FILE ID: 14-00232
Date: 02/24/2014
Commission Meeting Date: 04/10/2014
Requesting Department: Police
District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Law Department
Matlle. No.
Subject: Sole Source for the Purchase of three -hundred (300) electronic control device accessories, batteries and
other related equipment for the Police Department
Purpose of Item:
The nature of this item is to authorize a resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachment(s), by a four -fifths
(4/5ths) affirmative vote, pursuant to Section 18-92 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, after an
advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding of a sole source; waiving the
requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures and approving the purchase of electronic control devices,
accessories, batteries, and other related equipment, from TASER International Inc., for the Department of Police, on an as
needed contractual basis for a period of one (1) year, renewable annually, subject to an annual finding of sole source by
the Chief Procurement Officer and approved by the City Manager, for an initial purchase amount of $15,311.96; allocating
funds from the Police Budget General Fund, Account Code No. 00001.191501.667.0.0; with future purchases to be
allocated from the various sources of funds from the user department subject to the availability of funds and budgetary
approval at the time of need.
Background Information:
The Police Department is seeking to purchase three hundred (300) electronic control device accessories, batteries and
other related equipment, to continue to equip police personnel in an effort to reduce injuries to officers and subjects,
which, in turn, minimize potential tort and civil rights liability exposure of the City.
The unique features of the Taser electronic control devices include, but are not limited to: (1) provision of one of the less
lethal weapons systems available for effectively halting an aggressive, focused combat trained attacker; directly impacting
motor nerve and muscle tissue, resulting in incapacitation; (2) the Firmware can be updated via the internet; (3) the ability
to monitor usage patterns using encryption that is secure from tampering; and (4) the weapon system is weatherproof to
better resist rain and humidity.
According to TASER International, it is the sole source manufacturer of the electronic control device accessories, batteries
and related equipment, and its products are registered trademarks that can only be acquired through TASER International,
Inc. The TASER® product is not available via any other vendors other than from TASER International, Inc.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 00001.191501.667000.0.0
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: $15,311.96
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receiving capital f ds
Grants N/ Risk Manag
Purchasing Dept. Director
Chief 1 City Managei
Final Approvals
FEB 2 4 2014
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