HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation SR (Version 3)SECOND READING ORDINANCE
City of Miami
City Hall
3500 Pan American
Miami, FL 33133
File Number: 13-00745
Final Action Date:
WHEREAS; enhanced parking lot lighting can attract customers, facilitate traffic and pedestrian
safety, increase economic development, deter crime and vandalism, and create a sense of personal
security; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") seeks to protect the citizens and visitors that park in
these lots by adding certain requirements, while improving the visual aesthetics of the area; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission feels this ordinance is in the best interest of the community;
Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted
by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section.
Section 2. Chapter 35/Article VII of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended
entitled, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic/Private Parking Lots," is amended in the following particulars:{1}
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Sec. 35-281. -Wise ce City Authorization required.
Sal It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to engage in the operation or maintenance of a parking
lot for a fee or charge, unless such person or entity is authorized by the City and has paid the_
appropriate a license fee in accordance with the provisions of this Code or other ordinances.
(b) All private pay meters, pay stations or similar payment devices shall prominently display the name
of the lot owner or operator and the lot owner or operator's phone number. The operator name and
Togo, if applicable, shall not resemble the type or logo of the Miami Parking Authority.
Sec, 35-282. Permit, certificate of use and a business tax receipt, records required.
Laj_No person or entity shall engage in the operation or maintenance of a parking lot for a fee or
charge unless such person holds a valid permit, certificate of use and a business tax receipt
(b) Such permit shall serve as evidence of the operator's compliance with all building, zoning, finance,
and lightinq requirements the Florida Building Code, the Florida Building Code- Accessibility and the
Miami -Dade County Code, Chapter 8C.
(c) Copies of the permit, certificate of use and business tax receipt must be displayed, or available, on
the premises for ease of inspection by the City and at the office of the owner or operator. If no booth
is available on -site, such documentation shall be displayed, or available for review, at the office of the
owner or operator.
Sec. 35-283. Signs indicating charges.
(a) All persons properly licensed by the City to operate parking lots shall erect signs, one 1:11 at each
entrance of the parking lot for which a certificate of use and a business tax receipt license is granted,
or if only one entrance exists, then twe one al signs at such entrance_; -s Such signs are not to
be smaller in size than two i_2j feet square feet, with letters not less than six n inches in size printed
or painted thereon, indicating the price and fee charged for automobile parking and the period of time
for which such fee or price is charged. The sign shall be displayed not less than five feet from the
ground nor more than eight 0 feet above the ground. If lots are not being attended and are run
electronically or by multi -space, pay and display equipment, rate information and company contact
information shall be prominently displayed on the machine.
(b) Signage for private owners and operators must also include: hours of operation, owner or operator
name, and owner or operator address and phone number. It shall also include a statement disclosure:
Operated by a private company.
(c) All signage shall be in compliance with Miami 21, as amended.
(d) Any parking lot advertisement must be accurate and not false or deceptive in any manner.
(e) It shall be unlawful to place any temporary signs, such as "A" frame signs or any such similar signs
outside the parking lot property, on the streets or sidewalks as prescribed by Chapter 54 of the City
Sec. 35-284. Alteration of charges; charges in excess of published rate.
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price or fee for automobile parking to be charged during th
shatl-berme-made-effective-only-as,-of-the following y, It shall be unlawful for any such
licensee or his agent or employee to charge a rate or fee higher than the rate published on the signs
erected on the parking lot or displayed on any pay & display equipment as provided for in section
Sec. 35-285. Revocation of license for violations.
fal Conviction of the violation of any of the provisions of sections 35-281 through 35-28917— shall
subject the violator to fines and/or the revocation of his certificate of use and business tax receipt
by the city manager or his
designee. The violator may request an appeal of the revocation of each to the Department of Hearing
Boards, within 15 days of receipt of the revocation notice.
(b) The City Manager, or his or her designee, may order the immediate cessation of the use of the
parking lot for any violation of this Article where, in the opinion of the City Manager or his or her
designee, the parking lot constitutes an immediate hazard to the health, safety, or welfare of the
public, causing potential immediate harm to the users of said parking lot.
(c) Any certificate of use revoked under subparagraph (a) above may be reinstated within 30 days
following the completion of any and all required inspections. No such parking lot or part thereof shall
be allowed to open if there is a violation outstanding.
Sec. 35-286. Barriers at off-street parking areas adjacent to sidewalk or roadway; closures; entrance
or exit.
(a) All owners or operators of off-street parking areas adjacent to any sidewalk or roadway shall have
a permanent -type barrier not less than four feet in height at all places where such parking area is
bounded by sidewalks or roadways, except at permanently designated entrances and exits.
(b) Barriers shall be made of aluminum or galvanized picket and shall be placed so as to prevent any
vehicle from entering or leaving a parking area except at a permanently designated entrance or exit
and so as to prevent any portion of a parked vehicle from extending beyond the boundary of the
parking area.
(c) The hours of operation of a parking lot shall be placed prominently displayed at each entrance or
exit. When a parking lot is full, the employees of the owner or operator shall direct traffic to an
adjacent parking lot with capacity or away from the parking lot entrance so as to prevent vehicles from
obstructing travel on the adjacent right-of-way travel lanes.
(d) Employees utilizing flags to facilitate ingress and egress from a parking lot are prohibited from
standing in the public right-of-way, i.e. streets or sidewalks other than on the sidewalk immediately
adjoining the parking lot within twenty (20) feet of the parkinq lot entrance or exit. At no time shall any
such employee: (i) obstruct the flow of traffic within vehicular travel lanes; (ii) impede the full use and
enjoyment of the adjoining sidewalk by public; or (iii) solicit business from the sidewalk for the parking
lot of their owner operator by standing on the sidewalk adjoining a parking lot or business
establishment by which they are not employed. Employees or licensees may receive traffic citations
for obstructing traffic or further fines as allowed by this Article.
Sec. 35-287. Temporary use of parking lots for special events.
All private owners, operators, permit holders or affiliated entities operating one or more parking lots
servicing special events at arenas, stadiums or other similar facilities within 500 feet of the property in
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which the special event occurs must provide uniformed security for one hour prior to such events and
for a minimum of 45 minutes after the event has concluded. A minimum of one sky off -duty or reserve
police officer must be used as uniformed security by those private owners, operators, permit holders
and their affiliated entities operating one or more parking Tots which, in the aggregate, have capacity
for 125 or more vehicles during special events.
Sec. 35-288. Continuous duty to maintain adequate lighting for parking lots; maintain parking lot in a
clean condition.
(a) All person(s) engaged in the operation or maintenance of a parking lot shall have a continuous,
uninterrupted duty to maintain adequate lighting in said parking lot. The duty shall extend over all
portions of the property being used for parking, including any ancillary landscaping features and all
points of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and eqress.
(1) Open parking lots and access thereto shall be provided with a maintained minimum of 1.0
foot-candle on the parking surface from dusk until dawn; provided, however, the lighting level may be
reduced by fifty (50) percent on non -business days andi commencing thirty (30) minutes after the
termination of business on each operating day. The uniformity ratio shall not exceed a twelve to one
ratio (12:1) maximum to minimum foot-candles.
(2) Alleys shall be provided with a maintained minimum of 1/3 foot-candle on the alley surface from
dusk to dawn. The uniformity ratio shall not exceed a twelve to one (12:1) maximum to minimum
foot-candles. This provision shall not apply to governmental facilities not generally open to the public,
and shall apply to those governmental facilities that are generally open to the public only during the
dusk -to -dawn hours such facilities are open.
(3) Parking and non -enclosed areas under or within bui dings shall be maintained a minimum of 1
foot-candle of light on the walking and parking surfaces from dusk until dawn, and the ratio of
maximum to minimum illumination in foot-candles shall not exceed twelve to one (12:1); provided,
however, the lighting level may be reduced by fifty (50) percent on non -business days and
commencing thirty (30) minutes after the termination of business on each operating day. It is provided
that this provision shall not apply to governmental facilities not generally open to the public, and shall
apply to those governmental facilities that are generally open to the public only during the
dusk -to -dawn hours such facilities are open.
(4) The area immediately outside of exterior doors shall have security illumination and shall be
activated during the dark period of every day.
(b) In addition to lighting, the parking lot must be free from hazardous conditions such as broken glass,
debris, and pot holes. The lot must be kept in a safe and clean condition.
fcl Each parking lot must have a dumpster or provide trash receptacles or be serviced by a
commercial solid waste franchisee such that the property is free and clear of debris or litter.
Sec. 35-289. Owner, Operator, and Employee requirements.
(a) Employees must wear a uniform shirt with the parking lot owner or operator's company name and
logo printed on it.
(b) The name of all employees shall be listed by shift in the company records available for inspection
at the parking lot location during its hours of operation or at the owner or operator's office during
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regular business hours.
(c) Employees must be paid wages pursuant to state and federal law.
(d) No individual owner or operator, or shareholder or member of an ownership or operating entity, of
any parking lot shall have a controlling financial interest in any booting or tow company servicing a
parking lot for the same owner or operator. All parking lots must follow state and county towing and
booting guidelines.
Sec. 35-290. Compliance with the Interim Parking in Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 4.
,(Al All parking lots in the interim temporary parking pilot program authorized pursuant to Sec. 62-
543(4) of the City Code must immediately come into full compliance with the Florida Building Code,
the Florida Building Code- Accessibility and the Miami -Dade County Code, Chapter 8C, including,
but not limited to, the requirements for landscaping, lighting, , asphalt, fencing, etc., based on the
date set for compliance in the original application or achieve full compliance the aforementioned
requirementswithin one (1) year of the effective date of this ordinance, whichever is later.
ibl Any parking lot owner or operator of lots that has not previously availed themselves of the interim
temporary parking pilot program authorized pursuant to Sec. 62-543(4) of the City Code by the
effective date of this ordinance, must comply with and adhere to all regular requirements of state,
county, and local laws and ordinances as it pertains to the permitting, operation, and maintenance
of all parking lots. Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the continued use and permitting of
conditionally improved, unimproved, and partially improved temporary parking lots as authorized
pursuant to Sec. 62-543(1), (2), and (3) of the City Code.
Sec. 35-291. Enforcement of this Article; Penalties.
A violation of this section may be enforced pursuant to the provisions of prescribed in Chapter 2,
Article X-Code Enforcement, Sec. 31-48 of the City Code, or under any other provisions allowed by
law. The City of Miami Police may enforce the provisions of this Article pursuant to the above -cited
Violations of this Article shall be cited in accordance with the schedule of civil penalties set forth in Sec.
2-289 of the City Code and as allowed by law.
Secs. 35-2&S92-35-300. Reserved.
Section 3. Chapter 62/Article XIII/Division 4 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended,
entitled, "Planning and Zoning/Planning and Zoning Approval for Temporary Uses and Occupancies;
Permit Required/Interim Parking," is amended in the following particulars: {1}
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Sec. 62-543. Temporary permit required for approval.
An interim parking facility or interim parking shall be defined as a surface parking lot for which paving,
drainage and marking of parking spaces as well as other improvements incidental to permanent
parking lots shall not be required on a temporary basis.
There shall be five feuf types of interim parking as follows:
Temporary special event parking;
Short-term event parking;
Interim special use parking; anel-
Interim temporary parking pilot program; and
Temporary parking - Central Business District
(1) Temporary special event parking. Temporary special event parking on unimproved interim
parking lots, as defined herein, shall mean parking permitted pursuant to a temporary permit
and only in conjunction with an approved special event that requires the additional parking to
be accommodated on said lot(s).
(2) Short-term event parking. Short-term event parking means parking permitted as a
conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots, within a 1,5000-foot radius of the major public
facility they are intended to serve, pursuant to a temporary permit subject to the applicable __
criteria in division 2, and only in conjunction with major public facilities such as major sports
facilities, arenas, exhibition centers, performing arts centers and any other such major public
facility whose scale and operation warrant the use of interim parking facilities on an
event -by -event basis versus daily year-round use. However no such short term event parking
shall be located adjacent to, abutting or across the street from single family zoned property.
Renewals may only be granted by the city manager or designee upon findings and
recommendations by the director of the department of planning and zoning that such renewals
are in the best interest of the city for reasons related to insufficient parking within proximity of a
major public facility. At such time that renewals are granted, the city manager may include
conditions to mitigate safety concerns that arise as reported by the NET administrator, code
enforcement or the city police department that pertain to the particular parking facility in
question. Such mitigation requests of the applicant shall be limited to the following: (i)
improvements to or addition of pavement and striping; (ii) erection of lighting to the site in
compliance with applicable governing requirements; (iii) the addition of a three
(3) to five (5) foot landscaping buffer around the parking lot's perimeter; and (iv) the addition of
aluminum or galvanized steel fencing around the parking lot's perimeter. Parking spaces
provided as interim parking shall not be counted toward meeting required parking for any such
major public facility, unless parking spaces are either owned, controlled, or under agreement
for use by the major public facility it serves.
(3) Interim special use parking. Interim special use parking means parking permitted as a
conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots, within a 1,5000-foot radius of the special uses
they are intended to serve, pursuant to a temporary permit subject to the applicable criteria in
division 2 above, and only in conjunction with uses such as special entertainment districts,
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historic districts which consist predominantly of non -residentially zoned properties, government
facilities or institutional uses whose scale and operation warrant the daily year round use of
interim parking facilities rather than temporary special event uses. However no such interim
special use parking shall be located adjacent to, abutting or across the street from single family
zoned property. Special use areas may also include other public or private attractions and uses
that are over ten acres in size that could benefit from interim parking such as a dog track,
amusement park or flea market.
Yearly renewals for short-term event parking and interim special use parking may be issued
annually by the city manager upon findings and recommendations by the director of the
departments of planning and zoning that such renewals are in the best interest of the city for
reasons related to insufficient parking within proximity of the special uses. Renewals may
include conditions to mitigate safety concerns that arise as reported by the NET administrator,
code enforcement or the city police department that pertain to the particular parking facility in
question. Such mitigation requests of the applicant shall be limited to the following: (i)
improvements to or addition of pavement and striping; (ii) erection of lighting to the site in
compliance with applicable governing requirements; (iii) the addition of a three (3) to five (5)
foot landscaping buffer around the parking lot's perimeter; and (iv) the addition of aluminum or
galvanized steel fencing around the parking lot's perimeter. Parking spaces provided under this
type of interim parking facility shall not be counted toward meeting required parking for any
such special use they serve, unless such parking facility is in full code compliance.
(4) Interim temporary parking pilot program. Interim temporary parking pilot program is a
five-year temporary parking program that encourages the use of properties on a temporary
basis to support parking needs of specific areas within the city. The interim temporary parking
pilot program permits parking as a conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots that are a
minimum of 10,000 square feet in size, within a 1,000-foot radius of the uses they are intended
to serve, pursuant to temporary permit subject to the applicable criteria in division 2 and only in
conjunction with uses such as medium-sized institutional uses, medium-sized business uses
that serve as critical economic hubs, and medium-sized business or institution that employs
100 or more individuals or serves over 100 people per day. However no such interim temporary
parking pilot program may be applied to property adjacent to, abutting or across the street from
single-family zoned property.
Parking spaces provided under this interim temporary parking pilot program shall not be
counted toward meeting required parking for any such special use they serve, unless such
parking facility is in common ownership with the property it is intended to serve or united with
the property it is intended to serve by a covenant in lieu of unity of title. All parking approved
through this interim temporary parking pilot program as required parking shall be provided free
to the public.
(5) Temporary parking- Central Business District. Temporary commercial or non-commercial
parking Tots may be operated within the Central Business District. Such lots may be operated
independent of a primary use.
p Design requirements. All temporary Tots within the Central Business District shall adhere to
the following minimum design requirements:
1. Parking lots shall be brought to grade with no less than one inch of asphalt over
four -inch lime rock base; however, the public works director may require a six-inch lime
rock base or thicker asphalt based upon the conditions at the site, the intensity at the
site or, if trucks are intended to be parked on the site, that would require the additional
support base.
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2. Surface storm water shall not drain onto adjacent property or a public right-of-way. If
the public works director determines that there is insufficient area to accommodate
drainage, additional measures may be required to adequately drain stormwater runoff.
3. A landscape plan that specifies and quantifies the existing and/or proposed plant
material inclusive of mature shade trees, hedge material, ground cover and in -ground
irrigation shall be submitted for review and approval by the planning director, according
to the following criteria:
a. At minimum, the plan shall indicate a three-foot wide, landscaped area bordering
the surface area along a property line, street, alley or sidewalk. The areas fronting
a street or alley shall be landscaped with a grouping of three palms every 15 linear
feet of frontage or one canopy tree every 20 feet of frontage. All landscaped areas
shall utilize grass or planted material acceptable to the planning and zoning
b. A hedge that is at least 36 inches in height at the time of planting shall be installed
on the entire perimeter of the lot; hedges on street or alley frontages shall not
exceed 42 inches in height at maturity.
c. Landscaped areas shall require protection from vehicular encroachment. Car stops
shall be placed at least 2'% feet from the edge of the paved area.
d. All landscaping that is placed on the lot shall be maintained in good condition so as
to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance. Prior to the issuance of a
business tax receipt for a temporary parking lot, the applicant shall submit a plan for
a recurring maintenance schedule that includes, but is not limited to, cleaning the
lot, clipping the hedge material, removing and replacing dead plat material,
fertilization and irrigation. Said plan shall be approved by the planning director.
4. Signs. One sign per street frontage is permitted. The maximum size of each sign shall
be five (5) square feet or 50 feet of street frontage. Such signs shall aslo include copy
that indicates the name of the operator, the phone number of the operator to report
complaints, and who can use the facility (i.e. whether it is open to the general public,
private, valet or self -parking). Signage shall also comply with Sec. 35-283 of the City
5. All temporary parking lots shall comply with the lighting standards set forth in Sec. 35-
288 of the City Code.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the planning director shall approve the site and
landscaping plans. Prior to the issuance of an occupational license, the planning
department shall approve the placement, quality and size of landscaping material.
(b) Duration of temporary parking use; extensions. Temporary parking lots shall not be
permitted to exist for a period of greater than ten (10) years from the date of certificate of
occupancy or business tax receipt, whichever occurs first, regardless of ownership and
approved in accordance with standards set forth herein, below, and in Sec.62-544 and the
procedures utilized for the processing of a Warrant in the Miami 21 Code. At the end of this
period, or such extensions that may be granted as contemplated herein, if the lot continues
to be used for the purposes of parking, a permanent lot shall be constructed in conformity
with the governing regulations set forth in the city code and land development regulations.
However, prior to the expiration, or not later than 90 calendar days after the expiration of
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such approval, an applicant may request one initial extension of time for a period not to
exceed three (3) years by filing an application for a temporary parking use. In granting the
initial extension of time, or considering an appeal from the planning director's decision
regarding an extension of time, the planning director or planning, zoning and appeals
board, as the case may be, shall consider, among other things, whether the applicant has
complied with all of the applicable requirements of these land development regulations, and
any conditions imposed by the planning,,zoning and appeals board, if any, during its period
of operation, as well as any landscaping on the property that may not be in compliance with
the requirements listed above.
After the first extension of time, and prior to expiration, or not later than 90 calendar days
after the expiration of such approval, an applicant may request from the planning director
not more than two (2) extensions of time for periods not to exceed three (3) years each. In
considering such a request, the planning director shall consider the same criteria applied in
his or her review of the initial request for approval of a temporary parking use.
At the end of all applicable extensions of time for a temporary parking lot, the lot shall
cease to be used for parking and the asphalt and rock base shall be removed and replaced
with soil and landscaping, which shall be maintained until the property is developed for a
use permitted in the zoning district. The owner of the property shall be responsible for
maintaining such property and the landscaping and shall submit a plan for such
maintenance to the planning director for his or her review and approval.
Section 4. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance
is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected.
Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days after final reading and adoption
thereof. {2)
{1) Words and/or figures stricken through shll be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be
added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicae omitted
and unchanged material.
{2) This Ordiance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten
(10) days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall
become effective immediately upon override and veto by the City Commission.
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