HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Emails-Midtown WalmartWilly A. Bermello E-mail dated Nov 21st, 2013
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From: Willy A. Bermello <WBermello@bapdevelopment.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: Midtown Miami Walmart
To: Jacob Pfeffer <jacob@splashperfumes.com>
Dear Mr., Pfeffer,
As I mentioned to attorney Tucker Gibbs as I left yesterday's UDRB meeting,
I have an annual partners meeting tonight at 7 pm which prevents me from
participating before the City Commission hearing. Please feel free to use and
read this email into the record.
In my professional opinion, WALMART had every opportunity to comply
with the city's guidelines. They chose not to.
Two of those guidelines are the requirements for liner space along the
principal arterial and having an animated street frontage along Miami avenue.
Both requirements, without the need for "relaxation" from the department
could have been easily complied with , had there been the will to do so.
I am one that does NOT subscribe to the theory that WALMART as a retailer
is bad, BUT what I do subscribe to is that no matter how big or powerful you
are, you should comply, particularly when there are absolutely no hard ships
preventing you from doing so. This is a country of laws, abide by them.
Frankly, there is NO way that the Commission can or should keep,
WALMART out of Midtown, if they comply: but, to this date, they haven't.
Willy A. Bermello
Bermello Ajamil& Partners, Inc
13- o/o3oi" S,6r% /af - cirnat is- Midtown Walmart
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.18 on 11/21/13
Jacob Pfeffer
Hi Francisco,
Willy A. Bermello <WBermello@bapdevelopment.com>
Monday, April 15, 2013 10:01 PM
Garcia, Francisco
Sanchez, Carmen; Nunez, Enrique; Gonzalez, Perla S.
The Wal-Mart application is important to the community and particularly to MidTown. It certainly is to us and a decision
that we did not take lightly at our last UDRB meeting.
I believe that I speak for my fellow board members when I say that there is nothing more that we would have liked but to
have voted for the approval of the application. However there were a number of specific areas where the application in
our opinion fell short of the spirit and intent of Miami 21 and the Midtown guidelines, as follows:
1)The liner use is required on all floors along Midtown Blvd (not just the ground floor).
2)The activation of glazed display and entrances along North Miami, should be seen as an important streetscape
component and to be taken seriously, but when the applicant places the public restrooms along the building facade when
it could have gone in an interior location, it sends a message louder than words.
3)The proper screening of the upper level parking was barely considered almost "mocking' the city staff recommendation;
and lastly,
4)The Loading Bay for the liner building had design deficiencies.
The UDRB recommended that the applicant go back and "fix" these deficiencies, but counsel for the applicant stated that
they had spent enough time and it was time to move on. That posture in my opinion resulted in the UDRB's unanimous
vote to deny the application.
We are purely advisory of course. We are volunteers , offering of our time to assist you and the Department. Our wishes
and aspirations at all times are to provide you with the best balanced advice on every application, particularly those of
major community value and impact, as the case with Wal-Mart.
Thank you for getting back to me, and as always wishing you the best.
Un abrazo,
From: Garcia, Francisco
To: Willy A. Bermello
Cc: Sanchez, Carmen ; Nunez, Enrique ; Gonzalez, Perla S.
Sent: Mon Apr 15 15:21:54 2013
Subject: RE: UDRB
Dear Willy:
Thank you for writing.
I have not seen the on-line article you refer to but want to convey that it is never the case that I personally or we in the
department of planning and zoning disregard any advice provided by the UDRB. You may know, and I am certainly aware
of the fact, that this is a very controversial application and that there are strong positions held on both sides of the
proposal. You may also know that the application has been with the planning and zoning department for more than a
year in which many iterations have been reviewed and many changes have been made to ensure that the proposal is of
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.18 on 11/21/13
the highest quality. Most unfortunately however, the public conversation about this matter has been acrimonious in the
extreme and in my personal opinion some of the media coverage has been slanted if not distorted.
Let this serve then as a personal note to convey that the UDRB has both my complete respect and gratitude for the
valuable advice provided. I look forward to a continued collaborative relationship with the Board, especially in this exciting
time of development and revitalization the City of Miami is traversing. As pertains to the Waimea application and as I
have stated publicly at various meetings; I am leaning to approving the application (likely with some conditions) and we
are presently crossing is and dotting is to ensure the proposal is a) compliant with the code and b) contextual with the
neighborhood, as appropriate.
Kindest regards.
Francisco J. Garcia, Director
Planning and Zoning Department
City of Miami
From: Gonzalez, Perla S.
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 2:35 PM
To: Garcia, Francisco
Subject: FW: UDRB
For your information please note Mr.Willy Bermello's email below.
From: Gonzalez, Perla S.
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 2:29 PM
To: 'Willy A. Bermello'
Subject: RE: UDRB
I am not aware of the current situation of the Walmart project, but I am forwarding your question to the Planning and
Zoning Director to kindly answer it.
Best regards,
Perla Gonzalez
UDRB Liaison
From: Willy A. Bermellojmailto:WBermello(abaodevelooment.coml
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 2:04 PM
To: Gonzalez, Perla S.
Subject: RE: UDRB
Hi Perla,
Yes I received the package. I have a conflict of interest with this application, given that Terra is a client of the B&A. Since
this is the only item, I will not be attending.
BTW, I saw an article "on line" that states that Francisco is leaning to approval of Wal-Mart as presented, without any
consideration of the UDRB's two (2)areas as of objections. Is that true?
Warmest personal regards,
From: Gonzalez, Perla S. fmailto:poonzalezCamiamiciov.coml
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 11:29 AM
To: Willy A. Bermello
Subject: UDRB
Dear Willy,
Please confirm whether you received the package for the UDRB meeting this Wednesday, and also if you are planning to
attend. Thank you,
Perla S. Gonzalez
City of Miami Planning & Zoning Department
Urban Design Section
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami, FI. 33130
Phone: (305) 4161433
Email: pgonzalez@miamigov.com
i xecne l.U':s l to the envronmenl before printing the email.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.18 on 11/21/13