HomeMy WebLinkAboutCase Study Appendix D Warrant 13-0013 Final DecisionFile No, 13-0013
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300SE3m Downtown NET
Final Decision:
0 with conditions
[l Denial
The subject. | has been reviewed for Warrant Permit pursuant to Article 7. Section of K8|amN 21 Code, d of the City of M|oDl|. Florida,
which stated that an applicant may modify a special permit approved under a previous zoning
code, aaaminor modification through the Warrant process.
Pursuant to Section of the above -cited Zoning Ou]|nance, thoP|ann|Dg and Zoning
,Department has made referrals bzthe following Departments and Boards,
• Office of Zoning
* Downtown NET Office, Neighborhood Enhancement Team
Their comments and recommendations have been duly considered in this final doo|sion. This
application has been reviewing, pursuant to S$odwn 7.1.14 (d) of the Zoning Ordinance; the
following findings have been made:
� The applicantky proposing modifications on the approved "Met Miami" phase project under
resolution #U6'O1Dn.specifically, inthe "MetSquare" project.
* In the new design, the project keeps the ,eta||/theab*comolex odQ|neUy approved under
resolution # 06-0180 but will add m new hotel of thirty-three (33) flooro. The hote|'$ FAR /s
provided by the remaining unused development rights under the. approved MUSP.
° The proposal is for g mixed use pn600t with four hundred fKb+mlx W66\ hotel units and
196.804 nq ft of retail space and the proposal wU| be more In compliance with YN|an| 21 In
referenced toPublic Areas, setbacks, street frontages, $tu.
File No,13,0013
• The Zoning Administrator has determined that the proposed changes, pursuant to Section, are minor modifications and it Is recommended that the changes be reviewed
by process of Warrant.
• On May 17, .2013, a revised site plan was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department,
which replaces the previous plan on file.
• The proposal was referred to Public Works Department and the Historic Preservation Office
for review and approval.
• The Public Works Department approved with conditions theproposed project,
• Also, the Historic Preservation Office reviewed and approved with condition the proposed
• Pursuant to Sec. 7,1.2.4 (d) of the Miami 21 Code, the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance, the
application has been reviewed and found sufficient except for the issues listed above and
contained in the condition.
Based on the above findings and the considered advice of the officers and agencies consulted on
this matter and pursuant to Section 7,1.1.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the subject proposal is
hereby approved with condition subject to the plans submitted by the applicant and on file with
the Planning and Zoning Department as well as the following limitation:
1. The applicant shall provide the Planning and Zoning Department with a temporary
construction parking plan, with an enforcement policy and a construction noise
management plan with an enforcement policy,
2. The pedestrian sidewalk shall remain at a consistent height throUghout. Vehicles shall
rise to the sidewalk level with ramping beginning at the outer edge of the curb, with the
ramp slope being the maximum allowed by Public Works.
3. The proposed drop off area located at the north side shall be treated with decorative
bollards and with the same materials of the proposed pedestrian plaza in order to be
visually incorporated into the proposed plaza,
4. In order toavoid queuing spillover effect into street, oars in drop-off area shall be limited
to a maximum stopping/standing time of five (5) minutes after which time they shall be
moved out of the drop -area. Applicant shall reference this condition in any rules or
regulations adopted for Met Square and any operations agreement with the hotel
operator and the retail center operator.
5, All conditions of Resolution HEPS-2002-68 and HEPB-2004.48shall be followed, in
a) The Miami One Archaeological Management Plan proffered by the applicant and
detailed in a letter from Robert Carr of the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy
dated October 31, 2002,. shall be followed. From the Miami One Archaeological
Management Plan: It is the Intent of the developer that such discoveries will be fully
documented and _preserved whenever possible. A special area within the pedestrian
plaza in Parcel B will be set aside as a public viewing space for the exhibition and
preservation of any significant features.
b) The project archaeologist, Robert Carr, shall furnish monthly reports to the Historic
and Environmental Preservation Board, outlining the archaeological aspects of the
project as they progress.
c) The applicant shall provide a signed and sealed survey, completed by a licensed
surveyor, of Bali significant archaeological structural features located on the site to
date with a site plan of the proposed building footprint and proposed building pilings
and structural elements overlaid on top. Significant archaeological structural features
shall Include,, but are not limited to,. the Royal Palm Circle, the Royal Palm Hotel
foundations, the well attributed to Fort Dallas, and the second Circle discovered on
File No,13-0013
the southwestern corner of the site in March 2013, This drawing shall be provided to
the Preservation Office within 60 days of issuance of this Final Decision, and shall be
updated quarterly as future discoveries are made. These quarterly updates shall be
submitted with Robert Carr's monthly report for that month.
d) All archaeological materials not remaining on site shall be fully documented,
catalogued and transferred to HistoryMiarni within one year of completion of field
documentation, subject to the terms of the existing archaeological covenant.
e) All salvaged portions of the Royal Palm Circle, the feature located at the northeast
corner of the site, that are within private property and in the adjacent public right-of-
way, to the extent possible and subject to concurrence, permission, and
indemnification provided by the City, shall be removed from its existing location by a
skilled rock mason prior to construction activities commencing on the site, The
extracted pieces of the feature shall be labeled, catalogued, and carefully transported
and held off site in a secure location during the duration of construction activities on
the site, Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building, the feature
shall be reconstructed in the 60-foot wide public plaza in accordance with a covenant
to be provided by applicant prior to issuance of the master building permit. The
feature will be displayed and Interpreted with signage for public education. The
removal, storage, and relocation plan shall be subject to reasonable approval by the
Preservation Office, As stated in a letter dated April 1, 2005 from Robert Carr to
Sarah Eaton [Preservation Officer], "the circle feature will be out out by a rock mason
to be placed in a secure location" and in a letter dated May 19, 2005 from Robert
Carr to Sarah Eaton, "It is planned ... to attempt to cut out and relocate the circle, as
its location falls outside and west of the plaza."
f) To the greatest extent possible and subject to accessibility and other code
requirements, the applicant shall re-create as faithfully as practicable the unearthed
steps and veranda piers of the Royal Palm Hotel In locations to be determined in the
plaza subject to the review of Preservation Office, Such re-creation shall include any
suitable salvaged bricks from the excavation
g) Full documentation of all portions of the Royal Palm Hotel foundations shall be
completed as proposed in the Metropolitan Miami Archaeological Action Plan
submitted by Robert Carr to the City of Miami Historic and Environmental
Preservation Board and dated June 2004. This documentation shall be submitted to
the Preservation Office within one year of completion of field documentation. This
includes (as stated in the Action Plan):
• Drawing of a scaled map of existing hotel foundations and features (HASS format)
• Details photo documentation of the hotel remains
• Narrated video of the hotel remains
• An analysis and report of Royal Palm hotel construction features and artifacts (to be
included as part of the final report)
• Completion of a Florida Master Site File that will include a summary of history,
physical description, location map, black and white photographs, and
• Space will be dedicated within the Met Square development that will include an
exhibit of the Royal Palm Hotel and other discoveries at the site.
h) All future significant archaeological discoveries on the site, including but not limited
to: human remains, post hole features, building foundations, or features associated
with Fort Dallas, shall be fully documented and preserved to the greatest extent
possible, Notice of significant discovery shall be provided to the Preservation Office
within 48 hours of discovery and will be presented at the following HEPB meeting as
part of the monthly status report for the project,
I) The applicant shall cooperate with the Preservation Office to provide notice of
discovery within 48 hours, to fully document, and to provide for the appropriate
disposition of any new findings that are not addressed in this approval, such as the
circle discovered in the southwestern corner of the site in March 2013, and shall
comply with the terms of resolution HEPB-2002-68 regarding significant discoveries,
File No, 13-0013
On or before Issuance of a Master Building Permit, the applicant shall enter into a
covenant setting forth the design of the plaza, location of archaeological findings to
be exhibited within the plaza and/or other areas of Met Square, provisions for
Preservation Office review of interpretative .signage and elements, committing to
construction and maintenance of said plaza, re -stating the above conditions that
have not been completed, referencing and including a survey of findings to date, and
providing for the appropriate disposition of any findings not accommodated in the
plaza (e,g. donation to museum or institution). The terms of the covenant shall be
reviewed by the Preservation Office prior to being recorded.
6. The applicant shall address the comments by the Public Works Department, specifically:
• Continuous ADA compliant pedestrian sidewalk shall be required within the public right-
of-way, including in front of the drop off area on SE 3rd Ave and 3rd Street, without
requiring pedestrians to enter private property.
• A maintenance covenant between the owner and the city is required for any decorative
sidewalk or landscape approved and permitted by Public Works in the right-of-way,
• A "Notice of Intent" issued by the Florida Department of Transportation is required prior to
obtain a building permit.
7. The architectural treatment of the podium elevations shall be subject to further review
and approval by the Planning and Zoning. Director prior to the issuance of the building
The final decision of the Director may be appealed to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals
Board by any aggrieved party, within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a
written appeal and appro ate e with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2"
Ave., 7th Floor, Miami, 33130. elephone number (305) 416.2030
Francis</' �. Garcia, Director
Planning and Zoning Department
. /-/
Applicability Compliance
(1) Respond to the physical context taking into Yes Yes
consideration natural features, existing urban
form and Transect Zone intentions.
(2) For Buildings on Corner Lots, design Parades to Yes Yes
acknowledge all Frontages.