HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Sovraya Faas-Documents in Support of Making St. jude a historic siteRug 23 2012 8:01RM HP LRSERJET FAX p.1
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• ....,:,
August 22, 2012
City of Miami Commission
Miami City. Hall
3500.Pon American Drive
Miami,'FL 33133 .
Honorable Commissioners:
It is with great pleasure that Dade Heritage Trust, the largest and.most
comprehensive non-profit histOric preservation organization in hf aimi-
1 ade County, supports the historic designation of the Saint Jude Melkite
Catholic Church of Miami.
. This 1946 budding, designed by the notable arehitectlual firm ofHenry D.
Iyagit and Sons, who designed and built numerous other
historic , isa beautiful example of Romanesque architecture.
Juxtaposed against abackdrop di modem Miami high-rise skyline, this
church stands eut as -a tranquil oasis,' betoved by parishioners and the
. co mriwity at large. - .
Since our founding is 1972, Dade.ueritage Trust has worked tirelessly to
preserve Miami's.architectural, cultural and -environmental ham. In
this capacity, Dade Heritage Trust believes the significance of'Saint Jude's
.architecture cannot be overstated. •
Dade Heritage Trust has actively supported other historic designation
initiatives of the City, such as designation of the MiMo Historic District
along Biscayne Boulevard. Dade.Heritagre Trust was able to secure
.historic designation by the City oflvfiami for the 1963 Commodore •
. Munroe Marine Stadium and Basin located on Virginia Key, which
exemplifies the exciting architecture of Md•Century Modern.
With the historic designation of Saint Jude, Miami would be honoring and
promoting another important era and style of architectural accomplishment
in the ongoing history of om amity.
190 S,E. 12th Terrace, Miami, FL 33131 • Phone 1305) 358-9572 • Fax (305) 358-1162
itadoheritage@dht.camoestblz.net • www dadeheritaoetrust.ora
Aug 23 2012 8:O1AM HP LASERJET FAX p.2
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From Rev Mac& NeAni <drimazdil-totmail corn>
Sent:Tue. Oct 9,2012 6:5S am
Subject: Today's Scripture Date 10-09-2012 - Before Creation
Lord. as Your servant St Paul said; "I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who
believes." (Romans 1:16) Help me to do my best to give a more personal perspective of Your Gospel messaRes, so that others may also
come to believe. Amen.
One of you sent me this e-mail:
Dear Dn. Magdi. I don-t think you should continue sending these emails unless:
1)You're willing to follow their teachings
2) Stop promoting and advocating dissent from Rome and the Pontifical pope. our ultimate religious leader.
Myanswer to that person is as follow: "'follow the teaching of my Lord and King who has never died my Savior Jesus Christ"
Who is still breathing on His Church. Who is my ultimate King and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives in me and I in Him. I
am His Vicar on earth through the Sacraments of baptism and confirmation according to the Holy Fathers of the East Amen?
My dear brothers and sisters of the Eastern Church you need to learn and understand the faith of your Eastern Church according
to the first millennium_ Vatican ll has ask all the Eastern Churches in full communion with the Bishop of Rome- must return to their
old respected traditions of their Churches; any Latin tradition thatwas,enforce on their Church must be thrown out from their
respected Churches and follow their own tradition. We the Greek Melkite Catholic Church are a Full Church with it's own Head
Our Patriarch 'egorios ffl Laham is our Pope and his respected Archbishops whom they all are members of the Holy Synod;
they are the governing body of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church. The Bishop of Rome is first among equal to all Bishops of the
Eastern Catholic Churches according to the first millennium before the schism. Pope Paul VI of blessed memory at Vatican
Council LI called The Greek Melkite Catholic Church the bridge of East & West. So we can work closer with the Orthodox
Church and bring them in full communion in unity with the Bishop of Rome. I have the feeling and God's waling we 're going to
hear in my life time the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church with us soon. Thanks be to God.
If for some reason you don't want to receive Rev. Magdi Negm's Today's Scripture; just send an e-mail to dnmagdicithotmail_com
subject: "tusubscribe me from Today's Scripture" your name and your e-mail. Fil be glad to take your e-mail out from Today's
Scripture list.
Thanks, May God Bless each one of you. I remain,
Fraternally in Christ God,
Rev Magdi
Todd 8.Hannon
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
Magdi City Clerk
wouki every # Christian to
not support Susie F a on her
.shin to $ .k Jude Melkite
CathoIcChurch! fo .
Assumptlon y
HavenHistoric Site. Number
o. F_.. she's doing that for all the
wrong reason and disobeying the
Church. I was in p port of her
action... timer but once it
historical sitethen
no r do ,., :_ ' or
alters any construction or beaut
our Church without the approval of
the histoiical regulation at our own
expense. The Church is not for sal...
and has never 12.i nor sate, But if
�s a historlcal then I w
September 11, 2012
Pastoral Letter
To the parishioners and friends of St. Jude Parish:
Since the .establishment of Saint Jude Melkite Greek Catholic Church more
than fifty years ago, the parish . has been a welcoming and prayerful community
where hundreds of persons from: all walks -of -life have gathered to venerate and
seek the intercession of Saint Jude Thi ddeus.,due patron of the most difficuf
causes. The parish has been staffed from its begiiitiiitayAalented and welcoming
priests who have tended to the spiritual heeda o*:all who Come ta:ti *solace
and spiritual direction. Your current pastor, Rt. Rev. Arches Dili airtt Geiger,
is one of the most respected priests of our diocese and has my Bell support.
:► Recently, a small group of misguided persons has been spreading false and
malicious rumors concerning the future of St. Jude Parish. Let me state
categorically that there are no plans to close St. Jude Church or to sell the property.
Additionally, we have not authorized the formation of any other corporation using
the good name , of St. Jude. This small group has formed and .registered a
corporation with the State of Florida under the name of "St. Jude Middle Eastern
Catholic Church, Inc." This corporation dues not have Church recognition; l call
upon its organizers and those who support them to cease and desist.
Anyone who attempts to disturb t tO peace of a parish or who incites hatred
or ill feelings toward the lawful hierar * 'the Church places themselves in great
spiritual jeopardy. Church law provi most serious penalties for those who
engage in such reprehensible behav'. '; ccordingly, I issue this warning and
moniturn to any and all persons ;:r _e in such behavior and to all who
support them in any way. Their contin vior can have serious consequences.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Saint Jude parish has been a welcoming oasis of spiritual healing and peace
for many people who make St. Jude their spiritual home. 1 asic the faithful and
loyal Catholics who enjoy Saint Jude Church to continue their support of the parish
and to pray for the continued prosperity of the parish, itspastor and his valuable
work. The parish will continue to welcome everyone who comes with good will.
Asking God's blessing on you at this time, I remain,
Yours in Christ,
b Most Reverend Nicholas J. Samra,
13parchial Bishop of Newton
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
E 1)4 RCM of: NEw-ror.:
Septanber I I, 2012
Pastoral Letter
To the parishioners and friends of St. Jude Parish:
Since the .establishment of Saint Jude Melkite Greek Catholic Church more
than fifty years ago, the parish has been a welcoming and prayerful community
where hundreds of persons ftomall.vailcs-of-life have gathered to venerate and
seek the intercession of Saint Jude Thaddeus, ;.the patron of the most difficult
causes. The parish has been staffed from its begtinettolented and welcoming
priests who have tended to the spiritualiteedpfall who cantoiso1e
and spiritual direction. Your current pastor, Rt. Rev. ArchiMandrite Diatitit
is one of the most respected priests of our diocese and has my full support. .
Recently, a small group of misguided persons has been spreading false and
malicious rumors concerning the future of St. Jude Parish. Let me state
categorically that there are no plans to close St. Jude Church or to sell the property.
Additionally, we have not authorized the formation ofimy other corporation using
the good name of St. Jude. This small group has formed and registered a
corporation with the State of Florida under the name of "St. Jude Middle Eastern
Catholic Church, Inc." This corporation does not have Church recognition; 1 call
upon its organizers and those whosupportthem to cease and desist. •
Anyone who attempts to disturb **race of a parish or who incites hatred
or ill feelings toward the lawful hierard*#f the Church places themselves in great
spiritual jeopardy. Church law provi' most serious penalties for those who
engage in such reprehensible behaviC,4 ccordingly, I issue this warning and
monition to any and all persons - in such behavior and to all who
support them in any viay. Their contin... vior can have serious consequences.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Saint Jude parish has been a welcoming oasis of spiritual healing and peace
for many people who make St.. Jude their spiritual home. 1 ask the faithful and
loyal Catholics who enjoy Saint Jude Church to continue their support of the parish
and to pray for the continued prosperity of the parish, its pastor and his valuable
. work. The parish will continue to welcome everyone who comes with good will:
Asking God's blessing on you at this time, I remain,
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Nicholas J. Samra,
l:parchiai Bishop of Newton
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Omits? 19th, Pmidiana Trtrattl pandas ht Mt echoed, Aft Iened up to wattuR.
Timm MLeea Lath esicd it i IdlIic a .1161149i American IC>�, la wag a rot diy.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Miami, Florida
1) October 19t. 1948 President Truman was welcomed by the school alumni, the nuns and the neighbors.
2) In 1966, Cristina Saralegui de Avila, famous Cuban American journalist, actress and talk show host of the Spanish -
language show, Cristina graduated from Academy of the Assumption.
3) In 1984 and 1986, his beatitude Maximos IX Hakim, visited the church of St. Jude, by then.
4) January 3, 1997, Madonna and Carlos Leon baptized their daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon.
5) January 29, 2005 Famous Baseball Hall of Fame Catcher for the Mets Mike Piazza married former Playmate
Alicia Ricker at St Jude.
6) June 2010, John Ellis Bush, Jr. aka "Jebby" and Sandra Algudady a Jordanian Girl, celebrated their wedding at
St. Jude.
7) 2011, the Haitian dignitary Francois and Carolina celebrated their wedding at St. Jude.
8) July 13th 2012, the Nigerian dignitary Ed and Maureen celebrated their wedding at St. Jude.
(See Attached Exhibit "G" — "I" for more History)
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VI. Designation Summary
Based on the above history and the countless important events, that took place at this mystical and beautiful
edifice, that is surrounded by a concrete jungle, which was designed by a most prominent architect who
belonged to a family line of architects and creators of famous historical buildings and churches, such as St.
Jude, that even in 1977 the Miami Herald Dade News and Miami Herald Local News, called it an "Historic"
Church, and the fact that St. Jude has been a peaceful, mystical haven of rest to parishioners and visitors of all
nomination and religious believes, we; "THE PARISHIONERS and NEIGHBORS OF ST. JUDE" find it
important and necessary to designate it as an HISTORICAL SITE, and we beg for your support and
cooperation, in accomplishing our request.
Page 7
A Gpt hlowsooper Mo...9,v Aftwmoon, July 17. 1978
40 P•ccs
* Edition
4A t • The Miami News • Monday. Jury 17, 127R
Liquidation sale clears out
Academy of the Assumption
Miami M,*$ ttspiarllt
Another sign that the end is near
for the Academy of the Assumption
school at 1517 llrickell Ave. came
this weekend when its few remain-
ing furnishings were sold at a
three-day liquidation sale.
"We sold pretty much everything
left In the school, said Harris Sam-
uels. a volunteer who organized the
'weekend sale of school articles.
About 1,000 people came shopping
for equipment and furniture. he
The school, built as an all -girls
academy In 1943 by the Catholic
order Religious of the Assumption,
is being sold to an unnamed New
York investor and will probably be
torn down, said Sister Martha Hen-
The Indiana limestone church In
front of the school. built in 1948,
was sold to the Meikite Catholic
Church last year and renamed St.
Jude the Apostle
"We didn't want anything to
happen to the church," Sister Mar-
tha said. "We're very happy they
(the Melkites) bought it."
The five -acre school site. with Its
five buildings. tennis and basketball
courts overcooking Biscayne Bay.
was closed to high school students
two years ago. A nursery was
opened but closed last month.
It was the victim of economics,
too few students and a shortage of
nuns. the latter being the main rea-
son It was forced to close, Sister
Martha said..
The sister shortage came about
"because of the times," she said.
"You don't need anyone to explain
that and we felt we couldn't con-
tinue our philosophy of teaching
with so few sisters."
Five of the eight sisters still liv-
ing In one of the school's buildings
may move to Philadelphia, head-
giarters for the religious order.
next month. Three elderly sisters
will remain In a small home next to
the church owned by the Melkltes,
Sister Martha said
Academy of the Assumption school building on Brickell Avenue
The Miami News • MFCMELLE 80G14E
Todd B. Hannon
Procession Precedes Ceremony Conducted
At Site Of Edifice On Brickcll Ave.
Cornerstone of the chapel of the
Ar4derny of the Assumption, Brick -
ell ave. and 1Mh road, was laid this
morning by the Very Rev. Mon-
signor Thomas McDonough, chan-
cellor of the St. Augustine dio-
cese. who represented Bishop Jo-
seph Patrick Hurley at the cere-
mony. He was assisted by the
Rev. William McKeever, also of
St. Augustine, and the Rev. John
Nawn, chaplain at the aradamy.
Altar boys were Joseph Manoguc
and Robert Masterson.
Present at the ceremony were
the Very Rev. Mother Veronica
and Sister Mary Ambrose, visiting
Sisters of Mercy., Also present
were members of the community
of the Academy of the Assump-
tion. which included the Very Rev.
Mother Ann :Elizabeth. Mother
Elizabeth and sisters and students.
Others present were Charles Cul-
len and Howard Swope, representa-
tives of McCloskey & Co., Phila-
delphia, builders, and the workers
engaged in constructing the chapel.
A procession from the little
chapel facing the bay to the new
chapel preceded the ceremony.
The chapel, which is Roman-
esque Gothic in,►style, was designed
,by the architectural firm of Henry
Dagit & Sons, 'Philadelphia. It is
being constructed of reinforced
concrete and will be faced inside
and out with Indiana limestone.
Todd B. Hannon
tures of the churches of the r
die ages carried out In modern
diurn. It will be a private eh;
for members of the community
Dedication ceremonies will
held at the chapel when it is c
pleted, probably in August or c;
in September.
Magdi Negm Page 1 of 1
Magdi Negm shared a link.
8 October
Is this kind of burden you want for your St Jude Melkite Catholic
Church of Miami, FL the Church that you all say: you love so
much? What kind of love is that? It really keep me wonder what
kind of community have I been serving?
http: //news. ya hoo. com/fisherma n-men-church-wash i ngton-d c-
fig hts-religious-freedom-133038310. html
Fisherman of Men Church of Washington,
DC Fights For Religious Freedom
Interposition and Nullification of Both the Federal
Law Religious Land Use and Institutionalized
Persons Act (RLUIPA) and the DC Law
Cynthia Stephen Mazzawl Wes this.
Magda Negm Go ahead make St Jude a Historical Site and we
want have Church anymore. R will become a Land Mark and not a
House of Worship
9 October at 20:34 via mobile
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record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
http://www.facebook.com/ 10/13/2012
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record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07/25/13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item PZ.10 on 07 25 13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
V,? /79 ‘'
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