HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Downrite Engineering Corp. Change OrderCALA C;) e k EW Coo (O Dow -unite Engineerhng Corporation 14241 Southwest 143'd Court ° Miami, F1.33186 (305) 232-2340 ° Fox; (305) 256-1161 CHANGE ORDER Proposal Submttled to: FIRST FLQIaIDA 1 ALBEUTQ (1MTABRIGA Street: 1533 SUNS1;T.pRIV ... WTF 160 City, Skate, and Zip Cpde: Phone: 306-685-1146_ Job Nam©: WEST t3RICKELL Vlk1fl1 Fax: Dote: 20-Jan-13 We hereby submit specifications and osttmatos tor. Irk CHANGE ORCER1,6 WATER: q auANTITY ri�rt UIM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE 1 0" Faetfto Viton Gasket 12 e,pA 0" MJ Viten Gasket 14A 0" MJ Viton Gasket 15 EA 4" MJ Won Gasket 144 SW 8th Street, Miami, Fl. EXTENSION $ 226.53 / EA $ 226.53 $ 105.00 / EA $ 1,887.20 $ 137.43 / EA $ 1,924.02 $ 89.43 / EA $ 1,341.45 TOTAL COST THIS CHANGE ORDER: PLANS: Design by Schwebke-Shtskln Sheet 0-2 Viten Gasket Requirement NOTES: $ 5,478.20 1 Original bid notes apply. 2 Change order per revlasd plans as per plans Information detailed above. 3 Change order to be signed and emalled back to Jordan prier to work being scheduled/performed. 4 Viton gaskets on WAS') portion only as directed by EOR. 5 Viton gaskets not included on sanitary sewer, JAAlrmp U:IESTANATIUG1Ct(OO5UERIWEST/UCKER.VIEW. 2012Ap STBRICKEu.VIEW-COpa.1.26-1S•ssonpwkers.x1fIREVt2J1.12 ACCEPTED. The obove prices. spoo:licallans and conditions we sattsraciory and ore hereby accepted. You are authorized to doihe work as specified. Payment wtti be rn e as outlined bove. By: Date:... .._. .. . By: Date: Dom:irate, tlin, e:a•hag Corp.11 1 (t3 (3 OO 7jg - Oc772/ 11/Ll _ 00W %f� - OO 722 ErlyI k1ctriv1 eor(I. ey Char Oder I. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PH5., PH.6 & PH.7 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon boy 43 nownrite Engineering Corporation 14241 Southwest 143' Court • Miami, FL 33186 (305) 232-2340 o Fax; (305) 256.1161 CHANGE ORDER ,Proposal Submitted to: Phone: Date: FIRST FLORIDA l ALBERTO CATTABRIGA 3064186.1140 4-Feb-13 Street: Job Name: 1633 SUNSET DRIVE, SUITE 160 WEST BRUCKELL VIEW Ciip, State, and Zip Cpde: Fax: MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 page 1 of 1 Wo horoby submit specH er:Mont and esnmotes, svf :NGE ORDER #9 c�11A 144 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL WATER: LIUANTily UUIM!• DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 6 c4.5 ,20" MJ Won Gaskot $ 378.49 l EA $ 1,882.46 3 '� A` 0" MJ Won Gasket $ 165.60 / EA $ 496.80 3 -"EA 6" MJ Viton Gasket $ 137.43 / EA $ 412.29 TOTAL COST THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ 2,791.64 PLANS: Design by Schwebko-Shlskin Sheet C-2 Viton Gasket Requirement 4 ' ' /1? NOTES: 1 Original bid notes apply. 2 Change order per revised plans as per plans information detailed above. 3 Change order to be signed and omailed back to Jordan prior to work being scheduled/performed. 4 Viton gaskets for work performed by WASD. JAA/ mp U:IESTIMATINGICKGOROERIWESTORIOXELLVIEW •2012-04M ESTNRICKE1lVIEW.COGe•2-4-13-vkonplsketsforWASD.ztatNN ACCEPTED. The above prices. specrficoltom and conditions ore satisfactory and ore heroby accepted. You are outhofNe I fa do the work os specified. Poymenl viill be mode as o1 IIne above. nownrlte Jinn _ iwe4 ritQg corp. Date..... /,;i: Date: 2.1.g Submitted into the public record in connection with item PH5., PH.6 & PH.7 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon Vc3t Dow -mite kgraieentrag Cot. on.°u tiiom 14241 Southwest 143fd Court 4 Miami, FL 33186 (305) 232-2340 0 Fax: (305) 256-1161 CHANGE ORDER Proposal Submitted to: Phone: FIRRTILORIDA / ALBER.TO CATIABRIGA 3Q6.-$65.1146 Street: Job Name: 1 Sli!N91=T QRIV�,.SUtTt;160 VIS G NQE APARTMENTS City, Stole, and Zip Cpde: Fox: _. U Pa e o We hereby submit speci1cafians and estimates for: CHANGE ORDER #3 REVISED 1/1013 850 SW2nd Avenue, Miami, FL QUANTITY UIM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ADD: 12 EA 12" Fastlte Viton Gasket $ 750.00 / EA $ 9,000,00 2 EA 6" Fastlte VI ton Gasket $ 225.63 / EA $ 451.06 2 EA 4" Fastite Viton Gasket $ 178.60 / EA $ 357.00 26 EA 12" MJ Viton Gasket $ 226.80 / EA $ 5,670.00 4 EA 8" MJ Viten Gasket $ 165.60 / EA $ 662.40 19 EA 6" MJ Viten Gasket $ 137.43 / EA $ 2,611.17 19 EA 4" MJ Viten Gasket $ 89,43 / EA $ 1,699.17 1 EA 8" x 6" Tapping Sleeve and Valve wMton Gasket $ 7,041.34 / EA $ 7,041.34 SUBTOTAL ADD: $ 27,492.14 QUANTITY UIM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION DEDUCT: (1) EA 8" x 6" Tapping Sleeve & Valve w/Mega Lug $ 4,363.10 / EA $ (4,363,10) SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: $ (4,363,10) SUBTOTAL WATER: $ 23,129.04 ACCEPTED. The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory end ore hereby accepted. YOU ore authorized to do the work as specified. Payment wit] be made as outlined above. By: Date: o anirlit o 1u gn2, 'altering C4euripo l Submitted into the public record in connection with item PH5., PH.6 & PH.7 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon i1 owF.it73rilit Dag a %f1 rring c+L!`+kia oi'attl D35J. 14241 Southwest 143'° Covrt Miami, FL. 33186 (305) 232-2340 Fax: (305) 256.1161 CHANGE Proposal Submitted to: _FAST FLOBIDAIALD BT4 GATAEIGA Street: 33 U.S T D: - 119 City, State, and Zip Cpde: hai1R9, i4 L.F. �.. .r.�E.Z. - We hereby submit speclticalions and estimates for. Phone: 30$-6 ¢-1.146 Job Name: VISTA GRANDE APARTME 4TS Fax: SEWER: QUANTITY UIM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENS ON ADD: 35 LF 8" DIP 0/6 $ 100.86 / LF $ 3,630.10 8 LF 6" DIP $ 75.65 / LP $ 605.20 2 EA 8" x 8" SS Repair Clamp Clay x Di $ 3,432,47 / EA $ 6,864.94 3 EA 8" Long Sleeve DI $ 385.00 / EA $ 1,155.00 1 EA 6" Cap it/Mega Lug $ 152.50 / EA $ 152.50 1 EA 6" Plug w/Mega Lug $ 162.50 / EA $ 152.50 1 EA 6" Cleanout Ass'y DI $ 893.52 / EA $ 893,52 2 EA 8" Fastite Viton Gasket $ 415.00 / EA $ 830.00 2 EA 8" MJ Vlton Gasket $ 165.60 / EA $ 331,20 4 EA 6" MJ VIton Gasket $ 137.43 / EA $ 649.72 SUBTOTAL ADD: $ 15,084,68 QUANTITY UIM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRIOE EXTENSION DEDUCT: (36) LF 8" PVC C-900 DRI8 0/6 $ 51.66 / LF $ (1,808.10) (8) LF 6" PVC C-900 DRI8 $ 31.60 / LF $ (262.80) (3) EA 8" Coupling PVC-900 $ 121.28 / EA $ (363.84) (2) EA 8" Mission Coupling PVC C-900 $ 121.28 / EA $ (242.68) (3) EA 8" Manhole Adaptor PVC C-900 $ 155.88 1 EA $ (487.84) (1) EA 6" Cap PVC C-900 $ 57.39 / EA $ (57.39) (1) EA 6" Plug PVC C-900 $ 57.39 / EA $ (67,39) (1) EA 0" Cleanout Ass'y PVC C-000 $ 448.04 / EA $ (448.04) SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: $ (3,697.76) SUBTOTAL SEWER: $ 11,366.92 ACCEPTED. The above prices, spaolfleatlons and conditions are sallsfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as spectried. Payment will be made as outlined above. By: _ Date Submitted into the public record in connection with item PH5., PH.6 & PH.7 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon D mahnilte Fillgh1001ing Co porae . 14241 Southwest 143'd Court a Miami, FL 33186 (305) 232-2344 $ Fax: (305) 256-1161 CHANGE ORDER Proposal Subrn led to: ..EIRSIE1 ORktA. At 13r•R Street: 1533..5 U ET RRIV,lkMITEIR0 City, State, and lip Cpde: We hereby submit specifications and estimates for; Phone: Z5.665-114 Job Name; Date: q-neG-12 , VISTA Gt2ANDE APARIMENT Fax 1Z.nr., Page 3 of 3., SUMMARY: WATER: SEWER: $ 23,129.04 $ 11,366.92 TOTAL COST THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ . 34,495,96 PLANS: Design by Schwebke-Shtaktn Sheet C-2 Vlton Gasket Requirement NOTES; 1 Original bid notes apply. 2 Change order per revised plans as per plans information detailed above. 3 Change order to be signed and faxed back to 305.250-1101 prior to work being scheduled/performed. 4 Change order revised on 1/10/13 to include Viton gaskets on WASD portion only as directed by EOR. 5 Per the EOR on 1/10/13, the sanitary Is to be DIP for WASA portion and C-900 for private. JAAfrmp U:lESTiMATNG\CHGOROERIVISTA GRANGE APARTMENTS - 20 t2o6513VISTA GRANGE - CO P3-12.442 - Water & pewcr xisIREV I.10 C3 ACCEPTED. The above prices, spectiicalicns and conditions aro saltstactory and ote hereby occepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified, Payment WIII be mode as outlined above, It ow rkte IEnd q si g Corp. 8y:_ 11 Date: ... t i .3 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PH5., PH.6 & PH.7 on 11/21/13 Todd B. Hannon