HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Samuel Dubbin-Analysis Miami Economic AssociatesMiami Economic Associates, Inc. Nathalie Goulet Esq Flagstone Property Group LLC Miami Florida Re: Island Gardens Miami, Florida Dear Ms. Gouge- PUBLC RECORD FOR ITEM t . ON s �-11 March 31 2014 Miami Ecorornic Associates. Inc (MEAI) has performed an analysis to estimate the fiscal and economic benefits that will be generated for the City of Miami other jurisdictions of local government and the State of Fiona as a result of the proposed Islard Gardens project, which will ae located on property leased from the City of Miami on the western portion of Watson island The leased property will consist of 10 8 upland acres and 13 acres of submerged land which will De the site of a 50-slip mega -yacht marina The development on the upland acreage will include aoproxirnately 221.000 net leasable square feet of retail and food and beverage space together with a 5-star hotel compnseo of 150 keys and 108 timeshare licenses and a 4-star hctel comprsea cf 300 keys and 42 timeshare licenses In combination the twc hotels will contain a total of 127.389 square feet of ancillary hotel uses The upland development will also include the narking required to support all of these components as well as the manna in excess of code. In conducting our analysis MEAI considered both non -recurring and recurring fiscal and economic benefits that island Gardens will generate. For the purpose of this analysis, the term non -recurring benefits refers to ,hose that will oe realized prior to the onset of construction. curing the construction ceriod and during the first three years or operations after construction is completed while the project is seeking to achieve a stabilized levet of performance_ The non- recurring fiscal benefits also include all payments from the proceeds of the first sales of timeshare licenses to the City of Miami during the projects first five years of operation The term "recurring benefits refers to those that will be realized on an annual basis beginning in the Island Gardens' fourth full year of operations Principal Findings The principal findings of the analysts performed by MEAI with respect to the fiscal benefits that Island Gardens will generate are as follows State of Florida island Gardens primary fiscal benefit to the State of Florida will be the sales tax revenues that it will generate During the project s first three years of operations. the State will realize more than S98 1 million in sales tax revenues whale beginning in the fourth year it will receive more than S36.0 million annually These collections will be based an the revenues of Island Gardens two hotels its marina and its barking facilities Tnev wit also be based or the rents 6861 S.VV. 89ti+ Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Ted: i3051 669-0229 Fax: (8661 496-6107 Email: meainkubellsouth.net l'i - G 0 q! 3 () )(4_00z43 j > SU f3Nt i 1 -T VAL- s mUe.i Duooin -'PinOikistS L11QYN ,-t,UVAC)111C 0ssocic.-S Nathal e Goulet. Esq Flagstone Property Group t_:.0 March 31 2014 Page 2 Submitted into the public record ie connection with items r i on S16'(k-i City Clerk paid oy the tenants cf the projects retail and food are beverage space and the sale_ volumes of those tenants Finally they will be basea on the off -site expenditures of tie Project's hotel and timeshare guests and the passengers of the yachts moored in the marina for fccd and beverage entertairment and ground transportation among other items • The State of Florida wi!i also collect sales tax durng the pence that island Gardens is being ceveloped an the purchases of construction materials as well as furniture fixtures and equipment. operating supplies and information. technology Basec on an the estimated cost of these items which will total 5369.9 million in value. more than S20 0 million in sales tax revenues would be realized by the State (after rebates to the Counties) if all purchases occurred within the State Since it is unlikely that all purchases will be made In -State it is not dossible to estimate with precision that actual amount of sales tax revenue that will be •eaiizea ov the State and, therefore. the sales tax estimates provided above do not include any collections that will be made during the construction period However the amount that will be collected is likely to represent a significant percentage of the total that could potentially oe collected Another significant source of revenue that Island Gardens will generate for the State of =i!orida will include ground lease payments. which will total approximately S1 38 million during :he project's construction period and through es first three years of cperation and then exceed S556 000 annually beginning in its fourth full year of operation (See Exhibit A for a complete analysis of the lease payments to the State and City , The State will also potentially cotiect income taxes from the project itself. the contractors who are hired to build it and the retail and food and beverage outlets that tenant space within it In the context of this analysis it was not possible to estimate the amounts of income tan that the State w N collet as a result of the development of Island Gardens City of Miami ▪ Island Gardens will make ground lease payments to the City on a non -recurring basis tnat will approximate S22.7 million Included in this figure are payments exceeding S 13 0 million from the proceeds of the first sales of tmesnare licenses. Beginning in the fourth tull year of operations the recumng lease payments will exceed S3 1 million annually fSee Exhiort A for a complete analysis of lease payments to the State and City • The City of Miami collect ad valorem taxes cn a non -recurring basis in its General and Debt Service Funds totaling more than S22 6 million during Island Gardens' first three years of operations Ac valorem: taxes wiii be collected for the City s General and Debt Service Funds on a recurring annual basis bee nning ir the proaect's fourth year of operations in an amount exceeding S7 5 million • Another significant source of revenue fir tee City of Miami will be parking surcharge receipts which on a non -recurring basis during Island Gardens first three years of operation will total more than S5 4 million and will approximate 51 9 million on a recurring annual oasis beginning in its fourth year of coerations Other Jurisdictions • The most significant benerits Venerated by Island Gardens foe Mvtiani-Dade County will toe derived from sales tax collectons which will approximate 525 0 m,i in on a non-recumng oasis during the protects first three )'ears of cperat.o- and more '`- ,S9 1 miinon on a Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainkebellsouth.net Nathalie Goulet, Esq Flagstone Property Group LLC March 31 2014 Page 3 Submitted into the public record in connection with itemtkELLL on E)11114 City Clerk recurrng basis begin-..ing ;r its fourth year This figure includes the moneys realized from the County s ' percent local option safes tax as well moneys rebated by the State to the County from the 6 percent sales tax it collects. For reasons discussed above the estimate of non- recurring sates tax revenues does not include those that would be realized on the purchases of construction materials and other goods during the development period Miami -Dade County will also receive hotel occupancy taxes on a non -recurring basis during Island Gardens first three years of operation approximating S6 35 million Beginning it the fourth year. the annual recurring amount will approximate 52 75 million Finally, the County will collect ad valorem taxes on a non -recurring basis approximating S14 2 million during Island Gardens first three years of operations and on a recurring basis in its fourth year of operation ,n an amount exceed^e 54 7 ^��llion • The Miami -Dade Public School District is projected to collect ad valorem taxes in excess of 321.4 million on a non-recurnng basis during island Gardens' first three year of operations Beginning in its fourth year the amount of ad valorem taxes collected on an annual recurring basis will approximate S7 , million ME principal findings of the analysis performec by MEAI with respect to :he economic benefits :hat Island Gardens will generate are as follows • Development of the proposed island Gardens project will entaii the expenditure of $594.4 million for hard construction inclusive of 5297 2 million for construction labor. The latter amount will be sufficient to pay for 5.054 worker -years of direct labor Utilizing the Regional input -Outputs Modeling System (RIMS) developed by the U S. Department of Comrnerce MEAI estimates that through the multiplier effect the project will support an additional 4.933 worker -years of indirect and induced labor In combination a total of S505 0 million would be paid in wages and salaries for me approximately 9.987 worker -years of employment that the protect would support • Based on the anticipated staffing schedules of ire venous components of the proposed Island Gardens project it is anticipated that once it is completed nearly 1 100 people will be employed there It is further esnmateo that they wr1 earn $25 7 mown annually Finally. it is estimated using RIMS that ar additional 1.831 workers who will earn 546.1 annually will be employed in indirect and induced jobs Accordingly. on an overall basis the proposed island Gardens will account for approximately 2.930 lobs and S71 8 million in payroll once it commences operations. Tne purpose of this letter report whicn is organized as shown below of the analysis that MEAT performea Section Summay of Estimated Fiscal Benefrts is to provide you the results Page 4 Summary of Estimated Economic Benefits 7 Protect Description - _ _ _ Q Bases of Estimates of Fiscal Benefits 9 Bases of Estimates of Economic Benefits _ 16 Closing 17 It should also be noted that the estimates of fiscal and economic benefits in this letter report are based on assumptions about market conditions the cos- of corstruct}o:t and other factors. as Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669.0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meaink'dbellsouth.net Nathalie Gou!et Esc Flagstone Property Groot-. LL March 31 2014 Page 4 Submitted into the public record in connection,) with ;temRt. on Ss�l y City Clerk Nell as tax rates and fee scnedules tnat are subject to change Tnerefore, the actual benefits 'ealized from the project may vary from the amounts estimateo ano the variances could be significant Further the plans for development of Island Gardens are still unaergoing review and could potentially change 'n terms of development quantities from the program analyzed in this report Summary of Fiscal Benefits For the purpose of this. analysis the term 'fiscal benefits refers to the revenues that Island Gardens will generate for the City of Miami other jurisdictions of local government and the State of Florida both on a non -recurring basis and an annual recurring basis The other iurisdictions o` local covemment considered in MEAI s analysis include Miami -Dade County the Miami -Dace County Public School District anc the Children's Trus: Table 1, on page 5, presents MEAI s estimates of the fiscal benefits that Island Gardens will generate The estimates of non -recurring fiscal benefits presented in the table include all Payments made to the governmental jurisdictions snown during the project s pre -development and constriction periods as well as during the project s first three years of operations when it will oe seeking to establish its market pos:tion and achieve a stabilized level of performance It also •nciudes all the payments to the City of Miami that will occur as a result of the first sales of imeshare 1icenses which are expected to occur as pre -sales during the three years of project pre-aevetaoment and construction. The estimate of non-recurring`isca! cenetits are ,n current dollars for the period in which they will occur The estimates of recurring f sca penef.ts presented n Tama ' are stated ,n 2020 Dollars the fourth year of project operations which is the point in time tnat Island Gardens is expectea to achieve a stabilized level of performance in terms cf market penetration The estimates are for that single year with similar amounts anticipated in each year thereafter To the extent that the amounts change in subsequent years the variations will predominantly be a function of escalator clauses contained in the agreement that Flagstone Property Group LLC negotiated with the City of Miami as well as its ieases with the tenants that will occupy the retair and food and beverage space anchor inflation ui property value appiecratiur1 -his space intentionally left blanki Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89" Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669.0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainknbelisouth.net Natha ie Goulet Esq lagstone Property Gro;,p ,_LC March 31 2014 Page 5 J unsdictioniRevenue State of Florida Leasa Payrnen• income Taxes Sales Taxes Gasoline Taxes Total Table 1 Summary of Fiscal Benefits island Gardens Submitted into the public recordiin connection with �itern� on S/QI)U City Clerk Non -recurring' Annual Recurring City of Miaml Public Works Manna PemmI F ee General Building Permit Fees Solid Waste Surcharge Trade -Related Fees irnpac Fees 5 1 377 270 5 556.780 S 98 105 525 5 36.052.496 5 10 775 S 3890 5 99,493.670 S 36,613,166 S 393,000 S 980.402 5 10.000 Pol,ce z 152.92 Fire General Services Supplemental Impact Fees 5 1 180.172 Proceeds from Sales of Timeshare Licenses 5 13.046.109 Lease Payments 3 9.656.413 _ Ad valorem Taxes Gererat Fund Debt Service Fund S 2 191.497 5 730.499 oarktng_Surcharge _ `-- 5 5 404, 516 5 1 910.697 Radiated State Sales Tax S 776 221 285.251 J11rity_Taxes and Franchise Fees •" Total S 54.326,239 S 12,896,780 64 00 ! S. 25975 5 3155.087 Miami -Dade County Manna Permit Fee Water & Sewer Connection FeesiUsace Charges Ad valorem Taxes (all relevant funds' Rebated State Sates Tax Local 0ptnn Sales Taxes S 20.445 738 S 6.815,248 S 57 500 5 6.520 974 S 506 427 S 14.225130 S 4.741.710 S 7 034 521 5 2.585 082 5 16.000 000 5 6.614.000 Gasolate Taxes 5 10 902 5 3.936 Hotel Occupancy Taxes 5 5 351 144 S 2.748 714 Total $ 52.200,171 S 17,299.868 Miami -Dade Public School District Ad valorem Taxes (all funds) Children's Trust • Irssufr ant data to care Late al this r Te S 21.418,245 $ 7.139.415 5 1.342.500 5 447,500 Source Flagstone Property Grout LL : Cit., c M,ar,: Coce o' M,am-)Jade i,•_..nty Propel!. Ancratser, Miami Economic Associates u c With respect tc the estimates of fisca: benefits summarized in Table the following saent points are noted • None of the jurisdictions identified above are currently receiving any revenue on eitner a non- rer_urr'ng _.r recurring basis from the site or,, .vhich the proposed Island Gardens project will includes the person of pre•deveiopm rt :.: ns!ruct:or anr, the `list 3 years of :operations as we as all tree first sales of timeshare licenses Commencing in ine fourtl. ,uti year c` cueratrctls Stated ,i1 2020 i , act Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89111 Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669.0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meaink bellsouth.net Ntathatie Goulet Esc - agstone Property Group ui.0 ',starch 31 20.14 'ace 6 Submitted into the public record in connection with Rg.10 item�6 tt on ff 5 ( y _ f City Clerk developed and only through the is de.ve:cpment cy a vivate entity could they expect to eceive any in the future • As discussed previously :tie estimates of non -recurring sales tax revenues do not take •nto censtderation the collection; on construction materials used as well as the procurement of `urniture fixtures ana equipment. operating supplies and information technology that will :sour curing the penod to which Island Gardens is being developed Based on an the esttmateo cost of these items which will total S369 9 million in value nearly S22 2 million rn State sales tax revenues would be realized If ail purchases occurred within the State. If the curcnases were all made in Miarn Dade County the County would collect nearly $4 1 million more While :t is unlikely that actual collections will be as high as these estimates they are likely to represent a significant percentage • Vessels mooring at the proposed manna are in some instances likely to contract for repair work Such work, will of course provide job opportunities for people in the City of Miami's and/or Miami -Dade County's marine industry It will also provide sales tax revenue at both the State and County level However since there was insufficient data available to MEAI regarding the scope and costs associated with these future repairs the associated sales tax 'evenues were not included in the sales tax estimates shown in Table • The above estimates of sales tax and gas tax revenues only take into account fuel sales a: the manna. Fuel purchased from bunkering operators rather than at the fueling facilities that will be available at the marina is not included because insufficient information is available regarding the quantity of bunker fuel that will oe purchased the pricing of that fuel and/or the County of orgin of the vendor It is generally assumed that vessels over 70 feet in length which will be the preponderance of those mooring at the proposed marina generally purchase the fuel they require from bunkering operators Summary of Economic Benefits -he term -economic benefits refers to the positive impact that the proposed Island Gardens croject will have on the economy of the C.ty of Miami Miami -Dade County and/or the State of lortda again or both a non -recurring and annual recurring basis Table 2 below summarizes MEAI s estimate of the economic benefits that the protect will generate It should be noted that unusce Me approach used in analyzing the non -recurring fiscal benefits the non -recurring economic benefits estimates below include only those that would result from development of the orolect Since the benefits that would be realized from operations of the project cunne its first three nears will be substantially the same as those that would be realized on an annual recurring oasis in Year 4 they were not addressed as part of the analysis of non -recurring benefits "his space intentionally tett clan:•. Miami Economic Associates. Inc. 6861 S.W. 89uh Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainkAbeltsouth.net Nathaiie Goulet, Esq Flagstone Property Grout LLC March 31. 2014 Page 7 Benefit Jobs Direct Indirect/Indirect-- Submitted into the public record in connection with • Re -to =�J���� jtemgE, ! on J.JL City Clerk Table 2 Summary of Economic Benefits island Gardens Total Non -recurring 5.054 4.933 9.987 Annual Recurring 1,099 1,831 2.930 Employee Earnings --Direct $ 297.200.000 5 25.700,000 Indirect/Induced 5 208,000,000 $ 45,100 000 Total $ 505.000,000 5 71,800.000 " Man-years "' Indirect beneft:s are those realized ,r related eusrnesses Induced taerefits a'e:nose realized as the Direct and indirect employees spend their earnings cn a wide vanety or goods and services Source Fagstrnne Proberty G-oua LLC Brand Mar,re International LLO Miami Economic Associates inc It should be noted that :he above estimates of recurring economic benefits do not take Into consideration any direct indirect and induced jobs that would be created as a result of the off -site expenditures of guests a: island Gardens two Hotels or passengers of the vessels moored there. Such jobs would be in addition to the recurring jobs accounted for above. Project Description As discussed in the introductory caragraph of this letter reports,. the proposed Island Gardens project will be located on the western portion of Watson Island on property leased from the City of Miami. Watson Island is a man-made :stand accessible via the MacArthur Causeway (Interstate 3951 which connects the City of Miami which is or the Fonda mainland to the City of Miami Beach which is situated on a barrier island Atso discussed previously me leased property will consist of 10 8 upland acres and 13 acres of submerged [and which will be the site of a 50-slip mega -yacht mania which will be reached via the main shipping channel used by the cruise ships .hat use the Port of Miami as their home port The development on the upland acreage will nclude approximately 221.000 net leasable square feet of retail and food anti beverage space .oaether with a 5-star hotel comprised of 150 keys and 108 timeshare Ilcenses and a 4-star hotel :omansed of 300 keys and 42 timeshare licenses In combination. the two hotels will contain a Total of 127 389 square feet of ancillary hotel uses The uplanc development will also include the parking required to support all of these components as well as the marlea in excess of code information provided tc MEAL by Flagstone Proper; Group LLC with respect tc island Gardens Project described above indicates the following with respect to es development and operations • The Island Gardens project will entail the construction: of 2 340,609 gross square feet cf space inclusive cf the space contained in the protect s park+ng structures • A total or S594 4 million is expected to oe expended on the hard costs to construct Isaac Gardens Apprcximatety 5387 C million will be scent in addition including 1, $72 7 micron for furniture fixture anc equipment EF&Et operating supclies anro eauipment 1OS&Ei and information technology i1T1 anc L.. 3314 7 million for sort costs such as professional fees project administrative costs red rstatr= taxes nJri-tg the cnnGtr.r:�tirin periled crier itc 9n4 Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89rh Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainkg,tellsouth.net Submitted into the punlic record in connection with ItemZe.1 I on 51 s/Ly City Clerk Nathale touter, Esq Ragstone Property Group LLC March 3' 2i~1 Pace 8 fees marketing leasing aria sales commissions `ina^.cing costs etc When tne approximately S60 0 iron already spent — primarily on consultants but on other items as well --- is also considered it is estirnateo that in excess of S1_0 billion will be spent to develop tne project exclusive cf ground lease payments made during the pre -development and development period Both of the proposed hotels are expected to achieve stabilized rates of occupancy in 2020 their fourth full year of operations Occupancy in the 150-key 5-star hotel is expected tc increase from 60 9 percent in 2017. its first full year of operations. to 6° 1 percent a: stabilization when it is anticipated that the average daily rate ;ADR! will exceed S550 per night The average daily of the 300-key 4-star hotel is projected To approximate S325 per night when stabilized rate of occupancy of 70 8 percent is projected a substantially higher revel Mat the 54 9 percent expected it the first full years of operations. The combined revenues of the two hotels in their fourtn full year of operations is projected to approximate nearly S102 0 milhor with approximately 45.0 percent cf that figure attributable to room sales • Based on analysis performed for the retail component of the Island Gardens project by Richard Tunstalf s firm Market Research and Analysis. it is anticipated that ail o` the retail and food and beverage space within the project inclusive of that which is contained in the ancillary hotel uses will record a level of sales per square foot that is expected to increase from $1.540 at the time the facility opens to S1 680 per square foot by its fourth full year of operations in the fourth full year cf operatiors. base rental income less a 5 percent allowance fcr vacancy and collection losses wilt approximate S30.2 million • The proposed mega -yacht marina is expectec to achieve a stabilized revel of annual occupancy approximatingg 79 percent by the facility's fourth full year of operations This figure will be inclusive of vessels berthing there on a transient basis as well as those that rent them berths on a monthly or annual oasis. It is further anticipated that the average rate pain in the fourth Full year cf operatIoi s will be S5 77 per linear foot per day As a result the manna is projected to generate total revenues in its fourth year of operation approximating S9.8 million Revenues in addition to berthing charges. will :nciude fuel sales. chandlery commissions and equipment rental charges Fuel sates which are estimates S57 5,564 will oe comprised of 92 060 gallons of diesel and 23.0 t7 gallons of gasoline • Revenues from parking operations in the fourh full year of operations of island Garaens are expected tc approximate 3'' 3 miitor net of sales tax and the City of Miami s surtax charges. • The first sales of the 150 tirnesnare iice.nses associated with the two hotels will venerate net first sales proceeds appreximaung S521 0 million' In conducting its analysis of the fiscal and ecoroirac benefits that wiU ce generated bt, tne Isianc Gardens project MEA.t made the following additional assumptions The two proposed hotels in combination account for a total of 115.'25 sold room nights in the fourth full year of their operations Assuming the timeshare units operate at a similar level of occupancy they will account for an additional 37,699 rights of occupancy Or average, each soid room -night it the heteis and occupied room-nicht it the timeshare units The term -ne: first safe proceeds s defined as gross sales proceeds less allocated capital costs -nariietira :: sts 12`:; the cps: of Fisne" Sta'1: rrt?rnbeni'lrps and tadu.red return f$", Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tei: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meaink©bellsouth.net Submitted into the public record in connection with kE.dG item()E.tlon 5J2i114 City Clerk Nathalre Goulet, Esq Flagstone Property Group LLC March 31 2014 Page 9 will produce or, average 5800 in aoditnonai expenditures for fooa and oeverages ertertarnment, retail goods and ground transportation (inclusive of rental cars) resulting it total expenditures for these terns of S122 3 million Of this amount 50 percent will be spent at Island Gardens with the remaining 50 percent being spent elsewhere in Miami -Dane County • Based on d:scussicrs wren manna operators and consultants familiar with mega -yacht marinas. it is estimated that in the fourth full year of operations the passengers on the vessels mooring at Island Gardens will spend 53 7 million annually fcr provisioning aria S21 4 million annually fcr food and beverage entertainment retail goods, ground transportation ;inclusive of rental cars; and parleng Of the latter amount 50 percent will be spent at Island Gardens with the remaining 50 percent ceing spent elsewhere in Miami -Dade County With respect to moneys spent for provisioning it rs anticipated that only 50 percent will be for goods that are subject to sales tax Bases of Estimates of Fiscal Benefits The materials that follcuti describe how the non -recurring and recurring fiscal benefits shown it Table ' were calculatec Non-recurrinc As discussed previously non -recurring fiscal benefits will include au payments made to various entities of government during the period in which Island Gardens is being constructed as well as during the projects first 3 years of operations when it will be seeking to establish its market position and achieve a stabilized level of performance It aiso includes all the payments to the City of Miami tnat will occur as a result of the first sales of timeshare licenses wnrch are expected to occur as ore -sales during the perioc of pre -development ano construction activity The estimate of non -recurring fiscal benefits are .n currert dollars for the period in wnrch they will occur Manna Permitting • In order to obtair permission to construct the proposed mega -yacht marina. permitting fees have been or will be paid to the City of Miami Public Works Department in the amount of 3393.000 and Miami -Dade County in the amount of S57.500 These estimates of fees are based on information obtained by MEAT from Ocean Consulting L L C cased on that firm's knowledge of the permitting procedures and rate schedules in each jurisdiction and their experience with prior marina orojects in those jurisdictions. The estimate of the fees to be )aid to the City of Miami Puolic Works Department equates to 1 percent of the estimated 339 3 million that will be expenaea for rard construction Building Permit Fees • In order to build the overal Island Gardens project genera, building permit fees will need to be paid to the City of Miami The City of Miam charges general binding permit fees et a rate The vessels mooring at Island Gar wens will also rn some instances have repairs performed either there of elsewhere wrtnir City of Miami or riliami-Dade County Hcwevei MEAt did net have sufficient information regarding the scope of the repair :1,:. r r 'nat vwow:1 be oeiOir?e : or :le costs • lvo"ved to estimate an annual levet of expenditures Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 893E Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meaink :betlsouth.net tvatnaiie Gouiet. Esq Flagstone Property Group L1 t� March 31 2014 Page 1e Submitted into the public reco d iconnection with iterF-.il on 51-<0� City Clerk 2f SC 25 oer gross square foot of non-resioer.tial construcpce In cacu:atirg fees the square -Dotage within structure° facilities is accounted for Assuming that the upland portion of the croject will be comprised of 2 349 609 square feet inclusive of the parting facilities :t is estimated tr.at S587 432 in general building permit fees writ need to be paid on the upland rortion of the project Additional general building permit fees in the amount of 5393,000 --- 1 :percent of the estimated hard cost of construction — will need to be paid for the manna Accordingly. total general building permit fees in the amount of S980.402 will need to be paid Finally it is expected tnat the project will need to pay solid waste surcharges in the amount of S10 000 • The various trades involved in completing the new project including the roofing. eiectncal plumbing mechanical elevator and swimmrng pool contractors will be required to pay fees jr their work Calculation of the fees that they veil pay requires that the projects finer engineering drawings be completed which has not yet occurred Accordingly the fees that will be paid cannot be quantified at this time. A solid waste surcharge is applied to these fees. ,intact Fees • The City of Miami charges impact fees on all new construction projects for police f;re-rescue and general services For the purpose of this analysis, the timeshare licenses are considered hotel units and the 26 000 square feet of upland manna facilities are considered commerca! space Based on the current rate schedule it is estimated that impact fees totaling S241 889 will be pad for the island Gardens project of which S152 092 will be for police $64 001 for ire -rescue and S25 976 for general services. • In addition to the impact fees discussed in the preceding paragraph tnat are charged to projects anywhere within the City of Miami supplemental impact fees are charged on projects located in the area covered oy the Downtown DRt. The rate for retail space is S 1.332 per gross Square foot while the rate for hotel units is S0 724 per gross square foot At these rates. the Island Gardens project will need to pay S1,183 172 an the quantities of space being proposed Water & Sewer Connection Fees/laser Charges Analysis performed by Langan International the orvil engineers for the island Gardens project regarding water usage indicates that fees in the amount of S4 792 658 will need to paid oefore the project :s allowed to connect the Miarni-Dade County water and sewer system. This figure assumes that connections are made through four meters including three 4 inch meters and ore 2 inch meter It is also baseo on the current fee schedule of the Miami -(lade •Hater & Sewer Department Based on a preliminary estimate also prepared by Langan. it is 'urther anticipated that water and sewer usage charges during the project s first tnree years of operations will total 51,728 3"5 Proceeds from Sales of Timeshare Licenses • As discussed previously Flagstone Property Group LLC ant c pates that the first sales of timeshare licenses will produce approximately S521 0 million in net sales proceeds The City morn will receive 2.5 percent o' this amount or S13 046 109 Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W 891h Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496.6107 Email: meainkabellsouth.net Nethalie Goulet Ear,' Flagstone Property Grouu LL.� March. 31 201- Page I Lease Payments Submitted into the public record in connection with to ,��� item ,r{on 5f y City Clerk • As shown in Exhibit A. which was prepares r y r ;agstone Property Group LLC non -recurring lease payments totaling 511 033 683 will be made to the State and City of Miami during the projects pre -development and construction period as well as through its third year of operations During the predevelopment and construction period. it is projected that payments in the amount of $450,000 will be made :c the State wnile the C'ty will receive S4.401 883 in the first year of operations a base rent of S2.000 000 is projected, which increases by an assumed CPI adjustment of 3 percent in each of the next two years Of the total amount of ease payments made during the first three years of operations the City's share is projected to be S5 254.530 white the state is projected to receive 5927 27C The total rent collections of the State and City during the proposed projects pre -development and construction periods and its first three years of operations writ be S1.377 27C and S9.656 413 respectively State Income Taxes • Based on the pro forma for the Island Gardens project prepared by Flagstone Island Gardens LLC tne proposed project will generate profits on a non -recurring basis from the first safe of timeshare licenses as .ve11 from operations during the firs: three years after construction fs completed As a result.00rporate income taxes would likely need to to paid to the State It would also likely receive income tax payments from many if not all. of the contractors contracted to construct Island Gardens and the tenants of the project s retail and food and beverage space MEAL did not attempt to estimate the amount of income taxes that would be paid by either Island Gardens and/or its contractors and tenants because such analysis is not within our area of competence Further, it woukk require u5 to be informed about issues that are either propnetary to Flagstone Island Gardens LLC and/or those contractors or not yet deterrrinea such as the basis on which the project would be depreciated for tax purposes Sales Tax On a non -recurring bans sales taxes will be collected on 1 construction materials as well as :he FF&E. OS&E and IT purchased during the period tnat tre Island Gardens project is being Developed and 2; the revenues collected by Island Gardens' two hotels and its manna (during their first three years of operations as well as the parking revenues collected during that °enact. Sales tax will also need to be paid on rents collected From the tenants of the proposed retail and food and beverage space during the first three of operations as well as the sales that those tenants will record during that period Further Stare sales tax will need to be paid on the off -site expenditures of tne guests of the hotel and passengers of the vessels mooring at the marina for food and beverage. entertainment retail goods and ground transportation. Finally State sales tax will need to paid on approximately 50 percent of the funds spent by vessels moored at the marina tor provisioning State sales tax will be charged at a rate of 6 Percent while Miam.-Dace County will charge an adustional 1 percent The total value of construction -materials as well as the FF&E. OS&E and IT that will De purchased white Island Gardens is being developed is projected to be 5369 9 million This means that if these items were all purchased within Miami -Dade County. the State would collect S25 3 million in sales taxes and Miami -Dade County would ccltect S4.2 million 3f the arnoLnt collected Dy the State it would retain approximately 9I Percent or S22 c "Iir.on while Si 7 million would be rebated to Miami -Dace County arc S"81 924 to the City of Miami Since it is unlikely that al the construction ra:er'als ^F &E CS&E and IT will be of chased in Miami -Dade County Miami Economic Associates, Inc. 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meaink.gbellsouth.net Nathalie Goulet Esq Flagstone Properti Groin LLC March 31 2014 Page 12 Submitted into the public recoKE[[d igronnection with � item (Le•t ion 5( tspti City Clerk Or even the State of Florida the amount that will be collected cannot be estimated It is however. expected that collections actualiy made will represent a significant percentage of the f gores indicated above The estimate for non-recurnnq sales ta) collections in Taoie only udes the amounts collected the project s first three years of operations The oro forma prepared for the Island Gardens protect by Flagstone island Gardens _LC estimates that during the first three years of project operations. the two hotels marina and parking facilities will collect total revenues of S292 6 million During his same percd the rental revenues colllecteo on the retail and food and beverage space less an allowance of 5 percent vacancy and collection losses will total $79 6 million while the sales of the tenants occupying that space will total Si 23 billion. Also sales tax eligible will be the S194 4 million spent off -site expenditures of note: nctusive of the timeshare units) and marina guests for food and beverage, entertainment. rated goods and ground transportation as well as a portion of the --ioneys spent by marina users on provisioning The sales tax paid to the State on the amounts enumerated above. which total approximately 5' 80 billiorn will be 3108.000 000 while Miami -Dade County will directly collect 318 000.000 Of the amount collected by the State it will keep approximately 596 105,625 while rebating ST 034.521 tc Miami -Dade County and 5776 221 to the City of Miami. Ad Valorem Taxes • Once develooment of islands Gardens is r. omp!eted the protect tirll need to begin paying ad .'atorern taxes wnrcr wil provide revenues to the City of Miami as well as Miami -Dade County, the Miami -Dade County Public Scnoo, Distract and the Children's Trust The ::cnstitutior cf the State of Florida rnandates that real property should be taxed at 100 cercertt of its market value Since no projects comparable to Island Gardens currently exist in Miami -Dade County on which to base an estimate cf its market value this analysis conservatively assumes that its assessed and taxable value wit' approximate 5895 0 million That figure is eased on the hard cost of project construction and the estimated value of its site based or land values in Downtown. Miami for properties fronting Biscayne Bay The table below shows the amount of ad valorem taxes trial will be generated for each cf the ,urisdictions enumerated by applying tn.e mileage rates they estabiisned for the fiscal year ending September 30 2013 to Island Gardens estimated taxable value of S895 0 million. During the first three of operations the total amo.int paid to each jurisdicton will be three times the amount shown in the table at the for of the next page Miami Economic Associates. Inc. 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainkbebeitsouth.net Nathalie Gouiet Esc Flagstone Property Group LLC March 31 2014 Page 13 Jurisdiction City of Miami Millage Rate/ S1,000 Taxable Value General Fund 7 6148 Debt Service Fund 0 8162 Miami -Dade County jAli Applicable Fundsi' 5 2980 Miami -Dade Public School District (AII ' 7 977C Funds)` Children Trust 0.5000 S 447 500 Submitted into the public record ireconnection with item on on Slept.' City Clerk Amount S 6.815 246 S 730 499 S 4.741.710 S 7 139 415 Source: Miami -Dade County Property Appraiser Miami Economic Associates. Inc City of Miami Parking Surcharge • Tr-e City cf Miami surcharges parking revenues at a rate of 20 percent. Flagstone Property Group LLC has estimated the City will collect surtax revenues in Island Gardens' first three of operations totalina 55 404 618 Franchise Fees and Utility Taxes • The City of Miami collects francnise fees and utility taxes from the providers of a variety cf utility and telecommunications services operating within its Jurisdiction Since the amount the City will collect will oe based on actual usage it cannot be estenatea at this erne Hotel Occupancy Taxes • According to the pro forma of project operations prepared by Flagstone Property Group LLC for the first three years of operations cf Island Gardens two hotels approximately 5105 9 million will be collected in room charges A hotel occupancy tax of 6 percent will be applied to this amount. resulting it tax revenues totaling $6.351 144. Gasoline Taxes ks discussed previously 115,077 gallons of fuel are protected to be sold at the proposed ecanna in its fourth full year of operations. ,nc!uding 92 060 gallons of diesel and 23.017 gallons of gasoline The operating pre forma prepared for Islanc Gardens by Flagstone arocerty Group LLC assumes that equivalent amounts of fuel will be sold in second and third :ear of Gee -aeons wen fee firs! year c` operations expenenc:no lower volume approximately -7 percent of the second year amount In the Sate of Honda and Miami -Dade County diesel 'uei sold at marinas is orgy subject to payment of safes taxes However. gasoline sales are suotect to additional taxes at botn the State and County level at the rates of $0.169 per gallon and 50 171_ per gallon. respectively The figures sncwn for gasoline taxes in Table 1 were calculated by applying these rates to the sale of '7 723 gallons in the first year of operations and 23.017 gallons of gasoline In the second ane thirc years 'ncluoes the General Fund the Debt Service Puna and the L•erary EL.na :,1cluces the Operati-ta Fund and the Debi Service `una Miami Economic Associates, Inc, 6861 S.W. 89th Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 Tel: (305) 669-0229 Fax: (866) 496-6107 Email: meainkebellsouth.net