HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication & Supporting DocumentsGT GreenbergTraurig June 25, 2013 (updated November 14, 2013) Francisco Garcia, Planning Director Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Public Works Director Irene Hegedus, Zoning Administrator City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Ave. Miami , FL 33130-1910 Re: NE 31 Street — Street Closure — Park Dedication Dear Francisco, Nzeribe and Irene: Iris V, Escarra Tel (305) 579-0737 Fax (305) 961-5737 escarrai@gtlaw,com rsa Cry Our firm represents PRH NE 31st ST, LLC (PRH) which is the owner of various parcels of land along 315t and 32nd Street and Biscayne Bay, see attached Exhibit A. PRH is seeking to close and vacate a portion of the street right of way. The closure is approximately 18,616 S,F., see attached Exhibit B. In exchange PRH is donating approximately 28,928 S.F. of Right of Way and a waterfront public park of 20,002 S.F. with improvements, please see attached Exhibit C. The addition of the waterfront public park will create a new park in the City's System and increase the amount of park land in accordance with the City of Miami Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan, which encourages the creation of pocket parks where small plots of public land or private land are identified, see attached Exhibit D. Furthermore, the proposed project does not violate and complies with Article 3, Section 3.8.2 (c), which states that "thoroughfares that provide View Corridor1 shall not be vacated/' As the proposed project, which is not closing the portion of the Thoroughfare that immediately leads the public to Biscayne Bay, it is closing a portion of the Thoroughfare approximately 150 ft away from Biscayne Bay and redirecting the circulation in the area to enhance the connectivity of the streets and lead the public to a new public waterfront park. Please consider the following in your evaluation: • Street being closed, 18,616 SF. • New Streets being dedicated, 15,429 and 13,499 SF (Total 28,928 SF). • Land to be deeded to the City for park purposes 20,002 SF (this will provide in an increase of 20,002 acre to the City owned park system.) 1 View Corridor: An axial view terminating on a natural or historical feature. MIA 183321959v2 r GREENBERG TRAURIG, RA, NI ATTORNEYS AT LAW r4 WWW.GTLAW.COM 333 S.E. 2nd Avenue I, Suite 4400 11 Miami, FL 33131-323E ■ Tel 305.579,0500 Fax 305.579,0717 Francisco Garcia and Nzeribe Ihekwaba June 24, 2013 Page 2 • PRH shall make improvements to the Public Park as depicted in attached Exhibit D. • PRH shall maintain the Public Park in perpetuity by Covenant as proffered in Exhibit E. • PRH shall install signage, as approved by the Department of Planning and Public Works, for directional signage to the Public Park. The result of the development will be an improved waterfront public park open space of 20,002 SF which increases the City's park space ratio and 28,928 SF of redirected right of way to gain access to the new waterfront public park. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Iris V. Escarra Enclosure cc: Carlos Rosso, PRH NE 31st Street, LLC MIA 183321959v2 Miami -Dade My Home i-. Page 1 of 2 My Home lark ad " mg e, Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item 131 Text only Property Appraiser Tax Estimator irglProperty Appraiser Tax Comparison Folio No,: Progetty: Malling Address: Summary Details: 01.3230-012-0060 PRH NE 31 ST STREET 1:LC 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- re erty Information: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY & CLUE: f0066 EXTRA FEA OTHER THAN PARKING Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units; 0 Ad] Sq Footage: li Lot Size; 3,12 ACRES Year Built: \0 30-53-42 KORN TERR PB 10-6 LOTS 1 THRU Legal Description: 11 & LOT 10 BLK 6 OF PB 2.37 BROADMOOR LESS W15OFT & PARCEL LYG E & ADJ LOT 10 EXT s nt information: Year: 2012 2011 $9,627,140$7,240,626 "$15,987 $16,148 Land Value: Building Value: Market Value: $0 543,127 $7,982,451 $7,256,774 $7,256,774 Assessed Valuo: lue information: Year: 2012 2011 Taxing Authority: Applied Exemption/ Taxable Value: Applied Exemption/ Taxable Value: Regional: $b/ $7,982,451 $0/ $7,982,451 $0/ $0/ $7,256,774 $0/ $7;256,774 $0/ $7,256,774 County: City: School Board: r,67,982,451 $9,543,127 $7,256,774 Io Information: Sale Date: 4/2013 $29,000,000 Sale Amount: Sale O/R: 207 -2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: Nith multiple tax Identification numbers /In,,, A'1.11/Innn1 �nlnn Aerial Photography - 2012 kkicleage i t?ropgrty Infooration, i f? c gerty Taxsst Netnh(orhoa0I Pr2Party Apeugogt 0 ..... 110 ft Homo 15l ina Our $ita I EitQa021ML9,C4 I Prlyt9Y I Ptsx4iltmer If you experience technical difficutttes with tho,Property Information application, or wish to sond us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webuiaet04. Web Slte p 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. MIAMMADE Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street. Highway Miamt•Dade County Water http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap,asp 6/12/2013 Miami -Dade My Home' y .Page1of2 My Home it is idad Show Me: Property Information Search By: Seteot Itam El Text only 11 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No,: 01-3230-016-0000 Property: Malting PRHNE 31STSTREET-114 Address: 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131• r000rty Information: Primary Zone: 604 MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY & pLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: 0(0. Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Ad,l $q,FGootage: 0 Lot Size: 5,250 80 FT Year Butt 0 HAINCS BAYFRONT PB 29-55 LOT $ LOT SIZE Legal 50,000 X 105 OR 22676- Description: 2166 09 2004 5 000 23263-1437 04 2005 2 OR 28573-2042 0413 05 se merit Information: Year: 2012 , 2011 Land Value: $115,500 $1154500 Building Value: ' $0 $0 Market Value: $115,500 $115,500 Assessed Value: $116)5O0 $115,500 xable Value information: Year: 2012 . 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemptianl "taxable Value: Value: Regional: $0/5115,500 $OJ$115,500 County: $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 cHy: $0/$115;500 $04115,500 School Board: $0/$115,500 $04115,606 ale Information: Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale'Amounti $29,000,000 Sale 0/R: 285p-2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, hut transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers View Additional Sales Additional Information: Click hero see more Information for this property; Community Development District ("immunity Redevelomment Area `1eTfl ii TOOL..: I L1:C;1 Aerial Photography • 2012 0 Ilt.I44,01•101.149 1 1 0 f t myauttMu Neighborhood J oPe anprelssp.NxBt Home I Using Qur pite I Phone Oireetery I Privacy 1 Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Wobmaster. Web Site V 2002 Miami -Dade County, All rights reserved, Legend Proporty Boundary Selected Property rige Street Highway reh Miaml-Dado County Water http://gisims2.,riamidade.go:v/myhome/propmap.asp.....w.... 6/,12/201,3...., Miami -Davie My Home ... Page 1 of 2 My Home rm " mid ,•. Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select item ►90 NI Text only ig Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.; 01-3230•016.0060 Property: Mailing PRH NE 31 ST STREET LLC Address: 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131-_ Property Information: Primary Zone: 4504 MULTI -FAMILY- - 36 STORY & CLUC: 0031 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths;' 0/0 Floors: 0 lacing Units; 0 Ad] $q Footage: 0 Lot Slze: 5,530 S( Fr Year Built; 0 HAINES SAYFRONTPO 29.55 LOT 7 & PORT of Legal Description: $1 /2 OF ALLEY LYO CLOSED PER R-217.05 P - 706 LOT SIZE 5530 SO FT OR 20573-2042 0413 05 ss sment information: Year: 2012 2011 6115,500 $0 Land Value: $115,500 $0 Building Value; Market Value; ' $116,500 $115,500 Assessed Value; $115,500 $116,500 axable Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: o ExemTaxabiln/ ExemTaxablen/ Value: Value: Regional: $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 County: $0/$115,500 $0/$115,600 City, $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 School board; $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 e Information: Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount; $20,000,000 Sale 0/R: 265/3.2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification Involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers View AddRionel Sales Additional information: ip Click hops to see more Information for this roporiy_r /;ommunifv Devnlnnment nistr1 t ACTIVe.1:Qt Aerial Photography - 2012 My HOM �t name 1 Using OW Site I i?tione Olreotery I Privaoy, I plslalmet, igtri ct == _- MIAMI°DADE 0 110ft • If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions ptoaso email us at yJebmaster, Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend Proporty Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisim.s2,miamidade.goV/myhome/propmap.asp 6/.1,2/,2013 .............. Miami-Dade:My 'dome: 1.age:1 of 2 My Home miami ade.:go Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item tli Text one Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Eg Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: Property: Mailing Address: 014230-016,0070 PRH NE 31 ST STREET LLO 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI PL 33131- erty Information: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY & CLUO: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/$aths; 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 AdJ $9 Footage: 0 Lot Size: 5,600 SQFT Year Built: 0 HAINES BAYFRONT PS 29-$6 LOT 6 & S1/2 OF Legal ALLEY LYG N & ADJ R- 217-05 P - 786 LOT SIZE Description: 80,000 X 112 OR 12705- 381 1185 4 OR 28573- 2042 0413 05 essmont Information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: $110,500 $115,500 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $115,500 $115,500 $115,500 X$115,605 Assessed Value; alue Information: Year 2012 2011 Applied Applied TaxingAuthority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Nehional; $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 County: $0/$115,600 $0/$115,500 City: $0/$115,500 30/$115,00Q School 0oard; $0/$116,500 $0/$115,500 la Information: Sale Date: A/2013 Salo Amount: $29,000,000 Sale 0/R: 28573-2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax Identhication numbers Vlow Additional Sales Additional Information: Click here to see more Information for this property: 0nmmunity Devalnnment Distrir! Aerial Photography- 2012 MIAMI•I ADE 0 ewA«...®, 110 ft My Home! Pronorty Infollnati9p, I prorterty Taxes I My Neighborhood I property Appraiser Homo I 1 atnn Our Site I Phone Directory 1 Privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us atWeblpaste0. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend rootsProperty Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisi ns2.maam dada;goer/.myhome/pxopmap asA. ,;. Miami -Dade My' Home • 1 of 2 My Home mia Made. ov Show Me: Property Information Search By: ----- Select Item 11 Text only, Property Appraiser Tax Estimator ig Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: No,: 91-3230-015-0090 , ( ,Follo Property: - Mailing PRI1 I4E 31T STREET LL0 Addreas: 316 $ BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Property Information: Primary Zone: 4$804TORMYUg,LTI-FAMILY - 0 CLUO: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: , 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Ad) Sgrootage: /0 Lot Size: 5,600 SO FT Year Built: 0 -30 0 42 HAINES BAYFRONT PS 29-55 LOT 5 & S1/2 OF ALLEY Legal LYG N & ADJ R-217-05 Deeorlption: P - 706 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 112 OR 28573-2042 0413 05 ssessment Information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: $115,500 $115,600 Building Value: $0 $0 Ma ket Value: „ $115,500 $115,500 Assessed Valtio: $115,590 $115,590 Taxabia Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Exemption/ BxemptIon/ Taxing Authority: Taxable Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $0/$115,500 $03115,500 County: $04115,600 $0/$11,600 Oily:, $04116,500 $04115,09 School Board: $0/$116,500 S0/$116,520 Sale Information: Sale pate; 4/2013 $29,009,000 .85734042 Sale Amount, bale 0/R: Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved muitiple parcels Description: with multiple tax Identification numbers View Additional Sales Additional Information: Click herQto pee more Information for this proPertv: Oorornonilv Devoloomont 1)1,qtrid IRE141:1441'. Aerial Photography .2012 0 P.ONSIIMMO4 1 1 f t property information I Progeny Taxn My Naiahhorhoaci I Pronorty APPralsor Homo I thintr Our Site I Phone Directory I Privacy I pisciatmer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmastor, Web Site O 2002 Mieml-Dade County, All rights reserved, MIAMIDADE Legend Property Soundary Selected Proporty ref, Straot Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisi,m2,rnip.widule.g.Q.y./myhosnp/propoopx,p,...,,... 6/12/2Q13 Miami -Dade killome, •..Page 1 of 2 My Home n iiamtdadeb9 v Show Me; Property Information Search By: Select Item v* M Text only 12 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summate Details: Folio No.: 01-3230-016-0050 property: .' Mailing PRH NE 31ST STREET LLC Address: 316 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Property Information; Primary Zane; 4604 MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY GLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/paths:, 0/0 Floors: 0 Llvinq Units; 0 AMJ $qq,Kootaite: 0 (Lot $tze: 5,600 SQ F7 Year Quire tO HAiNES BAYFRONT PO 29-55LOT 4&S1/2OP Legal ALLEY LYG N & ADJ R- Descriptlon: 217-05 P-796 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 112 OR 28573- 2042 041 3 05 Assessment Information: Yearn 2012 2011 Land Value: $115,500 i$115,500 $0 30 Buildingyalue: Market Value: $115,500.3115,500 $115,600 $115,506 Assessed Value: Taxable Value Information: Year: -rn 2012, rt 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemaxaption/le Ex'1'aexamphtiolan/ Value: Value: Regional: T0/3116,600 $0/$115,600 County: $0/3115,500 $0/$116,500 City: $0/3115,500 $0/$115,500 School Board: $0/3115,600 $0/$115,500 Sale Information: Sate Date; 4/2013 Salo Amount: $29000,000 Sale 0/R: 23573-2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers Vlewilr?ditlonal Sales Additional Information: Click here to see morn Infermatio,n for this Property; Community Development District Community Redevalnnment Area kz4. MIAMFDADE Ez ::17::::::=.......:_. 'f r=' ` , ffr 4{ ka e ; 3 i1YJ.'�...,,..,.,x__ ___............. ".J&. MOO' - �y ... p,�,i'Yis '.YFi m'L 3E -x's .E�' '-E S T €{ a_- . -. 4erial Photography- 2012 !AV 119ms 1 Prp09tty Information,' Property Taxel£ 1 MV Neighborhood{ 1 Property Appraiser 0 ....,....k 110 ft Home 1 Using our Site 1 Phopo 0trector? 1 Privacy_1 ptsalalmer It you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site @ 2002 Miami -Dade County: All rights reserved. Legend Property Boundary Selected Property r Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhom./pro.pmap..asp,.....; • Miami -facie My Heine ..pa e..1 of 2 My Home mia."lr %^ ,go, Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item tail Text only Preperty Appraiser Tax Estimator rg Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Polio No:: 01.3230-916.0040 Property: Malting PRH NE 31ST STREET LLC Address: 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Properly Information: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTIFAMILY - 36 STORY & CLUO: 0061 VACANTtAND Beds/5aths: 0/0 Floors; 0 LlvinQUnits: /0 Adi 8`q Footage: 0 Lot Size: 5,800 SQ FT Year Built: 0 HAINES 9AYFRONT PB 29-55 LOT 3 & 81/2 OF Legal ALLEY LYG N & ADJ R- Deserlption: 217-06 P•796 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 112 OR 28573- 2042 0413 05 Asses ment Information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: $116,5r00 fT115,500 Suilding Value, $0 $0 Market Value; 3116,500 $116,500 Assessed Value: $1,15 600 $I15,500 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authortty; Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: 30/$115,500 0/$115,500 County: $0/3115,500 30/3115,500 City; Oft $0/$115,600 School Board: ' J$0/$115,500 $0/$115,600 Sale Information Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount: $29,000r000 Sale O/I : 26673•2042 Sales qualttied at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax ide.ntiticatton pumbers View Adtlltlopal Salsa Additional Information: Click here to see more information for this rooertY: Community Development District hnmmunity RednVAlnnment Araa 9AC71V ;TOO Aerial Photography- 2012 0 ..«.. 110 fi . Jtv Home I f ronertv InforipatlQg I prooertkTe es I My Neluhhorhood I Property Appraiser Homo I Ualnn Our $ltq I Phong DIrectory l Prlvasll/ I Dieelairger If you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Wobptastor. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. At rights reserved. Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http.//gisims2,miamidade:gov/ nyhomo/propmap.asp-: ;.,6.L12/2013 Miami -Davie My'Home " Page 1 of 2 My Home ad go Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Itemw ra Text only CO Property Appralser Tax Estimator fg Property Appralser Tax Comparison Summary Details Folio No.: 01-3230-016.0030 Property: Mailing PRH NE 31ST STREET t.LC Address: 316 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TF FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Property inforination: Primary zone: 41.104 MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY & CLUO: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/paths, 0/0 Floors; 0 Living Units; �0 Adj $q Footage: 0 Lot Size; 5,600 SQ FT Year Rullt; 0 HAiNES BAYFf tONT PB 20-55 LOT 2 & S1/2 OF Legal ALLEY LYG N & ADJ R- Description: 217-05 P-796 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 112 OR 28573- 2042 0413 05 ssessment Information: Year: 2012 $116,500 $o 2011 $115,600 $0 Land Value: Building Value: Market Value: $115,500 $115,500 rAssessed Value: $116)560 $116,600 Taxablo Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied ti ExemTaxable l Applied ExemTaxabilen/ Taxing Authority: Value: Value: Regional: $0/$116,600$0/$115,600 County: 60/$115,500 $04110,600 City: $03116,500 $0/$116,500 School Board; $0/$115,500 $0/$115,500 Salo Information: Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount.. $29,000,000 bale 0/R: 26573.2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers View Add)lfopal Sales Additional Information: Click hereto see more information for this property: Community Development District Community RedAvelnnment Area MIX1Vg IDOL: SELECT Aerial Photography 2012 0 my Home 1 Property Information !property Taxes My Neighborhood j Property Appraiser Home l Using Our Site! Phone pireetary 1 privacy I pisclaimut s MIAMIDADE 3i 110 ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmastor. Web She © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend rsdi, Property Boundary r Selected Property rdle Street Highway Miami Dade County Water // i kite p� .sims2olawidade,goy/myl o ie/pro.p,tx>;ap,asla.:....... g' Miami -Dade :MyHome. ::.=Page 1 of 2 My Home [arid • e.go Show Me: Property Information Search f3y: w Select Item Text only Property Appraiser Tax Estimator i Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Folio No.: Property; Mailing Address: Summa ry Details: 01.3239-011.0260 PRH NE 31ST STREET LLC 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Prod rty information: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTI -FAMILY- 36 STORY CLOG: 0081 VACANT LAND beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 AdJ Sct Footage: 0 Lot Size: �5,340 SQ FT Year Built: 0 ELWOOD COURT BAYFRONT SEC PB 16- Legal Description; 70 LOT 11 BLK 6 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYO CLOSED PER R-217-08 P - 798 LOT SIZE 60,000 X 89 OR 28573.2042 0413 05 ssessment information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: $108240 r $108,24, 0 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $108,249 $108240 Assessed Value; $108,240 $108,i40 xable Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: ExTaxable emption/ ExeTaxabmptileon/ Vplue: Value: Regional: $0/$108,240 $04108,240 County: 80/$108,240 $0/$108,240 City; $0/$108,240-$0/$108,240 School Board: $0/10a,240 $0/$108,240 Sale Information: Salo Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount: $29,000,000 Sale O/R: 26573 2042 Sales qualified at t(me of Sales safe, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers View Additional Sales Additional Information: Cllcis here to see more Information for thI$ properly; C,ommi,rl ly rlevelnnment District A IV 1tIDL ISCCT Aerial Photography- 2012 0 00.00111110V0 110 ft My Homo I Eronarty tnfermetioq 1 Erouerty T=xea I My Netahborhoad i Prauerty.Auareleer J1omq I Uetna 09r $lto I none glreete.g, I Privaov I Qia9te:lmer if you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Wobrpastor, Web Site m 2002 Miaml-Dade County. All rights reserved, Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Mlaml-Dada County Water http://gisims2aniamilode;gov/rnyh;erne/pro,pm.ap.asp..,:.: ::.. ,.. 6/ 2124 ;;: Mitiii,-Dade My 140i-he 1. of 2 My Home miamidad »goy Show Mo: Property Information Search By: Select Item ••• 15 Text only PA Property Appraiser Tax Estimator pjL9, per tY Appriser Tax Comparison SummaryDetails: Folio No.: 01-3230-011.0250 Property: Mailing PRH NE 31ST STREET LL'C Address: 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- ro ert information: Primary Zone: :4604 MULTI-PAMILY - 36 STORY & CLUO: .0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj $q Footage', 0 Lot Size: 5.340 SQ FT Year Built 0 36 53 42 PB 10-70 ELWOOD COURT BAYFRONT SEC LOT 10 Legal BLK 6 & N1/2 OF ALLEY DescriptIon: LNG CLOSED PER R. 217-05 P-796 LOT SIZE 60400 X 89 OR 28573- 2042 0413 06 s ent Information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: §108,240 $108,240 Building Value; $0 09 Market Value: e $108 240 $108 MO ,. ,.. Assessed Value: .) $108,240 S108,240 Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: ETaxnnglic:)rli E),,rea„ntloeni ab Value Value: Reg le n91: $04108,240 $0/$108t240 County: $04108,240 $04100,240 City: $04103,240 $0/$108,240 School Board: $04108,240 $04108,240 formation: ACTIVE Tt.1011.4"sEtEgl' ale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount: $29,000,000' Sate O/R: 28573-2042, Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification Involved multiple parcels Description; Nith multiple tax identification numbers View Additional Sees Additional Information: Click here tp see more oformation for this Aerial Photography 2012 • 0 tibLiiit..4.10 I Property informstIon I P12.10dY Texts I My Notghborhoop! I ,p_rgpartapp.j____,alser Mae. I tieing Our sit t I Phong Directory I privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Wspiutster. Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisims2..miamidaleigovimybome/proprnap.asp.,..., 4,3 Miami -Dade 1\4''I-lode• :-..page .1. of 2 My Home L = m% Q Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item 121 Text onl 1 y, iT Property Appraiser Tax Estimator MI property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Follo,No.: 01-3230-011-0240 Property: Mailing PRH NE $1 ST STREET LLC Address: 316 $ BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- eriv lnfarmation: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTI -FAMILY- 36 STORY & CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths; 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: o Adj Sq Footage: Lot Size: 55,840 SA PT. Year Bui(t: 0 ELWOOD COURT: l Legal BAYFRONT SEC PB 16, 70 LOT 0 BLK 6 & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S PER R-217-05 P -796 LOT SIZE 60,000 X 80 OR 28573,2042 0413 08 ssassment lnformatia Year: 2012 2011. Land Value: $108,240 $108,240 Building Value: So $0 Market Value: . $108,240 $108,240 Assessed Value: - $108,240 $108,240 e Vaiva Informa ion: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional:' $0/$108,246 $0/$108,240 County: $0/$100,240 $0/$108,240 City; $0/$108,240 $04108,240 School Board: $0/$108,240 $Q/$108,240 Sale Information: .............. ACTll+rd?`Tt.1OL4'' ELECT Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount: $20,000.000 Sale O/R: 28673-2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification Involved multiple parcels Description: With muttipietax identification numbers View Additional 3r)es Additional Information: 11) Click h a,r9 to see more Infonnation for this roperty: Community 17eivnlonment Diatrirl Aerial Photography - 2012 !It ct MIAMIWDADE oNMB 0 110 ft 4y Home I ,Pr.Qperty Information I Property Taxes 1 My tyeinhpprhQo4Iproperty Al/Praiser Home I Winn Our Site! Phone Dlreetorx I Privacy I piaciaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at webreaster: Web Site © 2002 Miaml-Dade County. All rights reserved, Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water htt://gisims2imiamidade,,govimyhomelpropmap.asp Miaini-Dade My` lonxe °vPage•:1 of 2 My Home mama « de. , to Show Me: Property Information Search By Select Item . I11 Text only M Property Appraiser Tax Estimator M Property AppraiserTax CorneaarisOn Folio No.: Summary Details: 91.3230.011.0230 Property: Mailing Address: PRH NB 31 ST STREET LLG 316 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131. Properly Information: Primary Zone: MULTI -FAMILY - 36 STORY STORY & OLUO. 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths;• 970 Fldors: 0 G•ivingUnitsi 0 AdJ Sq Footage: 9 Lot $i4e: ,8,340 $0 FT Year Built; 0 ELWOOD COURT BAYFRONT SEC PB 18- Legal Description: 70LOT 8 BLK6& N1/2 OF ALLEY LNG S PER R-217-05 P - 798 LOT SIZE 80.000 X 89 OR 28573.2042 0413 05 sso sment Information: Year: 2012 2011 Land Value: ' 6108,240 6108,240 Building. Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $108)240 $108,240 Assessed Value: $108,249 $108,240 b►o Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied .. Applied Taxing Authority Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $0/$108,240 $0/$108,240 County: $0/$108,2.40 $0/$108,240 City; $0/$108,240 $0/$108,240 School Board: $0/$108,240-$0/$108,240 Irtformatlan: Sale pate; a/2013 Sale Amount: $29,000,000 Sale OM: 28573-2Q42 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualification involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax Identification numbers VIeW Additional Sales Additional Information: Click hers to see in0ro Information for this roo: Onmmunitv Devalnnment nistrict AcTiVe TO Aerial Photography • 2012 MIAMIDADE 0 110ft 1 E'ronerty Information I Fr2ottrty Twit I t1vNelahhorhood I Property Appraiser J1otne I 1/sing Our Bite Phone DIrectery I privacy I Qisclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaeter. Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County, All rights reserved. Legend r Property o*o Boundary Selected Property i Street Highway Mlamt•0ado County Water http://gisimsImian :daki .gO /tmyhom%Z,apxnap„asp:.:..•m.. 312913 Miami -Dade My° 0rr"re . " age- ..i...o f 2 My Home mlamk la P e.g Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item IN Text only ill Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: FAllo No.: 01.3230-011-0220 Property: Mailing i?RH NE 31 ST STREET LLC Address: 315 S BISCAYNE BLVD 4TH FLOOR MIAMI FL 33131- Pro perty Information: Primary Zone: 4604 MULTI -FAMILY -36 STORY 8, CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adf 89 Footage: 0 Lot Size: 5,340 S0 FT Year Built: 0 ELWOOD COURT BAYFRONT SEC Pa 10- Legal Description: 70 LOT 7 6LK G & N1/2 OF ALLEY LYG S PER R-217.05 P - 790 LOT SIZE 00.000 X 89 OR 28573.2042 0413 05 Assessment Information: Year: ' 2012 2011 Land Value: ‘108,240 $108,240 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $168,240 S108,240 Assessed Value:- $108,240 $108.240 axable Value Information: Year: 2012 2011 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional' $01$108,240 $0/$108,240 County: $01$108,240 $0/$108,240 City: $0/ 108,240 $0/$108240 School Board: �$0/$108,240 $01$1 08,240 Sale nformation: Sale Date: 4/2013 Sale Amount: $29,000,00. Sale O/R: , 28573 2042 Sales qualified at time of Sales sale, but transaction Qualiiication Involved multiple parcels Description: with multiple tax identification numbers View Additional Sales , Additional Information: Slick here to ape morelrtformotion for this p[opertY: C:nmmunity nevelonmenf nistrlta Aerial Photography - 2012 1,1994My 2ghbo4rPo�C�yNorhodrrop%ppratsor 0 110ft Homo 1 Using 0ur$ite 1 phone Directory' Privacy 1 Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved, Legend Property Boundary rete Selected Property Street Highway Mlaml•Dado County Water http://gisims2aniamidade;gov/myhorne/propmap.asp.,......, :::: < 6.42./; SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION MAP RIGHT—OF—WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE 5 6 7 8 ELW00D1 COL(RT (P.B. 9, PC. 181) 5 6 7 8 (P.B. 2, PG. 37) J 6 5 4 3 2 1 N.E. 3 7 s t STREW l RANNI SUB. TRACT 'B" (P.B. 85, PC. 45) Q W TRACT 'A" U m 4 3 2 1 BEVERL Y ' TERRACE 2 3 4 5 6 ELW00D COURT BAY FRONT (P.B. 16, PG. 70) 2I 3 4 5 6 17 8 19 10 111 12, 13 N.E. 32th STREET 1 2 3 14 5 6 (P.B. 11, PC. 47) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (P.B. 16, PC. 702 10 11 12 10 BROADMOOR (P.B. 2, PG. 37) 6 5 4 32 1 9 8 7 TRACT ''A" TRACT "8" TRACT "C" 9 10 12 3 2 1 1C AREA 4 BR0A 3 5 H,gINES 7 BAYFION (P.B. �9� � i5 5 ) 6 7 14 TRACT 'A" 10 9 MOOR 2 KORN TERRACE (P.B. 19, PC. 6) 1 2 3 415 617 8 9 10 6 V 10 A PORTION OF 10, BLOCK 6, 7 (P. B. 29 PG. 37) BROADMOOR (P.B. 2, PC. 37) N.F 11 (PB.I2-PC.37) �T6LAT BR AD MOOR 5 3 2 1 1R (P.B. 2, G. 76) 8 N.E. 30th STREET (PB.2-PC.37) 5 3 2 1O TRACT 2 LIGHT KEY TRACT (P.B. 115,, PG. 45) akv-ES}CE- /ZL / LJ2 LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 AX No. (954 38-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPAR ER MY SUP ` !SION: DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" ^ CERTIFICATE. OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 MARK STEVEN JOHNSON SEC'Y & TREAS. FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS TRACT 2 BISCAYNE BAY SCALE 1" SHEL 1 1 OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH RIGHT -OF ---WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE LOT 1 WEST LINE OF LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 2 P.O.B. S.W. Corner LOT 2 LOT 4 HALVES — BAYFROIVT (P.B. 29, PP. 55) LOT 3 LOT 4 i LOT 5 1 LOT 6 RIGHT -OF; -WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE (AREA=18, 616 sq. ff) I I N89'59'54 "E — 340.35' ///2//i»/////////////2� N.E.s t STREET //(WOOD AVENUE P.B. 2, PG. 37) // ///////i S89°59'54"W — 340.33' KORN TERRACE (P.B LOT 5 LOT 6 19, PG. 6) LOT 7 LEGEND: —� DENOTES CENTER LINE DENOTES MONUMENT LINE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK PG. DENOTES PAGE P.O.B. DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING LOT 7 LOT 8 SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2 TO 8 NORTH LOT 8 15.00 5.00' 25.00' INE OF LOTS 3 TO 10 LOT 9 cSca6ZGiTESZE-cgiji4i2 .oc aLE.s, LAND SURVEYORS —ENGINEERS —LAND PLANNERS — 3240 CORPORATE WAY—MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 AX No. (954)438-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPARED UNDE 1 ' SUPERVISI r DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 ARK STEVEN JOHNSON SE'C"1—�£' TREAS. FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS LOT 10 SOUTH 54.70' SCALE 1"=50' SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS LEGAL D J SCRIP TION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH CH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF THE N.E. 31st STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE S. W. CORNER OF LOT 2, HAINES BAYFRONT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 29 AT PAGE 55 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST,, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 340.33 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH, ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 25.00 FEET WESTERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF N.E. 7th AVENUE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEEI; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED- IN PLAT BOOK 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DUE NORTH, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 18,616 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST, CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FL ORIDA. NOTES': 1) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; 2) ORDERED BY: THE RELATED GROUP 3) AUTHENTIC COPIES OF THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION MUST BEAR THE EMBOSSED SEAL OF THE ATTESTING PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. VGkv—ES E- iff,,C J2 ..OG'iaft , _ 2n LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 FAX No. (95)438-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREP J�NDER MY S •V ION: DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 .tle. THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" MARK STEVEN JOHNSON EC'Y & TREAS. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS 1. Park provided within 10 minute walk 1/4 mile radius. 2 Landscape complies with all code requirements. - 3. Proposed Dog Park area with contemporary picket fence. 4. Proposed children's playground, exercise station and bay lanw for flexible activities. 6. Outdoor furniture including benches, drinking water four Lair z;# i it a #aei z es acefr se 6. Proposed- publlcpaai- intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 31st street and park area Landscape ?tat € fisrst[ of a# re-. , �edtrees and low maintenance;"drzzugi�~" ' tolerant species. _, 8. High -quality, durable hardscape with a variety of textures. 9. Pedestrian scale outdoor lighting which provide illumination/security. 10. Universal:assibility:#rya#1 purlic`areas_. 6 Bicycle masterp ah.(Sharrows). 12. Green roof above garage perimeter, 13. 50% canopy required at site area. ELEMENT- k inproverne is - ELEMEN - aywalk Improvements. 1. Seemless baywalk transition with park. 2 Baywaik meets or exceeds minimum standrads listed below: • 2' of edgelbulkhead. • 4'min of landscaped Safety Buffer. • 15' min of pedestrian wallcway. - Passivelcontemplaiiye spar next to park 4. Walkway lighting f=ilfiin na i?ssurr©unding areas for safety. 5. Bancrests.Beru es,a dAt.A;ac esalsiiliy g`ter. 6. 40%canopy required at walkway. 7. Shade trees with sufficient clear trunk at walkway areas to maximize water views. rK> • A3^iOU!TECiTDNISrAG 1. Park provided within 10 minute walk 114 mile radius. 2 Landscape complies with all code requirements. 3. Proposed Dog Park area with contemporary picket fence. 4. Proposed children's playground, exercise station and bay lanw for flexible activities. 5. Outdoor furniture including benches, drinking water fountaitp i ctegiOnar‹ iiiti r.exercise s atidriVr 6. Proposed"€ta i=st intersection of Biscayne BouIevard and NE 31st street and park area. 5€ 415Af #aftr sist i g t 1 • 'trees and low mainterrarlde,? tolerant species. B. High -quality, durable hardscape with a variety of textures. J Pedestrian scale outdoor fighting which provide illumination(sectirity. 10. Universal accessibility 4all;p#}ic arias. Bicycle masterpian.(Sbarrows). 12. Green roof above garage perimeter. 13. 50% canopy required at site area. — ELEMENT=. Pam Improve .er s ARO ffECTO ICA _. atakty Tos =s- F=_.fie_-: Ls c :1"--- _ �:e'�_ -` _�—}ar II- .- 7,,i-'-z uE� �'=s -,� x bra. (moot/lfaloc4,0rtti)ikdkMe l J elle mode 4110¢6; k110cisi±; 400 P4th hwol i s,\\\\11/1/'e%Upper Bastside Workshop and Open House drew ny area residents. The majority of participants bused on Morningside Park or Legion Park, but rovided comments on smaller and/or lesser» used parks in the area. Residents of the Morningside neighborhood value Morningside Park, but many participants from elsewhere in the area also travel to the park. All agreed that improvements are needed throughout the park, particularly for its playing fields, playground, pool, programs and waterfront area, Many participants were interested in a dog park in the shaded area of Legion Park, along with a new walkway that loops throughout the park. Other points of concern were the lack of a Biscayne Boulevard entrance to Legion Park and the need for more amenities on the waterfront. Residents would also like physical improvements in the smaller bay parks, such as benches, walkways, lighting, and more shade. These smaller parks were also mentioned as potential dog parks, since they are located near new high.rise development. Most participants favor streetscape improvements and believe that the Upper Eastside needs more connectivity between its parks, safer pedestrian access to these parks, and new pocket parks for neighborhoods that contain an increasing number of young families and high density development, MIAMI PARKS AND PUBLIC SPACES MASTER PLAN (ii 115 WEE Tha _ xx.... __._.....--._-.__.-.-. -..- ' - _ - -_-_--- - 116 rx5.'0 .4mtkV - E5s�zL=�= • EN114Nttt4oNtittYIONOETWE01 "•' . 40AIONPAOKANDMOMIN45111 SCtttift g0,11h.r WOO Ni1146111400,4.1%i'. .. trhhA4ESxtaNfl ftl•taNw Gs..s4'w • •ntus1,dl. fsrs,Salh•.n+Sb itp01• '.. •' • Y`�L.`cge�!llM:.bSYi7e/t1i::rpli� a �,tM1f tl 4EiA/tlh€lel�,1 • hOtti 000itwos td uwta pica tit OW uatt4te44 uw+ MtM kWIwr; W ttr.EcCtsl *111440041 Aetna palret tvf.w+trr Ni wi Mt rt* Mlf: M frii vortEttNn to the ColAo hoots :Moo r pixtOeltlanCt rEfl;tEptV kothcs to prnvktt k If / low titeEEtgods 61 41fEtt�t=v1IWsl<x4AEts4E Moto fit 41:10 001 more re hottrutl R t t et pvi Etatl Rl ut mi �V`'<: ��s� � `�' "E1�4A\`�•�:�o ;•lei'":6��a•';�+bv.�.ccc:cc.`�iagc"A'a��`"^�,z`;��',as '�!"c� ��€����ti��`�C MIAMI PARKS AND PUBLIC SPACES MASTER PLAN 111 117 �WN Puk crate +itt4tMcont irtCadt4ts ,�,: :•..:. ;.� :..,.:•. >..... ...::..::.`...•: .a:.. :,g',z aY. :<1::.�:r�.. ;<f'z^�f?$<`I:::<},. •iY�:::;n..5a.:``:�j%i<<•.%M:'iso'?.•:�x'`��,d5��'fYh='�'�.��.3 w�;P'w..,�,��: �St.ac7...?,�aS� .:ox..Et ;.`az;.,`.r•�... „�•," ...,,., .. «, <, , a.�,... <....K .�.. • •r �r, �, 118 Trujillo, Vanessa From: rodriguezms@gtlaw.com Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 10:35 AM To: Rodriguez, Anel; Trujillo, Vanessa Cc: Escarral@gtlaw.com Subject: ELEMENT- PROPOSED COVENANT FOR STREET CLOSURE Attachments: 183322331_4PRHNE 31 ST LLC covenant.doc Importance: High Good morning Vanessa and Anel, attached please find the revised covenant with Risk Management's comment. This is the covenant to be attached to the hearing backup. Thank you If you are not an intended recipient of confidential and privileged information in this email, please delete it, notify us immediately at postmaster@gtlaw.com, and do not use or disseminate such information. Pursuant to IRS Circular 230, any tax advice in this email may not be used to avoid tax penalties or to promote, market or recommend any matter herein. l This instrument is prepared by ( and after recording ) please return this instrument to: Iris Escarra, Esq. Greenberg Traurig 333 Avenue of Americas 44'' Floor Miami, FL 33131 Reserved for Recording COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND THIS COVENANT (hereinafter the "Amendment"), is made as of this day of June, 2013, by and between PRH NE 31 St., LLC, a Florida limited liability company, with offices at 315 South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33131, party of the first part ("Covenantor"), and the City of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, in the County of Miami -Dade, party of the second part (the "City"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Covenantor owns the parcel(s) of more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" (the "Covenators Property"); and WHEREAS, Covenantor intends to construct and develop a multifamily condominium with recreational amenities on a portion of Covenator's Property known as Element (hereafter the "Condominium"); and WHEREAS, the Covenantor has agreed to dedicate to the City, waterfront land consisting of approximately 20,002 SF adjacent to the Covenator's Property to be used and enjoyed as a public park and has agreed to maintain said park in perpetuity; and WHEREAS, Covenantor has agreed to make improvements to the new waterfront park (hereinafter collectively called the "Improvements") shall consist of landscaping trees, an irrigation system, a decorative street lighting system, decorative sidewalk and baywalk, pavers and related structures as more described in greater detail on the Exhibit "B"; and MIA 183322331 WHEREAS, the Covenantor has agreed to create two new platted public right of ways consisting of approximately 15,429 SF for NE 6th Avenue and approximately 13,499 SF for NE 7th Avenue in order to improve and enhance the vehicle circulation in this area. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Covenator does hereby covenant and agree with City as follows: 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereof. 2. Defined Terms. All terms utilized in this Amendment but not defined in this Amendment shall have the meaning ascribed to said terms in the Covenant. 3. Park Dedication. Covenantor hereby agrees to dedicate approximately 20,002 SF of waterfront land to the City of Miami perpetually for park purposes. The Property being dedicated for Park Purposes is legally described on Exhibit " 4. Park Construction of Improvements. Covenantor is hereby allowed to install, construct, maintain, improve, replace and repair the aforementioned Improvements on the Property in accordance with City of Miami standards and specifications, and in compliance with the Florida Building Code, and applicable laws, rules and regulations of the State of Florida, Miami -Dade County, and City of Miami pertaining to the governmental approval and construction of such improvements. . 5. Right of Way Dedication. Covenantor_shall dedicate right of way connecting NE 31st Street to NE 3211d Street as well as right of way connecting NE 31st Street to NE 30th Terrace to the City perpetually for right of way / public transportation purposes. . The Property subject to the Right of Way Dedication is depicted on the Survey/ Map attached as Exhibit 2 MIA 183322331 6. Requirement that the Improvements be Maintained and/or Restored. In the event that Covenantor, its heirs, successors, or assigns fail in the reasonable discretion of the Director of the Department of Public Works ("Director") to properly maintain the Improvements, or any part thereof, so that they become a hazard to the health, welfare and safety of the general public, the City shall give Covenantor written notice of such failure via certified mail, return receipt requested, with copies to any mortgagee who has given written notice of its lien to the City of Miami, and Covenantor shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice either (i) restore the Improvements, or any part thereof, to a safe condition satisfactory to the City or (ii) remove the Improvements, or any part thereof, and restore the Property to the City's standards at no cost or expense to the City. 7. Enforcement of Requirement that the Improvements be Maintained and/or Restored. Maintenance or In the event that Covenantor, its heirs, successors, or assigns fail to either restore the Improvements, or any part thereof, to a safe condition satisfactory to the City or remove the Improvements, or any part thereof, and restore the Property, within the specified time as set forth in Paragraph 5 of this Amendment, the City may contract for such restoration or removal, and the amount of such restoration or removal costs shall be declared and established as a lien against the Covenator's Property described on the attached Exhibit "A" and enforced as any special assessment lien provided for under the Statutes of the State of Florida, Miami -Dade County Code and the Code and Ordinances of the City of Miami. Covenantor shall pay the City's reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of collection arising in any action to foreclose the lien or otherwise recover costs for restoration or removal of the Improvements or any part thereof. 8. Indemnification with Respect to Construction, Maintenance and/or Removal of the Improvements. Covenantor shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City, its 3 MIA 183322331 officials and employees , from any claims, demands, liabilities, losses or causes of action of any nature whatsoever arising out of the use, construction, maintenance and/or removal of the Improvements, or any part hereof, from and against any orders, judgments or decrees which may be entered and from and against all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in the defense of such claim, or in the investigation thereof 9. Insurance. The Covenentor, or Covenantor's contractor shall cany a commercial general liability policy of insurance of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,0000 policy aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, and should be issued by a State of Florida licensed insurance company rated A- (V), or better per A.M. Bests' Key Rating Guide or such other policy of insurance as may be agreed to be Covenantor and the City. The insurance shall be subject to the approval of the City's Risk Manager . The certificate should afford coverage on a primary and non contributory basis, and protect against contingent and contractual exposures, Products and completed operations, , premises and operations liability, and explosion, collapse and underground hazards .. The insurance shall be provided by the Covenantor, or its Covenantor's contractor. The policy term or any renewals thereof shall remain in effect for the term of the Amended Covenant. . The City shall be listed as Additional Insured under the policy. Proof of insurance shall be supplied to the satisfaction of the City Risk Manager prior to the issuance of any permits. A certificate of insurance bearing the City as "Additional Insured" shall in no way relieve Covenantor of the obligation to add the City as "Additional Insured" to the actual insurance policy. The insurance policy shall provide that the City be given at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of any material changes, cancellationor non -renewal notification of any policy, and in the event of such material change, cancellation, or non -renewal notification, Covenantor 4 MIA 183322331 shall immediately replace said policy with another policy to the satisfaction of the City with the receipt of a certificate of insurance for such policy by the City at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the material changes, cancellation or non -renewal of any policy. In the event that the City is not in possession of same by such date, then the City shall have the right to immediately secure a similar insurance policy in its name with the total cost of the premium and all monies that may become due during the term of the Covenant being charged to Covenantor and the City shall have the right to declare and establish said costs as a lien on the Covenantor's Property and enforced as any lien provided for under the statutes of the State of Florida. At the request of the City, the Covenantor agrees to increase from time to time the limits of the commercial general liability insurance required to be provided pursuant to this Amendment, upon the written request of the City. 10. Covenant to Run with the Land. It is expressly understood and agreed that this instruunent shall be binding upon Covenantor and also upon its heirs, successors in interest or assigns including but not limited to the condominium association of the Condominiuun and each condominium owner , and shall be a condition implied in any conveyance or other instrument affecting the title to the aforesaid property or any portion thereof. 11. The Covenantor will co-operate with , and support the City's efforts to Amend the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan to classify the Park Property referenced in Section 3 as "Parks " and to rezone the Park property to "CS". 12. Notice. Any notice, request, demand, approval or consent given or required to be given under this Amendment shall be in writing and shall be deemed as having been given when mailed by United States registered or certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid, to 5 MIA 183322331 the other parties at the addresses stated below or at the last changed address given by the party to be notified as hereinafter specified: Covenantor: PRH N.E. 31t1i Street, LLC, 315 South Biscayne Boulevard 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33131 Attn: Carlos Rosso The City: with a copy to Iris Escarra Greenberg Traurig 333 Avenue of the Americas (333 SE 2nd Avenue) Suite 4400 Miami, Florida 33131 City Manager The City of Miami 444 S.W. 2ND Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 and Public Works Director The City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Covenantor has caused these presents to be executed and signed in its name by its and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested to by its secretary, the day and year first above set forth. FIRST WITNESS Print Name: SECOND WITNESS PRH NE 31 ST STREET, LLC By: Its: 6 MIA 183322331 Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this _ day of , 2013, personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, as of PRH N.E. 31 sT Street, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. They are personally known to me or have produced as identification. NOTARY PUBLIC Print Name: Commission No. Commission Expires: [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND APPROVED: CORRECTNESS: VICTORIA MENDEZ NZERIBE IHEKWABA City Attorney Director of Public Works 7 MIA 183322331 APPROVED: FRANCISCO GARCIA Director of Planning APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: CALVIN ELLIS Risk Manager 8 MIA 183322331 EXHIBIT "A" THE "COVENANTOR'S PROPERTY" 9 MIA 183322331 EXHIBIT "B" THE IMPROVEMENTS 10 MIA 183322331 VACATION AND CLOSURE APPLICATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, HEARING BOARDS SECTION 444 SW 2rld Avenue, 3rd Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 • Telephone 305-416-2030 Z www.miamigov.com/hearing boards cpc t • r Welcome to the City of Miami! This application is intended to serve as a guide in assistin ou', with our public hearing process. Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questis • ' The deadline to file the complete application with supporting documents is the last five woingr days of each month from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm, except on the fifth day, until 12:00 pm. The application submittal date is the date stamped by Hearing Boards' staff on this page. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing,, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. Should you wish, you could bring the materials to our office for review prior to submittal to ensure completeness. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8%x11") or other materials submitted during this process will be kept as part of the record. Any documents offered to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission, which have not been provided fifteen (15) days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the discretion of the aforementioned Board and Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Ordinance No. 12918 states that each person or entity requesting approval, relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees regarding any issue, shall disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the public hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. The Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit included in this package must be submitted with the application. The applicant must, at the commencement of any public hearing on the issue, if there is any disclosure to report, read the disclosure into the record. Also, the applicant must supplement the affidavit if there is any new information or additional information to disclose. Copies of City Commission resolutions and ordinances can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Rev. 07-2012 1 VACATION AND CLOSURE APPLICATION Please refe► to Chapter 55 of the Miami City Code for Vacation and Closure information. Iris Egcarra, Esquire: on behalf of PRH NE 31Street LLC as owner 2. Description of area: NE 3.1 Street - See attached Exhibit "A" Copies of the Tentative Plat: One (1) 24x36" and one (1) 8Y2x11" prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor. 4. Original sketch of surveys` a) One (1) 24x36"; b) Two (2) 11x17"; and c) One (1) 8%/x11' prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor showing only the area to be vacated or closed and the pertinent legal description of the area, within one year from the date of application. 5. Opinion of Title addressing the reversionary rights, if any. Note: An update is required if more than three (3) months elapse before Zoning Board or City Commission approval. 6. Signed Tentative Plat letter from Public Works indicating Plat & Street recommendation. 7. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year showing the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. 8. A clear and legible copy of the legal description and sketch of area to be vacated, labeled as "Exhibit A". The original 8%2x11" sketch of survey in #3 above can be labeled, "Exhibit A". 9. At least two photographs showing the entire property showing land and improvements. 10. Copy of the lobbyist registration processed by the Office of the City Clerk, if applicable. 11. Affidavit of Authority to Act and the Disclosure of Ownership of all owner —and contract purchasers, if applicable —of the subject property. 12. For all corporations and partnerships indicated: a) Articles of Incorporation; b) Certificate from Tallahassee showing good standing, less than one (1) year old; c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so; d) Non-profit organizations: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old. 13. Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property. 14. Original Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit. 15. The subject property(ies) cannot have any open code enforcement/lien violations. 16. What is the acreage of the project/property site? Approx. 4.582 acres 17. What is the purpose of this application/nature of proposed use? Closure of Right of Way Rev, 07-2012 2 MIA 183363936v1 VACATION AND CLOSURE APPLICATION 18. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. No 19. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. No 20. What would be the anticipated duration of the presentation in front of the: X Planning, Zoning and AppealsBoard' 15 mins and/or X City Commission 15 rains 21. Cost of processing according to Section 62-22 of the Miami City Code*: Vacation' of public right-of-way: Original submittal: a. Per square foot of right-of-way Minimum Maximum (Re -submittals) b. Advertising c. Mail notice fee per notice d. Meeting package mailing fee per package $ 2.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 *Fees over $25, 000.00, sh..l/ be paid in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order. Signature Name Iris Escarra Telephone 305-579-0737 STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of JUL( 20 ) , by e Zc,c. r . GOAL, who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corpordtion a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (--)9/4.6,,,,, Signature Address 333 Avenue of the Amercias Miami, Florida 33131 (Stamp) E-mail escarrai(a�gtlaw.com a,,A,G' MARISOL RODRIGUEZ c. s Notary Public - State of Florida ii « Ys My Comm. Expires Sop 27, 2014 Commission & EE 30092 Rev. 07-2012 VACATION AND CLOSURE APPLICATION AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY T 0 ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared Iris Escarra, Esquire , who being by me first deposes and says: . That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listedon the foregoing pages, 2. That all oWn'ers who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, X including or ❑ not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Iris Escarra, Esquire Applicant(s) Name A pcant(s) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA --COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this C day of- 4,/ 20 /17 , by Iris Escarra, Esquire who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) tetai-p(1 ignature MARISOL RODRIGUEZ Notary Public • State of Florida My Comm. Expires Sep 27, 2014 Commission rt EE 30092 Rev. 07-2012 4 TI DISCLOSURE OF 0 WNERSHIP APPLICATION List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition, Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Narne(es) PR¢I NE 31 Street, LLC Percentage of Ownership $QO. .)IC k.A 6C1 11 l i "I ZLC Subject Property Address(es) Approx. 601 NE 30 Terr, 525, 601, 615, 621, 629, 637 and 645 NE 31 Street and 600, 608, 590 and 550 NE 32 Street 2, List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): Legal Description(s): None Owner(s) or Attorney Name Owner(s) or Attorney Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this I-4041 Q day of 50\k3 20 13 , by Carr lo5 .gaSSI) who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of 'V'E E 3\ rcet A ,LL( a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personallvknown to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath, JACQUELEANE GONZALEZ MY COMMISSION 0 EE868989 EXPIRES February 01, 2017 00 F , 130rvice.can Rev. 07-2012 MIA 183363936v1 5 INCUMBENCY CERTIFICATE HD&S CORP. SUCCESSOR, :INC. r"`!"," I ! vC1,1 r • 13 t'OV 15 MI ` °, `rl The undersigned, being the Secretary of HD&S CORP. SUCCESSOR, INC., a Florida corporation (the "Company") and the general partner of Plantation General Hospital Limited Partnership (the "Partnership"), does hereby certify that the following named person has been duly elected and is a current officer of the Company holding the office set forth opposite his name below and the signature of such person set forth opposite such person's name is his genuine signature: Name Office Signatture• Nicholas L. Paul Vice President { IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set her hand as of this 14 day of November, 2013. By: .f aj1(t.�(C` Name: Nat lie HLd1 ne Title: Secretary SKA'TCLI TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL D.,'SCRIPTION LOCATION MAP RIGHT—OF—WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE 5 6 EL WOOD 7 8 COL(RT P.B. 9, PG. 181) 5 6 7 18 (P.B. 2, PG. 37) W 651432 1 N.E. 3 lst STREET m RANNI SUB. TRACT 'B" (P.B. 85, PG. 45) W TRACT 'A" � v 63 4 3 2 1 BEVERL Y TERRACE 2 3 4 5 6 ELW00D COURT BAY FRONT (P.B. 16, PG. 70) 2 314 1516 17 18 19 101 11112 13 N.E. 1 213 4 1516 7 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.. P. B. 1 1, PG. 47) (P.B. 16, PG 70) 10 TRACT 'A BROADMOOR ( 7 ) (P.B. 2, PC. 37) 9 8 7 6 5 14 3 2 1 SUBJECT AREA 4 BROA!MOOR 3 2 TRACT B TRACT "C" 9 10 U 11 12 3 2 1 N.E. 4th AVE. 5 6 8 9 10 7 (P.B. 2, PG. 37) iN. FI Nth TFRRACF (PB.2—PG. 37) 5 3 2 HAIN�S BAYFf'ON's 1 (P.B. 29, }2 314G55) 56I7 8 14 TRACT A" 10 L 9 KORN TERRACE (P.B. 19, PG. 6) 112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9110 A PORTION OF 10, BLOCK 6, BROADMOOR (P.B. 2, PG. 37) R V , LAT BP ADM0dR 2 3 4 5 6 7 P.B. 3.2, PG. 762 N.E. 30th STREET (PB.2 PG.37) 5 3 2 TRACT 2 8 11 LIGHT KEY TRACT (P.B. 113, PG. 45) LAND SURVEYORS —ENGINEERS —LAND PLANNERS — 3240 CORPORATE WAY—MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 X No. (954)438-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPARED UN►sik 1Y SUP- SION: DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 MARK STEVEN JOHNSO SEC'Y & TREAS. FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS TRACT 2 BISCA YNE BAY SCALE 1 "=150' SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS L.1'CAL DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE LOT 1 N89 °59 54 E 3.59' NORTH 54.70' LOT2.•.. LOT 3 LOT 2 P.O.B. S. W. Comp, - LOT 2 LOT 4 HAINES — BAYFRONT (P.B. 29, PIP'. 55) LOT 3 LOT 4 1 LOT 5 i LOT 6 RIGHT —OF WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE (ARE4=18,812sq.ft) I ' N89 °59; 54 "E — 340.35' ///2iiii //7//// N.E. 31 s t STREET (WOOD AVENUE P.B. 2, PG. 37) S89°59'5411/ KORN TERRACE (P.B LOT 5 LOT 6 — 343.92' 19, PG. 6) LOT 7 LEGEND: —� DENOTES CENTER LINE DENOTES MONUMENT LINE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK PG. DENOTES PAGE P.O.B. DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING LOT 7 LOT 8 cSOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2 TO NORTH LOT 8 c aLv-el‘e- Sk.s.4L02 o A-A.ocLatE , LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 TX No. (954)438-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPAREDN.0 MY .»'ERV1S70N: DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 MARK STEVEN JOHNSON SEC'Y & TREAS. FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 8 15.G0 J 5.00' INE OF LOTS r3 TO 10 LOT 9 REVISIONS LOT 70 SOUTH 54.70' SCALE 1 "=50' SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS Lif,'GAL DASCRI TION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH RIGHT—OF—WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF THE N.E. 31 st STREL I RIGHT—OF—WAY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE S.W. CORNER OF LOT 2, HAINES BAYFRONT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 29 AT PAGE 55 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 340.33 FEL I; THENCE DUE SOUTH, ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 25.00 FEL I WESTERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF N.E. 7th AVENUE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR A DISTANCE OF 343.92 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 3.59 FEL I TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 18,812 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST, CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTES: 1) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS 2) ORDERED BY: THE RELATED GROUP 3) AUTHENTIC COPIES OF THIS SKETCH LAND SURVEYOR. AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION MUST BEAR THE EMBOSSED SEAL OF THE ATTESTING PROFESSIONAL c s.soas7//.s, �ize. LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 FAX No. (954 8-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPAR ER MY DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2013 '-RVISION: THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" ' ARK STEVEN JOH Oy & TREAS. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS Exhibit "B" PRH NE 31ST STREET, LLC breakdown of ownership: 100% Owner: PRH Investments, LLC PRH Investments, LLC breakdown of ownership: 100% Owner: PRH Related Holdings, LLC PRH Related Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership: 100% Owner: Perez Ross Holdings, LLC Perez Ross Holdings, LLC breakdown of ownership: 75% Owner: Jorge M. Perez Holdings, Ltd 25% Owner: Related NY Holdings, LLC (Minority Member) 100% Owner is Stephen Ross, Individually r'^i, PDT,, ,Y'lkgt^hrr 131''OV 15 AM 9: Jorge M. Perez Holdings, Ltd breakdown of ownership: 1% Owner: JMP Holdings GP, LLC (100% owned by Jorge M. Perez, individual) 1% Owner: Related Florida, Inc (100% owned by Jorge M, Perez, individual) 15% Owner: Jorge M Perez 2002 Family Trust 15% Owner: Jorge M Perez 2012 Family Trust 68% Owner: Jorge M Perez, Individually OPINION OF TIf LEA 15 Ati To: CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation With the understanding that this opinion of title is furnished to CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, in compliance with Section 55-8 of the Miami City Code as an inducement for acceptance of the tentative plat of ILANA covering the real property described in Exhibit "A-1" attached hereto (the "A-1 Parcels"), Exhibit "A-2" ( "Parcel 25"), Exhibit A-3 ("Parcel 26") and Exhibit A-4 ("Parcel 27", and together with the A-1 Parcels, Parcel 25 and Parcel 26 are collectively referred to herein as the "Property"). It is hereby certified that with regards to the Property we have examined (w) Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No. FL9970720975-48-EQR Element, LLC-2013.7430609-88640638 issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company with an Effective Date of April 10, 2013 at 10:08:38 a.m., together with Certificates of Search performed by Chicago Title Insurance Company through October 22, 2013 at 11:00 p.m. (as to the A-1 Parcels) (the "A-1 Parcels Title"), (x) Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No. FL2781-46-4504509-2013.7230609-90133318 issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company with an Effective Date of November 1, 2013 at 12:39:52 p.m. (as to Parcel 25) (the "Parcel 25 Title"), (y) Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No, FL2781-46- 4529431-2013,7230609-89969472 issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company with an Effective Date of October 1, 2013 at 2:35:45 p.m., together with Chicago Title Insurance Company Title Commitment issued under Order No. 4529431 with an Effective Date of October 22, 2013 at 11:00 p.m. (as to Parcel 26) (the "Parcel 26 Title"), and (z) Owner's Policy of Title Insurance No, FL2781-464504509-2013.7230609-90133429 issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company with an Effective Date of November 1, 2013 at 12:43:54 p.m. (as to Parcel 27) (the "Parcel 27 Title" and together with the A-1 Parcels Title, the Parcel 25 Title and the Parcel 26 Title are collectively referred to herein as the "Title Evidence"), which Title Evidence covers the period from the BEGINNING through October 22, 2013 at 11:00 p,m. (as to the A-1 Parcels), November 1, 2013 at 12:39:52 p.m. (as to Parcel 25), October 22, 2013 at 11:00 p.m. (as to Parcel 26) and November 1, 2013 at 12:43:54 p.m. (as to Parcel 27). Basing our opinion solely on the aforesaid Title Evidence covering said periods, we are of the opinion that on the last mentioned date, the fee simple title to the Property was vested in: As to the A-1 Parcels: PRH NE 31st Street, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "PRI-I 31 ST") Basing our opinion solely upon review of that certain Operating Agreement of the PRH 31 ST dated as of March 29, 2013, Jorge M. Perez, as President of the Company, or Matthew Allen, Jeffery Hoyos or Carlos Rosso, each a Vice President of the Company, has the power and authority to sign the Plat on behalf of the PRI I 31 ST. Opinion of Title 1 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM As to Parcel 25: PRH Parcel 6, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("PRH 6") Basing our opinion solely upon review of that certain Operating Agreement of the PRH 6 dated as of October 17, 2013, Jorge M. Perez, as President of the Company, or Matthew Allen, Jeffery Hoyos or Carlos Rosso, each a Vice President of the Company, has the power and authority to sign the Plat on behalf of the PRH 6. As to Parcel 26: PRH Parcel 7, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (PRH 7") Basing our opinion solely upon review of that certain Operating Agreement of the PRH 7 dated as of September 13, 2013, Jorge M. Perez, as President of the Company, or Matthew Allen, Jeffery Hoyos or Carlos Rosso, each a Vice President of the Company, has the power and authority to sign the Plat on behalf of the PRH 7. As to Parcel 27: PRH Parcel 8, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("PRH 8") Basing our opinion solely upon review of that certain Operating Agreement of the PRH 8 dated as of October 17, 2013, Jorge M. Perez, as President of the Company, or Matthew Allen, Jeffery Hoyos or Carlos Rosso, each a Vice President of the Company, has the power and authority to sign the Plat on behalf of the PRH 8. Subject to the following liens, encumbrances, and other exceptions: 1. RECORDED MORTGAGES (as to all Parcels): None 2. RECORDED MECHANICS LIENS, CONTRACT LIENS AND JUDGMENTS (as to all Parcels): None 3. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (as to all Parcels): (a) All taxes or assessments for the year 2013 and all subsequent years. (b) Rights of parties in possession other than the above owners, (c) Facts that would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the Property. (d) Easements or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. Opinion of Title 2 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM Any unrecorded laborer's, mechanics' or materialmens' liens and municipal liens. Zoning and other restrictions imposed by governmental authority. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. (h) Any claim that any portion of said lands are sovereign lands of the State of Florida, including submerged, filled or artificially exposed lands and lands accreted to such lands. (i) Riparian or littoral rights. 4. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: AS TO THE A-1 PARCELS ONLY: A. Grant of Easement to Lay and Maintain a Sanitary Sewer in favor of the City of Miami, filed February 22, 1942, in Deed Book 2213, Page 501, and show on Survey. (affects Parcel 5) B. Grant of Easement to Lay and Maintain a Sanitary Sewer in favor of the City of Miami, filed June 22, 1942, in Deed Book 2238, Page 255, and shown on Survey. (affects Parcels 5 through 9) C. Covenant in favor of the City of Miami, filed December 19, 1963, in Official Records Book 3946, Page 436. (affects Parcels 5 through 9) D. Ordinance No. 81-19 regarding the Biscayne Bay Management Plan, filed May 29, 1981, in Official Records Book 11114, Page 822. (affects all parcels) E. Covenant to Run With the Land in favor of the City of Miami, filed August 4, 1992, in Official Records Book 15609, Page 2865. (affects Parcels 5 through 9) F. Due to all or a part of the Property being artificially filled in land in what was formerly navigable waters, this is subject to the right of the United States Government, arising by reason of the United States Government's control over navigable waters in the interest of navigation and commerce (affects all parcels). G. Resolution R-217-05 recorded in Official Records Book 23327, Page 83. (affects all parcels) H. Resolution R-74-05 recorded in Official Records Book 23327, Page 98. (affects all parcels) Opinion of Title 3 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ® ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM I, Unity of Title recorded in Official Records Book 23792, Page 2395. (affects Parcels 1 through 9) J. Unity of Title recorded in Official Records Book 24837, Page 126. (affects Parcels 1 through 9) K. Covenants to Run With the Land recorded in Official Records Book 24908, Page 2490, (affects Parcels 1 through 9) L. Covenant by and between EQR-Element, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, BCRE Element, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and CG Miami Partners III, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, dated February 21, 2012, filed February 28, 2012 in Official Records Book 28011, Page 4523. (affects all parcels) M, Covenant by and between EQR-Element, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, BCRE Element, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and CG Miami Partners III, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, dated February 21, 2012, filed February 28, 2012 in Official Records Book 28011, Page 4533. (affects all parcels) N. Agreement for Water and Sanitary Sewage Facilities between Miami -Dade County and EQR-Element, LLC, recorded October 2, 2012 in Official Records Book 28296, Page 4685. O. Certificate of Transfer, City of Miami Transfer of Development Rights for Historic Resources, recorded August 27, 2013 in Official Records Book 28792, Pages 4633. (Sending site owner: Milebella Investments, LLC; Receiving site owner: PRH NE 31st Street, LLC) P. Agreement for Water and Sanitary Sewage Facilities between Miami -Dade County and PRH NE 31 st Street, LLC, recorded September 6, 2013 in Official Records Book 28808, Page 253. All of the recording information contained herein refers to the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Therefore, it is our opinion that the following parties must join in the tentative plat: Name Interest Reference PRH NE 31 st Street, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Fee simple owner As to the A-1 Parcels PRH Parcel 6, LLC, a Florida limited liability Fee simple owner As to Parcel 25 Opinion of Title 4 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW,GTLAW.COM company PRH Parcel 7, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Fee simple owner As to Parcel 26 PRH Parcel 8, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Fee simple owner As to Parcel 27 With respect to the reversionary rights for the right-of-way portion of the property to be closed and vacated, as more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Street"), we have examined the Florida Statutes and have determined that Section 177,085(1) of the Florida Statues (the "Statute") reads as follows: "When any owner of land subdivides the land and dedicates streets, other roadways, alleys or similar strips on the map or plat, and the dedication contains a provision that the reversionary interest in the street, roadway, alley or other similar strip is reserved unto the dedicator or his or her heirs, successors, assigns, or legal representative, or similar language, and thereafter conveys abutting lots or tracts, the conveyance shall carry the reversionary interest in the abutting street to the centerline or other appropriate boundary, unless the owner clearly provides otherwise in the conveyance. (emphasis added)" The original plat, known as Broadmoor and recorded at Plat Book 2, Page 37 provided that "[t]he streets, avenues, drives and alleys indicated upon said plat are hereby perpetually dedicated to the free use of all purchasers of lots contained in the above described plat, the riparian rights and submerged lands in front of all streets, drives and avenues according to restrictions contained in contracts and deeds to purchasers made by the Broadmoor Company, are hereby dedicated to the free use of all purchaser of lots, their heirs and assigns within the distinct reservation that no fish house or other unsightly building or obstruction of any nature or sort shall be placed east of and in front of the width of such streets, drives or avenues at the point where if the boundaries of same were produced they would intersect with Biscayne Bay." NE 31st Street (which was previously known as Wood Avenue) was one of the streets indicated upon the Plat of Broadmoor. NE 31st Street was also shown upon the Plat of Haines Bayfront recorded at Plat Book 29, Page 55 and the Plat of Korn Terrace recorded at Plat Book 19, Page 6, each of which plats (x) were a replat of a portion of the Plat of Broadmoor, and (y) provided that "[t]he Street as shown on the attached plat is hereby dedicated to the perpetual use of the Public for proper purposes, reserving to ourselves, our heirs, executors and assigns the reversion or reversions thereof whenever discontinued by law." Opinion of Title 5 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM Based upon the presumption that (a) the owners of the property submitted to the prior plats intended that NE 31st Street be dedicated to the owners of lots abutting the same, (b) all proper and appropriate steps have been taken to close the Street, and (c) further, that the previous plats did not contain a personal reversionary interest, or require the joinder of any other parties, it is our opinion that by virtue of the conditions set forth in the Statute, the Street to be vacated has become the property of the Company, as the owner of the abutting lots. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Opinion of Title 6 MIA 183381955v3 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ■ ATTORNEYS AT LAW ■ WWW.GTLAW.COM I, the undersigned, further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. Respectfully submitted this day of November, 2013. GREENBE ` TRAUI„iG, P.A. By' Iris Escarra, Attorney 333 SE 2"d Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 579-0500 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 2013 by Iris Escarra, who is personally known to me. as�l l'uldhildt."11111"1"111"1111111411614b6414164111kle �IA-JO L LOPEZ I ;Z'',e 1 � % terry PmAa , Moto o1 Flofiaa Comm. holfit Jim2, $17 Sear Notary Pulic, S't-te My Commission Expires: Opinion of Title f Florida GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ■ ATTORNEYS AT LAW is WWW.GTLAW.COM EXHIBIT "A-1" (A-1 Parcels) Parcel 1; Lots 1 and 2, less the East 30 feet of Lot 2, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 2: The West 25 feet of the East 30 feet of Lot 2, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 3: Lot 3 and the East 5 feet of Lot 2, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 4: Lot 4, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, Parcel 5: Lot 5 and the West 25 feet of Lot 6, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 6: The East 1/2 of Lot 6, all of Lots 7 and 8, and the West 48.67 feet of Lot 9, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida; And The East 266.67 feet of the West 616,67 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, of BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying East of and adjacent to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending Eastwardly to the U.S. Harbor Line of Biscayne Bay, and lying between the Eastward extensions of the North and South line of Lot 10 aforesaid; And Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ® ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM All of the following described parcel of land, less the West 616.67 feet and the North 7.50 feet thereof: Lot 10, Block 6, of BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying East of and adjacent to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending Eastwardly to the U.S. Harbor Line of Biscayne Bay, and lying between the Eastward extensions of the North and South line of Lot 10 aforesaid. Parcel 7: All of Lot 9, except the West 48.67 feet thereof and all of Lots 10 and 11, of KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, also the North 7.50 feet less the West 616.67 feet of the following described parcel of land: Lot 10, Block 5, of BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying East of and adjacent to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending Eastwardly to the U.S. Harbor Line of Biscayne Bay, and lying between the Eastward extensions of the North and South line of Lot 10 aforesaid. Parcel 8: Lot 10, less the West 200 feet, and less the East 266.67 feet of the West 616.67 feet, Block 6, BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 9: The East 50 feet of the West 200 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 10: Lot 2, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 11: Lot 3, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ® ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM Parcel 12: Lot 4, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 13: Lot 5, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 14: Lot 6, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof; as recorded in Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 15: Lot 7, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 16: Lot 8, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel 19: Lot 7, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Parcel 20: Lot 8, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Parcel 21: Lot 9, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Parcel 22: Lot 10, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW r WWW.GTLAW.COM Parcel 23: Lot 11, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Parcel 24: A parcel of unplatted land lying in the northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 30, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida, also being a portion of that strip of land lying between the North line of "Haines Bayfront" according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 55, and the South line of Lot 6, "Elwood Court Bay Front Section", according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 70, both of the Public Records of Miami -Dade, Florida, said strip being dedicated for public alley by the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County, Florida per Clerk's File No, V97897, December 12, 1946, the subject parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 11; Block 6 of said plat of "Elwood Court Bay Front Section", thence with an assumed bearing of due South, along the southerly extension of the East line of said Lot 11, for a distance of 14.35 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes West, along the north line of Lots 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 of the previously mentioned plat of "Haines Bayfront" for 290.00 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence due North, along the northerly extension of the West line of said Lot 2 for 11.78 feet; thence North 89 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, along the South line of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 6 of said plat of "Elwood Court Bay Front Section", for 290.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. Lying and being in Section 30, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida.. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ® ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM EXHIBIT "A-2" (Parcel 25) Parcel 25 Lot 6, Block 6, of ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. 4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW ■ WWW.GTLAW.COM EXHIBIT "A-3" (Parcel 26) Parcel 26 The East 1/2 of Lot 1, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. kg ATTORNEYS AT LAW WWW.GTLAW.COM EXHIBIT "A-4" (Parcel 27) Parcel 27 The West 1/2 of Lot 1, HAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Opinion of Title GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. ® ATTORNEYS AT LAW ® WWW.GTLAW.COM EXHIBIT "B" [see attached] Opinion of Title SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION MAP RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE 5 6 ELWOOD 7 8 CO(/RT P.B. 9, PG. 181) 1P5 6 7 8 (P.B. �2, PC. 37) 6 5 4 3 1211 N.E. 3 l st STREET m RANNI SUB. TRACT 'B" (P.B. 85, PG. 45) TRACT "A" 4 3 2 1 EVERL Y 2 TERRACE 4 5 6 ELW00D COURT BAY FRONT (P.B. 16, PC. 70) 2 1 4 15 16 7 8 9 1101 111 1213 N.E. 32th STREET 1 2 1 3 14 5 6 (P.B. 11, PG. 47) 10 BROAb OOR 9 8 7 6 5 4 S UBJP'C i AREA 7 1 2 3 4 15 6 I7 �8 (P.B. 16, PG. 70 TRACT ''A" TRACT "8" TRACT "C" 9 10 11 12 3 2 1 .8. 2, PG. 37) 3 �2 1 4 BROAiMOOR 3 _2 5 6 9 10 11 HAINES BAYFfONT (5) 2 j3 4 15516 7 12 14 TRACT 'A" 10 z. 9 KORN TERRACE (P. B. 19, PG. 6) 1 2 3 4 5I6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 A PORTION OF 10, BLOCK 6, 7 (P.B. 2, PG. 37) BROADMOOR (P. 8. 2, PG. 37) N. F joth TFRRACF 11 II (PB.2—PG. 1 37) RELV fdLAT BROADMOoR 5 3 2 1 1 2 (P.B. 3 32, 4 5 PG. 6 76) 7 8 N.E. 30th STREET (PB.2—Pa37) 8 5 3 2 1O TRACT 2 LIGHT KEY TRACT (P.B. 113, PG. 45) Liza. LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 AX No. (954 38-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREPARE ER MY SUP ` ISION: DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 MARK STEVEN JOHNSON SEC'Y & TREAS. FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS TRACT 2 BISCA YNE BAY «g» 1igitjxg SCALE 1"=150' alai 1 OF 3 SHEETS LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY SKI:ITCH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE LOT 1 WEST LINE OF LOT 2 NORTH- 54.70' LOT 2 P.O.B. S.W. Comp, - LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 HAIY IES — BAYFROI'VT (P.B. 29, P . 55) LOT 3 LOT 4 1 LOT 5 1 LOT 6 RIGHT—OFLWAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE (AREA=18, 616sq. ft) N89°591'54'E — 340.3i3' ///////////////////////// N. E. 31 s t STREET /// j(WOOD AVENUE P.B. 2, PG. 37) S89°59'54'W — 340.33' KORN TERRACE (P.B. 19, PG. 6) LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LEGEND: DENOTES CENTER LINE — DENOTES MONUMENT LINE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK PG. DENOTES PAGE P.O.B. DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING LOT 7 LOT 8 SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2 TO 8 � W 15.00'15.00' r 5.00' j 25.00' NORTH ,LINE OF LOTS 13 TO 10 LOT 8 LOT 9 � GiT£LTf2-Sk.aL,12 09:.SO('22fE.S' LAND SURVEYORS -ENGINEERS -LAND PLANNERS - 3240 CORPORATE WAY-MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 AX No. (954)438-3288 ORDER NO 201682 PREPARED UNDE rr SUPERVISI DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" MARK STEVEN JOHNSON S r ec TREAS. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS LOT 10 SOUTH 54.70' SCALE 1"-50' SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEEIS LI11GAL DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE CLOSED, VACATED AND DISCONTINUED FROM PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF THE N.E. 31st STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE S.W. CORNER OF LOT 2, HAINES BAYFRONT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 29 AT PAGE 55 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 340.33 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH, ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 25.00 FEE I WESTERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF N. E. 7th AVENUE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEE I; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DUE NORTH, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2, OF SAID PLAT OF HAINES BAYFRONT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.70 FEE I TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 18, 616 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST, CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTES: 1) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10, KORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19 AT PAGE 6 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI—DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; 2) ORDERED BY: THE RELATED GROUP 3) AUTHENTIC COPIES OF THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION MUST BEAR THE EMBOSSED SEAL OF THE ATTESTING PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. ��iZGiJElJ/2E—�L�/2L%2 C7���OL�LQ�E�y rZa. LAND SURVEYORS —ENGINEERS —LAND PLANNERS — 3240 CORPORATE WAY—MIRAMAR, FL 33025 PHONE No.(954)435-7010 FAX No. (95 )438-3288 ORDER NO. 201682 PREP NDER MY SSlPL15ION: DATE: JUNE 27, 2013 THIS IS NOT A " BOUNDARY SURVEY" MARK STEVEN JOHNSON SEC'Y & TREAS. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4775 REVISIONS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION 'The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action, "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future, Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec, 2-653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to till out this form. CO -\9 (First ame) (Middle) (ast Name) HOME ADDRESS: 315 S . ' ,i sec yle -FAA. (Ad ress Line 1) '- (Address Line 2) CITY: A�QYvtat STATE: Florida ZIP: IIOME PHONE: •305' .960®9900 CELL PHONE: wD ®��t - , 631 l Mi�rl..: Cr c so ce�c e ro Cp Wit F3USSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME PRI-I NE 31 Street LLC FAX: /6D m 9911 I3USINI SS ADDRESS: 315 S . Biscayne Blvd (71385s Line 1) Miami, Florida 33131 (Address Line 2) 1. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee.. Approval of Right of Way closure. 2. Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? El YES NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 3, Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. Nana Address Phonlcii a, n/a b. c. ''` Additional names can be placed on a separate page attached to this form. 4. Please describe the nature of the consideration. n/a 5. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. n/a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLiANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1, the application or order, as applicable, Shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity/orthe same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) untiyexpir tion of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. / . PERSON SUBMIT PING DISCLOSURE; Signature C \PS oSsp Print Name jar Sworn to and subscribed &Jere rite this r r.) dery of 3U\_ 200 13 , The foregoing who has produced nm(.! and who did/did not take an oath, 2 instrument was acknowledged bej'','e me by Coor66..., as identification and/or is personally known to . • JACQUELEANE GONZALEZ • "; •' MY COMMISSION 0 EE868989 ...,''� RES February 01, 2017 c, EXPFlonaogaaanSavbe.can "T'A`1't.: C7iFLORIDAa 1 STA'[ OF MIAMI MY'( OJvIMISS[(:N Notary 411 '4Q1J�9At53 EXPIRES, ---)1210 ( Print Name linclosure(s) Doc, No..86543 Page Prepared By: David Thcyssen, Esq. Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, LLP Two North LaSalle St. Suite 1700 Chicago, Illinois 60602 When Recorded, Mail to: Kimberly LeCompte, Esq. Greenberg Traurig, P.A. 333 SE 2nd Avenue Suite 4400 Miami, Florida 33131 CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2042 DATE:04/10/2013 10:08:38 AM DEED DOC 174,000.00 SURTAX 130,500.00 HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK OF COURT, MIA-DADE CTY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED For the consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other valuable considerations received, EQR-ELEMENT, L.L.C., a. Delaware limited liability company ("Grantor"), having a mailing address of c/o Equity Residential, Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois 60606, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to PRH NE 31st Street, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Grantee"), having a mailing address of 315 South Biscayne Boulevard, 4t}' Floor, Miami, Florida 33131, all of Grantor's right, title and interest to and to the following described real property (the "Property") situated in Miami -Dade County, Florida: SEF, EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART IIEREOF. Property Tax Folio Numbers: 01-3230-012-0060; 01-3230-016-0030; 01-3230-016-0040; 01-3230-016-0050; 01-3230-016-0060; 01-3230-016-0070; 01-3230-016-0080; 01-3230-016-0090; 01-3230-011-0220; 01-3230-011-0230; 01-3230-011-0240; 01-3230-011-0250; 01-3230-011-0260 TOGETHER WITH all the tenements, hereditarnents and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT TO: the permitted exceptions set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof ("Permitted Exceptions"). TO HAVE and to hold the same in fee simple forever. NGEDOCS: 014854.0872:2072347,2 CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2043 GRANTOR hereby covenants with Grantee that it is lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple, that it has good rightand lawful authority to sell and convey the Property, that, subject to the Permitted Exceptions, the Property is free of any encumbrance made by Grantor and Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, BUT AGAINST NONE OTHER. [Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank] NOEDOCS: 014854.0872:20723472 -2- CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2044 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Special Warranty Deed to be executed this y day of April, 2013. CRANTOR: Signed, sealed and delivered in EQR-ELEMENT, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability the presence of: company By: ERP Operating Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership, its sole member Naive: Az,4,7 By: Equity Residential, s. Maryland real estate investm t Via,`' neral partner By Name: Its:w State of Illinois } )ss: County of Cook I, a Not y public, in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, do hereby certify that 30 )90,, e e L personally appeared before me in said jurisdiction and acknlowledged that he/she is the ---- of Equity Residential, the general partner of ERP Operating Limited Partnership, the sole member of Grantor in the foregoing and annexed Special Warranty Deed bearing date as of the day of. April, 2013, who, being by me first duly sworn, acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed thereof, and that by virtue of the authority conferred upon him/her, executed and delivered the same as such for the purposes therein contained, WITNESS my hand and official seal this GEDOCS: 014854,0872;2072347,2 , -3- day cf April, 2013. :),P4A-4 AL.e. t " Notary Public My Commission Expires: "OFFICIAL SEAL" Denise M. Steele Notary Public, State of Illinois My Cu m[11sslon Expires June 15, 2013 CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2045 EXHIBIT A Legal Description [Attached] N GED OC S: 014854.0872:2072347.2 CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2046 Parcel 1: Lots I and 2, less the East 30 feetof Lot 2,KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records ofMiamy-lade County, Florida. Parcel 2: The 'West 25 feet of the Bast 30 feet of Lot 2, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, au recorded In Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Ivliam1.Dade County, Florida, Parcel 3: Lot 3 and the East 5 foot of L.Ot 2, KO12N TERRAOE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, orate Public Records oflviiarni-Dade County, Florida. Parcel 4; Lot 4, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami, -Dada County, Florida., Parcel 5: Lot 5 and the West 25 feet of Lot 6, KORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, Parcel 6; The East 1/2 of Lot 6, all of Lots 7 and 8, and the West 48.67 feet of Lot 9, KORN TERRACE, according to the flat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Pub lie Reoords of M1atni-Dade County, Florida; Arid The ,East 266.67 feat of the West 616.67 *et of Lot 10, Block 6, ofBROAD1vIOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat .Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Miarni-Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying Eastofattd adjacent to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending Eustwardly to the U.B.'Harbor Line ofBisoayne Bay, and lying between the Eastward extensions ofthe North and South line of Lot I0 aforesaid; And All of the following described parcel of land, less the West 616,67 feet and the North 7,50 feet tlterovP Lot 10, Block 6, ofBRQADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, (Atha Public= Reoords of Miumi.Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying East of and adjacent a422 48917-Q1t1 curcarli 7iSITAA v1 • CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2047 to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending .Fastwardly to the U,S, F-1arbor line of Biscayne Bay, and Tying between the Eastward extensions of tho North and South line of Lot 10 aforesaid, Parcel 7; All of Lot 9, except the West 48.67 feet thereof and all of Lots 10 and 11, ofKORN TERRACE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 19, at Page 6, of the Public Records of gland - Dade County, Florida, also the North 7.50 feat lass the West 616,67 feet of the following dcsoribed parcel of land: Lot 10, Block 6, of BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of MI arni-Dade County, Florida, and that parcel of land lying Bast of and adjacent to Lot 10 aforesaid and extending )lrrstwardly to the 13.5, Harbor Caine of Biscayne Bay, and tying between the Eastward extensions of the North and South line of .Got 10 aforesaid, Parcel 8: Lot 10, less the West 200 feet, and less the least 266.67 feet atilt, West 616,67 feet, Week 6, BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of'the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, y+]arida, Parcel J: The East 50 feat of the West 200 feet of Lot 10, Block 6, BROADMOOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 37, of the Public Records of Mianti-lade County, Florida. /t.177,,d06117.f17 i1 r„NnntMli071,1F,AF1„R CFN; 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2048 Parcel 10: Lot 2, HANES BAYFRONT, recording to the Plat thereof, as recorded )n Flat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, parcel 11: Lot 3, HANES 13AYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded Iu Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Miaxni-Dade County, Florida, Pure] 12: Lot 4, BAINES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat look 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records ofMiami-Dade County, Fiorida, Parcel 13; Lot 5, HANES lt3AYPRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Mianti-Dade County, Florida. Parcel 14; Lot G, HANES NES BAYFRONT, according to the Pint thereof; ti8 recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Mbllami-Dade County, Florida. Parcel 1 S: Lot 7, HANES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Flat Book 29, at Page 55, of tho Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, Parcel 16; Lot 8, HANES BAYFRONT, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 29, at Page 55, of the Public Records of Mkarn1-Dade County, Florida. Parcel 19; Lot 7, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT S. ."1'ION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded Irt flat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. Parcel 20z Lot 8, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to tits Plat ttteroof, as recorded In Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. 8422149917.010 ourrentf27339478v8 CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2049 Parcel21; Lot 9, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY PRoN'f SECTION, according to tho Plat thereof,, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 7D, pfthe Public Records of Mimi- Dade County, Florida. Paroel 22; Lot 10, Block 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Flat.thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 70, of the Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida, Parcel 23; Lot 11, Bloch 6, ELWOOD COURT BAY FRONT SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 70, ofthe Public Records of Miami- Dade County, Florida. 8422/49917.010 nurrent/273394764 CFN: 20130275537 B00K 28573 PAGE 2050 Pclrcet 24 A. parcel of tanplatted land lying in the northeast quarter (N1:3 'A) of Section 30, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida, also being a portion af'that strip of land lying between the North line of "Haines Bayfront" according to the plot thereof recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 55, and this South line of Lot 6, "Elwood Court Bay Prom Section", wording to the plat thereof, recorded in Fiat Book 16, page 70, both of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, said strip being dedicated for public alley by the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County, Florida per Cleric's File No. V97897, Deeembeer 12, 1946, the subject parcel being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 11; Block 6 of said plat of "Elwood Court Bay Front Section", thorax with an assumed bearing of duo South, along the southerly extension of the past line of said Lot 11, for a.distance o' 14,35 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds West, along the north line of Lots 7,6,5,4,3 and 2 of the previously mentioned plat of"Haines Bayfront" for 290,00 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence due North, along the northerly extension of the West line of saki Lot 2 for 11.78 feet; thence North 89 degrees 29 minutes 26 seconds East, along the South line of Lots7,8,9,10 and 11, Block 6 of said plat of :Elwood Court Bay Front Section", for 290.01 feet to the Point of Beginning, lying and being in Section 30, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida, CFN: 20130275537 BOOK 28573 PAGE 2051 EXHIBIT B Permitted Exceptions 1 Acts of Grantee, and those claiining by, through and under Grantee. 2. Ad valorem real estate taxes and special assessment liens for governmentalimprovements for 2013 and subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable as of Closing. 3. Zoning, building and other governmental and quasi-govermnental laws, codes and regulations. 4. Any adverse claim to any portion of the Property which has been created by artificial means or has accreted to any such portion so created; riparian and littorial rights, if any; and rights of governmental authorities over navigational waters. 5. Easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions, matters, limitations, reservations and other matters of record, if any, but this reference shall not operate to reimpose same. 6, Eneroachrnents, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the Property. NOEDOCS: 014854,0872:2072347.2 15 to o o AO VVCOM SO a 10 _ ,.. o ....m. + as, stoz000.roco pia„r�.v mmmo n man. so C CNISOMSNetor o o o 4 MANGO um.+. uai.. cr w es n +enm zzo DEE SSOOP Nb Nowt NOUN ROWED ar.07 94O04 EA CORM 004 L. ffa Wm 0039102 CAME60AI PM =T^ Me fM520172AHX CESSM OROR! 0014.'O7S xzs roCONNO,m co.m ooM=.. ti m ro 6 ma *7-0005 6OM177, ... DRTOf0 41405875 BE FAST 1/2 LOT 1, IMESBEFAWF. O1-M50-016 NAME IRIS V. 6GRRA DE TEST 1/2 LOT 1, BYES MM7MO70 Liz 7272-076 LOT 4I MES SIMON. 01-325,0I6 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 305-579-0737 LOT A MLNEM MIDRONO 01a950-ma LOT AWN BOTRON- FAX NUMBER: 305-961-5737 4 01-3250-016 L0T A. MDESBM1RlTT.- 01-S250-016 LOT 4 IMES BOIRND 01-S25¢016 LOT 7, 1MEER 6MERCE - 0T-5230-016 E-WIL ADDREM EstronnO926KCDm LOT 4 WARR 37T7INL- 01-S25¢016 LOT 4 SIXX 4 EIYIXO CWN BN ROE SFCIAIO 0I-5230-0I7. L07 7, BLOW 4 Z11000 CG'A7T PAY TKNT.4Ca27* 01-RD-011. LOT 4 BLOCK 4 LLMRW COMM' FROM SECA. 01-99071. PENMEN! RF *7 KIRidT (PALL) 25 FD8MIGT G0.'W1C MST (RCP.) )S LOT -323,011. LOT 14 BLOO(4 ELNOCO CORI PATEN FRONT SECTION07,3250-011- LOT 11, RDC14 MOW CCRT BO FRONT5ECL)'! 01�011. Lvincelr rmN. LIR ST n., err, As. ma. r ..1 ESELLL61E AO IENANALLLO AWNS MAIISONL HAa MK ROW! RC. 303-960-490 001101 M., VS L 52.1 swat MK R 014 10.0 0010 301 KSIa1SLR. MK R91A AMDISL .731270 TDLT A6 /WA .17L (OA0 4rK1 MOT 131 IGEN N4 (34N TMCT t'- ENO en4 *7 mry1 L@QQ LIN.-!Z 0211 3 004 01T/OTYCr MO MCC ACM DETAIm 31 YYYLW . 0 ETLESDL61�Fi 30 *70970 stir IZ4 111213) AE 10 R ((QQ ¢ AD M: (R M) PER FLTY 91 m4sa MiEL q 4 90RI L (F1w*NN@0 f>�.'0IO.0®FPL O..TDL *7.. 9300.570-70)1.L N®M M: M( ZOOID) - AMIE 4 MU3 00 M ME71 1.02 bpEKIA..E. 4 NO MOUE 6 MICR 401 NO SALMI 611 MERU Cr Er.= 2Ri40O16 L EMU 864f SCONEAMR SS RCM SS 342 . SOME. ®®1 R4 70010 MI 1SOMIT. 010 MATI.M=mar R.VOr DE moron.ammo mom 4E NO CM.ro MItA?xNOIRE. NO UEF 0.022017.9 10 NO pi. sw SS0.0 0 Tr 9 1710MR. .1 M INN. D N 0,1 � 4-n ,00011 11£ COX NN TOROM hi d 4S(11LT . 41.6t=4401,4-4 CITS merN1.k1,. Seej, & r 7 )y • o. RrA�e.• Imd 4.m..r 14775 90Tr M 0,19* O .'a F_ 0 BORNS 9L4N14®I01 TO6)4*70NNN6 OF RE 16t'NOC1101.407 LIE Cr BE M 3)0L FM EROAMT.94 IEBEIMM61fFO bT Q4NT. SLA01 Mom- 131,447 l7R. (LIM /MCP LOOM MCC. RIM m1T(104 40.1 ) MILS OR M. A0014 06 7*7 IRS MRELPIFD TO WOOF (*66526 y4F .400.2 NPR.. RR DE REV. OW D DI SMMT BIS 0E000 PDT M 01119K LSE Or M EMOEi10.I MO%M ATM. CERTF.N1 COE JOT EOOO MAYS MOM. MOM 7) MwR1Y 9aNMrMnr IN. NM 1 11.00IIOLR@Pl ne ne iB: Ann IDn) RN PIRY O]MMT RI. ML MBSO.4 LOP NM.7)I� 5P 02171ES ARE 94wILO011022C1oAREIPT16OM 10.10 MOW .Fm.SDNO MS CR RE. 7 MSS OIMMISI SAM 1)no warn a &cc,CrA /1 ffM LNg dr M001O MO EMrtEneD )I) anowAs 90111 N LOAIF M car Mr Tar TOE MOLD BE 0OM Am ARE RMS.017 OF Mb B.C1I 014( NM 2 MCAT. 11001NmaEODNN ICE N44LM49 r.10BM.OLN BM.6EYV M , CRY 6OW MN tbr g teN RR I. ! O'EC BAI4MEl IT 1301111 21 0J1Y AM 13.37 01 13) S. OF OE 1.30 OMNCESIS0LOINE 1000£DCr MN MN �MNN.I7E FROM STE9.0N TL' AAE Or AD 010NN EM001 I6A£ ICTACC SM'E IO.ORM MET MEW= IN 71E95AME No 1ANE 000.1.74 00071M' DOSE MOW 1) M ma'am es b 7636410.41 CM nc law nown cam MOM'. (m- j 7 Y< O.3 Cr MSENTMRR OD Cr 1041001NY6£)IAL4 SNE1014 AEONS 4A i(A Garay ,for,vo StCNN (OR SOAOIE A EGRET lEommors 99 BET AN ZEES. PAM. OF TES FLO TO RCM 14.74 AMCOR., 00000(RCN AMCBC MART OFT. 03117-0MI STREET NO POTON CP 3C PLOWA 4177NOS EENBIY.S4OS MOCIOOXRT M A6M9EL0C L ACD'YW1PAGE 7040 W. 6 TO NE RO MSO 0 REC017. CROAD PLAT O NR O2x0MNE54 .O.DE ROW . REM. Cr 1101-O2 OMRP7LM04 OM NON M INT4 Or D6 ME LISKJESZEISa MOR a. LOT INO MEASTLOTiM.. ARb480 1.0111DN RAT M')A M fl4 ME RIMC.M 6 =MS OF MMOIKA..M41CY TO M 00117,1100 MMII2 M 0 NET LT M EAST}) War IN ALCM. m M AO DER., AS RFC.= N RO EOM IA 4 Cr M RHC M.OPOS OF YYFgN 000,1100 IArns p���LLqT�� I�EpOpMl�E EETFNO �S CrEIILFO40C MmI roMA.O MARC76 M12RNONMR eMIIA'RMME4 Mazt! �YR LOT OM 7LOG. TO 11E RR DO.R AS 147066 N RR BDI1ARM4E 4 Cr MRH67)0110SCr 10042. Arms K57 LOT5E04Me � �y WPCS A]LOIO ID M IISE EM all ASMCD*EO N RR BIM 14 AT MEOr PE MTNT IADi 0 C. LOT :, Mr NA. .vOF DE LOTS 'm'4 Sb Tyr DE AT �6T Mr Er LOT O. OM Cr mma. SRae.OndYNm M3R NO M0ST RCM.2♦1TC MRSTnO 9rear 6 tar 'a sans Cr AVM. ..91116. 10 M IF 7b RR I To LOT TO0PM 09 s40 RO 4140C 7MOM.L10 M. M9p1P11a'Ltc es ml 10 BAC NO ar MC mar .a9'1°MMO E0O601S OFM IOOM.vOSOm.4 OF. 10IMES. NC �/417Or M IOIIOI8 O R.RIRIT Cro ILSMtAN4n F.NO DE RR..79670104HT. RL9OS NO®I ND:DE PLO CrMO.46 WOE AM.(m�fO Cr DE NO EYIB 01.40. SOOMLINE TO 7DE3f¢ MEW IECr Mb EITC AC INV BM. M FA9N4C 4OS Or DE MN NO 1WEx Na N LOTAf02PT M M6T8®;11%. ffAA.LOTSWN,cod,Lo nan rA7A'T O=N9m720* )!O fEro ��QQ RCST DTl 6M NS�D RCM Cro WO N4� 2cvA .10 4Y0.0 WPM 000032 NC MTmon6 WM,b[> 6NOMM. ID tPACEo Cro DE MO SOUTH OF 70MOEN LINE OF �MC4. BC NO C HNfO6 M VM0.5)YS� CODEAM NM NO TN1! DE NmRO . DE � N . MEL MOEAST n.ffDE DE rim, Mal Cr10100. 00.N NIIIIDCm 000. MIFORLq PMn 67E Cr041-00r 1301. gR.®'C)Om DE RIP ➢FRtf AT NlYRYDNNR LOT MYM3 ro.MRAT TIE9D,b&CCM0 N PIE EOM >R N'M2 R Cr NE RHC INOO56 M•911 M: LOT Mr. 01TMA' ./CLMC TO M RR D.1. AS RECORD. N RA GWI$R 00=Cr MM2 RTAT66 70 MOM 0 LOT 4 AlAr.L CIR=WC TO MRRDER.;RACO67DN RR BON 24AT AIN.$? 08 REO REMISS Tr LOTS MMMS BERM M..O. TO M RR DER., ASALIRCD N RAT B.11R 91E3j Cr M RELIC A7Cr APAF-!Z LNNR, NOE . TO ZONING IS-3M L (UMW GORE ZONE TADTID) 504SE FAMY ATACNED TOM 0 9M2£ EM ILY OETAC ED UNITS LNLN-FANAY UNITS NIPARLmnS) 700 TOO,1 Aram, MET AREA 4.09 7ACRES0109 (3LX,699 n9. N) ACSE5 CROSS AREA - 6049 .61.1 S4 11) tor new swan CCOICP&ro VC WI 0*7 b RECORD. NRR BMC4 AT ;Cr nag mow ar 40012 Lon 7,1MMM5 Twat 1 . RE ROOM. b MLDOE0 0 ME BCC If II A PACE Cr M Po. mown es leas- MMl 1! iOT 011 04_, IONO TO M0.0D0'o; b ROM. N MR BM M2R arM Ntn Gar Ewa 12 L07BOIannt-OM2fA3 Oy11204 ✓04' 01 M RR 071114 b RCM.N RR ECM 14RM2m MRII 2S M ELM 6D L ROtC ro M RR BERM 0030Rta N RAT BM( IS AI OM 74 MOM 22 4M R8C4 GF M roMA.00EMo<,b REM. PLO B.75 Br 101. M001 LOT Ion 6 9 BAY 0075m M RR 71.0; b M7]ND N RR 1 Mb 1602Cr DEm /NOR. LOT 11 SWI4 MOD CLOD By MORT SM.TO MR07/1.04 6141.100 If Mb 14 Rm274 DL<RNEM OM Cr KILI-NE QUOY. 1113ROl TUNE M Cr 1.00011ID: A'O L1A6 N M SOM. OMMLD ME %) 6 swam $ 06 701 5S 0106 wax C !ST LOY Cr MK 100.00 MATT. RONA NM SAG A FORM r SW Cr WO LM ®2d 71 NAM LIE Cr NMMNTM.. TO M RR 11.10MO'HlM N PIE 04A m23{ NO M SO. ME Cr LN244WD MM 01 TROT SE001 AzvDP6 To M AR Mr. M.. N RR war R. 714ROM Cr M MC moms 6 nag.s04 sine LOIN COMA. PAR NLT AT 6 SCIND r Or ME M RR OEA[S TIE 07801 SOK'W 22 INS SEEN P.M DOE NEE PAM.. AS 0000 R TIC Sar0S0 =00 rt Lon 1C San O 6 s0 M4T ? 4WD awn !T mar some Dolt NN 46 Amen 200G OF OE STD ROB MSLNMMO ETIO®10T MEW LK 6 SNIT LOT N RP A OSA. Or ;assFE. DIME SCAM ® LMC1ES S4 S®6 1101N06 MSWM LW Or LOTS 1, 6112243 NO E Cr M MM.. �T 3144 O' 0Cr DE MOT 6 00 LOT 1STJd TO TIE MM. 0.10 CIF � R0Lf � L AMC ME AL ASCUM LIE S) 4410 NO 11..016 41 OF 0 MAT OF 12040 WA BO LVN 94RO1, 011R. IIODI Imams IMPRO IEr5 ID or Rama) T6-36ILA-0 �`wsJ ORA (Pa. 11Y T6-36A-L •sa 6`Rig DP7 w1P rz PPPr'n ©iaialriSig BEEN17.1 ,>rol TREET PERNICIZII veep°° 1012112thidall11=1111 ERSEENSIZNI IONATMLEA T6-36A-0 M£ lin STREET T6-36A-L Inn nr, pDM JOSISILIE A P)R1A7N OF SECTION -040E COUMY, FLORIDA. SO9EY- Mt ME 32f1M1 SIRE7 N£31. /y% M.E. 30on TERRACE arlitlErale 993E 0'- RA' M PLO B C. PM C M Cro MOW M. M. *7 OF ON DE RAT .01110004AS RO]NAO 0610.. H 4 /f608 AWT- OVE ME77. bALCDD9NMR®TRan /0 m234 Cr. POMO E5At 01007, ...CIO mCMM1077.11..1MTa'mm NJLO MACIL SOMR Cr INRAMD LAC 1100 N MICRIASAST R1POR DE TA) ) OP OM, MM., sr .11 NM42 AE. OTT Or MKKWLOE 0001110IDI 710 LEM A 117004 Cr M0s0N Cr 00 LIMO BUSK M KM LE Cr MARES74 811010 . M 20 L'L@TE M[00:ID N RRDMI-m DEM 54 ND SCUM LIE Cr 0384 44WDMALT BE ROM RECORDS Cr 1010-00 1100 00 SOAP I.0 OM.. RN MCC .14 Br DE LOWS Cr OMIT, C> 0.1 S Cr BCE O.Y1N, E10104 RR O@3 fa 19701 DEMO. 14 I. M 110E BM NW 09311A1 MRO. AS RODS R M 4N1K61' LNIIX Cr LW 1 Or SW MR Or Y1M6' LMIM7 .14322E M. AMC DE NM., SAMS. Cro SCE. 0 MARES D 0 t0.DE Cr MEff b)0, nonNO Awe OF40 or 4WD mar DO raw MOW TOR OMNRLT 01 M co 0671 0010. OF LOT 0 Cr 910 N PLC 6ME SCATE. EXIMOI Or -K5.LRN BE NOR M OFsb 410P Ref Mb WMACMm DBMS'5Y UNTIES 51 SCOES EMT. AI00 ]K KITE OE 00 LOT L Tr SNIT RR C 7N6 01001T, TOP e➢N 120 TO M MR 0000 MC NO MO N S00M AL TIM119N A SON MIME 415.. OR CIF MK MOM. CYNIY, I SHOW MEIN REUOE ID an OF MI Rout paw ear aa= air a9srep I ZZ- 130 011N0 REVISIONS By CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 Mats is 6 'Boundary a18 Topographti.eriiie ILANA TENTATIVE PLAT LOTS 2 TO LOT 4 71761-9M790716/LYCI3MC TO TIE FAT L1078u RECORDED ON RAT BCOK 24 PALE SS, AND LOT 7 LOT 77, FLNOLYR D CT EMT PROM, AL1: 30 TO ME RAT RECORDEDPA EOF RECORDED IN T BOCK 14 PACE 74 AIL OF IME POEM RECORDS OF NRLD ACC LYKTOY. T7.4964 L)01C N 770 OTT OF EWE EOWL-040E COWIE RORIE SECTION 30, m5M91P 5Y SO N( ENKE 12 FAST. G)G'h(ASEITYLE-�)2LJ2CYL �I � UT130o70 a 34o, 'J)2G'. LARD PLAXNHSM A LAD SOROB7043 9810 CORPa1LST IAY IMANAR, PD02MLL .0% 271. 06 3-T010 PAL (960448-8248 Bo/4I00.0 ]ma D.A. 0,10.4326..409.-S.1. N63670 Dm. 72 Doo /1nM6 LAN*I 4r.767: D.7N 13My O.Or%1ST® HI� Smlc 4•4 ON PDM R2 A,T-4563E mwe 8va a m..I- Y € F ingfik >M SS yams op wur aznatrearsawans =tom mow ■ mow =sea • menassrmoonnsimorar • eficarnmeraosingenir • annum• man sewn EDI E d�Rstn a acansomuranw ®® arm FA Ram Rao man arse ma. ta aree Ram Ems. to zonneassuce mom wreemarrna 5 O N�3HW— r 9DI =33S.� 3RL46IN) 5018ov(R1- 70 : z CFAPJEC SGLE I, I 71 i 90 TT01 fT daf6_M695211P E�� ��%-R1A598S'F V . Ig4 ge!g N.E. 27th STREET REST 7/N SEC 30-53-12 N2 N,c NO2 a D5CT:6 Ma 44C 39738(9) 250TR) I R 825930'E 39Tsr00 1 0000 39Y limas aameosm s TV IC MOND I nq Le, toT= `A PORTION OF LOT 1. T . 6. I 015RPPP 2Tss4) a LOT 1. PLOP, ). ORO DIJOOR (129. 2 P6..I7) • 10 REVISIONS Date (MR& Remarks CERCFlCATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB-87 Ms is s Boundary and Topoymapie& Saavee ]TOTE: FIRIEXBC COPIES OF THIS IMMO TALL BVR TIE RNSED SE. OF IRE AI maim. PROFESSOR.. WO SURVEYOR DR PROMESSIORR. ENOORTER. 1601 i £1.11900 COURT P+ir FROST sLLNO)L am< 5 i.8 16, msd LET Lode I , 0 5 rg A d q1w fA'S�' N.LA.7lR.��6,�c��i ' , �rlaffi19'lBT .--- —1E_� N.E. ,E. 2nd STRE. TT 1� 1- 0 lICII':. ,111•1 =REIW RaIFa 8.Z8(10 L~i705 6-d92975- 1A 76 ALLEY Vol.TED PER RESOLUTION L 05 IMP 2 2005 (ORA f. PG, S% TR4CT '8 AREA=758824 sq.ft 3.646 ,acres LOT A41571' R.1000. Nt05955- va,rTq¢�6J 1,7 /�/.,/ .//6> i ' c 2/ A5/4" 5rs26Y.9),5r 4(` ",p0 m. -'/ j// %/////11 TRACT V" ARE4=158,824 sq.ft 3.646 acres TOT t LOT 5 HR0A3000R Put) (9 .12 PC.. T rear test ILANA TENTATIVE PLAT ,p SZtyr fi y p F}0 SUR15, YY/a N� NlM6 - &ttRN? (P.B. 2 PO ' I �� '�'r >ts B 6N,a NOT5118.6111100 (17499 xpN $37136' HEST .a 1sl29-iratT_I 1A g1VENUE P„& 2, PG 30, TPACF 11, (2HT /(fr min (:e, 113, x ) s 07 s R,a MIL IIIIMEOtti SWIM MOWN MATE man, as arm new Row LOW wane net nerwl. L015 2 70 LOT 4 1440H5-130FRO5T,AGGDPDTC 7O THE PUT TIRRELF REEOROED31 PUT E00K 29, NIL£ 55 AID LOT 7107 77, ELICOD COURT R1Y fRp,7, AOCOd.IN0 70 NE PUTTOEREOFF liklotaftO Al PUT BOX 76, PALE 70 ALL OF THE N/@IC RECORDS OF MO D4E COMM FLOP. Mc PI THE LOT OF NNW 1444-040E COMO' f2Wd111 SELTI1Y 50 TOMR9/P 05 SWM( POKE 42 EASE 3e40 CORPORATR 7Ar A004044, )LOATH 33045 TES- (864)135-7000 sAZ (000)400-522e >1r bTA.,rvd» bee.>m Maw et Mx. Ueda. Sarver No. ]w. et la. Avon 9r. 00O 5.4e 05nlfial3 oeaea EN. 1r3,. molt nmn5 Order In MHOS Sri rpa 46 PR. No. AJ-4583E Ea.e ea e st e .mow ]) J) n. ca 111=i .�. �.� ® ®�® _. _ s v...�c_, mn ®m rvn gym®o 22. 2. °"' I1;iIil . ra-- ama.-. EMI Is. UNKNOWN a lala2wum _�.E©Bsasam , z5',O aRaEE MM0.N111Maa. ro a4arrlm_,.� aacasT ••ma acme aeaMr ...rn 1E araa.>.m �• ITti i�ATel�--a! _ n .�..�• a ...r arseaassr- awITSIS'IS mrnn'rmmirnran seaa,sam iaam ErN' MIEE ��s4-mzea�e TTT1aEl^.ia 4�aa sf i•s Saf•!1 Lff.,../RAIN 1E9C IMR1®T.69 `gms, 1A QFPFD R- L6f1R M IREMHT 33333ea cuemorrolmsSMEW EL © . am1..m �©� •9 fATmX 0666 r lLam1 a LIT 161)IS 4aDeLni.Tssm 16063 SWIM 16161 AMLP TO AN ASAAED 8FA91C OF DUE %EST,' AYp0174 NIL141AED7 ME OF ME .AM 77RA2 LETX Oi2PRON SIMI1ETEut MA'S MOWEDBY CLEH DE AEA OFF01777763IA9Me@7A1' $URN M7LEL- 13S47 ALT. (3L1A AOdS7 r^..T asaa•s nr COCONUTS, m.0.... '. u m xo +� .^^.-r.R• +a.. , �z ro. NORTH PARCEL. 87666 30JT. ()R63 ABHS) 4) !MESS 6770756 AOIEO INS MN HIS IDT 61ELPlm TO LOWE e..r 416/78 F66711666 5) MR DE REINED GROW 6) 72657707 146 MEWED FOR DE VOLUME LSE r DE DREES MLm MIECN.774 41T1L0ED 0267601170 01 Ira 070070 All rM .9Im7$ 7) RNERTI STOW TAME I MS MAIN FEt1'R1L FOOD ZOEFE ELL 9). AE (EL 10), AE (R 11) MOK 0611) FER ECM O RIEL Mt MOW am L.La^M 00 AME NDBfDOND, DM S876, EM 1E 106 B) I0;HE MOORS r UIIRES ARE SOW IEREDI[ 166707. AO.. ANEW N6 BEEM WEE m LOOIE 616371i0111017E16 OR FENCE 9) PSTN BMf0A6Y 7 501867 FRRR/YA0 RELLIO AND N5A5f/REO, 05190 Lummox 60161 ID) D6306 6 3193ECT m EASEMENTS MO RUR5 r 167 0L17 MUD BEHELELIID OVA SPEW OF 17/0E OF AES7F.S7 LADS 11) 06137016 91006 /ERE77 RELATE TO 077 OF 7,6711 NEW MIT WIMP 11),XF EXF4GSSfD M FEE7. 4 00947161 OF NE 26TH 766747E 4 01111E 0AAEYA1D E6170291 127 FEET WY OF 000 BEM LIM GOER BAY DIIIW (R01 FEEELem) B7 LB T PXNYd NAAlR911669616r NE 4NMEMR•NE 1st a5161. 1166106 1041 FEET OTT r.ia NEAM LOW M96 BA MIL• (1076 272T A4YD) 13) SUE OF DE D.411P6E SIESCRRES LOCOED MR27 DE MOUT SIN SHUN 75 1 ME RILL r NIES MDOIIR6 MD, F ARZGRE WERE POT ACC S0E TO CO M MER7921927100 14) 77162442E AO MEW 5/407010Ef317S MOT PM TIE 999 l IE88I LFRrT EMT DE AMOCO $240417944101 Cr DE PRLFW/r 0630118mI8916 67PE MO 06867 m DE@4 OF NY5745/2E04470 L0ff AS MTLarr 311.710 NO CRIMN 00 NY SMS70071 AND 66066E 176 SufAT COWLES Mml DE WOW 1E1266C1I S0.YM4DS AXPIID BT DE RORd 3571E BRm O 666706 MO LB45£45 AS DTSe1E0 el OM767 51-17, RLR01 ARBKTRIINE LUE 71000770 CMIEP 97266 ED. SWUM . S.R..., .-cS4zat. Mork Shore, .E.R0ai .may r Taos RD7esaM Lod Svrm.T 14773 SToa o7 MOM RC `G -t 5atr�` f CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No. LB 52 0 41 -OME COMY.196R PLC R101,16626 77E EAST 1/1 LOT 1, IB SS 61716NT.. 11E PEST 1/Z LOT T. HOEDB077867 LOT * HY0S 6777696 LOT 4 HARES 1366067 LOT 6 842E5 847F14NR LOT 4 Ha. Sera T. LOT 4 HUES MOM. LOT 7, IM ES arTTRO .- LOT 4 MIES BiaRrark LOT 4 Mar 4 SUMP mum MT FROM M77707#. LOT) HKK 41000 Cara 4HAT!7 MET S 177006 LOT 4 Mar 4 MEND CMS f MT CRON 06177 N: TOT R Mar 4 ELS= MMra M CRON sn1Lk` LOT 14 BMX 4 EIAE00 CURT MY 777041 ,OR CT LOT IT BILGE aP600 CURE 842 iFUE.SEOTEAE PRORDOT.4 C 01 316 AE Ma STREET,.. MK FLHIDA 33137 ?7 `FF-L3117 sirR'EvYb'IOLQS.04a Remo. 6 ...L Ft:. Thar Ira 'Ballndary and Topographic Siuvq .THE 2241.92 z 5EOF TTHHEa0 ICE .. PEOTE0Acs4 Wel 9712E041 OR FOFE55 /14. DILmaR. 6-00i0 6-1210 6 0130 6-60.0 6-010 6-020 6-020 6-6m - 0220 - 0220 -12.D 7-060 l�60 M ELE MO L L7E MICA IID r6T mI9 M. 0Tme TO Te RAT WEE WEE EXEC N RAT mar TA M En' 4 OF TE R0C MMO S 66ma-ME COME ELM% Awns D s air Cr TIC ram 9 MT Of sof s IOW m IIAsA0 SE MrWEE As Nomm 0TRAmx TR AT ass4 r nE NHL ROMAr use-906 Moms LOT 3 NO TIC MN 3 MET r tar.y 4Wf M eTo DC Mr TAL@9r, As MOE. N RN Mc ro, AT F4 f TIC Rao o6026 CrF m.. LAMS rtNIOT. Awn LOT 4�MN moonh.10]A116 TO RAT727EasAmccese Nm.09Hf TR OM. 4 Er 7.RHL.f600aa M001 m. LOT NO TIC MST 2666 O1 LOT B NN1L9112.A021H0C m DENAT TIMER AS IR00 N MT AR TRH MIT4 Or PC Moo Mum co -am Cana FlNmy1 ptpTp PE Oa IN Or al 4 NI Cr TIE LOTS 7 NO LOT NO TIE EST RIBT Mr No 01Dear nap oar r]e M1T emu .1RTr LN 10 Ha24r befOr114Aa»N0 m PC ;La PO OAS MGM 0usr Cr o am Nto 0 Rom e44 al MOON Let aOF isuoiker cams meat Mum�,. AMar do Lam MEW 94 Mora® 209914 Cr RE MAT MO SumL IPE r Lr TO NOON; ND r TIC IM asa OEra= Mir Cr 1MM EIS DE CST N4RT 03 749 OE ERN793 mar Wan /L/�rIQ 4 or64N0CR EMUS m TIC AM T =N 1972060 NRIMr MNM[T, me Mar Car To *Maw No ammo Mama > it Of Bo', MM. co um OM 9ST Cr NO moms TO401600 co TIE Eon fNo SOOT for r fa TO Mama Rom m79LTa[]Sara PC M0957Raralf4r NO m r LOTS m NO It. r.414r 99VE AcraMom96 OM Tomos As/Cmaza a, r IME nom smasS rmee.O on,, moos ALSO TIC Nam 79 lR CMS PC sea Nom RAT naMa•s ucan MMai r fora g�� /aiOdS Weak OMO TO Urea Car LAM Ma 6W Cr NO soomlTm� TO Cr TIC No ammo raresmm TIC VS'mar LE Cr SEEM- Bo, NO Dm BTE2111,9 TM0iAtQ Mar TE If NO Sumf LSE CrLW a MOESE ROM a 96fB LESS TIC ram Bo Ma NOLLSM MST BAT CrTe AZT ME EMNrEa BWf4EON•C TO 6T TIE®; AS mace IRO Ear 2 AT NNE S7 Cr PC Milo same 6•w O1R Csfa A094.1m OFNEL OM m AIK TIE sou oF Los 092s9010.004 ammo caYmot TO TE Rq nE@9; AS B4dIDFDNILO roma at 1222 SM TRAlTa r maplem TIC RAT MAO; AS Aa6:E0 N RAT WOE D, H MS Si Cr DCPBC GLOMS CO oraMOE r. M0II )1: )r• 4war R[7I.1 To TIE AT prom; As fa.. ofRT& R M sea S Cr TIC aces moms a, AWE /2 LOT 4res001i1.1'a1m.6 m PE RAT 0090 AS M IN RAT 07$AT FEE 54 OF ITC RHO MOW Cr asca m714r4foam 0ArT. Dimon RO60e TO TIE O10AAr A220E. I.RAT LAD[ 2 M BETEr 7EMrs Moons Or HMm T4' LOT cams rote AO WW2: As 8100m ofMrMs es MI CrITERHO.®1 a, ascau R�N.IL9®N TO PE RAT MN E AS Raae9 N R.C4HT 24. Ar 3S 7977E RHO MOW Er Isso-OCE cams,Nam TB as R7 m4 ewe Ie RAT6E:0 Asp aces a RAT ma 2HMr.$ OS PE RHO 162.6r r. mac le 44 13900D 606 BM MOP MONK co DE MIL MONS 9 orosMOE comaa 0 TIC Mr Maw As mama N RAT BOX aor me 77 Mai. Lor 4 Eau RHO4 0 O 07 err ma scam u cams TL ArraMO m AC RA 77 AN:m4m a RAT mar a .00074 Car ME I1HE TL: LAHERX0O�ff Orr reed�aroNceo TOT RN MEE AS EXEC N640714 or isorT TIE puma R6ORI NPULa la •0]r 4 mom ram ear ROM Mak Ma'/I410 m T RAT D00 6 MOOED N RAT ®r la AT ME 74 OF OE RBC MOYda 79.9.-99 auer. RL914 A4ffi74 L fOrf 402 RL 79C was -per 03333 WOOL mPE RAT TWEE As14Nf:O&u T4 MN1K74 MOM M A from Or WM. LAAo LONE x DE Emma 0814ER OE /) r some et Turam 9 Sams Mora mr. Orc Y14L Loa-rr mMf, Mrsa. aso Ma A MP. 79 THO SSW Cr LAM ore ®IH11 DE mu LLE r 7m726 211740trese e'1. 222.2 moor mArmeeAo DE R01� smcor memo . RHt7 iffo7®ar le, uss pc 74_ 0,4lco TT re Mae Maas rr r 79 . Ra✓m1 Re Mara as SONE 0, am TIE s� M'RL sate ESE NN104A2 Mabee As mum soavesM TIE snmmor crefot r LOT Tn Eau 6 Cr sea A.O r Sumo 61Rf BR MOT sODif TIpF emf AN Ma.'1300e79 0491M moa DE SM., 2013.2 Cr TIC Sur LE Cr as, LOT 11 LW A Mayor 1r ma AM Rem sass es Erma 9 Nana 9 Maws Mmasp RgAuT IC yr/ VMS M r FM m OE EMMA AMIE DE ha. LE car ff so, 1401Y x;.m f NM(N r DE rnE AORTNESAT 616 1121 m 068 AE ANT ISEcr Naa, Las i2 A 4 R Cr DE sur UE 70 sso �. 9r 1T r .saa a ElatF r � r ILANA BOUNDARY SURVEY Oda 1,I =I71 Y I l =lei q Y; r2f,I rot t (AAA:n -SUBJECT SITE LINMEIEISRIEM 0.92 J9 IER! maceoree Tm z 88372 m[]1MnWRIIM1A MENEM m7 STREET SUBDIVISION 80090)107 s4304) A PORTION OF SECTION 3030 AAR-DADE COMM, TLORffi4 306E 1'- J6' E. STfM1 3TREIT 3,71, STREET ^: Y is `6 i h T'FFaC( f 44T• itasz Mee .21 MOE 1'- JEN NI66 Sioar4a74 nose Macs a, BDiaurr Four Maas ACCONoo m area PE FUT ASAECYAt9 24.02 R Ear IN ara 54 ffCar 1Fo co,lCT7]aAC m - area a Ar A6YlR4D NRH&esiCa 74 DC a6TN a, Sal s foam Maass ammo TO DE S co Frei car � AS smarm RAT Ear M0J1 O LEFIM7E0 480 00C N 71E WREST NICER ME /) r SRIAT' 34 MMAHP 9 Sa.NM" a.ass OTE rARK 1411F0Ar Sara], Roma Mmr8C. ammo or TIBD SAW Cr Imo um S Ol 3S NO TIE mCr 4TM 66 8070 4 'Bl emu, massee TO DE Mr Dear MarraN COOT I slo RCN Mat •m'ECTOE R6 a aus-c TO 56RAT s a00 i 9AP 7F ram Cr eaff 7IIEE emo rCOLETT M40100 orare 02217: Reed RR 6DNS FE ! MEMO? rL E.7IE same Roca MC LAa Maas. ra28®As MUM moo Teers11941M orTIMEHs LLEE a,..0 Car z far IlCr Imiei - Hr 6166 /N16 H 6 66E6 SSN9C ]e 6Amf MCOfLO5 A NO 7 Ha2 6 r 941 F61 079966 6960 LRR MT I7706 SS001' LW Ms 1EIS m PE 30666 00 r f01 6 O S7O AMMO7IE0Hm MmH BV 771779E sa1Hr1 ]NBME sfmf CO =REM ao ru1670 swam NTT, SOUTEM cr M. 79 TE uRN for 79 STD 16 4 104 MLA 1617 n OCF ACDM a. maw: f 70 0E marts fersma N fora,LaT 1. Cr sea iu 79 Mora DM EGA NO780 N s001 54 Mom, ASOIM MOS 065L DV CrINK LN1-092 CV9; IMAMS WWII IMMIX NEWT DD CIE' Cr moor Dow (16W tan ■ome act auzm I LOTS 1 TO LOT 4 IWNE<81T7ROKAX07050 M TIE PLAT 1I21E66 RE00ROED M RAT BOOK 18 PAGE 34 MO LOT 7 LOT 11, ELMWO CUM MY AM517, AC:O4ll .0 TO DE PLAT moms s (5RD0 Pt PEAT EON 14 PEE 70,. ALL OF DE PUH.L 427092 NEYV 090E COMM 27(2264 LYNG M PE ma OF M94 67461-09DE DWANE FEOTM 3ECRON so, TOMES, 9 SOUTH, 6677E 42 EAST. �[?hGTEITl2E-�hZR 12(JZ�& . 4**ND BDRE6T0f 'JYLa. BR40 CORPORNTRr LTRAYAR, PTMRIDA P6015 0077 (964)466-7010 PAM (004 424-559B 3 Reeklee4 >m 4s ne m _ 8.1. et 2.54700 A arose Me. _ xae a San. Erns Et DEW A 05/44Tami Meela4 BI1141. Dtic n%LS 45 Sea. r:6o H1a An AJ-4563H Meet so 1 at row =a r 1.1 soma magma 0 • aces mom maw p 00:16:w •# Larre04 moor Lai r cam Aar -Cum- PP mown= fira Mc. Me 01•44[ mom xamo 040.4 nFlomx Q aces ®ems vox inLoo T. a• Aver we Tooffssoz • R.. oar rocoorFFL vow FL moN3FL•11111 l R4 .1 $ N.E. 27th STREET - - fRWN.0 SEALE N! 0 15 30 I .. a I (EV Fes) 1 ACM = 30 FT 1589593911 m ELX000 MR, EAY rtroxr SECTOR BLOC' 5 IP.a 15 ➢0 JO) Or 7 tor lo .R'�L'I.VmECYMMI:1No•,�lF:.@�d�� ..... ._.. 9tor 5.3551L33SWiNz-,B4D'10E 33a6601)3311M- ravaY0'E - gt $ M N E2nd STREET ALIET VADITE0 PER R£NLUILON R-217-05, MAY 2, 2005 (OF9. 4 TO' SEE 1/2- 15117 10 lor, � or <m, le M1571' R-I0.00' N27593Y i�6Y c a' -s-- —'6-' a I _�_ taxs �E93936i_ ——___-3-�- d' _— �- :STREET,�. �srsn()5 1(�-nar�ari W D AVENUE 1ft 2, PG 80840r ,. �...s,,.,,b Q,� � '' mxu.,.. L HOP {a mmA 68. G. ➢G 0 uuuryr "7 I1 Lao 1 , tor 1ms 1I-ran J N,,, 3 LOT. Y -. 0058 o£ [ . 1; 51000 6, I 1 rxorrvs er cum Ba 71017:10CW MHNIDITS R eDaauone ( Z a. 37? . 1 ®D } I 1 as I R V of emcnc ,.,' 9'yp` g2�� 1 00ll OT LOT l0 0005j 6. BARGFIOOR (➢a 2 15. SR LOr 1. ROCK 7. RI Nmz (➢s 2, ➢O. TOT LOT LOT 06NNC0N PLAZA (P.6. 32, £0 25) .d. 6saa6'ry) 06517(I or s Lai NOT SUMMED Tor TT 1' 4) MACY ilaFRS- MIAOW 0,029. FG3 ry ewe E 1HL 11) LOT 10 LOT II InQ tat irIO Le16J %.�. 25E Svrsr4010 6rsr>" (� i4YENUE PH.2,.. PC_ a,7)....-'°a:..�0 'r, ,.»p' WA'L' s Amu Rao- A, 000 001'Ivor (p.a. r13, 00 as) IEREmo, scow Ham IuA7E ID C71C or Mt DMA (MEW WW INTER Mt &OW REVISIONS TWA Remmt6 CERTIFICATE OF AU TIO0TATION No. LB 87 This is a e307mdaiy and fpograpMe Stem. Mole N1OO= COMP ORTIZ ORM. Mr: OEM THE RAM SEA. OT lHE ARMING FRO orw. wm sAxTOM OR PROMMO1a 02622:62 ILANA BOUNDARY SURVEY L0T51 TO LOT 4 11YNES-50FRONtACCD4.810 TO THE RAT THORN NECORDE0 M RAT LOON 19, PAGE 53 AND LOT T LOT 71, EL6200 COW! BAY FRONT, ALLCIOV,C TO TIE RAT TIERED' RECORDED 07 RAT 10( 16, PALE 75 ALL OF NE RINUC RECORDS OF UMW O41 CWNR; R0.409 MG NINE WY OF AIM,, 14410-0AOE COUNT; FLAWS SECTION 33 T091LNP 53 SOLON, RANGE 11 EAST. GS'afi 20EPLANNERS 1 2 080 0es� ��LAND sa 7er1 S 0010 CORPORITZ Tar 11TNA1%I. MOM. 89020 01, (05I)435-9010 7..9r: (850.15e-1188 I? .24122.6lat IDn.1er lc_ atl. It 1M6. bolm.e 408.•2 xs-m. 213mw M11199r»m n6/2016 [122626 5...12 0Is IeNN Oar.. 220202 P6 26 am. sees L':62/ me N. AS-458SH -dpM Re 2 ,t 0 Sta...