HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Presentation-Background and IntroductionBackground and Introduction 13-0/030 // ry? I j ; - rh fGLto vl -&tcKa rovr) ofd . Iiit 'ocudit oil Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Midtown: What Once Was almartMidtown.pptx Page 2 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Midtown: What Once Was WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 3 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Current Development —Great Success But Dream Still Not Complete WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 4 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Current Site - Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 5 WaI-mart Midtown: What Will Be 110 Perspective at NE 31 St Street & N Miami Ave Corner WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 6 Gensler A02-04 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WaI-mart Midtown: What Will Be Perspective Mid -Block N Miami Ave Gensler A02-05 ' Submitted into the public record in connection witt WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 7 item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issues No. 1 & 2 Scaling Elements: "LARGE BLANK SURFACES ...ARE DISCOURAGED ...This is especially true for ground floor level which requires additional detail and visual amenities DS Article III Sec. 2.3 "Building Continuity: All sides of a structure shall be continuous in design. No side shall be unimproved." (no emphasis added) DS Article III Sec. 2.5 "May be viewed on approach from the South" WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 8 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issues No. 1 & 2 Area at Issue (South Elevation) is an Interior Wall WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 9 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon ■ View of Midtown From South — Pyke Brothers & Son Car Shop Blocks Much of View WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 10 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon View 29th Street South View of Pyke Brothers & Son Car Shop WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 11 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon View N. Miami Ave. & 29th Street South View of Pyke Brothers & Son Car Shop Midtown Boulevard / Northeast 29th Street, Miami. Florida United States WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 12 PYKE BROS, & soy Pan n 6 101 t ,? Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Report a Problem View Midtown & 29th Street CODE AND DS DOES NOT APPLY TO INTERIOR WALLS: Appellants Fail to State: 1. Not a fronting wall, but an alley way Sec 627.2.10 Buildings "All buildings abutting a Primary Street...shall conform to (1) 65% linear frontage... (2) remaining frontage of 35% DS Follows the Code 2. Design Standards only address primary, secondary streets and Tertiary streets, Not Inner walls. Article 2 Preface Examples of Street fronts in DS Never Quoted in Mr. Sterns appeal nor did he mention Pikes Garage is the view from the Southern approach, which is not even the Midtown view WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 13 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Regulations or Design Standards Do Not Apply to Interior Walls Guidelines Street Grid New streets and avenues in SD 27.2 shall generally align with the ex- isting street grid, as required in Section 627.2. This will create an effi- cient development scheme that enables enhanced circulation for pe- destrians and vehicles. Open space may be substituted for a street opening, when it is designed to enhance circulation between city blocks. Each street is part of a greater street hierarchy developed to organize land uses and activities. I : Primary Streets NE 34th Street Midtown Boulevard Buena Vista Avenue North Miami Avenue NE 36th Street NE 29th Street 2: Secondary Streets NE 30th, NE 3 I st, NE 32nd, NE 35th Streets WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 14 SD 27.2. Design Standards ant for to ute existing City ofMian street grid through the site. The urban owironinesit will be defined by network of streets and frequent intersections which extend to the Design District the VJynwood neighborhood. and Bixayne Boulevard. This integration will enhance the pedestrian emirontnen. Each street is pare of a greater street hierarchy developed to organize land uses and activities. I : Primary Streets • NE 31th Street • Midtown Boulevard • BuenaVists Avenue • North Miami Avenue • NE 36th Street • NE 29th Sneer 2: Secondary Streets • NE 30th. NE 311t NE 32nd.NE 3Ssh Streets Sidewalks Emphasize connector s to the surrounding City by using the standard Cry of Miami concrete sidewalks for all waWble areas within the public right-of-way. On -Street Perking Most streets will have on.sueet parking. This urban ceodgunoon will act as a buffer between pedestrians and street vaN,c to create a safe pedestrian evhvumxnmt II. Street Types Guidelines Street Grid New streets and avenues in SD 27.2 shall generally align with the ex. isting street grid, as required in Section 627.2, This will create an effi- cient development scheme that enables enhanced circulation for pe destrians and vehicles. Open space may be substituted for a street opening when it is designed to enhance circulation between city blocks. Street Types Primary Streets are the major streets in the SD 27.2 District and include main pedestrian streets. perimeter streets that connect to the surrounding neighborhood, and main vehicular thoroughfares. They have the most visibility and shall. therefore. have the most stringent design and architectural standards. Similarly. they shall be the main source of activity for the neighborhood and shall have active ground floor active uses and significant open space for pedestrian usage. Secondary Streets are the main service streets in the 5D 27.2 District They connect pedestrians co primary streets and handle medium intensity activities such as vehicular service access and neighborhood retail uses. Design requirements for these streets are less restrictive because their primary purpose is co service the building and provide some ground floor active uses. Tertiary Streets are residential and shall have design requirements that promote the residential character of these streets. Ground floor active uses are encouraged, but shall not be required. Sidewalks Sidewalks are the main pedestrian thruways and shall be designed to create a comfortable. outdoor public space to accommodate a range of active and passive pedestrian activities. Sidewalks shall be simply designed to achieve these requirements. Dimensional requirements vary for each street and are more clearly described on the following pages. Landscaped pedestrian "bulb -outs" are encouraged as a tool for en- hancing the pedestrian experience by extending the sidewalk and cre- ating shorter crossing distances at intersections. On -Street Parking On -street parking is required on most streets to provide additional parking opportunities and create a more urban street type with sub- stantial pedestrian buffers. All on -street parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7' wide by 20' long. unless otherwise noted. 6 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon TO CLAIM DS or Code APPLIES, Appellants MISLEADINGLY UMULS nit try.. "FACADE" FkU IM 1' CAPTIONS OF TITLE: ACTUALLY STATES "III Design Standards, 2: Building Facade" (Well known defined phrase) City officials state, (Code 11000 provides Facade: Any exterior face(s) or wall(s) of a building, usually the front, distinguished from other faces by architectural embellishments) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 17 Appellants Misleadingly State Wrong claims about Parcels G&H "The proposed featureless wall will abut two parcels to the South that are to be used exclusively as public space for the use and enjoyment of the public" (No emphasis added). (Creating an Image of Parks) Private property zoned commercial no different then the rest of Midtown. Can build to Zoning, i.e 60' to 120' per Sec. 627.27 WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 15 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 16 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Appellants Misleadingly State: 4. "Featureless Precast Concrete" is a "large blank surface." It's Not. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 18 1 Issues No. 1 & 2 Area at Issue (South Elevation) D. 1 1I I II _ - _ _f- SOUTH PROPERTY LINE WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 19 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon LEVELM Issues No. 1 & 2 (South Elevation) West View WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 20 (B Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issues No. 1 & 2 (South Elevation) East View - Glass and Corrugated Steel T.O. Parapet 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Ground Floor 0 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Liner Shops at Midto Miami, Florida UDRB Sub o wv4e>. AA,amiawn,. rerprodwronal or Nnevvme ean,kAAd any„nl,m of lhbau.ko gs In ..m5 or x4 AAA Mar M mod."keTNA IAAepnrx, wetion tbrm.,".m "r£Yrw'exkn Ar,Wa41x AN ccjvK ,firm In 4'.,.2U,tra+.nps m" MA.+ryxrty o! Z1xa,.cA A4el..lacl, AO erpvrpM, r@Won, t20:2 Elevation: Steel Bay ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS Structural Steel Frame Color: Rust Orange Spandrel Storefront System Impact resistant Color. Light green or clear Aluminum Lettering Painted all sides Finish: Kynar, or similar Color: Chocolate Storefront System Mullions Impact resistant Finish: Kynar, or similar Color: Anodized Aluminum Storefront System Vision Glass Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Corrugated Steel Panels Profile to match typical shipping container Color: Chocolate 10u ry Berra Yn• Blvd trth Fi M,.mU FL 33133 x,u> 305.372.5.2 1 305.577.4521 March 14, 2013 • • . rr11 r en 73 '3r fl. C N a, O c C = C O 0 co N .= O E (n L .- Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 21 Summary of Omissions and Mischaracterizations for Complaints 1 & 2 (South Wall) • Omits that South Wall is an Interior wall • Omits that the Code and DS simply do not apply to Interior Walls because they do not front any Primary or Secondary Streets. Not enclosed alley way plot abutting any public street • Omits any reference by what you predominately see when approaching from South —Its Pikes Garage (not a Midtown View) • Omits the term "Building Facade" Entirely from his brief to argue we should decorate Interior Walls • Mischaracterizes Lot G & H as "Public Space" for use by the Public, when its Privately owned and used only by Trespassers • Omits that is not a Blank Wall, but Scored, with wrap around treatment WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 22 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon No. 3 Alleged Non -Conformity 1. Requirement for Second Story of Liner Uses must be used ("use") 2. The 3rd floor Parking Lot is not Setbacks 85 feet, per Code Complied with Both 2nd Floor Liner Use: Usable Liner Use for 2nd Floor parking or set back 85' 3rd floor roof parking set back 85' WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 23 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon OVERALL Walmart Liner Use Perspective at NE 31 St Street & N Miami Ave Corner WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 24 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Gensler A02-04 OVERALL Walmart Liner Use A. Overall View Effective B. 627.2.12(3) Liner uses are generally required on parking garages that front primary When required ground level parking facilities must be Tined with active uses. Upper level parking facilities that do not incorporate liner uses shall be set back no less that 85' and shall not exceed a height of 50'. UDRB Feb 20th hearing: Not decorative but Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Liner Uses: Storefronts and building fronts that conceal a larger use trom view such as a parking garage. Active Uses: The principle component of the SD-27 district is ground floor active uses which promote pedestrian activity. An active use is any use that provides a public entrance from the street with an interior use that serves the general public. This may include retail, office, educational facilities, entertainment, and live -work. Liner Uses: Building uses that serve to conceal uses such as parking garages and service areas. When liner uses contain ground floor space shall be designed to accommodate retail and/or other uses that promote pedestrian traffic and shall have entrances directly accessible from a public sidewalk or open space. WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 25 Appellants Omit in their Brief: UDRB Submittal B c R',.\--\-\--V— Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon ■ RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT Ell VERTICAL CIRCULATION n MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 267 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 353 Stalls (9 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 620 Stalls SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIAMI MIDTOWN Issue No. 3 Revised Post-UDRB — 2nd Level Parking —Can USE 2nd Floor liner REIft.R CUM.: SCREINI. PROVIDED PRIOR MT. -NAM LEASE C Walmart SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI March 14, 2013 WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 27 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon INRRgR CORN:, SCiffW NGYNCVL. MDR 10 17.111..EASE INTt ORCURTAt SCREENING PROVIDED PRIOR TOTMAM LEASE l wM u RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT 0 VERTICAL CIRCULATION ▪ MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 577 Stalls SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE r•3a-m Gensler I CT/1 A01-02 L'L ('r Issue No. 3 Revised Post-UDRB — 3rd Level Parking 449,,R kPuk 314 PARKING STALLS '�-;(123,290 SF PARKING SURFACE) WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 28 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT l VERTICAL CIRCULATION MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 577 Stalls ROOF TOP FVNfT!ONS ON SF) - VEHICULAR PARKING = 123.290 SF STAINED CONCRETE = 45,130 SF - BUILDING ENCLOSURE = 7. 190 SF - TRELLIS STRUCTURES = 3.540 SF TRELLIS EXAMPLE #1 NEXT Issue No. 3 Exterior Wall of Second Level Parking Garage Liner that can be "USED" 8 gin Ul Map - ENLARGED ELEVATION IKOMMOP %. 14 M1 so lo III wi MIrnEow1010 Q ENLARGED SECTION 6 ENLARGED PERSPECTIVE 1/8' - 1' Cr 1 /8" - 1' :Y Walmart 2 3 4 5 6 1 • I Ff ID0111 8 r — — 7 10 11 12 111 dill, lie SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI March 14, 2013 WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 28 e!H Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Mary ®" mem MA NORTH MIAMI AVE. LANDSCAPING 14. 1 2 L I I 1 3 Gensler I CCF1�',�,d'S,.,w WEST ELEVATION sCA!e: r.20 o A02-01 • Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon No. 4 Alleged Non -Conformity Parking Garage Roof (SD 27.2, Design Standard Article III, § 7.1-7.3) 11SI FIM1Nt "Conceal roof top parking' and use 'distinctive building tops to identify the areas as midtown Miami" "The proposed Project's uncovered parking and stained concrete around the edges of the parking lot surface falls far short of the express provisions and the intent of the Code." Quote from Appellant's Brief FAILS TO EVEN REFERENCE "Uncovered Parking" Section WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 29 SD 27.2 DS III, Building tops & Roof Tops 7.2 Parking Garage Roof "Uncovered parking garage roofs shall be concealed with 1. creative, 2. colored surfaces and 3. landscapes. Intent: Conceal Roof top parking" Design standards say about HOW to conceal roof top parking. "Creative Colored Surfaces and Landscapes" 1 urt covered parking garages shows you will see parts of the cars, otherwise we would call it "Covered Parking garage roofs." Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon 3 .4 Issue No. 4 Appellants OMIT UDRB Submittal — Third Level Rooftop Parking Garage. No Landscape, No Creative Colored Pavement, BUT CONSISTENT WITH NEIGHBORHOOD A a G RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT I-1 VERTICAL CIRCULATION U MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 267 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 353 Stalls (9 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 620 Stalls Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 21 13 Todd B. Hannon UTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIAMI MIDTOWN Issue No. 4 Rooftop public parking deck on NE 31st Street —across the street from the Project — Monotone, not trees, exposed equipment, not even a liner. Paved over effect Helicopter view protection 1r' WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 33 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Rooftop deck of Target in Midtown —Monotone, Exposed Equipment, No Trees, Absolutely nothing Creative pit vo4 �- 111 zE • WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 34 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue No. 4 Rooftop View of Target From Adjoining Residences —Paved Over effect, no dual tone design, no trees, no landscaping, exposed equipment, nothing creative, just a lot. WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 35 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue No. 4 Rooftop View of Target From Adjoining Residences WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 36 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Revised Post-UDRB — Third Level Rooftop Parking Garage 1. Landscaping(120 trees) 2. 4 Trellis at 790 Sq.Ft. Each/ 3540 SF 3. Stained Concrete is 45,130 out of 123,290 Sq.Ft.(37%) 4. Rooftop Enclosures 7,190 1 cc+rfl�> !xpxn 9 314 PARKING STALLS (123,290 SF PARKING SURFACE) :<w�7 Tits* pIF ?'r k✓(tR1 3 v w gw.Mk,ad44, E .n.wc Krx naegS- ❑ RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT n VERTICAL CIRCULATION n MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 577 Stalls ROOF TOP FUNCTIONS (IN SF) - VEHICULAR PARKING = 123,290 SF - STAINED CONCRETE = 45,130 SF - BUILDING ENCLOSURE = 7, 190 SF - TRELLIS STRUCTURES = 3540 SF TRELLIS EXAMPLE #1 7.2 Parking Garage Roof "Uncovered parking garage roofs shall be concealed with creative, colored surfaces and landscapes WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 37 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon NEXT Issue No. 4 Rooftop View 14 Shady Lady Trees: Approx. 14' tall & 8'-10' canopy to shade with planters (30") 54 Montgomery palms at approx. 16' high & 10' spread covering seating areas with planters (30") 46 Thatch palms approx. 10' high with 6' spread = 460 Sq.Ft. 30" high planters around 14 shady ladies trees and 54 Montgomery palms PodoCarpos Lining the parking garage Nearly a 1/3 of all of the lot stained integrated with benches Accents at the access points with r4rSfpftilPs ► r . 1 +fie rp(t< .fo Arr.I.SS 470411t " ET'S t ► tit*. h)f -,rr d it r- I F, « 4 'r R iT ( C LANDSCAPING SKETCH @ 3RD FL STORE ENTRY WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 38 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue No. 4 Rooftop Trellis Area WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 39 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon BACK • 46 Small palms (Thatch Palms) are located in the interior parking field to oreak up the parking field and provide some shade • The height of the small palms installed will be @10' with a @6' spread -- Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 40 BACK Issue No. 4 Pordocarpus Hedge WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 41 © Trim around entire roof --Small scrubs will be placed in key locations around the roof (Eugenia Pordo Carpus). Lines the roof. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon BACK Issue No. 4 Montgomery Palm Tree WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 42 • 54 Montgomery Palms are in clusters around the perimeter of the root and integrated with the trellis/seating areas Q The height of the trees installed will be @16' with a @ 10' spread Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon BACK Issue No. 4 Shady Lady WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 43 Q 14 Medium shade trees (Shady Lady) are located in end islands to define parking fields • The height of the trees installed will be @14' with a @8'-10' spread Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon BACK NEXT Alleged Non -Conformity No. 5 Street Types for NE 31st and 34th Streets, Requires 10-Foot Second Floor Setback "The governing Design Standards could not be more clear...This is another easily demonstrable, black -and -white code requirement..." Agreed — it is Black -and -White WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 44 Submitted into the public +i.,.....i+M item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon No. 5: Street Types for NE 31st and 34th Streets, 10-Foot Second Floor Setback (SD 27.2 - Design Standard Article II) Ordinance and Design Standard (Conflict) Ordinance — Section 627.2.7 (page C-22) 627.2.7. Maximum Height. Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements. TABLE INSET SD 27.2 Maximum height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements Street/Classification Height Ground Floor Building To Mid -level Setback' Upper -level Setback— Uses NE 34th Street Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To 15' setback above 20' elevation NIA All SD 27.2 uses per - mitted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided in Section 627 212 NE 32nd Street Sec- ondary 60 for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To 10 setback above 20' elevation N'A 30% active ground floor uses All SD 27 2 uses permitted NE 31st Street Sec- ondary 60' for commercial sin- gle-use 120 for mixed- use 0' Build -To G N'A 30% active ground floor uses All SD 27.2 uses permitted WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 45 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Alleged Non -Conformity No. 6 Loading Berths Appellants complain we have 5 loading berths WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 46 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 /71 /13 Todd B. Hannon Issue No. 6 Section 627.2.15 Establishes a Minimum Requirement Brief Analysis and Defense 41 e .. .HirequirementsofSecon27:,.- . A 5 in r ar stre4t load ng. e. requiremen or loa ing bert s is se out in Section 627.2.1 an A&-zclequately read as Ind ud minium require loading berths depending re:...:feet CO nstru ction 627.2.15. Off-street Loading. The off-street loading requirements shall be as follows: 2. For non-residential uses: c) For non-residential floor area up to two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) square feet, three (3) berths total; • Appellants point to no prohibition against more than three berths • Exceeding Requirements that City like any other part of the Code. • Industry Term -Always been the interpreted. The Same for Other Surrounding Cities WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 47 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Beautiful look with hidden loading bays well within interior of building E K: WaImart;, SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI D C d N.E. 31ST STREET WAar LANDSCAPING t IHEI. o�fi, March 14, 2013 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1°=20.0 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Do NOT MIX: Do not Want Trucks Waiting for a Loading Bay on Primary Streets Such as North Miami Ave or Midtown Blvd. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 48 Issue No. 6 Previously Approved Class II Permit (Loading Berths) Five Approved F EvALOTTLIAS !VERSIFIED ALAITY BEANIE ARCHITECTURAL PARTNERSHIP I Sou ark, T 116 Man*. MAY Su. .C.AnIGabkifkviela 3.1134 PK )0$41.7100 • iX305.444.9eVi • lowdbaponflaton C.P1.4.200111, Archnscaeol Pmetenhko CPenne i IlL § JCPenney indi°103,20oAs1 4 SAAkalq,ee• Cowl. i . . . 44,OUTA. lirl Retaii 'Er 19,040 st 4 )4`- ,111.,R7m- "te4 Per-4. 112-er D 93.4 -,4310t'!? Livo al li'a.A,J, RetaiRetail A9.670s1 7,642 :es,.i8488s1 4r2;`7 ,z .4., ...,....z, ...i,_ ., ...,.....c ,...e.mr_ r. xuevc .;,,•••••usi -..raip• N MIAMI AVENUE r SOUTH SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH At Mit:flown Miami JANUARY 16. 2008 WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 49 SOUTH BLOCK salmi 1 itAcT ZONVAG DATA A#01,01ATIOA SAWALE USE MALMO r an, LOCK11001 rote wcwn.......sou I rwa. Jam [LAM. IMAAPAAA: VALLI -r,ItilhAvelo. otarr....cmcmva. Alt NM THEM/. AI 111.1C•ON RAI ITOOK NI Al PAW n. OT 1.1.T.LIC WOO. CS bil.S.ToSir COUNT, RM. ▪ OTTA: LCO.A1061..c, r.r.et WOW. MTTOWS.W11 WW1 SWIM TOIL1 Wei ,ION.ste • MA AAAP0A6.1 Wall. 1.0f 466 01,./.7.6, .0111,6011. 011.01Colikl titilt.60110.6415 urr ant No, • 21.n IV .C.104 U T PAT. TRACI 1,116411.10 10 C1.1.111.. 0,10TTM TIPae MM. A.M. 004.4440.1611.1WW.P.T.C.J...101, • oftossur I =NOM. #1./ATMBI 01.10611111.•.011140 .4.1641•041.103114.1.01LATIOM S•C-00.16T/.2. KOC• TOO. P.' 70AIT4* 101A. Os .12 TA IAA MM. TO AUG ITAINTJ • 8114-nal ..11-1 2117GTIF X In • ma& .11, SUM HAW.. • ..4k. 0 FA IL MM. 1.••4.1.1• !ECM. WI. MD Walla 521.1.7 '- • OVUT.DETZ MTN.. MO FAD. 1.1•113 •11111010.1.744.11 NM TAY 0.1 OLOAND /MOM fj IMOLA. 1.1 laTXITU.140.0la,81.4.610,01410Cf TIMM no -mar ...M111.0.1.141174/..27.1, ITARONIR (MOTE - het ITIKTR. ▪ rr....31, RT,TV•IV TH.17.2 MYR, T. NAOMI.an RV.a pro or MOP, Cif MIR ShreaT • YR Wm.. MW. ITKINedNIT I r) a 1,..11 Sul4.1111.11UMMODIT JO vAA.I.e 1,0,4140 0.014 MST R.. RN C .1.17,V1,1 A WAXY Mt. TOOT 0040101 T.11. Pira.JAMKrPIRINT110 PAWNS %TWIT 1.0C.ATCM•4 ban Kt. xeitTn TOSIMAImirl..... Katelti .01.10.0aT214 Maxim C1,15, tikkha tn. %Wig .0111111.27.......111040 0.1.01111.1.14 P.M MORO, WAT MIR Off 0.105(Ticr err.(171....0 9.1 Or/UMW NV siva. nnw WWI SP/021.41.MIMITI, AfautAfa IMAM. c-tE-IrTitri 4e,araes 42.1114.9 ININ • von. 1.00.Q1 NAM/ /7\ FIRST FLOOR PLAN N,ITSCALE: P 80.-oo. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon A1.02 Pie:LA[1# 07034 The Class II that encompasses Target and other users (serving retail area of 324,881 sq. ft.) within the block (located at 3401 N Miami Ave #100, Miami, FL) contemplates eleven (11) loading berths City o1 Miami Class II Permit - Urban Design Review Board - May 19 , 2004 re Level elei 324,884 s1 ;dal8al 32,343 s.t, al8sg 1,795 spaces+ MORIN My Ala Jfoi :is SOW rm .c[oo4 floor Pon GSI Architects l,. 1 The Shops at Midtown Miami hops WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 50 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 21 13 Todd B. Hannon NC 34T1I ;sIRLI T Alleged Non -Conformity No. 7 Variances From Streetscape Design Standards NO "ON -STREET PARKING (PARALLEL PARKING) WITH "SUBSTANTIAL PEDESTRIAN BUFFERS." "Design Standards ''EOUIRL 2 LANES OF TRAFFIC WITH 2 LANES OF ON -STREET PARKING." (Emphasis Added) (§ 627.2.9 SD 27.2) WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 51 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon 31 Street Design Guideline 1. A row of parallel parking or small to medium truck loading area is recommended between the travel lane and the pedestrian area" (NOT "REQUIRED" as Appellants claim) 27.2 DS II Street Types,2 Secondary Streets: Parallel Parking. 2. Where the code requires parallel parking it expressly states (29th Street and Buena Vista Ave.). Ex. 29th Street: "Parallel Parking: An 8' wide parallel parking area shall be placed along the north side of the street between the landscape verge and the travel lane." -� yr Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 21 13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 52 Appellants Fail To Disclose that Director of Public Work Controls, not the Plannin Department. Not even Director's Decision The Director of the City of Miami Department of Public Works reviewed and approved the streetscape. Public works is the ultimate authority on an hinq street related. Sec.627.2.9 ("All exterior space ..shall conform to the following standards subject to the approval of the Director of the City of Miami ...Public works...denial of these requirements shall not constitute a variance from this ordinance" Common Sense Reason: Loading Trucks Turning rations, Roadway Safety is not Planning Department. WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 53 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon A. 31st Street Parking Garage Entrance. SD 27.2 B. Secondary streets: "[M]ain service areas handle medium intensity activities such as vehicular service access . Design requirements for these streets are less restrictive b purpose is to service the building... Slower Street Traffic and Connects MidTown Blvd and North Miami Services main area tt' SEE S-{EET ;? N,�:'-,a1E•i r5 se their primary Car Parking Landscaped View Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Walmart 1. SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI N.E. 31ST STREET LANDSCAPING March 14, 2013 Pull -Down Loading Dock Door to keep loading hidden and quiet NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1•=20'-0" 6Su, II* QUIRE"-, - 6' ■ 5F&CUfNDFLA:L [) rrOm lt PfULiTuararg tit 31st LINEAR F ON:ADE - 43.5'. ' 344k REQJIRW-145'.61 PROJECT PROVIDED=1.4r-o' N. MI100.1I AVE LINEAR FRONTAGE - 65% RRa4.)1EFEf - 292'4;' F.ROIFCT P Rik' HAD - 295'-1" WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 54 REAL REASON FOR CLAIM: Public Works Director Determination Only Workable Way to Configure L 1 V I% J Z7 I I ■TT�7 Primary Street r!f: Primary Street -3077.117, SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 55 Appellants Version of How Walmart Should Receive Deliveries WalmartMidtown.pptx Page 56 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Todd B. Hannon