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Class II Approved by the P&Z Dept
Class II Approved by The Planning and Zoning Department To: CITY OF MIAMI CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT FINAL DECISION File No: ;12-0054 WaI-Mart Stores East, LP, a Delaware L.P. c/o Alfredo L. Gonzalez Genovese Joblove & Battista P.A. 100 Southeast Second Street 44th Floor Miami, FL 33131 From: Francisco J. Garcia, Director Planning and Zoning Department PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT AN FINAL DECISION HAS BEEN REACHED ON THE FOLLOWING MATTER: Title: New Construction (Wal-Mart Store) Address: 3055 N. Miami Avenue, Miami, FI. Wynwood Net (Allapattah NET Office) Final Decision: O Approval L?J Approval with conditions ❑ Denial FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The subject proposal has been reviewed for a Class II Special Permit pursuant to Sections 609.3, and 1512 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 and Miami 21 Code, Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6.27.2, Midtown Miami West, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, 2. Section 6,27,2.3 requires a Class II Special Permit prior to approval of any permit for the construction of a new building. 3. Pursuant to Section 1301,2 of ZO 11000, as applicable, the Planning and Zoning Department has made referrals to the following Departments and Boards: • Zoning Section of the Planning & Zoning Department • Department of Public Works • Office of Transportation • Wynwood NET Office, Neighborhood Enhancement Team • Urban Development Review Board Comments and recommendations received from Departments and Boards have been duly considered in this final decision. In reviewing this application, pursuant to Section 1305 of ZO 11000, as applicable, and Miami 21 Code Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6.27.2 Midtown Miami West the following findings have been made: 12-0054 Page A-2 of 2 FINDINGS • The proposed new construction project consists of 203,277 square foot building which includes a 158,322 sq. ft. Wal-Mart store containing general retail, full service grocery and vision center. The building will also include double volume retail liner use space fronting Midtown Boulevard and liner space for retail support or other permitted uses on North Miami Avenue. The project will also provide approximately 577 new off-street parking spaces above the second and third level of the ground -floor retail. • The proposed project will be beneficial to the surrounding area by providing new retail and service facilities while creating jobs for the area • The proposed project, as presented reflects revisions and refinements made based on comments from reviewing Departments and the Urban Development Review Board, and is appropriate in scale and size pursuant to the Section 1305 and the Midtown Overlay District 6.27.2 Midtown Miami West. • The proposed project is in compliance with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan in that it promotes good urban infill and is consistent with the Buena Vista East Regional Activity Center (RAC), designation as applied to this property. • This application has been reviewed pursuant to Section 1305 of ZO 11,000 and the Miami 21 Code, Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6.27,2 Midtown Miami West and found to be sufficient. Based on the above findings and the considered advice of the officers and agencies consulted on this matter and pursuant to Section 1306 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as applicable, and the Miami 21 Code Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6,27,2 Midtown Miami West, the subject application is hereby approved subject to the plans and supplementary materials submitted by the applicant and on file with the Planning and Zoning Department and the conditions listed in Exhibit "A": (attached hereto and made a part thereof) entitled "Class II Special Permit No. 12-0054 DEVELOPMENT ORDER." NOTICE The final decision of the Director may be appealed to the Planning Zoning and Appeals Board by any aggrieved party, within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a written appeal and appropriate fee with the Hearing Boards Section of the Planning and Zoning Department located at 444 S.S. 2" Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami, FL 33130. Telephone number (305) 416-2030 Signature e ;(2. Francisco J. Garcia, Director Planning and Zoning Department Date P. t iA4-- %S Page 2 of 4 Class II Special Permit No. 12-0054 DEVELOPMENT ORDER PROJECT DESCRIPTION; 12-0054 Page A-2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" The proposed new construction project ("PROJECT") consists of 203,277 square foot building which includes a 158,322 sq. ft. Wal-Mart store containing general retail, full service grocery and vision center. Additionally, the building will include double volume retail liner use space fronting Midtown Boulevard and liner space on the second level for retail support or other permitted uses on North Miami Avenue. The project also provides approximately 577 new off- street parking spaces above the second and third level of the ground -floor retail. The PROJECT shall be constructed substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Gensler, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., and Zyschovich Architects, dated 3/14/13; all modifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permit. FINDINGS: The PROJECT conforms to the requirements of Section 1305 of ZO 11000, as applicable, and Miami 21 Code Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6.27.2 Midtown Miami, The existing comprehensive plan future land use designation on the subject property allows the proposed uses. The PROJECT-,-, proposed by the APPLICANT, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations. Pursuant to Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as applicable, and the Miami 21 Code Appendix C: Midtown Overlay District 6.27,2 Midtown Miami West, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT have been considered and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing individual building permits and certificates of occupancy, as may be required. CONDITIONS: 1. Final construction plans prior to issuance of any building permit 2. Review and approve relocation, or mitigation of any trees that may be in conflict with the proposed development. 3. Use of NE 31st right turn exit shall be limited to visitors. No commercial delivery vehicles shall be permitted a right turn on NE 31st Street to access Midtown Boulevard. Install sign and headache bar at exit ramp on NE 31st Street advising "No Right Turn on 31st Street" for delivery vehicles. Page 3 of 4 12-0054 Page A-2 of 2 4. Install sign and headache bar at entrance and exit on North Miami Avenue to prevent ingress and egress by commercial delivery vehicles. 5. Compliance with approved adjustments to design standards concerning the maximum width of driveway approaches. (February 15, 2013 Public Works Approval). 6. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Use for the liner building portion of the project subject to this Class II Special Permit and its corresponding Development Order it is required that all visible areas of unimproved interiors of the liner building facing Midtown Boulevard shall be covered with non-commercial graphics, as approved by the Director of Planning & Zoning until initial build -out and occupancy of the liner building space(s). Prior to issuance of any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy, for the liner space, submit revised "Zyscovich" floor plan and detail floor plan for liner units on the east side of the project to show an internalized delivery corridor from the loading elevator. Compliance with this condition is the responsibility of the owner/tenant of the liner building facing Midtown Boulevard and shall not prevent the owners/tenant of the large scale retailer facing Miami Avenue from obtaining building permits, Temporary Certificates of Occupancy and Certificates of Occupancy as required to build -out and occupy the large scale retail space. Page 4 of 4 Walmart:;: South Biock South at Midtown Miami SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI March 14,2013 ARCHITECTURAL INDEX: AERIAL VIEW CONTEXT MAP CONTEXT IMAGES CONTEXT IMAGES CONTEXT IMAGES FIRST FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN - GLAZING FIRST FLOOR PLAN - PEDESTRIAN USES SECOND FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN LOADING DOCK THIRD FLOOR PLAN NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NEIGHBORHOOD VIEWS PERSPECTIVE- AT NE 31ST ST & N MIAMI AVE CORNER PERSPECTIVE- MOD -BLOCK N MIAMI AVE CIVIL INDEX: LEGAL DESCRIPTION &SURVEYOR'S NOTES BOUNDARY SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TREE SURVEY UTILITY LOCATIONS ZONING ANALYSIS OPEN SPACE STUDY SITE PLAN SITE DATA SITE PLAN MANEUVERING PLAN SITE DETAILS NORTH MIAMI AVENUE EXISTING ROADWAY PLAN 1 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY PLAN 2 NE 31STSTREET EXISTING ROADWAY PLAN 3 NE 31ST STREET CONCEPTUAL ROADWAY PLAN 4 MIDTOWN BOULEVARD EXISTING ROADWAY PLAN 5 A00-00 A00-01 A00.02 A00-03 A00-04 A01-01 A01-01A A01-01B A01-02 A01-02A A01-03 A02-00 A02-01 A02-02 A02-03 A02-04 A02-05 LANDSCAPE INDEX CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN ELEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6045 6050 6060 6070 6075 6080 Ll L2 L3 Gensler 1 C:I1 ",-md'.,acia_"°` � A7zs.lnc 1-195 (EB/WB) :_ a N E. 36Tki ST a r t, > r irra i- X:f - -I--.°4-1": 4 VC 40 � `x""N'� 1ST - try N.E. 32ND ST �t r .rt— J.k LF f -'N.E. 29TH ST. Walmart* SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI February 20, 2013 AERIAL VIEW Gensler 1 CE11a'%"= ADO-00 Walmart B ROSS VT 14. ®s MARSHALLS A TARGET 1=i,R1. SF N MIAMI VFNIIF • 1 • HOME GOODS C THE SPORTS SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI jST ELM' 25,764 sf G LOEHMANN'S 30,864 sP PETSMART 18,6'07 SF .\VAIN'•%? E SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH (PROJECT SITE) U-PARCE Gensler I February 20, 2013 CONTEXT MAP A00-01 A C WaImart D SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI KEY MAP Gensler I C:I1 K'm'' HOf" les, Inc March 14, 2013 CONTEXT IMAGES A00-02 A Walmart* B D SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN Miami KEY MAP Gensler f CMr♦ anmley-Hom tlAasoclates, Ina March 14, 2013 CONTEXT IMAGES A00-03 A c Walmart * D SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI KEY MAP Gensler I CMI1 a�;-"°'" � d Ass°ciates, Inc. March 14, 2013 CONTEXT IMAGES A00-04 EHST, Walmart:,: N NUAM! AVE SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI RETAIL I. RETAIL SUPPORT VERTICAL CIRCULATION MECHANICAL March 14, 2013 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0• Gensler I [:n � aauoel��,i� A01-01 Walmart,;: RETAIL TENANT VISION CENTER GENERAL SALES SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI . GROUND FLOOR TRANSPARENCY NE 31st LINEAR FRONTAGE-4B8'0" SO% REQUIRED - 244'-O" PROJECT PROVIDED W 254•-0" (EXCEEDS REQUIREMENT BY 30'-0") N. MIAMI AVE LINEAR FRONTAGE = 453'-6" 50% REQUIRED =226' 9" PROJECT PROVIDED =259'-6" (EXCEEDS REQUIREMENT 8Y 32'41 DISPLAY WINDOWS Gensler I con .Kiva»° and A95°dataa, Inc. March 21, 2013 FIRST FLOOR PLAN -GLAZING SCALE: 1"=30'-O" AO1-01A Walmart.;: ■ GROUND FLOOR USES (TO PROMOTE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC) NE 31st LINEAR FRONTAGE = 435'-0" 30%REQUIRED=145-6" PROJECT PROVIDED=14T-0" N. MIAMI AVE LINEAR FRONTAGE= 450'-0" 659. REQUIRED = 292 -6" PROJECT PROVIDED=299'-0" SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI Gensler I nmlay-Ham � d AssociaEey Ir,c March 14, 2013 FIRST FLOOR PLAN - PEDESTRIAN USES SCALE: 1"=3C-0" Aa1-019 Walmart INTERIOR CURTAIN SCREENING PROVIDED PRIOR TO TENANT L EASE , -I INTERIOR C • SCREENING PROVIDED SCREENING PROV60E0 PRIOR TO TENANT LEASE I INTERIOR CURTAIN SCREENING PROVIDED PRIORTO TENANT LEASE SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI ® RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT VERTICAL CIRCULATION MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL- 577 Stalls Gensler I C�I1 Kmley-Nnm aid wssoraaaes, Inc March 14, 2013 SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1^=30'-0" AO1-02 HEADACHE 9AR (7'-9") PROVIDED @ RIGHTTURN LANE TO PREVENT DELIVERY TRUCK TURNS (3. Walmart* 71. SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI OVERHEAD COILING DOOR @SERVICE LOADING 2ND FLOOR LOADING -TRUCK MANEUVERING 2ND FLOOR LOADING -TRUCK MANEUVERING Gensler I C_11 dh ciataq inc. March 14, 2013 SECOND FLOOR LOADING DOCK SCALE: i^=3 '-a° AO1-O2A Walmart `.;: LIGHT BEIGE STAINED CONCRETE I PARAPET RAISED r PLANTER BOX, TYP r,24x24 GRID STAMPED & STAINED CONCRETE //, SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI ▪ RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT VERTICAL CIRCULATION MECHANICAL PARKING COUNT 2nd Level - 263 Stalls (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level - 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL - 577 Stalls .111111.1111 ✓+r Js LANDSCAPING SKETCH @ 3RD FL STORE Gensler I C:r1 "'"'lay "°`" � and Ass°ctatax Inn March 14, 2013 THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE r•=sa Cr A©1-03 ENLARGED ELEVATION 1/8" =1.-0" Walmark:;: G I). 1., PII-IMV4 IIEXIIO ra0,11M9/1 tlrtT caMma cB — FAIR/CAYMING MOM AM 09.111131ACR tv .aalmEl BwOIEM.OR 6...14Parl GRIT GUM PORT C0.21r .-0.fA Yulury — 4655+Iw¢�xMl NSR .AM onBa, 6021.7 9WFACE BE1bIOy MCORP.OREM E SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI D March 14,2013 ENLARGED PERSPECTIVE N. 1. a A N.E. 31ST STREET LANDSCAPI NG STOWRHONT COSS ETAL AWNING MATTI BRICK GLAZE➢M. GtAZEO BRICK 1 2 I 13 1 1 111•111111111 Gensler I CCI1 a Z". .,,,nG NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1"=20o-0" A02-DO 8 ENLARGED ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" Walmart SIGH EOM.MC rasa Y[WA WEM WOE =NW MOP. cLr,P C.C12 CMG. =OR GWPN GREY rPU T ENLARGED SECTION 3 1/8" =1'-0" SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI ENLARGED PERSPECTIVE NT NORTH MIAMI AVE. LANDSCAPING 1 2 1 I I 13 Gensler Eon A oce ss me March 14, 2013 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: i^am-o^ A02.01 Waimart :;: f6� SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAM1 March 14, 2013 (9) SOUTH PROPERTY LINE Gensler I ran SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1"=2V-0 A02-02 Walmart II I I JXII11 I I I I I^ N I �i— Northwest Neighborhood Vie Southwest Neighborhood View Northeast Neighborhood View SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAM! br ��u= 41 yl�nn ..:iY�ll lE 'i t� UK III c.I) Gensler 1 Van �mley-Ham dAssoclalrs,lnc March 14, 2013 NEIGHBORHOOD VIEWS SCALE NTS A02-03 Walmart * SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN M1AMI Gensler I CC/1 a dtot... March 14, 2013 PERSPECTIVE - AT NE 31ST STREET & N MIAM I AVE CORNER A02-04 Walmart* SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH AT MIDTOWN MIAMI Gensler I czn i.v,7= March 14, 2013 PERSPECTIVE -MID-BLOCK N MIAMI AVE A02-05 S I.E WART TEIEE GUARANTY COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. 1106487 EFFECTIVE DATE: tEBRUARY 19, 2012 REV ESA F 014tJARY 28, 201^_ SCHEDULE "AI' LANDS mUTN 61222Mum V202242- AUNLOE MOM V220,1132222021NGTO F, THERM VE 62R'3WeRQ NNW N201 1E1; fAGETA IC ROOMS MAMA 6r0UN114AL5 SANOBx0FTNFs022121mt2OLRO e0 F ErFARH ONEM4214.22P1r400T14100f $ 0ER MACE 4EFOAM ON P122122592/ 0L42E FRE BIOTIN nook Ew4RAM ROHs TR41122 FO M 21 EA0 11.224 1.112221.21112K401204.4112442 501112 EL DCR SOWN COO TRACT UN ELOALSO M•mTIL4Fa 11 1AAROF1211 sn.Mr.sE At OF ff MACE,o�MAI BOOK E2122 312221. 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PONRMONO MORE 11121,22222 Y OFSERIRm A<FOLLOWS 41T121222222 0101lO.TRC177047A4EOFs116en7A140141,1r*RCE R. 51921noo 03r FOFTHEA40WNC PARCELHOIENOE6.122O11222.E 0011NE2 1e9T7WES1F0i1DO N. O F LA FEET TO A FNNT:THFII01 RPNNORTH 142284 WEST FORA OIS1A440014371110AP41N74 CONgoe TO 21220114452221012.2 A 12412 02211E FF£F1 TROY£AL011940 MANE T021121241 FOR FH AROO10TAHCE OFa.11PEETNV0l1WWAIA MORN. FOR,0OLE 30Im1N114 AMINE 4020111 ��R21307102.411112PORRTON4iv411412212142212451112 ,00l 22.12T10Nnst 21.4 SFIAPAROR. LYYIG IN AND DENO 111212 OF M., 20212 nacre a BARN 1110.50n11LWE1 TRACT s[U71mOOt Se ell EOUIX 0,4v94ELfLO02E9T10111E49111 IPASISII. CEY2.R A 2011111012OFFP267 F. EOM%VIe Aw65, ACCORDNATOTHEPLAIMEANDEAS7E AYLA 12411 lol.01P11091e, OFTHEROOM Re001D6OE WAg411220JNIY, ALMADA SAMMORON RENE MORE 4112121114222 DC-OOYEREASF0111322 NEON Al THE NOT HEAET COWIER04410 MALT a:lSXCERLP SEWN Ar7221WERTAL21101E F11,14 F204R1C1 FFOR AOLtturE12XILT5FMLOAREA2TENFERLINS0212 #'M. ,RO MET T.aA P014;1N Rs NCN;N11'uor E442124 42. J7A 21 FEETFP A P02211e7NORTH 1227CE42SFWA01122END2112.1 22-1221 TIIOVOOF OF SFOINRS LEIS 2N0EFE01N4013ROM MO- POR'Rn LY1116 ATNM MINE ELEVATION 9.R1NGVOLSFJc FARM. LYING IN FRO BEM INTEOOY OF MAAR FLANNO1 PARLE0C SOUK KOCK DOAN Ng 114I9111061 9924 sTwM-MAW 42112 peRc11W FRAUF. 121212VDT N ESI ACCONONNTL1122 PUT INFRDLFwSRECONORDw 2.216202 PC£ COI1 OF N17 T:0321221112021-1 AND EACWiRlvOrn1MA1YF'On1011 LVUu38ELON AT 1 .21FPET'OWE}WU PARCEL LW. IN AND 222121111121 012221A214, RONDA B-E EXCEPTIONS 122111ORALLYOELEA, 212 E • 4 NI1,A�O210T1011N6 TO EN1071Sµ7HEP044. 7 0000E4 w ANT 11 11hd�011,01 b L12. 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LOFT2FUB1SKc61�OF 14. IU JT0441Y MEMO. 12 0711 O.Y,11T1PWONBGIORot 44LSA0FA AI4 GALL PrA.L. THERE UN02LCf PFE LEW66AN0 DEAN PE'%,N PINTH1T 0000.RENPF4THERFAR1122 N2222-2TAH 144HE INSURE] rWINOEVFFiNN w¢FLnL6E1E1En.1 N4 Sum9LY c4mswr. iWIw11Y 0302.Iro1�4A, 4007 t LZ PARC2DAFFER,CTAGE FADs563R0011, cRRcontHaFM1AMCo,1� A1W222212.4121240212 .s, PAGE um, 0 THE 01R100440..0r A.44 ECOUNTY,FLORDA(PMH.IE AM10 FARM PARCa.G1 AFiECTSANO2NEE 21. It • Fu 0A 071010IG1o42Cu, RidNT . ANN.CE2LWFNCEEI DS AVO F1111222 F 11 P4E+b%OS TILE P,RLIG MIS c10ROP� rtOF w u32.on4F.cwY,.n 7 RO&IPAPOR 2 Pi RCE S,. M O R1 POENN01M£01, LEa THE F41JCReeaN2L00TMIN1W1 2222 CNTY,1 400 WAROELa 11002E l 00E6 NOT AFFF�P SURVEYOR'S NOTES nn�� 'tt4100113110t011 90Ni 111422E 400*V[ 4 qt 1007400LY fC9KN n1NE15i1[ GA1FUFU.RY SLUG CU ICE 0E1110 NMEL EHEAVFRErs mnai.6ansluEFOROLETRAVmEE 6:YCFm9 • THEE OENCWF110NNENE T11EVX 1222,HA� 4F22224 RIc0OVP4 HF22221:LIOTrs R N0274142 DAM. 7114E LXT142 FOR. Ms 222E25 As641626.1227 1NE 140111NLU1. H1A.T 1, 11E11225221VE1T'RAT RECORE Ai PLATE007741.PAGE 7A Of T111 BONA IETCFDS0FNANEONOE LOUTS f1CMOA 9401114E R M951r10Ei10. A 403700.E OVUM PU.FLEVATRINS SNPWN HEREON HAVE REEK FREFT.RENGE: TIP NOV040. NSW IS s3> AM1L.1 ARK NNL AND MOMTESSINS MINIMS MISS, 4L40A n071 2. COAN CrreOF E21241.01IHH SLUE,-ARO PIE OANMJ. THE cONVERSIoN THE PUBLISHED FscTON TO N5ELEVATIONV0Fn IS-0,2E4'.HN AVo2140LEVASYPN CITY PFMILRSMI 1ss4z. • 11LEK:SCA1_r, FRONFCI,• F61N0.1NA"FC0.711G4T50 EV 1mgor,22211122'VOW W FLOOOmIEXATTAs 11112.11222 WAs FmK2A0o N 40 FIELD FRO, Aw022 9172441112EF20. 22211 . M112EY40R11 Nn 12111102.1 FREI4.10129E2.2212 MOH 927. EARLS nag. 1. PROM, CORNER 1.dONNAIENT9WERE71,4140 ASa1011M HEREON ON xeTSAerw T]alt. E NPmtE OPINION 21l 14.2102261E20 22222E 5 O EP07473MEN7S ul17004O � RLIx00T1LIII ,�.A'F 0111EIVASESMNNHEREO. um Id IIIEE.VAISE ALL 114222 12/421IG 1 0 � IND �FURIEalm€3 W T AT"lRFnMKE 211UREMO411W0223EI112102221 LOGMM!P101GK223 KTMP:G11 XE DOG 1911124INITE2ARE 1.0G2E0 ACCURAFELV FROM 1600M1%n4VN1011 F 1I05LNVEYOftHA4 NOT 107171 LLY LOWED THEUF74U41T OUND LOPJOE27fiRPi21, ALL LOCATIONS 9HOILDEE EOM NERFIEO of ME ARYL S1RUG9p4 17. WILD10FEE4203240*0E.Y1TA�111 WEND.FRAIN11EV.h WHOLRF1110HE00WK.SW1T04 NOSGT04001 ATDNTIO PY6UP4E4ORFO14 RT1E0FP1074000E 1N12Iom RVY TIES SA2 4010J71I.94LE23 91,21122 OATEN HN 22411.E11211212 9M271270 ENE0A0E9 Su01. t_ ENE WIEN4Es 114WN FE1E04112210 504JE4TTUANIEMSPN0EUE41F1002L'Is0FYN0Y, wS422.2 urra 1Rgo.gM NPTINEY M/.Y FE 0W.1110.P10.WNF3R0i E40RN GOORDEOTFE 1E SH0YI4M+Y INERT 0N1315541R4Er THE W4Re•10011071aw1DFRS040. 110411040101014C, T1"1142 ria4 4.11011 ONSI141710Naen7EON 11111011404.MSEEN0040714ARR04T°°"'�G�wF=RAwnoH.AlD eEveE, A•m lI. 0NOS ENO. 10.aL2N'AERE NOT 22414222121 00RP40410111E01Y 211121211102FORm1 41.0,14Y, PE4YN4MRS0RSE[9 R333041.A110N%4W71BI111P,1SANC0YMPHTs ssFssFsssos4NC.:CA211G 4Um2T IS NOTE DU. TO OEI FAME OCALA A7 2210.2012 M1O21420111211.22122.01122 E�3 A 6£ms T011 X WATER 6 SEWER LEAN 0NDE 227221109E21E+ 1vGm KWpN 2251122111ER122 1220222122 CABLE OCMG,1LEONARD hm OAp19W199T1M'E4O WMWRA39A* IssOlAIFdas LIST OF CONTACTS CIVIL ENGINEER GREG WILFLHG PE 1212224119RNANDASSIECUALD.1112 NERO REAM rtORIDAuxn FAY Fug 6221252 SURVEYOR Ea. ows.res.s.es. 4534Th070 0T, A194000Tq NC 1R9 ECM STMT. ELM E90 VEOREIVER21 ssm (Tfbl Rehm NATURAL GAS TECO PEOFLGG43 VJu03720 E. F1.131121 T1GIN�Dm4 TE LEPHONE srEVE.SSE `74 =R6 2/211 -p't,SSOP LEGEND OF SYMBOLS aNNE 2212122 conswass VTOL ANe 00212 Roan 1141222 Milok MAN raloo Duo moo A4 A N Rol OM INN CIP1AS N1Rm1 242 Ego xo 0011=1m111 y WirlfOr rn 01 p.2.442-22 8R14i V111 N/A riZ rss 17.4 (P) N,4w1:11,M£G1 ▪ COKARTE YINIAtall,APTE. • !KW,. ITECIOCC,..171:591 xfl cn VTrfl..1711.4 O ,111.117 NYE A .WATIB. L.1 co .22,E a n. O YNRBE a VOMIAN.S, ...NI Rffarenti at 424 ABBREVIATION• S REFERENCE DRAWINGS F▪ xD hT M 224 - @,N%n 122,422 2.142,4202 Agit RyllTro R1T Wort FAL4TA 22L9Nw.L 429 3Iw, R M ea ON ea Ow NV T MIEM VISTA WEST PLAi,FS PECCw0F01N P41,00061,94.XT71g14001124CTER0l09 OF 6,1I4WI.0A0E COUNT, FLOM.. SHEET INDEX 6000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, REFERENCE DRAWINGS, LEGEND OF SYMBOLS AND SURVEYOR'S NOTES 6010 BOUNDARY SURVEY 6020 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 00710 TREE SURVEY 6090 UTILITY LOCATIONS sT STA 'rad sse scs A4AP 4 Y svora qu K WREN e&L lOnmr saws sal MUTE EWEN RFPAAIT 2121 HARM 22222. 402410022 I04 row 0102111222. YPoNt>� STEAM .Lewittt 51471,.T, IT emprAm wIs w2241. Envwl. n 3/440 0 !IM in2l 111 Yl4Jwa iia Fr i 4+wN .,e Nnc zaVP #<, 1 421 6 vl 222• I a202 �C-ate 'c T41RT w4r Nc5,6 Mole 01 An!, °Fi�v` 41C9LA1 17 9144.7Lw:ln`1...Pra ru ewm AYE 0 1 e F m 1 8 k 9 8 6 A 5 NP4E1 DATE 9/12/2011 PRCEGT Fla 147253 17 finEF1 NU096 6000 OF 5 AkiEDE.f0, PLAT Cs3 47. 4,9933E8 P.S. a, P 3. 41 N.71 3OTH STREET .I:zs.7DODO PLAT OP ET. JAMS Py. 4, P•7. 41 10•9/ PAWED ar romp NAM 2Apr SWIPED scram •r 5.-P600 S-1,5 9]E 90N 31. 455 A NAIL . M.• 5156660 41=7 44133PT.' ° r1fV.=1466" N4Y0 'SM Neeu YeT(aw) T PDX. Y ase nun. "Latl0 AWL 6 art l_ isrypw! SWIPED Trkhattr sA.suN Ls or iLrArc WAS. la, IC zzlow 2Imaaaarrl 0 PINE POLtO 01-'99219.0,,94-0140 tr.cT '` ITD.D7 02-A 5 P,2* 111, Fa TO NE 31STSTREET 20(RMI / �B0.5E BUILDING LINE PARCEL V elf AtlfA VI AVENUE LL lrOC,OO 0614f25-997E=0000 PCSQCT ROMA (VISTA CtVZST FLA r P.O. VS, P21 YE 800,,iEZ 0 . PP. >la'IPaw1 BOULEVARD T04I 7 P.O. 1, PS raw NOT 219-14IDD,D DEART 33 EDVA111 PE4W3 r 1116.804-m050 �� raarkllara m pp EaSINEXr'sat la 461.64'74 ATE 91E51014456 EM1NO osnl. 5195 6112..-16.53. MVO '23. P.O.C.kc 0800A Exl NAM. a: DISK sr. .51711XEME No ea arII a% Mal Pa .53C2 PM Qua MSS'3T'4r29831) N-1 ,DI,N tow l 5654vm Ya6Eaaa sRnE F � NE 9.9T T S77tEE"T la ar 7910' •gs 4499793 VISTA 88T 03447 s.38t PS F7 Sr^.z'C7 •C' ISECeipw !!37A 443. ;.437 PO 77 MAMA YrSe4 EAST MIT P.03 180, PG Ti PARCEL 2 SOU. RIGKIISIA..." ACREAGETABUTAT10NS 3656A/51GC1 3Gln4r SOZT AG5&S 006 =IAW 73601E LLC 256a53 4.63 CW) TRACT 4or? 0.5C SCAM BLOCK E5w61 unra M,„ a.Yl TOTAL 213,589 440 0 m 6'ia.Y TO '37 •A. 3L0F'17 18731 E'.Per 91247 P 9, 491. 00,e 33 i 3 3 3 BOUNDARY SURVEY 3p 4�13 2Q41 r NO. 147253517 SHEET Ne49E19 6010 20F5 9,70,0 1. pe,w1horcl Von 21311.erg uoyoul - MIAMI WO AVC,E8 IDISTIOil 1ST rtr,'' E,E,Jri 7 Yr P.A.M.NIED PUY CP IA P. 81 N. VP: ATE EST T. JAM PARK P.D.%P CgS 5171111.... 115 12-12.4r1 a/ ‘9914no 77- - I R1111.41,, .4 .. , 1 l''' Ji ftr 111 lotr,tr' .r ,, , ...... PAW. NVIll 1.1, • , ,-.... ' WI -SITE 112191202ARK enEza sErJ Pk .2 2 912rt V F...EV ..96, 11_2 iS96 17AV. 111-.1 MT MD ....5.1 -. r• r „.41. . cr, Et.A. • 5, O. MR .119.2919., 4 TRACT 'F" BUENA P.A3TA WEST PLAT el, P6 71ff Z243.5,5 Fr. 4.tu ACRES ta'a 01.74 = / / '. ."211J1 -555 .5. TR 7 0 "'h... '17r-Lvo?2,2' .0-11 1'.9 1 ;4= A. 4 • 1BOV ARV TRACT .13, 1,11las ''.111.iniliNUMMEWELI"°"Irdir_AIMILINESI, Mill=7" .1 1 JlT_jji V 105IMPAIIIMMIVEde .. 9 ' TKALT13. 14iP.F4.9 VST.A SAM' P.2..1$1,1113.W MitCT 01.40.1A VISTA. rixTrgs• E.I.1T MAT ,Z1, PG 77 (r11/ 1V4. =5. 'f../1111227 157: TFA011131 WENANIZTA. EMT PLAY Part 1711.0 31.3EX31 VIVA vor NAT rim rrk./ 1..140r 6" oval 1.1. ,C,1 9.9 rolLUt£N1:111 Lre1-2-1Z. W E a Sr, 11 0 C.) 0 a_ 0 MIAMI-WOE COL' ouar 03/2211 FRILL -CT .1.111. 147253917 I. bre le.r.DV3LAX fir 5TL SD1u .5.11 rArk.tr 1.1 6020 rric vgsanpar LJ �Im+ae�4�ay tS111 MLR - °- =®E mratap= wrsr - - xpi - - LW 1... a wun B.TRPIR MST. fed RD▪ : MOM uti 110.311.01.11.11. MOVE WAS WS „. rr%i%%i. I;• 1H5ThF,t7• I it t • g-11 NUB WmiAG5201.1H6 u11LfrY LOCAAOWS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET WERE COMNLEO A rrm SURVEY PERGONMEO 8V EMEN D TEE IN AUGUST SOIL J WE UTILITY LOCATIONS 3 DATE 9/IJ/2017 147253517 SHEET NVueEN 6040 5 OFF5 PW�1b9,or• IID F-i9T R4 .E�. 7, FR. 49 %:Pnaix'W FLAT 4R ET..Lv. a FS.T.X P.B. a, F43 e1 E- BASE BUILDING 1 5 T0.:UT •i4 EMU ',WA 4333 d9:LT PM. Sit, RIJ T4 N. 31ST STREET BASE BUILDING LINE-/ �'-0' SETBACK UNE- ` 610 .ir9.9N .I3EI F_RIVZ 4%.0 FOLIO? J1-0F2G•O78-Soso TIVACT 0*"7. A VISTA [9'eST PLAT RR ?QP Pg Y� 627 LOT ARE? Y75'.:4CY 7 a 2-02,9'SO SS FP. a 4.L6P .1,,r2s.S 47EeT 40T a MACY a 4B, 177 SO. FT Q. .9CM1 S POT LOT AIWA iwIOR Th,STT u 44 S. SQ. Fr.. 0.21 AC4- T139 JS .4- 4 a 21, *V 4.;L9 ,e74er3 TO t. G.1058 4S7T.°.ai A4 = 272,7S9 -9,`. A B33 `ICES U # , .-9-0-SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LAQE- TFJL7/ '4F' atalia 4P.454 NW!' FAT iA. 01, 1,2 72 TRh74'C• 1.5W 1 BUM WeeT3T ALAI' Fla. 14A F3 T E BUILDING UNE 1 MACS Mr�"PSc3d Yf9T.4 I&£9P FLAT P.B. El, 55k YG 9TAF*T I i 855G83u'tl ;_ `4 ! TE4CS.1e• I R3'f71.1.0 '9T I d44Li1,..VsY TEVI.T .41FT54 4.3 P:d LL4 Pb. F±i 9= I [06,vT MI5' 1 V F0 05 a I I MT B,E�Etl+,9Rffi I' XT j PS, 9NV. C�9 41 i E1..14.9L 7'14- . I IMP? '3' .EF5TY B ffifd.519 I aTdAr fi Trait' 1 WA* P:97.4 if 9!CT La9I%PEST At47 &L14-1. K. a P31. i uT9LTCtKtlr, 1�E.r✓ a __ 1 } / N.E 297HSIREET _E i ea IN ZONING ANALYSIS AAA 03/14/1i PNC,ECT Me. 147253517 4 MUD 6045 0909 .6 ill 1315 t LSESitvL 'OFF 1,3Ned AaniS wads N3d0 4iolt 2 rMIR 371d[M3de1.01; MP,139 . ...q1N. I at , 949`L Oot.s 333x1Y3Md9 (4133r133191i rare as oar-33.1.AdaaP 9. 31w3miwax xlMov :aa! 355l4. 933x11119dd b, (C 133133B11 'Dais d99M-53.1. Aetl,[ 1 I13317gr933J' I 1 Owe �sstL.s33t[1NMd ,1 I I e9Inas MIS) MO'', A 39039,331IA 19t O1:103110BNMOSOLV d5 uVLO s5L11An.lO 1x91M O BdidxMIlia 301Las Ir3AO t9r'91 MIOS BI9 manna iO 7,O3,LLI103� A311ae3AAO1e N OHM, I 3IYON 31+30WW.lxO11,iO01 lyrureaatihsfueta 1-11IIOS 513O19 Hl(lOS 3 i itii i rrTTfrTi F [ 1 PSSHOVIRI WaImarti NE-29TH SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH vEi a Sale .Lnw1 .aa 1mn aai. prnam1 Wi SECOND FLOOR 12 I I2 LEGEND RAMMED AREA. PIERMF 0:E�wr M' acoMI OPpAE 1P1 Walmart :;i r STORE # 4304-01 NON-PROTO (SEE ARCH PLANS BY GENSLER FOR BUILDING/PARKING DECK IN JRMA7TON) F.F.E. = 16.50' AREA CALLS 5, 14 SCALERS.An I1 SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH TRACT "F" ZONING DATA INFORMATION SINGLE USE BUILDING SITELOCATO01: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NE 91ST ST ANON. NMI AVE MIAMI, FL WV LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT F. ELENA VISTA WEST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1S1, PAGE 78, OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMIOADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SITE DATA: PROPERTY: TRA.DT F. = 29E153 SF(400 ACRES) SOUTH BLOCK SOUTH LINER TRACT = 9,169 SFI021 ACRES) SOLAR KOOK SOUTH COD TRACT A COT( SF (0.09 ACRES) NET SIZE AREA: = 211,5R9 SF0.90 ACRES) ZONING DISTRICT: SD-272(P.E.110 CORRIDOR. M ODOWN MIAMI WEST) FLOOD ZONE ZONE%( MAP N0.120ESIb312L) DENSITY: MINIMUM LOT SIZF 00728.1 NO SPECIFIC DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS LOT DATA: TRACT T. MEASURED TO CENTERLINE OF NORD,I MIAMI AVENUE, MIDTOWN BOULEVARD. N.E.3131 STREET AND SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. TOW -GROSS LOT AREA: 272,780 ST.(620 ACRES) GROSS BUILDING AREA (FOR PARKING CALCULATIONS) -SECTION 627.211: WALMARI; SALES (SUPPORTA 177,005 S. �� TENANTS ( LINER SHOP): 19,25E (PARKINGALONG MIDTOWN BLVDA.lS SOUTH BLOC%SOUTH GARAGE) i TOTALPROPOSED: 2G1277S.F.. FAR (FLOOR TO AREA PATIO) -SECTION 62719S, MWMJM ALLOWED: 2 2,789 BF, K 1.72=488,1E9 TOTAL ALLOWABLEFAR 409.183 S.F. HEIGHT UROTATION -SECTION @T.LEA AND TABLE 82721: ALLOWABLE BUILDING: BTP-0' (FOR COMMERCIAL) PROPOSEC EUILDIMG: 41-19) (VARIES) SETBACKS AND BUILD TO LINES -SECTION 827.162 AND TABLE 627.2.7) H. AVE Sm REB 2QUIRED PRONBER, IODATION NES15T STREET MIDTOWN BOULEVAIIO 2, L.PIECE YARD 0' P 119112L9.70 MDR COWMAN CRAW. E:.N.NLOWASLE LNLNG'.WIEEM BIM-DEUI SORBS OFLN INIONTATGE MI Cott% FOI IINI PARSING! (0E>FNNEErwm) PARKING REQUIRED: RETAIL'RATIO OF WIN SF. OF GROSS FLOOR AREA) STUN SFISCO SSE SPACES MACRO PROVIDES. S77 SPACES=3241000 SF LOADING AREA -SECTION 827.2-1S: REQUIRED: (9) BERTHS 1291SSMS'IN) PROVIDED: (4} BERTHS 127IEP%22(11) 'FOR SCAN MANEUVERING OP TRUCKS WITHIRENE PUBLIC WONT OF WAY FOR THE PURPOSES OF OFF-STREET LOADING SHALL RE ALLOWED ay 0L030, II SpECN. PERMIT. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS -SECTION 621213: (SESSHEET8889) REQUIRED: MINIMUM OF ONE-(tmNMID) TIMES THE DSS LIST AREA =2727T S.F. 00, PROVIDED: DEW 14 C3/14/I3 PROJECT NO I8(253 S17 6070 M1 1 ' I I s I I t I a I o I o I I 1s 1 I ,a I e 1 I I. 1 .9 I za t 11. ? F i� 1 1l1l,l!lIE.II'S 11 r e 11 III I1 t II 6 _ _ - - 7 - I it .� r r [ _ _ 111=�}``�� a_ �� /iT:± Ilh 1 1 iy ���- . J E� # � " 1 � `�`3. t. Wa�mart .. ■ I �,� r i. 3 rr NNE r$4 'i rr 1 5 I • Walmart::i '1i _ij'I , STORE # 4304-03 I NON-PROTO /Pi it 1 f r STORE # 4304-01 + -- r� j t i i� (SEE ARCS PLANS BY GENSLER FOR BU1I DING/PARRWG DECK INFORMATION) U h t `-•- ii . NON-X'RY GEN Il `,� (SEE ARCH FLANS BY GENBLER FOR rr• i 8[7Q.Di1CGIPhRK[3VG DECK L1FOR':SATION)�{ r No !� `' �^ � . F.F.E. =16.50 , +T �' �f'i a.,�� lr i' ly ' — NWT ir%'� F.F.E. =16.50' 4+F�i I_' � Li =y ,r I ALL J Julio ! �I,� w 1+ 9 MANEUVERING PLAN It 1 M 11Ht„IIHIlIv: 711114 /,-.1411111111111 .., A .IIIniimiIIiT110 1 lel /� ///1/// 7 Walmartry: MIAMI MIDTOWN STORE IM304-01 MiLTOWN BLVD. & N MAW AVE. II UP.IP-h11L :LSP.1C^A yyPi Vt 1 6 Hll� _ ' ,1 t e s' .E Y , ',./ r ��%///y /s r' .fi I �t x Y' ce 4 $ �' L[HIII v, /j ry 75, 3 /ry aG I( � ss li 03;44,3 14 7155517 DECK LEVEL 2 LOADING AREA DECK LEVEL 2 LOADING AREA SHEET 1.,,,a 6075 SECTION A-4' ow ow. w12/0 OPT., i��'�m mo.mmcv� ww�r�iTmemn u lirottrom PLAN j>MIECTABLE WARNINGS ntrk ADA RAMP4J SDEWALK 0 0 p 6 €L R-iwl: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �i �Mfrr.., et PlY[ limes cr II 4 L w�i.3n t a xovi u m rwxy 0,000 etmo.0 a ( eW O. TO Vso[2�.v.vi nngxpas m wra-COI-aiw.. tl.P6gKr� a tilv,uwc Sesna. Pn OFPEgsaT(lT@ PA4EL[ GEfECi'ASYE WMET NING DAIL ot,E 03/1411,1 1R98CT ry Y n729.S5Y1 .EET N RER 6080 x Li \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 3 U C, N. MIAMI AVENUE EASING t r eai 0 0 v © v_ 0 OO\OQ O_ gm aY PICTURES ALONG ROADWAY GP so Ir I 3� 0 O 0 0 IXi61-114 SOME IN FRET 60 m 9 m { s / 1- � 0 a 1 ->.o gym_: ci i v SEE SHEET 3 AND 4 FOR N.E. 31ST STREET LEGEND c.mI,iREE IN PIGTAIL IM,.TAN NORTH MIAMt AVENUE 03/14/13 PPWECT Na 147253517 SHEET 16.640 V 1 z N.�r�nl u�xs L 15[SZL61. [Iflt/CO WOO o 3f1N3AY IV VIW HTON ON3531 p .d,r., p W,e� v KK x W p ON3331 3115 NVld 1Sle'3'N 21O b 133µS 33S N.E. 31 st STREET ol� a I O 10. NI 3WJ5 00.04,9 rav MOMS MOMS®m 0 0 .CQ a al 0 va"ew""`.au'�neom� 317N3AV IINV141' 0 rnNC — me] rood.dxg N.c a sr silo, EAm.. 5.4 name: 1f, \YRe1➢ �Z f SEE SHEET 1 FOR N. MIAMI A.VE. lJ Q PICTURES ALONG ROADWAY 0 SEE SHEET 5 FOR MIDTOWN BLVD. SITE LEGEND 0 LLIa-nooLLOrr Loa ronoo. 0 WmxenraPsieaemnomeRewxp O EVRLwomrrwnr Ton em'.se A LELL © evsmcfs.. a9Em ea RPASWm ® eu LLoo,0.Ps>mswLTna�ayrrr&u LaRRQp e+r griO—Low:e3 0 rme+womtmRwTnTOUAW, Q Qi eermtom worToereao.A.eo O euer®z 9wwr TRU 11 15 ]s 12 23 aryAagennaeleRaoe PryOospainaelePoa Plydropennallegana slineruOL TPOebgiMlemoloO• Eanseraginerulle TellehaaltetoLLIOLLO• TebebwabeumplwlIR exbmebuempeou P1y[npep PTIc]w+Penn PLolompemoelegona TREE RELOCATION UST COMMON NAME AlgaL.dar Palm Alexamdez Palo Gumbo Urnho P1r0e1ebsle Gun.. limbo PAO Labe,. bunko limbo AleLeocLer Polo Alexander Palm lemur,.P RYLOOmanrte elaeaoa Meson. Pa. Emo.etimaWa Eamua3-Rp-. OrtroLexlmanka P+Edmwemne.leow vwuwweRRa Bloom PEw'ospemm Gumbo Limbo GoolLe Limbo Crab WALL Oillobro LOW. Got. LILL. Gumbo lOntLo A1exnNe Palm Auraderomm bo mu-GmP wma •ORN= Mortar el brcenherRM LASpalooloof moose,eaaaPYaP+'eod OEN 9111. ' Evr PLr llr.5y1 112 115 E1,r.9uo MT LEP LICE ON ll6w ib' OT RILL ISLES 1PP13 16 Err LOUT OrOO IS ROW I IS 2,24 LA, Zit 111Rve1s LEGEND r� Eusrm0TR0T0RwnW RwETwoTRlaTn ERE REiaArmT9 cirr PARR RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE PELt)LPTF RELOCATE BRODIE PELORATE RELOCATE RELOCATE RELOCATE Raar<.TE OATS 53/14/13 MILIEU o. 147203 1 14725357 3 • '8'1N131MDS _'- is isle � nrca+'aaei.�ma�urummeasanrvx rwwnwrmou3n��ne .3mi Ne'w3a ci lrgrty3]yu umu:y3 Tn.173If1.I1103s6acm 2 euuS CNN. YIN 3.1.331-14 MSS UN3D31 0.� '3AV IW71N1 -N HO 133H3 33s nm rannWamrv33a wawa rx 1.m .mQ wuYa m3 wumalmnv'cra mmisxi® awuN�own.mr]er: � ai unx �l mQ exriwwneoi.auo-^wi� wal:awsmasww QryB .34va2N1nu011,a WAWA. Mat-Mrsu ear .wrm... „.a>u>o:xwa. .� ueu �..� mwaftm an.Mye.rra. a N „41O mum. ewwmm3p ma ..Arm ron,ceol.-qm 0N3091 31IS A z VA P4 1:*.k5;, , SEE SHEET 3 FOR N.E. 31ST ST. \ — 1 \\I 0 0 ''-- '111.11‘ Am *iv, , ITI 11 T T Tj- L 0 MIDTOWN BOULEV-AaRD a a la' AI&RjAil'{kolL" TrismaR mm ortEV \ • NG 111 0 0 0 ,.._;..., „ 11101.1rer 4 1, 00 0 "oi 0 _ ,Artiollioil.,....,....,...7.,,-„rizo G 0 G 0 tv 4 + , E(4e ,,,--.• 5 cctor -*L. 4' --C4 ix._ \,„, .__ . , * T T T T T ot:inkk,1 0 T Ng WII BLVD. T -.--1 i -.--.3 CI O._ T T TT -I. 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Autm •wx+caave 0 nu a �r®".o�mm�a...i"rI� �ru. a 3x ranr irac raprpganitnein NEMST flEET o STORE # 4304-01 NON-PROTO (SEE ARCII PLANS BY GENSLER FOR BUILDING/PARKING DECK INFORMATION) ERE. = 116,S97 i. i f ffv /l 11E2s114STFIEET sTp 0 0 �1 IN FEET sa rrP c rmuu.. �.alvna'IiM"rwtir—a=• .re"rr.c veonvnne g II, .emu Z Q q I— 41 a 00 U0 Z U ❑ 5 BENCH DETAIL MANUFACTURER: VICTOR STANLEY.INC. STREETSITE SERIES FGSS CIA C>; LANDSCAPE PLANTER POT DETAIL MANUFACTURER: LANDSCAPE FORMS SOREL, STAINLESS STEEL ET SP X90' VARIEGATED BLUEBERRY FLAX LILY TRASH LAIi DETAIL MANUFACTURER: VICTOR STANLEY, INC. IRONSITES SERIES SI:e2 BLACK SEATING AREA FURNITURE MANUFACTURER: LANDSCAPE FORMS PARC LENTRE STAINLESS STEEL GREEN ISLAND FICU_S BICYCLE RACK DETAIL MANUFACTURER: LANDSCAPE FORMS PI BLACK CROWN OF TI IO',IS CASSIA THEE - • DWARFFODOCARPUS EXISTING PAVEMENT TREATMENT TO RE MATCHED EXISTING SIDEWALK LANDSCAPE PLAN ELEMENTS AIAJ25�1) SHEET I,01OE, L-2 a 0 Wen • StELLICA11.11Littal ILL intfrat IttlfiNLLI PILLED. SECTION LARGE TREE PLANTING (14' OR GREATER) Mit PLAN I. LILL if ...LCILLOttat TOM.. rause,. cacao. Marta nw net Malt. Oa Olrf LW ON MULTI -TRUNK TREE PLANTING FLAN SECTION .'c SHRUB/ GROUNDCOVER PLANTING ON SLOPE PLAN MILLSIM tleP.Scrastat. "at sac, at SMALL TREE PLANTING (14' OR LESS) SECTION TREE PLANTING ON SLOPE t=1.141,1tIttaLtt9.,0 Mb. WILE ME ec itittP1M0 AWL SECTION SHRUB/ GROUNGCOVER PLANTING r Att. beet 0144. LLIZYtaillatIOSAL ctoccun POOR DRAINAGE CONDITION t. mEAwvnrE NmASTc¢s,x�in F��ca,P[MtrstiArzxNams�1 ; ue AREA FIRE HYDRANT CLEARZONE iuoleA,Eo Vent Itt`LI.THEL 5 EVATKKI i of f, RAN: VIEW fttIMECttt TREE/SHRUB PROTECTOR 1.1 PARKING SPACEIGURB PLANTING ettetReeTati MULCH DETAIL FOR I Rk.ANO SHRUB PLANTINGS MULCH TAPER DETAIL a 6 # 6 4]253t7 tmuarn L-3 170 91, ▪ _�. CkK-4hP.4il-0PCIb LE_� Y) A rw7ss�J tnu P1l YG �� T�'v�'I �aw�L gM)Li3'�L ' RE,W.AED PktN •CotTA)041 t44 NEE ,I s11=e r fr.{(. RIMS :i3 M.1K1.4 L Ie 0 oMM Fi-v, �{e. i 31 5icrs�- d 1,1Nes Ice 1�F.' G G.l Hi3Y•4'v 4,E5 dal 4I L- cif —LIGHT BEIGES.TAINED CONCRETE I�! 314 PARKING STALLS. ) V, Walmart � ,. SOUTH BLOCK AT MIDTOWNMIAMI ® RETAIL ■ RETAIL SUPPORT VERTICAL CIRCULATION MECHANICAL L T J PARKING COUNT T1�1 t+u. CK w h / 2nd Level - 263 Stalls Ilv0 anti, r nu (16 Accessible Stalls) 3rd Level • 314 Stalls (12 Accessible Stalls) TOTAL- 577 Stalls CD - PET RINISEDD TER BQX,TYP jj4.: 29GRIb TAMPED& INED CSNCRETE {"+f late�1ve a+E.� Msns R rv.v THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: era• March 07. 2013 Liner Shops at Midtown Drawing Index Location Plan Site Plan Floor Plans Detail Floor Plan North Elevation South Elevation Elevation: Overall North and South Elevation Elevation: Steel Bay Elevation: Concrete Bay Elevation: Colonnade Bay View from the Southeast View from the Northwest N • fl 4 1' =. � Cz �Trie Ekcow '=' 5,44� ;,` 174 _7. F«••. 11. N'N NW.4.1..'.51 r VAX NE 3pN,SI 1ZTNm W27 SI Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB Submittal Drawing Index March 14, 2013 No copies, transmissions, repraductiens, or electronic revisions of any ponions of -these drawings in whole or in part may be made without the express written permission of zyscovich Architects. All designs indicated in these drawings are the property ofZyscovich Architects. All copyrights reserved 02012. ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS ioc N Biscayne Blvd . 27t11FI Miami. FL 33132.2304 t 305.372.5222 F 305.577.4321 a InFaezyv eW w w ..zysc Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB Submi` Location Plan March 14, 2013 No copies, transmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions attllese drawinya in whale or In part may be made without the express willed permission etZyscdvich Architects. All designs indicated in these drawings are the properly or Zyscovich Archilecis. A11 copyrights reserved 032012. ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS 100 N Biscayne Blvd.27th El Miami. FL 33132.2504 [ 305.372.5222 F 305.577.4521 e info@zyscov w www.zysso Liner Shops at Midtown Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida No copies, t,ansrnlssions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions of these drawings in whole ne in part may be merle without the express IVritten permission of Zyscovich Architects. Alt designs indicated in these drawings are the property of Zysnoy(ch Architects. All copyrights reserved 02012. ice'f!, h`ki • uJs' i1 CS s UDRB Submitt.: Site Plan ZYSCOVICH A R C H 1 T E C T S 100 N Biscayne BIvd.2tti, f-I Miami . FL 31152,2304 t 305.372.5222 f 30,5.577.4521 34-8' 35=177 March 14, 2013 fnfoPzysc, w www.sysca 1, Remove existing curb cut. } M Retail 021011 Vertical Circulation 24-8" 24-8" tail Tenant 2,624 SF M.R 24'-5" 24'-0" 26.-8" 28'-6" ���' l Roll -Up Door I Rgi 0' 9' Tenan 7,569 Rest - rooms M- LIl_!1L_LiL-111LG 1111 11 11 1111 1 11 111 d R _-s4--ate- 281-6" 28'-6" 28-6 276-8" 472-t" 25'-7' 25 rmik IVIIIIIIIIIIIifill rin:1111111111 x Loading / Service Retail Tenant Trash 2,320•Sr l:ou ra, = i�it=2L II II �I u -ter ♦ 28'-6" 2p' \1. 23-4" 28-3" 20'-117 79'- , BLDG 1 276-8' BLDG 2 472'-1° Retail Ten 2,454 S 70-3" First Floor ▪ 16,152 GSF 11,203 NSF Retail rn 28'-3" 28'-6" 21'-17" 154" 20'-70' t- 79'-17" BLDG 3 Courtyard - Retail Support Restrooms Mechanical & Services Scale 1" = 40' 0" W Second Floor 3,604 GSF N Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB Submittal Floor Plans March 14, 2013 Ma copies, hnnsmrssions, repmductions, or electronic revisions of any portions or these drawings in whole or in part may be made without the express written permission of Zyscovich Archilecfs. All designs indicated in these drawings are the property of Zyscnc ch Archilecis. Ad copyrights,eserved 62012. ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS lop 4 Biscayne Blvd. 27th FI Miami. FL 33133.2304 t 303.323. 5222 F 305.523 4521 InwolFaysc"vrk mullllllirlu 11101111 �rT 11111 M.R., 40'9" Retail Tema' 1, 569 m, 62'-8" Rest - rooms M.R Retail Te 2,320 S 0'-0" — 'ci 1 - 111*--,e-C. 447 __1L._IL_AL LJL—JIIL= II II _JL_ II II _�IIL.__ a 1t _ II 1LL_ 1-ON- II II ill, II II III, II II IIII II II II II �I it of 11 or =gip=d e.P=1ii=4P= _ T \= -4Q r 28-6" 28'-6" 28-6" 28'-6" 28'-6 Retail Vertical Circulation 276-8'' BLDG 2 472'-1" Courtyard Retail Support Restrcoms pant 28'-6° 28T-3 it Mechanical & Services Retail Tenant 2,454 Sr 76'-3" 281-3" I 281-6" li 821-6" BLDG 3 23'-4" 201-10" • 1 1% 211-11" Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UD Detail Floor Plan March 14, 2013 No copies, Irertsmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any porttens of these drawngs in whole or to part mey t e made "vthout the express written permission orlyscovich Architects. All designs fer ioaied in these drawings are the properly of Zyseovich Archnesle. AIf copyrights rnservetl ®2012 MBlvd 27rh Fl ZYSCOVIC� Miamf . FL 33132-7304 1 305, 377.>J2] a infoc: zyscovi ARCHITECTS f 30s.sn.+sre w www.�yseo ti G I , Liner Building' Building Facade F E D c B A Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida 1 North Elevation March 14, 2013 No copies, Transmissions. reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions of tilese drawings in whoe or in pan maybe made without the express wnftein permission of Zyscovich Architects. Ali designs Indicated in These drawings are die proper iy ofZyscovich Architects. All copyrights reserved ®20i2. ZYSCOVICH A R C H 1 T E C T S 100 N Biscayne Blvd.276 FI Miami . FL 33132.2304 t 305.372.5222 F 305.577.4521 A 3 C D C F I Liner Building Building Facade Liner Shops at idtown Miami, Florida t Omit°': South Elevation March 14, 2013 No copies transmrssi0ns, repro011C.ns oreleciromc rerrsions of any portions al those drawings in whole or in part may be made :ritlren; rbe express x-eaten permission or27scowch Arc!aects. AH designs indicated an these drawings are the property of Zrscoarcn Architects .011 copyrights reserved $12012 ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS 100 N Btscayrr BIod . 22:h FI Miami FL 33132.2304 l 303 372.3222 305 577 4521 11 I JJ ■1 1., ,r . ' i , ■ �:' ' d 1 lfl i jl 1 ...,1 _■ ',� .. -- i111 1 Ez . .molly lit MMI 1 A A. . 11III� 4 l _L� t ., a Ii�:_,— _r _'1i--- I 1111= 1 I ►lii ii.1 1 =_ - Al, i ri1— At 4Cour1yar• I •_Till.14_II 111111 IIl 1III i Ill1 IP 1■IIIi iI lif- M II i �! `1 _ _��_ il�i i 1151 1 I i ■ killitill tl Ir III ICI I i 11i'i III; ii1 I J IIII 11; I . I ii 1, t 1 1 man. ILi Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida Elevation: Overall March 14, 2013 Wo copies, transmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions of these drawings in whole or in pert Inay be made without the express written permission oflyscovich Archilects. All designs indroaled in These drawings are the properly of Zyscovich Archileets. AR copyriyNs reserved C2012 ZYSCOVICH AR CH IT E CTS 19P N Biscayne Blvd , lvth FI Miami. FL 33132.230e t 305.372-5222 f 305.577,4521 Intn0ry.r W WWW.=yseariy G 11 I I I 1 I Liner Building Building Facade F I Liner Building I I t Building Facade _EVE_ U1j 0 ti Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida. North and South Elevation March 14, 2013 No copies, transmissions, reproductions. or elachanlc revisions of any portions of these drawengs In whole or in part may be made without the express wdlten permission of Zyscovich Architects. All designs ind foaled in these drawings are the property of Zyscovich Architects. All copyrights reserved C 2012 ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS 106 N Biscayne Blvd .27th FI Miami _ FL 33132.2304 305 372 5222 { 305.577.4521 e Infoeysee w www,:yscoxec. T.O. Parapet 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Ground Floor 0 4' 8' 16" SCALE: 118" = 1'-0" Structural Steel Frame Color: Rust Orange Spandrel Storefront System Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Aluminum Lettering Painted all sides Finish: Kynar, or similar Color: Chocolate Storefront System Mullions Impact resistant Finish: Kynar, or similar Color: Anodized Aluminum Storefront System Vision Glass Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Corrugated Ste& Panels Profile to match typical shipping container Color: Chocolate Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB Submittal Ain copies. transmissrens. reproductions. dreiectronrc revisions of any portions of these drawings in what. or in par( maybe matte without Ma express written permission of Zyscovich Architects. Ad designs indicated in these drawings ere the property ofZyscovich Architects. AI! copyrtgivs reserved SVP12. Elevation: Steel Bay March 14, 2013 Z Y S C O V I C H Miami . scarna 2.1304 Miami. FL 3313Z.23U4 305.372.5232 ARCHITECTS I f 305.577.4521 e mFo@rysm w www.1ysm T.O. Parapet 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Ground Floor — ' I rL- .--.'MILA �u I 4' 8' 1s' SC L : 1/8" = 1'-0" Concrete Frame Pre -cast concrete panels, architectural finish Color: Light Cool Gray Storefront System Vision Glass Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Canopy Rods, Beams, Purlins, Attachments Finish' Kynar, or similar Color: Chocolate Canopy Glass Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Storefront System Mullions Impact resistant Finish: Kynar, or similar Color: Anodized Aluminum Storefront System Vision Glass impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Corrugated Steel Panels Profile to match typical shipping container Color: Chocolate Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida UDRB Submittal No copies, transmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions of these drawings In vwhote or in parr may he made wrfhoul the express written permission of Fyscovich Architects. Ad designs indicated in these drawings are the properly of Zyscomcn Architects. Ali copyrights reserved 020 f2. Schematic Section through Canopy Elevation: Concrete Bay March 14, 2013 ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS too N Biscayne Blvd. nth FI Mlorni. FL 33132..2309 t 305.312.5222 i 305.577.4521 e Innretryeco w ww4 rco T.O. Parapet 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Ground Floor 16' SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" Concrete Frame Pre -cast concrete panels, architectural finish Color: Light Coo/ Cray Storefront System Mesh Panel Metal Fabric: GKD Ellipse 14 or similar Concrete Colonnade Pre -cast concrete panels, architectural finish Color: White Storefront System Mullions Impact resistant Finish: Kynar, or similar Color. Anodized Aluminum Storefront System Vision Glass Impact resistant Color: Light green or clear Corrugated Steel Panels Profile to match typical shipping container Color: Chocolate Liner Shops of Midtown Miami, Florid UDRB Submittal Elevation: Colonnade Bay March 14, 2013 No copies, Irensmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions oe these drawings In whole or In part may be made without the express written permission of 2yscavfch Architects. All designs dedicated in these drawings are the properly efZyscovich Ar ch tents. Ali copyrights reserved 02012. ZYSCOVICH ,00N Biscayne Blvd .nthrI Miami. . ARCHITECTS 1 ios.577.452i w'www.xyrce� w.xyaco Liner Shops at Midtown Miami, Florida' u No copies. transmissions, reproductions, or electronic revisions of any portions or these drawings in whole or in par? may be made without the express written permission ofZyscovich Architects. Ali designs indiceled in gleae dt swings are die pl upelty utZyscoviclr Architects. Ali copyrights reserved *20 rT_ View from the Northwest March Z Y S C O V I C H ion N 2.23.nth Fl Miami . FL 32132.230e 305.372.5222 ARCHITECTS F 305.577.4521 14, 2013 w ww4.y;4