HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Manager Memo-Substitution for Item RE.10 Revisions to CIP AppropriationsCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Johnny Ma l212"e- anager DATE: September 4, 2013 SUBJECT: Substitution for Item RE.10 Revisions to CIP Appropriations REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Please be advised that the Attachment related to item RE.10 scheduled for the September 12, 2013 Regular Commission Meeting needs to be revised and substituted as follows: (a) The following projects have been added to the appropriations list: • B-75883 - Peacock Park Site Improvements — D2 (Item No. 11, Page 1) • B-30999 - Citywide FEMA Tree Funding (Item No. 29, Page 2) ark Spanioli, P.E., Director, CIP Alice N. Bravo, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief of Infrastructure E vi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator Subs-f-4uto FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS September 12, 2013 Item No. From Project Amount From Fund 1 ,B-30501A - Manuel Artlme ;Miscellaneous Project (87,663.00) 34000 • Public ,Facilitles-CIP 8- 06 - James L. Knight Center Miscellaneous Improvements 8-30705 - Miscellan 110% Set Aside us Repair - (37,716.13) , 34000 - Public Facilities-CIP (200, .00) 34000 - Public Facilities-CIP 4 B-303656 • James L. Knight ,Center Garage Impr (25,000.02 34000 - Public Facilities-CIP B-30865E - MRC A/C ,Replacement 1 (45,000.0 6 B-74219D - Property Maintenance - Thermostats 1 7 1 -40455 - Citywide Capital !Improvements Projects 31000 - General !Government (8,000.00)-'L3, 1000 - General 'Government • (50,000.00) 35000 - Parks nd Recreation B-35812B - Duarte Park ADA ,Modifications - 01 9 'B-75816 - Armbrister Park Site Improvements - 02 (15,000.00)135000 - Parks land Recreation (65,000.00)135000 - Parks and Recreation 10 8-30687T - Coconut Grove Business Improvements District - Tree Component - 02 (20,9 0.00) 33000 - Disaster Recovery 8-75883 - Peacock Park Site Improvements - 02 (105,00 0 135000 - Parks 'and Recreation 12 B-40455 - Citywide Capital ,Improvements Projects ( 0,000.00)135000 - Parks :and Recreation 1 B-40306 - SW lotti Street oad Improvements - 03 14 :5-30229 - Robert King High Park:1 Soccer Field 1 (40,000.0 36000 - Streets & Sidewalks (102,468.06) 35000 - Parks and Recreation 15 5-30821 - Coral Gate Park ,Furniture, Security System and Miscellaneous Improvements - IDA (20,000.00)!35000 - Parks land Recreation 5-30770 - SW 22nd Ave Medians - USI to Coral Way - 04 17 8-30770 - SW 22nd Ave Medians - U51 to Coral Way - 04 iB-30629 - Durham Terrace Drainage Project 86,000.00)136000 - Streets i& Sidewalks (155,377.98)136000 • Streets !& Sidewalks (26,327.56) 38000 - Storm Sewers Improvements - 02 8-30822T Brickell Area Shared Use Path and Roadway Improvements - Tree Component To Project Amount 8-30501C - Manuel Artime Window Replacement 970 Building - PF 8-30501C - Manuel Artime Window Replacement 970 Building - PF To Fund Award / Source 87,663.00 34000 • Public FacIlities-CIP Award 1350 - SRF 2007 Contribution to Capital 37,716. 8-70010 - Mia arina Pier 5 Canopies PF -30501C - Manuel Artlme Window Replacement 970 Building - PF 34000 - Public 1Award1103 - Contribution Facilities-CIP 'from General Fund 200,000.0 34000 - Public ;Award 1437 - FY07 Marinas iFacillties-CIP !Capital Repairs and Capital Related Improvements • 25,000.02 134000 - Public 'Award 1426 - Contribution 1FacIlitles-CIP !from General Fund 6-30865C - City HaWindows and Doors - GSA B-74205C • GSA Truck Wash Pit B-35806 - Curtis Park New Pool Facility and Boat Ramp Improvement - DI -35812 - Duarte Park Building Renovation, Splash Park - DI ! 45,000,00 i31000 - GenerallAward 1426 - Contribution Government from General Fund 8,000.00 131000 - GeneralAward 1422 - impact Fees !Government 'New Ordinance-2007 .(Unallocated FY2013) 50,000.00 135000 - Parks ;Award 1422 - Impact Fees land Recreation 1 15,0 O. 135000 • Parks Award 1584 - Homleand ;and Recreation ,Defense B-30680 - Rockerrnan Canal i 65,000.00 38000 - Storm ,Award 1584 • Homeland Sewers Defense Series 3 - CIP 326015 0,00 33000 - Disaster Recovery 7 - Spoil Island E Restoration and Floating Dock - 02 B-30995 - Virginia Key Beach North Point Mountain Bike Trails! - D2 TBD Award - FEMA Tree Funding 05,000.00 35000 - Parks :Award 1584 - Homeland and Recreation ;Defense Series 3 - CIP 311712 00,0 .00 35000 - Parks and Recreation ,Award 1422 - Impact Fees B-40 24 - NW 11th Avenue Road Improvernents - 03 40,000.00 8-30962 - Robert King High 102,468. Fencing arid Miscelaneous Improvements - 04 36000 Streets &likward 1638 - Street Bonds Sidewalks ;2 - 2009 Series 06 135000 - Parks ,and Recreation 1Award 1584 - Ho elan Defense Series 3 B- 0963 - Bay of Pigs Park Lighting - D4 orlal 0776 - Silver Bluff Drainage 1 provements - 04 20,000.00 35000 - Parks Award 1584 - Homeland land Recreation ;Defense Series 3 1E16,000.00' '38000 - Storrn !Award 1297 - Transit Hal !Sewers !Cent Surtax 8-30776 - Silver Bluff Draina Improvements - 04 6-3 776 - Silver Bluff Drainage , Improvements - 04 26,327.56 38000 - 38000 - StormAward 1379 • Street Bond Sewers 1Series 1 arm !Award 1379 - Street Bonds 'Sewers Series 1 1 of 3 9/4/2013 2:46 PM FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT ten No. 19 From Projec B-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project PHIII 20 16-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project PHIII A oun 8-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer jImprovements Project PHIII 22 76-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project PHIII 23 16-50704 - Fairlawn Storm SewerT Improvements Project FHIII 24 18-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer lImprovements Project PHIII 25 i B-50704 - Fairlawn Storm Sewer' :Improvements Project PHIII rom Fund (130,454.79)38000 - Stor 'Sewers 1 (25,000.00-8000 - Storm ,Sewers (50,000.00)!38000 - Storm 'Sewers (10,000.00),38000 - Storm Sewers (1 0,000.00)!3E3000 - Storm 'Sewers (50,000.00) 38000 - Stor Sewers (53,000.00)138000 - Storm Sewers 6 10-35907 - Athalie Range Park 1 ;Soccer / Football Field Improvements - 05 To Project B-30776 - Silver Bluff Drainage Improvements - 04 Amount To Fund -30964 - Modification of Speed humps on SW 11 St. between 30 Ave and 31 Ct. - D4 (42,528.41)35000 - Parks and Recreation 27 8-75991A - Williams Park Community Building - 5 2 (30,000.00) 35000 - Parks and Recreation B-60464 - New Dinner Key Marina Dockmaster Building 9 i8-30999 - Citywide FEMA Tree ;Funding Account • (6,569,42) 34000 - Public Facilities (215,943.00)133000 - Disaster 1Recovery APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS TOTALS (1,912,978.37) B-30779 - SW 2nd Street and SW aoth Avenue Traffic Circle - D4 778 - Traffic Circle - SW Ave & SW 13th St. - 04 ,454.79 38000 - Storm Sewers Award / Source 'Award 1379 - Street Bonds 'Series 1 25,000.00 36000 - Streets Award 1584 - Homeland i& Sidewalks 'Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 0,000.00 , 36000 - Streets 'Award 1584 - Homeland & Sidewalks Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 10,000.00 36000 - Streets Sidewalks -50706A - Roadway, Drainag Traffic Improvements - 04 8-30960 - La Pastorita Traffic Calming and Miscellaneous Improvernents - 04 -30965 - Coral Gate Speed Humps - 04 Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 10,000.00 j38000 - Storm Award 1584 - Homeland Sewers Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 50,000.00 36000 - Streets Award 1584 - Homeland & Sidewalks Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 3,000.00 36000 - Streets Award 1584 - Homeland & Sidewalks Defense Series 3 - CIP 311714 30671 - Caribbean arketplace Renovation 05 -30671 - Caribbean arketplace Renovation 05 8-30325 - Miamarina Emergency Pier Repairs 42,528.41 35000 - Parks and Recreation Award 1496 - Sunshine —I State Government Financing Commission Loan 42 30,000.00 35000 - Parks Award 1496 - Sunshine and Recreation State Government Financing Commission Loan #2 6,569,42 34000 - Public Facilities -30535T - Museum Park - FEMA Tree Funding Component Award 1496 - Sunshine State Government Financing Commission Loan 4 2 - Reverse 10/25/2012 !Approp, 215,943.00 133000 - 1Disaster ,Recovery TBD Award - FEMA Tree !Funding 1,912,978.37 NEW APPROPRIATIONS Project Amount Fund B-73102A - Citywide Streets Milling & Resurfacing - CIP B-73102A - Citywide Streets Milling & Resurfacing - CIP B-3054 - Kennedy Floating Dock B-431148 - Public Works Miscellaneous Sidewalk Replacement 7,283.00 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks 8,070.0036000 - Streets and Sidewalks 14,621.00,35000 - Parks iRecreation 49,746.00, 36000 - Stree land Sidewalks Award Sour Award 1101 - Transit Half -Cent Surtax (FPL Reimbursement check dated 03/08/2013 B- 31206 Closed) Award 1101 - Transit Half -Cent Surtax (FPL Reimbursement check dated 04/09/2013 B- 208 Closed) Award 1350 - SRF Contribution to Capital (Proj. 29-116002) Award 1350 - SRF Contribution to Capital (Lane Closure Fund 13000 / Proj. 20-650003) 2 of 3 9/4/2013 2:46 PM FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT ten No. From Projec 6-3054103- Citywide Park Equipment & Site Improvements - FY2013 Amoun From Fund 325,834.0035000 - Parks Recreation 7 13-30541D - Citywide Park Equipment & Site Improvements - FY2013 86,011.20 35000 - Parks Recreation 6 - Environmental Remediation Study for Fire Training Facility 40,000.00 31000 - Gene Government B-40410 - Repairs and maintenance of the air conditioning systems and elevator gear boxes at the MRC 1,426,200.00 31000 - General Government 9 B-30645F - Miami Regional ntermodal Plan 33,000.0036000 - Streets 1and Sidewalks 0 B-30011 - Englewood Storm Sewer Phase III 1,800,000.00 38000 - Storm 'Sewers 8-30011 - Englewood Storm Sewer - Phase III 1,300,000.00 38000 - Stor ;Sewers 0 1 - Englewood Sto ewer - Phase III ,469,000.00.38000 - Storm ;Sewers -30646 - South Bayshore Drive Roadway and Drainage Improvements 6-30646 - South Bayshore Drive Roadway and Drainage Improvements B-30646 - South Bayshore Drive ; Roadway and Drainage Improvements 2,000, 0. 36000 - Streets ;and Sidewalks .00,36000 - Streets ;and Sidewalks 2,000,000,00 36000 - Street and Sidewalks B-30646 - South Bayshore Drive Roadway and Drainage Improvements 1,000,000.0036000 - Streets 'and Sidewalks 8-30646 - South Bayshore Drive Roadway and Drainage Improvements 8-72915A - Police Headquarters Helipad and Roof Replacement 19 20 21 B•72915A - Police Headquarters , Helipad and Roof Replacement B-30666 - Damaged Vehicle Replacement/Repairs .00;36000 - Stree ;and Sidewalks 850,854.32 32000 - Public Safety 61,836.89132000 - Public ;Safety B-30706 - Miscellaneous Repair -1 10% Set Aside 1 NEW APPROPRIATIONS TOTALS 18,807.1 31000 - Genera oiG vemment 28,975.00!34000 - Public Facility 17,074,633.54 To Project Amount Award 1422 - Impact Fees (Unallocated FY2013) !Award 1422 - Impact Fees (Unallocated FY2012) To Fund Award Source Award 1426 - Contribution fro General Fund FY2013 Award 1426 Contribution fro General Fund FY2013 Award 1939 - Miami Dade County MPO Award TBD MDC GOB FY2013 Award TBD MDC GOB FY2014 A ar TBD MDC GOB FY2015 TBD - JPA MD Cty-South Bayshore Drive FY2013 TBD - JPA MD Cty-South Bayshore Drive FY2014 TBD - JPA MD Cty-South 1Bayshore Drive FY2015 ry03 - JPA MD Cty-South IBayshore Drive FY2016 TBD - JPA MD Cty-South Bayshore Drive FY2013 Fund EW 221 TBD - College of Policing Design Reimbursement MDCPS TBD - College of Policing Escrow Balance Award 1577 - Subrogation Revenues (April - July 2013) TBD - FDEP Invasive Species at Marine Stadium Marina Grant 3 of 3 9/4/2013 2:46 PM