HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Mark Alvarez Presentation-Midtown Walmart Class II Special Permit13- o/O30r7- �'ub i &j- friar.' R/ zrez PreseNta-►°oh- rn%dfowr) Wei/mart Class .JZ Special Per rnit Midtown Walmart Class II Special Permit Review for Conformity with Miami 21 Code PZ.18 21 November 2013 City Commission Meeting Presentation by Mark Alvarez Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Qualifications: • Over 20 years as professional planner in Florida • Experience in development review, development impacts, zoning amendments, comprehensive planning • Corridor and area planning studies • Downtown redevelopment plans • Transportation and transit planning • Capital improvement programming • Resume attached Exhibit Conventions: • All exhibits taken from LegiStar file materials or public sources • Yellow highlighting and red underline added to text for emphasis • Added text and pointers are bold red type in gray boxes .41— ADDED TEXT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Issues Major Planning Issues: 1) 65% pedestrian use frontage requirement not met along North Miami Avenue 2nd story parking with incomplete liner uses and inadequate setback Technical Site Issues: 3) Parking located within maximum setback on 31st Street 4) Loading bay requirement Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue 1: N. Miami Av.PedestrianUse Frontage 627.2.1. Intent. 1 1 This district is of special and substantial public interest given its proximity to Downtown Miami and the Omni Area, the Design District, Miami Beach, the Wynwood Neighborhood and to future proposed commuter transit facilities within the Florida East Coast Railway (FEC) Corridor. The intent of the district is to: (1) Promote the creation of a Miami midtown environment through intensive urban retail mixed -use development with a twenty-four hour activity pattern; and (2) Enhance the pedestrian environment and connectivit ofthe existing surrounding areas by extending the city street . rld through the district. To this end, the district promotes streetscapes and mixe-Xusatadings designed to provide pesestrians with lively, interesting, well -landscaped and highly usable public spaces with a maximum interrelationship with ground floor buildin uses. 1 The Midtown Miami West district regulations are intended to provide a method to allow for planning initiatives that achieve a unique or innovative development that is not otherwise provided for in the zoning ordinance. These planning initiatives may include, but are not limited to, Smart Growth as defined in Section 627. The standards and procedures of this district are intended to promote flexible design and permit planned diversification and integration of uses and structures, with limitations and regulations as deemed necessary to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare. Design standards supplement this ordinance and provide more detailed clarification. Concerning building uses and overall buildable area, mixed -use development is encouraged by providing greater floor area ratios and overall building height than that of single use buildings. Furthermore, additional height is provided for sites that abut significant open space and/or are designated as strategically located visual gate- ways as defined in Section 627. Yard and setback areas are minimal and are required to be developed as an integral part of the overall pedestrian streetscape. Ground floor build -to lines are provided in order to establish a continuous building frontage that enhances and provides spatial definition for the urban streetscape. Although no specific requirements are contained herein, it is further intended that buildings be designed utilizing environmentally sensitive methods, including, but not limited to, passive and active solar techniques, green - roofs, the utilization of environmentally sustainable materials and efficient mechanical systems. Submitted into the public record in connection with C.17 item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue 1: IAMI 21 . 3 ADOPTED - APRIL 2013 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Open Air Retail: See Section 1.1, Commercial Use. ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - JULY 2012 Open Space: Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved by permanent Buildings and open to the sky; such space shall be reserved for public or private Use. Open Spaces may include Parks, Greens, Squares, Courtyards, Gardens, Playgrounds, paseos (when designed predominantly for pedestrians), and pedestrian paths or associated landscaped areas. Outbuilding: A Building, usually located towards the rear of the same Lot as a Principal Building. It is sometimes connected to the Principal Building by a Backbuilding. Park: A tract of land designated and used by the public for active and passive recreation. See Article 4, Table 7. Also known as Public Park. Parking Area: Any area designed and used for parking motor vehicles including parking lots and ga- rages, driveways, garages serving residential Uses, and Thoroughfares. Parking Garage or Parking Structure: A Structure containing vehicular parking, incfuding mechanical parking systems. Parking, Off -site: Spaces provided for vehicles and located outside of the boundaries of the Lots to be served. Parking, Off-street: Any land area designed and used for parking motor vehicles including parking lots and garages, driveways and garages serving residential uses, but excluding areas of Thoroughfares. See Articles 3 and 4. Parking, Tandem: The placement of vehicles one behind the other as opposed to side by side. Parking, Underground: Parking in which the ceiling or roof of the top level does not rise above any adjoining public Sidewalk. Pawnshop: Establishments which provide loans upon delivery of personal goods or other chattel as security and sell those same items as a secondhand retail service. See Section 1.1 (Industrial, Products and Services). Pedestal: In T6 Zones, that portion of a Building up to the eighth Story. Also known as podium. Pedestrian Orientation: The characteristics of an area where the location and access to Buildings, types of Uses permitted on the street level, and storefront design relate to the needs of persons travel- ing on foot. Pedestrian Passage: A public Open Space restricted to pedestrian Use and limited vehicular access that SD-27 MIDTOWN MIAMI SPECIAL DISTRICT APPENDIX C: MIDTOWN OVERLAY DISTRIC The objective of this District is to promote neighborhood redevelopment through medium to high del ity mix use development. Due to intensity of Infill development and redevelopment in the SD-27 Districts, pupul.dr( and the overall level of commercial and retail activity will greatly increase. Combined with the proximity of the SD-27 Districts to downtown and othk , revit. di'ing neighborhr,nds, cony nient and reliable transportation along the Midtown Miami Special District an cone, the neighborhoods, job residences and activity centers and expand greater revitalization. The character of the district is to include o wide range of pedestrian ._.,Tented activities that would facilitate vibrant mixed -use community setting, permitting the development of flexible live -work spaces as determined I market forces, including mixed -use loft development. Ground level activities and uses with strong pedestru orientation are mandated to front streets to generate a lively pedestii,in street life, The District is intended for rnedium scale projects of diverse architectural design. Buildings will be restricts as to height, setbacks, and will require habitable uses for portions of the building closest to the street Undis landscaping, paving, street furniture, storefront design. signage and building facade guidelines, as well as i centives that would allow for the rehabilitation of significant historic resources. For the purpose of the SD 27, the following definitions shall applyi Active Uses The principle component of the SD-27 district is ground floor active uses which promote pede trian acttvity, An active use is any use that provides a public entrance from the street with an intenor use If serves the general public. This may include retail. office educational facilities entertainment and 1Ive-work Big -Box retail is defined as a single retail store comprised of at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, Build -To Line An alignment established a certain distance from the base building line to a line along which building shall be constructed. Build -to dimensions are established in Sections 627.1.7 and b:'i.1.8 for ea street frontage and require that primary building frontages (excluding colonnades, arcades and awnings) I constructed at the dimension provided for a minimum of x (x) percent of the lineal building frontage. Pursuz to Sections 627.1.7 and 627.1.8, colonnades and arcades may encroach the specified build -to line providec minimum unobstructed pedestrian space of five (5) feet is provided. Colonnades and arcades shall not encroa upon the base building line. Furthermore, Build -To lines are subject to compliance with the City of Miami Visi, Clearance requirements of Article 908. Gateway: The SD-27 District promotes the design of buildings as gateway structures by providing .I • ;ter towable height at strategic street intersections within the district. The gateway sites -.hall be ,;< follows: (1) The Southeast corner of the intersection of North Miami Avenue and Northeast 6th Street; (2) The Southwest corner of the intersection of Northeast 36th Street and Northeast 2nd Avg nun' ,ind (3) The Southeast corner of the intersection of Northeast 34th Street and Northeast 1st Place Liner Uses Building uses that serve lu conceal uses such as parking garages and service areas When lir uses contain ground floor space, such space shall be designed to accommodate retail andlor other uses tt promote pedestrian traffic and shall have entrances directly accessible from a public sidewalk or open spec Live -work. Live -work describes residential units that have a commercial and/or office component access through an external street entrance. The intent of this use is to provide efficient housing with the opportunity workspace that can contribute active uses at the ground floor. Home occupations pur :u•nnt to the provisions 1.27 C.5 Issue 1: � N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage 1 1• 1 1 II 1 627.2.7. Maximum Height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements. TABLE INSET: SD 27.2 Maximum height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements Street/Classification Height Ground Floor Building To Mid -level Setback* Upper -level Setback** Uses Midtown Boulevard Primary 60' for commerdal single -use 120' for residential or mixed- use 20' Build -To Area between the.building frontage and based building building line shall be improved as open space. Maximum Allowable encroach- ment (0' build -to) for 80' of linear frontage per block 35' setback above 60' elevation N/A All SD 27.2 uses permitted except that Big Box retail shall not be permltted'from 31st Street to. 36th Street, Liner uses on all park - ing structures Buena Vista Avenue • (north of 34th Street) Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To NIA 15' setbackl above 60' elevation All SD 27.2 uses permitted Buena Vista Avenue • (south of 34th Street) Primary .60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use or theaters 0' Build -To N/A 15' setback above 60' elevation All SD 27.2 uses permitted NE 36th Street Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use or theaters 9' setback with colon- nade or awning Maxi- mum Setback of 20' N/A . 15' setback above 60' elevation - Ali SD 27.2 uses per - matted Liner uses on . all parking structures except as otherwise provided in Section 627,2.12 NE 29th Street Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed use N/A N/A NIA All SD27.2. uses per - matted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided in Section 627.2.12 North Miami Avenue Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 200' for mixed use and gate- way 1 requirement 9'.Bulld-To with colonnade or awning 5' build -to from center- line of NE 38th Street south for a distance of 315' N/A 15' setback above 60' All SD 27.2 uses per - mltted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided In Section 627.2.12 C.21 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon i i i r Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage 0 i o i i Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED • JULY 2012 APPENDIX C: MIDTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT 627,2.10. Buildings. All buildings abutting "primary streets" as provided in Section 627.2.8, shall conform to the following standards: 1. A minimum of sixty-five (55) percent of the linear frontage of any lot abutting a "primary" street, and thirty (30) percent of any lot abutting a "secondary" street, shall contain ground floor space designed to accommodate retail and other uses that promote pedestrian traffic, The design of such space shall meet the standards listed below, except for buildings that are intended primarily for residential use, where ground floor pedestrian oriented uses would be inappropriate or disruptive to the residential use. (a) All ground level space designed for pedestrian oriented uses shall have external en- trances directly accessible from public sidewalk space. At least one (1) external entrance shall be located along the frontage of the primary street or on the corner intersection of the primary street and any other street or the frontage of public open space. Additionally, each building use, such as a retail store with a cafe or restaurant, shall have separate entrances. All such entrances shall he transpa€eet. (b) For the first ten (10) feet of height above the public sidewalk elevation, the exterior building wall shall contain windows and/or doorways of transparent glass covering at least fifty (50) percent of linear frontage (to be calculated at a height over 30 inches) of each building; plazas and openings into pedestrian entrances and spaces shall count towards the 50% transparency requirement specified in this section. Additionally, the base of all transparent openings shall be no more than thirty (30) inches above the sidewalk. Display windows may count towards the transparency requirement and may encroach upon specified setback and build -to lines by a distance no greater than thirty (30) inches, provided that a minimum of five (5) feet of sidewalk must remain clear of all obstructions. (c) Arcades and colonnades, where proposed shall be at least nine (9) feet wide and twelve (12) feet high. A minimum of five (5) feet of the sidewalk must remain clear of all obstruc- tions to ensure adequate pedestrian circulation. (d) No portion of a building wall that does not contain transparent glass shall be constructed with a flat; unarticulated surface for a distance of greater than twenty (20) feet. In addi- tion, any building frontage on North Miami Avenue that exceeds three hundred (300) feet shall incorporate a major break of at least thirty (30) feet in width by ten (10) feet in depth at ground level. Such breaks shall be improved as open space and/or provide building access and occur on axis with the existing city street grid. 2. The remaining frontage of thirty-five percent (35%) may be dedicated to entrances, lobbies, customer driveways, architectural treatment, or non -pedestrian oriented uses. No portion of a building wall that does not contain transparent glass shall be constructed with a flat, unarticulated surface for a distance of greater than twenty (20) feet. Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage 1 1 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon INTENDED RESULT OFTHE CODE: MULTIPLE FRONTING RETAIL DESTINATIONS DRAWING PEDESTRIANS TO WALK THE BLOCK "Issue 1: fq 1N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage 1 1 A INTENDED RESULT OFTHE CODE:M Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon _.1,;S DP''," "EDESTRIANSTO WALK THE BLOCK Issue 1: � N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon iv,)ED RESULT OFTI-IE , 'rt TANS TO WALK THE BLOCK Issue 1: IN. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage lea' Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon TANS TO WALK THE BLOCK Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage Midtown Boulevard Proposal for Comparison 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e gage 1 1 1, 11I 1.111 ;4 II 'i ►It �11111 ifliiil IIIIIII I I�I����,a���f]II�I2y.�l�.1,0111 - l�'p 11111 . � I 1. III I I !1 11 ; III I k� III; � � C �. I � � ,�I � „" . ; ; _ - �i uj� I � �� �r� iilii� rid 1I crn,r,v= � � 1 nil _ � tI I1 11, II ■I I umm 1 11111 11! I jI II 1 I Irl 1 1 r IY 11 11 W■_, IAI1 11I II II Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida woe e•1ea4a..al wroe mn er..ns.,x aM•.. .rNo. ....w ....ato..,...,..anei ....,....P..e armeow IDaw..a kreleK.e Nimps rreuH.+ Pa_ rswye one .a. p.-Wrte NAW e.me ArNaea e aIergerliKa nagger". 41IPOW UDRB Submitt March 14, 2013 1 ZYSCOVICH 1':C; /1Lite f:�.. ..di,.er - z , A R C H I T T S fm ae 41.11 + »--=ez 1 Elevation. Overall 6trIssue 1. . item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 odd B Hannon ,N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use i-Trontage !Midtown Boulevard Proposal for Comparison ' ------r-kA\ ,--- I , \ ‘% \ bt\ , .., - EMI Re rad Remove erzehg "Not) mit 1._ 24 -8' 2 r 194 BLOG ECM MULTIPLE, CONTINUOUS RETAIL TENANTS - NOT A DECORATIVE WALL Submitted into the public record in connection with 4.4 _ i L _ - r - ' 24 '-rr _ • 701 flt,DG / Courtyard Restruciros Vertical Clic:Waren =MI Retail Support ME Moctivolrod & Set vices 27e4r 2311)0 2 dre.r I I 0 I' FM.C.X.3 3 4,1 &r-te a`-'" 4' PC I if- /1 Secorad Pool 3 804 Gsr First Floor /6,152 GSF t, 203 NSF Reim? Scale 1 40'-0" (T Liner Shops at Midtown Wain', Florida UDRB Submittal Floor Flails March 14, 2013 II !Ad r adrts•u3-, addr,041•041.3 dd I' 1.3 r ..,. 0 3 *my ada)rdr, dif 1101iN ol IOWAN rd% OM MN In 3•11t• •1043/1 0. 00 am *new 1.30d. r of dre0rdi • 3,0 nitt.h 41, :we rddframol Am.* .03••••ar • • 0.• 3••••ly Jo• d vdrldddrs !Immo GIN I ZYSCOVICH titts sta. on en sn4 A k _ 1. L 1go10/0 4114 • 4.401k , • Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian UseFrontae Liner Shops at Midtown ,_ ';-��; ��, • • Drawing Index Location Plan Site Plan Poor Plans Detail Floor Plan North Elevation South Elevation Elevation: Overcall North and South Elevation Elovcition. Stool Bay Elevation: Concrelo Bay Elevation. Colonnade Bay View from the Southeast View from the Northwest NO PEDESTRIAN ENHANCED ENVIRONMENT TO CONNECTTO EXISTING SURROUNDING AREA , Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB ubmitt Dwttnty Index March 1.1 n•13 Gn/ i•trir/•seu •SF=in-0,1 a eatir:t •/.ua-/ 4i7,ior1/w/ 41MY in allnie b /. MA M rani M•tl/ r/• ewe// e1.• rormim.4.5 tyorA,IhAb.b 4a - /0//M4 w POI rw.w w rr r•a.•+r aw h oc r•R .bi t Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon ZYSCOVICH +� f H 1 I h 1 1 5 1 sat r-, NIi 1 Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage ifee4i � _W Y...•••••_ MIS 400111011 i5 wiliMm � r• ENLARGED ELEVATION ENLARGED SECTION B & 1 r1 ENLARGED PERSPECTIVE 1Q 11 ii n ili n n 'iilt i11®` - MIY% a% A' j lu A A IY I o _Fromm �:III1i � I"i�` tea _ in ma a= , - '8.. ;ria■a ,�. au ,ai.aa .= rocs• aa_ - . lit iiiii IIIM - a 1;- si ii ii i iiifii n'Ji1,6;. i1 Walmart SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH . I r'.I)l' Whf MIAM Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon NORTH MIAMI AVE. LANDSCAPING. WEST ELLVATION sake. r • m 1 2 13 Gensler AOI-01 Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage; n walmart* SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH :+I MIDTOWN MIAMI Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon PROIr T eero.,�pn .ya• ,•. GROUND FLOOR USES (TO PROMOTE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC)11 N. MIAMI AV LINEAR FRONTAGE = 450'-0 65% REQUIRED = 292'-6 PROJECT PROVIDED = 299'-0" ry:__ FIRST FLOOR PLAN • PEDESTRIAN USES <<+ r Gensler I CCN1 """ AD1-DIR Issue 1: N. Miami Av. Pedestrian Use Frontage Li Walmart Main Entrance Walmart Vision Center 0 1 ' Walmart* 83', A WALMART FRONTAGE: Ai RETAIL USE WITHOUT 771 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS: NON -ACTIVE WALLS TOTAL = 85' SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH Ar MIDTOWN N MIAM M,M.a'u, 14, 101i ■ RCTAH ■ RkrAILSUPPORT VLKTILALCIRLUt MION MELHANICAI N. MIAMI AVE LINEAR FRONTAGE = 450'-0" REQUIRED = 292'-6" 65% PROJECT PROVIDED: WALMART MAIN ENTRANCE = 83' WALMART VISION CENTER = 68' ACTIVE PEDESTRIAN FRONTAGE = 151' = 34% II Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Gensler I AOl 01 Issue 2: 2nd Story Parking Liner or Setback 627.2.7. Maximum Height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements. TABLE INSET: SD 27.2 Maximum height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements Street/Classification Height Ground Floor Building To Mid -level Setback` Upper -level Setback" Uses Midtown Boulevard Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for residential or mixed- use 20' Build -To Area between the building frontage and based building building line shall be improved as open space. Maximum Allowable encroach- ment (0' build -to) for 80' of linear frontage per block 35' setback above 60' elevation N/A All SD 27.2 uses permitted except that Big Box retail shall not be permitted from 31st Street to 36th Street. Liner uses an all park - ing structures Buena Vista Avenue • (north of 34th Street) Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To NIA 15' setbackl above 60' elevation All SD 27.2 uses permitted Buena Vista Avenue (south of 34th Street) Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use ,or theaters 0' Build -To NIA 15' setback above 60' elevation • All SD 27.2 uses permitted NE 36th Street Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120'for mixed -use or theaters 9' setback with colon- nade or awning Maxi- mum Setback of 20' NIA 15' setback above 60' elevation - All SD 27.2 uses per - mitted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided in Section 627.2.12 NE 29th Street Pririrary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed use NIA N/A N/A All SD27.2 uses per- mitted Liner uses on all parking structures except. as otherwise provided in Section 627 ,2.12 North Miami Avenue Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 200' for mixed use and,gate- way 1 requirement 9' Build To with colonna a or awning 6' build -to from center- line of NE 38th Street south for a distance of 315' N/A 15' setback above 60' All SD 27.2 uses per - mitted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided In Section 627.2,12 I 1 1 1 1 DEFINITION( 0 Sec 627, LINERS a 0 0 Sec 1.2, LINERS: Sec 1.2, GARAGE Submitted into the public Issue 2• • record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon 2ncl Story Parking Liner or Setback 627.2.12. Surface Parking and Parking Garages. Surface parking and parking structures shall conform to the following standards: 1. Ground level off-street parking is not permitted along frontages of primary streets. 2. Blank, unarticulated walls shall not be permitted for parking garage facades that are not lined with uses. Such facades shall have architectural treatments designed to be compatible with adjacent buildings. Ramps, stairwells and any other portion of a garage should be buffered with the use of decorative grilles and screens, landscaping, and other varied materials. 3. As provided in Section 627.2.7, liner uses are generally required on parking garages that front primary streets. When required, ground level parking facilities must be Tined with active uses. Upper level parking facilities that do not incorporate liner uses shall be setback no Tess than 85' and shall not exceed a height of 50'. All other requirements provided herein shall apply. Liner Uses: Building uses that serve to conceal uses such as parking garages and service areas. When liner uses contain ground floor space, such space shall be designed to accommodate retail and/or other uses that promote pedestrian traffic and shall have entrances directly accessible from a public sidewalk or open space. Liner: A Building or part of a Building with Habitable Space specifically designed to enfront a public space, masking a function without capacity to monitor public space, such as a parking lot, Parking Ga- rage or storage facility. Parking Garage or Parking Structure: A Structure containing vehicular parking, including mechanical parking systems. Issue 2: 2nd Story Parking Liner or Setback PARKING GARAGE DPEN TO MIAMI AV. k PRIMARY STREET Walmart;;: SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon !NI PrrAli I •Li•:iICALCIRCULATICN MECHANICAL PARKING COIJNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) 1'oTal. • 577 Stalls MECHANICAL SPACE OPEN TO MIDTOWN BLVD, A PRIMARY STREET (BEHIND SCREEN THAT IS A CONTIK UATION OF LINER SHOPS FACADE - ZYSCOVICH DESIGN) Gensler 1 can:. SECOND nOOR PLAN •,( Ali AU 1 01 Issue 3: NE 3Vt Street Parking Located Within Setback 627.2.6. Building Placement and Buildable Area. 1. Minimum lot requirements. No specific dimensional requirements are established in this district, but Tots shall be of sufficient width and area to conform with other requirements and limitations of these and other lawful regulations. 2. Floor Area Limitations. Floor area limitations of the SD 27.2 district shall be as follows: (a) Except as otherwise provided below, the floor area ratio shall not exceed one and sev- enty-two hundredths (1.72) times the gross lot area for single use commercial buildings. (b) The floor area for all mixed -use buildings shall not exceed three (3.0) times the gross lot area. (c) Allowable increase in floor area up to five tenths (0.5) will be provided for payment into a Neighborhood Improvement Trust Fund. 3. Density. Density shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) residential units/net acre and in no case shall exceed a total of one thousand five hundred (1,500) units within the entire district. 4. Maximum Heights. (a) Maximum heights shall be as provided in Section 627.2.7. (b) All parking structures shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height, except as other- wise provided in Section 627.2.12. 5. Maximum and Minimum Setback Requirements and Build -To Lines (a) Setback requirements shall be measured perpendicular to and from the base building line. Platted public right of way lines shall be defined as the Base Building Line. When platted right of way lines at street intersections are rounded, setbacks shall be measured from projected right of way lines and not from the rounded portions of such lines. The Design Standards provide further clarification of the requirements provided herein. The maximum and minimum setbacks and build -to requirements shall be as provided in Sec- tion 627.2.7 and below, as follows: (b) For the first twenty-five (25) feet in elevation above the public right-of-way, no building facade shall be set back more than a maximum depth of ten (10) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section 627.2.7. Off-street parking shall not be allowed within the maximum setback. Building frontage may exceed the maximum ground floor setback requirement, provided that the resultant area between the building frontage and the base building line is designed and improved as public open space. V . m 3 3 c v O 0 0 C.;c c c o 2 -a o- m c Ni ▪ a o .a o E z v Vi Issue 3: NE 31st Street Parking Located Within Setback 627.2.7. Maximum Height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements. TABLE INSET; SD 27.2 Maximum height, Build -To, Minimum Setback and Use Requirements Street/Classification Height IGround Floor Building Mid -level Setback* Upper -level Setback** Uses Tn NE 34th Street Primary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To 15' setback above 20' elevation N/A All SD 27.2 uses per - mitted Liner uses on all parking structures except as otherwise provided In Section 627.2.12 NE 32nd Street Sec- ondary 60' for commercial single -use 120' for mixed -use 0' Build -To 10' setback above 20' elevation N/A 30% active ground floor uses All SD 27.2 uses permitted NE 31st Street Sec- nndary 60' for commercial sin- gle-use 120' for mixed- use 0' Build -To N/A N/A 30% active ground floor uses All SD 27.2 uses permitted NE 30th 33rd, 35th Street and NE 34th Terrace Secondary 60' for commercial sin- gle-use 120' for mixed use 0' Build -To N/A N/A 30% active ground floor uses All SD 27.2 uses permitted Dedicated Open Space greater than 1 acre 60' for commercial sin- gte-use 120' for mixed- use 0' Build -To N/A N/A All SD 27.2 uses per - mitted Interior Side 60' for commercial sin- gle-use 120' for mixed- use 0' Setback N/A N/A All SD 27.2 uses per- mitted Mid -level setbacks are for elevations between twenty (20) feet and sixty (60) feet. ** Upper -level setbacks are for elevations greater than sixty (60) feet. 1, Gateway designations shall be as defined in Section 627.2.6. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon i Ir Issue 3: NE31tStreet Parking Located Within Setback 0 0 r1 �s la Walmart :, : PARKING LOCATED WITHIN MAXIMUM SETBACK (8') SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH '411i11f lwri IAMI .na•. _ r..+ Doti art. MO. . ntu. Io rt•wn un. SECOND FLOOR PLAN YALi 1' • R7 ,- . RFTAIt ■ WAR SUPPOR1 I__: 'iLKTICALC1KCJLATIC N MECHANICAL PARKING, COUNT Ind Level • 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL • 577 Stalls Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Gensler I Erin '.' Issue 4: Loading Requirement 627.2.15. Off-street Loading, The off-street loading requirements shall be as follows: 1. For residential uses: (a) Berth minimum to be twelve (12) by thirty-five (35) feet by fifteen (15) feet in height; (b) One (1) berth for every one hundred twenty (120) residential units or fraction thereof. 2. For non-residential uses: (a) Berth minimum to be twelve (12) by fifty-five (55) feet by fifteen (15) feet in height; (b) For non-residential floor area of twenty-five thousand (25,000) up to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, one (1) berth total; (c) For non-residential floor area up to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet, two (2) berths total; (d) For non-residential floor area up to two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) square feet, three (3) berths total; (e) For non-residential floor area up to five hundred thousand (500,000) square feet, four (4) berths total. Since it is intended to promote the most efficient use of land, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 922.1 and 922.4, the maneuvering of trucks within the public right of way for the purposes of off-street loading shall be allowed by a Class II Special Permit. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Issue 4: Loading Requirement_:,.. saalallirt II MEM ..E ram• • 27111 v4: • �i0 •H �1 T-L 111- Walmart`.;;1 1 17 STORF. A 4304491 VON-PROT() (!:4 PI-4An IlY1:PNSI.ER P4R I11' II 14I'.fdPAIIKI NI; DECK ►Rt'OR%IArim) 1W. mil l f �er „ I r '1� I ,.; i1 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon 4r LEGEND I- .araTVMrraw WALMART (sales & support) TENANTS (liner retail) (other not listed) TOTAL PROPOSED LOADING BERTHS REQUIRED LOADING BERTHS PROVIDED (- 1 on second floor) Total Provided: • SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH mlfM4Q DATA pt!'IXMMAI Y. RN= V 6 A1.aFiG 41II Laa,:a M.M1 K.•'1w.1 OTAN1 ar M1 Its. w roe M YMM4a w pl. 1 t VAN uM.LwT7cir•t '•u1a WOO WMMil.acaiM�l011r4411 MIMS/11Rio®w rt.V Mhl. 1p• 10t K MY.IwwaLMENMwwM WWEIR LOAM, N:4e.. ▪ TM • n taaC1r •1MM. I4w 1114 tura wolsO m4 • I at. -AVM. MI Mak* rV.11tdT1rt1w1 ran Mat. • Mae O 141.1 tor. all 1ls.-tUMM.Mw Ms'vIPl ammo. nt••et diva M'Int tgsrw. 1p11310. IMIwMry ���� MOM ry 511.1 WPM 011101611.11)Jn4 Malmn swrMM LO..Y. MR3M1 M0 tM�lwrwiOM wMMrotws MILT TfYMwitI MMOW lrIl tawwll W.IA. •.OY4sl MOUIPaµtr wIP a1Ml at pot NV iSR. 1 wblw{IT LIPS 12111..IeM MINIM MM.. NI MJtml Iw1wIM4urwan► mome.1.11111111111tra==1,11111MM WiCIA&SItalw isms mum YO pounetwir IGLY.\r ..t.'�a \` rowans®. ata�sv tt ru vaaeM s64r1r1q.lisiT laims 5 /.�.�. W®M/4V/RM 4N .V .1R••11L•a1 - cc Im Y+owtuw/ricu:M7dbair3llatiia. t ar— O( M1dYR/wIto.* w'Q pot GS0/0,4Y 1' PROPOW wrap iu DMA +� 1: l .• V O1s54MM Mw OMa LLISS• MIMI W.S40N111W/T4 s ' � ••• '�.... A NNN ... IV G11YL1 V r unnw.Mnar.a/�. ; i 1°U.<1 1 1 1 NAB rl.n III M I w1.t_M •',L.Mq.tl. NORM MINA M.i iala m wvlm M113Vere MMTIM pu.I O► tatl/aWOW tUaM H/Ml4 V,�•�Mr1tM T.wsaO SHTrTaI. LwlMlldl $024110 MgwYOwl a SMllwlb V MaMM aim •••••.Mi •:.taaM.••M• .•T.lurT1. • 1 lWi •.e a.-&- •n., 1, 1O1M..1I. Tr 11rA OI rd. MIR111, fa rag: NaHMs.4.on MnYl ws*LIM Y tan.* 1 E.uGtK I ANY' ars tams M.W.tl lla-Maier Ow an Ma rani iMr — M� 1M.r.M rA i.R-II..T« %I nTr at - -- - -) 4PSneNI.rT.rr�irn 177,635 sq. ft. 16,257 sq. ft. 9,385 sq. ft. 203,277 sq. ft. 3 4 5 Issue Summary Major Planning Issues: 1) 65% pedestrian use frontage requirement not met along North Miami Avenue 2) 2na story parking with incomplete liner uses and inadequate setback Technical Site Issues: 3) Parking located within maximum setback on 31st Street 4) Loading bay requirement Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon 6.4 Ili cm mg 1111� lll� v Mark Alvarez �rand Avenue, #;- t i.1iami, Flo; ida :esume Education & Trainin. • Master of Science, Civil Engineering Ohio State University, September 1992 • Master of City and Regional Planning Ohio State University, June 1992 • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Operations Management Ohio State University, 1988 • Professionalism and Ethics Seminar, The Metropolitan Center, Florida International University • Certification to American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) (#086841) • Pedestrian Safety Training Program, Florida Department of Transportation • Collaborative Neighborhood Planning Dispute Resolution Workshop, Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium Community Involvement • Parent School Board: member, 2008-2010; President, 2010-2012 • Shake —a —Leg, Miami: volunteer skipper, 2007-2008 ■ City of Miami Selection Committee, Miami Midtown Trolley Plan, Commission Appointee, 2004 • City of Miami Upper East Side Development Council Boulevard Oversight Committee, 2004 • City of Miami Beach Traffic Calming Committee, Chairperson, Commission Appointee, 1999 • City of Miami Beach Transportation and Parking Committee, Commission Appointee, 1998-1999 Research Presentations ■ Using Ridecheck and Survey Results to Formulate Operational Recommendations: American Public Transportation Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2005 • Intermodal Trends in the Miami Urbanized Area: Changes Over a Decade and Emerging Trends: American Public Transportation Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2004 Technical Skills Experienced and capable in Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), and Apple operating environments • Correspondence: Microsoft Word and Publisher, Open Office Write, Libre Writer, Adobe Acrobat • Spreadsheet, database, general quantitative analysis: Excel, Calc, Access, kmPlot • Presentation: Powerpoint, Impress • Graphics: Illustrator, Corel Draw, Photoshop, SketchUp, Inkscape, GIMP • Project Management: Microsoft Project, Gnome Desktop Planner Managed operators for: • Statistics: Statistical Analysis System (SAS) • GIS: Arc View, Arc Info • Traffic Analysis and Micro Simulation: Synchro, Transyt 7F, Vissim, CORSIM, HCS Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Mark Alvarez resume O'= Grand Avenue, #351 hiian� , F!:n t L ,'86.2u8.66SS page iof e-mail: markPalvarez.lannin,..nei transportation and parking development advise to support downtown economic development strategies, working with The Chesapeake Group, and Duany Plater Zyberk Town Planners. Among the most prominent of the efforts was the Tacoma Market Study (Tacoma, Washington) in which Tacoma Link Light Rail alignments were analyzed to determine impacts to downtown businesses and the downtown district transportation network. Smaller but similar efforts were performed in Miami, Florida; Racine, Wisconsin; and Newington, Connecticut. He also provided transportation and land use analysis and advice to Miami -Dade County regarding the formation of four (4) Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA). Other significant efforts in which Mr. Alvarez provided technical guidance included community preservation, corridor studies, speed management (traffic calming), bicycle and pedestrian improvement plans, parking studies, the North Miami community transit start-up plan, and comprehensive plan policy amendments. The Corradino Group Miami, Florida 33278 Senior Planner November 1993 - April 1998 Mr. Alvarez led the transportation and community planning program, managed planning staff, set goals, developed data and analysis methodologies, led meetings and presentations, and authored final reports. He was the project manager for the company's transportation planning work, including corridor studies, speed management, concurrency management systems, transit optimizations, and right-of-way analyses. Among these, he successfully developed one of the earliest operational plans for a battery -electric bus transit service in an American downtown, the Miami Beach Electrowave, which operated from 1998 to 2007. South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) Regional Planner Hollywood, Florida 33021 August 1992 - November 1993 Mr. Alvarez was the lead technical authority for transportation related issues, including update of the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP) Transportation Element, and evaluation of the transportation elements of local government comprehensive plan amendments for consistency with the SRPP. He was the SFRPC representative on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Fort Lauderdale Airport expansion, and also performed a regional economic analysis of airports and seaports, He was Project Manager for the start-up of the US Department of Energy's Clean Cities program in South Florida. He recommended policy for inclusion in the SRPP, and organized the first of the regional alternative fuel conferences to provide coordinated advise from USDOE, and an alternative fuel vehicle trade exposition. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Environmental Systems Engineering Aide Dublin, Ohio April 1988 - August 1992 Mr. Alvarez performed analysis and preparation for NEPA-related documentation, as well as field work for environmental remediation work at Department of Energy and Department of Defense facilities in the .Midwest. He started an internal computer service center to capture reimbursable computer expenses toward improving production by providing an operating expense mechanism to fund timely computer hardware and software upgrades. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 21 13 Todd B. Hannon INN Oa on "7 ® r M an In Mark Alvarez res,lr ' _,, Grand Avenue_ #3 it t.1ia;n = onda )�3t mail' mark(aialvar 9 Hliinin net traffic operational alternatives analyses to improve the safety and optimize throughput of intersections along a 4—mile segment of US-1. Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) Senior Research Associate University of South Florida Tampa, Florida June 2003 - December 2006 On faculty at CUTR, Mr. Alvarez performed applied transportation research in a lead role on large projects as Principal Investigator, as well as in technical support roles on other teams. He was the CUTR point person for technical guidance to the Miami Dade County Transit Department (MDT), and Office. of Performance Management (OPM) for system optimizations, service improvements, policy analysis, fare pricing analysis, and organizational analysis. Major work included: 1) leading an 18—month, $1.3—million, county —wide 97— route transit optimization analysis in which he managed CUTR staff and sub —contracted data collection efforts that included: a 28,000 record passenger survey; 1.1—million record ride —check, and 700 record operator survey; 2) leading two additional sub —area optimization analyses; 3) performing fare policy analyses; 4) updating performance criteria using cost/benefit peer review analysis; and 5) performing peer review and analysis of operational and capital facility management organizational strategies for OPM. City of Miami Beach Capital Improvement Administrator Miami Beach, Florida August 1999 - June 2003 Mr. Alvarez initially worked as a consultant for the City Manager's office to lead a team of the City's planners, public works staff, parks department staff, buildings department staff, and public relations staff to perform an exhaustive public involvement campaign to program and prioritize capital improvements to be included in a $57—million streetscape general obligation (GO) bond program, as well as to take input for proposed $27— million parks improvement and an $8—million fire safety improvement GO bonds. Approximately 60 meetings were led from August through early October 1999. All three GO bonds succeeded the November 1999 ballot questions, and all three were subsequently approved by the City Commission. In December 1999, the City Manager's office requested Mr. Alvarez to lead integration of the programming for the Streetscape GO Bond with water and sewer revenue bond improvements, and other federal and state funded transportation program improvements. He performed this role as a contract employee with the City to facilitate the long term engagement. In this role he developed a long range financial planning and reporting system to coordinate the scheduling, costs, funding and budgeting for infrastructure projects totaling $400— million. Under the authority of the City Manager's office, he coordinated with departments of finance, budget, planning, public works, parks, parking, buildings, and media relations. He generated monthly status reports and reported to the Commission —appointed GO Bond Oversight Committee at monthly meetings. Starting in 2002, he began efforts to transition responsibilities to a newly formed CIP Office. North Meridian, Inc. (dba Meridian Consulting) Principal 247 SW 8th Street, #214, Miami, Florida 33130 April 1998 - June 2003 As the Principal of Meridian Consulting, Mr. Alvarez provided niche services in formulating multimodal Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Mark Alvarez s 119GrandAvenue,4,; Miaid resume tel. 19u.[08.665 page i 0f4 e-mail: mark(rvalvaez-tannin, .ne' Summary Mark Alvarez is an inter —disciplinary professional planner with 24 years of experience that includes transportation analysis, community redevelopment, capital programming, and development compliance. With equal facility, he works with community groups, developers, and government jurisdictions to resolve complex planning issues. Experience Integrated Urban Planning, LLC 3109 Grand Avenue #331 Miami, Florida 33133 Principal January 2007 - present As the Principal of Integrated Urban Planning, Mr. Alvarez performs multimodal transportation planning, integrated land use planning, urban environmental impact analysis, and regulatory/policy analysis. He works as a sole practitioner and on multidisciplinary teams for government agencies, community groups, and private interests. He provides leadership in transportation planning that spans: roadway operational analysis, transit system development and optimization, community transit plans, transportation demand management, "last mile" transportation alternative (can sharing, bike sharing, etc.) planning and market forecasting, and electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure planning. He also continues to work with economic development teams in the planning of transportation and parking improvements to support community or downtown redevelopment plans. He provides services in land planning disciplines that include: neighborhood master plans; zoning codes and comprehensive plan policy; and development assessments for regulatory consistency and environmental impacts such as historic assets, aesthetic considerations, distribution of growth, population concentrations, community character, and agricultural resources. Working as a liaison among neighborhood organizations, development interests, and government jurisdictions he has developed master plans to balance interests and create consent among parties. In similar settings, he has developed zoning and land use policy amendments to balance conflicting interests and bring consent among varied interests. On many occasions, he has represented community associations to control development from a compatibility viewpoint, and in several other occasions he has represented local agricultural interests to prevent suburban development encroachment. He remains committed to agricultural and natural environment preservation, preservation of community, and balancing needs in urban settings. Lehman Center for Transportation Research (LCTR) Consultant Florida International University Miami, Florida March 2007 - June 2008 While providing services as the principal for Integrated Urban Planning, Mr. Alvarez worked as a consultant for the Lehman Center for Urban Transportation Research at the Florida International University. As Principal Investigator, he led the planning of new transit feeder services and the optimization of park —and — ride facility plans for a 20—mile bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor. He also participated with a team to perform Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.18 on 11 21 13 Todd B. Hannon