HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Downtown Pedestrian Priority ZoneDWEIT1JN Downtown Pedestrian Priority Zone Create a Clear Pedestrian Path Every sidewalk should have a minimum 6 ft. unobstructed pedestrian path OTHERcmES: Boston NYC: 8ft. clear zone or 1/2 the sideyalkwidth, whichever is greater Seattle LA County Washingto IX:6ft ckarzone, 10 ft dear zone with Sidewalk Cafe. Philadelphia, Chlrago:6, 8or 10ft. dear based on street classification Require Crosswalks at all Intersections 10 ft. minimum width marked crosswalks at every intersection oTNERCITlEs: Boston, San Diego Seattle 10ftmin, ladder -style design. NYCChicaga Portland. DC:10ftkxal, l5ftcollector, 20ftmajorstrews Align Curb Ramps with Sidewalks Every intersection should have curb ramps perpendicular to the path of travel OTHER ❑TIES: Califonia andMminla: Perpendicular ramps are preferred for new sidewal k construction, and where feasible, for upgrades to ebsling sidewalks Provide Automatic Countdown Timers with More Crossing Time All traffic controlled intersections should have pre -timed fixed signals with a minimum of one second of crossing time for every 2.8 feet of street width OTHERCmES: San F ancisco:2bfthx CO5H: ft./sec Designate 25 MPH Speed Limit The speed limit should be no more than 25 MPH throughout Downtown OTHER CRIES: Portland: 20 MPH (Residential) and 25 (Commercial). Boston, San Diego, San Jose Satan -lento. Salt I ate City: 25 MPH Madison. Seattle San Francisco: 25 MPH (majority of streets), 30-35 MPH (Arterials). i PEn6N111N Reduce Drive Lane Widths Driving lanes should be no more than 10 ft. wide. Exception: lanes with bus or service vehicles could be up to 11 ft. wide OTHER CRIES: Portland:10 ft dove lanes, 11 ft. turn lanes. LA County Model Street Mani El: l0ftdrive lanes, 11 ft heavy service orbus lanes and sharrows are 12 ft 2012 NACTO Urban Design Guidelines:10 and 11 ft lanes Prohibit Right Turns On Red Right turns should be allowed only with a green signal OTHER CRIES: New York City: NTOR Policy with some exceptions. Ch, ag Pedestrian Plan: proposes NTOR In downtown Extend the Sidewalk at all Intersections Sidewalk area should be extended to minimize the pedestrian crossing distance at all street intersections OfHERCmES: philadelohia LA County 15 ft.curb mdius per residential streetclassification. 3saatlle No obstructions within 20 ft. of the legal crosswalk Enhance Mid -Block Lighting Mid -block lighting levels should be equal to intersection lighting levels and provide for pedestrian safety and comfort OTHERCSES: San Francisco, San Diego, Portland Seattle and San lose: LEDMid-5ockLighting Provide Shade at Sidewalks Shade trees, canopies, overhangs and/or arcades should be consistently spaced to provide shade and comfort to pedestrians OTHERCRES: Boston. San Frandsca San Diego Ponl 1 .Seattl San Jose and Madison: Urban Forestry Plans okv' ) �E'C7eSf�'ia- Y✓,Orrfy ZOh e Submitted into the public record in connection with item FR.2 on 12/12/13 Todd B. Hannon