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Request for Commission Agenda - City of Deerfield Beach
Item: C.,, of b E E R r SE L Ci BEACH CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH Request for City Commission Agenda Agenda Date Requested: June 27, 2012 Contact Person: Chad Grecsek, Assistant Director of Environmental Services and David Santucci, Purchasing Manager Description: Request to award contract to Rehrig Pacific Company for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software per RFP #2011-12/18. Fiscal Impact: $870,000 FY 11/12 and FY 12/13 funded by RRB Grant Budget Line Item Number and Title: 001-0000-248-00-00 RRB Recycling Grant ($18,830 remaining after expenditure) Required Attachment: A Cover Memo from the Department Head to the City Manager further describing the request and providing back-up information and documents. THIS SECTION RESERVED FOR PROCESSING OF THE REQUEST ['Ordinance Comments: ❑ Resolution ❑ Consent Agenda Agenda Item Type ❑ Presentation ❑ Written Request ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Public Hearing Second Reading ❑ Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing. ❑ General Item ITEM APPROVED FOR THE AGENDA: Signature Date City of DEERFIELD BEACH Memorandum TO: Burgess Hanson, City Manager FROM: Chad Grecsek, Assistant Director of Environmental Services THRU: Charles DaBrusco, Director of Environmental Services COPY: Keven Klopp, Assistant City Manager Amanda Shafer, Assistant to the City Manager David Santucci, Purchasing Manager DATE: June 27, 2012 RE: Request to award contract to Rehrig Pacific Company for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management per RFP #2011- 12/18 Background Earlier this year the City of Deerfield Beach (City) received a reserve distribution from the Resource Recovery Board (RRB) in the amount of $1,153,430. The funds were issued to the City via a grant administered by the RRB that requires the funds be used to promote recycling. As part of the City's grant application to the RRB (required as part of the distribution), the City provided that the funds would be utilized for the purchase of single stream single family recycling carts, the implementation of a recycling incentives program and recycling marketing. Procurement City staff worked with the Purchasing Division to prepare the Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP was issued on April 27, 2012. Four (4) proposals were received on May 30, 2012. Each firm also submitted sample carts in 35, 65 and 95 gallon sizes. An evaluation committee was formed and the firm's proposals were ranked based on the evaluation criteria (qualifications, adherence to requested cart specifications, proposed assembly and distribution process, technology, and price). Prior to the evaluation committee meeting, City staff performed testing of the carts by tipping them using the new automated side loader trucks. The carts provided by the lowest priced vendor, Cascade, performed the worst in the City's testing and resulted in crushing the provided 35 gallon cart. The Rehrig Pacific cart and proposal was the most consistent with the requested cart specifications, assembly and distribution process, priced second lowest of all of the proposals submitted, and performed very well in the City's tests. Furthermore, the City evaluated additional testing data obtained from other agencies including the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority which conducted over 9 months of field and related testing on several carts. The Rehrig cart was the only cart that passed all tests after the 9 month period. See attached memo and backup material from Purchasing regarding the procurement and evaluation process. Single Stream Residential Cart and Recycling Rewards Program The new single stream roll carts will be issued to all single family residences within the City of Deerfield Beach. The carts will replace the standard yellow and blue 18 gallon recycling containers which require manual lifting. Most single family residents will receive a new 65 gallon' black lidded blue bodied recycling roll cart (Mock-up attached and sample to be provided at the Commission meeting). Other size options (35 gallon and 95 gallon) will be made available on a limited as needed basis. The larger carts are aimed at increasing recycling rates and waste diversion. The carts will be outfitted with radio frequency identification tags (RFIDs) that will allow the City to inventory the carts and collect information that will be used to improve collection efficiencies, customer service and satisfaction, and obtain recycling data that will be used for the recycling incentives and rewards program. The Rehrig Pacific Company carts also come standard with a 10 year warranty for replacement. of .the entire cart, .instead of just providingreplacement parts. Under Rehrig's proposal, there is also an option for the City to sell older carts back to Rehrig so that the materials can be recycled and used to make new carts. Upon notification of recommendation of award, Rehrig Pacific was asked to provide their best and final pricing for the carts and agreed to reduce the final delivered price of each size cart by $.25 each. Staff anticipates the purchase of approximately 3,100 35 gallon carts at a fully delivered price of $40.48/cart, 1,000 95 gallon carts at a fully delivered price of $49.40/cart and an estimated 16,000 65 gallon carts at a fully delivered price of $43.43/cart for a total estimated cart purchase price of $869,768. The actual number of carts purchased and deployed will be determined through a combination of data and field verification processes to be conducted by City staff, the carts vendor (Rehrig) and the recycling incentives vendor (Recycling Perks) to ensure the appropriate number of carts is ordered. The bulk purchase of the carts is anticipated to occur on or about August 1, 2012 so that the carts can be manufactured in time for the roll -out of the carts to occur on or around October 1, 2012. • An added benefit to this Contract and the carts is it can easily be implemented into the City's Solid Waste operations by a simple color change to the body of the cart. Standard colors do not affect the price. The bulk purchases of recycling carts this year and into the next fiscal year will be purchased using RRB grant funds. The Purchase of garage carts would be made using account 450-4051-534-35-27 "Materials to Maintain Other" using funds proposed in the FY 12/13 In light of the above, staff requests authorization to enter into a contract with Rehrig Pacific Company under the terms and conditions of the Contract, which includes the original RFP and Rehrig's Proposal, to provide the City with Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management per RFP #2011-12/18 Respectfully Su pitted, recsek, Assistant Director of Environmental Services Att. Cart Mock-up, Purchasing Division Memo and Supporting Documentation, City of DEERFIELD BEACH Request for Proposals Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software RFP #2011-12/18 Purchasing Division 401 SW 4th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Phone: 954-480-4381 Fax: 954-480-4388 Table of Contents City of Deerfield Beach Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software RFP #2011-12/18 Section Page LEGAL NOTICE 1 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION 2 1.1 Purpose 2 1.2 City and Program Background Information 2 1.3 Point of Contact 2 1.4 Contract Term 2 1.5 Minimum Qualifications 3 SECTION 2 - STANDARD TERMS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS 4 2.1 Independent Contractor 4 2.2 Sub -Contractors 4 2.3 Addenda, Changes and Interpretations 4 2.4 Multiple Proposers 4 2.5 Variances 4 2.6 Omission of Details 4 2.7 Mistakes 4 2.8 Proposer's Cost 4 2.9 Proposal Acceptance 4 2.10 Rejection of Proposals 4 2.11 Proposer. Qualifications 5 2.12 Proposers Experience Record 5 2.13 Qualifications Statement 5 2.14 Licenses and Certification 5 2.15 Insurance 5 2.16 Indemnification 5 2.17 Legal Requirements 5 2.18 Protest Procedures 5 2.19 Background Checks 6 2.20 Cone of Silence 7 2.21 Small DisadvantagedBusiness Entity (SDBE) 7 2.22 Ethics Code 7 2.23 Public Records / Confidential Information 8 2.24 Public Entity Crimes Information Statement 8 2.25 Anti -Collusion 8 2.26 Conflict of Interest 8 2.27 No Contingent Fee 8 2.28 Special Conditions 8 2.29 Entire Agreement 8 2.30 Contract 8 Section Pa e SECTION 2 - STANDARD TERMS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D) 2.31 Nonexclusive Contract/Additional Services 8 2.32 Assignment 8 2.33 Waiver 8 2.34 Survivorship Rights 9 2.35 Severability 9 2.36 Default and Termination 9 2.37 Contract Administration 9 2.38 Advertising 9 2.39 Venue 9 2.40 Service Test Period 9 2.41 Other Government Agencies 9 2.42 Transfer of Responsibility 9 SECTION 3 - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10 3.1 RFP Schedule 10 3.2 Submission and Receipt of Proposals 10 3.3 Proposer Qualifications 11 3.4 Evaluation Procedures 12 3.5 Contract Award 12 3.6 Required Documents and Information 13 3.7 Delivery 16 3.8 Quality Control 16 3.9 Liquidated Damages 16 3.10 Samples, Demonstrations, and Testing 16 3.11 Warranty 17 3.12 Quantities 17 3.13. Price 17 3.14 Cost Adjustments 18 3.15 Software 19 3.16 Insurance Requirements 20 SECTION 4 - SCOPE OF SERVICES 22 4.1 Plastic Roll -Carts 22 4.2 Marking Specification 25 4.3 RFID Integration 26 4.4 Asset Management, Work Order, and Reporting System 27 4.5 Data Integration 27 4.6 Assembly, Distribution, and Tracking Services for Carts 28 Attachment "A" Draft Contract 31 SECTION 5 - PROPOSAL PACKAGE PP-1 Proposal Requirements Checklist PP-2 Proposal Certification PP-3 Section Page SECTION 5 - PROPOSAL PACKAGE (CONT'D) Schedule of Proposal Prices PP-6 Qualification Statement PP-7 Schedule "A" PP-11 Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes PP-12 Indemnification Clause PP-14 Non -Collusive Affidavit PP-15 Drug -Free Workplace Form PP-16 Background Check Affidavit PP-17 Local Business Affidavit PP-20 SDBE Affidavit PP-22 References PP-24 Variances to the RFP PP-25 RFP #2011-12/18 City of DEERFIELD BEACH April 27, 2012 PUBLIC NOTICE FOR RECYCLING ROLL CARTS (35, 65, AND 95 GALLON) INCLUDING ASSEMBLY, DISTRIBUTION, AND ASSET MANAGEMENT AND INVENTORY SOFTWARE RFP #2011-12/18 DUE DATE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2012 AT 11:00 A.M. EST The City of Deerfield Beach is seeking proposals from qualified firms, hereinafter referred to as the Proposer, to provide Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65,, and 95 Gallon) including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Sealed Proposals shall be delivered in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Purchasing Division, 2nd Floor, 401 SW 4th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441, until, Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. EST, at which time and place the proposals will be publicly opened and the names of the Proposers will be read. All Proposers or their representatives are invited to attend the Proposal opening. Proposals shall be clearly labeled with the Proposer's legal name, address and telephone number, RFP title and number, and due date. Proposers are responsible for making certain that their proposal is received at the location specified by the due date and time. The City of Deerfield Beach is not responsible for delays caused by any mail, package or courier service, including the U.S. mail, or caused by any other occurrence or condition. No oral, telegraphic, electronic, facsimile, or telephonic. proposals or modifications will be considered unless specified. Proposals received after the due date and time will be returned to the Proposer unopened. A cone of silence is in effect for this RFP. The cone of silence prohibits certain communications between potential respondents and the City. An RFP document can be obtained through the City of Deerfield Beach, Purchasing Division on April 27, 2012. An RFP document may be requested by emailing sfrancis(@,deerfield-beach.com or picked up at the Purchasing Division, 2nd Floor, 401 SW 4th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. Proposals will only be accepted from registered plan holders who have obtained the RFP document from the Purchasing Division. For additional information, please contact David Santucci, Purchasing Manager, at (954) 480-4380 or dsantucci(a�deerfield-beach.com. Burgess Hanson City Manager RFP #2011-12/18 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION 1.1 Purpose The City is seeking a qualified firm to provide recycling carts in various sizes, assembly and distribution services, and asset management and inventory software for the City's recycling program. It is the intention of the City to award a single contract to the first ranked Proposer responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP). However, the City reserves the right to award the Contract to more than one (1) successful Proposer. 1.2 City and Program Background Information The City is the most northeast community in Broward County and it borders Boca Raton and Palm Beach County to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Florida Turnpike to the West and the City of Pompano Beach to the South. The City of Deerfield Beach is located on the world famous gold coast of Southeast Florida. The City is home to more than 78,000 residents and prestigious employers. The City of Deerfield Beach provides services and a quality of life that help residents and employers alike enjoy the lifestyle of South Florida and prosper in an ever-growing international economy. The City has approximately 18,000 single family residential accounts that are serviced by the City's publically run full service solid waste and recycling divisions. Single family residents receive "cadillac" services consisting of twice a week garbage collection, once a week curbside recycling collection and once a week bulk collections. The City has collected residential curbside recycling in a dual stream fashion since the early 1990's and services approximately 18,000 single family residences every week using 18-gallon bins in a manual, dual stream program. In an effort to increase recycling diversion, in 2011 Broward County introduced a grant funding program to cities within the County for the purchase of.roll carts for use in new single stream curbside residential collection programs. The department expects an expansion to carted, single stream collection will create a more convenient and user-friendly experience for residents, increase program participation and diversion rates while reducing disposal expenses, and enhance accessibility to recycling services for all residents. Single stream programs typically yield 50 to 75 percent greater volume in materials recovered and approximately doubles program participation. The City anticipates implementing a recycling incentives program. This program is designed to increase recycling participation through local retail and service vendor promotions based on recycling program participation. As a result of the increase in communication and awareness with local vendors in the incentive program, the Department expects that the demand for commercial recycling services will also increase. This Request for Proposal procures the necessary carts for this project on a predictable delivery schedule. 1.3 Point of Contact All inquiries concerning of this RFP, questions, and requests for additional information shall be sent in writing via mail, e-mail, or facsimile to: 2 RFP #2011-12/18 City of Deerfield Beach, Purchasing Division Attn: David Santucci, Purchasing Manager 401 SW 4th St. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Fax: (954) 480-4380 E-mail: dsantucci@deerfield-beach.com All responses to questions pertaining to the scope of services, specifications, or proposal requirements shall be issued through an official addendum. 1.4 Contract Term 1.4.1 Initial Term and Renewal Options The initial contract term shall be for three (3) years and shall commence upon final execution of the Contract by the City or as otherwise indicated in the final contract. The City reserves the right to extend the contract for three (3) additional one (1) year renewal terms providing all terms conditions and specifications remain the same, both parties agree to the extension, and such extension is approved by the City. 1.4.2 Contract Extension In the event services are scheduled to end because of the expiration of the contract, the Contractor shall continue the service upon the request of the City Manager or designee. The extension period shall not extend for more than ninety (90) days beyond the expiration date of the existing contract. The Proposer shall be compensated for the service at the rate in effect when this extension clause is invoked by the City. 1.5 Minimum Qualifications 1.5.1 Contractor must demonstrate they have experience with projects similar in nature, size, and scope to that described herein. The Contractor must also have an operational cart asset and work order management system in place for at least three (3) years in communitieswith similar makeup to the. City. 1.5.2 The proposer must have at least (10) ten years of experience in the use of continuous production/manufacturing of carts for use in automated and semi -automated collection systems. 1.5.3 Cart and lid shall be made from the injection molded process only. 3 SECTION 2 - STANDARD TERMS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 Independent Contractor The Proposer represents itself to be an independent firm offering such services to the general public and shall not represent itself or its employees to be employees of the City of Deerfield Beach. Therefore, the Proposer shall assume all legal and financial responsibility for taxes, FICA, employee fringe benefits, workers compensation, employee insurance, minimum wage requirements, overtime, and other expenses, and agrees to indemnify, save, and hold the City of Deerfield Beach, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from and against, any and all loss; cost (including attorney fees); and damage of any kind related to such matters. 2.2 Sub -Contractors If the Proposer proposes to use subcontractors in the course of providing these services to the City, this information shall be a part of the Proposer's response. Such information shall be subject to review, acceptance and approval of the City, prior to any Contract award. The City reserves the right to approve or disapprove of any proposed subcontractor in its best interest. 2.3 Addenda, Changes and Interpretations Any inquiry or request for interpretation received seven (7) or more days prior to the due date for the opening of the Proposals will be given consideration. Changes or interpretations may only be made by a written document in the form of an addendum. Addenda will be issued via e- mail and sent to the e-mail address provided by each plan holder no later than five (5) days prior to the proposal opening date. Each prospective Proposer shall acknowledge receipt of such addenda in the space provided on the proposal form. All addenda are a part of the contract documents and each Proposer will be bound by such addenda, whether or not received by them. It is the responsibility of each prospective Proposer to verify that they have received all addenda issued before Proposals • are opened. No verbal interpretations may be relied upon. 2.3.1 Failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda which affect price shall be considered a major irregularity; in which case, the proposal will be deemed non -responsive. 2.3.2 Failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda which do not affect price shall be considered a minor irregularity; in which case, the proposal will nevertheless be considered as though it had been received and acknowledged and the submission of the proposal will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of same. 2.4 Multiple Proposals More than one proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or association under the same or different names will not be considered. Such a circumstance will lead to rejection of all responses in which the proposer is involved except for sub -proposers. If there is reason to believe that collusion exists between proposers, those parties' proposals will be rejected and deemed for City purposes to be a conviction of a public entity crime. RFP #2011-12/18 2.5 Variances 2.5.1 For purposes of proposal evaluation, Proposers must indicate any variances, no matter how slight, from the RFP General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications or Addenda. No variations or exceptions by a Proposer will be considered or deemed a part of the Proposal submitted unless such variances or exceptions are listed in the RFP and referenced in the space provided on the proposal pages. If variances are not stated, or referenced as required, it will be assumed that the product or service fully complies with the City's terms, conditions, and specifications. 2.5.2 By receiving a proposal, the City does not necessarily accept any variances contained in the RFP. All variances submitted are subject to review and approval by the City. If any Proposal contains material variances that in the City's sole opinion, makes that Proposal conditional in nature, the City reserves the right to reject the Proposal or part of the Proposal that is declared, by the City, as conditional. 2.6 Omission of Details The apparent silence of the specifications and any amendment regarding any details or the omission from the specifications of a detailed description concerning any services or material requested,shall be regarded as unintentional and should not serve to alleviate the contractor of their performance responsibilities. 2.7 Mistakes Proposers are cautioned to examine all terms, conditions, specifications, drawings, exhibits, addenda, delivery instructions, and special conditions pertaining to the RFP. Failure of the Proposer to examine all pertinent documents shall. not entitle them to any relief from the conditions imposed in the contract and may lead to rejection of a proposal. 2.8 Proposer's Cost The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Proposers in responding to this RFP. 2.9 Proposal Acceptance Any proposal may be withdrawn up until the proposal opening date and time (due date). Any proposal not so withdrawn shall upon opening constitute as an irrevocable offer to the City to provide the services set forth in the RFP. Proposer warrants by virtue of submitting the Proposal that the Proposal and the prices quoted in the Proposal will be firm for acceptance by the City for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of RFP opening unless otherwise agreed upon by the City and Proposer. 2.10 Rejection of Proposals The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, part of proposals, and to waive minor irregularities or variations to specifications contained in proposals, and minor irregularities in the proposal process. 2.11 Proposer Qualifications Proposer shall be in the business of providing Disaster Debris Monitoring Service and must possess sufficient financial support, equipment and organization to insure that it can satisfactorily perform the services if awarded a Contract. Proposers shall satisfy each of the following requirements cited below. Failure to do so will result in the Proposal being deemed non -responsive. 2.11.1 Before awarding the Contract, the City reserves the right to require that the Proposer submit such evidence of their qualifications as the City may deem necessary. Further, the City may consider any evidence of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Proposer, including previous experiences of same with the City and performance evaluation for services, in making the award in the best interest of the City. 2.11.2 Proposer shall have no record of judgments, pending lawsuits against the City or criminal activities involving moral turpitude and not have any conflicts of interest that have not been waived by the City Commission. 2.11.3 Neither Proposer nor any principal, officer, or stockholder of Proposer(s) shall be in arrears or in default of any debt or contract involving the City, (as a party to a contract, or otherwise); nor have failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the City. 2.12 Proposers Experience Record The City shall have the right to investigate the financial condition and experience record of each prospective Contractor and determine to its satisfaction the competency of each to undertake the services requested by this proposal. 2.13 Qualifications Statement Each Proposer shall complete the Qualifications Statement, and submit the same with the Proposal. Failure to submit the Qualifications Statement and the documents required. there under .with. the Proposal may constitute grounds for rejection of the Proposal. 2.14 Licenses and Certifications The Proposer shall be appropriately licensed to perform the work and scope of services. Proposer shall possess at the time of proposal opening all required licenses and certifications. The Proposer shall be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining and maintaining all required licenses, certifications, and permits. Copies of all licenses and certifications shall be submitted with the Proposal Package. 2.15 Insurance 2.15.1 The Proposers response shall include a copy of any certificate of insurance which provides evidence of insurability meeting the minimum insurance requirements stated in the Special Terms and Conditions. The Proposer shall assume full responsibility and expense to obtain all necessary insurance. 2.15.2 The successful proposer shall not commence operations pursuant to the terms of this RFP and the attached Contract, until certification or proof of the insurance requirements set forth within the RFP #2011-12/18 attached Contract have been received and approved. 2.16 Indemnification The Contractor shall at all times indemnify, hold harmless and, at City Attorney's option, defend or pay for an attorney selected by City Attorney to defend the City of Deerfield Beach, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all causes of action, demands, claims, losses, liabilities and expenditures of any kind, including attorney fees, court costs, and expenses, caused or alleged to be caused by intentional or negligent act of, or omission of the Contractor, its employees, agents, servants, or officers, or accruing, resulting from, or related to the subject matter of this Contract including, without limitation, any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenditures, demands or causes of action of any nature whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property. In the event any lawsuit or other proceeding is brought against the City by reason of any such claim, cause of action or demand, the Contractor shall, upon written notice from the City, resist and defend such lawsuit or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to the City or, at City's option, pay for an attomey selected by the City Attomey to defend City. The provisions and obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Contract. To the extent considered necessary by the Contract Administrator and the City Attorney, any sums due Contractor under this Contract may be retained by City until all of City's claims for indemnification pursuant to this Contract have been settled or otherwise resolved; and any amount withheld shall not be subject to payment of interest by City. 2.17 Legal Requirements Applicable provisions of all federal, state, and county laws, and local ordinances, rules and regulations, shall govern development, submittal and evaluation of all proposals received in response hereto and shall govern any and all claims and disputes which may arise between person(s) attaching a proposal response hereto and the City by and through its officers, employees and authorized representatives, or any other person, natural or otherwise. Lack of knowledge by any Proposer shall not constitute a cognizable defense against the legal effect thereof. 2.18 Protest Procedures In accordance with Section 38-139 of the City of Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, if a Proposer intends to protest a solicitation or proposed award the following shall apply: 2.18.1 Any Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with the pending award of a contract or any element of the process leading to the award of or contract may protest to the Purchasing Manager. A protest must be filed within five business days after notification of the recommendation of the selection/evaluation committee or any right to protest is forfeited. The protest must be in writing, must identify the name and address of the protester, and must include a factual summary of, and the basis for, the protest. Filing shall be considered complete when the protest is received by the Purchasing Manager. 2.18.2 Upon receipt of a protest of the pending award of a contract, the Purchasing Manager shall review the charge to determine whether the protest was timely filed. If upon review the Purchasing Manager determines that the protest was not timely filed, the Purchasing Manager shall dismiss the protest. If it is determined that the protest was timely filed, the Purchasing Manager shall notify all Proposers of the protest and inform them of the scheduled hearing before the City Commission and of their right to intervene. Any Proposer may formally intervene in the proceeding by filing a request to intervene with the Purchasing Manager. 2.18.3 The Purchasing Manager shall require a deposit from a protester to compensate the City for the expenses of administering the protest. If the protest is decided in the protester's favor, the entire deposit shall be retumed to the protester. If the protest is not decided in the protester's favor, the deposit shall be forfeited to the City. The deposit shall be in the form of cash, a cashier's check, or a payment bond and shall be in the amount of 1% of the amount of the pending award, with a minimum deposit of $250 and a maximum deposit of $1,000. 2.18.4 The protester and intervener(s) may file written documentation relating to the protest with the Purchasing Manager. It shall be the obligation of such protester or intervener(s) to deliver said documentation at least one week prior to City Commission action on the protest. 2.18.5 The City Commission may hear from the protester and intervener(s) in its discretion or may dispose of the protest without permitting presentations on the protest. If, on its face, the protest does not state sufficient cause to warrant remedial action, the City Commission may deny the protest without further participation by the protester or intervener(s). The Commission, in its sole discretion, may deny the protest, grant the protest and fashion relief or remedial action as it deems appropriate, or reject all proposals and begin the RFP process again. 2.19 Background Checks 2.19.1 Any bid, contract or request for proposal which requires a contractor, subcontractor, consultant or sub -consultant to perform work in or on city property shall include a requirement for a criminal background check for any person employed by or under contract with the contractor, subcontractor, consultant or sub - consultant who is doing the work in or on city property. 2.19.2 Contractors and consultants shall, at their expense, obtain a criminal background check through Florida Department of Law Enforcement Computerized Criminal History (CCH) data base.for each person employed by or under contract with the contractor, subcontractor, consultant or sub -consultant having access to city property prior to beginning the work. 2.19.3 All criminal background checks must be conducted prior to any covered individual's initial access to city's property and, depending on the contract's term, on an annual basis thereafter. The contractor or consultant shall be required to submit an affidavit on the form included with the 6 RFP #2011-12/18 bid documents, the request for proposal or the request for qualifications certifying that background checks have been completed for all employees as set forth in subsection (b) above who will perform work on city property and certify that no employee who has been convicted or who has entered a plea of nolo contendere for any crime set forth within subsection (d) below shall perform work on city property. Such affidavit shall be submitted to the contract administrator prior to any work being performed. Contractor or consultant shall maintain records of the criminal history checks for each person doing work on city property during the, contract period and for one year thereafter and shall make such records available for inspection and verification by city. 2.19.4 If such a check reveals a conviction or a plea of nolo contendere, regardless of when the plea or conviction occurred, which includes a felony or misdemeanor involving terrorist behavior, violence, use of a dangerous weapon, crimes of moral turpitude or breach of trust/fiduciary responsibility or which raises concerns about building, system, or personal security or is otherwise a job -related crime, the contractor or consultant shall not assign the individual to any work in or on city property. If such a check reveals any of the foregoing after access has already been granted, any access privileges already granted shall be immediately revoked and shall not be reinstated without the city's express written authorization. In the event that the contractor or consultant intends to hire new personnel to perform the required services, the background checks should be initiated at the time of the hire. 2.19.5 The city reserves the right to approve or disapprove whether a contractor's or consultant's employees perform the services for the city. Disapproval would apply solely to the bid, request for proposal or contract at issue and would have no bearing on the contractor's or consultant's employment of an individual outside of the bid, request for proposal or contract. 2.19.6 The city may conduct its own independent background checks and bar any covered individual from accessing the city's property in its complete discretion. The contractor's or consultant's failure to comply with the terms of this provision shall be considered a material breach rendering the contractor or consultant in default and allowing immediate termination by the city. 2.19.7 At the discretion of the city manager, this section shall not be applicable during a declared emergency situation, including, but not limited to, emergency cleanup of debris following a major storm. 2.19.8 To the extent that work is being done on city property, the criminal background check procedure shall apply to a competitive solicitation process for contractors or consultants who seek to enter into a contract or award of money to perform governmental, quasi -governmental, social, or human services primarily for charitable, benevolent, humanitarian, or other philanthropic purposes, such as the award of grants or support assistance to organized nonprofit entities that promote or assist with the care, education, health, standard of living, or general welfare of people in the City of Deerfield Beach, or that promote or assist community or neighborhood enhancements. 2.20 Cone of Silence In accordance with Section 38-140 of the City of Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, during the course of a competitive solicitation, a Cone of Silence shall apply as follows: 2.20.1 A Cone of Silence shall be in effect during a Competitive Solicitation beginning upon the advertisement for requests for proposals, requests for qualifications and competitive bids. The Cone of Silence shall terminate at the time the City Commission makes final award of a bid or gives final approval of a contract or contract amendment, rejects all bids or responses to the Competitive Solicitation, or takes other action which ends the Competitive Solicitation. The Cone of Silence shall continue through the negotiation phase for requests for proposals and requests for qualifications and shall not end until the Commission gives final approval of the contract. 2.20.2 Any person or entity that seeks a contract, contract amendment, award, recommendation, or approval related to,a Competitive Solicitation or that is subject to being evaluated or having its response evaluated in connection with a Competitive Solicitation, including a person or entity's representative shall not have any communication with any City Commissioner, the City Manager and their respective support staff or any person or group of persons appointed or designated by the City Commission or the City Manager . to . evaluate, select,or make a recommendation to the City Commission or the City Manager regarding a Competitive Solicitation. 2.20.3 The Cone of Silence shall not apply to written or oral communications with legal counsel for the City or the Purchasing Manager for the City. 2.20.4 Any action in violation of this section shall be cause for disqualification of the bid or the proposal. The determination of a violation shall be made by the City Commission. 2.21 Small Disadvantaged Business Entity (SDBE) In accordance with Section 38-146 of the City of Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, during the course of a competitive solicitation, a Small Disadvantaged Business Entity preference shall apply as follows: 2.21.1 The city commission does hereby establish a goal of 15 percent participation by SDBEs for all competitively bid contracts in excess of $50,000.00. Such participation shall be a goal of the City of Deerfield Beach City Commission and shall be subject to the terms and the conditions set forth herein. The SDBE Participation 7 RFP #2011-12/18 Affidavit, to be filed with all competitive bids, is attached below. 2.21.2 Unless specifically exempted by resolution of the city commission, or otherwise set forth herein, each contract which is competitively bid or the subject of a request for proposal shall include a requirement that the contractor commit to the expenditure of at least 15 percent of the contract award with one or more SDBEs where the city estimates that the eventual cost will exceed $50,000.00. This requirement may be completely or partially waived by the city commission or city manager if it is determined that a different percentage commitment should apply based upon the availability and capacity of SDBEs in the applicable industry, service or commodity or where the city commission or city manager determines that the goods or services sought will not require the use of subcontractors. A business enterprise owned by a woman who is a member of a minority group may be counted on a particular contract as an MBE or WBE but not both. This commitment may be met by contractor status as MBE or WBE, or by a joint venture with one or more MBEs or WBEs as prime contractor to the extent of the MBE or WBE participation in such joint venture, or by subcontracting a portion of the work to one or more MBEs or WBEs by the purchase of materials or services for the work frdm one or more MBEs or WBEs, or by the indirect participation of MBEs or WBEs in other aspects of the contractor's business but no dollar amount of such indirect MBE or WBE participation shall be credited more than once against a contractor's MBE or WBE commitment with respect to all contracts of such contractor, or by any combination of the foregoing. Unless exempted or waived as set forth above, a contractor's bid is non -responsive if it does not identify the SDBE utilization and contain a commitment to at least the SDBE percentage commitment stated in the contract specifications unless SDBE unavailability documentation, a copy of which is attached hereto, is accurately completed and submitted with the bid. The city manager may change the form of the affidavits required. 2.21.3 In all contracts governed . by this subdivision SDBE participation (or as required in bid specifications or requests for proposal) or an effort to secure said participation shall be deemed a part of the award evaluation process. The city commission may, by motion, require the provisions of this subdivision to apply to requests for proposals or other contract awards. 2.22 Ethics Code Proposers are required to acquaint themselves with the provisions in the City of Deerfield Beach's Ethics Code (Ordinance No. 2009/06). The City Commission will strictly apply the Ethics Code. Section (5) "Disclosure and Behavior Requirements of Applicants and Person/Entity seeking a City contract or currently doing business with the City" is of immediate interest. Proposer shall complete the Disclosure Form (attached). Failure to do so may result in the in the Proposer's proposal being deemed non- responsive. 2.23 Public Records / Confidential Information Florida law provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person, unless otherwise exempt. Information and materials received by the City in connection with a Proposer's response shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection. However, certain exemptions to the public records law are statutorily provided for in Section 119.07, F.S. Section 119.07, F.S. provides an exemption from public records law for sealed bids, proposals, or. replies received by an agency pursuant to a competitive solicitation until such time as the agency provides notice of an intended decision or until 30 days after opening the bids, proposals, or final replies, whichever is earlier. If the Proposer believes any of the information contained in the response is exempt from the Public Records Law, then the Proposer must in the response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. 2.24 Public Entity Crimes Information Statement A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a Proposer, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for category two for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 2.25 Anti -Collusion The Proposer certifies that it has not divulged, discussed or compared its proposal with other proposers, except subproposers if they form part of the response and has not colluded with any other proposers or parties to a proposal whatsoever. No premiums, rebates or gratuities are permitted either with, prior. to, or after any delivery of material or service. Any violation of this provision will result in the immediate cancellation of the contract and removal from the proposer's list. Each Proposer shall complete the Non -Collusive Affidavit Form and shall submit the form with the Proposal. The City considers the failure of the Proposer to submit this document to be a major irregularity and shall be cause for rejection of the Proposal. 2.26 Conflict of Interest 2.26.1 The Proposer covenants that they presently have no interest and shall not acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the services hereunder. The Proposer further covenants that no person having any such known interest shall be employed or conveyed an interest, directly or indirectly, in the contract. 2.26.2 No contract will be awarded to a Proposer who has City elected officials, officers or employees affiliated with it, unless the Proposer has fully complied with current Florida State Statutes and City Ordinances relating to this issue. Proposers 8 RFP #2011-12/18 must disclose any such affiliation. Failure to disclose any such affiliation will result in disqualification of the Proposer and removal of the Proposer from the City's Proposer's List and prohibition from engaging in any business with the City. 2.27 No Contingent Fee Proposer warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Proposer to solicit or secure the Contract and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Proposer, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making the Contract. For the breach or violation of this provision, the City shall have the right to terminate the Contract without liability at its discretion. 2.28 Special Conditions Any and at Special Conditions contained in this RFP that may be in variance or conflict with the General Conditions shall have precedence over the General Conditions. If no changes or deletions to General Conditions are made in the Special Conditions, then the General Conditions shall prevail in their entirety. 2.29 Entire Agreement This Request for Proposal, all attachments and exhibits, addenda, and the resulting Contract attached states the entire contract between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, an all prior and contemporaneous understandings, representations and agreements are merged herein or superseded hereby. No alterations, modifications, release or waiver of this contract or any provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writing executed by the parties. 2.30 Contract A draft copy of the Contract is made a part of this RFP. The final Contract shall be forwarded the awarded Contractor upon Commission approval and may contain additional terms and conditions agreed upon between the City and Contractor. The City Manager shall be authorized to execute said Contract on behalf of the City. 2.31 Nonexclusive ContractlAdditional Services Proposer agrees and understands that the Contract shall not be construed as an exclusive arrangement and further agrees that the City may, at any time, secure similar or identical services at its sole option. 2.32 Assignment Contractor shall not transfer or assign or subcontract the performance required by this RFP without the prior written consent of the City. Any award issued pursuant to this RFP, and the monies, which may become due hereunder, are not assignable except with the prior written approval of the City Manager or selected designee. 2.33 Waiver It is agreed that no waiver or modification of this contract or of any covenant, condition or limitation contained in it shall be valid unless it is in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged with it, and that no evidence of any waiver or modification shall be offered or received in evidence in any proceeding, arbitration, or litigation between the parties arising out of or affecting the contract, or the right or obligations of any party under it, unless such waiver or modification is in writing, duly executed as above. The parties agree that provisions of this paragraph may not be waived except by a duly executed writing. 2.34 Survivorship Rights This contract shall be binding on both parties to the benefit of the respective parties and their executors; administrators, heirs, personal representative, successors and assignees. 2.35 Severability If any term or provision of this contract is found to be illegal and unenforceable, such term(s) shall be deemed stricken and the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force. and effect. 2.36 Default and Termination 2.36.1 Termination for Cause In the event the Contractor shall default in any of the terms, obligations, restrictions or conditions in the contract documents, the City shall give the Contractor written notice by registered, certified mail of the default and that such default shall be corrected or actions taken to correct such default shall be commenced within three (3) calendar days thereof. In the event the Contractor has failed to correct the conditions(s) of the default or the default is not remedied to the satisfaction and approval of the City, the City shall have all legal remedies available to it, including, but not limited to termination of the Contract in which case the Contractor shall be liable for any and all damages permitted by law arising from the default and breach of the contract. 2.36.2 Termination for Convenience Upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice to the Contractor, the City may without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, terminate the contract for the City's convenience whenever the City determines that such termination is in the best interest of the City. Where the contract is terminated for the convenience of the City the notice of termination to the Contractor must state that the contract is being terminated for the convenience of the City under the termination clause and the extent of termination. The Contractor shall discontinue all work on the appointed last day of service. 2.36.3 Cancellation for Unappropriated Funds The obligation of the City for payment to a Contractor is limited to the availability of funds appropriated in a current fiscal period, and continuation of the contract into a subsequent fiscal period is subject to appropriation of funds, unless otherwise authorized by law. 2.37 Contract Administration Overall performance under the resultant contract shall be supervised by the Director of Environmental Services or designee. If at any time during the contract period, performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the City shall issue a formal letter to the Contractor. Upon notification by the City, Contractor shall take such steps necessary to perform as per contract requirements. 2.38 Advertising In submitting a proposal, the proposer agrees not to use RFP #2011-12/18 the results there from as a part of any commercial advertising without the prior written consent of the City. 2.39 . Venue The parties waive the privilege of venue and agree that all litigation between them in the state courts shall take place in Broward County, Florida and that all litigation between them in the federal courts shall take place in the Southern District in and for the State of Florida. 2.40 Service Test Period If the Proposer has not previously performed the services to a City, the City reserves the right to require a test period to determine if the Proposer can perform in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, and to the City's satisfaction. Such test period may be from sixty (60) to one -hundred twenty (120) days, and will be conducted under all specifications, terms and conditions contained in the Contract 2.41 Other Governmental Agencies If the Proposer is awarded a contract as a result of this RFP, Proposer may, if Proposer has sufficient capacity or quantities available, provide to other government agencies, so requesting, the products or services awarded in accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFP and resulting contract. 2.42 Transfer of Responsibility Upon expiration, termination, or cancellation of the contract, the contractor shall assist City of Deerfield Beach to insure an orderly transfer of responsibility and/or continuity of those services required under the terms of the contract to an organization designated by City of Deerfield Beach, if requested in writing. The contractor shall provide and/or perform any or all of the following responsibilities: 2.42.1 The contractor shall deliver, FOB destination, prepaid, all records, documentation, reports, data, recommendations, master, or printing elements, etc., which were required to be produced under the terms of the contract to City of Deerfield Beach and/or to City of Deerfield Beach's designee within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written request. Any and all records which are on electronic media must be delivered in a format which is compatible with the system(s) currently in use by City of Deerfield Beach. 2.42.2 The contractor shall agree to continue providing any part or all of the services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days after the expiration, termination or cancellation date of the contract for a price not to exceed those prices set forth in the contract. RFP #2011-12/18 SECTION 3 - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 3.1 RFP Schedule The City will use the following tentative schedule in the competitive solicitation process. The City reserves the right to change and/or delay scheduled events. Event RFP Available Last Date for Question Issue Addenda (if required) Proposal Opening (DUE DATE) Evaluation Committee Review/Short Listing Oral Presentations/Final Ranking (if applicable) Commission Meeting Contract Commencement 3.2 Submission and Receipt of Proposals Date 04/27/12 05/23/12 05/25/12 05/30/12 at 11:00 a.m. EST 06/11/12 — 06/15/12 06/18/12 — 06/22/12 07/17/12 08/01/12 3.2.1 One (1) clearly marked original, four (4) copies, and one (1) electronic version (CD, DVD, or Flash Drive) of the proposal shall be submitted on or before the due date and time. EST, in one single sealed envelope or package. Faxed proposals will not be accepted under any circumstances. The City shall not be responsible for the premature opening of a Proposal not properly marked and identified as required herein. The envelope shall be clearly marked on the exterior with the following information: 1) Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software RFP #2011-12/18 2) Due Date 3) Company/Proposer's Name, Point of Contact, Address, and Phone Number 4) City of Deerfield Beach Purchasing Division 401 SW 4t St. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 3.2.2 Any erasures or corrections on the proposal must be made in ink and initialed by the Proposer in ink. All information submitted by the Proposer shall be printed, typewritten or filled in with pen or ink. Proposers shall use the proposal forms provided by the City. Failure to use the forms may cause the proposal to be rejected and deemed non- responsive. 3.2.3 Proposals must contain a manual signature of the authorized representative of the Proposer. The address, e-mail and telephone number for communications regarding the Proposal must be shown. Proposals by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the President or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The corporate address and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature. 10 RFP #2011-12/18 Proposals by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 3.2.4 All Proposals received from Proposers in response to the Request for Proposal will become the property of the City of Deerfield Beach and will not be returned to the Proposers. In the event of Contract award, all documentation produced as part of the Contract shall become the exclusive property of the City. 3.2.5 Proposals will be publicly opened in the Purchasing Division, 2nd Floor, 401 SW 4th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. The Proposer's name will be read aloud. Proposers and the public are invited to attend. Proposals will be tabulated and made available for review by Proposers and the public at such time as the City provides notice of an intended decision or until 30 days after the proposal opening, whichever is earlier. 3.3 Proposer Qualifications Proposer shall be in the business of providing Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software and must possess sufficient financial support, equipment and organization to insure that it can satisfactorily perform the services if awarded a Contract. Proposers must demonstrate that they, or the principals assigned to the project, have successfully provided services with similar magnitude to those specified in the Scope of Services to at least one City similar in size and complexity to the City of Deerfield Beach or can demonstrate they have the experience with large scale private sector clients and the managerial and financial ability to successfully perform the services. Proposers shall satisfy each of the following requirements cited below. Failure to do so will result in the Proposal being deemed non -responsive. 3.3.1 Minimum Qualifications • Contractor must demonstrate they have experience with projects similar in nature, size, and scope to that described herein. • The proposer must have at least (10) ten years of experience in the use of continuous production/manufacturing of carts for use in automated and semi -automated collection systems. • Cart and lid shall be made from the injection molded process only. 3.3.2 Before awarding the Contract, the City reserves the right to require that a Proposer submit such evidence of his/her qualifications as the City may deem necessary. Further, the City may consider any evidence of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Proposer, including previous experiences of same with the City and performance evaluation for services, in making the award in the best interest of the City. 3.3.3 Proposer shall have no record of judgments, pending lawsuits against the City or criminal activities involving moral turpitude and not have any conflicts of interest that have not been waived by the City Commission. 3.3.4 Neither Proposer nor any principal, officer, or stockholder of Proposer(s) shall be in arrears or in default of any debt or contract involving the City, (as a party to a contract, or otherwise); nor have failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the City. 11 RFP #2011-12/18 3.3.5 Each Proposer shall complete the Qualifications Statement, attached herein and submit the same with the Proposal. Failure to submit the Qualifications Statement and the documents required there under with the Proposal may constitute grounds for rejection of the Proposal. 3.4 Evaluation Procedures Evaluation of the proposals will be conducted by an Evaluation Committee of qualified City Staff, or other persons selected by the City Manager or designee. Proposals shall be evaluated based upon the information and references contained in the proposals as submitted. The Evaluation Committee will evaluate all responsive proposals based on the following weighted criteria: 3.4.1 Weighted Criteria Criteria Weight Understanding of the Project and City's Objectives 1, 2 or 3 Conformity to the Specification Approach to Assembly and Distribution Technology and Software Qualifications and Experience Price 3.4.2 The Committee shall short list no Tess than three (3) Proposals, assuming that three Proposals have been received, that it deems best satisfy the weighted criteria set forth herein. 3.4.3 The committee may conduct interviews and/or require oral presentations and product demonstrations from the short listed Proposers. The Evaluation Committee shall then re - rank the short listed firms in accordance with the weighted criteria. 3.4.4 The City may require visits to the Proposer's facilities to inspect record keeping procedures, staff, facilities and equipment as part of the evaluation process. 3.4.5 The Evaluation Committee shall make a recommendation to the City Commission based on its final ranking. The City Commission shall, in its sole discretion, have the authority to either (1) approve the evaluation committee's ranking/evaluation and recommendation; (2) recommend rejection of all submittals based upon a stated reason; or (3) send the ranking/evaluation back to the evaluation committee to conduct further evaluations consistent with the requirements of the RFP or RFQ and the evaluation committee may either ratify the ranking/evaluation or re -rank the firms. The city commission reserves the right to re -rank in accordance with Section 38-130 of the Code of Ordinances. 3.5 Contract Award 3.5.1 The City reserves the right to award the contract to that Proposer who will best serve the interest of the City. The City reserves the right, based upon its deliberations and in its opinion, to accept or reject any or all Proposals. The City also reserves the right to waive minor irregularities or variations to the specifications and in the proposal process. 3.5.2 Upon award of a Contract by the City Commission, the City Manager is authorized to execute the Contract on behalf of the City. 12 RFP #2011-12/18 3.6 Required Documents and Information The following shall be submitted in the order listed below as a condition of this RFP. Proposals should not contain information in excess of that requested, must be concise, and must specifically address the issues of this RFP. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this solicitation are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the Proposer's lack of cost consciousness. Elaborate artwork, expensive visual aids, and other presentation aids are neither necessary, nor desired, unless specifically requested. The proposal shall be organized and divided into the sections indicated below. The following is not inclusive of all the information that may be necessary to properly evaluate the proposal and meet the requirements of the scope of the services. Additional documents 'and information should be provided as deemed appropriate by the Proposer. Proposals should be organized as listed below, with each part being clearly marked and tabbed. 3.6.1 Transmittal Letter A submitted proposal must be accompanied with a transmittal letter that must include the Proposer's company or business name, the name of the person who can bind the Proposer, and its mailing address, telephone number, and email address. The transmittal letter and proposal must be signed by an officer of the Proposer who is empowered to sign such material and to commit the Proposer to the obligations contained in the proposal. 3.6.2 Required Forms (Tab 1) • Proposal Requirements Checklist • Proposer's Certification • Qualification Statement • Schedule of Proposal Prices • Scope of Services/Statement of Work • Schedule A — Disclosure Form • Public Entity Crimes Statement • Indemnification Clause • Non -Collusive Affidavit • Drug Free Workplace • Background Check Affidavit • Local Business Affidavit (if applicable) • SDBE Affidavit • References • Variances to the RFP (if applicable) • Local Business Tax Receipt • Copy of a Certificate of Insurance • Required Professional Licenses and Certifications • Product Warranties • Software Licensing Agreements (SLA's) (If applicable) • Cart Samples 3.6.3 Technical Proposal (Tab 2) The Technical Proposal shall not be more than twenty (20) pages single -sided. Each Proposer should provide a complete and concise explanation of how it will provide the requested carts, assembly and distribution services, and asset management and inventory software for the City's recycling program. At a minimum, the proposal should include the following for each option proposed: 13 RFP #2011-12/18 Project Description and Approach Contractor shall demonstrate their understanding of the project described herein. As part of the contractor's description of the project, they should further be able to clearly illustrate how their organization will approach the project, and in detail describe how they propose to meet the City's objectives including cart procurement, A & D services, and asset management and inventory software for the City's recycling program. Specifications Contractor shall provide all necessary and relevant specifications for their products and services, including roll carts, A & D services, and asset management and inventory software for the City's recycling program. Required specifications are noted throughout this proposal including but not limited to: resin weight, wall and lid thickness, dimensions, etc. Proposal shall also clearly illustrate the technical specifications of a contractor's asset management and inventory software, and the necessary hardware that will be included as part of the contractor's proposal package. This section should also include the following: a. Description of the user interface of the Asset Management, Work Order, and Reporting Software System. b. Demonstrate this integration with RFID tracking systems and provide proof of references. c. Provide any option for the repurchase/recycling of carts at the end of their useful life. d. Technical data sheet(s) from the resin producer. e. A statement certifying that all of the plastic resin and additives will be hot - melt blended. f. Independently certified copies of all ANSI test results with proposal. Test results must state load (in pounds) under which tests were conducted. The ANSI Appendix D test for "Loading and Unloading Test for Carts" must clearly state that .the. required 520 dump cycles under the cart's full rated load were performed on both a Semi -Automated Cart Lifter and a Fully Automated Grabber Arm. g. State the average tipping forces required to maneuver a fully loaded cart when tilted to the roll position and provide documentation that conforms to ANSI Z-245.60 Force -to -Tip testing that clearly defines the cart's maximum average tipping force. h. A listing of the number of separate parts that comprise each cart to include but not limited to; lid, body, wheels, axle, catch bar, rivets, lid fastener components, etc. A maximum of 8 parts is preferred. i. A listing of replacement parts available for their model cart. j. Cart assembly instruction sheet including a list of cart parts and a list of tools needed for assembly. k. Clearly state: 1. Height, depth, and width in inches for 95, 65, and 35-gallon carts. 2. Liquid capacity in gallons for 95, 65, and 35-gallon carts. 3. Resin weight for 95, 65, and 35-gallon carts in pounds of resin. 4. Body wall thickness in inches. 5. Lid wall thickness in inches. 6. Lid hinge attachment width in inches. 14 RFP #2011-12/18 7. Critical wear point thickness in inches. 8. Maximum average tipping force for 35, 65, and 95-gallon carts in pounds of tipping force. Value -Add Contractor shall illustrate how their proposal, in addition to the required elements, adds value to the City's recycling program in the areas of sustainability, education, communitypartnerships, and product stewardship. E.g.: During the initial pilot, carts were manufactured using HDPE sourced directly from the City's program demonstrating a locally closed -loop process. Other examples include the use of post -consumer recycled materials in the manufacturing process, as well as other innovative or emerging solutions. Value -Add elements are not required, although preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate these factors. Implementation Plan Provide an A & D implementation plan that includes a detailed timeline of a typical A & D event. If the Contractor utilizes third party contractors to conduct the service, proposals must demonstrate the contractor's ability to insure the A & D process meets or exceeds the following City criteria. The proposal shall demonstrate a system or process that guarantees in no way carts can be incorrectly associated to a delivery address. Warranty and Recycling Proposal shall describe the contractor's unconditional warranty process and ability to recycle any City carts (regardless of manufacturer) deemed out of service. 3.6.4 Qualifications and Resumes (Tab 3) This section shall not be more than ten (10) pages single -sided. A Proposer should demonstrate its qualifications to successfully provide the required cart manufacturing, A & D services, and asset management and inventory software implementation for the City's recycling program as outlined in its technical proposal. At a minimum, a proposal should include the following. information: Corporate History The Proposal should provide a brief history of all entities involved in the proposal, including the types of related services provided and period of time providing such services. Clearly state total number of RFID enabled carts currently in service and total number of customer locations that have received contractor's RFID enabled carts. Key Personnel The Proposal should include the names, titles, respective roles, location and resumes of key personnel and decision -makers who would be responsible for overseeing the cart manufacturing, A & D services, and asset management and inventory software implementation, if applicable. Resumes should not exceed two (2) pages in length, and must detail the person's past experience as it relates to the services and products as outlined. 3.6.5 Experience and References (Tab 4) This section shall not be more than ten (10) pages single -sided. A Proposer should demonstrate its experience successfully providing the required cart manufacturing, A & D 15 RFP #2011-12/18 services, and asset management and inventory software implementation similar in scope to those requested in this RFP and as outlined in its technical proposal. At a minimum, proposals should include the following information: Similar Experience The Proposal should explain the Proposer's relevant experience, including cart manufacturing, A & D Services, and asset management and inventory software implementation. Please illustrate your experience in providing communities with RFID enabled carts. 3.7 Delivery All items shall be delivery FOB destination to a specified City address. All delivery costs and charges must be included in the bid price. The City reserves the right to cancel orders or any part thereof, without obligation if delivery is not made within ninety (90) days of receipt of a purchase order. The City reserves the right to reject deliveries of orders due to nonconformity of the specifications. References A Proposer should provide up to six (6) references, preferably public sector customers of similar size and scope to the City, for which the Proposer has provided services similar to those required in this RFP, preferably within the last three (3) years. Referenced projects should be located in the United States or in Canada. Reference information should include a contact person, title, affiliation, address, telephone number, email address, and a summary of the operation. 3.8 Quality Control A cart will be chosen at random from each delivery for compliance testing with specifications herein. If a cart does not meet specifications, two additional carts will be chosen and inspected for specification compliance. The entire shipment will be considered not in compliance with specifications if either one of the additional carts fails to meet specifications. The Contractor shall be notified of such non -conformity and the City shall have the right to: 1. Reject the entire shipment, at no consequence to the City and at Contractor's expense, and carts shall be returned to the factory for correction. 2. At the City's sole discretion, accept the shipment and the contractor shall pay the City any costs of making corrections. 3.9 Liquidated Damages In the event the Contractor does not deliver the carts to the City, and/or deliver assembled carts to residents as stipulated herein, including accurately maintaining the address assignments of carts by serial and RFID tag number, the City may assess liquidated damages in an amount equal to $500.00 per day for each day until delivery to City, and/or delivery of assembled carts to residents is completed as stipulated in the Production and Deliver Schedule. 3.10 Samples, Demonstrations, and Testing Samples shall be furnished free of charge to the City. Samples of each size cart are to be delivered by the proposal due date and time. Failure to deliver samples by the due date and time may deem the proposal non -responsive. Each sample must be marked with the Bidder's name and manufacturer's brand name. The City will not be responsible for returning samples. The City may request a full demonstration of any product or service before the award of a contract. All demonstrations shall be done at the expense of the Bidder. Sample carts may be tested and put through a series of rigorous real world tests to simulate daily use. It will be at the discretion of of 16 RFP #2011-12/18 the City to the tests performed and a testing committee will review the performance of each cart. Failure to pass all portions of the testing could result in disqualification of the proposer. 3.11 Warranty 3.11.1 All carts furnished shall be fully (100%) warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a minimum period of ten (10) years from the date of acceptance of delivery. This warranty shall be unconditional and non -prorated, providing the City with an assurance of full replacement. The word "cart" for the purposes of this Warranty shall be defined as a complete fully functional unit including lid, handle, wheel assembly, hardware, imprints, markings and in -molded label, and all other component parts. 3.11.2 Any cart or component parts that do not conform to the technical requirements or that fail by reason of inadequate or improper materials, defective workmanship, insufficient resistance to weathering or for any other cause whatsoever other than negligence or abuse shall be replaced within thirty (30) days. 3.11.3 Defective bodies are to be replaced under warranty. They shall be replaced as complete carts, i.e., with lids and wheels provided. 3.11.4 The proposer must submit with its proposal a warranty specimen of the exact warranty offered for the carts described herein. The warranty must specifically provide for no - charge replacement of any component parts that fail in materials of workmanship for a period of ten (10) years after installation. The transportation costs of sending the warranty carts to the City shall be assumed by the proposer. 3.11.5 The proposer's warranty is understood to include, whether stated in proposer's warranty or not, the following: a. Failure of the lid to prevent rainwater from entering the cart when in the closed position. b. Damage to the cart body, lidor any component parts through opening or closing the lid c. Failure of the lower lift bar from damage during interface with standard ANSI approved lifting devices. d. Failure of the body and lid to maintain their original shape. e. Damage or cracking of the cart body through normal operating conditions. f. Failure of the wheels to provide continuous easy mobility as originally designed. g. Failure of any part to conform to minimum standards as specified herein. 3.12 Quantities No guarantee or warranty is given or implied by the City as to the amount that may or may not be purchased from any resulting contract. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities or add or delete any item from the contract if it is determined to be in the best interest of the City at its sole discretion. 3.13 Price Proposer shall quote a firm, fixed price for the items listed in the scope of services and on the schedule of proposal prices. Prices shall include all costs associated with the project including labor, equipment, supplies, management, travel, etc. 17 RFP #2011-12/18 3.14 Cost Adjustments 3.14.1 Cart Prices quoted in response to this Proposal solicitation shall be firm for the first 90 days of the contract period. After the first 90 days, pricing for the cart component only of this proposal may be revised based on the price change in HDPE resin for Large Buyer Contract prices for Medium Quality Injection Molding as documented by the Chemical. Data Monthly Petrochemical & Plastics Analysis Report as produced by Chemical Data (CDI), 1111 North Loop West, Suite 1140, Houston, Texas 77008. Price adjustments as a result of resin increases or decreases will only be allowed on a quarterly basis, and resin prices at the beginning of the quarter shall be used for the entire quarter (three-month period). Quarter adjustment periods are as follows: June 2012 CDI pricing will be utilized for orders placed in July 2012, August 2012, and September 2012; September 2012 CDI pricing will be utilized for orders placed in October 2012, November 2012, and December 2012; December 2012 CDI pricing will be utilized for orders placed in January 2013, February 2013, and March 2013; and March 2013 CDI pricing will be utilized for orders placed in April 2013, May 2013, and June 2013. Subsequent years in the contract will follow this same adjustment schedule. Should the market price of resin increase or decrease from the initial proposed unit price, the increase/decrease will be reflected in the unit price per cart based on the quarterly schedule listed above throughout the term of the contract, for the amount of resin per pound per. cart (95 and 65-gallon) as specified in this proposal. There will be no more than one (1) price adjustment per quarter. Request for price changes shall be received in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to the effective date or at the time of an order request, and are subject to written acceptance from the City before becoming effective. Proof of the validity of a request for a price change shall be the responsibility of the successful proposal but at a minimum the Contractor shall provide to City certified documentation including the CDI monthly report for the correct period. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any price increase(s) and to cancel any and all item(s) under the contract for which price increase(s) is/are considered unacceptable. 3.14.2 All Other Cost Adjustments Costs for all services, equipment, software, and software maintenance, and all proposed costs other than carts purchased under this contract shall remain firm for the initial contract term. Costs for subsequent optional renewal terms and any extension terms shall be subject to an adjustment only if increases in the industry occur. However, unless very unusual and significant changes have occurred in the industry, such increases shall not exceed five percent (5%) per year or, whichever is less, the latest yearly percentage increase in the All Urban Consumers Price Index (CPI-U) (All Items), for the Miami -Ft. Lauderdale, FL area, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. The yearly increase or decrease in the CPI shall be the latest index published and available ninety (90) days prior to the end of the contract term then in effect compared to the index for the same month one (1) year prior. Any requested price increase shall be fully documented and submitted to the City at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the current contract term. Any approved cost adjustment shall become effective on the first date of the renewal or extension contract term. In the event the CPI or industry costs decline, the City shall have the right to receive from the Contractor a reasonable reduction in the costs of services that reflect the cost change in the CPI or industry, or as mutually agreed upon by City and Contractor. 18 RFP #2011-12/18 The City has the right to refuse to accept the requested cost increase or decrease if it is not properly documented, submitted Tess than ninety (90) days from the contract expiration date, or considered by the City to be excessive or insufficient. In the event the City does not wish to accept the adjusted prices and the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the City, the contract can be cancelled by the City upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Contractor. 3.15 Software 3.15.1 Licensing and Use Rights • All software licensing agreements resulting from this RFP and the resulting Contract shall provide for usage to the City on a global basis. • The license shall provide for use by any employee in the City only, and shall not be limited in terms of number of people, name, or job title. • Should the software not be proprietary to the Contractor, all licensing expenses shall be born on the Contractor and included in the annual software maintenance costs. • There shall be no additional charges for moving the software, or changing hardware or operating systems. • The software may be username and password protected. 3.15.2 Software Maintenance • Software Maintenance shall include at a minimum all enhancements and new releases subsequent to the initial purchase. • Software maintenance shall provide for, at a minimum, support of prior releases, remote customer support, and error/bug corrections. • Problem priority levels shall be defined as follows and provide for satisfactory response and resolution times according to the criticality of the issue. o Priority One (1) - Failures are major system failures that render the system completely unusable and/or inoperable, and are considered to be operationally unacceptable by the City. o Priority Two (2) - Failures are major and minor system failures that significantly reduce system operability and usability, and are considered to be operationally unacceptable by the City o Priority Three (3) - Failures are minor system failures that minimally reduce system operability and usability, and are considered to be operationally acceptable by the City. o Priority Four (4) - Failures are minor system failures and punch list items that have little to no effect on system operability and usability, and are considered to be operationally acceptable by the City. • Should the Contract be terminated for cause or should the Contractor default, the Contractor shall provide a prorated refund for software maintenance paid by the City. 3.15.3 Source Code The Contractor shall provide all source code for the proposed solution or. at a minimum arrange that all source code be kept in escrow with a third party on behalf of the City. 3.15.4 System Data Ownership of all input data gathered and output data produced by the Asset Management 19 RFP #2011-12/18 Work Order, and Reporting System shall be the City's. The Contractor shall provide such data to the City within thirty (30) days written request by the City, termination of the Contract, or default by the Contractor. All data shall be delivered in a renderable format. 3.16 Insurance Requirements 3.16.1 Coverages Successful Proposer shall, at a minimum, provide, pay for, and maintain in force at all times during the term of this Contract the following insurance. Commercial Liability Insurance A Commercial Liability Insurance Policy shall be provided which shall contain minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability and shall contain minimum limits of Two Million Dollars ($2,000.000.00) per aggregate. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Commercial Liability Policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office and must include: • Premises and/or operations • Independent contractors • Products and/or completed operations for contracts • Broad form contractual coverage applicable to this specific Contract, including any hold harmless and/or indemnification Contract • Personal injury coverage with employee and contractual exclusions removed, with minimum limits of coverage equal to those required for bodily Injury liability and property damage liability. Business Automobile Liability Business Automobile Liability shall be provided with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must include: • Owned Vehicles, if applicable. • Hired and Non -Owned Vehicles, if applicable. • Employers' Non -Ownership, if applicable. Workers Compensation Insurance Workers' Compensation insurance to apply for all employees in compliance with Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time, the "Workers' Compensation Law" of the State of Florida, and all applicable federal laws. In addition, the policy(ies) must include: Employers' Liability with a limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) each accident. 20 RFP #2011-12/18 3.16.2 General If any operations are to be undertaken on or about navigable waters, coverage must be included for the U.S. Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Act and Jones Act. Such policy or policies shall be without any deductible amount unless otherwise noted in this Contract and shall be issued by approved companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and having agents upon whom service of process may be made in Broward County, Florida. Contractor shall pay all deductible amounts, if any. Contractor shall specifically protect City and the Deerfield Beach City Commission by naming City and the Deerfield Beach City Commission as additional insured under the Commercial Liability Policy as well as on any Excess Liability Policy coverage. shall furnish to City's Contract Administrator Certificate of Insurance or endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage specified herein within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification of award of the Contract. The required Certificates of Insurance shall name the types of policies provided, refer specifically to this Contract, and state that such insurance is as required by this Contract. Contractor's failure to provide to City the Certificates of Insurance or endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage within fifteen (15) calendar days shall provide the basis for the termination of the Contract. is not to cease and is to remain in force (subject to cancellation notice) until all performance required of Contractor is complete. All policies must be endorsed to provide City with at least thirty (30) days' notice of expiration, cancellation and/or restriction. If any of the insurance coverages will expire prior to the completion of the work, copies of renewal policies shall be furnished at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. reserves the right to review and revise any insurance requirements at the time of renewal or amendment of this Contract, including, but not limited to, deductibles, limits, coverage, and . endorsements based on insurance market conditions affecting the availability or affordability of coverage, or changes in the scope of work or specifications that affect the applicability of coverage. If Contractor uses a subcontractor, Contractor shall ensure that subcontractor names City as an additional insured. 21 RFP #2011-12/18 SECTION 4 — SPECIFICATIONS / SCOPE OF SERVICES 4.1 Plastic Roll -Cart (35, 65 and 95 gallon) 4.1.1 Manufacturing Process Each cart and lid must be made from the injection -molded process only. 4.1.2 Plastic Material Base plastic resin for the cart body and lid must be first quality high -density polyethylene (HDPE) supplied by a national petrochemical producer such as Dow Chemical or Exxon Mobil. Off -spec or wide spec material and dry blending of material is not acceptable. 4.1.3 Resin Additives The plastic resin must be enhanced with color pigment and ultraviolet inhibitor, which must be uniformly distributed throughout the finished cart. All plastic parts shall be specifically prepared to be colorfast so that the plastic material does not alter or fade appreciably in normal use. The cart shall be protected against ultraviolet rays with an ultraviolet stabilizer additive with no less than one and one half percent (1.5%) by weight. 4.1.4 Interior Construction The interior surface must be smooth and free from crevices, recesses, projections, and other obstructions where material inside the carts could become trapped. 4.1.5 Rim of Body The top of the cart body shall be molded with a\ reinforced rim to add structural strength and stability to the cart and to provide a flat surface for lid closure. This reinforced rim shall have a raised inner perimeter to serve as a barrier to escaping odors, intrusion of pests, and to prevent moisture from entering the cart from under the edge of the lid. The rim of the cart must not be designed to have an inward radius to obstruct free flow emptying of material out from the cart. 4.1.6 Abrasion Protection The carts must be designed with a double drag rail on the cart bottom. The cart base must be reinforced in the area that contacts the ground with a molded -in wear strip. 4.1.7 Stability Each cart shall be stable and self -balancing when in the upright position, either loaded or empty. The cart must be designed to withstand winds averaging 25 mph when empty (based on the average wind resistance of the four sides of the cart).. 4.1.8 Maneuverability To ensure that the proposed cart(s) is easily operated by the citizens of Deerfield Beach, the proposer must state the average tipping forces required to maneuver a fully loaded cart when tilted to the roll position. Any cart that is judged based on its documented maximum average force, as too difficult to tilt when loaded to maximum capacity of material will be disqualified. 4.1.9 ANSI Conformance The roll -carts must be compatible with standard American semi -automated bar -locking lifters (ANSI type B) as well as automated arm lifters (ANSI type G). Carts proposed 22 RFP #2011-12/18 herein must meet the requirements of ANSI Z245.30 and ANSI Z245.60 standards for "Type B/G" carts. 4.1.10 Lift System Each cart shall be equipped with attachment points, which make it compatible with standard American semi -automated bar -locking lifters and fully -automated arm lifters. The upper lift point must be integrally molded into the body of the cart with sufficient support under the lifting pocket for 95 and 65 gallon carts. The lower metal bar of 35, 65, and 95 gallon carts must come pre -installed from the manufacturer, must be designed to withstand over ten (10) years of lifter attachment, and must be a 1" diameter galvanized free floating metal bar. The length of the bar must not exceed 91/2 inches. The steel bar must be held in place by pre -installed hardware. The hardware must be located on the inside of the cart to avoid interaction with the cart tippers and shall not interfere with materials being emptied from within cart. The lower bar cannot be attached by means of screws, bolts, fasteners, pins, etc. Carts with bolted -on lower bars are NOT acceptable. Lid shall include an in -mold label, as described below. 4.1.11 Lid The lid shall be of one piece construction, injection molded of high density polyethylene resin (HDPE) and must be manufactured of the same material as used in the cart body. The lid shall be configured to ensure that it will not warp, bend, slump, or distort to such an extent that it no longer fits the cart properly or becomes otherwise unserviceable. The lid must be crowned in shape and designed to disallow entry of rain when in the closed position. The lid must open from a closed position through a full 270° arc and hang open without stressing the lid or cart body. The manufacturer may not attach lids to carts using metal hinges, brackets/bolts and/or screws, metal bars, PVC, plastic glued connections, or any hidden bars. Lid attachments must be constructed of weather resistant plastic only. Attachments must be easily installed during cart assembly and uninstalled during cart disassembly. Lid must be capable of being imprinted with a custom hot stamp, heat transferred label, or in -mold label technology. Lid attachment hinge must be no less than 1.25" in width. 4.1.12 Handles Each cart must be equipped with a handle that is a minimum of 1" diameter. The handle and handle mounts must be an integrally molded part of the cart body. The handle shall be designed to afford the user positive control of the loaded cart at all times. The handle must not have the ability to rotate on its own axis at any time. Bolted -on handle mounts or bolted -on handles are unacceptable. 4.1.13.Axle The axle must be a minimum of 3/4" diameter, high strength steel fully supported by cart body. Axle must be plated or coated for corrosion protection. Axle must slide through a sufficient amount of molded -in plastic journals in the cart bottom to support the axle and must not be exposed to contents inside of cart. Journals molded into the bottom of the cart for the axle to slide through must ensure proper weight distribution of the contents of the cart. Axles attached by means of bolts or rivets are unacceptable. 4.1.14 Wheels Wheels shall be minimum 10" in diameter and 1.75" wide with knobby treads. Wheels must be extra high molecular weight polyethylene capable of supporting a minimum of 23 RFP #2011-12/18 200 lbs. Wheels must be snap on style wheels. Wheels that require the use of pal nuts, washers or other means of connection will be considered unacceptable. 4.1.15 Color Carts must be a distinctive color impregnated into the plastic. Painted universal recycling carts are unacceptable. Carts are to be "Pepsi blue" or equivalently matched color. City also requests a price option for a black cart with "Pepsi blue" lid. Proposed color shall be approved in advance by City. 4.1.16 Load Rating The load rating must conform to ANSI Standard Z245.30. The cart(s) must be designed to regularly receive and dump the following pounds of recycled materials, excluding the weight of the cart, without permanent damage or deformation: • 95-Gallon — minimum 332 pounds • 65-Gallon — minimum 227 pounds • 35-Gallon — minimum 122 pounds 4.1.17 Resin Weight The quoted cart must be manufactured to achieve a minimum resin weight of the following: • 95-Gallon — minimum 33 pounds • 65-Gallon — minimum 25 pounds • 35-Gallon — minimum 17 pounds 4.1.18 Wall Thickness The quoted cart must have a nominal wall thickness of .175 inches throughout the body of the cart and a minimum wall thickness of .185 inches in the critical wear points (i.e. cart bottom, handle and lift mechanism). The minimum wall thickness of the lid must be .140 inches. 4.1.19 Capacity The total capacity of the cart body, excluding the lid, must be a 95 U.S. gallons (+/- 3%) and 65 U.S. gallons (+-3%). Proposer must include an independent test result according to ANSI Z245.30, Appendix A (Volume Test), certified by an accredited professional engineer, showing the exact capacity of the cart body (to the nearest 0.1 U.S. gallon). 4.1.20 Dimensions: The minimum exterior dimensions of the completely assembled cart should be designed to pass through standard residential doorways and are as follows: Height Depth Width 95-Gallon 45.00 inches 33.00 inches 28.50 inches 65-Gallon 40.25 inches 28.00 inches 26.50 inches 35-Gallon 39.00 inches 22.00 inches 20.00 inches 24 RFP #2011-12/18 4.2 Marking Specification 4.2.1 Serial Numbers Each cart shall be permanently marked with a serial number or bar code branded in white on the front face of its body. The final serial number shall be determined by Deerfield Beach, , must coincide with existing inventory currently in use, and will contain 8-9 alphanumeric digits. The serial number must be pre -associated with an installed ultrahigh radio frequency identification (UHF RFID) tag at the cart manufacturer's facility. The proposer will maintain a file that will identify the date of manufacture and other pertinent manufacturing data by the serial number or bar code. In addition to the RFID tag, the use of an additional automated inventory tracking mechanism, such as bar codes, is encouraged to insure, in the event of a failed or incorrect RFID tag read, that the assembly and distribution database, that is the list of correctly associated carts to addresses, is not compromised or suspect in any way. 4.2.2 Cart Logo The Deerfield Beach logo shall be affixed by hot stamp onto both sides of the cart body and shall be approved in advance by the City. The logo shall be white and include the City's name and official logo. The logo size shall be aesthetically pleasing, adequate for the cart size, and clearly visible. 4.2.3 User Instructions Instructions for the safe use of the cart must be molded into each lid. Instructions shall be approved in advance by the City. 4.2.4 Load Rating The Toad rating of the cart must be raised -relief molded into the lid. Load rating shall be stated in both pounds and kilograms. 4.2.5 In -mold Label (IML) Specifications The City may decided to purchase carts with IML as an option. Therefore, any IML developed at the City's request must comply with the following listed specifications a. Pricing IML for carts shall be one price per cart for label design, layout, proofing, color printing, ultra violet ray protection, placement on the lid of the cart, for specified cart order quantities. As part of this unit pricing, City will have the ability to utilize different preapproved and designed labels on a per -order basis. For example, an individual cart order will be for a residential application, and therefore will require shipping with a residential IML installed. At least one additional label will require developing (e.g. commercial or multi -family). b. Manufacturing Process In -Mold Label shall be permanently molded into the cart lid. It should not wear or peel from normal uses. It shall have ultra -violet and other protection from the effects of the sun. c. Color and Graphics The In -Mold Label shall be 4-color and contain images and language representing recycling instructions designed by or approved in advance by Deerfield Beach. All 25 RFP #2011-12/18 proofs for the label shall be submitted to Deerfield Beach for approval as part of any order process. d. Size The size of the label for the 95-gallon and 65-gallon lid shall be at a minimum 8 inches by 12 inches. The size of the label for the 35-gallon lid shall be at a minimum 4 inches by 8 inches. 4.3 RFID Integration Each cart must be equipped and shipped with a UHF RFID tag that has been pre -associated with the cart serial number at the manufacturer's production facility. The RFID tag must be installed, or molded within the cart body, with no exposure to the outside elements. The serial number must be the same number as what is used to identify the cart for warranty purposes. Adhesive or sticker RFID tags will not be acceptable. To avoid interference with the cart contents/materials, RFID tags placed inside of the cart are unacceptable. 4.3.1 RFID Tag and Serial Number Association It is the responsibility of the cart manufacturer to provide and maintain a data base for Deerfield Beach which includes each cart's RFID tag, serial number, date of manufacture, location of manufacture, cart size and type. The manufacturer shall maintain this database for the life of the contract and provide additional associationinformation for future cart purchases. The City may at any time request this information during the production of carts which shall be provided within 24 hours of request. 4.3.2 RFID Inlay Specifications The RFID inlay must be passive UHF and have an optimal operating frequency of 860 - 960 MHz and have an operating temperature of -40°F to +149°F. The dry inlay must meet ISO/IEC 18000-6C and EPCglobal C1G2 protocol. The antenna dimensions must not exceed 3.741 in x .302 in. with a thickness over chip not to exceed 11 mills. The inlay substrate must be heat treated PET (polyethylene terephthalate). The inlay must be sandwiched between a minimum of two-0.005" polyester Smart Card material using a heavy duty P7 permanent adhesive. 4.3.3 RFID Tag Testing The RFID tag must be tested at the manufacturing facility to ensure that it is working properly prior to shipment. 4.3.4 RFID Tags During Delivery Whether the City chooses to perform the delivery of carts internally or requests that the delivery be performed by the Contractor, in addition to the RFID tag, the use of an additional automated inventory tracking mechanism, such as bar codes, is encouraged to insure, in the event of a failed or incorrect RFID tag read, that the assembly and distribution database, that is the list of correctly associated carts to addresses, is not compromised or suspect in any way. The proposer shall demonstrate in the proposal a system or process that guarantees in no way carts can be incorrectly associated to a delivery address. 26 RFP #2011-12/18 4.4 Asset Management, Work Order, and Reporting System 4.4.1 Software As part of the cart system being proposed and throughout the term of this contract, the Contractor shall provide an asset and work order management system as outlined. 4.4.2 Web -Based Asset Tracking Software The software must be web based and customized for the City. Access to this software must be 24/7/365. The cart asset management software system shall be web -based, and accessible from any Internet enabled computer via web -browser software. The only elements required for this software is a web browser and live Internet access. For security purposes, the software should include various user -defined levels of security access by user. The software shall accommodate up to ten (10) multiple users, simultaneously. 4.4.3 Data Management Software must manage the initial cart delivery, any work orders generated and/or completed, and any additional information changes made during the course of the program. The data will be monitored daily to ensure accuracy and consistency in reporting. The software shall be capable of managing an asset from the point of manufacture to point of disposition (end of life), and shall include a warranty management component. Proposer shall describe its data management system and how they propose to manage City assets cradle to grave, including warranty recovery. 4.4.4 Custom Reports Software must have the ability to generate reports daily, weekly, or monthly based on cart activity, such as inventory reports, maintenance reports, and any others requested by the City. Reports should be able to be viewed in PDF format or downloadable in an Excel format. 4.4.5 Hand Held Scanner Integration The asset tracking software must include a minimum of two (2) handheld scanners (for City use) that runthe software in .order to manage cart inventories, repairs, deliveries, pickups, size swaps, and other service requests in the field. These handhelds shall synchronize with the software in order to maintain an accurate inventory/account database. Handheld data, once synchronized, shall be available to RFID event capture system within 24 hours. 4.4.6 Online Web Reports The asset tracking software must have the ability to enter work orders, close out work orders, run work order reports, run inventory reports, access and enter data, adjust inventory, and run collection tracking reports. 4.5 Data Integration 4.5.1 The Contractor is responsible for migrating manufacturing data directly from their cart manufacturing facility to the asset and work order management system. The data included in the specified file format from the manufacturer would need to include information on each individual cart including but not limited to, cart size, color, type, serial number, RFID value, date of manufacture and plant of manufacture. At the time of cart production, the manufacturer must transmit the electronic file directly to the City's asset and work order management system. In order for the City to monitor and track status of carts on order 27 RFP #2011-12/18 with the manufacturer, the Contractor must provide visibility of cart production, which must be available to the City within 24 hours of manufacture. 4.5.2 The cart asset management software system shall be web -based, and accessible from any Internet enabled computer. The software shall include a transaction -based work order system capable of creating and printing or transferring electronically, work orders for the purposes of equipment deliveries, removals, or exchanges including cart size changes, repairs, or replacements. Proposal shall include at a minimum two- (2) handheld RFID readers for the purposes of City -managed cart inventory. Proposer will insure readers integrate with asset management software and provide adequate training and support as part of the quoted price. 4.5.3 The proposed asset management software system must integrate with the RFID event capture system that will be used in City's recycling incentive program and installed on current and future City collection equipment. Transfer of data must be seamless, fully integrated and not require any manual intervention to push/pull data across various platforms to keep the RFID tracking Systems Visualization Layer program up to date and accurate, including street addresses. Correct addresses must update within the RFID tracking system within 24 hours of a cart delivery or exchange. 4.6 Assembly, Distribution, and Tracking Services for Carts The City anticipates at least one large scale order when single stream collection will be implemented citywide. Large scale orders will require the Contractor to conduct assembly and distribution (A & D) services to areas as designated by the City. In these A & D cases, the contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the delivery of carts from the manufacturing plant, unloading loads of carts, assembling necessary parts, and distributing the carts to homes throughout Deerfield Beach. It is preferred that the Contractor shall have its own assembly and distribution division of its company. If the Contractor utilizes third party contractors to conduct the service, proposals must demonstrate the contractor's ability to insure the A & D process meets or exceeds the following City criteria. 4.6.1 The City will provide a hard -surfaced, secured, and accessible staging area within the delivery area no more than five (5) miles from the most distant delivery address. The Contractor shall unload all delivery trailers in a timely manner. Any damage to the carts during any phase of the delivery, unloading, assembly, distribution, or exchanging shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to replace in kind. 4.6.2 Carts shall be assembled in a timely manner and once assembled shall be placed at the resident's curb per the City's implementation schedule. Carts shall not block driveways, mailboxes, or provide any other similar inconvenience to residents. 4.6.3 The Contractor will be required to attach any literature to the carts required by the City. The literature will be provided to the Contractor two (2) calendar weeks prior to commencement of A & D. Contractor will be responsible to enclose literature in a plastic newspaper -type bag to protect it from inclement weather, and attach to cart at the time of delivery. 4.6.4 Contractor shall assemble and deliver carts per the City's implementation schedule in all conditions except as a result of extreme weather, Acts of God, or other unsafe conditions that prevent Contractor from providing service. 28 RFP #2011-12/18 4.6.5 City will provide Contractor with accurate detailed maps of Deerfield Beach at least four (4) weeks prior to the A & D event start date. 4.6.6 The Contractor will record the cart serial number and RFID tag for each and every address where the carts are delivered. At the time and point of delivery, the Contractor will capture the date, time, and latitude and longitude of the cart as it is being delivered and assigned to a residential address. The Contractor will keep an electronic file of the address assignments of carts by serial and RFID tag number, date, time, latitude, and longitude and present it to the City in an acceptable electronic format upon completion of the delivery. Cart delivery data as listed here will be uploaded and available to the City through both the asset management system and the RFID tracking system within seven (7) days of A & D to an address. In addition to the RFID tag, the use of an additional automated inventory tracking mechanism, such as bar codes, is encouraged to insure, in the event of a failed or incorrect RFID tag read, that the assembly and distribution database, that is the list of correctly associated carts to addresses, is not compromised or suspect in any way. Manual written serial numbers are not acceptable. 4.6.7 The Contractor shall provide a qualified assembly and distribution staff. In addition to a Contract Administrator, in the event a proposer subcontracts the A & D process, the proposer shall provide locally -based supervisor -level full-time employees of its company to work directly with City staff during the entire A & D event, and will be responsible for supervising and managing A & D employees, including any subcontractors. Supervisor(s) will have authority to make decisions on behalf of the proposer and will be capable of solving any problems resulting from distribution services while that service is being provided. 4.6.8 All Contractor employees or sub -contractors representing proposer shall be dressed in an appropriate manner with uniforms that identify the proposer. Appropriate personal protective equipment such as reflective clothing, rain gear, and proper footwear shall be worn at all times by the A & D staff. City may require the Contractor to remove an unacceptable employee from these services who is wanton, negligent, or discourteous in performance of duties as outlined inthe. contract. Contractor personnel shall be courteous with the public and City personnel at all times. Contractor employees shall answer questions from the public, but direct them to City staff for details. 4.6.9 The Contractor shall immediately pick-up and/or clean-up any materials dropped on the roadway or parking lot while in the process of assembly or distribution. 4.6.10 All vehicles used by the Contractor in the distribution of carts shall be kept clean and presentable. All vehicles shall prominently display Contractors company logos and phone numbers. 4.6.11 All A & D services shall start no earlier than 7 AM EST/EDT and end no later than 7 PM EST/EDT Monday through Saturday. No distribution or exchange services shall take place outside of those times unless approved in advance by the Contract Administrator or designee. 4.6.12 The Contractor shall propose an electronic tracking system where the City can track the progress of cart distribution services. The tracking system shall be web -based and the City will be provided with access to reports detailing delivery of carts by address each day. The reports shall be as real time as possible, but be available to the City no later than 24 29 RFP #2011-12/18 hours after A & D. The reports shall detail addresses delivered with associated cart size, serial and RFID tag number, and latitude and longitude. Information must be made available in this system within 24 hours of A & D. 4.6.13 Contractor will provide a timeline for the complete production, assembly, and distribution of carts. The timeline shall comply with the City's schedule. In the event of a large-scale A & D event, City will make every effort to provide contractor with a 90-day advance notice of the start of A & D. In circumstances where advance notice may be Tess than 90 days, City and contractor will mutually agree on event start dates, but contractor will make every effort to comply with City's schedule. 30 RFP #2011-12/18 ATTACHMENT "A" — CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into by and between the CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH (CITY), a municipal corporation and (CONTRACTOR), as follows WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to RFP #2011-12/18 (the RFP) the CITY accepted competitive proposals for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software (the Services); and WHEREAS, the Services are delineated in the RFP; and WHEREAS, this Contract, the RFP and the CONTRACTOR's Response constitute the entire Contract and describe the Services to be provided; and WHEREAS, after evaluation of price and other evaluation criteria specified in the RFP, the evaluation committee and the City Commission of the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida, the CITY has determined that the most responsive and responsible proposal was submitted by CONTRACTOR and that CONTRACTOR has the necessary resources, experience and ability to perform the contract at a competitive price; and WHEREAS, the CITY has awarded the contract to CONTRACTOR for the Services on 20 , Resolution No 20 / ; NOW THEREFORE, be it agreed by and between the parties as follows: ARTICLE I INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 The above referenced Whereas clauses are true and correct and made a part hereof. 1.2 This Contract, the RFP, together with the response to the RFP of CONTRACTOR shall constitute the entire Contract, except to the extent specifically modified on Attachment "A" Additional Terms and Conditions. The parties agree that the scope of services is a description of CONTRACTOR's obligations and responsibilities and is deemed to include preliminary considerations and prerequisites, and all labor, materials, equipment, and tasks which are such an inseparable part of the work described that exclusion would render performance by CONTRACTOR impractical, illogical, or unconscionable. 1.3 Except as specifically modified herein, CONTRACTOR shall be bound by the terms and conditions and prices as set forth in the RFP and the CONTRACTOR'S Response to the RFP. When the terms and conditions of this Contract may be read as consistent with the RFP, then and in that respect, the terms of both the RFP and this Contract shall be read as being consistent and shall be binding on both parties. Where terms and conditions of this Contract contradict anything as set forth in the RFP or the response to the RFP, 31 RFP #2011-12/18 then the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be binding and in full force and effect to the extent of any inconsistency. 1.4 This is a non-exclusive contract. The CITY may, in its sole and absolute discretion, utilize other parties to provide any of the services listed in the RFP, or any aspect of the Services if the CITY deems it to be in the best interest of the CITY. 1.5 CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that the Contract Administrator has no authority to make changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Services to be provided under this Contract. ARTICLE 2 TERM AND TIME OF PERFORMANCE 2.1 The contract term shall be as set forth in the RFP. 2.2 Time shall be deemed to be of the essence in performing the duties, obligations and responsibilities required by this Contract. ARTICLE 3 COMPENSATION 3.1 If the RFP provides that the CITY shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for services provided by the CONTRACTOR, CITY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR, in the manner specified in the RFP, the amounts set forth in CONTRACTOR's Response for work actually performed and completed pursuant to this Contract, which amount shall be accepted by CONTRACTOR as full compensation for all such work. It is acknowledged and agreed by CONTRACTOR that this amount is the maximum payable and constitutes a limitation upon CITY's obligation to compensate CONTRACTOR for its services related to this Contract. This amount, however, does not constitute a limitation, of any sort, upon CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform all items of work required by or which can be reasonably inferred from the Scope of Services. No amount shall be paid to CONTRACTOR to reimburse its expenses. 3.2 If the RFP provides that the CONTRACTOR shall make payment to the CITY, such payment shall be made in conformance with the requirements set forth within the RFP. 3.3 The CONTRACTOR and the CITY shall abide by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, FL SS. 218.70-218.80. ARTICLE 4 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 4.1 This Contract may be terminated for convenience by the CITY. Termination for convenience by the CITY shall be effective on the termination date stated in written 32 RFP #2011-12/18 notice provided by CITY, which termination date shall be not less than thirty (30) days after the date of such written notice. This Contract may also be terminated by the City Manager upon such notice as the City Manager deems appropriate under the circumstances in the event the City Manager determines that termination is necessary to protect the public health or safety. The parties agree that if CITY erroneously, improperly or unjustifiably terminates for cause, such termination shall be deemed a termination for convenience, which shall be effective thirty (30) days after such notice of termination for cause is provided. 4.2 This Contract may be terminated for cause for reasons including, but not limited to, CONTRACTOR's repeated (whether negligent or intentional) submission for payment of false or incorrect bills or invoices, failure to suitably perform the work; or failure to continuously perform the work in a manner calculated to meet or accomplish the objectives as set forth in this Contract. 4.3 Notice of termination shall be provided in accordance with the "NOTICES" section of this Contract except that notice of termination by the City Manager, which the City Manager. deems necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare may be verbal notice that shall be promptly confirmed in writing in accordance with the "NOTICES" section of this Contract. 4.4 In the event this Contract is terminated for convenience, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for any services properly performed under the Contract through the termination date specified in the written notice of termination. CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that it has received good, valuable and sufficient consideration from CITY, the receipt and adequacy of which are, hereby acknowledged by CONTRACTOR, for CITY's right to terminate this Contract for convenience. 4.5 In the event this Contract is. terminated for any reason, any amounts due CONTRACTOR shall be withheld by CITY until all documents are provided to CITY pursuant to Section 8.1 of Article 8. 4.6 Should at any time during the term of this contract, including any option terms, the CONTRACTOR is in violation of any of the terms and conditions of this contract, the City shall have the right to suspend the CONTRACTOR until the violation is resolved to the satisfaction of the City. If the violation is not promptly resolved or is of such serious nature that the City determines that suspension is not adequate, the City reserves the right to terminate for cause. 4.6.1 In the event a CONTRACTOR is terminated, the City may assign the contract to another CONTRACTOR, or seek a new CONTRACTOR, until the contract is re - let, or until the end of the contract term then in effect, at its sole option and shall reserve all legal remedies for damages and other relief. ARTICLE 5 EEO AND ADA COMPLIANCE 5.1 CONTRACTOR shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, political affiliation or disability in the performance of this 33 RFP #2011-12/18 Contract, the solicitation for or purchase of goods or services relating to this Contract, or in subcontracting work in the performance of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall include the foregoing or similar language in its contracts with any subcontractors or subconsultants, except that any project assisted by the U.S. Department of Transportation funds shall comply with the non-discrimination requirements in 49 C.F.R. Parts 23 and 26, as amended. Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy as CITY deems appropriate. 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall not unlawfully discriminate against any person in its operations and activities or in its use or expenditure of funds in fulfilling its obligations under this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the course of providing any services funded by CITY, including Titles I and II of the ADA (regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of disability), and all applicable regulations, guidelines, and standards. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall take affirmative steps to ensure nondiscrimination in employment against disabled persons. ARTICLE 6 MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 RIGHTS IN DOCUMENTS AND WORK Any and all reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents provided or created in connection with this Contract are and shall remain the property of CITY; and, if a copyright is claimed, CONTRACTOR grants to CITY a non-exclusive license to use the copyrighted item(s) indefinitely, to prepare derivative works, and to make and distribute copies to the public. In the event of termination of this Contract, any reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents prepared by CONTRACTOR, whether finished or unfinished, shall become the property of CITY and shall be delivered by CONTRACTOR to the Contract Administrator within seven (7) days of termination of this Contract by either party. Any compensation due to CONTRACTOR shall be withheld until all documents are received as provided herein. 6.2 AUDIT RIGHT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS CITY shall have the right to audit the books, records, and accounts of CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors that are related to this Project. CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall keep such books, records, and accounts as may be necessary in order to record complete and correct entries related to the Project. All books, records, and accounts of CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall be kept in written form, or in a form capable of conversion into written form within a reasonable time, and upon request to do so, CONTRACTOR or its subcontractor, as applicable, shall make same available at no cost to CITY in written form. CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall preserve and make available, at reasonable times for examination and audit by CITY, all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this Contract for the required retention period of the Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time, if applicable, or, if the Florida Public Records Act is not applicable, for a minimum period of three (3) years after termination of this Contract. If 34 RFP #2011-12/18 any audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of the retention period or three (3) years, whichever is longer, the books, records, and accounts shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. If the Florida Public Records Act is determined by CITY to be applicable to CONTRACTOR's and its subcontractors' records, CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall comply with all requirements thereof; however, no confidentiality or non -disclosure requirement of either federal or state law shall be violated by CONTRACTOR or its subcontractors. Any incomplete or incorrect entry in such books, records, and accounts shall be a basis for CITY's disallowance and recovery of any payment upon such entry. CONTRACTOR shall, by written contract, require its subcontractors to agree to the requirements and obligations of this Section 8.2. 6.3 COMPLAINTS AND DISPUTES: All complaints concerning misconduct on the part of the Contractor or disputes between City staff and the Contractor are referred to the City Manager or his designee, who shall conduct investigations and inquiries, including discussions with the Contractor and involved staff. The determinations of the City Manager or designee shall be binding upon the parties, and failure of the CONTRACTOR to follow any such determination could be considered a material breach and subject the CONTRACTOR to termination for cause. The CONTRACTOR agrees that any complaints received by the City concerning misconduct on the part of the CONTRACTOR, such as excessive charges, poor business practices etc., will be referred to the Office of the City Manager for appropriate action. The CONTRACTOR agrees to make any complaints concerning the City of Deerfield Beach available to the Office of the City Manager for action as required. 6.4 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Neither CONTRACTOR nor CITY intends to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Contract. Therefore, the parties agree that there are no third party beneficiaries to this Contract and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a right or claim against either of them based upon this Contract. 6.5 NOTICES Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or sent by commercial express carrier with acknowledgement of delivery, or by hand delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein until changed in writing in the manner provided in this section. For the present, the parties designate the following: FOR CITY: 35 RFP #2011-12/18 FOR CONTRACTOR: 6.6 MATERIALITY AND WAIVER OF BREACH CITY and CONTRACTOR agree that each requirement, duty, and obligation set forth herein was bargained for at arms -length and is agreed to by the parties in exchange for quid pro quo, that each is substantial and important to the formation of this Contract and that each is, therefore, a material term hereof. CITY's failure to enforce any provision of this Contract shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or modification of this Contract. A waiver of any breach of a provision of this Contract shall not be deemed a'waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Contract. 6.7 SEVERANCE In the event a portion of this Contract is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be effective . unless CITY or CONTRACTOR elects to terminate this Contract. An election to terminate this Contract. based upon this provision shall be made within seven (7) days after the finding by the court becomes final. 6.8 JOINT PREPARATION Each party and its counsel have participated fully in the review and revision of this Contract and acknowledge that the preparation of this Contract has been their joint effort. The language agreed to expresses their mutual intent and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. The language in this Contract shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. 6.9 WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL By entering into this contract, CONTRACTOR, and CITY hereby expressly waive any rights either party may have to a trial by jury of any civil litigation related to this contract. 6.10 AMENDMENTS No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same or similar formality as this Contract and executed by the Board and CONTRACTOR or others delegated authority to or otherwise authorized to execute same on their behalf. 6.11 PRIOR CONTRACTS This document represents the final and complete understanding of the parties and incorporates or supersedes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, Contracts, and understandings applicable to the matters contained herein. The parties 36 RFP #2011-12/18 agree that there is no commitment, Contract, or understanding concerning the subject matter of this Contract that is not contained in this written document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representation or Contract, whether oral or written. 6.12 REPRESENTATION OF AUTHORITY Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of a party hereto hereby represents and warrants that he or she is, on the date he or she signs this Contract, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute this Contract on behalf of such party and does so with full legal authority. 6.13 MULTIPLE ORIGINALS Multiple copies of this Contract may be executed by all parties, each of which, bearing original signatures, shall have the force and effect of an original document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused these presents to be executed. Witnesses: CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH By: , CITY MANAGER ATTEST: ADA GRAHAM-JOHNSON, MMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, CITY ATTORNEY 37 Date: CONTRACTOR MUST EXECUTE THIS CONTRACT AS INDICATED CORPORATION OR NONCORPORATION FORMAT, AS APPLICABLE. [If incorporated sign below.] ATTEST: CONTRACTOR RFP #2011-12/18 BELOW. USE (Name of Corporation) By (Secretary) (Signature) (Corporate Seal) [If not incorporated sign below.] WITNESSES: (Type Name/Title Signed Above) CONTRACTOR day of , 20 (Name) By (Signature) (Type Name Signed Above) day of , 20. CITY REQUIRES THREE (3) FULLY -EXECUTED CONTRACTS, FOR DISTRIBUTION 38 City of DEERFIELD BEACH Section 5 (TAB 1) Proposal Package Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and. 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software RFP #2011-12/18 Submitted By: Company Name: Street Address: City/State/Zip: Point of Contact: Phone No.: Fax: E-Mail: PP-1 RFP #2011-12/18 Proposal Requirements Checklist This form is for the benefit of the Proposer. All items listed below are required, shall be included in your Proposal Package, and properly executed. The City will also use this form to aid in the evaluation of each Proposer's response as responsive. Proposal Requirements Checklist Proposal Certification Schedule of Proposal Prices Qualification Statement Scope of Services/Statement of Work Schedule "A" Disclosure Form Public Entity Crimes Statement Indemnification Clause Form Non -Collusive Affidavit Drug -Free Workplace Background Check Affidavit Local Business Affidavit (if applicable) References Variances to the RFP Local Business Tax Receipt Certificate of Insurance Required Licenses and Certifications Product Warranties Software Licensing Agreements (if applicable) Cart Samples (95, 65, and 35 Gallon) PP-2 RFP #2011-12/18 Proposal Certification (Page 1 of 3) I have received, read and agree to the all terms and conditions as set forth in RFP #2011-12/18, Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software. I hereby recognize and agree that upon execution by an authorized officer of the City of Deerfield Beach, this Proposal Package, together with the RFP, the resulting Contract, and all other documents prepared by or on behalf of the City of Deerfield Beach for this solicitation, shall become a binding agreement between the parties for the services to be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Addendum Acknowledgment (if applicable): Proposer acknowledges that the following addenda have been received and are included in his/her Proposal Package: Addendum No. Date Issued Statement of No Proposal (if applicable): The above named company does not intend to submit a proposal for the following reason: insufficient time to respond, do not offer product or service, unable to meet specifications, schedule will not permit or any other reason as stated: Communications regarding this proposal shall be addressed to: Company Name: Social Security No./ Federal Tax Id: Proposer's Name (Print): Title: Signature: Address: City State Zip Code Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mail: PP-3 Proposal Certification Page (2 of 3) Certification of Proposer, If an Individual STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD RFP #2011-12/18 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: Certification of Proposer, If a Partnership STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by , partner on behalf (name of partnership), a partnership. He/she is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-4 Proposal Certification Page (3 of 3) Certification of Proposer, If a Corporation STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD RFP #2011-12/18 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by , as (title) of (Name of corporation). He/she is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-5 RFP #2011-12/18 Schedule of Proposal Prices The undersigned hereinafter called the Proposer, hereby proposes to provide Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications of the RFP, which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, at the prices listed herein. Detailed requirements of each item listed below can be found in Section 4. RFID Enabled Roll:Carts' ,�. Ty%' .:�"� £y P' S.C5 '�`, '�'",g°, �^ -y M' ym. Yin 9 Item l F �. � -��.�...��it �C°t 3 -.r A Price��. 35 Gallon Cart (Pepsi Blue) $ In -Mold Label Option $ Black Cart w/ Pepsi Blue Lid Option $ Minimum Order Requirement 65 Gallon Cart (Pepsi Blue) $ In -Mold Label Option $ Black Cart w/ Pepsi Blue Lid Option $ Minimum Order Requirement 95 Gallon Cart (Pepsi Blue) $ In -Mold Label Option $ Black Cart w/ Pepsi Blue Lid Option $ Minimum Order Requirement AasembIy and" Distribution Services (May include kmult,ple locations Truckload (Any combination of sizes) witinIimits) t� Less than Truckload, (Not less than minimum order requirement) Asset. Management and InventoryzSoftware ,s «" .5 Implementation and Initial Integration with RFID Event Capture System 3 5 $ Annual Maintenance $ Software: ` Company Name: Proposer's Name: Proposer's Title: Proposer's Signature: PP-6 RFP #2011-12/18 Qualification Statement The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter: Submitted to: City of Deerfield Beach Address: Purchasing Division 401 SW 4th Street Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 Circle One: Corporation Submitted By: Partnership Individual Name: Other Address: City, St., Zip Note: Additional sheets may be attached if necessary. 1. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation, trade or fictitious name under which you do business and the address of the place of business. The correct name of the Proposer is: The address of the principal place of business: 2. If Proposer is a corporation, answer the following: a. Date of Incorporation: b. State of Incorporation: c. President's name: d. Vice President's name: e. Secretary's name: f. Treasurer's name: g. Name and address of Resident Agent: PP-7 3. If Proposer is an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a. Date of organization: b. Name, address and ownership units of all partners: RFP #2011-12/18 c. State whether general or limited partnership: 4. If Proposer is other than an individual, corporation or partnership, describe the organization and give the name and address of principals: 5. If Proposer is operating under a fictitious name, submit evidence of compliance with the Florida Fictitious Name Statute. 6. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? a. Under what other former names has your organization operated? b. How many years has your company been providing services similar to those outlined in the scope of services? c. How many government agencies does your company currently provide these services for and which ones? For each, include the name of the agency, year of installation, contact person, phone number, quantity of carts in service, and description of program as it relates to products and services being provided. 7. Indicate registration, license numbers or certificate numbers for the businesses or professions which are the subject of this Proposal. Please attach certificate of competency and/or state registration. PP-8 RFP #2011-12/18 8. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, state when, where, and why? 9. Will you be using any subcontractors? yes or no a. If so, state the name, address, phone number, and tasks to be performed for each? b. Identify specific individuals who will perform the services and provide a description of the tasks they will perform. 10. For purposes of determining any possible conflicts of interest, all Proposers must disclose if any City of Deerfield Beach employee is also an owner, or employee of their business. Indicate either "yes" or "no". If yes, give person(s) names(s) and position(s) and you must file a statement with the Supervisor of Elections, pursuant to Florida Statutes 112.313.with your business. Yes No Name (s) and Position (s) 11. List the pertinent experience of the key individuals of your organization (continue on additional sheets, if necessary). 12. State the name of the individual who will have personal supervision of the work: 13. Briefly describe your firm's financial status and provide proof of adequate lines of credit or other financial assets to access funds for construction of multiple projects during the same time. PP-9 RFP #2011-12/18 14. Proposals should demonstrate the Proposer's financial capability to provide the proposed products and services listed herein. At a minimum, proposals should include a copy of the Proposer's financial statement (audited, if available) for the past year. 15. Briefly explain how your company will communicate with the City of Deerfield Beach. n The Proposer acknowledges and understands that the information contained in response to this qualifications statement shall be relied upon by the City in awarding the Contract and such information is warranted by the Proposer to be true. The discovery of any omission or misstatement that materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform under the Contract shall the City to reject the Proposal, and if after the award to cancel and terminate the award and/or Contract. Proposer's Signature Date PP-10 RFP #2011-12/18 Schedule "A" City of Deerfield Beach Disclosure Form Applicant Seeking a City Contract Name of Person Filing this Form: Principal for whom the signatory is acting: Name of Company Filing this Form: Matter before the City Commission for which this is being filed: Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, RFP #2011-12/18. Relationship of signatory to principal: Pursuant to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2009/006, City of Deerfield Beach Ethics Code, any applicant for a land use change or development permit requiring approval of the City Commission or any person/entity seeking a City agreement through an Invitation to Bid, request for qualifications or sealed bids process must provide the following information: (If none, please indicate below. Do not leave blank) (a) Include a listing of all campaign contributions to a city commissioner in the past four (4) years, as well as contributions of all officers, directors, shareholders of a corporation (if the applicant is a corporation) or partners (if the applicant is a partnership), or members whether generally or limited (if it's a limited liability company): (b) Disclose all those items that a regulated officer is required to disclose concerning any conflict, whether actionable or non actionable: (c) Disclose any action that is a violation of this Ethics Code by a regulated officer with the applicant and/or applicant's agents, and what was done to rectify the violation: Witnesses: Print Name Signature PP-11 RFP #2011-12/18 Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes 1. This sworn statement is submitted with RFP #2011-12/18 for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software. 2. This sworn statement is submitted by (name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement.) 3. My name is and my relationship to the entity named above is 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal. law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid, proposal, reply, or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that a "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(a), Florida Statutes, means: 1. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The Cityship by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 7. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or any entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. PP-12 RFP #2011-12/18 8. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate which statement applies, do not leave blank.) Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND (Please indicate which additional statement applies.) There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. (Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.) Proposer's Name Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-13 RFP #2011-12/18 Indemnification Clause The parties agree that one percent (1 %) of the total compensation paid by Contractor for the work of the contract shall constitute specific consideration to Contractor for the indemnification to be provided under the Contract. The Contractor shall at all times indemnify, hold harmless and, at City Attorney's option, defend or pay for an attorney selected by City Attorney to defend the City of Deerfield Beach, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all causes of action, demands, claims, losses, liabilities and expenditures of any kind, including attorney fees, court costs, and expenses, caused or alleged to be caused by intentional or negligent act of, or omission of the Contractor, its employees, agents, servants, or officers, or accruing, resulting from, or related to the subject matter of this Contract including, without limitation, any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenditures, demands or causes of action of any nature whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property. In the event any lawsuit or other proceeding is brought against the City by reason of any such claim, cause of action or demand, the Contractor shall, upon written notice from the City, resist and defend such lawsuit or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to the City or, at City's option, pay for an attorney selected by the City Attorney to defend City. The provisions and obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Contract. To the extent considered necessary by the Contract Administrator and the City Attorney, any sums due Contractor under this Contract may be retained by City until all of City's claims for indemnification pursuant to this Contract have been settled or otherwise resolved; and any amount withheld shall not be subject to payment of interest by City. Proposer's Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD Signature Date The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-14 RFP #2011-12/18 Non -Collusive Affidavit (Proposer's Name) being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. He/she is the (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of the Proposer that has submitted the attached proposal; 2. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such proposal; 3. Such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal; 4. Neither the said Proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Proposer, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham proposal in connection with the work for which the attached proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with and Proposer, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached proposal or of any other Proposer, or to fix an overhead, profit, or cost elements of the proposal price or the proposal price of any other Proposer, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed work; 5. The price or prices quoted in the attached proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Proposer or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Proposer's Name Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-15 RFP #2011-12/18 Drug -Free Workplace Form The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 287, Section 287.087 hereby certifies that does: (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Florida Statutes, Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Proposer's Name Signature Date PP-16 RFP #2011-12/18 STATE OF FLORIDA ( COUNTY OF ( Background Check Affidavit (Page 1 of 3) ) SS. I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, do hereby state under oath and under penalty of perjury that the following facts are true: 1. I am over the age of 18 and am a resident of the State of Florida. 2. I am the (title) of and I certify that I have the authority to make the representations set forth within this Affidavit. 3. intends to enter into an agreement with the City of Deerfield Beach to provide Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software. 4. The fulfillment of the Background Check requirement has been conducted through Florida Department of Law Enforcement Computerized Criminal History (CCH) data base. 5. All criminal background checks must be conducted prior to any covered individual's initial access to city's property and, depending on the contract's term, on an annual basis thereafter. 6. I hereby certify that in accordance with requirements of Section 38-117 of the Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, background checks have been completed for all person employed by or under contract with the contractor, subcontractor, consultant or sub -consultant who is doing the work in or on city property and certify that no person who has been convicted or who has entered a plea of nolo contendere for any crime set forth within Section 38-117 shall perform work on city property. A list of such employees is set forth on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5. I also certify that I shall maintain records of the criminal history checks for each person doing work on city property during the contract period and for one year thereafter and shall make such records available for inspection and verification by city. PP-17 Executed this RFP #2011-12/18 Background Check Affidavit (Page 2 of 3) day of , 20_ By (Signature) By (Name and Title) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 20_. (NOTARY SEAL) (Signature of person taking acknowledgment) (Name of officer taking acknowledgment) typed, printed or stamped (Title or rank) My commission expires: (Serial number, if any) PP-18 Background Check Affidavit (Page 3 of 3) Exhibit "A" List of Employees Name (First, Last) Note: Insert additional sheets if necessary. PP-19 RFP #2011-12/18 Result Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Local Business Affidavit RFP #2011-12/18 I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, do hereby state under oath and, under penalty of perjury that the following facts are true: 1. I am over the age .of.18 and am a resident of the State of Florida. 2. I am the (title) of the authority to make the representations set forth within this Affidavit. and I certify that I have 3. I hereby certify that in accordance with requirements of Sections 38-116 and 38-128 of the Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances that: (a) (Name of Business) has its principal place of business at (Street Address), Deerfield Beach, Florida (Zip Code). (b) Attached is a copy of a Business Tax Receipt from the City of Deerfield Beach for the above business and that such business has had a Business Tax Receipt from the City of Deerfield Beach for a period of at least one year prior to the date of the bid solicitation. (c) Except as set forth below, the above referenced business has not had a history of non- performance, delinquent fees, liens or code violations: (If none please state none below) Executed this day of , 20_ By (Signature) By (Name and Title) PP-20 RFP #2011-12/18 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 20_. (NOTARY SEAL) (Signature of person taking acknowledgment) (Name of officer taking acknowledgment) typed, printed or stamped (Title or rank) My commission expires: (Serial number, if any) PP-21 RFP #2011-12/18 SDBE Participation Affidavit (Bidder) has submitted a bid for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, RFP #2011-12/18 to the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida. The following Small Disadvantaged Business Entities (SDBE's), as defined in Ordinance #1993/068, shall provide goods or services: List SDBE name, address, phone number, the nature of the product or service to be supplied, and the percentage of the total bid for which that accounts. Use additional pages if needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bidder's Name STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS. COUNTY OF BROWARD) Sworn to and subscribed before me this NOTARY'S SEAL: Signature Date day of ,2012 NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) My Commission Expires: Personally Known to me/ Not personally known to me DID / DID NOT - Take an oath PP-22 RFP #2011-12/13 SDBE Unavailability Affidavit (Bidder) has submitted a bid for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, RFP #2011-12/18 to the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida, and has made a good faith effort to secure the participation of Small Disadvantaged Business Entities (SDBE's) as that term is defined in the City of Deerfield Beach Ordinance No. 1993/068. List name, address, and phone number of SDBE's contacted, and product or services the SDBE supplies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Based upon good faith efforts, SDBE participants were unavailable or their employment for this project impracticable. Bidder's Name STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS. COUNTY OF BROWARD) Sworn to and subscribed before me this NOTARY'S SEAL: Signature Date day of ,2012 NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) My Commission Expires: Personally Known to me/ Not personally known to me DID / DID NOT PP-23 - Take an oath RFP #2011-12/18 References The following is a list of at least four (4) references that Proposer has provided similar service in the past three (3) years. Government agency references are preferred. 1. Name of Firm or Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Contact: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email Scope of Work: 2. Name of Firm or Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Contact: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email Scope of Work: 3. Name of Firm or Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Contact: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email Scope of Work: 4. Name of Firm or Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Contact: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email Scope of Work: Note: Additional references may be attached and provided. PP-24 RFP #2011-12/18 Variances to the RFP State any variations to specifications, terms and conditions in the space provided below. No variations or exceptions by the Proposer will be deemed to be part of the proposal submitted unless such variation or exception is listed in the space provided below. If no statement is contained in the below space, it is hereby implied that your proposal complies with the full scope of this RFP. Variances: Company Name: Proposer's Name (Print): Signature: Date: PP-25 Proposal to: CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH RFP: #2011-12/18 Recycling Roll Carts Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Due: May 30, 2012. @ 11:00 AM COPY Prepared by: 4lje 104 016114R Since 1913 7452 Presidents Drive Orlando, FL 32809 Maura Dennison • Sales Representative (800) 998-2525 • (813) 431-9094 Fax: 407) 857-0900 3ctirJ t;fii pomp and Table of Contents 3.61 Transmittal Letter 12 3.6.2 Required Forms ® Addendum 1 11 Warranty a 3.6.3 Technical Proposal • Appendix A -Documentation for Specifications • Appendix B-Detailed Cost Information for Asset Mgmt and Inventory Software A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ,tel/riS Transmittal Letter — 3.6.1 Rehrig Pacific Company 4010 E. 26th Street Los Angles, CA 90058 323-262-5145 jdrew@rehrigpacific.com JameslDrew CFO Rehrig Pacific Company This transmittal letter is certification that James Drew is empowered tosign all documents for the City of Deerfield Beach RFP and commit Rehrig Pacific into entering into an 3reement with the City if so selected. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION omvan SINCE 1913 Board of Directors Resolution At a duly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors of Rehrig Pacific Company (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting throughout: WHEREAS, the Corporation wants to establish those qualified as board members to sign bid and contract documents. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Corporation appoints James L. Drew, Chief Financial Officer qualified to sign any and all such documents relating to contracts or bids. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation. By: Rehrig Pacific Company William J. Rehrig, President Dated: _ A true copy ATTEST: A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 4010 E. 26th ST. • LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 / 323-262-5145 • FAX 323-269-8506 Required Forms (Tab 1) — 3.6.2 • Proposal Requirements Checklist PP-2 • Proposer's Certification PP-3-5 • Schedule of Proposal Prices PP-6 • Qualification Statement PP-7-10 • Scope of Services/Statement of Work - Technical Proposal (Tab 2) — 3.6.3 • Schedule A — Disclosure Form PP-11 • Public Entity Crimes Statement PP-I2-13 • Indemnification Clause PP-14 • Non -Collusive Affidavit PP-15 • Drug Free Workplace PP-16 • Background Check Affidavit PP-17-19 • Local Business Affidavit (Not Applicable) PP-20-21 • SDBE Participation Affidavit(Not Applicable) PP-22 • SDBE Unavailability Affidavit PP-23 • References PP-24 • Variances to the RFP (if applicable) PP-25 • Local Business Tax Receipt N/A • Copy of a Certificate of Insurance Attached • Required Professional Licenses and Certifications N/A • Product Warranties Attached • Software Licensing Agreements (SLA's) (If applicable) N/A • Cart Samples — sent under separate cover Done 2 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION City of DEERF A E L 1:10 BEACH Section 5 (TAB 1) Proposal Package Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software RFP #2011-12/18 Submitted Sy: Company Name: Street Address: City/State/Zip: Rehrig Pacific Company 7452 Presidents Drive Orlando, FL 32809 Point of Contact: Maura Dennison, Sales. Rep 813-431-9094 Phone No.: 80.0-998-2525 Fax: 407-857-0900 E-Mail: MDennison@RehrigPacific. PP-1 RFP #2011-12/16 Proposal Requirements Checklist This form is for the benefit of the Proposer. All items listed below are required, shall be included in your Proposal Package, and properly executed. The City will also use this form to aid in the evaluation of each Proposer's response as responsive. Proposal Requirements Checklist Proposal Certification Schedule of Proposal Prices Qualification Statement Scope of Services/Statement of Work Schedule "A" Disclosure Form Public Entity Crimes Statement Indemnification Clause Form Non -Collusive Affidavit Drug -Free Workplace Background Check Affidavit Local Business Affidavit (if applicable) SDBE Affidavit References Variances to the RFP Local Business Tax Receipt Certificate of Insurance iv ,7 fA Required Licenses and Certifications Product Warranties Software Licensing Agreements (if applicable) Cart Samples (95, 65, and 35 Gallon) PP-2a Or ,r. RFP #2011-12/18 Proposal Certification (Page 1 of 3) I have received, read and agree to the all terms and conditions as set forth in RFP #2011-12/18, Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software. I hereby recognize and agree that upon execution by an authorized officer of the City of Deerfield Beach, this Proposal Package, together with the RFP, the resulting Contract, and all other documents prepared by or on behalf of the City of Deerfield Beach for this solicitation, shall become a binding agreement between the parties for the services to be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Addendum Acknowledgment (if applicable): Proposer acknowledges that the following addenda have been received and are included in his/her Proposal Package: Addendum No. Date Issued Statement of No Proposal (if applicable): The above named company does not intend to submit a proposal for the following reason: insufficient time to respond, do not offer product or service, unable to meet specifications, schedule will not permit or any other reason as stated: Communications regarding this proposal shall be addressed to: Company Name: Rehrig Pacific Company Social Security No./ Federal Tax Id: 95-4608797 Proposer's Name (Pri J L. Dr Title: CFO/Asst. Corp. Secy. Signature: Address: 7452 P idents Drive Orlando, FL 32809 City Ce11: 813-431-9094 Telephone: ( 800 ) 998-2525 E-mail: MDennison@RehrigPacific.com Maury Dennison, Sales Representative State Fax:( 407 ) 857-0900 PP-3 Zip Code LPerkins@rehrigpacific.com Lisa Perkins, Municipal Contract Manager Proposal Certification Page (2 of 3) Certification of Proposer, If an Individual STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD RFP #2011-12118 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this da /of ,2012 by who is personally known to or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLO,RIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Ackno edgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Pn. ed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: Certifrcatio of Proposer, If a Partnership STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was cknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by , partner on behalf (name of partnership), a partnersh'•. He/she ispersonally known to me or who has produced type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-4 Proposal Certification Page (3 of 3) Certification of Proposer, if a Corporation STATE OrTtORtifrk COUNTY Of 0FtOWAf RFP #2011-12/18 The foregoing • trument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by , as (title) of Rehrig Pacifi. Company (Name of corporation). He/she is personally (type of identification), as identification. known to me or who has produced NOTARY'S SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE 0 LORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Ackno :•gment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stampe My Commission Expires: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of: California County of Los Angeles On May 11, 2012, before me, Buena M. Blackburn, Notary Public personally appeared James L. Drew, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(*) whose nam $.) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s`he/they executed the same in his r/MO:authorized capacity(ies), and that by hitfhe.r7their signature(.) on the instrument the person((), or the entity upon behalf of which the person) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. w, l 4 Iqi -- Buena M. Blackburn, Notary Public My commission expires 9/22/2012 PP-5 BUENA M. MCK$URN Commission 01814513 Notary Public - California Los Angeles County Comm. Expires Se 22p , 2012 RFP #2011-12118 Qualification Statement The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter: Submitted to: City of Deerfield Beach Address: Purchasing Division 401 SW 4th Street Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 Submitted By: Rehrig Pacific Company Name: Maura Dennison Address: 7452 Presidents Drive City, St., Zip Orlando, FL 32809 Circle One: Corporation Partnership Individual Other Note: Additional sheets may be attached if necessary. 1. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation, trade or fictitious name under which you do business and the address of the place of business. The correct name of the Proposer is: Rehrig Pacific Company The address of the principal place of business: HQ: 4010 East 26th St, Los Angeles, CA 90058 2. If Proposer is a corporation, answer the following: a. Date of Incorporation: b. State of incorporation: c. Presidents name: 1996 Delaware William J. Rehrig d. Vice President's name: e. Secretary's name: f. Treasurer's name: g• Michael J. Doka, Chairman James L. Drew, Asst. Corp. Secy. James L. Drew, C.F.O. Name and address of Resident Agent: At ALA (IA fflt C N H+ `so Al V io'cD , i 335G1 PP-7 RFP #2011-12/18 3. If Proposer is an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a. Date of organization: b. Name, address and ownership units of all partners: c. State whether general or limited partnership: 4. If Proposer is other than an individual, corporation or partnership, describe the organization and give the name and address of principals: 5. If Proposer is operating under a fictitious name, submit evidence of compliance with the Florida Fictitious Name Statute. 6. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 99 a. Under what other former names has your organization operated? N/A b. How many years has your company been providing services similar to those outlined in the scope of services? 2 0 + c. How many govemment agencies does your company currently provide these services for and which ones? For each, include the name of the agency, year of installation, contact person, phone number, quantity of carts in service, and description of program as it relates to products and services being provided. Please refer to Reference Section of bid submission as there are too many to indicate in this space. 7 Indicate registration, license numbers or certificate numbers for the businesses or professions which are the subject of this Proposal. Please aftach certificate of competency and/or state registration.Florida Bus. Lic ## 2600-0598264 Florida Corp ID #F05000003109 Florida Bus. Tax Receipt # 78-8012290045-0 PP-8 RFP #2011-12/18 8. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, state when, where, and why? No 9. Will you be using any subcontractors? yes or no a. If so, state the name, address, phone number, and tasks to be performed for each? b. identify specific individuals who will perform the services and provide a description of the tasks they will perform. 10. For purposes of determining any possible conflicts of interest, all Proposers must disclose if any City of Deerfield Beach employee is also an owner, or employee of their business. Indicate either "yes" or "no". If yes, give person(s) names(s) and position(s) and you must file a statement with the Supervisor of Elections, pursuant to Florida Statutes 112.313.with your business. Yes No X Name (s) and Position (s) 11. List the pertinent experience of the key individuals of your organization (continue on additional sheets, if necessary). Please refer to attached. 12. State the name of the individual who will have personal supervision of the work: Maura Dennison, Sales Representative 13. Briefly describe your firm's financial status and provide proof of adequate lines of credit or other financial assets to access funds for construction of multiple projects during the same time. Rehrig has been in business since 1913 and is extremely financially stable to serve a long-term contract. our credit rating is excellent and our customers and suppliers would attest to our track record. We have annual sales exceeding 400 million dollars and have achieved a 20-year compounded real gro+gth rat,- ,-xrepding fifte'n pPre'Pnr mrlj �rn,,l+i P ,tith a c�emt *^ s,; ry ratio of (<1:1) has placed the company in an envious financial position. (Financial Statements are available upon request.) For more information, please refer to Statement of Qualifications section. PP-9 RFP #2011-12/18 14. Proposals should demonstrate the Proposer's financial capability to provide the proposed products and services listed herein. At a minimum, proposals should include a copy of the Proposer's financial statement (audited, if available) for the past year. See item 13. As a privately held company our financial statements are not public knowledge nor publicly shared unless requested to do so specifically by our customers. This information is confidential in nature but we would be willing to further discuss our financial strength with the City upon request. 15. • Briefly explain }low your company will communicate with the City of Deerfield Beach. Re rag Pacafid has twb 16ca1 Florida natives that would work directly with the city of Deerfield Beach through in person meetings, conference calls and email. Our Loral ca l ec reprps 'prat ivp j s Mantra Denni con in I h.' Tame area and onr PSr Manager is Rob Eck in the Ocala area. Please refer to our Key Personnel section for other individuals involved for your program. Maura and Rob, along with the rest of our team, are dedicated to the success of the Deerfield Beach program and will promptly return any messages, ema ls, calls within,2 hours or sooner of receiving any. request. The Proposer acknowledges and understands that the information contained in response to this qualifications statement shall be relied upon by the City in awarding the Contract and such information is warranted by the Proposer to be true. The discovery of any omission or misstatement that materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform under the Contract shall the City to reject the Proposal, and if after the award to cancel and terminate the award and/or Contract. Proposer's Signare James L. Drew, CFO/Asst. Corp. Secy. May 11, 2012 Date RFP #2011-12/18 Schedule "A" City of Deerfield Beach Disclosure Form Applicant Seeking a City Contract Name of Person Filing this Form: __Toting s L. O(- .v Principal for whom the signatory is acting: +'Z E PA-c. �o Name of Company Filing this Form: Rehrig Pacific Company Matter before the City Commission for which this is being filed: Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, RFP #2011-12/18. Relationship of signatory to principal: CFO/Asst. Corp. Secy. Pursuant to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2009/006, City of Deerfield Beach Ethics Code, any applicant for a land use change or development permit requiring approval of the City Commission or any person/entity seeking a City agreement through an Invitation to Bid, request for qualifications or sealed bids process must provide the following information: (If none, please indicate below. Do not leave blank) (a) Include a listing of all campaign contributions to a city commissioner in the past four (4) years, as well as contributions of all officers, directors, shareholders of a corporation (if the applicant is a corporation) or partners (if the applicant is a partnership), or members whether generally or limited (if it's a limited liability company): (b) Disclose all those items that a regulated officer is required to disclose concerning any conflict, whether actionable or non actionable: (c) Disclose any action that is a violation of this Ethics Code by a regulated officer with the applicant and/or applicant's agents, and what was done to rectify the violation: Witnesses: Buer(a M. Blackburn Susie M. Richert James L. D -w, C.F.O. int ignature PP-11 RFP #2011-12/18 Sworn Statement on Public Entity Crimes 1. This sworn statement is submitted with RFP #2011-12/18 for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory. Software. 2. This sworn statement is submitted by Rehrig Pacific Company (name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is 4010 E 26th St. LA, CA 90058 and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is gS-46087g7 (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement. ) 3. My name is James L. Drew and my relationship to the entity named above is C . F. 0 . 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid, proposal, reply, or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building- or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. 1 understand that a "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1 )(a), Florida Statutes, means: 1. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or 2. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The Cityship by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 7. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1Xe), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or any entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. PP-12 RFP #2011-12/18 8. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate which statement applies, do not leave blank.) /Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, AND (Please indicate which additional statement applies.) There . has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. (Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.) James L. Drew Proposer's Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD May 11, 2012 nature Date The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: SEE ATTACHED NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-13 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of LOS ANGELES } MAY 11, 2012 BUENA M. BLACKBURN, NOTARY PUBLIC ************ On before me, Dale Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer ******** OAMES L. DREtf************************************* personally appeared Name(s) of Signer(s) r'*n BUENA M. BLACKBURN Y Commission # 1814513 l' : � Notary Public • California k,Z7Ii , Los Angeles County a 'r` tN Cotnm. Ex fires _57 22 2012 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: Place Notary Seal Above who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to • be the persori(s. whose name is/a� subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s't &the executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ie), and that by his/h ?thee'r signatures on the instrument the person s.,l, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instrument. l certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is 9/ 22/ 2012 true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OPTIONAL Signature of Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH BI.D # 2011-12/18 Title or Type of Document: •PACE. PP-12 "..SWORN STATEMENT ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES" Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ❑ Individual O Corporate Officer—Title(s)7 O Partner - ❑ Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact O Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGHT..THUMBPRINT •.OF SIGNER `c,.' Top of thumb here Signers Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGHT. HUIVIBPRINT OFSIGNER ?.. Top of thumb here 02007 National Notary Association• 4350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 •Chatsworth, CA 01313.2402 • www.NationalNotaryorg Item #5907 Reorder: CallToll•Free 1.800.876.6827 RFP #2011-12118 Indemnification Clause The parties agree that one percent (1 %) of the total compensation paid by Contractor for the work of the contract shall constitute specific consideration to Contractor for the Indemnification to be provided under the Contract. The Contractor shall at all times indemnify, hold harmless and, at City Attorney's option, defend or pay for an attorney selected by City Attorney to defend the City of Deerfield Beach, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all causes of action, demands, claims, losses, liabilities and expenditures of any kind, including attorney fees, court costs, and expenses, caused or alleged to be caused by intentional or negligent act of, or omission of the Contractor, its employees, agents, servants, or officers, or accruing, resulting from, or related to the subject matter of. this Contract including, without limitation, any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenditures, demands or causes of action of any nature whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property. In the event any lawsuit or other proceeding is brought against the City by reason of any such claim, cause of action or demand, the Contractor shall, upon written notice from the City, resist and defend such lawsuit or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to the City or, at City's option, pay for an attorney selected by the City Attorney to defend City. The provisions .and obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Contract. To the extent considered necessary by the Contract Administrator and the City Attorney, any sums due Contractor under this Contract may be retained by City until all of City's claims for indemnification pursuant to this Contract have been settled or otherwise resolved; and any amount withheld shall not be subject to payment of interest by City. James L. Drew Proposer's Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD May 11, 2012 Siature Date The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012 by who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification), as Identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: SEE ATTACHE© NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-14 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of LOS ANGELES } On before me,. MAY 11, 2012 BUENA M. BLACKBURN, NOTARY PUBLIC ************ Dale Here Insert Name and Tile 01 the Officer ********,JAMES.L. DREt4************************************* personally appeared Name(s) of Signer(e) BUENA M. BLACKBURN Commission # 1814513 Notary Public - California Los Angeles County My Comm. Expires Sep 22. 2012 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 9/22/2012 Place Notary Seal Above who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person s.,whose named is/als. subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s%ie?y executed the same in hislisgrittaeir authorized capacity'), and that by his/he,ritIir signatures on the instrument the persons or the entity upon behalf of which the person(sacted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OPTIONAL Signature of Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH BID #2011-12/18 PAGE PP-14 INDEMINIFICATION CLAUSE Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number. of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: O Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): O Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee O Guardian or Conservator • Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGHTTHUMBPRINT ' OF SIGNER Signer's Name: ❑ Individual O Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — 0 Limited 0 General O Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator O Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGHTTHUMBPRINT SIGNER 02007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Solo Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402• wormNationalNotaryin Item #5907 Reorder: CallToll-Free 1.800-878-6B27 May 11, 2012 Date has ,2012 by produced RFP #2011-12/18 Non -Collusive Affidavit James L. Drew (Proposer's Name) being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. He/she is the C . F .0 . /Asst . Corp . Secy . (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of Rehrig Pacific Co. the Proposer that has submitted the attached proposal; 2. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such proposal; 3, Such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal; 4. Neither the said Proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Proposer, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham proposal in connection with -the work for which the attached proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with and Proposer, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached proposal or of any other Proposer, or to fix an overhead, profit, or cost elements of the proposal price or the proposal price of any other Proposer, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed work; 5. The price or prices quoted in the attached proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Proposer or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. James L. Drew - Proposer's Name • STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of who is personally known to me or who (type of identification), as identification. NOTARY'S SEAL: SEE ATTACHED NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) My Commission Expires: PP-15 CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of LOS ANGELES } NAY 11, 2012 BUENA M. BLACKBURN, NOTARY PUBLIC ************ On before me, Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared ******** JAMES.L. DREW ************************************* Name(s) of Signer(s) MY BUENA M. BLACKBURN Commission # 1814513 Notary Public - California E Los Angeles County Comm. Expires Sep 22, 2012 COMMISSION EXPIRES: 9/22/2012 Place Notary Seal Above who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoriKwhose names(skisfafe, subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s)W yc executed the same in his/hhr/t ? r authorized capacity(t , and that by his/IV/they signatureN on the instrument the person(s.)., or the entity upon behalf of which the person'(sacted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OPTIONAL Signature of Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH BID #2011-12/18 Title or Type of Document: PAGE PP-15 . NON-COLLUSSIVE AFFIDAVIT Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name:. ❑ Individual O Corporate Officer — Title(s): O Partner — O Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 13IGt4TTHUMBPRINT =,"`OF SIGNER - Top of thumb here Signer's Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: RIGIiT7HUMBPRNT Top of thumb here 2007National Notary Association •9350DeSoto Ave.,P.O.Bolt2402•Chatsworth, CA 91313.2402•www_NationalNolary.org Irem*5907 Reorder:CallTorl-Free1-B00-876-G627 Drug -Free Workplace Form RFP #2011-12/18 The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 287, Section 287.087 hereby certifies that Rehrig Pacific Company does: (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Florida Statutes, Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, fora violation occurring In the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. James L. Drew May 11, 2012 Proposer's Name Sign fore Date PP-16 RFP #2011-12/18 Background Check Affidavit (Page 1 of 3) STATE OFF( CALIFORNIA ) SS. COUNTY OF ( LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, do hereby state under oath and under penalty of perjury that the following facts are true: 1. I am over the age of 18 and am a resident of the State of Florida. c.F.O./ 2. I am the Asst. Corp. Secy. (title) of Rehriq Pacific Company and I certify that I have the authority to make the representations set forth within this Affidavit. 3. Rehrig Pacific Company intends to enter into an agreement with the City of Deerfield Beach to provide Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software. 4. The fulfillment of the Background Check requirement has been conducted through Florida Department of Law Enforcement Computerized Criminal History (CCH) data base. 5. All criminal background checks must be conducted prior to any covered individual's initial access to city's property and, depending on the contract's term, on an annual basis thereafter. 6. I hereby certify that in accordance with requirements of Section 38-117 of the Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, background checks have been completed for all person employed by or under contract with the contractor, subcontractor, consultant or sub -consultant who is doing the work in or on city property and certify that no person who has been convicted or who has entered a plea of nolo contendere for any crime set forth within Section 38-117 shall perform work on city property. A List of such employees is set forth on Exhibit A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5. I also certify that I shall maintain records of the criminal history checks for each person doing work on city property during the contract period and for one year thereafter and shall make such records available for inspection and verification by city. PP-17 RFP 42011-12/18 Background Check Affidavit • (Page 2 of 3) Executed this 11 day of May , 20 12. By. James L. Drew, CFO/Asst. Corp. Secy. (Name and Title) S Ci L f C-N I Wel 046L The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 20_ (NOTARY SEAL) BUENA M. BLACKBURN Commission # 1814513 Notary Public - Caiifornia Los Angeles County ii Comm. Expires Sep 22. 2012 - 1A-Q-Itq, a44 — (Signature of person taking acknowledgment) Buena M. Blackburn (Name of officer taking acknowledgment) typed, printed or stamped Notary Public (Title or rank) 1814513 My commission expires: 9/22/2012 (Serial number, if any) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of: California County of Los Angeles On May 11, 2012, before me, Buena M. Blackburn, Notary Public personally appeared James L. Drew, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoh(el whose nameN is/are.subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity, and that by his/1aetheir signature(s,1 on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person' s,� acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. PP-18 Background Check Affidavit (Page 3 of 3) Exhibit "A" List of Employees Name (First, Last) M R u R. o.. O e. N n(:- a N Note: Insert additional sheets if necessary. PP-19 RFP #2011-12/18 Result Passed [Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed 0 Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed 0 Failed ❑ Passed 0 Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed 0 Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed 0 Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Passed ❑ Failed ❑ Page 1 of 1 Lisa Perkins - Fwd: FDLE Criminal History Search Results for DENNISON, MAURA From: Maura Dennison To: Perkins, Lisa Date: 5/24/2012 10:07 AM Subject: Fwd: FDLE Criminal History Search Results for DENNISON, MAURA »>"InternetCriminalResults@fdle.state.fLus"<InternetCriminalResults@fdle.state.fl.us> 5/24/2012 9:50 AM »> The following is your search criteria: Tran ID: 5176737 Name: DENNISON, MAURA Maiden Name/Alias: RUSSELL, MAURA SSN: DO8: 03/09/1978 Age: Race: W Sex: F Search conducted: 5/24/2012 09:48:29 AM BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, THE CUSTOMER DETERMINED THAT NONE OF THE SEARCH RESULTS APPEAR TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL SOUGHT BY THE INQUIRY; THEREFORE NO RELEVANT CRIMINAL RECORDS WERE SELECTED. This record (or statement that there is not a record) is based on a request from a member of the public. This customer used the FDLE Internet system to search for the Florida record. FDLE is providing this to respond to the customer's request. Fa Aliases/Also Known A5 DOB SSN. Sex Race Height Weight Eye Hair RUSSELL, MARIE DORIS BREWER, MARIE 19760601 X)O(-XX-7044 F W 506 130 BRO BLN' MARY K RUSSELL, MARY; MEALOR, MARY 19840209 XXX-XX-8309 F W 506 135 BLU BRO LMEALORRUSSELL, OSSEL, CASTANEDA MARIA ROSELL, MARIA CECILIA 19760325 XXX-XX-3704 F W 500 098 BRO BRO file://C:\Users\LPerkinslAppData\Local\Temp\XPgrpwisel4FBDDE49RehrigRehrig LA P... 5/24/2012 Local Business Affidavit STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ) RFP #2011-12/18 I, the undersigned, being first duly swom, do hereby state under oath and u er penalty of perjury that the following facts are true: 1. I am over the age of 18 and am a resident of the State of Florida. 2. I am the (title) of the authority to make the representations set forth within this Affidavit, 3. I hereby certify that In accordance with requirements Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances that: and I certify that I have f Sections 38-116 and 38-128 of the (a) (Name • Business) has its principal place of business at (Street Address), Deerfield Beach, Florida (Zip Code (b) Attached is a copy of a Business T- Receipt from the City of Deerfield Beach for the above business and that such busi -ss has had a Business Tax Receipt from the City of Deerfield Beach for a period of at ast one year prior to the date of the bid solicitation. (c) Except as set forth below, the bove referenced business has not had a history of non- performance, delinquent fees liens or code violations: (If none please state none below) Executed this day of , 20_ By (Signature) By (Name and Title) PP-20 RFP #2011-12/18 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this (NOTARY SEAL) day of , 20� (Signature of person to .ing acknowledgment) (Name of officer •.king acknowledgment) typed, print- d or stamped (Title rank) My commission expires: Serial number, if any) PP-21 RFP #2011-12/18 SDBE Participation Affidavit Rehrig Pacific Company (Bidder) :s submitted a bid for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) including Assembly, Dis ibution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, .RFP #2011-12118 to the City of Deerf'-ld Beach, Florida. The following Small Disadvantaged Business Entities (SDBE's), as defined in 0 •inance #1993/068, shall provide goods or services: List SDBE name, address, phone number, the nature of the product o service to be supplied, and the percentage of the total bid for which that accounts.. Use additional pag , if needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rehrig Pacific Company Bidder's Name Signatu e Jame. L. Drew STATE OF etas; CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF ITRIZYMV1 LOS AGELES Sworn to and subscribed befo e me this 11 day of MAY ,2012 James L. Drew, who proved to me •n the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. May 11, 2012 Date NOTARY'S SEAL: BUENA M.-LACKBURN Commis • n # 1814513 Notary - ubiic • California L Angeles County E . res . 22 2012 NOT RY PUBLIC, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) BUENA M. BLACKBURN, NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 9/22/2012 )C Personally Known to me/ Not personally known to me DID /DID NOT )C -Take an oath PP-22 im 2. 3. 4. 5. RFP #2011-12/13 SDBE Unavailability Affidavit Rehrig Pacific Company (Bidder) has submitted a bid for Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, and 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software, RFP #2011-12118 to the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida, and has made a good faith effort to secure the participation of Small Disadvantaged Business Entities (SDBE's) as that term is defined in the City of Deerfield Beach Ordinance No. 1993/068. List name, address, and phone number of SDBE's contacted, and product or services the SDBE supplies. 1. CV Transport, Inc.,P.O. Box 496580, Lawrenceville, GA '30049 info@cvtransport.com, 770-513-8912 Based upon good faith efforts, SDBE participants were unavailable or their employment for this project impracticable. James L. Drew Bidder's Name Signet May 11,2012 Date STATE OF raft) CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OFF LOS ANGELES Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11 day of MAY ,2012 James L. Drew, who proved to be on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me. NOTARY'S SEAL: BUENA M. BLACKBURN Commission # 1814513 Notary Public - California Los Angeles County Comm. .lres Se 22, 2012 �. LVa4--- NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OFF CALIFORNIA (Signature of Notary Taking Acknowledgment) BUENA M. BLACKBURN, NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 9/22/2012 Personally Known to me/ Not personally known to me DID / DID NOT X - Take an oath PP-23 RFP #2011-12/18 References The following is a list of at least four (4) references that Proposer has provided similar service in the past three (3) years. Government agency references are preferred. 1. Name of Firm or Agency: City of Lakeland, FL Address: 501 Evelyn Ave City/State/Zip: .Contact: Lakeland, FL 33801 Jeff Wood Title: Solid Waste Manager Telephone: 863-834-8777 Fax: 863-834.-8769 Emailieff.wood@lakelandgov.net Scope of Work: Please attached Florida Cart References 2. Name of Firm or Agency: Charleston County, SC Address: 13 Romney Street City/State/Zip: Charleston, SC 29403 Contact: Hal Crawford Title: Solid Waste & Recycling Manager Telephone: 843 _ 2 02 - 7973 Fax: Email hcrawford@charlestoncounty. org SCOq P,of Work: Since January 2011, Rehrig Pacific has produced roughly 11,000 recycling contelnemixed eud 65 ye uu siLes wlal einLeed unr RFID tay� at the manufacturing facility. Because of the success of the pilot, on June 4th 2012 Rehrig will be producing another 12,000 carts for Charleston County. Charleston County uses Rehrig's CARTS software or inventory and collection data tracking reporting. 3. Name of Firm or Agency: Polk County, FL Address: 10 Environmental Loop S. City/State/Zip: Winter Haven, FL 33880 Contact: Rick .Straight Title: Financial Administrator Telephone: 8.63-834-8777 Fax: 863-284-4321 Scope of Work: Please see attached Email richardstraight@polk- county.net 4. Name of Firm or Agency: City of Kissimmee, FL Address: 2201 Mabbette Street City/State/Zip: Kissimmee, FL 34741 Contact: Jody Kirkendall x2640 Title: Telephone: 407-518-2507 Fax:. 407-518-2518 Email jkirkendallOkissimmee.org Scope of Work:. *The City of Kissimmee, FL has bought over 21,000 Rehi" Pacific carts within the past four years. Most recently in Octob-, 2011, 14,000 95 gallon carts for single stream recycling. Note: Additional references may be attached and provided. Please also see attached. PP-24 ,Sanitation Foreman ri aci Pinpanp Florida Cart References Listed below is a sampling of Florida municipal clients we have serviced since we started manufacturing roll out carts in 1992.We have a wide variety of programs across the country but I decided to reference programs here in Florida to match your upcoming program. Much like our other municipal programs, we have either sub -contracted Assembly & Distribution or used Rehrig Pacific Company's "in house" A&D crew for a vast number of these programs. 1) Polk County Brooks Stayer — Division Director 10 Environmental Loop S. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863)284-4319 * Rehrig Pacific manufactured 144,500 95 and 65 gallon RFID equipped carts for the Polk County roll out of Refuse containers switching from manual collection to automated collection in September 2010. Rehrig Pacific also performed the Assembly & Distribution of this roll out with its own internal A&D crews, company owned vehicles and equipment and our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software. We were able to complete this extremely large program in just 7 weeks 2) City of Lakeland Jeff Wood — Solid Waste Manager 501 Evelyn Ave. Lakeland, FL 33801 (863)834-8777 *Rehrig Pacific has produced and delivered over 12,000 35, 65 and 95 gallon RFID equipped carts to the City of Lakeland. They are conducting their Pay As You Throw program in multiple phases and Rehrig Pacific has completed Phase 1 of the program. The City of Lakeland utilized our internal A&D crews for their successful roll out of Phase 1 utilizing our C.A.R.T.S. software. The city has also purchased multiple RFID truck reader systems and subscribe to Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. software to increase productivity, manage billing of cart sizes and manage work orders. 3) Waste Pro - City of Miramar Ken Rivera- Division Manager 17302 Pines BLVD. Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 (954) 967-4200 *Rehrig Pacific manufactured 35,000 95 and 65 gallon carts for the City of Miramar switching from manual to automated collection in April, 2011. Rehrig Pacific performed the Assembly and Distribution of this roll out using our INTERNAL A&D crews utilizing our C.A.R.T.S. software for electronic address association of a specific cart to a specific address. City of Hollywood Wade Sanders - Public Works Director / Charles Lassiter - Environmental Services Spvsr Environmental Services 1600 South Park Road Hollywood, FL 33021 (954) 967-4526 *The City of Hollywood has purchased between 79,000-89,000 Rehrig Pacific roll out carts since 2002. Our A&D crew was able to implement 10,000-15,000 per year since 2002. Each phase was performed in approximately a two week period. We subcontracted an Assembly & Distribution crew for the first phase of this contract. Our in r � ,3ke rig C OnipaBU house Assembly & Distribution crew was used in the final phases of the implementation. In December 2009/January 2010 our internal A&D crews delivered another 34,000 95 gallon RFID equipped recycling carts for the City of Hollywood Single Stream program. 5) City of Ft. Lauderdale Greg Slagle - Solid Waste Superintendent 1401. S.E. 21st Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 (954) 828-5341 *The City of Fort Lauderdale, FL has bought over 13,000 65-gallon roll out carts and 16,000 95-gallon roll out carts totaling over 29,000 carts within the past seven years. 6) Waste Management— Charlotte County Melissa Doyle - District Manager • 23046 Harbor View Rd. Port Charlotte, FL 33980 . (941)628-4403 * Rehrig Pacific manufactured 72,000+ 95 and 65 gallon carts for the Charlotte County roll out of Refuse containers switching from manual collection to automated collection in December 2008. Rehrig Pacific also performed the Assembly & Distribution of this roll out with its own internal A&D crews, company owned vehicles and equipment. 7) City of Orlando Mike Carroll - Division Manager - Solid Waste Management Division 1028 S. Woods Avenue Orlando, FL 32805 (407)246-3050 *Rehrig Pacific has produced and delivered over 39,000 95 gallon cartsto the City of Orlando. 4,000 of these carts have been in service for over ten years and are still in great condition today. 8) City of St. Cloud Ernie McDaniel - Solid Waste Superintendent 2705 Peghorn Way St. Cloud, FL 34769 (407) 957-7267 * The City of St. Cloud, FL has bought over 34,000 Rehrig Pacific carts within the past four years. Most recently in October, they deployed over 15,000 95 gallon carts for single stream recycling. City of Kissimmee Jody Kirkendall - Sanitation Foreman 2201 Mabbette St. Kissimmee, FL 34741 (407) 518-2507 x 2604 " The City of Kissimmee, FL has bought over 21,000 Rehrig Pacific carts within the past four years. Most recently in October 2011, 14,000 95 gallon carts for single stream recycling. 10) City of North Port Monica Bramble - Solid Waste Manager Public Works Complex 1850 West Price Blvd. North Port, FL 34286 (941) 429-1718 * The City of North Point, FL has bought over9,000 Rehrig Pacific carts within the past five years. 111 ergkatifir Tonrpaq 11) City of North Miami Mark Collins - Public Works Director 776 NE 125 Street North Miami, Fl 33161 (305) 895-9831 * The City of North Miami, FL has bought 10,000 Rehrig Pacific Carts since 2009. The carts were RFID enabled for the City's Recyclebank program. 12) City of Rockledge Tina Ramos - Public Works Coordinator 1400 N. Garden Road Rockledge, FL 32955 (321)690-3961 * The City of Rockledge has bought over 5,000 Rehrig Pacific Carts since 2004. 13) City of Ft. Myers Jeanne Antelis - Senior Supervisor Solid Waste Department 2925 Dr. Martin Luther Kind Jr. Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33916 (239) 321-8108 *The City of Ft. Myers has bought over 8,000 65 gallon Rehrig Pacific Recycling Carts since 2008. 14) City of Coconut Creek Jean Dupuis - Public Works Operations Manager Mike Heimbach - Assistant Utilities Operations Manager 4800 West Copans Road Coconut Creek, FL 33063 (954) 973-6781 * The City of Coconut Creek has bought 8,000 Rehrig Pacific 65 Gallon Recycling Carts since 2010. Rehrig Pacific's internal A&D crews delivered all carts for this single stream program. 15) Collier County Jodi Walters — Recycling Coordinator 3301 East Tamiami Trail Bldg. 'H', 3rd Flr. Naples, FL 33962 (239) 252-5354 * Collier County purchased 5,800 Rehrig Pacific 65 gallon recycling carts in June of 2009. Rehrig Pacific's internal A&D crews delivered all carts for this recycling program. Abington Township City of Atlanta City of Cedar Park City of Cedar Rapids City of Chicago City of Culver City City of Davenport. IA City of Denver City of Denton, TX City of Ft Lauderdale City of Garland City of Hemet City of High Point, NC City of Hollywood, FL City of Huntington Beach City of Kissimmee City of Lakeland, FL City of Long Beach City of Los Angeles City of Madison City of Manchester, NH City of Medford, MA/Waste City of Milwaukee City of Olathe, KS City of Orlando, FL City of Portland City of Prince George City of Providence, RI City of Raleigh, NC City of Redlands, CA City of Richmond, VA ROCMunMasRefLis.xls Ip 03f12 'itefereneeS Ed Micciolo Dexter While Nanette McCartan Mark Jones Lisa Clark Don Condon Tom Bylund Charlotte Pitt Tyler Hurd Greg Slagle Gary Holcombe Wade Edge Richard McMillan • Wade Sanders Rainbow Disposal -Mike G Jody Kirkendall Jeff Wood Jim Kuhl Jonathan Zari George Dreckmann Mindy Salomone-Abood Mgmt Jim Nocella Wanda Booker Kent Seyfried Mike Carroll Debbie Yost Tom Kadia Daizy Die 1 Paul Thomas Bobby Broadaway Archie Washington Marvin Freeman ompanii Munici•al<RoILOat-Cart Ref ererce.List , 267-536-1033 404-330-6240 512-401-5310 319-286-5897 312-744-4667 310-253-6405 563-326-7732 720-865-6805 940349-7100 954-828-5341 972-205-3400 954-967.4203 336-883-3215 954-967-4203 run 714-847-3581 407-518-2507X2604 863-834.8777 562-570-2872 213-473-7923 608-267.2626 603-624-6444 617-590-8229 414-286-2332 913-754-6577 407-246-2314 503-823-7631 250-581-7600 401-421-7740 919-996-6870 909-798-7663 804-646-1926 2201 Florey Lane 1540 Northslde Dr, NW 611 N Bell 940 Fouth Street. SW 900 E. 103rd Street 9255 W, Jefferson Blvd 1200 East 46th Street 1390 Decatur Street P.O. Box 915 1401 S.E. 21st Street 1720 Commerce 3777 Industrial Way 816 E. Green Street 1600 S. Park Road 17121 Nichols 2201 Mabbette St. 501 Evelyn Ave 2929 E. Willow Street 11050 Pendleton Street 1501 Badger 500 Dumbarton Road 204 Merrimac Street 841 N. Broadway, Room 620 1445 S. Robinson 1028 S. Woods Avenue 721 NW 9th Ave, Ste 350 1100 Patricia Blvd 700 Allen Avenue 400 W. Peace Street 1270 W. Park Ave, Bldg 1 2728 Hermitage Road Abington Atlanta Cedar Park Cedar Rapids Chicago Culver City Davenport Denver PA, 19001 GA, 30318 TX, 78613 IA, 52404 IL, 60617 CA, 90232 IA. 52807 CO, 80204 Denton TX, 76208 Fort Lauderdale FL, 33316 Garland TX, 75040 Hemet CA, 92545 High Point NC, 27261 Hollywood FL, 33021 Huntington Beach CA, 92647 Kissimmee FL, 34741 Lakeland FL, 33801 Long Beach Sun Valley Madison Manchester Woburn Milwaukee Olathe Orlando CA, 90806 CA, 91352 WI, 53713 NH 03102 MA, 01801 WI, 53202 KS, 66061 FL,32805 Portland OR, 87209 Prince George, BCV2L 3V9 Providence Raleigh Redlands Richmond RI, 02905 NC, 27603 CA, 92373 VA, 23220 2005 1999 2010 2001 2004 1999 2006 2005 2003 2003 1998 1999 2009 2000 2007 2007 2010 2000 1997 2005 1995 2010 2000 2005 2004 2000 2004 2005 2006 2002 1997 15,000 16,000 69,000 34,000 41,000 24,000 214,000 14,000 19,000 4,000 20,000 10,000 18,000 80,000 25,000 18,000 12,000 14,000 31.000 25,000 11,000 36,000 69,000 12,000 21.000 12,879 59.000 934,000 61,000 18,000 20,000 54,000 35,000 39,000 11,000 3,037 60,000 20,000 28.000 40,000 17,000 5.508 4,320 27,000 1,000 1,494,000 30,000 63,000 10,000 4,000 20,000 10,000 3,500 400 2.000 14,000 17,350 3,253 2,000 2,000 Page 1 of 2 City of San Diego, CA City of Seattle, WA City of Springfield, MA City of Toronto City of Warwick, RI City St. Cloud Frederick County Maryland Fundy Region Solid Waste Garland County Arkansas' Howard County Maryland Lexington -Fayette Urban County Medicine Hat Miami Dade County Montgomery County Maryland MRC de LaJemmerais MRC de Rouville Polk County, FL Strathcona County. Town of Amherst Town of Tonawanda, NY Ville de Gatineau Mary Valerie Liz Kain Scott Donaly Kevin Vibert Chris Beneduce Ernie McDaniel Phil Harris Jen Jensen Paul Thompson Alan Wilcom Steve Feese Edward Jollyrnore Carl Stringer_ Joe O'Donnell Linda Vallee Etienne Rousseau Brooks Stayer Leah Seabrook James Olivieri Brad Rowles Michel Bard itunivanv ti icipa Roil Out,Cart Reference List' 858-526-2355 206-684-4166 413 787-6542 415 397-0203 401-640-0999 407-957-7267 301-600-2923 506-736-1200 501-622-3658 410-313-6433 859-425-2836 403-528-8172 305-594-1519 240-777-6404 450-583-3301 450-460-2127 863-824-4319 780-416-6797 716-631-7119 716-695-1800 819-243-2345x6185 8353 Miramar Place 700 5th Avenue, 59th Floor 70 Tapley Street 100 Queen Street West 925 Sandy Lane 2705 Peghom Way 9031 Reichs Ford Road 10 Crane Mountain Rd 685 Hwy 7 North Tmsfr Stn 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive 675 Byrd Thunman Drive 201 Marshall Avenue 8831 NW 58th Street 101 Monroe St, Gth Fir 609 Marie-Victorin 500 Desjardins 10 Environmental Loop S 2001 Sherwood Drive 1042 North Forest Road 450 Woodward Ave. 860 bd de la Carriere San Diego Seattle Springfield Toronto, ON Warwick St. Cloud Frederick St. John, NB Hot Springs Columbia Lexington CA, 92121 WA, 98124 MA, 01104 M5H 2N1 RI, 02886 FL, 34768 MD, 21701 Canada AR, 71901 MD, 21046 KY, 40510 Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8it5 Miami FL, 33166 Rockville MD, 20850 Vercheres, QC JOL 2R0 Marieville, t]C J3M 1E1 Winter Haven FL, 33880 2010 Sherwood Park, AI T8A 3W7 Williamsville NY, 14221 Kenmore NY, 14217 Gatineau, QC J8Y BT6 . 1998 2008 1997 2007 2002 2007 2008 2001 1997 2008 1996 2009 2002 2004 2007 2007 2008 2007 2006 2008 295,000 38,000 50,000 54,000 50,000 1,000 147,717 393,000 400,500 27,000 54,000 10,000 34,000 5,000 75,000 3,000 42,000 36,000 1,000 53,000 7,000 140,000 30,790 850 100 321,000 11,000 6,000 127,000 27,459 0 0 14,079 0 0 138,000 6,500 1,080 0 58,000 8,000 34,000 3,000 27,000 3,000 80,000 0 0 30,000 18,000 ROCMunMasRefLis.xis Ip 03/12 ' Reverences Page 2 of 2 RFP #2011-12118 Variances to the RFP State any variations to specifications, terms and conditions in the space provided below. No variations or exceptions by the Proposer will be deemed to be part of the proposal submitted unless such variation or exception is listed in the space provided below. If no statement is contained in the below space, it is hereby implied that your proposal complies with the full scope of this RFP. Variances: Rehrig Pacific has one minor variance for the entire RFP as specified. In section 4.1.10 Lift System it states that all three size carts must have a metal catch bar that come pre -installed from the manufacturing facility.. Rehrig's 95 and 65 gallon carts MEET this specification; however our 35 gallon cart does not come with a pre - installed metal catch bar. It requires the bar to be installed at the customer's yard. We feel that this is a minor variance given that it is our understanding that the quantities for 35 gallon carts will be mi rlima1 and that our D,&r) rrPws wi 11 hf p rf rming the initial delivery. T p motel ratr'h bar is simple anc3 Trick to_ install with Pn extra rivets n Pnr in 1114=n potting irtn plarr Company Name-. Rehrig Pacific Cor pany Proposer's Marne (Print): James L. Drew Signature: Bate: May 11, 2012 PP-25 RFP #2011-12/18 City of DEERFIELD B E A C - ADDENDUM #1 RFP # 2011-12/18 Recycling Roll Carts (35, 65, 95 Gallon) Including Assembly, Distribution, and Asset Management and Inventory Software May 22, 2012 Our records indicate your firm is a plan holder of above referenced RFP. The following information is being transmitted to address vendor questions and replace pages in the RFP. Replace Page: 5 with 5a PP-2 with PP-2a Questions and Answers: 1 through 25 A signed copy of this addendum shall be included in your proposal, due Wednesday, May 30, 2012. David Santucci, CPPB Purchasing Manger City of Deerfield Beach Lisa Perkins May 23, 2012 Proposer's Name Date .Rehrig Pacific Company Company Name RFP #2011-12/18 Questions and Answers Q1 Do you have a timeline when assembly and distribution would take place? Al We anticipate rolling the carts out sometime to the residents in early fall 2012. Q2 How many total carts would be distributed? A2 The city has approximately 18,000 residential accounts. We are expecting the selected vendor to work with the city to determine actual number of carts distributed based on actual locations as part of the assembly and distribution process. We expect the vendors to submit a discussion on how theywill work with the city to determine actual delivered cart numbers to minimize the ordering of surplus carts and maintaining inventory. Q3 Are they all one (same) size? A3 The city anticipates that the majority of the carts will be in the 65 or 95 gallon range. Due to limited space and other constraints, the city anticipates also making a smaller number of 35 gallon carts available to residents that request a smaller cart option. Actual quantities will be determined based on resident feedback and knowledge of specific areas where a smaller cart may be needed. It is the city's desire however, to order and deploy as many of the larger carts as possible to promote greater participation In its residential recycling program. Q4 We understand that the County's cities are moving toward new single stream curbside residential collection programs. However, since ail aspects of pricing are based on quantities, and delivery timeframes are important as well, would the City describe further the anticipated quantities that may be purchased "at once" if predictable, and what timeframes may be expected? A4 Please refer to A2 and A3. Q5 1t is our policy to send our proposals at least 2 days in advance of closings, in order to ensure their delivery by the proposal's due date and time. With the Memorial Day holiday, and the timeframe for the City's addenda due by 5/25, we respectfully request that the due date be delayed by 1-2 business days to allow bidders ample time to respond to questions and ship proposal packages without holiday delivery delays. A5 The City will not accommodate this request. Q6 Page 5, "Section 2 - Standard Terms and General Conditions", Item 2.11 - requires the proposer to be in the business of providing Disaster Debris Monitoring Services. Please clarify this requirement in relation to this Proposal. A6 Please refer to page 5a included in this addendum. Q7 Page 3, Item 1.5.3 — requires the cart and lid to be made from the injection molding process. Additionally, Page 11, Item 3.3.1 also states this same requirement, as does Page 22, Item 4.1.1. Additionally, Item 4.1.2 requires the use of high density polyethylene (HDPE), and Page 23, Item 4.1.11 requires lids to be manufactured of the same material as the body. Our cart bodies are rotationally molded using linear medium density polyethylene (MDPE) for durability. This is the RFP #2011-12/18 by-product of a stress -free molding process and the most elastic and impact resistant polyethylene materials in the industry. Our carts are proven to have fewer failures in semi and fully automated collection than competitive carts. This means fewer cart failures, fewer customer complaints, and dramatically lower life cycle costs. Our carts have an average failure rate of 0.2% annually. Again, fewer complaints from customers results in lower life cycle costs for the City. Our cart lids are manufactured using the injection molding process and HDPE, an already City - accepted process and material. We respectfully request that the City honor Rotationally Molded carts made of medium density polyethylene. A7 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. 08 17, Item .3 J11.1 -. requires that references to cart mean a complete cart with all components, when considering the Warranty terms. Item 3.11.3 requires a failed body to be replaced with a complete cart. Industry standard warranties replace components for component - a body for a failed body, a wheel for a failed wheel, etc. This industry standard for warranty replacements supports the City's Item that speaks of the City's commitment to sustainability and product stewardship. We respectfully request that the City allow the industry standard part for part replacement process. A8 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q9 Page 17, Item.3.11.5 - requires the proposer to assume the transportation for failed carts. Again, industry -standard does not include this transportation cost to be paid by the proposer. Our company has the lowest warranty failure rate in the industry and furnishes all warranty parts and components at no charge. However, the seller and/or manufacturer does not have control over the transportation cost and should not be responsible for those expenses. We respectfully request that the City delete this requirement. A9 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q10 Page 22, Item 4.1.3 - requires no less than one and one half percent ultraviolet stabilizer additive to be added to carts, by weight. Our ultraviolet inhibitors are added to cart polyethylene resin at a ratio that has been determined by our engineers. These ingredients are added as a proprietary liquid blend considering the weight of the cart. Maximum dispersion of all additives into the resin is assured by the use of a hot -melt compounding process to produce consistency and durability of color for the life of the cart. The level of additives is extremely important to maintain. Too little ultraviolet inhibitors will not adequately protect the polyethylene from the effects of the sun, extreme temperatures, and other environmental factors. Too much reduces the quality and properties of the polyethylene producing a container that may not withstand the rigors of automated collection. We respectfully request that this specification be amended to allow a minimum 0.4% ultraviolet stabilizer, by weight. A10 Manufacturer must guarantee and warrants that sufficient amounts of ultraviolet inhibitors will be used to protect the cart from the effects of the sun, extreme temperatures, and other environmental factors. Q11 Page 22, Item 4.1.6 requires a double drag rail on cart bottoms. The bottom of our cart bodies is the thickest point. It is supplemented by a'/<' wear strip around its perimeter. Toter Carts pass all 2 RFP #2011-12/18 ANSI tests and drag tests up to 6,000 feet. Because our rotationally molded carts do not have a "sprue" in the center of the cart bottom as injection carts do, we do not need extra protection of this "Achilles Heel" that injection carts require. We respectfully request that the first sentence of thls specification be deleted. All Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q12 Page 23, Item 4.1.10 - requires the lower bar to come pre -installed from the manufacturer, must not exceed 9 1/2 inches, and must be held in place by pre -installed hardware located on the inside of the cart. The specification also requires that the lower bar cannot be attached by means of screws, bolts, fasteners, pins, etc. Our carts meet or exceed all ANSI standards for compliance with semi -automated Type B lifters. Our 96 and 64 gallon carts are shipped with the stop bar pre -installed.. Our smaller carts are shipped unassembled, secured by rivets placed approximately 9" apart which do not come into contact with lifting devices and therefore are not at risk of damage. In contrast, the lower lift bar on most injection molded carts has fasteners spaced as close as 4.75" apart, making fastener damage by the lifting device likely. Installing the rivets on the inside of the cart causes City personnel to have to reach inside dirty, unsanitary carts to replace the stop bar, and carts are not completely sealed to prevent leakage. Also, our cart stop bars are 8" - 13.5" in length. We respectfully request that the City allow our stop bar construction of carts with pre -installed stop bars with no fasteners, and also stop bars that must be installed, but with rivets located on the outside of the cart body. We also request a maximum of 13.5" length of the stop bar. Again, our carts meet or exceed all ANSI standards for compliance with semi -automated Type B lifters. Al2 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q13 Page 23, Item 4.1.11 - requires no metal screws or fasteners, and requires lid attachments to be weather resistant plastic only. Our all -plastic lid hinge is attached at two (2) points with a rustproof plastic hinge and tamper resistant steel Torx fasteners. These steel fasteners are much stronger and more durable (used in the automobile industry!) than the plastic pins used in many cart hinges. We respectfully request that this lid attachment system be accepted by the City. A13 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q14 Page 23, Item 4.1.13 - requires a minimum of 3/4" diameter axle. The standard axle in U.S. carts has been 5/8" diameter solid steel for over 30 years. The bending strength of a Toter 5/8" axle is 2,000+ pounds, six (6) times the Toad rating of a 96 gallon cart (335 pounds load rating). A14 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q15 Page 24, Item 4.1.16 - requires a load rating of minimum 227 pounds for a 65 gallon cart. However, Item 4.1.19 requires 65 U.S. gallons with a tolerance of +/-3%. Also, the load rating must confirm to ANSI Standard Z245.30. Our 64 galloncart conforms to ANSI Standards at a 224 pound Toad rating. Would the City change this specification to require that all carts meet the ANSI Standard for load ratings of 3.5 pounds per gallon? 3 RFP #2011-12/18 A15 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q16 Page 24, Item 4.1.17- requires minimum resin weights for the 95 and 65 gallon carts. Item 4.1.18 - requires specific wall thicknesses. Our standard carts, manufactured using medium density polyethylene resin (MDPE) in our Advanced Rotational MoldingT'", are more flexible and impact resistant, yielding an increased life expectancy. The excellent flexibility and memory of the resin used in Toter carts cause them to resist breakage and bounce back. Also, in order to compensate for an inferior, weaker injection molded cart with high -density polyethylene resin, many manufacturers create a thicker product, with the assumption that a "thicker cart" or "heavier cart" is indeed a "stronger cart'.• The trade off is a heavy cart that requires a user to jack the cart back with his foot. Our use of medium density polyethylene resin, with superior impact properties (Elongation atYieldand Environmental. Stress Crack Resistance), produces a cart with the best of both worlds: flexible enough to endure the rigors of automated waste collection AND 33% to 50% easier for your residents to tilt. We respectfully request that the City allow a minimum nominal 0.172" wall thickness for the larger cart, a minimum nominal 0.164 for the 65 gallon cart and minimum 0.150" for the 35 gallon cart. Our Rotational Molding process provides for in other critical wear points, maintaining the above nominal wall thicknesses. If the City desires, this requirement may be specified for Rotationally molded carts only. A16 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q17 Page 24, item 4.1.18 requires a minimum lid thickness. Like our cart bodies, our lids are designed for high strength with a slightly thinner wall thickness. Our lids have superior durability in addition to keeping animals, insects, and rain out, while keeping odors inside the cart. We respectfully request that the City amend this specification to allow a minimum nominal 0.125" lid thickness. A17 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. Vendor shall list any variances on page PP-25, Variances to the RFP. Q18 Page 24, Item 4.1.20 requires minimum cart dimensions. Due to each manufacturers" designs, the carts will vary in dimensions. Our carts are designed with a lower profile to create a more stable cart. We respectfully request that the following dimensions be amended: 95G Height - minimum 43", 64G Width - minimum 24", 35G Height - minimum 38" and Width minimum 19". A18 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. If there are exceptions vendor is to list and explain why deviation in response. Q19 Page 26, Item 4.2.5.d - requires an IML for the 35 gallon cart at a minimum 4". Our IML exceeds the length requirement, but is slightly Tess in height at 3.75". We respectfully request that this minimum 3.75" IML height be accepted by the City for the 35 gallon cart. A19 OK Q20 Page 26, Item 4.4.2, 4.5.2, and 4.6.12 require a web -based system. Would the City allow an internet-based system? A20 Yes, however it shall be accessible from a networked device such as: a standard personal computer, and preferably a smartphone, tablet, etc. 4 RFP #2011-12/18 Q21 Page 28, Item 4.6.3 - requires the Contractor to enclose literature in a plastic bag and attach to the cart during delivery of carts to residents. The literature is to be provided by the City 2 weeks prior to the start of A&D. Our experience has dictated that attaching literature is best done during assembly. We request that this time be allowed for attaching the literature. Our experience has also indicated that it is more cost-effective for the Customer to enclose the literature into a plastic bag and provide those to the Contractor at least 2 weeks prior to the A&D commencement. We therefore respectfully request that the City enclose the literature into a plastic bag and provide those to the Contractor at least 2 weeks prior to the A&D commencement. If the City cannot accomplish the enclosure into plastic bags, please provide literature at least 4 weeks prior to A&D commencement. A21 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. If there are exceptions vendor is to list and explain why deviation in response. Q22 Page 35, Item 6.2, first complete paragraph - references that subcontractors must agree to the requirements and obligations of this Section 8.2. Should that reference be to Section 6.2? A22 Yes Q23 Please consider the below item in a possible bid addendum. The lower metal bar of 35, 65, and 95 gallon carts must come pre -installed from the manufacturer. Since this is not a subscription rollout and the A&D will be deployed by the awarded vendor, pre -installed lower metal bars should not be a criteria. A23 Specifications as they exist shall prevail. If there are exceptions vendor is to list and explain why deviation in response. Q24 Pages 13 (Item 3.6.2) and PP-2 both list forms required. The form "Scope of Services/Statement of Work" is not included in the forms. Will the City provide that form as soon as possible, or clarify that it does not apply? A24 The Scope of Services/Statement of Work is not included as a form, but is the section reserved for the Proposer to include all items, other than the forms provided in the RFP, contained in Section 3.6 — Required Form and Information; specifically 3.6.1, 3.6.3, 3.6.4, and 3.6.5. Q25 Page 13, Item 3.6.2 lists "SDBE Affidavit" as a required form, but page PP-2 does not list this form. Will the City clarify if this form applies to this proposal? A25 The SDBE Affidavit forms do apply to this RFP. The Proposer shall complete whichever form applies, SDBE Participation Affidavit or SDBE Unavailability Affidavit. 5 2.11 Proposer Qualifications Proposer shall be in the business of providing Disaster providing the products and services subject to this RFP and must possess sufficient financial support, equipment and organization to insure that it can satisfactorily perform the services if awarded a Contract. Proposers shall satisfy each of the following requirements cited below. Failure to do so will result in the Proposal being deemed non -responsive. 2.11.1 Before awarding the Contract, the City reserves the right to require that the Proposer submit such evidence of their qualifications as the City may deem necessary. Further, the City may consider any evidence of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Proposer, including previous experiences of same with the City and performance evaluation for services, in making the award in the best interest of the City. 2.11.2 Proposer shall have no record of judgments, pending lawsuits against the City or criminal activities involving moral turpitude and not have any conflicts of interest that have not been waived by the City Commission. 2.11.3 Neither Proposer nor any principal, officer, or stockholder of Proposer(s) shall be in arrears or in default of any debt or contract involving the City, (as a party to a contract, or otherwise); nor have failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the City. 2.12 Proposer's Experience Record The City shall have the right to investigate the financial condition and experience record of each prospective Contractor and determine to its satisfaction the competency of each to undertake the services requested by this proposal. 2.13 Qualifications Statement Each Proposer shall complete the Qualifications Statement, and submit the same with the Proposal. Failure to submit the Qualifications Statement and the documents required there under with the Proposal may constitute grounds for rejection of the Proposal. 2.14 Licenses and Certifications The Proposer shall be appropriately licensed to perform the work and scope of services. Proposer shall possess al the time of proposal opening all required licenses and certifications. The Proposer shall be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining and maintaining all required licenses, certifications, and permits. Copies of all licenses and certifications shall be submitted with the Proposal Package. 2.15 Insurance 2.15.1 The Proposer's response shall include a copy of any certificate of insurance which provides evidence of insurability meeting the minimum insurance requirements stated in the Special Terms and Conditions. The Proposer shall assume hill responsibility and expense to obtain all necessary insurance. 2.15.2 The successful proposer shall not commence operations pursuant to the terms of this RFP and RFP #2011-12118 the attached Contract, until certification or proof of the insurance requirements set forth within the attached Contract have been received and approved. 2.16 Indemnification The Contractor shall at all times indemnify, hold harmless and, at City Attomey's option, defend or pay for an attorney selected by City Attorney to defend the City of Deerfield Beach, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all causes of action, demands, claims, losses, liabilities and expenditures of any kind, including attorney fees, court costs, and expenses, caused or alleged to be caused by intentional or negligent act of, or omission of the Contractor, its employees, agents, servants, or officers, or accruing, resulting from, or related to the subject matter of this Contract including, without limitation, any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenditures, demands or causes of action of any nature whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property. In the event any lawsuit or other proceeding is brought against the City by reason of any such claim, cause of action or demand, the Contractor shalt, upon written notice from the City, resist and defend such lawsuit or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to the City or, at City's option, pay for an attorney selected by the City Attorney to defend City. The provisions and obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Contract. To the extent considered necessary by the Contract Administrator and the City Attorney. any sums due Contractor under this Contract may be retained by City until ell of City's claims for indemnification pursuant to this Contract have been settled or otherwise resolved; and any amount withheld shall not be subject to payment of interest by City. 2.17 Legal Requirements Applicable provisions of all federal, state, and county laws, and local ordinances, rules and regulations, shall govem development, submittal and evaluation of all proposals received in response hereto and shall govem any and all claims and disputes which may arise between person(s) attaching a proposal response hereto and the City by and through its officers, employees and authorized representatives, or any other person, natural or otherwise. Lack of knowledge by any Proposer shall not constitute a cognizable defense against the legal effect thereof. 2.18 Protest Procedures In accordance with Section 38-139 of the City of Deerfield Beach Code of Ordinances, if a Proposer intends to protest a solicitation or proposed award the following shall apply: 2.18.1 Any Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with the pending award of a contract or any element of the process leading to the award of or contract may protest to the Purchasing Manager. A protest must be filed within five business days after notification of the recommendation of the selection/evaluation committee or any right to protest is forfeited. The protest must be in writing, must identify the name and address of the protester, and must include a factual summary of, and the basis for, the protest. Filing shall be considered complete when the protest is received by the Purchasing Manager. 2.18.2 Upon receipt of a protest of the pending award of a contract, the Purchasing Manager shall review the charge to determine whether the protest was timely. filed. If upon review the Purchasing 5a "HUSKYLITE®" Roil Out Cart Warranty Rehrig Pacific Company offers a unique full warranty for a period of 10 years. Rehrig Pacific Company warrants that its HuskyLite® containers purchased will conform to all applicable specifications, will be free from defects in material and workmanship, and will be fit for the particular purpose intended by the Buyer. The conditions of this warranty include failure of the cart body, lid, lid attachments, wheels, axle, and all hardware. Rehrig Pacific Company extends this warranty only to the first purchaser of the HuskyLite® containers. Warranty Coverage Exclusions This warranty does not cover: (1) use under circumstances exceeding specifications, (2) Buyer or User abuse or vandalism, (3) unauthorized repair or alteration, (4) damage or failure as a result of incompatible, improperly installed, improperly operated, or defective lifting or dumping mechanisms, (5) damage or failure caused by natural calamities such as fire, storm, or high winds. Rehrig Pacific Company will not be liable for any claims of loss of business, loss of profits, loss of income or any other losses or expense which exceeds the purchase price of the allegedly defective container. Administration of Warranty Any component that fails during the 10 year warranty will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the Buyer provided that: (1) Buyer notifies Rehrig Pacific Company in writing no later than the end of the applicable warranty period of the claimed defect; (2) Buyer agrees that Rehrig Pacific Company shall have the right to inspect and test the allegedly defective container; (3) Determination of the alleged failure shall be made jointly in the judgment of the Buyer and Manufacturer; (4) The serial number(s) of the defective container(s) shall be submitted via email to Rehrig Pacific Company using the electronic warranty form. Each serial number must be accompanied by the appropriate warranty code identifying where the failure occurred. Rehrig Pacific Company reserves the right to recycle the defective containers. Buyer agrees to empty, disassemble, and stack containers for shipment back to Rehrig Pacific Company. Rehrig Pacific Company shall be responsible for setting up shipment and the associated freight charges. (6) Any repaired or replaced component will assume the remainder of the 10-year warranty from the original carts initial purchase date. (7) Rehrig Pacific reserves the right to either replace or repair the defective component. (5) Cart Production Facilities: Headquarters: 4010 East 26" Street, Los Angeles, CA 90023, Phone 323.262.5145, Fax 323.269.8506 • 1738 W. 201h Street, Erie, PA 16502, Phone 814.455.8023, Fax 814.455.3997. 1000 Raco Court, Lawrenceville, GA 30045, Phone 770.339.9888, Fax 770.339.4840 • 8875 Commerce Drive, De Soto, KS 66018, Phone 913.585.1175, Fax 913.585.1563 • 7800 100th Street, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 Phone 262-947-3312, Fax 262.947.3355 Technical Proposal (Tab 2) — 3.6.3 Per David Santucci on 5/23/12 (email correspondence available upon request), Rehrig Pacific requested that all "standard" bid documents such as cart specifications, ANSI testing results, resin producer certifications, etc. could be added as an Appendix because of the large volume of information that does relate to specifically how Rehrig Pacific would meet the technical proposal requirements of this section. David granted this request and therefore all requirements for `section Specifications' can be found in Appendix A. Detailed Proposal Regarding Service Related Items for the City of Deerfield Beach, FL On behalf of Rehrig Pacific Company, it is our pleasure to provide you with the following proposal for your single stream recycling carts with RFID tags, In Mold Labels, assembly and distribution services and our complete asset management program (C.A.R.T.S.). As we have reviewed and understand the city's goals from the Incentive Based contract request for proposals, we have also included information in this document on how Rehrig Pacific's solution is a one stop shop for everything requested and required by the city of Deerfield Beach and its chosen Contractor for the incentive based program. We have worked with a variety of RFID programs throughout the Southeast and been involved in many cart rollouts specifically in Broward County. Since we know it is important for the cart program to work in conjunction with the selected incentive vendor, we have included additional information to highlight how our offering will work from the production of the first cart through the implementation of the carts and the eventual maintenance and RFID reporting for the term of the contract. It is our goal that the city of Deerfield Beach will understand how each component ties into the next in order to have a complete RFID program that works each and every day. This information includes hand held scanners and cart management inventory/work order maintenance/asset tracking software. Also included in our proposal is additional information regarding related collection data tracking reports for the city of Deerfield Beach program if the city chooses to further pursue this option. The attached overview information outlines the RPID offering to guarantee that the city of Deerfield Beach (city) can provide the necessary service level as required in your bid packet to the residents of the city. This includes being prepared to not only at a minimum track container movement and inventory levels but also be able to accurately report on RFD tag reads in the field to track recycling participation and service verification using RFID technology. It is our intent through this proposal to prove to the city of Deerfield Beach that Rehrig Pacific fully understands all of the city of Deerfield Beach's needs and is in fact the most experienced and hest fitting company to partner with on such a Large undertaking for items related to the cart itself as well as technology related items and beyond. As you are aware, with RFID-enabled carts, the city of Deerfield Beach can begin to accurately track containers in the field, monitor recycling participation/trends, obtain service verification, gauge driver productivity, and boost the overall efficiency of your actual collection practices. To date, Rehrig Pacific's Environmental Services Group has delivered over 4 million containers with our in-house crews and integrated over 2.8 million roll out carts (new distributions and retrofits) with RFID and bar code technology in over 75 customer . locations. We encourage the city to reach out to all bidders' references specific to RFID technology and existing (Pehilg (faf.Sfk 9rompauu SWF �nJ 3 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ec{rig Yak Qampatt programs in order to gain a better understanding of what each company can and has offered that is being used daily in the field beyond just the cart itself. The implementation of the C.A.R.T.S. system, in conjunction with truck -mounted RFID readers and the RFID tags that are integrated into your Rehrig Pacific Roll Out Carts, will give the city a robust, dynamic, visual understanding of your entire collection program, all -the -while requiring little, if any, human interaction. Below is a brief description of each component and final proposal pricing for each of the components that comprise this tum-key solution as requested in the invitation for bid. RFID Enabled Roll Out Cart— The first step to the program is providing the city with an RFID enabled container that tests the RFID tag at the manufacturing facility, associates the RFID tag value to the cart serial number/bar code at the manufacturing facility and lastly creates the initial database for future deliveries and inventory management. Rehrig Pacific implemented the first wide spread RFID enabled program with the City of Toronto over 4 years ago and through this program we have set up various safeguards at our plant to ensure the RFID tag is correctly associated to the cart and is tested before it ever leaves our manufacturing site. Accurate Association of Container to Address (A&D) — After the container is successfully produced with an RFID tag, it is vital to create the accurate database of what container is at what specific address in order to have effective reporting. Having a robust delivery process that guarantees successful association of a cart serial number/bar code/RFID tag value to a specific house is the first step in creating the database. Rehrig's internal A&D crews use barcode hand held scanners with Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. software to accurately build the cart to address database while delivering carts. This process includes a variety of built in safeguards on the C.A.R.T.S. software to guarantee an accurate account of each address and the specific cart associated to it in the field. These safeguards also verify that the correct size/type of cart is being delivered to each home and it will not allow crew members to scan in the wrong size/type of container. Rehrig Pacific understands that database integrity is vital to the success of a program and therefore we designed our C.A.R.T.S. distribution module with this in mind. Asset llanagernent/Work Order Management Tool - Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. Software - Our C.A.R.T.S. software is the backbone for all service offerings including Assembly and Distribution reporting and database creation, work orders, asset management and collection data tracking reporting. A custom web portal is set up through the C.A.R.T.S. subscription service and various levels of access are available though the web -based system. C.A.R.T.S. can be used to field requests from residents for container size swaps, attend to customer complaints, address damaged containers, etc. It also has the capability to actively close out these work orders, keep track of containers, verify which cart is at which house/location, keep track of cart inventory levels, etc. When your program involves RFID enabled carts, it is vital to keep track of the correct cart with the correct address or else the information gathered using the RFID tags becomes inaccurate and you start to report on bad data. If no program is in place to manage what cart is at what house, you risk the possibility of creating an inaccurate database over time which will result in inaccurate collection data reporting. Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. software is a customizable, scaleable, web -based subscription service that includes customer support, system upgrades and continued training. During the Assembly and Distribution process of your implementation, Rehrig Pacific A&D crews will utilize C.A.R.T.S. to deliver and associate a specific cart to a specific address. This delivery information will then be inputted into C.A.R.T.S. to create the customer database that will serve as the backbone for your entire program. This information will be kept up to date utilizing the work order module in C.A.R.T.S. and this will allow for accurate reporting through the collection data tracking C.A.RT.S. module. RFID Truck System - In order to read the RFID tags in the carts you need a rugged and robust system that is built specifically for the collection industry. Rehrig Pacific has worked with several RFID hardware integrators in successfully implementing RFID based programs. The C.A.R.T.S. software allows Rehrig to be flexible to accept data imports directly into the system from the RFID integrator to ultimately tie the RFID tips to the work order database and provide for effective reporting. By having a collection data tracking system that ties to a work order inventory asset tracking sofware you can be assured that you are always reporting on accurate information. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 4 Collection Data Tracking Reporting - Once the RFID truck systems are in place and the readers are capturing collection information from the carts, the final component is collection data tracking reports. Rebrig's C.A.R.T.S. program is also able to provide collection data tracking reports in a wide variety of formats for different metric tracking during collection. The RFID truck system feeds its information directly to our C.A.R.T.S. software and makes the reporting available. The C.A.R.T.S. program keeps the address to cart serial number database in tact and up to date therefore allowing for accurate collection data tracking information. This seamless integration between C.A.R.T.S. and the truck mounted RFID system makes it easy to use and becomes a "one stop shop" for all of your operational needs. Value Added Overview of Partnering with Rehrig Pacific Below please find an overview of the value added benefits that Rehrig Pacific is offering to the city of Deerfield Beach through its Environmental Services Group. Detailed information for each section can be found in the following pages. Purchasing Rehrig Pacific RFID & Bar Code Integrated Carts • Our UHF tags are protected in the cart body and are not exposed to the outside elements such as weather or the rigorous environments posed by our industry • RFID Tags and Bar Codes are all tested at our facilities before the carts ship o This ensures that the technology functions properly for your program • The production data collected from our manufacturing facility is stored on our (C.A.R.T.S.) server and made available immediately after production to the customer, which provides a foundation for tracking these cart assets in the future and providing multiple service offerings for our customers • Rehrig Pacific uses a unique technology to permanently brand serial numbers and barcodes onto the cart for convenient, efficient and easy to implement cart maintenance and A&D programs. This barcode/seriel number is linked .to the RFID tag at the manufacturing plant. The advantage of this type of system is that more expensive RFID hand held readers are not required to track cart maintenance and inventory levels as well as assembly and distribution of carts. An additional advantage is to insure that if an RFID tag does fail in the field, the barcode is still present for the distribution database and work order database so the data for the program is in no way compromised. Rehrig Pacific Internal Assembly & Distribution Services • Our focus on accuracy coupled with the ability to modify/update delivery lists while delivering carts using a handheld scanner will provide the city of Deerfield Beach with a comprehensive route audit resulting in an accurate database from the start. The CARTS Route Audit Software cleans up the address list during delivery to ensure the most accurate account data possible. • Ability to have complete visibility of work/progress by the end of each delivery day through daily automated delivery reports • Increased information available to customers and personnel alike reduces customer complaints and increases the effectiveness of both customer care and operational staff • Access to custom city of Deerfield Beach C.A.R.T.S. portal for delivery/inventory information during rollout • Less time spent on delivery with increased accuracy across the board • Internal Rehrig Pacific crews to eliminate the need for sub -contractors — only proven company to provide internal mangers AND crews/equipment. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 5 $Zehrig Yarifir (neat t , • Detailed A&D Checklist that takes into accotutt all prior experience regarding A&D to make sure the city of Deerfield Beach is aware of all aspects of a large rollout early and often to guarantee success. • Expensive RFID Hand Held readers are not required for Assembly & Distribution. Often times these types of readers can read multiple carts at once and the person delivering the cart can not be 100% certain that the cart they thought they scanned is the actual cart that was delivered to the home, Using a bar code scanner for A&D guarantees that a specific cart is delivered to a specific home. • GPS Capture during A&D process. Rehrig Pacific will capture the point of collection GPS coordinates for each address during delivery. This information can be used daily to monitor cart movement based off of its initial delivery and actual collection by the RFID truck system. • Delivery Safeguards in CA.RT.S. only allow correct size/type to be delivered to each address Rehrig Pacific C.A.R.T.S. Software • Manages over 2.8 million containers daily to keep cart to address database accurate and up to date • Maintains an accurate customer service database that tracks work order (cart movement) and inventory data • Allows for completely paperless work order production, completion, and management • Cuts data entry and management time to a nearly non-existent issue, freeing up valuable personnel and resources to increase productivity in the work place • Automatically generates reporting tools that provide management with complete visibility of their operations • Manages replacements of containers, parts and tracks history of repairs and collection issues • Streamlines the warranty process and tracks containers to be reclaimed by Rehrig Pacific for credits toward future cart purchases • Creates a variety of reports and metrics to help the city of Deerfield Beach reduce its need to buy new containers and have complete visibility of work orders and collection data tracking • Integrates with a variety of back office legacy systems as well as RFID event capture systems such as Sonrai RFID event capture systems. References include; City of Lakeland, FL, Charleston County, SC, Tidewater Fibre Corporation - Suffolk, VA, Allied Waste - Frederick County, MD, City of Cuyahoga Falls, OH, City of Kingsville, TX, City of Racine, WI, Bay Disposal — Newport News, VA, City of Atlanta, GA. For more detailed information about any of these programs or others we have please do not hesitate to ask. Rehrig Pacific C.A.R.T.S. Reporting Services • Inventory By Location — Type, Style, Quantity, Status, all by physical location, i.e. Yard Location, Single Family Home, Commercial Account, etc. • Work Order Routing Reports — Daily Routes Suitable for Easy Routing for crews • Work Order History Reports — Identifies types of work orders by route, including: breakages by residence. The city of Deerfield Beach is able to identify and preemptively addresses issues before they become a problem • Collection Data Tracking Reports — Recycling/Refuse Participation, Non Participation, Time Management Reports by Route (Average Time Between Stops) among others. Standard reports available are listed in the detailed C.A.R.T.S. section of this proposal. • Customizable reports to meet the city of Deerfield Beach's needs (applicable charges may apply) Rehrig RFID & Collection Data Tracking Services • RFID enabled containers allow for a "touch free" asset and collection datatracking method A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 6 cf! "alit ¢ompanv • Allows for real time visibility of collections, overall routes, and individual vehicles to management and customer service personnel • Provides the foundation for incentive based recycling programs • Helps to establish and provide sustainable back up data for improved accuracy in billing operations • Creates an "Everyday Audit" to help proactively track lost and stolen containers • Avoid fines for missed collections by providing service verification reports to your customers • Monitor your staff's use of lifting devices in order to minimize worlanan's comp cases • Use recycling participation reports as the foundation for tailoring education programs or provide other unique programs designed to increase recycling participation, which will increase the material recovered at your 111RF's and decrease your disposal costs • Tie on -board computers to your billing systems and stop collections on non paying accounts • Efficiently bill for overages on your commercial routes • Rehrig has the most RFID enabled programs on the street in the industry that are in use daily and these programs are setting the bar for others with regards to RFID technologv Assembly & Distribution with RFID/Bar Code Association Rehrig Pacific Company is the only proven cart manufacturer that performs Assembly and Distribution (A&D) services internally, utilizing company employees and company owned equipment. Rehrig made the investment years ago to integrate this portion of the business in order to maintain control over this very crucial part of any large contract. By controlling not only the production schedules but also the delivery component, Rehrig Pacific is able to guarantee a smooth, professional and efficient startup for the city of Deerfield Beach. Other cart manufacturers use sub -contractors to perform these services and frequently have challenges when things do not go according to plan. They often times seek to receive d T , �-�� ,- .��+ � - • ..w� �.���"`e-�u��� more compensation, become hard to work with or leave the job uncompleted. Lastly, with the influx of technology in today's A&D world, you want to be guaranteed that you are using A&D crews that have experience with the new technology and more efficient methods in delivering carts. Rehrig Pacific's list of available references can offer more insight into not only our professionalism but also our performance. At time of delivery, we will associate each cart to a specific address and provide real time data using handheld scanners to scan the delivered carts and download the information into our asset management software program C.AR.T.S. This allows for the development of customized route sheets, customized online reporting and essentially a built in route audit finding new opportunities for revenue. Address association leads to better data management and improved flexibility for container management. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 7 HOW DOES IT WORK? At the manufacturing facility Rehrig Pacific brands a Bar Code/Serial number and attaches an RFID tag to each cart produced. The Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID chip is imbedded into the cart body. At the manufacturing work cell, Rehrig Pacific makes an association between the RFID Tag and Bar Code /Serial number. The advantage of associating the RFID tag and Cart Serial number at the plant is to be able to identify the RFID tag value that is imbedded into the cart by reading the serial numberfbar code as well as testing the RFID tag to make sure it works, eliminating the need for an expensive RFID handheld scanner to handle work orders or container movement in the future. Rehrig Pacific provides a database to each customer with the association information. This information can provide the foundation for a variety of service offerings such as collection data tracking or cart maintenance work order management. ' ,S7' Bar Code with Cart Serial Number and Customer Murribi r atPOita of'IVI`anidactui':e Provi des Custom erwith Database that includes Association Inform:3tion Rehrig Pacific Comp any has been integrating RFID and Bar Cade technol ogy into our rollout carts for over four year,_ To date we have produced over 2.8million carts with • RFID and Bar Code technology. All five of Rehrig Pacific's cart producing plants have the necessary.equipment to install Ultra High Frequency tags and associate the RFID tag values with the contain ers serial numb eribar code at the work_ cell, Serial # 43195G047836 43195G047837 43 95G047838 43 35G047839 43 95G047840 4 3195G047841 RFID Tag Value pate Time Cust 000109524 51434047950BADC1 1106/15/2010 19:29: 361 RE143M 000109 524 514 34.D4 795 WADE 1106/15/2 0 0 19 : 4 8 : 34 1RELiam 00010952451434D47950BAE011 /15/2010 19: 51:3.6I aE 43M 000109524 51434D4'79508AE1I 106/15/2010 19: 52 _111 RE143M 8 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION SIMPLE PROCESS FLOW — PRODUCTION TO DELIVERY 1. Cart is produced and Barcode/Serial Number and RFID tag are associated at the manufacturing facility 2. City provided Address list is inputted into C.A.R.T.S. 3. A&D crews deliver cart(s) to residents 4. Carts are scanned using handheld device and bar codes to accurately deliver a specific cart to house 5. Barcode and RFID tag information is tied to address b. Infonnation gathered is downloaded to C.A.R.T.S 7. System generates DAILY delivery reports (automatically sent via email) Rot Neer.. Of 4 Ba1tyConimr Crt. 4 i$87 5.1-11 65639enPse leCart Resident Order Route List Pm( Attdress2 Ned MOWS-3 Handheld Screen 1110 1DI6T AYE MV 634 Rrganth6rAle6 D711.0T-161135.37A76 YrE0a30 2120 10161 MAW" 0.Vl Reskrst hihiied 3011dT.161236:52,400 WE6.310 Rwucrt fulMied 312.1 1619YAVE1661 656 611147.3i1T.N91A30 WEDLDO 63601`971 Delivery at Household 1 4161.6✓.'4 :OSXiyl11>sT M16006 ft 26.13'6>6 0.EAD__ 10.04114CC472C5X501TP N.1t611< 41''61= G% REAO .., 6911A4 72CISM74d2A6 MAW* • W.i613 GRSK'AD 655012417 ''O1G9,11AC637ZOS.'G541U0 E6.1a24 46.J6.1 CM EeAO 3140 post AVE NW 6561 AIQtMR NNW :011A7.2617'14W. WE04.36 iLtt 70L'T AVE IsW 121 S6RVt11 ioh16eb 101141.2612i16:11.000 WED616 1160 SCL`�►VC f.*W 61k 6 62,6-0 A.016H 2Ot1-01461k1146.000 Wf0410 6 6:6011!'11 ••• co!u66fisr.'6566:6):40 26,44,6i _J6.3+3t......[AD 4610011in ovneArnaueemc 26.16::6 :70.2S61 66TS1►D In this assembly & distribution implementation, Rehrig Pacific Company will ask the city to help us locate multiple staging areas throughout the city of Deerfield Beach. These staging areas will provide our A&D team with secured outside space to accept and off-load trailer loads of carts, stack unassembled carts and in some cases assemble the carts for delivery. 9 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION At the staging area, cab -over trucks and trailers will be loaded with carts. The delivery trucks will deliver the containers to the residents throughout city's delivery area. Once a trailer has completed deliveries, the trucks will return to the staging area to be loaded again for the next set of deliveries. In addition to having a few main staging areas, crews could utilize city approved dead-end streets, vacant parking lots, etc. as temporary unloading sites within the distribution areas. These sites will be free from containers at the end of the work day. Rehrig Pacific Company will follow detailed distribution lists by route that must be provided by the city at least four weeks prior to the delivery start date. Rehrig Pacific will upload the detailed distribution lists into our Cart Asset Recovery Tracking System. (C.A.R.T.S.) and download this information daily into our hand held bar code scanners for our crews to follow. It is very important to have accurate maps and distribution lists to help minimize program delays. Bar Code scanning / serial number recording will be performed electronically by crew members and will take place on the routes as the containers are being delivered to the resident households. Each resident will have a corresponding bar code / serial number on their cart and we will associate this information with each household address. This seamless electronic process will ensure the accuracy of associating the roll out cart and RFID Tag value with the individual residence which is much more accurate than manual hand written, computer entered recording of serial numbers or the RFID hand held A&D process. By electronically delivering each cart, we are also able to track exceptions during the A&D process effectively providing you with an accurate route audit. Through the use of the hand held scanner we are able to report new houses and add them to the database "on the fly" in the field, report Vacant houses, wrong addresses, business, etc. Exception codes are completely customizable for each program. This sophisticated method of delivery will ensure that the city of Deerfield Beach is accounting for every House within the citYand potentially provide a new revenue stream by finding additional house not originally accounted for: It is extremely important in programs that offer various size carts that the correct size cart is correctly delivered to each resident. Rehrig Pacific will input the size requested by the resident or the size provided A FAMILY 'TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 10 11 3Zehril )aciiir gamtanu by the city into the C.A.R.T.S. program and create the A&D delivery schedule accordingly. The city of Deerfield Beach will provide Rehrig Pacific with the detailed address list and the size cart that is required for each resident. By inputting this data into C.A.R.T.S. and using our hand held scanners in the A&D process, we can insure that the correct size cart will be delivered to the correct address. In fact, safeguards are in place with the C.A.R.T.S. software to not allow our delivery crews to deliver a different size cart than what was requested. For example, if the address list shows that the resident was to receive a 65 gallon recycle cart and we attempt to scan in a 95 recycle cart, the hand held device will not allow the 95 gallon cart to be associated to that address. Safeguards such as these allow Rehrig Pacific to create the most accurate database possible for the city of Deerfield Beach. At the end of each delivery day the data that has been stored in each handheld device will be uploaded to our C.A.R.T.S. system which is then associated with our production data and delivery schedule. This information is compiled automatically to provide detailed distribution reports to the city the day following each delivery. Essentially, the C.A.R.T.S. system allows the city to follow delivery progress on a daily basis, which is extremely beneficial to help the city answer cart delivery questions during the rollout. We are able to provide you with summary delivery reports or detailed delivery reports which list each individual address and the cart that was delivered to it. (See Below) Snapshot of Assembly & Distribution Daily Summary Report: • = 8oltNGort: Request Fuf>7t4eQ :. 2_3 416 0 24,0 173 2` -S - Zvi a 22:3 225 0 150 04' 0 33: 2S5 537 0 a 3 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 d .3 0 0 0 :3 a 0 0 0 4 'C,'?^..a. �t ?y.Y �� r., � � � •i:.� S '�`L2-�YJe.t-'%9•R "`-'�.. a'� .^`.1/3�-Ya��'4'�C... �Y '�..v'x� ReitaiiiiisfrigestileetRefu :1.0er1 11-00-."Z720 3 12a1i310 •0 ?372010 t .. 3 . "a 0 0 .0 3 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 7 0 5 0 0 :2�35-2024 A f � a'•��-, t st r S' Se O 4W 0 0 a 3 7 J JFeeOlutor'e VacOnt Lot A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION �trhria efatifil Qellipan Snapshot of Assembly & Distribution Daily Detailed Delivery Report: RPL 1.41 Penn LA a siFiis' Dietrthutton Detail Delivery Repoli SotA4ie' 12'127.339 E-dDsfe 42/1/009 DeliveryDete• Route Plumber 64,4010110er .Street; Sheet. • Street Name" 'Unit Rem PiersI Ser1ailizeeiler REID 'dlu leer Sb1Tu • . - .. 1lumber Type _ .. ..... ligg010.4:RPiitms F4ged:' ... Pres-A 12569 Pres-.A 12570 Pres-A 12572 Pres-.4 12573 Pres4 12575 Pre; -A 12577 Pres-a, 12579 Pres-.4 12582 Pres-1 125135 Pres-A 12567 Pres :4 12590 Pies-4 12693 Pres-A 12595 Pres-A 12590 Pres-A 1259a Pres-A 12599 Pres-. 12501 Pres-.A 12303 Pres-4 12605 Pras4 12607 Pres :4 12509 Pre 12511' Pres-A 12513 Pres•A 12514 '6021 DEWE•r Si '6025 0029' '5033 150.37 "6061 '6045 '6109 '6117 '6121 '6131 t137 :6145 13149 '6206 '207. '6215 '217 '0221 a225 '6229 '6233 '3237 '6241 DEWEY ST 09090Y ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEW ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST DEVlSYST DEWEY ST DEAVEYST DEWEY Si DEWEY ST 0671EY ST DEWEY ST DE:VE7ST. DEWEY ST DEVEY ST DEWEY ST DEWEY ST 95R 41 953OOi034 168541165 95R 41 95R001031 167429912 95R 41 95R001002 169541049 959 41 950001070 167430027 95R 41 95R001003 169541163 959 41 955001062 1676452/0 95R 41 95R001045 167644118 95R 41 952001030 16955/570 95R 41 953000602 157646578 95R 41 952000599 157430255 0510 41 6641600697 150527396 95R 41 954000595 169527526 8011 - 41 952001005 169542e51 95R 41 952001004 167646131 95R 41 955001065 167644261 96R 41 95R001064 1696410-5 95R 41 952001147 169541309 95R 41 956061015 169E45263 95R 41 854900599 169661470 95R 41 955000595 107430273 95R 41 95R001063 159E26146 95R 41 9511000600 •167430214 95R 41 955000594 169527557 95R 41 9511000501 169527423 4'i Snapshot of Final Detailed Delivery List w/ GPS Coordinates, Route. RFID Value. Serial Number ;:`: ,. 9 WED-420 I 653012935 000104424204720 26503237 26.56504 902642 GPS READ 3110 ,2'{ham. ._r 10151 AVE NW 65R Request Fu0filled 2011.07-2612:30.37.000 3 3 3 3141 10157AVE NW 65R RequestFulfihled 2011-07-2612:34:11-000 WED-430 5 651012972 00010941403472052650324C 25.15534 -80.2343 GPS READ 1 3160 1101ST AVE NW 65R Request Fulfilled 2011-07.2612234:23.000 WED-430 r 6 55012973 000109414C047205265032A0 25.16541 -80.2842 GPS READ . 3 3160 101ST AVE NW 650 Request Fulfidied 2011-07-2612:34:12000 WE0-430 8 659012574 000109414C047205265032AE 26.16554 -20.21343 GPS READ 3200 181STAVE NW 656 RequestFulfdied 2011-07-2612:3352.600 WED-430 r 9 65R012936 000102414C04720526503239 26.16574 -90.2843 GP5 READ 3210 101STAVE NW 65R RequestFuliilled 2011-0-2612:13:30.000 WED-430 r 10 659002.148 000109414E54720525503294 26.16597 -60.294407531615 3 3 3 3240 10151AVE NW 659 Request Fulfilled 2011-07-2612132:12.600 WED-430 r 14 653013124 000109414E04720526563344 26.16633 -80.2845 1275 READ 3241 10157AVE NW 650 Request Fulfilled 2911-07-2512:3226,000 WEDd30 15 658013125 000109414004726526503345 26.16632 -80.2346GPSREAD 3260 1015TAVE NW 65R Request Fulfilled 2011-07-2512:31544.000 WED-430 r 16 65R013126 000109414164720526503346 26.16654 -30.2845 GPS READ 3 3 3 2 2 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 1 OA Par ¢om1 np When the delivery of your containers has been completed, you will have at your disposal a customized website with every container currently in service, where the containers are located, and a detailed listing of any inventory on hand utilizing our C.A.R.T.S. software. You can then integrate the work order cart maintenance system or collection data tracking program that is directly tied to C.A.RT.S. You will be able to track calls for maintenance and repair, deliver containers to new residents, see what size container a resident is using, track collection data, electronically report non compliance notices and provide all interested parties a detailed maintenance report when ever requested. It will be at the discretion of the city as to how we would perform the roll out program (IE: by collection routes or zones). In either case, Rehrig Pacific will utilize its internal crews. Each crew will consist of 1 truck, I trailer and 3-4 employees. We will also have our A&D manager (Carey Barker) and Project Manager (Jarrett Carroll) on site during all deliveries to correspond with as needed. Crews will work a 6 day work week to stay on task with the A&D delivery schedule that is created. Rehrig Pacific will employ local personnel to help in the assembly of containers if needed. The total number of containers delivered each day depends on the density of the delivery area and the proximity of the staging area(s) to the actual deliveries. We have provided an example of what the A&D/Productionllmplementation of this program will look like in our proposal. As stated above, detailed alphabetized electronic lists of street addresses and reaps of the area are mandatory to ensure an accurate and timely roll out at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the program. This list should include street direction, street number, street addresses, the number of carts to be delivered, and the specific size of cart each resident should receive. A template for an acceptable address list will be provided during the planning phase of the program. All Rehrig Pacific Company personnel are thoroughly trained in cart assembly and distribution and are required to adhere to the safety program administered by Rehrig Pacific Company. Rehrig Pacific Company is a licensed, bonded and insured company. Asset Tracking with C.A.R.T.S Rehrig Pacific's C.A.R.T.S. system is set up specifically to manage all cart movement and repairs for the city of Deerfield Beach in an effort to always maintain an accurate account database and inventory levels in order to ultimately provide accurate collection data reporting. The system is designed to rnonitor all aspects of a container program including container deliveries, repairs, replacements/exchanges, RFID tag checks, work order and inventory tracking and the tracking of lost or stolen containers. If there is no system in place to automatically and electronically track assets and update cart movements on a daily basis, it is possible that the address/account database could become inaccurate over time. If there is any lapse in time from when a cart moves between different houses and accurate RFID tag and address association is not provided to the end user on a regular basis, you run the risk of inaccurate data capture with the RFID truck systems. Our customers have found that, in using this system, they now have an invaluable tool that allows them to focus on their core business of collection and eliminates the costly mismanagement of a container program. In addition, C.A.R.T.S. will provide several cost saving benefits that will allow the city to take control of its assets, save on administrative costs, and automate the work order and inventory tracking process efficiently. Container Asset Recovery Tracking System {GA. R. T.S) Rehrig Pacific's Environmental Services Group focuses 100% of its time on developing multiple service offerings for our customers in an effort to add value to their operations. The foundation for most of the services that we provide stems from our sophisticated Container Asset Recovery Tracking System (C.A.R.T.S.), which can be customized towards the specific needs and requirements of the city of Deerfield Beach. Over the past four and a A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 13 cbrijg ,1arific qompaf half years Rehrig Pacific has used the C.A.R.T.S. system to implement over 75 customer specific programs for our customers. Rehrig Pacific's C.A.R.T.S. system is a Web based software that is flexible and can integrate with existing legacy systems providing total asset and data management for multiple service offerings, including: • Cart Maintenance: CA.R.T.S. is a complete maintenance work order system that tracks container inventories (at multiple locations), repairs, and work flow at each household address and it will allow the city to maintain an accurate cart database with complete visibility to better control their assets and provide the foundation for tracking collection data in the future. • Delivery & Inventory Management: track the progress of container shipments and manage inventory levels at your multiple hauling operations, providing inventory visibility to multiple users within a specific region. • Container Distribution: record container deliveries in real time by using handheld scanners that run the C.A.R.T.S. software. • Monitor Container Distribution Progress: generate daily distribution reports that include household address, container serial #, RFID tag #, type, size, date and time of delivery. • Route Auditing: take better control of your assets and build an accurate billing database by utilizing the C.A.R.T.S. system. This will allow the city to start re -cooping lost revenues by identifying non paying accounts and retrieving lost and stolen carts. • Collection Data Tracking Services: integrate RFID technology and data collection equipment on trucks to accurately track container collection data/service verification and manage the data in C.A.R.T.S. with various reports available online to the city. Reports can be generated from the C.A.R.T.S. database to provide specific reports for your operation. Examples of some reports are shown throughout this proposal that would satisfy the city of Deerfield Beach requirements. More detailed information or a hands on webinar session regarding CA.R.T.S. can be made available upon request. a�a RPL Rehrig Penn i-ogistir..r;- 3.1ss Hamc. got Inventory . Werfc..order-.Reoaias:.,tu t ic+.eee:,. r n:A il..tlmst• . ... ... Casten -Mine 44554 rU' 7.. "Q. k`f-,` c s ri•-u'..�, i5;i _wr..'.:J,^.:%i.titx 2f F. ice- ..._ r. <i t r manual Work Orders raid a wocic order. Eater Addres.� Street Number: streetName: City. . States ; find Page: Cancel or r LLtSeleci Select Service *umber I A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 14 3;ehrij ,Pacific trompanp C.A.R.T.S. is the centerpiece for your entire operations and can effectively and efficiently manage all items of a successful program. As&imbly Distribution via CARTS Cart Maintenance Tracking in C.A.R. T.S. Rehrig Pacific is equipped to set up and manage a cart maintenance program for the city of Deerfield Beach. Cart maintenance is somewhat a misnomer, as maintenance services are rarely needed for new carts. Instead, cart maintenance is utilized for the following services: deliver containers to residents; repair and maintain all plastic containers in the service area - regardless of manufacturer; manage replacements of containers and RFID tags; maintain a customer service database that tracks work order data (using C.A.R.T.S); track lost or stolen A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 15 Idhrig ,)acifrt ((oqanv containers; and lastly handle customer requests for new or additional service, termination, size change out, repair, etc. Our customers have found cart maintenance programs invaluable as it allows them to focus on their core business and not be burdened with the daily struggles of container management. Information included in this document is for the city to enter their own work orders through a secure and custom city of Deerfield Beach C.A.R.T.S. portal via the web (or through a simple export work order integration from the current Legacy System) and perform their own internal cart maintenance using the Rehrig Pacific provided hand held devices with C.A.R.T.S. Rehrig Pacific will provide all necessary training on C.A.R.T.S. C.A.R.T.S. provides users with a real time snapshot of cart inventory at all locations in their supply chain. Using C.A.R.T.S. to manage work orders and inventory does not require our customers to change any of their current billing systems or customer service databases; it just provides an opportunity to eliminate some of the administrative work associated with cart maintenance including printing ofpaper work order tickets that get lost or never make it to completion. This tracking system is designed to accurately automate the process of transmitting work orders, provide real time visibility, and detailed reports as it relates specifically to your cart maintenance program using our web based C A.R.T.S. platform and barcode hand held devices running the C.A.R.T.S. software. C.A.R.T.S. Standard Operating Procedure Resident phone calls for cart maintenance will be fielded by city customer service personnel. Rehrig's web based C.A.R.T.S. program is the most efficient and accurate means of transferring the information received from the resident phone call to creating andcompleting the work order in the field, The city of Deerfield Beach will enter work orders directly into Rehrig's web -based C.A.R.T.S. system through the custom city portal or set up an export file from the current Legacy System into C.A.R.T.S. The maintenance crew can view all open work orders in the C.A.R.T.S. system and generate a route report from C.A.R.T.S. to fulfill all work order requests within the required time frame using the hand held device with C.A.R.T.S. software eliminating the need for paper tickets. Once they reach the residence and complete the work, the information will be recorded in the hand held and automatically synced into C.A.R.T.S. at the end of the work day when the hand held is docked. The city will then have daily access to view all work order reports in the C.A.R.T.S. system and work that has been performed. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 16 C.A.R.T.S Standard Work Order Flow Work Order Flow Customer Fields Service Call and Creates Service Request .I. i5fi621'I�VbDYJDd/o' !ILttl.d •?4 ir405401-' ZrI1 risottoi 11%1•�•JASI. •i1J21(mi11 i i '• • Work Order Data Completed Request Confirmation of Work Completed , yy.1w+'>M.. ]�4D* a^`T"� L•2 ,�5/ ... SOIL. Anott • .r fur twre �R am' .. �F Yrs op35aoaYCvirn om" t! ... y foor r Curren ndsr.ss - 123W. ow% 8t Now lobo. 6L$bAodoo. d,.b* robs, o.riorm.d ow :Mead by CH REVIEW: i]-tMyeoeo Mat EDIT FINISH C.A.R.T.S. Reporting By utilizing C.A.RT.S., designated city personnel will have web access to view all of the work orders that have been submitted and completed for each program. Reports can be generated for any type of work function, and are available online, in a PDF format, or Excel Export Format., Customized reports can be developed based on the exact needs of the city and will be quoted separately based on the scope of work. Cart Inventories C.A.R.T.S. has the capability of managing the city's cart inventory levels — by cart size and by location, as indicated in the following summary report. A detailed inventory of all carts at the current yard would be created on day one of the program and electronically tracked using C.A.R.T.S. in the future as to where carts were located, what carts were in inventory and what carts are under warranty. Both detailed and summary level views are available in the Inventory reports as previously mentioned. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 17 Sample Inventory Summary Report: Location Type Item Type Distribution MuFFG Plant 35 Gallon Recyc►e Can 35 Gin Recycle Cart 35 Gallon Recycle Cart 35 Gallon Recycle Cart 65 Gallon Recycle Cart 65 Gallon Recycle Cart 65 Gallon Recycle Cart 65 Gallon Recycle Cart. 95 Gallon Recycle Cart $5 Galion Recycle Cart 95 Galion Recycle Cert 35 Galion Recycle Cert 65 Gallon Garbage Cart 65 Gaon Recycle Cart 95 Galion Recycle Cart Multi Ferny Home 35 Gallon Recycle Cart 65 Galion Recycle Cart 95 Gallon Recycle Cart Single Family tip 35 Galion Recycle Car. 65 Galion Recycles Cart 95 Galion Recycle Can Inventory Summary 2260008 329 PM Status Quantity At Residence In Stock In Transit Newly Manufactured At Residence In Stack In Transit Newly Manufactured At Residence in Stack In Transit Location Type Subtotal: Newly Manufactured Newly Manufactured Newly Manufecturedd Newry Manufactured Location Type Subtotal: At Residence At Residence At Resider e Location Type Subtotal: At Residence At Residence At Reskterve 0 12,05.8 1 0 51,174 1,268 0 0 4,888 0 59,409 4,854 3,3603 5,125 11 13,350 614 5,767 739 7,120 6,470 73,003 15,536 Location Type Subtotal: 95,011 Report Total: 184,890 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 18 Sample Work Order Reports: RPL Rehrig Perin:..> YtlE19 E2016C XX CFLYQAFAHTS13L 7.a60d Ll. 71563 5 15 ENT 3SiKM) AY 1AKI= RC 'J7I 674661e EMI nEML5srn0b?UNTt1 U4Im4 FL ' Y10D3 5299»3 OM inn MU ST LLIII+Ad FL ' 39899 EZW Re SU06ET A4 1g4•1.1 Ft ' 73001 E2P.1T 4646NOCll'FEFt Watald Ft ' Mil P0461 EZ62a 4W11S4OP✓tLWCT 1419a4 Fr ' =3 SASSO EM K 60131CIDGEV000CR L1k41.d FL ' 3:70 5330950 EWA 3615 PF K T:LP Lattice fl ' 3310 5M226 £.S9M $307 ALAWIACFIN . MUM FL ' =OS COSZI F2ACs( Ste mate4ECr Weird Ft ' 7Jfes 531Vd FM ra C46061 4 LN11.d fl ' 6)60 EOM E3 06: 4261ALTOR LablRd fl r 33106 06167 LV66 stu WOO AV L4 s1rd FL • nos SIM 'it4C ER. 11€1 M/AYI.P LFMxd 0}. ' 39F65 54CM66 MCA 1172 NnNEYTLIZEwv Ls41nd FI. • 53J81 06r.830 EZc1T 383 t M W1U8O FL • no Mei E26TF liV FRISTAPAFECR UMW Ft r .33PDI RPL 1.1Dik Order Closed Report PadtOC City of Lakeland Rolla b2961 tirtnrn fl.520.1 warm owe M.9l�il tam wbmn Man tnrag WPM 'man trAla1n Stvtaat3 112200f Nov Gin railml4Cs5 f7i 16167 PiR6+lae5NUr Sz19w ENO sale Gdl DeheletlCan i5G0= R.piorwchafint F4NiedCal NNCsr NIFi+rrdCn N11C0t OdromiC-+r N8Ca, DeereniCre IarCrr OrWted Csr NxCal DeivsdGrt mtv t DAveedCar NwC.I pdmndLra Fin Cal DeNnedCR Mgr CM DOM,6121 MODS DMtlte4C4rt limo Cr De9rtrl4Grt NnCom 01FmtdGA Pigs Car Deirled CM FArCen D1latedCart Ct6aasi MOW 95E0:6141 Matt6it9 D:am SSg10cXs MOW *OM team tolea 060679401112617516148 'J6Ei.51Ci1MRDi IMIN Kmost01Mt117i101.216 60010 tm mN7P.6K31 eemicenimesm sege4G18170inemi coomateetweoal p1. 1C41NCORd,@Ft:D I0301C 710:0F755DHC 6011031Coeite M3CCOF OaaCaCLnor/wen etiMIS C IKCI SALSA (061761GItiotteEA6hDF 0D7DSCGHr1GD17360@1f a5Ee11C4MDa7SAN:A oww cmdaoustagr mateiroalyzna 8$51612 aritallgtGrelk 6SEOf 5F /0`9$CC414(29479D,' cjal R PI IL ■...ie. Rory 0 Address 1030 41 C..4PPERTON AVE C.mmeeret W.d,atar R.w..t In.trw6ans 1031 03 ELM AYE Comma.=C Ws.5 .der Ret7,.rmt lbmiremon. 1033 47 GLOww7a1070.4 AVE 1=woment Wnrlmoviw Rawest k sh>rdmrrt: 1034 40 CLAMS/07ON AVE c 1rt Waterer RprwrtM ertg000,6 1030 51 3.APPERTON AVE C.Rmammt W4.•Aadr Rego .t5deluMiOra 1030 C«.rn6nt C$E4APEAKE AVE 10100,0,0 rRewda+ fradmoSone 1038 11 C1423APE$90AVE Commor0: 14vtrom r R.gy.w lmrm...4 n4 27100215 143 SILLS I4ILL PR Cog* 2721014 00 Yt7URMALINE fXL Co ..at. r gr 212.300 03 BAYaRC+OK GAO= comment; TEST 3730406 rga mm ent: 273IR22 Comment 3731^270 Comment 06 AF.'G24YAN CRES TOOT 6 ROM/.0 PR TEST 200 DOURCGLE/TP RP TEST 7/39007 00 RAPERS/RCM PR C.men.st TEST 2737160 40 ORDJ00L1RN DR Piet.,. R.g4.0Ty11.s" C10e't Phase* Wo.k o..b.>• 3e1 522000 0:30 Am PEMs item 50J-23 e6R 06J-d3 60R 86Ja2 MP 06J.39 D0R 55423 65R 55J-23 05R 55.167.9 0511 930141 09R 006623 07%F33 57341 024621 606411 03431 53YF12 Minna Requested PAcktkMal Eresa LarVo d00Ulee+89G6oMEA. Eti Dirgt Swap to 501/*'0IILItoI/•18GYaorL,En b.17o 9MSwop b Ia.'gen40143.000C tbrVCera... 8b. %so S• ssp to Erb. Gerpe13801.ited95 7eteeJGs6.¢o Site Sway to SmdMMIUDed25DaMMA9kre Bin Siee Seep toM, 4 1120LAorf,L5Caaa.9Lm t3i+ s . 5..dv a eima Lamar 300LiWW03GsbNOWe R"+m Adc08e.W L.ry.240L9e0060dbc/C3ed.s0e e3n Wh.el ReP.iru Rwaleeerrent Venn RePsir a RWI06aam1d 558 ModaMOMtt Raper or Raenowt n. *DR 0.rpy5endle Rome a Replacement VYh.W Ropers, R.p1.0.m.rd Whom Repair a R.Pe.oemwr4 tid RePoe o1R05401nrer0 odt. itenueWass 0704/2005 Due Dal. 0.t12008 02164,2008 02/11/2008 07/04020013 03'911900 07/00,2305 02/11 miss O 2D.r'008 07Je1+2005 D770e12000 1727112008 02/04/3008 0311e2008 875.412008 0725/2008 03/712008 03/172000 D31112000 o 3I112008 09/11/203B 03172009 03/17/2008 09,17.2005 03/110308 09017=09 Mil 112008 03/172008 03112008 03R72108 page 263 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 19 1111266110110061 Deerfield Beach Production/Implementation Plan Your program will have its carts produced out of our Atlanta, GA plant (see included map detailing cart sites) in the fall of 2012. For example purposes, we chose October 1st as the start date for collection to describe our A&D/Production process. In this scenario production would start on September 5th, 2012 through September 22nd, 2012 seven days a week. This production will result in roughly 1,000 carts per day being produced over a 18 day period of time. These carts will need to be staged in multiple City provided paved staging yards to allow for our internal A & D crews to have sufficient work space to perform the program. Crews will start their set out on September 7th, 2012, This scenario would have cart production completed on September 22nd which would allow the appropriate amount of time (6 days) to still meet our production and delivery requirements in the event we experience machine downtime. In addition to our nearby cart producing plant in Atlanta, GA we have additional molds in our Erie, PA plant, Desoto, KS plant, Kenosha, WI plant as well as our Los Angeles, CA plant as back up if needed. September 2012 Set Out Plan • 6 day work week allows for 20 total work days -- Monday — Saturday — 9-7-12 through 9-29-12 • 20 day roll out with 18 days of delivery and 2 days of clean up • Deliver approximately 1,000 carts per day • Utilize 2 internal Rehrig Crews using electronic handhelds — 3 people per truck, 2 trucks/trailers, 2-3 yard personnel, 1 on site supervisor, 1 project manager • Route Audit being performed during delivery process, resulting in increased revenue potential for the City of Deerfield Beach (see included proposal) • GPS Capture during delivery process at point of collection Onsite A&D. manager (Rehrig Employee Carey Barker) & Dedicated Project Manager (Rehrig Employee Jarrett Carroll) • Rehrig Pacific owned trucks, trailers and hand held equipment for A&D crews • A&D Checklist Kickoff Meeting — August 1st with weekly reviews until startup • Final Address List Received from City — August 8th • Onsite unloading of trailers beginning on September 7th continuing through the end of program. This includes unloading, assembling, attaching literature and delivering carts Monday through Saturday 7AM to 7PM by Rehrig Pacific INTERNAL crews. • A&D On Site Kick Off Meeting — September 7th • A&D starts on September 7th and will continue through September 27th averaging 1,000 carts per day. • The final two days (September 28th — 29th) will be set aside as clean up days in which we will leave the staging areas as we found them, debris free. We will also take this time to move any excess carts on the various staging areas to a central site as agreed upon by the City of Deerfield Beach and Rehrig Pacific. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 20 teh63 YaciPc (Vamp • Rehrig Pacific will require the following from the City of Deerfield Beach to perform the A&D. These items are covered in detail during the A&D checklist review but include: - staging yards - minimum 2 staging yards, paved and flat that are positioned in close proximity to the more populated areas. - detailed maps — overview city map and individual route maps - address list that includes specific route information for each address Daily delivery reports from CARTS to verify progress during delivery (see included proposal for detailed information) A&D/Production Plan NOTES The detailed implementation production/delivery calendars to follow are only one example of what Rehrig Pacific can offer to the City of Deerfield Beach. We have taken into account the City's request to start delivery in the fall of 2012 and arbitrarily picked October 1st as the start date for collection therefore we have planned delivery for the month of September 2012. The City of Deerfield Beach would be required to provide Rehrig with adequate staging yards. • Having the industry's largest cart production capacity and the flexibility of having INTERNAL A&D crews, Rehrig Pacific can sit down with the city and further discuss other delivery plans if required/needed. One option would be to have a rolling start where a set amount of carts are delivered one week and then the contractor starts collection on those carts the following week. This pattern then continues until all carts are delivered. The reason that some customers choose this option is to not have the carts on the street anywhere from 1-3 weeks before their actual collection. Ultimately this is up to the City to decide how they choose to move forward and then the cart company can work within these guidelines. • The A&D/Production schedule that the City of Deerfield Beach ultimately chooses will depend on a number of factors (timing expected/requested, ability to pick up new carts, etc), therefore Rehrig Pacific aims to sit down and further discuss a more detailed plan with the City of Deerfield Beach to make sure that all parties involved are in agreement of the best plan. • On the following calendars we have put together a detailed plan that we think would be in the best interest of the City and its residents. Contingency Plan Additional Rehrig Molds/Machines Available to Support Any Unexpected Delays or Last -Minute Changes in Erie, PA, Desoto, KS, Kenosha, WI and Los Angeles, CA In the event that inclement weather slows our crews down considerably from our average, we would request the use of Sunday as a set out day. This could result in an additional 4,000 units being put out on Sunday's alone. We also have access to more vehicles and manpower to increase daily output as needed during the set out. Each additional truck would add approximately 500 homes per day. While reviewing our production and assembly and distribution (A&D) plan please note that we will be using our own in house A&D crews to insure accurate and timely communication is occurring between our plant, our A&D crews, and you the customer. Each day automated computer generated reports will be sent to you as opposed to waiting until the end of the program to get your updated address list as some cart companies do. While our process may take longer to perform up front (A&D checklist, address scrubbing, detailed planning), it makes that up in the accuracy (less hurnan error potential due to lack of writing down serial numbers and later manually entering them into a spreadsheet) of the database we deliver every day and specifically at the end of the program. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 21 Sunday Monday.] -, Tuesday ugust 2012 W dnesday - 1 A&D Checklist Kick Off Meeting Thursdap 2 Friday. , 3 A&D Checklist Review Meeting I� Saturday y Notes: The ADD Checklist will create the roles and responsibIlites of each party involved in the program (Rehrig Pacific & the City of Deerfield Beach}. It will be vital to have weeldy reviews and updates of the checklist. This can be done either in person or via phone for the weekly reviews. This includes items for IML, Address List, A&D. - ] L ar w �" i f4 so-S 1, r° .r l .sst2 ' � .,x 1 + a.. r 6 - . 7 8 Final Address fist Due from City 9 10 �'! A&D Checklist Review Meeting 1 y r jI �' , k f r:: ,.c�,4y,; '� 13 14 15 16 17 Review Meeting, r �.1 yyl�f ?'lam 1 • k ry� 20 r7 2 £` 22 23 24 Review Meeting nr L I w ''" '27 "; - 1 28 2? 30 31 In Person Final A&D Checklist Review Meeting ' r r s 1 • Kf^' G Y a Sunday r* ysA y a Sr~�atmber2412, e 4¢-Em'".t ,C' t++ 1 f{Z 4 V) Y } .}•}i l+� Z }- KS a Tue+day ?4, .. k wrdriesdny ihursdop Fridny 4 �irturday Total Cods Produced & Delivered Week Ending `:�1tondny, ,, .. , , P = Produced A&D = Deliver s '; i t s 3 4 5 P = 1,000 6 P =1,000 7 A&D STARTS In Person Meeting P = 1,000 A&D=1,000 8 k A •r ' ` ,�G"006 �r= s 1`kD.1C109 ai Produced ■ 4,000 Delivered • 2,000 •M 51a sz� 1' 1,000. ; :. t 10 P = 1,004 A&D = 1,000 11 P = 1,000 ik&D = 1,000 12 P =1,Q40 A&D = 1,000 13 P = 1,000 A&D = 1,600 14 P =1.000 &D = 1,605 ✓ {d 14" ABET i D00 t Produced-11,000 Delivered = 2000 , ,, ' '' _ -17 a. = r P = 1,000 A.3 D = 1,000 12 P = 1,000 A&D = 1,000 19 P =1 000 a.&D = 1,000 20 P =1,000 A&D = 1,000 21 P =1,000 A&D =1,000 s E 1 b00 'Y ;4&D 1 600 Produced = 18,000 Delivered = 14,000 rehRr;q ,' '' 24 ADD =1,0p0 25 A&D =1,000 26 A&D =1.660 27 Q.&D=1000 22Y, Ciedn Up ti f pCleon 1Jp4 L� �r L = Produced = 18,000 Delivered = 18,000 _ _.,.,,; r , Y ] 1, October 1 Cafleclion Starts 2 3 4 5 .,v ,•, ` , L f za. ..sC�.-:J_7 Produced = 12,000 Delivered = 18,000 Qualifications and Resumes (Tab 3) — 3.6.4 Welcome to Rehrig Pacific! American owned and operated since 1913. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to submit the attached proposal in response to the RFP for recycle carts and associated software. Rehrig Pacific has thoroughly read and understands the requests made by the city of Deerfield Beach in your specifications. It is our understanding that Rehrig Pacific, if awarded the business, will provide a complete package of offerings to the city. The offerings will consist of, but not be limited to, manufacturing an estimated 18,000 rollout carts consisting of multiple sizes, the assembly and distribution of all containers to each resident in the city and also providing an asset management solution to maintain the integrity of the database of what cart is at what home. Rehrig Pacific separates ourselves from the competition by following our motto, "A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION". Rehrig Pacific has been supplying the refuse/recycle industry with carts since 1992 with great success. We would be honored to have the opportunity to provide the city with carts for your automated recycling collection program. As requested, in our packet you will find our proposal to manufacture, assemble, distribute and associate each container to a specific address. Rehrig Pacific Company has been integrating RFID and Bar Code technology into our rollout carts for over 4.5 years. To date we have produced nearly 2.8 mullion carts with RFID and bar code capabilities to track assets and collect useful data. Rehrig Pacific has a successful, proven track record of providing containers to a wide array of markets and more specifically to many large and small cities (please see reference lists) providing many benefits to each program. We took forward to the opportunity to meet in person and further discuss our offering and answer any questions the city may have after review of our proposal. Below we have highlighted a few of these benefits that we believe should be considered heavily in your evaluation: • Cart Specifications & Experience — Rehrig Pacific's roll out carts are made using the injection molding process with the highest level of plastic resin attainable. Our experience in this process and superior engineering of our container has enabled us to lead the industry and create true partnerships with our customers. While other companies have scaled back the amount of plastic in their containers to try and save costs, Rehrig Pacific has kept the same resin weight and plastic input into our carts from the beginning. We choose to become more efficient in our production process and design rather than sacrifice the integrity of the container with less plastic. This is more than likely the reason Rehrig Pacific's warranty failure rate is less than one half of one percent. By continually providing the most durable product in the industry we will always stand behind our 10 year warranty. As a testament to our commitment to quality, our customers can attest that we have the best warranty policy in the industry with a true non pro -rated, one for one warranty. • On -time implementation of your program - Program delays are costly and create logistical headaches for residents and the municipality. Our production capacity and internal A&.D crews allow for on -time implementation. • Assembly and Distribution - Rehrig Pacific is the only proven cart manufacturer that has internal Assembly and Distribution (A&D) crews. Therefore, the city can feel confident that bonded and insured Rehrig Pacific employees (not sub -contractors) are overseeing production and delivery directly to the home using company owned equipment. This critical aspect of the program allows us to manage the production and delivery of your 18,000 containers to the residents of the city of Deerfield Beach. Being the only company that has successfully offered this internally for more than a year allows us to guarantee an on time start up to your program. (Detailed overview of Rehrig's internal A&D offerings to follow) 23 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION • Environmental Services Group - As a leader in cart manufacturing, Rehrig Pacific knows the importance of being able to offer more than just a reliable cart. Leading the industry in environmental services and asset management is Rehrig Pacific's own Environmental Services Group. We have a complete in-house services and IT group that can offer unique RFID integration for tracking assets throughout the Country. With nearly 2.8 million RFID enabled carts in the field, Rehrig Pacific by far leads the industry in this technology. Assembly and Distribution handled by Rehrig's own A&D employees and real time A&D results through handheld scanners complement our production process and enable efficient and accurate monitoring of the delivery of a specific cart to a specific house. We incorporate barcode integration technology on all our carts allowing for both household address and RFID tag association for future customer use with Rehrig's own cart maintenance, asset, and data tracking management system. (Detailed overview of Rehrig's Environmental Services Group to follow) • References — With an unlimited amount of outstanding references, we ask that you reach out to other municipalities that have chosen to partner with Rehrig Pacific to hear first hand of their experiences. As an example, we work with the largest municipal cart operation in the United States, the city of Los Angeles. The city of Los Angeles has tried every cart company available. After extensive research and years of experience in automated cart based collection they have chosen Rehrig Pacific as their exclusive partner. Locally we have partnered with the City of Hollywood, Coconut Creek, North Miami, Miami Dade County, Sunrise, Miramar, Ft. Lauderdale, Solid Waste Authority and many others in South Florida and Broward County. • Financial stability of the cart provider - Rehrig Pacific Company is a 4th generation, privately held company that has been in business since 1913. We are proud to say that we are extremely financially stable and in a perfect position to serve a long-term contract. Our credit rating is excellent and our customers and suppliers would attest to our track record. We have annual sales exceeding 300 million dollars and have achieved a 20-year compounded real growth rate exceeding fifteen percent, This coupled with a debt to equity ratio of (<1: I) has placed the company in an envious financial position. If Rehrig Pacific is chosen as the awarded vendor for the city of Deerfield Beach's project you can feel comfortable that you will have partnered with a financially stable company for many years to come. • Leadership in Plastic Processing:. Since starting in plastic processing in the late 1960s, Rehrig Pacific has successfully supplied plastic containers to numerous industries. Our design and plastic processing expertise have been instrumental in our ability to produce a quality product. If Rehrig Pacific is chosen as your supplier for this project, we are committed to providing that same quality product and service that our customers within the industry have become accustomed to receiving. • Leadership in the Cart and Recycling Bin Industry: Since our first manufactured recycling bins in 1987 and roll -out carts in 1992, Rehrig Pacific has grown to be a leader in both industries in terms of capacity and number of customers and volumes supplied. Therefore, if chosen as the city of Deerfield Beach's cart supplier, Rehrig Pacific has the capacity to handle an order of this magnitude. In addition, Rehrig Pacific does not have a sole source contract with a national hauler and therefore does not have contractual production obligations to these companies. (1E: More flexibility and capacity for large implementations.) 24 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ,I tjiri¢ 4"orpa7tp, • Production Capacity — Rehrig Pacific has the largest production capacity in the industry and all carts are made in the USA. This allows us to effectively guarantee the production of your 18,000 carts in a timely manner. We have eleven (11) cart producing machines, 5 cart producing manufacturing facilities and (13) cart producing molds. This capacity gives us the ability to produce in excess of 250,000 carts per month. With having the closest cart manufacturing plant to Deerfield Beach in Lawrenceville, GA we will be able to respond to any need of the city in a timely fashion. • Sustainability / Green Initiative- In an effort to close the loop on recycling and show our commitment and partnership to the city of Deerfield Beach, Rehrig Pacific would explore a unique opportunity where we will put material that is collected within Deerfield Beach's city limits directly back into the production of your new recycle carts. We have partnered with other communities on this initiative and we feel that it makes for a great close the loop story and shows the commitment Rehrig has to the city's program. Rehrig Pacific would consider working with the local processor to purchase Natural HDPE from their processing facility to use in the production of Deerfield Beach's carts if awarded the contract, effectively and truly "closing the loop" on recycling. With the help of the city of Deerfield Beach we would procure the correct material to use in the production of carts. By extending beyond the normal relationship of selling and buying carts, Rehrig Pacific is looking to implement a long term partnership with the city of Deerfield Beach. Along with this, Rehrig also offers the following green solutions: o Container buy back program o Utilize recycled content in all our Containers o Energy Star partner o Regional Manufacturing creating the shortest freight lanes which minimizes our carbon footprint If Rehrig Pacific is fortunate enough to be awarded the city of Deerfield Beach's recycle contract we will be. committed to helping Deerfield Beach institute a first class program. We intend to do more than just provide you with the industry's most durable container. We aim to use our experience to help the city create and develop a custom tailored program that will meet your needs for a successful start in the fall of 2012. I have made every attempt to include all the necessary information requested for this proposal. However, if you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (813)431-9094. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY Wawa Dennison Environmental Sales Representative 25 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Key Employees Resume and Background Information As an American -owned and operated company with clearly the industry's most complete package, Rehrig Pacific has the infrastructure and experience already in place to provide a comfort level of exceptional service to the city of Deerfield Beach for years to come.. Dedicated personnel authorized to make representations for this project: Maura Dennison Rob Eck Dan Lynch Sales Representative South Region Environmental Southern Region 7452 Presidents Dr Services Manager. Sates Manager Orlando, FL 32809 7452 Presidents Drive 1000 Raco Court 813-431-9094 Ce11 Orlando, FL 32809 Lawrenceville, GA 30045 mdennison((4RehrioPacific.com 407-857-3888 Office 800-241-9693 Office 352-461-3788 Cell 614-327-8670 Cell REcknu,RehrigPacific.com 770-339-4840 Fax DLvnch(u?,Rehri gP acific.com Donna Lee -Tisdale Lisa Perkins Customer Service Manager Municipal Contract Manager 1000 Raco Court 1738 West 20th Street Lawrenceville, GA 30045 ..... Erie, PA 16502...... -.....•..:. _..... • 800-241-9693 Office 603-397-5506 Office 770-339-4840 Fax 814-455-3997 Fax DLee(RebrigPacific.com LPerkins@RehrigPacific.com Maura Dennison Environmental Sales Representative Orlando, FL I've been with Rehrig Pacific Company since July of 2010 where I spent my first three months in the training program. During my training I learned the injection molding process and I was able to experience many things from working in the manufacturing facilities, shadowing sales representatives, and working with our environmental services group. In October 2010, I took over as the local environmental sales representative for the state of Florida. I have an office in our centrally located Orlando plant and live nearby Brandon. By focusing my efforts on the state of Florida, I am able to provide superior customer service and act as a resource to our many customers. I work on a daily basis with both residential and commercial refuse and recycling programs for private haulers and municipalities. It is my responsibility to inform customers on innovative programs such as single stream recycling, RFID integration, cart maintenance, incentive based recycling and overall product knowledge and information. Since taking over the territory I have managed several cart roll out programs including 140,000 garbage carts for Polk County, FL, 5,000 carts for the City of West Park, FL and most recently earned 34,000 garbage carts for another city in South FL. 26 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION kilt Y rifts Qomtan If I am given the opportunity to provide carts for the City of Deerfield Beach, I can assure you that I will be fully involved in the project for the entirety of the contract in not only the manufacturing of the carts but also delivery and post program follow up. I am a graduate of Maryville University in St. Louis, MO with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and I come to you with over 12 years of manufacturing sales experience. Rob Eck Environmental Services Manager Eastern United States I've been with Rehrig Pacific Company since June of 2008 where I started as the Florida Environmental Sales Representative. During my two years as the local representative I had an integral roll in establishing our relationships with customers throughout Florida. Ihave taken the lead during many complicated container management and new contract start ups for both private and municipal customers alike including deliveries as small as 5,000 containers to programs with over 140,000 containers. In November 2010, I assumed my current role of the Environmental Services Manager for the East Region under our Environmental Services Group. My responsibilities at Rehrig and my hands on experience both during my time at Rehrig and before provide a solid foundation for my current role. In this role, I support Rehrig's sales force as they promote, implement, and expand the company's service offerings. I work with customers and prospects in the refuse and recycling industry on a wide array of programs including cart maintenance, RFID integration, Incentive Based Recycling Programs, container retrofits and the on -going development of our custom C.A.R.T.S. software which is used to track assets, manage work orders and track collections using RFID technology. I am a graduate of Wake Forest University with a Bachelor of Science in Business with Cum Linde honors in 2003. Dan Lynch South Region Sales Manager Atlanta, GA I started my career with Rehrig Pacific as a Sales Representative for the Southeast in 1991. I was fortunate to be with the company when we first launched our cart line in Atlanta, GA. in 1992. While covering the SE market over the next 5 years, I was instrumental in selling 11,000 carts to the city of Orlando for a pilot program to determine feasibility of automated collection service. During this time, I became very familiar with dual stream recycling programs as my region would continually provide more than 100,000 recycling bins on a yearly basis. In 1996, I was transferred to our Dallas, TX facility to become the Sales Manager for our Central Region. At that time, I was charged with growing a region that had limited experience with the cart line as well as expanding the Sales force to more properly reflect our dedication to that region. By listening to our customer's requirements and our ability to bring new and innovative products to market, our region was able to double our sates revenue over the next 5 years. • In 2001, I was transferred back to our Atlanta, GA facility to become the Sales Manager for our South Region. My coverage area includes 16 states that are managed by 5 local sales representatives and a Customer Service A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 27 Mit Ye & QToa134133t! Manager. My goal is to provide our customers with the most knowledgeable sales representatives in the industry who can be looked to for solutions to your day to day challenges. Most recently this has required the ability to demonstrate the benefits of moving from dual stream recycling collection programs to a single stream system that utilizes wheelable recycling carts. While I hope this brief bio of me is helpful, I believe Rehrig Pacific's value is not in one or two people, but our collective group of managers and sales representatives. By focusing our efforts on providing the highest level of customer service and the most durable containers in the industry, we will be in a position to continue developing partnerships with our customers that will allow us continued growth in this dynamic industry. Donna Lee -Tisdale Customer Service Manager Atlanta, GA I started with the Rehrig Pacific Company in January 2001 as a temporary employee in the Atlanta facility after leaving a job as Project Coordinator with a telecommunications company. Although my plan to work with Rehrig Pacific was temporary, I was offered a full time position as the Lawrenceville Division receptionist. My responsibilities included answering the switchboard, database programming for the telephone system, sales order entry, producing work orders for production, processing credit applications and general customer service for sales and office staff. While learning the business, operating systems and administrative procedures, I was able to enhance my communication and organizational skills. I was later offered a position in Accounts Payable, where I was responsible for payment of all expenses incurred by the Atlanta facility, sales personnel and freight tracking. In zny current position, Environmental Customer Service Manager, I am responsible for supporting sales representatives in seven (7) territories. I receive all sales orders for review and submission to operations for production, provide price quotes, mail brochures and samples for prospect inquiries, and cover while sales reps are traveling or on vacation. I act as theliaison for sales and operations departments to enhance the ordering process. Carey Barker National A&D Manager Atlanta, GA Our Manager of Assembly and Distribution is Carey Barker. Carey has over 13 years of experience managing assembly and distribution programs. With over 4 million containers assembled and delivered to date, Carey and his team have the experience required to complete large-scale implementations in an efficient, timely and professional manner. Customer satisfaction and on -time program implementation are paramount to a program's acceptance and ultimate success. Our decision to integrate this crucial service piece into our business and the use of experienced, well trained employees will ensure a safe and timely roll out. Prior to his employment at Rehrig Pacific Company, Carey was a Supervisor for Waste Management in Alabama before starting his own Assembly and Distribution Company. His vast experience with routing, managing large program implementations and understanding the inner workings of the trash business provide Rehrig Pacific with confident leadership in this very crucial service offering. Carey's responsibilities include managing a staff of company -employed supervisors as well as a fleet of trucks and trailers used in the delivery of our containers. 28 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION $ie tia ,farifir Q'ompain Carey and his team are tasked with the assembly and delivery of over 500,000 containers each year. He has continued to prove his aptitude and expertise year round in a challenging and unpredictable environment, Lisa Perkins Municipal Contract Manager Nottingham, NH I've been with Rehrig Pacific Company since 1987. For my first 20 years with Rehrig, I was office Manager for the Raymond, NH facility. As office manager I was involved in every aspect of front office operations; from greeting guests, all customer service functions, human relations, accounting/book-keeping tasks, all office equipment and supply purchases, all computer related installations, help desk for all computer users, and any and all other functions related to office operations. In 2003, I was promoted to current position of Municipal Contract Manager. I work together with all the reps and managers to handle all of the administrative functions relating to Rehrig Pacific Company Environmental Group's product and service contracts in the US and Canada along with submitting all municipal bids. I graduated from the University System of New Hampshire with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration with a 3.5 GPA. Experience and References (Tab 4) — 3.6.5 Please see a variety of references below describing programs that we have implemented a total solution offering including our roll out carts alongside our C.A.R.T.S. Asset Management Inventory software. Also included is a sampling of customers that have purchased RFID enabled carts so the city can have a better -understanding of the quantity of RFID programs we have rolled out over the last 4.5 years. Further information is available upon request about any of the programs listed below. We feel that throughout our proposal we have further described our experience in the industry and displayed a complete understanding of the program requirements that the City of Deerfield Beach is requesting. 29 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION )p , `S ,LL�rur d ii:;., ,p. rt h� rrjAri(tSA�'� . "' `^1 �J 'C i. 9 ?4,.: I.t Tr �' J`' +`W 1._:f!�...,ll. �::.:.NT�v�'-�t::4.s aM ', rik tamp - Sampling; of.Cart Asset.Recovery;Trecking O{ )". I y�xt ', t 1 , ti `y� "3e r Y n, E I % l /l�yr. .jr'1' 17 F dg) I' . �.�.w..v„X. -. i., t.�:G�/.. ;//�;�J�..�'..I� s es ; System (C.A.R.T,S.) Reference fir. t e i�:-.: �.z „sC ". M1..S�"'� it; ¢; 'wl x..i"\'� I ,rT :'�:I is . I I F . � t. .yy., t a �? aGr^ S )'•1 � on . `�'?r �'�i f��« 4., a J • f „� 3{ f . # . F -, z.■" Ai .�' £7 �.�' ' ,!p.�i 1 y yy ]' ��� �� ! .h lir,fl�a..i.�.'k ¢�{I� Y � l� �.t+,�u9lCl±i.%'+f4l�l�..n!i�"fit\�h�iJ �Y'+:3'Sk�r'`.iK�'. .1 ,.1 ...... Sk1, � A�{°€9'�Ay: ter Y C.....�'w50-.�,,r..-, � Crossdock Systems (City of Toronto Program) Todd Sicard 905-670-4937 i 0t;tldPiOcressdo.ksystems.rnm Crossdock uses Rehrig Pacific's CARTS system to manage all cart maintenance work orders for over 1,00,000 containers in service within the City of Toronto. This system has processed over 70,000 work orders through the CARTS database within the last 9 months. CARTS is used to maintain an accurate database of cart inventories by cart maintenance location and household and it interacts with the Cities customer service database to keep all of their account records current Allied Waste (Frederick County, MD) Hap Hopkins 301 694-6495 f{ollis.I lopkinsfd:awin.mm Allied Waste is using the CARTS system to manage all of their cart maintenance transactions for their collection program with Frederick County, MD. The CARTS system was also used to track all -of the cart deliveries throughout Frederick County, MID. CARTS generated daily reports to the County that outlined the containers deliveries for each day. The reports included, the household address, cart type, size, serial number, RFID tag value along with date and time of delivery. Waste Connections Humble, TX i Johnny Smith 713-724-1244 1onavSt .tWasleconnections. onr In September of 2009, Rehrig Pacific delivered 1200 RFID enabled containers with the C.A.R.T.S. program. The containers are for use in a pilot program with Recyele3ank. The C.A.R.T.S. system tracks and maintains the data critical to making the program a success. Our experience with RecycleBank has made the burden of managing this all important data simple and painless for the staff of \WCNX. In 2010 WCNX expanded to another Community with an additional 1200 RFID enabled containers handled under this program. City of Fall River, MA Betsey Westell 508-324-2580 jweste116evahoo.com In September of 2009, Rehrig Pacific started their first phase delivery of over 5,000 carts to the City of Fall River, MA. The container sizes included 95 and 65 gallon carts, which were all equipped with an embedded ultrahigh frequency RFID tag at the Rehrig Pacific manufacturing plant during production. Rehrig's internal assembly and distribution crews used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software in conjunction with handheld scanners to associate each container's RFID tag value and serial number to a specific address during the delivery process. In addition, the City of Fall River has hired Rehrig Pacific to perform cart maintenance services as part of this contract All of the work that is associated with this cart maintenance program is tracked through Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. system. Can Do Services WM Southern, CA Gordon McTavish (949)244-1669 ntcrayjabg(ihcr(s-1 y:0nt Since it's inception in 2006, Rehrig Pacific (through it's contractor CanDo! Services) has managed and maintained the 642,000 carts belonging to WM of Orange County, CA. This ambitious project sees the processing of over 60,000 work orders per year and a mountain of data that needs to be communicated between complex systems within the WM organization. As the C.A.R.T.S. program has recently come online in this progaram it has become instrumental in streamlining and facilitating this process. Applications and uses for the software are pioneered in this large operation where accuracy timeliness and precision are paramount. City of Racine, WI Thomas Eeg 262-636-9121 thomas.e.eg(u)sityofriicinCbr In May of 2010, Rehrig Pacific utilized its own labor and the C.A.R.T.S. system to assemble and deliver 29,000 recycling carts with RFID technology to the residents of Racine, WI. The City has contracted Rehrig Pacific to utilize its C.A.R.T.S. program to manage and maintain those containers, and the collection data generated from the RFID reading equipment for she nest ten years- They receive online reporting through C.A.R.T.S. and visibility of their trucks through SonRai's Visualization Software - data is transmuted in real time. Medicine Hat, Alberta Aaron Hills 760-458-7926 In August of 2009, Rehrig Pacific produced and delivered over 25,000 carts for KC Environmental (KC)and the City of Medicine Hat, Alberta. The container sizes included 65, and 35 gallons and each cart was equipped with en embedded ultrahigh frequency RFID lag at the Rehrig Pacific manufacturing plant during production. Rehrig's A&D subcontractors KC, used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software in conjunction with handheld scanners t0 associate each container's RFID tag value and serial number to a specific address during the delivery process. In addition, KC has subscribed to Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. system for cart maintenance services. Each cart is tracked individually at each stop in the supply chain as carts move from address to storage and back to other addresses. The C.A.R.T.S. system manages the status of each cart whether it is new or out of service. Currently, the City is in the process of working with Rehrig Pacific to take the next step in their program and introduce collection data tracking services with RFID tracking systems on their collection trucks. City of Newport News/ Bay Disposal Emmett Moore 757-754-7032 ezkrn'a/aol.com In January of 2010, Rehrig Pacific utilized its own labor and the C.A.R.T.S. system to retrofit roughly 40,000 recycling C.A.R.T.S. in the field with RFID tags for Bay Disposal and the City of Newport News. Currently the City of Newport News and Bay Disposal utilize Rehrig Pacific's C.A.R.T.S. system to manage their inventory database and maintenance work orders to keep track of movement of the C.A.R.T.S. in the field end to maintain an accurate database for tracking RFID collection data. They also receive online reporting through C.A.R.T.S. and visibility of their trucks through Sonrai's Visualization Software -data is transmitted in real time. City of Atlanta, GA Mary Harrington 404-291-3198 MIlarrington(rsntlantaga.gov In November of 2009, Rehrig Pacific produced and delivered 10,000 95 gallon containers for the City of Atlanta for an Incentive Based Recycling program that was designed and implemented by Rehrig Pacific. Each cart was equipped with an embedded ultrahigh frequency and a low frequency RFID tag at the Rehrig Pacific manufacturing plant during production. Rehrig's internal assembly and distribution crew used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S, software in conjunction with handheld scanners to associate each container's RFID tag value and serial number to a specific address during the delivery process. The City is also utilizing (5) collection vehicles equipped with RFID tracking systems For purposes of tracking resident participation in the recycling program. The systems monitor residential recycling participation by reading each container's RFiD tag as they are collected at the curb and at the end of each collection day the data is transferred from the truck's system to Rehrig Pacific and RecycleBank (Rehrig's Subcontractor) servers via wireless hot spol.The collection participation data is automatically imported into Rehrig's C.A.R.T.S. systemfor purpose of developing customized participation reports that the City can view online daily and it is also submitted to RecycleBank in order for them to provide the residents with rewards as part of the program. In addition, Rehrig Pacific is also providing cart maintenance services as part of this contract and all work orders are managed through our C.A.R.T.S. system. City of Kingsville, TX Bill A. Donnell (36I)595-g041 publicworksdir(dciwork in itiville-com In October of 2009, Rehrig Pacific produced and delivered 8,000 95 gallon containers to the City of Kingsville, TX for their curbside refuse program. Each cart was equipped with an embedded ultrahigh frequency RFID tag at the Rehrig Pacific manufacturing plant during production. Rehrig's internal assembly and distribution crews used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software in conjunction with handheld scanners to associate each container's RFID tag value and serial number to a specific address during the delivery process. The City is also utilizing (5) five collection vehicles equipped with Rehrig/Sonrai's RFID tracking systems for purposes of tracking resident participation in the refitse program. The systems monitor residential refuse participation by reading each container's RFID tag as they are collected at the curb and at the end of each collection day the data is transferred from the truck's system to Rehrig Pacific servers via wireless hot spot. The collection participation data is automatically imported into Rehrig Pacific's C.A.RT.S. system for purpose of developing customized participation reports that the City can view online daily. In addition, the City has subscribed to Rehrig Pacific's C.A.R.T.S. software in order to manage all of their cart maintenancework orders and to maintain an accurate database and inventory levels. City of Cuyahoga Palls, OH Chuck Novak (330)971-8026 nuvakcitii:citvofefarm Between December 2010 and March 2011, Rehrig Pacific produced roughly 11,000 95 gallon recycling containers with embedded UHF RFID tags at the manufacturing facility. The City used hand helds supplied by Rehrig Pacific with the C.A.R.T.S. software to deliver their own containers at their own pace. After an in person training session, the City delivered the recycling containers to their residents and used the C.A.R.T.S. software to associate each cart to a specific address. The City is also utilizing (3) three collection vehicles equipped with Rehrig/Sonrai's RFID tracking systems to monitor collection participation and service verfication. The City has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory and view a variety of custom data collection tracking reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiences. City of Lakeland, FL . Jeff Wood (863) 834.8777 jeff:u•otxl(iular:elazudgov.net Since November 2010, Rehrig Pacific has produced roughly 21,000 garbage containers mixed between 95, 65 and 35 gallon sizes with embedded UHF RFID tags at the tnannfachtring facility. The City went from 2x week unlimited manual garbage collection to 1 x week automated collection with carts for phase 1 and 2 for their Pay As You Throw program. Rehrig's internal assembly and distribution crews used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software in conjunction with handheld scanners to associate each container's RFID nig value and serial number to a specific address during the delivery process. The City is also utilizing (7) seven collection vehicles equipped with Rehrig/Sonrai's RFID tracking systems for purposes of tracking resident participation, service verification and billing for their refuse program. The City has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and updated for billing purposes and view a variety of custom data collection tracking reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiencies. Community Waste Service Charlie Slade (404)702-7480 cslatle(Frewutfga.cum In August 2010, Rehrig Pacific produced roughly 10,000 recycling roll out carts with embedded UHF RFID tags at the manufacturing facility. Community Waste used hand helds supplied by Rehrig Pacific with the C.A.R.T.S. software to deliver their own containers at their own pace. After an in person training session, they delivered the recycling containers to their residents and used the C.A.R.T.S. software to associate each cart to a specific address. Community Waste has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S, software to daily manage work orders, view inventory and keep their current address database accurate and up to date with the hopes of instituting a fully integrated RFID program with RFID truck systems and collection data tracking. Since Community Waste did not have a fully visible work order nr database management system, they are using C.A.R.T.S. to now have new visiblity within their operations. Charleston County, SC Hal Crawford (843)202-7973 hcrawfcud(idcharieston cuunty.orq Since January 201 1, Rehrig Pacific has produced roughly 11,000 recycling containers mixed between 95 and 65 gallon sizes with embedded UHF RFio tags at the manufacturing facility. Charleston County used Rehrig Paeiite carts and our CARTS software in evaluating a 6 month pilot to switch to curbside collection of recycling using automated roll out carts. Rehrig's internal assembly and distribution crews used our proprietary C.A.R.T.S. software in conjunction with handheld scanners to associate each container's RFD tag value and serial number to a specific address during the deliveryprocess. The County is also utilizing (3) three collection vehicles equipped with RehrigfSonrais RFID tracking systems for purposes of tracking resident participation, service verification and the effectiveness of their pilot program to potentially implement County wide. The County has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and view a variety of custom data collection tracking reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiencies. Fairfax County, VA Panels Grafton (703)324-5498 pamela,eFttt m'.«.fairfazcounty.env Fairfax County's Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES), who performs refuse and recycling collection in-house, will be utilizing C.A.R.T.S. to input and manage work orders, manage inventory, track special collections (i.e.; bulk pickups), and run/access reports on -demand. Additionally, C.A.R.T.S. will be used by Fairfax County DPWES Customer Service personnel to field and resolve resident calls. For this application, Rehrig is building a custom portal, through Fairfax County's website, that will enable Residents to enter bulk pickup requests, which will automatically be generated into Bulk Pickup work orders for completion by Fairfax County DPWES Staff. City of Kissimmee, FL Dave Derrick (407)518-2507 dderrick(iikiss immee.org In October 2011, Rehrig Pacific delivered roughly 14,000 single stream 95 gallon recycling carts using internal A&D crews utilizing the C.A.R.T.S. software. The City of Kissimmee is currently using C.A.R.T.S. to manage all work orders to maintain their cart to address database for not only the new 14,000 recycle carts but also their 14,000 garbage carts as well as 14,000 yard waste cart. The City has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and view a variety of custom reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiences. Choice Waste Danny Sementilli (954)-529-4920 dsementilliliechoicewaste.G011 In December 2011, Relit g Pacific delivered roughly 5,000 rofirsc and recycling carts using internal A&D crews utilizing the C.A.R.T.S. software for Choice Waste for their unincorporated Broward County contract. Choice Waste is currently using C.A.R.T.S. to manage all work orders to maintain their cart to address database ro uphold the integrity of their database. Choice Waste also utilizes carts to track container movement. Choice has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and view a variety of custom reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiencies. City of Lake Worth, FL Roger Bollier (561)-533-7344 rbollier0r5lakeworth.org In January 2012, Rehrig Pacific retrofitted roughly 12,000 95 gallon recycling carts with RF1D tags using our internal A&D crews utilizing the C.A.R.T.S. software for the city of Lake Worth. The City of Lake Worth is currently using C.A.R.T.S. to manage all work orders to maintain their cart to address database to uphold the integrity of their database for their RFID based collection data tracking program. The city has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. sofhvare to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and view a variety of custom reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiencies. They also utilize the collection data tracking reports module to monitor their daily collections throughout the city. Tidewater Fibre Corporation Paul Stacharcryk 757- 274-3915 PStacharczykr&nkrvcyeti sr.&r'm In August 2011, Rehrig Pacific delivered roughly 30,000 single stream 95 gallon recycling carts using internal A&D crews utilizing the C.A.R,T.S. software for TFC for their City of Suffolk, VA recycling contract. TFC is currently using C.A.R.T.S. to manage all work orders to maintain their cart to address database to uphold the integrity of their database. TFC also utilizes carts to track container movement to maintain their rewards program platform called RecyclingPerks. TFC has subscribed to the C.A.R.T.S. software to daily manage work orders, view inventory, keep their address to cart database current and view a variety of custoin reports to better decrease operational costs and increase efficiencies. f '- ", 11 -^ 2 4 ' In�.. � � -�.: . _��':...n. ..... .,.„ , hit 1 :':': '+,.: i �1�.o.g �lFt .�v? '/ �Krj Actritl ad&(Irollpui LICE 013 '.( r :Customers with RFID.& lg1/1 sa./a Dar Cade fntegrated.Carts - ; ,, .��:J r..I.f,,:,, y:,.i�.i tL +/k • G ty\.i �• : :''�4 :1 City of Toronto Kevin Vbert 416.397-0203 kvibert@toronto.ca Approximately 1 million carts with UHF RFID Tags Town of Devon Rod Fraser 780.987-8329 rfraser@devon.ea Over 2,300 carts with UHF RFID Tags Specialty Solid Waste Jerry Nabhan (408) 565-1809 jerry@sswr.com Over 35,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Howard County, MD Alan Wilcom (410) 313-6433 awitcorn@co.ho.md.us Over 71,700 carts with UHF RFID Tags Frederick County, MD Lori Finafrock {301) 600-7403 LFinafrock@FrederickCountyMD.gov Over 89,000 carts with UHF RFFD Tags Pottstown, PA Douglas Yerger (610) 970.6529 dyerger@pottstown.org Over 8,300 carts with UHF RFID Tags Waste Connections -Wichita, KS Jim Spencer (316) 838 4920 Jims@wasteconnections.com Over 25,000 carts with LF RFID Tags for a RecycleBank Program Deffenbaugh Dan Stuhlsatz (913)631-3300 dstuhlsatz@deftenbaugh.com Over 75,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Western Disposal Mike Seader {303} 444-2037 mseader@westerdIsposaLcom Over 10,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Flood Brothers Chris Flood 630.878-8141 floodclan@comcasl.nal Over 11,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Atlantic County Utilities Authority George Owens (609)272-6960 gowens@acua.com Over 4,300 carts with UHF RFID Tags City of North Miami, FL Aleem Ghany (305)895-9831 aghany@northmiami0.gov 10,000 carts with LF RFID Tags for a RecycleBank Program City of Evanston, IL Suzette Eggleston & Don Cornelius 847-866-2940 Don: dcornelius@cityofevanston.org Over 10,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags J&J Refuse - OH Susan Sykes(330)343-5e65 x1118 ssvites@kimbleclay.com Roughly 11,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Waste Connections -Knoxville, TN Steve LaFollette {8651522-8161 steveL@WasteConnections.com Over 19,000 carts with LF RFID Tags for three RecycleBank Programs City of Wilmington, DE Alfonso Ballard (302) 576-3076 aballard@ci.wIlmington.de.us Over 2,000 carts with LF RFID Tags Monroe County, MS Billy Williams (662) 369-6654 bwilliams@m onroecoms. com Over 10,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags City of Waco, TX Robert Bederka (254)299-2806 robertb@ci.waco.tx.us over 3,500 carts with UHF tags City of Provo, UT Alan leftwich {601} 852-8703 aleftwich e@provo,utah.gov Over 1,500 carts with UHF RFID Tags City of Bristol, CT David Clark (880) 584-7792 DavidCla rk@ci.bristol.ct.us Over 11,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags City of Fail River, MA Betsey Waste!! (508) 342-2580 bwestell@yahoo.com Over 42,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags C:,LbxeLLiWF1M•DOwmbnLY.fi'Arc+„ronW.^.Jet Lvj�Litis/igld Pr. and OmK,Oa W inar'i.felfe,tncs,S19annrnf,0AOCaS ESG RefenamenfifIOSMa Code CatRelee,oe list Updated 2.21.12Aa Row 0e1 1111011 OD I112 1 I ".:-r �Ko+ -� r ..: � �- x ,�,� ..,�...,.Y .-,=.�: �,:. ;1 �. ��.��,.� t. '' �.. -scx r :t? ��zi -} ...�.. T- ..'Y.� L .,. �� Y '� Customers with RFID � � net & �'iftatl �� .,.- .y ..,, .. ....-� � A1.: Yl Ri�w .. - ..�1' „"...'+ei. & Bar ,I-.: � ., r ; r.. •c:4 N ■p�5 t�� � ,•rdr ti,tio n rsF¢ ���� � �kt`,t` �• .:. �..�:.9 . :W a ir7H � �e..x/?�.4 �n � :�f - („ � .. . � . �t.e fl V t�}• •.Y}'i, t ec t }lt ,� "s i City of Gaithersburg, MD 011ie Mumpower (301)258-6370 omumpower@gaithersburgmd.gov .r .. . 3,240 carts with UHF Tags City of Medicine Hat, Alberta AB Jollymore Ed Joll more (403)529-8172 c@medicinehal.ca 20,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Pleasanton Garbage Service Bob Molinaro (925) 846-2042 bob@pleasantongarbageservice.com 6,000 carts with UHF RFID Tags Texas Disposal Systems Mike All Bier 9 {512} 421-1369 maligeier@texasdisposal.com Over 40,000 carts with UHF Tags City of Atlanta, GA Douglas Raikes {404}330-6293 drafkes c@atfantaga gov 10,000 carts with IS and UHF RFID Tags for a RecycleBank Program City of Newport News/Bay Disposal Emmett Moore (757) 754-7032 erkrr@aol.com Roughly 40,000 carts with UHF lags that were retrofitted by Rehrig Pacific Cityof Racine, WI Thomas Es9 (262) 636-9121 thomas.eeg@cityofracine.ory Over MOOD carts with UHF RFID Tags City of Hollywood, FL Greg Turek (954) 967-4336 gturak@hollywoodfl.org 34,000 95 Galion LF RFID for a Recycle Bank Program 1,630 95 Gallon UHF RFID Taga for Garbage Program - C:1JegPLPelt0,0cenrnm10\Elnit00men4Sl Sam t€ci:clibm/en Oocs v0EArfrsi Cm5epm0',nc0ll. R,ftr. 'sb 11.00 i3Hl0OCs 8 ESGP,h, cls&RFlOe 2 Lod, >.v15W ennc.Ll,t Updated 2-21-12,ds R,, 06$11Jt0WOO 2 01 2 Appendix A Please find the required documents for Specifications included. • Buy -Back Program • Material Specs •. ANSI Test Reports • Assembly Instructions Sheet • Spare Parts Price List • Cart Specification Sheets • Reinforced Areas • Resin Weights • CARTS Subscription Details 30 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Recyclable items Rehrig will accept in baled or loose form are: • Cardboard containers (OCC) • Plastic pallets and containers • Stretch film • Wood pallets • Scrap wood • Office paper • Metal • Glass • Mixed. plastics (#1-7) • Recyclable products from all other manufacturers All Rehrig Pacific Company products: • Plastic pallets • Storage and recycle bins • Pails and covers • Beverage crates and trays • Dairy crates • Bread trays • Plasticcommercial containers • Slip sheets • Roll -out carts: We will take back all Rehrig Pacific warranty claim carts at no charge for a replacement and rebates will be issued based on non -warranty material pounds. Materials Rehrig is unable to accept: • Plastic planters • Pill bottles • Mixed bates of plastic • Poly Styrene • Co Polymers • Cross -linked material • PVC • Electronics • Material with paint or chemical contaminants must be approved by plant sample. Rehrig Pacific Logistics 7800 100th Street Pleasant Prairie, Wi 53158 sales@rehrig.com 800.792.0875 Rehrig Pacific provides sustainable recycling solutions, buy-back programs for your waste as second -life materials,or dosed -loop recycling opportunities. We make recycling easy by handling all aspects of your waste stream, reducing expensive haul rates, and allowing you more time to concentrate on your core business. Rehrig will pay you directly for your waste plastic or convert it into regrind that can be reused in our manufacturing processes. We also offer an asset exchange program that allows your company to receive reusable transport packaging and pallets for your recyclable materials. The Rehrig advantage allows us to combine pallet management and reusable packaging services with recycling services, reducing the need to keep a storage trailer on site or hold materials on your dock until they can be picked up. Rehrig can take full truckload (TL) volume to maximize customer payout or less -than -truckload (LTL) quantities, depending on quality and type of material, proximity to processing facility, and flexibility on time of pick-up. We begin by performing an in-depth audit of your entire supply chain to determine what type of materials can be recycled. Once materials are collected, everything is entered into our custom designed Packaging Asset Recovery Tracking System (PARTS) that will send you reports detailing every transaction. Our process capability allows us to offer closed -loop recycling for a wide range of waste producers, from large retail groups to manufacturers to local materials recovery facilities. Rehrig Pacific's recycling process creates one of the most intelligent programs. in the industry, significantly reducing your landfill waste while enhancing your corporate sustainability objectives. Contact Rehrig for additional Recycling Program information and current fair market value. ,Rehrig 'acfic(Tompanu Plastic Material Rehrig Pacific Company uses only the highest grade HDPE especially formulated to meet the demands of refuse and recycling bin and cart applications. We currently purchase our resin from DOW Plastics & Exxon Mobil. The DOW material used in the manufacturing of the Rehrig Pacific carts and bins is DMDB-7905 NT 7 and the Exxon material is HD-6605, both materials are a narrow molecular weight copolymer that is designed for a wide range of injection molding applications. The . materials provide excellent impact strength, stress crack resistance and process ability. These materials are ideally suited for articles requiring rugged physical performance in cold temperature environments, such as refuse and recycling carts and bins. If you would like to learn more about these materials please reference the Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) attached. Ultraviolet Stabilization Rehrig Pacific Company utilizes an H.A.L.S. (Hindered Amine Light Stabilizer) ultraviolet stabilizer (U.V.) package, which is considered a superior U.V. stabilizer package. This master - batch (or concentrate) contains maximum light stable color pigments that have the highest rating possible to prevent fading. The master -batch also contains ultraviolet inhibitors similar to or better than the Chemisorb 944 and thermal stabilizers in final levels to ensure minimal degradation in the field. At Rehrig Pacific we introduce our H.A.L.S. ultraviolet package into our rollout carts and bins at a 1.5%- 2.0% let down ratio by total resin weight of the container. In contrast to "screener" U.V. stabilizers, the H.A.L.S. package protects the plastic resin at the chemical level. The package is designed to seek damaged or broken polymer chains at the chemical level and repair and protect the polymer chains from U.V. rays, thus maintaining the physical material properties of the plastic resin and container. Other U.V. stabilizers act as "screeners", similar to suntan lotion, in which the stabilizer attempts to screen the plastic and container from U.V. rays. Unfortunately, moisture can wash off "screeners", leaving the container exposed to harmful U.V. rays. Color deterioration is controlled by the quality and type of pigment, separate from the deterioration of physical properties. U.V. rays interact with the pigment and can modify the pigment, depending on the amount and intensity of the U.V. rays and the quality of the pigment. Certain color pigments are more difficult to control especially variations of the color red and bright fluorescent colors. Printed on Recycled Paper A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION jZehr1A jPaigic ompanu Hot -Melt Compounding Certification Rehrig Pacific Company blends high density polyethylene with UV -stabilized colorant using the hot -melt compounding process for the production of our recycling bins and 35, 65, and 95 gallon Huskylite® containers. All materials are in a molted state when injected into the mold in order to ensure uniform distribution of these materials throughout the container. Gila Perkins Lisa Perkins Municipal Contract Manager r Printed on Recycled Paper A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION riZclirlg acrfr 1:1-ompanv Statement of Recycle Ability Rehrig Pacific Company certifies that all material used to manufacture our 35, 65, and 95-gallon containers are 100% recyclable, including plastic resin and steel. When the timing is right, we can assist you in order to close the loop on recycling. Lisa cperkins Lisa Perkins Municipal Contract Manager Printed on Recycled Paper A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Product Information Dow Plastics DOW DMDB-7950 NT 7 High Density Polyethylene Resin • Injection molding • Roll -out trash carts and other large parts . Excellent impact strength, stress crack resistance and processability . Very narrow molecular weight distribution • Complies with U.S. FDA 21 CFR 177.1520 (c) 3.1a Consult the regulations for complete details. DOW DMDB-7950 NT 7 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Resin is intended for use in injection molding applications such as roll -out trash carts and other large parts with short molding cycles. It is produced via UNIPOLTM Process Technology from Dow and has been designed to meet the rigorous performance characteristics of impact resistance, environmental stress crack resistance, stiffness, and low warpage, while maintaining excellent moldability. Physical'Propeittes r lest Method Values...English '(SI) Resin Properties Melt Index (I,) @190°C/2.16 kg, g/10 min ASTM D 1238 5.75 Density, g/ cm' ASTM D 792 0.948 DSC Melting Point, °F (°C) Dow Method 266 (130) DSC Crystallization Point, °F (°C) Dow Method 244 (118) Vicat Softening Point, °F (°C) ASTM D 1525 261 (127) Molded Plaque Properties(2) Hardness, Shore D ASTM D 2240 54 Flexural Modulus, 2% Secant, psi (MPa) ASTM D 790 B 146,000 (1010) Tensile Strength at Break, psi (MPa) ASTM D 638 3800 (26) Tensile Strength at Yield, psi (MPa) ASTM D 638 3600 (25) Tensile Elongation at Break, % ASTM D 638 1200 Tensile Elongation at Yield, % ASTM D 638 8 Tensile Impact Strength, ft•Ib/in.2 (kJ/m2) ASTM D 1822, Type S 50 (105) Environmental Stress Crack Resistance, 122°F (50°C), F„, 100% IgepalO, hrs. ASTM D 1693 40 Brittleness Temperature, °F (°C) ASTM D 746 <-105 (<-76) Deflection Temperature Under Load @ 66 psi (0.45 MPa), °F (°C) ASTM D 648 154 (68) Printed on Recycled Paper 'Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (1) Typical values, not to be construed as specifications. Users should confirm results by their own tests. (2) Molded and tested in accordance with ASTM D4976. -See "Handling Considerations" attached Published 03/04 'Dow Plastics, a business group of The Dow Chemical Company and its subsidiaries. Form No 305-02984-0304X ExxonMobil HD 6605 Injection Molding HDPE Material Description HD 6605 is a narrow molecular weight hexene copolymer designed for a wide range of injection molding applications, offering excellent ESCR with good stiffness -toughness balance. Ideally suited for articles requiring rugged physical performance in cold temperature environments. HD 6605.70 with standard processing antioxidants HD 6605.29 with IN-8 nrotection nackaee 0 on o Chemical Typical Applications Waste carts Recreational vehicle components Industrial closures Automotive components Resin Properties Test Based on3 Units Typical Value' Melt Index ASTM D-1238 (190°C, 2.16 kg) g/10 min. 5 Density ASTM D-4883 g/cm3 0.948 Melting Point ExxonMobil Method °C (°F) 130 (266) Molded Properties2 Flexural Modulus ASTM D-790 MPa (psi) 1 % Secant Procedure B 710 (102,400) Tensile Yield Stress ASTM D-638 MPa (psi) 21.2 (3060) Tensile Break Elongation ASTM D-638 70 Tensile Impact @ - 40°C ASTM D-1822 kJ/m2 (ft-Ibf/in2) 325 (155) Notched Izod Impact @ - 40°C Brittleness Temperature ASTM D-256 ASTM D-746 J/m(ft-Ibf/in) °C (°F) 70.5 (1.32) < -70 (< -94) Environmental Stress Crack Resistance, F50 ASTM D-1693 hr 18 Cond. B, 10%. Deflection Temperature @ 66 psi @ 264 psi ASTM D-648 °C (°F) 67 (152) 38(101) 1. Values given are typical and should not be interpreted as specification. Values may change with future grade development. • 2. Properties are based on injection molded samples. 3. ASTM test procedures may be modified to accommodate operating conditions or facility limitations. Food Packaging Grades have FDA compliance. Restrictions may apply, contact your ExxonMobil representative for more details. September 2001 ©2001 ExxonMobil. To the extent the user is entitled to disclose and distribute this document, the user may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this copyrighted document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers, footers, disclaimers, and other information. You may not copy this document to a Web site. The information in this document relates only to the named product or materials when not in combination with any other product or materials. We based the information on data believed to be reliable on the date compiled, but we do not represent, warrant, or otherwise guarantee, expresfjyardrMiytability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this information or the products, materiaals__or processes described. The user is solely responsible for all determinations regarding any use of material or product and any process in its territories of interest. We expressly disclaim liability for any loss, damage, or injury directly or indirectly suffered or incurred as a result of or related to anyone using or relying on any of the information in this document. There is no warranty against patent infringement, nor any endorsement of any product or process, and we expressly disclaim any contrary implication. The terms, "we", "our, "ExxonMobil Chemical", or "ExxonMobil" are used for convenience, and may include any one or more of ExxonMobil Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, or any affiliates they directly or indirectly steward. Handling Considerations Material Safety Data (MSD) sheets for the product are available from Dow Plastics, a business group of The Dow Chemical Company and its subsidiaries, to help customers further satisfy their own safe handling and disposal needs and those that may be required by OSHA. Material Safety Data sheets on Dow products are intended to provide customers with essential information on such topics as Health and Worker Safety, Combustibility, and Disposal Considerations. Such information should be requested from the supplier(s) of any product(s) prior to working with it. As various additives and processing.aids.used in fabrication. have . . their own safe use profile, their possible influence on handling and disposal must be investigated separately. For "Regulated" uses, such as food contact, your Dow sales representative can obtain compliance letters for specific resins. Disposal DO NOT DUMP INTO ANY SEWERS, ON THE GROUND, OR INTO ANY BODY OF WATER. All disposal methods must be in compliance with all Federal, State/provincial, and local laws and regulations. Waste characterizations and compliance with applicable laws are the responsibility solely of the waste generator. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OR MANUFACTURING PROC- ESSES OF PARTIES HANDLING OR USING THIS MATERIAL. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED HERE PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PRODUCT AS SHIPPED IN ITS INTENDED CONDITION AS DESCRIBED IN MSDS SECTION 2 (Composition/Information On Ingredients). FOR UNUSED AND UNCONTAMINATED PRODUCT, the preferred options include sending to a licensed, permitted: recycler, reclaimer, incinerator or other thermal destruction device, and landfill. These polymers have high heat values and should be incinerated only in. units designed to handle high heats of combustion. In landfill, these polymers are inert, do not degrade quickly, form a strong and permanent soil base, and evolve virtually no gases or leachates known to pollute water resources. As a service to its customers, Dow can provide names of information resources to help identify waste management companies and other facilities which recycle, reprocess, or manage chemicals or plastics, and that manage used drums. For more details, contact The Dow Chemical Company Customer Information Center at 1-800-441- 4369. In Mexico, call 95-800-441-4369. Product Stewardship The Dow Chemical Company has a fundamental concern for all who make, distribute, and use its products, and for the environment in which we live. This concern is the basis for our Product Stewardship philosophy by which we assess the health and environmental information on our products and take appropriate steps to protect employee and public health, and our environment. Our Product Stewardship program rests with each and every individual involved with Dow products — from the initial concept and research, to manufacture, use, sale, and disposal of each product. Customer Notice Dow strongly encourages its customers to review both their manufacturing processes and their applications of Dow products from the standpoint of human health and environmental quality to help ensure that Dow products are not used in ways for which they are not intended or tested. Dow personnel will assist customers in dealing with ecological and product safety considerations. Dow product literature, including MSD sheets, should be consulted prior to use of Dow products. Your Dow Plastics sales representative can arrange the proper contacts, or write to Dow Plastics. Additional Information For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800-441-4369. In Mexico, call 95-800-441-4369. NOTICE: No freedom from infringement of any patent owned by Dow or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information -in this document- are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customer's workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other governmental enactments. Dow assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. NOTICE: If products are described as "experimental" or "developmental": (1) product specifications may not be fully determined; (2) analysis of hazards and caution in handling and use are required; and (3) there is greater potential for Dow to change specifications and/or discontinue' production. NOTICE REGARDING MEDICAL APPLICATION RESTRICTIONS: The Polyolefins business of The Dow Chemical Company does not recommend any Dow product or sample product for use: (A) in any commercial or developmental application which is intended for contact with human internal body fluids or body tissues, regardless of the length of time involved; (B) in any cardiac prosthetic device application, regardless of the length of time involved, including, without limitation, pacemaker leads and devices, artificial hearts, heart valves, intra-aortic balloons and control systems, and ventricular bypass assisted devices; (C) as a critical component in any medical device that supports or sustains human life; and (D) specifically by pregnant women or in any applications designed specifically to promote or interfere with human reproduction. The Dow Chemical Company, 2040 Dow Center, Midland, MI 48674 Dow Chemical Canada Inc., 1086 Modeland Rd., P.O. Box 1012, Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7K7, Canada Dow Quimica Mexicana, S.A. de C.V., Torre Optima — Mezzanine, Av. Paseo de Las Palmas No. 405, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico Printed in U.S.A. Dow Plastics We don 'sueceea unless you do. *Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company. v01 The Dow Chemical Company Midland, MI 48674 U.S.A. October 6, 2006 To whom it may concern: This letter is to certify that The Dow Chemical Company supplies 100% prime HDPE resin (product code DMDB-7950) made to our production specifications. This includes appropriate levels of primary and secondary antioxidants. DMDB- 7950 is used by Rehrig Pacific Company in the manufacture of roll -out carts. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Java- 2. We ley James R. Walley Account Executive Polyolefins & Elastomers Business Group Mailing Address 5710 E. 7th St. #227 Long Beach, CA 90803 562/986-7925 - Phone 562/986-7928 - Fax 645040 100606A: JRW\kmo ISO 12000 CRT BORATORIES,.INC. 1680 North Main Street. Orange, CA 92867 (714) 2$3-2032 (800) 5974 ABS (5227) • ;Fax (714) 283-1365 www.crtlabs.com a=mail: cnlabs@pacbell.aet. ASTM Physical & Mctaimncii - Chesil rcal Thctnpttl Analysis • iAPAMO Ca11 ass. Comp etcmmc M iak • Plulobing & steer AsseMbiles : Resin & Finishes: ProductTcsanp, TEST REPORT FOR: 1 PAGE OF Rehrig Pacc Company 4010 E. 26thStreet Los Angeles, CA 90023 Tel: (323) 262-5145 / Fax: (323) 269-8506 ATTN: Mr. Shawn Kruse 16752 July 10, 2006 LW..1V0.: DATE - BACKGROUND: Customer submitted one (1) sample consisting of one (1) 95-gallon cart for testing. The cart arrived on 06/27/2006 via customer supplied courier. Testing to be in accordance with customer supplied P.O. 62206 and signed CRT quotation dated 06/21/2006. The following additional information is provided: CRT Order Entry Log Date: 06/27/2006 Sample ID: ROC 95U Nestable Bar Husky Lite Cart marked as follows: ROC-95U, T14454, 6/06, (grey) TEST PROCEDURES: ANSI Z245.30 Appendix A - Volumetric Loading Capacity Samples were placed in a large tank. The tank and samples were filled simultaneously with water until overflow. The water in the samples was weighed in approximately 25 lb. increments using a calibrated scale accurate to 0.01 lb. RESULTS: Sample I.D. Observations (gallons) ROC-95U, T14454, 6/06, (gray) 97.57 1 Specimen Retain Bin: #RD (30 day hold only) CRT LABORATORIES, INC. UL Registered Firm /ISO 9001:2000 Certified /ISO 17025:2005 Compliant Ken A. Le Jeune Laboratory Director / President Tom J. Parsons General Manager 95NB ANSI The Iiabf.lty of CRT Labs wltb aGpect to the work Mid s ort covered Ite eitt halt in nn w ant mrccrd the minima of the invoice. We tecnntinaid consideration that correlative data be'8enekt*1 by attic labormories lrt. matters of litigiMaitintT will retain tested smtpka far, 0 days Ahs;:r tesrIt is rnmpleted, hale* other ®amagernimis we agreed upon at the time order is pieced. This report, whether in witnle or in part. aay 1pgo; ea, m advert* nrg or Fahhcitp m m hnvc car wriaen ltermitnion prier to usa: This trsi data is forer1uaive eec of the client to wit) it is addresSed and results only to sarnple(s) tested and does urtt apply to simmei qr identical products, This report shall net. be reproduced except in full. Testing pet -funned in ttccan:l nice with ISO 17025. Perm Q.S. 43 (t0105) TESTING REPORT DATE: 5 April 2004 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: SLOPE STABILITY TEST DESCRIPTION: This test checks the static stability of an empty and loaded cart on a defined slope (10 degrees). MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z245.30 requires that the cart must stand, without tipping or moving, in three different orientations on a defined slope. ANSI Z245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. Prepare a ramp with a slope of 5 degrees. The ramp must be of sufficient size that a cart can be moved onto the cart with no portion of the cart overhanging the edges of the ramp. 2. There is to be no wind. 3. Move an empty cart onto the ramp and orient the cart with the front of the cart facing up the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Turn the cart so that the front of the cart is facing sideways on the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Tum the cart so that the front of the cart is facing down the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. 4. Repeat step two with the cart loaded to the standard loading as specified in the ANSI standard. The loading material to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart. TEST RESULTS: Empty Orientation Result Front facing upward Stable Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable Filled (250 lbs) Front facing upward Stable - Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards since non -movement in three orientations is met. A. Bfent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech. Brigham Young University 265 CTB,Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 2 TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC 95U Nestable Bar TEST: DURABILITY DURING PULLING (CURB TEST) TEST DESCRIPTION: This test determines whether the cart's handles, wheels, and axles will withstand the repeated pulling forces experienced during normal 10-year useful life. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The ANSI standard Z245.30 requires that after testing the handles, wheels, axles, their attachments to the container, and the container itself must remain functional. ANSI Z245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (according to the ANSI standard) with the volume of material occupying at least 70% of the total capacity of the cart. 2. Using the cart's handles, the loaded cart is pulled off a curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is then repositioned at the top of the curb. The test is repeated for 520 cycles (drops). 3. Using the cart's handles, an unloaded (empty) cart is pulled up a curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is repositioned at the bottom of the curb. The test is repeated 520 cycles (lifts). 4. The carts are set down onto a concrete surface. 5. The temperature to be normal room temperature (73 degrees F) TEST RESULTS: Test Condition Push off of full cart Pull up of empty cart Result Minor hub damage No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards for minimum performance. Yam' A. Brent St ong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 3 TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting and squeezing that is performed when emptying the cart into an automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationary frame which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is loaded with inert material at 'the standard load capacity as indicated in ANSI standard according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then squeezed and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever any change is noticed and after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles Comments on Performance (350 lbs load) 100 . No significant damage 200 No damage 300 No damage 400 No damage .500 No damage 520 No significant damage — cart operates acceptably SUMMARY: No significant damage was seen and so the cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards for minimum performance. • A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech. Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 4 TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — SEMI -AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting that is performed when emptying the cart into a semi - automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z-245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE semi -automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationary frame which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is loaded with inert material at 3.5 pounds per gallon according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then squeezed and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever any change is noticed and after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles Continents on Performance (350 lbs load) 100 No significant damage 200 No significant damage 300 No significant damage 400 No significant damage 520 No significant damage, minor blushing on lip of cart where machine holds the cart during lifting SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards for minimum performance. ‹, A.ent trong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 5 TESTIN G REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: CENTER OF BALANCE POSITION TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine the height of the handle of a two -wheeled container at the center -of -balance position. This height affects the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to the ANSI standard Z245.30, when in the center -of -balance position, the minimum height is to be 29 inches. The maximum height is to be 40 inches when in the center -of -balance position. ANSI Z245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (3.5 pounds per gallon of rated capacity with the load occupying at least 70% of the capacity) or with the maximum rated load. 2. The test to be conducted on a hard, flat surface. 3. Block the wheels so that the cart will not roll. 4. Tip the cart slowly, rotating the cart on the wheels, to the center balance position. This position is determined as the position where the cart has a tendency to remain in a balanced (neutral) position, not tipping forward or backward. 5. When in the center balance position, place blocks under the container to maintain in balanced position. 6. Measure the distance vertically from the ground plane to the center line of the handle of the cart. The accuracy of measurement is to be ±0.25 inches. 7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 and then average the results for the three determinations. TEST RESULTS: The results are: Average = 30.0 inches (350 pounds) SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 6 TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: FORCE TO TIP TEST DESCRIPTION: To measure the strength required to start container movement to the balance point and to ensure that the force is not greater than an established limit. This force relates to the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30, the force must not exceed 120 pounds force. ANSI Z-245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The cart is to be loaded with a standard load. (3.5 pounds of material per gallon of rated capacity. The load to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart.) 2. The ground to be level and with a smooth horizontal surface having less than a 1 ° slope. 3. The cart is to be blocked to prevent movement of the wheels. 4. A spring scale or other force -measuring device is attached to the handle of the cart. (The force -measuring device to have an accuracy of less than ±3%.) The cart is then tipped by pulling on the force -measuring device, until the cart is in the balanced position. The angle of pull, that is, the tipping force direction, is to be horizontal with less than ±2° to all sides. (The position where the cart does not tend to move either forward or backward but remains in a balanced position.) The maximum force during the pull is noted. 5. Repeat step 4 so that three determinations are made. These results are averaged. 6. The test is to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The tipping forces were as follows: Average = 77 pounds. SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60 standards at or above the minimum requirements. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 7 TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: LID TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if a container lid will sustain the weight of an average child (approximately 80 pounds) without collapsing into the container. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30, the lid of the cart must withstand a load of 80 pounds without collapsing or allowing the loading weight to fall into the container. ANSI Z-245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. A weight of 80 pounds with a surface area diameter round of 8 inches is placed on the lid of the cart. 3. The test is to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The lid did not collapse or excessively deflect during the test. SUMMARY: The cart passed the test at or above minimum requirements as specified in ANSI Z245.30 and Z245.60. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI B TESTING REPORT DATE: 22 July 2005 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC95U Nestable Bar TEST: DIMENSIONAL TESTING TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if the dimensions of the container are within the required dimensions of industry standards. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z-245.60 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.60): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. The' dimensions of the cart are measured using a standard measuring device to the accuracy indicated. 3. The dimensions are reported according to the standard. TEST RESULTS: Dimension (Type B) Specification Measurement a Min: 32-1/2 in., Max: 33-1/2 in. 33.375 in. c Min: 14-1/2 in., Max: 15-1/4 in. 15.125 in. d 7 in. 6.5 in. e Max: 2-1/ in. 2.455 in. f Max: 1-1/4 in. 1.00 in. g Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.00 in. h Min: 1 in., Min: 2-1/4 in. 1.5 in. j Min: %rin., Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.00 in. k Min: '/2 in. 2.455 in. 1 Min: 8 in. 12.00 in. m Min: 5 in. 6.5 in. n Max: %z in. 0.472 in. p Min: 1-7/8 in. 2.25 in. Dimension (Type G) Specification Measurement A Min: 15 in. 16.75 in. B Min: 20 in., Max: 35 in. 24 in. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB ANSI 9 Strong and Associates, LLC Professional Consultants TESTING REPORT DATE: 10 February 2010 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 gallon container (Metal bar, 10-inch wheels) TEST: WIND TUNNEL TEST DESCRIPTION: This test is a measure of the stability of the cart in a high wind. Although not specifically tied to the basic purpose of the cart, most consumers would object to a cart that often tipped over and spilled the contents. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No standard has been set although some local standards may exist. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. A large wind tunnel with a 54 inch diameter exit opening is used for the test. The wind was supplied by a Gates Super HC drive with capability to achieve various velocities. 2. Position the cart in the steady wind stream zone. (Approx. 48 inches from the opening.) 3. The bottom of the cart is to be level with the exit opening and is to rest on a concrete surface that has a surface texture similar to a roadway. 4. Test cart in three orientations toward the wind tunnel opening — front, side and back. 5. In each orientation, the cart should be tested against a barrier to simulate performance against a street curb. The barrier should prevent the cart from sliding. 6. Measure the air velocity at the leading surface of the cart using a certified volometer. Placement of the volometer in front of the cart and a few inches down from the top of the cart is ideal. 7. The wind velocity is raised in increments with sufficient time between changes to monitor whether the cart is stable. The highest wind velocity achieved is recorded. 8. The carts are blocked against a barrier that is placed behind the wheels. The point of non -stability (end point) is when the cart tipped over. The wind speed is taken as the average of at least 3 repetitions. 9. Modifications in cart characteristics or positioning may also be tested and noted. TEST RESULTS: Orientation Towards Wind Tunnel Front Side Back Highest Stable Wind Speed (Blocked) 35 mph 47 mph 56 mph A. Bred{ Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 8254 Creative Place Sandy, Utah 801/733-7575 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: TEMPERATURE EXTREMES TEST DESCRIPTION: Investigate the stability of a cart at both hot and cold extremes of temperature by loading the cart to its maximum level and then subjecting the cart to temperature extremes for long periods of time. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. Some specific requirements have been stipulated by customers. Those requirements state that a fully loaded cart (325 pounds) will have no adverse effects after exposure to 135° F and - 40° F for 7 hours. TEST PROCEDURE: 1 The cart is loaded with the standard ANSI load. 2. The cart is placed into an oven that has been set to operate at 135°F. 3. The cart is allowed to remain in the oven so that it is subjected to the 135°F temperature for at least 7 hours. 4. At the end of the 7-hour exposure period, the cart is inspected and operated. Note any changes in the cart that might affect its operation and use as a trash cart. 5. The cart is placed into a walk-in freezer that has been set to operate at -40°F. 6. The cart is allowed to remain in the freezer so that it is subjected to the -40°F temperature for at least 7 hours. 7. At the end of the 7-hour exposure period, the cart is inspected and operated. Note any changes in the cart that might affect its operation and use as a trash cart. TEST RESULTS: Hot test: The cart operated acceptably. There were no adverse effects from the hot exposure. Cold test: The cart operated acceptably. There were no adverse effects from the cold exposure. SUMMARY: No significant damage was seen and so the cart passed the standards for minimum performance. A. Brent Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB Test 11 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: DROP TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: The drop test is designed to measure the overall ruggedness of the cart during impact such as when dropped by a truck when dumping. The major performance concern is the integrity of the cart as a unit in resisting breakage which would make it unusable as a trash cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists, although some customers may have specific specifications. A logical standard is that the cart should still be serviceable as a trash cart after the drops. Failure criteria for this test are the occurrences of cracks or breaks in the cart itself. The test is conducted with wheels and axles attached but axle bending and wheel damage were not considered to be failures unless the cart was rendered unserviceable. TEST PROCEDURE: ] . The cart is to be loaded with the ANSI Standard (ANSI Z245.30-1994) standard weight of 3.5 pounds per gallon. 2. Rig the cart so that it can be lifted and remain in a vertical orientation; however, there is no guarantee that the carts will land in any specific manner. 3. Lift the cart so that the bottom of the cart is 6 feet above the impact surface. 4. The impact surface is to be a concrete slab. 5. The cart is to withstand three drops. TEST RESULTS: Drop 1 — Some damage to the wheels Drop 2 — Additional damage to the wheels and bending of the axle. Drop 3 — Additional damage to the wheels and axle. SUMMARY: The cart was still serviceable after the test. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A. Brent S Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB Test 12 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: LID IMPACT TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: Investigate the safety (potential human danger) from a blow that might be structk by the lid closing. Where this force is large, there may be potential for injury. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. The test is designed to anticipate potential problems. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Mount a strain gauge onto the front edge of the cart so that the force from a falling lid can be measured. 2. Raise the lid to the vertical position (90° from closed). 3. Nudge the lid forward until it just begins to fall without any force other than gravity. 4. Measure and record the strain. Convert to impact force and impact pressure. 5. Repeat the test 10 times (minimum) so that a statistically significant result is obtained. 6. Report the average impact force and impact pressure. 7. Compare the impact results with actual physical determinations that serve as a standard for bodily injury. TEST RESULTS: Impact Force 29 pounds i Impact Pressure Injury Comparison 15 psi Lids dropped across the hand with this force make a small mark that does not persist beyond 3 minutes. Moderate pain sensation on impact. SUMMARY: The potential for significant personal injury from the drop of this lid is considered slight. Therefore, the cart passed the test. Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB Test 13 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: DART IMPACT TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: The test is designed to investigate cart materials and/or molding procedures and conditions by subjecting the cart to high impact conditions. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. Some plastics manufacturing associations have standards which can be used as guides for some products. TEST PROCEDURE: 1 Cut ten 4-inch by 4-inch samples from the cart. 2. Cool the samples for at least 8 hours at -40°F. 3. Remove a sample from the cooler and place on a holding ring (3-inch diameter). 4. Impact the sample with a falling dart. This impact should be done within 10 seconds after removing the samples from the cooler. The impact dart is to be 20-pounds in weight and have a rounded tup end of 3/4-inch diameter. 5. The drop height is to be noted. 6. If the sample breaks or is punctured, lower the drop height. 7. Repeat the drops until the sample does not shatter nor is it penetrated by the tup. Report this height. TEST RESULTS: Drop Height (feet) 8 8 6 Result puncture puncture no puncture SUMMARY: No standard has been established but the performance is reasonable for materials of this type. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A. Bren Str ng J Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB Test 14 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 95 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: ABRASION TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: This test examines the resistance of the cart to having a hole worn through resulting from dragging the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. The lest is designed to anticipate potential problems. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. A best sander is fitted with a new abrasive belt. The belt is to be 60-grit (aluminum oxide), 3-inch wide. 2. The unloaded cart is placed so that the front edge rests on the belt sander. There is to be no additional weight or force on the cart except its own weight. 3. The sander is activated and the time to wear through the front corner of the cart is noted. 4. After the cart has been tested on the front corner, the cart is repositioned so that it is sitting upright on the top of the sander and the sander belt is then against the middle of the bottom of the cart. 5. The sander is re -activated and the time to wear through the bottom of the cart is noted. TEST RESULTS: Cart Orientation Time to wear through (minutes:seconds) Front corner 5:25 Bottom 10:40 SUMMARY: No standard has been established but the performance is reasonable for materials of this type. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A. Brent Stiong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 95NB Test 15 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: VOLUMETRIC LOADING CAPACITY TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine the volume of a container MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Thevolumetric loading capacity of the container should be measured according to ANSI Z245.30-1999. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The volume of the cart is measured using the tank (immersion) method. 2. The empty cart is placed inside a tank with sufficient capacity to receive the container to be tested. The container must be level (that is, not inclined). 3. Simultaneously fill the tank and the container with water at a standard temperature (59°F). 4. Measure the volume of water inside the container to an accuracy of ±1 percent. 5. Repeat the capacity method and determine the volumetric capacity of the lid. TEST RESULTS: The cart had a capacity of 67.2 gallons. The lid had a capacity of 5.0 gallons. SUMMARY: The cart passed the test at or above minimum requirements as specified in ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999. A. nt S ong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: SLOPE STABILITY TEST DESCRIPTION: This test checks the static stability of an empty and loaded cart on a defined slope (5 degrees). MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z245.30-1999 requires that the cart must stand, without tipping or moving, in three different orientations on a defined slope. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. Prepare a ramp with a slope of 5 degrees. The ramp must be of sufficient size that a cart can be moved onto the cart with no portion of the cart overhanging the edges of the ramp. 2. There is to be no wind. 3. Move an empty cart onto the ramp and orient the cart with the front of the cart facing up the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Turn the cart so that the front of the cart is facing sideways on the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Turn the cart so that the front of the cart is facing down the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. 4. Repeat step two with the cart loaded to the standard loading as specified in the ANSI standard (3.5 pounds per gallon of rated capacity). The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart. TEST RESULTS: Orientation Result Empty Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable Filled (loaded — 227.5 lbs) Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards since non -movement in three orientations is met. A. rent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech. Brigham Young University 265 CTB, Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 2 TESTING REPORT DATE:. 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: DURABILITY DURING PULLING (CURB TEST) TEST DESCRIPTION: This test determines whether the cart's handles, wheels, and axles will withstand the repeated pulling forces experienced during normal 10-year useful life. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the handles, wheels, axles, their attachments to the container, and the container itself must remain functional. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (according to the ANSI standard) with the volume of material occupying at least 70% of the total capacity of the cart. 2. Using the cart's handles, the loaded cart is pulled offa curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is then repositioned at the top of the curb. The test is repeated for 520 cycles (drops). 3. Using the cart's handles, an unloaded (empty) cart is pulled up a curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is repositioned at the bottom of the curb. The test is repeated 520 cycles (lifts). 4. The carts are set down onto a concrete surface. 5. The temperature to be normal room temperature (73 degrees F). TEST RESULTS: Test Condition Push off of full cart Pull up of empty cart Result No significant damage No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum performance. A. BrePifStrong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 3 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — SEMI -AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting that is performed when emptying the cart into a semi - automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE semi -automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationary frame which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is loaded with inert material at 3.5 pounds per gallon according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then engaged by the lifter and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever any change is noticed and after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles Comments on Performance 520 No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum performance. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 4 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDEN I IFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting that is performed when emptying the cart into a semi - automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE semi -automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationary frame which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is loaded with inert material at 3.5 pounds per gallon according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then engaged by the lifter and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever any change is noticed and after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles 520 Comments on Performance No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum performance. A. rent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 5 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: CENTER OF BALANCE POSITION TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine the height of the handle of a two -wheeled container at the center -of -balance position. This height affects the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to the ANSI standard Z245.30-1999, when in the center -of -balance position, the minimum height is to be 29 inches. The maximum height is to be 40 inches when in the center -of -balance position. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (3.5 pounds per gallon of rated capacity with the load occupying at least 70% of the capacity) or with the maximum rated load. 2. The test to be conducted on a hard, flat surface. 3. Block the wheels so that the cart will not roll. 4. Tip the cart slowly, rotating the cart on the wheels, to the center balance position. This position is determined as the position where the cart has a tendency to remain in a balanced (neutral) position, not tipping forward or backward. 5. When in the center balance position, place blocks under the container to maintain in balanced position. 6. Measure the distance vertically from the ground plane to the center line of the handle of the cart. The accuracy of measurement is to be ±0.25 inches. 7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 and then average the results for the three determinations. TEST RESULTS: The results are: Average = 33.5 inches SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 stand2rds. A. ant Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 6 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: FORCE TO TIP TEST DESCRIPTION: To measure the strength required to start container movement to the balance point and to ensure that the force is not greater than an established limit. This force relates to the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30-1999, the force must not exceed 120 pounds force. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is to be loaded with a standard load. (3.5 pounds of material per gallon of rated capacity. The load to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart.) 2. The ground to be level and with a smooth horizontal surface having less than a 1 ° slope. 3. The cart is to be blocked to prevent movement of the wheels. 4. A spring scale or other force -measuring device is attached to the handle of the cart. (The force -measuring device to have an accuracy of less than ±3%.) The cart is then tipped by pulling on the force -measuring device, until the cart is in the balanced position. The angle of pull, that is, the tipping force direction, is to be horizontal with less than E2° to all sides. (The position where the cart does not tend to move either forward or backward but remains in a balanced position.) The maximum force during the pull is noted. 5. Repeat step 4 so that three determinations are made. These results are averaged. 6. The test is to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The tipping forces were as follows: Average = 35 pounds. SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards at or above the minimum requirements. A. Trent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 7 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: LID TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if a container lid will sustain the weight of an average child (approximately 80 pounds) without collapsing into the container. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30-1999, the lid of the cart must withstand a load of 80 pounds without collapsing or allowing the loading weight to fall into the container. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. A weight of 80 pounds with a surface area diameter round of 8 inches is placed on the lid of the cart. 3. The test is to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The lid did not collapse or excessively deflect during the test. SUMMARY: The cart passed the test at or above minimum requirements as specified in ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999. A. ren Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 8 TESTING REPORT DATE: 15 November 2006 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC65 NB Nestable Bar Universal Cart TEST: DIMENSIONAL TESTING TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if the dimensions of the container are within the required dimensions of industry standards. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.60-1999): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. The dimensions of the cart are measured using a standard measuring device to the accuracy indicated. 3. The dimensions are reported according to the standard. TEST RESULTS: Dimension (Type B) Specification Measurement a Min: 32-1/2 in., Max: 33-1/2 in. 32.55 in. c Min: 14-1/2 in., Max: 15-1/4 in. 15.25 in. d 7 in. 6.5 in. e Max: 2-1/ in. 0.7 in. f Max: 1-1/4 in. 0.75 in. g Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.25 in. h Min: 1 in., Min: 2-1/4 in. 1.9 in. j Min: %z in., Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.20 in. k Min: % in. 2.75 in. 1 Min: 8 in. 12.00 in. m Min: 5 in. 8.0 in. n Max: i/2 in. 0.2 in. p Min: 1-7/8 in. 1.875 in. SUMMARY: The cart meets the requirements of the ANSI Z245.60-1999 standard. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 65NB ANSI 9 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 65 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: WIND TUNNEL TEST DESCRIPTION: This test is a measure of the stability of the cart in a high wind. Although not specifically tied to the basic purpose of the cart, most consumers would object to a cart that often tipped over and spilled the contents. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No standard has been set although some local standards may exist. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. A large wind tunnel with a 54 inch diameter exit opening is used for the test. The wind was supplied by a Gates Super 1-IC drive with capability to achieve various velocities. 2. Position the cart in the steady wind stream zone. (Approx. 48 inches from the opening.) 3. The bottom of the cart is to be level with the exit opening and is to rest on a concrete surface that has a surface texture similar to a roadway. 4. Test cart in three orientations toward the wind tunnel opening — front, side and back. 5. In each orientation, the cart should be tested against a barrier to simulate performance against a street curb. The barrier should prevent the cart from sliding. 6. Measure the air velocity at the leading surface of the cart using a certified volometer. Placement of the volometer in front of the cart and a few inches down from the top of the cart is ideal. 7. The wind velocity is raised in increments with sufficient time between changes to monitor whether the cart is stable. The highest wind velocity achieved is recorded. 8. The carts are blocked against a barrier that is placed behind the wheels. The point of non - stability (end point) is when the cart tipped over. The wind speed is taken as the average of at least 3 repetitions. 9. Modifications in cart characteristics or positioning may also be tested and noted. TEST RESULTS: Orientation Towards Wind Tunnel Front Side Back Highest Stable Wind Speed (Blocked) A. Brent rong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 30 mph 42 mph 40 mph 65NB Test 10 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: VOLUMETRIC LOADING CAPACITY TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine the volume of a container MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The volumetric loading capacity of the container should be measured according to ANSI Z245.30-1999. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The volume of the cart is measured using the tank (immersion) method. 2. The empty cart is placed inside a tankwith sufficient capacity to receive the container to be tested. The container must be level (that is,'not inclined). 3. Simultaneously fill the tank and the container with water at a standard temperature (59°F). 4. Measure the volume of water inside the container to an accuracy off 1 percent. 5. Repeat the capacity method and determine the volumetric capacity of the lid. TEST RESULTS: The cart had a capacity of 34.4 gallons. The lid had a capacity of 2.5 gallons. SUMMARY: The cart passed the test at or above minimum requirements as specified in ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p1 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: SLOPE STABILITY TEST DESCRIPTION: This test checks the static stability of an empty and loaded cart on a defined slope (5 degrees). MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z245.30-1999 requires that the cart must stand, without tipping or moving, in three different orientations on a defined slope. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. Prepare a ramp with a slope of 5 degrees. The ramp must be of sufficient size that a cart can be moved onto the cart with no portion of the cart overhanging the edges of the ramp. 2. There is to be no wind. 3. Move an empty cart onto the ramp and orient the cart with the front of the cart facing up the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Turn the cart so that the front of the cart is facing sideways on the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. Turn the cart so that the front of the cart is facing down the ramp. Note any tipping or movement. 4. Repeat step two with the cart loaded to the standard loading as specified in the ANSI standard (3.5 pounds per gallon of rated capacity). The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart. TEST RESULTS: Orientation Result Empty Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable Filled (loaded — 122.5 lbs) Front facing sideways (right) Stable Front facing sideways (left) Stable Front facing downward Stable SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards since non -movement in three orientations is et. Afire t Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech. Brigham Young University 265 CTB, Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p2 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: DURABILITY DURING PULLING (CURB TEST) TEST DESCRIPTION: This test determines whether the cart's handles, wheels, and axles will withstand the repeated pulling forces experienced during normal 10-year useful life. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the handles, wheels, axles, their attachments to the container, and the container itself must remain functional. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (according to the ANSI standard) with the volume of material occupying at least 70% of the total `capacity of the cart. 2. Using the cart's handles, the loaded cart is pulled off a curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is then repositioned at the top of the curb. The test is repeated for 520 cycles (drops). 3. Using the cart's handles, an unloaded (empty) cart is pulled up a curb. The curb height to be 5.5 inches. The cart is repositioned at the bottom of the curb. The test is repeated 520 cycles (lifts). 4. The carts are set down onto a concrete surface. 5. The temperature to be normal room temperature (73 degrees F). TEST RESULTS: Test Condition Push off of full cart Pull up of empty cart Result No significant damage No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum performance. A. ren Strong ' Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC3 5p3 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — SEMI -AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting that is performed when emptying the cart into a semi - automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE semi -automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationary frame which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is Loaded with inert material at 3.5 pounds per gallon according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then engaged by the lifter and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever anychange is noticedand after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles Comments onFftefornance 520 No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum performance. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p4 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: LOADING AND UNLOADING (CYCLE TEST) — AUTOMATED TEST DESCRIPTION: The loading and unloading test is designed to approximate the useful life of a cart (10 years) in the actual lifting that is performed when emptying the cart into a semi - automated truck. This test is useful in assessing the overall design (such as the lid fit, handle material and hinge mechanism, wheel assembly strength, etc.) and overall durability. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI standard Z245.30-1999 requires that after testing the cart should not suffer any damage or permanent deformation such that it cannot be safely used in normal operation. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The test is conducted at room temperature. 2. A standard ARE semi -automated lifting mechanism is used. This lifter is compatible with all currently used carts. The lifting mechanism is attached to a stationaryframe which allows the cart to be emptied and then reloaded on each cycle. 3. The cycle time is greater than eight seconds, as required in the standard. 4. The cart is loaded with inert material at 3.5 pounds per gallon according to the rated size of the container. The loading material is to occupy at least 70% of the volume of the cart. 5. The cart is positioned in front of the lifting mechanism and is then engaged by the lifter and lifted to empty the cart into a bin. The cart is set down onto a concrete surface and is held stationary as it is reloaded by tipping the bin to allow the weights to re-enter the cart. 6. Inspections are made whenever any change is noticed and after every 100 lifts. 7. Failure is judged to be cracks, holes or other induced defects or deformations in the cart that would prevent the cart's use as a trash cart and be emptied by the automated method. TEST RESULTS: Cycles 520 Comments on Performance No significant damage SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards for minimum p rformance. Agent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p5 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: CENTER OF BALANCE POSITION TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine the height of the handle of a two -wheeled container at the center -of -balance position. This height affects the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to the ANSI standard Z245.30-1999, when in the center -of -balance position, the minimum height is to be 29 inches. The maximum height is to be 40 inches when in the center -of -balance position. ANSI Z245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is loaded with a standard load (3.5 pounds per gallon of rated capacity with the load occupying at least 70% of the capacity) or with the maximum rated load. 2.. The test to be conducted on a hard, flat surface. 3. Block the wheels so that the cart will not roll. 4. Tip the cart slowly, rotating the cart on the wheels, to the center balance position. This position is determined as the position where the cart has a tendency to remain in a balanced (neutral) position, not tipping forward or backward. 5. When in the center balance position, place blocks under the container to maintain in balanced position. 6. Measure the distance vertically from the ground plane to the center line of the handle of the cart. The accuracy of measurement is to be ±0.25 inches. 7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 and then average the results for the three determinations. TEST RESULTS: The results are: Average = 29.0 inches SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p6 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: FORCE TO TIP TEST DESCRIPTION: To measure the strength required to start container movement to the balance point and to ensure that the force is not greater than an established limit. This force relates to the ease of operation of the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30-1999, .the force must not exceed 120 pounds force. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is to be loaded with a standard load. (3.5 pounds of material per gallon of rated capacity. The load to occupy at least 70% of the capacity of the cart) 2. The ground to be level and with a smooth horizontal surface having less than a 1 ° slope. 3. The cart is to be blocked to prevent movement of the wheels. 4. A spring scale or other force -measuring device is attached to the handle of the cart. (The force -measuring device to have an accuracy of less than d3%.) The cart is then tipped by pulling on the force -measuring device, until the cart is in the balanced position. The angle of pull, that is, the tipping force direction, is to be horizontal with less than 2° to all sides. (The position where the cart does not tend to move either forward or backward but remains in a balanced position.) The maximum force during the pull is noted. 5. Repeat step 4 so that three determinations are made. These results are averaged. 6. The test is to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The tipping forces were as follows: Average = 27 pounds. SUMMARY: The cart passed the ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999 standards at or above the minimum requirements. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p7 TESTING REPORT DATE: 1 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal TEST: LID TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if a container lid will sustain the weight of an average child (approximately 80 pounds) without collapsing into the container. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: According to ANSI Z245.30-1999, the lid of the cart must withstand a load of 80 pounds without collapsing or allowing the loading weight to fall into the container. ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.30-1999): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. A weight of 80 pounds with a surface area diameter round of 8 inches is placed on the lid of the cart. 3. The testis to be conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS: The lid did not collapse or excessively deflect during the test. SUMMARY: The cart passed the test at or above minimum requirements as specified in ANSI Z245.30-1999 and Z245.60-1999. rent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC3 5p8 TESTING REPORT DATE: 15 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Euro Cart TEST: DIMENSIONAL TESTING TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if the dimensions of the container are within the required dimensions of industry standards. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.60-1999): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. The dimensions of the cart are measured using a standard measuring device to the accuracy indicated. 3. The dimensions are reported according to the standard. TEST RESULTS: Dimension (Type C) b c d e f g h k 1 Dimension (Type G) A B Specification Min: 31 in., Max: 43 in. Min: % in., Max: 7/8 in. Min: 7/8 in., Max: 1-1/4 in. Min: 3/8 in., Max: 3/4 in: Min: % in. Min: 1-1/4 in., Max: 1-3/4 in. Min: 2 in., Max: 2-1/4 in. Max: 5-1/8 in. 5-7/8 in. Max: 2-7/8 in. Specification Min: 15 in. Min: 20 in., Max: 35 in. Measurement 40.75 in. 0.762 in. 1.05 in. 0.385 in. 0.875 in. 1.6 in. 2.125 in. 5.75 in. 5.8125 in. 0.175 in. Measurement 16.75 in. 24 in. SUMMARY: The cart meets the requirements of the ANSI Z245.60-1999 standard. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p9 TESTING REPORT DATE: 15 November 2007 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig ROC35 35-gallon Universal Cart TEST: DIMENSIONAL TESTING TEST DESCRIPTION: To determine if the dimensions of the container are within the required dimensions of industry standards. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: ANSI Z-245.60-1999 establishes dimensional requirements for the cart. TEST PROCEDURE (Meets the requirements of ANSI Z245.60-1999): 1. The cart is placed on a smooth, level, horizontal surface. 2. The dimensions of the cart are measured using a standard measuring device to the. accuracy indicated. 3. The dimensions are reported according to the standard. TEST RESULTS: Dimension (Type B) Specification Measurement a Min: 32-1/2 in., Max: 33-1/2 in. 33.00 in. c Min: 14-1/2 in., Max: 15-1/4 in. 15.25 in. d 7 in. 6.5 in. e Max: 2-1/ in. 2.2 in. f Max: 1-1/4 in. 1.00 in. g Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.00 in. h Min: 1 in., Min: 2-1/4 in. 1.0 in. j Min: '/2 in., Max: 1-1/2 in. 1.00 in. k Min:1/2 in. 3.25 in. 1 Min: 8 in. 10.00 in. m Min: 5 in. 5.75 in. n Max: %z in. 0.1 in. p Min: 1-7/8 in. 2.75 in. SUMMARY: The cart meets the requirements of the ANSI Z245.60-1999 standard. A. Brent Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Tech Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p10 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: TEMPERATURE EXTREMES TEST DESCRIPT]ON: investigate the stability of a cart at both hot and cold extremes of temperature by loading the cart to its maximum level and then subjecting the cart to temperature extremes for long periods of time. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. Some specific requirements have been stipulated by customers. Those requirements state that a fully loaded cart (120 pounds) will have no adverse effects after exposure to 135° F and - 40° F for 7 hours. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The cart is loaded with the standard ANSI load. 2. The cart is placed into an oven that has been set to operate at 135°F. 3. The cart is allowed to remain in the oven so that it is subjected to the 135°F temperature for at least 7 hours. 4. At the end of the 7-hour exposure period, the cart is inspected and operated. Note any changes in the cart that might affect its operation and use as a trash cart. 5. The cart is placed into a walk-in freezer that has been set to operate at -40°F. 6. The cart is allowed to remain in the freezer so that it is subjected to the -40°F temperature for at least 7 hours. 7. At the end of the 7-hour exposure period, the cart is inspected and operated. Note any changes in the cart that might affect its operation and use as a trash cart. TEST RESULTS: Hot test: The cart operated acceptably. There were no adverse effects from the hot exposure. Cold lest: The cart operated acceptably. There were no adverse effects from the cold exposure. SUMMARY: No significant damage was seen and so the cart passed the standards for minimum performance. A. Brent Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p11 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: WIND TUNNEL TEST DESCRIPTION: This test is a measure of the stability of the cart in a high wind. Although not specifically tied to the basic purpose of the cart, most consumers would object to a cart that often tipped over and spilled the contents. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No standard has been set although some local standards may exist. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. A large wind tunnel with a 54 inch diameter exit opening is used for the test. The wind was supplied by a Gates Super HC drive with capability to achieve various velocities. 2: Position the cart in the steady wind stream zone. (Approx. 48 inches from the opening.) 3. The bottom of the cart is to be level with the exit opening and is to rest on a concrete surface that has a surface texture similar to a roadway. 4. Test cart in three orientations toward the wind tunnel opening — front, side and back. 5. In each orientation, the cart should be tested against a barrier to simulate performance against a street curb. The barrier should prevent the cart from sliding. 6. Measure the air velocity at the leading surface of the cart using a certified volometer. Placement of the volometer in front of the cart and a few inches down from the top of the cart is ideal. 7. The wind velocity is raised in increments with sufficient time between changes to monitor whether the cart is stable. The highest wind velocity achieved is recorded. 8. The carts are blocked against a barrier that is placed behind the wheels. The point of non - stability (end point) is when the cart tipped over. The wind speed is taken as the average of at least 3 repetitions. 9. Modifications in cart characteristics or positioning may also be tested and noted. TEST RESULTS: Orientation Towards Wind Tunnel Front Side Back Highest Stable Wind SpeedXRlocked) 32 mph 37 mph Aret Strong Professor, Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 42 mph ROC35p12 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: DROP TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: The drop test is designed to measure the overall ruggedness of the cart during impact such as when dropped by a truck when dumping. The major performance concern is the integrity of the cart as a unit in resisting breakage which would make it unusable as a trash cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists, although some customers may have specific specifications: A logical standard is that the cart should still be serviceable as a trash cart after the drops. Failure criteria for this test are the occurrences of cracks or breaks in the cart itself. The test is conducted with wheels and axles attached but axle bending and wheel damage were not considered to be failures unless the cart was rendered unserviceable. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The cart is to be loaded with the ANSI Standard (ANSI Z245.30-1994) standard weight of 3.5 pounds per gallon. 2. Rig the cart so that it can be lifted and remain in a vertical orientation; however, there is no guarantee that the carts will land in any specific manner. 3. Lift the cart so that the bottom of the cart is 6 feet above the impact surface. 4. The impact surface is to be a concrete slab. 5. The cart is to withstand three drops. TEST RESULTS: Drop 1 — Minor damage to the wheels Drop 2 — Additional damage to the wheels and bending of the axle. Drop 3 — Additional damage to the wheels and axle. SUMMARY: The cart was still serviceable after the test. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A.1 rent trong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p13 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: LID1MPACT TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: Investigate the safety (potential human danger) from a blow that might be struck by the lid closing. Where this force is large, there may be potential for injury. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. The test is designed to anticipate potential problems. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Mount a strain gauge onto the front edge of the cart so that the force from a falling lid can be measured. 2. Raise the lid to the vertical position (90° from closed). 3. Nudge the lid forward until it just begins to fall without any force other than gravity. 4. Measure and record the strain. Convert to impact force and impact pressure. 5. Repeat the test 10 times (minimum) so that a statistically significant result is obtained. 6. Report the average impact force and impact pressure. 7. Compare the impact results with actual physical determinations that serve as a standard for bodily injury. TEST RESULTS: Impact Force Impact Pressure Injury Comparison 11 pounds 5 psi Lids dropped having this force leave a small mark on the hand that does not persist beyond 3 minutes. Mild pain sensation on impact. SUMMARY: The potential for significant personal injury from the drop of this lid is considered slight. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A. Brent Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p14 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: DART IMPACT TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: The test is designed to investigate cart materials and/or molding procedures and conditions by subjecting the cart to high impact conditions. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. Some plastics manufacturing associations have standards which can be used as guides for some products. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Cut ten 4-inch by 4-inch samples from the cart. 2. Cool the samples for at least 8 hours at -40°F. 3. Remove a sample from the cooler and place on a holding ring (3-inch diameter). 4. Impact the sample with a falling dart. This impact should be done within 10 seconds after removing the samples from the cooler. The impact dart is to be 20-pounds in weight and have a rounded tup end of 3/4-inch diameter. 5. The drop height is to be noted. 6. if the sample breaks or is punctured, lower the drop height. 7. Repeat the drops until the sample does not shatter nor is it penetrated by the tup. Report this height. TEST RESULTS: Drop Height (feet) Result 8 puncture 6 puncture 5 puncture 4 , blushing but no puncture SUMMARY: No standard has been established but the performance is reasonable for materials of this type. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A. Bren{'Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p15 TESTING REPORT DATE: 7 March 2002 SUBJECT: Trash carts PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Rehrig Pacific 35 Gallon Universal Cart TEST: ABRASION TEST TEST DESCRIPTION: This test examines the resistance of the cart to having a hole worn through resulting from dragging the cart. MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD: No national standard exists. The test is designed to anticipate potential problems. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. A best sander is fitted with a new abrasive belt. The belt is to be 60-grit (aluminum oxide), 3-inch wide. 2. The unloaded cart is placed so that the front edge rests on the belt sander. There is to be no additional weight or force on the cart except its own weight. 3. The sander is activated and the time to wear through the front corner of the cart is noted. 4. After the cart has been tested on the front comer, the cart is repositioned so that it is sitting upright on the top of the sander and the sander belt is then against the middle of the bottom of the cart. 5. The sander is re -activated and the time to wear through the bottom of the cart is noted. TEST RESULTS: Cart Orientation Time to wear through (minutes:seconds) Front corner 8:10 Bottom 16:45 SUMMARY: No standard has been established but theperformance is reasonable for materials of this type. Therefore, the cart passed the test. A"$re t Strong Professor Manufacturing Engineering Technology Brigham Young University 265 CTB Provo, UT 84602 ROC35p16 111` ehrlg Ydgit�ompanu Assembly Instructions Lids: Containers are shipped with the lids completely attached and assembled. However when the need to attach a lid does arise, it will be very easy to accomplish. To assemble the lid, place the lid on top of the container, lining up the two (2) extended pieces of plastic from the lid into the handle area. Then place the hinge pins into the side holes on each side of the handle area making sure the hinge pins pass through the extended piece of plastic from the lid. Finally, push the hinge pins into place using a fair amount of pressure with either your hand or rubber mallet. Nestable Catch Bar: Carts are shipped with Nestable Catch Bar pre -installed. However when the need arises, simply push metal bar to snap in. Axle and Wheels: Our containers are shipped in stacks of (9) high with the bottom cart of each stack fully assembled (lids, axles and wheels). All other containers have the axles and wheels with integrated spacers conveniently placed in the bottom of each individual container. To assemble the axle assembly, first slide the axle through all four holes in the axle housing until there is an equal amount of axle space extending beyond the end of the axle housing. Finally, place the wheel onto the axle until it "snaps" firmly into the groove on the axle. It's that easy! The average wheel assembly time utilizing our integrated spacer snap on wheel is 8 to 10 seconds! 1-Nestable Metal Bar 2- Wheels w/ Integrated Spacers 2- Hinge Pins A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ehrig Yacrfie QZompanu Iwo Roll -Out Cart Spare Parts Price List Lid and Custom Options: Min Unit Part No. Part Description Order Qty Price LDAA## Custom color w/ custom logo 200 $12.00 LDAA#11 Custom color w/out custom logo 200 $11.00 LDBL72 Black lid w/ custom logo (min order = 200) 200 $9.00 LDBL72 Black lid w/out logo 200 $8.00 NPSLT 2"x12" newspaper slot 200 $5.00 SMRDHL Round hole — up to 4" diameter 200 $2.00 LGRDHL Round hole — 4" to 9.5" diameter 200 $4.00 HLNOTFT 9.5" Hole w/ theft prohibitory 200 $7.85 LL Lid Latch (padlock supplied by customer) 200 $8.50 LK&KY Lock w/ key 200 $15.00 BCLL Bungee cord lid latch 50 $1.75 LP Lid pin 50 $0.25 Wheels and Axles and Accessories: BMSO Blow molded snap on 50 $4.00 BMSOCap Blow molded end cap 50 $3.00 BMSOis Blow molded snap on w/ integrated spacer 50 $4.25 CTSO Colson treaded snap on 50 $5.00 CTEC Colson treaded end cap 50 $4.00 AXSO Axle for snap on 50 $3.00 AXEC Axle for end cap 50 $3.00 EC End cap 50 $0.25 SPCR Spacer 50 $0.25 CP Cotter pin 50 $0.15 WA Washer 50 $0.20 Metal Catch Bar Option & Accessories: MCB Metal Catch Bar 50 $2.00 RIV Rivets for Metal Catch Bar 50 $0.05 Above pricing does not include the cost of shipping. To order, please contact your Customer Service Manager: Christal Blaim, 800-934-3312 Tool needed for wheel removal: Use any scratch awl or pick. We recommend using: McMaster Carr Combination Pick Par A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Proven to "withstand the rigors of today's.' collection systems, Rehrig Pacifies HuskyLite Roll -out Carts are; setting;,. new industry standards for durability and; efficiency: Available in 18 gallon through_. 95 gallon. models, for nearly any curbside application, these carts roll easily:even :with heavy loads. The continuous one-piece handle provides a strong gripping area and thewide wheelbase makes maneuvering easy. HuskyLite carts are flexible, yet hold their shape even after years of service... A reinforced top lip adds strength and rigidity as do the double drag rail and reinforced bottom: The specially. designed wide ground -hugging base helps keep these carts .upright and stable.;. Options for the Roll -out Carts include internal and external locking lids, which can be made with slots for collecting confidential documents or cutouts for recyclable beverage containers. Wheel options include blow -molded wheels or quiet treaded snap-onwheels that instal] in seconds. Roll -out Carts are shipped with lids already attached, saving additional assembly time. ehri • ROC=95 C49. ENV-7 06-0909 arts C=95 or Semi=Autornated or ;Automated',Collectior ousehold Refuse; Recyclables and ..v rganlc Waste" • :cRFID:; iitegratiori Available for': Use: in:As`set'.; ana Participation Tracking Prob ams • "Divider Option f or;Two-Strearri Collledion p p • : Lid Cutouts for Recyclables Available 'Lid. Opening Options Include 90. or 110 Stops c; • Blow Molded or;Quiet Tread Wheels Available in CotterPiil, End Cap or Snap -on Styles • Optional Features for Confidential Document :Destruction Carts: O Lids with Internal Key Lock or External Tongue Plate and Padlock O Slotted Openings with Anti -Fish Option • See Organic Waste Container Specification Sheet for Additional Features and Options Rehrig Pacific Roll -out Carts Product Information Din4ensioiis ;; (tn:) Height w/Lid Depth ANSI; Load;Rating2 (lb;): Truckload;Quantities: 32.60 39.13 18.00 OC-18''.',rRO 22.98 40.58 45.13 28.11 33.73 2.50:-........> Stack Size 48'::Trailerr 53' Trailer 7 high 875 Inquire Inquire Inquire 9 .high 1,080 9 high 8/9 high 504' . -;'384/432 648 432/486 i Dimensions vary depending on wheel and lid options 2 ANSI Z245.30 - 2008 320 gallon insert available ROC-18 Carts Stacked Gravity Lock Multi -Color In -Mold Label (I.M.L.) European Lip Internal Lock with Key Optional Openings for Recyclables • Branded ID Number and Bar Code External Lock (padlock not included) Optional 90° or 110° Lid Stops A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION . Headquarters: 4010 East 26th Street Los Angeles, California 90058 (323) 262-5145 (800) 421-6244 FAX: (323) 269-8506 Erie, PA (800) 458-0403 • Atlanta, GA (800) 241.9693 • Dallas, TX (800) 426-9189 • Kenosha, WI (800) 934-3312 De Soto, KS (866) 265-4108 • Orlando, FL (800) 998-2525 • Canada (877) 956-8094 • Mexico +52 (442) 296-2000 www.rehrigpacific.com • infalehrigpacitic.com 0 2009 Rehrig Pacific Company. In keeping with our goal of continuing product Improvement, Rehrig Pacific Company reserves the right to change materials, designs, and specifications without notice or obligation. 2ci rig dific ompanu Manufacturing Process: Material: Wall Thickness: 95 Gallon Nestable Bar Roll Out Cart Specifications Meets and/or exceeds all ANSI Standards Injection Molding High -density polyethylene resin (HDPE) Manufacturer: Exxon Type: HD-6605 Color pigment and ultraviolet inhibitor compounded at 2% by weight Cart Minimum: 0.175 inches Critical Wear Points: 0.185 inches (Cart Bottom, handle & lift mechanisms) Lid Minimum: 0.140 inches Cart Dimensions: Height (includes lid): 45.13 inches Width: 28.70 inches Depth: 33.73 inches Resin weight: 34.10 pounds Assembled weight: 41 pounds Gripping diameter: 27 inches Capacity: 97.57 gallons Load Rating: 332.50 pounds Imprinting: Hot stamp process permanently imprints logos and other information including serial numbers and user instruction Lid Opening: Lid Assembly: Lid Hinge: Catch Bar: Axle: Wheel: Handle: 270 degrees Carts are shipped with the lids already attached Attachment width —1.25 inches Factory installed 1" corrosion resistant zinc plated steel allows favorable nesting ratios High strength, low alloy steel, 3/4 inches x 23.8 inches, zinc plated or powder coated equivalent for corrosion protection. 10" x 1.75" blow -molded, snap -on with 1.4" integrated spacers Handle attachments are integrally molded part of the container body with a gripping area of 16 inches. Clearance between the cart body and the inside edge of the handle has been maximized to provide optimum control of a fully loaded cart Lift System Compatibility: Compatible with American semi -automated bar -locking lifters and fully automated arm lifters. Truckload Quantity: 486, stacked 9 high A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION 111 erg 3Pa if 1:lompanv Manufacturing Process: 65 Gallon Universal Roll Out Cart Specifications Meets and/or exceeds all ANSI Standards Injection Molding Material: High -density polyethylene resin (HDPE) Manufacturer: Exxon Type: HD-6605 Color pigment and ultraviolet inhibitor compounded together at 2% by weight Wall Thickness: Cart Minimum: 0.175 inches Critical Wear Points: 0.185 inches (Cart Bottom, handle & lift mechanisms) Lid Minimum: 0.140 inches Cart Dimensions: Height (includes lid): 40.5 inches Width: 26.7 inches Depth: 28.11 inches Resin weight: 27.5 pounds Assembled weight: 36 pounds Capacity: 66.25 gallons Load Rating: 227.5 pounds Imprinting: Hot stamp process permanently imprints logos and other information including serial numbers and user instruction Lid Opening: Lid Assembly:.. Lid Hinge: Catch Bar: Axle: Wheel: Handle: Lift System Compatibility: Compatible with American semi -automated bar -locking lifters and fully automated arm lifters. 270 degrees Carts are shipped with the lids already attached Attachment width — 1.25 inches Integrally molded plastic catch bar or 1" corrosion resistant zinc plated steel catch bar which is easily installed High strength, low alloy steel 3/4 inches x 23.8 inches, zinc plated or powder coated equivalent" for corrosion protection 10" x 1.75" blow -molded plastic, snap -on, with integrated spacer Handle attachments are integrally molded part of the container body with a gripping area of 12 inches. Clearance between the cart body and the inside edge of the handle has been maximized to provide optimum control of a fully loaded cart Truckload Quantity: 648, stacked 9 high A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Material: ,Rehrig mpanu 4 35 Gallon Roll Out Cart Specifications Meets and/or exceeds all ANSI Standards High -density polyethylene resin (HDPE) Manufacturer: Exxon Type: HD-6605. Color pigment and ultraviolet inhibitor compounded at 2% by weight. WaII Thickness: Cart Minimum: 0.150 inches Critical Wear Points: 0.185 inches (Cart Bottom, handle & lift mechanisms) Lid Minimum: 0.130 inches Cart Dimensions: Height (includes lid): 39.13 inches Width: 20.20 inches Depth: 22.98 inches Resin weight: 17.9 pounds Assembled weight: 25.5 pounds Capacity: 34.4 gallons Load Rating: 122.5 pounds Imprinting: Hot stamp process permanently imprints logos and other information including serial numbers and user instruction Lid Opening: Lid Assembly: Lid Hinge: Catch Bar: Axle: Wheel: Handle: 270 degrees Carts are shipped with the lids already attached Attachment width —1.25 inches Integrally molded plastic catch bar or 1" corrosion resistant zinc plated steel catch bar which is easily installed High strength, low alloy steel, 3/4 inches zinc plated or powder coated equivalent" for corrosion protection 8" x 1.75" blow -molded plastic, snap -on, with integrated spacer Handle attachments are integrally molded part of the container body with a gripping area of 12 inches. Clearance between the cart body and the inside edge of the handle has been maximized to provide optimum control of a fully loaded cart Lift System Compatibility: Compatible with American semi -automated bar -locking lifters and fully automated arm lifters Truckload Qty: 1,080, stacked 9 high A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION (Paris Pacific ompanu Container Resin Weight When considering the overall strength characteristics and longevity of a plastic container, there are several factors to consider. Processing, material, engineering (design) and weight are all factors in determining the durability of an automated container. It is our belief that the resin weight of a cart is crucial when producing a cart that can absorb and withstand the abuse inflicted by today's collection equipment. Rehrig Pacific manufactures carts using the injection molding process. Unlike the rotational and blow molding processes, the injection molding process allows the manufacturer to design molds that allow for additional plastic to be injected into the critical wear areas of the container, such as the sidewalls, bottom and the lifting skirt area. This added material is a crucial component and is what gives our container the strength and durability to withstand the rigors of automated collection equipment. Other manufacturing processes outside of injection molding do not possess this ability, making it impossible to reinforce the areas of a container that matter the most. In recent years, some container manufacturers (both injection and rotational molders) have made the decision to introduce carts to the market that possess far less resin than their original designs. While it is unclear as to why this decision was made, rising costs of resin (raw material) appears to be the main factor. Some manufacturers have introduced carts with nearly 5 pounds less raw material (resin) to compete in the market. On a 34-pound cart (resin weight) this would represent roughly 15% less material. To include the reduction in resin weight, some of these manufacturers have decided to reduce or prorate their cart warranties to better prepare themselves for the increases in failures that they anticipate experiencing from these lower quality carts. Unlike our competition, Rehrig Pacific Company has made the decision to continue to deliver high quality carts to the marketplace without compromising the durability of our products. Instead of removing plastic from our container, we have increased our capacity and moved our production closer to our customers. This allows us to better offset resin increases with lower freight rates. Our container failure rate is approximately 0.25% and is testament to the design and durability of our products. Rehrig Pacific stands by our commitment to quality and we believe that we have the strongest and longest lasting container on the market today. That is why we continue to offer and stand by our 10-year, non -prorated warranty for our containers. The unassembled resin weights of Rehrig Pacific's carts are: 35-gallon 17.9 lbs. 65-gallon 27.5 Ibs. 95-gallon 34.2 Ibs. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ,Rehrig 'acrfrompanu Reinforced Areas The Rehrig Pacific "HuskyLite" automated carts are manufactured through the injection molding process. It is well documented that the injection molding process has some tremendous advantages in comparison to the rotational and blow molded processes. Some of the distinct advantages are: • Uniform wall thickness • Ability to mold complex shapes, add uniform reinforcement at critical wear points • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) for excellent part toughness and durability • Use of recycled material • High surface quality (smooth), easy to clean • Repeated molding of tight tolerances The above mentioned advantages have allowed Rehrig Pacific to incorporate some very unique design features into areas that studies have shown where carts take the most punishment or abuse. The areas where containers are most likely to absorb the most abuse are the lid, the cart bottom, the axle housing, the gripping area and the grab bar. Rehrig Pacific has intentionally reinforced these areas to assure the longevity and strength of our carts. Lid: The Rehrig Pacific lid hinge design allows the lid to freely open and close with little effort. The lid attachment is a columnar extension of the lid, which greatly reduces the stress at the lid's attachment points. This feature effectively eliminates deformation and breakage commonly seen in other molding processes. Cart Bottom: A molded -in double drag rail reinforced by plastic ribs for strength runs along the container's bottom edge. This beefed up strip of plastic prevents the container from wearing through when continuously dragged along paved surfaces. No other cart can match the wall thickness and wear ability of the Rehrig Pacific cart bottom. Axle Housing: Rehrig Pacific's axle housing is unique in that it supports the axle in four areas ensuring longevity and superior mobility. In addition, the housing is not exposed to the resident therefore eliminating any possibility of the resident stepping on the axle to help tilt the cart backward (dangerous). Gripping Area: The injection molding process assures that every cart manufactured has a uniform (same exact) wall thickness. Essentially, this means that every cart we manufacture has a wall thickness of 0.175". The consistent 0.175" wall thickness in the grabbing area (midway up cart body) adds strength needed to absorb the high gripping pressure of the automated gripping arms. Grab Bar: Rehrig Pacific offers both an integrally molded plastic grab bar as well as a metal grab bar. The integrally molded plastic grab bar area has an increased wall thickness and reinforced ribbing to help withstand the rigors of semi -automated lifters. The grab bar design also features an increased radius to also prevent breakage in this area. Our metal grab baris offered to customers who prefer metal to plastic. A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION ;d1rlu ,Yarific Qompanp C.A.R.T.S. Subscription Details C.A.R.T.S. Technical Overview System Details • Web Based System accessible 24/7/365 • ASP.NET 2.0,DNN 4.5 environment • Coded with Visual Basic.Net & C # • Microsoft SQL Server back end database • Based on Location Work Flow Logic — Items, Locations, Stops and Item Status • System hosted at RPL home office • Web Browser and live Internet connection is all that is needed to access information C.A.R.T.S. Features • Tracks items at Serial Levels (individual asset tracking) • Tiered Security Levels — Users only see information assigned to them • Can Integrate with Legacy Systems — Current Integrations with Custom and Proprietary Systems • Can Integrate with Bar Code & RFID Data Collectors • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Services for Mass Data Transmission • Online Report Generators Data Collection • Upload&Specification Provided • Submit through FTP to RPL Server at Predefined Frequencies • Tracks Movements throughout All Points in the Supply Chain • Automating Increases Reliability and Accuracy • Utilize Handheld computers to track via barcode or RFID • Online Web Forms to Enter Data Electronic Logistics Functions • Assembly & Distribution Delivery screen/reports • Serial Level Distribution • Work Order Generation and Tracking • Serial level Maintenance Tracking Detailed Management Reports • Inventory On hand by Item, Location, and Status • Distribution Route Sheets • Work Order Route Sheets • Work Order Maintenance History • Reports viewable via PDF and Downloadable to MS Excel • Reports can be Customized per Client • Collection Data Tracking Reports (variety included) 32 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Appendix B Detailed Cost Information for Asset Management & Inventory Software Pricing submitted on the City of Deerfield Beach's pricing pages include Rehrig Pacific's pricing as required in the bid packet. Additional pricing and considerations for the City of Deerfield Beach are also included in the detailed cost proposal section of this proposal. Several options are detailed showcasing the various modules that Rehrig Pacific can offer the City of Deerfield Beach depending specifically on what level of information you may want to require. Please contact us for further information on each module or to discuss any questions or clarifications needed. C.A.R.T.S. Summary/Overview The pricing listed in this proposal will be honored if the City of Deerfield Beach manually enters the work orders directly into the custom City of Deerfield Beach C.A.R.T.S. website or an export/import data transfer is set up from the city's current system directly into C.A.R.T.S. If the City of Deerfield Beach requires system integration beyond what was mentioned above, additional start up costs may apply and these costs will be determined based on the level of integration needed and negotiations with the City of Deerfield Beach. All reporting fees are included in each specific module of the C.A.R.T.S. monthly subscription fee and satisfy the requirements as described by the City of Deerfield Beach for tracking cart movement and inventory levels (work order reports, inventory reports etc). Additional reporting is available through the collection data tracking module if RFID truck systems are purchased. Additional reporting would include participation and non participation reporting and others listed below. Customized reports may be subject to a nominal one time set up/creation fee if required by the City of Deerfield Beach and not already available. Pricing is based on a minimum one year subscription agreement and includes the use of two handheld reader (barcode or barcode/RFID) for the City of Deerfield Beach to use for Cart Maintenance and Work Order management as well as collection data tracking reporting for up to 10 trucks and entry of work orders through our web based software. C.A..R.T.S. Software Subscription Set Up Fee WAIVED (no set up fee) • Set up fee is waived for any program that uses CARTS for assembly and distribution and subscribes to it immediately following the delivery. • Set up fee includes: o One (1) Address/Database Scrub to Import into CARTS o Creation of Customer Specific CARTS Portal o Creation of Customer Specific Problem and Resolution Codes o Standard Auto Work Order Routing (Groups Street Names) o Set up of passwords and user names o Two (2) training sessions for hardware set up and work order, inventory and collection data tracking module training Work Order/Inventorv/Asset Management Module S500.00 per month 33 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION fi ehriq j'arific Qompany Monthly Subscription Includes: • Online Access to custom City of Deerfield Beach C.A.R.T.S. portal • Phone and Internet Support for software related questions and troubleshooting • Work Order Module • Inventory/Asset Management Module • Tracks container movement and container inventory levels as requested in the bid documents • All standard Rehrig Pacific C.A.R.T.S. updates • Server and data hosting fees • All Reports listed below o Asset Reports • Inventory Detail by Location — Type, Size, Serial Number and RFID Value detail by a specific address location • Inventory Summary — Type, Size and Status by Location -Yard Location, Single Family Homes, Multi -Family, Commercial, etc. o Work Order Reports • Work Order Routing Reports — Uses C.A.R.T.S. standard AutoRouting Logic that puts all work orders into one route sorted by street address name and house number. • Work Order Search with Reporting Feature — Identifies types of work orders by address, type of work order, status and date range • Closed Work Order Report • Open Work Order Report • . Open/Closed Combined Work Order Report • Work Order Attempt Metrics Report Collection Data Tracking Reporting Module Pricing Available Upon Request Monthly Subscription Includes: • Online Access to custom City of Deerfield Beach C.A.R.T.S. portal •. . Phone and Internet Support for software related questions and troubleshooting • Collection Data Tracking Reports Module • All standard Rehrig Pacific C.A.R.T.S. updates • Server and data hosting fees • All Reports listed below • RFID Service Verification & Participation tied to specific address and cart serial number • Requires truck mounted RFID Systems to populate the data (readers, antennas, cabling) o Collection Data Tracking Reporting, Storage and Support • Collection Address History Report — Search by address all of the tip records Collection Cart History Report — Search by specific serial number all of the tip records ■ Collection Metrics Route Report - detailed tip record analysis by route • Collection Metrics Truck Report — detailed tip record analysis by truck • Collection Report - Recycling/Refuse Participation • Non -Collection Report — Recycling/Refuse Non Participation • Collection Time Management Report by Truck - (Average Time Between Stops) NOTE: For the purposes of the City of Deerfield Beach's program, RFID Truck Systems are required for collection data tracking reporting. The Collection Data Tracking Reporting, Storage and Support per month cost DOES NOT APPLY until truck systems are available or until a manual data collection option is chosen. 34 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION Achrig, arific Qompanp Hand Held Reader Options Barcode Hand Held Device • Bar code hand held for City use • Pre -loaded with C.A.R.T.S. software RFID/Barcode Combo Hand Held Device • RFID/ Barcode hand held for City use • Pre -loaded with C.A.R.T.S. software Price per month per hand held $200.00 per month per hand held Included in the cost above Included in the cost above $350.00 per month per hand held Included in the cost above Included in the cost above NOTE: The City of Deerfield Beach can choose either option of the Barcode or the RFIDBarcode hand held combination. Realistically for the scope and services of this program a bar code only hand held is more than applicable. If the City of Deerfield Beach has intentions to use hand helds for other reasons we would be more than happy to discuss what other options are available using the RFID hand held technology and C.A.R.T.S. software as well as the difference between the barcode hand held, the RFID/barcode combo hand held and truck mounted RFID systems. The embedded barcode on the cart allows for all work orders to be performed using a less expensive Barcode only hand held reader. What is not included in the subscription fee: • Customized Reports- Priced Per Project • Custom Integrations with Back Office Systems- Priced Per Project • Collection Data Reports — See Above • E-mailed Reports- Nominal Set Up fee May Apply • Onsite Visits- Priced Per Project • Assembly & Distribution Module for large cart rollouts- Included in A&D Price • General Coding and/or Website Programming- Priced Per Project 35 A FAMILY TRADITION OF GROWTH, SERVICE AND INNOVATION