HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up Documents09/25/2013 14:44 3057593509 CTLONG PAGE 01/07 70: FAX: PHONE: FROM: ''--L__ ry'�ti ^ `^, (—U FAX: �t PHONE; SUBJECT: DATE: COMMENTS: tA -;\ c.‘ •‘&,. (ZVy.C.k.AN. c)A.t,,k "Dc-,„ L.N \\:1/4 09/25/2013 14:44 3057593509 CTLONG PAGE 02/07 Mission: To protect, promote & Improve the health of all people In Florida through integrated state, county & community earls. HEALTH Vision: To be the Healthiest State In the Nation Rick SSoot# Govenar John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM POLICY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2013 TO: Independent Child Care Centers, Sponsors of Affiliated Child Care Centers, Afterschool Meals Programs, and Homeless Children Nutrition Programs FROM: Maria Williamson, M.S., R.L , L.D. Chief, Bureau of Child Care Food Programs SUBJECT: Annual Renewal Process to Continue CCFP Participation Deadline for Submitting Renewal Materials —August 5, 2013 The deadline to submit your Child Care Food Program (CCFP) renewal materials for the 2014 fiscal year is August 5, 2013. The renewal process will be different this year. Nopaper forms will be mailed to you. Instead you will be getting all the materials you need from the MIPS data system. Therefore, you must take the appropriate online training module(s) in order to learn how to obtain and complete this year's renewal materials, Refer to the attached memo for information on how to access online training. Please submit your completed renewal materials to your Program Specialist by August 5, 2013. This will ensure adequate time for your Program Specialist to work with you to oorrect any deficiencies and forward on for final approval. Your renewal materials must be complete and correct before the start of the new fiscal year on October 1. Otherwise, your CCFP contract will be terminated effective September 30, 2013 and you will not be reimbursed for meals served after that date, Please contact your Program Specialist if you have any questions. Florida Department of Health Division of Community Health Promotion • Bureau ef•Child Care Food Programs 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A•17 • Tallahassee, FL 32309.1727 PHONE: 850/245-4323 • FAX 850/414-1622 • EMAIL: cafp@doh.stete.fl.11s www.FloiridasHealth. om TWITTER:HeaithyFLA FAO EBOOK:FLDepartmentafHeelth YOUTUBE:fldoh'' 09/25/2013 14:44 3057593509 CTLONG PAGE 03/07 IUiissian: To protect, promote & Improve the health of all people In Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts, HEATH Vision: To be the healthiest State It) the Nation f2iak Scott Governor John H. Armstrong, MD, FAC$$ State Surgeon General & Secretary Date: August 5, 2013 To: From: CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM POLICY MEMORANDUM Independent Child Cara Centers, Sponsoring Organizations of Centers, Afterschool Meals Programs, and Homeless Children Nutrition Program Contractors Maria Williamson, MS, RIB, LD Chief, Bureau of Child Care Food Programs SUBJECT: Reimbursement Rates Effective July 1, 2013 The USDA has announced the new meal reimbursement rates and cash -in -lieu of commodities rate. Below are the Child Care Food Program reimbursement rates for meals effective from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Type cif Meal Served Free Reduced -Price Non -Needy Cash in Lieu of Commodities Breakfast $1.58 $1.28 $0.28 N/A Lunch and Supper $2,93 $2.53y $0,28 $0.2325 Snack $0.30 $0.40 $0,07 N/A If you have any questions, you may contact your Program Specialist. Florida Department of kieaith Division of Community Health Promotion • Bureau of Child Cate Food Programs 4052 Said Cyprese Way, Sin A-17 • Tallahassee, FL 32399-1727 PHONE; 850/245.4323 • FAX 850/414.1622 • EMAfL; acfp@doh,state,fl.us www.FrortdasHea Ith.carn TWITTBR;HealthyFLA FACE3OOK,FLDopartmentotHealttt YOUTUBE; fldoh 09/25/2013 14:44 3057593509 CTLONG PAGE 04/07 Organization Name: City of Miami Day Care Programs } 76 g Authorization #: Delegation of Signing authority for the Child Care Food Program By means of this letter, I, Johnny Martinez (the Delegating Official, which is the Board Chairman, Executive Director, President or Majority Owner), delegate the authority herein described, to chrleine t. Lang (my representative), on the following terms and conditions: 1- My representative may sign, on my behalf, any documents pertaining to the Child Care Food Program (CCPP). 2. The designated effective time period of this delegation is as follows: a. For a prospective contractor, this delegation will be in effect from the date that the CCFP application checklist or contract is signed, whichever date occurs earlier, through September 30, 2014 or until revoked in writing by the delegating official, whichever date occurs earlier. b. For a renewing contractor, this delegation will be in effect from the date that the CCFP Annual Information Update and Certification or contract amendment (when applicable) is signed, whichever date occurs earlier, through September 30, 2014 or until revoked in writing by the delegating official, whichever date occurs earlier. 3. The authority delegated is not subject to sub -delegation without my prior and written consent. 4. I understand that this delegation does not relieve me of responsibility to manage and supervise operation of the Child Care Food Program, that I may be liable for repayment of funds received and that I may be subject to disqualification from future participation in the Child Care Food Program should the terms of the contract with DOH for participation in the Child Care Food Program not be fulfilled. Acknowledged and agreed: Revised 4/2018 Signature (Delegating Offioial) Johnny Martinez, P.E,,City Manager Name and Title (Board Chairman, Executive Director, President or Majority Owner) Date Signature (Representative) Christine T. Long, pay Care Administrator Name and Title Date I.132-10 e9/25/2113 14: 44 3057593509 CTLONG Florida Dcpaitment urflealth: Child Care .Food Program PAGE 05/07 Page I of 2 Pending Budget Worksheet for Child Care Sponsor Print Preview 1.) Enter the estirnated annual Food Service (Operational) costs to be charged to the Child Care Food Program. Food Service (Operational) CCFP Funds Costs Food Purchases Food. Service Labor and Benefits Non -Contracted Purchased Services Non -Food Supplies ; Food Service Equipment Transportation Other (Includes • Special Cost Items) 5,7.1.4VA OA, Describe: Total Costs (calculated) $63,38'7 Funding from Total Other Sources Funding $63,387 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $63,387 2) Enter the estimated annual Administrative Costs to be charged to the Child Care Food Program. Administrative Costs Administrative Salaries and Benefits Non -Contracted Purchased Services Training Travel Rent and Utilities Office Supplies Other (Includes Special Cost Item) Describe: CCFF Funds Funding from Total Other Sources Funding „ .— $1,161 $14732 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 https://adminappsdoh35.doh.state.fl.us/CCNS/S/SBudgetWorksheet.aspx? 9/27/2013 09/95/2013 14:44 3057593509 CTLONG Florida Department of Health; Child Care Food Program Page 2 of 2 PAGE OG/07 Total Adnainistrative $10,571, :i $1,161 $11,732 Cogs (calculated) Budget Grarid $73958 $1,161 $75,119 Total Clear I Return to ApJ Save and Return to App j , 1-•••-•............, Amyx https://adminappdoli35.d.oltstate.fl.us/CCNS/S/SBudgetWorkshect.aspx? 9/27/2013 09/25/2013 14:44 305759350E CTLONG PAGE 07/07 Florida Department of Health Child Care Food Program Budget for the Sponsor of Affiliated Child Care Centers 8/19/2013 4:42PM $ - 576 Region: $ RPS: 5 Fiscal Year: 2013 Termination Date: Legal Name: CITY OF MIAMI DAY CARE PROGRAMS FEIN: 596000375118 D/B/A: CITY OF MIAMI DAY CARE Payment Start Date: 10/01/2012 Food Service (Operational) Casts CCFIo Funding from Total Funds Other Sources Funding Food Purchases: $63,387 $0 $63,887 Food Service Labor and Benefits; $0 $0 $0 Non -Contracted Purchased Services: $0 $0 $0 Nan -Food Supplies: $0 $0 $0 Food Service Equipment: $0 $0 $0 Transportation: $0 $0 $0 Other (includes Special Cost Items): $0 $0 $0 Describe: Total Food Service (Operational) Costs: $63,3$7 $0 $63,387 Administrative Casts CGFP Funding from Total Fundy other Sources Funding Administrative Salaries and Benefits: $10,571 $1,161 $11,732 Non.Cantracted Purchased Services: $0 $la $0 Training: $0 $0 $0 Travel: $0 $0 $0 Rent and Utilities: $0 $0 $0 Office Supplies: $0 SO $0 Other (Includes Special Cost Items); $0 $0 $0 Describe: Total Administrative Costs: $10,571 $1,1$1 $11,732 Budget Grand Total: $75,8513 $1,161 $75,119