HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Petitions in Favor of Making St.The foregoing petitions numbered 1 through 113 were submitted into the public record during the July 25, 2013 City Commission Meeting in connection with Agenda Item PZ. 10 (File No. 13-00403). _ the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/D'wn own ity o Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Menthe s in orde o , gnize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pplPetitioner's _ -j Signature Contact Information Name 1) f ej i2)4 i tiligitdA o e R 23 i JJ76-333— - ct 5-0-o 3.3 2 --li/ 3)S--.46/ N«1 4) t/l 1R1 A - U6; ►ECG ' 9 7 `�-(9 7 z- 5) 6'Z-0 (V-P €- } 5 y {} ,,, ' (03 /(-- 7 / iF' 6) (4,2 LC S 4, +4 yft i.t 4C '3CS fr 2 -a), 7) 'VrE 7S [v 2/o ADO?? 1 C HL. LE 8) A\ AOY Ckf. Ca 05_9S,l_ 9Zi 9) C -1. -r-- u 9\ tS.S-- C 4 ELI3 L5 10) a.vw,, .�14s 3 p ►— S� t.f —ts-I ' 11) o aj oirt,, , S ,Litooq - -12) ,,,3 r .,n-3/94/P9 -/eytiC'e 5c/..es00,,,,, 4riarz 6i'c.v [_.' 13) Li' -ygYi?'3 `c .101 IA) 04,014) 45 3 v,„ Lc..r ,A— gici -c* `0' C r 15) TaYLLiCk. \I 5 c GAY'' b ,,a_ ,c c C .3 Zb0-, cj- g io E--tiA 4 , C6 ir-FC'e----- f:11?A------- ---7 c, 30s .c-, 1 43 7q (DG _ 6 C( - e/ 17) Va-i VU 18) y 4. V tG l Z 505 (6 4 AS ..q 19) CD )(-'\S SC- r i) 20) ,�a,ter.: . � v` L'5 1458 58C0 `f - mo► s in (vor a His'`oriC ` i We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name S`. not Contact Information 21) 11404 x t✓'_I, VCnrl "ors 3U "ice! - "-t �r 22) , Q Cvt i ( ,ov 3a5 S' 3 A i CA _ (1c-c<41.-i_ V,- l 24) e SAA 1iC'7--Z- Lilco , 25(_ • r '/iilit _ - 226-- ( 6 26) //7 -. 9- sue(,3 27) 14 197tibe 6-iddi-e4-rez,. -7 5geo `- 2-S^ ` 3-7etil 28) / .4, / A.:Pei-444/E, „....---:2 29) ';-- \ f 'r-Cf'y c, `] 3 � 1 Lt es t: 30) 5 (f ' re 0 6- gel -cc.- .-i 4 cs 6 C, 31) \..d (----- .0 ij d C , C -. ?dr - 61 - r--, 6 a 32) 1 `S''e. \Jf _t as 33) /Ur r 7g6_ -7Z -3/-9- . 34) o q 7.2 —)_3° '(=, 35) kicky , e e ) Ic/ s Le - - - , 3T 5-- 9 ,3 22 36 . cLiz,-,Q--- clAA \ if,14!P 37) AA IC,kA Cs �q. ifr• v,;• _ ) 6 . 05- J' `74 oy 38) (I Pr 39) lAryiccQ -f.; 0ori .3 305- 3 -r)0 40) Fq c 4 i G, .4 CYL,a-CV 4 k4 kri 3-2- _ r, "We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppI . Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 41) 344/dge4-L�2 Oe/ /e! (5..t-,/,/ .3,0)3,_c,,cpt( 42, Lu(S C- IL-16•40 43) cii,_ e.C\-e.A.S 0 , 3 C be- -i`83- S I- Z. 5 44) o6 tin/ i. ,- t oQ 30 c•-` ci 6 S --�� 1(--6 45) Pi; / / , : f 4/1 j 01,4/Vi ,(,`P7 ��V 3 Or 73 3 a" C 7. 46) /;fr/ "4-164've> D L 3 (-- s- , 47) ✓f E ,.M,4tz-kUe? 30(Z 3 - 3 48) I /9-mi,3-,tl /� 114ac 4 114 a ( -c- - C-7r 49) peiciA)/6,4 rcj A 3 0 S ` (14V 5i Vc(( 50) 3e S eat d`x S; / /FR d 1___2o S1.. 51) . G7DI q S Z 3DS 3a3 3 r 52) ✓bAL W-40%1, .. / . /22 12rb 77g731� M . /$-mil OAS f a e4.-Sc �l�53) (9j kk 54) t� r.e YJ A196-i 3bs - das-( -,?g‘,� p o 55) /vifia-- P1 fI 30-/ 3/7 - 7 7/1 56) i I/V�46,&/o ad& 7436 f /f/ 57) g1i,C �✓-�/ 7%* .dam p7a1° 6 S 58) ,J4 GSE� &E /0405 7 86 - /2 - 5� �6 59) )0/4.Qa'L a ALerae 1$70 - if- 1-OO 60) A1001- & fil-4-11 0 b -1 V, --4 L2 - 214.61 n We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 61) k e a r ct v Ne✓ti"e �_/z-A OW r.r LI- es -I p 62) Jean 191.e vre even---e 096) Z l G- r 3 4 63) iQaa t,t- C(305) 55'' - W 22 64) M ar t a ter.Sct I-M anb, Pwlk�s��(N4)- 6-s-S- g4-9/ 65)'` , � (78 458 -021 f to, .- mmaearla, v►P( t66) ��- !, ,,, Cm) 2U-637 . 6 £Sy //,/kJ, i/(30s)2,240_Lea-3_. etZ' tit 7'7-?33 68) fr, /. // Eci7 90 69) /Ya-ra`G term o ck z 14 ' er-naA�e3-. (.30,S) 2-1-0- l L l (s, 70)P-0122rid CQZ:z IP' 412NACLAX12k(34 p. p-oiLo ' COa- L ( 1 (p Cis) ex-g- sti' f-71aI 71) 21 CCD A P4-1 72) ay ILA fl-y Pog-iO4-'1 (306o1-S1 6-1 73) v►1i ) e ''-- e-e---/LarAd . 7 Q p ktOe z , (3o) en g :CZ 2� 74) f4Q__c_rviz_ .Defiri rae:2 Ac iecettictlt30 311 ....°,147-. 75) /(i% a.C«‘otiZ4de2- rho 6or/2A-tea. (305) c 1E2sa 76) .S,avx.: Est, N-b 2b4 �/Ler- (4 a?'a--etets 77) L 5, &FZ 4 2T,`A'E2 0,p) yvv Thaw 8-1-3.r ad 7 YO 78) evN 17i2 cam..__ C_ ti ti Y — Z t ----4/4i4- ^AN_ 79) ( 1 Cr(1Z . e#7r _0-5) 7Q 0 ‘ 78r-L45 30)- L33 - /V B3-n is Ait;C(oa 80) ,l 4L/S AiD ei,-).: ct rm— 'We theparishioners at Saint Jude Me!kite Catholic Church with the professionals & residents of along the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signatu, a Contact Information 81) d/eC cal �'rd A-) . , JAC ' 2 2 S C .AZ) ....Y857 6-/)'t We 1 - — 347c - c41, 692S 83) / /art4, -See.)- r)1 q r (4` ` ,= L014i-4 . l'36r) SS / - 7e6,4 84) 7 .4,( ...� --. &:14•t G'� ` r ) 7 ( e' 4,,i- 85) ` p 0_ic.,*,, 11 1 g f ' °T R 1 1 0 S- 86) Di %, i4 11/494 ,0 4 , c (_-_-.�- , „. 0 -• 5 a- ` ...2 a ',,,0 Se ,Z 7) /t/4 /:-/ ec , r I. Cif (y1 CC — ' i 88) Adk. b. r � C - 30c-1),s-__0:- 73 - 89) p, , - rt ' I I4 i r , , el e .1_ -C u" 7 - c 6-77 . fF 90) ii3 r/ , .,, a,/ ' (..< rf - '=- ./ . c14 2, - ic, / z 91) L,t,r A-- e �U a>J ,w - / 7- 4J- y 92) } ble--ria- /c/q , t• ril a ficiej_ • iltee-7 • ks e6.9--/ 6 - vq-Srb 93) @GYilD.S Z.0 ki 0_ IR6 -39-0 dt - 94) i r a i c_cox -, r)t e 110 pi t cc' e cc e h li.)` +C - l Rio 2 e. 95} % 1 af'f C7A` r6'44l 4-) �]�r'C'd d 7L[e r2, (tL) rri�R�7 -e--.,-3 1.J 39r3 5 I 96) + j,Ll /c/o 97) r .,42 0-4 AO r7 6 (9,.Q._ kr 309 `-16 G 603 ©.- 98) G t (SLL--,, `+1 , Ce; IC' :') 6 - 6 (#' 64 .:c 99) Cilk%1317pr' 0'I@ 1'Cl 1- e OLE 4 r3 100) l'-bl-F—dTh le 4 as -- l' We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Briekell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 4or rd (embers in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name gnature Contact Information 101) Fiunc tc 4eS 1 fJ -373S-- LiLi (c -94g 102) , _ 3©s - 5 y. '6...2 4. 103) A r,j646),,Guisi Pra-Q. f -30ea02 um) Fe,6-y Pe r.-64.._ 7 AdwilN 105) L' /j,j'- .1-- ocfJ" 1( 1 Q6) [I /Cc ez"Lics-Tsi ► i -tom 2/6 09 5-0 1Q7) Eii iP-Ww2er 77-s- e - 108) 11,3174 dtc4 (. �, - ,?(0 5-- 773 13/9 109) '*/ i a`► t' -II f le 11Q) I {-,'`)` 0C fob A 3 111) -, ^Y,1--4-- g 0- - zy) —' . G 9 v 5�1 '� 112).,... M..,wii _ Il (1) l'11C13' ,2:S- 113) ' Jt 4F; Ir 4dir5c6 wow O( H1 6 1-1 114) T\-k'tJ A e . 1. si M -L 1, r -- tletc E562 0 , 115) t5 iCTle.,0-e------- ji!ono- , 2.2.. 116) Ile , (75 /7, ite 6,. 5- 3- P 0 7 5 y 117) ..: C4�` , el°°: 1ii -x---GICA)44C0-b72-7 3 a7 - 7 2-0- 3-:2,4. 118 11 0 4 '` 119) 5,:f t o: ' -,L v tV c, r - 76 - 72 60 667 12Q ) 4" U '',� 1 FEL 5— } 0 31 cP r 1 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board 1 tembers in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Lure Contact Information 121) aa,epe S gCy6V % )i..,1 .� i f�� 37 (t9r/ , .v b /;_-1-v C0 2 &3 4-zq 3 123) ilit !'f7 .eo (s) ‘375 ( ki--- 124) /LiCi/N 17 Fr II ' !7'/ 65 125) L-6 Gv A al Wiz?) iv -%hi/ 005) J' 73- %ilsi 126) -V-41ty,uk 6,kCJL d� )17 6 3 31 0 S 4-3 127) 1A IEW vt,k 'r - 30s-- 3Z2- (- 128) r% a°--e, FDI 0/ 129 q ,�� so cCA,dm=Qss4 - (v' `1/-6753, 1 (t--% 130) UZ NI. 5 p i o1C. 305 a 3 131 0.-------rr p _ - 133 1 i t 1.1 . 3A Pl i t Nti 5.4koc' 134 t D.--hilau:ei V Alill 135 R / -- 0,4- ,4-4 7) ( 4110a 136) / k a CA N'� 6 n- C- , ,. r,..�.. _ _ . � 137)•N� ( rck girte---ik 44-- v 138) 6 L ?cy,S 0 dr Q �)-(61`' i ''�--��3- 139)e ei___ ,4 .a2 M , 7 140) 44'/3 �i�t' `�4 4) 3 0 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 141) -3UL1O c. PiSTWOA—LA-AG ,�\_ 78E 8'z't1 .4'zcl . 142) OcI(4-to cs ni /-61/4-- c% 35T Way 143) 9(-8,70�--3s /2 7 144) Ge.0.4 G, N R a Q vL- L3 O�--JC7 7- !®.c.& 145 6- S 66.- %53" qq 146) c; I 1 j/h-; 4GD 4044w..; it .3$S l'g`t"-.43 RI `f & 3® 4 / - . 147) 126 n '1 S 7%Lo-m -to 148) &\r s l•-' l-cPl e.,14& i (-?).c q2- u t o 149) ,less lcA`4 E i )9- I. flt3 150) C,I C.iQ. OCI)nC 05 q6S--`{iF) 151) (1&.e.r-a " C C AA\CC) (LOC\ ") s — (. 2 C 152) fqCkSla.e_i\ A °0 R01-M< 0 S-- 476's' q (c - C 153)Rirk-.-d- /� Pin A C(A/7 "* T 6 130 154) P O Ati\ •lc-- _ cc{ G ql (4)C0 155) Qnn,e \ UCVI II, 4ngift /.//' .305- (vq q )D 156) IA \ rJ\,"/it:. J �S l`Z /1 3 5 i (f-31 157) ___4,o3- . 7---j SOS _ g'--.. C(( ? 158) ) U \J M : U diogiew I! (, 5O q (e "t 1dr\cc:- 159) ,j u /1 n.) 1 v J O- i �!�! .�01C -�5 7 j - 3 2-3 ,6 160) 1�� (f s �� , We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 161) cO (97 fib s V 162) Qnk-otc-tr.At+L tirkiioi I 3 °s °l(0 (s32 -=-,, 163 q-f%C&) At k 'V 4 , � - 3 C1-7 - g b--e7 164 \ kw( ,tom L„.„,..„,,x. 165) Q"- l KCSG` 166) 167)' .►,ek) 'ki.',% 4# a20t ��i;1,') 168) Vim" 169) `oSt VdL2irm" , e--C I. 170) &itictrintpMOhctos 11. do ' r &ia.- 171) ti MN Sil\fa _rio , ii / VA 7 172) ROnt i 1v CA 0, _ ►- 173)' —I� 174) �vikIQl� -. JPo -S �7 �1 /� 175 ,aft i r t , , i l.I176) - 177) / / a-- / Q. /' '� r - ?7?---/O 178) M 0724 s--)--r7e---- 1/ 179) MO 30S . 49 3 3C9 —I 180) Q 'fit, •_ I 1 l� u illA Y281-e2S0/4. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickelllfowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl 181) Petitioner's Name Signature Contact information U t 0 S CTP-QApt it^rt5 - 7 411 L47co'.1 182) 1-Ui5 Ai ESTEc L/E - ----4 Jc15 -- -)-0 --�_3(i 183) frill 4 h2.. r (-r+y.- 7147 A -e,,,_. _ - Jlit.3 05/ 4 184) qxu &J .4 - ' D 4 �` 185) je'ifiW /0 4612i4iiiv C 30 v d e6 - p.a,`a 186) 6LTr''e f%- W6 -- 4/(/ - 6 8 7 . 187) C1I/I gt-r- ! 9( 7-- 188) -4 (30 8) 3 ?/ 8 Y 189) Nl" -; &" l o- Get-- -;e-- " VV Al__ 30 s �l- 9,4 — Q 0 �'`( 190) (,o „7.c 1 , / 6 - f q - F q 191) 192),r7// 193) 946,1) ft .. c. rvrw 3 -.L. _ 74 - - Zf - 0 0)- -4- rc)itteSP'-? dfo'~2-- 6 67 > eC 2, 373 (.3 q r C7 194) ciN.!7 C A"i 3 w _ - _ ~ '�- 7 L! 251. +-q rl 7 195) 11) C 1 •. ,`1, t .- - ;' 0 '5 41 G 5 196) 3� -I0 ( r.J �V 9cLCo7,1 197) \)Cr\\\CkAY a Cy, -\ s 1 S (c s 4i 9 4 198) ktA\ 0.6 " V A9-- 36 S 6,Y3 +i^ 4 'l 1 199) t`' _-X-- C=r 6 -41t - _} '_' ? r l ((4 200V-4.4\-;1/4\\ _}? A v --)--- V4\rE7-7c7:-t 1 9)ltl? We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickellllaowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Beard )#-Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 201) b /%) Pt �Siiikki fli) 0 -`ic 202) LQI-612 c.,..yi f SO p`t), • ig 203) A/Lier'y5 UEfe12-6 lee 64-x5 30 5— Z 5 3- 5' i Zb 204) d A ric,_, -c-P ,,,, . 71 F- S- S 3 L, 205) j i ILt,,,i-t Q._ MO&C-h ' Vo : 7 I ' ? ` 206) 71.06:5,17tpc 0 POIA> a-t— •- - ..3--,K 3 -(5 gic72/ 207) goFz-v �f 'i - 2 z� 208) ( Oh Ylik,Gv,j, &) S "L 9 zV 209) ` _et {LAA 33s-' 2.s 3 9C 210):_1()5er I` " . 1/2-e. ce 21-] 1 2,(PC? 1 211) 4ctia r7/ - 305) a t 5 6 3 - 212 l 213) 41d 0 ) ` 792 :3 3 II 214 ARLIE 1 16V kr 05 - 2,53- 67 ? 7 215) ) 4h:1f-0, i ace 2,91 2 s s '9,9 zo 216) -7816 Fe6.3 i 1 .---,53---a._,(i5-' —y t}y- 217) 12-, �--- LtkC.. g 9 _Q L( 218) .--_,G1 q, arCilo { - . ' -) 3 219) f k,i7Ti- _9461 220)iifiri•e4A f DY')5- r j p We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of Ole Brickelllilowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board 1lfembers in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #gp! Petitioner's Name Si ; na r Ai Contact Information 221) t" . '....--c4er-r--e 2-- did" filr e5v4eyre_ ...re bia We/rah n i/ Allied 222 l.L-- 9 6 7 6 �� T YY 223) & (Sjj .J'6Sf / lei ,a d f 224) ki L� �426:Z-ill ' % % -Tl ci k ; .._Gi % ,C 225) at, /7adib-a rid l Sl 1„,, '. d r 226L ` VLF ( ozyr (�- ► 9 = , j 227) ( a---;;;‘,...., er a,, mu 7 6` 9 77 _ Y4 228) 1lV mM,17vN, Vo%-1 1 Yv`vt1(yr,�r�ar: .c.z... 229} a �' yam- • ,tA -3aS-44S 4 ?"' / '1 - k 230) Mal. ra- C Acde P la; 231) (?a'foLaJ) Tev k, 36- 66:76 - 17 232) ,' ', 04 355 -6 0 5 - 12 3. ' 233) /, 611(6r.Cr3g 234) 1 235) ( 'rQ- -1, ,+ , • ':�� ii���,r, )?(D..&)),,,,y di-© r--I4 236)f `f1� ft/-o II'it* WO 237) � nrn rr0a 1► o�' UC�'gco 238) .' ' G� ar (%� -. S 239) Rini- r ri oak, f• ni r ilitsues ,/ /3 /-p a ,,,74 240) - . 1 ,, A 1 R, i / 1 J-.k.i, : l i 0 b "-'_ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation hoard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site, #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 241)AC C m ; a `a ire C 242 NACI b �;, � 9 - 7 i 569 243) tiA af €4-2'- )11 --is L7w --ram 5 r..a 244} Ai toe (D � 7 ems ;ow '� 'r =- - 7$ - 5 5 - 3 245) VP--1) fV'j2k 474V):' /r 3 lir - C 245)AIXVI5 /'' /ij 3d ff5-1- -74/4/ 247) ?filar FaVsec5e6,1 +G `• O5- Do a it 248) 10, ' d 0 Frdtn6esch�- 3e)/7---- 3 �c,-) 249)� vn e s �t? K -- Z' S g 2.. 31- 250) IligL Liqf 1' �` o05` `� I 251) 7nCtiPIe , ` 30S 2$ g5gC 252) V262.SfAr AIL- .6 - 321- S3 }fir 253) _3nn a Fe 1 VI ark dif 3CE H CC 254) Li4 ektoCir lila -i,S_g- t� . Q5-� 3r - s 255) 255) �Cr4 a ©,e(,�+ :s-' yj ,' r�'G) ` '.C`i' tit 255) afieaze4 Aor' / i l7i'� I•�%..- 26: 9/? 9t5l 257) ..__Z + Qc t / 6 b -3 c1616 258) atattoetct Paje --xs,-(434,--mici 259) may, i ' t� ' ' T [�P - c- l 9 l 260) PeiCriM Ca lanAiteLk mx,61cup 6Aide, --go - 223 -5 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation hoard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pI Petitioner's Name Si l natur Contact Information 261) ---/- ) e 0---tt) (--- ,)46 -7/c(0/ 262)t 9 67 --.--5•Yi5_ ■/ 263 0rCre1 -4toVf , 3oS X cgb0�-- 2 _ 0 ) � 3 265) ?Y) ijiiete. , At a 1 # Ot (43.) 266) tAC-,r 1 ct peen C, 1,1-101 iv II ., i ' 7 `y 267) -- r1 S zn z )- 2 G. r t r 3 2.4 - . 1 " 268 i-t itt&O ILL0LA-., 269 t'ks 4 4440"V fd`G - ZZ o 6 270) JOA rt,f LAAJ/ A 6_ 7 3 �.S" 271) 2 65Z tus betiao, -Pb - 264 - zp�d7 272) at -h- ' oc b . 4e-?I24 7P6ca m • C-in.,, 273)4►.2 ► - 13 - 274) 1 sL yna{0. EA, t, y) - - )-- 959, 275) 11 '� 4 C, - 4 ,` 2 76) thwjT I`-'t ©ce l iO 6' -- 5'14 -, 277) � ��� 278) _,, / Y e z_____ At e 41' it 279) ...t,ctt , P'` 280) izeSiti i (?-g(p)' ' l We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickelllflowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 'Bard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 281) L:14,A.) c_4.-5 Zaiecgiif.t_ 4, ,_...„ a....,,-7,5, L 6 - -5-/Y - '1,9 /_.) 3 o -4, Zion 282) a.),„-- 283) L. A A a 1_. \I A LP, 'V 6..1 NJ+ T NA.4.tia _ t - M9 - '“ . - /1 0`4 I284) 1N W Slabei e?----eei.oF ,r ZS 6 285) illireiga 2a-e2-' Ai ons- 39,v-5/3 1 286) - Q40,N,4 •-"" Aso t 4;, , Sp_ 01 287) USA-4 Cb4-4-) , Air Q. 3o5, 96 ci• "i' t to 288) KtUKai A.Caloreick_ ter, 3ed- 5/0- 8& 289) adOs E Gh tr`i o (ido z a - gquj 290) Les /eL/ Al Sad%t"z 79 3- 77761 291) gitc,,,,,k,e , . ,peee mt ' e `r , rrl . 0 30. — 6?: .f 292 gi/§4 P jr/N-/,‘47 . FJ PI. 6/o 293)` i1�, a-0 'r'li b D S 294) NniN1c15i-ifiw JC_PZ6 CoCi w5 r 295 ,6 • 0010 4) Por),360 6'4.0 -{ - 296) lei...C.CC-/ f/ . f ":".' f/ S(7, 297) jU4J R M11hZ.7 `` viz / Rgoq a 1563 298) ' % . ` 1.,,_ Y If % 776Zr5 299) s &...t.-L., -2 ,C _ 3 2., - L q- We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the )-ickeWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic A Environmental Preservation t Boa, "Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 301) i 0-av-1.20,9v_ y �r cJ- 302) \ Vuo o u F 41 303) 5 "1 -=' ,0 304 5- - v -' 305) YI S , r � h (7g(0) Ci - 3 306) 1-.)ctvfri ve, E/N, (.0- :]. 307) c�`Wi �! Q-`' 308) i s)4 LC h 1 , \tom ►.) - q - x' 304) tiALkb4A 1 1 1` 9- coq 310 Ed/Lai-SA S� ie) TR I (t(2-0 311) Lekialn 41/4 $ i boy( .1 6 - (tc7 - 5-15 Q. 312) Ecio2irdo C s rcO - -e6 - 50- 38 A 3 313) 314) j\na hOr110r 1365) 360 - I 1 315) G:vLig--11-- tbeel-St-,, didgk Ste`--3 / L )' 316) Q &AC Nt IA' S 444 S• 51 T L� 317) CiAliA-17 \je4‘) 318) AU) S/ Y1 G l - 319) _C a_ ,5 - -6tourti w, - 5 Leaq 320)*-y-2,tte,. k , c z io $ - £ 7 e v 47, We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrjckelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 3oard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 321) c5Ar,4/ (r, 4 , y . 4 - .d, 4 J43-. f,3 !4.7fg- 322) J€4 1100,10 9q, 7 65 - Y 6 .p- c . 323) (Ion th. eAP7VL .(V'q I ir1 { IyJfvc 324) 4 I4 tiCA'frtA-r. C.' rt` Iter-Mecy c@ 7a: 325) 326) I4f11: ,---- j Nzi 5 q424-a. ' / - 64. 327) .uc1 Cl ' 1ka w{ f 'ac 1 328) .1.1\> eV u,) b°1 VI C2 329) 4 `" - Co, - --N I 330) of -A. ( Llcjet I- J0} - ,i97- 54 331) --Zi r -.--' 7 - y 7, 56 332) SF)INaLL t\ fsew,1241())e."1-4)1‘11)-(oh 333) "ark Uta. '1/�i r . kdkreeinilAte3r ow-H../ 334) , ///' Z If Gt 1 gtOrC i` S .,: I - t o .-� 335) 161;€V 4fgleci deo07. re4f 7$1�,/ corgi' 336) Ter0 y,.t e - I rar.�. e . Tv lye ir+4.44fi 337)2:Ltuk_gi\outki n :6,, i T' ,J d P,0 338) c)Sei-itt A. 1 rlP Co rtit ' i 339 ______Iiit iktc4k., :K7 /: Le - � 340 J Atln elf We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation , Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 341) 'M I in arei 1 q(p-7 - , 3 342 , r 11C3 ,_ l +h0561/44e ladI • LiZsoli 343) I ( (cue LQR_ .1472 .Ili) 11 US . t om I I. -ft 344) coseppe iaki.i.vstoi To sr h►2 r,3 m.0Of 044 345) LiW ci\ Eqiticil 41bil ACs i)1, C$ k t hdri caw 346) _ .e (D 5-5-3 _ 3 3SS 347) (_Caa J .c c, a /OS'7" 7- reokf /- 348) 0`( ►r.L..A. 1 ' • (v 55A , 349) EZAryz I ,r i ---- (73 ''(, 350) V (3 7 7—'7 i 73 351) dAtk-'l , ,, 47AJ t j -,& 6 k S-C 352) I f �0//4 Gild d r �I T - -' s 3' ? , 353 K-Ck0 10-4 3 -7 ? °I - (G 1_3 CYO01 rvilf 31i5 - 7-73 T 354) Cal,r-N 355)1 fik d<af : ' 1 -, 3g-'�J -Cs f i , 356) 4 `%: l ifilA ' 6-- sczk5?' 357 R 1 C.C_ I 1 A CAI ` 'r1 . �� ip --aI<- 358 t i i c'"(__ - 30.-1- 7 q--FrE 359) 10 u des,6 ' Ui 7-- 74(' ,2. 'cr ! 360) LJ7M (5'i7 41 C 4143?5 2 g f(f-fg 4 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature f Contact Information 361) ��' _Cr L. t+r-c.)7, CAS `'l -ut9 362) 40, mects--,c__ J- 1 ' 4 33&a (0 �%363) /tiU id ?)0C----61'6 ice e 364) JVe#e o, r "'t � ! 1'67 - j�'� ��,+� .?? 365) T c?iW't1Q- 7U-573- 366) w u lI vr_ 1-M-L-. ;"C .. Sa t -' Sci`+. 367) ,jkis-Iv fl .)1- rk) Ig' 368) sLk 11())145031 y 305 / 3 -' 3I0e 369) , 1 �� , - 23---3 43 37°) YV4-is / v 2S ( - �(r'�.�+S V � 371) Oa4v\+? - o 5-a- 74 372) 7, i-3 373) ROM nielof4u7 ((IP b 4pnh (( tl ki) 1 itilliae "'_v ; J 1 M 374) A `°r" ecci--4_47 rt�.-e-G leillf 3 C_77 •2i 375 -vv.) PQI ' t - 4 ib 376) ecLovi yaze 2-- n(0.--)_&)__I;3e),/ 377) 110 5 3 +',:, 378) Irni kil lAlt0 (--0,3 0 IT 379) WV let/poi SO - 569 L-S3OL 380f\f/iY)F0 5 L z 34 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Gard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signatur Contact Information 3re, LAIy1 1$6-6A_4 ',fig Lips 382) ‘ f II [%e l 1/ /00 ; I ( 383) G r)O--S V ll oZ ate,- /"Gi, 1 6 - RN -y fi .. 384) '7760,3 klit21Li 2/crte,C S a2.q G.j 7 385) G-v1 et I Rk.,)t c c1 r gutt5 1'3, 3 386) Ai'i4 e A d, 36Jr ti-, .19 387) Pt q 1 Ditkir: j �.,.� '73C, iik3 ‘617/ 388) 14- EIS- /40 iuC 1 - , .es ter-- aiot yck- . 389) (Q1'1 - - i! Ni , d. Q,L4Sr - c. let 390) '4 \ © lkik b___ __ Y® 9:cvz 1 391) , 'N'IA • qi°10 4-919---‘ 91 3- 121-6 392) Ilivj ,rnOf €gi p 7E' 6- acco -1391 393) (t't, t c' n-t.�, - ' - ' `' W5 c'c- 394) igvl-Wfu AAA OF 7` # - . 395 (i€?4:1 7 (" ii -.)113l ,9)- 396)It � ( 766' 7Q 397) JAM' Co � - So• , -._ r ? 398) 0... q- �b 399) Ailt)( S t1 , C 7 AO 0,52, c 1 - 0 C *. 400) 0et114'p,..' 7 •7 r q 2-7 0 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of .the Ba ickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signat re Contact Information 401) ._ 0(6 Pc cA (/' e c() NO-a 402) Isc 1' b4L Q 41- f 403) kaitai, jf 404 e 6/, . i #� 4 Ili to 405) J/-�j- f{ �j / tf Ft )6J ``i J ufJ eel? c7 Li / 1 es 406) yitke)r dertft&Igilikn . c►oiv J,eg. alp hiko may'' 01111111r 407) W'-iAD► it tW A 1 `�ii iQ 7x Quit • p, - 4AI xR3 OADp /9 al p `:•`ramos) 409) u 477 0� 41 CVdi,/5 6'1 ( tine . . 410) U Pcre5 411) loam t, Ste, ram, IciP__________ 412) �J ii0 41.1 + Co.g1 413) git.a_ (a64. -. ,,,e--- 414) ,� % / "A /11/4c /V ee- „„,,:„,.,_ K -- /5 `/76 415) rVO'C M 11 Tu°-5 4 0 n11,11,A4I.6G- 416)641->--"na.---- f:, e,,: ,-,-- /iv 4 VZ, 417) -{2,14hz*-10 er,,,-cliz OD l' 10T,_ 7g6, - --a q - 5q4--r-- 418) JOBe 4;20 '�# d' - P - 5q/5 419 1- 5V.p fJJL 6- -_.9 420)'q u L �a act. h." 1s�c►-I We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 421) Qfrfr G 7- ,_,i (07) co* e 422)c,elf-} '/Z ACC)-P 423) Fit, i Da 6,ejli elm ______ 424) A OA- '-''ATI----CL) r---\, A 411 ad.' a /eAce--PiE) 67'e Ape.), e_- , i•--,,st c"Pel) f petis/W45-g1,4,40 ,Q4D4 426) 0134in tG"1igt) it;,' ell4"11,11W lik , ► 'ore. * lazto 427) ..' oe ` `' 1 i r !r 428) Gs+10. So.ncorc'sComarc rya `al-+csrrrool , u 5cridrQ 429) Pa 0- c( /4 Z 430) 6 d /41' Wr 431) SA e.-e . , ,/l 2xxt 432) °hQ _ 'r1 \ 3 03 3S2. t-3 211,, 433) .�Ia - 't--%v\v�n._. .,,Z,,._ -Z (1 �4 434) "lAev rr '' ) tea $ 2 11 22 G 435) \ ', \ -\ t, vvr.k1.; n.sa, / 436) evil'1 S CM e, t / I, / 437) 5 #6 --. 438) 11-1140/nfle fko zvr-/--_, ---- 439) JQv-VC) .4 J 440) 5;mon 6p2 0r26c [ c gt,-----(---:-_ 7E 6 - Z-$S - 11_Z 7 r� We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of . the BrickellWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name ignature Contact Information 441) - Y`€V f\ �'CZO l t 30S - 90-SZS3 442) -00111.0 3 0, do Ayn,4 ' _/,,,,;, , „,: ? - . - 70 443) Md / , 344 47 - LA G 444) fi I (CnN)- CI - 445) At u c\ i V.c. Kt ut ki r_ b li 61 2 9 fi 26 41 f. 446 r Poc4-* 447) (.Ll i b n1 H 0- I r'n t' t -7 Vc - 2 c - I. S Lr 9 448)Mak-Vine4____ 3- 75 n? 449) 6icell' .Asa 30s ` 76Y -7' ST 450) f �ar,Ces,r, . J Iyrtnm S': w - /�.—LULU /'�/1r�x-� 1-ltic. C - `761--' \ %� 451) 457LC ct it d r � 7711-" ,A1.-- 452) Ci'e6 c ,1c J /86_ 34y _4971 453) / Cll!) r ajMi -�-. -78--2 60 �3. ) 454) -aiI . �f �► ►[_� - 0} \\ 455) 14'" w G na. r.9i i c31X) 358 _ io b C c. 456) V- s / c a \ (k.k 3 (6 'V),, InG -- u►S?-AN\ler 457) S O 'C1nn M'UYY' - -JbS ' 1z_ q 458) De5+ (f ► 6, (J ( D. J Is'V '- 459) 'n,c/te-orl \Q '') '*c0 q-A 460) i:,+�4�,, 4,,,,,C, __ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 461) Li cf<J 0VIThil 462) &WINkje_ ig44-i 1b 145 -.5'S$ 463) Aixiaal(3---. 5 -R:3546- J- Ci ' - tX 4. 464) \ (‘;(0M1 Oa 465) Katie, eNcilci iflT 1' 466) E i( pi ate' f Pt 467) tiMg14) tifttalL' \--) -OM -eg 468) Mchce( (ii aflCD 74t,le..e- 469) fir-(-- cz.' -2�21..1r -9,--e---c--:.- 470) C INDy crit i_t o "- 'Is i-''70 471) KALI ti. a S` 3 C-,5°-9793 J wr 472) mo- N.0 K-ck ( 7,66-17/12-2414 (b3 VI"( qi 473) ► 40, 474) Pi 0aVL,K-' 1-i Z2C . 475) 0 a, las alr6eic�---� 476) 041 I l , 19 a b a !I fi � il f'!r n 477) L. cm...r-e ni- G Li-v-n (1e:S r+ a � , ,� n � s 478) 3ebas+s n ® i - a :ice -•ar:� � - 479) U' \kr 480) /�' (I I74,)0 , ,) ,. - lice , l- i i We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of . the "Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 481) Se r1 ° it A- 482) Ct \vJfl tIE'er Kotklabier2__ 483) 1 \ie. C ero -. t719111W 484) itgbe-r ¢Q Pe.re,z 485) libi-Fetrit)I 0,13M-P 11;1# i. ,a0 4. 486) Cody Term 487) v 5 C'C -WC 247Le( 488) an A tc[) 'A) 489) Km avc: 0{-C.0 Nt\Cr' 490) C'f`- t 1 1'f n 0 A rAneinip,,,, 491) & Jir 492) �1 +� 4 Mir*(,p. 493) Y..otv\ (j\(\ M..,„, j/ Illy' ..i.w 494) '&€ co 6\i 6 PP \ \\ CP1 61,1),)Lf 495) 5 eCt CICI tf f / 41 496) 1--ko-A41\ fry's.' ile:0/' •--- 497) Kri i[ 0 n5--\ o 498)A(:),\CS, 405 499) rc1vier R 093 500) 0 /WI (Arbant C We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name S'gnature Contact Information 501) 610\C‘Ot s J .3 le 3- flt."3 502) 1 fbizio .3 I 7110 _ 70 ss- 503) V 1 (5(0,, Qoi ` > V 3°2 9 1{ 80 . ►, 504) P r1.�� 1aS S�er rrc�v� S-a i' ZSi : q is p 505) - DKAtc\i/Q4-19k3 A ?SS . 506) S'z---._,A i (ue k 50s 6 ®Q 1-3. 'i . 507) J fl3 C4- 14724 rt-----6di e-rpt_ 0 • ' 6- 3 ? O9 97. 508) g—°`) E� /4i )� G — 5 �! 09 G'j 2 .- 509) G MJ Si 0 if- it l'- '.‹W-0 510) �J gk. Ca (,i (o-i c 4 )65 LOA 99 et3 511) -\ ff1J1' ',A-VJS V 1014E 7-__66 LEg6 -(6(9-c7 512) PkULISW Jete r(2 -PIA 513) 1..".A3:6O(� 2 1 8 O S 514) )KL(o (VJO& 3os q 91 0655 515)dIWiL/4iCe% i�2� ZO( Cai2 1J9( 516),= N.N`ek— � Li-As— ?- 7-- S SI .j_D t'AU-\ 0‘ k\R_Z-(e) — c-i i _.10-11,71._. .. 6 (-A6 -i- �Z� - 2-c--ZM 3� (\13 518) ,�O\im Ac\ck.kmsw ) • 519) :),\i`i\U Q.\ C 0 C 4\ itirsou_!- , ( -S1b —S 3Z2 520) Pt 0 �;- P1)(`)U14.11\)i-- C .`... ==:- 0 V 9• 0 3% We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Rrickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 521) Nr Cs.t cps- - NU - 3-(=.3l. 522) c 01-s' -A-'" ) *1k--- ULU[ -4MC, 523) Cc St`3C Cj"13 _AD 3 524j esAokos ,----e "Z c7S zII 525) j 4 ✓t hz S , ,,j e - u-; s �LL___(3 ) k`!.1'1- 7 7 3( 526)44,0„.. ;" / 63c3 2 Kr - y43 .f. 527) 1 1 t c eai?.tA ofiC - o-5/ r" pi<r 528) AN Ton C3 iledi f� ‘• � - it'.. 4T ° ' 1.4?3)$IV 9 ry 3-3 529) 41 1` � -7 8 6- 7 0c c� � C ' `• ` i -C �.s 530) (sitzort cir4 /10 , f r • jj 531) r ..a ( Af i r E rNo(43 6 q 532) \-L 0, e.\.6. s. Vez ktok d.4+t5 c "`7 $ 6 [ % 6'1 -7 2 533) . PI A) AL-7LO 534) gidarmafee., . 9 (`_ 2 g6 V/U 9-- 535) 0'�'' f (ir.�4 _ ?g,- .3 V_j - 2 y/ 0 536) ./. .&J cam" t1w 2. 6).- )-` f 2 537) rl/i-€/)/ Ce.J � o ir 97f6 - a�3 4- - !. I.�,r €) 538) Orb I . 1q0Cfria .�' 305 - 41'1 - 50 0 539) /io,'r ee + ii f P fin*" • 126-,211201111 540) ' S eL i.0 '\ acre-U- 7 c°' $ 3 -s...e ra 7 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl - Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information )11--A-,--, ..—',..- (4)? aS.3 0 2 ?i,of 542 A —2— .0 543) —gc..-348---coign 544) ,,DA_„.„6 c 6 ' ' C2 elf .?o C- y c.I 4 6-1 q g 545) 49/- 4 ?,Ye 2g(dzVZ 546) S /tk -tip �''�L„ '� _ 3 — FS-7 -- '- 7 547)ArWr.iirciC: i CIS �- . ��"' _ . r '. ! - 3 b1-i-C4, 548) IAVQ("`T gee / 0_5 Per Q 19/r7 r i• €dam 549) 4,.�ce . ; _gd, A, 7d' -~ --f 0°7 550) #4 , i 551) U lTO, n 3o-- 7-(4o 3 6 d' '--- 552) CO--- - Y6/6i 553) L ,),/fr 3 Of •- c19 -K6 / CO*/4 554) 4i,t r-14 (It , " 555) it-Ictivck ` Q` e r s o 0 $3 2 e y o- VO - 556) kcurq convi il 557) i i..107 7 6- 3 3 g- CID Z 5• 558) ' ,—(430-0)-3.R ( 5591_ iae-NR--ViV2t,_ ja.A.(saz_ J:l3-4t. W -.2 5 .0 - 4DZI 560) LU a 01Y1c Z lizn9c 5 ►i .t_z.ir -6;41. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic Br Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 561) a j7,/,,v6.64: _.. 4,441241e 1 ttilit (+4j 4 66 563 - r► Ci S L 113 565 , vim.-z� GG (A 566) , 567) 2e1)2(1- C fiI /--`� �/ 568)�l C�1'+1f.74 ‘VA }� [ I, l nip \i ' 0 ‘i 0i0 i 569 y:To d i 1 wino( bbhuvoil -con, 570) Dlis ti Y CA hntd0 571) VvC; r L't 2c-- 6042,12,, , oTh -2).01(46 guz. / . 572)ei ow 1I A ...... _. 573) CS ) „<--- ' - - 4 j . il-g , rya 574) 'A4 575) .7i 4,54-41 576) f a;V;Veda ,-r ez 27 ,?--1( 577) t./(44ni eV er/7 4 ` ' ?Ko --366' - 0 3 578) anek i'hA 'a-25.10 ~- Cif 579) A 1'0,0 7,6‘z46e'r_oLs----c 580) L1 S-.3 07 147) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the,BrickelliDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation ' Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Sig i ature Contact Information 581) i'1 Gt g 1Gl9 t ch, eI<i2eA s i / e6 2 3 d 3/ Z t, 582) &cart Z- Ccat, ! -0 _11l ' a � v 1-26F,- f 19_ qS 3 583) �(f\„ ��� , o + 3 OS- S'Sok •- `7 kl 584) CO klci i) P-R711` 1 ' ' , 4 .etAN, 9s 4 �r 3 585) �t1CA , ,O IN�n I-: :irt,. 33 cz 587-7- PA.e % '?,/ (0 4-‘ 4' — d9'36- 588) /Yerrr& di, 3 es— — 3/ 6 — 'a 3-‘ 589) /3d 5Agh-----0 4 or r� G6 - 33 - 2 590) --31L53,4. A-. lS 3<] 4. - q q5 — i''d o -) . 591) 1 e4 r 2357 D 592) 7"6 .e"a -ram ot,e 6.-, G - 3 z le 7 593) " .al Id. -- 3O r -2_' - 943 V . 594)H .49161-4-tr.3 C-333-1?-1 595) .%/ r Yc�t ?f6 23 �7i/ l 596) C rJt loA V.Qz2. „d�t C. PI`3 7� 34 ? 597) ,,/-- .2 Se 3 54 598) %,Ji c1 6 kcr rr A/W Z— 3 O 5- 2 I-4-1 9‘ 599) J1uvA /e,ePA Vial 78k 34/9* c'Y96 609) -T,/.6,,24 /. 75 4,77 3 90 95 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation ' Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 601)' 75 _' 7i'Lig 47 e7,r,_e ° � + • a C 3' 7'776 602) tr-e-C .(9-2C7- =� —7`EtiL- 5- -1\-11 - 603) V\ICAtrAve (Q L 0 - - 3` - 1O-S 604) efik 34." 7 . ,j' WV) 605) Di CAIl ieuGtde Q I 4 7-2 0 t8 606)" ` l \] VL' `2:12- - u�__ 607} [C 608)(1(0\,,__ ee..936,,...,______ .-__s___u_c5s-_,-x Li. 6 609) 611e-E-►t) c - -SL :1g -Lit' 610) 1 ek't i',--_64-1\A-,1-14,60' '`(2 i 'z I- 611) - 3 — 113 Abc_ii-3...._f-i--- 612)14--tk-cD,\'`..,f — '.C2`-3-`PJ 1 613) " #(Ng- { - -i t-r,_--) 1 --I-1-Sc_. 614) - "CS` f 2_2s 1- ' 7 -..(14-(---7 615) ' , ' 7i' 97ZS -ISM f 616) CU'1C`2•\,(am- ----1{ -91 z,z- 617} v, —2 S2- ?4111- - 31S 618) - -2 ss - 619 1<\ 2 r j �Q-4 ' 6203 --., --�I c... - 4. ' 91(!. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Meikate Cathohc t-hurch along with the processionals & residents of the BrickeWQowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. # s I l Petitioner's Name Contact Si ' nature Information 621) 24'22-c A- APTI LIA BM 3o 06 622 / A- 6 /I d ? 43-r of- 1"," 7- V to . tiler r' ' 623 1 . ThI/ •!'' ''',XC Win -211114111k_ 2X—q-)5 -3677, 624f+ Fr-,.-174 0 t MI 625W A �' /` �• 6 aV 6 6 6 626 /cCrL f"rJ?fs 4 9-C r 627 t / ., - ege eel -.6- 7 4 - rf -• - 2-K3 628 EV //g 4 SI 'Ve- �'Gi - jo j -j 1 7- ',06 629 ? ©S" _SR4 7 VICYZ. 630) � 1 i F � ` ; I` 631) Y/C / 41 f s 632) I\\LO Nnzw1'7_, 633) --(1-1 italik 3os-s91yQ_ (S) -7 7 2 62.2- et, &Aiat, (1/41)62(e I - 9/s ; 2a 7B6 3d3 - o?6a 637) , j efCq Per-197 638) -0( \SU ll° �1 Mre3- 639) 1.):G'PP.ri1a-deX_ 640) Lcadc \-\2f 'Ts AUG-31-2012 FRI.O2:04 PM NEW LIMECO FAX NO. 3052580710 P. 01 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickeWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 641) V i VI411. CR,r3M! /drnl)rd?1 l/O41fil 5, eket.i.) re,e,.,..‘ 642)4 [.. 00 . 643) akkard0 Catj ,rc -i ( t �' v ik , l'alAT,A,cooe,pittektd,,,,,,,,,4 - ezefle-000,--14467) - ez.. ,ci"'1 ?71 &. 2 b fl c. I 644) 1�l 'WA LUIKP 6- - -,.� 645) GI iiktri 646) \ �� 01---- 1 K % ogr } Z�.D.. ) . vP �� 64 ,O. 6,3" (40 648) 14iLJ in 0 46 tip ag5,551-P A 650) Q-- Oii'a,-i ata,. i! A tjr‘° z y 651) , a,voi N _ Do,- . go,. $a . so 7a, . 652)i �59 a ia� _ 44P� `, 2M. 5 .1' 653) 0 kt - 6 crap A. _. z1 401 s-4cta 654) 655)'VAC!' Job /'i.r'G. `• ., - # eA '%�$ P-19/0 • 1 ot-i_ .0_11 C)t' •outicj 1 656) CLJp6.-/ _4 657) 0 k _"�"'�- ,-30 1 658) / _, . ‘ c 659) /oiRelqs , ' ' 4 7&D Z i . We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the.Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Si re Contact Information 661) 1,71,..,19 _ ,3257/ 1-47 662) C€5AR 'C V(LL043 J `3a S--1 r c(-1(r7D-ro 00,5- 'S9 -,3 9 663) fra J77a 664) - r7J ' co tg -- 19 - iS 77 665 Y' -{ / r 0- T7 3 07S 3 6,9 .Z. . 666 - ri164(61,1 ~Y3--Z - ,-;s1 8 667) 0,476 7 g 6- J� ._ 3 s? r•' 668 O " _ / U i- a' 3 56 7 669) j ')1 v -The fvr1i C a-77 Cp- I I 670) 1. 26- 671) M f/I »-'cL2en 76O-IQ-Q,5 ) 672) in ertYttfil 1 i; 3 52-32 C o'i 673) ,ifrrezit- 2---S •3.0-.. (iCkqn: )1 (/ f ig 3 (3,5 2 8 3 9,C L'f 674) 1-09,e LLi 0 +t5 - 675) 3 ` Ve / / " �' -q vis 676)Ok1L\\C .U\ LI nCotS ' 11041 1 _ LI5 _ 390P 677) _)'i 0 .ii S t-J--,_ 1 SLI I - 1 u9 678) LO a PEES 1)aN 4z t.) z (1.0s i'i 7 2 7Ac 679) \ orQ i_5 .C_cNo &_. _ 3 os- 94L1►3 680) 'c. '-\CCI `--0 ( -4) RO \ - % .7ft-, r We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. r #ppI Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 681) t,t�7L,4D la aetif� /044 3D 5 ) I/ H/-- 36 -3 n 682) ,P b/f 9' �� C)tr-C� 683) . � _- ,eOC'cr,r� /7, ✓ ,(_ 0A f6 / — 2 b 3 4 684) Oa 4 q 7 Jq /J,r�� e7 e ..4 J { (34175-j 6 / - 36 7 685) t j` 3>) __? (?94 F#9.-299 ir�►:�s 686) .71q t b ravnr C j 41:"‘" (Bz5S-6CYc)--0.Z. (2p4) e{e`7-G . 687) ,£'t - .11,47 korni c-iii; 688) i i al; f 0" e Ae 17'-0q'S -- )Z(9 689)17,---„ItAlCV' A-0 i r (--,1 1 ) `]; 4 1 5 690) j-6(.6.) Lam. %ram 1 (c � ,) " 5 (` x 691) ekr? o2 2J 692) ,V!J cca /L"7 e{l '-rs di / r 1 fie.' /5r /o102 693) -, rs.sile91a41-�/�- c7't0) ,6ez z 7Zti'liit 694) %r e/7 u ,d r fr445b2- '"tr 695) G 4,e,"9 / , - 3d �1C33 a! 696) S 2 ef" y #� t i/ a 6 170 1 697) 'rrel / �C v f 55 _22 - 7?Z 0 698) i P / qC L ®r1-1 '67'r le 7j i7S72 - o / 699) Ge a ,9. Coj ,1 --- 4S- j 700) (4e/e/ Z_?/qrI C C)I ( 7c'C- - . i i .._7r ‘7,.. co)-)F€4-ZiEroop) + 700 Ck4r a We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 701) 0 tin e A - 61ecr0 p�Qiedr 702) , (,6__ io f �r lik f ci cot � C lj 44. 1/ w, We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Euard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. Opp] Petitioner's Name ignature Contact Information 721) (1-)_11 P "____i_ 722) 01 CC) ”to - �6 - 9gs 6 723) i / . 2-5/. a-. C6 724) 44/z, pi s p 4-6 ' _ 2-5t6 ,'i' 725 ca\L ica Ko \A ►n a / 4 G - 4 3 S - 3 726)40 vA- 7 i``/_ y''}9 - 0.07 727) 4 DS'e k 6 e ek,t ,.‘ - 7 j-- 6 -3- 1--- T 7,r2_ 728) �4i -?6264 36S- 0(q4, 729) Pam' 6a-1 mat G .3? 1 /3 730) PAL'" r e) >v ivL11U r -- 67 -- -(/ - 2 `if" D '' 731) Lam? 345607 7,? 7/ 732) i e:/-5 LW kt-i‹, '9d96 -)ef2 if 2X 733 lira r ' I-' 9 ,$ 734) �©YGE C )LLc, 1 Z. 7 ?.72 735) 7J1J4Ka2A-91-14,--Kt--7; 7(` z-3(_3 / Ei z_ 736) 1,ier. '--P---`'e( T 7 G''--� I II' 737 r — 4- f' L 738) PA'f JAM, 7e6-,Te'6-`-07f SoJ It7) " 3{o C� 739) -14 fl 3 NV) I -t E- z`i 1 rc`-)-6 Ah 740)L bud le 1.6 rCrirC We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the, BrickelVlowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 741) ,v -� , ,e-y4 7'r ter/ G'l 3 t ' a • e_i 742) JO(r-cy_ ef►cuo Ahar., 743) kt* \iOl tO avk Y i,Co 744) V6 Vaiii tif-l- PA ilia-" 1111E-i/n/ j') \P kJ° IC)/ 745) (IJRAtil)169- L. / FZ 7 7 14'7 v W .5 -7— 746) /H 1LlPE—C 6. ` WA'? —<10''1I 747) (� (c Gtqf:")CjOC-4_bccoc Crz t ° '',4 c 'n`7-1%--S-3-G-217:E.' 748) r9e.-- , ,� G/i 'C • 749) co (41 0iL 74-4----e -36 G . 3 0 2. 40 .2c't 0 C rIP, 'l \ ,4e1 0C 3 1 _ q- -5)-q- 751)*. ,l't'i L ,1�1 ',�,i %/ / r f t 752) %P' (J k aSor - F -00 O s 753) P;34?-1rcia ?an- -06vr iG 305 991 0$ (.3 754) bosh ,� re ' ,c �r��- e� Ala a c�S S 5 /',� (� 755)0-1(---rit 75 ~ ,i, — 7 756) b147) l A -3661 - a5 / µ- 0,5(e:, / 757) 3o5) 36 t —al 1 -e___ a 758) .1. .'(3( - 2V, - i"1, 759) j--,r - t 7 I ifli107 . 1' -3 6,9 it 60 VIA' if 760) a 1 7t i, /Ifw7. 1 11, 1- - / - O 2)r. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the IBrickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 761) `i A-N 5 .�{ 14 - om 0 r- r i c , t,c, ryi 762 C f 1 +Cli, n &vQ1.L 763) (\ W -•i 764) Pcw\Q. Q-\\e/M 765 b --Cir 1 3 J 13.4 4/ 766) el Y h L: Vt 13 ' _1 13Prczc c , 767) -i...k ____----1.--- illec-- 1 k 4ie,I ... 768) 1147-r V t //G e S -tl `/7 f`e- 6 s %• Ce 769) NI •i 1(A L -f, k wov,,ti,u0.,,(--( ° a . c,.� _ 3 3 2 C 9° 770) 1 "‘ c, 'c 771) er.P' Fe7414/197{' /5/0 Xei ch 7(4i7 I , , 772) d'Y) / . I/7 7if 6) 1110 Ol?',62--id.,e/79i---e e- 773) lar''A11ta 1"-1, rfr2 si7 r ��c? / f,Ct1I/ P i �ri`� T040r1 774))1L 0 1 ilAgPf (./ ilii 775)4614,V yy 1y ��lli< t S (e0 5Gh-' 13+ •v,,trt r i:2271) 776) ,-,-- 9----r�6 c4M ,1mon 777) )(1, Cal 1.2-eaci) r _ j (I ? ,c 6 dr n 778)_ el + f -6 (eat h 5 e,c,oi•ci lkiiinlac f 779) ao-vi g 1E4 sZ•f dh-be:►tx. 780) 5 LaIA- kJ1f 7 i :t i cm 764) C /Oart t'l - O 3D. - /7? 765) al A ivieRr c---o (,)(1Pri u cco IFAA co 3 las--6203 — i 6 7 . 766) G PA-t-e-b 305 5 4324 767) *� S "i) -7/ ?7 pry 768) � , t J:F() i (,�'�c. 'c 01 c-, _ 305 3T/ 6 y g . 769) goo:At 1/-3, i- ��b J�`7' �OV 770) Cry ,ot-- -)g6-sloq-qcf .(:, 771) lki u ir1--0, 4 o ,LLW "be ? z"O 71 a -7 . 772}(,--e.„ z ,, 4 3o6.26y_ t9r ? 773) Catth p - 0 30 5 c .Z 9,5--e, 774)04i .ok,. d ,. � , a 3 775) av- c i OV.. eill q-VG& 9- DEW 776 i4'Pi 7 `r?�'r .. D65c52 - 7I s 777)-C ._Qt_ez_ olio % _ _ Lig 778) (--4-02- 0 . , 1 ; 0 ,30S---- (-1 VS---Waqf 779) I - OFJ- ceq 5- (404 1 I i ita4 11-- ilefis 780) CMY2, E' - , S 2c' '- Yat3 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Clhirch along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 781) Arc Qe - 6011. 782) ' � - .► tMsqL1 4322 783)0� a AtPigic) (4i6c1/1_ 6919\9 15ta S Li -2.0-ci S 1 784) :_-1- .3.10ei, GA -I -tea e12--- 785) ,.j v ,"L k'c1 1b7—--h-IA )1 O 786) At,e, ki,,,, j4„ti ,-5%-y 787) c140,, DO 3-i.ft ; . 788) -C7E ') '0 M--- c /9 ' 789) ilLIOA 717' 0 ie 1,-)Di--7 0 _ 4//q/z7 IA q-eist 79°) g ie 16 A C ono , eptle 7f J -- c /j - e 7 791) ca av euelf_seAze4 Zo r // , '' 792) 00 c ' ?7 � d) S('7 -- 7 Z--/ 793) CIZ(6) I/5-d 794} {{ , --,,,,,,1 vo-s)cn C -3' 0 _. 795} 796) ioSRP lb -PT(36 .,2 3 9 t 797)ilti9,e_eih,/ I / 7/7i-fey go5 5-9fp -r7950 79$) 4,,,,,?_, Fri 0 f6 go I;Jo 799) ce(A?C7A26))-3‘-'°/ [�z Yr 7n 2 /fb 800) R` r/�,r ° Vf 'r r' -/z Lea' ori'J ) 6rda Pd4 / } ev 1,,,11114r7 i LC t]dara re " °°4) b() 6 Bs) Vanes?(asevA fo)EA2r P(nc4q WO 1?-40 I fa PiRE-e+96 YL-13/1-34-Th rP23A,--tor\ E309 €NO • Mpr-e�sx=ln r� f. o 39--207S ,4,494.-jej 3affat3. -76 of 71( eq) 3° //,--. 7190 3vs - SSG 026 �" We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the'13ricke111Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation • Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppI Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 801)44,6„i- ! ► e�, 7f;10r4 4tArV ca., 802) 4i1,/e..freid,c) 7‹.-126- 217-Z_ Y CfS' 803) Z /2 t,t h elk adoe.z., A 4,41.& . 804) / a ;erf 6 1D E ,) 6 /c, ' -(21, -7 -C 8o5) :5;etkeio 3 5-)- ' 7 806) c/1 rr eg go .',4, v -€ -1 o 5 6 6)/9 e' 807) Alva- cta C (a ' '©c) 1/ 808) ( r- CO V 04 f•°a 3 --- 5 - 0 6 0 I 809) u c�J e PL` t " bc/ . 810) -- X. -, ,/ -- -e ,966 -61 zAfri6 d 811)piicil , -- t- —22 812) Al� �" fi7r� 813)_ /1,22/3 .ma's Ada <'i 814 of' ;� ' SG ;:= 3itz', S W-12- — - '-'2V--r 815) Rai - ,, _ ?,, -A 4/ ei-L6 816) c 9 i�),( 0 co ref a— q 0.k6) I S 6.3- f 817) r qg� 4co5t �� O `?.�JI 818) J , A ,,La - f (9 8 G) . ', - .3Y 3 _819) .,/ffi_dif: a4,,,, a 820) 4.vig V1" - 5O'7 /. Mg 63 t4 .corr) - 4 u 3 - 6 3 91 u; ? z ./t,? We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the•Brickellliiowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation • Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 821) AAGtriA,V1 COY -.if ` Is" - .DAP 822) @ �G..yY�� � ��G 411 �7c�IJ`eY '�C 6 j� � �YI"t! 5U, G 823 a I0 ---0 �, �. ► 7I % 7 o) cs-I C 824) ke 41d9r VCr v t¢ j 1 . - ei cr -f-'JS6 825) apt.. !7, w i e .�Jlt • e 826) Q e ` / r4 'i ! obe ©eb &Io/ / gart 827) s i` 75'1c, ag) c S 828) Pticial f c 4Aiake rf c1 e./"1d re e9e f'44; /. co."( 829) ) \ V, 0,\ R,C%itzsD-LN ; r i l4 3 r 40 830) 5i 1v(Pr Uci 11 Q c a,reS - 1, 7 6.-6.F3-C-,333 831) gfaririte Car rc r cr sos- a iq-cfl 30 c 2 832) Crthia Vh fnCi0 r LJ'Uabrif:a 78(0- ��-SS 3,' 833) F. i< ii, S te.9A,.s.► , D `_ C 6) =1 ,r /3 834)(.19yvci-'1/Wfs ,a4,-(A . - _ Cam' 835)G Ct ( `--+K6' - .3 /,Yce 836) .V' Of at,(r41/1z?,,A1 -7_273-1 837) anci c...r ill 1 11( INimP4ipf 3cs 57 182e 838) 1 fOr i Fy 4 iie 's) No ' ,.”. — I k? 839)1121:tre..kW 17-qiTie.--z'_ 45-a .Ikr � t es,sKo- 840) ,al cA iL r ., 7— 7, r, ifit, We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the 4.icke111Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation ' Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 8414+5 1 t3J3)-1-4kg,g`" ` [ 842) SW ' ' A a giftuteitt -c-rKomtildctiO 0.0 (s ` e viA C - 1'r 843) dG ee', _ 844) An;441,5 ettig 3 . - ?2 5 -41 6K5 845) O$- - 3 - `t 846) 46 f,,.. (' 4-)g3C Z.S 3 zY?-7 847) p.H v �' - _ l 848) b- 1 E Voclx 90ie 2 L:4, 3 - 75-1 - M 849) Atniocia L)1IV& r !)6- J 09 /1 850) 6 1 v 1 r& kJ u fl €P, 2. 18 CO -15cl -- 28 8-1 851) \Jc\o LI e 30 - c{gLi- 6caS 852) C \once JiQfl- mu 1 f 305 -- 303 - 29 q3 853) M iC il le j4'//c. 3 ;- --3Z- 854 — 30s - 22,3 5 855) /� (-,9r 6 V 856) 857) 858) 859) 860) tak We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name f'' Signature Contact Information 701) .13-1 V/ fl A/? C p!Y Gf ( is i-1 09' 6 O 3 v 702) (.0da// /---L79,71.g_.)._ _cm) / 770) 7 - ,V,67' 703) Uv r` nct 2 Cb i ar r e+< , (-7 'G 2 22 1236 704) 705) 706) 707) 708) 709) 710) 711) 712) 713) 714) 715) 716) 717) 718) 719) 720) ► ) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signa Contact Information 1JW17a ;-7D 1 r�741) 742) 1/-ei _5 14-4-7c) v.., II &02,b_5.5-2.. 743) 744) 745) 746) 747) 748) 749) 750) 751) 752) 753) 754) 755) 756) 757) 758) 759) 760) a-) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the lrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl ;61) Petitioner's Name Si ., r atn.re Contact Information i-lernevj if �.. i Quo9N .I -Jo k. Litd4co. CS 62) /1 ik 5 0, v( � 505 c, r Fr..? K q.Y4 c s � 6�) R t JO '� era �+ ► � � `]t'lr,.rt �� � t � , . 864) . \ k 6l Qi4 1plc k) k (C-'Q 865) Waidy l .J' ZJ" ! i 0-idelJ LL �1 S9br;olo- OWL- . A . Ore r5 ! re &Li 1481 i r. ► 867)6C----- , 1 i, ,..0( 668)0/4 -,s % I. �I�Q .. 1 869) 2t a rl7 a-ib(«, 41 1/1 16 87a) + v► P' p: waL7 c `3a►a- 871) }`]ia/4 - e€6/2 .,'G� 0. 72 } d /; ?&4lu t r9�i�2G Q �+'Iflki 073) is-,ZA-- 674) Josei., 4 toi. Y c 575)4Oj) l It1/4.. F)( (-77.--)k � 76)( / 7/-.C97 1377) 9 t'C - 5 i r filki , A 1. ,9 5 R E2- 678) 879) t80) �, - We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of theirickeWDowntown City of Miami area, are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name ' nature Contact Information 381) Hck „P Con; fcAs u ,1(_ 2,-;s--cr,r., q 6s91-6218 382) gtQS2n4 Jilt, dr OP, 383) Ajt& 30v Q 3 L.c ZG 384) 385) 386) 387) 388) 389) 390) 391) 392) 393) 394) 395) 396) 397) 398) 399) 400) .e---N We'the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelliDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information dvj'�'' ",rA-/t� 57 �5-- 701) -' e gE [_ U (9 C- -4°,p e 01,,.i �c 4 A ■tee y 702) i-, - Ttt:Yr : -3 1 -ct 703) Xiiii7+ (lig/4V ..- M Mc/cr 41..41,,, 704 f& 6 eiZZZ (-- fi-(1/ 705) 6-4,..--'-a R 6 E v 66. 1711/ r_,/ (1.5/..27 i -t-'o /''` '7` u`y 4-0 .L.,A a,.- 4 :_1 tc 707) !I+ P-E A <:U a sir 1` L. 331J( 708) �lvt2.� -vksa� lei � � vu �' tar s� A l l t7 tS,Ft� 709) 4 Lo -(Qh � err.1n o 1000 Sui Git ala zlc 3(33 - 710) 711) 712) 713) 714) 715) 716) 717) 718) 719) 720) We"the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelVDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information Vi+ a- } �- �. � t'� '� � ���[ [i '' � � ,/_ � � -?. r'i 2) liy___ 211 ta(1v iet (4 ' 7 rd n 7 - 173' ; 3) -jAf\ Oi -)A - D 7 3 - 09 f;5 4 I -LE NE /11 (>O - 0 ~-167 - 5-S-e, ^ S'2 La;5) Gt ' .( 12„,9,03Do - 3S-6,4 :+:6) , � (?P} « - /& ) Of 7 .�./V 9ri/ -cit ,4 ) iiiibb1400010't jil ert el W. PIM I � '22/f 30 1 9 r/ - d 2ES-?3/ ' NO ) Lila f 6/' 7 e P7‘..,744/6- e->z i6-7,‘ 3J--)-- J-1- 2‘ t,1 L 4 rj c?./ nck.t OB Di 8,i2) 4-ln. a-yik t/ifiv 4, -7zo c-/ ,i223 3) / -- - - - Oti 4) 5) +6) 1 ) a•$ ) J a - 9) 440) 4 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation i oard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 901) q t\ A -dolt, fa,2.. 490a2t4' G4 902 G R �d. Gam' fd , 1 ' C� d�i"I� (�r6 De 55 &/ah°" 'ems, 903) CSvn�� PCIO./ui 904) es n c,n c� Q Q)Qf e 04c, f f '_" c, .- 905) / /or a r 1,n i7efrand- 4 906) TM cArv; n Co n ' GQ i 011 ,fit!!'/1-- ni y 70r7a-•f c.zc 0-44 r ►• tx 907) . i,s- Lid( 4 ',,,57. --- 908) r s,4 r_ rmoy He t'Y (c---1. 909) eo e( I 1 . f`- .„.1 ____ `_ 910) Q'CNt 1 f-sl,iL al �. -s, r n-liA ") 1 1 911) lie/-- r ,L) - , C.c 1i �i h ,rid 0.1 ?/ 912 j,ispvtiv.1,9 Ai , 9- 9 Y 914) actil,i-echf----,--)' Q 5 f se- �idl r72,►1- coma 915) 2 dO Po.o & 1 .. "� ®5 (t1 3 / 916) I�11 i.( j� / ,WE -i' eL i .� 917)�e( . . QY��- ire` 1/`5 O 918) leer,#3:.e...&'" el:Ze� , �fe ( C ` 76 _ ? 3 5 - % L Adr919) -�G/'7 /d Q ? On . - 920) � rr HIS JA /! C. VallettAr ;•., I rt` r.3 Q zn: We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Briekel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 921) ` -iF63$,} 922) 923) itifv r ? ireptc 'a. zs- rn i iii 0 4rrti& 924) 441, G.,,'C.Ltc / 925) /e p m ilcid e,N, 'Cem 926) 67/5e1'/( ihit,_ 1vf rueJ/a c. 9ri2adf corn' 927) J 61./ligi Zatut' .t. 4)04LAA 44 4 r+/03i Q ( 928) q tx...:. ► 929) f it l?c.. /I) _24,, !i . { l 7G• ..-„:47 /91/V1C 3 �Cc� , �! YI(7� f 930) .ire/ 1 if£e 1 , �' ' tf ti, ,�c�. 931) \Jjo QAnt i, (lki-4 rebtAL Ai J caw, 932) (- / '� . .y4... -1;44 5ce".,✓ c, 933)� �,+,, I. �� — cz1;2. 934) Zi.4"-€ -,- e e ucG +r Sl it /-4 /B ' d, i. 935) L 4 7 , , �!�! 93b } te _A,. 937) ) 5 A of Avf ,_ 938 ,7 topz 5-3/2 '1 ' 939) 15 r 5 - 7(V-i ! lr,Sre 7 we dopiats 'ire 940) i ie/ c7 Id- u 5 4 . f1 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 941) .�!./, 96e:e. 4,67,a ✓ ,'' e e i AtegoLl 942)1 Cz> (RD‘f fr/..c tx0.- 943) 0P`-DSck 1"12.g +J LOGatuitikp keaact 01) 944) ,, 641111-Z 945) / D ►t'�" 946) 6ai. i ce- m-?. 947) I,"X- udr,-,—\ 948) E\est_50„:%3;, Cet7 - •-14• . 949) i O 950)P -. �t;c PauSif96ig :, ,4%.* /,r,, % e, t 951) P'' Ql �fO'cl 952) JJ,6/LtL (4, . ' ;41 �1ki ' r)14/46.00/ 953) Ste rir6t 1 ler '- ifira.19.0bb fithofi.covt 954) Al exa Dare �2 /- ;or r 955) ', Ct+ s' ► 2- iScei;-Vet Agra, �. 956) IAathd kd Janes Kurfjasrnts ao .0 ,av, ' (` e we.". 957) 958) LOLL/ c, U ire `IP Z. q 959) ' CaSSOndVr1 ZQfl OilatedUZ MOT-Mal •a, 960) Alitha VIS 7/- fa zGrncivrtec a-C1150t- We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name nature Contact Information 961) f Ade V►1 d a) w w 1 -Z g1 962) JtQrn Ora CifirU rozs. 7/Zoit �e (io 963 if t f ) 00S-1 /9(p 964) wit T r�P (c1 PVivo (e . ° 3G 2 (4 g 965) Tan if la Pu-ca.7$ - ` Y3 06 7 5 966) I 1 1)1 a r-c y c z. 5 "z e-f6 78'3 967) U 0 $ C f s 642-k _ .3 Q5 qa# _ (0- 968) t• 4 •ne5 Yize.k _Sat? (5 `I b 7 - c ncizs 969) '17_6 ki5311-4-te L3 970)L� 971) (fMh7 7` � ,ff 7 � �c5-'�f � i t/ { k/e f/1% 7g1 477 972) 4eic'(//:////e',4 f y iP// 7fl. r, 973) NY (1vv1 D\O 2 -78 b - `IS,/ -oq 974) 5- S-1_ 3 7 j (Ada ANY vi, 975) t t S / 486,- r�'3 �C7 r 6C -^ ..' . -TI' 976) aretial at trio 7 6 — E, (07 i_a_4E) 977) kliSOtA tiVrOt 01 L..; 6-izS- 16 978)68- r, f► ®u 4,/ ' V6-025a-0?(I 1 TG - 33 ct -3014 0 979) 71ski-'- / a° . 980) (e�(ti5 JO/n-so �30�) �-�e3c We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 981) r I4-13X600. GueUQrC1 lk-ciillallita. 1 h--1.3'-I sobl 982) 2.3 983) 'Kc.:;AA',C} 1' ►c'c' i �,j 5 5 `A 1 984) Nco- aI Goni0f-Z rl ;&(.. .sticv ei3yO 985) To c(1 ► 4 7 G-&CC- 313 3 986) ,i-cnni+cr Ccrd0d-a 100 —4-- 7-- '1-02 987) vti-i u� JZL5 � " /' i - Di f --'es L 988) Rocyccco (20(3 r1- Uez / � I be-Ccer- 1 [a- 1lG-5 ua1 989) # i R v1 4P? e 12-, Sl Ce 3 09 305 990} l-k(I n-)(ya 7,, 991) \ CA Sruk-Ni-V 30S--492.4-n51 992) A 4 S S tk S 7? 1, 993) k:\,..' \i Ca I] (, ,, - b. -L 41Ar4,4 { 3o `Y a 8 ( t8 1( 994) { S r Qo. r ► 'e t- 995) // ►� 996) _p i rco 3b 3 997) C N C f (4.X. �' 7t6 ab6 1359r, 998) 110 tC# J 550 i t, _ , LA*. E• . igc, 2O3 E(P 999) IA 6 e\ U Glx6ckok0 ,,, it/ - 1(, *)0 3411 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of .the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Be,to a Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 1) fJ&A #5 J2J'9-3,4 y4 ,vG .�� _:2 £3 J - /' g y 'r 2) /PbM*' ,? , , e4r4,)''.4i . "' „4/1 i 3PS- �,.T/-- 3) d ring'"? do 'qr/'4 1 he ./ % . 78 " 1 -od 3 4) 'n n; ILI Jai 'r.''' OftilPrt gi --16CD- Z l --Li % ell " 305-4_3(13- ? niii 6) .1\1 C\.. .1— ; 12-el --3- R. b ', CA\ \,-,\ 8 Z L/ a 1 / , e 3-s 7 • 16 IL _ Ztilt_c*it% go- di dnutik= C-3---- IS:Cc 3 kl .ii- - 1 v4- Lk. 8 ir o S G 17 11 K k L.-L 1 4 ,.., , — S ct g 1 1-`- +1 9 _ r- _..411, if �-- : j ► ' _g! .. - A _ SID 5-1 10 " t. . . ■ t _ a 1— 7&4' 5 11 a j.� 2,J l ...r 5-4' I -$ •• Ar Ad s 12) Attnk j-.66' o Tcvq7e-vz8/ 13) cam, O pias'f ee/ C'" 7 - 9-6 Li 14) 19poip /OS»iir& CG tL 6- lq t/ z 93 g 15) Lore 00 35 -3 6 g5oo 16) r 1 e L if P WE — / — ? 3 17) 10. 1\0es ) st,} t)-' I L_ 3 -4 18) ' *'-�,4:1X_O,_CAS3QX`C‘C1, ,(3 A 311-(76C ?-. 19) { L2 - ,-(_ 20) oar • S rr,.. danpsRra. .-t 0,\Aooa We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellJDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board 1ldembers in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Contact Information 21) -CA 'ODi1 •i2nature 014 . E•' Cam' l\.Gxr 22) QS 1 14.1-0 D o c - 144 -~ vti 1 23) AeizAkety ii"p 3a5 - ` Rio g 24) QUA-, (�`ah 1/,�. ii �,l6 i n�+ � v}' ' :I�4}. cA�) rot,25 r /0 Cam& p/ 1' 75ei-- 444'-- 62 26) .2aj A. ,i4A,71g iii(i' 27} r 1 (071 if �. t!l liai r! co I V Ao lx/A-4 Con- a TV 6 28) 4/, ,� 1�v- NIA A" i' E , - r 3 84 4-7 29) (Ili6\n.1 ,,ry, C,J (C) — r' (., c:J .() -V 61 30) t e dvc r 4/ UG G` ' — -3 le- — 7 G 31 4 f?;i- -- a,,,-77 32) iiikL.L.A Liij a G G. e.ei 01 33 0ASS /1 5 9 34) •slit e Y R a A 3 o 5 V, 4f ka,f6 35) ,- tf0 4 44 ii 4i4 / ./ "G' -' Ya 5 2 7--3 36) �- Jpi/h . ��i •r tie 9' it'd -#- f 3 /IA tirr 7-(6S2-3�036 38) is k2 C: C oe 3 T 91-77''% , 39)4 }i If -- (C15'0 Y7.3 Y5 h'% 40) 1 1/4' & -5 5- c't C] s 11S _ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of ,the Brickell/Dawntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to re ognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. R 1A so- /P23 #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 41) I .. _{c ' (Z.05 291,1 l( 2_3 42) i t (g r c I et c 2'e_ 'c`7 lP 6.) S 23 sv gs_` 43) J't o grevey % ► iL` J'm /i/,C 44) a ri;S Sr ris --1.Ao - 91! - a f qr- 45) jE 5L)S g p) ni62i )16 TY) 12• - 46) Be/UT $I2 ,9 Y --86 75210t7)- 004 -o3- ,g-g 47) e2c5-/D Vii A (-6 rbEz 48) Q f 8r17 Gl )-firm'.07)-I 49) Ali 1 ,s-3 4 C 3 clic . a 50) d -u �C/ c,5 ,c 51) A WWI to � dre'd f?Y3 j l 52) ;ET,411/(42,,, ettv 7 P6 - •• 6 - t 53) geY l.i U n t 1 � �r� M Ij - 3 cg`i - 4i61-6 54) r /1/�`&) gtn 1k) yr e "-e7i.- .76/0 55) 3o 7??`i_ °°?3 56) \i ill -t-,ell , 9,'-'8,fr •aZID.--R-,,C, 57) (-4-a-e p�-�-�-- rvi . YC O / . 6 a c i— 58} -Y,-' -�- !1 - - / 12C• :3o �i- ,s' 6, 59 14-1°%� 60) � toie%, -r*9- SIB ,5oc1 •64- ► �. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the B'rickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 061) tiz_J/ , g 1- .,,..16 fy - (2) -- 72 062) mart a G9rzci6`333' w ,36 063) gC] r 1 4rk i`3 a -) -‘- 64) :A- \d3z (A Orti , , r�7 -y DDv r 65 \'►' 7 A (y66)- '70 ~256- Vo 'S_ 60 a/c-z 067) .0" /#1,,,,i '7;fg -- (776' --.71r-.1 068) r ()0Gr i9 7/ ' " i (g.6& f ! Q r 69 grit, L &rV.t5,--LA.3a-r- 63y `7s-s- 070) -7F (0 -D - 0) r c .a 071) '-- ?Lf. 73ti g72) G Lz1J.1, Vcci ,,d ire C _76 lir -y f 073) 2 14 alh uz_e7 s cam• .37,D -- S 5 074) leritaY4 Lily g76, ' - u6/ - + 75 2 i / / .3, ?,efe//` 076) ► 11 ' e c e 3D J 8r 177) e A'? 4171.- V6 4'Z E97, f 78) -elf" 7,-.Y07.--54's 7 E6 f -_ -S7 7f 079) g/Lef 0 J C • OS0)ik( gRcse 0.Yi' tr.{ q� al 4 7a6 .)- v7 © We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of th. rickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signat re Contact Information 681) l 1d/t er,f,dii."-t._.3d-5-roW)/1-I e E JTi° U82) (d'I4(,dilif po,y, Utz SIC- 317 ? 3 7 1S3) 14C/Ate_ re z-- X.` rC i 76r6, `9`f7 --d 1- 3 84 O/4, , id riftli a /l ' d r - a85 f41ti, q 1 ee,Le.4,ps a66 - Peq-43 2_ 86 a-/ - /g k Lh c ‘---F eiz 7r6 r /. 1 7} Ry 1)(4 5 OF , - - - 2' 6 c-7 d 6 6 7 6 ,88 / r °r 'l . �i 762_ r ` w 990)(6liklD aTto Ll ill 0 091) MOO\CO 6 1f pel (#41r 3 iiS \ -0K3 092)*0 cfo ZrJc__ rp 726, Ce15 72 g _ 093) - ,1 s7‘- ,; / z • c;6 9 ) 094) F7R 0 L 1\ r i ReLA9.2,,,„ 3 a i `i La�� l g95) 0 1 . 99S - 7 -- g' 0 000 1 _96) CONSVA) \--05 .- 'g S---cl ck 1 '1/4<SkAk. 7) . om 'l PcibooOP;id C'30.6' - 38s - lam 0 098) RLAfl -P - c J i !`f a96 - -- 4 0 -7 1 e/:f a99) ease Oerciorno i 11 1 Tj 2 - Z 100) 2 fly �� 41 -� We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BnckelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Si nat re Contact Information 101) 4/( rVl r' 1 i 7 - 102) ix (Al4 iv 31ry- snf-ct 1 LIs--- 103) Li c -; G. Pt '443 c)r- e 0 - 3 7 r5 104) _r L ik c.A. pi2_ 30 s- cVT- -39.%- 105) I g_cunk It- P[Z 3 0 3"-- (0(0'}- - 39T 106) 'A Q \ >) CA 01 VA/ ,,5Le I - 310 -Well 107) CJ 1 i +ma- \- (ems 110 o 3-2-.1 y + 98 108) 1 2127 2 y9 cje I6 e6---,-,-,..,,, . . - /3 ...--.‘., 109) r /L frc.t'S 9 3 110) r /eae.e , �*� 0 V .7719icir---) 111) . c.t �'t / , �1 �f J'! ` - 3 c-1 t C�'2' ?U 112)SI ig6 36d qC3 113) k1O!Ic4 Pe(6- 1+i nil prooici- '4 1 Z z... "3 86r - a -' " (t5-3 114) 1C-hat5an-l-ana. j 115) FGAiLgt,:.'% 116) 4/1l 3OZiO r- 117) ,, ,I n iljar.4/e ache- 1 i / ,am 3acCi/—‘ 118) 119) _1;Ari �r6at_8-. rz• ir.', 714.-4{'5-365 b 120) Cer/ II d .0 /Sti'i1 G Zix/4 Z/(/ - z is- y9 ,--. • We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of ,the BricketlIDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name - Si. nature Contact Information rA /+4-zul)14"-/4)/c''tf44 02) • Atce Wit 0 //: I!) CpRtLE:.1 sw?2 ipe I „ M,,,.v (305) 641-S 166 # 4))..91'-&4&_Qie'•i` _ - t -_ 3 — 0 `ice s ,tl� ,RLIl, vEt 1? . v z ,J II 1 305 - 8`S -1 f 9'7 4 A,I ki,,t,twe . / ► (,) yes-0- sf ji7) Ill4�t,A j I#. 7 .�-- 7 3V g '� ( , ig• 405-- 232 9 IA) A [ F a v) 0 Ocz-Dbittm ' ' ''' 0 LkA 0 g ,,),363- - q 8-) I'7 6CS ,o rev 3,A_' (76114) 3 2-,6 - c.2/4 '''' (3o:06 k a -- `g 91 /32) Ec/iV--6 n 4c" .c& - ' (o0.5-,a)/-_.1---/56-- 4) E/,z .1).e-tti 2odtri Liez (3- 644g- My 13 5) &Al Farm, v L uvo �3os) 04-g8B-9 go GcriN4 Ittokle III #7) 'N usF •'L ' f ht 41(?: "7/,- 300.5—3 -Si --S Li/ 6 lgi 8) t-A A \L 60Sli[ 1 ) 10 01 \. --- . z' -2-0;-) 55- 2. —62:_sw 1 9) ,, ,fir ec Sa. its 3 ;ell%1.'.��►ir.►.{1f, ► c,fsy- ss 1 r1 , Y.S- 2:urs e 7,6 - a) v 54'.3 _ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of thiBrickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 'Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 141)le11r1 `A i I n 0� -i'QG+r L& i8 'n 142) G Z dor 40 0 B,/v/ v. cc"-, 143) t99 � if,FP. Go At 3 ¢ 4i€A,J 144) 571410 Ac ✓A-!Lf✓`�. 0 ilmS19v 9) li7 f)Pn. ".o4^'N /45) '6A RQ e.d "LQru/tt �[5 2. cam 146) // ee L J46'd d1107'1G44" 028 ' AlD/D. ee.o thi R. rC-. JZ.1 EI/L U 3 19iDt-efb .Cc t48)DIQne4k 141/CDP►SO - , Q CI1ni.Qllansa330900,1.65 Q30.04ifema/ is,ater, 7 - 0- />c4/ t49) CJf Ile A, I1ht om_ ,50) L- id, . ' P51) ��HC .. \ ,Q1\����° Z 52 , hie/ ,'i/17, , 114/ ariiimeg& vegiomf%•rlef r/ 1,31 �'S3) z.,,.t..,z.e..it�tecir Cow, or �..:.��tyr `''^^�/ "v >� /54)------B •�e. �a=' ‘4W4114 ' /i���/� 0' A As.Q' if 155) /%/, / 7, M(x,LR .0 • ZAil. �/,7/1,.9i✓05 a42pre. Coa; kecer Acd,e, t56) ,(7) f cle„,j Q. CLC — 3 <Yee Y6 157) grl/nth H' Z MIrrhsZG@v4490 J°ry€avd►t.o s2 c.o !. co, 1�At sAAJ ttS 3,tfi �_( I ��A i t58) 4-v1,(N v /59) NIA1 J€SSA f s i-t l� j /60) C am.: Lace- a Wl\--\ , We. the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 'Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 - Petitioner's Name ignature Contact Information #11) kiii0 oe-e-1:-/ ..,‘,_ 77-1Z__.c/d- (7S7, ij2) ,, ;'271N 4/h� :Y(4 V` 3nf 5/,b 79g/ 43) (R4-»ZLA il e s -yam 71 t 511 L, 15! lj14) Lu- - LLa _ k5) ir - l �- -. ! f LC! 704 r motiaaeze,c )33e---00;,,:i ilk) 1714#1-c T - SSG - g S�ZO J8) ! '► ._ of c 1 #- c . 4i,z)' lee-(1,3O4)36,14 /9) C), e QY) 7 - 61. -15`Fa 19 /o) _ct 12,rxi.v74.4ai St-f r ' w) JACCuivO. 7 °6- 502 - 7 S-0 th Ftlacity 5 1 r Y leo ecRi /CIA) 2.2i;2 - 33,5q /42) ticie_i q-zede.clo / (14140“3 0.,-01for 3 o,-- , 4-ct- — i t gt‘ /113) 6 v or eardere -7E6 13, / SY2 $4) . rm e g /arq 8 5-62 tIll.' V , 05) /9,--7510--e- �� th is 1.01.0 lf Aw�`.,.uai 1- �, e_I�t^ � if6) #/ 6 3;V 6 Pi th ta' .so,(54 tied 3313- - L5o0 -0 ifih) tO d- Coa rr Lt C,- 7f�-o12 , fig) G l 0 i't a,,. E. 0 431.0. _ 7 3? r_ 5 5 y O) /9fr1.,%L- D i f. ,` spk 04 7 8 • We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellMowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 181) ' 0.ren o[1n oin Ve. 'o1. Icier-, ,mart.[Olti-N 182) r et \ on/ l ci - C-i von -!gqk e!L i ,-2-- - cLiz. amei.A0 t,, 6J _ CO,'Y% 183) `tc k _ ct 1e.� r ` i/cam . m ark _bctke4" 62-\\Scun,' n r 184) / ►4 A "J 6F- '5r,c' A 04. - 3z,seidy/e93.,,,T. 185) rLJ f k' fa 10 t) vz. - oe___ 186} b 6vim--- E-AL�?l lf%s ea r �r x.0 187) f4;://;. r E' ` �r I., i'd: f - 6,7P7 /60 188) c.--)Ari G 4 ez., ...r le v 415177.5 01 e ,,V Ce."n / G 3 , 189) RA „, ,f r L Z // ' P e,001-0 axv x -- f , -e i 144 i L. 190) gem i e e t" ,-111 1 D e/ j ISr�v . 191) )44,c i77RR'IIak ` Fr ] 192) 60(11 C-l- �";�. 1� 0 zi`.i c 9 , t . 193) 0-'.-' "f 0 o . 5-j - 194) tai- 4-1--� j,,,z..-^ ' 11/7 195) 0r' ar.40,1 / e e, r ///csr t 5 196) t't /^S,, 4//1 dr fk r,�-0A.),04. . ¢ sS , .-, 197) ,rU,c.Qi' Seca, ►..,'.14 . 198) A-e_ �.. ,-e,A-D t4, 1 .fib ,',, i-Alrrat I Lo.-14. 199) 1 `2h T'l i / £ f 200) D i fY I9 (PM22, fir ` pie v4661 ilke- We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the B? ekeill13owntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Si nature Contact Information 201) co 4 1iJ. ( S= 202 2.- 6-3gs74 5i 203)rt &- ? 3P ."2 d 204) 4c( 1 'K- ci3.+c t 205) '(c44z AGM5 _ 30S-- 7 3' ti7 S 2 206) CC ilAUCR 4 '5c6 y 3 a- -?/ T t' 207) ea.: GENAke,505 - 37p - Lf ODL-1 PL'iO.+- (i 208) 4 i iaAY-417,<, ram- 3p S -7.5 —,79 209) Jhr �I 47YY ►. 3o5-3 3-90I0 210) APer-A-S f 1 _ v I R 57 211) 6vC ' ) 2%S 8- 1 i %ice 212) y,,, ��)----N'N uts 1 - . 5"7( \scot 213) 214) 3 7 1fC70 — �., . jSb 1 a- U 62/(14/41 ._,--2‘_ 5f 215) f U4 Ria • t-(l c,f t g(5 / .;', 216) PIO 1W7'r) �11, '` ' - C 217)14 eel r �% % %' r' £ - 0A,3-1C-)" 218) 7O-o' ''�1'1 1os` _ 219) � joy/146 4 c( —R J -; 7 220)4'6 140 I! vim;' N 3M-Sv 3Z30 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Bri`ckeWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 221) Nslcole \c- 33-c-.;s g -- o .C7 222) Ckcko '?iAi 0 o-2c-c2O 223) Za.elf-e7 i 301=-3 SeS-- 0 7,2__ 50. 770 -74;.? -4 --- 225).' VA. 226 L-it Q i i -a C'�j n}oA): - '- --74e6 s' f Z6 l i 227) Sf 1&a 1)i (W1A., (*(' li -., 1 J ^- ,2f 2% - z3z� 228) .):Iizer. \litoori JA.4-_*--)607- .iw' . 46 -41'., 0. 229) __i_iJi) )4e 'l> lii 230) \JCAY1-eS1(`/A m a - a�a 231) s . �SQ(66O �pQl. �►• t)C3S� Z,�21 232) ' ;44.1"-Zewv,9141 i 36 j 9 5 S 4- 5-41 233) ) � / %0' / CoP) 1 ; ,* -� &7 - 7 / 9- 234) 1 ;. 1 '}- y 6.- Z i?- o it fS 235) f 0 C rvlA E. o cr 0 ,!t D D / l i `7 5 en 4 s- 236) QeLQk. , s ' ,, pp fOAtv Ig 6- V/$ b a Z S 237) a;1n/, RuSS&zc_ 30S- s70 - 64K-7 238) jaSP TT/Vt z 73 - 2 0 6035' ,/:-,7 239) cgt-Qd k`J CA r 7e./1 0' 46, 'O /.Y 240) &ij ,,(etct7 706-77D-Z1 /8 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholicurch as a historic site. #ppl 1 Petitioner's Name , Contact Information 241) ) 1 1 �% A j P6- .- :}- 242 ale l .P/ P2 OP ' ? K6 , Q7v- d ° - 243)/' 4l /3 05- 244) R.-f2-- G 0 n-r.� (c-c.. 2-� 9' 3�s- 2b 0 - - 245) - .30 - - 8 5',1--1 3--ce-.0 246) re (. '2 i-6 -z-_ a st 32, E.-P d aLa 247) C" F S A - C A O+I r , P-U6),7‘6-8ZZ8 248) LISA HA5 el l P of \ 0,05- 3c3.i. /Z3 (o 249) T, N A Z A PA F/,} 3 0 3 r1 ' -3 .1-S 250) IU A- ?2S,,. 305- e(y6 r V.3, 251)/O c.-/.rc . ��y17.-1 . /- - - 252) / (0 4:f" eifiliA9J \to .,,,2,7P- viti , , , 253) OeC .Ar422(jPjiJ SZ 66? 7' 254) .=-44te=..-, \ 1 G r .()1$2-o V 255) , G 4 D 20c3 . Gp4 256) 7\) \ \ TQ �-i a r- $ b - =I i T .er\) 257) \_\)\c o\.- \ t\- • .� ',c -' Y '603 V 258) a Ate ,/ 259) f%iliil/Z2 Q 1% e C3) 474�-- -Yo 5L 260) --I- , ClIAKCiRAO C3D-7(-g2-26z717 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brlckell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 261)tjtele,N" a d �P �et� 7 33S" ©0) - 262)13 C4— - 5 - 2Bl —L 4S 305- ?a — L -4-G r ,A, '1'.3.-' ( 264) l.-,/q-Y619Tctt•-c) . 65--Z7,-7,-' �" - ) 1 265) 4 C7 266) I j0,iCO Ck�-'G i, 11I l,fIej_ n)310-101q 3os a er6 2 267) V-.L / 268) ZoR/4t i' A cat6Z .erne,• 305 - 5 7?-5D5 S 269) / C ' .;9,--d-.b .3 -ifJ, Y 270) Coit/4 J07'R,EZ 5- 271 Ail Pt" ' - �' 4 -333 6 l6 z ; �1� 272) oj'( 5riNoc6 f 95-vyio.67967 273) /- AX(Atl va? . oS 3Z O((?f 274) G.� ��+X6���, 4-4. l ( // 275) 4n/lEirifh,5 �� j . I• 3�00 4 276) K t q ' /c II /(c?$i 2,t 4r - / 3 a ( S- 3 2 - v6 3s 277) 4Ittw. \.c:As�o �` 311111I' c'S ‹�c.=. SQ.c 278) a r T Mol. i ,! 30 5_ 321- 1ti5 3 279) 1 �G5 09'IG2- 2 g40-1-.L 31)s ks x is -( _____:Z"---73oS. 280) LOReWl- J Pue n We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of 4he BriickeWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name ' Signature Contact Information 281)W,6(� -�'��GUI --6<ti 5S4 IlG4 282) X"ei V I +e r, 3 0S 8 /2 .6 / 283) U/&VhnIM Z 49 284) U'f eft�J 2/ 0 54 2 31) 285) Jam, 7120Q, Its �-6'(eS rf /11'! 286) Y.01)4 i;e,-y N1Vi-i 0 o, ( (vv G 7191 5669 287) 1rl)O iv- tTA.--- , Q ) 755 12 "7 Z 288) 16\1°&1 0 0'1' cAlo C- r47 gG-357-57 1- 289) I k v i Ck L ,�oLc Q"1 r, / g -- S o 3 -:7--o-tn .,-_ 290) Yr; ate► 60.8 II i s r 1 105 - 350-- ?7 5� 291) SC of. (Ur , 36 5-" 7 fS— 292) n e --/ - 1 ‘ '`a 293) , 01li(k47 fshev Vie 3/(©S/a 294) 'flip' r' �if / iGlie,• ,A hi Pict et/} t 4 776 (33 ) 3 yob 295) ifivex 'A 'Riki2-- S-r -„,.) 296) 1 1I (UIIZ 7e(e - 210 - °I5t is 297) rf‘trk"C 30S - 301 3 6 . 298) G L 34 4 i4 30_( S'-‘Y 299) IIc14 al\IU ViV\ki 4)16 • Zq 1-.192LP. 300) 3 ©5• ce D--- 54 u ei A X Y , iL --pani`a . IN YL (4,Q We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickeII/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 301) gh-Critifil41c'C4'40 ,_ ion 7Y "C . c 302) iV\ct 1(, c.- rn o u ra c 30 S- 7 90- 7SsE 303) N4 bi 1 Tetv1UU 6 'i Ii -- 511 "-0 )- 304) *TO L o t O '15 4- 5 Li 1- 31-3 4 305) F'Th/ Cf/# oc/"I/W.1:_(,14 3a5-- 775-5 306) CAr;S ifY1 r �. '`` cis -Li —7610 -14 69 C/ 307) r.--arc C-X-4,.e c•--- 30" "7S - S30b 308) /k',a. r5tfsr:,-,5-- Ari_____,411,„ 310) 7--y87-369s ____ J f . li-775y 7 7 ___ 311) ,6-z;r r 514 r 4 c)-5- ; re e /f 312) ieleP(I o /._ ytv,_t� o 313) gcv 66-- HOeas-5PL4►'- S C5 , 1 2 314) N1 Poi s G'C)N ,1e S s0 i 315) g Pr-717990 5*}'1 1 lL h A 0 yam* 316) (V1 AV f SE 1 Ii lii r, I r L. 317) - J I`t ' : P+ 1 M a--, Ft , /_ ? 6 - s s wo J a 318) 1'� (r L MP- _� �, 1 if < -J a, l , 1-- 3 .� — 2 ? > {, ' 319) 6 r6F-s S, -C13* . 3:k - 1136 V?- 32U} To st A. Spit is-t IQ ye- 2,1`ssgj We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickeH/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 321 E/ -DA Sertil34 ?e-6—z0 ‘060 322) =' f 4vA s ide—`fE9 3-id4 323} __._ 324} . ) 4,/a-akt 6 ifi r-a d .----7)--3--,---- 30 - 7g) _0'7(36( 328) 0 (-- ) 330) p D.-IA rim caroork, , ► - 9s- - 1 331) Piece verses i 6,Myc19 vQ 332 Hck a M n� 3° 5 - 431 B573 334 ,.-- Ur 1— h .. 1► - ) 337) 1 d534.t icy I-T+i 3 339 es� .. �, .� - %‘, • ? 340) 1Y6-sb1/-174/1 1-1 r r..im-._ 40) ,�'�] 'AT ■ Jar •1 1 (J, ,jj /�y l►ni ~ "York ile./-. _.fI Jai r f ^'-# c orede .6/esj,41 ',1%1, V3314/6- We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 1 /] rip /- c y 0, 414 L , 3 3 5'u (: r /qi.1 1 i( z 35 342) ilia ` S Oif-la 343) 4/A) 69,2346,5 05 ,,,.)..4200 a) g / . ''a�49a- 344) J c.c.1r, i / r, e'c 7 .cJu,..1 / l �� sr ✓ I ? 5/ 45) r 1 11 - I..� G 13 2. rt +. o 5s4- 3 3 { 2 5- 746) Le s cry 40 i. ? sT 53125- 247) ,,- i o 1. 12 Lie -sue I 66 5W LAV A3l20 348) ` ar+?e // D/aT A �cr...u/ - , 0 A.A.() 4/ i.Ev , 349) 1 ' LieSIA) ` l 37[ 350) 1.1.144n 2; v 935 7 jJ eos 351) I' i . 1 4. /ac O'freliairiek - //g5Evc► it avap7.294-1Or 3S2) J 4 rA c t cc'7A& it el Wo( it/eti 5 s tt-,-e r f wi 753) LA a_rt (1 e- d.,0 yi c(lio r l It -a 156 1 i 3 A v tit 0 l 354) Ow (Wilk fOrre4 • - i[ S va 2ft ave- - /- j 5) Lvct'�Agz ,,• /. cec-a/1 nzio eu) /6 re�-rn# , .�lfui�FZI 33l2.5 156) (4u51 + �iGc1 _ eivb "114//i fi 33' I 5 7 )Z47 f �a .i ` 1-')" 1'� 4- .e/ Acii" rL 3 358) A ii is r C c - 63q.c co/b'ts "c ss�� frz l a m' 8e 41--e i 3 i', yq Ci73 l 4�`,,,�3,3 t 5 P. i / /} 1 au/Li_ T`ivVnAJ hiI- t 1 - ,VL4) 5 i "# Cs'wu 0 0) 4 i.c�' "-' � 'v 4.44c/4 - :tC FL 3 3 17 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickeHfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name _ Signature Contact Information 361) _ CDC e4-�I c l (f) CxX uCk '(.oLo_t ,.,, , 2- fkorz a [ \ i1 V-i 362) 6 v i i' t D ak Lk ti %, gi-Anu C1? Ill16- a rit -4,- 163) ,ln , ,ry f3 1 l I 2_5 36 4) 2-(-4 G'r fi 3 a2- - - 1.--. x A :, ; 32 3b4) g65) i v t7.5 ?e Au,4,c,+ 0 /9,‘ 74-46G De-2VaA 0/ Ka.7to ro F�iJ74,',0i BCEA-U lL vD 71 a ca 09 ai:A, 1 „ o Few fi4-; e gel A- U 86 a 05 , kr :/- 3 3 366) an. 33 155 _ 367) J, rr4. SOYtS /4.a / 006-, 540 e1r -IvraL f-e"/Axi'% 0 3 "/ 6- 10Z 8) %, , 'no, ► j� V1 • ( /J '.A i ` ' 1 e & / . ..v�' t . ; mIf7 ,, `i, 5/Z 369)1,..„-„O 37U) _Q iz ,.�' J ," L` a2[./ck- r.. t- 1 •mot, Fl /21— - j' i 1 cf sJ gi .3 Z. I3L 14r �' FL 3 / ;TO 61SO4/161►�r�• l �-f% b v �Z1 Ill / � 900e SW 23St Apt ►dkLAICPI i S 172) /' • 2 ri i q -rile_ hp F 020CY -W '1'9 11+ ..i. 3 3) 3V -z [ -21i Y 1' :. 6.c7Y] 2 AlL. z_ �! z q, s 6'l .q�•P m 114 try;373) �'` , 1 s`S", C7�- �i �,A / -r l 43 ? ,€�cu if 5 r .rtPi 14 e I 7 1n 1U'1a " - va3 0 =1..___ A‘"42 A 376) 6 1 5---an(ict,,, , .77fgk rr �1 z s- Lii. rz.et �r A7/ 1 a rrl,` 1 , 3 31 ed6 377) (4gtS 6, I APbe� ,,2 ()pa, ...0,„,,,,/ q !v Ac &-' i - )4� ,,„ c 63[r5, L 3/3 78 i a-f % G? F4 . i /' [»t'wt-O4"--7fr---a-c-.IJ / ciLTC J c c?i/scx)// 1"e� M' #m ,,. 3.5,, v If } f t-k.1 lr. V ;V R1 *.l V ��' - .-.. ra. , -. ` } , I 1 ■ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information L//bL ti ,✓ , 208 L * y93) -G1 G 3a. - 7o. .1 35O 184) /1/tiL,, & - 0 �, , 3 - 719 -- c57/6 795) 0 5 9 U 4 (5 f 778--677�► 6l Zall-L; L4 Qc 2 35 - .S (;6 ID p_7 7)1-6,6-1-i) ¶i-t0 i`�� ..: ($,�`8 8S�$ , .48) Vf1/4-,QA-oc-- :kg; X d4r-frt,-- V,Iii, gb-f-q-g- l 610— O@9') i ofc( G u - (7) 422 - 33,5u O) Rain 1 I -[cvl CtnA ukt1-0 (3i-fo. . Al) kezda. Lau n *) 7 9-7-((5 c/ 42) eV /yt/j�� c).t, C ete f 6-f % t7 I , 333) U4174T L,, / 7/ ,, (4— .,,,,,, c ,/©" / S3,r gq4) /7/ ; /It 44,01 d ov--__ P e4 - 6v-- 5,//;. 915) e . a,e ei *' g' 11-21/9- £2 F 6l 74,`" d Pe, — )— ',1" ‘40 5i -S EL- 4 ,0MZ ((i7) Petitil Sail i'2.l -- 3G7. - 5C -• i c, '1 ' oNs Y — 7 j' 1 r ri) A ,` . 5177 7 c.t1 -1317 y Woo Al. ! 3 2/. '9_'.2. 63) r, We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of th , Sr`ieke1l/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation r Boa�.d Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Si Contact Information 401}-hk-LI,Q 402) n PSY-Cf-)C,VW" =.14, 1i 0 .1p-1 403) _.fict n • I e e to - zo-F4,64 lls- 2 0910. --,=1 -I a >1-) 404) i r r) thAtai ioli ti ` . 405 n ' ,, 3 as- - 7 77 -- 5Lictc 406) ors 3 -16 2_.3 7 407) ` ►A, C +. I - -1- 408) pay 14 6/2/71 7 'S` 6 -44?1,(0( ,9 , 21 c ciktP i 711 409) V2,1 CLU\ CIA 11r).,n n 410) 1 Re Cp " .d3K3eS 6 - 30 --' 3`i Z. 411) /bu elf fC'ic-2. ? 2 5-1_ 412) J.A�` &J4 s 3c4) 3 34.3= 5-q 413) 214-gL,rr (eie 32( 3 0 hie)0a TAdo N 1 � l7g ,414) � �� 415) 1) c iu;ft Lt 1-) 7 n —d k2 . 416) / jSv hot ?62('— , e,`=IY6, - 417 at/ J d Ai -La Si-/L-17 /9"/%-/ -. 6 a --igii 418) be. ,fr7Jr`.moo2 30 S * 5 •. •J- 419)0?041,vta. eb, 420) t . . —F' ice • Q .©,5 - Z-4 5 - 3 eli We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BtickellIDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 'Boned Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 421) Ccv/c, 3(9S-- 32,, _ 03-4 422) ,IV i L- eV/ a g r y .er- ` aR tit, - 15 / f 423) P/vts 4-1 V16 l 424) N 0,,.t c) . ,,\zst T QcA ' ~ 9 zo 31 /- 425) fig,jr ' gef2A-494) 0 a - -2G0 - z fe 426) ,70 -e /9 E C. 0 3Gid?-'" ' �- 427) /Tide era .e/ to m..: , V i'i - Z / - �' 9 428) 7/ C ! cJ //en'r.�_---, ,-,1.� - eff' r 956 ?6 g - - _5-9(-)3--- 429) ems:,/ 4 2 / f 3 r J C) 430) bl o %-041 A C ?St-'i - 3' 0-- (,S"c7 431) , irr0Qre/ 4/ ,fF' 2)Q c _0; -) 432) ') F c FA , , 41 ) �fv - - ?to •3 6 433) � "(;t5-,) --)3 3 - 055-i 434) LZ 7 6 - - -3 P0 2 435) .....„c- 5.4.L.,_ ..>44,4.,4),,,,i 4� 74. -‘,6 436) /2c,A. y ,'a2 % 0.3 d 3 3 438) \r-ixi, ei c__, v r e //...' y' - , ( - I 439) R 5atvcA Ariel, lirlit - - '--5_5 ‘8 — WY — l We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 441) f �9 3a5 -7 '6 -91 elY 442) c i'r ? • err nce,er} 3 0 - $ 0 3 - ,2 g5.6 443) B 6 G 3 i 444) G • - Scf -- '1 4 t ,.( _ 445) ••• - / ziii:/4)/fineit9 1-Se -25 7 -f9-rz. 446)1 w'► ,_ ive,1 .5 e , ),v i JVO) 311 YY 00_ (6,, 447)7-1-4(IW /6(4" , 2‘•iil- tx I (ride,eal- 448) l ,. , ( 6 , I r i _I t ! • I I ' e•P j 0 yi AD (9 r .✓+M 449) Q ��`C � +ti � C � as 41414 r � Qc a-1 � Ps Q ly 4 � � � � o 450)_ ' rN, 451) a t ire i a .{ AV sup r p= 0 licri 452) /!Z1,Uk A. (74 9 f - M"A �l �tPhoney"C , 4-." t' i-L 454)6 � i_ _, 1 co {eg-Gd "4„, es 455) ,--Ar 40-7 rig 1 ' 40 r��3�G., 4 KL— IG- 456) /fC ,.- 44-5,4244'--- ' If J�- 457) /t;q-3 / J tee r G 458) /"`/ R/ 4_ 3 Cesnr 459) 6...A-41------ 460} �� We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Si I nature Contact Information 161) Az...o al,e / .1.�ro. - - 6-3'5 -62,969 4/62) Ale arl(?)c/(- l , C - ZE I, 350 63 1► 4' — 40 1- (/ s - 464) / the 7 (C G �r4.. 165) kte 0 et 1/1A-L.ba,10171v4___PJ----? ' - 3(oO - 0010 hitio NVeAs D2- La GOar&AAD 1 - ¥0 S 4/67) 4 cbcez-t g-s li• 1 68) c51,,) k v / ,v 86 905 2 69) Cr',rarv{ - Lit9 ii ti)1,,,, 4 (95L)61 S - 9 ::33 4#1O) 1) . d,s- Sg s-01' 22.E _ S,//�/4 6-6'77if , . 77 -// 9 1112) WA R; f • @A 1-M93 30S 3. 3 a - 303 ., *3) It ,n I 3 3cas '-IS:.-4 3 2-'1 /14) •��_ , 4 V Jt'Y?Zt?- ter/ � n 4 ) 9 - (_*-`).5 — q ! ! i5 t V [ � �` � �,„, # �J�. I 4 .. 6. pos),P97'- 5-t�i -� 3i 5 ! ll 1 -3‘.47 / l• 6) I I II A Ld4/ I' ! /// 7 • _ 8) 7-3 3 `►J�/f,_ G,.t r,_.2re:..f-- s (351393 4119) -notar 4 /h (71) iz -- 73.. 46) ilAoiez,it -. I4ic/- - (? ) 797 - 3-3„ ► PWe the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of .tlie BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information Al)Bel.,, tF° / -r.P6i5:39.4( 1/62) i 6c-riev\ .� - --i- 2,-6-y a ��rr 7'� 3) 444. 74e / 30.s- 56 `3 - 5a 3-7 464) rAAy 40 g ? F r ey 7115} K=c L2,1 C/( , c(6 (7 n f 5-5-? ~ caN'6c *L., i "--; / .Q 1:47 (JP' S057- 2/T .,335 167 f = f F i ?0,.f ( try- 2 c-) 8) jl / , f,F._s z 9),,) aI/it, "'', 46/.--73 osT 21 9 ?.i` 5 — `40) 1Vi-1,i1 O5) 43-7- �. W1) F G— 32C \MO 2 II 3v5 1) i56V 3} r f/ 77tijZ (Lf(3 W4) a- - Po z � 2.0c_ Ar ,.,� f c a 4�' au if 1/1" L r ; 10F/ '''� e 1 171 t 6.M.. <Lc, CJ 7 l i-W -4-74'V 3-66- 02-6 S--2,.t-/ 8) c-rnai.a_i e -i at, AA "' -1.i ettk 74 c 2 3,23 2,9 149 r7ICz- t 7c r ; 2 it .. '':AWjle `f 5- 0) r; t Liii (9 /6f7fO3/± We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Biickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Boar el Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. 902 a 90 Petitioner's Name 4854-i7ZIz g bA ]ito oaf yr say) . ..._._.J I2ctn; r' RG05 ortb 4 1 Contact Information `?- -& &-5O31 3G8 - 4% 904f Mari -ket asZeo 904), J G�Dry i ccxr) ko9,/,-p 90g) L` t 64 2;L 90 ri a ea.r& eu 91,, Er1rria FOY1606,erAJ 91 a 1 Ativ/ rtria- e3t75,e, (A•afroe'vvaA, L. 91 'i-es5kCel 0 eke s zbP.Je_ NOCV atIQ �r O -1uerci &kf- ao6- 5053 bit 21 (fa- i 1); .6 - g - 2643 o'- no-9 (0 q--16r2( ..5id1 Lk 5- AP- D_gct - q5D—'3-3 C<%fakLak (Yftiko) i /#41 (505) -1&L 25� . �5-7c9- /6 (SoV r9- iq (30 S) q 15 d6 3�- •i We'*he parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of i' Elie V,rickeWDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation 'Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppI Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 921) ,�.6 � 'sue ,,�- c I/i/te.(fr 922),c S ,,/ 4/ (SOS) 7c 4- - cr i o 3 923) (A Z�� le:00/ ,$6 - tiy� -y9a'Z 924) gib 10( 3 5bt/[O q I 925 }A.,� c2a9 3�5 098l 3 • 926) rigatte.vie Tr:alto_5 78G 3 i z 71 _ W , 927) /1 /2� - 9— � Gix� mil. �/�DGi 4 �, v Z6 3a6 659 928) Ab e 0-6`o 2i�-z g� %./ V 6-4/ - 736 - W9 y 929) ELeEd sr (kJ chr P6 t&ipt �, 7 g 6 - ("-a - 0/ 9 0 930) !Z Pl a , _7Z4 --�, j�� rnit!/Alt 1 931) 11A7 fill'' r Am) 932) 01.1..i4-- ceLid,e,".A g I 6-/3'W3% 934) / G�7TG, vL ti ., // 4 s- ‘ig6- 4���-0-935) -� TZJ fi/D '�/��� ` 936)i% T1C�-S/G-5223 937) .,o;t( (��.1 �3oS� $c)$ - 066' 1 9A) 3Y, ,33 cJvA125 ecec,,,___„4_,, 939) Gs l G n k C f v ?f66` 570 -1 y 9 .;• 940) \4 I L D N K_AckeV Vi AG 2 I IA 62 4-,-.%) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name nature Contact Information (741) LI .h,1'S (2_d.,0411,10 i- iaiL o ►-v [,ch Arew _ q42) D'i.ic(y 101�17. OC,C- e art 43 1 (1 c ,W��../L 411 Gi �. .0 Ste° sse cAr4 q44) gait'? 1 4l6XL lr ri leggtfili# 10406, oM' 145) " L- b iGf[ A - yW c> 11 #. a WAILWAIL& t Wir -rce it. mae, , 746) 1 .is K 10 AO ,r too?e,r an.. t ►47 {�', -r; - 41, dad -: _,e 11 14-2 en' ? , 748) ,, a s` re' 3 n 5 3o r6 c/e,75 '49 a. &, i -/Cr( o66) _ _A q51) b-'_ Aratd, `r . ' Cra& 3 c k c.c,-, ,� a.� l552) .3 v. e,i ayrCLG.�D{ 4753) Hr (-2 i s r, d© (. 3 D 5- y-r! 9 6 8" 9'54) L (o,,n H4A,net / 13 - ..S3 0 4 0 055) �t% f 1r ! . fr 27 f07/ i 6 '(ai e i ein ,, • (m)5(13-14z� �►57) c758) 4, Jii) ` 1- LtLfEl S (9 � Ti .!►..+ .,,,442. C/ek# WI {JC1 'J T xip q59) 111/1111 CI Y- r dr )16)55f I g6o),1A/% (4we '--e---__Te‘15:r '.7.� We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation • Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's ame Signature Contact Information 961) a 444 j__...„____,,_.7-, TG�'�R� 30a - 962) re. /P x lie .-•1a n d� Z..,l 1 Z.3' 963) 964) 965) 966) 967) 968) 969) 970) 971) 972) 973) 974) 975) 976) 977) 978) 979) 980) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrckeillDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppI Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 741) AAu'/e 703 - z6 (-6 Vr 742) , . ,, ,1_ C -�.. f e f,�,-a C - / '� 743) J L t Zek(Ut AO r. /4iii6v iN n 22 �? '-[I 744)6?(0 icG !00GQi -Mu (d`.10- 745) --� r..r A o r3 0 rLik, d 'j r 5' -- e -C - 3 j t1 1 746)EY 4 ( A 747) 748) 749) 750) 751) 752) 753) 754) 755) 756) 757) 758) 759) 760) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Si �, . tur 4 Contact Information 761)1OO/O,KoJel Q .���+4� it b -4r - 5 / SJ 762) e A ,/,�[.Z 1 Nur, .�►�:ay., 4136,_`,--t'7J�' v EQ { 0 I ow iiir o>r 8 ' _TZ 0 - 0 3,r 764)46,,-,,-% 765) ' C :- - ' WI i6 2 601fi9/3/ ' 766) 767) 768) 769) 770) 771) 772) 773) 774) 775) 776) 777) 778) 779) 780) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic do Environmental Preservation Board'Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 121) 4i6-ea `" /7/7 3 S - q-'C- MS Y 123) 'mat Bill g'VL 1 h 0 '+ — 3 - 37 3a 124) /,,flf rA l7ThR L ■ `U17.,Q 7.° I 125)Z.ii V D : Al le f'�s�l��� 78 D Q -t2 ,� ! c? :?' ,l �" � / �i 126) In- W (\--11Z. Z -7( `f 7`- `) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) 134) 135) 136) 137) 138) 139) 140) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation "Beard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. # • • 1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 761) .GELD Cilea, uE- 4112L ` 12 6 ')2S-3 X 33 762) ku 7�"t- + . i ►4116 � (�,66 763 P) itiAlk 355. "l.�g 764 FR O- t 765) 766) 767) 768) 769) 770) 771) 772) 773) 774) 775) 776) 777) 778) 779) 780) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Sig a e Contact Information 1) / t4 A 1 l 1 ! _ t--(LI' - 5 (1-t 7 '3444't/ 164 D t J i,ccf tt cla l' �p '712) � 141240 4I1LJ ?' ' -k� —S 6-R-632_ 963) _Li-e-il L__ itqac:41) Ar # 3or- 3/0- g 4-Cf- 1 ' i4)e V1-1c 269c.e 6)1 CI t9 d , ► 65) e 0:(26.44/v6)Val !► Afbr 2q -S-ey tr se- - 86) g,40,--74t, L t3 k..' (//, Z (3's) aE `35.1 407 e 967) s( AcEs(4 it (?)GX -- (1' � � .-- 7./�� " ' 9), , 7 - a2 Jo 7 ili?0) vvk 3-M-- bfq 0- 23) D 1) (2G4rt'12- 7 i,? 5 ,40.)."1/Adhh Wit.✓//, . - - - ' - 3 2 i f -: -- 0 5th) O99 1 -22 -'2( 2-X 973) DSQ.,P.60Q � S+� ?(B 7- 3 W4) (a L_, "a't 37 G ( d ~-1r►►es '983 -f -q3 5 ) 4.-A4 pr - �% 5' ?V ?--i4V0d i76) r16107 ,eftve7-2 ir 05 3ZZ 7--A) 7) 17 -1 ifr21, 6-'12" ,340.E 3.47 �2- ems) Ntil et' 6,e,,vo 4+( 355 5- -- 1165 ' . 9) 786 i )671A.)//geAdo-e- ;' ; a We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the FrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Poard Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 601) L )(%-z7 '1 rf-f 602) 4114RT /-16eGMA) 944 -3 6 ‘ - 8947 603) nJ O !i4( i i k . ,,, TOR R - SILL 604) ---ar4.1-0 N i ° Li i &)E5 - is� - esst.7- 605) �*4 PalIj 7 .^ 30,5 . $',? I. 2065 606) k; 497 . 7,ke • .f g6 3/7' - -�164 607 h� p &� 2- 7J I/ 608) :J4AiIA/4 , m3z 609) Al oac,ti co '‘..(.-f. 305 ;5r ? I /3 610) ` -' C-e-iCt- Srr '` 6) 0?6 611) 64 / Zelo rt / 308 G - `cam t 612) %y - 9,-.414, . 7a,-?si-c6 d. 613) cirloi !647,'7. r' -44 ` S1/-2/( 614)-6 TNOV-ttA Ca • - 1,41 / li► - " .615) 616) �(� 1� f��`J %%Q AkYx5 (,-?4,C " 44 'el" 36.E 3 g o e 3 / 617}-- er2,r --zyAz ,-i 5 3or 6 04 a/ a 7 f 618) ,,cTpr.014i . 3b r-36 - n/ - 619) Z e 0 6 ai ifir,- '� 0j / = % .__/ 620) M (541 C 2 Z 1- (p Y ( S We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the l3ricke111Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl / Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 621) 44Clv,c rGc-'co/.:2;ti97' `G- L2./ - 6, i a- 622 ( G..c r � 74"(.. .- 2- '-1- _ 6 (-.I ( a . 623) cJ ►uµs kK 1 t *4.1 461 frelvi -c.• 624) /"....60•43 3 R-C- 444-1—q41-4/ 625) liePtii461),--- -►;a Er.fi-P-e i a6~-21/41?".2.f6 51 626) r‹ra -30) -3/91 627) ri o.na� �`� � l c�`� 11 1 .1,` 954 53G 9S91 628) (Ee-- cm 0 to 53 629) $___ 1 r5EC t �� for. , 1 Iii, 200 -2) 8,?c, 630) t Je1/f st:/o tic . S-3 631) Cie& 4'A — . . 632) /a 4'o wt e 9. ,P-eAd mrirePr - 5-'''`"` 3 a S 9 -3 777 633) 147,7/ lir ....,,,,,?4,-,,- ,4901, ..3,09 -• 634) A" 1 ties ar 4 3 65-`lgtt ct 635) L,. < r, Vea. - Q'" = r s 4i' t 636) ,_— r0t, GL ►S �51 J 11 637) .r1'/ - G 7' 194►e , - ,eJV o 638) / O( . #Y101 7F 6 — f9� Z5" 639) ,-3---frs Co Zo :4.4 vl.K. WC. 366 - Vo2 Y3 640) p5eorn- 3057-7gio. We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name i ature Contact Information 641) D s; C.Aw1 en-0 +` Dokceu4004 Qt,..As n,c t.. 642) T t CoRhovilfit "0 r-, -2--`1---r. 1-1r-7 A ,T l ! % ,2 vw , 4Ali 644) 111. onar ' Ji e e , % - 40 .O 6-"& / r S-S 645) ►' Pc, reJ i ,'''11°` e2 pa (' eciiD iffia. ear 646) j[� Aar Vjorf1%iC Li! alb. Coin f"tc4J61 647) 'fit` h5e.,,,`% /y;im1� lt�t" +J' trr,1,:,e�z ^i 648) ' [7LIIQ 1 IR S---,Sca,^�', .. ■ �. 4 ,. Ctie } a+UN E veivtS i'(n . 649) A (�E ©r .. aA 6i,rALoi'46 l e((fout • ►kief- : -- 650) A Atekr!/Qr I-- I- e N* 5 63o5_ 3,97` % 651) NO c- G• VPs,C—fr'CCr/ L _ 1 - 3C1-0 1 652) -.i. vie-1 AFIe go; 3Q - 77F-- /99/ 653) e)-fl R)J /i i iiiiEZ -7- 3 z.C` 0.P-3 > 77-6 —Z-51 41'900 655)���- , ��� i �aS--���^ zSf� 656) ,� his ...• ,s 4/, 657) A t �/ V 796, L _� 0.0 • if......---) 658) C S - P OL—, s � 33y a 1 659)_C„ "C`` ; � JArirK 7Y6F ^ VY rr!J 660) / ,I f ilif ,f,/► 50S - Z? 3 - S:r4 I • , aae-/ (._.,of,•--4(-4---, �l3 nr; We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 661) aid 4 2907400 add 6nkop 9A-199- 14,aio 662) AiA2TI ,A.J f�U -Ger-L io bi- - 5 Z- j 47 663) r '`\/-ta c L�`' _ t 2 . g -tf YZ 664)(4/ � li6u1"�6 - sick - 2 - 665) VtI P. 66u-3.30 786, 2391 /77, 666) Puthie1 , 1 f. 9 30c- LICA- &tap 667) C, I-4SS A P A A 'ff �, ro 7 i r) 1`i - 3 a 4 7 668) t cit ►.,.,_ c.,,, lr- (3 S) 'SS- 3 C L 1 669) V)V\NtEg--' �',N'j- orie 10 670) an (ems1 / q r 02gq -17f 671} Ur�C jj �, e,�,� OF/Ar 7r 7 446 7 672) 1Q4rtz��a (l4 i) de .. / 7i 7 O ` 673) 0014Pd o L.9.6. i.,, 4.19 6 r_ Ai „in__ .75c9 —cyez" 674) sod ---a ,L'I a / U 9. - 6 / - ve 6 0 675\/ ljl ,ram /-_)-----z(--e---(7-__ � �'- 2 2, 676 '� (a `�C . Arral"-4-� �`r T 677) ,iroc_�:: vas ,/, / % / 4II* . ,�' S- [ 5- d 6 P-- 67 ,1r11(M1 Oraii;vi (3Q3 711 ,' ` )t' - 679} ' eM G 4 ,�' if � 6 '(7 t ETC' r- 680) OOP St vi j-A- 7 )26 — C1 0 L - 7641 / / 4 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name "\ are Contact Information 681) �� 3D'a kA -1 •5-31 �- i 682 j� 1 t` `". c4 �1. v / _ 1.1'oh 477-S- 33 683) gic-4-oa 614-z C360q77 _ s'vv ( 685) j eciell t_ rr 306--5W o bl 686) rt„ o of n au 4` 6,0 c,,,� Cr - .24 i' - 4t-L ry - % 2 2 - 2 687) /efn fr/ 688) rf' p/7 31 22- 1 ` T 2 7 689) ct Y 6L A CL, 2 a , ‘ ®T ‘$ cc 690)p z r3o .� 691) Affki ,r,, % 4 ? 7 --L `a l 692) [cW 1. [, MA- 2IcA r Zw4 2 l 5— 693 i Y 694) C)i i Am Mote ta f 3 p ('- ,&14 - ? 0 7 695) 4nchi' ificl. 6.- i 3 - 83 7 " 696 (04P0 N1. .,67, Sat=cgze-n 697) tia-&rait ,^mil 'o Lt.'.- ' eq, 7 7 /,5 698) *7"�'1/ / idi/ S 3 '5? 9 - 3 ''- 699 /6 / r ofo - % / 365 - eR01 7 ") q�f 70} �0 9-.�2 r 0,3V 06_z' We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of e Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 701 e 2 - 702) ,f(/ L 4er e` — /76 703) a zu-71 'S-1" " (7 06) ,30- / 704) (iL -etnif) --C-eV `.- ---CG:(4 ' 705) In 0 Ile LOCO-- T�-'l\,..\ctoSiy\_, 706) 13d� '04Z.i 9r 0)(te-&(- f� 707) d '[ Let,\Li � 1� i (I .' a v[r 708) 40 ;I .GPA-ty 4,,t V,WC- chi( ; d?0/ t( 3 3 -7 304 79,0 j 24 709) atiir garaG2 ,)v; 710) /4Ira ttv,`, Irma, f / -(Hoe 7ion, ja fi pelfe z 7Sur - 7J 8 -- / 6,-_3 4- 712) Lawqn mon' •�vl 1 i tcl _ I ci 3 U 713) A\Le>c o#. 0 / Y s(G' 714JAN OPLH. (0- glitZL5 -,6 - 2_77 4? S 715) )-‘ => # Arno k •:,. ° 716) Q( it 1 11 Air a , 4J- "2. - S ,22 717) tier) a11)-ael Or -78 46 718) It i d Var(ia (te' i:" at ' fL + } 6 - - 5 b r 719) hil irx ClG —0va rr; co, i 3D5- h/F - 31'10 720) (uricepc',or)Se-4-0101:1:iSOS-) -1121 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the B itkeli/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. r#ppi Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 721)'e+� t �C71 1� �t �Q 'fC.iGt `' j -]' 722) MCI i; r;(. Moi,4 35)f f2Q0,„ j 723) ../ _ 'Z I 724) �� �a ate ems', Writ ?._(n 725 AC 6Din Aidv ON- T - 1".--)a.(('(c 726) Li K�i5 ' /14 "e ,36.5= 4{? 6 7'7 9a,, 727) l oL 0co4,tr\co / —7 'Y ' " 262 - g6 (i 728) Mi Chek 1-1)( 2- r r CO 36S-g31-1V)S 729) 1G -gi' (-7 —7' 34' 730) /d,aia44it r ' 91/43,J-- 731) -. tf] o / Ll 2/r t l d5 P, /% 732 C _ (C)On'.1eZ-30n.).3a5-a0(IR 733) / S' kfre/4":41 (3/0 M9. VT iJ 734) -ct. C We 6o Id 9 s /4-1NO 735) int Am/0 Cal15 35Vf 357 7 736) r"ALL/ v, l'44 B(cO aitri....4 3O5-302- 30 737) 6rt 5+1 Cr,,, 2 3 - 9731 - 3-21 738N I r 166 301 4` 739) 15 e 3os 7 3- 7" 2 740) e 1� � rllUC i 1 � d We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of , the B iekelUBowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 741) >f ►W b: eru- 742) 6r c /1e7 e le r a/ �.•� "% 3°5-7—cer-fi' 743) arc,- _liq (-- . u�- z -0 6 % 744) )20/ ztiii 27417 w2,4,9„,_362.5-- ow-,-.2m7 745) a i Q ,')zcy\-) IL) ,-� a (e ct 746) C 6Vair‘e,r yt, I 5 27-(, 2 itelkj 747) ' ( biC -"1 ff(A7e,-,(. I �'t -^� 6Cis 3 z2 ?(&) 748) a,-,Ca,CHto att A. , .! Vo D 3 - " 749) i vL 7 Z a 2 qo 7k 750) aIlizo Cp 600 / 3oS--3t32,6 3 27 (---7 7 =/ / 751) s. Y i i4 i 752) 1:=:;•11'Sf--e JR311/1-Q----(-4 �f753) f-i*itiitAtlifrii 196'- , ` -PP `/ .....60 754) VexOnit.6-- Lo p.. -7147-333- 6 Ii2.- 755) - iciectr- r U _� .9y]--2 4 '>. 756) fl-yra 17 a - a5) 3o 1 -3 / r3 757) `- 9 F 758) 1 i.L7 /iL) — n c] /175 ' 759) M1 4 rzt /X- c>reed c-, ` �' -y s ,se) 760) 4cnL r_ r0 _ -"'-� - ir,`� ` (tC- 5 3.5(1`5 742} • agiumkadei e,,z kata 0(4512 —Or)? 743) 744) 1 Jr C✓ �f t;ae� 11 r ( «7 & -e�// // 745) »f7a Z/aa,'s - 0 as) i 3 - O c ? 746) , ‘aS L/ 1 Jo s- , d 73 --S,9 r-7 747) A nncAbelle IL.Vamath es d ,lice -MG - -2` u - (3(0-1) 748) Ci6SeIfe IA maallr Yl ' -7 S(s) - 234 - (p(1:773 749) gi../.1: illonAjc 750} j [yi ,! 305 - 303 -5 4 le 751) 1 b i=j e,' / Ei c)m Z , #7 ] ��% �j1 I G' 6%- f I [� 6 Y I] 752) j ci }'g a r- a -f.L c _ 7 6-6. 7 J_ ` 2,.Lf 02- i 753) •r i a c h V. ifiel4 lr&6 q u. 4,y07 ,/k2 F. i1O \ & T Li t? !'j44 Lr'a rn 754) . 0 o . 3-0 306 0J99 SS 7 r f n �� ofo 'z �,� 1 �, IS'6 6Z3 fz 7? 756) (4404 _ i _ i'7 C) l .4 h � -117- i 79 757) IA_;, 758) . _J.,. . , 460 --Q3- 9- 5.;?` - 2 22_ — -6rj/ 4 759) a-; a O, ii /'.I a c ,/.J Xf7 760) ye./01;e4,.. , yicli://,_ e/r; _ 77er. "1.5--- 5 71 -? o We the parishioners` at Saint Jude Melkite Cathol( r'urch along with the professionals & residents of the BrickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp[ Petitioner's Name ignature Contact Information 761} 1_ ' cee ( 7 (--i e ?? / ? / �,f1 �, 7� — 'c077 . `jt` /" % 764) 11 • A. ram.•.� 1. AA 1'� 765) 766)VW 47 '� %► 7, ,,, 0f, 767} �-. 6-Ii(i) 533- Lieg3 768) TFSoc nI E1 -lg, 3---4g83 769) �-Th ..D.)9 f c 979 - S- , 1 / 770) td a -AA 30s— a23 s'a17) 771) ie gam, tort 11 cSb - ] 3 1.4A) 772} tematAic, PLA -)S7L- C?i -c/ S 773) r6 6,•rr` `_ 6- 3G8-'sic, ? 774) 1 .icy a. I Ids t I+ ' ii , ,ID5j41 oIr, 775) 6,116, A, !r tAHZ .3Qs�,�_5-2 d'o .EfsNnyA 776) 611r1C, i (\vt'C'i _ / r /7' 6 - 3 .Q -39 777) )(-) e 461,16 C____ W4(fi -- 415- F/46:: 778) � L q e ‘ ! te' C) 779) / C/ V / � �- -sue-J / I / ',/ At ' j f [ I j l Y 3 cDS y 4 780) it. pi r 3 e s - (Y7C - ; d P7 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic'Chdi ch along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the`Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 781) a,rmtir, L pe � �-y��-a�4s 782) HiPa aly -'f� .cri e-z 783) ..7 "Z;, \T-e-6,Di-f 117,e4.-- 7.- _)_--7,.-3,14.._-1-77S'i 186- S - ci m.Av_$ 11 E.1J — /G47A 785) fro2i,. 04v a z, £ °40y- -76-- S 33- q ,/ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of •the BrickelUDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic Sr Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name - Signaturere Contact Information 721) Y0.1`"" Ze7CS -/�_ ��)76J- 3/2- 34,43 . 722) 723) 724) 725) 726) 727) 728) 729) 730) 731) 732) 733) 734) 735) 736) 737) 738) 739) 740) , t We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of .the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 701 ci ,<-a!�,/ ' 3a - J' - fro ,r— 702) fr/A...0, • a/2 r• l -365-- 3 02 703) J(5 JO' k/i e 5 4,1-4-2,5,3 0 ? y- 704) 1 't7 r ? 705) 0 , `Gf 4 (4ZL 3d - Vl q-V17 706) f /'�4/1 ✓4-1 /9- / t4 .�`�%i ✓c h z2----)g-, 7,4 r 2 -2 6 t 707) G. 1011 A C7 N 3 a 0 o r 2-A-ar 708 /�M} Z.6 114fla a 1�► 7 f}f 4, - 4 709 L Gt GA c44,1 /)? V ? s--'i0(--'S79L 710) . 6- t f‘ 711) akce-'a r3i2,\, 3o S - (, 8- -a 712) lie 0,ikt? e L.L.LE.c ,, e. 3e 's- S 181 -+,0 -K tle 713) 714) 715) 716) 717) 718) 719) 720) ,r-.i_ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite. Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 761 . V s `z �� S' 2-z_r_ --fib 8-6 762) L'A;ch ko L€1 i i 8 G) an - 247 Z 763) CI-1 AO El -A \10 L 7// -61 (--7gb) 2e 7 -- 37 764) ri l'4a/C)')/2)1,, L) Qt el F 0-- 765) -7;g_ S ° - p,,,, A- ,b L,, /"-rve Z - (t) 5l 8_ 1/3 . 766) k y 1 - A M , �/_:-/� (' 767) . <'011 M Chn b0() K. (- S 6 8 3. $ 2)36 768) J I9/. _ / ( F 769) 770) 771) 772) 773) 774) ' 775) 776) 777) 778) 779) 780) Cep We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Br;ickellfDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic cf Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #pp1 Petitioner's Name Signa re Contact Information 801} , 1�ft i p lI ]d S•Dixit C4 y -j r/J C_o tC 'ii-gLEc1ri33)314 C- c � h 33134. 802) e 0 c„.(4)-14,-(r12 03) (1 A-1-e;i41 =it K 804)01)1Q,44‘,ViikQ /j-33'7s tq' 3 nt4 56111 9o5rt-Z.+J51 At ChtmL 337c '5, ]4` 806) (`Rom C.1,4.ci4saN/ /Lro 5t �e _,� �,L�333 4'I 4, 04EBc,Iciestn ' jj 1 , W I u s r ore 4trie se:) ;� 3� 3 � ii08) Lrrip t-ter /15z-9 4r4ho Ate, 609 \r"c1,--e_ ' C�[� ' �` 4 t 15C7 s A a �vr 4-C# Y l� Cr -rtD -31 16i0) (- a i g 1 61,R/ 6-op 7 , Rt9 �(e - `Or' 811) l t1 f r L[6).C111 � r�I v""`ems LI,, //j-, rt €j ��'o.!"�l4 r 'va -13- r s �`/ ` l4� 812(cei'r2it 32f)L-( , %z �" ' i' ' -' 7-5o d. La.S 3 2 .412- 33/•-c 813) JOT 04J z�Le z L -?5 5.0.-3.2 S-t, t-44141 Fz .3). -5- a14) L-Lvi.k Ta if. / R b k 4 r / aPPA / 1yaP O7- A it a)2-A,� e-421 Si FL.J-11.- (915) +16)(c)ii,,9M�`'`\ 917) c7c, 1 Z, c er/ft.GA 4.,0 #00---,_ cam, !; 4-�, Coil ecFL3/ / Vvt 3]61,[ -f,e. 1( Il 618) Vct Le r r c. 1- we it () V i5'0 I4acov a f ac, t Ga lass , 33 I I4. �19 ) � n apt,-s o senL � � \ 41 1� lrS�� �,►l,�c. f ��1`�� itPi 64i '- Ah1#ti + ' 1 y,,,,,.1.., I . P n rn r P_ 7 , Sb 14 - mt.,/ e Hotrr►�.lAcar, ntlIx/ 15 - r 4 C.A4J . ,¢LE?C4410YErer +t' i' 723) Orie',.5/, L e /7,Aram!1' 74C• 3/'3 ' We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 721) L-[--', i1(-3or r.) 722) To rC� c �-r"es 0. / / I 5. wt - 11 / Cf- i-' ,,,, it .' F 3 / s`,6 723) r 5 s 6t nn a �`}e `_ __� t ,L; .f 4 FL. 3 3 f 76 724) '_v-t,-,esPo ]us e.' 136i s • 4 , f3t'gIt-ti33f7,6 725) C ‘ra v i e lek t, 4 AJ R. e) et-1 i 1,v4._ / Li G / tic,_ ? �. 4-1-4--P. 6,74 alga,. 3 726) 11 n (/2.. f' C —q- k/C-1-_— 4------------- 0 J z c..,- . 1 C S,- OA i 0--(.4, ' -3 VC\-- -} 727) a.--APL,,/ / ',) (_/.3 728) �k\ S �"]c ifim S.u3 i..13 Mf�iMl, FL + 729) 1�� 1 L I 1\ - fa lilt') s» ill ST tli 1 ' Ft" 15506 b '�* 730) A ..h.e.1 cc..4 \I 0: Zixi-t-c- _ 5a 27 iv 1-- 7 51'-" 411-14, 731) - .3C 2-0, ),J VA kv , i�br 732) Crx ,: c, (x,AZp\e2. -�: ,1`,cA,,,.,': / F# 3 i'3.0 733) R I z (y4k-D /3 r.c .., -t_ -4 iiiut_,.„ , r 734) V f7-)1,1:4-i„---)c_ cs\--Jrc,--L._, _____-- iv-( 735) ,ii.6„, 9-- C- a-8 -.14ei . 4' 736 ri e._____ & 6-r— A o o s, C, f -*r --- 7 / 3i) q 737} fANY111A MC LASUR 5A-Pr7 NA- 2-00 S r 15j -11' ra wr r ,) FLi 33 iZ`l 738) ,. ,,ff j vi �`° V ' i,o0 e RR1-4 144 , a 3S; yj 0(1e Ht a0E 1 35 14 Ge ` ciA 117't L _?' c C We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Sign . u e Contact Information 741) 40,i-Ct'Y1 (\,_ArA krC? S - ? - P 742) „ O 5 - ‘73 " ‘t -/; 743) £Q- `'t-1r- cS'r-Af9? 3DS 8 S 420 744) \ \ -c cA Ps,_N aS 745)1 `� i VA 1g6 42A4 746) I 10 WO 331) gce 747) 4076 7Cg- - qiC PC 748) 1,„.2,4iiti / r i a 44-3)0 749)()NCO /2er {UCH C.... Ctikedi -, 30 5 • e I S , 66C C) 750) -Q V _' 5rv% 1 `1 , _5[� 1 7 6"-- 5-71— 0� 751 3-W,VII3 )-Z 3 752) ASP -- � ` 33%5 753) Lit f C y GPC J ) S (- 7 32 Y 754) e e --01---61-__5--14te? 755) A L 1C4 U( e. (U) - 2)7_5-(71 3,-,'5/ 756) CIi-6,,i-4:0 661,/t7( (7,969 -2 .z - rJ 757) r`.''1'[ t', ,` '"Z U r39(0 '-'9gLc 758) -5 .5, 305-3 7 - r --‘,I/ 759) b f O nl co, ci 1 1 e1 „ 1 J I I &i Z yrnotil, Um 760) V' 'C'1lCCI OCII\ VOC-5 -1 sz(0-34►`r, 2- -` 764) kjcj feziod .i-yte-2e. AA } 0 (f 0 - /1 766) 14-fi,(r., -72 1 _— . 3- d er ~-, 767) N DLL) It [(I) 9s76,-a_?)-05)/2. 768) (&(ATIZ-4 769) 770) 771) !� ' -~ --a2 -5016- 772} rCILQD -09 nm ~ , IR 773) o7injct HD i)c j a - - 774) 775) LL\ 15 `1 - 57-6 776) ' jf//�f j f ',_r��/j]r,F'�J ^J7 ///► 777) tovvvvvvA-sii1L-)e-- a 1:' i T-tvc _F-r( a AL, 778) 4.177 aft (c.. c)) 6-927a s't,) y 6-2Y -. (-J 779) " X i J i, o L_ a if( .t f► (0 395 - 24i54�_ 780) 54060 _ 1 T �7 (1 z We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Chuilong with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 781) - 64 1-5,r a'P 782) mg 3,14- i L cf 6 783) \j V'hk �( V.„,,,,A;,..t. ig Z 4114 - i 784) / Re., Lec_0).--) ,tot.,, (1 785) We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickelllllowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Sin tore Contact Information P81) --.--0.4,/, E VerfA 1.__ zos- - a-aq - 1--) i ( c `82) 0 0.,-,, iD'„ 4 J 4 0 e - 9' f9 -, d O &83) .+�;- C� `l'.•n D7 r'�C 7 - 9Ps Oc 684) 41A-Lick, Yt z -4E-6 z of - s `I O 885) ..`41, 7f‘ — 566 C M 86) --U. - 110 uO J� o . . it r 321 - 6(43 2-S.S0 887) iviad4 2, "riot / / gp a-- 71,10/ 588) -1,5-746,g3 gd.t,;( Avir Ari r ir7 )16-31&—is-,ts-- 889) 1)101t 4-cc€s a /e" ,; JS02.-(a v • 90) .['1' 0 .43.7Ae2 ___ 7/6 "99.6z to 891) ( ? . . / / - c `7`' . .S b rS)S 7 892) (� � .u.� .z . r...,-_, ►. t--,s � 4 c- r t 9 BD, e93) e ,riSSGk c-- • 60roti2 e_farsl c7S 44L - 96 z I 894) -u t,A (=se2 J • 01;ZC.DE (,-r) q4L- ri‘,2 i 895) MAat►4 & tNa A _ � (305 405d . oi9 — 96 597),41277; (?& 6 $ 4 61$ ,■ l/ •- A r - ,-Wir / rz6w)8'- r2. 2,8 698) 4144i) 9/4---0-r-f.y Tr . ?-12,f) , --0 .r--2,-7 999) !' J cr;e2- YY? — % 3", loci) " " 1__' -,—,,,i 7 / - ; — --e We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature 4 /LA- Alj'ci4 786) , k L ` 5UCf- 787) N ..r c. e 795) C 1 477714 ► f R c f -(Ii3 frf• iPIbi 0 797) ) f1 lk )► D 798) L l bqL 799) / 464 Z4 p —Zr2en Contact Information -`36 1 7?7 ,30 963 1-4769 '/37 30, - 545- �i� We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Signature Contact Information 701) t�C cx x-- , e^ L ' c\ 30.5 - Z 5 5 r\i c 7 ' P0 Cr (SO1 - 703) 9 h , P<- S A. --1 3 a Y' �- S� , ! — 3 704) C r P4 eP a -- 705) = Gt� k ft30S 336 58041 706) Fri C.00-6ye _ 5 `l' C:5 707 0 1 (.00 C MS - 007 :y 708) S . B - 2 �,,-.l .'►'` , 709) �1 PAPA N' CA6`.12114 , 6 .b o ', ,>6 710) i( C +' -CiA ,, , 6r , ' 6 3 �` 7 . 711) . ,.-'•L --y\� . 7g-t.- 3 .cl- )91K ! 712)-i4,e, ir f r, ' I 7f - /`�? "- . 713 71 4A _ 714) (yS e rijz,linigr d 4 Eck . 715) trt I P' .4 `f?i- 11 fiA 3- '`0s-r -13 6i - r'• 716)EXRf€o(.74,e-1--kci)k �� 5 (781cs 717} \__ r `2 `- - 23 -7 6-7.9_,_ ,S 718) CC»'A- IN . 1/ ,c-)/Ai 3no -Nv 719) EAIG-9- Self A -- 720) L00,512t&LO Co c)? S f1'Z We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelllDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. Petitioner's Name Si Contact Information _#ppl i 701)"" 'fe 702) Psi_ c4: Ar\oef i es -6os o s -oo 2 c, 703) Auattl7p,daill7014AltA PZ,S24(A4/ C)�- 393 -©g05 704) Oer YI c r),.',to,(ler{ c 5— C L/ 7 ?6 0 , t 705) ter' L-sC.e1 CILIA 1 30/-`'/ 706) �`'e eenc;v-AC(e1 1 30. -s'_-7Z0 r 707) cif f /L_.Z, (-46)'9~& e 5'z, ,.... 708) CmmEibinE14-FiqE 1,__65))-,14/-3-/Q_ 709)sit r_ C f r r 1 f 710) La5un ) 1-C\- L-1(12,1515-6393 I 711) ii47",770/ee fe. aeg ) ,y77- y/Fee. ____)22/,4--/ 712) Sd (C o v`l Cif «n C004 - +-t1 ( (30s) Y.90 - C] 3 0, 713)` 'is 3 ',2� /3 r) g9.5- / 0a 3 X- 714ii4U(:)-\4:CA\--0 rci 'W-2a--":1 -616?.6 3 6 ,i - 3 5/ ` KI 7V--- 715) Ai? 14-11411.) DC A itiA S 1,/, 716) Aftril Gt frT _ Cep io„v 5 C1,e. r ly 34J~- 5" f Vr 717) So Ck Ct. Qo?) a ' 718) ,��r..,ti ?pi- ig©-. ( _CT 2 ,,J I\---"ki)--fia ./ 3-D \►'_ L(- 1 -- 119 719) 720) - T=- tri(, ! 76 7L--,___ We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickel lDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppI 780) Contact Petitioner's Name Signature Information 7WC 39� 99D6 763-may,34' grti rwx,_ Sg DS)-76 1/(f)7,z5- C7-1/2/ 7_27)5i) 7,.6- i'-,S ? 77 c.3 ;4 (305.) 77 -z©s4P We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the BrickelVDowntown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppl Petitioner's Name Si. nature Contact Information 741) fiat 16i. 8 {I`#o 4& l . J 8 742)0441/:/1/4. JC i 7c6) AJ &U 743) P I V it- L - - DoL kh C-LLr-1- ( r' . - - I 744) 04SA 4 ,q v ,_, Asti -i titt l i e 745) 77QO(J OG,44 --3 F2-613 7 - 7A S( Z_ i i i ; ' ! 746) 4F;o H M 1 o$ ;, �• _�i 747)�.� 0� 1 C if-IC,;'.-705q 6 Of 748) 5u L�FA4/4 sk R 0 40ti0 =- - 7gb 2,% /0.63 '49,) g ki , 4 (u f , 02 . --oio `1 w - / 6 3— - „,• 8-6 r22-3 751) ( f ,ew,, t ()*A-___. 05- 75Z-3i30 75 P v\_ 0 -ck.tAll `6 6 - qG 753) s 0o vim- '(1 8 0 6a°U 754) 4901K, , 6VG., `d' .1-liy po604 0c7 755)tit;/ri, r :763 0 c- cto 9 756) -_-< 6T� JJ VVV iii --T 757) CkI . G. Cc, cl- -c+' �7`? to t (? 758) V 1- i-piiy R .70.5 IJojJ (t � 4.4.1)a),L� 17e6 $e 1520.E 759) 760) •` V2 (010 I rp 1t1 n - i -796-6,‘,.2-9741) Nrn7 -eS6'- ;, g -e r 2 We the parishioners at Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church along with the professionals & residents of the Brickell/Downtown City of Miami area are petitioning to the Historic 41 Environmental Preservation Board Members in order to recognize Saint Jude Melkite Catholic Church as a historic site. #ppi Petitioner's Name Sig • ; ure Contact Information 721) WeA ., W,c; r?F '_/^ L[l -,16-9 �' Jcr, f e i 4 srt r1 c( e - — ' 5 '775 ` i7° 722) � / 723) ../.-, t ..�� 1 4* 1 �,,// 303--__ T i _--7ov0 724) "ArA Pcicidd - 3e 5 . 3- ° 9 fA3 1 6920 725) 726) `J .0e r / rif�7 c-rp q4 1I1cluoci nv6i/,,,/,//07E,c?, 727 728) % C .:�.� VD-RAM-Nei---VCIV`,NAtib- -_e 3OS S C OS _ e ' f —4 ifilegLdtrIS a iv IF, 'Pli ' ►r / If oh, - " Vir -- 729) d 6tA ,PL C.-.. - 4q3 - 1p.5 730 iUdl i IC d ce:., - -cp-% 731) 44 77 41-6 7, a 6---o -- F4t/ 732) 733) 734) 735) t L * SIavih i t "126f rig loreOrVO \J 6, E _ / P yE� &xiew tt 7----i_444 , --5 13(P • 5Y (0 ", -74 2 G 3 Wil i Oa-) ?Sr-- 7 0 a. /I mr i ` 1 7- , 2 c 7g1) 736) s & Q - :IAA. G, uL 737) /LVA /:Eo Nl A/ 0,A - drl r c?6 7 C / �:(/ [� 738) tYq Cii / 7 ,5- 5? 'J . 739) /2xre L Mil — ,, ,r -/�'' 7 740) r c.-� ~ f�i r / ( 14r) 7'9.- g