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Substituted Due to Modification on the Floor in connection with City Commission.
Resolution No. R-14-0151, adopted April 24, 2014;
original item can viewed at end of this agreement
Draft for Review and Comment
PROMULGATED THEREUNDER ("Agreement") is effective as of May 12, 2014
("Effective Date") between the City of Miami, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation,
whose principal address is 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida ("City"), and
Amigos Together for Kids, Inc., a Florida not -for -profit corporation with tax-exempt
status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRS
Code"), whose address is , Miami, Florida
3 31_("Provider").
WHEREAS, the City has previously entered into agreements with Provider to provide
after school tutoring, counseling, computer education, instruction and program
management, family events, cultural, educational, and recreational activities (collectively,
"Scope of Services", attached and incorporated as Composite Attachment A-1 hereto) at
various public facilities located at the City's Jose Marti Park located at
, Miami, Florida (collectively, "Park Use Areas",
attached and incorporated as Composite Attachment A-2 hereto); and
WHEREAS, the City's public facilities at Jose Marti Park from time to time have been
constructed and improved with funding from various City and Miami -Dade County tax-
exempt bond funds, which require ongoing compliance with the provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRS Code") and U. S. Treasury Regulations
promulgated thereunder ("U.S. Treasury Regulations"); and
WHEREAS, although Provider periodically has received funding through the City and
The Children's Trust to provide after school services for the City's Department of Parks
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and Recreation ("Department") for youth at Jose Marti Park, Provider also through
donations has provided other family events, cultural, educational, and recreation activities
free and open to the public, has provided donations and in -kind services for
improvements to the facilities, and has paid the City one dollar ($1.00) per month for the
use of the facilities to provide the services free of charge to the community; and
WHEREAS, on April 24, 2014, the City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. R-14-
0151 (the "City Authorizing Resolution", attached and incorporated as Composite
Attachment A-3): (1) accepted and adopted the City Manager's and the Department's
recommendations and findings that pursuant to Section 18-86(a)(3)(c) of the Code of the
City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Code"), competitive negotiation methods and
procedures were not practicable or advantageous for obtaining said Services, and waived
competitive bidding methods and procedures for said Services, (2) authorized the City
Manager to negotiate and execute a Parks and Recreation Services Agreement for
ongoing compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended ("IRS Code") and certain U.S. Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder
("U.S. Treasury Regulations"), in form acceptable to the City Attorney and Bond
Counsel, with Provider to continue to provide said Services for the three (3) year contract
period commencing as of May 12, 2014 through May 11, 2017, and (3) further authorized
the City Manager to negotiate and execute, in form acceptable to the City Attorney and
Bond Counsel, such further alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or
waivers that do not exceed the amount payable and do not change the length of the
effective term, in order to comply with IRS Code and the U.S. Treasury Regulation
provisions; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission also pursuant to the City Authorizing Resolution
directed that any renewal of this Agreement for ongoing compliance with the IRS Code
and U.S. Treasury Regulations beyond the initial three (3) year term must return to the
City Commission for review and approval;
WHEREAS, on , 2014, Provider's Board of pursuant to not -
for -profit corporation Resolution No. authorized Provider's
and (1) to negotiate and execute this Agreement and any and all
further alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers that do not
exceed the programmatic term and any applicable not to exceed amount, and (2) to
undertake all necessary actions on behalf of Provider for its compliance with the terms
and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to all requirements for
compliance with the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the City and
Provider (sometimes hereafter referred to as "Parties") agree as follows:
The effective tern of this Agreement shall be from for the three (3) year contract period
commencing as of May 12, 2014 through May 11, 2017, with any renewal(s) subject to
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further approval by the City Commission, and subject to ongoing compliance and
Provider's performance.
B. TERMS OF RENEWAL, if applicable
In the sole discretion of the City Commission, this Agreement may be renewed with the
written acknowledgement of Provider. In considering the exercise of any Agreement
renewal, and in accordance with the City Authorizing Resolution and Provider's Board
authorization at such time(s) as applicable, renewal may not exceed a term equal to the
tern of the initial Agreement for a total maximum of three (3) terms totaling nine (9)
years. The City Commission in its sole discretion will consider, but is not limited to, the
1. Provider meeting the performance requirements specified in this Agreement.
2. Continued demonstrated and documented need for the services provided by Provider.
3. Program performance, fiscal performance, and compliance by Provider that is deemed
satisfactory in City Commission's sole discretion.
4. Provider's compliance with IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions
related to the limitations on use of tax-exempt bond financed/improved facilities.
5. If applicable to funding from the City to Provider, the City is prohibited from creating
obligations in anticipation of budgeted revenues from one fiscal year to another without
year to year extension provisions in the agreement.
6. If applicable, the City in its sole discretion will initiate re -negotiation of this
Agreement before the Agreement tern expires.
1. Provider agrees to render services in accordance with the Scope of Services as set
forth in Composite Attachment A-1 in the Park Use Areas set forth in Composite
Attachment A-2 hereto. Provider shall implement the Scope of Services and use the Park
Use Areas in a manner deemed satisfactory to the City. Any modification to the Scope of
Services or to the Park Use Areas shall not be effective until approved, in writing, by the
City and Provider.
2. The Scope of Services' activities and performance measures and Provider's ongoing
compliance use of the Park Use Areas, as well as complete and accurate data,
programming, and use information will be used in the evaluation of Provider's overall
performance and compliance.
3. If applicable, Provider agrees that any funding provided by the City, pursuant to this
Agreement will be used exclusively for the Scope of Services in and for the benefit of
Miami -Dade County residents.
4. Provider and the City agree that except at such times as Provider is providing
scheduled approved activities under the Scope of Services in the Park Use Areas, such
Park Use Areas shall remain open and available for other Parks users pursuant to the
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City's rules and regulations for Parks uses and in accordance with public access
requirements for compliance with the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions
related thereto. Provider and the City further agree that City through the Department's
Staff shall work with Provider to secure and protect from vandalism the facilities in the
Park Use Areas where Provider and its donors have provided improvements. Provider and
City further agree that except during such tunes that Provide is providing the scheduled
approved activities under the Scope of Services in the Park Use Areas, neither Provider
nor any other user shall have exclusive use of any Park Use Area.
1. NOT APPLICABLE: Subject to the availability of funds, the maximum amount
payable for Services rendered under this Agreement shall not exceed $ , with a
required match of $ . Provider agrees that should available funding to The
City be reduced, the amount payable under this Agreement will be reduced at the sole
option of the City. Provider agrees to adhere to Attachment B of this Contract: Other
Fiscal Requirements, Budget and Method of Payment.
2. Fees: Provider shall pay a monthly use fee to the City of one dollar ($1.00) per month
for the use of the Park Use Areas to provide the Scope of Services free of charge to the
community. Provider understands and agrees that it shall be responsible for payment to
the City of any other City fees, including but not limited to Special Events Permit Fees, as
applicable pursuant to the City's Code, rules and regulations, as amended from time to
time throughout the term of this Agreement.
3. Other Payments: If applicable to a not -for -profit organization, Provider agrees to pay
any other amounts that would be legally required to be paid pursuant to federal, state,
county, city, or other local laws for Provider's Scope of Services.
E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT — (Applicable provisions to be determined)
1. Double Billing and Payments
Provider costs or earnings claimed under this Agreement may not also be claimed under
any other Agreement or grant from the City or, unless such claim is denied by The
Children's Trust, from any other agency. Any claim for double payment by Provider
shall be a material breach of this Agreement.
2. No Supplanting of Existing Public Funds
The City funding may not be used as a substitute for existing resources or for resources
that would otherwise be available for children's services, or to replace funding previously
provided by, and currently available from, local and state funding sources for the same
purpose. A violation of this section by provider shall be considered a material breach of
this Agreement.
3. Capital Equipment
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Capital equipment is included in the definition of "property" under Florida Statutes,
Chapter 274, and Florida Administrative Code, Section 69I-73.001, and is defined_as
individual items with a value of $1,000 or greater which have a life expectancy of more
than one year. Provider is to maintain proof of Property Coverage in accordance with the
insurance requirements prescribed in section K of this Agreement.
Capital equipment purchased with City funds by Provider become assets of the City; are
intended for the City funded programs; are owned by the City; and must be tagged at the
time of purchase as an asset of the City. The City will work with Provider to tag the asset
and receive all information regarding the capital equipment. Provider must maintain a
record of any capital equipment purchased with funds provided by the City. When
Provider is no longer funded by the City, the equipment will be returned to the City unless
it is fully depreciated and Provider wishes to purchase such depreciated equipment from
the City. Upon payment by Provider to the City at the depreciated cost, ownership of
capital equipment will be transferred to Provider and removed from the City's fixed asset
system if the capital equipment is fully depreciated and in the possession of Provider.
Provider can purchase the equipment at the depreciated cost with the approval of the City
in accordance with the City Code's asset disposition requirements. If capital equipment is
not purchased by Provider prior to the equipment being fully depreciated, Provider must
return such capital equipment to the City before submission of the final invoice.
In the event that property of the City is either dainaged, lost, or stolen, while in Provider's
possession, Provider is to perfonn all of the following: a) within five (5) business days
provide written notification to the City Manager that the capital equipment has been either
damaged, lost or stolen; b) provide a police report for lost or stolen items; or provide a
written statement as to how the capital equipment was damaged; and c) reimburse the
City for the value, as determined by the City.
4. Assignments and Subcontracts
Provider shall not assign this Agreement to another party. Provider shall not sub -contract
any services under the Scope of Services under this Agreement without prior written
approval of the City. In any subcontract, Provider shall incorporate appropriate language
from this Agreement into each sub -contract and shall require each subcontractor
providing services to be governed by the terns and conditions of this Agreement.
Provider shall submit to the City a copy of each sub -contract to this Agreement within
thirty (30) days of its execution. All sub -contracts with Provider must be executed within
ninety (90) days of Provider's execution date. All subcontractors must agree to be
monitored by Provider and the City, in the same manner as Provider under the terms of
this Agreement. Provider acknowledges and agrees that the City and any subcontractor to
this Agreement have authority to communicate and exchange information about contract,
prograin and/or fiscal issues. Provider waives any and all claims, demands, and/or legal
action based upon any such communications.
Provider shall be responsible for all Services performed, and all expenses incurred, under
this Agreement, including services provided and expenses incurred by any and all
subcontractors. The City shall not be liable to any subcontractor for any reimbursable
expenses or liabilities incurred under any subcontract. Provider shall be solely liable for
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any expenses or liabilities incurred under any subcontract. Provider shall hold harmless,
release, and defend, at Provider's expense, the City and its officials, employees, agents,
and representatives against any claims, demands or actions related to any subcontract.
The City shall not provide funds to any subcontractor unless specifically agreed to in
writing by the City with notification to the Provider. All payments to any contracted
subcontractor shall be paid directly by Provider to the subcontractor. The City reserves
the right to require verification from Provider and/or subcontractor of payment due for
satisfactory work performed by the subcontractor.
Provider and any subcontractor must be currently qualified and have all applicable
licenses, fees, and required governmental approvals to conduct business in the State of
Florida, Miami -Dade County, and the City of Miami at the time that this Agreement and
at the time that any subcontractor agreement are entered into and services are rendered.
5. Religious Purposes
Providers and/or their faith -based community partners shall not use any funds provided
under this Agreement to support any inherently religious activities, including but not
limited to, any religious instruction, worship, proselytization, publicity or marketing
materials. Any such use by Provider shall be a material breach of this Agreement .
6. Lobbying
Provider shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement or any other funds
provided by the City for lobbying any federal, state or local government or legislators.
Any such use by Provider shall be a material breach of this Agreement.
7. Adverse Action or Proceeding
Provider shall notuse any funds under this Agreement, or any other funds provided by the
City, for any legal fees, or for any action or proceeding against the City, its agents,
employees, representatives, or officials. Any such use by Provider shall be a material
breach of this Agreement.
8. Compliance
Provider agrees to maintain and ensure its compliance, as applicable, with federal, state,
county, and local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to IRS Code and
U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions applicable to uses of tax-exempt bond
funded/unproved facilities, IRS rules and regulations requiring timely filing of tax
documents to maintain tax-exempt status and payment of payroll taxes, as applicable,
throughout the term of this Agreement.
Provider further agrees to provide agency and site(s) information to Switchboard of
Miami 211, The City 24 hour helpline.
1. Government Entity
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Subject to the limitations and sovereign immunity provisions of Florida Statute, Sec.
768.28, Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees,
agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including
attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which its officers, employees, agents or
instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or
proceedings of any . kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the
performance of this Agreement by Provider or its employees, agents, servants, partners,
principals or subcontractors.
Subject to the limitations and sovereign immunity provisions of Florida Statutes, Sec.
768.28, Provider shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall
investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the
City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments, and reasonable attorney's fees which may issue thereon.
2. All Other Providers
Provider shall indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees,
agents, representatives, and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages,
including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the City or its officers,
employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits,
causes of action or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or
resulting from the performance of this Agreement by Provider or its employees, agents,
servants, partners, principals or sub -contractors, except to the extent arising from the
City's willful or wanton acts or omissions.
To the extent arising from a liability that is covered by the foregoing indemnification,
Provider shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and
defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of The Children's
Trust, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments, and reasonable attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Provider agrees that
any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Provider
shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless, and defend
the City or its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and instrumentalities.
The provisions of this section on indemnification shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
Where activities supported by this Agreement produce original writing, data, sound
recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representations and works
of similar nature, the City has a license to reasonably use, duplicate and disclose such
materials in whole or in part in a manner consistent with the purposes and terms of this,
and to have others acting on behalf of the City to do so, provided that such use does not
compromise the validity of any copyright, trademark or patent. If the data/materials so
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developed are subject to copyright, trademark or patent, legal title and every right,
interest, claim or demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or copyright, or
application for the same, will vest in Provider or with any applicable third party who has
licensed or otherwise permitted Provider to use the same. Provider agrees to allow the
City and others acting on behalf of the City to have reasonable use of the same consistent
with the purposes and terns of Agreement, at no cost to the City provided that such use
does not compromise the validity of such copyright, trademark or patent.
This Agreement is subject to the provisions, limitations and exceptions of Chapter 119,
Florida Statutes, regarding public records and public contracts. Accordingly, to the extent
permitted by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Provider retains sole ownership of intellectual
property developed under this Agreement. Provider is responsible for payment of
required licensing fees if intellectual property owned by other parties is incorporated by
Provider into the services required under this Agreement. Such licensing should be in the
exclusive name of Provider. Payment for any licensing fees or costs arising from the use
of others' intellectual property shall be at the sole expense of Provider.
Provider shall indemnify, release, defend and hold harmless the City, and its officials,
employees, representatives, agents, and instrumentalities from liability of any nature or
kind, including costs and expenses for or on account of third party allegations that use of
any intellectual property owned by the third party and provided, manufactured or used by
the Provider in the performance of this Agreement violates the intellectual property rights
of that third party.
1. Breach
A material breach by Provider shall have occurred under this Agreement if Provider
through action or omission causes any of the following:
a. Fails to comply with Background Screening, as required under this Agreement.
b. Fails to provide the Scope of Services outlined in Composite Attachment A-1
within the effective term of this Agreement;
c. Fails to provide such Scope of Services within the outlined Park Use Areas set
forth in Composite Attachment A-2 in compliance with the IRS Code and the U.S.
Treasury Regulations applicable to tax-exempt bond funded/unproved public
d. Fails to correct an imminent safety concern or take acceptable corrective action;
e. Ineffectively or improperly uses the City funds, if any, allocated under this
f. Does not furnish and maintain the certificates of insurance required by this
Agreement as determined by the City's Risk Management Department;
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g. Does not meet or satisfy the conditions of award required by this Agreement;
h. If applicable, fails to submit, or submits incorrect or incomplete, proof of
expenditures to support disbursement requests or advance funding disbursements;
or, fails to submit, or submits incomplete or incorrect, detailed reports of requests
for payment, expenditures or final expenditure reports; included, but not limited to
budgets, invoices, and amendments in any required City reporting system.
i. Does not submit or submits incomplete or incorrect required reports pursuant to
the Scope of Services in this Agreement;
j. Refuses to allow the City access to records or refuses to allow the City to monitor,
evaluate and review Provider's program, including required client data, and
required Parks Use Area schedules and adherence thereto;
k. Fails to comply with child abuse and incident reporting requirements;
1. Attempts to meet its obligations under this Agreement through fraud,
misrepresentation or material misstatement;
m. Fails to correct deficiencies found during a monitoring, evaluation or review
within a specified reasonable time;
n. Fails to meet the terms and conditions of any obligation or repayment schedule to
the City or any of its agencies;
o. Fails to maintain the confidentiality of client files, pursuant to Florida and federal
p. Fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner any and all of its obligations,
covenants, contracts and stipulations in this Agreement.
q. Fails to submit an Annual Financial Statement Audit and a Program Specific
Audit, as applicable, in accordance with Section 0 and Attachment D of this
r. Fails to submit an Audit Engagement Letter for both the Annual Financial
Statement Audit and the Program Specific Audit within thirty (30) days after
Provider's fiscal year end.
Waiver of breach of any provisions of this Agreement must be in writing signed by
authorized representatives of both parties, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other
breach, and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement.
2. Remedies
If Provider fails to cure any breach within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice
from the City identifying the breach, the City may pursue any or all of the following
a. The City may, at its sole discretion, enter into a written performance and
compliance improvement plan with Provider to cure any breach of this Agreement
as may be permissible under state or federal law. Any such remedial plan shall be
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an addition to this Agreement and shall not affect or render void or voidable any
other provision contained in this Agreement, costs, or any judgments entered by a
court of appropriate jurisdiction.
b. If payments from the City to Provider are applicable, the City may suspend
payment in whole or in part under this Agreement by providing written notice of
suspension to Provider of such suspension and specifying the effective date of
suspension, at least five business days before the effective date of suspension. On
the effective date of suspension Provider may (but shall not be obligated to)
continue to perform the Scope of Services in this Agreement, but Provider shall
promptly cease using the Parks Use Areas, the City's logo and any other reference
to the City in connection with such Scope of Services. All payments to Provider
as of the date of suspension shall cease, except that the City shall continue to
review and pay verifiable requests for payment for Scope of Services that were
performed and/or for deliverables that were substantially completed at the sole
discretion of the City, prior to the effective date of such suspension. The City may
also suspend any payments in whole or in part under any other agreements entered
into between the City and Provider by providing separate written notice to
Provider of each such suspension and specifying the effective date of suspension,
which must be at least five business days before the effective date of such
suspension, in any event the City shall continue to review and pay verifiable
requests for payment as provided for in such other contracts for services that were
performed and/or for deliverables that were substantially completed at the sole
discretion of the City prior to the effective date of such suspension. Provider shall
be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such suspension
including reasonable attorney's fees.
c. The City may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Provider of
such termination and specifying the date of termination at least five (5) business
days before the effective date of termination. In the event of such termination, the
City may (a) request Provider to deliver to the City clear and legible copies of all
finished or unfinished documents, studies, surveys, reports prepared and secured
by Provider with Trust funds under this Agreement subject to the rights of
Provider as provided for in Paragraphs G and H above; (b) seek reimbursement of
any City funds which have been improperly paid to Provider under this
Agreement; (c) terminate further payment of City funds to Provider under this
Agreement, except that the City shall continue to review and pay verifiable
requests for payment for services that were performed and/or deliverables that
were substantially completed at the sole discretion of the City prior to the effective
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date of such termination; and/or (d) terminate or cancel, without cause, any other
contracts entered into between the City and Provider by providing separate written
notice to Provider of each such termination and specifying the effective date of
termination, which must be at least five (5) business days before the effective date
of such termination, in which event the City shall continue to review and pay
verifiable requests for payment as provided for in such other contracts or
agreements for services that were performed and/or for deliverables that were
substantially completed at the sole discretion of the City prior to the effective date
of such termination. Provider shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs
associated with such termination, including reasonable attorney's fees.
d. The City may seek enforcement of this Agreement including but not limited to
filing an action with a court of appropriate jurisdiction. Provider shall be
responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such enforcement,
including reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and any judgments entered by a court
of appropriate jurisdiction, including all direct and indirect costs and reasonable
attorneys' fees through conclusion of all appellate proceedings, and including any
final settlement or judgment.
e. The provisions of this Paragraph I shall survive the expiration or termination of
this Agreement.
The parties agree that this Agreement may be terminated by either party by written notice
to the other party of intent to terminate at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
effective date of such termination.
K. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS — (Also to be further reviewed with Risk
Management and Provider regarding applicable provisions)
Prior to, or on the date commencing the effective tern of this Agreement, Provider's
insurance agent(s) shall provide to the City the following, as applicable: 1) Certificates of
Insurance naming the City as an additional insured and the certificate holder on all
applicable policies; and all applicable policies shall be maintained in full force and effect
for the entire term of this Agreement.
Or, 2) A letter of self-insurance indicating coverage applicable to a Florida municipal
corporation required under this section or as determined by the City, except as required by
Florida law for government entities.
Failure by Provider to comply with Section K, shall be a material breach of this
Agreement. The City will not disburse any funds under this Agreement until all required
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Certificates of Insurance, or letter(s) of self-insurance have been provided to and have
been approved by the City.
Provider will carry insurance policies in the amounts and with the requirements
indicated below:
1. Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all employees, non -incorporated
independent contractors or consultants, and incorporated independent contractors
or consultants that do not have worker's compensation coverage or a valid State of
Florida exemption on file with the Department of Labor, as required by Florida
Statutes, Chapter 440. In the event that the Provider is no longer exempt from
obtaining Worker's Compensation insurance, the Provider must notify the City and
provide the necessary certificate of insurance upon the termination of the
exemption. The employer's liability portion will be $500,000/$500,000/$500,000
as a minimum.
2. Comprehensive General Liability insurance, to include sexual molestation,
in an amount not less than $500,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate in a
policy year. Deductibles exceeding $1,000 are discouraged, unless Provider can
provide financial statements to support a higher deductible. The City must be
designated and shown as an additional insured and the certificate holder with
respects to this coverage. The general liability policy must contain coverage for
the following:
a. Bodily Injury;
b. Property Damage;
c. No exclusions for Abuse, Molestation or Corporal Punishment;
d. No endorsement for premises only operations.
3. Automobile liability coverage for all owned and/or leased vehicles of Provider and
non -owned coverage for their employees and/or sub -contractors and transportation
companies transporting program participants. The amount of coverage is
$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property
damage. The City must be designated and shown as an additional insured and the
certificate holder with respects to this coverage. Coverage can be purchased as
non -owned without hired auto coverage when the cost is prohibitive for hired
automobile coverage such as the case with the Florida Automobile Joint
Underwriting Association; but rental cars cannot be used in the course of
Provider's regular operations. Rental cars may be used for travel to attend
conferences outside the tri-county area. Transportation companies used by the
Provider for the funded program must list the City as a certificate holder and as an
additional insured.
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4. Automobile liability coverage for all owned and/or leased vehicles of
Provider and non -owned coverage for their employees and /or sub -contractors not
transporting program participants. The minimum amount of coverage is
$300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property
damage. The City must be designated and shown as an "Additional Insured as
Their Interest May Appear" with respects to this coverage. Coverage can be
purchased as non -owned without hired auto coverage when the cost is prohibitive
for hired automobile coverage such as the case with the Florida Automobile Joint
Underwriting Association; but rental cars cannot be used in the course of
Provider's regular operations. Rental cars may be used for travel to attend
conferences outside the tri-county area.
5. If applicable, Special Events Coverage, as determined by the City. The
liability coverage will be the same as the coverage and limits required for
comprehensive general liability and the City must be designated and shown as
"Additional Insured as Their Interest May Appear." Special Events policies are for
short term functions and not meant to replace annual liability policies. The
coverage is for the day or days of the event and must provide coverage the day
prior and the day following the event.
6. If applicable, Professional Liability insurance, as determined by the City,
with coverage 'amounts determined by the City's Risk Management Department,
but not less than $250,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Defense costs may be
inside the limits of liability and the policy can be written on claims made form.
The City is not required to be named as an Additional Insured. Professional
liability insurance is generally required when the scope of services uses
professional services that require certification or license(s) to provide direct
services to program participants.
7. Proof of Property Coverage is required when Provider has capital
equipment owned by the City and said capital equipment is under the care custody
and control of Provider. The City must be shown on the evidence of property
coverage as a Loss Payee. Property coverage shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement until such time the ownership of the capital
equipment is transferred to Provider or such capital equipment is returned to the
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Certificate Holder
Certificate holder must read:
City of Miami, Florida
c/o Risk Management Department, 9th Floor
Miami Riverside Center
444 S.W. 2"d Avenue
Miami, Florida 33130
Classification and Rating
All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do
business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications:
The company must be rated no less than "B" as to management, and no less than "Class
V" as the financial strength, by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by
A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the reasonable
approval of the City.
Provider and or Provider's insurance agent, as applicable, shall notify the City, in writing,
of any material changes in insurance coverage, including, but not limited, to any renewals
of existing insurance policies, not later than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of
making any material changes to the insurance coverage except for ten (10) days for lack
of payment changes. Provider shall be responsible for ensuring that all applicable
insurances are maintained and submitted to the City for the duration of this Agreement.
In the event of any change in Provider's Scope of Services, Composite Attachment A-1,
or any change in Provider's Parks Use Areas, Composite Attachment A-2, the City may
increase, waive or modify, in writing any of the foregoing insurance requirements. Any
request by a Provider to decrease, waive or modify any of the foregoing insurance
requirements shall be approved, in writing, by the City prior to any such decrease, waiver
or modification.
In the event that an insurance policy is canceled, lapsed or expired during the effective
period of this Agreement, the City shall withhold all payments to Provider or the City
may prohibit provider from using the Park Use Areas until a new Certificate of Insurance
required under this section is submitted and approved by the City. The new insurance
policy shall cover the time period commencing from the date of cancellation of the prior
insurance policy.
The City may require Provider to furnish additional and different insurance coverage, or
both, as may be required from time to time under applicable federal or state laws or The
City requirements. Provision of insurance by Provider, in no instance, shall be deemed to
be a release, limitation, or waiver of any claim, cause of action or assessment that the City
may have against Provider for any liability of any nature related to performance under
this Agreement or otherwise.
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All insurance required hereunder may be maintained by Provider pursuant to a master or
blanket policy or policies of insurance.
Provider is required to keep on file the following documentation for review by the City:
■ The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax status determination letter, if applicable;
▪ The most recent (two years) IRS form 990 or applicable tax return filing within six
(6) months after Provider's fiscal year end or other appropriate filing period
permitted by law; and
• IRS form 941: employer's quarterly federal tax return. If required by The
Children's Trust, Provider agrees to submit form 941 within thirty (30) calendar
days after the quarter ends and if applicable, any state and federal unemployment
tax filings. If form 941 and unemployment tax filings reflect a tax liability, then
proof of payment must be submitted within sixty (60) calendar days after the •
quarter ends; and
■ Provider's proposed schedule of use and actual use of the Park Use Areas for the
Scope of Services throughout the term of this Agreement. Such proposed and
actual uses shall be documented on an hourly basis for twenty-four (24) hours per
day, seven (7) days per week, three hundred and sixty-five (365) days per year.
Written notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the addresses for each Party
appearing on the first page of this Agreement. Notices to the City shall be marked to the
attention of its City Manager, with copies to its Parks Director and City Attorney.
Notices to Provider shall be marked to the attention of its , with copies
to its and . It is each Party's responsibility to
advise the other Party in writing of any changes in responsible personnel for accepting
Notices under this Agreement; mailing address, and/or telephone number(s).
The Parties agree that this Agreement recognizes the autonomy of, and stipulates or
implies no affiliation between, the contracting parties. Provider is only a recipient of
funding support, as applicable; a user of the Parks Use Areas for the Scope of Services,
and is not an employee, agent or instrumentality of the City, and Provider's agents and
employees are not agents or employees of the City.
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The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this
Agreement, consistent with Florida laws and with applicable IRS Code and U.S. Treasury
Regulations provisions applicable to tax-exempt bond funded/improved public facilities.
Except for changes to the total not to exceed amount payable and changes to the length of
the effective tern, the City Manager is authorized pursuant to City Commission
Resolution No. , adopted on , 2014, as the City's authorized
representative for approving and executing alterations, variations, modifications,
extensions, renewals, or waivers of the provision of this Agreement. Provider's
is authorized pursuant to its Board Authorizing Resolution No.
adopted on , 2014, as the Provider's authorized representative for approving
and executing alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers of
the provision of this Agreement . Any changes to this Agreement to change the total not
to exceed amount payable and /or to change the length of the effective term shall require
further City Commission approval(s).
1. Accounting Records
Provider shall keep accounting records that conform to generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). All such records will be retained by Provider for not less than five
(5) years beyond the last date that all applicable terns of this Agreement have been
complied with, final payment has been received and appropriate audits have been
submitted to and accepted by the City. However, if any audit, claim, litigation,
negotiation or other action involving this Agreement or modification hereto has
commenced before the expiration of the retention period, then the records shall be
retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or
until the end of the regular retention period, whichever is later.
2. Financial Statement Audit
Within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the close of its fiscal year, Provider's
independent certified public accounting fire (CPA) must submit all of the following
documents, electronically, to the City, which together comprise an annual financial
statement audit conducted in accordance with GAAP and standards contained in
Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States
(The Yellow Book). The required items are:
a) An annual financial statement audit, performed by a CPA firm that is licensed and
registered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and
Professional Regulation; and
b) Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 265,
"Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit;" and
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c) Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 260,
"The Auditor's Communication With Those Charged With Governance;" and
d) Written communication encompassing the requirements of Government Auditing
Standards, that includes an "Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Control
over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an
Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government
Auditing Standards; " and
e) A Single Audit conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, Audit of
States, Local Government and Non -Profit Organizations or the Florida Single
Audit Act, Florida Statutes 215.97, if applicable; and
f) A Management Letter; if no Management Letter is prepared by Provider's CPA
fine, then the CPA firm must expressly confirm, in writing, that no Management
Letter was issued.
If Provider's annual financial statement audit is prepared by the Florida Auditor General,
then the due date for submitting the annual financial statement audit, as defined, is 270
days after the close of Provider's fiscal year.
Electronic filing of the annual financial statement audit, as defined, must be sent by
Provider's CPA firm to the following e-mail address:
Providers that are required to have a Single Audit agree to have their CPA firm submit the
schedule of expenditures pertaining to awards, summary schedule of prior audit findings,
applicable auditor's reports and the corrective action plan, if applicable.
3. Program Specific Audit
Within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the close of its fiscal year, Providers that are
contracted for a combined total of $100,000 or more from the City are required to have
their CPA finn submit a program specific audit related to the City contracts or
agreements, electronically, in addition to the annual financial statement audit. The
program specific audit shall be perfonned by an independent CPA firm that is licensed
and registered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and
Professional Regulation, has performed audits under Government Auditing Standards and
is either a member of the AICPA or FICPA peer review program to include government
engagement reviews. This program specific audit must encompass an audit of the City
contract(s) as specified in Attaclunent D: Program Specific Audit Requirements.
A Provider that does not meet the program specific audit threshold requirement will be
exempt from the program specific audit requirement in the fiscal year that the audit
threshold is not met.
4. Audit Extensions
Audit extensions may be granted by the City upon receipt, in writing, of such request with
appropriate justification by Provider and for a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days
after the initial due date. A copy of the engagement letter, along with the anticipated
audit completion date and any concerns from Provider's CPA firm related to the audit
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must accompany the request. Approved extension requests allow for the continuation of
payment until such time that the extension expires.
The annual financial statement audit and other financial information will be used in the
evaluation of Provider's performance and overall fiscal health.
In the event that either the annual financial statement audit or the program specific audit
is not received in a timely manner and in accordance with the previously stated due dates;
and an audit extension has not been approved, then the City shall withhold all payments
to Provider until the documents are received and determined to be acceptable by the City.
5. Engagement Letters
Audit Engagement Letters are due to the City thirty (30) days after Provider's fiscal year
end. Provider agrees to submit an engagement letter for both the annual financial
statement audit and the program specific audit, electronically, to
Failure to submit an engagement letter may result in a breach of contract, or other
remedy, as deemed appropriate by the City.
6. List of Approved Certified Public Accounting Firms
To receive reimbursement for the preparation of the program specific audit, as defined,
Provider must choose from a list of approved CPA fires, which are posted on the City
website. Inclusion in this pre -approved CPA vendor pool requires a CPA firm to meet
three (3) criteria, which are enumerated in Attachment B: Other Fiscal Requirements,
Budget and Method of Payment.
7. Access to Records
Provider shall permit access to all records including subcontractor records, which relate to
this Agreement at its place of business during regular business hours. Provider agrees to
deliver such assistance as may be necessary to facilitate a review or audit by the City to
ensure compliance with applicable accounting, financial and programmatic standards.
This would include access by the City, or its designee, to Provider's independent auditor's
work papers for complying with federal, state and local requirements. The City reserves
the right to require Provider to submit to an audit by an auditor of the City's choosing and
at the City's expense.
8. Monitoring
Provider agrees to permit the City personnel or contracted agents to perform random
scheduled and/or unscheduled monitorings, reviews and evaluations of the program, the
Scope of Services and compliance with the Parks Use Areas which are the subject of this
Agreement, including any subcontracts under this Agreement, using the City's approved
monitoring tools. The City or contracted agents shall monitor both fiscal/administrative
and programmatic/use compliance with all the terns and conditions of this Agreement
and the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulations provisions for tax-exempt bond
funded/improved public facilities. Provider shall permit the City or contracted agents to
conduct site visits, client interviews, client assessment surveys, fiscal/administrative
review, Parks Use Areas scheduled uses and actual uses, and other assessments deemed
reasonably necessary at the City's sole discretion to fulfill the monitoring function. A
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report of monitoring findings will be delivered to Provider and Provider will remedy all
deficiencies cited within the period of time specified in the report.
9. Client Records — Discuss applicability
Pursuant to Florida Statute 119.071(5), the City collects the last four digits of social
security numbers of child participants of funded programs and services for the following
purposes: (a) to research, track and measure the impact of The City funded programs and
services in an effort to maintain and improve such programs and services for the future
(individual identifying information will not be disclosed); and (b) to identify and match
individuals and data within and among various systems and other agencies for research
purposes. The City does not collect social security numbers for adult participants.
Provider shall maintain a separate file for each participant. This file shall include all
pertinent information regarding program enrollment and participation. At a minimum, the
file will contain enrollment information (including parent registration consents and child
demographics), service plans (as applicable), outcome measures (as set forth in
Attachment A), and notes documenting referrals, special needs, or incident reports. These
files shall be subject to the monitoring/review and inspection requirements under this
contract, subject to applicable confidentiality requirements. All such records will be
retained by Provider for not less than five (5) calendar years after the participant is no
longer enrolled. Provider agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws on
privacy and confidentiality.
10. Internal Documentation/Records Retention Provider agrees to maintain and
provide for inspection to the City, during regular business hours the following as may be
applicable, subject to applicable confidentiality requirements: (1) personnel files of
employees which include hiring records, background screening affidavits, job
descriptions, verification of education and evaluation procedures; and (2) authorized time
sheets, records and attendance sheets to document the staff time billed to provide the
Scope of Services, and proposed schedules of uses and actual uses of the Parks Use Areas
pursuant to this Agreement; and (3) daily activity logs and monthly calendars of the
provision of Scope of Services and uses of the Parks Use Areas pursuant to this
Agreement; and (4) training modules; and (5) pre and post session questionnaires; and (6)
all participant attendance records; and (7) participant consent and information release
forms; and (8) agency policies and procedures; and (9) such other information related to
Scope of Service and Parks Use Areas provisions as described in Composite Attachments
A-1 and A-2 and as required by this Agreement for ongoing compliance with the IRS
Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions for tax-exempt bond funded/improved
public facilities; all upon request by the City.
Provider shall retain all records for not less than five (5) years beyond the last date that all
applicable terms of this Agreement have been complied with and final payment has been
received, and appropriate audits have been submitted to and accepted by the City and/or
other appropriate agency.
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11. Confidentiality
Provider and the City understand that during the course of performing the Scope of
Services and in the course of using the Parks Use Areas hereunder, each party may have
access to certain confidential and proprietary information and materials of the other party
in order to further performance of the Scope of Services and compliant use of the Parks
Use Areas. The Parties shall protect confidential information and comply with applicable
federal and state laws on confidentiality to prevent unauthorized use, dissemination or
publication of confidential information as each party uses to protect its own confidential
information in a like manner. The Parties shall not disclose the confidential information to
any third party (except that such information may be disclosed to such Party's attorneys),
or to any employee of such Party who does not have a need to know such information,
which need is related to performance of a responsibility hereunder. However, this
Agreement imposes no obligation upon the Parties with respect to confidential
infonnation which (a) was lawfully known to the receiving party before receipt from the
other, (b) is or becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of the receiving
party, (c) is rightfully received by the receiving party from a third party without
restriction on disclosure, (d) is independently developed by or for that party, (e) is
disclosed under operation of law, (f) is disclosed by the receiving party with the other
party's prior written approval or (g) is subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes or is
otherwise required to be disclosed by law. The confidentiality provision of this
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agreement.
Provider shall specifically require all sub -contractors to comply with this paragraph.
12. Data Security Obligation
Provider shall maintain an appropriate level of data security for the personally identifiable
information (PII) Provider is collecting or using in the performance of this Contract. PII is
information that can uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person or can be used
with other sources to uniquely identify individuals. Provider shall maintain and adhere to
a written Data Security Policy that addresses requirements regarding the protection of PII
from unauthorized access and protection against data breaches and ensures Provider is in
compliance with applicable federal and state standards with respect to transmission,
receipt and storage of PII on Provider's computing network and as paper records. This
policy shall address the topics of computer passwords, screensavers that lock computers,
securing physical facilities, storing data, data use, data confidentiality agreements, and
staff training related to the policy. Additionally, Provider is responsible for approving and
tracking all Provider employees who request system or information access and ensuring
that user access has been removed from all terminated employees of Provider
13. Withholding of Payment or Use of Parks Use Areas
At the sole discretion of the City, payment may be withheld or use of Parks Use Areas
may be withheld for non-compliance of contractual terms. The City will provide payment
upon satisfactory compliance with the contractual terns as solely determined by the City.
The City may pernit use of Parks Use Areas upon satisfactory compliance with the
contractual terns as solely determined by the City.
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Any alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers of provisions
of this Agreement including but not limited to amount payable and effective term shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved and signed by both
This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with and governed by
the laws of the State of Florida without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Any
controversies or legal problems arising out of the terms of this Agreement and any action
involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to
the jurisdiction of the state courts of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, in and for, Miami -Dade
County, Florida. Each party shall be responsible for its own attorneys' fees, expenses, and
all related costs. The Parties hereby agree to waive trial by jury.
In accordance with Sections 943.0542, 984.01, Chapter 430, 435, 402, 39.001, and
1012.465 Florida Statutes, as applicable, employees, volunteers and subcontracted
personnel who work in direct contact with children or who come into direct contact with
children must complete a satisfactory Level 2 background screening prior to commencing
work pursuant to this Agreement.
For purposes of this section, the term "direct service provider" means a person 18 years of
age or older, including a volunteer, who provides services to children, youth and their
families. The tern does not include volunteers who assist on an intermittent basis for less
than 20 hours per month.
Level 2 Background screenings must be completed through the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement (FDLE) VECHS (Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System)
Program. Satisfactory background screening documentation will be accepted for those
agencies that already conduct business with either the Department of Children and
Families (DCF) or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) or the Miami Dade County
Public School System (MDCPS). A clearance letter from MDCPS Office of Employment
Standards indicating the person has successfully completed a Level 2 screening will be
If background screenings are completed with VECHS, then Provider shall complete
Attachment E: "Affidavit for Level 2 Background Screenings" each for Agreement tenn.
The Affidavit will cover employees, volunteers, and subcontractors perfonning services
under this Agreement who are required to complete a Level 2 background screening as
defined in this section. Provider shall keep Attachment E: "Affidavit for Level 2
Background Screenings" in Provider's personnel, volunteers, and sub -contractors files.
Provider shall re -screen each employee, volunteer and/or subcontractor every five years.
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Provider understands that the City expects Provider to meet the federal standards under
the Americans with Disabilities Act. By policy of the City, providers must also
implement reasonable programmatic accommodations to include children with disabilities
and their families, whenever possible. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Provider
shall not be required to make any alteration to any public school building or other
building or structure which is not owned by Provider.
1. Non-discrimination and Civil Rights
Provider shall not discriminate against an employee, volunteer, or client of Provider on
the basis of race, color, gender, pregnancy, marital status, familial status, sexual
orientation, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or age, except that programs
may target services for specific target groups as may be defined in the competitive
Provider shall demonstrate that it has standards, policies, and practices necessary to
render services in a manner that respects the worth of the individual and protects and
preserves the dignity of people of diverse cultures, classes, races, religions, sexual
orientation, and ethnic backgrounds.
Provider agrees to abide by Chapter 11A of the Code of Miami -Dade County ("County
Code"), as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment, housing and public
accommodations; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, which prohibits
discrimination in employment and public accommodation; the Age Discrimination Act of
1975, 42 U.S.C. Section 6101, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in
employment because of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §
794, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; and the
Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101, et seq., which prohibits
discrimination in employment and public accommodations because of disability.
It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of discrimination under any of
these laws, the City shall have the right to terminate all or any portion of this Contract. If
Provider or any owner, subsidiary, or other finn affiliated with or related to Provider, is
found by the responsible enforcement agency or the courts to be in violation of these
laws, said violation will be a material breach of this Agreement and the City will conduct
no further business with Provider.
2. Public Entities Crime Act
Provider will not violate the Public Entities Crimes Act (Section 287.133, Florida
Statutes), which essentially provides that a person or affiliate who is a Provider,
consultant or other provider and who has been placed on the convicted vendor list
following a conviction for a Public Entity Crime may not submit a bid on an agreement
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to provide any goods or services to the City, may not submit a bid on an agreement with
the City for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit
bids on leases of real property to the City, may not be awarded or perform work as a
Provider supplier, sub Provider, or consultant under an Agreement with the City, and may
not transact any business with the City in excess of the threshold amount provided in
Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for category two purchases for a period of thirty-six
(36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Violation of this
section shall result in cancellation of this Agreement and recovery of all monies paid
hereto, and may result in debarment from the City's competitive procurement activities.
3. Conflict of Interest
Provider represents that the execution of this Agreement does not violate Miami Dade
County's Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance, and Florida Statutes §112 as
amended, which are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Provider
agrees to abide by and be governed by these conflict of interest provisions throughout the
course of this Agreement and in connection with its obligations hereunder. (Refer to
http://www.miamidadeethics.corn/Publications/codeof ethics2010.pdf for the Code of
Ethics Ordinance).
4. Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Provider shall comply with the following applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002, including:
• Provider agrees not to alter, cover up, falsify, or destroy any document that may
be relevant to an official investigation.
• Provider agrees not to punish whistleblowers or retaliate against any employee
who reports suspected cases of fraud or abuse.
5. Licensing
Provider (and subcontractor, as applicable,) shall obtain and maintain in full force and
effect during the term of this Agreement any and all licenses, certifications, approvals,
insurances, permits and accreditations, required by the State of Florida, Miami -Dade
County, the City, the federal government, any other relevant municipalities or
governmental authority. Provider must be qualified and registered to do business in the
State of Florida both prior to and during the Agreement tern with the City.
6. Incident Reporting
An incident is defined as any actual or alleged event or situation that creates a significant
risk of substantial or serious harm to the physical or mental health, safety or wellbeing of
a child participating in the program. Reportable incidents include, but are not limited to,
allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation of a child, injury of a participant, missing
child or abandoned child, loss of property use for the program, or destruction of property
used in the program.
Provider shall immediately report knowledge or reasonable suspicion of abuse, neglect, or
abandonment of a child, aged person, or disabled adult to the Florida Abuse Hotline on
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 23
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the statewide toll -free telephone number (1-800-96-ABUSE). As required by Chapters 39
and 415, Florida Statutes, this is binding upon both Provider and its employees.
Provider shall notify the Agreement manager of any incident as defined within three (3)
days after Provider is informed of such incident. Provider shall provide written
notification of the incident together with a copy of the incident report. The report must
contain the following:
(1) Name of reporter (person giving the notice)
(2) Name and address of victim and guardian
(3) Phone number where the reporter can be contacted
(4) Date, time, and location of incident
(5) Complete description of incident and injuries, if any
Police report and actions taken shall be submitted to the City within fifteen (15) days of
the incident. Provider shall provide written notification to the City, within seven (7) days
of any legal action related to the incident.
7. Sexual Harassment
Provider shall complete an incident report in the event a program participant, client or
employee makes an allegation of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or sexual assault
by a Provider employee, volunteer or anyone arising out of the performance of this
Agreement and Provider has knowledge thereof. Provider shall provide written
notification to the City within three (3) business days after Provider is informed of such
an allegation. Provider shall provide written notification to the City, within seven (7)
business days, if any legal action which is filed as a result of such an alleged incident.
8. Proof of Policies
Provider and subcontractor, as applicable, shall keep on file copies of its policies
including but not limited to confidentiality, incident reporting, sexual harassment, non-
discrimination, equal opportunity and/or affirmative action, Americans with Disabilities
Act, and drug -free workplace.
U. CONSENT - Discuss Applicability
Provider must obtain parental/legal guardian consent for all minor participants to
participate and/or for adult participants in the program for services; and to share
information with the City for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Provider will ask participants to sign a voluntary Consent to Photograph form. The form
is available in English, Spanish, and Creole and can be downloaded from
The signed consent form for photography will be maintained
at the program site, with a copy filed in the participant's record. The consent shall be part
of the participants' registration form, and signed by parent/guardian before services
commence or assessments are administered. .Any refusal of consent must be properly
documented and signed by the parent or legal guardian on the consent form.
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Demographic and service information on program participants will be provided to the
City as part of City's research mission. Provider agrees to comply and participate in any
data collection reporting, including participant data as required by the City and described
in Attachment C to this Agreement, Programmatic Data and Reporting Requirements,
subject to confidentiality requirements. In addition, Provider agrees to furnish the City
with complete and accurate reports in the timefiame and format to be reasonably specified
by the City, and as described in Attachment C.
Provider must participate and provide agency (agency profile) and site(s) information to
Switchboard of Miami 2-1-1, The City 24 hour helpline, as applicable and as defined in
Attachment C: Programmatic Data Reporting Requirements.
Provider agrees that activities, services and events funded by or using the Parks Use
Areas pursuant to this Agreements shall recognize the City as a funding source or a
location provider. Provider shall ensure that all publicity, public relations, advertisements
and signs within its control recognize the City for the support of all contracted activities.
Upon written request to the Department, the use of the official City logo may be
Provider shall use its best efforts to ensure that all media representatives, when inquiring
with Provider about the activities funded by or being provided Parks Use Areas by this
Agreement, are informed that the City is a funding source or a location provider, as
applicable. Provider shall, if it possesses the appropriate technology, work with the
Department regarding providing a link between the Provider's website and the City's
X. PUBLICATIONS — (Discuss with Department, Provider, and Communications)
Provider agrees to supply the City, without charge, up to three (3) copies of any
publication developed in connection with implementation of programs addressed by this
Agreement. Such publications will state that the program is supported by the City.
Provider agrees that the City will have use of copyrighted materials developed under this
Agreement to the extent provided in, and subject to, the provisions of Paragraphs G and H
To the extent pennitted by the applicable journal or other publication source, Provider
shall include the City logo and the following paragraph in all materials featuring
programs funded by the City, including but not limited to newsletters, press releases,
brochures, fliers, homepage of websites or any other materials for dissemination to the
media or general public:
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Provider Program Name is funded by the City of Miami, Florida.
Provider Program Name esta financiado_por La Ciudad De Miami, Florida
Provider Program Name finanse_pa "The City of Miami, Florida"
Note: In cases where funding by the City represents only a percentage of Provider's
overall funding, the above language can be altered to read "The (organization) is funded
in part by the City of Miami, Florida..."
Paragraph headings are for convenience only and are not intended to expand or restrict
the scope or substance of the provisions of this Agreement. Wherever used herein, the
singular shall include the plural and plural shall include the singular, and pronouns shall
be read as masculine, feminine or neuter as the context requires.
Provider understands and agrees that Provider shall pay any and all fines or penalties for
its non-compliance with the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions related to
tax-exempt bond funded/improved public facilities.
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This Agreement with its attachments as referenced below contains all the terms and
conditions agreed upon by the Parties:
Composite: Attachment A-1: Scope of Services
Attachment A-2: Park Use Areas
Attachment A-3: City Resolution No. R-14- , dated , 2014
Attachment A-4: Provider Resolution dated , 2014
Attachment B: Other Fiscal Requirements, Budget, and Method of Payment, if applicable
Attachment C: Programmatic Data and Reporting Requirements, if applicable
Attachment D: Program Specific Audit Requirements, if applicable
Attachment E: Affidavit for Level 2 Background Screenings
Attachment F: Performance Improvement Plan, if applicable
No other contract, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall
be deemed to exist or bind the Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid
or void, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder
would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law.
Amigos Together for Kids, Inc., d/b/a
Amigos for Kids, a Florida not -for -profit
Provider Federal ID#
By: By:
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
City of Miami, Florida, a municipal
Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager
Todd Hannon, City Clerk
Approved as to Insurance Requirements: Approved as to Form and Correctness:
By: By:
Anne -Marie Sharpe Victoria Mendez, City Attorney
Interim Risk Management Director
This Agreement is not valid until signed by both parties.
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 27
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
Composite: Attachment A-1: Scope of Services
Attachment A-2: Park Use Areas
Attachment A-3: City Resolution No. R-14- , dated , 2014
Attachment A-4: Provider Resolution dated , 2014
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 28
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
ATTACHMENT B (If Applicable) (to be Discussed)
Cost Reimbursement Method of Payment
The parties agree that this is a cost reimbursement method of payment contract; Provider
shall be paid in accordance with the approved budget and/or approved budget
amendments/revisions as set forth in this attachment. Provider also agrees to pay its
subcontractors, vendors and employees for the fulfillment of services provided in this
Agreement, on a timely basis.
Invoice Requirements
Supporting Documentation Requirements
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 29
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
Attachment C Place Holder
(replace this page with the revised Attachment C and remove all references to this
place holder)
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 30
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
Attachment D (To be Discussed)
Program Specific Audit Requirements
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 31
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
Affidavit for Level 2 Background Screenings
Affidavit Affirming Compliance with Background Screening for Provider Personnel,
Volunteers, and Subcontracted Personnel, as applicable.
In accordance with Sections 943.0542, 984.01, Chapter 430, 435, 402, 39.001, and
1012.465 Florida Statutes, and pursuant to the requirements of Paragraph R. Background
Screening of this Contract, the undersigned affiant makes the following statement under
oath, under penalty of perjury, which is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by a
definite term of imprisonment not to exceed one year and/or a fine not to exceed $1,000,
pursuant to Sections 837.012 and 775.082, Florida Statutes.
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared (CEO/Executive Director)
Authorized Provider
Representative of (Provider Naive) who being by me first duly
sworn, deposes and says:
Naive of Contracted Provider
(Signature of CEO/Executive Director/HR Director)
I swear and affirm that the above -named contracted Provider is compliant with the
requirements for personnel background screening detailed in Sections 943.0542, 984.01,
Chapter 435, 402, 39.001, and 1012.465 Florida Statutes, as applicable, for all personnel
having direct contact with children.
Sworn to and subscribed before me at Miami -Dade County, Florida this _ day of
, 20 by
Who is personally known to me
Who produced identification:
Type of identification
Signature of Notary Public
State of Florida at Large
Print, type or stamp name of notary public
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 32
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
My Commission Expires:
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 33
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
Attachment F Place Folder
(replace this page with the Performance Improvement Plan, if necessary and remove
all references to this place holder. If not needed delete this page)
453381 Substitute Draft Agreement Modified on Floor 34
At April 24, 2014 City Commission meeting
TO: Honorable Mayor and DATE: April 16, 2014
Members of the City Commission
FROM: Daniel J. Ifo
City Manage
SUBJECT: Substitution for I PH. 1 — Exhibit: Amigos
for Kids Agreem n
Please be advised that PH. 1 scheduled for the April 24, 2,014 City Commission
revised to include the Exhibit (Amigos for Kids Agreement/
Cl: Lara de Souza, Interim Director, Parks/and Recreation Department
Luis Cabrera, Assistant City Manager;'
Julia D. Hernandez, Agenda Coordipl/ator
EY 10.v
is being
CD 7,,,- •
Draft for Review and Comment
LLI _. 0...f*.. .gt
PROMULGATED THEREUNDER ("AgreementY) is effective as of May 12, 2014
("Effective Date") between the City of Miami, Fl944da, a Florida municipal corporation,
whose principal address is 3500 Pan America' Drive, Miami, Florida ("City"), and
Amigos Together for Kids, Inc., a Florida '-for-profit corporation with tax-exempt
status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Interna evenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRS
Code"), whose address is , Miami, Florida
WHEREAS, the City has previou y entered into agreements with Provider to provide
after school tutoring, counsel , computer education, instruction and program
management, family events, cul, al, educational, and recreational activities (collectively,
"Scope of Services", attached/and incorporated as Composite Attachment A-1 hereto) at
various public facilities /located at the City's Jose Marti Park located at
, Miami, Florida (collectively, "Park Use Areas",
attached and incorporated/as Composite Attachment A-2 hereto); and
WHEREAS, the City's public facilities at Jose Marti Park from time to time have been
constructed and imp'roved with funding from various City and Miami -Dade County tax-
exempt bond fund, which require ongoing compliance with the provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code , f 1986, as amended ("IRS Code") and U. S. Treasury Regulations
promulgated tl reunder ("U.S. Treasury Regulations"); and
WHERE , although Provider periodically has received funding through the City and
The Chil n's Trust to provide after school services for the City's Department of Parks
and Re reation ("Department") for youth at Jose Marti Park, Provider also through
donatj6ns has provided other family events, cultural, educational, and recreation activities
449358 Draft for Review and Conine n
free and open to the public, has provided donations and in -kind se fees for
improvements to the facilities, and has paid the City one dollax ($1 .00) per month for the
use of the facilities to provide the services free of charge to the comniuruty/,'and
WHEREAS, on 2014, the City Conunission, pursuan 6o Resolution No. R-
I orated as Composite
14- (the "City Authorizing Resolution", attached and 9
Attachment A-3): (1) accepted and adopted the City Mana and the Department's
recommendations and findings that pursuant to Section IS- , , a)(3)(c) of the Code of the
City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Code"), compe., I lve negotiation methods and
procedures were not practicable or advantageous for ob ing said Services, and waived
competitive bidding methods and procedures for sai , , ervices, (2)'authorized the City
.Manager to negotiate and execute a Parks and f ecreation Services Agreement for
ongoing compliance with the provisions of th nternal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended ("IRS Code") and certain U.S. reasy y Regulations promulgated thereunder
("U,S. Treasury Regulations"), in fornmn ac . ptable to the City Attorney and Bond
Counsel, with Provider to continue to pr ide said Services for the contract period
commencing as of May 12, 2014 throug ay 11, 2017, with the options to renew for
two consecutive three-year penods, und, the same terms and conditions, and (3) firffier
authorized the City Manager to neg .,1 ate and execute, �n form acceptable to the City
Attorney and Bond Counsel, sq, further alterations, variations, modifications,
extensions, renewals, or waivers ftat do not exceed the amount payable and do not
change the length of the effecti,Wl�tcrm, in order to comply with IRS Code and the U.S.
Treasury Regulation provisions,�A�nd
WHEREAS, on 2014, Provider's Board of pursuant to not -
for -profit corporation Res�'lution No. authoi-ized Provider's
and to negotiate and, execute tNs Agreement and any and all
further alterations, variaiions, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers that donot
exceed the proogamiAtic term and any applicable not to exceed amount, and (2) to
undertake all neces,#try actions on behalf of Provider for its compliance with the terms
and conditions of�this Agreement, including but not limited to all requirements for
compliance wit1kj4hie IRS Code and U.S, Treasury Regulation provisions.
NOW, THKA , EFORE1, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the City and
Provider (soketimes hereafter referred to as "Parties") agree as follows:
The eff-petive term of this Agreement shall be from for the contract period commencing as
of Mayl 12, 2014 through May 11, 2017, with the options to renew for two consecutive
thredz ear periods, under the same terms and conditions, subject to ongoing compliance
and/Provider's performance.
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
B. TERMS OF RENEWAL, if applicable
In the sole discretion of the City Manager, this Agreement may be renewed with the
written acknowledgement of Provider. In considering the exercise of any Agreement
renewal, and in accordance with the City Authorizing Resolution and Provider's Board
authorization at such time(s) as applicable, renewal may not exceed a term equal to the
term of the initial Agreement for a total maximum of three (3) tern as totaling nine (9)
years. The City Manager in his/her sole discretion will consider, is not limited to, the
this 1. Provider meeting the performance requirements specific d. in Agreement.
2. Continued demonstrated and documented need for theiservices provided by Provider.
3, Program performance, fiscal performance, and compliance by Provider that is deemed
satisfactory in City Manager's sole discretion,
4. Provider's compliance with IRS Code and VS. Treasury Regulation provisions
related to the limitations on use of tax-exempt bon/financed/improved facilities,
5. If applicable to funding from the City to Proyeder, the City is prohibited from creating
obligations in anticipation of budgeted revenu from one fiscal year to another without
year to year extension provisions in the agrepient.
6. If applicable, the City in its sole dikretion will initiate re -negotiation of this
Agreement before the Agreement tei ui expires.
1. Provider agrees to render serykes in accordance with the Scope of Services as set
forth in Composite Attachment/A-1 in the Park Use Areas set forth in Composite
Attachment A-2 hereto. Proviclr shall implement the Scope of Services and use the Park
Use Areas in a manner deemed satisfactory to the City. Any modification to the Scope of
Services or to the Park Use/Areas shall not be effective until approved, in writing, by the
City and Provider,
, /
2. The Scope of Semees' activities and performance rn asures and Provider's ongoing
compliance use of )the Park Use Areas, as well as complete and accurate data,
programming, and tiSe inforination will be used in the evaluation of Provider's overall
performance and c/cimpliance.
If applieabl, , Provider agrees that any funding provided by the City, pursuant to this
Agreement wl be used exclusively for the Scope of Services in and for the benefit of
Miami -Dade ourity residents.
4. Proviir and the City agree that except at such times as Provider is providing
schedu191 approved activities under the Scope of Services in the Park Use Areas, such
Park 1,,Se Areas shall remain open and available for other Parks users pursuant to the
City' rules and regulations for Parks uses and in accordance with public access
requ ements for compliance with the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions
related thereto. Provider and the City further agree that City through the Department's
449358 Draft for Rewew and Comment CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS 3
449358 Draft for Review and Cornmeat
Staff shall work with Provider to secure and protect from vandalism the facilities in the
Park Use Areas where Provider and its donors have provided improvements. Provider and
City further agree that except during such times that Provide is providing the schedule*i"
approved activities under the Scope of Services in the Park Use Areas, neither Provider
nor any other user shall have exclusive use of any Park Use Area.
1. NOT APPLICABLE: Subject to the availability of funds, thOnaximum amount
payable for Services rendered under this Agreement shall not exceed $ , with a
required match of $ . Provider agrees that should available funding to The
City be reduced, the amount payable under this Agreement yi11 be reduced at the sole
option of the City. Provider agrees to adhere to Attachment B of this Contract: Other
Fiscal Requirements, Budget and Method of Payment.
2. Fees: Provider shall pay a monthly use fee to the city of one dollar ($1.00) per nionth
for the use of the Park Use Areas to provide the ScOpe of Services free of charge to the
community. Provider understands and agrees that it shall be responsible for payment to
the City of any other City fees, including but not limited to Special Events Permit Fees, as
applicable pursuant to the City's Code, rules and regulations, as amended from time to
time throughout the term of this Agreement. /
3. Other Payments: If applicable to a not -for -profit organization, Provider agrees to pay
any other amounts that would be lega required to be paid pursuant to federal, state,
county, city, or other local laws for Pr ider's Scope of Services.
E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT (Applicable provisions to be determined)
I. Double Billing and F'aymehis
Provider costs or earnings claYmed under this Agreement may not also be claimed under
any other Agreement or mint from the City or, unless such claim is denied by The
Children's Trust, from ani other agency. Any claim for double payment by Provider
shall be a material breach/of this Agreement.
2. No Supplanting of/Existing Public Funds
The City funding may not be used as a substitute for existing resources or for resources
that would otherwise be available for children's services, or to replace funding previously
provided by, and Currently available from, local and state funding sources for the same
purpose. A violOion of this section by provider shall be considered a material breach of
this Agreernent/
3. Capital 1l4uipment
Capital eq rpnient is included in the definition of "property" under Florida Statutes,
Chapter 2 4, and Florida Administrative Code, Section 691-73.001, and is ciefmed=as
individual items with a value of $1,000 or greater which have a life expectancy of more
than one year. Provider is to maintain proof of Property Coverage in accordance with the
insurance requirements prescribed in section K of this Agreement.
Capital equipment purchased with City funds by Provider become assets of the City; are
intended for the City funded programs; are owned by the City, and must be tagged at the
time of purchase as an asset of the City. The City will work with Provider ;t'o tag the asset
and receive all information regarding the capital equipment. Provider 'must maintain a
record of any capital equipment purchased with funds provided by the City. When
Provider is no longer funded by the City, the equipment will be returned to the City unless
it is fully depreciated and Provider wishes to purchase such depreciated equipment from
the City. Upon payment by Provider to the City at the depreciated cost, ownership of
capital equipment will be transferred to Provider and removed from the City's fixed asset
system if the capital equipment is fully depreciated and ,,in the possession of Provider.
Provider can purchase the equipment at the depreciated cost with the approval of the City
in accordance with the City Code's asset disposition requirements. If capital equipment is
not purchased by Provider prior to the equipment being fully depreciated, Provider must
return such capital equipment to the City before submission of the final invoice.
In the event that property of the City is either damaged, lost, or stolen, while in Provider's
possession, Provider is to perform all of the following: a) within five (5) business days
provide written notification to the City Manager that the capital equipment has been either
damaged, lost or stolen; b) provide a police report for lost or stolen items; or provide a
written statement as to how the capital equipment was damaged; and c) reimburse the
City for the value, as determined by the City.
4. Assignments and Subcontracts
Provider shall not assign this Agreement to another party. Provider shall not sub -contract
any services under the Scope of Services under this Agreement without prior written
approval of the City. In any subcontract, Providershall incorporate appropriate language
from this Agreement into each sub -contract and shall require each subcontractor
providing services to be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Provider shall submit to,/the City a copy of each sub -contract to this Agreement within
thirty (30) days of its execution. All sub -contracts with Provider must be executed within
ninety (90) days of 7rovider's execution date. All subcontractors must agree to be
monitored by Provider and the City, in the same manner as Provider under the terms of
this Agreement. Provider acknowledges and agrees that the City and any subcontractor to
this Agreement hake authority to communicate and exchange information about contract,
program and/or scal issues. Provider waives any and all claims, demands, and/or legal
action based up q n any such communications.
Provider shall be responsible for all Services performed, and all expenses incurred, under
this Agreern nt, including services provided and expenses incurred by any and all
subcontracto s. The City shall not be liable to any subcontractor for any reimbursable
expenses or liabilities incurred under any subcontract. Provider shall be solely liable for
any expense or liabilities incurred under any subcontract. Provider shall hold harmless,.
release, and defend, at Provider's expense, the City and its officials, employees, agents,
and representatives against any claims, demands or actions related to any subcontract.
449358 Draft. for Review and Continent
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
The City shall not provide funds to any subcontractor unless specifically agreed to in
writing by the City with notification to the Provider. All payments to any contrae`ted
subcontractor shall be paid directly by Provider to the subcontractor. The City yeserves
the right to require verification from Provider and/or subcontractor of payment due for
satisfactory work perfonied by the subcontractor.
Provider and any subcontractor must be currently qualified and a've all applicable
licenses, fees, and required governmental approvals to conduct business in the State of
Florida, Miami -Dade County, and the City of Miami at the time ghat this Agreement and
at the time that any subcontractor agreementare entered into an services are rendered.
5. Religious Purposes
Providers and/or their faith -based community partners shall not use any funds provided
under this Agreement to support any inherently reli�g$ious activities, including but not
limited to, any religious instruction, worship, prosslytization, publicity or marketing
materials. Any such use by Provider shall be a mnaterial breach of this Agreement .
6. Lobbying
Provider shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement or any other funds
provided by the City for lobbying any federal, state or local government or legislators.
Any such use by Provider shall be a material breach of this Agreement.
7. Adverse Action or Proceeding
Provider shall not use any funds under this Agreement, or any other funds provided by the
City, for any legal fees, or for any action or proceeding against the City, its agents,
employees, representatives, or officials. Any such use by Provider shall be a material
breach of this Agreement.
8. Compliance
Provider agrees to maintain and ensure its compliance, as applicable, with federal, state,
county, and local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, adherence to IRS Code and
U.S. Treasury Regulation provisions applicable to uses of tax-exempt bond
funded/improved facilities, IRS rules and regulations requiring timely filing of tax
documents to maintain tax-exempt status and payment of payroll taxes, as applicable,
throughout the term of this Agreement.
Provider further agrees to provide agency and site(s) infot on to Switchboard of
Miami 211, the City24 hour:helpline..
I. GovernmentfEntity
Subject to the imitations and sovereign immunity provisions of Florida Statute, Sec,
768.28, Provide shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees,
agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages,. including
attorneysfees and costs of defense, which its officers, employees, agents or/
instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions,,dr
proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting fro , the
performance of this Agreement by Provider or its employees, agents, servants, partners,
principals or subcontractors.
Subject to the limitations and sovereign immunity provisions of Floridd Statutes, Sec.
768.28, Provider shall pay all claims and losses in connection t1e4ewith and shall
investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nat9x7e in the name of the
City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments, and reasonable attorney's fees which may issue therecr
2. All Other Providers
Provider shall indemnify, release, and hold harmless the qi(y and its officers, employees,
agents, representatives, and instrumentalities from any ail all liability, losses or damages,
including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of defer-0e, which the City or its officers,
employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as/a result of claims, demands, suits,
causes of action or proceedings of any kind or ;nature arising out of, relating to or
resulting from the performance of this Ag,reemenf/ by Provider or its employees, agents,
servants, partners, principals or sub -contractors; except to the extent arising from the
City's willful or wanton acts or omissions. , '
To the extent arising from a liability thathi's covered by the foregoing indemnification,
Provider shall pay all claims and losses in', connection therewith and shall investigate and
defend all claims, suits or actions of atiY kind or nature in the name of The Children's
Trust, where applicable, including ,ppellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs,
judgments, and reasonable aftomey's,fees which may issue thereon. Provider agrees that
any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Provider
shall in no way limit the responsibility to indem_nify, keep and save harmless, and defend
the City or its officers, employees, agents, representatives, and instrumentalities.
The provisions of this section on indemnification shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
Where activities supported by this Agreement produce original writing, data, sound
recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representations and works
of similar nature, the City has a license to reasonably use, duplicate and disclose such
materials in whole ,Cr in part in a manner consistent with the purposes and terms of this,
and to have others, acting on behalf of the City to do so, provided that such use does not
compromise the .S.alidity of any copyright, trademark or patent. If the data/materials so
developed are pbject to copyright, trademark or patent, legal title and every right,
interest, claim 6r demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or copyright, or
application for the same, will vest in Provider or with any applicable third party who has
449358 Draft for Review and Comment CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS 7
licensed or otherwise permitted Provider to use the same. Provider agrees to allow the
City and others acting on behalf of the City to have reasonable use of the same consistent
with the purposes and terms of Agreement, at no cost to the City provided that such use
does not compromise the validity of such copyright, trademark or patent.
This Agreement is subject to the provisions, limitations and exceptions of Chapter 119,
Florida Statutes, regarding public records and public contracts. Accordingly, tO the extent
permitted by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Provider retains sole ownership of intellectual
property developed under this Agreement. Provider is responsible for payment of
required licensing fees if intellectual property owned by other parties is incorporated by
Provider into the services required under this Agreement. Such licensing should be in the
exclusive name of Provider. Payment for any licensing fees o3; costs arising from the use
of others' intellectual property shall be at the sole expense of rovider.
Provider shall indemnify, release, defend and hold harmless the City, and its officials,
employees, representatives, agents, and instrumentalities from liability of any nature or
kind, including costs and expenses for or on account bf third party allegations that use of
any intellectual property owned by the third party and provided, manufactured or used by
the Provider in the performance of this. Agreemen'(violates the intellectual property rights
of that third party.
1. Breach
A material breach by Provider shall h 've occurred under this Agreement if Provider
through action or omission causes al» of the following:
a. Fails to comply with Background Screening, as required under this Agreement.
b. Fails to provide the Scope of Services outlined in Composite Attachment A-1
within the effective term of this Agreement;
c. Fails to provide such Scope of Services within the outlined Park Use Areas set
forth in Composite Attachment A-2 in compliance with the IRS Code and the U.S.
Treasury Regulations applicable to tax-exempt bond fundedlimproved public
facilities. ,/
d. Fails to correct an imminent safety concern or take acceptable corrective action;
e. Ineffectively or improperly uses the City funds, if any, allocated under this
f Does not fu *sh and maintain the certificates of insurance required by this
Agreement 8 determined by the City's Risk Management Department;
g. Does not m et or satisfy the conditions of award required by this Agreement;
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
h. If applicable, fails to submit, or submits incorrect or incomplete, proof of
expenditures to support disbursement requests or advance funding disbursements;
or, fails to submit, or submits incomplete or incorrect, detailed reports of requests
for payment, expenditures or final expenditure reports; included, but not limited to ,
budgets, invoices, and amendments in any required City reporting system.
i. Does not submit or submits incomplete or incorrect required reports pursuaiVfo
the Scope of Services in this Agreement;
j. Refuses to allow the City access to records or refuses to allow the Cityf6 monitor,
evaluate and review Provider's program, including required cr.& data, and
required Parks Use Area schedules and adherence thereto;
k. Fails to comply with child abuse and incident reporting requirAents;
1. Attempts to meet its obligations under this Agredrient through fraud,
misrepresentation or material misstatement;
m Fails to correct deficiencies found during a morLidiring, evaluation or review
within a specified reasonable time;
n. Fails to meet the terms and conditions of any o figation or repayment schedule to
the City or any of its agencies;
o. Fails to maintain the confidentiality of clieRf files, pursuant to Florida and federal
p. Fails to fulfill in a timely and propeimanner any and all of its obligations,
covenants, contracts and stipulations i/this Agreement.
(1, Fails to submit an Annual Financial Statement Audit and a Program Specific
Audit, as applicable, in accordae with Section 0 and Attachment D of this
r. Fails to submit an Audit Engagement Letter for both the Annual Financial
Statement Audit and the Plogrbun Specific Audit within thirty (30) days after
Provider's fiscal year end.
Waiver of breach of any proions of this Agreement must be in writing signed by
authorized representatives offioth parties, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other
breach, and shall not be con. {rued to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement.
2. Remedies
If Provider fails to curl any breach within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice
from the City identi mg the breach, the City may pursue any or all of the following
a. The City fiay, at its sole discretion, enter into a written performance and
eomplianc improvement plan with Provider to cure any breach of this Agreement
as may be tnnissib1e under state or federal law. Any such remedial plan shall be
an addition to this Agreement and shall not affect or render void or voidable any
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
other provision contained in this Agreement, costs, or any judgments entered by a
court of appropriate jurisdiction.
11 If payments from the City to Provider are applicable, the City may suspend
payment in whole or in part under this Agreement by providing written notice of
suspension to Provider of such suspension and specifying the/effective date of
suspension, at least five business days before the effective date of suspension. On
the effective date of suspension Provider may (but shall not be obligated to)
continue to perform the Scope of Services in this Agreement, but Provider shall
promptly cease using the Parks Use Areas, the City's logo and any other reference
to the City in connection with such Scope of Services. All payments to Provider
as of the date of suspension shall cease, exc , t that the City shall continue to
review and pay verifiable requests for paym nt for Scope of Services that were
performed and/or for deliverables that were substantially completed at the sole
discretion of the City, prior to the effectiV6 date of such suspension. The City may
also suspend any payments in whole orin part under any other agreements entered
into between the City and Provided by providing separate written notice to
Provider of each such suspension and specifying the effective date of suspension,
which .must be at least five badness days before the effective date of such
suspension, in any event the City shall continue to review and pay verifiable
requests for payment as prov' ed for in such contracts for services that were
performed and/or for delivabies that were substantially completed at the sole
discretion of the City prior/to the effective date of such suspension. Provider shall
be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such suspension
including reasonable riorney's fees.
c. The City may te inate this Agreement by giving written notice to Provider of
such tenninatioyi and specifying the date of termination at least five (5) business
days before thil effective date of termination. In the event of such termination, the
City may (a)frequest Provider to deliver to the City clear and legible copies of all
finished orkrifinished dociunents, studies, surveys, reports prepared and secured
by Provid6r with Trust funds under this Agreement subject to the rights of
Provider .las provided for in Paragraphs G and H above; (b) seek reimbursement of
any Ci funds which have been improperly paid to Provider under this
Agree). ent; (c) terminate further payment of City funds to Provider under this
Agree ent, except that the City shall continue to review and pay verifiable
requpsts for payment for services that were performed and/or deliverables that
wer substantially completed. at the sole discretion of the City prior to the effective
date of such. termination; and/or (d) terminate or cancel, without cause, any other
contracts entered into between .the City and Provider by providing separate written
notice to Provider of each such termination and specifying the effective date f
termination, which must be at least five (5) business days before the effective/date
of such termination, in which event the City shall continue to review/d pay
verifiable requests for payment as provided for in such other contracts or
agreements for services that were performed and/or for delivera/b1/es that were
substantially completed at the sole discretion of the City prior to the effective date
of such termination, Provider shall be responsible for all direand indirect costs
associated with such termination, including reasonable attorrit'y's fees.
d. The City may seek enforcement of this Agreement eluding but not limited to
filing an action with a court of appropriate jtr sdiction. Provider shall be
responsible for all direct and indirect costs as,sociated with such enforcement,
including reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and any judgments entered by a .court
of appropriate jurisdiction, including all direct and indirect costs and reasonable
attorneys' fees through conclusion of all a, pellate proceedings, and including any
final settlement or judgment.
e. The provisions of this Paragraph I sh,Pi survive the expiration or termination of
this Agreement.
The parties agree that this Agreemenl(may be terminated by either party by written notice
to the other party of intent to terrnate at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
effective date of such tennination.,
K. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS — (Also to be further reviewed with Risk
Management and Provider regarding applicable provisions)
Prior to, or on the date crnmencing the effective term of this Agreement, Provider's
insurance agent(s) shall provide to the City the following, as applicable: 1) Certificates of
Insurance naming the City as an additional insured and the certificate holder on all
applicable policies; and all applicable policies shall be maintained in full force and effect
for the entire term oft1s Agreement.
Or, 2) A letter of s f-insurance indicating coverage applicable to a Florida municipal
corporation require under this section or as determined by the City, except as required by
Florida law for gov&nrnent entities.
Failure by Provider to comply with Section K, shall be a material breach of this
Agreement. The City will not disburse any funds under this Agreement until all required
Certificates of Insurance, or letter(s) of self-insurance have been provided to and have
been approved by the City. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION
449358 Draft for Review and Comment CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS 11
Provider will carry insurance policies in the amounts and with the require
indicated below:
1. Worker's Compensation insurance covering all employees, rn-incorporated
independent contractors or consultants, and incorporated ind/pendent contractors
or consultants that do not have worker's compensation corfage or a valid State of
Florida exemption on file with the Department of Labol., as required by Florida
Statutes, Chapter 440. In the event that the Providf is no longer exempt from
obtaining Worker's Compensation insurance, the Pr6vider must notify the City and
provide the necessary certificate of insurance/upon the termination of the
exemption. The employer's liability portion• w'4/1 be $500,000/$500,000/$500,000
as a nummum.
2. Comprehensive General Liabili insurance, to include sexual molestation,
in an amount not less than $500,000 er occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate in a
policy year. Deductibles exceeding$1,000 are discouraged, unless Provider can
provide financial statements to s/ipport a higher deductible. The City must be
designated and shown as an a9ditional insured and the certificate holder with
respects to this coverage. The;general liability policy must contain coverage for
the following:
a. Bodily Inju ,
b. Property , amage;
c. No exclngions for Abuse, Molestation or Corporal Punishment;
d. No enthirsement for premises only operations.
Automobile liability,Coverage for all owned and/or leased vehicles of Provider and
non -owned coverage for their employees and/or sub -contractors and transportation
companies transporting program participants. The amount of coverage is
$1,000,000 comoined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property
damage. The city must be designated and shown as an additional insured and the
certificate holder with respects to this coverage. Coverage can be purchased as
non -owned Without hired auto coverage when the cost is prohibitive for hired
automobile coverage such as the case with the Florida Automobile Joint
Underwriting Association; but rental cars cannot be used in the course of
Provider's/regular operations. Rental cars may be used for travel to attend
conferences outside the tri-county area. 'Transportation companies used by the
Provider `or the funded program must list the City as a certificate holder and as an
addition 1 insured.
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
4. Automobile liability coverage for all owned and/or leased vehicles, 6f
Provider and non -owned coverage for their employees and /or sub -contractors not
transporting program participants. The rninimu.ni amount of coverage is
$300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property
damage. The City must be designated and shown as an "Additional Insured as
Their Interest May Appear" with respects to this coverage. Coverage can be
purchased as non -owned without hired auto coverage when the cost is prohibitive
for hired automobile coverage such as the case with the F1arida Automobile Joint
Underwriting Association; but rental cars cannot be ;used in the course of
Provider's regular operations. Rental cars may bej liused for travel to attend
conferences outside the tri-county area.
5. If applicable, Special Events Coverage:; as detettoined by the City, The
liability coverage will be the same as the coverage and limits required for
comprehensive general liability and the City must be designated and shown as
"Additional Insured as Their Interest May Appear." Special Events policies are for
short tem.' functions and not meant t6 replace annual liability policies. The
coverage is for the day or days of thevent and must provide coverage the day
prior and the day following the event
6. If applicable, Professional Liability insurance, as determined by the City,
with coverage amounts determined by the City's Risk Management Department,
but not less than S250,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Defense costs may be
inside the limits of liability and the policy can be written on claims made form.
The City is not required to be named as an Additional :Insured. Professional
liability insurance is ,generally required when the scope of services uses
professional services /that require certification or license(s) to provide direct
services to program participants.
7. Proof of! Property Coverage is required when Provider has capital
equipment owned by the City and said capital equipment is under the care custody
and control of provider. The City must be shown on the evidence of property
coverage as a'Loss Payee. Property coverage shall survive the expiration or
termination f this Agreement until such ti:ine the ownership of the capital
equipment 's transferred to Provider or such capital equipment is returned to the
City. /t
449358 Draft for Review and Cornnient
Certificate Holder
Certificate holder must read;
City of Miami, Florida
c/o Risk Management Department, 9' Floor
Miami Riverside Center
444 S.W. 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33130
Classification and Rating
All insurance policies required above shall be issued by compani6 authorized to do
business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications:
The company must be rated no less than "B" as to managtment, and no less than "Class
V" as the financial strength, by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by
A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the reasonable
approval of the City.
Provider and or Provider's insurance agent, as ap icable, shall notify the City, in writing,
of any material changes in insurance coverage, eluding, but not limited, to any renewals
of existing insurance policies, not later than th,i (30) days prior to the effective date of
making any material changes to the insuranc91/coverage except for ten (10) days for lack
of payment changes. Provider shall be sponsible for ensuring that all applicable
insurances are maintained and submitted totiie City for the duration of this Agreement.
In the event of any change in Provider' cope of Services, Composite Attachment A-1,
or any change in Provider's Parks Us/Areas. Composite Attachment A-2, the City may
increase, waive or modify, in writin any of the foregoing insurance requirements, Any
request by a Provider to decreas9; waive or modify any of the foregoing insurance
requirements shall be approved, in/writing, by the City prior to any such decrease, waiver
or modification.
In the event that an insurance/policy is canceled, lapsed or expired during the effective
period of this Agreement, tlit City shall withhold all payments to Provider or the City
may prohibit provider from/Using the Park Use Areas until a new Certificate of Insurance
required under this sectiop is submitted and approved by the City. The new insurance
policy shall cover the tire period commencing from the date of cancellation of the prior
insurance policy.
The City may require Provider to Amish additional and different insurance coverage, or
both, as may be required from time to time under applicable federal or state laws or The
City requirements/rovision of insurance by Provider, in no instance, shall be deemed to
be a release, limita on, or waiver of any claim, cause of action or assessment that the City
may have against rovider for any liability of any nature related to performance under
this Agreement orLbtherwise.
449358 Draft eview and Comment
All insurance required hereunder may be maintained by Provider pursuant to a master or
blanket policy or policies of insurance.
Provider is required to keep on file the following documentation for review by the City;
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax status determination,Ietter, if applicable;
The most recent (two years) IRS form 990 or applicable tth‹. return filing within six
(6) months after Provider's fiscal year end or other appropriate filing period
permitted by law; and
IRS form 941; employer's quarterly federal tax' return. If required by The
Children's Trust, Provider agrees to submit form 941 within thirty (30) calendar
days after the quarter ends and if applicable, wily state and federal unemployment
tax filings, If form 941 and unemployment,tax filings reflect a tax liability, then
proof of payment must be submitted within sixty (60) calendar days after the
quarter ends; and
Provider's proposed schedule of use api Mal use of the Park Use Areas for the
Scope of Services throughout the f,eh( of this Agreement. Such proposed and
actual uses shall be documented onian °Lilly basis for twenty-four (24) hours per
day, seven (7) days per week, thret hundred and sixty-five (365) days per year.
Written notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the addresses for each Party
appearing on the first page of this Agreement. Notices to the City shall be marked to the
attention of its City Manager, with copies to its Parks Director and City Attorney.
Notices to Provider shall be ivar;ked to the attention of its , with copies
to its and / . It is each Party's responsibility to
advise the other Party in wring of any changes in responsible personnel for accepting
Notices under this Agreeme t; mailing address, and/or telephone number(s).
The Parties agree that ;his Agreement recognizes the autonomy of, and stipulates or
implies no affiliation etween, the contracting parties. Provider is only a recipient of
funding support, as a icable; a user of the Parks Use Areas for the Scope of Services,
and is not an emplo ee, agent or instrumentality of the City, and Provider's agents and
employees are not al, n s or employees of the City.
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this
Agreement, consistent with Florida laws and with applicable IRS Code and U.S. Treasury
Regulations provisions applicable to tax-exempt bond funded/improved public facilities,
Except for changes to the total not to exceed amount payable and changes to the length of
the effective term, the City Manager is authorized pursuant to City Commission
Resolution No. , adopted on , 2014, as the City's authorized
representative for approving and executing alterations, variations, modffleations,
extensions, renewals, or waivers of the provision of this Agreement. Provider's
is authorized pursuant to its Board Authorizing Resolution No.
adopted on , 2014, as the Provider's authorized representative for approving
and executing alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers of
the provision of this Agreement . Any changes to this Agreement to change the total not
to exceed amount payable and /or to change the length of the effective term shall require
further City Commission approval(s).
1. Accounting Records
Provider shall keep accounting records that conform to generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). All such records will be retained by Provider for not less than five
(5) years beyond the last date that all applicable terms of this Agreement have been
complied with, final payment has been received and appropriate audits have been
submitted to and acceptil by the City. However, if any audit, claim, litigation,
negotiation or other ac,tion involving this Agreement or modification hereto has
commenced before the expiration of the retention period, then the records shall be
retained until cornplef n of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or
until the end of the re rular retention period, whichever is later.
2. Financial Sta 'went Audit
Within one hun ed and eighty (180) days of the close of its fiscal year, Provider's
independent celtified public accounting firm (CPA) must submit all of the following
documents, e$etronically, to the City, which together comprise an annual financial
statement apidit conducted in accordance with GAAP and standards contained in
Governmell Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States
(The 'Yell zw Book). The required items are:
a) n annual financial statement audit, performed by a CPA firm that is licensed and
gistered to conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and
Professional Regulation; and
b) Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 265,
"Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit;" and
4493 8 Draft for Revim and Common
c) Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 260,
"The Auditor's Communication With Those Charged With Governance;" and
d) Written communication encompassing the requirements of Government Auditing,
Standards, that includes an "Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Co2tr6
over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Baseck6n an
Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Q,ernment
Auditing Standards,." and
e) A Single Audit conducted in accordance with OMB Circulv/A-133, Audit of
States, Local Government and Non -Profit Organizations pi the Florida Single
Audit Act, Florida Statutes 215.97, if applicable; and
f) A Management Letter; if no Management Letter is &pared by Provider's CPA
firm, then the CPA firm must expressly confirm, j,:writing, that no Management
Letter was issued.
If Provider's annual financial statement audit is pre ared by the Florida Auditor General,
then the due date for submitting the annual finial statement audit, as defined, is 270
days after the close of Provider's fiscal year.
Electronic filing of the annual financial statement audit, as defined, must be sent by
Provider's CPA firm to the following e-rn‘il address:
Providers that are required to have a Single Audit agree to have their CPA firm submit the
schedule of expenditures pertaining/to awards, summary schedule of prior audit findings,
applicable auditor's reports and the corrective action plan, if applicable.
3. Program Specific Audit/
Within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the close of its fiscal year, Providers that are
contracted for a combined total of $100,000 or more from the City are required to have
their CPA firm submit a program specific audit related to the City contracts or
agreements, electronically, in addition to the annual financial statement audit, The
program specific audit shall be performed by an independent CPA firm that is licensed
and registered conduct business with the Florida Department of Business and
Professional R7gulation, has performed audits under Government Auditing Standards and
is either a rnOnber of the AICPA or FICPA peer review program to include government
engagement' reviews. This program specific audit must encompass an audit of the City
contract(s)as specified in Attachment D: Program Specific Audit Requirements.
A Provider that does not meet the program specific audit threshold requirement will be
exempt from the program specific audit requirement in the fiscal year that the audit
threshold is not met.
4i Audit Extensions
udit extensions may be granted by the City upon receipt, in writing, of such request with
appropriate justification by Provider and for a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days
after the initial due date. A copy of the engagement letter, along with the anticipated
audit completion date and any concerns from Provider's CPA firm related to the audit
449338 Draft for Review and Comment
must accompany the request. Approved extension requests allow for the continuation 9f/
payment until such time that the extension expires.
The annual financial statement audit and other financial information will be usd in the
evaluation of Provider's performance and overall fiscal health.
ha the event that either the annual financial statement audit or the prograM specific audit
is not received in a timely manner and in accordance with the previouslyStated due dates;
and an audit extension has not been approved, then the City shall withhold all payments
to Provider until the documents are received and determined to be acceptable by the City.
5. Engagement Letters
Audit Engagement Letters are due to the City thirty (30) daysafter Provider's fiscal year
end. Provider agrees to submit an engagement letter for both the annual financial
statement audit and the program specific audit, electronically, to
audits@theclaildrenstrustorg Failure to submit an engagement letter may result in a
breach of contract, or other remedy, as deemed appropriate by the City.
6. List of Approved Certified Public Accounting, Firms
To receive reimbursement for the preparation of the program specific audit, as defined,
Provider must choose from a list of approved CPA firms, vhich are posted on the City
website. Inclusion in this pre -approved CPA vendor pool requires a CPA firm to meet
three (3) criteria, which are enumerated in' Attachment B. Other Fiscal Requirements,
Budget and Method of Payment.
7. Access to Records
Provider shall permit access to all records including subcontractor records, which relate to
this Agreement at its place of business during regular business hours. Provider agrees to
deliver such assistance as may be necessary to facilitate a review or audit by the City to
ensure compliance with applicable accounting, financial and programmatic standards.
This would include access by the/City, or its designee, to Provider's independent auditor's
work papers for complying with' federal, state and local requirements. The City reserves
the right to require Provider to/submit to an audit by an auditor of the City's choosing and
at the City's expense.
8. Monitoring
Provider agrees to pen-nit/the City personnel or contracted agents to perform random
scheduled and/or unschedfiled monitorings, reviews and evaluations of the program, the
Scope of Services and c pliance with the Parks Use Areas which are the subject of this
Agreement, including aiy subcontracts under this Agreement, using the City's approved
monitoring tools. The ity or contracted agents shall monitor both fiscal/administrative
and programmatic/use compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement
and the IRS Code aid U.S. Treasury Regulations provisions for tax-exempt bond
funded/improved public facilities. Provider shall permit the City or contracted agents to
conduct site visits, client interviews, client assessment surveys, fiscal/administrative
review, Parks Use Areas scheduled uses and actual uses, and other assessments deemed
reasonably necessary at the City's sole discretion to fulfill the monitoring function. A
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
report of monitoring findings will be delivered to Provider and Provider will remedy all
deficiencies cited within the period of time specified in the report.
9. Client Records — Discuss applicability
Pursuant to Florida Statute 119.071(5), the City collects the last four digits of ykial
security numbers of child participants of funded programs and services for the f9liowing
purposes: (a) to research, track and measure the impact of The City funded prggiums and
services in an effort to maintain and improve such programs and services,f6r the future
(individual identifying information will not be disclosed); and (b) to identify and match
individuals and data within and among various systems and otber agsies for research
purposes. The City does not collect social security numbers for adult/ articipants,
Provider shall maintain a separate file for each participant. /Th1S file shall include all
pertinent information regarding program enrollment and part) ipation. At a minimum, the
file will contain enrollment information (including parent r/egistration consents and child
demographics), service plans (as applicable), outco e measures (as set forth in
Attachment A), and notes documenting referrals, specialspeca1 needs, or incident reports. These
files shall be subject to the monitoring/review and/inspection requirements under this
contract, subject to applicable confidentiality re/qiiirements. All such records will be
retained by Provider for not less than five (5) calendar years after the participant is no
longer enrolled. Provider agrees to comply N•yilh all applicable state and federal laws on
privacy and confidentiality. /
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
10. Internal Documentation/Records Retention
Provider agrees to maintain and provide for inspection to the City, during regular buse'S's'
hours the following as may be applicable, subject to applicable confideAality
requirements: (I) personnel files of employees which include hiring records, b &ground
screening affidavits, job descriptions, verification of education and evaluatio rocedures;
and (2) authorized time sheets, records and attendance sheets to documept the staff time
billed to provide the Scope of Services, and proposed schedules of uses/Aid actual uses of
the Parks Use Areas pursuant to this Agreement; and (3) daily activit'5, logs and monthly
calendars of the provision of Scope of Services and uses of the PaO' Use Areas pursuant
to this Agreement; and (4) training modules; and (5) pre and posf session questionnaires;
and (6) all participant attendance records; and (7) participayri consent and information
release forms; and (8) agency policies and procedures; and (9) such other information
related to Scope of Service and Parks Use Areas provisions as described in Composite
Attachments A-1 and A-2 and as required by this AVeement for ongoing compliance
with the IRS Code and U.S. Treasury Regulation/provisions for tax-exempt bond
fimded/improved public facilities; all upon request IV the City.
Provider shall retain all records for not less than/five (5) years beyond the last date that all
applicable tetins of this Agreement have been/complied with and final payment has been
received, and appropriate audits have been ibrniffed to and accepted by the City and/or
other appropriate agency.
11. Confidentiality
Provider and the City understand that during the course of performing the Scope of
Services and in the course of using/the Parks Use Areas hereunder, each party may have
access to certain confidential and/proprietary information and materials of the other party
in order to further performance/Of the Scope of Services and compliant use of the Parks
Use Areas. The Parties shall protect confidential information and comply with applicable
federal and state laws on cp'nfidentiality to prevent unauthorized use, dissemination or
publication of confidential/information as each party uses to protect its own confidential
information in a like manner. The Parties shall not disclose the confidential information to
any third party (except that such information may be disclosed to such Party's attorneys),
or to any employee of such Party who does not have a need to know such information,
which need is related to performance of a responsibility heretmder. However, this
Agreement imposes no obligation upon the Parties with respect to confidential
information which (a) was lawfully known to the receiving party before receipt from the
other, (b) is or becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of the receiving
party, (c) is rightfully received by the receiving party from a third party without
restriction on :li.sclosure, (d) is independently developed by or for that party, (e) is
disclosed under operation of law, (f) is disclosed by the receiving party with the other
party's prior \ritten approval or (g) is subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes or is
otherwise required to be disclosed by law, The confidentiality provision of this
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agreement.
Provider shall specifically require all sub -contractors to comply with this paragraph.
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
12, Data Security Obligation
Provider shall maintain an appropriate level of data security for the personally klefitifiable
information (P11) Provider is collecting or using in the performance of this Contract PII is
information that can uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person/pi can be used
with other sources to uniquely identify individuals. Provider shall maintain and adhere to
a written Data Security Policy that addresses requirements regarding protection of PI'
from unauthorized access and protection against data breaches andsnsures Provider is in
. ,
compliance with applicable federal and state standards with respect to transmission,
receipt and storage of PII on Provider's computing network 44 as paper records. This
policy shall address the topics of computer passwords, screerdavers that lock computers,
securing physical facilities, storing data, data use, data confidentiality agreements, and
staff training related to the policy. Additionally, Provider i§ responsible for approving and
tracking all Provider employees who request system or/information access and ensuring
that user access has been removed from all tenninated,imployees of Provider
13. Withholding of Payment or Use of Parks Use/Areas
At the sole discretion of the City, payment may 'he withheld or use of Parks Use Areas
may be withheld for non-compliance of contractual terms. The City will provide payment
upon satisfactory compliance with the contractual terms as solely determined by the City.
The City may permit use of Parks Use Areas upon satisfactory compliance with the
contractual terms as solely determined by Pie City.
Any alterations, variations, modifications, extensions, renewals, or waivers of provisions
of this Agreement including but not limited to amount payable and effective term shall
only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved and signed by both
This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with and governed by
the laws of the State of Florida without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Any
controversies or legal problems arising out of the terms of this Agreement and any action
involving the enforeemOt or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to
the jurisdiction of the state courts of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, in and for, Miami -Dade
ii County, Florida. Each arty shall be responsible for its own attorneys' fees, expenses, and
all related costs. The Pi -ties hereby agree to waive trial by jury.
In accordance with Sections 943.0542, 984.01, Chapter 430, 435, 402, 39.001, and
1012.465 Florida atutes, as applicable, employees, volunteers and subcontracted
personnel who work in direct contact with children or who come into direct contact with
children must complete a satisfactory Level 2 background screening prior to commencing
work pursuant to this Agreement.
for Review and Comment
For purposes of this section, the term "direct service provider" means a person 18 years of -
age or older, including a volunteer, who provides services to children, youth anj-ir
families. The term does not include volunteers who assist on an intermittent basi for less
than 20 hours per month.
Level 2 Background screenings must be completed through the Floriclp. Department of
Law Enforcement (FDLE) VECHS (Volunteer & Employee Criminal'History System)
Program. Satisfactory background screening documentation will accepted for those
agencies that already conduct business with either the Departnient of Children and
Families (DCF) or the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) orithe Miami Dade County
Public School System (MDCPS). A clearance letter from MD$?S Office of Employment
Standards indicating the person has successfully completedLevel 2 screening will be
If background screenings are completed with 'VECOS, then Provider shall complete
Attachment E: "Affidavit for Level 2 Background Sc each for Agreement term.
The Affidavit will cover employees, volunteers, ayd subcontractors performing services
under this Agreement who are required to comppte a Level 2 background screening as
defined in this section. Provider shall keep?Attachment E: "Affidavit for Level 2
Background Screenings" in Provider's personnel, volunteers, and sub -contractors files.
Provider shall re -screen each employee, volunteer and/or subcontractor every five years.
Provider understands that the City expects Provider to meet the federal standards under
the Americans with Disabilities Act. By policy of the City, providers must also
implement reasonable programmatic accommodations to include children with disabilities
and their farnilies, whenever possible. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Provider
shall not be required to make any alteration to any public school building or other
building or structure which is riot owned, by Provider.
1. Non-discrimination ama Civil Rights
Provider shall not disci.' inate against an employee, volunteer, or client of Provider on
the basis of race, col r, gender, pregnancy, marital status, familial status, sexual
orientation, religion, cestry, national origin, disability, or age, except that programs
may target services f r specific target groups as may be defined in the competitive
Provider shall dr onstrate that it: has standards, policies, and practices necessary to
render services a manner that respects the worth of the individual and protects and
preserves the dignity of people of diverse cultures, classes, races, religions, sexual
orientation, and ethnic backgrounds.
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
Provider agrees to abide by Chapter 11A of the Code of Miami -Dade County ("Connty
Code), as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment, housing aric,14/yublic
accommodations; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, which prohibits
discrimination in employment and public accommodation; the Age Discrirr*on Act of
1975, 42 U.S.C. Section 6101, as amended, which prohibits disdrimination in
employment because of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1473, 29 U.S.C, §
794, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of/disability; •and the
Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101, et seq., which prohibits
discrimination in, employment and public accommodations because of disability.
It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of discrimination under any of
these laws, the City shall have the right to terminate all or any portion of this Contract, If
Provider or any owner, subsidiary, or other firm affiliated' with or related to Provider, is
found by the responsible enforcement agency or the courts to be in violation of these
laws, said violation will be a material breach of this Agreement and the City will conduct
no further business with Provider,
2. Public Entities Crime Act
Provider will not violate the Public Entities' Crimes Act (Section 287.133, Florida
Statutes), which essentially provides that a person or affiliate who is a Provider,
consultant or other provider and who has/been placed on the convicted vendor list
following a conviction for a Public Entity Crime may not submit a bid on an agreement
to provide any goods or services to the City, may not submit a bid on an agreement with
the City for the construction or repair of`a public building or public work, may not submit
bids on leases of real property to the City, may not be awarded or perform work as a
Provider supplier, sub Provider, or consultant under an Agreement with the City, and may
not transact any business with the/City in excess of the threshold amount provided in
Section 287.017, Florida Statutes; for category two purchases for a period of thirty-six
(36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Violation of this
section shall result in cancellation of this Agreement and recovery of all monies paid
hereto, and may result in debarment from the City's competitive procurement activities,
3. Conflict of Interest
Provider represents that the execution of this Agreement does not violate Miami Dade
County's Conflict of interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance, and Florida Statutes §112 as
atnended, which are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Provider
agrees to abide by andbe governed by these conflict of interest provisions throughout the
IC course of this Agree ent and in connection with its obligations hereunder. (.Refer to
httn://www.miamida eethics.coin/Publications/code of ethics2010.pdf for the Code of
Ethics Ordinance). '
4. Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Provider shall comply with the following applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002, including:
• Provider agrees not to alter, cover up, falsify, or destroy any document that may
be relevant to an official investigation.
449358 Draftfor Review and Comment
• Provider agrees not to punish whistleblowers or retaliate against any employee
who reports suspected cases of fraud or abuse.
5. Licensing
Provider (and subcontractor, as applicable,) shall obtain and maintain in full force and
effect during the term of this Agreement any and all licenses, certificatiOns, approvals,
insurances, permits and accreditations, required by the State of Floida, Miami -Dade
County, the City, the federal government, any other relevant,/ municipalities or
governmental authority. Provider must be qualified and registeredio do business in the
State of Florida both prior to and during the Agreement term with:the City.
6. Incident Reporting
An incident is defined as any actual or alleged event or situation that creates a significant
risk of substantial or serious harm to the physical or mental health, safety or wellbeing of
a child participating in the program. Reportable incidents include, but are not limited to,
allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation of a child, injury of a participant, missing
child or abandoned child, loss of property use for the program, or destruction of property
used in the program.
Provider shall immediately report knowledge or reasonable suspicion of abuse, neglect, or
abandonment of a child, aged person, or disabled adult to the Florida Abuse Hotline on
the statewide toll -free telephone number (1-800-96-ABUSE). As required by Chapters 39
and 415, Florida Statutes, this is binding upon both Provider and its employees.
Provider shall notify the Agreement manager of any incident as defined within three (3)
days after Provider is informed of such incident. Provider shall provide written
notification of the incident together with a copy of the incident report. The report must
contain the following:
(1) Name of reporter (person giving the notice)
(2) Name and address of victim and guardian
(3) Phone number where the reporter can be contacted
(4) Date, time, and location of incident
(5) Complete description of incident and injuries, if any
Police report and actions taken shall be submitted to the City within fifteen (15) days of
the incident. Provider shall provide written notification to the City, within seven (7) days
of any legal action related to the incident.
7. Sexual Harassmen
Provider shall compl te an incident report in the event a program participant, client or
employee makes an llegation of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or sexual assault
by a Provider emp 1syee, volunteer or anyone arising out of the performance of this
Agreement and P ivider has knowledge thereof, Provider shall provide written
notification to the C ty within three (3) business days after Provider is informed of such
an allegation. Provider shall provide written notification to the City, within seven (7)
business days, if any legal action which is filed as a result of such an alleged incident.
449358 Draft for Review and Continent
8. Proof of Policies
Provider and subcontractor, as applicable, shall keep on file copies of its policies
including but not limited to confidentiality, incident reporting, sexual harassment', non-
discrimination, equal opportunity and/or affirmative action, Americans withDisabilities
Act, and drug -free workplace.
U. CONSENT - Discuss Applicability
Provider must obtain parental/legal guardian consent for all minor participants to
participate and/or for adult participants in the program for services; and to share
infoiination with the City for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Provider will ask participants to sign a voluntary Consent to Photograph form. The form
is available in English, Spanish, and Creole and can be downloaded from
The signed consent form for
photography will be maintained at the program site, ith a copy filed in the participant's
record. The consent shall be part of the participants' registration fonn, and signed by
parent/guardian before services commence or assessments are administered. Any refusal
of consent must be properly documented and signed by the parent or legal guardian on the
consent form.
Demographic and service information on program participants will be provided to the
City as part of City's research mission% Provider agrees to comply and participate in any
data collection reporting, including participant data as required by the City and described
in Attachment C to this Agreement, Programmatic Data and Reporting Requirements,
subject to confidentiality requirements. In addition, Provider agrees to furnish the City
with complete and accurate reports in the timeframe and format to be reasonably specified
by the City, and as described in/Attachment C,
Provider must participate an qf provide agency (agency profile) and site(s) information to
Switchboard of Miami 2-14, The City 24 hour helpline, as applicable and as defined in
Attachment C: Programma ic Data Reporting Requirements.
,i,7 Provider agrees that a pvities, services and events funded by or lasing the Parks Use
Areas pursuant to this/Agreements shall recognize the City as a funding source or a
location provider. Pro ider shall ensure that all publicity, public relations, advertisements
and signs within its c ntrol recognize the City for the support of all contracted activities.
Upon written reques to the Department, the use of the official City logo may be
449358 Draft for Revie,v and Comment
Provider shall use its best efforts to ensure that all media representatives, when inquiring
with Provider about the activities funded by or being provided Parks Use Areas by this
Agreement, are infoimed that the City is a funding source or a location provider, as
applicable. Provider shall, if it possesses the appropriate technology, work with the
Department regarding providing a link between the Provider's website and the City's
X. PUBLICATIONS — (Discuss with Department, Provider, ail Communications)
Provider agrees to supply the City, without charge, up to three (3) copies of any
publication developed in connection with implementation/of programs addressed by this
Agreement. Such publications will state that the program is supported by the City.
Provider agrees that the City will have use of copyrigh;ed materials developed under this
Agreement to the extent provided in, and subject to, tji.e provisions of Paragraphs G and H
To the extent permitted by the applicable jouryal or other publication source, Provider
shall include the City logo and the following paragraph in all materials featuring
programs funded by the City, including bu t not limited to newsletters, press releases,
brochures, fliers, homepage of websites 2
any other materials for dissemination to the
media or general public:
is funded/by er ogl-am amefu ded by the City of Miami, Florida.
ProvidetYrOgralTiNime esta financiado_por La Ciudad De Miami, Florida
Provider Program ne finausepa "The City of Miami, Florida"
Note: In cases where fund, ng by the City represents only a percentage of Provider's
overall funding, the abov language can be altered to read "The (organization) is funded
in part by the City of Miami, Florida..."
Paragraph headings e for convenience only and are not intended to expand or restrict
the scope or substa be of the provisions of this Agreement. Wherever used herein, the
singular shall inclu 1 the plural and plural shall include the singular, and pronouns shall
be read as masculine, feminine or neuter as the context requires.
Provider understands and agrees that Provider shall pay any and all fines or penalties for
its non-compliance with the IRS Code and U.S, Treasury Regulation provisions related to
tax-exempt bond funded/improved public facilities.
4493.5$ Draft for Review And Comment
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
This Agreement with its attachments as referenced below contains all the terms and
conditions agreed upon by the Parties:
Composite: Attachment A-1: Scope of Services
Attachment A-2: Park Use Areas
Attachment A-3: City Resolution No. R.-14- , dated Y, 2014
Attachment A-4: Provider Resolution dated , 2014 ,/
Attachment B: Other Fiscal Requirements, Budget, and Method of Payrnent, if applicable
Attachment C: Programmatic Data and Reporting Requirements, if ap ficable
Attachment D: Program, Specific Audit Requirements, if applicable.'
Attachment E: Affidavit for Level 2 Background Screenings
Attachment F: Perfortnance Improvement Plan, if applicable 4
No other contract, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject niatter of this Agreement shall
be deemed to exist or bind the Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid
or void, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder
would then continue to conform to the terms and requ ements of applicable law.
Amigos Together for Kids, Inc., d/b/a
Atnigos for Kids, a Florida not -for -profit
Provider Federal ID#
By: , By:
Name: /, Name:
Title: 7 Title:
City of Miami, Florida, a munici al
Daniel J. Alfonso, City Managr
Todd Hannon, City Clerk !
Approved as to Insurance/ equirements: Approved as to Form and Correctness:
By: By:
Ann -Marie Sharpe j Victoria Mendez, City Attorney
Interim Risk Managemeth Director
This Agreement is not valid until signed by both parties.
Composite: Attachment A-1: Scope of Services
Attachment A-2: Park Use Areas
Attachment A-3: City Resolution No. R-14-
Attachment A-4: Provider Resolution dated
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
, dated ,2014
, 2014
ATTACHMENT B (If Applicable) (to be Discussed)
Cost Reimbursement Method of Payment
The parties agree that this is a cost reimbursement method of payment contract; Provider
shall be paid in accordance with the approved budget and/or approved budget
amendments/revisions as set forth in this attachment. Provider also agrees to pay its
subcontractors, vendors and ernployees for the fulfillment of services provided in ads
Agreement, on a timely basis.
Invoice Requirements
Supporting Documentation Requirements
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
Attachment C Place, older
(replace this page with the revised Attachnxe ,f C and remove all references to this
place holder)
44933E Daft for Review and Co
Attachment D (To be Discussed)
Program Specific Audit Requirements
449358 Draft for Review and Comment
Affidavit for Level 2 Background Screenings
Affidavit Affirming Compliance with Background Screening for Provider Personnel,
Volunteers, and Subcontracted Personnel, as applicable.
In accordance with Sections 943.0542, 984,01, Chapter 430, 435, 402, 39,001, and
1012.465 Florida Statutes, and pursuant to the requirements of Paragraph R. Background
Screening of this Contract, the undersigned affiant makes the following statement under
oath, under penalty of perjury, which is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by a
definite term of imprisonment not to exceed one year and/or a fine not to exceed $1,000,
pursuant to Sections 837.012 and 775.082, Florida Statutes.
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared (CEO/Executive Director)
Authorized Provider
Representative or who being by me first. duly
sworri,..deposes and says:
Name of Contracted Provider
(Signature of CEO/Executive Dink,tor/FIR Director)
I swear and affirm that thi above -named contracted Provider is compliant with the
requirements for personnel /background screening detailed in Sections 943.0542, 984.01,
Chapter 435, 402, 39.001 And 1012.465 Florida Statutes, as applicable, for all personnel
having direct contact with children.
Sworn to and subscri 6cl before me at Miami -Dade County, Florida this day of
, by
o is personally known to me
o produced identification:
Type of identification
Signature of Notary Public
State of Florida at Large
Print, type or stamp name of notary public
449358 Draft for Review and comment
My Commission Expires:
449358 Draft or Review and Comment
Attachment F Place Holder
(replace this page with the Performance Improvement Plan, if necessary and remove
all references to this place holder. If not needed delete this page)
449;i58 Draft for Review and Comment