuperi) Appraisers aaaieel Ideal ifaranan (I uli,i) Number01-3125-I134-0450 VAt I. %IPa\I II Ns Li 1! I+ter k!1.iJIt!r:Nt.I,:11;1 WARRANTY DEED (.:F1-1 2013RO163'76 pi @k 28511 Pas 2023 - 20261 I Up's ) R£Ct1Rt1ED 03/01/2013 i t 136:71 DEED DOC 1Ax 2I150.00 I4ARVt Y RItV L H I CLERK OF CDUR 1 hi,' DADE COLDITY, FLORIDA TIIIS WARRANTY DEED. matte the .A tla+ of Fchruurr, 2013 by Alcides [iim,ialer, Josephine 11eurnrus and Ismael Cunuulrr,. all single persons. whose posi orrice utltlress ih 14232 SW I NA '1 erruce. Miami. F I. 33177, Herein called the c.irant+,r . in ►1'4'n►►uutl 250 1.1.4 , u Florida limited liahilil r company. whose posl ullicc address is 10,341 Iiiseaytie 1111►11.. 032112, r<linrru, FL 33132. hereinafter galled the Grantee: 111hereter rt.to l herein the term.r "f.rrrrrrlur" "l.irttrthee- Mt Irish' Bill the farrrues' tea tlrl► h,Striime/PS nett/ ,he heirs. leiertf rcfarr,t"trtrrtts'ti anti ,ticiigtri 1,1 i'trrhvii/u rlt. ,u it the .srtir'N3arlr.► tard lotl."rtt r+l eor f xtrrtl tonvi %% I,N FSSET 11: Thar the Gnu -ants. Ii,i and in ela,rsrtlerarioit of the slim sal TF.Ps AANI t I10111Ht's (S111.1I0) I)ollars anal oilier vnluahlsitl -n(11 s. receipt s%herer,t' is hereby rrckllrstt•1ettgcil. herein }tram!, h;rrttaists. sells, aliens, remises, rrlrarsa.. COM,ey.+ cuss! tt,rNirnts aln1u tlrc: (lrraiitec all hull ,~ertirn 1t,iu1 mune in MIA s11-I)A1)1: Count) . Sorb ti!1 Florida, Lid 43. of coIt1tF:('TEn 11A1' OF SI'A1)LIII\(. SIIHI)I► ISII1t'►, according In the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Hook 3. art Page 161. of i Public Records of 1)iule I. uunl►. Florida,r Sulikct to carsemenl%, resirietinu. weal rulertialium of record and taxrta for the year 2111.5 snit thereafter. - - TCN:ETIIFH. sviilr ,111 rift trlicntcnts. lieretlilanterats tend appurtenances 1lreiettt belonging or Ile wise appt:t1uioiub. TO HAVE ANI) 1'0 HOLM, 111e .same in fee sinlltle hire►er AN1), tlrc (Armors licrcb)' i:ta%eriant N'}tl1 said Groove ihtii ih t irrmtt+rs are law folly se fired or said land in Fee simple; that the Grantors hose iti,ncl right and law l'ul audit,ri1: Iu sell unit cons ey said land, and herrh� wairluit the lisle to said land and will th:Ientl ills saint' rtuainsi the law lid claims of all persons ' Iionisugsvr'. and 11131 %aid hand IS lici of all enctunhrrnces, except ruse, act r r„rig ;uhsccitI iII to December 31. 2012. 1'aEc 1 ul 4 1ti «rrrNEs %%'11E:HEoF. 'he said [irnnturs hart 41grlctl tttlll sealed lhcs<: prusents the (lay and )cirt tirtil triulVc 1'w ritttn. Signed. sealed :r11t1 deli%errd 1n illy prisent:e 'or Winless I Sign sort Alrit.Ii (:nnritlex STATE: i)F FLORIDA COUNTY OF %IIA 11-I)AI)E: Elie Iorctui11g i114tntrnent was acknowledged 174:1r1rc° Ills dais day I►I I:4htum), 201 3, hy AIt1 e Glen/airs, te•ht] 1ti tx•rstrlialIs known to Inc' or ha, I+rrkIiLeil y f'.. :ta ilICtllilic.111�1r1. SEAL I Ct$11r1111..%1 t11 1. \11 AMA %ACP Prularr Publer - Pale n1 FlO ld1 r Cann. WWI Sea 14, 2013 Commission 100 923204 No 1" lr ll : r � Lit _AL I'rinied Naar',• tinr114 I'll ;r 2 +i1 4 Witstt:'.+ti # 15ignarury ► —A// La I sTATE0? FI.O1RII1+1 cou;+rry OF ��11,►�ti It,11rF' Crt- .1 ephilit. Drat The foregoing itl:;tntritcnl ►tns adhnu►%1ti:rlg�ti Ikry fi'illy ill lk _ p + tat!. r>I F hrtrttrti, 2013. by J►rsej)hlae Deal -inns, i6110 IN pL:,011;r11'S ki10% n 1tr n1L' ni hlta 1ttil1I11C4c1 �� _ 115 ltILritIIi 411IG)tt. SEAL ai ['tntxttission 12xpirns: A11A MAW HOrlry Public • Slate at {lariat My corm Ftprrel Sep 11. 10131 Cvmmru i • IM 92$20e Noiran rl� t,�.,11,CltLI F I'riwisll Niri: i Nume I'.rer 3 01 1 OR BK 28511 E-G 20246 1 AST PAGE Witncss # I Sign titre %Vitt :#+ 1t I Primed Ni tIi ss f$2 I'r illtcil Mom STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-I)A[DE f j. I+ritr71N1 (i„It►lrll Thefin-Wing11iSII17rsIer1I 1%'1l4. 11Ck11cIN,lccli;eti Itilott' in ilk. d84,4 tlrl► or! elnulrry. 2011, h IrmswI ( untairi, who i, permumully looNsit to Isle or fors produced p 1 iliclfl it ;uil SEAL My Commission Expires: Notary P111 3&2f a i •C, Primed Name iNA NACri Nom, 1'•,I'it c,-,tf4r1 rlariq 1,,,o•1, 5tfi ,4 .A [4..!r1HSil*ri • vt: Mi ?OS Pap: 4 ill .1 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees. to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearings} on the issue. any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf; to any entity or person f'or an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gill, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of ony money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future, Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2-653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its hoards. authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. NAME: Steven J. Wernjck HOME ADDRESS: CITY: Miami (First Name) Akerman LLP (Middle) (Lase Name) (Address Line 1) One SE Third Avenue, 25th Floor EIOME PHONE: 305.374.5600 (Address Line 2) STATE: CELL PFIONE: EMAIL: steven.wernick@akerman.com Florida lily:33131 FAX: 305.374.5095 BUSSINE:SS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Wynwood 250, LLC I3USINESS ADDRESS: 1040 Biscayne Blvd, #3202 (Address Line 1) Miami, FL 33132 (Address Line 2) 1. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee, Rezoning to T6-8-O and future land use change to General Commercial. 2. Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? YES © NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. It' your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. too.. No.7865'D 3, Please provide the name, address and phone number ol'the persons) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. Nance Address Phone# a. b. c. * Additional names can he placed on a separate page attached to this form. 4. Please describe the nature of the consideration. 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the 1. the application or order, as applicable, effect; and 2. no application from any person or considered by the applicable board(s) nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: OF COMPLIANCE scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing following may occur: shall be deemed void without further force or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or until expiration of a period of one year after the 1-- Sign Steven 1. Wemick Print Name d iv of YTh_Y icv Sa orn to rind subscribed before me this � , aOlL.1. The foregoing who has produced did slid not take an oath. instrument was acknowledged before me by Jt' iC.k- as identification and or is sonalty knoirn to me rind who j(; STATE OF FLORIDA y OF MIAM1 MY COMMISSION r� EXPIRES: I jc / a 4 1_ r -•,r 1 L.'rrnt k\ 1 Enclosure(s) Name — — - - Ihn . No.:865.13 41' _ BLf3LAlAlEY M. 5AII3P nay u,in.'J'rl' c Page •y 4'. • SS E PIRE5: Dei a Tiber 21, 2015 "' ` tamed Tbru Notary PuoNc llndermiters