HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit Ait Juiy 15,2011 FDG flaglerStatiOnli LLC 28551eJunie Road,. Suite. 400. Corgi Gabl, EL 33134 tami EXHIBIT "A" JOHNNY MARTI4PR.E. •My Mow Re: FLAGLER GRAN CENTRAL:$TATIQN FIRST RESIBMITTAW T4NTATlyE FitAl#1764-A LOCATED ON THE WEST 'SIDE OF NW ist AVENUE BETWEEN NW 1,6t STREET AND NW Bth STREET Ladies and Gentlernen: The City of Miati Plat and Street Cdnithittee, at its Meeting of July 7, 2011 epproved the above tentative plat, subject to the following revisions being mad to the tentative,plat, additional information being provided andieir Variances being granted. Please beadvised that theprocessingo1yourentative plat cannot proceed until these tonditiont have beerrsatided: 1. Location Sketch a)Draw the lot lines Of the underlying plat and of the adjacent pats. b) Label the Lot end Mock nurnbers,.:SubdiVision. names, end:Plat Book and Page:numbers of the underlying and adjacent plats, Show toning desigriatiOns and zoning district fines, d) Describethe Lc:cation-Sketch as:: A PORTION OF SECTION 37„,TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, AND A:PORTION OF SECTION .$7, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST,(THE JAMES:HAGAN DONATION), CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, . . . 2.. In the 'Tentative Plat appiication, the execution portion should use the Limited Liability Company formi,. arid provide the neme and thetie of Person 3. Provide anOpinion Titie forte Plat ;100s, also indicate who :is authorized to sigrIthe eobIloatigrif and the proposed plat onbehalf ot ifte.owner. 4. Show the -relationship between. Fpa9egier Station11 LLC, a Delaware litnitedliability company Waling the application), and FDG Downtown LLC aDelaware.lirrilted liability company (owner by PgOJALWARRANTY DEED provided). 6,: Provide„tom the $eoretmdf.Stete,..the most current.Certificate of Good :Standing, -C. Provide an Opinion of Title:forte for the remnant partionS of the SPECIAL. WARRANTY DEED not being platted. 7. Provide-m.1.00)bn af Tittelor the lands being dedicate d as Right of Way fot NW l'tAventre net included In the SPECIAL WARRANTYDEED.proVided. 8. Elevations must be on. CITY OF .MIAMI DATUM. a: Provide source of FLOOD ZONE, and BASE FLOOD ELEVATION, 10: . Provide source-6f PLOOD:.CRIT.ERIA,..and SpeCify,irtit.(feet). 11. Provide:a more sbetifiOtleSdriptien.ofthe DEVELOPMENT INTENT. 12. Revise .the Surveyor's Certificate W.refiedt BOUNDARYSURVEY, andthaotertJ-47.06.. 11 Provide proof of Own efahiO'forthe PortiOnS. ef NW 2''''.Street, NW4' Street, and NW 1Avenue being included in the:SPECIALWARRANTY.DEED provided. 14. indicate.theRIGHT OF WAY are TO BE DEDIQATED BY THIS PLAT. IS, indicate the 'RIGHT OF WAY aroa TO BE CLOSED AND VACATED BY THIS PLAT. 415. :Provide- a breakdown ofthe.gross hiea, the area of the proposed troOts, the area of the right of vatto betlosed end vacated by this plat, and the area of the right Of way to be dedicated by this in square :feet and in acres. 17, .ProVido.a Soaring anti Distance tot alfte bo.underieetf. th0 tOts, 18.;$hioVthe knorovaitorita:and the current use of the land Of the proposed 'DEPARTMENT:OF iltittlt *AKS. 444 ..5.VV. 2 nd: Ayenuej Mianii; Florida 35110 (31.)) 4164209 ifak,,,c305) 4 T6,12 78 Mailing 'Address: P.O. Box .33.N.0.8 Miami:, FL 8$23'3-0768 Provide georneby infOrmation for the fu1 right away width Of the pOrticinOf NWl'AVatiliebeing realigned, 20„. A letter froititornoostis:required ;to determine if any adjustments to their facilities or easements • Oro required.. 21 verify with Miami -bade County that the proposed plat name is acceptable: 22: All encroachrnentS across proposed plat tracts and/or lot lines must be removed prier to final plat alibmittoi. 23, An opinion of titikin the City of :Miami opinion of title form must be proVided at the the tif The final plat subinittat 24 Current backup doOtimenteti011 841 be.:required trail who execute the 'final .piat. A resolution for authority to execute documentsand a Certificate Of Good standing from the :Secretary of State ore f!eltiirect, :if appIcabIe 25: Tentative plotapplication Must be made With Miami -Dade County after receiving approval from the City of Miami Plat and :Street Committee. 25,. Be advised that an incomplete final plat package will not be accepted by the City Of Mierit it is lheownera T0,8000010 to Work with his surveyor and his .:attomey to assure that evarYthirig it in order beforestibtrilWrig the final plat pookoge, 27Be advised that if all requirements for scheduling the final plat for commission:action are not in. order, the final plat will not biasollecitijed for a city Commission meeting. 23provide a letter from Miami -bade Transit Agency approVing the plat. 20, Provide a zoning verification letter from the City of Miami Zoning Adrriinittratir: 30 Provide existing Wevations at the back Sidewolk„ centerline:of the Streets and P 0 1 RT. bf the 'curbs: 31 Correct the curb alignment Of 'NW fl'Avenue at the Porte' Miarn railroad sput. 32, Verify if any Ogle tracts are located within archaeological, historic or onvironMental.preserVation .districts.. Contact the city's Planning Department for the requirements 1 reOUlationS, Acid property linps op shown on the warrantyrdeeds,. in:addition-to the above requirements, you ehouldbe a'ware of the followifq 1, State and local iews:reqUirethe installation of .Vathtit. physical improVernants !nthe ptitiiio rights -of -way When, property is platted. These subdivision improvementinclude paving, drainag.ar. tandscaping„ sidewalks, etc, in some cases this could represent a substantial investment on your part. OPTION: The SUbrnission of an'aleetionic copy of the plat in an .AutoCAD version, to the City of ;.MiartiiPLibild'Works.,0eveloprneritend Roadway Plans. Section will EXPEDITE 'the. preparation and enhance the ACCURACY of thesubdivion improvement estimate letter required .for the final plat approval 2. The alteration, relocation :Or installation of :utilities uc as suchstorm and sanitary sewers, telephone, 'water, etc,mused by this plat will be at the property owner's expense. Also ubhty eateinentathey be required On the property ,be platted, 3 A buildiflg permit will hot beissued tin the prOperty. being .piatted ',until the final :plat is recorded or as authorized by City of Miami Code :Section •65-10(hy, Also, the Certificate of Occupancy for any :toundiq construction will be issued only after ailthe required subdivision improvements have :been ompleted. 4. Apbrevai-for fire fie* requirements must be. obtained from the .'Pre -Rescue Department prior IC the %Silence of a blinding' permit 5. Additional items fnust b Pf0V10%1 :to the City of fIllpriirDepartment Of. Poifio Works before the final plat is :submitted tO the City Oorritietion for approvai.. You will be notified in writing as to what th.0.5a ken* are. Otter the amount ...Of the bond has been -determined for the necetsary.tlibdiviSion troproverrients. 6, Tentative :plat apprOVelja only valid for One. (1) year. and six (6) months from the date of the Plat and..$treet.COrriniitteernoeting at*hich time it was opproyect If you have .any .questions concerning These requirements, please refer to the attached sheet for the •appropriate person totontact. Sincerely, zeribe ihelcwaba, Ph. D, P. Director of •Public Works Ict NI/ WI-I/mit .5nclosure. Contact Sheet 'LudoViCi & Orange •329 Palermo Avenue, Suite 4.00 coral.Gabies1FL83134 Ines Marrero=Priegues, tsq. Holland & Knight LLP 701 Brickefl Avenue, Suite SOW Miami, 38131 Plat and Street Committee Members Surveys DeVelopment and Roadway Plans Central