HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Legislation• j-01-724 9/17/01 01-. 972 RESOLUTION:NO A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI. CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), MAKING PROVISIONS 'FOR HOLDING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 6, 2001, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE AT SAID.ELECTION THE FOLLOWING REFERENDUM BALLOT QUESTION, TO BE KNOWN AS BALLOT QUESTION NO. 2: "SHALL THE CITY LEASE CITY -OWNED LAND CONSISTING OF 24.2 TOTAL UPLAND AND SUBMERGED ACRES ON WATSON ISLAND TO .FLAGSTONE PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT' OF A MEGA YACHT MARINA, 'FISH. MARKET, HOTELS WITH TIMESHARE UNITS, A MARITIME MUSEUM, PUBLIC • GARDENS, CULTURAL FACILITIES, RESTAURANTS, RETAIL AND SUPPORT FACILITIES, FOR 45 YEARS WITH TWO 15-YEAR, SUBJECT TO CAPITAL INVESTMENT, SUBJECT •TO A MINIMUM ANNUAL GUARANTEED RENT OF $2,000,000 AND OTHER CONDITIONS TIIE CITY MAY REQUIRE?"; DESCRIBING THE REGISTRATION BOOKS AND RECORDS MAINTAINED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL LAWS OF FLORIDA AND CHAPTER 16 OF THE CODE OF .THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH THE CITY HAS ADOPTED AND DESIRES TO. USE FOR. HOLDING SUCH SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ,ELECTION;- DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING THE •CITY CLERK AS THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY COMMISSION. WTTI-I RESPECT TO THE USE OF SUCH REGISTRATION BOOKS' AND RECORDS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE .OF THE ADOPTION OF. THIS RESOLUTION AND TIIE PROVISIONS THEREOF PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CAUSE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW. WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Charter and Code, the City has conducted a competitive Unified Development Project • 'Mt AntitERY CONTA011) crlY cossumecat pozerma Q. SEP 17 2001 ocautioa 1 J( • • process for the lease and development of improvements on the northwest quadrant of Watson Island; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has made a recommendation to the City Commission to accept a proposal that has been duly accepted; and WHEREAS, -the -City Commission wishes to poll the electors of the City of Miami as to whether the City of 'Miami shall lease City -owned land consisting of approximately 10.8 acres on Watson Island and 13.4 acres of submerged land adjacent to Watson Island, -a total of 24.2 acres, to Flagstone Properties, LLCf for development of • a mega yacht marina, fish market, hotels with timeshare units, a maritime museum, public gardens, cultural • facilities,restaurants, retail and suPport, facilities, for 45 - years with two'15-year renewals, subject to capital investment, . subject to a minimum annual guaranteed rent of $2,000,000 and other conditions the City may require; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE :COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A special municipal election is called and directed to be held in the City of Miami, Florida, on Tuesday, Page 2 of 9 972 November 6, 2001, from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of submitting- the following question to the qualified. electors -of the City of Miami for their approVal or disapproval: "Shall the City lease City -owned land conaisting of 24.2. total - upland and. submerged acres on. Watson Island to Flagstone Properties, LLC, for -development of a mega yacht Marina, fish market, hotels. with timeshare units, a maritime museum, public gardens, cultural facilities, restaurants, retail and supportfacilities, for 4.5. years with two 157year renewals,. subject to capital investment, subject to a minimum annual guaranteed rent •• of $2,000,000 and other. conditions the City may require?" Section 2. The election shall be held at. the voting places in. the precincts designated on Exhibit No. 1, 'attached' and incorporated, or as may be designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County, in conformity with the provisions of the general' :Laws of the State. A description of the registration books and records which pertain to election precincts wholly or partly within the cityand which the City is adopting and desires to use for holding such elections is as follows: all registration cards, books, recordsand certificates pertaining to electors of the City and established and Maintained aa official by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County, in conformity with the provisions of the general laws of the State, are adopted and declared to be, and Page 3 of 9 - 9 7 2 • • Shall hereafter be recognized and accepted as, official registration cards, books, records and certificates' of the City • of. Miami: Section 3. The Precinct Election Clerks and Inspectors to serve at. said polling places on said election date shall he designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County, Florida, for such purposes in accordance with the general laws. of the State. The registration books and records for the registration of persons qualified to vote insaid elections shall be those maintained by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County. Section 1. Furthe purpose of enabling persons Lo register. who are qualified to vote in said special municipal election Lo be, held On November 6, 2001, and who have not registered under the provisions of the general laws of Florida and Chapter.16 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, or who- have transferred their leg41 residence from one voting precinct to another voting precinct. in the City, theymay register at the following place and times: Page 4 of 9 - 972 • • MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT ill Northwest 1st Street, Miami, Florida Monday to Friday, inclusive: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. In addition to the above- place and times, qualified persons .may register• at such branch offices and may also use any mobilo registration van for the purpose of registration to vote in the herein described election during such times and on such dates as may be designated by the Supervisor of EleCtionS of MiamiDade County. Section 5. In compliance with applicable law, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish notice • of the adoption of the herein Resolution and of the provisions hereof, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the following form: "NOTICE OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN TH1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2001 PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 01- A special election will be held. on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M., in the City of Miami, Florida, at the. polling places in the several election precincts designated by. the Board .of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County, Florida, as set forth herein, unless otherwise provided by law, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Miami, Florida, the following ballot question, known as Ballot Question No. 2: Page 5 of 9 972 • - "Shall- the City lease City -owned land consisting of 24.2 tot) upland and submerged . acres on Watson Island to Flagstone Properties, LLC, for development of a. mega. yacht marina, fish market, hotels with timeshare. units, a maritime museum,' public gardens, cultural facilities,. restaurants, retail. and Support facilities, for 45 years with two 15-year renewals; subjectto capital investment, subject to a minimum annualguaranteed rent of .$2,000,009 and other conditions the City may require?" Ballot Question No. 2.polls the electors of the City of Miami as to whether the City Of Miami shall lease City -owned land consisting of 24.2 total upland and submerged acres on Watson Island to Flagstone Properties, LLC, for development of a mega yacht marina, fish market, hotels with timeshare Units, a maritime museum,. Public gardens, cultural facilities, restaurants, retail and support facilities, for 45 years with two 15-year renewals; subject ,to capital investment, subject.to a minimum annual guaranteed rent of $2,000,000 and other conditions the City. may require? By order of the Commission of the City. of Miami, Florida, CITY CLERK (See:attached iit of City of Miami Polling Places.)" Section 6. The official ballot to be used in said election shall be in full compliance with the laws of the State - of Florida with respect to absentee ballots and to the use of the mechanical voting machines or Computer Election System (CES) and shall be in substantially the following form, to wit; Page 6 of 9 . 972 • "OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMEER 6, 2001 FOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING BALLOT QUESTION Ballot Question No. 2 authoriving 45-year lease of City -owned upland/submerged land on Watson Island. YES (For the Measure) NO (Against the Measure) "Shall the City lease City -owned land consisting of. 24.2 total upland and submerged acres on Watson Island to Flagstone Properties, LLC, for development of a mega yacht marina, fish market, hotels with timeshare units, a maritime museum, public gardens, cultural facilities, restaurants, retail and support facilities, for 45 years with two 15-year renewals, subject to capital investment, subject to a minimum annual guaranteed rent of $2,000,000 and other conditions the City may require?" Section 7. Electors desiring to vote. for the approval of Ballot Question No.-2 described above, shall be instructed to punch straight down with the stylus through the hole next to the word 'YES" within the ballot from containing the statement .relating to said Question. Electors desiring to vote against. the question in disapproval of said Question, shall be instructed to punch straight down with the stylus through the Page 7 of 9 01- 972 • • hole next to the word "NO" within the ballot .frame containing the statement relating .to said Question. Section 8. WALTER J. FOEMAN, the City. Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, or his duly appointed successor, ib designated andappointed as the official representative of the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida,• in all transactions with the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County. in, relation to matters -pertaining to the use .of • the. registration books for the holding of the herein special municipal election. Section 9. - The • City Clerk shall cause to be prepared absentee ballots for the use of absentee electors entitled to cast such ballots in said election. Section 10..• . All qualified electors of said -City shall be permitted to vote in .said special municipal election and the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County is requested, authorized, and directed to furnish, at the .cost and expense of the City of Miami, a list of all qualified electors residingin the City of,Miami as shown by the registration books and records of the Office of said Supervisor of Elections and duly certify the same for delivery to and for use by the election official designated to serve at the respective polling places in said election precincts: Section 11. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be delivered to the Page 8 of 9 • 61- 972 • • • Supervisor of E3ections of Miami -Dade County pursuant to applicable law. Section 12. This Resolution. shall become 'effective immediatey upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor." PASSED AND ADOPTMD this 13th day of September , 2001.. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accorcfanne with Miami Cods Soc. 2-3, since the Mayor did not indicate epOrevol of this legisiotIon by signinci in tho Oi?:.priator.1 1)!ziat rcthd,said legislation r w becomos of:octivo. with tilt,:cf f ten (1O) kti‘p; it' the dategre nmisaic ,A°F.on regarding sane, without the IVI4or /1'011"111* ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN, .CITY CLERK • APPROy,A4.1' AS20,FORM AND CORRECTNESS - e • - //: 1/1 vr. C.Y A .0R\197 lARELLO y,• f11'4 W5576:LN:BSS:DEJ Wafter J. y Clerk If the Mayor does not sign thin Resolution, it shall become effective ae the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by tho City Commission, Page 9 of 9 01- 972 rca: 52 501 .502 503 • 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 • 511 512 513 514 515 •5/6 517 518 519 520 -- 521 • .522 523 • ••524 526. 527 • .528 529 530 531 532 .533 5.34 • 535 536 537 538 0./ST OF POLLING PLACES FOR dli4M1 AS OF AUGUST 17, 2001 LOCATION MUSEUM OF SCIENCE LI'E'FLE RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH NEW M'I' PLEASANT I3AP'1'IS'1' CI IURCU • 1.1 U 1)-.SEWING .ROOM HARVE,Y W SEEDS AMI RICAN LEGION //29 ATHAI.:II RANCiE PARK MORNINC3S11)I3 PARK THENA CROwr)ER ELEMENTARY SCIIOOL: NEW -MT MORIAI.I BA PTIST C`I1 IJR.CH - GRAPELANI) HEIGHTS PARK WE-SLEY UNITED METHODIST HO1)IST CHURCH JORI.)AN GROVE MISSIONARY I3AP'1' CHURCH S'l' PAI:UI. INS'['ITLJi'IONAI. AMID CHURCH 13GLAFONTI3 'I'ACOLC:Y C1 NIFR • EIDISON SENIC.)R 1'1.A1_A 'I'OUSSAINT 1.C)UVIR'1'L JR131.LEMI;N'1'ARY MC)RNINC_;SI]713 PARK • HAY SI•IORIi l..U"I'I IIRAN CI.IURC!I CHURCH OF CiOI) OF PROPHECY 1r I SHAI)C:)WI.AWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MILLER IDAWKENS SWIMMING .COMPLEX • NFW PROVI.I)I:NCE 114 ISSIONA R.Y .13A PT. CHR ,MOORE3 PARK. MIAMI .IAC.:KSON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SIMPSON PARK - RECREATION BUILDING GIJIt'1'IS PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE • COMS'I'OCK PARK MALCOLM ROSS SENIOR CENTER ROr3ERT A BALLARD ARMORY ROBERT A r3A1..LARI) ARMORY CI.,ACII')13 PEPPER COMMUNITY CENTER 11 CHRIST THE. EPISCOPAL CHURCH CUI.,ME,R NEICIIBORIIOOI) SERVICE CENTER MIAMI ETRE STATION i12 DUNI3AR ELEMENTARY SC'LIOOL PHYLLIS WHI ATLrY FLI.?M1iNTARY SCHOOL EUGENIO.MARIA 1)E iIOS'1'OS C'I'R 'UNITY ON THE I3AY ADDRESS 3280 S MIAMI AVE 495 NW 77 ST 7610 BISCAYNE 13I) 1407NW7ST 6445 NE 7 AVE 525 NW 62 ST 750 NE 55 TR 757 NW 66 5'I' 6700 NW 14 AVE 1550 NW 37 AVE 133 PONCE DE LION f31) 5946 NW 12 AVE I892NW51TR 6161 NW9AVE, 200NW55ST 120 NE 59 S'1' 750 NI155 'IR 5051 I3ISCAYNE IiI) 4528 NW 1 AVE 149NWV49S'r 4800 NW 12 AVE 760 NW 53 ST - 765 NW 36 S'1' 1751 NW 36 ST SSSW 17R.D 1901 NW 24 AVE 1776 NW 28 S'I' • 2800 NW 18 AVE 700 NW 28 S'I' 700 NW 28 ST 760 NW 18 '1'R 3481 HIBISCUS S'1' 1600 NW 3 AVE 1901 NORTI:I MIAMI AVE 505 NW 20 ST 1801 NW 1 PL 2902 NW 2 AVE, 411NE21ST 8/17101 Page 1 of 3 .�" 972 S/ST OF POLLING PLACES FOR fir MI AS OF AUGUST 17, 2001 PC!: LOCATION 539 TRINITY A'I'III I)RA1. I IAI,L. 540 NO POLLING 1>LACII / NO REG. VOTERS 541 SHERATON BISCAYNE' BAY HOTEL 542 JACK C)RR SENIOR CENTER . 543 ORANGE BOWL STADIUM - GATE 14 544 TRINITY CATHEDRAL HALL 545 POLISH A1'1ER.ICAN CLUI3 OF MIAMI, INC. 546 JACK ORR SENIOR CENTER 547 MIAMI FIRE STATION 117 Sad s'rMiC1•fAEL'SCHURCH 549 KENSING TON PARK ELEMENTARY SC.'HOOL. 550 MIAMI FIRE FIGHTER BENEVOLENT ASSOC 551 STLPIIEN P CLARK COMMUNITY CTR • 552 ARMANDO I3AD1A SENIOR CENTER • 553 ROI31 RT KINO HIGH COMMUNITY HOUSE 554 ST DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL, 555 WF;S'I' END Pi1ItK COMMUNITY HOUSE 556 'RESIDENTIAL PLAZA 557 IGLESIA CRISTIANA REF EL 13UEN SAM 558 KINLOCH PARK COMMUNITY HO1.ISF 559 IGLESIA BAUTISTA LIBRE E13ENEZ R 560 KINLOC3 PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL 561 SIMPSON PARK - RECREATION BUILDING 562 JOHN J KOUI3EK CENTER 563 LITTLE HAVANA HOUSING PROJECT !i 1 564 ORANGE. BOWL STADIUM - GATE.1213 565 RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 566 . HOPE, CENTER 567 MIAMI FIRE STATION #4 568 SIMPSON PARK. - RECREATION BUILDING 569 UTl) TOWERS 570 CORAL WAY NE'T' CENTER 571 FI., CORDERO PRESBY"1 ERIAN CHURCH 572 SHENANDOAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 573- SHENANDOAII PARK. COMMUNITY HOUSE 57./ SH ENANDOAI I PRI SLBYTERIAN CHURCH 575 CORAL GATE PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 576 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 111608 8/17/01 ,1DDRI SS 464 NE 16 ST 49513IUCKELL AVE 550 NW 5 ST 1501 NW 3 ST .464 NE 16 ST .1250 NW 12 AVl 550 NW 5 ST • 314 BL"ACOM BD 2987 WEST FI,A01.1.iR 51 71 I NW 30 AVE 2980 IOW S RIVER DR I650NW 37 AVE 25 TAM1AMI I3LVI) • 7025 WEST FLACiLER ST 5909NW7S'1' 250 SW 60 AVE 5617NW7ST. • 4585 WEST F1..ACII..ER ST 455 NW 47 AVE .411I SW 4 ST 4340 NW 3 S'.I' 55SW 17RD 2705 SW 3 59' 1759 SW 5 ST .1501 NW 3 S1' 119OSW2ST 666 SW 5 S'I' 1 105 SW 2 AVE 55 SW 17 RD 1809 I1RICK.F,I.1., AVE 1300 SW 12 AVE • 2091 SW 14 AVE 1023SW21 AVE 1800 SW 21 AVE 2150 SW 8 ST 1415 SW 32 AVE 2750 SW 16 S'I' Page 2ofa o1. 91'2 .1ST OF POLLING PLACES FOR ISAM! AS OF AUGUST 17, 2001 PCT. .LOCATION 577 DOU(GLAS PARK COMMUNITY IIOUS1 578 IULESIA I3AUTISTA R[ SURRECCION 579 IGLESIA'UAUTJSTA KESURRICCION 580' SILVER .BLUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 58/ MUSEIJM OF SCIENCE • 582 - MARJUOTI" RESIDENCE INN 583' MIAMI.IIRE STATION //8 584 FRANKIE S ROLLE SERVICE CENTER 585 IiS'I'IIER M AItM13RISTI2R PARK . 586 MIAMI DAI)I? WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY 587 PEACOCK PARK 508 .UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CLUB 589 . CURTIS PARK COMMUNITY MOUSE 590 MALCOLM ROSS SENIOR CENTER 59/ HADLEY GARDENS 592 NEW MT MORIAH 13A.PTIST CHURCH 593 CITRUS GROVE MIDDLC SCHOOL 594 EL CORDERC) PRES1 Y'I'I RIAN CIIURCII 595 DOUGLAS PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 596 OUR LADY 017 LIIE3ANON CATHOLIC C'IIR 597 OUR LADY OF L. E13ANON CATHOLIC CUR 598 FRANKEI' S ROLLI SERVICE CENTER 8f17/01 ADDRESS 2755 SW 37 AVE 2323 SW 27 AVE 2323 SW 27 AVE 2609 SW 25 AVE 3280 S MIAMI AVE 2835 TIOERTAIL AVE 2975 OAK AVE 3750 SOUTIl DIXU IIWY 236 GRANI.) AVE, 3575 S LEJEI!NE ItD 2820 MCFARLANE IW 3595 NW 35 ST 1901NW24AVE 2800 NW 18 AVE 3031 NW 19 AV13 6700 NW 14 AVE 2153NW3ST 2091 SW 14 AVE 2755 SW 37 AVE 2055 CORAL WAY 2055 CORAL WAY 3750 SOUTI-1 DIXIE IIWY Page 3 of 3 01,- 972 ., • CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM iA 70: FRO The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission rafios-A.-9tmenez City Manaker,2 DATE SUBJECT : FiLE • Referendum and Ballot Language for the Watson Island MegaYacht, Fish Market And IVIixed Use Development Project REFERENCES: SEP is 2001 ENCLOSURES: Resolution, List of Poising Places RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution relating to the Watson Island MegaYacht, Fish Market. and Mixed'' Use Development Project, This legislation provides for a special municipal election to be held on November 6, 2001 to seek the voters' approval of a lease with the seleoted developer. The Legislation further provides the necessary ballot language and directives to the supervisor of elections and the City Clerk pertaining to this ballot question, BACKGROUND The Department of Real Estate and Economic Development prepared this legislation, In accordance with the City Charter and Code, the City has conducted a competitive Unified Development Project process for the lease and development of improvements on the northwest quadrant of Watson Island. Following the prescribed directives of the Charter,the City Manager has made a recommendation to the City Commission to accept a proposal, which recommendation has been approved by the City Commission. , As dictated by Section 29-C of the City of Miami Charter, the voters of the City must now be allowed to determine, by a majority of votes cast at a general election, whether to authorize the City to enter into a lease agreement with the selected proposer. Therefore, ballot language is contained in the Resolution for this purpose: The legislation further provides the required directives and authorizations for the conduct of the special municipal election on November 6, 2001, Including: the identification of polling places, the hours of the election, the registration of voters, publication of required notices, creation of the official ballot and absentee ballots, instructions to electors, directives to the Supervisor of Elections of Miami -Dade County, and the appointment of the City Clerk to represent the City in ail matters of this election. CAGlA�RW/i]�J.,� 972 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF WATSON ISLAND PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida at a Special City Conunission Meeting on Monday, September 17th, 2001 at 9:30 am in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of discussing the proposals received in response to the City's Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the Watson Island Mega Yacht Marina, Fish Market and Mixed Use Development opportunity, a Unified Development Project ("UDP") on the Northwest Quadrant of Watson. Island, and for the purpose of discussing the City Manager's recommendations regarding same; further discussingaitd approving appropriate ballot language regarding said issue to be a referendum placed before the voters as a special election on the November d, 2001 ballot. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this Ordinance. Should . any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (City Seal) Walter J. Foeman City Clerk 01- 972 J-01-826 9/25/01 cj.1-1028 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS I,I.ON REQUESTING THAT DAVID LEAHY, THE MIAMI-L) DE COUNTY SUPERVISOR' OF ELECTIONS, PRINT THE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS AND BALOT QUESTIONS ON THE NOVEMBER 6, 2001 CITY I OF MIAMI ELECTION BALLOT IN 1\ SPECIFIC OKI)ERi AS SET FORTH HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED B.Y T1`IE COMMISSION Of' THE COY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. David Leahy, the Miami -Dade County upervisor of Elections, is requested to print the proposed Charter Amendments and Ballot Questions on the November Election Ballot in the following order: ORDER ON DESIGNATION AS ADOPTED BALLOT BY CITY COMMISSION Charger Amendment Civilian Investigative Panel 2. Charter -Amendment •Global amendments 3. Charter Amendment Amending Charter Sections 29A, 29B, and 29C 9. 'Charter Amendment: Commissioners Salaries 6, 2001 City of RESOLUTION ;NO. • Resolution Na'.-0:1-844 Resolution Nol. 01-843 Resolution No. 0.1-841 Resolution No 01-842 Miami CITY COMMISSION MEETING OP SEP 2 5 ?ei itu 1ut►on ma. oa —104,0 ORDER ON DESIGNATION AS ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. BY CITY COMMISSION 5, Ballot Question Watson. Island Proposal G. Ballot• Question Exempting business in Empowerment Zones from Ad valorem taxes Resolution No. 01-972 Resolution No. 01-535 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor,l/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, 2001, JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Mlarni Code Soo. 2-36, rince the Mayor did not Indicate appr(..:fry,1 cf tbiu 14Knn by !.incn hr, dry.icltor! filar • rrovid,";$•,1, ni0 becolliPz; r;i11.1dtive with IP': Iti:. regarding same, without t.fr.7. Mayc: egr.rc Arl."PEST: WALTER 3. FOEMAN, UTY CLERK APPRO TO RM AND CORRECTNESS: .0 „ego LARELLO ORNEY 5667:BSS T f the Ma yor does not si gn th s Rose 1 ut,i on, it sha I become effecti ve a t the end of Len calendar days from the date i t was passed and adopted I f t he Mayor vetoes this Resolution , it 8 hail become e f feet ve immediat el y upon override oi the veto by the City Commis ion Page 2 of 2