HomeMy WebLinkAboutState EMS County Grant ApprovalMission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. Vision: To be the Healthiest State In the Nation Rick Scott Govemor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS Slate Surgeon General & Secretary December 4, 2013 Mr. Genaro "Chip" Iglesias Chief of Staff and Deputy Mayor Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners 111 Northwest 1 Street, Floor 29 Miami, Florida 33128 Dear Mr. Iglesias: I am pleased to award Miami -Dade County state emergency medical services (EMS) county grant ID Code C2013 for $164,979.00. You should receive the full amount in advance within 30 days. The purpose of this grant is to improve and expand pre -hospital EMS. Paragraph 401.113(2) (a), Florida Statutes, authorizes and requires this grant program, which is number 64.005 in the Florida Catalog of State Financial Assistance. The money is state funds from the Department of Health's EMS Trust Fund and there are no federal funds involved. Your signed grant application affirms you have read, understand, and will comply with the conditions and requirements in the "Florida EMS County Grant Program Application Packet, June 2008.° You can obtain a copy from your identified contact person or at the following Internet location: http://www.fl- ems.com/Forms/Forms.html. The grant begins the date of this letter and ends October 31, 2014. Please note it is a requirement that you send reports to us covering the grant's activities and purchases by February 21, 2014, July 25, 2014, and November 21, 2014, the final report. Thank you for your participation in this state EMS grant program. If you need assistance, you may contact Mr. Alan Van Lewen, Health Services and Facilities Consultant in the Bureau of Emergency Medical Oversight, Emergency Medical Services Program at (850) 245-4440, extension 2734. Sincerely, Robert B. Eadie, JD Interim Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support RBE/avl cc: Mr. Scott Mendelsberg, Assistant Director Florida Department of Health Divislon of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-22 • Tallahassee, FL 32399-1722 PHONE: 850/245-4440 • FAX 850/921-8162 www.FloridaHeaIth.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEBOOK:FLDepartmento(Health YOUTUBE: fldoh OFFICIAL FILE COPY CLERK OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ML tM1-DADS COLJ.�7Y, FLORIDA Date: To: From: Subject: September 17, 2013 Memorandu Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa and Members, Board of County Commissioners Carlos A. Gimenez Mayor Agenda Item No. 3(B)(1) Resolution No. R-723-13 Resolution Authorizing Miami-Da:'T ire Rescue to Apply for, Receive and Expend $164,979 in Grant Funds from the FI ida Department of Health for Fiscal Year 2013- 2014 for Improved and Expanded Pre -Hospital Emergency Medical Services RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approve the attached resolution authorizing the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee to apply for, receive and expend approximately $164,979 in funds from the Florida Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Grant during the State's Fiscal Year 2013-14, which commences June 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. The deadline for the State application is November 15, 2013 and requires prior Board approaval or an approved resolution by the Board. If approved, the new funds will be distributed based on the number of emergency medical services incidents these agencies responded to in calendar year 2012. The anticipated revenue allocation for each fire -rescue department in Miami -Dade County is as follows: Miami -Dade County Fire Rescue Department $101,369 City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department 37,970 City of Hialeah Fire -Rescue Department 14,839 City of Miami Beach Fire -Rescue Department 8,002 City of Coral Gables Fire -Rescue Department 2,322 Village of Key Biscayne Fire -Rescue Department 478 Total payment expected from the State $164,979 SCOPE The grant will provide county wide services. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE This grant will provide total funding during the State's Fiscal Year 2013-14, which commences June 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, of $164,979. Miami -Dade Fire Rescue is expected to receive a revenue allocation of $101,369. The grant does not require any matching local or in -kind funds, Grant funds will not be used to supplant current fire -rescue expenditures. TRACK RECORD/MONITOR The grant award will be monitored by Lisset Valledor, Grants Manager, Miaml-Dade Fire Rescue Department. BACKGROUND Each year, the Florida Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services distributes grant funds as authorized by Florida Statutes Chapter 401. These funds are made available to eligible county governments to improve and expand their pre-hospltal emergency medical services. The funds are derived by the State from surcharges on various traffic violations. 1 Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa and Members, Board of County Commissioners Page No. 2 Since 1987, Miaml-Dade Fire Rescue has been responsible for the application and distribution of the State Emergency Medical Services County Grant for Miami -Dade County. The grant stipulates that municipalities are to apply for and receive funds through their respective county government or county fire department. Members of the five municipal fire rescue departments, as well as Miami - Dade Fire Rescue, conduct an annual needs assessment to formulate the Miami -Dade County application. The Director of each respective fire rescue department reviews and approves the grant work and expenditure plans prior to inclusion in the final grant application package. In order to receive their respective allocation of the approved grant revenues received from the State, each of the five municipal fire rescue departments submit an approved agreement to Miaml-Dade Fire Rescue. Distribution of grant funds to each participating department is based on the percentage of combined total emergency medical services incidents that the respective department responded to during calendar year 2012. Genaro "C ip" Igl Deputy Mayor 2 MEMORANDUM (Revised) TO: Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa and Members, Board of County Commissioners 4.4 FROM: R. A. Cdi. vas, Jr.a`} County Attorney DAlt : September 17, 2013 SUBJECT: Agenda Item No. 3 (B) (1) . Please note any items checked. "3-Day Rule" for committees applicable if raised 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing 4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing -Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Ordinance creating a new board requires detailed County Mayor's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e., 2/3's 3/5's , unanimous ) to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available balance, and available capacity (if debt is contemplated) required 3 Approved Mayor Veto Override RESOLUTION NO. R-723-13 Agenda Item No. 3 (B) (1) 9-17-13 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR THE COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR, RECEIVE AND EXPEND $164,979 IN GRANT FUNDS FROM THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GRANT AWARD FUNDS FOR IMPROVED AND EXPANDED PRE -HOSPITAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IN FISCAL YEAR 2013- 14; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AND AMEND SUCH CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS AS REQUIRED; TO APPLY FOR, RECEIVE AND EXPEND ADDITIONAL FUNDS SHOULD THEY BECOME AVAILABLE UNDER THIS PROGRAM; AND TO FILE AND EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY AMENDMENTS TO ANY APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT; AND TO EXERCISE THE CANCELLATION PROVISION CONTAINED THEREIN WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board authorizes the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee action to apply for, receive, and expend $164,979 in grant funds from the emergency Medical Services Grant award funds for improved and expanded pre -hospital emergency medical services in Fiscal Year 2013-14, and authorizes the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee to receive and expend grant funds, execute such contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding, and amendments as required by grant guidelines or to further the purposes described in the funding requests following approval by the County Attomey's Office; to expend any and all monies received for the purposes described in the funding request; to apply for, receive and expend future additional funds should they become 4 Agenda Item No. 3 (B) (1) Page No. 2 available through the grant program; to file and execute any necessary amendments to the application for and on behalf of Miami -Dade County, Florida; and to exercise and execute any amendments, modifications, renewal and extension provisions, cancellation and termination clauses of any applications, contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding on behalf of Miami -Dade County, Florida. A stipulation of the grant is that funds received will not be used to supplant current fire -rescue expenditures. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Audrey Edmonsan who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Rebeca Sosa, Chairwoman Lynda Bell, Vice Chair Bruno A. Barreiro absent Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. Jose "Pepe" Diaz absent Audrey M. Edmonson Sally A. Heyman aye Barbara J. Jordan Jean Monestime aye Dennis C. Moss Sen. Javier D. Souto absent Xavier L. Suarez Juan C. Zapata absent aye absent aye aye aye absent aye 5 Agenda Item No. 3 (B) (1) Page No. 3 The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 17th day of September, 2013.- This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. Daniel Frastai M[AMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK B YChristopher Agrippa Deputy Clerk 6 EMS COUNTY.GRANT APPLIdATION FLORIDA. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTif Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Corni3lete alt items ID. Code (The State Bureau of EMS will assign the ID Code — leave thls.. blank) I. County Nadia: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Business Address: 111 NW Street, Floor 29 Miami, Fl. 33128 Telephone (305) 375.-5182 Federal Tax ID Number (Nine Digit Number). 6 9 6 0 0 0 5 7 3 2. Certification: (The **loan gnatory who has 'atithbrity tasign contracts, grants, and other legal documents for the :county) i that. all inforniation and data in this EMS county grant application and its attachments are true edt. My signature ac wledges arid assures that the COunty comply fully With the co outlined in the F • MS County Grant -Application. Signature: Date: I r Printed 'Name:_.Genaro "ChirtglesiaS „... _Position Title: Chief of Staff/Deputy Mayor 3. Contact Person: (The individual with direct knowledge Of the project on a day-to-day basis and has responsibility for the implementation of the grant activities. This person is authorized to sign project reports and may request project changes. The signerand the contact person may be the same) Name: Scott Mendelsberg Position Title: Assistant Director Address: 9300 NW 41 Street Dora!, Florida 33178 Telephone: (786) 331-5121 I Fax Number(786) 331-5123 E-mailAddress: . 4. Resolution,: Attach a current resolution from the Board of County Commissioners certifying the grant funds will improve and expand the countypre-hospital EMS system and will not be used to supplant Current levels of county expenditures. 6. Budget: Complete a budget page(s) for each organization to which you shall provide funds. List the organization(s) below. -(Use additional pages if necessary): Miami -Dade Fire Rescue Department City of Miami Fire Rescue Department City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue:Department City of Hialeah Fire Rescue Department City of Coral Gables Fire. Rescue. Department Village of Key Bikayne Fire Rescue Department DH 1684, December 2008 BUDGET PAGE A. Salaries and Benefits: For each position title, provide the amount of salary per hour, FICA per hour, other fringe benefits, and the total number of hours. Amount TOTAL Salaries TOTAL FICA Grand total Salaries and FICA B. Expenses: These are travel costs and the usual, ordinary, and incidental expenditures by an agency, such as, commodities and supplies of a consumable nature excluding expenditures classified as operating capital outlay (see next category). List the item and, if applicable, the quantity Amount TOTAL C. Vehicles, equipment, and other operating capital outlay means equipment, fixtures, and other tangible personal property of a non consumable and non expendable nature with a normal expected life of one (1) year or more. List the item and, if applicable, the quantity Amount TOTAL Grand Total $164,979.00 DI -I 1684, December 2008 2 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EMS GRANT PROGRAM • REQUEST FOR GRANT FUND DISTRIBUTION In accordance with the provisions of Section 401.113(2)(a), F. S., the undersigned hereby requests an EMS grant fund distribution for the improvement and expansion of pre -hospital -EMS. DON .Remit Payment To: Name of Agency: Miami -Dade County Board of County commissioners Mailing Address: 111 NW 1 Street, 26 floor, Finance Department Miami, Fl. 331 Federal Identificatibn num 6-00-0573 Authorized official: Signature Date. Genaro °Chip Iglesias Chief of Staff/Deputy Mayor Type Name and Title Sign andmtuit this page: with your appficationlek Florida Department of Health BEMS Grant Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C18 TallahaSsee, Florida 32399-1738 Do not Write belOW MIS line Foruse by'Bureau f Emergency Medical ices personneIonty Grant Amount For State To Pay: $ GrantiD: Code: Approved By : Signature ofEMS Grant Officer Date State Fiscal 'Year: •Organization Code E.O. OCA Object Code Category 644240-00-000 05 SF005 750000 059998 Federal Tax ID: VF Grant Beginning Date: Grant EndingDate: DH 1767P, .Dedentet.2008 64J-1.015, F.A.C. 3 FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT# PENDING NEW GRANT REVENUE EXPECTED FROM THE STATE PER EMS CALLS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2012: o TEE/SUB-GRANTEES; TOTAL 'EMS OAO,S. FOR'DALENDAR: TEAR.2012; TOTAL • EMS CALLS FOR:DALENDAR. YEAR 2012. • 0 Nayv REVENUE EXPECTED VIA PAYMENT FOR FY 201243 .NEW REVENUE DISTRIBUTION PER PAYMENT FOR 'FY 2012-13 NET ROUNDING ADJUSTMENT Revisal: 09-11-2013. A. EICHENBAUM NEW REVENUE DISTRIBUTION PER PAYMENT FOR FY 2012.13 t / :M. (ROUNDED) 1 MIAMI,DADE COUNTYTFIRE RESCUE DEPT.. ,6 ,. % $164,979.- -6 1:168.86 $0....0 . -10 ( , . L perJo n Krumenacker, .. 'Div :' hie ,. ,•• , , „ -368. 11111.1111111111 C CITYOF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE DEPT. ... • ..„... ' /44386 23.91% $164,979,. . $0.00 '. ( (CAI.4S per,David buenas,.billef• Fire Office, 6,25-2013) :37,9701 3 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FIRERESPUEOEPT4 . 16 7-81 .L.... 4.86% $1.64,91'4; .13,00i.$0 $ .:(IO i •: .!.. ••;':: . 'DO.2 (CALLS per Tom Somperi,•.Capt.•:orr'beialf of Chief tietancouit.,6-25, , ::••••'... , 4 CITY OP HIALEAH FIRE' RESCUE DEPT. 209% ' $14,839.02 $0.00: 148: (CALLS per Salyatore:Frosceno,'EMS Division Chiefi'on 67264013) . .. ...... C TY OF CORA 'GABLES:FIRE RESCUE .DEPT. 4,580 .41% $164,979 $0.00 : 22, A AL -$.1 c)Nolt Reed,. Fire Chid: orr7,10-2013) VILLAGE OF KEY BJSCAYNE FIRE RESCUE DEPT. 942 'Q.29% $ 64;97 477.63„ $0.00.; • ...478: C CALLS.,per MecosOtario, DepAy chlet.on 06-11-20 3) „ .., :.:.....:.,: TOTALS: . ... j' •• ;;!,..•2..5j377. . .!.•,-.11)(Y4)()%: !;.... ":7'6164,979:. • $164,97.90:, -.:„:. :: ,.. $o:ocvi NOTES A) .EIVIStALLS DEFINITION APPROVED BY EACH FIRE-RE$CLIE CHIEF; ALL SITUATIONS FOUND TO BE EMS RELATED BY THE RESPONDING UNIT THAT ARRIVED ON THE CALL (NOT INCLUDING CANCELLED CALLS)AND AN EMS PATIENT PATIENT REPORT HAS: BEEN GENERATED B) CALENDAR YEAR (C.Y.) DEFINITION APPROVED BYgAtki:FIRR-RESCUE CHIEF: FROM JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 C) TOTAL NEW REVENUE EXPECTED FOR FY 2013-14 IS $184,979.00, AS PER 74643 I_ 1,LE R FRO STATE. FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION STATE EMS GRANT# PENDING .WORKPLAN PROJECTS BUDGET DETAIL (ESTIMATED) PER NEW REVENUE PAYMENTS EXPECTED FROM THE STATE CITY OF MIAM FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT OBJCTIVES GRAWT #CI013 PROJECTS NUMBER AND TITLE Carry ver and newrevenue per first report (through 3 / 3) MF.03.01 EMS: QUIP... MF.03.02 CONF; SEMINARS... $80,820.19 $32,012,15 TOTAL FOR ALL PROJECTS $112,832,34 2 Actual Expenditures per firs report or the project (throu h 3/3 / 3) $27, 7.23 $6,509.04 $33j36.27 3 Balance as of 03-31-2013, before adjustments $53,592.96 25,503.11 $79,096.07 Adjustments: 4 Should the Project be Closed? Enter Yes or No,No No 5 If Yes. Subtract total Revenue amount moved -out from the project and add amount moved In to other project (5). Vertfy that total moved -out equals total moved -in. Net adjustment must be zero, 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 If No. Subtract partial Revenue amount moved -out from the project and add amount moved In to other project (s). Verify that total moved -out equals total moved -in. Net adjustment must be zero. $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 7 If No. Add total Revenue amount o in to the project and subtract amount moved -out from other project(s). Verify that total moved in equals total moved -out, Net adjustment must be zero. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Estlm ted Balanco 353,592.96 $25,503.tt$79,096.07 . 9 Pe' 2013-14 Estimated•New Revenue Allocated to each project (enter amount to total $'37,n70) $37,970;80 ,S0.130 $37,970.00 TOT'AL ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR ALL, PROJECTS APPROVED FY 2013-14 WORK PLAN $91,562.96 25,503.11 $117,066.07 SOURCE: 'FY 13-14 WORK PLAN SUDO AIL-2MFAls" File. ReVlsed: 07-31-2013 FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION STATE EMS GRANT# PENDING WORK PLAN PROJECTS BUDGET SUMMARY BASED ON FIRST REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE STATE THRU 3/31/13 PER NEW REVENUE PAYMENTS FROM THE STATE CITY OF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES Total estimated Carryover and New Revenue Balance from all projects approved under, Grant #C1013 $79,096.07 Total estimated New Revenue expected from the new FY 2013-14 Grant #Pending, Payment $37,970.00 Total Estimated Budget for all grant projects approved under the new FY 2013-14 Work Plan $117,Q6$.-07 Note -A: See page attached for Budget details by project Prepared by: David Duenas, CFO, Chief of EMS Print or Type Name and Titre Approved by David Duenas, CFO, Chief of EMS Print or Type Name and Title Signature :Date SOURCE: °FY 13-14 WORK PLAN BUDGET SUMMARY-2MF.doc" FILE. Revised: 07-31-2013 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - ATTACHMENT I DEPT. OF HEALTH - BUREAU OF EMS FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT #PENDING PROJECTS WORK PLAN CITY OF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FROM EMS COUNTY GRANT #C1013 Project # MF.03.01 EMS EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES AND COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE & SUPPLIES FOR EMS Carryover and Revenue Balance $53,592.96 Allocation from New Revenue for FY 2013-14 $37,970.00 Estimated Budget Approved for this Project for FY 2013-14 $91,562.96 Provide: Provide new EMS equipment, materials, supplies and services, computer hardware, software and supplies, which will enhance the service capabilities of the EMS System and improve the level of service provided to the residents of the City of Miami. Some of the equipment to be purchased for FY2002-03, FY2003-04, FY2004-05 and FY2005-06 included the following: • A computer system (hardware and software) to maintain tracking and control of EMS supplies (expiration dates, controlled substances, etc.). • Thumpers for all ALS emergency response vehicles. • Life Pak 500 units for BLS response units. • Multi -range gas detectors for emergency response personnel. • A laptop computer needed to provide the State's mandated "Fit Testing" for EMS particulate face masks. The new laptop will maintain records, run the required software, and provide the actual testing at different designated locations. New items will be purchased for FY2006-07. New items will be purchased for FY2007-08. Some of the items to be purchased for FY2007-08 include the following: • Ferno stretchers. • EKG and video transmission system. • Life Net receiving stations. • Airway training kits. • Smart Strip chemical ID badges. SOURCE: "FY 2013-14 EMS CRT WORK PLAN-CNTY-CITIES-Revised T-31-2013" FILE. Page 1 of 3 13 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - ATTACHMENT I DEPT. OF HEALTH - BUREAU OF EMS FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT #PENDING PROJECTS WORK PLAN Actions and Time Frames: Identify, purchase, and place into service the new equipment, materials, supplies and services, computer hardware, software and supplies needed for EMS within the grant period, upon formal approval and actual receipt of grant funds, and formal approval of Change Request #1-B.1 and 3-6.1 during FY2004-05. New equipment, computer hardware, software, materials, supplies and services will be purchased during FY2008-09, FY2009-10, FY2010- 11, FY2011-12, FY2012-13 and FY2013-14. SOURCE: "FY 2013-14 EMS GRT WORK PLAN-CNTY C/T!ES-Revised 7-31-2013" FILE. Page 2 of 3 14- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY - ATTACHMENT I DEPT. OF HEALTH - BUREAU OF EMS FY 2013-14 EMS COUNTY GRANT #PENDING PROJECTS WORK PLAN CITY OF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FROM EMS COUNTY GRANT #C1013 Project # MF.03.02 CONFERENCES, SEMINARS & TRAINING SESSIONS Carryover and Revenue Balance $25,503.11 Allocation from New Revenue for FY 2013-14 $0.00 Estimated Budget Approved for this Project for FY 2013-14 $25,503.11 Provide: Provide funds for Fire -Rescue personnel to participate in national, regional and local conferences, seminars and training sessions to keep the department abreast of trends and innovations occurring in the EMS field. Actions and Time Frames: Pay for personnel registration fees and travel expenses incurred in attending national, regional and local conferences, seminars and training sessions throughout the grant period, upon formal approval and actual receipt of grant funds and formal approval of Change Request #1-B.2 during FY2004-05. New conferences, seminars and traininos will be attended during FY2009-10, FY2010-11, FY2011-12, FY2012-13 and FY2013-14. SOURCE. "FY 2013-14 EMS GRT WORK PLAN-CNTY-CITIES-Revised 7-31-2013" FILE. Page 3 of 3